Saturday, November 4, 2017

Zero Episode 57 Worst Future Ever PT 8 Desert Tundra and a reuniting friend

A/N: Welcome to Part 8 and I don't think we'r going to be done before 10. I was going to try that but I like to make things drawn out. It's just who I am as a writer plus it makes the eventually crossover happen and it's going to be long. The first one at the least. I'm not sure about the second one but the first one for sure is going to be long. Lets begin with me saying that I'm a fan of the series known as Final Fantasy 7 but the Abridged series with Season 2 being pretty funny so hard especially with Cloud aka Deku. You can hear his voice in Deku if you watched FF7 abridged before My Hero Academia and it's one of the reason why the My Hero Academia dub is good.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane was currently standing there as he said,"Wow. This place sure is an oxymoron isn't it?". He saw that half of the floor was very much like a desert and the other half was a tundra. It looked like a ruined city due to the place either covered in sand or snow. Henry was bouncing up and down as he said,"Hot! Hot! Cold! Cold!". "Make up your mind already." said Zane with an annoyed look. Amelia and Lucas stood nearby as Trunk was sweating bullets. "So are you alright Trunk?" said Amelia.

Trunk said,"Thanks to my wood like biology, the heat nor the cold is doing me any favor.". "I'm still confused on how quiet it is down here. I thought we would at least hearing screaming." said Lucius as Sirius slowly woke up. The three headed dog roared as Zane said,"Yeah. Level 3 is so much better than Level 2. I mean this place is so cool despite the area we're in being neutral. You're very strong to say the least.".

He pet the three headed dog as Zane looked around to see no signs of life. "This floor is bigger than the last time for sure. So where's the stairs down?" said Amelia. "To be honest with you, I'm not in the right state of mind." said Trunk. "We should get moving and perhaps find a way out of this hell for a moment." said Henry. "Okay. Lets get moving." said Zane. The six traveled through the area as Amelia said,"So how are you and Zane not effected by the place like the rest of us?".

Zane was sitting on the center head of the dog as Lucius said,"I've been in worse and Zane's body can handle extreme version of these temperature due to his cold and heat based forms.". Zane and the dog creatures soon saw grilled birds as their mouths watered. "Can't you two not think with your stomach for a second?" said Henry too tired to yell. "A flock of bird was flying from Level 2 flew down the hole that we came in through and burned to death. How Tragic." said Trunk.

Amelia said,"That's deep but shouldn't the bird being well half cooked and frozen?". Zane and the dog were eating as Zane said,"This is pretty good right Sirius?!". "Woof!" said Sirius. He licked Zane as he said,"Thanks for the free bath big guy! So do you guys want a bath and maybe some of this amazing chicken. Needs some salt though.". "We're fine." said Henry and Trunk. "I'll pass on the bath but the chicken, I'll have a bite." said Lucius. "Boys." said Amelia.

They were walking as Zane said,"So we're in the desert half and look at the cells. I totally thought they would be a different theme but I guess the Warden was lazy.". He bit into the chicken as Henry said,"I can't believe you can be so stupid! You're so no worthy of my niece's friendship!". "Huh? Did you say something? I mean Dawn smothers when she comes to visit and Karen isn't a fan of that for some reason." said Zane.

Trunk said to Lucius,"Is he naturally dense?". "Honestly, I don't know with him anymore. We can hide from the sun in there to rest and prisoners can help us." said Lucius. "Awesome idea! Lets go Sirius!" said Zane. The two were gone as Henry said,"I wish the dog would give us a free ride but he only likes that idiot.". "It's pretty cool." said Amelia. The four soon joined up as Sirius looked to see shriveled up husks aka the prisoners.

Trunk said,"Welcome to the Desert Half. All of the people here were harden criminals with bodies that can rip apart steel. This place turned their muscles into a way of survival being that they get a small amount of food, shade, and water. They were hardened criminals but they're lucky that they're under the heat side of Level 4 aka Thermal Hell. The other side is the Tundra Half which is colder than my mother's heart.". "Ouch. I feel bad for the mother." said Zane.

Sirius nodded as Henry said,"So is this place filled with sand or the ashes of former prisoners?". "I think you can figure it out Henry. We should keep moving." said Trunk. "To Level 4!" said Zane as he finished off the chicken. "You can't be serious! We should try and leave this hell!" said Henry. The six were walking as a guard said to a Communication Orb,"The Cerberus is working with them. They're heading to the trap so lets begin the plan right sir?". "Good begin." said a voice.

Zane's hearing picked up people moving back and forth as he thought,"An aerobics studio down here in this place? I should....".  He saw the wiring of a net moving toward them and he said,"You guys! I think we should!". "What?! Eat the prisoners?!" yelled Henry. Zane turned into Mummy Form as the net captured the five. "I was going to say move because of the net. I guess these guys are rather good at catching things except for me." said Zane as he hid in the "sand".

Sirius bit into the cage with Lucius said,"It's made of a steel metal alloy which looks like normal rope and it will be hard to break out of!". "It's made combined with Animus and Nether proof material so I can't break out of here and I'm hating this over grown mutt for being so big!" said Henry. "We're done for! They are going to tortured to death!" said Trunk. A guard vice echoed,"We captured all five of them except for Legion Zero! Sir!".

Henry yelled,"We have names you know!". "Shut up Henry. You're just wasting your energy!" said Trunk. The guards and Crimson Ogres were heading toward them as Amelia looked at Zane  and the mummy was just sitting there. "He's right for hiding but I'm sure he can defeat these idiots with no sweat!" thought Amelia. Zane soon noticed someone sticking out from the crowd mainly due to his appearance.

He looked to be a Goblin with him wearing a mixture of desert and snow proof clothing being that it's a sandy white color with a red shirt under it and gray tie. He's wearing a large sun hat with five horns sticking out of it. He had the Crimson Ogres's skull painted on the hat. He has larger blue eyes that could pierce though you if they were a weapon. He stood there holding his larger than him spear as Lucius said,"Who are you?!". "My name is Ramon and I'm one of the elite guards." said Ramon.

Sirius barked as Zane thought,"You're right Sirius! His name does sound delicious!". "Anyway, you four should tell us where the real mastermind of this "Prison Break" of yours is Legion Zero. If you do that for me, I will make sure that your time here slightly less of a pain in the ass. You're trapped in an underwater prison or did you forget that? You're lucky to be captured by me because you would have to deal with Mistress and her animal guards." said Ramon.

Henry's eyes widened as he said,"He's right! The Cerberus is nothing compared to the animal guards from what I've heard and the Warden.". Sirius was moving back and forth as the guard said,"Sir! That dog is trying to break out his comrades!". "I'm still impressed that Legion Zero was able to tame the beast. He only listen to food! Get ready men! The net was meant to contain humans and not giant animals!" said Ramon. "Smashing time!" echoed a voice.

The small guard saw Zane with his body stretched out and destroyed the four things holding the cage as Lucius said,"Thanks bro!". Zane nodded as the two brothers and Amelia ran off. Sirius kept the guards busy with Amelia saying,"Where did those two go?". Zane saw the Crimson Ogres as he turned his fists bigger. They smashed through the Ogres as Zane said,"Is that all you guys got? I still got energy to spare!".

He turned to see Henry holding an unconscious Trunk as Zane said,"I found them guys and Henry's helping Trunk! What a good guy after all.".  Henry turned around and he said,"Thanks for being my bait with the rest of them Legion Zero!". "See you guys later!" said Zane as the Sorcerer felt his heart breaking. The guards and Crimson Ogres were closing in on the trio as Ramon said,"Don't let your guard down men! They're strong!".

Amelia threw the guards back using one of their weapons. Lucius made their metallic weapons knock them. Zane's eyes turned to stars as he said,"That's so cool! We may not have time to fight these guys so sick them Sirius!". The dog barked as he attacked the guards. The trio soon ran off as Zane grabbed them and jumped away from them with Ramon breaking his staff in a highly amount of annoyance.

Back with Sharia, she along with the Wardens were heading down. "We'll be at Silver Raptor aka Kurt Alvarez soon." said Xiadur. "It's been a while since we entered this elevator." said Sharia. "It only makes sense being that the worse of the worst are currently on this floor. If we let them go with the rest of the common thugs, it would be a pain to wrangle them together." said Xiadur. "Thank you for doing this Warden Chan." said Sharia.

Xiadur's eyes soon turned hearts as he said,"Sure thing miss! You're so hot in that prison uniform and a total beauty compared to the women we have here!". Damien looked at him with Xiadur saying,"So why do you want to see Kurt?". "He sounded interesting being that he's so strong." said Sharia. "I'll have to agree with you on that. He's a stubborn one just like Daryl is. Lets hope that they don't steal you away from me." said Xiadur. Sharia nodded as the elevator went down.

Henry and Trunk ,who had woken up, were hiding in the rafters as Henry said,"It's a good thing that Legion Zero just loves to get people's attention. We should be safe for the moment.". "Why did we separate from the group again? I'm happy that we're in some shade but they must have blocked the stairs and staying on this floor is hell!" said Trunk. The two heard singing as the two said,"What the hell could one of these idiots being singing about?!".

Henry said,"He goes spirit I'll give him that. It's impressive.". "I've heard his voice before and it's a good thing we met him. He's in the same group as Amelia!" said Trunk. The wood man ran off as Henry said,"Can't we talk about this?". Inside of one of the cell, one of the prisoners were singing and dancing with the other prisoners just dying nearby him. "Come on you guys! Lets dance all of our problems and worries away!" said the prisoner.

The two reached his cell as they saw the dancing prisoner. He's a tall and muscular man with him having very shiny black hair and brown eyes. He's wearing the striped prisoner outfit very much like Henry and Trunk with fancy white ballerina shoes. The man noticed the two as he said,"Hello! You must be Trunk! I've heard so many nasty things about you due to you killing your enemies with wood to say the least!".

He stopped dancing as he said,"How did you get captured and not being bars like I am?!". He began dancing once again as Henry said,"This guy is wrong on so many levels.". Trunk freed the man as he said with him hugging the two,"Thank you so very much my Wooden Friend and Magical Friend! So are there others in our escape?". Henry got out of the hug as he said,"Sure thing weirdo. It seem that Amelia, Lucius, and Zane are currently heading downstairs for some reason.".

The man's eyes widen as he said,"Amelia? As in Amelia Pearson? My comrade in the Prime Force plus Lucius and Zane?!". "Yeah. We should meet up with them. They may need our help." said Trunk as he smiled. "Lets go! My name is Ivan Preston!" said Ivan. He twirled off as Trunk said,"We should go after him.". Henry was gone as Trunk said,"I rather die with the company of Zane and the others rather than the Mistress and her guards! That's for sure!". He soon ran after Ivan.

Back with Sharia, the elevator landed on the bottom floor. "We're here." said Damien. The three left the elevator as Sharia heard,"Warden and Vice. What requires your presence here instead of those nasty little intruders?!".  She soon a tall woman standing there with Sharia thinking,"Why is Xiadur so focused on me when a woman like her is here?!". She has long unkempt golden blond hair and her bangs that covered her eyes. Her outfit made her stick out.

She's dressed in a very skimpy guard uniform being that it completely exposed her waist with it soon connected to her pants by a golden ring that goes around her bellybutton. Her uniform oddly has long sleeves with it being lacy at the end. She's wearing a white scarf-like cape over her uniform with her wearing black high heeled stilettos and large earrings. She's holding a large pitchfork which can be used for food and poking things hard.

Damien said,"See! I told you we should be focused on them! Not Kurt! We have him captured and we can bring them to hell!". "However, I think we can handle them easily sir. I swear on my name as top Torturer Mistress Linda. I would hate to see you work Warden Chan." said Linda. Two of the guards nearby her rolled her eyes as the one on the right said,"Is she seriously messed or what? I mean she's trying to make her think she's cute when she's sexy.".

Linda said,"I'm cute too!". She whipped the poor guard into the wall and it broke with him getting knocked out. "Your pain is amazing!!!!" said Linda. "Wow. You're interesting." thought Sharia. "Our newest guard wants to see Kurt for sure! She's cute right?" said Xiadur. Linda glared at Sharia as she said,"Fine! Follow me.". The three followed her through the hall as the prisoners were confused by them. "What are the big wigs doing here?" said a prisoner.

Daryl and Kurt looked up to see them stopping in front of their cell. "You're lucky that you got a very special visitor here Kurt. You may be asking who it may be. I don't get why she would want to see you before going to work. Her name is....." said Damien. Sharia crossed her arms as she said,"Call me Sherry.". Kurt's eyes widened as Xiadur said,"She's going to be my wife! So none of you scum better lay a hand on her!".

One of the prisoner said,"Sweet! We have a real flower in this hell hole!". "You're one fine babe! You should come over to my cell!" said a prisoner. Xiadur blocked her but the perverted chanting went on as Sharia ignored it. She went closer to the cell as Kurt said,"So what the hell do you want with me huh Sherry? You like being their toy or what? Gets a thrill in you like with Linda?". "I wanted to see you being the guards are so focused of keeping you captured." said Sharia.

Daryl said,"You look familiar but where have I seen you before today?". "Who know angel boy? You will get to know me real well soon." said Sharia. "Can you guys be quiet? They're trying to talk." said Xiadur. Sharia looked over at a cell as she said,"If you guys don't stop with those lewd words, I'll get really mad.". She looked really cute as the prisoners went off. "You guys are big jerks and you're only making things worse." said Linda.

Damien said,"I'm impressed with your tolerance for these words Sherry. It's rather something isn't it warden?". "So cute!" yelled Xiadur. His skin soon turned into acid as Damien said,"Calm down your highness!". "I'm tired of you treating this woman like meat." said Xiadur. He was now living acid and he then melted. Damien and Linda moved away from their boss as Xiadur said,"Linda. Give the ones that I miss a thrashing. Leave Marco though. He said nothing about Sherry.".

His body soon sprouted out several acid snakes with Marco thinking,"This must be his infamous Acidic Cobra technique.". "We were just joking sir!" said the prisoner. Sharia mouthed something to Kurt as his eyes widened. Xiadur looked at the prisoners with him firing the snakes right at the cages. The screams soon muffed out their conversation as they begged for help before they turned into a skeleton. "Don't forget that I'm your reaper so shut up or else." said Xiadur.

He went back to normal as the prisoners were quiet before they were whipped by Linda. "Sorry about that Sherry. You may continue talking..." said Xiadur. "I'm done here warden. Let me get to work now sir." said Sharia. "You can't be serious!? You were lying right?!" yelled Kurt. "Why would I lie to you about that?" said Sharia. She turned to him as she said,"Oh. They knew you would be mad but they said to me,"Screw you Kurt! We're coming!".

Kurt was quiet as Linda said,"That's it?". "So what do you think they were talking about? Maybe they dated before?" said Xiadur. "I'm going to say no to that boss man." said Damien. The group was gone as Daryl said,"So what did they say to you? It got you annoyed that's for sure.". "My idiot brothers are here to save my worthless ass." said Kurt. "Yep. That sounds like Shawn's seed so lets see if he can get here without dying in the process." said Daryl with Marco nodding.

The trio of Amelia, Lucius, and Zane ,still in Mummy Form, were running up some stairs. "So how did we get running up stairs?" said Amelia. "I thought we took a wrong turn back about six cells ago." said Zane. "Yeah but we'll eventually be going down." said Lucius. The camera spotted him as a guard said to another one,"They're coming to Sector 7-9.". The guards stood up at the top of the stairs as they fired their guns at them.

They dodged the bullets as they turned out to be nets upon hitting the wall. "Okay. I'm really get sick of nets!" said Amelia as she and Lucius were captured. Someone was running toward them with Zane dodging them. Crisis Judgment went off as the Roc returned to hold Zane in its left leg. "You again! I thought I stopped you and what happened to Sirius?!" said Zane. The bird was about to eat Zane with all of them hearing,"Hands off the child and my pals!".

They turned to see Ivan standing there on a cell as Amelia said,"Ivan?! Is that you?". "You so know it girlfriend! It is time for a reunion that can transcend time and space!" said Ivan. He jumped toward the bird and he spun around in the air. "Friendship Kick!" yelled Ivan. His foot soon connected with the bird and it was sent flying, freeing Zane along with Amelia and Lucius. "Okay. This guy seems familiar to me but where?" said Zane.

Ivan was crying as he said,"You look so much different than the last time we met Zaney! You were just a child when I last saw you with Shawny boy! I bet you're stronger!". Zane tilted his head as he said,"Ivan?! Is that you?!". Zane turned back to normal as he said,"You haven't changed whatsoever you magnificent bastard!". The guards were about to fire their guns but they were either kicked by Ivan or blasted with wood by Trunk.

Lucius said,"I have so many questions right now.". The roc was walking back up as Ramon said with a smile,"Yes! Destroy them now Roc!". It was in a second but the bird was now dead being that his left leg was eaten by Zane, it was covered in wood cuffs, and covered in bite marks and bruises. The five stood there as Trunk said,"To be honest, that was quite easy.". "Yep. I guess bird meat is really good!" said Zane as he bit down on the meat.

Amelia said,"And you haven't changed at all Ivan.". The man twirled as he said,"Yep! Sometimes you need force to beat on a animal!". "I'm going crazy I just know it." said Lucius. Zane hugged Ivan as he said,"You're so much cooler than last time we met! You were just some old friend of my dads who was helping my mom during that weird phase she was in when I was eight! I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover!".  "Friends may be separate but we're never apart in our hearts!" said Ivan.

Ramon said,"Dam it! We have another one. Legion Zero keeps bring more of them! Kill them now you Crimson Ogres!". The five were soon nearby each other as Ivan said,"So I heard that you guys were heading down to Level 5 right?". "Yep. We're going to save Kurt. Are you up for a team up old pal?" said Zane. Ivan nodded as he said,"You know it! We have a fight on our hands boys and girls! I want to meet someone down there so lets go!". The Crimson Ogres attacked them.

Back in the monitoring room, the guard said,"The prisoners aiding Amelia Pearson, Legion Zero, and Lucius Alvarez are Henry Bradley aka Shaman, Victor Woodland aka Trunk, and Ivan Preston! All guards, be prepared!". Back with Zane, he went back as his right leg turned into its syrup form and he said,"Sweet Ride!". He kicked several of the apes back as they were trapped in candy cuffs and stuck to the ground unable to move.

Ivan soon started punching them back with Trunk placing them into wooden cuffs. "This is a good thing that all of us fighting my friend!" said Ivan . "Yeah but watch out!" said Trunk. The man ducked and evade the Crimson Ogres and he soon punched the creature back. Amelia punched several of them as Lucius kicked them. The five saw that they were all defeated as the guard said,"Not even the Crimson Ogres can't stop them!".

The five were running ,except for Ivan who was skipping, as Zane said,"So how are we getting to Level 4?". "We just need to hop, skip, and twirl our way to victory!" said Ivan. "Does he always talk like this?" said Trunk. "Yes." said Amelia. "It's seems that Henry is missing from their group! Please be advised to look for him carefully!" said a guard's voice. Meanwhile back on Level 1, the prisoners were listening in up a communication orb.

A prisoner said,"Man. That Legion Zero is sure something. He freed those prisoners on Level 2 just to cause some good old fashioned chaos! He's making eternal damnation real fun!". "They're going to be caught soon enough." said another prisoner. Back with Sharia, she and her group had just left the elevator with them back in Xiadur's office "You understand your duties correct?" said Damien. "Yep. Keep an eye out for those nasty crooks. You got it." said Sharia. She walked off.

Xiadur said,"What the hell is Ramon doing?!". He was talking to his personal Communication Orb as a guard's voice said,"Sir! The Crimson Ogres couldn't lay a finger on them so Ramon went to go handle the prison riot on Level 2. It's working but those prisoners are stubborn.". Xiadur slammed his fist on the table as he yelled,"Why didn't anyone tell me about this earlier?!". "You were going ga-ga over Sherry." said Damien. He was soon knocked out.

Linda said,"The riot is being handle by the pipsqueak so me and my boys will go handle them right you guys?". Three burly creatures stood by them as Xiadur said,"Is anyone there now?". "Yes! My boy Chanter is there now beating down on the ingrates of society! He just finished hurting Daryl a bit so he's still fired up for the job!" said Linda. "Does she have to yell everything?" said a guard. "She's a major sadist so hearing screams gets her...." said a guard.

They were soon hit by Linda's whip and knocked out. "Good but Level 3 is a very big place meaning they have several places to  hide. Ramon is a big boy so he's handle the riot. Attention! All available forces! Head down to Level Four Right now!" said Xiadur in the communication orb. He turned to the group there as Xiadur said,"If the child somehow defeats Chanter, I shall handle him myself and turn him to bones! No one will live!".

Meanwhile, Henry was out of breath as he said,"It's so dam hot here. It beats the cold that's for sure! I need to head up to Level 1 for sure.". He took a breath as the prison was pretty much empty. "Where did they go? I'm sure they're planning something for Zane and his cronies. I should get going." said Henry as he went to moving. Back with Zane's group, they were hearing footsteps as Zane's CJ soon stopped him and the others. The group stopped as they saw something coming and Ivan screamed.

Ivan said,"To be honest, I'm not sure we're going to come out of here without bruises on us!". Zane soon saw a cow ,very much like Bull Form, looking at them. He looked to be extremely tall with him having a heavily muscular figure with his body covered in black, dried red, and whit pattern. He has small ears and a pair of horns showing his bull natural. His chest ,for some reason, has four teats with two on his pectorals and two on his abs.

His eyes and mouth looked huge. He's not wearing a shirt but striped pants/swim brief. He's holding a very large spiked bat. He soon rushed toward them as they jumped back. The ground ,where they once stood, was destroyed as Zane said,"Wow. He's way faster than Bull Form but oddly, he looks so perverted.". "It's the Chanter!" said Ivan. "The Chanter?" said Trunk. "He's one of Mistress Linda's Fiends. He serves his mistress who enjoys our pain a bit too much if you ask me!" said Ivan.

The cow looked at Amelia with him saying,"Boobs.". "He's a pervert as well. So what's he human or what?" said Zane. Ivan was soon smacked by the club with him being sent flying into an empty cage faster than sound. Trunk saw that the bull was gone as he said,"His name is highly ironic!". He was soon smacked by the bat only for Trunk to turned into a wooden copy that was destroyed. Amelia moved Ivan as the club smacked Lucius into a cell. "Lucius!" yelled Zane.

Lucius slowly got back up as Chanter was about to smack them. "Watch out Lucius! Whirlwind of Pain!" said Ivan. He kicked Chanter back a bit with Amelia glaring at the bull. She punched the bull with the Chanter grabbing both Amelia and Ivan. He slammed them into a cell with him putting his foot down on them. "Can't breathe!" said Amelia coughing.  The bull was about to swing as Zane soon activated Archon Zero.

Zane yelled,"HANDS OFF THEM BASTARD!". He crashed into the bull which sent him flying back several feet as Zane panted with lightning coming off his body. He deactivated it with him saying,"So are you guys okay?". Trunk was healing them as he said,"Good thing you guys grab some medicine from above.". "I almost died. I saw the gates of heaven calling my name loud and proud! You're very strong Zane!" said Ivan. "Thanks." said Amelia.

Lucius looked up as he said,"He's still alive but he won't be moving for a while. You rammed into him like it was nothing. We should keep moving.". Ivan bounced back up as he said,"So where did you learn that little number Zaney?". "Instincts." said Zane. "We can get down there in a split second from Level 3 to 4!" said Ivan as he spun around. "So how do we get there?" said Trunk. He pointed to the wall as he said,"Climb up it and we'll be there!".

Zane stretched his left arm and grabbed the ledge. He pulled it back as he saw that it was on fire and freezing at the same time. "What's wrong with this place?!" said Zane as he tried to figure it out. "We should go together!" said Ivan. The five jumped up there and they went into a nearby hole. "Look at this guys." said Lucius. The five saw that there was a huge amount of smoke as Trunk said,"This is a lot of smoke! I can't eve breathe up here!".

Ivan said,"This is the Thermal Hell! It's very hot and cold at the same time! It's a shame really!". "It is just like Thermal Form except much worse! So why is so hot?" said Zane. "It's very much like a stove and freezer combined because the warden likes things hot and cold for some reason! There is a pool that will burn or freeze you to death making this the worst soup ever being that they boil the dammed for their crimes!" said Ivan.

Lucius said,"So can we?". "Jump yes but if we make one wrong step, we're just another part of this human soup. You'll be risking your life every step you take." said Ivan. Zane looked at the fire pit as he said,"Ivan. You're risking your life for someone important right? Who is it?". "That's a very great question. Her name is Liv but to I, she's my queen!" said Ivan. "Wow. This lady sounds important. I beat this is worthy of death." said Amelia.

Ivan began spinning around as he said,"We shall free her and I'll become what I really wanted!". The five heard screaming and running. They soon saw Henry running away from Chanter. "Are you gosh darn kidding me?! We just get ridding of the bastard!" yelled Trunk. "Hey Henry! You're really fast to say the least!" said Zane. The six began running as Amelia said,"I thought you were running away you coward!".

Henry said,"For some reason, this thing found me! I started running and I met up with you again!". "I have a question. So how far away from here were you? I'm the one who launched him." said Zane. "I knew that you were the one who bring me to hell! This is a matter of life and death so be prepared to see my ultimate spell! Remember it Zane?" said Henry. Zane thought about it and he said,"To be very honest, I can't remember.".

Henry sulked as he said,"Fine. I guess this spell is impressive being that it can stop this opponent of ours.". "You may have a lot of hope in it so just do it before we become this thing's lunch Henry! I'm getting tired of running!" said Amelia. Henry ,from his right sleeve, fired a small magic ball which created a giant explosion knocking the bull creature back. "Wow. I so didn't see that coming from you." said Lucius. "Yeah. Nice shot." said Ivan.

Henry smirked as he said,"And that's why I'm the best Sorcerer.". Chanted stood there as he roared out in anger. He stomped toward them as Henry said,"What the hell is that thing made of?". "Who cares? It's time for some meat!" said Zane. "I'm on it Zane!" said Ivan. He jumped into the air and he spun around. "Time to spin! Time to spin!" said Ivan. He landed a powerful kick on the mammal's head which sent him back and with a massive bruise.

Amelia and Lucius stood there behind Zane ,in Orb Form and in his ball form, as Trunk made a ramp. "I sure hope you know what you're doing Zane!" said Trunk. The two adults punched Zane as he was sent flying toward the ramp and into the air. "Strike!" said Zane. He slammed into the bull launching him toward the ground and he was cold bleeding. Zane got out of his ball form as he said,"And that's how Team Legion Zero does this thing!".

The group cheered as Zane said,"To Level 4 so we can save Kurt and Liv!". Back with Kurt, Daryl looked at him as a guard said nearby the cage,"We're all nearby on level four with Warden Xiadur and those idiots are done for.". "Lucius. Zane. Please stay away from me. I'm just an idiot and you can't lose your lives over me. You're still so young Zane." said Kurt. He cried as Daryl said,"Kurt. Have faith in your brothers.". "I'll tried but this is too much." said Kurt. 

Next time,
With the help of Ivan, the group plus Henry are soon heading to Level 4 known as the Thermal Hell where Warden Xiadur is waiting for Zane and his friends! Will they succeed or die trying?! This and more next time on Zero!

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