Friday, April 12, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 39 Fairy vs Phantom PT 5 The battle between Dragon Slayers and Phantom Royalty Section 2 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Chapter 39 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Chapter 39. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

The two picked Erza up and took her out of the room. Zane looked at Mira with her saying with a soft voice,"Zane. I need to help out. I don't know why but I feel like I have to do something because if I don't, I'll never be able to forgive myself. Elfman fought so hard to protect the guild so I have to do something. I'm sure that you can fight her on your own but I want to protect everyone in Fairy Tail. I can't run and hide any longer. Jose needs to pay.".

Zane sighed as he said,"Okay. I'll let you fight alongside me.". Mira smiled after hearing this. "Under one very specific condition. If I feel that your life is any form of danger, I will warp you out of here. We still haven't trained so your magic has a stronger than normal chance of controlling you. I also don't want to lose anyone close to me again. Elfman also can't lose his only remaining sister. Don't want him to go through the pain I went through. Promise?" said Zane.

Mira nodded as Zane smiled. "Good. Now release the devil inside. She's calling for you so will you pick up the call or what?" said Zane. Mira began releasing a colossal amount of magical energy which surged in the air around her. This shocked Jose being that the magic power was shatter and dissipate the ground below Mira due to the sheer force of it all. The air became thick and heavy being that on top of all that an aura of dark-purple magic energy.

It surged around the formerly powerless female. Mira screamed out in pain as her appearance was changing. "How? I thought she was in retirement." thought Jose, unable to take his eyes off the transformed image of the enemy in front of her. As the magic die down, Mira's brand new appearance was in front of them. Her eyes grew darker and eyelashes grew longer. A dark, thin marking in a light zigzag-style crossing her right eye vertically.

This marking is also present above her right breast and on both of her bare thighs. Her hair becomes wilder, jutting upwards and getting curlier. Her signature front ponytail growing longer, and her ears enlarging, extending backwards, and gaining pointed edges, bearing resemblance to elves. She also gains sharp canine teeth and her lips become covered in dark lipstick. Her forearms and hands receive noticeable changes, becoming covered in scales.

Each of them had sprouted a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She also grows a large, stocky tail seemingly made of metal plates or scales, getting smaller and smaller near its end. Her clothing had been replaced by a dark, skimpy one-piece suit. It reveals her arms and legs and is open on the front and the back, exposing most of her belly and wide cleavage. It also had golden-colored edges taking on spiky shapes, and her similarly spiky collar is tied around the neck by a cravat tie.

Her shoulders are tied in thin belts protruding from her one-piece suit, and her feet are covered by matching, high-heeled thigh-high boots, which are decorated by lighter motifs on their upper parts, taking on the shapes of jagged blades pointing downwards on the front of her legs, and on the lower parts, in correspondence to her ankles and feet. She also dons a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms.

Jose said with a visible stutter,"No. You were long gone.". He knew about the Demon/Devil Mira and her infamy was well known throughout Fiore but she retired after a job involving the death of the demon's little sister. Zane smiled being that he was happy to see Mira overcome Lisanna's death and fight those she cared about. He knew that he wouldn't allow her to fight alongside her back when he was around their age mentally.

Her appearance was something interesting to normal people but Zane has been several different forms ranging from an anthropomorphic tiger to a living mirror creature. Mira noticed the smile on the superhero's face being that she almost blushed at it. She really loved his smile being that it still warmed her heat despite the demonic power entering her body. She was somewhat reluctant at showing off her Satan Soul's appearance due to the fact that it wasn't the most attractive in look.

This may seem a little vein to consider something like that but she couldn't help herself from thinking that due to her crush being right there. However, this worry of hers vanished upon seeing Zane not giving a fuck about how she's looking right now and accepting her power. I mean have you seen what Zane can turn into using his watch plus I mean in fiction, can you name an unattractive demon? I mean I can't off the top of my head.

In most forms of fiction, demons/devils and succubus are made to be attractive to trick humans into doing what they want. I mean there are ugly demons but most of the time, they're attractive. "So are you still there Mira or what? I mean if you're a demon, I'll still be there for you." said Zane. "Save your flirting for later Zane. We still have to deal with this second place loser." said Mira with a confident smirk plastered on her face.

She stood by his side with her staying no matter what could happen to me. "So how mad do you think you made Erza?" said Mira with a playful smile. "Very man but I'm sure that both Gray and Juvia will be thankful when Erza's vines activate. Lets just say that she'll be talking a well needed nap. It isn't so good for her to be so angry and have such a very large stick up her ass." said Zane. "I'm sure that you and her will never get along." said Mira. "Yep. We won't." said Zane.

Jose ,who recovered from the punch straight to the nuts, looked at the two with a scornful look. "It seems that this will be a problem. I had to fight this brat who has been quite the annoying foe to fight against. I now have to fight the demon as well. It's a very good thing that I don't have to fight Titania as well. How annoying. I may even have to recall my shades in order to use the full amount of magic to handle these two." thought Jose.

He knew very well that it wouldn't be easy to take these two down being that by themselves would be a challenge since these two could easily take down members of his guild with ease. Neither of them were a match for one of the Ten Wizard Saints. It's cute to think that he could handle Zane by himself due to the Cross Species obviously playing with him. "You ready to give this asshole a beating he'll never forget." said Zane. "Of course." said Mira, balled her hand into a fist.

Jose started the fight off by firing an ethereal tornado at the duo. Zane jumped in front of Mira with him holding his hand out in front of him. He made a Primordial circular buckler shield ,which is a turquoise color, being that he expanded it to cover the duo by all sides except the top. Upon hitting the shields, the magic was being erased by the powerful source of energy. Jose ceased his attack with his eyebrow raised upon seeing a demon missing. "Now where did she go?" thought Jose.

Mira appeared being that she flew into the air with her wings. They're reminiscent of a bat’s wings and comes with small spike-like protrusions on their upper edges. She attempted to slash him as Jose saw this coming from a mile away and dodged. "Oh. It seems that you're quite predictable aren't you?" said Jose while dodging Mira's relentlessly swipes. "Evil Spark!" said Mira, creating electricity into her hands and thrusts them forward.

Before Jose could dodge the attack, he felt himself being dragged by an unknown force aka Zane's telekinesis. The hands slammed into him, shocking him. Jose grabbed Mira's forearm, spun around and threw her across the room. In the middle of the air, she correct herself within seconds and landed on her feet. Jose fired another ethereal tornado at Mira who said,"Dark Deflect!". She focused on the incoming attack with her eye.

It soon redirected the attack, causing it to slam into rubble. "Demon Blast!" said Mira. She made a large sphere of darkness magic between her hands and fired it toward Jose in the form of a beam. With Jose distracted on Mira's most recent attack, Zane made his Astral Chains appear over his arms and they completely covered his arms. These chains are black with dark indigo flame like outlines. They’re sharp and form a ring around Zane.

They wrapped around Jose, trapping him within the metal. Jose tried to break out of them but these chains were slowly draining him of his magic. "Astral Roar!" shouted Zane. Jose turned to see steel gray cosmic energy around Zane and the air around him vibrates and ripples. He fires out the energy from his body through a massive burst of energy, sending Jose into a nearby wall as the chains went back to Zane.

Said impact with the wall causes stone to fall onto him with a dust cloud forming around him with it blocking both Mira and Zane's sight of Jose. Zane was expecting Jose to leap out of the dust cloud pissed off. However Crisis Judgement alerted Jose of the truth being that the sadistic guild master appeared behind Zane. His chains blocked a powerful punch coated with his magic being that the punch was aimed toward Zane's face.

The chains wrapped itself around Jose's arm and threw the guild wizard around in a comical fashion. It's like Hulk throwing around both Loki and Thor except instead of an angry green giant throwing him around, it was chains. Upon recovering from Zane's attack, he ducked low to avoid Mira's very lethal slash. She slashed vertically being that he simply dodged the attack being that he had a confident and smug grin on his face.

Said action enraged Mira more being that she slashed at Jose many times being that to a observer, the two were moving at super speed. He kept dodging Mira's attack being that Jose jumped back. He flicked his finger at Mira, firing a small but powerful violet projectile attack. It sent her flying backwards and into a pile of rubble. Zane watched this being that he watched Mira flick her away like a bug. He glared at the guild master and clenched his fists in anger.   

He sent his chains flying toward Jose being the guild master tried to keep them away using his magic but they were being absorbed into them. Zane turned into Sound Form with him glowing bright purple and shouting,"Lets go! Sound Prime!". He's now twelve feet tall with him looking to be more sleek than before. His body is now a platinum color and really shiny looking. His metal like body has a crystal like appearance to it.

Zane's arms and legs have five black stripes with two stripes going down the center of his chest. His eyes and head stay the same but loses the cables that were once on his head alongside the diamond shape indent on his chest. He has more discs that he did before which are the extra same as his previous form. He has five discs on both arms and legs with him having three on his chest and back and one on his head, working like a hat.

The one that he wears on his head is different compared to the ones that cover his body. This disc is much bigger being that they have a white circle on both sides of them. He has boom box shaped appendages on his chest and shoulders. They have obsidian black circular indents. He wears red gloves and black boots. The chains vanished upon Zane changing forms but it didn't matter too much due to Jose getting blasted by a powerful sonic attack from Zane.

Said attack forced the man onto his knees and the floor under the wizard saint began to crack away into tiny fragments and dent downward into a bowl. "Surrender before my High-Def Surround Sound wrecks your entire life." said Zane. Despite the agonizing pain that Jose was feeling, he brought up his head and scowled at his opponent with him wanting to stop the noise. He let out a fierce battle cry as he shot out an amethyst tendril of ghosts at Zane.

To stop the ghosts, Zane send three discs in front of the ghosts, releasing a powerful sound wave and destroyed them. Zane flew toward Mira who was slowly getting out of the rubble and helped her up to her feet. Jose put his hands behind his back and smirked. "You two are both very impressive wizards but one of you is less impressive than the other. I really don't think I need to tell you on who I'm referring too." said Jose with a smirk.

Mira glared daggers at Jose being that she knew that she was a little rusty when it come to using her magic but she wasn't weak whatsoever. "Ignore him Mira. You're doing a very great job. I mean if it was Prude Knight, I would have hit her on purpose a handful of times while claiming that it was an complete accident." said Zane. Mira took a battle stance, getting ready for anything Jose throws at her.

The she-devil nodded as she said,"You're right Zane but what can I do? I mean you're the only one landing attacks on him.". After hearing that, Zane let his mind going to work. During the fight, he noticed that Jose's offense was based off a subset of darkness magic called Shade Magic. It usually came in the form of tornadoes, energy beam, bullets, or ghosts. His most deadly spell ,that he has seen so far, is Shade Entangle.

Zane knew that if Mira got caught up in that attack, it would be deadly. He remembered that magic ,in this dimension, is another form Impulse which is energy. "Hey there Mira. You just need to follow my lead okay. Lets dance!" said Zane with a smile. Before Mira could question his statement, Zane transformed into Zombie Form. He was now eight feet tall with parts of his skin began to decaying off of him.

The decay was mainly focused around his eyes, hands, legs, arms, and head, leaving him to look like he was half human and half bones. His remaining parts of human skin is extremely pale. He has short, scruffy white hair that ran down his neck. He's wearing a worn out, open black Hawaiian shirt. His shirt has white sword like symbols on the sides and a large molten gold LZ on the back. It's opened up to reveal his well-toned chest with large abs and pectoral muscles. His rib cage was exposed.

He's wearing navy blue knee length shorts with a large golden chain hanging from his shorts. His chest has belts wrapped around his body and black combat boots. He's wearing a pair of black sunglasses over his red eyes. He opened up one of the pockets on one of his belts. He pulled out a cigarette with him being to smoke from it. Jose smiled as he lifted his brow in interest at this one. "Another Take-Over of yours? I'll enjoy destroying this one as well!" said Jose.

Zane ignored Jose being that he was looking at Mira. He pulled down his sunglasses and soon began bleeding from the remaining parts of his nose. You would think that this would be impossible since a zombie has no blood to begin with but it happened to zombies. "Damn. I forgot how fine you are in both your human and demon form babe. I'll show you my dancing in action before I knock this dork into next Sunday." said Zane.

Before Jose could say or do anything, Zane put out his cigarette and began dancing. It stunned both Jose and Mira for very different reasons. One was annoyance on his part and the other one was curiosity on her part. Despite the serious situation, Zane's dancing interested both of them. The moral of this story is that zombies can dance despite the stereotype of zombie being slow. They also can rap but well, this zombie isn't in the mood for doing that. Maybe later though. 

Jose decided to blast this form away being that he discharged a huge, purple beam at Zane. Mira was about to warn Zane to move now ,being that he was in the middle of his dance, but she was going to be shocked yet again. Zane looked at the magical beam with him smiling. He held his right hand in front of him just as the beam hit. Zane was unharmed as the magic power was slowly being absorbed into the zombie much to Jose and Mira's shock. "Thanks you Second Place Loser!" said Zane.

Zane jumped right toward Jose with him cocking his right fist back. The guild master was stunned to react as the zombie's punch landed directly in the man chest and breaking his ribs. Jose was sent flying back in a pile of rubble that came from the roof. Zane turned back to Mira who was looking at him in awe. "So do you get the plan now? I'll absorbed his magic and smack him around like nothing else! Got it?" said Zane, still dancing.

Mira nodded as she said,"Sure but are you going to keep on dancing Zane?". "Yeah! This form is a master of dancing being that I major in the art of dancing martial arts. I also can use some bladed weapons and guns but I tend to use my fists since using ones fists is the best way of getting your point across." said Zane, moonwalking back and forth. Mira giggled being that despite Zane's childish behavior, he had a good grasp on fighting.

From what Zane told her during their free time together, he had defeated countless foes, saving his dimension and the entire Omniverse multiple times. and many more things being that Mira found him to be amazing. Jose arose from the rubble being that he had his deathly eyes locked right on the duo. "I guess you're just full of surprises aren't you?! This fight is too much fun!" said Jose. "Yep. He's a total masochist. It's confirmed no doubt in my Essence." said Zane, earning a giggle from Mira. 

His grin grew more sadistic being that he coughed up some blood but wiping it on his black lips. "I'll enjoy finishing you two off being that I plan on hanging your cadavers for all of your guildmates to see and cry about! They'll have no choice but to surrender then!" said Jose. The Cross Species Superhero and the demon glared at the Phantom Lord. "Our guild will never surrender to a person like you bastard!" said Mira.

While dancing, Zane said,"Yeah. Losing ain't fun and just say corpse! I doubt most of the drunks will even know what that word cadavers means to begin with!". "Action speaks louder than words you two!" roared Jose. He held out his hand and shot out a barrage of shade beams at them. The two both took to the air ,with the girl flying and Zane just jumping, to avoid the projectiles. As Jose went after of them, Zane jumped with him being in front of her.

He shielded her and his body absorbed the blasts. "Yeah so here's something for you! A gift from the Fairies!" said Zane. He went toward the ground, punching it. This sent a powerful but short lived earthquake, shaking the entire building. This distracted Jose long enough for Mira to soar toward him and deliver a nice swipe diagonally across Jose's chest. "Eternal Rip!" shouted Mira. The darkness instantly covered the wizard in darkness, increasing the damage on him.

Jose cried out in pain being that he slid back a few meters being that a big gash went diagonally across Jose's coat and into his skin, a little blood was trickling from his injury. His eyes widened being that someone other than that dancing fool landed a blow on him. He clenched his teeth with his anger reaching the boiling point. He aimed a fierce glare at Mira and Zane, who was heading toward him being that the Cross Species was dancing at the same time.    

The man held out both of his hands in front of him with him shouting,"Shade Octopi!". Several purple, jellyfish-like ghosts went toward the duo being that Zane absorbed most of them being that he was soon grabbed alongside Mira. Before they slammed into the wall, Zane soon headbutted the jellyfish holding him. Zane jumped off the jellyfish and grabbing Mira, holding like a princess with the demon blushing as the zombie landed. "Ten points! Where's my reward?" said Zane.

Mira smiled as she said,"After this.". Mira got out of his arms being that the two looked to see purplish-black energy coursing all around his body but it was more intense. His dark, sickening eyes were honed in on them. The two nodded as the two took battle stances next to each other, ready to fight Jose. We return back to this epic brawl after these messages aka Gajeel vs Natsu. Yeah. I mean I've already blocked Erza from fighting so lets do it again.

The two dragon slayers were staring at each other being that Gajeel launched his left hand right at Natsu with his arm being his iron club. Natsu caught it with his flaming fist with him spinning around and sending Gajeel into the wall. He quickly recovered with him standing on the wall and created a crater, blocking Natsu's left fist with his club. However, he didn't block Natsu's right fist being that it smashed Gajeel right in the face.

Gajeel was soon thrown to the other side of the room being that Natsu shouted,"Fire Dragon Gatling Barrage!". The iron dragon slayer was assaulted by a barrage of blue fire balls which later turned into a barrage of punches. Natsu knew that Gajeel earned his status as the ace of Phantom Lord. He was more powerful than Juvia who was the real ace of the Element 4 and not Crybaby Aria. Natsu didn't know about Mira unleashing the demon inside of her due to him fighting Gajeel. 

Natsu's magic has the ability to grow in strength or decrease depending on his emotions. His rage aimed directly at Gajeel for what they did to Lucy and Fairy Tail. This was doing a very good job at firing Natsu up. He loved the thrill of the battle and testing his prowess against powerful opponents. He then connected a powerful right hook at Gajeel's face. If we take a close look, Gajeel's face was rippling grotesquely around Natsu's fist before his body was sent flying into another wall. 

The stone wall tumbled apart Gajeel as a cloud of dust and ash to storm into the room. The Phantom wizards ,other than Sue, cried out in fear as they attempted to dodge the incoming debris. "We have to get out of here! If we don't, we're going to die you guys!" shouted Boze. Before he could do anything about that, he was knocked directly into the air by Stella who emerged from the ground as she shouted,"Earth Dragon Uppercut!". 

Her fist was covered in stone with her bringing brought down her fists together with her hands glowing blue. "Earth Dragon Subterranean Smash!" said Stella as she slammed them down onto Boze, sending him crashing into the ground. Happy ,who followed the duo of Mira and Stella after noticing them fly toward the giant, arrived with him saying,"Oh wow! Natsu is really hot right now!". Yep, I had to do one pun.

Before Gajeel could recover, Natsu landed an axe kick directly into Gajeel's head and sent him flying to the other side of the room, crashing into another wall. Gajeel will be crashing into a lot of walls just like his master. He made a noticeable crater in the wall with Gajeel wiping away some of the blood from his mouth. He was silently impressed and surprised that Salamander managed to inflict some damage onto his body.

He could feel behind Natsu's attack being that he was pulled out of his musing by Natsu who was up above and coming in hot with both of his feet burning hot. While doing a flip in the middle of the air, he landed a flaming kick into Gajeel's Iron Club. "Fire Dragon Talon!" shouted Natsu being that their clash caused a small explosion. This pushed Natsu back into the air and careening backwards. Natsu landed with his scorching blue flames dancing off him.

These flames incinerating everything upon contact with them. "I better finish him off because this new power of mine is burning through my magic fast." thought Natsu. Sly ,still in her human form, looked around as she said,"Okay. Since you two are busy with your little fight, I'll free Lucy.". She went over to the blonde with her watching the fight in awe. "Are you okay Lucy?" said Sly, snapping her out of her musing.

Lucy smiled as she watched the girl trying to pry the iron bindings, holding her in place. "Sly! You're here!" said Lucy. "Yep. While Zane handles the big bad, I usually save the hostage. It may sound like I'm mad about this but I'm really not. I rather not get myself injured." said Sly. Lucy wasn't focused on her being that Happy flew over to them. "I'm here too!" said Happy. "Happy!" said Lucy with her attention focused back on Natsu. "So what's up?" said Happy.

Natsu stood there with one of the Phantom Lord wizard ,who were sent flying by Stella's attack in the face, landed in front of Natsu being that he shoved the poor wizard out of the way. The enemy wizard howled in pain being that his flesh was instantly seared upon contact with Natsu. He was left with a second degree burn. "My fight right now is with Gajeel so stay away from me unless you want to get burned!" said Natsu.

Lucy looked at Happy and Sly with the latter focused on trying to free her as she said,"I've never seen Natsu like this before.". It was honestly scaring her a bit being that he had a scowl on his usually happy face that rivaled Zane's angry look. "Aye me neither but he's really fired up now. I mean his fire is blue right now! That other guy is screwed!" said Happy. "Mind helping me out with trying to free Lucy and how did you get here?" said Sly. Happy nodded as he told the two on how he got here.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
After arriving inside of the Phantom Giant, Erza said to the two,"Mira and Stella! We need to find Jose and assist Zane in whatever way he can.". "Are you sure that's a good idea? I'm pretty sure that Zane hates having assistance in a fight." said Stella, crossing her arms. "Then why are you here? Zane needs our help with Jose regardless of what he says about it!" said Erza. "I came here to rescue Lucy while the Iron Dragon Slayer is busy with our Fire Dragon Slayer." said Stella.

Erza  ignored Stella as she rushed off. "Sorry about her. She can be quite stubborn. I hope Zane doesn't do something too bad." said Mira, looking at Stellla. "Knowing him, it's a strong likelihood that he will do something. Good luck." said Stella as Mira ran after Erza. Before Stella could move, she heard,"Wait for me Stella!". She turned around to see Happy flying toward her as he said,"Let me come too! I want to save Lucy too!". "Okay. Hang on. Earth Dragon Dive." said Stella as both her and Happy were gone.

Narrator P.O.V.
Gajeel cracked his neck and smirked as Natsu stood in front of him. He didn't noticed Stella being that she was fighting against Boze and Sue. "For Fairy scum, you sure are cocky." said Gajeel. He had a hand to his face which had a burn mark on it. As a dragon slayer, his skin was a lot stronger than a normal wizard being that being an iron dragon slayer increased that. That didn't stop him from receiving a stinging first degree burn on his face though.

Natsu barked at Gajeel as he said,"You're the real scum here buddy! As payback for what you did to my woman plus our guild hall and our Nakama, I'll be smashing your face into scrap metal and burn it away!". Gajeel began laughing as he said with a sadistic grin,"Oh wow. I'm so scared of you. How about you give it your best?! Because after you try and fail, I'm going after the biggest pain in your guild being that Master will leave me a sliver of him.".

Natsu laughed as Gajeel shouted,"What's so funny Salamander?!". "You don't get it. Zane is easily the strongest wizard in our guild!" said Natsu. "He isn't a wizard but your heart is in the right place." said Sly as she held a finger toward Lucy's cuffs. Itignited being the flame slowly burned their way through the iron as Happy pulled out screws. "He's probably fighting against Jose right about now and winning too!" said Natsu.

Gajeel didn't show it but he was shocked by this statement. He already lost to Zane once, was beaten up by him, and was destroyed by his robot sparing buddy. "What the hell is this guy? He's only been a member of the Fairies for the same time as the blond but he thinks that he can fight Jose? I guess he's a real fool just like the rest of them." thought Gajeel. The two charged at each with Gajeel and Natsu shouting respectively,"Iron Dragon Club! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!".

The two clashed fists being that an explosion ,the size of a small car, went off between the two with Gajeel being caught off guard. "Lighting Dragon Voltaic Talon!" said Natsu, kicking Gajeel in the gut with an electrically charged foot. Instead of yellow, his lightning was now blue. The room was filled the entire room with static electricity. All the air immediately left Gajeel's lungs as he was sent crashing into a wall.

Gajeel fell to the ground, being unable to move. The lightning that was coursing through his body being that he was nearly paralyzed. It was like with his fight with Zane. "What the hell? I though he was the fire dragon slayer not the lightning dragon slayer? Can he use both!?" thought Gajeel, struggling to move. "Since when has Natsu been able to use lightning?!" said Lucy. "No idea Lucy. This is news to me." said Happy with him pulling out the last bolt holding Lucy.

Sly smiled as he said,"That's the result of Zane's training with him and Gray a few days ago. Happy, I need you to protect Lucy. Natsu's doing everything he can to protect the guild by fighting Gajeel. I'll be helping the guild by elping Stella with the mirror girl.". "Aye!" said Happy, saluting her. "Go get him Natsu." said Lucy with a smile as she rubbed her sore wrists. "Don't get cocky!" yelled Gajeel with him regaining movement in his arms.

He grabbed some iron debris off the ground, and shoving them into his mouth to rejuvenate his magic up. He charged at Natsu with an cannibalistic grin spread across his face. Without any sort of warning, Gajeel launched a surprised attack. "Iron Dragon's Sword!" said Gajeel with him swiping his blade at Natsu. Instead of dodging it, Natsu caught the blade with it piercing his body. "I don't care that you have some gnarly look toy." said Natsu.

The spiked edges began to move with Natsu not letting go of the blade. "And I don't care if it can slice through me like butter or something. You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to hurt me with that butter knife!" said Natsu.  The hands that were stopping Gajeel's blade was suddenly engulfed in blue flames. Natsu's blue flames were so hot being that they began to melt the blade in his grasp. Gajeel roared in pain, and returned his arm to normal.

Gajeel clutched his severely burned hand and it was already starting to blister. "I told you earlier that I'd pay you back for everything you did. And I meant everything." said Natsu. "You damn pink-haired bastard. I'm going to kill you and then slaughter the rest of your guild mates! It's time to end this Salamander!" shouted Gajeel who was glaring at Natsu whose flames were slowly healing the cut he got from his sword.

In response to this, Natsu only cracked his knuckles as he said,"Yeah but you'll be the one going down instead! I think after I beat your ass, I'll string you up like you did Levy and Luce. Put you on display to warn others not to fuck with Fairy Tail.". Gajeel's other arm turned into the Iron Dragon Sword whose edges were spinning around the blade, turning into a chainsaw. "You'll wish we never met before!" said Gajeel.

Natsu laughed as he said,"Ha! I'm so scared of a cut rate gecko because everyone knows that steel is way stronger than Iron!". Lucy and Happy were very much intimidated by the chain blade being that Lucy said,"How is he doing that?!". "That's Iron Dragon Slayer magic for you!" said Happy. One of Sue's attack ,which was a beam of light, barely hit the two as Sue shouted,"We don't need no shit commentators!". Sue had a mirror in front of her as Stella and Sly rushed at her.

This began the battle of the S named women. Who will win this battle? I beat someone whose name starts with S. "Mirror Magic: Light Show!" said Sue, snapping her fingers. Several mirrors appeared around the two, firing beams of light out of them. Both Sly and Stella dodged them as Sly said,"Your mirror magic is just like Mirror Form except prettier.". "Do I want to ask what Mirror Form is?" said Stella. "I think Kaida has drawn a picture of it." said Sly.

Gajeel was swinging his sword around, trying to hit Natsu. One of Gajeel's strike slammed into the ground, sending Gajeel's fellow guild wizard flying around. "We seriously need to get out of here already!" said Boze. "I don't think we can. I mean both the Avalanche and the dragon partner of the Legion Void Knight are blocking the exit while fighting Sue!" said a grunt. As Natsu landed on the ground, Gajeel swiped right and launched Natsu backwards.

While swiping and missing due to Natsu's speed, Gajeel said,"Not so cocky are you kid?! You scared of me or what?!". "Nope. I'm just playing the long game here!" said Natsu with him jumping back as Gajeel was annoyed that Natsu kept jumping around. "You're a nimble little fairy aren't you?" said Gajeel as he smirked. "And you're just an lumbering fool! Despite that, you're not so bad." said Natsu being that he didn't want to admit this but he did.

Gajeel returned his arm to normal being that he smirked mischievously. "We still got a score to settle being that I had to leave things between us on such a sore note." said Gajeel. Natsu wiped his mouth as he scowled. "Fine! I was looking forward to kicking your ass anyway Lugnut!" said Natsu. "As Dragon Slayers, they both have the ability to take on the mythical creature's powers. Two wizards who are strong enough to fight dragons are about to fight!" thought Lucy.

Lucy looked at this scene with her worried for Natsu. "Natsu. Please stay safe." thought Lucy. As she finished her thought, Gajeel's body was going through puberty again but a more metallic one. "Iron Dragon Scales!" said Gajeel, with his entire body covered in metallic dragon scales and his fingertips had sharp talons at the end of them. "Are you ready to lose in front of your friends fairy?!" said Gajeel with a smile.    

Said blonde's eyes widened as she shouted,"He's changing!". "Those are dragon scales! It's like Stella but metal!" said Happy as Stella looked at Sue. "Aren't you going to blast them?" said Stella. "Will that stop them? It won't so why fight it?" said Sue as she crossed her arms. Several mirrors appeared as she said,"Mirror Magic: Light Show!". The beams came out of them, forcing her two fairy opponents to dodge the beams of light. 

Gajeel rushed forward and tried to punch Natsu. "Iron Dragon Hard Fist!" shouted Gajeel. Natsu was prepared for this, and easily blocked Gajeel's attack with his arm. Natsu grunted as he was sent skidding back several feet being that if he didn't block in time, he would painfully hit the wall hard. "Darn. I was trying to make you hit the wall like the bimbo did earlier but I guess you're smarter than her but that's obvious." said Gajeel whose eyes were glowing red.

Natsu growled as he was more focused on the black and blue bruise, formed on his right arm. Despite his magic increasing his durability, Gajeel's attack hit him hard. "You may have left a bruise but I'm still going to kick your ass Gajeel!" said Natsu. "He injured Natsu that much with a single punch?!" said Lucy with her hands over her mouth in shock. "That's because those scales of his are made out of steel Luc!" said Happy as Gajeel uppercutted Natsu. "And that's for early pinkie!" shouted Gajeel.

Gajeel rose a leg to kick Natsu being that Natsu dodged the attack. This attack however still create a crevice in the floor and a strong gale as well. Lucy had to hold down on her skirt due to the wind pressure alone as Happy hanging onto her for dear life in order not to be blown away. Some of the Phantom Lord Wizards got a sneak peek at what was underneath the skirt only to be blasted by the trio of S named ladies's combo of earth, light, and lightning unintentionally.

With her hair flying around, Lucy said,"Is that seriously just from his kick alone?!". "That's because of those dragon scales!" said Happy. "Fire Dragon Talon!" shouted Natsu, jumping off the ground and he sent his blue flaming foot directly to his opponent's chin. The iron dragon slayer was sent flying back as the iron scales were melting a bit. Natsu winced when he landed on the ground. "Did that hurt your little feet Salamander? Too bad because my scales are stronger than your love taps!" said Gajeel.

Natsu winced as he said,"It may been like punching a fucking wall but that's nothing against that weird Vulcan attacks Zane has! That's like punching a mountain so you're second place to him Gajeel!". "He has indestructible armor too! That's so unfair! I mean Natsu doesn't have that like at all!" shouted Lucy as she looked at Natsu. "Are you okay Natsu?!" said Happy. "Time for everyone to jump up and don't be scared!" said Stella.

She brought her right fist into the air, gaining momentum when she was going to bring it down to the ground. Happy ,while grabbing Lucy, flew into the air with Natsu and Stella following her very clear order. "Earth Dragon Tremor!" said Stella, unleashing a disastrous rippling quake throughout the room. The Phantom Lord wizards were felling the shock being that Gajeel felt off balance and felt the quake the most.

The lackeys ,other than Sue who vanished into a mirror, shrieked as the tremble sent them into the air and made them all hit the ground. "Okay! That was both scary and cool!" said Happy, with Natsu smirking and gave a thumbs up at Stella. "Be lucky that I was holding back due to my friends still being in the building." said Stella. Natsu uppercutted Gajeel in the face being that Gajeel was still feeling the hit of Natsu's punch and the earthquake.

For some reason, he really didn't like that. Gajeel went back being that he got out of his shock and went to strike Natsu. Natsu dodged his attacks ,which were making mini whirlwinds, being that the two were jumped toward each other. Gajeel was going in with a full body charge with his entire weight being that to his metal coating, this was going to hurt. Natsu ,who does not back down from a challenge, clashed with Gajeel with a powerful headbutt.

Both gritted their teeth in both anger, further fueling their desire to win. The two shoved each other back from the impact, skidding across the floor as Natsu landed on his feet and Gajeel into another wall which he has done a lot today. Really should stop that. "Is that all you got?" said Gajeel, spitting out some blood. "Yeah man. I just came up with a way for me to even the playing field. Fire Dragon Scales!" said Natsu.

His flames focused into burning dragon scales and his hair was moving around, like a flame. He  looked down at Gajeel who was eating on some nearby iron scraps. "Crap! I'm running out of magic here! But he keeps eating!" thought Natsu with his eyes widening as he saw Gajeel's cheeks expand in size. "Fine then! You're going down you garbage can!" said Natsu with his cheeks expanded as well. "What?!" said Lucy. "He has a breath attack like Natsu!" said Happy.

Stella and Sue looked at the two with them sighing in unison. "Me thinks the no shit comment is getting dumber by the second." thought Sly. "Fire Dragon Roar! Iron Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu and Gajeel respectively. A large stream of blue fire came out of his mouth being that it clashed with the iron particle tornado that came from Gajeel's mouth. These attacks fought for dominance, creating a massive windstorm that sent everyone other than Sly, Stella, and Sue.

Natsu's flames eventually pushed Gajeel's roar until they struck the iron dragon slayer. A blue fiery explosion rang out when Gajeel was hit. Natsu was starting to pant, as he tried to spot Gajeel through the smoke and debris. Upon the attack stopping, there was a giant hole that showed the outside behind Gajeel. The pink-haired dragon slayer heard Gajeel before he saw him. "Looks like there is a huge difference between fire and iron dragon huh Salamander?" said Gajeel from the dust.

He was smiled sadistically. Gajeel had been hit by Natsu's attack being that he took less damage than he did before. The front of his tonic was shredded, revealing his abs of iron. It's like abs of steel but made of iron. "You can shower me with those embers all day longer Salamander but they do jack shit against my metal armor! But my attacks are going to shred you to pieces! You look terrible. Is your new power too much for you Salamander?!" said Gajeel.

Natsu was panting as he glared at Gajeel. "Natsu. He's right. Natsu really does look worn out." said Lucy with fear spreading throughout her in second. "He's really strong but Natsu has this in the bag Lucy!" said Happy. Natsu lifted his head being that to Gajeel's confusion, a smirk appeared on the pink haired teen's face. "I may be getting tired but I have more than enough energy to kick your scrap metal ass." said Natsu.

He took a deep breath with him saying,"My flames aren't just normal flames, you know. Dragon flames can incinerate anything and I'll use them to melt you down including your dinky armor! Sure you're not feeling a draft?". The iron scales on Gajeel's scales cracking up but only a thin crack. "He did it!" said Lucy. Blue flames exploded off Natsu and cloaked his body. "If you don't start coming at me with everything you've got, I'm going to smash you to pieces Black Steel Gajeel." said Natsu.

He took off his black and gold vest, showing off his well-toned body. "Huh. I didn't know that Gray's stripping is contagious." said Sly. Natsu rolled his shoulders and leveled a harsh glare on Gajeel who wasn't happy about his scales being broken again. "Well I think we know each other's strength by now so playtime is over! Lets fight already!" said Natsu. Gajeel's body was covered in green light as he laughed maniacally. "Lets go!" said Gajeel.

Sue looked at this scene in shock as she said,"They were just testing each other? I thought Gajeel was the only monster!". "Yep. Dragon Slayers love to fight." said Happy with him nodding his head like a sage "They're both amazing and practically half naked." said Lucy with her blushing at seeing Natsu's chest. "Ready to lose Black Steel?" said Natsu. "Sky isn't big enough for two dragons! I'm taking you down Salamander!" shouted Gajeel.

Lucy held her hand that had her Fairy Tail mark stamped on it over her chest, shaking in fear as she whispered,"Natsu.". In the Fairy Tail courtyard, the shades stopped relentless flying down from the sky like birds of prey in search of Fairy Tail wizards. 90% of them released a quiet wail, dissipate into thin air and being extracted. Every member of the fairies stood in place still ready to fight being that they were confused. "Most of them vanished?" said Cana.

She was sounding disappointed ,for some reason, being that she could still feel Jose's magic present within the mechanized guildhall. If the shades were being retracted, the Phantom's master was in a bit of a bind. Before they could relax, the remaining 10% began fusing toward to create a giant black and dark purple ball with two red eyes and eight long black arms with large hands. "Those hands are so very much creepy." said Laki. "That's the least of our problem!" shouted Wakaba. 

Macao nodded as he said,"Yeah. This isn't good.". "Looks like we have to try even hard to take it down!" said Cana as everyone focused their attack on it but it wasn't doing anything. The gigantic ball hovered closer to the guild hall while ignored the Fairies's attack on it. It lifted up its arms and smashed them into the roof. They could only watch in horror as the monster-sphere continued punching down on the recently repaired building.

Alzack ,who was standing on the roof and shooting down shadows, was blown off the roof. He was sent flying and smashing somewhere into a nearby pile of debris, temporarily taking him out of the fight. "Alzack! That thing is trying to down our guild hall!" shouted Cana. "And Zane probably won't repair it again!" shouted Nab. The wizards tried to take their opponent being that it was doing nothing to stop the enemy as it tore down the guild hall. 

Cana fell down to her knees, as she helplessly watched her home begin to crumble to the ground. "It can't end like this! Not our guild! Jose, you son of a bitch!" shouted Cana with tears forming in her eyes and she let out a piercing scream. She clenched her fists on the ground with tears streaking down her cheeks. "Natsu, Zane, anyone please save our home." whispered Cana with her fists hitting the ground hard and causing them to bruise.

Back with Gajeel and Natsu. "Lightning Dragon Iron Fist!/Iron Dragon Hard Feet!" shouted Natsu and Gajeel respectively. Both wizards mages struck each other in the face, sending each other flying in the opposite direction. A large explosion of iron, electricity, and dust shook the room rang out through the room. This sent all the observing wizards flying backwards as well. The two broke out of the busted roof to continue their brawl.

Natsu used his flames through his feet being that Gajeel just jumped. After reaching about hundred feet over the giant, Gajeel and Natsu stopped and floated in the middle of air. "So are those two seriously flying right now?" said Boze. The two wizards began trading punches with each being that as each one struck the other. It then caused an magic outburst and shockwaves which were fired off in several directions around each fighter.

Stella looked up as she said,"Oh wow. Those two are really putting on a show for us.". The two landed on the giant's shoulders and rushing toward each other, slamming into each other and giving the other dragon slayer a powerful headbutt. It looked painful but the two didn't show it. The two began clashing yet again. "He's keeping up with Gajeel?" said Sue. "Don't doubt Natsu. He's been training his butt to beat Zane." said Happy.

The two dragon slayer's kicked each other in the leg being that the force from the blow caused the horn on the giant's head to fall off and into the commander center. This is where the room where the rest of them were. Happy and Lucy cried as the horn fell down toward Happy and Lucy. "Eeeek! That was too close for comfort! We have to get out of here!" shouted Lucy. Stella rolled her eyes at Lucy as Sue saw both Gajeel and Natsu descend into the room.

Both of them were panting like crazy being that Natsu had a few sweat drops going down his face as he took a moment to catch his breath. "Is he beating Gajeel?" said Sue. "No way. I mean he has us on his side." said Boze. "Didn't he kick the crap out of you when you did that?" said Sue. "Yeah but I don't think he cares right now. Sound Magic: Howling!" said Boze.  A barrage of music notes ,with the attack making a screeching noise, and heard toward Natsu.

It was blocked by a wall of earth that erupted from the ground as Boze was kicked in the face by Sly as she said,"Don't interrupt the fightbetween Akostars baldy!". Boze slammed into the ground with him looking at the girl who kicked in the face and focused his attention on her. "Heh heh. You're getting weaker by every minute Salamander which I'm getting stronger!" said Gajeel.  "Fuck you. I got more than enough energy to take you out!" said Natsu, wiping sweat from his brow.

Gajeel sent an iron club toward Natsu being that Natsu dodged it. The ground below him shattered as Natsu said,"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!". Two thick whips of blue fire lashed out at Gajeel, scorching both his forearms despite it being iron. While Gajeel was distracted, Natsu gathered his fire and shaping into a sphere. It started out as a large, barely stable sphere which Natsu then compressed the fire rapidly and it was now the size of a bowling ball.

Compared to before, it looked stable and was more dangerous. It was pulsating with power. "Fire Dragon Zenith Sphere!" said Natsu, throwing the sphere at Gajeel who couldn't move. The sphere crashed into him, unleashed an enormous fire storm that tore through the ground around Gajeel. This storm expanded in size as it formed a giant pillar of fire. Everyone in the room was drawn to it as Lucy said,"Zenith Sphere?! That's one of Zane's signature attacks!".

Natsu knew that Gajeel wasn't down yet as he saw a large torrent of metal shards heading right toward him. "Fire Dragon Inferno Barrier!" said Natsu, focusing his flames to created a massive dome around him. The metal ,upon getting close to the flames, were slowly melting away. As the dome vanished, the dragon slayer heard metal being eaten. His eyes widened as he watched Gajeel eating some nearby iron scraps.

The Dragon Slayer glared at him as he said,"Okay. I'm getting ready sick of watching you eat.". "So what?" said Gajeel with a full mouth. "He's actually eating iron!" shouted Lucy. "I wonder if it taste good?" said Happy with a thoughtful expression. Gajeel finished eating with him saying while wiping the metal fragments from his mouth,"Now I got a fire in my belly.". "Hey! That's my line pal!" said Natsu. "Nah. I still say that my line is better." said Stella.

Gajeel roared with his power increasing exponentially. "Wait a minute?! Where is all of the energy coming from?" said Lucy apprehensively. "Triple B. Dragon Slayers get their energy and stamina from eating their element. You should know this." said Sly in a rather annoyed tone. "So Natsu needs to eat either fire and lightning." said Lucy in a serious expression. "That would help but he can't eat his own fire but from an outside source!" said Happy in a annoyed tone.

Lucy nodded as she said,"Yeah. So how can we make that happen?!". "Nighty night Fairy. Iron Dragon Lance Demon Logs!" said Gajeel. He fired a torrent of iron spearheads being they pierced Natsu's body and he cried out in agony. "Now Sue!" shouted Gajeel. "Mirror Magic: Light Show!" said Sue, producing a lot of mirrors. The beams of light assault Natsu being that he couldn't do anything about it due to Gajeel's attack.

He was covered in a dust cloud as Lucy shouted,"Stop it! This is supposed to be a fight between dragon slayers!". She gasped in pain as Gajeel's iron club slammed right into the stomach. She collapsed to her knees and clutched her injured stomach. "Shut the fuck up bimbo. This isn't a match for honor and any shit like that! This is a war and if you don't shut the hell, I'll make you shut up! Victory is the only thing that matters!" said Gajeel.

Gajeel kicked Natsu in the stomach with him saying,"And I'm going to win!". Lucy paled at this sighed with her looking for a way to turn the tide of battle. Natsu pushed him away with him jumping away from Gajeel. "Fire Dragon Roar!" shouted Natsu. His flames went toward Gajeel being that a mirror appeared in front of Gajeel. "Mirror Magic: Form Mirror!" said Sue. The mirror bsorbed the flames with Natsu going bug-eyed at this.

Two mirrors appeared over Natsu and Stella with Sue saying,"And here's a gift from me to you two losers!". The flames appeared over the both of them with Stella jumping back from her enemy's attack and Natsu's flames engulfed the dragon slayer. He soon began eating it before spitting it out in total disgust. "Gah! That's disgusting! I don't care if it's fire, it's still my fire! I can't eat my own fire! It's like eating your own puke! Spew!" said Natsu, spitting the flames out.

Once he finished spitting out his fire which was half blue and red, the fire dragon slayer glared at the grinning Iron Dragon Slayer. "Hey! That isn't fair! You shouldn't have help!" said Natsu. "Like I told your blond bimbo, I don't care as long as I win. Iron Dragon Club!" said Gajeel, scoffing. His club slammed into Natsu's face and sent Natsu flying back into the wall with Gajeel laughing like a maniac as this went on.

Back with Jose, the guild master shouted,"Dead Wave!". The concentrated burst of darkness magic headed toward Zane ,whose arms and legs had been replaced by Diamond Form's, who blocked the attack with a massive kite shield protruding from his arms. They slowly absorbed the magic upon contact. Thanks to Zane making a giant sword like object come right out of the thigh, he implanting himself into the ground.

The blast was so strong being that it went through the walls right behind him before bursting right out of the giant. It was like someone fired a miniature Jupiter from the inside being that the shield protect Zane. He retracted the shield from his arms being that he jumped right toward Jose. "You dam fool! I'll end you! Dark Pulse!" said Jose, swinging his right arm and this created an explosion right in front whichswallowed Zane up.

Before Jose could gloat, Jose heard,"Sorry but that won't work on the living dead who absorbs magic! It's Hammer Time Second Place!". Oathbreaker appeared above Jose and was swung down with great force to flatten him. Jose quickly raised his hand to blast the weapon away but it failed. The guild master was focused to keep himself from being flatten. He barely noticed the glimmer of what looks like a dark purple magical beam heading toward him.

He jumped backwards to avoid the hammer and energy beam but was hit by Mira ,who was right behind him, and punched the guild master right in the gut, earning a groan. Jose quickly turned around while grabbed Mira's wrist with his left hand and squeezed down on it hard. It was almost broken, causing Mira to scream out from the pain. Jose made his Shade Sword appear ,in his right hand, being that he was going to stab the model while she was distracted by the pain.

Before Jose could finish his plan on Mira, he was stopped by five sharp and spiky navy blue crystal pillars. Four of them protected Mira from the sword with the fifth one turned to punch Jose right in the face, dropping Mira. Mira watched as Jose went back being that he threw the sword ,like an arrow, to try and pierce her from a distance. However, the sword was implanted into the crystal barrier. "Sorry but that isn't happen." said Zane.

Zane was behind Jose and the man was soon kicked toward the five crystal pillars being that Jose held his hands in front of him. He unleashed his shades to launch himself into the air being that before he could recover, Zane appeared. He cocked his right fist back and punched Jose into the ground, creating a small crater. Jose recovered as Mira rushed toward him. She dodge her initial swipe before being round house kick in the torso, sending him back from her.

Jose recovered as he saw Zane ,who was attached to the roof using his Diamond Form's legs, who came crashing down onto him like a meteor. Jose had his hands lighting up with his magic. "You fool! Dead Wave!" shouted Jose with him bringing his hands together and fired the beam. Zane didn't try to dodge or block the attack as the blast consumed him entirely. "Zane!" shouted Mira in worry for her not so secret crush.

She watched him take the blast at close range without trying to defend himself. The flash from the blast died down to show there was a large crater in the center of the room. Zane was lying face down flat on the ground with his arms and legs back to their normal zombie status. "And the cocky one finally falls before me!" said Jose, laughing maniacally. "Get up! You can't end it like this! We can't beat Jose without you!" said Mira.

She just looked at her crush who didn't respond and remained on the ground un-moving like a corpse normally would. "You're the reason how we got this far in the war! You can't give up when we've come in far and I have something to tell you after all of this is over! Don't die on me." said Mira with her crying a bit at the end. "You're just wasting those tears of yours demon. Your oh so precious superhero ,as he has been calling himself, is the first to fall and you'll share his fate!" said Jose.

To add insult to injury, Jose placed his foot on Zane's back like a victor over the fallen beast. "Get your foot off him now you bastard! Darkness Stream!" said Mira. She created several dark hands that tried to grab Jose but were destroyed by Jose's shades. "I know that you're rusty but you have to do better than that." said Jose. He felt something grabbing his shoulder tightly being that he grunted in pain due to the pain.

He jumped away with him holding his sore and bleeding shoulder. Blood was slowly running down his arm being that his skin had been pierced. Mira smiled as she watched Zane rise back up with a smirk on his face and attached his left hand back to its arm being that the hand had clenched Jose early. Think a Vulcan Nerve Pinch but piercing the skin instead of knocking him out. "You were faking defeat this whole time?!" shouted Jose in outrage.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. I mean I'm the living dead so playing possum is like second nature to me.". Mira looked confused as Zane sighed. "It's something from my dimensions. I'll tell you later Mira. Here's the thing about me. I'm really not a fan of dying so you're still getting an ass kicking Second Place." said Zane. "I don't understand. I hit you close range with my Dead Wave and you're still unharmed." said Jose, being that the zombie clearly didn't put up any kind of resistance.  

Zane shrugged as he said,"Hey buddy. I'm the living dead and I absorbed magic like a sponge to water. So how about you stop talking or I'll pull out my sweet dance moves on you.". Jose gritted his teeth in anger being that Zane's lack of respect by insulting him and dancing in the middle of the fight which he was doing at this exact movement. Yeah, Zombie Form dances whenever he can because his main way of fighting is by dancing. This didn't please Jose.

We'll see what happens to Mira and Jose after we go back to Gajeel and Natsu. Yeah. This fight is still going on. Lucy began digging through her pockets in her skirt. "Fire or lightning. Do I have any kind of spirit?" said Lucy. Her eyes widened when she remembered that she had dropped most ,if not all of her keys, of her keys when she was captured. Lucy's attention was drawn back to the fight being that Natsu landed hard on his back, groaning in discomfort.

Sly looked over to see Lucy struggling in thought as she remembered something. "Lucy!" said Sly as Lucy turned to her. "Don't give up! You should have a key that can be helpful!" said Sly. "Wait. Can you use fire or lightning Sly?" said Happy. "I would Happy but...." said Sly with her looking right at him. She was dodging a light barrage as she shouted,"I'm kinda busy right now!". Lucy's eyes widened as she held her newest key.

Lucy stood up as she said,"I know that we haven't worked out a contract yet but I don't care. This is the only chance we got and a real wizard fights for her friends no matter!". Back outside, the wizards of Fairy Tail continued attacking the giant ball monster being that their attacks were doing nothing to it. It was immune to their magic both physical and long ranged attacks. It continued punching the Guild Hall with its multiple arms, destroying it more and more with each hit.

Cana cried out, wanting to charge at the monster but she was being held back by Elfman and Macao being the former was doing more than the latter. "Let me go! I have to stop that thing!" said Cana as she tried to break out. "There's nothing you can do Cana!" said Macao. "Erza and Zane trusted me to protect the guild hall. I can't sit by and let it get destroyed!" said Cana. "Yeah but neither of them would want you to die in the process." said Elfman, holding her tight.

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