Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Zero Episode 60 Worst Future Ever PT 11 The True Paradise of Blacktomb and Will to Fight

A/N: Welcome to Episode 60 and we're almost there I hope. I will be showing off what Daemon has been doing but it's been so much fun writing Ivan, Xiadur, and Mistress Linda. It's fun to get away from the mold of making super villains and Zane winning. In the last episode, Zane was under a pain induced hallucination and he was dying. We're going to be learning more about Olivia and her people which are highly fabulous men and women. Do note that the men aren't homosexual.

This place is where you can be anything you want to be. You could be a dinosaur, in love and married to a jug of beer, dressed as a robot, or anything you want. This is where people can express their desire and I want to say something. I don't judge being that you want to be date the same gender. Be proud of it. You shouldn't worry about what others thinks of you but you should be proud of yourself and don't let others make you choice. Lets begin with Ivan still spinning. Also this episode will feature friendship and being yourself. You thought Fairy Tail was going to have a lot of Friendship but this episode may be up there.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ivan was spinning as the crowd chanted for him. "Ivan!" yelled a voice. Amelia tackled him as she said,"You're finally awake!". Ivan saw Lucius, Sharia, and Trunk standing there. Sharia was wearing the outfit she was wearing before putting on her guard uniform. Trunk however wasn't his tattered prisoner clothing. He's now wearing a dark green button collared shirt, brown pants, and black dress shoes with him holding a glass of beer.

Ivan said,"You guys! You're safe!". "Yep. It was thanks to I. It's nice to see you alive and moving Ivan boy." said Olivia. She stood there with Marissa as Ivan bowed. "It's an honor to meet all of you! All of you are so open! It's very refreshing!" said Ivan. The crowd cheered as Sharia said,"She does a show every two hours but every one of them is a blast.". "This beer is way better than the show and the girls here are amazing." said Trunk somewhat drunk.

Olivia was about to fall over as she said,"I guess I used too much of my energy. I may need to rest for a bit.". The crowd was worried as Lucius sighed. "I'm alright because you're here to give me strength boys and girls!" said Olivia. The crowd cheered as Lucius said,"This is Liv huh? I forgot how weird you could be but it has been a while.". "So you do remember me Lucius? Or perhaps you've heard of my amazing nature!" said Olivia.

Olivia said,"These folks may be new to our Paradise but treat them like brothers and sisters. We're all family down here despite not sharing a pint of blood. Our hearts are connected by our friendship that is for sure!". The crowd cheered as Amelia said,"She's oddly a ray of sunshine in this hell.". "Ray? I would say she's the whole freaking sun!" said Ivan spinning. "Do you ever get sick from spinning? I got to know old friend." said Trunk. The door slammed open as someone yelled,"Olivia Potter!".

The lights ,of the club, shinned on a man standing there holding a really big gun. He's a rather bulky and heavyweight man with highly tanned skin, short dirty blond hair, matching blond beard, and brown eyes. He had a noticeable scar running over both shoulders. He's wearing a striped prisoner shirt and matching pants with a camouflage pattern instead of a striped one. "I've been looking for you and the rest of you freaks!" yelled the man. "Wow. You're really rude." said Trunk.

Marissa said,"That's the former prince of Maval Kingdom Colby Barnett. I heard that after their king went to Liv's kingdom, it was disbanded which forced the prince to become a man for hire. He's rumored to be extremely good with weapons mainly ranged weapons and also he's highly durable to say the least.". "That bitch is right!" yelled Colby. The crowd got angry with Ivan saying,"She isn't a bitch but a friend!". The crowd cheered as Lucius said,"We're hearing that word a lot aren't we?".

Colby said,"That bitch turned my father into that freak of himself because he just happened to visit her kingdom! He came back as a freak rather than a man turning my once proud kingdom into a dam horror show like this!". "So how did you get down here? I mean we went through hell to get here and I hate you for it." said Amelia. "Shouldn't we be worried about the cannon?" said Trunk. "After what went though Trunk, he's nothing but a spoiled child." said Sharia.

Colby said,"I came here to settle the score with you bitch! I bribed that Vice-Warden a free pass into this hell hole using some of the mount that I earned through my new job as a bounty hunter. I'm going to make you suffer for what you did!". Liv's legs started to shake as she said,"No! Please don't fire that at me! You should know that he was unhappy and as his son, you should have been there and maybe perhaps take over as a king.". Colby fired his gun as a large bullet went toward her.

Liv was about to deflect it back at him but it was soon stopped in mid air. Lucius held out his hand as he said,"I know you could have EASILY deflected it back but let us take care of him. You saved our life more or less and my dad taught me to repay my debts.". "Okay darling. Just keep me safe." said Liv. "You bastards! Die!" yelled Colby. He fired two more bullets with one of them being slammed to the roof by a giant wooden hand.

Trunk said,"I may be plastered but those bullets are so slow!". The other one was stopped thanks to Sharia was walking on the air. She kicked it back at Colby causing a massive explosion knocking him out. "Did she just walk on air to kick it?!" yelled Ivan. "Honestly, I didn't see that coming. Do you want us to hold him capture?" said Marissa. "Yep. Capture him boys and girls. We going to make a show and teach our rude friend about being honest with yourself." said Liv.

Colby woke back up as he said,"What the hell did that fatass give me? I can normally survive being hit by an explosion.". He saw that he was tied up ,with his cannon being held by Amelia just in case, and the crowd staring at him. Amelia, Lucius, Sharia, and Trunk sat in the crowd as Colby said while trying to break out, "What the hell are you freaks going to do to me?! I've already been through hell because of your queen!".

He turned to see Liv standing there with both Ivan and Marissa standing to the right of her. "Okay. It's your turn now Ivan." said Liv. "What? Why me? I mean I'm not killing him." said Ivan. "No. We knot about your powers all of them." said Marissa. "So what is she talking about?" said Lucius. "Well, I'm sure you know that Ivan is strange." said Amelia. "I saw from the cameras ,that weren't destroyed, that he can explode and reform himself. He can also change his appearance." said Sharia/

Amelia said,"Well, it's only a rumor but I heard that Ivan can change other's appearance but he never does it at least from I've heard.". "It isn't a rumor now is Ivan? You see it don't you? How he lashes out at us just because we can express ourselves in ways unimaginable to a normal person's mind. We all have our skeletons but you can help him get rid of his. Just believe in yourself. It sounds cheesy I know but trust me, you can do it just how you pushed yourself for your friend." said Iva.

Ivan nodded as he walked over to Colby. "So what are you going to do to me?! Tickle me? Or maybe something stupid just like your....." said Colby. His eyes soon widened as Ivan's left hand turned into a giant needle. "Awaken!" yelled Ivan. He soon stabbed Colby with him feeling strange. His body soon began to glow a bright pink. "What the hell did your tutu friend do?" said Colby. His bead soon went back into his body as Marissa said,"My lady shall explain.".

Liv said as Colby's body was losing it's muscle tone,"Thank you. Your father ,like most men, can't admit to his feelings. He hides it like with blowing things up, having relations with countless women throughout your kingdom, or perhaps murder.". Colby looked at himself as he said in a high pitched voice,"My body. What did you friend do to me?". "You're nothing more than a spoiled child throwing a fit because you didn't want to be the ruler." said Liv.

Trunk said,"So how does she know so much?". "You're drunk beyond belief. I'm guessing that Liv is a really smart woman." said Lucius. "Your dad wanted to be free so I made him into what he wanted to be a peasant. You didn't want to be a ruler but just enjoy the wealth he made. You on the other hand are different but the same.". Colby was soon losing his masculinity as he was become a she. "Stop it please! Turn me back!" said Colby in her soprano voice.

Liv snapped her fingers as the stage was covered in smoke. "Hey! What are you?!" said Colby as she was being grabbed by Marissa. "Is there any thing wrong with having two mothers or fathers? They love each other even though they're the same biology. Your parents still love and I know that you're the only son but always wanted to be a girl just like your siblings." said Liv. "Remind me never to make her mad." said Amelia. "Gotcha." said the three.

The smoke cleared as Colby said,"No! What did you do to me?!". Instead of the burly and angry looking man, a woman stood there. She lost her bulky and heavyweight figure being that it was now graceful and slender figure that a model would kill for. She was slightly taller than a normal male but now, she's an average height for a woman and still taller than Amelia. She lost her tan skin becoming the opposite being extremely pale like she's never see sun before in her life.

Her short dirty blond hair soon turned periwinkle with it now stretches down her back. It was wavy and curls at the end. Her once brown and dull eyes were now orange and brilliant. Her figure was without any scars being that it was now hairless. She did have tattoos being that she has a red heart rose on her neck. Her figure is a highly ideal hourglass figure with rather large breasts. Instead of her prisoner outfit, she was wearing something extremely different.

She's wearing an unbuttoned green cropped tank top, a white sarashi binding around her chest, short gray leaf skirt that exposes her long legs if not for her orange and black striped leggings, and pink knee high sandal boots. She's wearing accessories. She has golden small spherical earrings, a singe sapphire pearl necklace choker, a purple sash around her waist, thick gray bracelets with a purple and pink line, and red lipstick.

The light shined on her as she looked at herself. She screamed as she said,"What did you to do me? I feel so....". "Empowered? Free of the chains holding you down?" said Iva. "Wow. I didn't expect that to work and Marissa is a really fast dresser! Where did she go?" thought Ivan. The now woman heard cheering as she said with tears,"You're not laughing?". "Here Colleen, laughter is for jokes about things other than our friends's appearance. Your father said that you wanted this." said Iva.

Colleen said,"I guess but....". "You'll be treated like a friend I promise right my babies!" said Iva as the crowd cheered for her. Colleen smiled as she said,"So do you mind if I stay here and learn how to be a woman Mistress Liv?". "Mistress? I'm more of a queen but sure. Call me what suits you but don't call me a bitch. Welcome Colleen to your new family! You have to be true to yourself! This is the land of personal freedom! Freedom World!" said Colleen.

Ivan said,"Um. I hate to ruin the coming out of Colleen but it's an honor to finally meet you! You're too amazing to die! I have a favor to ask of you but this may seem rude since you and Freedom World have done such much....". "I'm sure Mistress Liv would be happy to do it Ivan." said Colleen. "She's correct Ivan my boy or is it girl. I'm getting off topic. What is it?" said Liv. Ivan started to shake as he took a deep breath.

He bowed as he yelled,"My dear friend Zane was covered in Xiadur's acid and he needs to live! He's going to be the savior of the Omniverse and defeat Xiadur! He's strong and this is my fault! If I didn't run away like a coward, he wouldn't be in this much pain! I'm a bastard I know but I'm trying to make it right by him and his parents my dear friends! Please!". He was crying his eyes as Liv said,"You must be talking about the multi-hair boy.".

Ivan plus the four others looked at her and Liv said,"To be honest, I don't save every tom, dick, and harry you know. I saved Colleen because I owe her father a favor. She's saved but the reason the five of you are here in Freedom World is because of the child. He isn't old enough to have hair covering his body like some of my people but he had a heart bigger than even mine when it comes to his friends or his family. He begged us ,even in his condition, to help you even at his own expense."

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Liv stood there with the man ,that saved them from the Harpies, and Liv said,"So which one of them released the Empyrean Will? I could feel it from our home. You as well right Marshal?". "Yes. It's the one covered by Xiadur's acid and he's still alive. It's impressive to say the least." said Marshal. Zane slowly stood back up as the acid now covered his body like a exoskeleton ,except for his right eye, as he said slowly,"Thank you for saving me you two people.".

Liv said,"So you're Legion Zero? To be honest, I thought you would be older. We've been watching your escapade and you're the strongest Zero in a long time. Well done. You earned my respect and I'm betting that you're quite handy with your gifts.". "Thank you but please save my friends. I don;t know why but Amelia, Ivan, Lucius, Sharia, and Trunk saved me from the harpies so please heal them first miss and mister I beg you." said Zane coughing up blood.

Marshal said,"Shouldn't you ask for yourself to be healed before then? Your wounds are more deadly than the five of them combined. You're on death's door and the door will be open sending you to hell itself. Ivan ditched you to save his ass earlier.". "I don't care! Ivan may have ran but he was saved. I'm not losing another friend to my enemy! I lost one and I don't want see it again! It's naive I know but I don't push myself forward for others. I only do it for my family! Heal them please!" said Zane.

Narrator P.O.V.
The five plus Colleen were being lead down an hallway by Liv as Trunk said,"He just met four of us only for a couple of days but he considers us family? He's a good kid.". "A great one wood boy. That is something that a great man once did. He was about to die but he asked for his friend to be saved before him. I never thought I could see another soul like that in my lifetime. I honored his request and healed you all free of charge." said Liv.

Colleen said,"So how long has he been in treatment Mistress Liv?". "Twelve hours. It's expected and well, you'll see." said Liv. The seven stopped in an empty hall with only a wooden door covered by chains and a single lock. "MAKE IT STOP! THE PAIN! IT'S KILLING ME!" roared Zane's voice as Lucius looked at Liv. "He's been saying that and screaming since I've given him the treatment. This is going to be a painful journey for our young friend that's for sure." said Liv.

Ivan said,"Seriously?! He's been doing that since then. What did you do Liv?". "Nothing beside given him my former kingdom's medicine. It's powerful yes but with his unique body, it is reacting in a way that's quite painful. It's working and he should be healed in two days." said Liv. "Two days?! Are you serious?" said Amelia. "Yep. I'm dead serious Amelia. I would lie about my friend's treatment. Zane's stubborn and he isn't going to let this stop him." said Liv.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Liv was in the room locked with Zane strapped down to a table by several steel chains and there was a lot of them. "You're an immortal but if you weren't, my healing would take you from teen hood to adult hood in a snap! The acid covering you is preventing your healing to really begin so we need to get rid of that first multi-hair." said Liv. "Thank you so much tall lady who's really nice. Wow. I'm totally sounding like Liger Form. Danny and Ray would have a field day." said Zane.

Liv said,"Danny and Ray? Are they the names of two of your friends out there being healed by my friends? I promise you that the acid will be gone but it will be up to your body to do the rest of it. It will be painful I promise but you'll be healed and brand new. You have less than fifty percent of going back to your normal self. Do you take those odds? It's about 1% but normally, it's about 10. You're a special case. This fight will show if you're truly worthy of your powers and defeating your enemies.".

She then held a bottle with it having the words Heal on it as she said,"This is a choice. You will heal thanks to your willpower or die by Xiadur. You can do this child and have fun!". She threw the bottle on Zane with him screaming loudly causing the room to shake. The acid was slowly melting off his body as his blood and essence began pounding like crazy. Liv left the room with her saying,"Two and a half days. Lets hope you last it Legion Zero.". Zane was screaming after that.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ivan was crying his eyes out as he was on his knees. "Zane's going through all of the pain alone! He has been through hell and back just to save his friends right?! Zane is just like his father in so many ways!" said Ivan. "An Eazairvian is known for being very much free-spirited and doesn't care about life in gender. It does whatever it wants showing great willpower as shown with Zane's outburst of Empyrean Will earlier. It's impressive." said Liv.

Zane's screaming get louder as the group ,except for Liv, covered their ears. "I'm impressed with the biology of him. He's got the powers of Eazairvian, Phantom, Sorcerer, and Furor wrapped in his little body. It's impressive that he even lasted as long as he did to begin with against the warden Xiadur's acid. It's deathly and well, we'll see who wins. It's a war between Recovery and Death in Zane. He can survive if he can overcome all of his doubts and worries to become Legion Zero." said Liv.

Zane's screaming grew softer as Liv sighed. "If you wish to see Zane's pain, there is a hole for all of you to look at aka the door." said Liv. The six went over to the window as Lucius said,"Zane? Are you....?". Zane screamed launching the six back as Colleen said,"Wow! He looks to be in so much pain Mistress Liv.". "He's going to die! His body is falling apart and he must be dying! We have to do something if anything!" said Ivan covered in tears.

Ivan was slapped by Liv as she said,"Shut the hell up! I'm healing him!". Ivan went back from it as Liv yelled,"Don't underestimated the willpower of a true human! That boy has gone through so much in sixteen years of life and I've seen it all! I'm not saving anyone who doesn't have the will to live! I saved you and your father Colleen because you two have the will! I'm saving Zane because he has the will! He's the savior of the Omniverse is he not Ivan Preston!".

Sharia said,"You believe that too? I mean he's strong but the savior? Those are big claims.". "And I stand by them Assassination Queen. Zane boy has strong will being that he used the Empyrean Will which is a power that most Zeroes never access being they get killed off or don't have the willpower to do it." said Liv. "So you're saying that Zane will live if he has will right? I haven't known him for long but he has it in spades dam it!" said Trunk.

Zane's screaming grew louder as the six looked back. "I know Zane. He's far too stubborn to let this acid or his own pain from the Fiends and Mistress Linda stop him. He can do it." said Lucius. "And we will wait. Come. Lets have your party Colleen!" said Liv. The six slowly followed the woman back to the main area where they were having a very large party to say the very least about the whole thing.

The five ,Amelia, Ivan, Lucius, Sharia, and Trunk, sat on a comfy hot pink couch with Ivan giving new clothing and his bandages were removed. He was now wearing a long black coat with it opened up showing off a hot pink tank top, dark purple pants, and black boots. On the couch, Liv was being feed grapes as things were going normally. Colleen was sitting next to her enjoying some wine and a light salad.

Iva said while chugging beer,"I'm smart being that I can figure out what's giving you pain physical or metal. I'm sure that you're impressed. All of the folks here thanked me after freeing their true selves being that they locked themselves up. It's such a sad feeling but all of you are proud now aren't you all?!". "Yeah!" said the crowd and Colleen. "Oh. So did Ivan helped Colleen by changing her gender or did you do something?" said Amelia.

Liv shook her head as she said,"Ivan did the main part while I helped Colleen deal with her new life as a proud and immortal woman. I'm really great with words as well.". "And you so don't have an ego the size of a....." said Trunk. He was soon punched by Ivan who said,"I still can't believe that this isn't an illusion! The food, drink, and joy is all real!". "All of them were lost prisoners and well, I helped them go out of their shells with ease!" said Liv.

Liv said,"From Level 1 to 5, all of them came here by secret entrances. They are everywhere in this hellhole. We used them to steal supplies from Xiadur and his crew without them being the wiser. The passages in this hellhole is impressive. It's sad but we still know everything. We have Communication Orbs everywhere and newspaper. I saw Zane and the rest of the gang's attempt at saving Kurt earlier and it was amazing! So much strength is such a body! I wanted to meet him for sure!".

Sharia said,"What I don't get it is how this place is so big. How do you have all of this space and how long has this been a thing?". "Well, Parker made this prison a long time ago by the Alliance and he's a crafty one that's for sure. He made the tunnels for me upon my request and I helped with bringing all of you here to meet and greet like old friends would for sure. We're in the middle of Level 5 and 6 called Level 5.5 but I prefer Freedom World myself." said Liv.

Lucius said,"What a god dam minute! There's a Level 6!". "It's kept a secret for a reason being that the folks down there are well deadly and killers. The worst of the worst. People would cause great harm to the Omniverse at large are put there without any chance of escape. To be honest, Zane's plan worked because of Xiadur and the former warden was much a bigger pain but he died due to acid in his coffee. It wasn't Xiadur they say but who knows with his more devious side." said Liv.

Trunk said,"So is Xiadur really corrupted?". "Beyond belief. He's serving his Master Skull Plague aka the worst of the worst. On Level Six, we got Daryl Desmond also known as the Sky Berserker, Marco Payne aka the Shadow Emperor, and so many bad guys. Their names scream terror don't there and well, it's bad news." said Liv as she bit down on a massive piece of meat. Ivan started to spin as he said,"When you've friends, nothing can scare you!". "Preach it brother!" yelled the crowd.

Liv said,"Kurt ,aka Zane's brother was it, is the first in a long time to be put down there. He's very powerful and Xiadur may have capture Kurt to get to our young friend .". "We actually came here to save Kurt because I'm their eldest brother." said Lucius. "I expected that much due to your last names being the same. Zane is quite the Zero and has done more than most of the previous ninety-nine Zeroes that for sure." said Liv as she chowed down on the food.

Colleen said while sipping her wine,"You can really eat Mistress Liv.". "I admire that tenacity of young Zane but his plan has failed. He needs to save himself because his treatment is going to talk 2 and a half days or 60 Hours. The treatment for a normal human ,even metahumans, would take twice that amount if they live that long. Who knows if Xiadur will keep Kurt alive after the wounds Zane inflicted on him." said Liv as she devour salad.

Liv said,"After his recovery, he'll need three to four days to regain his strength. This is all going to end badly and this Daemon character Zane screamed sounds deadly. Is he an enemy?". "Yeah. He's the one who burned Zane's right arm and destroy his Essence." said Lucius clenching his fist. "This is insane! Zane can't survive more of that torture. He's going to die soon!" said Amelia. "Don't doubt the power of a strong will. It can do anything if the user has their mind set on something." said Liv.

Ivan was crying as Liv said,"The rest of you include you Coleen need to rest so have some food and drink before nap time. I'll lead you to your rooms.". Ivan head toward the door as he screamed."I'm staying with Zane!". "Calm down!" said a man. "He may not ever survive so don't put your hopes up okay?" said a woman. Ivan turned around as Amelia, Lucius, Sharia, and Trunk followed him. Iva used a napkin to wipe her lips.

They reached Zane's screaming room with Ivan saying,"Zane. I haven't known you for a long time but I know that you won't let this acid win against you! You're too stubborn to listen to reason when I told you to run from Xiadur! You pushed through the pain of losing two important limbs so you can push through this I promise!". He got into a pose as he chanted,"You can do it Zane!". He echoed this for a while. The crowd ,all of them, watched as Ivan and the group cheered for Zane.

Back on Level 3, the guards and fiends were running from an highly angry Linda who said,"So why the hell can't anyone of you find one stinking ballerina, boy, and girl?!". She began whipping them all like crazy and below, the group plus the folks of Freedom World kept cheering for Zane as the young teen screamed out louder than normal due to the group cheering. "This is the bonds between friends my pretties! Never forget this lesson and have a will to accomplish!" said Liv.

On the warden's office, Xiadur was sitting there with his arm still missing. His burns and frostbite were almost gone but they were still noticeable. "Warden sir! One of the guards on Level 5 reported that Legion Zero is missing and they found Vice Warden Damien in one of the weapon rooms on Level 5!" said a guard. Xiadur's temper rose as he covered the entire room in acid killing the guard and the group and Freedom World cheered louder.

Back on Level 6, Kurt was panting as Daryl said,"Listen Kurt. I don't know if you should trust her like you have done. Who knows if Lucius and Zane were even here? She could be just tricking you with her feminine wiles or something.". " I know my brothers! I haven't seen them in years but the bonds we made back when we were kids, I'll never forget them! We're stubborn fools and we never give up when our family is on the line!" yelled Kurt.

Daryl looked at Kurt who said,"Sorry but I know my little brother. He's stupid and stubborn maybe the most in our entire family. I heard he fought an emperor just because he tried to take over his home or something. He's all a Zero and we both know how stubborn those power hungry idiots are. Zane is a very reckless fool and I'm sure that he's here somewhere fighting for his life.". Kurt growled and Daryl looked for his friend.

Ever though they were very tired, The entirely of Freedom World and the group looked to see Zane's candy syrup like blood come out through the cracks in the door. "It make look very delicious but the screaming shouldn't stop even with the treatment going on. Zane may be dead. The silence means that the young friend has bit off more than he can chew. He's a man that shall be honored for several centuries onword." said Liv as the group there started to shed tears.

Something was crashing into the door and it seemed like something was trying to get out. Zane's soft panting could be heard as his stomach growled. The crowd was confused as Zane roared out,"I NEED ALL OF THE FOOD NOW DAM IT! GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!". The crowd was knocked back as Ivan said with tears,"Zane! You're alive!". "That's my brother." said Lucius wiping away his tears with Amelia hugging Sharia and Trunk. The crowd cheered for Zane.

Liv said,"That's amazing but it's been only a day and one hour. Who are you Zane Alvarez?!". A bit later, Lucius said,"Attention! Bring ALL of it! It doesn't matter if it is raw or not! Zane is hungry and trust me, you don't want to get in the way of him and a meal!". The food was being thrown in fast and it came back faster. "He's talking in food like his stomach is a black hole." said Trunk. "I guess he needs after screaming for twenty five hours. He's so tiny!" said Amelia.

The food was being grabbed by Zane as Marissa said,"In an hour, Zane has devour 100 years worth of food for all of us and perhaps more.". "I would hate to met this guy at a buffet. He may be tiny but full of surprises." said Liv. Zane was walking out as he stood there. His pants were now shorts with his chest and right arm covered in bandages. "I'm powered up now!! I'm coming for you Kurt so don't die on me! You're going down Xiadur and Daemon!" roared Zane. "Go Zane!" yelled the crowd.

Next Time,
Zane's fully recovered making several new friends in this hell hole. Liv learns more about Zane and she decides to help Zane on his journey to save Kurt, defeat Xiadur and Daemon, and save his family! This and more next time on Zero!

A Normal Human: 5 Days of Pain and 6-8 Days of Recovery. 11-13 Days and 264-312 Hours
Eazairvian: 2 1/2 Days of Pain and 3-4 Days of Recovery. 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 Days and 66-78 Hours.
Zane's 1 1/2 Days of Pain and 1 Hour of Recovery.

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