Sunday, November 5, 2017

Zero Episode 58 Worst Future Ever PT 9 Zane vs Xiadur in the Thermal Hell

A/N: Welcome to the next episode. Zane is going to face off against Xiadur who has known about Zane's prison break before it happened thanks to Skull Plague. Is he just pretending to be unaware of it to keep the rest of the prison unaware of his true allegiance? Lets find out with the group of Amelia, Henry, Ivan, Lucius, Trunk, and Zane still inside of the area with the Thermal Hell below them.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ivan was spinning around as Henry said,"So let me get this straight. After all of the hell that you went through to get here, you still want to keep going!". Zane nodded as he said,"Yep! You're a good guy Henry after all.". Amelia looked at the defeated Chanter ,who was missing his right arm, thanks to his wounds as she said,"So how are you blissfully ignorant of things Zane?". "You need to know that it's so dam hot here!" yelled Henry.

The ground below them was breaking slightly as Zane said,"Man. Why do you have to be so rude? I mean I freed from you from prison.". "And you brought me to hell! I don't get why these idiots want to go down with you but I want to go up!!" said Henry. The ground was breaking more as Ivan said,"I think we should let this chicken go back home crying to his mommy.". "Hey! Leave my mom out of this you dancing freak!" said Henry.

Ivan said,"Why did you ignore my first insult?!". He spun around as the ground fully broke below them and they went falling down. Zane looked up and he said,"So why is the ceiling moving up you guys?". "Hey. You're right. I wonder why that's it... We're falling!" said Trunk. "This was my dirty work so I get full claim on this!" said Henry. "No! It was my Kick form the Heavens that send us down into the pits of Hades!" said Ivan.

Zane said,"You're both wrong! My Pinball Strike sent the ground down!". "That does make any sense. We should probably go back to screaming." said Lucius. "Okay!" said Henry, Ivan, and Zane as the six started to scream. "We're going to die!" yelled the six. Below them, there was a pool of blistering fire and freezing ice turning this place into a half and half area  Several prisoners were being moved toward a pot as one said,"Please don't do this!".

The guard said,"This is just karma. I mean people begged you not to kill them but you did it anyways so I think this is going to be good!". The person next to him was heading toward them as one of them said,"We've learned our lesson! We repent and we.....". The person punted them into the pot as they screamed out,"So Hot!" or "So Cold!". Above them, several prisoners were carrying firewood and a guard was forced to move faster.

One of the prisoner couldn't take it any more and he threw his log right at the guard who was ordering him around. "I can't take it anymore! Every part of me is burning or freezing to death! Screw it! I'm running!" yelled the prisoner. He pushed through several prisoners as one of them stood there. "Get out of my way! yelled the prisoner. He smacked him as the prisoner yelled,"Do you wish to die like the rest of us!".

The prisoner soon smacked him ,thanks to the log, into the fire side burning him alive. A guard aimed his gun at him with him saying,"Don't kill your fellow prisoners! That's our job!". The man licked the blood from his wound as he said,"Sorry. He was pissing me off.". He's a tall and highly muscular man being that he has no hair on his head. His eyes are brown with them screaming s serious nature and no joy resting in them.

He has long limbs and fingers. He has a metal bar sticking out of both shoulders. His skin is rather tan being that he's been here for a long time. His arms and legs wrapped in bandages ending at his hands and feet. His neck had a scar going around it. He's wearing the striped prisoner clothing and the guard screamed. In a different part of the floor, some prisoners were wondering why Xiadur and the higher level guards were here.

They were standing by the gateway from Level 3 to 4 waiting for Zane and his group. "This place is so dam hot!" said a guard. "I guess Chanter defeated them." said another guard. Damien walked over to a throne as he said,"You know that you shouldn't hide from the truth.". He pulled down the curtain as Xiadur said,"A little bit of warning would be nice! It's so dam bright!". "You know that I should be Warden instead of you right?" said Damien.

Linda said,"Can we do something? All of this waiting is really turning me off Warden.". "Calm down Mistress Linda. They'll soon arrive." said Xiadur. "My boys here are getting rather impatient and they wish to kill someone worth of a challenge." said Linda. They were very much like Chanter except one of them had blue skin, four arms, and massive horn, a longer neck and stripes, and one was yellow with a giant mouth.

The yellow one also had giant spiked mallets for hands, the blue had very spiky tridents, and the striped one had a giant bat like weapon like Chanter but it could become nunchakus. A guard ran up to them as he said,"We found them! All six of them are in this floor with them just standing around the pool because they or least have of them can't handle the freezing/burning feeling! It's confusing but this entire day has been so weird to say the least".

A door opened in the side of the box as Damien screamed. "They've been seen inside of the tower and well, we can't get them due it being so close to the pool." said the guard. "That child is no older than 16 right? He's going through all of this for his brother. So tragic!" said Linda. "Zane. I thought you would have died by now. Master Skull Plague will not be happy if you're still alive." thought Xiadur as he said,"They'll die by the pool since none of them can fly right?".

The guard said,"Um sir. The guards in the monitoring room saw them on this level.". "How did he pass us?" said Xiadur. "He fell down from the tower!" said the guard. The rest of the guards were mumbling as Xiadur said,"How?! The tower is right above the pot! They should be frozen or burned to death!!!". "From what I could tell, one of them turned into a giant rock creature and they floated to safety!" said a guard. "Gravity Form." thought Xiadur.

He soon remember how his master told him about Zane. He was quite resourceful and was able to use a wide variety of powers to his advantage. "Chanter was seen defeated, unconscious, and missing his right arm!" said a guard. "Impossible! He was defeated! NO NO NO!" yelled Linda as she whipped some of the guards who was nearby her. "Calm down." said Xiadur. He walked from his throne as he said,"There are only two ways to get out of here.".

The entire group looked at their warden aka boss. "We have two stairways going up and going down to Level 3 and 5 respectively. We're going in three groups. Damien's group shall stay here and Linda's group will guard the stairs to level 5." said Xiadur. "No fair! I want to make sure they pay for hurting my boy!" said Linda. Damien was going to think something but he decided against it. "You can do whatever you want once they're captured! Happy Mistress?" said Xiadur. "Yes sir!" said Linda.

Xiadur smiled as he looked toward the guards."The rest of you! Find them and then kill them or leave them for Linda!" said Xiadur. "Yes sir!" said the guards. They all ran off as Xiadur watched all of them leave him alone. He walked toward the pool as he thought,"Zane. I'm sure that you coming here is for your brother but in the end, your death is going to be glorious and my master will be very pleased by this!".

Back with Zane's group. They were moving up and down except for Zane ,who was still in Gravity Form, floating above them as Henry said,"Why is the floor so hot on this floor?". "My lungs feel like they're on fire!" said Trunk. "It's honestly not so bad." said Zane. "You're not on it!" yelled Amelia as Ivan was spinning. "This isn't so bad because I was on that floor above us for a long period of time and I hate the heat!" said Ivan. "Shut up!" yelled Amelia, Henry, and Trunk.

Zane's nose picked up something as he said,"I hear something! Follow me!". Zane soon turned into Phoenix Form and flew off. "Wait! Get back here!" yelled Henry. "Hot!" yelled Ivan. "We get it you bastard!" yelled Lucius who slapped him. "Okay. So where is Zaney going off to in such a hurry? I bet it's...." said Ivan trying to remember the layout to the prison. "He's heading to the kitchen!" said Ivan.

He skipped after Zane as Henry said,"You're thinking smart Zane!". He was grabbed by Trunk who said,"Follow me.". Lucius shrugged as Amelia said,"Should we be going after Zane and the rest of those idiots?". The two were gone with the six person group had separated into three groups of two people. "Yeah but we need to meet up with Sharia aka the reason why we're here. Zane can handle himself and Ivan and a good amount of food, he's be just fine." said Lucius. The two were gone.

Zane was flying toward the kitchen with him saying,"It may extremely hot and cold down here but right now, the food down here sounds and also smells amazing!". He soon saw several guards heading toward him as one said,'That must be Legion Zero! Lets get him!". "Okay. These guys must have their uniforms formatted for these extremely temperatures so lets me try something else than a fire or ice form!" said Zane.

The guards saw Zane glowing with him turning into Shredding Form. He sliced through the army of guards as he said,"Lets see how you like a tan or pale! I'm not sure on what's it's called when you freeze to death!". He sliced several of the guards in a second. Xiadur listen to a communication orb as he heard,"Team F has found Legion Zero by himself! Team B is helping but not so well! They're needed some serious backup!". Zane's arms turned into sand and sliced through the guards.

Ivan jumped above them and he spun around. "I hope you guys like an around the world but kicking from me! Super Global Spin!" said Ivan. The guards were flying off  as Xiadur heard,"Team F and B have been completely wiped out! G, H, and O are suffering extreme loss! Backup is unavailable for this! They're far too strong for us to hold the spot!". Xiadur's eyes were glowing gold in rage and he turned into acid with him heading toward their location.

Back with Henry and Trunk, Henry said,"I know perfectly well that you're hungry too! We're working with the Black Hole!". "Look. There are more guards down here than normal and use your brain. This floor doesn't have that many guards since prisoners kill each other due to the heat or cold. They're trying to ambush us because the stairs must be blocked." said Trunk. "You're serious aren't you? They want Zane and not me!" said Henry.

Trunk said,"We did escape from our cells and they know our faces for sure. They're going to be send in the remaining fiends of Mistress Linda, the vice warden Damien, and Warden Xiadur whose acid can kill you in a second. We're dead if he finds us.". "So why are you telling me this? You wanted to help Zane." said Henry. "I want to live and going against Xiadur mostly likely means our death so I'll help you escape." said Trunk.

Zane rushed toward the guards with Ivan as him saying,"I'm hungry and I'll end you if you keep me from my meal!". Crisis went off as Zane stopped. Several green drops came from the ground as Zane said,"Why is the snot burning the ground?!". Xiadur was falling toward them as Ivan said,"Zane! We have company and it isn't the good kind pal!". Xiadur landed on the bridge as he said,"This game is over child!". "You're not the boss of me!" said Zane. "Xiadur!" yelled Ivan.

Back with Amelia and Lucas, the two had evaded the guards as Amelia said,"Zane really can't keep them away can he?". "He has a gift for pissing people off." said Lucas. "So where is your contact? I hope Zane didn't knock her into the lava or blizzard bath." said Amelia. "No. She's keeping on eye on things and I have this." said Lucas. He pointed to his ears as Amelia said,"So you have a pair of some interesting looking headphones? What's the point?".

Lucius said,"This is my adopted mother's invention known as the Galaxy Phones. I can contact Zane or our contact using them with the guards unable to hear them.". "Ah." said Amelia. The two heard screaming as Lucius said,"I'll never get their screaming out of my head.". "Yeah. I thought you would be used to it by now after what happened. Kurt doesn't know how to shut up about private matters to others." said Amelia.

Lucius said,"I have gotten over it slightly because I had my family and new memories. I'll never forget or forgive Skull Plague for what he did to me. We're going to save Kurt no matter what and I bet we're going to bring a new era to this prison.". "You seriously like this place?" said Amelia. "My mom once said,"Anything bad has some good in it.". It may be like finding a silver lining in every cloud but different." said Lucius.

Zane ,back to normal, glared at Xiadur ,who's making acid at alarming rate, with the guards nearby them freaking out. "We need to leave now guys!" said a guard. They soon ran past Zane ,who turned back to normal, with the warden said,"It's interesting no? This floor is both cold and hot. They clash on so many level but they make a great way of torturing the scum of the great Omniverse.". "Clear out! You don't want to die by that warden's acid!" yelled a guard.

Zane growled,"Hey! Why are you blocking me from the food? It smells really good and why do you have this weird aura around you?! You should know that I'm hungry and when my food is blocked by an booger giant, I get really annoyed!". "You only care about food. You're an idiot just like your old man." said Xiadur. "Excuse me?!" yelled Zane clearly getting annoyed. "Zane! You can't fight him! It is impossible to win against Xiadur who can become acid! Run!" yelled Ivan.

Zane said,"So? Acid isn't too strong especially in this environment.". "You're smarter than the last Zero was but you're going to die just like the rest of them. You're a bother to my business so tell me how you got in here and you won't be saving Kurt Ethan Alvarez aka Silver Raptor. You'll be paying for making Blacktomb Detention Center look foolish. Your rampage will end here while you tell me about how you got in after I melt you into a puddle." said Xiadur.

Zane thought about Sharia as he growled. "I'm not one to betray my friends like that so you're not getting anything from me beside an ass kicking!" said Zane. "You're so noble. I'm going to enjoy this because my boss ordered your demise." said Xiadur. "Your boss? I thought you were Warden of this dump." said Zane. "You know him well Zane being that your eternal rival." said Xiadur. Zane's left eye widened in confusion as Ivan got his attention.

Ivan said,"His body is ACID Zane! You're unable to fight him even if you got food in you! This fight is impossible!". "Nothing is impossible Ivan! I know that well because my father said that you can do anything if you have the guts to do so!" yelled Zane. "Lets go back! We can meet up with the others and head to Level 5!" yelled Ivan. Xiadur laughed as he said,"All exits are guard and this game of cat and mouse is over. Your death is assured. Acidic Cobra!".

Ivan and Zane were shocked to see several acid snakes spring out of him and they rushed toward the teen. Zane dodged the attack as he said,"Time for a real and needed knuckle sandwich!". He was about to punch it with his left fist but Ivan blocked it. "What are you doing?!" yelled Zane. Ivan grabbed Zane as the two barely dodged his attack which melted the floor. Zane got back up as he said,"Next time, you get in my way! I'll destroy you even if we're pals!".

Ivan said,"Let me get this through your thick skull! His body is acid meaning you'll be burned to death by his acid! I promise your mother to keep you alive and I'm not going back on my promise! I won't let you die!". "Fine. If I can't touch him, I'll blast him away!" said Zane. He turned into Pyre Form and he threw several fireballs at Xiadur. His acid blocked all of his shots as Zane said,"Get out of here Ivan! I won't lose another friend to my enemies!".

Xiadur growled as several snakes went flying toward Zane. The two ran away as Zane made a giant fireball causing a smoke screen. The acid missed Zane but it hit one of the guards. They were covered in green goop as Zane saw their skin and bones melting away. "Bastard! He's killing his men just to get us!" yelled Zane. "I heard that Xiadur doesn't care about anyone who breaks his rules. He hates friends like us!" yelled Ivan.

Xiadur walked toward them as he said,"Stay out of my way or you're die!". "Sorry sir!" said the guards that weren't puddles now. "Dam it! Why the hell am I running?! I should be fighting this overgrown booger!" said Zane as he stopped. "Why are you stopping?!" said Ivan. Zane threw a fireball at one of the snakes with him saying,"I know that Noble Metals can't be effected by acid but I'm making sure that I gets some breathing room!".

Zane jumped into the air as he turned into Turbo Form. "Turbo!" said Zane as he flew over the fire side. The acid soon dissolved as Xiadur growled. "Did that kid just figure out the boss's weakness to fire?" said the guard. Xiadur threw a part of him at the guard melting his face off. "You know that my acid can be effected by extreme cold and heats like this floor. You're nothing more than a child with the power of a god." said Xiadur.

He soon fired several spitballs with the fire side erupted into a gas explosion. Zane soon turned into Radiation Form as he ditched the armor. The room was covered in a green gas as a prisoner said with him sneezing,"Why the hell is the Warden fighting here? He can't go do it somewhere else!". The man from earlier looked out from his cell as a prisoner said,"Why can't we have something nice in this hell!?".

Zane dodged the acid snakes which stopped in place. "That's good right?!" yelled Zane. He soon saw Xiadur traveling his way through the acid as he said,"Lets see how you like my Acid Slam you damn child!". Zane dodged the attack with Xiadur landing on the snakes. Xiadur created a massive ball with Zane soon breathing radiation and the attacks made a massive explosion. Their arena was covered in smoke as Zane's Crisis Judgment went off.

Zane dodged the attack with Xiadur melted the stone above him and it was coming down fast. Zane sneezed as he flew off. "Your death is coming just like Kurt!" yelled Xiadur. Zane growled as Zane made a massive radiation orb. "DIE BASTARD! HOLOCAUST ORB!" yelled Zane. The boy threw it with it soon turning into several radiation bullets. Xiadur smiled as he threw a massive ball of acid causing another massive explosion.

Henry and Trunk were watching the guards who were running from Xiadur and Zane's fight. "I can't believe how serious the Warden is getting. He's going to kill all of us." said a guard. "Man. I feel bad for the kid." said Henry. "Yes but this is the best chance for you to escape." said Trunk. "Huh?" said Henry. "Warden Xiadur is the worst thing in this hell hole and he's focused on our friend. We'll enjoy the fact that we're not up against the strongest enemy!" said Trunk.

Ivan watched Xiadur block all of Zane's ranged attacks as he said while spinning,"Why am I spinning here like a dam coward?! One of my best friends is fighting against an opponent who knows him well despite Zane being rather new to the scene. Xiadur must have some if not a lot of experience fighting against Zeros before Zane! None of my attacks can effect him! This is not the way that Mama Ivan raised her baby boy to be a coward!".

Some of Xiadur went flying toward Ivan with him dodging the harmful acid. "Stay back Comrade Ivan wherever you are! I don't want to see you hurt!" yelled Zane as he kept on dodging Xiadur's attacks. "You're just hiding while a young man is fighting for his life so he can save his dear brother and my friend Kurt! He's so cool right now. We need a miracle!" said Ivan. Zane kicked away Xiadur's fist as the ground below them broke due to an explosion of black ,with a crimson red outline, lightning.

It appeared from out of nowhere with Zane noticing that it was the same lightning from his fight with Malik a few days okay. "Okay. That's weird but I need to focus on taking care of the overgrown booger right now." thought Zane as he turned into Spring Form and bounced back right onto the main platform. He took several deep breaths as Xiadur sighed. "You should give up now child. I'm getting tired of being unable to peel your skin off with my acid." said Xiadur.

As this was going on, Ivan thought,"Xiadur. He's a man able to make the most harden criminal cry so why are you letting your friend fighting him alone right now Ivan?!". He was crying an unhealthy amount of tears as he began running away from the fight. Back with Henry and Trunk, they were watching the guards and Damien guarding to entrance to Level 3. Trunk said,"You want to get out of here right? This is our best chance being that Xiadur is busy with Zane.".

Henry pointed to them as he said,"Are you insane you wooden bastard? There's over fifty plus guards down there!". "Forget about that army for a moment. The fiends are guarding the only way down to Level 5 because Zane wants to go there! I really hate to admit it but Zane will lose eventually! You want to escape because they're going to tighten their defense after they eventually captured or kill him which may happen." said Trunk.

Henry said,"You have a point there. I mean Damien is like small potatoes compared to the big league members of the prison. I mean with my magic and your wood power. Lets do it!". He jumped from his perch as Trunk followed suit. "Sir! It's Trunk and Henry!" said a guard. "My name is Shaman dam it and I'm not giving up until I reach Level 1 and leaving this hell!" said Henry. "I'm just here as his backup before I got help Zane." said Trunk.

The guards were about to attack as the two got ready to fight. Damien stopped them as he said,"Hold on a second there boys. Guards stop.". They ,including Henry and Trunk, soon fell over in a second as a guard said,"But sir!". "I'm the vice Warden and the leader of the group. Xiadur is also corrupted beyond belief and once Zane defeats him, he'll be ashamed. I'll let you two go free meaning that the big wigs will have to give me his job and I'll be warden!" said Damien.

The guard said,"Are you sure? We'll do anything.". "Move aside for our lovely guests." said Damien as the guards moved out of the way of the door. "I really hope this is part of your master plan!" said a guard. "Screw you! We're not falling for the crap! Only an idiot would be stupid enough to believe you This escape is going to happen!" said Henry. He fired the magic ball at the group with Trunk locking them in a wood prison. Damien sighed and walked to them as the two gulped.

Meanwhile, Xiadur walked toward the worn out teen ,who had gone back to normal, as he said,"Just give up kid. I mean your "friend" ran away like a coward upon seeing me.". "Don't make fun of my friend Xiadur! He isn't an idiot like me! I'm not going to let Kurt leave me! I won't let anyone die when I come to save them!" yelled Zane. He activated Archon Zero as Xiadur said,"A power up? It seems that you're a bigger idiot that I thought!".

The acid around his body increased as Zane said,"I need to hit you with my conviction and if that costs my body, I still have my spirit!". He took a deep breath ,with both arms turned into the candy syrup form, and they were slowly growing bigger in size. They hardened making them look big on him. Zane fired his massive arms toward Xiadur as the warden said,"Your death is happen here brat! Acid Cobra Claw!". "Monstrous Hammer!" yelled Zane.

Xiadur's attack missed as the two snakes send the warden flying far back. He landed deep in the ground and he coughed up acid blood. Zane looked at his arms ,which were covered in acid, and he screamed out in pain very loudly. "FUCK!!!!" yelled Zane. Back with Damien, he sighed as he said,"I told you two that you could but no. You had to be idiots. I really want to be Warden already dam it!". The two were defeated and covered in chains.

One of the guard said into a communication orb,"We have some casualties from two of Legion Zero's sidekicks. They are Henry Bradley aka Shaman and Victor Woodland aka Trunk.". "I honestly didn't think anyone could be this stupid beside the warden when it comes to girls who aren't sadists!" said Damien. "I honestly didn't see that coming." said Henry. "I don't want to go back being tortured in this hell!" said Trunk.

Back with Zane, he was groaning in pain as the acid melted his arms. Xiadur smiled in sadistic joy,"It hurts doesn't it Zane?". Zane got back up as he said,"It tickles you bastard!". Back with Ivan, he was running toward the guards. The man kicked several of them back as he said,"Get out of my way now or else!". He was crying as he thought,"I was going to die. I"m sorry Zane! Forgot about me being your friend pal! I'm sorry Shawn!".

Zane panted as he said,"You're hurt so my attack worked.". "You're an idiot just like the rest of your kind." said Xiadur as he stood back up. "My kind? What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure that you're human just like me except you're a walking booger." said Zane as he coughed up blood which was the candy syrup. "You noticed how your blood has changed from red into the candy syrup. That's the sign you're an Eazairvian fully now!" said Xiadur.

Zane growled as he said,"How do you know so much about me and Zeroes? I could say that it was the Alliance feeding you information but you know too much! Parker keeps most Zero knowledge to himself and reveals only a small amount to the Alliance!". "You don't get it do you? I'm closer to you than one may think. The acid will burn through your human half and soon, you'll lose what you treasure most!" said Xiadur. 

After hearing that, Zane glared at him with his aura around him being quite volatile and Xiadur sighed loudly. "Can't you just give up? Your arms are....." said Xiadur. He looked to see that both of Zane's arms were growing back. "If I gave up, I would be letting down the people I care about. I'm going to get my brother back and defeat Daemon! My father taught me that a man doesn't give up when his enemy makes fun of his friends. Let me show you the conviction of an Alvarez!" said Zane.

His arms was soon covered in dark purple metallic scales with them having a spiral pattern. They turned into giant two-sided tomahawks. "Arcane Emperor Vulcan Tomahawk!" yelled Zane. He threw his arms at Xiadur. The weapons sliced Xiadur's arms clean off with him roaring in pain. Zane's arms reformed as he said,"Ha! Now you know what it's like to lose your arms. That acid may have burned off my skin but I'm far too stubborn to give up!".

Zane saw that his hat was off and he looked at his opponent. His arms were soon reforming very much like Zane except they were acid. He had a third gold eye looking at him with Xiadur said,"So you figured me out haven't you?". "You have a third eye? It isn't that bad of a birthmark to be honest with you." said Zane. The warden fired out several balls of acid as Zane jumped around the battlefield ignoring them with ease.

This went on for a while before Zane was right behind the warden. "Not going to work on me! Acidic Cobra!" yelled Xiadur. Zane soon dodged most of them before he was covered in acid. He screamed loudly as his entire body was melting away. "You and I are very much alike Zane. We're both belong to the two very powerful groups of destruction and creation. I'm not just the warden of Blacktomb Detention Center but the Behemoth. Perhaps, you've heard of me." said Xiadur.

Zane yelled,"I really don't care who you are! You're just someone that I have to beat to save my big brother from this hellhole! Oblivion Volley!". He covered the holes ,where his ears were before they were melted off, and he closed his mouth. His stomach area was growing bigger and he soon opened his mouth. He released a giant scream that shook the entire prison and Xiadur covered his ears in annoyance and being pushed back.

As Zane's ears were growing back, he began hearing something. He soon ignored the flames, the loud screams of the prisoners, and anything else in the prison. It sound like a fog machine as Xiadur said with a cough,"Lets see what you can really do against my true power.". The two were soon covered in a dark green fog as Zane thought,"Okay. I'm guessing that this is part of his powers and well, this isn't good.".

Zane soon heard,"You're getting tired aren't you Zane? You've been fighting for a week straight. You told your brother that you were resting but you were training your new power. You want to protect him by pushing him away. You're acting just like all of the Zeroes before you. Prepare to see what your actions have caused you by coming here in the state that you're in now.". Zane began coughing up his blood as he said,"Dam it! I can't lose!".

Zane's body began to shake as Xiadur's voice echoed,"You're not escaping and your death by my hand will make my Master proud. He expected so much out of you but in the end, you were nothing more than a child with an extremely amount of luck on your side.". Zane fell to the ground as Xiadur turned his body back to normal. Meanwhile with Kurt, he tried to get the guard's attention with him saying,"What the hell is going on up there?!". "It's nothing sir." said the guard.

Trunk said,"Let me go! This is a big misunderstanding! I was trying to bring the others back to their cells!". "Way to throw us under the bus bastard!" said Henry. "Take them away. They're annoying me even more than the warden." said Damien. The guards carried them toward the door as Henry said with tears,"Please you guys! I'll do anything! I just don't want to go back to that hell!". "Me too! I'm begging you!" yelled Trunk.

A shadowed figure stood there and he said,"Stop them bastards!". The guards looked up as Trunk said,"What is he doing here?". It was Ivan and he kicked the guards holding Henry and Trunk. Ivan glared at them as he said,"Party time boys!". "Ivan!" said Trunk. "He's an escapee! Get him!" yelled the guards. They were soon knocked out by several kicks and punches in a rapid fashion. "Time to show you why I should be warden of you all!" yelled Damien.

He rushed toward Ivan with the two soon clashing foot/hand to spear. They fired several attacks with Henry saying,"Wow. He's strong.". "You haven't seen his real talent." said Trunk. Ivan jumped into the air and smoke covered the battlefield. Damien heard something landed as he said,"You're not so bad dude but here.....". His face turned red as a woman's voice said,"Wow. You're so strong. You should come over here and give me a hug.". Damien was stunned.

Back with Zane, he was still on the floor ,panting, with Xiadur walking off. "Don't leave this fight you three eyed bastard!" yelled Zane. He slowly stood back up with Xiadur saying,"You should give up. I bet that your brother wouldn't give a damn about you just like your friend who left earlier. You should know that depending on others will get you killed!". Zane glared at him and he rushed toward Xiadur who said,"Just stop. You're going to hell!".

Zane turned into Thermal Form with him firing a massive ball of fire and ice at Xiadur and he went back from it. Zane landed as his body glowed bright purple. "Thermal Prime!" yelled Zane. Zane now look to be twelve feet tall with a more muscular frame. His body is now made out of obsidian black volcanic rocks that took the shape of armor. Any part of his body ,that wasn’t covered by his rock like armor, reveals his skin being a blood red color with streaks of white mimicking veins.

His head is now covered in half flames and half ice with his skull sticking out. His skull is now made out of the same stone as his body.  His left wrist is covered in fire and his right wrist is covered by ice. His elbow still has large blades protruding from them. He now wears steel bands around his arms and legs. He’s still wearing his sleeveless black motorcycle vest which reveals his ice like ribs. He wears black gloves, pants, and boots.

The big eye-catcher was the two long, red and white bio-organic metal cannons sticking out from his shoulders. Xiadur made several acid snakes and they soon rushed toward Zane. "You should know that I captured Kurt just for my master and pissing you off. You're a mistake of this world. No one should care about a freak like you." said Xiadur. "Shut up! You don't know me at all!" yelled Zane.

He threw a massive ball of ice like fire which froze and burned ,at the exact same time, Xiadur who said,"You're sadder than he is so give up!". Zane panted as Xiadur's eyes widened. "I'm not giving you bastard! You should know how stubborn I am by now! Thermal Armageddon!" said Zane. He threw a giant meteor of fire and ice with Xiadur throwing several acid snakes. "I'm not leaving without Kurt and your defeat you snot covered bastard!" yelled Zane as the battlefield was covered in a massive explosion.

Xiadur looked at something as he said,"This is your Karma Zane. You will be suffering for hours and soon, you'll died. Welcome to hell.". Zane's entire body was covered in acid as he screamed with his bones constantly melting and reforming. Xiadur's body had several burns and frost bite on it with him missing his entire left arm. "You're going to die soon so say your goodbyes." said Xiadur. He limped away as the battlefield was completely destroyed and 100 prisoners died. 

Next time,
With Zane covered in acid, He's going to die in the prison of hell itself! Will Lucius and Amelia save Zane from his supposed death?! What happened to Henry, Ivan, and Trunk?! Will Kurt find about Zane or will he be left in the dark! This and more next time on Legion Zero!

Stripes. The Blue One with four arms, massive horn, and really sharp trident.
Mouth. The Yellow One with a massive mouth and giant spiked mallets for hands.
Point. The Striped one with a longer neck and giant bat like weapon except it can become nunchakus.

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