Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 35 Fairy vs Phantom PT 1 Fire, Ice, and Lightning creates a Sol

A/N: You may have nothing that I either don't have the Author Note or A/N at the top of the post or a line down. This is due to the fact that I either do one or the other. It mean the same thing. It's like how I spell Judgement like Judgment. So I hope that you enjoyed the two rants I had on Lucy. Like Sly said, she may be Zane's partner but will not defend him and his opinion. You can still be friends with someone and not care for their opinions or taste.

If you don't agree with me and how I'm taking the story, that's fine. I'm perfectly aware that not everyone has the same taste as me. It's called being human and respecting others for their opinions being that if you disagree with someone, have a polite discussion. Anyway, lets stop with the debate because of oh boy. I got two series to talk being one of them is one I haven't talk about for over ten parts and a new one. These two are Black Clover and My Hero Academia.

I'll admit that I enjoy Black Clover a bit more than My Hero Academia being that honestly, I enjoy its simple nature. I'm not expecting every story to change what is expected of these tropes and make me have a physiological debate about a character's actions or how they think. I don't mind people who do that but sometime, simple is best. If you ask me which one of the two between Black Clover and My Hero Academia, I would say My Hero Academia.

I may like Black Clover but remember, Fairy Tail is my favorite series because of the memories and feelings I have toward it. I'm a huge fan of superheroes so My Hero appeals to me more than Harry Potter aka Black Clover. I mean J.K. Rowling did confirm that Black Clover takes place in the Harry Potter Universe herself. No, it isn't an April Fools Joke. It's been really interesting to hear what comes out of her mouth being that I had Harry Potter spoiled for me.

I read the books until the sixth one where I overhead two of my friends spoiling a massive spoiler of the series. Don't get me wrong. I spoil things all of the god damn time but this was before I was more invested in the internet who spoils pretty much everything under the sun. That's just the world we live in and we can avoid spoilers but man, it's real hard sometimes. It also depends on what you're into being that the more popular something is, it's more easy to find something spoiling it.

Anyway back on Black Clover. I enjoy it because it's simple and I would recommend it being that the Black Bulls are an amazing group of main leads. It's close to the level of Straw Hats for me except without a furry rabbit. I would say the Fairy Tail Guild but I actually like all of them rather than just a couple. Read the Manga but if you're not into that, watch the Anime. I do recommend the dubbed version because Asta's screaming in Japanese isn't very good at the start.

I've heard that it gets better over on but like I've said before, first impression are the most important to an series at least for me. Anyway, I decided to talk about My Hero in chunks being that this Chunk will be up until Chapter 218. Lets begin with Chapter 209 being that even with the useless Sato on his team, Bakugo won. I don't like Sato because his quirk is so basic to me compared to the others in his class who have multiple usages.

While Eraserhead praises Bakugo's team, Vamp King doesn't even though he has a strong bias toward Class 1-B. I mean it's really noticeable. I think Sero's line about Bakugo being a street thug who starts adopting kittens is hilarious. I love how even after him and Deku being official rivals, Bakugo still has his asshole reflexes. Their rivalry feels really nice compared to the total relationship that was Naruto and Sasuke.

I mean I make the joke but I would have been okay with it due to it being progressive and makes more sense ,to me, than Sakura and Sasuke. Fight me. I also like Bakugo for his mouth being that it's kinda the basis for Zane's awful mouth except much worse and way more blunt. Even after that defeat being that Class 1-A is the winner by how many matches, Monoma has a moment of not being a total asshole. It's nice to see some character development.

Monoma's team does considered Deku to be the main guy being that he's the main character and also that he has more than one way of fighting being both close and long range. Shinso even has faith in Monoma being that not even Monoma has complete confidence against Deku. So even with Shinso's impressive showing in the first round, it seems like he's isn't the hero course yet fully. So Deku's team has the ability to make stuff float, melt, and stick.

I honestly love that moment being that Deku decides to be the bait even though his quirk is acting up but he knows that he's the one to watch out for. So the Chapter ends with some stuff going down at Tartarus aka All for One. He says that he's been hearing his little brother's voice and getting nostalgic for it. The next chapter starts with All Might or Dad Might ,being that from what we have seen so far in the story, he's been more of a father than Deku's father has, talking with Gran Torino.

I don't think Deku's father is a villain but that would be interesting. He's just a simple businessman who has to work to feed his family. So Class 1-A notices that Deku's Team is being just like Bakugo but they don't have someone like Jiro on their side making this an impossible endeavor. So Monoma decides to confront Deku and well, he does something that really riles Deku up and is a low blow to an immense degree.

He brings up the fact that Bakugo brought the end to All Might but can keep on smiling. Don't get me wrong. I love a good quip from like Spider Man but you're literally bring up something that was out of Bakugo's control. It's very much kicking a horse while it's down. I mean I do that but I won't call someone a coward for not fighting their father's killer or bringing up a moment that scared a person in real life.

This and my story are fictional but wow, Monoma really knows how to piss Deku off. So we also learn three new quirks. Reiko's quirk is known as Poltergeist, Shoda's quirk is Twin Impact, and Yui's quirk is Size. I like all of them being that to me nothing can compete with Manga Panel Guy. It's just amazing to me and so amazing. I also get why Shoda wears a visor. It makes sense. So the chapter ends with Deku's arm erupting in black/red lightning.

I mean I don't know the exact color being that well, I'll wait until the anime comes out for its official color spread. All Might, Eraserhead, and Bakugo notices this being that All Might's master had the exact same dream as Deku being that something like this happened to her before she well died. The next chapter begins with some background on Monoma being that like with Shinso, he was told that he couldn't be a hero because of that quirk.

I mean Brainwashing is different from the power to copy other powers but well, you get my point that judging people by their quirks is like racism in a way. So Deku's Lightning isn't really lightning being that it reminds me of Venom when he sprouts those tendrils from his body that can stick onto objects being that Deku has no control of this new power. It even effects the other fight going on being that Uraraka sees this and worries for Deku.

All Mights tells both Eraserhead/Aizawa and Vamp King to stop being that instead of the teachers stopping him, it's Uraraka. The next chapter shows a little more about why Uraraka wants to be a hero being that alongside helping her mom and dad, she loves to make people happy. We also get to see kid Uraraka being that while it doesn't rival kid Deku for me, it's a close second. She also admires Deku being as a hero and possibly romantic way.

I mean I'm not usually for the official pairing but god damn it. I really like these two as friends more than anything else. Uraraka brings up a very good point that who will protect heroes when they need protecting? I mean the obvious answer is another hero but hey, it's not always good to be a cynic even if it's fun. Shinso is also inspired by Deku being that even after losing to Deku in the sports fest which was so long ago, he wants to show Deku how much he's grown.

It's nice to see character growth like this being that My Hero Academia has done this perfectly in my opinion. Black Clover does this for me as well being that I like all of the main cast except for Yuno who is too perfect. I mean that's the point but it's more annoying than anything else. So after Shinso brainwashing Deku, we get to meet another user of One for All and he may be my favorite so far due to his design. I mean he looks straight out of an action movie.

So in the next chapter, we learn that action movie guy is the original owner of the Venom Whips or Black Whip. I mean it's a name being simple and clean. We also learn that all of the previous users of One For All have created the core of power being that Deku will not have one but at least five plus quirks. Most people found this to be unfair and I agree with that. I mean I'm okay with it since I love overpowered characters.

It's also revived later on that Deku doesn't have all of them at the start and has to master them all one by one. Black Whip only appeared because Deku wanted to captured Monoma. It's also revealed that Black Whip is much stronger than it was back in the owner's previous time thanks to the One for All power up making it harder for Deku to master. Before vanishing, the owner says that the quirk works best in anger but controlling your heart is the key.

Emotions are a powerful weapon being that in the wrong hands, it could be a bad thing. I've shown that off in my stories before being that while Zane's powers are stronger with his emotions, being blinded by them is just as easy. Deku returns back being that even after being released from his power gone wild, he's worried about Uraraka. What a nice guy. It's not like anyone who dare to ruin such a tender and.....

Yeah. I can't even finish that being that Monoma is focused on winning. I mean he isn't wrong but still. The chapter soon has both teams brawling it out. The trio of Eraserhead, All Might, and Vlad King arrive being that while Dad Might is worried, Eraserhead has confidence in both Deku and Shinso. Chapter 214 has an interesting cover page being that it shows ten characters in medieval like armor.

These ten characters ,from right to left on how I'm reading it, are Bakugo, Deku, Hawks, Todoroki, Iida, All Might, Kirishima, Momo, Best Jeanist, and Endeavor. This is the result of the fourth popularity poll done in Japan. Yes Bakugo is number one again being three times in a row in Japan but that's normal for Weekly Shonen Jump. I think One Piece is the only series where Luffy is still at number one but I'm expecting that to change eventually.

I mean Law has been taking the spotlight from the other Supernovas so why not from the big one as of right now. So I like Endeavor's costume the best. I mean he's just a cloaked figure compared to everyone else. I don't get why Todoroki looks the bad guy but I think we should talk about Momo and how her costume is more provocative compared to the others. I'm used to this since I've been a fan of Shonen and comics since I was a little kid but I can understand how this is a bad thing.

Even though Momo is quite mature for her age in both body and mind, she's still a teenager. My point is that don't forget that age is a thing and can get you into trouble. Anyway, the reason why Eraser lets Deku's fight go on is because of their hearts. All of them are hungry to win being that Vlad King didn't expect that from him. Mineta has an awesome moment showing the true power of his quirk before his pervert side comes out.

However, this is used for a combo being that he's soon begins bouncing around the arena like a bouncy ball or like Asta in his fight with Despair. I know that isn't his real name and the fights are totally different but it just reminds me of that. That fight's ending is epic in the anime by the way so back to the review. This plan is working in Class 1-A's favor being that the girls aren't close combat experts but we get to see Manga Panel guy so I'm happy.

We get a good moment with Monoma being that he doesn't considered himself to be a main character but will do whatever he can to outshine the leads. He copies One for All being that despite Deku's warning, he doesn't listen. He's stopped by Uraraka but Monoma mentions that he drew a blank and how the quirk didn't active. We get to see some awesome stuff with Eraserhead and Shinso being that their relationship is a lot like All Might and Deku which was nice to see.

The big revival of the chapter is that Deku use Black Whip to save both himself and Shinso from some falling beams. However after using this power, it hurts Deku being that the trio of All Might, Eraserhead, and Bakugo clearly notice. As Uraraka throws the captured Monoma in prison, he does mention that he can use more than three quirks and while he can't use them all at once, he can do many things with them.

This is why I love a good copy based powers because under the right author, it can be used in a real clever way. It's why Eden's Magic is kinda like that. So we learn that Shoda has been called the Mobile Adonis. It doesn't add anything to the story but it's cool to know. Even with this, Class 1-A manages to win being that everyone has been pushing themselves to their limits except for maybe Sado. I'm sorry but I really don't like him.

I also love Monoma's Hero Name of Phantom Thief along with Shoda's being called Mines. We also gets some fair and balanced commentary from Midnight unlike Vlad King who is more bias than me in Fairy Legion possibly. May need to get a judge on that one. Shinso does reveal that all of this was for a possible transfer being that he figured it out rather easily I might add much to Vlad King's shock about the whole thing.

So Erasherhead gets straight to the point about Deku's new power being that while he can't revival its true nature, he tells the truth and brings up how both Shinso and Uraraka saving him helped with the whole quirk thing. We also get a creepy face from Mina being that it isn't like Robin's shocked face on the cover of Volume 92 but it's up there being that well, Uraraka's face gets redder than a tomato because well, her crush is strong.

For some reason, Deku has this too while staring at Shinso. You may think I'm making a gay joke but it's because of Mina's teasing not an art thing which isn't a big deal to me personally. It happens from time to time. So we see a character in a flashback that we don't know but he seems to be friends with Present Mic. Notice his flame like hair. I wonder if he's important. We also get to see Shinso's dream come true being next year, he's joining the Hero Course after proving himself.

I'm happy for the dude being that his face is perfect. It isn't decided on which class he's going to be in but I'm for both really. Class A would have more moments between him and Deku which I like due to their rivalry being really good like Bakugo and Deku. Class B would have more importance in the story and we get to see Manga Guy again who is one of my favorites if you can't tell by now. The chapter ends with Eraserhead needing Monoma for something.

The next chapter doesn't start with that but some training between Bakugo and Deku where Bakugo wants Deku to use his new quirk but isn't activating according to Deku. All Might stops them while coughing up blood. So since Bakugo knows the truth, he gets to join in on the teacher student duo in the lounge room. According to All Might, Action Movie Dude ,which is a newer nickname I've given him I'm sure, wasn't his Master's predecessor. Hers was the dark haired youth.

Bakugo brings up that Deku's One for All is like All for One's All for One being that it's like a copy of All for One being that it has multiple quirks just like him. So we see that Class A and B are bonding which is honestly a nice screen. I mean I do feel bad for Mineta since it wasn't his fault technically exactly that he went into Mina's boobs but you know how men are treated in manga. If they touch a girl's breasts or body in general, they get punished for it.

I mean I'm not saying that they shouldn't but it's more annoying than anything else at this point. I'm very open about my opinion on how both genders should get the same treatment and I'm in the minority about this. So Todoroki shows up being that while he's sharp, he's rather dull as a brick according to Bakugo. We also see Endeavor and Todoroki having a future training moment and this happens while the dad's on patrol.

I like this new Endeavor but I'm not forgetting what he did. It's called moving forward and giving someone a second chance but not forgetting what they done. If you want to see two amazing videos on this topic, check them out here and here. So we also see Present Mic mentioned how Shinso does remind Eraserhead of himself back in the day and someone named Shirakumo. So we see why Monoma was needed being for Eri.

It's the reason why Blond Tin-Tin showed up being that Mirio can be quite the savage if he wants to be. I also liked seeing Eri again so I was happy. Eraserhead wanted Monoma to copy Eri's quirk being that we learn even more about Monoma's quirk which is probably one of my favorite quirks so far in the series because it's so interesting. Eri feels sad about not being able to control but Deku cheers her up being like a big bro to Eri who is just adorable.

Not on the same level as Child Deku but a very close contest. Best girl in My Hero but all of them to me ,except for Mirko since I had fanservice character that are supposed to be powerful but haven't done anything yet like Smoothie and rabbit girls like Carrot, are best girls but Deku is best boy to me except Todoroki and Kirshima may be up there for me. Bakugo is up there too but hey, I'm just going on another tangent.

Anyway, we're done with the review so lets get to Fairy Legion after I tell you about a interesting April Fools Day joke. I may not be the biggest fan of April Fools Day being that I wrote this Author Note on the day. I know that I've mentioned Library of Ohara before and they did an April Fools Day joke. However, I could easily some aspects being true like Big Mom invading the prison and Hiyori talking to Zoro about meeting her brother again.

I also hope Zoro ,in the official release, question why they told him this. Now there is be one massive change being that the characters of Gray and Juvia won't be fighting. I will have Elfman's fight be the same but to me, I needed to give Gray a new opponent being that this opponent will hopefully get a better treatment than in the original source material. My only hint is that he's the least developed member of the group. Plus some new fights. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
The Guild hall was fighting their way through the shade army being that Wakaba shouted,"Bring it on you....". A phantom soon went right through him, with him losing some of his strength. "I feel so weak." said Wakaba going on his knees. "Wakaba! Man, what the heck are these things?!" said Macao. Loke soon kicked them back as he said with fighting them off,"Whatever you do, just don't let them touch you!".

Jose smirked from within his throne room as he said,"That's right. With a single touch, my Phantom Soldiers have the ability to weak ones life force.". The Phantoms soon flew around them with Alzack said with him being back to back with Bisca,"So we can let them touch us right?". "Yep. Lets show what we can do." said Bisca. "Guns Magic: Sunlight Shot!" said Alzack. He soon fired a large flash of light, wiping out a good chunk of Phantoms with the power of light. "Now Bisca!" shouted Alzack.

Bisca nodded with him saying,"Guns Magic: Bullet Storm!". She soon began blasting down them with Macao saying with Wakaba hanging over his shoulder,"All right.". "That's more like it." said a dazed Wakaba. "Nice shooting, lady." said Cana. The Phantoms slowly reformed as Bisca shouted with a sigh,"Aw come on!". "They can regenerate?!" said Alzack. "Now what?!" said Cana. "This just ain't fair." said Wakaba. "We really can't catch a break huh?" said Macao.

Loke messed with one of his rings as he said,"There'll be no end to them if we keep fighting like this you guys.". He soon felt something with Loke looking toward the direction where he saw Levy take Kaida and Lucy. "Whatever this feeling is. I don't like." thought Loke. "Quit your bitching! We still have a fight to win! Tyrannus Nether Onslaught and Tyrannus Nether Web!" yelled Sivarth. The wizard soon looked at the Phantom Akostar.

Sivarth knew Zane's techniques rather well since he helped developed them and was the unwilling target for them so he was going to use them but with his signature Nether instead. He soon gathered it in both of his hands with him slowly creating a massive orb. He soon threw it at the false Phantoms being it transforms into something else on its way toward its target. On its way, it soon transforms into several dragon like heads usually over ten.

Each one of these dragons causes a massive explosion upon contact. As the false Phantoms slowly regenerated from Sivarth's attack, they were soon trapped within a web of Tyrannus Nether. "If they can regenerate, keep hitting them until they down for the count!" said Sivarth. The wizards nodded as they decided to listen to him because he seemed really strong and didn't seem like the type to mess with. Smart.

Meanwhile, Natsu had been slamming his fiery fists into Jupiter's cannon barrel being that he was have no success obviously. Despite Zane destroying about half of it, it was still rather study. He even hit the parts that were cracked by Zane's attack earlier but it didn't do anything. "So are you actually trying to destroy or what?" said Happy, watching his partner try and fail. "Yeah but I'm just barely scratching the surface!" said Natsu, punching it.

Before Happy could respond, the two heard,"Heads up you two! We're coming in hot!". Zane was still in Turbo Form being that they looked up to see Zane and Gray with the latter of the two with a green face. Zane landed on the cannon barrel with him deactivating the form. "All right! Ten point landing!" said Zane. "Hey Zane!" said Natsu. "So why is Gray's face green?" said Happy, pointing to Gray. "He did thirty barrel loops on purpose!" said Gray, with him panting.

Zane shrugged as he said,"So I'm guessing that you've been punching this thing for a while now right Natsu?". Natsu nodded as Zane said,"How about we go in the front door instead?". He pointed to the cannon's barrel with Natsu's smile widening. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" said Natsu with him figuring it out. "Idiot." whispered Gray. Natsu heard this with Zane saying with a very serious expression,"Focus.". "Yes sir." said the duo of Gray and Natsu with Happy snickering.

The group jumped into the barrel with them running through the dark, grooved tunnel being that they soon reached the light at the end of the tunnel being that it wasn't the C Train but a massive room. It was filled with several circular lacrimas. In the center of the room, there is a huge, glass sphere with a grayish tint. Around that one, it had four smaller blue, green, red, and yellow sphere hooked onto the walls around it. On the ceiling, there is a ceiling with a big cloak with Roman numeral numbers.

Natsu said,"Wow. What is all of this?". The clock on the ceiling moved as a female automatic voice said,"Twelve minutes until Jupiter fires.". "They must be using that Lacrima to collect magic energy to do something." said Happy. "I get that but why is that one so much bigger." said Natsu. "Cause ash for brains. Magic-focusing cannons don't fire regular ammunition. They instead fire concentrated magic power." said Gray.

Natsu looked at him with a confused look with Zane saying,"The point is that we just have to smash into a mess.". Natsu nodded as he and the others jumped onto something. It was soft and squishy with Gray saying,"What the hell did we step on?". "Puke?" said Happy. "If it was that, I'm blaming Jose for that." said Zane. "Get off me you fools!" yelled a fool. The four looked down to see that they were on top of Totomaru.

The four soon got off the fire wizard who jumped back and stood there with his arms crossed. "You may have caught me off guard with that explosion of yours but you can't stop Totomaru of the great Flame!" said Totomaru. "He says that after we stepped on him, interrupting his precious nap." said Zane. "And are you a guard?" said Happy. "Who cares you guys? This guy is our enemy and I'll smash anyone in our way!" said Natsu, jumping toward him with his first coated in flames.

Totomaru soon smiled with Natsu's eyes widened upon his fiery fist smashing right into his face. "So why the hell are you fighting yourself idiot?!" said Gray. "Yeah Natsu." said Happy. "Shut up! My fist just moved on its own!" said Natsu, rubbing his sore cheek. "It seems to me that you're your guild's biggest problem in preventing their demise." said Totomaru. "10 minutes until Jupiter fires." said the female voice from earlier.

Outside, Fairy Tail was fighting the Phantom Army being that just before a Phantom could strike down Bisca, it was destroyed by a Crimson Red Nether sphere. Bisca turned to see Sivarth standing there with her saying,"Thanks Sivarth was it?". "Yeah. Don't lose your guards around them. They're a slippery bunch." said Sivarth. "We need everyone on their feet. Those heartless creeps in Phantoms don't know how to grieve over their fallen friends and guild hall." said Cana.

In the background, Macao sliced through some Phantoms with his blue flames. "Whatever happens here, we can't let them take down the building. Zane just found his nesting spot." said Sivarth. The two girls slowly nodded as Mira ,looking like Lucy, watching from inside. "Nine minutes are left until Jupiter fires. Hurry up you guys." thought Mira. Back inside, Natsu shouted,"Move it you ninja wannabe! I got a cannon to smash!".

He got into a fighting stance with Happy saying,"If you can shatter that lacrima, it won't be able to fire anymore.". "You can try that but it'll fail hard. Why are you not wearing a shirt by the way?" said Totomaru, pointing the shirtless Gray. "Seven minutes until Jupiter fires." said the female. "We're running out of time to argue! Gray and Natsu! Work together to take this guy down!" said Zane with him looking at the two. "Why him?!" said the duo.

Zane glared at them with him saying,"Because. We still have others to fight being that while you two can take down these small fry.....". He walked toward an entryway that would lead deeper into the guild hall as he said,"While I handle the large group coming here to ambush us while we're fighting the ninja wannabe.". "Hey!" shouted an annoyed Totomaru. "How are you so sure?" said Happy. "I got real good senses so just fight." said Zane.

He ran down the hall with Totomaru saying,"Oh. I'll enjoy taking the both of you down and then your friend who decided to run away.". "Zane's right! We're out of time! You cover my back okay?!" said Natsu. Gray nodded with him getting into his signature stance. His fist were pressed against his open palm as a frosty aura surrounded him.  Natsu soon lunged toward Totomaru with his fist englufed in flame as he said,"Fire Dragon Iron....".

Natsu was cut off as he punched himself in the face with him shouting,"I did it again!". He was soon sent careening to the side with Happy flying in concern. "You okay?" said Happy. "Yeah. Why do my punches have to be so strong?!" said Natsu, rubbing his cheek again. "Natsu! Focus! We don't have time to waste! Ice Make: Lance!" said Gray, firing ice lances toward the giant lacrima with Totomaru saying,"Not happening! Fireball!".

His attack ,which was a orb of reddish fire, went toward Gray's attack, seemingly cancelling each other out due to Gray's ice sizzling upon contact with the heat of Totomaru's fire, covering the room in a large amount of steam. "You bastard!" shouted Natsu, rushing toward Totomaru being that Gray had the same idea. "Go get him guys!" shouted Happy. Totomaru stood there with him being not at all concerned about the two wizards running toward him.

He soon spotted Natsu, with him bursting out of the smoke and had his fists covered in a flame. The black and white wizard soon looked at Natsu with the fire around Natsu's hands going around Natsu and began spinning him around. This spinning sent him of course and hurdled right into the wall due to him being kicked in the stomach, losing all air in his lungs upon contact with the wall. "Six minutes until Jupiter fires." said the female voice.

Totomaru stood there with him saying,"I'm Totomaru. I'm the mastery of all flames.". "That doesn't mean a damn thing to me! I bet you're one of those what-cha-ma-call-it five guys." said Natsu with Happy flying over to him. "They're called the Element 4 Natsu! You didn't even get the number part right!" said Happy. "He's correct. All fire is my play thing but I have quite the sense so any sneak attack with fail. Inferno Slice!" said Totomaru.

He soon pulled out his katana with him slicing the air behind him, firing a wave of fire. Gray ducked to evade the attacks thanks to him developing a weird sixth sense when it comes to sword slash due to a certain someone in his childhood. "That ain't fair." said Natsu, wiping soot off his face. "It doesn't matter if you have flames of natural or magical nature. All flames are under my control." said a very boastful Totomaru.

Natsu chuckled as Totomaru said,"What's so funny?!". "You think that having the ability to control fire makes you so special but it doesn't when your opponent don't have fire for you to control!" said Natsu. "Um. What are you talking about?" said Happy. "I guess he must have hit your head after I hit him earlier." said Totomaru. All of a sudden, the four colored lacrima balls on the walls began to illuminate brightly as magic power collected inside of them.

Magical energy flowed out from the smaller spheres and into the much larger one in the center of the room. Natsu gasped as Totomaru chuckled. "Oh. It's going to fire again!" said Happy. "Five minutes until Jupiter fires!" said the female voice. Natsu clenched his teeth as he said,"Gray! Keep him busy while I show him the results of our training with Zane!". "On it! Ice Make: Cold Excalibur" said Gray as he jumped toward Totomaru.

He soon created a massive broadsword out of ice with Totomaru blocking it with his blade. "You dumb fool. Ice is stronger than fire!" said Totomaru with his blade soon engulfed in flames. "Sorry but thinking that is only stupid. Ice and Fire are equal." said Gray. He soon created another one with Totomaru breaking the stalemate to dodge the second blade. The swords caused the area around Gray to be covered in ice.

Totomaru soon heard very loud crackles of lightning behind him with his eyes widening alongside Happy. Natsu's body was soon engulfed in lightning. "What?! You can use lightning?! I thought you were just some nobody fire wizard of Fairy Tail!" said Totomaru. "I'm Fairy Tail Fire Dragon Slayer and thanks to Laxus and Zane, I can use lightning!" said Natsu. His cheeks began to bulge with electricity with him shouting,"Lightning Dragon Roar!". "Huh?!" shouted Happy.

His cheeks were bulging with electricity with him soon releasing it out as a concentrated, destructive stream of lightning and in turn, it engulfed Totatomaru completely. As the lightning died down, the fire wizard Totomaru was a charred and sparking mess. Totomaru collapsed to knees, twitching slightly even and then unable to move. "Don't think because you're able to use two elements means that you can stop me boy! Blue Fire!" said Totomaru.

He casted the spell even through Natsu's lightning coursed through him. Gray looked at the blue orb of fire with him thinking,"Natsu will be fine. Time to use this to my advantage.". He soon rushed toward Totomaru, delivering a crushing punch to the fire wizard's solar plexus and headbutt to the nose. Totomaru staggered from the mixture of lightning and pain being that he soon recovered. He clutched his broken nose in an attempt to stem the blood flow.

Totomaru watched Natsu devour the flames in front of him with him saying,"Okay. That fire was cold and I'm pretty sure that you're like the second person I know who can do that.". "So you can use both Fire and Lightning being able to ingest the former for added strength like Gajeel can with Iron and from what I gathered, only Iron. Quite interesting but we seem to be in a stalemate you three." said Totomaru. "Huh?" said Gray and Natsu.

Totomaru chuckled with him saying,"Fire doesn't work on me given my mastery of fire, Ice doesn't work because of my ability to use fire, and Lightning while different can only work for some long due to my impressive endurance. I may be the weakest of the Element Four in terms of magic power being that Aria, Juvia, and Sol outclass me but my endurance is better.". Hey, I know that it isn't cannon but I had to give him something damn it.

I mean at least with Aria, Juvia, and Sol, they showed how they were S-Class wizards of Phantom Lord before they were curbstomped with the power of friendship. Gray went over toward Natsu with him whispering,"I'm pretty sure that I broke one of his ribs.". "That's good I guess but I guess this guy actually earned his title of Component Twelve." whispered Natsu. Gray sweatdropped as he said,"Just do what you do best Natsu.".

Natsu pointed at Totomaru and he said,"You may think that you're all that but you're really nothing more a coward! My flames are strong enough to kill dragons!". "Then instead of talking, how about you show me your dragon killing flames already? You're not exactly able to fight me to your hearts content." said Totomaru. Totomaru forget that they're under anime time meaning that a timer of five minutes means in reality like an hour.

Natsu smiled with him saying,"Okay then! Fire Dragon....". "I told you that the element of fire is mine to control!" said Totomaru ready to defend himself. "Spit!" said Natsu. He soon fired a steam of spit right in Totomaru's face much to his annoyance. The spit traveled down his face as Natsu soon began laughing mischievously. "Ha! I got you good! Now Gray!" said Natsu, shocking Totomaru who forgot about Gray. "Ice Make: Arrow!" said Gray.

Totomaru soon began dodging arrows being that he was soon a good distance away from the two boys. "Two minutes until Jupiter fires." said the female voice. "Quit fooling around Natsu! We're running out of time!" said Happy with him flying around the battlefield. "Do you think we're playing games here?!" yelled Totomaru. "As our friend Zane would say, you should look at life both for fun and seriously." said Gray.

Totomaru's eyebrow twitched as he shouted,"Orange Fire!". Such creative attacks. An inferno of orange flames were right toward the duo with Natsu smirking. "You call that an attack?! I called it a snack!" said Natsu. He soon began inhaling the fire being that unlike the blue flames, these flames tasted rather gross. "Nasty! My nose feels like it's rotting away!" said Natsu, clenching his nose and writhing on the floor. "What are you doing Natsu?!" said Happy.

Totomaru chucked with him saying,"I bet it taste like a rag soaked in spoiled milk fused with crap from a bull doesn't it boy?". "Aren't you our age? And how do you know what it taste like it?" said Gray. The two fire wizards got face to face with Totomaru being that his eyes were burning. "That was a dirty trick you bastard!" said Natsu. "And spiting in my face wasn't?!" said Totomaru. "Oh yeah! Well you...." said Natsu.

The female voice interrupted him with her saying,"One minute until Jupiter fires so would you either defend correct Totomaru and you two intruders trying to destroy it. Just do it already. I'm not getting any younger here.". "Come on Natsu! You have to get moving!" said Happy, grabbing at the sides of Natsu's face and pulling back. "Let go!" said Natsu. He soon charged at Totomaru with the fire wizard only chuckling.

Gray noticed that he was being ignored so he sent a signal to Natsu ,who threw both a powerful right and kick at Totomaru, to keep the ninja busy who dodged Natsu's attack. Natsu responded as Gray ran off. "So you want to fight hand to hand then? Fine! I'll sliced you up into pieces and feed you to Gajeel being that man eats anything put in front of him including spoiled food!" said Totomaru as he landed on top of a huge apparatus of cogs that were on the back side of the room under the blue orb.

He soon held his sword with him saying,"My sword hungers for blood! I should deliver it!". He soon vanished being that he tried to slice Natsu but like Gray, Natsu had a sixth sense for dodging swords and he leaped into the air ,performing a backflip, to evade his attacks. Totomaru tried to strike him down being that this went on for a while. Natsu eventually kicked the sword right out of his hand and sent it right toward the giant lacrima, cracking it a bit being that it was embedded into the sphere.

Natsu smirked with Totomaru frowning. "You honestly think that disarming me would but that would do anything against that Lacrima." said Totomaru. "So. This means that I still have the upper hand due to you being useless without it!" said Natsu with him ignited his fists in flames. He charged at his enemy being that he tried either a left or right hook but failed thanks to Totomaru's speed. "How many times do I have to spell it out for you? Your flames won't work!" said Totomaru.

He soon made Natsu punching himself in the face being that Natsu roared out,"My flames are mine to control! No one controls me or my flames!". "What about that one time Zane used your own flames against you?" said Happy. He was ignored as Totomaru was soon engulfed in flames. The ninja jumped back being that he was covered in minor burns. "This guy. He extended the range of his flames so he would hit me regardless of distance due to us being so close." thought Totomaru.

Outside, the rest of Fairy Tail was fighting their best against the onslaught of Phantoms being that they were easy to destroyed but one touch may take you out of the fight in an instant. A big number of their group was taken out this but there was more than enough standing. If Erza or Sivarth wasn't there, things would have been tougher. Erza was in her Heaven's Wheel Armor being that she soon flew into the air.

She soon summoned multiple blades around her as she yelled,"Dance my blades! Circle Sword". The blades soon spun around her ,at impressive speeds, before forming a disc formation and launched forward, slicing many phantoms at once and causing them to dissipated. Erza descended and gently landed back on the ground. "Nice move Erza." said Macao with his hands covered in bluish-purple fire. "We only have thirty seconds. Hurry up." thought Mira, clenched her hands over her heart.

Erza's attention wasn't focused on Macao being that Jupiter was priming to fire being that like before only half an hour ago, the dark blue ,with traces of black, energy began forming around the end of the barrel. "This isn't looking good." said Loke. "Why's he taking so long?! Natsu is good at destroying stuff!" shouted Wakaba. "Natsu. Everyone. Hurry. Don't let me down." thought Erza. Sivarth looked at the cannon with him getting ready to stop it just in case.

Happy shouted with him saying,"We're dead meat you guys! It's going to fire again!". "20 seconds until Jupiter fires.". Natsu soon growled being that he heard Zane in his head,"Natsu. Your magic grows strong thanks to your emotions. I gave you the power of lightning after seeing your conviction today. You can do it. Mix the powers of fire and lightning to become a force for destruction for Fairy Tail. Start with mastering your flames first. Don't count your eggs before they hatch after all.".

Natsu's anger began boiling with him soon letting a powerful war cry. His hands were soon engulfed in flames. "You seriously think that I'm stupid enough to get hit a second time? If I keep my distance from you and control your fire from here!" said Totomaru, getting into a stance. Natsu yelled with his arms being held to the side. His firsts were clenched being that his flames were getting warmer and even bigger, he soon made the flames twirl above him like a tempest of wind.

It formed a giant sphere  with Totomaru looking at this scene in awe before going back to holding it but he couldn't do it. "What?! It won't even budge!" thought Totomaru. The light from the flames soon blinded Totomaru, releasing the control of Natsu's fire. "Impossible! How did he figure out how to block my control during the middle of our fight?!" thought Totomaru. "Natsu!" shouted Happy as the giant Lacrima grew even bigger.

Natsu shouted with him saying,"I told you this before so listen up. These flames belong to me! And I won't let you mess with it or my Nakama you Phantom Bastard! I learned this move from Zane! Fire Dragon Zenith Sphere!". He soon threw the giant sphere of fire toward Totomaru being that the ninja dodged it easily. "Ha! You may have mastered your flames but your attack is useless if you can't hit me fool!" said Totomaru.

He soon heard,"That isn't our target fool! Ice Make: Zenith Sphere!". Totomaru's eyes widen as he saw Gray standing there. He was holding a large cylindrical sphere of ice being that he threw it right toward the sword alongside Natsu's attack. "Three, two,......" said the female voice. The two spheres soon collided against each other as Happy shouted,"Oh no! They're going to destroy each other since fire and ice don't mix!".

Gray and Natsu looked at each other with them saying,"Lets do this ready Ash for Brain/Blizzard Stripper! Fire Dragon/ Ice Make: Zenith Sphere". The two were performing a Unison Raid being that for a while now, they've been training with Zane after begging him to help them. Zane agreed to this being that his sadistic side were shown off as he made the two train from day to night with little breaks.

In time, they were both able to create one of Zane's signature attacks. They mastered Step 1, 2, and 3 with the latter being said to be the hardest one due to Zane saying that most people don't have focus to generate the energy and turn into a solid state at the same time. This happened surely after their beatdown against Kitsune Form. Gray and Natsu also gained better control of their magic with Gray's creation being much stronger and Natsu gaining lightning magic.

Zane's a really good teacher according to them being that the two kept it a secret mainly from Erza who demanded to know where they were after coming back from Zane's training camp. The two spheres soon push the sword with enough velocity to send it clearly through the lacrima. The lacrima sparked for a few seconds before a large explosion engulfed the chamber. Gray soon grabbed Happy as he put an ice shield protecting him, Happy, and Natsu from the explosion.

Totomaru on the other hand didn't have the shield being that he took the full burnt of the explosion like a bitch. The room soon began to shake with the lacrima began to crumble and collapse thanks to the collective energy inside of it becoming unstable. Outside of the building, Fairy Tail's attention was grabbed as the renaming parts of Jupiter soon ignited in a bluish-black conflagration with the barrel in the process being destroyed.

Everyone began to cheer in joy from just the sight of the demolish super-weapon. "Hey! Check it out you guys! They blew it up!' said Bisca. "Yeah. They did. Jupiter has been destroyed just in time." said Alzack with Fairy Tail cheering. "Don't stop fighting! We aren't done yet!" said Sivarth with him soon focused Tyrannus Nether to create two giant hands and clapped them together, crushing several Phantoms in their grasp. "Way to go Natsu. You're not so bad." said Cana.

Cana looked toward the others with her saying,"Sivarth is right! We need to make sure that the others don't have any problems while they're inside!". "Yeah!" said the guild. As the others soon began fighting, Erza smiled proudly. "Good job you guys." thought Erza. She soon felt a cold chill race down her spine being that she didn't like it in the slightest. Back in the cannon's room, it was a mess to say the very least.

Smoke was hazing off the floors with piles of rubble everywhere. Totomaru stood there with him holding his right arm being that it was broken. He soon glared toward the trio of Gray, Happy, and Natsu being that Gray dropped his shield. "Those brats outsmarted me." thought Totomaru. "A wise man once taught me something about fire magic you should know. You can't control fire if your essence isn't in it." said Natsu, pounding his fist into his open palm.

Happy looked at Natsu with him thinking,"Oh I get. Natsu was keeping Totomaru distracted by just pretending to let his fire being control so that Gray could get his attack in. He also used lightning magic. I wonder if Zane did something. I do feel bad for rushing him.". Gray and Natsu soon turned toward Totomary with both of their eyes filled with fury. "Now. We're going to crush your guild piece by piece." said the two in unison.

They menaced toward Totomaru with their respective elements flaring off their fists. "Master! You never told me that people this danger were members of Fairy Tail!" thought Totomaru, shaking in fear as he slowly backed away from them. Macao nodded with him saying,"Way to go Natsu!". "Watch out. We're coming for you Phantom!" said Laki. "Wipe out the enemy!" yelled Sivarth. Jose said within in his throne room,"Don't get cocky. You haven't beaten me yet.".

He stood up from his throne as he said with his fists clenched,"Activate the giant.". Back in Jupiter's lacrima room, Gray and Natsu were looking at Totomaru who was sweating buckets. "This guy is supposed to be an S-Class." thought Gray. He was unable to believe how weak Totomaru really was being that despite him being really durable, that's all he has going for them. It was obvious to him being that Fairy Tail was a whole other level compared to Phantom Lord.

Gray was man enough to admit that he was an A-Class wizards being that even without Natsu's help on the fight, he was sure that he could take down one of the Element Four with ease. He only hoped that Natsu wouldn't do anything too bad to the opposing guild. However, he remembered Zane's wrath and prayed for anyone of these bastards who got in the way of that monster being that Gray was sure that Zane could defeat Jose.

Gray was pulled of his musing with Natsu saying with his fists engulfed in flames,"And I've had it up to here with you messy with my flames! You're going to be burned buddy?!". "Since when has he been your buddy Natsu?! I thought I was your buddy!" said Happy. Totomaru soon gasped as Natsu raised him off the ground by his throat with the dragon slayer's hand tightly wrapped around his neck as he howled in pain as fire ,from Natsu, coursed into his body.

The dragon slayer soon cocked his fist back to finish Totomaru off before the room began to shake from out of nowhere. "What's happening?!" said Happy, dodging debris. Back in the throne room, the grunts said,"Element connection secured.". "Activating horizontal stabilizers.". "All wizards in danger zone, evacuate!". "The giant awakens!". The Fairy Tail wizard soon watched the Phantom Lord headquarters begin to transform with warning.

Inside of the cannon room, the floor was tilting at a steep angle. "Hey! What's going on?!" said Gray with him looking at Totomaru. "He's awakening it now?! This room has no horizontal stabilization at all!" said Totomaru. "What do you mean by there being no Hamburgers Steaks in here?" said Natsu with the building shaking once again. This threw the quartet off balance and onto the floor of the room as Totomaru was free from Natsu's grasp.

Laki shouted from outside,"Oh no! What is it doing?!". "Hip joints stabilizing. Now standing." said a grunt. "You Fairy Tailers are done and over with! The Phantom Giant will slaughter you!" said Totomaru. "What are you talking about?" said Gray. He soon turned toward Natsu ,who was green faced, with him saying,"You can't be serious dude.". "Yeah. Natsu has really bad motion sickness and you know it Gray!" said Happy.

A bit earlier with Sly's group, she landed over a balcony of one of the non-scorched areas from Zane's attack earlier. Elfman and Stella jumped off as Elfman shouted,"You turning into a dragon is so manly Sly!". "Thanks I think." said Sly, turning back into her human form. "It sucks how we were late to fight because of those dang Phantoms." said Stella. "Lets go. We have the element of surprise for now." said Sly, earning a head nod from the other two wizards.

As they were about to head off, they heard the explosion from Gray and Natsu's attack being that Elfman shouted,"They did it! So manly!". "Yeah but it was too close for comfort if you ask me." said Stella. "Yep. They've been corrupted by Zane." said Sly. Without warning, the entire building began to shake violently. They faltered, trying to balance themselves as the shaking was going by. Elfman soon grabbed Sly ,with his hands grabbing her chest, and placed here on his shoulder.

He soon held onto a nearby railing. Stella did the same thing as Sly said with a very angry look on her,"Elfman. What are you doing?". "Protecting you since that's what....." said Elfman. He was soon hit by Sly who sprouted dragon wings. "I can fly you idiot male! God!" said Sly. "He accidentally touched you didn't he?" said Stella. Sly slowly nodded as Elfman said with a bruised face,"Sorry there Sly.". They soon stood in shock as they saw the huge caster that they were on break away.

It shifted into a new position as Stella said,"So why is the building shaking? Did Natsu go overboard and end up destroying the entire building?". Sly shook her head as Elfman said,"No way. Something much worse Stella.". "The Giant? It's rather small compared to me." said Sivarth with the Phantom looking at the giant robot in front of him. "It's Phantom's most powerful weapon." said Erza. "Knell before me you brats or else! Your moments will come to an end!" shouted Jose.

Jose's Phantoms soon came toward the Fairies with Alzack saying with him soon recocking both of his guns,"Guess they got their second wind.". "Great. We have giants and ghosts to deal with. This is so not our day." said Bisca. "Just focus on these things for now! We'll let the others handle the giant for now!" said Cana. "Yeah but you do remember that two of them are DRAGON Slayers right?" said Wakaba. "Of course." said the guild deflated.

To give a description of the Super Mage/Wizard Giant Phantom MK 2 or II, here it is. This was achieved by turning the building on one of its sides, having it stand on the mechanical legs placed on that side and then completely changing its layout with several legs being detached from the body. A single, more massive pair remaining in the lower part where the base stood; two more, large limbs sprouted on the top part.

Some mechanical parts appeared from the main body alongside several pipes, and a small, helmet-like head sprouted on the highest part. The result of such bizarre transformation was a gargantuan, humanoid mechanical being standing on two legs, possessing a pair of large arms, with its dark hands having just the thumbs and two more fingers, and bright "eyes" were visible inside of  the crack of its helmet.

Smoke was produced profusely from the pipes on the upper part of its body, at its head's sides. The Phantom looked at his opponent and then at the guild with him saying,"So someone explain to me why we should be scared of that again?". "Seriously?! That's Phantom's ultimate weapon. They're transformed their headquarters into a giant warrior. Natsu is in there and he has motion sickness due to him being a dragon slayer." said Erza in a worry tone.

Sivarth slowly nodded with him saying,"While I admire it for being an impressive weapon being that I'm not a fan of mechanical tools, I'm more angered on Natsu being weak toward motion. At least Zane hasn't seen it yet.". "Why?" said Cana. "He's a inner child being that he loves armor, becams, cannon, mechas, and anything hidden. This being a magic Transformer will only make him go nuts to say the least." said Sivarth.

Bisca shook her head as she said,"I mean he did go nuts over the spider thing from earlier but I'm sure that he wouldn't do anything too stupid like that.". The guild soon heard a voice,"THIS THING WAS A SPIDER BEFORE BUT NOW IT IS A MECH! SO FUCKING AWESOME!". Sivarth soon sighed as he said,"And I'm sure his eyes are literally sparking stars. Sometimes that boy can be an idiot.".

Back with Sly's group, Sly heard this with Elfman saying,"That was Zane right?". "He really loves this kind of stuff doesn't he?" said Stella. "More than anything. I'm sure that he'll be normal once we see him again. Lets head toward that." said Sly, pointing to the giant opening in the stomach. The two wizards nodded as they followed Sly through a corridor. In the cannon room, Natsu was on the floor with him clutching his stomach in pain.

His motion sickness was going nuts being that his cheeks were all puffed up, filled to the brim with vomit as Happy nudged him. "Natsu! You can't have motion sickness now!" said Happy. Totomaru looked at this scene with him saying,"What's wrong? You have motion sickness. That's pretty sad to the least. Oh well, I can finally turn this fight around!". "Not with me still here!" said Gray with him soon hearing Natsu vomiting. "Dude gross." said Gray and Totomaru in unison.

Natsu looked at them with him saying,"Fuck the both of you. Why does it have to be a moving base and who the hell is screaming?!". Totomaru soon held out his middle and index fingers, crossing his arms in front of him. "Time to finish you off!" said Totomaru. Several multicolored spheres of fire soon appeared with them aimed at Natsu. "Really not in the mood for a fucking rainbow." groaned Natsu with his stomach growling loudly. "Rainbow Fire!" said Totomaru.

However before he could finish his attack, his hands were suddenly covered in turquoise candy syrup being that it was slowly covering his body. "Hey! No! I wanted my revenge!" yelled Totomaru. The syrup soon covered his body, making him unable to move. Elfman appeared with him saying,"Thanks Zane! You're not a real man but a half-rate loser ninja!". He threw Totomaru through the opening in the roof above them being that Totomaru shouted,"That makes no sense!". He was soon gone.

Zane reappeared with his eyes currently stars and he said,"Nice job you guys! But did you guy know that we're in a mech right now! So fucking cool!". "Huh?" said Elfman, Gray, and Happy with Natsu hyperventing. "Just don't ask." said Sly as she and Stella ran into the room. The female dragon slayer soon ran toward Natsu's side helping up. "Thanks guys." said Natsu. "So why aren't you looking like Natsu whose always pathetic in vehicles Stella?" said Gray.

Elfman clenched his right arm which was Beast Arm: Reptile and he said,"Yeah. A vehicle shouldn't make a real man sick, he should make the giant sick of you instead!". "Guys. Can't you give him a break? My magic is more advanced than his Gray to answer your question." said Stella. "Yeah. I mean he and Gray did destroy Jupiter being that you get an A+ for the level of destruction. You two did good job with your Zenith Spheres." said Zane, acting like a proud parent.

Sly nodded as she said,"Yeah but why did you take so long to do it?". "Dramatic effect according to Zane." said the two. "Of course it was. It seems you're feeling better Natsu." said Stella, pinching the bridge of her nose at her crush's childish nature. "Yeah. I mean the building stopped moving so I'm back to normal." said Natsu, clenched his muscles. "We'll go outside and check out why. Right Happy?" said Sly, sprouting her wings. "Aye!" shouted Happy.

As Erza, Sivarth, and the others continued their ongoing battle with Jose's Phantoms, some of them noticed that the giant was writing something in the air in front of it. "Hey. It's doing something." said Alzack. "It's drawing something but what?" said Bisca. "I doubt a love letter. Going to guess some kind of Magic Circle. Animus of any dimension is always a trick thing to deal with. Tch. Why can't we go to a dimension of Nether?" said Sivarth, crossing his arms.

Erza ,still in her Heaven Wheel's armor, was flying in the air and slashed blades against a couple of Phantoms that managed to get near her. She turned to see the magic circle being formed with her eyes soon widened in horror and sweat dripped down her face. "That's the Abyss Break. It's one of the forbidden spells. From the size of it, it could wipe out the entire city." said Erza. Sivath looked at her with him saying,"Yep. Jose just sealed his fate.".

Erza said,"And why is that? We have about ten minutes before the seal is completed.". She was looking right at the Phantom mech. "He was already planning on kicking Jose's ass before being that one of Zane's best triggers is that you don't target the innocent in front of him. This just sealed the deal. I'm sure that the fight between the two of them will be good at the very least." said Sivarth with him smiling.

Erza looked at the seal with her feeling an even colder chill race down her spine. She was wondering if she should go assist the boys or not. In the meantime, Happy and Sly had flown back to the other members of the guild being that they had just finished informing them about what the giant was doing outside. Everyone ,except for Natsu, was calm. "So what should we do you guys?! We have to stop them before they do something stupid!" said Natsu.

Zane pushed up his glasses with him saying,"An Abyss Break. Quite the powerful opponent we have to go up against.". "You know what that is man?" said Gray. "Yep. I was doing research on forbidden spells and I know about this one. Abyss Break can be immediately by a caster who has knowledge on the four basic elemental magic: Air/Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water. I'm pretty sure metal body here doesn't have any magic power itself so it must use four wizards to do it as a backup." said Zane.

Stella's eyes widened as she said,"The Element Four!". "Yep. Gray and Natsu took down one fourth of their elemental puzzle so we should find the other three. Abyss Break will failure harder than that one director did with that robot movie we watched Sly." said Zane. "Yeah. We need to split up into groups. Divide and conquer." said Sly. "Do we ever catch a break?" said Elfman. "Nope. In my line of work, things are just getting started." said Zane.

Determination filled Natsu with him saying with him chucking,"Come on you guys! If he's anything like the others, we got nothing to worry about.". "Don't think that they are all the same." said Stella as Natsu looked at her. "What does that mean?!" said Natsu. "She's saying that you shouldn't treat them the same as wannabe ninja. Crybaby defeated the coward after all, the rock punching bag is pretty slippery, and the cutie is really good with water." said Zane.

The wizards looked at him with Sly saying,"What he is trying to say is that we shouldn't treat any one of them lightly.". "So what's the plan? I mean you have one right?" said Gray. Zane nodded with him saying,"Yep and we have pretty good odds in our favor. There are three of them plus Copycat, Gajeel, and Jose around here.". "How is that good?!" shouted Happy. "He's going to tell us so calm down okay little buddy." said Natsu.

Happy nodded as Zane said,"Our main goal is take down the Element Four aka the giant's power source. We also need to take down Copycat and Gajeel as well. We can easily do that being that we'll basically force Jose's hand.". "You're not saying what I'm thinking you're saying right?" said Stella with this earning a confused look from Elfman and Natsu. "Yeah. Zane's going to fight Jose." said Gray. "Unlike you guys, I can fight him and an Element 4 no sweat." said Zane.

The wizards ,except for Gray, and cat sweatdropped at Zane's logic with Sly saying,"You may think he's being overconfident but it's the truth.". "Yep." said Zane. The seven soon stood right in front of three, different hallways. "Elfman and Stella. You two will handle the rock punching bag. He's easily nothing compared to the two of you working together." said Zane, earning a head nod from the two of them.

Zane soon turned to Sly with him saying,"Sly. I'm sure that you can handle the windy bastard who took down the old coward by yourself.". The human Akostar soon nodded as she said,"You know that I can handle that crybaby.". Even though she was a member for a month, she wanted to get revenge on Phantom being that their goal was perfectly aligned. "Wait. What if Erza decides to come and help us?" said Gray.

Zane looked at him with him saying,"If she tries and stop me from fighting Jose by myself, I'll be really mad Gray.". "Why don't you want help Zane?" said Happy. "Because I don't need help. Before I go take down Jose, Gray, Natsu, and Happy will take down Gajeel. The cutie is mine." said Zane as he smiled. "That sounds like a good idea except Gajeel is mine! I didn't need his help to take down that ninja so why do I have to teamup with him again?!" shouted Natsu and started to fight with Gray.

Zane sighed with him saying,"You two are stronger together than separate. Just do it or I'll tell Prude Knight about you two squabbling when you should be focused.". The two nodded as Zane said,"Okay lets go already! For Victory!". "Right!" said the group with Elfman and Stella, Gray and Natsu, and Sly heading down one of the three hallway to find their opponents. Zane soon looked above him with him smiling. He turned into Specter Form, floating upwards and phasing the roof above him.

He soon saw nine members of Phantom Lord patrolling the area, waiting for one of the Fairies that invaded their base. Zane only smiled with him soon appearing, startled the group. "Boo. Time for a nap." said Zane, releasing Black Nether ,from his body, in the form of dust. It soon knocked all of them out with Zane deactivating the form. "Okay. That was easy. Time to find you Juvia and bring back your smile." said Zane, going into a casual stroll and whistling.

Back in the courtyard, Cana was talking to Mira who was Lucy by the way. "Mira. How long do you think we have till the spell activates?" said Cana. She was taking a break to talk with Mira as Erza and Sivarth lead the charge. "About twenty minutes at the very least." said Mira. Despite having access to her magic once again, she could only mimic Lucy's appearance but her clothes were kept the same. "That isn't exactly a lot of time to do much." said Cana.

Mira said,"So who did Zane pick to join him?". Mira was helping Levy's group leave earlier being that she didn't hear on who went inside. "The obvious ones of course. Gray and Natsu went to show how cool they are being that they're still the same kids that they were when they were kids. Happy and Sly went because of their partners. Stella went as backup and so did Elfman." said Cana with Mira's eyes widening in shock.

Mira said,"Elfman?! Why?!". She was clearly shocked by this as Cana said,"What's the big deal? I mean if Zane had confidence in him. "He can't! Elfman can't fight! We both know that!" shouted Mira. "He'll be fine. If Zane has confidence in him, you should too. I mean Zane got the smarts and really hot right? Plus Elfman was one of the best fighters in the raid earlier." said Cana, trying to tease Mira about her crush on Zane but her distress over Elfman's safety outweighed her crush.

Mira said,"Yeah but that was against foot soldiers but if he goes up against Phantom's best, the way he is now. I'm not sure.". Ever since Lisanna's death, it wasn't just her that was limited. She may have had her magic locked from her but Elfman was in the same boat in her as well due to him not being able to use his full potential. Elfman was heading to fight an S-Class opponent when he was high B-Class at the very least.

Mira already lost one sibling being that she didn't want to be a widow anytime soon. "I understand why you're worried Mira. You and Elfman suffered a lot after Lisanna's death. All of us suffered but in my opinion, he's trying to leave the past behind him and move forward like Lisanna would want him. I know that Zane has gone through a lot of trauma and he keeps pushing forward. Don't live in the past but the future. It's what they would want. I think he said that right?" said Cana.

Mira was silence being that Cana sighed as she said,"Just stay here okay Mira? We need to keep Jose thinking that Lucy is still here.". She soon went back into combat with the barmaid not moving from her spot. She kept a solemn expression, with her thinking about what she could do about this problem in front of her. She was unable to fight the way she is now but she remember what Zane has been told her when he helped her regain her magic a bit.

Despite his positive exterior, he was still grieving for all of his family and friends who have died while he lived. He was unable to forgive himself due to him having the ability to never forget what has happened to him. He makes jokes and push other away from him because he doesn't want to lose anyone like he already has. Mira remembered what Zane told him when he comforted her in front of Lisanna's grave.

Zane said, "Because I've been through too many times. Use this lose as a way to get stronger because even though they're not longer here with us in a physical sense, they're always fucking with us in the places where it counts. In our Essences and our memories.". "Just like Elfman, I need to move on with my life. I can't stand by and do nothing while my friends are doing nothing. Even if I have to throw away my own, I need to do something." thought Mira, clenching her fists.

Mira took a deep breath with her leaving the building and heading onto the battlefield. "Oh no! What are you doing?!" said Cana. "Mira. What are you doing?" said Bisca. "Don't do it!" said Alzack. She soon stopped as Jose noticed her. "Well, well. The coward comes out to play." said Jose. "Sir. Didn't you send Eden and Gajeel after her?" said a grunt. "Yes I did. So it seems that we have someone playing a trick on us. I think the Legion Void Knight won't like this not one bit." said Jose. 

Mira shouted,"It's me you're after right! Leave them alone! I'll surrender if you swear to stop attacking our guild!". The fighting was slowly dying down as she thought,"Hopefully, Zane and the others should have a little more time.". "Be gone impostor." said Jose. Mira was shocked as she thought with her eyes widening in shock,"How did he know?". Jose began laughing like the evil villain that he is as Sivarth thought,"Wow. He's annoying.".

Jose said,"It's a nice transformation but how stupid do you think I am? I knew from the start that Lucy Heartfilia wasn't here. No competent strategist would send the person who their enemy is targeting to the front lines.". As this was going on, Mira's magic wore off. Mira stood there as Cana said,"Damn.". "I'm so useless. I can't do anything right" said Mira, crying her eyes out. Sivarth walked up to her and hugged her.

Mira looked at him as he said,"Listen bar maid. I don't know why Zane likes you so much. In my time knowing him, he's always liked girls with something interesting to them. However, I'm sure about this. He picked Elfman for a reason so trust him like I do.". "Yeah because when he gets back to us, I'm giving him a pretty nice reward." said Cana, winking. "You know that he's with Levy right Cana?" said Mira with Cana sighing. Mira was back to normal at the very least.

Inside of the giant. "We're lost! How did we lose Gray when we're supposed to be together!" shouted Happy. He and Natsu were heading down a hallway with the fire dragon slayer's anger erupting to an intense level. He yelled with the fire in his hands growing to an even more intense level,"HOW DID WE LOSE SNOW FOR BRAINS?! IT'S A STRAIGHT LINE!". "It's because you were running at full speed and not looking where you're going." said Happy.

Natsu blinked around with him noticing to see the area. This hallway could be described as rather creepy being that he noticed that it was giving him the creeps. "Man. This place is really creepy so lets get out of here. This place is making my flesh crawl." said Natsu. "Aye sir." said Happy. But before they could do that, a pillar of earth shot out below him and slugging Natsu in the gut being a rather dirty blow.

The pink haired Dragon Slayer released a gasp from shock upon it hitting him. Thanks to the pain, he soon bent over as the force registered with his body. Another pillar flew out of the ground but this one nailed him directly in the chin, causing his lower jaw to connect with the upper one with a very resounding 'clack'. Natsu's head snapped backwards and blood and spittle blew from his mouth due to it bleeding a bit.

Natsu stumbled backwards clutching his pain filled jaw. His ears then twitched as he picked up on the sound of the earth rumbling once again. He leaped to the right and avoided the earth pillar that sprung up beneath his feet before going into a series of backhand springs to avoid the subsequent ones. Natsu soon pushed off with a great amount of force and dug his fist right into the side of one of the pillars that filled the chamber that was his battlefield.

His eyes soon narrowed as he watched part of the ground liquefy being that Sol soon popped his way out of the ground, moving his body from left to right like the living punching bag or is he a living wacky waving inflatable arm flailing Tubemen but who really knows what Sol is. "It seems to me that we have a pest here who invaded our home like a vermin?" said Sol whose body was moving around in ways that doesn't seem normally possibly.
Happy's eyes widened as he pointed a paw at the green haired man. "That guy came out of the ground Natsu!" said Happy. Sol adjusted his monocle before clapping in a mocking tone. "And here's our Captain Obvious. Your clever deduction makes detectives look dumber than the criminals that they captured." said Sol with his voice heavily laced is sarcasm.

Despite Happy being a rather bright, he isn't the brightest cat around. His stupidity exceed ,get it you guys, it's the name of his species, when it comes to receiving praise or anything related to fish. Happy blushed with him saying with a toothy grin,"Aye Sir! See Natsu, I'm smart!". There was a noticeable period of silence being that both Natsu and Sol looked at Happy who was still so happy about being praised. "I don't think I should say anything but I should." thought Sol.

He turned toward Natsu as he said,"Your cat does know about the idea of sarcasm right?". "Hopefully he does but right now, it's fighting time!" said Natsu. He hopped down from his pillar and landed on the ground, igniting his fists in flames. He soon crashed them together in a brilliant display of power with Sol moving his body in excitement I think. Sol's mind and body seemingly work on two ideas sometimes according to Gajeel and Totomaru's hypothesis.

Sol said,"The battle between myself and Salamander of Fairy Tail should make this worth my time than fighting the flying rat to your side. How does it go?". He soon bent his body from side to side with a thoughtful look on his face. "Ah yes. Come on and fight me with your best shot." said Sol with him taunting Natsu. This shouldn't work but like Happy, he isn't the brightest one around even though his fire magic is quite bright.

Natsu rushed toward Sol with him leaping into the air and rearing back his fist. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" shouted Natsu. "Earth Make: Bayonet!" said Sol. The large earthen bayonet clashed with the fiery fist being that while Natsu was trying not to get impaled, he soon gasped behind him in shock as another bayonet launched toward his unprotected back. "Natsu!" shouted Happy. He soon dove down from above with him latched onto his best friend.

Happy immediately flapped his wings to give him the needed lift, soaring up just in time. The two earth weapons crashed into its predecessor being both of them shattered upon touching each other's tips. "Tch! First there was that Take Over menace that has been a plague upon our guild and now the flying rat. Your guild is just filled with pains aren't there?" said Sol, slamming his hands down onto the ground. "Roche Concerto!" said Sol.

He soon launched a twister or rock, swirling toward Happy and his partner in crime. Happy quickly barrel rolled to evade the first attack before diving low to avoid the second. A third attack tore apart the ground below, leaving a trench behind to mark its path. Happy went upwards with him soon making his momentum into a loop-de-loop ,that would make Turbo Form impressed kinda, as a massive earth fist rocked toward the dunderhead duo.

They may not be the brightest but they got heart. Sol gritted his teeth as he continued to try and hit the cat. It was like trying to hit a fly that keep trying to hit him. "He's an annoying pest but he seems to be a key factor to allow Salamander to evade my strikes so it's time to kill a rat." said Sol with a very wicked grin on his face and adjusted his monocle. He shouldn't call Sylvester or Tom the Cat because neither of them can catch their small pest.

Yes, I know that Tweety is a bird but you get my point. "Roche Concerto!" shouted Sol. "Happy! You are positively badass! You're dodging the rocks like a boss!" said Natsu who was impressed with the cat's aerial acrobatics. "Aye sir!" shouted Happy, looking concentrated as he rotated around the second earth fist. "Natsu. I'm going to throw you! The velocity I generate from throwing you should increase the intensity of your flames I'm sure!" said Happy.

Natsu was processing the information being that you could hear and see the gears turning in Natsu's heads as he was slowly figuring it out. Like Luffy from One Piece, Natsu may not be book smarts but he's fighting smart. "Huh?" said Natsu with him sounding smart. "I throw you being that you cover yourself in fire and hit him in the face." said Happy. The gears finally clinked as Natsu smiled with him slamming his left fist into his right palm.

Natsu said,"Well Happy, throw me! I'm going to tear that weirdo a new one!". "Aye sir!" said the cat with him quickly diving toward Sol, dodging the earthen projectile. He soon swung his arms back and let Natsu fly like a missile. Natsu quickly engulfed his body in flames, giving himself an even greater amount of thrust. "Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" roared Natsu, rocketing toward Sol. It was like the anime Falcon Punch but with less muscle and race cars.

Sol quickly waved his arms in the air ,proving the theory of him being a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing Tubemen even more true, as two massive boulders went toward him. However, Natsu went right through them like a hot knife through butter or welding. There were soon a massive rumbling to occur beneath Sol with him bending his body completely backwards to the ground behind him with his palms glowing with magic. "Earth Lion Slug!" shouted Sol.

A pair of massive jaws soon erupted from the ground being that it was connected to something. It was connected to a massive stone lion ,which towered over Sol, before it soon pounced right on Natsu as it released a deafening roar. It opened its maw and its glowing red eyes ,which glowed even bigger than normal, before it clamped down on Natsu's form, eating him whole. The feline growled being that it was soon fall toward the ground.

Before it could do anything, the red eyes widened in sock as its body began to bulge. It was covered in fiery veins before exploded into pieces. "Fire Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu. The flames tore its way right through the earth and right toward Sol, which soon cause a massive explosion upon contact with Sol. It kicked up tile, dirt, and rock. The shockwave with this resulted in a few nearby support pillars to crack a bit.

The winds died down and dust cleared, revealing a massive crater lay where Sol was once. "Ha! You can't beat me you wormy jerk!" said Natsu, landing on the ground. His ears twitched and his dark eyes widened when he heard the sound of laughter. He spun around being that his head moved so fast being that a normal person would have gotten whiplash from how fast he moved it or snapped his neck but magic gives great endurance.

He was soon both angry and scared as he saw Sol ,protruding from a support column, with his thin fingers wrapped around Happy's throat. "No Salamander. You don't have me but I have your little flying rat within my grasp. I should make him welcome shouldn't I?" said Sol, increasing the intense pressure on the poor cat's neck. Despite the cat's eyes bugging out of his skull being quite the funny sight, he was turning a darker shade of blue due to lack of oxygen.

Choking isn't funny kid being that I'm pretty sure Happy's face would be if the Smurfs were choking but I'm not a Smurf doctor. "Hey bastard! Let go of Happy! He has nothing to do with this fight!" said Natsu. The green haired wizard gained a glint of malice in his eyes. "Oh well, I should be the grateful host but nope!" said Sol. He soon slammed Happy against the pillar with great force, earning a yelp of pain from the winged cat.   

Natsu's eyes widened with him racing right toward Sol and Happy just as Happy was thrown on the ground. Time slowed down for Natsu in this moment, racing toward Happy at the speed that his legs could move. He just missed Happy ,by arm's reach, being that Happy's body was frozen from the impact due to the earth pillar coming right from under him. This may be awful but hey, Sol is a very messed up man. I'm only making it worse. 

His eyes widened from the pain and shock with blood flying from his lips. Sol chucked darkly with him snapping his fingers. The pillar soon formed into a giant hand that grabbed Happy tightly being that Happy reached the roof of the room before being slammed into the nearby pillar. Sol's laughter grew stronger, snapping his fingers once again. The earth arm slammed Happy into the roof being that the tube man snapped one final time.

Happy was slammed harshly into the ground being that the palm of the hand drove Happy into the ground so hard to make a Happy shaped hole. The arm vanished upon turning into dust, revealing a battered and bruised Happy. All was silent for Natsu as he looked at his very injured best friend and partner. He quickly ran towards Happy and knelt down, picking him up. His ears twitched and he released an internal sigh of relief.

His enhanced senses picked up on the tuna scented breath that came out of Happy's mouth and the slow heartbeat in his chest. As he cradled Happy's form, his eyes widened when he felt something warm and wet touch his fingers. His eyes widened as he saw blood flowing from the wound on the winged cat's skull. He stared at the red substance as if it were some sort kind of object from a foreign land or another dimension.

In all of the time Natsu has raised Happy with Lisanna and all of the time he has been on dangerous missions, Happy's durability was supernatural and never bled. I mean he survived a point blank explosion. This changed. Natsu growled as he rested Happy gently on the ground and rose to his feet being his bangs shielding his face. "You bastard." said Natsu with his fist clenched tighter than normal and his eyes glowed ferocious red and yellow.

His magic spiked with his fists soon engulfing his body in both fire and lightning. "Lighting Fire Dragon Mode! You made Happy bleed! You're dead bastard!" yelled Natsu. He stomped the ground with him ejected flames from the soles of his sandals. Sol's body dodged around Natsu's lightning kick being that the blow from the kick making a massive hole in the support column and Sol only laughed. "Of course I did you damn lizard." said Sol, punching a punch directly to Natsu's chin.

His head snapped as Sol said,"First the flying rat, then you Salamander, and then the one who made me look stupid earlier!". He soon fired another twister of rock being that Natsu was soon tumbling through the air. Natsu implanted himself in the ground, tearing a trench through the ground and used friction to slow his movement. Natsu's head snapped up and glared at Sol. He reared back his arms as he decided to borrow a move from Zane.

He soon adjusted the composition of his fire and lightning before generating a giant fist of fire and lightning. "Lightning Fire Dragon Smash!" yelled Natsu. Sol's eyes widened being that the flames soon held onto him like they were solid being that Sol was shocked and burned at the exact same time. "No one..." said Natsu with him pulling Sol out of the column. "Makes Happy...." said Natsu as he reared back his fist. "Fucking! Bleed! Lightning Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" yelled Happy.

A sphere of lightning formed around his fists along with flames. Upon crashing harshly with Sol's face, he lost a tooth and began bleeding. This was after he got burned by fire and electrocuted by a bolt of lightning. Sol has this coming. He was sent rocketing through the air, but Natsu sped after him and grabbed Sol by the throat. He soon slammed him into the ground but continued to run, dragging Sol through it and making a trench through it.

He pulled Sol up and landed a punch straight into the gut. He soon twisted and slammed his flaming elbow against Sol's chest, burning a hole in the suit Sol wore. He soon spun on his heel with him slowly rearing his left leg and let it fly. "Lightning Fire Dragon Talon!" said Natsu, slamming the electrifying and flaming foot right into Sol's ribs. It hit the ribs with enough force to make bones crack and the spin kick sent Sol flying through the air.

He crashed his way right through two support pillars and then landing against the ground with earth shaking force. Like Totomaru before him, he quickly recovered with him using momentum to bring himself back to his feet. His shadow covered his body and the intense heat from Natsu's rage infused fires and lightning was felt even from twenty ,and quickly decreasing, feet in the air. The combined elements fashioned themselves into wings.

He soon swung his arms downwards with great speed. "Lightning Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" said Natsu. Sol quickly used his flexible body to avoid the burning and shocking hammer strike from above. The ground shuddered and shook before caved in on itself, the fires blowing a hole in the ground. If you look up, you'll see the fight going on. You should probably stay away. Sol was soon behind Natsu with his arms encased in earth. "Grotto Smash!" yelled Sol.

He slammed the rocky arm being that it slammed against Natsu's back, with the impact of said fist making the boy stumble forwards. He quickly spun around with strike and lashed out with a strong kick that shattered the earth around the arm. He grabbed Sol by the wrist and pulled him forward being that he got the knee of justice right into the man's stomach. Man, I made two Captain Falcon reference in one post. I'm doing better than Nintendo.

I mean it's been how many years since the last F-Zero. I really don't care about the game series but man, that guy is still around thanks to Smash. Sol was soon grabbed by his hair and was yanked downwards as Natsu brought his knee up again to repeat the attack. However, he decided to aim for Sol's face and alongside the nose breaking, the monocle broke as well. The cartilage broken, blood flowed with gusto from Sol's nostrils. "Lightning Fire Dragon Crushing Fang!" shouted Natsu.

The head reared back from the force thanks to the ferocious arc and his jaw was dislocated. A right hook followed afterwards before a sweeping upward kick sent Sol off his feet. "Lightning Fire Dragon Talon!" shouted Natsu. Another upward sweeping kick followed after and it collided with his chest and Sol flew high into the air. Natsu ejected flames from his fists to give him a boost in altitude as he leaped after his airborne opponent.

He soon clasped his hands together and brought them down in a crushing hammer blow that sent Sol to the ground at a breakneck speed. Sol groaned ,as he lay in a crater which wasn't his size, and Natsu fell right after him like before in the fight, his body was engulfed in fire and lightning. "Lightning Fire Dragon Sword Horn!" shouted Natsu. Sol lay in the crater with him watching Natsu. "You dam fool." said Sol. Natsu collided with the ground in time to see Sol vanish into the earth.

As the fiery and lightning explosion rocked the mobile guild house of Phantom Lord, Natsu's flames and lighting had vanished. The son of Igneel glanced around, his senses stretching to its limits as he searched for his opponent. However he was blinded by the dust and his hearing partially occupied due to the remnants of the shockwave and sound of falling stone, Sol had chosen then to pop out of the ground faster than Natsu could react. "Hello Salamander!" said Sol.

Sol grabbed Natsu by his wrists being that his body was around the arm like a leech. Natsu's eyes was soon widened in disgust and amazement as Sol snaked his way up and around Natsu's body, binding him. "Time to take you through a ride through Terra Firma!" said Sol. Natsu suddenly felt his body being moved of its own accord and he twisted in the air. Sol undid his bindings so that he was now above Natsu and slammed his feet down on Natsu's unprotected back.

However, Natsu reacted quickly and adjusted his arms so that he caught his body by the forearms, his head hovering an inch away from the ground. If he didn't do this, it would have caused a concussion creating impact. Natsu unleashed a burst of fire and lightning from within his body and the duo of elements sent Sol flying back through the air. Sol landed on the ground being that the wizard soon slammed his hands on the ground.

Sol said,"You shall not escape this! Mudslide Rampage!". The earth around him liquefy being that the ground flowed like it was water and soon a massive river of mud crashed into Natsu with terrific force. Sol chuckled as he manipulated the mud that was ahead of Natsu. The mud rose and formed a massive arc. Natsu could only struggle before the massive wave of mud crashed down on him. "Don't let up on the fool. Platre Sonata!" shouted Sol.

Out of the mud river, a massive clenched fist of earth slammed into Natsu's mud covered form with terrific force which carried him through the air. It smashed him through the wall and sent him flying outside the mobile guild. The scream of anger and pain ,mostly anger, from Natsu was music to the mustached man's ears and he chuckled. He bent his body from side to side while waving his hand as he said,"Farewell Salamander!".

Next time,
With the fire wizard of Phantom Lord defeated by the combination of fire, ice, and lightning, Fairy Tail's fire wizard falls toward the water thanks to the earth. Will Natsu recover from this crushing defeat? Will Happy be okay? And who will rival Sol in the creep factor? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

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