Friday, April 12, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 39 Fairy vs Phantom PT 5 The battle between Dragon Slayers and Phantom Royalty Section 4 (Written on December 9 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 39 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 39. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Zane smiled as he thought,"Okay. At least the Phantom is gone for now because man, that thing is more annoying than Lucifer is when he's drunk.". "Hey!" said Lucifer. "It's the truth." said Azalea. Zane sensed and saw a massive pillar of magic energy and killing intent appear from the smoke cloud as he sighed. "Dude. Just give up already. I mean you've lost already so just give up before I decide to paint the guild hall red with your blood unintentionally I might add." said Zane.

The wounded Wizard Saint rose from his personal crater being that he was not looking good. Blood flowed the wound to the skull and his right arm was bent at a angle which it shouldn't be bent at an angle which it really shouldn't be at by the way. Heavy burns were on his chest. There was only a remainder of his shirt, the lower part of his pants, and boots. He stomped right over toward Zane as he shouted,"You will die by my hands Alvarez!". 

Zane rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Like that's the first time someone has told me to die." said Zane as he thought back on how many times he's heard that. Zane saw Jose appear in front of him with him channeling his magic into his good arm and wrapped his fingers around Zane's neck. Zane was slammed into the ground with a good amount of force. Zane was then raised into the air and was kicked away from the Wizard Saint. 

Jose jumped after him and Zane got a good roundhouse kick to the stomach area. Zane was sent flying through the air before crashing to the ground and he felt Jose crashing his foot down on his left arm. "I hope you like this. Shade Shatter!" said Jose. After charging up his magic, Zane's left arm exploded with the right arm followed suit. "You won't have a chance to grow them back anytime soon!" shouted Jose. 

He picked the arm less Zane up before kicking Zane right into three pillars and came to a stop by the fourth one. The fourth pillar did have a Zane sized indentation and a lot of cracks in it so a simple breeze would blow it down at this point. "So where was this Jose during the fight? I mean you're actually kinda scary now. Not by much but you get my point right Second Place?" groaned Zane. Jose began laughing with Zane saying,"Dude. You're going full ham. Stop it.". 

Jose glared at him as he said,"Don't you get it fool?! You are the only one to push this far other than that coward Makarov!". "Aww. You're using my nickname for him. I'm touched." said Zane. "To think that such a youth could be this annoying. I was going to kill you quickly but I decided to make your death slow and very painfully. Seeing you die will hurt all of them more than I could ever imagine." said Jose with a smile. 

Instead of being scared, Zane smiled. "And this is why you're a virgin. I mean you couldn't even score a date with a blind chick because they are really good at judging people using their other senses." said Zane. This caused Jose's magic spiked once again. "So are you ready to die now Legion Void Knight or how should I do it?" said Jose. "Not happening." said Zane, standing back up. He may be without his arm but honestly, he'll be fine. 

I mean he survived an acid bath by his skin regenerating just as it was destroyed when he was sixteen years old. For a few minutes now, Zane had been dodging Jose's ranged and close range attacks being that he was trying to immobilize Zane. However, Zane was all over the place being that Jose's powered up attacks were missing but Zane couldn't get a break to regenerate due to Jose not letting relax for even a moment. 

He did make a copy of them using Rainbow Nether like he has done before but he liked the feeling of real arms rather than energy ones. Jose vanished as he appeared in front of Zane. He was going to stabbed Zane in the gut with his Shade Sword but Zane ,turning into candy syrup, dodged it and kicked Jose in the back. Jose didn't look affected as he grabbed Zane's left heel. He threw Zane into the ground with the impact making a large sound.

Jose rammed right into Zane with impressive speed and pinned him to the opposing wall by grabbing his throat. Jose grinned even harder as he stabbed Zane's thigh muscle in his right leg. He repeated this attack with the left leg. Jose snapped his fingers as a pair of Shades appeared on either side of him. They roared as they gripped both of Zane's arms and legs. "Oh. I'm so scared. What are they going to do? Rip my limbs off! I still have a head you know!" said Zane. 

The Wizard saint smiled as he said,"I thought you would never ask.". The recently created beings then  ripped out Zane's arms and legs from the main body with Zane falling to the ground, being unable to do anything. Jose felt a powerful energy radiating from Zane being that he glared at Jose in a very feral manner. His eyes were filled with wrath. "You honestly think you've won just because I've got no arms or legs right now! You're honestly a bigger fool than I thought." said Zane.

He smiled as he said,"I've eaten punks like you breakfast all my life and trust me, you've done nothing but make my wrath grow. I'm going to bury you and stomp on you grave because you've committing the greatest sin of all! Pissing me the fuck off!". He looked right at Jose, forcing him to fly back in fear. A light purple beam erupted from his eyes, turning the unaware bird flying above into a stone statue as it came crashing down, shattering. 

Zane sighed as he said,"That's my Gorgon's Gaze. You really don't want me to turn you into stone by the way. It's quite painful.". Jose watched as his attempts at stopping Zane from doing anything failed as his arms and legs regenerated back. Despite being very angry about the whole thing since his attack caused him to use a good amount of magic, Jose kept his cool as he said with a smile,"And here I thought you weren't like the rest of those fairies outside.".

With a smile, Jose said,"I mean you did destroy my guild hall so I thought it would be only right if I destroy your guild hall. An eye for eye then. You're quite powerful so why do you keep fighting even though your loss will happen.". "Because I'm a hero and I'm always fighting for people who can't defend themselves. It's a curse but hey, I get to beat up idiots like you so it's all good." said Zane as the two clashed once again. With Natsu's group, they arrived on shore.

The only one not panting were Erza, Happy, Lucy, Natsu, Sly, and Stella. Gray and Juvia didn't get a free ride by Air Happy, Mira, or Sly so they had to run. They had to run fast since that Zane's fight was destroying their bridge back by complete accident. They arrived just to see Master Makarov standing there, wearing his same outfit from the start of the war. He stood there with his arms crossed and glaring at the Giant.

He did promise Porlyusica that he would leave Jose to Zane being that from what he gathered upon arriving much to the shock of his children, Zane was forcing Jose to use more magic than he would have on a normal wizard. "Hey. It's Master!" said Gray. He and the others ran over to Makarov being that Juvia and Sly stood to the side. Despite her being called a friend by Zane, she was still worried about Fairy Tail taking revenge on her. 

Everyone cheered even louder upon seeing the infiltration's team return along with Lucy. Elfman was shocked to see Mira back in her Satan Soul. "We'll talk about this later Elfman. We have something to owe this and Master's recovery." said Mira. "Yeah! Welcome back gramps!" said Natsu as Makarov nodded. "Thank you Natsu but do tell me why Erza is out cold?" said Makarov with him looking at the tied up Erza, confused. "Zane." said the infiltration group. "Ah." said Makarov.

After that, everone began to catch up with each other on the situation that they were all put through. Gray had to explain that Zane knocked out Erza with one punch with Elfman calling Zane a man not because he punched a girl because he isn't a man who abuses women or supports men who abuse women but how he knocked someone out with one punch. Him putting Erza in a prison wasn't manly however. Mira ,who was still in her Satan Soul, looked at the giant.

She knew that Zane was still fighting Jose being that she clasped her hand over her heart. "Zane. Stay safe okay?" thought Mira. "Hey you guys! Look!" shouted Happy. The guild followed the cat's paw to the hole within the giant, revealing the battle that had been taken place inside. Sly could tell that Zane was very mad being that you really shouldn't try to make Zane mad. His anger is actually very infamous in the Omniverse.

He's a real monster when he's pushed to his limits and will destroy anything who gets in his way but Zane always tried his best not to hurt innocent people while he's triggered. Jose watched Makarov and the group from earlier arrive on the main land being that he shouted,"You dam brat! I'll end your pathetic life!". "Yeah. That ain't happening." said Zane. He make a typical magic circle appear in front of him being that in his right hand, he held Lazarus Soul.

Energy was being absorbed by the blade with Zane saying,"Snake Clan: Apprehending Slice and Arcane Emperor Absorb!". Zane sent the energy from his sword toward Jose as snakes. The snakes  grabbed onto Jose, draining him of his energy. "My power. What the hell are you doing to me brat?!" said Jose with a glare. "Taking some of that vast magical energy of yours and giving it back to the less fortunate aka me." said Zane.

Jose felt his magic leaving him being that before he could do anything about the serpents slowly taking his magic energy, he was sliced by Zane and was launched back toward a couple of feet. Much to no one shock at this point, he was heading right toward one of the unbroken walls. Zane cracked his neck being that he was just getting started thanks to that energy absorption combo. Jose appeared in front of him being that the two were clashing fists.

The Wizard Saint was using his magic to enhance his strength while Zane wasn't. Each blow was terrifying being that wind surged around the two with each fist. The snakes were still attached on Jose being that he flinched as he felt his energy getting sapped. "Sweet Bullet!" said Zane with him jumping back. He turned his left hand into its candy syrup form, it then transformed into a gatling gun, and he hardens the candy syrup with Vulcan Emperor.

He fires bullets of candy syrup which can easily be used to pierce through Jose being that he was unable to do anything to block Zane's punch which was aimed right for Jose's face. Upon contact with the man's face, the ground quake and shattered. Jose was back in a crater being that Zane stood there with his anger slowly dissipating. Jose rushed toward him being that he had anger in his eyes and his fist was coated in his magic. 

Zane blocked his punch by grabbing his fist and held on tight. He began to crush Jose's hands as Jose grunted upon feeling pain in his hands. The snakes were still draining his strength being that Jose was hit in the face by Sweet Gong. This created dust around the two being that Zane backed up. Zane slowly turned around and he saw that the guild hall in ruins but everyone was safe. He saw Makarov with the man nodding.

The hero smiled as he didn't want to let them down. "So are you done now? I mean we've attracted a crowd and losing in front of them would be the worst for your pride." said Zane. The ground shook around Zane being that Jose rose from his crater with the snakes ,that were on his body, slowly decaying thanks to his magic. His power was still growing and his face screamed crazy. "Nope but a hero could dream I guess." said Zane, shrugging.

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh. I have an idea. A wonderful awful idea.". Zane rushed toward the broken wall being that Jose was determined to exterminate him on the spot. "You're not leaving here alive brat!" shouted Jose, dashing toward Zane. Jose was going to reach Zane being that before he could do that, he was punched in the face thanks to an arm that sprouted from Zane's back. Zane leaped off the edge and plummeted down below.

Back with Fairy Tail, Mira shouted,"Zane!". She reached out toward him in a helpless manner being that Elfman and Gray restrained her despite both of them were shocked just like she was. Cana and Stella had their hands covering their mouths in shock. Lucy and Natsu couldn't believe what just happened being that Sly watched with her arms crossed. They all watched Jose standing at the edge of the barely standing guild hall.

Jose shouted with a smirk,"I've never been able to stand Fairy Tail! The trigger for this war may have been petty but I don't care!". "We've received a request to recover the lost heiress to the Heartfilia conglomerate!" said Jose. "Lucy?!" thought Natsu, guarding Lucy from Jose. "That child is related to one of the kingdom's most wealthiest men and she's had joined Fairy Tail! How more power do you intended to have?! Is Makarov trying to buy his way to the top?!" raged Jose. 

The guild glared at him being that Jose said,"If you pathetic guild had unrestricted access to the limitless funds.  You would have the title of number one being that is something that simply cannot happen!". He had a large magic circle aimed down at Zane being that the hero began to laugh. "Just wow Jose! I thought you're fucking pathetic to get all hot and bothered on who is the best but you're honestly dumber than Triple B usually is!" shouted Zane.

He stopped falling as he floated there. "What the hell are you saying brat??!" yelled Jose. "I make this clear for you idiot. She RAN AWAY from home, meaning that her access to her family's fortune is pretty much null and void! She's renting a decent looking place for 70,000 Jewels a month and keeps fucking complaining about it instead of trying to pay it off by working! She fights, laughs, and cries with Fairy Tail! She's a member of Fairy Tail and not the Heartfilia Konzern got it?!" yelled Zane.

Lucy's eyes widened as Zane said,"She made friends with everyone in that guild in a few days while I made enemies in that short time. She's a true member of Fairy Tail and an innocent in this war! She may be another rich brat in my eyes but she shouldn't be judged as one by you! No one's destiny is decided upon their birth! When I get a chance, I'm going to punch Jude right in the face for making her cry! I see her as one of my friends and I fight for my friends no matter what!". 

Lucy began to shed tears upon his declaration. "You don't know a god damn thing about her Jose! So don't act like you do! All of us are fighting for her! Fairy Tail could have abandoned me anytime whenever they want but they haven't for some fucking reason! They're friendship, family, love, and all that crap. They would even go out of their way to make sure that their allies even their enemies are okay just because they accept into their family even if they were once enemies." said Zane.

He clenched his fist as he said with a strong glare,"Everyone one of them is a good person but I’m not. I have killed and I will do it again. So hit me already! I'm not giving up because everyone is believing in me to kick your fucking ass and I intended to deliver!”.  "Fine. Do you think I'm giving her to her father for free? Oh I plan on milking her for every cent she's worth because our guild deserves to be number one!" said Jose with a grin.

Zane growled as he said,"Just shut up already. You're and try to hit me or did I wreck your shit too much?". "I'll make an example of you in front of your guild mates that you seem to treasure so much! Die you abomination! Shade Void!" roared Jose. He fired a powerful and gigantic beam of Shade Magic directly onto Zane being that the attack easily enveloped Zane from all sides, eradicating him from the face of Earthland. 

Lucy was standing there as time around her seemed to stop. That image replayed in her head twenty times over a span of two seconds. She didn't want to believe it, she couldn't. Maybe this was just a big illusion or joke to her being that her eyes could be playing tricks on her. There was no way. Zane couldn't have died right? Stella stood there in complete disbelief being that she couldn't have watched Zane died in front of her. "No. He couldn't have died right?" muttered Stella.

She went on her knees being unable to move upon seeing her mate die right in front of her eyes. Juvia looked at where Zane was. She never thought that she would see the sun ever again but Zane gave her that chance. She stood there with her mumbling,"Zane. No.". The clouds above her and the rest of the Fairy Tail began to storm up with it looking it was going to rain. Sly blinked in shock being that she was well aware of Zane's strong weakness toward magic. 

This is due to his Phantom blood inside of him being that Animus of any kind will damage him. She walked toward the edge of the cliff being that she expected Zane to be down there and hiding, just waiting to strike. She couldn't see him but the water that was hit by Jose's spell was bubbling and she could see a tentacle moving. She smiled as she looked up at Jose and decided to play along with her partner's idea since she knew him all too well.

She remember doing this same thing with Danny during their first fight with Blaze's Group aka Zero Episode 116. "Zane. What the hell do you think you're doing?! You can't die on me! We promise to live for everyone one of our friends have died! You can't die!" said Sly, crying and slamming her fists into the ground. Jose triumphantly grin at this, showing his pearly white teeth by looking down at the lake to see nothing there. The boy and his very loud mouth were gone for good this time.

The purple explosion made this pretty clear to him being Zane was a strong opponent to have fought against but in the end, it doesn't matter. Most of the injuries he suffered at the hands of the superhero would take a good amount of time and money for him to recover. His skills in battle were remarkable and rather proficient being that Jose didn't want it to end like this. Jose chuckled and then turned his murderous grin upon a wide eyed Makarov who was still in shock of Zane's death.

One obstacle was gone being that he still had to take down Makarov, make his children suffer after their grandfather's dead, and taking Lucy back. "Makarov. One of your precious children had fallen at my hands. Don't worry. Your precious children will all be gone as all of you will join him!" said Jose who laughed manically. He felt the ground shaking below him being that the shaking started and began quickly escalated.

Jose was grabbed by a gigantic burgundy tentacle ,from the ocean, much to his shock, He tried to break out of it but he couldn't due to him being stunned completely by something else. He saw a gigantic ,made out of Tyrannus Nether, Zenith Sphere. It looked like a Colossal Zenith Sphere in terms of its power. However, its size was slightly smaller. It had seven normal sized Zenith Sphere ,also being made out of Tyrannus Nether, floating around the giant sphere.

It was like a moon around the planet. The guild and Jose heard "You can't kill me with a death beam you guys! Eat this! Terrestrial Zenith Sphere!" said a voice. The sphere slammed into Jose being that Jose was sent flying back and the attack destroyed the remaining upper half of the mecha. It escalated and went up into the sky, being that there was a giant explosion of Tyrannus Nether that destroy the rain cloud above them.

No debris fell from that attack being anything that it touched was destroyed. Jose slowly went toward the wide hole and looked down, only to get a rocket punch to the face. He was knocked back by the fist being that the fist connected back to its owner who stood there on top of a burgundy tentacle as Jose gritted his teeth. "You bastard! How did you survive?!" shouted Jose with a serious scowl. Zane jumped off the tentacle with him saying,"Having a Plan Z is always a good thing to have.".

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
As Zane watched Jose's attack coming toward him at a fast rate for a normal person but to Zane, it moved not at the speed of sound but the speed of snails. Zane heard the water below him rumble as he spotted Nemo heading toward him. He had expanded in size being that he was easily twenty feet tall with Zane smiling. He dived into the water being that Nemo smiled upon seeing his master and Zane said,"You need to move now big guy!".

While under the water, the two dodged the death beam being that Nemo said,"So Zane, why are you taking a bath right now?". "I was trying to dodge Jose's death beam and then surprise him using one of my attacks. So why are you here? I thought you were fighting Eden aka Doppelganger of the Death Head Caucus guild. I mean they have the exact same magic and honestly, Jose wants powerful wizards to make him look better." said Zane with him talking underwater with ease.

Nemo moved an unconscious Eden in front of Zane being that she was wrapped in one of his many tentacles. "I'll admit that she's strong but compared to you and your team, she's nothing. I think you destroying that living substitute of her was a good sign on how strong she really is. She may just be another fake though." said Nemo. "Nemo, you and I are much stronger than most if not all beings in this dimension. So mind helping me out with something?" said Zane.

Nemo nodded as he held Zane in one of his tentacles being that the superhero was currently making his Terrestrial Zenith Sphere. "Now. Grab onto Second Place so he can't escape. I mean just to make sure since sorcerers of any dimension are quite agile." said Zane. "Yep. Sivarth is quite vocal about that little detail when he's drunk." said Nemo. The tentacle wrapped around Jose being that Zane fired his attack and then punched in the face.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane smiled as Jose growled. "You annoying Fairy Tail Bastard!" shouted Jose with him firing a Dead Wave being that his attack was much weaker than before. This was due to him running really low on magic. Zane nodded as two tentacles blocked the attack by just punching it. You may ask how tentacle can punch something but it made a fist so that is how it works right? Zane then added it in a Tyrannus Spheroid to make Nemo's attack and it caused an explosion.

It didn't push anyone back but did shake up the place once and produced powerful winds that lasted for a good thirty seconds. Every member of Fairy Tail cheered upon seeing Jose getting owned by the combo of some form of Zenith Sphere and rocket punch which made the boys cheer louder. It was cool to them. Mira was relieved being that she almost gasped for air upon seeing her crush not dead in the slightest but perfectly fine.

She had a wide smile rested on her face which was still in Satan Soul being that if anyone saw this smile, they would shiver a little. She wiped away the tears that had fallen while she thought that she was obliterated into nothing. To describe what they saw, think the World of Light intro and you got a pretty clear image on what they just saw. "What the hell is wrong with that guy?! He made us worry for nothing!" said Cana in an irritated tone.

Mira knew that Cana and Zane were rather close being that it was obvious to everyone that she was happy that he was unharmed. "I'm going to kill him for doing a stunt like that!" said Cana as Stella agreed with her. "I think we may have to wait our turn ladies." said Mira with her pointing to something. The duo of Cana and Stella followed Mira's finger being that the two gulped in fear. Erza had awoken around the time of Zane's "eradication". 

Her vine prison had been destroyed by her raw magic power being that she was quite mad at Zane for not allowing her to fight with him when he allowed Mira and almost died in front of him. To say that she's mad is another story entirely being that her anger toward Zane was even more than Jose's anger toward Zane. "Yeah. That's a very smart idea Mira since I doubt Natsu could calm her down at this point." said Stella.

Makarov overhead the three girls talking and saw one girl fuming being that he couldn't help himself from chuckling at the scene. He was just as worried ,if not more, as they were when he thought Zane was eradicate from the face of Earthland. However, his fears were unfounded. He saw Zane deliver a powerful attack directly to Jose and a fist. Makarov was know sure about something. Zane had more tricks than a bag of tricks and was hiding a lot of things from pretty much everyone.

According to Zane. he had a lot of stamina being that he could easily keep up with a wizard saint after stopping both Aria and Juvia beforehand. Sly looked up being that she knew that expecting Zane to do something normal isn't going to happen. She and him have been together ever since she was born and knew how strong he really was mainly when he got serious. Her smile had returned being that she said,"Keep being that unpredictable bastard I know and love.".

Jose fired another Dark Pulse being Zane phased right through the explosion. Seeing that, Jose fired a point blank Dead Wave which had been absorbed by a Void Absorption and then a Karmic Enlarged Limbo was fired. Jose was slammed into another wall as every cell in his body was aching. If you were to imagine it, there is a giant hole in the ground from the Zenith Sphere. An entire wall was shattered and revealing the Fairy Tail guild looking up.

Three adjacent walls severely cracked, a shattered roof and floor with multiple craters from the two combatants, giving it a moon like view to it and having no roof. Jose was pretty much on his last legs being that Zane could keep fighting for hours. Jose had to end this fight now being he stood affirm and was gathering a very large sum of magic, making the place quake yet again. Jose's power skyrocketed being that Zane only smiled.

With a quick knuckle crack, Zane said,"Oh wow. You're really powering up aren't you? I guess I should get serious too. I mean I'm going to kick your ass for what you have done here today. Lugnut may have hurt those two morons and trashed the guild where I call my home. I truly don't think I can never forgive him for some of the things he's done. But honestly, he gave me a tougher fight than you could ever. In my time alive in this Omniverse, some times words aren't enough to get through to someone.".

Zane then got into a fighting stance. "You can speak to someone and connect with something through a fight. You've corrupted a lot of people such as Lugnut and Juvia. You made them think that Fairy Tail was a terrible good-for-nothing guild and that we needed to be put in our place like the beasts you made them think we are. Gajeel is an very arrogant and self absorbed asshole but deep down, he's actually a good guy." said Zane.

His eyes glowed red as he said,"Like most people in this dimension, he must have gone through countless hardships. I'll kick your ass for making two promising wizards miss their potential because of your damn lies!". "Oh. It seems that you're quite the caring wizard. So what are you going to do about it boy?" said Jose. "I don't care about your stupid fucking title because well to me, you're nothing but a loud and obnoxious ant." said Zane.

Jose's head had multiple veins protruding from his forehead as he shouted,"I was going to allow you to say your prayers and bow to me but now, I'll obliterate you!". He conjured a large amount of shades which ranged from the soldiers that had been plaguing the area, the giant jellyfish monster except with eight arms rather than four, and two Phantom of Darkness. The magic power around Jose was so dense being that the sky around them was darkening.

The ground right below Jose was also breaking and the air all around the guild master completely distorted.  Despite this, Zane was getting ready to fight Jose. He knew that Jose's attack will destroy the rest of the Phantom Lord guild hall along with himself if it hits. He needed to make sure that Jose was distracted being that if Jose misses him, it would obliterate the side of the building that he stood in front of him. Zane knew that he had thirty seconds before the blast would fire and came up with a plan.

Zane looked at Jose with him saying,"You've spilled the blood of the innocent and that's a sinful offense toward life. I shall put an end to this tantrum here and now!". He took a deep breath with him releasing his "full power" but in all reality, it was only 100% out of 1,000,000%. This amount of power made both his enemies and allies shiver in terror. The Cross Species wasn't in a pleasant mood being that he just wanted this war to be over.

He may not like most of the guild but seeing them hurt didn't make him happy whatsoever. He was a hero that protected the innocents even if he doesn't personally like them. The fight between Jose and Zane had been one sided since the sight being that Jose was slightly intimidated by the amount of power his opponent. He may be one of the weaker Wizard Saints but he was still a Wizard Saint and this brat's power was engulfing him once again.

Jose was silent being that he smugly grin with him deciding to show Zane how strong he is. The power around him increased more as small pebbles floated off the floor around him. "It seems that you are just like Makarov. If you and I fight for real, it would cause nothing more than Armageddon upon the land." said Jose. "Wow. I'm sorry but this won't be Armageddon. It isn't even close to that whatsoever." said Zane.

He was gathering power and his eyes were filled with fury. "That won't be happening you Second Place Bastard. A real hero does anything he can to protect the ones he love and the one who can fight for themselves no matter what could happens to him in the process. Death won't happen to me today or every since there are many who would be sad at my passing. So bring it on and learn your place already!" said Zane, charging at Jose.

Back in the East Forest, Porlyuscia stood at the footsteps of her home with containers of apples and other goods laid. She held her broom tightly as she looked up, the wind was flowing around her. The injured Fairy Tail wizards were heading back to their guild hall after their master stormed off to do something them. "I can feel their fear. The tress, the Earth, and the atmosphere. This is exactly why I hate when that idiotic fool goes overboard!" said Porlyusica.

She kicked an innocent box of apples onto the ground. She swing her her broom around in a rather comical anger. "I hate his human side being that it's 1/4 of his Cross Species DNA! Human's only idea to solve a problem is using violence! Zane! You dumb old fool! You were a person that I respected before I met that old fool Makarov!" yelled Porlyusica. She was ranting and raving being that her eye caught an apple that rolled away.

The woman followed the rolling fruit until it stopped upon hitting a tree branch and was grabbed by a hand wrapped in bandages. The mummy like figure picked up the fruit as Porlyusica turned around in surprise being that she said,"Mystogan.". "May I?" said Mystogan, holding the apple. Porlyusica cupped her chin as she said,"Even with my idiotic teacher's healing, it was impressive to see Makarov make such a speedy recovery. You gathered his lost magic didn't you?".

She watched Mystogan taking a bite of the apple that he borrowed as a tic mark formed right on Porlyusica's head. "Did I say you could eat that?!" shouted Porlyusica. Holding the apple out, the masked wizard looked up. "This war will be over soon. It seems that the strongest wizards on both sides are preparing their final attack. Both of them are giants compared to mortal like me and the rest of them." said Mystogan.

Porlyusica looked up at him as she said,"The last thing is to get involve with the violence and trouble that comes with my former teacher. Aren't you one of Makarov's nakama? I thought you would be there supporting your guild.". Porlyusica's suddenly eyes widened when Mystogan reached into his cloak, and pulled out dozens of Phantom Lord flags. "Phantom Flags?! Don't tell me. He must have overthrown every single branch of Phantom Lord in Fiore!" thought Porlyusica.

Mystogan jumped off the tree branch with him taking a few steps and grabbing an apple. "May I have one for the road? The one who traveled across dimension has the main threat focused on so he does not needed distractions." said Mystogan. "You are going to clean this mess up aren't you boy?! I don't lend out apples to those who litter on my property!" said Porlyusica. Mystogan tilted his head as the woman sighed.

She looked up at the clear sky above her as she said,"Even after all this time, I don't understand the thought process of humanity. They thrust for power, constantly finding themselves at odds with each all of the time. They forgot how much pain and sorrow they bring with them whenever they do their foolish acts. All that matter is victory.". Mystogan ,who stole an apple, took another bite as he swallowed the fruit.

Without missing a beat, Mystogan said,"I believe there is a way to save us all from the constant violence and thrust for power among humans. It's a force of good and beacon of justice.". "The one who you speak about is that idiotic master of yours but there is another who fits that description. I've known him ever since I've learned of humanity's true nature. He was someone who keeps moving forward regardless of what could happen to himself just for others around him." said Porlyuscia.

Back at the giant, Jose and Zane stood at each other being that while the former was producing a vast amount of magic energy and the other was producing more than one form of energy. It was a massive amount, forming into a dragon which roared. Jose roared as he fired a few ghostly tendrils being they were erased upon contact with turquoise energy. "Just give up or else Jose, I won't hold back on you any more!" shouted Zane with him unleashing several version of his arms toward Jose.

They were blocked by Jose's Phantoms as Jose said,"Do you honestly think that I'll stop after you've annoyed me so much. I'll slaughter you after I take care of you.". "Yeah! That isn't happening! You are going down. Luminous Emperor Glittering Luster." said Zane. Light gathered throughout his body being that he released a blinding light, blinding the entire area around the two. "You don't think that will work on me! It's been six years since I've seen Makarov!" said Jose.

Zane was silent for now being that Jose said,"In that time, Phantom Lord was number one but the fairies became stronger! However, your guild hall nothing more than rubble now!". "Like I told those idiots earlier, the building isn't important to what makes a guild! It's the harmony between the people who bear the symbol! Time for you to learn your place Jose! Orb Prime!" said Zane being that Jose noticed all too familiar bright purple light.

Jose was hit directly by a giant multi-colored ,with silver cylindrical studs/bomb like fuses sticking out from it, ball which was moving at blinding speeds and the ball bounced back upon hitting him. It didn't deactivate his spell with him glaring right at the giant ball. It rolled to its side and opened up to revealed the evolved form of Orb Form. Like with Gravity Form, the Prime Form had to be the series at least one time before hand.

Zane now looked to be sixteen feet tall and his body looked to be the exact same as before in terms of how it looks. His eye color and his body's color have changed however. His eye color is now red with noticeable navy blue outlines. His mouth looked the same as it did in its prime form. His body is now a hard, yet organic light metallic sliver color with him wearing the same black jumpsuit as before and his claws look to be made out of solid gold. 

The armor like plating that covers his body is still the same color as before. It now has extra armor plating on top of that. His arm plating is covered by larger black and royal blue plating with gold edges. His shoulders have black plating with two lines, one is glowing blue and the other one is red. The plating that covers his back, chest, and legs are covered by silver plating. All of these extra armor plating have several silver cylindrical studs/bomb like fuses sticking out of them. 

Jose began to laugh as he saw Zane standing there. "This new take over of yours is nothing more than a joke! I shall destroy you here and now! Phantom Eradication!" said Jose. Zane responded to this by smacking his fists together ,like a sumo wrestler, with him shouting,"Fine! It's your funeral!". He went into his ball form and rolled toward the attack ,like a high speed tank, as the massive amount of magic went toward the orb. 

The blast was so large and massive with it could have easily leveled half of Magnolia. The wave of immense energy completely destroyed a solid third of the giant, showing that a small fraction of its right leg and arm was obliterated. He didn't give a damn about his mobile fortress since he wanted Zane dead and he laughed as he saw the giant ball vanish. "I've been looking forward to this. I haven't had the chance to fight someone on the same level as me because of the council!" shouted Jose.

Jose turned to hear one of the pillars to the side break being that he expected this but then he was hit by Orb Prime before bouncing off right him. "How did you dodge my attack?! You're the size of a freaking carriage!" shouted Jose. Inside of the ball, Zane smiled being that Jose could sense it. "You dam Fairy Tail Bastard! You'll pay!" scowled Jose. Zane rolled around Jose being that he was slowly making an divot in the ground.

He smashed right into Jose being that Jose was sent directly to the ground as the giant orb went flying into the air, rolling faster by the minute with him igniting. "This is for everyone in Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord whom you hurt with your actions! Take pride in being a better person than this idiotic fool of a master!" said Zane. He slammed right into Jose, causing a massive explosion of dust and flames.

Everyone looked up being that the sky above Phantom Lord's guild hall filled with menacing looking storm clouds with lightning and thunder ringing out. The ocean was stirring around them and caused the large waves to crash into the remaining portion of Phantom Lord. The ground began to shake. Inside of the building, Jose was being rolled on by Zane. It was like Zane was reviving up for a big race and Jose wasn't a fan of it.

He kept rolling forward as Jose shouted,"Get off me you bastard oaf!". Jose used his immense magic reserves to send Zane heading toward a wall being that the giant ball crashed into it and then bounced off. Zane slammed back into Jose, sending the guild master flying back. With him skidding to a complete stop, Jose gathered a large amount of shade magic around his hands. "Dead Wave!" yelled Jose.

The torrent of magic went flying toward Zane being that the giant orb was engulfed by it and it created a massive tidal wave outside of the building along with strong gusts of winds. After a moment when the dust settled, Zane stood there with Jose's neck held by Zane's right hand and the Phantom Lord was slammed into the ground. He made a massive crater with Jose at the center of the crater. "Learn your place already Jose!" shouted Zane.

Gray looked at Sly with him saying,"What the hell is going on in there?!". Bits of debris began to fall into the ocean. "Simple pervert cone. It's the boss fighting and well, I really hate to be the other guy. He defeated me after all and hell, I doubt the boss is usually his full power on him and me back in the day. That's why you really shouldn't fight this guy any time Prude Knight especially if he decides to be serious." said Nemo with him arriving on the main land.

Sly looked at Nemo with her saying,"Nemo. Why are we such good friends with an idiot who has a serious death wish.". "Because he makes things interesting. Oh old man coward, what do you want me to do with these guys?" said Nemo. Makarov ,who accepted the giant monster as one of Zane's friends from another dimension, noticed the unconscious Eden, Sol, and Totomaru within the tentacles as he said,"Just keep them on your person for now.".

The smoke and debris was gone being that Jose glared at Zane being that the giant ball was now out of his ball form. "I can see how you earned the title of Wizard Saint and Guild Master. You have great power at your disposal. If only you used your power for good and become a role model for the younger generation, I would regret doing this to you. However, you're being nothing more than a lesson on what a wizard should not doing!" said Zane.

Zane deactivated Orb Prime being that he said,"I think this belongs to me now. It should go to someone worthy of the title rather than you.". Jose's eyes widened upon seeing his Wizard Saint medallion that had been around his neck held by Zane. "Are you lecturing to me? You're nothing more than a brat compared to me." said Jose with a smirk. "So you admit that you're old huh? I mean the first step to admitting that you have a problem is by admitting you have one." said Zane.

Jose growled as Zane said,"The reason why I decided to stay with Master Makarov for this long is due to my little girl liking the jester a lot and I sorta of respect him except he's still a coward to me and my stubborn way of life. Nemo! I know that you can hear me! I'm bringing out the nightmare. It's time for you Jose to learn your place! I've seen your fatal flaw!". Zane smashed the medallion within his right hand as Jose was shocked by the action presented in front of him.

The wizard saints medallion aka the proof of his status and one of the highest honors that the magic council can bestow was shattered into a million pieces right in front of him. His anger ,which had been at a high level, had sky rocketed being that his eyes were glowing with rage. His clothes were in tattered and his body was severely wounded. He began panting heavily with one eye closed and one eye opened. In his rage, he didn't see Zane transformed into what would be his end.   

Above them, Nemo blocked the view of the Fairy Tail wizards. "Hey! Move!" shouted Natsu as he tried to see past the giant tentacle. "Boss would want me to protect you from Nightmare Form and well, it won't be pretty." said Nemo. Mira remembered Zane's warning from earlier being that Erza placed a hand on Natsu's shoulder, earning his attention. "Natsu. Just listen to him. He knows Zane and this is the right action but I will punish Zane for his actions the past couple of days." said Erza.

She was still royally pissed off as Gray shivered. "I really do feel bad the guy. I mean he's evoked the wrath of the Scarlet Terror." thought Gray. He remembered what happened to the poor fool who had really pissed off Erza back when they were kids. It once happened to him. He was in recovery for a good month being that he couldn't do anything until all of his bones recovered from the wrath of her strongest armor aka Purgatory Armor.

Jose looked at the creature in front of him with it confusing the man. He was now twelve feet tall. His body looks to be like a warrior and ogre like. His skin is a dark purple color. His body has faint dark gray spirals over his chest and upper back. His arms and legs are long with them having several organic yet metallic silver devilish spikes coming out of them and his fingers are pointy. He has a chain shackle around his right ankle with it coming attached with an large steel ball and chain.

He's wearing a silver metal cage helmet over his head. The helmet has four horns protruding from the back, front, left, and right of the helmet. It has a natural ring of electricity that looks like a halo. The helmet has a skull like crest on the bottom and top of the helmet. His superhero logo is on the back of the helmet. The cage’s door have seven bars, five of them are in the center of the door with the other two bars going horizontal over the five vertical bars.

The door can open in one of three different ways. It can either be open from the left, middle, and right very much like a window shade. Zane wears a variation of his Zeta Costume exposing his arms and legs. He wears two chains over his chest being that it makes an “X” on the back and front. He has four glowing red eyes ,with black pupils, that stick out from his helmet. "I'll give you to the count of three Jose. Do what I say and I'll spare your life." said Zane with his voice being deep and demonic.

Jose looked at him ,with an angry look on his face, being that Zane said,"Kneel and beg for forgiveness to me and EVERYONE in Fairy Tail ranging from the coward to Triple B!". A short moment had passed as the man raised a brow. "You're not serious are you?!" yelled Jose. "One." said Zane as he began his countdown. "You want me to concede and kneel before you and the rest of you fairies! No way in hell!" shouted Jose.

Zane's helmet was slowly opening up as he said,"Two.". The area around him ignited in dark energy with the clouds above him darkening. "Why would the master of Fiore's strongest guild ever stoop so low as to kneel before you?! I'm much stronger and powerful than you brat! Shade Void!" said Jose. His most powerful spell did nothing to Zane being that the dark energy from the ogre made the spell vanish into thin air. "Three!" said Zane.      

Despite this, Jose shouted,"If anything, you should kneel before me! Die before! Vanish from the face of history itself Fairy Tail!". "Time's up Jose! Time for you to face you fears like the coward you truly are by the judgement/judgement of Nightmare Oblivion!" said Zane as his helmet was opened and Jose let loose an agonizing scream. A dark explosion engulfed him and the rest of the giant being that it was pure terror.

Everyone watched as darkness flooded the entire area being that everyone heard screaming. "What the hell is going on?! Is that Zane?" said Natsu. "This energy is so scary!" said Happy with Natsu holding the cat close to him. "This is the power of Nightmare Form Natsu, one of Zane's strongest forms." said Sly. "Seriously?! What even is it?" said Lucy. "Nightmare Form is all of the evil of the Omniverse wrapped into one." said Sly.

Sly sighed as she said,"Anyone who gazes upon the masked form's true face will experience a fear like no other felt before. It's a powerful form but it has the ability to effect Zane and his allies so he uses this form whenever he can block the negative effects onto only his enemies rather than his allies so Nemo is guarding us from easily one of the top five strongest forces in the Omniverse.". "Boss can be really scary at times." said Nemo.

The darkness and screaming vanished as the area went back to normal. The water was now calm just like before, clouds had dissipated, and the lightning and thunder stopping. It seems the darkness had vanished from the area as well. From within the giant, Jose was feeling true terror. His skin ,including his clothing and hair, was pure white being that his body was shaking like a dog in the winter. His arms were fixed into a position that shielded his face.

His skin was wrinkled and his eyes were wide as dinner plates. His mouth had a horrified expression plastered on his face. His mouth hung agape. Zane walked toward him being that his mask had been sealed up. "Don't fuck with me or Fairy Tail again. Mainly me got it?!" said Zane. Jose screamed louder than the screams before fainting with him mumbling about random stuff, ranging from spiders to Lucy of all things. 

Zane sighed as he said while turning around,"Even with me being bestie with Ultear, I'm sure that the council won't be too happy with your actions. Whatever, this won't be pleasant for anyone being really annoying.". He was walking back toward his guildmates being that he was tired and needed a nap sooner rather than later. A hazy humanoid figure appeared out of thin air being that it was Aria who recovered from Zane's beatdown earlier.

He was slightly behind Zane with his eyes and mouth wide open in exhilaration with him bawling his eyes out. This face alone rivals anything creepy Sol would do times a solid thirty. "Our master has fallen. How sad! This fool was left himself wide open! This is my chance!' thought Aria. Before Aria could do anything, Zane vanished and shocked Aria. "Feel for the old Zane gag didn't you? Time for you to fall like your master." said a voice.

Aria turned around to see Zane ,still in Nightmare Form, holding Lazarus Soul with his dark energy covering the blade being that it was obvious to Aria that he made a terrible mistake, attacking Zane like he did with Makarov. "Zenith Slash!" said Zane. He released a massive wave of darkness directly toward Aria, engulfing his entire body in it. Aria was sent flying into a rocky pillar being that he was knocked out once again.    

Zane deactivated Nightmare Form being that he stomped on Aria's hat. "The fight is over. Fairy Tail have won. Accept your loss gracefully being that if you don't, I'll eradicate all of you without a single ounce of hesitation. Now get out of my sight." said Zane, putting on his headphones and he threw up a victory sign. He noticed that the building was starting to fall apart being that he said,"Uh oh. May have gone overboard. Oh well, it was a tacky mecha anyways.".

Back on the main land, Wakaba shouted,"So let me get this straight. That pillar of pure darkness wasn't Jose but Zane.". "Pretty much. Nightmare Form is one of his best for getting shit down and has a very high chance of possible nightmares until the end of your life." said Sly. "You've got to be kidding me Sly. Zane has that much power inside of him." said Macao. "Boss is a god you damn human. I did a good Sivarth right Sly?" said Nemo.

Sly nodded as the Phantom Lord guild hall began to crumble apart being that chunks of debris fell and the structure shuddering as it was slowly breaking apart. The two responsible for this giant's fall from grace is Natsu and Zane being that the latter was more destructive than Natsu. "Wait! Zane is still in there!" shouted Mira with the guild going into panic mode. They all shrieked as the structure crumble and fell apart with Zane inside.

Cana and Stella stood wide eyes as it happened being Juvia was speechless. Would her beloved make it out okay? Her mind was beginning to process over several different concerns in regards to the person who brought the sunlight to her life. The only two not freaking out or gawking were Nemo and Sly being that the two were used to this kind of crap from Zane being that Zane often did this to prove a point or give them a heart attack. They're still not sure even after all this time.

All of them looked up to see Zane flying through the air being all of Fairy Tail cheered as Zane landed safe and sound. He was the center of attention being that all of Fairy Tail ,except for the duo of Laxus and Mystogan, was looking at him. He was banged up a bit but he looked like he could keep going for a couple more fights. "So hi? I may have won the fight against Second Place but hey, it was a team effort so go us and junk like that." said Zane.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane jumped upwards to evade a group hug. "I don't do hugs unless all of you become cute girls which means the group hug isn't happening!" said Zane. He landed on the ground with the short master of Fairy Tail smiling. Cana gave Zane a breast filled hug being that she jumped onto him, forcing him to hold her or fall down with her on top, being either option was looking pretty good in his opinion.

Makarov crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. "Nope. You did all of the work Zane being that despite your personality ticks, you make a great member of our family." thought Makarov. Zane got a hug from Kaida who shouted,"You were awesome Papa! You kicked Jose's butt!". "That's right I did Kaida. I'm proud of you too. You were able to activate Jaime to help defeat Gajeel. You're a true Alvarez got it." said Zane with Kaida giving him a stronger hug.

Zane held Kaida in his arms as he was asked how he did all of the sweet moves and did that epic finish on Jose. Too many questions were being asked and Zane refused to answer them since he really didn't want to. "You made our hearts just stop too many times your highness." said Macao. "I love to do that kind of stuff. It's my forte much to the annoyance of the people who care for me like a family." said Zane.

Makarov and Zane looked at each other being that Makarov smiled. "Zane. You did well and I see that Porlyusica was correct in her judgement. I thought I was the only one who could match Jose in a fight but you taught him a lesson that he'll hopefully remember for the rest of his life. All of you did a great job and the enemy has fallen to the might of Fairy Tail." said Makarov. The crowd cheered once again being that Zane smiled.

Zane chuckled as he said,"Oh wow. You're giving me so much praise. I mean a Wizard Saint is sorta of like a superhero. A superhero should protect and inspire the innocent rather than hurt them like Jose did to poor Lugnut and Juvia mainly Juvia. Lugnut is a trouble case. Have fun with that one old coward.". "I couldn't agree with you more." said Makarov. Nemo and Sly hugged Kaida and Zane with Zane stretching his arms to hug the Phantom who went back to ten feet tall.

The Cross Species smiled as he said,"You two did amazing.". "Of course Boss! You're my king after all and I got to fight someone really fun. Too bad that she didn't do so good in water. Sink like those guys who ate those fruits. A rather lame weakness being that she could turn into water." said Nemo. "I see. You know what time it is?" said Zane. "And what's that?" said Sly. "It's time to eat! I'm so damn hungry." said Zane.

His statement caused the crowd to laugh being that Natsu walked up to him along with Gray. "You really were amazing man! I mean I thought defeating Gajeel was tough but Jose? Way to go." said Natsu as he smiled. "Both you and Gray exceed my expectations by mastering the Zenith Sphere plus using it to defeat Gajeel. Nice job. I mean I did have help with Jose but it was like ninety five percent me. Oh Natsu, I have something to tell you." said Zane.

With him smiling, Zane whispered in Natsu's eyes at a pitch that not even Stella could hear. "Nice job kissing Lucy there. I'll need to teach you how to really treat a women. Using the tongue on the second kiss? Pretty bold but hey, love is a passionate thing." said Zane. Natsu was blushing hard as Gray said,"Dude. What did you tell him?". "Oh. You'll find out." said Zane. Levy latched onto Zane's right arm in a an adorable manner. "I love you idiot but don't scare me like that again." said Levy.

Zane sighed as he said,"I really wish I could tell you that I won't do it again but well, I have a higher percentage of doing something stupid and life threatening for the fun of it. So have any of you asked about our Mira's new look? I call it the Satan Soul.". Mira ,who turned back to her normal self, was being looked at by the entire guild. She gave off a smile as she looked at Zane. He mouthed to her,"This is how I feel when you throw me to the wolves Mira. Karma is a cold hearted bitch.".

Mira began to slightly panic given that revealing exactly how Satan Soul returned to her and why she tried so hard to fight for their return was an overall embarrassing story. It mainly involved a certain someone who stood in front of them and basically saved the day. It would basically be a confession and if he didn't understand how important she viewed him at this point. It would make it even worse since the entire guild would know about it except for him.

She also knew that he wasn't dense like the dense trio of Fairy Tail aka Erza, Gray, and Natsu so it would be the majority knowing rather the minority. She would tell how she got her magic to a group that she knew wouldn't spread rumors being that telling everyone at once would be a pain. She had to say something and thinking on her feet has always been one of her strong suits. "I decided to take a certain someone's advice and I'm extremely grateful to that person." said Mira.

Mira responded in a vague tone being that she was trying her best to make sure that the guild wouldn't figure out who she was talking being that the person in question knew this. Many members of the guild seemed confused by her ambiguous answer of the woman's words but there were a few who understand her words. The few who understood were Elfman, Levy, Makarov, and oddly enough, Natsu being that Nemo and Sly know Zane's unique way of helping others without trying.

Elfman, Levy, and Makarov knew the exact meaning of Mira's words and one of them had a hunch on what she meant. Take a guess on who had the hunch. They just smiled being that Mira had a pretty good reason on why she didn't mentioned the superhero who gave her that advice to move on with her life. Erza didn't understand what her friend had been referring to. She had ,at first, thought that Mira had gotten this advice a long time ago and just now put into effect. 

However, she looked over at Zane being that he didn't show it but she could tell that he was smile after the barmaid said those words. She then put two and two together. Despite his more blunt and very antisocial nature, he was someone that would do anything to help others. Erza was still quite mad at him for not letting her help him fight Jose along with Cana, Mira, and Stella for almost dying. We'll see the outcome to this very soon.

Bisca ,who came back a bit earlier, figured this out very much in the same way as Erza did being that the cowgirl was still trying to figure her feelings involving Zane. Mira and Zane had a playful and friendly nature being that to the cowgirl, Mira was clearly put her feelings for Zane out in the open and right in front of his current girlfriend who seemingly didn't mind this challenge. Bisca didn't show it outwards but well, she was having a mini freak out and only smile.

Makarov chuckled as he said,"Well, I'm sure that this person ,whoever it is, is a good person being that he helped one of my children when he did.". "Yep. He sure did." said Mira with her chuckling nervously. She wanted nothing more than either the Master or the person in question to say more than they should really say. "Zane. You're truly amazing. Thank you for helping Mira." thought Levy as Zane picked up on this and kissed his girlfriend on the lips.

Zane smiled being that he picked up a strange vibe from the quartet of Cana, Erza, Mira, and Stella being that all four of them had sweet smiles on their faces. "Zane. I'm feeling that same vibe from these four like whenever your harem was angry with you for doing something stupid aka every week until your wedding which happened every other day. Good times. You haven't changed at all Zane." said Kane. "Hi Zane. We're so glad that you turned out okay." said Stella.

Cana nodded still smiling all two sweet-like as she said,"You made us worry Zaney. You had us really on the edge.". "All of us were so worried that something drastic happened. Especially when you deny my request for help against Jose but allowed Mira, jumped in front of Jupiter, read that story in front of the entire guild, and when you almost died." said Erza. They all took just one step further being that their killing intent grew all the strong.

Zane easily saw the aura of certain death around them being that he looked up and sighed. He pulled out a cigarette and began smoking it. "Yep. This isn't good. Oh well, I lived a pretty good life." said Zane with him blowing his smoke upwards. The three beautiful angels and Erza ,remember opinions, were slowly approaching him. Zane knew he could escape this being that it wasn't his first time doing something this stupid to shock his enemy.

The four women began cracking their knuckles while wearing those sweet smiles. They looked like they wanted to put the hurt on the superhero who made them worry. "Well, I bid you adieu for now so later." said Zane. He snapped his right hand with him turning into flames and vanishing. "Zane! Get back here" yelled the four being that they chased after the hero. Everyone just laughed at the scene being that Nemo and Sly knew that Zane wasn't going to die from this.

The super hero in question was hiding on the cliff side being that he was still invisible to the naked eye and sticking to it. "So that was fun. Want to do it again." thought Zane. "How about we wait until the girls calm down. I mean Erza won't any time soon but lets have more friends than enemies okay Zane?" said Azalea. "You got a point there but honestly, I'm happy that I'm here. I really did need this you guys." thought Zane, smoking as he enjoyed his victory.

Next time,
The outcome between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord has come to its end after Zane defeated Jose using the power of nightmares. This and more next time on Fairy Legion!
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Nightmare Form. This card has a black frame with a box with evil coming right out of it. When Zane places this card inside, his body changes into something that screams fear. This form is like Pandora Box being that Zane can release the evil of the Omniverse, causing fear upon being released. This form once wore Zane's Omicron costume before being replaced by his Zeta costume. This Form was been introduced in Zero Episode 98 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Zombie Form. This card has a black frame with a grave and a hand sticking out in front of the grave. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it does have a Prime Form.

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