Saturday, November 4, 2017

Zero Episode 56 Worst Future Ever PT 7 Domain of the Beast

A/N: Yep. We're not even half way done with the prison. We're going to be here for a long long time and this is the reason why this finale is mostly likely going to be over ten parts. We are also going to meet an old face who we haven't seen in over two months in terms of posts. I'll give you a hint. He's a Sorcerer. Lets begin with some creatures howling and scaring the prisoners.

Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,in Tombstone Form, soon crashed into the ground with him saying,"Well, I certainly made a splash.". He looked up to see his brother and his ally falling toward them. He made two stone hands catch them as Amelia said,"So we're on Level 2? It looks like Level 1.". Zane turned back to normal as the stone hands dropped the two to the ground safely. The trio heard growing from a beast as Zane said,"So what's up next?". "We go find the entrance to Level 3." said Lucius.

The three walked around as Amelia said,"I still can't believe I made it this far. I honestly thought we would have been captured by now or run into a..". The three were in front of a dead end as Amelia said,"Don't you dare say anything Zane.". "I won't. So what's the gimmick on Level 2?" said Zane. "It is known as the Domain of the Beasts. It's worse than Level 1 being that the forest doesn't move and you could be hunt down anywhere." said Amelia.

Lucius said,"Sounds scary. I think we need to get ready.". "Why?" said Amelia. "I hear one coming toward us and it's a big one." said Zane. The three turned around to see a baby polar bear. "That little guy is so cute. I wonder if he lose his mommy or something down here." said Zane as he held it. The bear soon snuggled right into Zane's arms and Lucius said,"All animals really like you don't they Zane?". "They do. Jealous?" said Zane.

Amelia saw a giant version running toward them as she said,"Guys! Run!". The three were running as Zane looked back to see the bear running toward them. "Drop the bear Zane!" yelled Amelia. "But he's my new best friend! And look how fast the mother is going! Pretty cool!" said Zane. The two then turned left as the giant bear ran through the wall and it soon found itself trapped in chains. The three ran off after Zane said goodbye to his polar bear friends after making friends with them.

The three were running through the floor as Zane heard something flying. He then stopped as Lucius said,"So what's up?". "I hear something flying. It maybe another one of those beasts." said Zane as he was sliced into pieces by an invisible force. He soon reformed as the three saw a giant praying mantis with reaper blades. "May I?" said Amelia. "Sure go ahead. He isn't friendly." said Lucius. Amelia ,in  a second, punched the bug off into a different part of the level.

The brothers clapped as Zane said,"Hey Lucius. If I say something stupid, please try to protect me from Amelia's anger.". "I'll promise you that I will. So is this really the beasts? I mean polar bears are strange to say the least but we just went through a forest inside of a building. I would understand a giant bug but what could be next?" said Lucius. "A Giant Sphinx?" said Amelia. "If I see a cat down here and it attacks me, I'm going to be pissed." said Zane.

Amelia said,"Bad with cats?". "Kinda." said Lucius. "They hate my guts more than anything. It's strange why they hate me but why did you say Sphinx?" said Zane. The three were soon trapped in a giant tornado with them seeing a giant eagle. "Huh. I didn't expect an eagle." said Amelia. "Are you serious? This is the first thing worthy of a challenge!" said the two. The eagle flew toward them with them running away.

Zane said,"So I wonder what happens if we get eaten by that thing?". "Are you serious Zane?! You want to be eaten by the Roc!" said Amelia. "I heard about that creature. It's rumored to carry off and eat full grown elephants. It's wingspan is about forty eight feet in long with palm tree length leaves feathers." said Lucius. "So is there more beasts like that one? I mean this floor is already better than the last one." said Zane.

Amelia punched the two as she said,"I bet this guy isn't going to be easy to take down like the polar bear and mantis from earlier!". "Oh Amelia. Are you sure about that? I mean they can eat elephants whole." said Lucius. Zane stopped as he said,"Okay bird brain. Time to see what happens when you mess with a serious Legion Zero!". His left arm turned into Titan Form's arm as he said,"It's time to show you my really big Punch!". The punch flew toward the bird and it was sent flying.

Back with Sharia, she and Damien arrived on Level 4 with Sharia said,"Why is so hot down here? I thought it would be cold since we're further in the ocean.". "Our prison is built different than the one you worked at before. We hold the worst of the worse. Level 1 and 2 are weak compared to Level 4 known as the Thermal Hell. It's both cold and hot at the same time being that the prisoners are either burned or frozen to death." said Damien.

The two were soon in an business office room as Sharia said,"Wow. This place sticks out like a sore thumb to say the least.". "Yes. I blame the Warden for his unique design choices. Warden Xiadur is very strong but he's rather lazy. Out of the 168 hour week, he only works for 8 hours. It's rather sad to say the least. I should be ruining the prison in his place right?" said Damien. "I guess but we should know that he's at least reliable right?" said Sharia.

Damien said,"Yes. You shouldn't try to piss him off. He has abilities that a Phantom would normally have except for the ability to use Nether and his main power is his acid.". "You're correct for once in your life Damien." said a voice. Sharia saw a giant of a man standing there with him having gorilla like arms. He's wearing a black prison guard outfit with a gray shirt under it. His skin is dark gray or purple and his two eyes are brown.

His teeth is very sharp with him having rather thick hands and toes. He has little black raven wings that are sticking out of his back. "You must be the new guard. My name is Warden Xiadur." said the man. Sharia thought,"His aura is something else being that it isn't human or Phantom. It's like Zane's aura but different.". "It's nice to meet you." said Sharia. "Man! I forgot how bright this room is. Why do we have these lights in here again?" said Xiadur.

Damien said,"Sir. You told me that you wanted to see all of the dust in this room when we were cleaning up after your New Years Bash. So did you finish off this Acid Chicken Pot Pie?". "Yes and may I say using the Frenzy meat instead of chicken? A good choice. So are we going to check on our newest prisoner?" said Xiadur. He breathed out acid with it melting the ground in front of him. "You know that you shouldn't talk for too long because you can't control your acid." said Damien.

The three heard a ring as Sharia saw an old time phone. Xiadur picked up as he said,"Hello. This is Warden....". His eyes widened as he yelled,"What?! You can't be serious?! Three intruders sneaked in my Blacktomb Detention Center! I demand visual of them now!". "You're new so you wouldn't know that no one has ever been so stupid to sneak in or get out of the prison. This's totally your fault by the warden." said Damien.

Sharia thought,"Lucius. You told me that you would keep Zane from going to too far.". She looked at the warden as she said in the cutest girly voice she could muster,"So could we see Silver Raptor? I've heard he's really scary but if I have you by my side, I'll be safe.". Xiadur's eyes turned into hearts as he said,"Sure thing sweet heart! Lets go!". "We're in a crisis right now and it isn't your lack of focus when it comes to many things!" said Damien.

Back in the monitoring room, a guard said,"This is bad! Warden Xiadur isn't answering his phone and neither is Damien! We need to report back to the Alliance H.Q. and tell them that Legion Zero is here along with Lucius!". "Sir! We can't seem to establish contact with Level 2!" said another guard. On Level 2, the Roc was defeated and dead due to him missing half of his right leg. Amelia was shocked as she saw Zane eating the eagle's right leg with Lucius standing nearby him.

Lucius said,"Well, this is a problem but who cares? Lets make the most out of this.". "Yep! This Roc meat is really good by the way. It needs some salt though." said Zane. "How are you two so calm? I'm sweating bullets here and how did your arm grow so big?!" said Amelia. "I can turn parts of my body into the forms. It's pretty simple plus I've seen worse." said Zane. "Yes. We should probably getting going back to our journey." said Lucius.

Zane finished off the leg as he heard,"That boy defeated the Roc with a single punch? Hell yeah! WE can escape!". The prisoners cheered for Zane as Zane blushed. "You guys are so awesome! We should free them!" said Zane. "No!" yelled Amelia. She punched Zane as a prisoner said,"Hey lady! Hands off the god!". "Yeah! You're dead meat!" said another prisoner. "Actually, I don't think Zane is wrong because we can use this for a distraction." said Lucius.

A prisoner said,"Yes. You should listen to the brunette.". "Fine but if you're planning on making a cult of prisoners, you're an idiot Zane." said Amelia. "I'm hurt." said Zane. The three were talking as they were being watched by an old friend. It was Henry Bradley aka Shaman. He was wearing the prisoner uniform aka black and white stripes. "That brat. Why is he here? And why is his arm tied up like that? No. He's outside of the prison." said Henry.

He smiled as he thought,"This is the perfect way! I can get my revenge on him by making him suffer though the hell he put me through!". The prison cells opened up as the prisoners soon surrounded Zane. "We're free!" yelled the prison. "Let me hear you say the name who gave you freedom and now say my name to the heavens above!" said Zane. "Legion Zero! Zane! Savior of Blacktomb!" chanted the prisoners.

Amelia face palmed as Lucius said,"Well, we have an army now. Tell them what we need them to do for us Zane.". "Okay bro. Attention you low lives, free all you can on Level 2 and take down any of the beasts on this floor. Keep the guards distracted for sure! This is the first degree of Savior Zero and there will be more!" said Zane. "Yes sir!" said the prisoners. They all ran off in different directions as Zane said,"I'm missing those guys.".

Amelia punched him as she said,"You can't be serious. They're known killers and thieves! Why are you treating them differently?". "Because he's Shawn Alvarez son. They're both idiots but when they are mad, it's deadly." said a voice. Zane turned to see Henry standing there with a new face. He looked to be an average size with a frailer than normal build. He's wearing striped prisoner clothing as his hair is green and neatly combed back and brown eyes.

He's wearing a pair of glasses with him having a full beard and mustache. His face has a tree tattooed on his forehead. "It can't be. It is impossible. Who are you two guys?" said Zane. The two fell over as Henry said,"I'm Shaman! You fought me and Dawn!". "And I'm Trunk! One of the top assassins in the Omniverse before I was locked up!" said Trunk. "I've heard about you Trunk. You're not very strong but smart instead." said Amelia.

Zane said,"Oh right!  I remember my dad telling me about you. He said that your clones were really annoying for him but he found out how to do because my dad is just that awesome isn't he?!". "He is Zane. So what's the plan?" said Lucius. "We split into two teams. You and the woman will go find a way to level three while I will go with Zane and Henry here to find another way out of here. I'm one to repay a debt and this is how I do it." said Trunk. "Huh?!" said Henry.

Zane shook Trunk's hand as he said,"You're not so a bad guy Branch!". "It's Trunk! How could you mess that up?!" yelled Trunk. "He's an idiot. I mean he had no control of his powers and he tried to enter prison. I think he's missing a couple of marbles." said Henry. "Okay. Lets go with the plan you guys." said Amelia. "Zane. Stay safe." said Lucius. "Hey. I'm way too stubborn to die." said Zane as the two fist bumped. The five ran off as things were going to get more intense. 

Back on the bottom floor of the prison, someone was being beaten by a giant monster creature. "I can handle whatever you bastards dish out!" yelled a man's voice. He was soon smashed into the ground by a large mallet as the creature walked out. The man looked up to see his cellmate Kurt with him saying,"He's so rude isn't he? It seems that they don't make sadists like they used to.". "Yeah Daryl but you didn't have to say that you knew my old man." said Kurt.

Daryl's body was covered in bruises, scars, and dried blood. He's a tall and muscular looking man with him having small white angel wings sticking out of his back and they could grow out if he needs to. His right arm is covered in tribal tattoos with his left leg also being covered. His left arm is mostly covered in bandages with him having a dark pauldron on his left shoulder. He has long dark brown hair that's arranged in a mohawk and silt red eyes.

He was in immense pain but he still had a wide grin on him that exposed his sharp and pointed teeth for sure. He's wearing a pair of loose dark green pants with animal fangs and claw pattern to them. It doesn't seem like he's wearing a shirt and has a twig in his mouth. "My body is in pain but kid, you're the one truly in pain aren't you?!" yelled Daryl. Kurt looked away as he said,"I can't believe you say that despite what happened to you. I still owe you from five years ago.".

Daryl slammed the ground as he said,"That doesn't matter anymore. You were still growing into a powerful warrior and getting myself thrown in here and tortured for five years by these bastards and the corrupted warden is worth you! I will break out of here and save you no matter!". "So why did you get captured for me again? I mean you and I fought against each other." said Kurt. "Yes but your father is my friend and in our last fight, he told me about his three sons." said Daryl.

Kurt said,"But do you remember my little brother? He was always crying and now, he's here with my older brother coming to save my ass! This is pissing me off!". "Kurt. Hope is coming for sure. You know well that Zane isn't one to give up!" said Daryl. The two heard someone laughing as the voice said,"So I guess baby brother is having fun isn't he?". The two looked up to see Marco Payne also known as the Shadow Emperor sitting across their cell.

He's a tall man with a muscular figure and an appearance that screams he would rather use force to settle problems than words. His skin is gray with his sandy blonde hair slicked back and parts of it rest in front of his face. His eyes look sleep deprived. His look is very stern with him missing a chunk of his right ear. His hands have gold and expensive rings on his index and ring fingers. He's wearing a striped uniform just like the rest of the prisoners.

Marco said,"My blood is boiling to see the boy who Lucas calls the Savior of the Omniverse.". "Shut up Marco! I know that you hated ,no, loathed my father for throwing you in to begin with! Don't you dare saw a word about Zane in a mocking tone!" said Kurt. "You're right but that was the past. You two know well that this prison is filled with the losers of society. I bet that your little brother will learn the truth about the Omniverse." said Marco.

Back in the monitoring room, the guards saw that the Roc was still defeated with them confused as hell at what goes on down there. The guards soon saw that three shadows running from some of the animals with one saying,"I found them! They can't escape from us!". "Um sir. There are two others breaking out on the different side of Level 2!" said another guard. "Huh?! What the hell is going on here!" said a guard.

Henry, Trunk, and Zane were currently fighting against some of the animals with Henry casting a magic spell, Zane stretching his left arm, and Trunk's right arm fired a giant block of wood which hurt a lot. "So where do they keep coming from?! Is there some kind of animal farm around here or what?!" said Henry. They kept running as Zane said,"So explain to me why the giant tower of weird mushroom crabs turned into several mushrooms crabs?".

They were running from crabs that looked to be fused with mushrooms, human and bull hybrid like creatures, and hippo/lizard hybrids. "I also have to ask why all of the animals are fusions. I mean it's really weird to be honest." said Zane. "Now isn't the time to ask that!" said Trunk. "But I have some questions and I want answers." said Zane. "You can ask them once we're dead if we don't lose these things! So which one of these things is the leader Woody?" said Henry.

Trunk said,"They are just the grunts of the Cerberus. We're running from the Funcrabs, hucows, and hipzards.". "Weird names." said Zane. They heard,"Key. Give us the keys!". "Huh? I thought you had all of the idiots ,that for some weird reason, served you free them." said Henry. "No! The Hucows can copy human speech perfectly being that they learn this upon killing the prisoners!" said Trunk. "It's both cool and creepy or cooly/creepl." said Zane.

The bulls said,"Play with us Mistress! Play with us Mistress!". "What kind of sane prisoners would say that?" said Henry. "Meat and Nachos." said a bull. Zane turned his head and his mouth watered as he said,"Do you guys have any food?". Henry and Trunk punched Zane as they said,"Quit that! You know that your stomach is the reason why we're running right?!". "You guys are going to help us get Kurt free right?" said Zane. "Yes! We should getting going!" said Trunk.

Zane said,"So how do we get there?". "Um. I think we need to go down." said Trunk. "No shit! We need to go up instead of down!" said Henry. He was running toward the exit as Zane grabbed him. "I will lead these things to you if I wanted to!" said Zane. "The stairs! We just need to head to the main stairwell! We can head down to Level 3 from there!" said Trunk. "Perfect! I hope Amelia and Lucius meet us there but first..." said Zane.

He then turned around to face the animals as Zane said,"It's pacification time!". He glowed as he turned into Gadget Form. His body fired off several missiles blasting them far back. Henry's eyes soon widened as Trunk said,"He's strong isn't he despite being a idiot and glutton.". "Yeah. I'm saying that he won against me with the help of Slicer." said Henry. Zane turned back to the two as he said with a deadpanned look,"So could we get some food? I'm starving.". "Seriously?!" yelled the two.

Back with Amelia and Lucius, the two were looking around through the destroyed guard's room. "So are you sure that Zane will be alright Lucius? I mean the beasts seem to be going after his group due to him being well Zane." said Amelia as she moved some rubble aside. "You're right but Zane is far too stubborn to die. We need to find a way to communicate with each other if we need to separate. I think I found something." said Lucius.

Amelia saw him holding a strange machine. It looked to a ball with a satellite dish and about the size on a cellphone. "What's this?" said Lucius. "They're Communication Orbs. We can connected to any one of them in the same dimension." said Amelia. He grabbed several of them and he placed them in a bag. "We should stop by the kitchen we passed." said Lucius. "Zane?" said Amelia. "Yeah and I'm sure that Zane annoyed the other two." said Lucius. "Ah." said Amelia.

The duo soon reunited with Zane's group and the young teen was covered in bruises and chomping down on some meat. "So what happened?" said Amelia. "He annoyed the crap out of Henry and our genius here had an idea." said Trunk. "He ate most of the beasts!" said Henry. "And they were so good Henry. So what did you guys find?" said Zane. Henry and Trunk looked at the orbs while the young teen was enjoying the meat.

Henry said,"So you guys are seriously going through with this?". Zane nodded as he said,"Yep! Kurt would save us if me, Amelia, or Lucius were held up in this hell? I mean you could try and escape but the guards are going to be looking for the prisoners.". "He does have a point. So who is the boss of this floor? I heard some of the prisoners mentioning him." said Lucius. "It's the Cerberus from Greek mythology." said Trunk. "Lets go punch the dog." said Amelia.

The four ,plus a highly reluctant Henry, walked toward the stairwell with them seeing a giant ,almost fifty feet tall, Cerberus sleeping in front of the stairwell. He has massive black fur with short cropped ears. He has three heads with each head had an enormous mouth, pink tongue, long sharp teeth, and if he was awake, glowing red eyes. He has long legs with him having paws and gray claws. He has a small tall with it being extremely muscular. Each head had an unique scar.

The left head had a scar right over his right eye, the middle head had a scar in the middle of that head's forehead, and the left head had a scar right over his left eye. "Wow. That's one big dog. It's much than the normal Cerberus's height and mass." said Amelia. "So how do you know the size and weight of the normal dog?" said Henry. "The Omniverse's Internet. It's impressive to say the least but we shouldn't try to wake it up." said Trunk..

Lucius saw that Zane was just standing there and Zane said,"What? I may be a glutton and idiot but I'm not so stupid to wake up a beast like that. I'm hurt that you think I would wake it up.". Lucius sighed as Zane's Crisis Judgment went off. "Um you guys." said Zane. The five looked up to see the dog was slowly walking up. "To be honest, I'm just happy that it isn't a cat." said Zane. "Play." said the Cerberus. "Play?" said the five in unison.

He swiped his upper right paw at the group with them running back the way they came. "Play! Lets play!" said the Cerberus. "So did this thing learn English too?" said Henry. "Perhaps." said Trunk as he barely dodged the creature. "Meat is so delicious!" said the Cerberus. "Amen brother!" said Zane with a smile. "Don't agree with him!" said Amelia. They barely dodged another paw swipe as the creature roared.

Zane looked at the creature as he said,"Okay. You guys got.....". He turned to see Henry sneaking away as Trunk's right arm turned into a wooden version and stretched. It turned into a cage as he said,"We're not leaving each other behind.". "Fine. So how are we going to defeat it?" said Henry as he sat in the wood cage. Zane smirked as he jumped up there. He was above the beast and he glowed once again. He turned into Werewolf Form and he said,"Moon Kick!".

He extended his right fist toward the right head and it connected. The punch knocked the head into the other ones launching it toward the wall. He roared out in anger as Zane hanged out for dear life as Henry said,"Why did you make that thing madder?!". The dog then glared at Henry as the rest of the group went back. The Sorcerer ran away as the dog was about to stomp down on him. He was soon crushed by the Cerberus with Zane saying,"He was a decent guy.".

The group plus Cerberus saw that it was a double as Henry said,"Ha! You're dumber than I thought you savage! That was merely a couple that you destroyed without a single thought of using those massive noses of yours!". "Get him Sirius!" said Zane. The dog woof as Amelia and Trunk looked at Lucius. "He's really good with dogs." said Lucius with him shrugging. The dog started stomping the Sorcerer only for it to be a fake.

Zane smiled as he said,"Okay. This is the best game of whack a mole ever! Go for that Sirius! He has to be hear somewhere!". Henry was hiding behind a pillar in terror as Trunk said with a larger than normal sweatdrop,"So is your brother a sadist?". "I think he's an idiot." said Lucius. The prison was shaking as Amelia said,"I really hope your brother know what he's doing? He's going to destroy the prison....".

The ground soon began to break apart as Zane heard,"This is Level 3! Is everything alright up there or what?". Henry ran began to run toward the stairwell with a hole soon appearing from the center of the room. Sirius and Zane began falling down with Lucius said,"That idiot! He just made the best way down there! I mean the guards may be expecting us to come down the stairs.". "You're just going with the flow aren't you?" said Amelia. "Hey. He make things interesting." said Trunk.

Amelia sighed as she said,"Yeah but I'm just sick of jumping in holes.". The trio jumped into the hole with Henry laughing. "You guys are morons! Going to Level 3 is an idiot move on your part. Time to get out of.....". The ground right below him fell apart as he yelled,"I'm going to kill you Zane Vincent Alvarez!". Later, some guards were around the hole as one said into a Communication Orb,"Okay. I owe you six bucks Francis. This hole is bigger than one camera.".

The orb said,"Told you! So what happened there?". "It looks like one of the prisoners broke the ground and they were flying down." said a guard. "Even the Cerberus?" said the orb. "Yep. What is Legion Zero doing here? I thought he was our ally!" said a guard. The group heard footsteps as they turned around to see a legion of prisoners heading toward them. In the monitoring room,  the guards were shocked to see almost every prisoner on Level 2 standing there.

One of them said,"Thanks to Zane, we're free and we owe our lives to him!". The prisoners quickly dog piled them as one of the guards said,"Get the Crimson Ogres down there now!". "They will be in a minute. I see them on Level 3 also known as the Desert Tundra." said a guard. "What is Legion Zero doing and why can't we contact H.Q.?" said a guard. Little did they know, Sharia had something to do with that as she placed a jamming device under Xiadur's desk when she was flirting with him.

Back at the Alliance H.Q., Darin was laughing his ass off as Lucas sighed. "This is funny Lucas. I'm sure that you didn't expect both of my grandsons to destroy the worst prison ever created!" said Darin as he was about to fall off the couch. "You knew this would happen eventually didn't you? I thought you would have told me." said Lucas. "It pays to have a wife who can see in the near future and she told me that it would happen before Zane turns 20. I honestly expected it to be later." said Darin.

Lucas said,"So are we going to stop it?". "Nah! I mean Zane can handle Xiadur if the boy get serious about the fight! He's my grandson after all!" said Darin. "Yes but you and I both know that Xiadur is hiding something. He may be pulling the wool over everyone else eyes but ours." said Lucas. "You have a point I think. We should probably send some troops over to the prison eventually but whose up for a quick visit to the cafeteria?" said Darin.

Darin walked off as Lucas said to himself,"Your "Quick Visit" means that you're eating the entire cafeteria!". He then sighed as he followed his friend out of the office with him hearing,"Sir! Please don't eat everything! We need some food for the prisoners!". "Who cares about them?! Lets eat!" said Darin's voice. Lucas sighed as he said,"I seem to be doing that quite often. Lets just hope that Zane's stomach doesn't get worse than his grandfather but who knows?". 

Next Time,
The group of Amelia, Henry. Lucius, Sirius, Trunk, and Zane explore Level 3/Desert Tundra which is an Oxymoron. They soon meet an old and unique friend of Shawn's with Zane instantly liking a lot to say the very least. This and more next time on Zero!

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