Saturday, November 25, 2017

Zero Episode 65 Worst Future Ever PT 16 Worst Anniversary Ever Pt 1 The beginning of Hell

A/N: Yep. We've been at this for fifteen parts. I do think that most of this arc has been the prison and Daemon was shafted to the sides for the threat of Xiadur who isn't going to appear to the end of the arc I plan. I tend to write as I go along and this shows. If you're taking this serious, I'm impressed because I like writing overpowered characters despite me hating shows with them. All of my stories are done for Fun and not writing the next Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. This episode will have Zane in it but it's the Daemon/Malik show.

I also wanted to make a point about something. I mention my opinion on the Naruto vs Ichigo Death Battle three parts ago. I didn't care about either series but I still respect them for what they have done and I'm planning on reading Bleach because the anime bored me. The Soul Society Arc was good but the filler after it bored me. I may watch it when I read the manga. I do watch the One Piece Anime but I'm strictly a manga reader because I'm not a subs person.

When I have to read and watch something, I sometimes lose focus because. I also get the jokes but I will watch Sub if I really want to watch an Anime Adaptation but I usually wait for a dub. I knew that Natsu was going to win against his battle with Ace mainly because Natsu is the main protagonist of the series and Ace was a supporting protagonist of One Piece. It's like having a LV 100 Pokemon vs a LV 50/75 Pokemon. It's pretty obvious who was going to win.

This thinking applies to Erza and Zoro ,at the tail end of 2016, except both of them LV 100 Pokemon but I knew Zoro was going to win for three reasons. He has done a lot in the nineteen years, he's has the same English Voice Actor as Grip for Assassination Classroom because meh to Dragon Ball Z and its series, and also he isn't a character from a series where I can see the females as walking fan service most of the time.

I'll explain what I mean by that little point later on aka the start of the Crossover hopefully by December. I'm a fan of One Piece because of the world building. Heck. I'm okay with Wano taking a while if we get more Reverie. I know for a fact, I'm going to like Wano but Whole Cake Island has some really good moments but it has some boring moments to people including me. I also mention that I don't care about Dragon Ball Z.

I don't like Dragon Ball Z because it just never interested me. I do mind Kale and Califla. I don't mind the idea of a female Super Saiyan because it could work but from my research, people have mixed opinions on her. I think both of them look cute but the fact is that they got Super Saiyan by just focus on a tingly feeling on her back ,I think, and Cabba and Califla flirting. That just seems dumb to me. I'm used to stupid reasons for power ups ,thank you Fairy Tail, but this is pretty stupid.

Lets begin already. Oh, that previous rant comes from a very CASUAL fan. I'm pretty sure that they're not related ,I think?, so if they're a couple in the series, go them? I'm always for a LGBT relationship in the series and in Dragon Ball aka one of the Original Generation or O.G Shonen, I'll be happy with that. I'm a very Casual fan of one of the biggest Animes of all time so I could be dead wrong. This episode also takes place right after Episode 64. Malik is Daemon and vise versa.
Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,after being free from the room and finished training with his inner voice, was currently eating in the cafeteria. Kurt and Lucius soon caught their little brother's attention as Zane said,"You guys are going to come back with me right?". "Yeah. I have to met my little sister and my nephew. He better be adorable." said Kurt. "He is but he's really shy." said Lucius. "And Ana does have trouble showing her emotions. I blame her upbringing." said Zane.

Lucius looked at his brother and he said,"So are you going to hate Lilith because she was your father at one point?". Zane grumbled as Kurt said,"Wow. I need some context here.". Lucius explained and Kurt said,"Dude. The Omniverse must hate you.". "I'm pretty sure that Parker made that dimension just to spite me. Did you know that Eazairvian created dimensions?" said Zane. "Yeah. Dad told me that." said Kurt with Lucius nodding.

Zane sighed as Lucius said,"So have Athena and Cole returned to your watch? To give you a example of their relationship, the two of them are Zane's angel and devil on the shoulder Kurt.". "Yeah. I bet that weird science fiction Phantom placed a jamming signal on it." said Zane. "Have you shown grandpa about it?" said Kurt. "Have you ever seen grandpa serious?" said Lucius. "Fair point but I think he can be serious especially about his family but that's a family trait right?" said Kurt.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. My emotions are the worst. So did grandma show up?". "Yes but she's currently talking with Darin and Lucas with Carolyn and Naomi outside of the office. From what I could tell, she isn't happy about your scars." said Lucius. "To be honest, it looks pretty cool. So why haven't you take off those bandages?" said Kurt. "Nope. I promise Devin that I wouldn't take them off until the right time." said Zane. "Which is?" said the brothers.

Zane shrugged as his Crisis Judgement went off. Carolyn and Naomi walked into the cafeteria with the sister guarding Lauren as Zane disappeared. Lauren walked over to them as she said,"Zane. We need to have a word.". "You're in trouble your highness." said Naomi. "I think you fighting against the acid warden and not listening to your friends will get her mad." said Carolyn. "He went that way grandma. This is our brother by the way." said Lucius as he pointed to the west.

Lauren said,"Thank you Lucius. It's nice to meet you Kurt. We'll talk later. I need to have a word with my grandson.". She was gone as the sisters sat down. "Wow. Zane is really in trouble. I've never seen the queen mad like ever before." said Naomi. She started eating Zane's leftovers ,which was a pretty big meal, and Kurt said,"Well, I thought she would know how stubborn the Alvarez family can be by now. She married into this family thanks to dad.".

Carolyn said,"So you two are brothers with the prince? May I ask how? I mean you three don't share any blood I presume but it's curious.". "Well, it all started when we were kids....." said Kurt. The four heard a massive explosion as Lucius said,"Story time later. We should probably make sure that she doesn't destroy the headquarters.". "Yeah." said Kurt. The brothers ran off toward the explosion with the sisters following them after Naomi was finished eating.

Back on Prime Earth, Daemon was currently sleeping. He didn't noticed or sense that his teammates were above him. Ash, Daisy, Halphas, and Scarlet Demon were watching him as Daisy said,"Are you serious Ash? Master Daemon wouldn't want to stop the plan.". "She's right. I have seen him kill people that Zane has called his family despite not sharing a pint of blood." said Scarlet Demon as he aimed his sword on Ash.

Ash said,"Okay. Do you remember what he said to you Daisy when Daemon burned Zane's right arm?". The two remember what Daemon said ,back in episode 51, and Scarlet Demon said,"You may have a point.". Daisy looked at him as Halphas said,"Daisy. I know that the real Daemon is in there but his past is trying to change him. We have a plan to turn him back to normal.". The two saw that Ash was holding an egg ,with mind patterns on it, as Daisy said,"Where did you get that?".

Ash said,"Honestly, it isn't that hard to get a Trastry Egg. I got it from making a deal with Skull Plague.". "We used Kevin to contact Skull Plague." said Halphas. "I see. So what are you going to do with that?" said Scarlet Demon. "I'm going to use this worm by bringing out the real Daemon and Malik will die." said Ash. "So are you okay with this?" said Halphas. "If this will bring back the real Daemon, go for it." said Daisy.

Ash floated toward Daemon as the egg watched. The plain looking worm landed on Daemon as it went phased through the Phantom's body. "Daemon. You will take over Cypress Park and if you see Zane trying to stop you, you will kill him. Destroy all in your way. We shall begin the end of this dam town at the game tomorrow." said Ash with the other three in his group not listening. Ash floated back to the group as Scarlet Demon said,"May I ask why tomorrow night?".

Daisy said,"The Pestcrusher love the night and the soldiers will have a better chance of fighting against the others. So Halphas, will Daemon come back?". She looked toward her lover with Ash thinking to himself,"Why does she like him? I mean he is the same bastard from back them.". "I'm not sure but we're going to have fun. We should get going just in case that Agent Phoenix returns to try and kill us." said Halphas. The four flew off as Daemon changed.

Later, all of Cypress Park ,the children and adults were getting ready for the yearly Cypress Park football team against their town rivals Potomac and the Wesley Shepherds. They were playing one of the most famous sports in the USA aka Football or Concussion City. Atem sat in the town with him saying,"So why are we here again mom? I thought our family hated football and why are they named after a person who tends, herds, feeds, or guards herds of sheep?".

Natasha said,"We always go to this game. Zane goes every year because his friends usually goes and he's very loyal to his friends. It's a shame that he came down with a terrible cold. They named their team after a dog breed not a sheep herder Atem.". "Oh!" said Atem. Ana sat near by them as Arturo eating popcorn as he gave some to Kania and Wolfram. "I feel bad for big brother mother. He seemed somewhat fine yesterday but I guess he got an Eazairvian cold." said Ana.

Atem said,"Does that happen?". "According to his friends at Arcadia U, he does and it wasn't fun to clean up." said Ana. "I feel bad for those kids. They don't get to leave campus often and Zane may be a special case but still." said Natasha. "Those kids are the future Warrior sweetheart but I agree that keeping them like caged animals isn't healthy. Oh Ana. Can dogs eat popcorn?" said Arturo. "Yes but not the kernels because it can be a choking hazard." said Ana. "Okay." said Arturo.

Karen said with concern in her voice,"So did you guys go check on Zane?". She was sitting with Danny, Gwen, Rachel, Ray, and Tara as Ray said,"Yeah. He was so sick that I could feel the heat from outside.". "Really? Don't you think he left on his heater?" said Karen. "Nope. His heater was off." said Gwen. "So why can't we tell her the truth? This is getting annoying." whispered Rachel to Danny. "Zane'll tell her when he's ready." whispered Danny.

Tara said,"So do you think we go see him after the game?". "Yeah! That sounds like an awesome idea Tara. We should get the rest of his friends as well." said Gwen. "Yeah. So do you know if Zane has a date to the festival?" said Karen. "Maybe. Are you going to ask our dense idiot out?" said Rachel as she punched Karen lightly. "He isn't that dense. I mean he knew about you and Carlos. So have you gone to see him?" said Danny.

Rachel shook her head as she said,"Nope. I'm not going to ask Kristen about her brother. She's in a really bad place now.". "You have a point there. I'm happy that Zane is there for her. I may be a Karen and Zane shipper but him and Kristen are pretty cute." said Tara. "Don't we have a ship name and I'm pretty sure that several girls have a ship name with Zane?" said Karen. "Yes and it's really weird how that's a thing." said Danny.

Andre sat in the stands with him looking at Nova and Roxy. The two girls became fast friends and he was pretty sure that both girls liked Zane. "Hey Andre." said a voice. He turned to Selena and Susan with him saying,"What's up?". "So do you think Zane will be okay?" said Susan. "So what happened to Sugah/Zaney?" said Nova and Roxy respectively. "Okay then. You girls should know that he isn't here today because he's sick." said Selena.

Nova said,"So he can get sick? I guess I'll make my famous healing soup.". "You're a terrible cook. I mean Zane may have an iron stomach but I'm pretty sure that David will stop you from feeding him your food." said Roxy. "At least, I can cook." said Nova. The two bickered as Selena said,"So have they been like this for a while now?". "Yeah. They're friends and I think they're love rivals." said Susan. "I guess that Karen and Kristen made this a contest." said Andre.

Marcia sat next to her boyfriend Travis with Evan ,nearby them, said,"Man. I hope we win this game you guys. We've lost the past couple of them but if we win this game, this will be the best anniversary ever.". Jasmine sat nearby them with Heidi and Rebecca as Jasmine said,"Yeah. It would be nice if Zane was here.". "Zane isn't here Jasmine?" said Heidi. "Nope. Rachel just texted me that Zane isn't here because he's sick." said Jasmine.

Rebecca said,"Perhaps it was from Nova's food. I heard that it was pure awful.". "It takes a long to perfect a meal made for a special someone." said Travis. "So have you done that for me yet?" said Marcia. "I'm not going to say." said Travis. "He totally did. I mean his kitchen looks like a disaster zone." said Evan. Travis strangled Evan as Heidi said,"Should we stop them?". "Nah. Those two are friends." said Rebecca. "And we'll stop them eventually." said Jasmine. "Okay." said Heidi.

Kevin ,who was wearing his Buffer Suit Gloves, was currently the mascot. He noticed that after meeting Skull Plague, he had changed for the better. He gained metahuman abilities being that he's much stronger and he's now a metahuman. He actually finished his invention earlier than he expected being that his intelligence is increased. He also learned that he destroys/decays things with his left hand and restore things with his right hand.

He was currently the mascot being he thought that this would be the best way to attend the game. He thought about just attending the game by sitting the stands but he wanted to improve his reputation at  Cypress High. He was being pushed by the football team ,except for Austin and David who didn't care, and Kristen walked up to him. "What do you want with me Kristen? Are you going to push me into the mud just like Hannah and the cheerleaders did?" said Kevin.

Kristen shook her head as she said,"Nope. I'm not like the rest of them.". "Why? Because you're part of Zane's harem." said Kevin. "You really have a mouth don't you?" said Kristen. "Yeah. It's the only way that makes me known in this hellhole. Things are going to change. You should get ready for an era of change." said Kevin. He walked off as Kristen saw Brad getting tackled by the opposing team and she was worried about Kevin.

She remember what Zane ,the real one and not Daemon, told her about Kevin. "He's a good guy Kris but I think all of us bullying him is going to bring us trouble so we should try to be friends with him even if he pisses you off. Just and try okay for me?" said Zane's voice. "Kristen! You better get back here!" screeched Hannah's voice. Kristen walked back to the rest of the team with the game being that Cypress High beating them ,barely, in the first quarter of the game,

Right above the field, the group of Ash, Daemon, Daisy, Halphas, and Scarlet Demon floated there and watching the game. Daemon however wasn't his Phantom Self but an older version of his human version which came from Zero Episode 51. He's wearing a black helmet with a white visor ,that was currently up, showing his face and glowing red eyes. His face showed the dark lines under his eyes and gray skin.

He's wearing a black bodysuit over his lanky body with him wearing silver metal boots, collar that covers his entire neck, chest plates, gauntlets, and shoulder pads. "I'm impressed that they're winning in this dimension. I faintly recall that they were not the best players in the world. So are they ready for action?" said Daemon. "Yes beloved. They're currently in place around the field and ready to attack." said Daisy with her wrapping her arm around his.

Ash said,"So explain to me why we aren't going to be killing any of these bastards again? I mean you were being such a panzy for the past........". He soon had a blue Nether spear at his neck ,thanks to Scarlet Demon, and Ash said,"I won't question you anymore master!". The blue Nether spear was gone as Scarlet Demon said,"What do you want us to do master? I'm up for anything.". The visor went down as Daemon said as his voice modified,"Make some noise.". The five were gone.

On the field, Brad made his call and was about to throw the ball but he was soon tackled. "Hey! What the hell is your....?" said Brad. He soon saw Carnage and the Pestcrusher said,"You hurt my master the most in his timeline after what you did. Lets see how you like being bullied.". Brad screamed but it wasn't heard due to the other players being attacked by the ,invisible, Pestcrusher. David ,who was sitting on the bench, was confused by this along with the people in the stands.

The Pestcrushers appeared with them throwing the football players into a pile on the opposing side with the crowd watching in horror. "Touchdown! Touchdown! We did it!" said the Pestcrusher. The Pestcrusher and Carnage bowed as Ash, Daemon, Daisy, Halphas, and Scarlet Demon appeared in the middle of the field. The crowd itself was about to run away but several living Bishop Pieces appeared from nowhere with them generating a force field that looked to be impenetrable.

Kevin ,while hiding, said,"Why didn't they tell me about this?! Did Skull Plague know about this?! I mean he knows everything right?". "Wow. Look at all of the familiar faces here. I was hoping to see him back in town but well, he's dead." said Daemon. "Yo Daemon. I'm sure that we have some company and she's pretty smoking in this time. I like her with the long hair rather than the pixie cut. It was ugly." said Ash.

Danny said,"Fuck. Daemon is here and I thought Zane defeated him.". He was currently running with Ray as Ray said,"We should have known something when Lucius didn't come back. Atem nor Zane hasn't mention him. He could have died.". "No way. I mean he's Zane's older brother." said Danny. "If Zane couldn't stop himself, who says that Lucius couldn't." said Ray. "Don't remind me man. I hope that Gwen and Tara can protect Karen and Rachel while we kick some but." said Danny.

Ray said while cracking his knuckles,"Yeah. We were lucky to escape when we did. Daemon planned something good. The soldiers were placed to make sure that the crowd don't escape. I'm pretty sure that some of the crowd escaped.". He turned into Morph as Ray absorb metal. They ran toward the field only to see Daemon getting blasted back a couple of feet by reddish pink energy. The result soon caught everyone ,include the villains, which caused them to look for the source.

They saw Agent Phoenix standing there on her hover board. Her left arm had a machine gun barrel aimed at Daemon ,smoking from the shot fired, and even though she was wearing her mask, she had a extremely smug look on her ,that even Kevin would find annoying, on her. "You're the reason why Zane is sick aren't you? I saw you coming from his house earlier. I stole this suit back so I can kill you and your kind." said Vicky.

The people ,who didn't know who was under the mask, cheered at being saved from the five and their army of monsters. The cheering stopped rather fast as they heard a slow clapping. Everyone looked at the football field ,with the smoke clearing, being that Vicky was shocked to see that Daemon standing there in his normal costume. He smirked with him not having a single wound on him. "You did good my dear Victoria being that you got my attention but that's all you got." said Daemon. 

Daemon looked right at Danny and Ray with him saying,"Sick them Pestcrushers. Halphas Make sure that those two don't interrupt my fight with Victoria whatsoever.". "What about us my lord?" said Scarlet Demon. "I will tell you later but now, lets begin." said Daemon. She fired her gun as Daemon blocked it with ease. "You're so cute Victoria. I truly forgot how weak you really are." said Daemon as he smiled.

She tried to fire a missile at him but it failed thanks to her suddenly flying around in a circle. Daemon looked at Ash who said,"Her attempts at trying to fight back are annoying me Daemon. I mean she didn't stand a chance against you in our timeline. She can defeat the soldiers and pestcrushers yes but against one of us, it's boring to watch.". "You better not interrupt my next fight. You hacked into her suit didn't you?" said Daemon. Vicky was soon brought to her knees while still on her board.

Danny dodged Halphas's bluish white Hellfire with Ray punching the man in the face. "Do you honestly think that you can defeat Daemon and me? I mean he did defeat Zane." said Halphas. He backed up as he slammed the ground. Several green energy hands rushed toward them as Danny activated his Ghostly Broadsword being that he sliced most of them in half. Ray punched the others as Ray said with a smile,"He just got lucky is all! Zane is far stubborn to lose!".

Halphas laughed as he said,"You two are so cute you know that. I wonder you two would be like if you survived the explosion.". "The explosion?" said Danny. Their attention was caught by Vicky's scream as Ash was making her go up and down several times. "How are you doing this?" said Vicky as she coughed up blood. Jim would have come and stop Ash but the Chess Soldiers prevented him and the crowd's movement.

Daemon said,"The bitch ,who made your suit, built it to kill/dissect our mutual friend Legion Zero who isn't here. I wonder why She made it by mixing technology with Nether creating an element that would be effective on Phantoms "killing" them. The dumb and naive Phantoms think that they died but they were taking to rebuild his power thanks to one of them messing with your gear. You're just a puppet for the Odium Society.". "Are you cheating on me?" said Daisy as she looked at him.

Scarlet Demon said while sighing loudly,"Ignoring that. What do you wish her to do? Ash must be getting bored of slamming her into the ground I hope.". "Show them the fear of death right now Ash." said Daemon. "You're a real genius sometimes Daemon." said Ash. He soon made Vicky aimed her weapons ,which was a lot of guns, at both sides of the crowd and she was about to fire on them. She closed her eyes as her weapons fired upon the people. 

The crowd was about to run away but then the attacks were soon blocked by two giant magic circles that appeared from nowhere. Vicky opened her eyes as she said,"Thank you Gwen?". Gwen stood there with Daemon saying,"So you decided to reveal your true self Gwendolyn? I'm shocked. My Gwen was just like you but she died before she could prove herself.". Karen was shocked as she said,"Gwen is really a witch Rachel?". Rachel was quiet as Tara tapped her shoulder.

The two turned around to see that Heidi and Roxy were gone as Tara whispered,"Protect Karen. I'll go help the guys like Heidi and Roxy are going to.". Rachel nodded as Tara sneaked off. Arturo sat with Kania and Wolfram with Kania whispering,"Why did you let your daughter go with Ana and Atem aka your granddaughter and great grandson?". "Zane has trained them well and I'm sure that Natasha can fight." said Arturo.

Daisy soon got Daemon's attention when she saw Ana and Atem ,in costume aka his real form, with Natasha. "Oh. You somehow escaped the Blockade just like my old friends. Colored me impressed but you're not stopping me." said Daemon. Natasha pulled out her Plasma Rifle and turned into a very big bazooka. "Your plan ,whatever it is, isn't going to happen!" said Natasha as her weapon slowly charged up.

Daemon laughed as he said,"I forgot how you once were. Your fiery spirit is still alive in this world now.". He walked over to the trio as he whispered,"Mother.". Ana, Atem, and Natasha were stunned along with some of the crowd. "What did he just say?!" said Atem. "Mother." said Ana. "What did you just say?!" yelled Natasha. "I know that your hearing isn't bad as his or mine. Use your brain okay?" said Daemon.

He slowly turned into the negative version of Zane as he said,"Tada! Remember me now?!". "You're a monster!" yelled Natasha. She fired her weapon with Ana looking at Atem. "Auntie. Is that dad? I thought he was sick." said Atem. "I'm not sure but we need to protect Natasha." said Ana. The attack flew toward Daemon's chest and hitting him. The beam made a giant hole in his chest as Daemon looked at her. "Why did you shoot me mother?" said Daemon.

He disappeared as Natasha fell onto her knees. Ana and Atem went to their adopted family member but Daemon ,the real one, appeared behind them. "You're so much fun to break just like I did to your real Zane." whispered Daemon as their eyes widened. He send the three back using his flames and they were caught by Tara ,who was in her costume, and Atem yelled with him crying,"What did you do to him?! You jerk!".

Daemon said,"Why should I tell you mummy? You're not related to me. I thought that you wouldn't try to hurt me. I'm hurt really but I guess you'll be not worth it.". He flew over to Daisy as Natasha said,"Tell me what you did to my son!". She broke out of Tara's force field with her turning her gun into a double edged bladed weapon. She then rushed toward Daemon with her being stopped by pestcrushers. "Don't let her touch our beloved." said Daisy.

Daisy was shocked to see that Natasha was slicing her way through her pets and Halphas said as he blocked both Danny and Ray's attack,"Wow. I'm shocked but she is the boss's blood mother but who knows sometimes?". Daemon looked back to see his alternative dimension mother ,crying her eyes out while slicing through his bug like army, and he heard a voice,"Why is she sad about me?". "Do you mind taking care of her Daisy? Don't kill her." said Daemon.

Daisy nodded as she stood in front of Natasha being that the remaining pets watched as Daisy glared at Natasha. "I promise that I wouldn't kill you but I'll make you pay for hurting my babies and if you defeat me, I'll tell you what happened to Zaney." said Daisy. Natasha smiled as she got in a combat stance. "I hope you're ready to lose because I'm stronger than one may think.". "Wow. She's so dam hot!" said Warren. He was soon punched by a "stray" green energy fist from Halphas. 

Ana and Atem were soon placed on the ground as Atem said,"What happened to daddy?". "He's fine I promise Atem. I need you two to do something." said Tara. "What?" said Ana. "You two need to defeat the soldiers that look like Chess pieces. We need to free the innocent." said Tara. "Are you sure about this?" said Ana. "Daddy would try to focus on making sure that the people are safe so lets do this!" said Atem while wiping away his tears.

Ana nodded as the two ran off. Tara flew over to Gwen as Gwen said,"So what should we do? We need to help the guys.". Tara looked at Danny and Ray with the duo trying to fight Halphas who kept them back using his flames. "You know they'll hate us if we do that." said Tara. Gwen soon pulled out her sword as she blocked Scarlet Demon. "Master is busy with the two teenage females. I shall handle the two of you." said Scarlet Demon. "I guess we got our opponent." said Gwen.

Natasha soon charged toward Daisy with her swinging the right. Daisy blocked the attack with her groaning a bit. Several vines knocked the weapon away from the mother being that she soon spin to her left. She landed a powerful kick on the Phantom being that Daisy glared at her. She stood there as she knew that Natasha would land a attack. Natasha was planning on landing a powerful punch being that she was aiming for her mask.

However, Daisy dodged the punch being that she soon landed a kick at Natasha's stomach. Natasha went back a bit being that she glared at her opponent. She soon jumped into the air with her planning on landing a Axe kick on her. She soon was grabbed by several vines shocking Ana and Atem who had finished off the chess soldiers ,that was holding the barrier, and the crowd of innocent people ran out of there faster.

Atem said,"So how is she doing all that?". "You seriously thought she didn't get any Phantom latent abilities." said Arturo. The two saw the rest of their family as she turned back to see Natasha looking at Daisy. She could tell that she was feeling fear and it was because she's being hurt by a human and also failing Daemon who was currently fighting two teen girls aka Dragoness and Viola. Despite her  wearing a mask, she could still tell her expression on Daisy.

The vines swiftly and violently tossed the mother toward her right with ease. Natasha slowly crashed on the ground and was about to get back. She soon saw her weapon being that she was about to grab it and slice down her enemy. She was soon tackled onto the ground by one of the Pestcrushers. The Phantom clamped its jaws on her left forearm being that it wasn't letting go. Daemon's eyes widened as the voice from earlier said,"No!".

Just before Natasha had her arm ripped from her, the pestcrusher was destroyed by a plasma shot and Natasha's left arm was free. The two women soon saw Kristen ,still there, with her holding a Plasma Swiss Army Knife. Kristen were stopped by Daemon and the teen saw that both Heidi and Roxy were defeated with Ash holding them down using Vicky. "You're not going to be helping those idiots but I think you should see real fire." said Daemon.

She was surrounded by purple fire being that Daemon flew over to Daisy. "I can defeat her Beloved I promise!" said Daisy. Daemon ignored her as she picked up Natasha. "Put me down!" said Natasha as she kicked him in the gut. "You're lucky that I'm pretty gentle. Your son wasn't so lucky when I got close to him." whispered Daemon. Natasha's eyes widened as she was soon thrown toward Kristen as he said,"Time to begin Phase 1. Ash. Begin.".

Ash nodded as the group there soon saw that the town was surrounded by an energy shield being that it was just like when Spiro Midnight tried to take over the town. The townspeople ,who weren't at the game, were confused why the barrier is even there being that people started to run away from the five Phantoms who weren't playing around like most of the villains in this town. Kevin ,who was shocked in fear, couldn't believe it.     

Kevin thought,"How can this be?! Ash wouldn't betray me!". Daemon sighed as he said,Halphas and Scarlet. Get them and bring them to City Hall. I shall grab those two.". The two nodded as they were gone. The four teens (Danny, Gwen, Ray, and Tara) soon saw that Halphas and Scarlet ,who appeared out of nowhere, behind the Alvarez Family and knocked them out. "Natasha! Watch out!" yelled the four. Both Kristen and Natasha saw Daemon and he knocked them out.

Danny rushed toward Daemon but he was soon stopped by several Pestcrushers. He punched his way through them but he was too late. He saw them fly off as the field soon only had the four of them, the two knocked out girls, and a stunned Kevin. Danny slammed his fist on the ground as Ray said,"We have injured and Kevin.". "Right. We should go back to Zane's house and make a plan." said a angry Danny. Gwen nodded with her making a magic circles going back to Zane's house.

Thanks to the people who fled the school, the police station soon learned about the attack being that Scott called his daughter. He didn't hear her respond but her friend Rachel. She told him that she was captured by one of the Phantoms who attack the school earlier before the line went silent. The police soon went searched for the captain's daughter and the five Phantoms who attacked the school taking some people aka the Alvarez Family except for Zane Alvarez.

One of the cars spotted them being that they chased after him but upon getting close to it, the car soon stopped. The officers inside were in shocked being that the engine was ripped out by Carnage ,who was invisible, being that he wanted to stop them from chasing after his master. He soon destroyed the windshield being that the cops ran out to shoot it. The Phantom appeared and he said,"You two will be good for a quick meal.". He rushed toward them as the cops screamed in terror.

Over at City Hall, it was pretty not peaceful because of the apparent chaos that was going on through the city. One of the walking townspeople soon gasped being that they soon saw Daemon ,who had a very smug smile on his face, floated down to them. The rest of his group were holding the group of (Ana, Arturo, Atem, Kania, Karen, Kristen, Natasha, and Wolfram.) People pulled out their phones as the group landed on the ground.

Daemon said,"Greetings Cypress Park and soon the world. My name is Daemon and I'm here to take over Cypress Park and perhaps the world. I'm not sure just yet. I first began my conquest by trapping all of you like rats. You may promise me money or power but I don't want anything like that. I just want complete control.". The people ,who were there or not, was watching the speech being that they were scared of him.

Daemon said,"Today, things will change. I came here from a alternative dimension where all was ruined because of one of your townspeople and a bomb. You're trapped being that you humans can escape but they however can't.". He raised his right arm into the air with a portal opening up. The crowd moved their phones up showing that several amount of Phantoms dropped from the portal as Aster, Bane, Celeste, Erin, Ether, Jennifer, Kendra, and Smog stuck out.

The entire town ,including Danny's group who watched from Zane's house, being that several of the inhabitants of Terrarune come out before the portal soon closed. "As you can see, Phantoms are here and they can't escape this prison. So why have I done this?" said Daemon. "You all live here now and I hope you have fun with these humans. Try not to kill them by making them your slaves but I have to tell you all something." said Daemon.

Celeste said while crossing her arms,"And what's that ugly?". Daemon smiled twisted as he soon created a clone of Zane ,shocking the eight from earlier, and he said,"This is Zane Alvarez and he was my first victim.". The clone's chest started to bleed and his right arm burned away as the crowd were shocked. "I ripped out his Essence and burned his arm to ash. He isn't human but something called a Cross-Species. He died, trying to stop my reign." said Daemon.

He threw the corpse toward the prisoners with them waking up. They couldn't believe their eyes as Atem said with him back to normal,"Daddy?". "Daddy?" said Karen and Kristen. "My ally Ash here is able to track all of you because you're hooked to technology and unable to leave it. He'll know if you try and escape or contact the outside and you're dead. Have fun I would say." said Daemon as he started a laugh.

It was a low chuckle at fire but it soon turned into the devil itself. The Phantoms ,nearby, were all shocked to see Daemon like this being that he smiled. "Go nuts." said Daemon. Several pestcrushers plus Halphas and Scarlet Demon rushed toward the people who started to run away. Most Phantoms soon floated off as Bane said,"We need to find Zane's friends.". His group nodded as they flew off as Daemon began his laughter once again with his purple flames behind him.

Next time,
Day 2 begins and could things get worse? I'm going to say yes because things can only escalate from here. Will Zane and the others find about us and will Zane lose his temper? This last question is obvious but who knows? This and more next time on Zero!

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