Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Zero Episode 62 Worst Future Ever PT 13 Rampaging through Hell with an strange army

A/N: Yep. This Author Note is going to be a bigger one because I'm going to talk about Naruto vs Ichigo Death Battle because I have a lot of things to talk about it. I could talk about Zero but meh, I can talk about it in the end. This will have spoilers to the fight so if you haven't watched it or don't plan on it, don't read the rest of the AN. Naruto wins. I knew this from the start because well, I just had a feeling. I actually didn't have a clear side to side on.

With the past Death Battle with a Naruto character aka Gaara, I wasn't a fan of the series and I was okay with Toph winning because she's a really cool character. The Erza vs Zoro Death Battle was between two main characters of their respective series that I was constantly reading. There was one deciding factor that made me go with Zoro in the end. At the time of the battle which was very late 2016, He had been around for nineteen years being awesome while Erza had her moments.

Fairy Tail ,as a series, is very heavy on friendship which is in most Shonen mind you but I've read the entire series and well, this friendship bullshit is VERY ANNOYING to say the least. You'll see this when the crossover comes out but lets get back on track. I went with Zoro because there was a very strong chance of him winning against the Fairy Queen. The next one was Natsu vs Ace and well, it was obvious that Natsu was going to win.

There was the One Minute Melee when he fought against Ace and lost but I don't like those. I like facts and even if they're wrong, I still like facts because it helps prove your case regardless if you're wrong or not. That's fine with me. Natsu is the MAIN male protagonist compared to Ace who was a supporting protagonist of the series. He wasn't part of the main crew that we see during the story but he was part of Whitebeard's crew.

Fun fact. In the English Dub, both Makarov and Whitebeard are both voiced by the same voice actor R. Bruce Elliott. You can really hear it and I'm going to make jokes about the voices of the character being the same such as Erza and Luffy. Back to Ace, he was a powerful character but Ace died in both Chapter 573 and 574 which was in February 8 2010 and February 15 2010 which at the time of the Death Battle was over seven years ago. It was obvious.

This Death Battle was different to me because Ichigo and Naruto are both Main Characters of their respective series and had a good amount of equal screen time in the story. I was very neutral so I did my research on both. I like Naruto and when he won, I was okay with that. I think the voice actress that they got for it did a good job. Ichigo had his anime dub voice actor I think. I know that they normally don't do that but I could hear the former power ranger's voice. It was obvious to me.

I'm really excited for the next Death battle because I'm a huge fan of Batman Beyond and I like the idea of Spider Man so hype. It could also be due to it being five years since the Batman and Spider Man Death Battle. Will it come out the same way? I hope not. Lets begin the story. Zane's powers will be explained more in a later part maybe after the fight with Xiadur which will happened. It will be a good fight. Oh and get used back with. It's in this part a lot.

Narrator P.O.V.
Xiadur was sitting in his office and he was ignoring the calls for help by his fellow guards. "Master. I wish to have my orders." said Xiadur. He was talking to Skull Plague. "Go help your fellow guards. I don't want you leaving the best place to gain more supporters for the apocageddon coming up really soon." said Skull Plague's voice. "Where are you?" said Xiadur. He was currently getting himself ready for his rematch with the young Eazairvian.

He was holding a long sword with a triangular guard. The sheath is purple and white with it dropping acid off of it. "I'll be here soon to meet Zaney boy in person. I think it's time for a reunion between us but I changed a lot in the past couple of years. I'll be here in my human guise and you just need to keep Zane and them busy." said Skull Plague. Xiadur nodded as he said,"Yes master. Get ready to see him in a body bag.". "Gotcha." said Skull Plague.

Back on Level 4, Zane flew toward the chains and he said,"Time to embrace my inner Tarzan! Lets go now!". He grabbed the chains, swung toward the guards, and transformed his body into his liquid form. "Sweet Holding!" said Zane. He threw several globs of candy syrup and they were held there unable to move. "You guys know what to do right?!" said Zane as he turned his body back to normal upon landing.

The prisoners ,holding their weapons, slammed them toward the ground as Kurt said,"Dam! You've gotten stronger little bro! I think it's time for a Phoenix Burst!". He jumped into the air and he turned into the fire bird. He soon threw several feathers of fire at the guards and igniting them despite them wearing weather proof clothing. They soon went into a dark void by Marco who just nodded. "He reminds me of his old man but unrefined." said Marco.

Frank rushed toward the guards and he turned his body into steel. The guards went flying as Daryl blasted them. "You're not so bad Franky! Keep going!" said Zane. He was heading toward the kitchen as Trunk said,"Didn't you learn your lesson last time?!". "Not at all!" said Zane. He flew off with the army questioning his actions. "So does he decide things based off his stomach?" said Elisa. "You don't know the half of it." said Amelia sweat dropping and not from the heat. 

Back with Henry, he was riding on the back of the Cerberus. The prisoners ,that he rescued using the keys that he borrowed, were currently causing chaos. "Hail Legion Zero!" yelled the prisoners. Henry sighed as he said,"I still can't believe that the idiots are trusting that child more than anything. He may have saved them from this hellhole." Sirius looked at him with Henry saying,"I mean go Legion Zero!". The dog nodded as he rampaged through his fellow hench-animals.

Back in the Alliance headquarters, Lucas was about to head toward the prison with Darin. A soldier rushed in as he said,"Sir! We have a problem at the prison.". "I already know about the riot done by Darin's grandchildren. Those boys are causing us a nightmare in paperwork just like their father and grandfather. What's the problem now soldier?" said Lucas. "One of the seven leaders of the infamous Odium Society is at the Blacktomb Detention Center and it's the big one." said the soldier.

Back in the front entrance, the guards aimed their guns right at Fallout aka the living nuclear power plant. "We don't need any more of you villains!" said a guard. The man looked up and he said in Skull Plague's voice,"Yeah. I don't really care. My old friend is in there and it's been so long.". He aimed his left hand forward as a giant burst of nuclear fire launching the guards into the water and they were soon eaten alive by the fish.

He kept on walking as he floated in the air. He soon blasted open the door using another radioactive burst causing the guards to go back. He smiled as he said,"You can keep on fighting but that is just plain stupid.". He slammed his palms on the grounds as they screamed in pain. Down in one of the stairwell, Damien was currently having a freakout. "Why did this have to happen to me? I never got to become Warden!" said Damien. He was crying.

The guards nearby shook their head as Damien said,"Legion Zero/Zane and his cohorts are currently having the time of their lives down there on Level 4! Henry aka Shaman is currently causing a riot on Level 2 with the Cerberus and the prisoners! Fallout ,by himself, is currently causing hell on Level 1 and the main entrance! How do I deal with this mess?! Perhaps it's time for a snack break!". "Are you serious right now? We need to stop these monsters!" said a guard.

The communication orb soon rang loudly as Damien screamed,"I'm totally blaming you for all of this Warden! You hear me?!". "Are you there Damien?" said Xiadur. "Where are you?" said Damien. "On Level 2. Their little party was stopped by my power and they're covering in wounds that can't heal for the rest of time." said Xiadur. Henry and his group was in front of a stairway as he said,"Dam you! I can't get a break in this hellhole! Where are you Legion Zero!?".                 

Xiadur said,"I have no idea why Fallout is here at Blacktomb and without his backup. We need to get this under control. I have word that both Darin and Lucas are coming here very soon. I refuse to let them see them. Every unit will go to Level 4 while I'll handle the mess on Level 2. You understand vice-warden?". The warden was dancing and crying like crazy as he chanted,"Warden! You're the best now!".

Back on Level 4, Zane ,with a bag filled with their food, re-joined up with the army. Marco slammed his way through a group of guards as Marshal destroyed the ground behind them but the bridge was still standing. "Just in case." said Marshal. Frank slowly nodded as Ivan kicked a guard into ten of them. Zane looked at Marshal as he said,"So where the heck is the stairs or way out of there?! And what happened to Marissa? You two twins or something?".

Marshal sighed as he said,"I'll tell you later. It's to the right. We need to cross the bridge.". "It's guard wrecking time!" said Zane. He turned into Drill Form as he started to shake the ground in front of the guards. "Go Zane!" said the army as they pounced on the guards. "Boys and girls! You remember the plan right?!" said Liv. The Freedom World rushed toward the cells as Zane said,"So what's the plan exactly?". "Sometimes Zane. You can be real stupid." said Lucius with Kurt nodding.

Zane's Crisis Judgement went off as he saw the Crimson Ogres appeared. They started to attack the army of prisoners. "It's those weird monkey or dog things!" said Zane as he turned back to his normal self. Ramon stood nearby ,as he was controlling them, as he said,"Kill them now!". "With one of the chief guards down here, we can handle those freaks!" said a guard. "I don't think so." said Liv. She screamed blasting them back as a guard said,"Did that woman just defeated them by screaming?!".

Liv looked at Zane who was currently eating while running. "Zane! You and your brothers plus Daryl and Marco keep on going! We'll handle the rift raft!" said Liv. "I won't leave you guys behind! We're friends!" yelled Zane. Marco grabbed Zane as he said,"We need to keep going! You want your fight with the bastard who runs this place right?". "But...." said Zane. He heard screaming as he growled loudly.

Three of the four fiends were wrecking the prisoners as Mistress Linda appeared. "I think it's time for you boys and girls to stop your roughhousing or you're going a spanking." said Linda. "I know you want revenge on her for what she did to you but..." said Daryl. "You're strong but I'm..." said Zane as CJ went off. "Zane! Make him pay boy!" said Linda. Trunk soon stood there with the group of Daryl, Frank, Marco, and Sharia. "You three need to keep going!" said Frank.

Marco said,"You're Shawn's sons. I think you can handle the big wigs while we handle the small fry okay?". "Drag him if you must." said Sharia. Kurt and Lucius nodded as they grabbed Zane. "Kill them now!" yelled Linda. Zane was shocked to see that they pushed their way through the prisoners as he said,"Let me go now! We need to make them pay! They're my friends dam it!". Lucius nodded as he said,"Kurt. You know what to do.". "Yeah!" said Kurt. The three brothers disappeared.

Liv said,"What are you boys doing? You need to keep going before it's too late! We can handle them I promise!". "Inferno Mortar!" said Kurt's voice. "Metallic Storm!" said Lucius's voice. "Monstrous Hammer!" said Zane's voice.  The four guards were soon slammed by a giant fireball, fist, or several pieces of metal as Zane said,"I'm not letting you bastards get away with this injustice! You won't hurt our friends! You got that!". Ivan and Liv were crying by their actions.

Above them, Fallout was currently having a field day on Level 1. He was blasting through the guards with ease. "I can't believe that we can't stop him! It's just one guy!" said one guard. Fallout looked to see the guards aiming their guns at him and he said,"You're so cute! Nuclear Explosion!". He threw a giant ball of nuclear fire at them with the guards getting burned alive and the prisoners were lucky to be inside of their cells right about now.

Zane smiled as he said,"You guys! We took care of the fiends with ease! We're at the door to Level 3 for sure!". "Yeah! You're our leader for all rime Zane!" said the prisoners. Zane blushed crimson red as he said,"I'm so happy! I got my very own prisoner cult!". His group sighed as the guards were soon defeated by Amelia, Colleen, Frank, Sharia, and Trunk. "It's Mistress Linda! Without her boys, she's nothing!" said a Freedom World prisoner.

Linda licked her lips as she said,"You honestly think I'm nothing!? Time to show you why I'm the best dam woman in this hellhole!". She then cracked her whip so fast and hard that it produced a streak of flames. The bridge below them was destroyed as Zane growled. "That bitch! I need to make her pay!" yelled Zane. He was soon grabbed by Liv who said,"I know that I can't stop you Zane so let me help you instead!". The woman soon threw Zane as Trunk said,"You're strong!".

Zane landed in front of Linda as he said,"Thanks Liv! You're so hot unlike Mistress Linda! Oh and by the way, I enjoyed eating your boy's arm.". "What?! You insult my appearance and my boys! You're going to die this time! My punishment is now!" said Linda. Zane glowed as he turned into Zara with her wearing the same outfit that she did in Episode 40 but with Zane's eye patch. "I may like a good brawl but a cat fight is so worth it right now!" yelled Zara.

Linda jumped back as she said,"So you can turn into a woman can you? You're a freak of nature! I'm sure you know that god made us these genders for a reason!". "I guess you're just dumb. Eazairvian have no gender or species so we can be whatever gender or species we want! People also can be whatever they want! That's what Liv taught me and she's smart than she looks!" said Zara. "That woman is so strange indeed." said Kurt. "You know that she is our little brother right?" said Lucius.

Kurt said,"Huh!?". Linda whipped toward Zara as she said,"I may be good in fighting but a woman is full of surprises so let me show you mine! Sweet Lunge!". She turned her right leg into a candy syrup liquid lance as the woman went back from it. "To be honest, a real woman can defeat anyone! I'm sure that Liv could handle you for sure. Whips are so last year girlfriend. I pray for you to learn your lesson and it's up to me to teach you this lesson." said Zara.

She rushed toward Linda as Linda said,"Die freak!". Zara dodged her whip swipes as she said,"This is pretty fun you know!". The whip wrapped around Zara as Linda said,"You're dead brat. Xiadur is going to have a field day with you after I'm done with you! Give me a scream bitch!". The girl was gone as Zane reappeared behind Linda. "Arcane Emperor Adamantine Punch!" said Zane. He soon punched her toward Liv as he yelled,"Tell her what it means to be free Liv!". "Aye!" said Liv.

Marshal said,"We're almost to the door Zane! Lets go!". "Right!" said Zane. The door slowly opened as the prisoners ,not from Freedom World, rushed toward it. Damien stood there and he blasted them all back using his spear. "I won't let you idiots are going anywhere." said Damien. "So whose this guy?" said Zane. "Seriously Zane?!" yelled the guards and prisoners. "He's just doing this on purpose now." said Marco with Sharia nodding.

Marshal said,"That's the Vice Warden Damien. Don't let your guard down Zane. He may wanted the job of Warden mainly to teach Xiadur a lesson but he's a strong opponent.". "I see. So why did he open the door for us? I mean we're trying to escape." said Zane. "I won't let you go any farther! You shall not pass because I have the Capturing Unit waiting for you and your pals on the stairwell! This place shall be your tomb!" yelled Damien.

He aimed his spear right at Zane with him saying,"You and I shall begin the fight. You may be young but I know that you're smarter than all of these idiots combined!". "Okay. I'm powered up from my meal so this guy is mine!" said Zane. "Yeah! Go Vice Warden! Show these idiots why you shouldn't try to escape from Blacktomb! You're super strong!" yelled the guards. "I'm going to stop your boss so get out of my way or else." said Zane. "You're sentenced to death by my hand." said Damien

Zane dodged his attacks as he said,"Look! I respect you and your drive but I need to stop your boss from turning this hell into a worse hell!".  "Don't underestimated me!" said Damien. The warden was spinning his spear so fast that it was ignited. Fire and ice covered it as Damien said,"Let me show you my spear's true power Child!". Zane dodged his attacks as the ground below him was either on fire or frozen.

Zane said,"I need to stop Xiadur!". "Why would you try and stop Xiadur?! You're a prisoner!" said Damien. Zane went back as Damien stood there. Zane activated Archon Zero as he said while rushing toward Damien,"Fine! I get you Damien! Sweet Bombardment!". Zane soon rapidly punched Damien with each punch sounding painful. "Wow! Zane's fighting like a real man!" said Ivan. "Yeah. I guess Zane's feeling the drive of his opponent and decided to fight with the same drive." said Liv.

Meanwhile, Xiadur just arrived on Level 4 and slowly headed there. "He took me down so easily! His conviction to stop Xiadur is stronger than mine to become warden! I should be able to handle a punk like him! I have been here for most of my life! The acid spewer was been here for only a decade or less but he has more respect than me! It's time for me to shine!" thought Damien. Zane soon walked toward the door as he said,"You're strong Damien but I'm stronger.".

His leg was soon grabbed by Damien who was bleeding profusely. "You're not leaving here you dam bastard child!" yelled Damien. In the background, the prisoners and guards were still fighting. Marco stood there watching Zane as the others fought. Zane stood there as he said,"Wow. I didn't expect that from you but I'm impressed. Lets go! Sweet Rainmaker!". Zane soon send his left arm back being that he slammed his opened palm into Damien, launching himself into the air.

The warden landed on the ground as he said,"I'm not done with you!". He was soon punched again as Damien threw his spear at Zane. The spear clearly missed the young teen. Zane slammed his feet into him as Damien grabbed him despite his wounds. Damien soon panted as he said,"You're not going any farther!". Zane soon punched him down as he said,"Go away. I'm saving this hellhole from your boss so you want to be warden, let me go.".

Damien was slowly getting back up as a guard said,"I really don't think you should keep on fighting Legion Zero sir! You already proved yourself to all of us and the Alliance!". "Yeah! He's totally right sir!" said another guard. "You want to save the prison child? What kind of bullshit is that? We gave you wounds that will never heal! You're an idiot!" said Damien. Zane looked at Damien with him thinking,"Must resist punching him.".

Damien stood there as he said,"I won't let you escape bringing terror to good people! This place is the end for all of you! Got it pal!". Zane sighed as he said,"I get your conviction but...". The two heard a huge amount of screaming as the guards on the stairwell were soon burned. "How about you shut the hell up? Your bitching is annoying me!" said a voice. Damien was soon slammed into the ground hard as his body ignited in flames.

Fallout stood there with several burned guards and they were covered in ash. "Who the heck is this guy and why does he seem familiar?" said Zane with his body shaking. "Look at all of the players here. I'm shocked to see you all again and my dear pal Zaney is here too." said Fallout. "Bastard! I can't believe you would show up here in that body! Fallout! No Skull Plague! Why are you in the body of Shawn's best friend?!" yelled Daryl.

Zane was shocked as Fallout laughed. "You're so loud angel boy. I guess your name as the Berserker isn't just for show. I took over his body because Shawny and Zaney are my enemies. You're so close to Shawn so you partnered up with his brat! Shawn is dead now!" said Fallout. Zane glared at him and he yelled,"You're the one who sent my father to the Infinite Void, took over one of his best friends in the Omniverse, and the reason why me and my family went through some much pain! Bastard!".

His fists were bleeding as Fallout said,"It's so nice to finally met you in person. Nate here hasn't been in control of his body for years! You and I have met before Zaney! Don't you remember the day that you and I met before I sent your father to die! Your mother cried for a bastard like Shawn! You think that the washed up of a man Marco Payne is going to help you! That's funny! I was thinking of taking over his body to make sure I got what I want!".

Marco glared at him as Fallout said,"To be honest, I think sending your father to the Infinite Void by his best friend! I mean you prevented my apocageddon when you were still pissing your pants! This day is perfect! I'll kill you and then I'll drink the tears of all of these idiots who care about you! You are nothing more than a Cross Species! A Freak of Nature! Freak!". He chanted Freak as Zane was getting pissed off.

Fallout said,"It's your fault that your mother cries herself to sleep every night and grew up without a father! Freak!". "SCREW YOU BASTARD!" roared Zane. He activated Archon Zero and Tyrannus Nether at the same as he roared,"DIE BASTARD!". The two dinosaur heads fired off several beams and Zane roared loudly. "Kurt! Lucius! Zane is in...." said Amelia. She saw that both of them were pissed off. "Their family was insulted Amelia. Rage is a perfect emotion to have now." said Liv. 

Colleen said,"But what about Fallout? I mean he didn't do anything wrong because he's under the control of Skull Plague.". "I don't think they care about that right now. I want revenge on the man who killed Shawn Alvarez as well but right now, this anger isn't worth it." said Frank. "Franky is right. We need to stop Zane before he goes supernova." said Liv. Zane jumped toward Fallout and he yelled,"I'll kill you! Arcane Emperor....".

Fallout smiled as he said,"You forget that I'm living radiation!". He fired a giant beam of nuclear fire which blasted Zane causing him to scream out in pain. "Zane!' yelled Ivan. Fallout slammed Zane into the ground with a huge amount of blood covering him and Zane. "He's bleeding more than the normal amount. Zane should be dead but he isn't." said Marco. Zane recovered as he said,"You may be hard to kill but I will for sure! Arcane Emperor....".

Daryl grabbed Zane as Zane yelled,"Angel! Let me go!". "Zane! I feel your pain! I am furious right now but we need to focus! Do you want your mother to lose you as well?! She raised you since you were little and she needs you as you need her! Don't let her or Shawn down! I don't know how to get Skull out of his body but right now, we need to make Xiadur pay for what he did! You can't let your rage get the best of you Zane! Be a better man than he could ever be!!!!!" yelled Daryl.

Zane calmed down as Fallout said,"I guess you're worth some challenge after all!". "Skull Plague. I'll make you pay for hurting my friend Zane. I've heard about him from his grandfather. He says that he will stop anything or anyone in his way. He's being an Alvarez aka a stubborn and strong fool." said Marco. An explosion went off as Ivan yelled,"Can't we get a break?!". "Guys! Xiadur is coming and he isn't happy!" yelled a Freedom World prisoner.   

Zane smiled as Liv said,"Zane! We have to keep moving! You can survive his acid bath better than all of us but you'll need more space for your fight! He did defeated you because of that reason alone for sure!". The prisoners ran toward the exit as a guard said,"Perfect! You scums are dead meat. Xiadur will leave nothing in its wake!". Several acid snakes captured several prisoners, upon turning them into puddles. "Right!" said Zane.

He was grabbed by a whip as he said,"Really?". Linda ,covered in bruises, said,"You're not escaping your punishment!". "I'm really getting sick of you know that." said Zane as his right arm turned into fire. He punched Linda back and he made a Nether cage with him saying,"Stop before I kill you.". "Lets go already Zane!" said Ivan, Zane glared at Fallout who was laughing. "Thanks for getting rid of those guards. We owe you some thanks." said Kurt as he grabbed Zane's shoulder.

Fallout said,"You must be the nice brother. You all being idiots gave a chance for revenge.". Thee group ,heading up the stairs, screamed out,"Chanter!". "I thought we killed him earlier. I mean he lost his arm." said Trunk. "Those fiends of her have an impressive healing factor. They can survive any wound. They're stubborn bastards even more than Zane. We have the boss now so lets keep going you guys right now." said Marco. "Right!" said the group as they held the door.

Xiadur was floating toward them as he said,"Can't that idiot do anything right?!!! He was the one to keep them back! He was defeated?! The communication center is also destroyed thanks to that one guy!". "You mean Fallout sir?" said a guard. "Yes! I let that one child escape and this child is pissing me off!" said Xiadur. Henry, Sirius, and the prisoners were cheering as Henry said,"Lets keep causing hell for Legion Zero!". "Yeah!" yelled the prisoners.

Zane glared at Fallout with him saying,"My father didn't die. He's an Alvarez and we never die.". "I think that's real cute. You can do anything that you set your mind on." said Fallout. Zane walked past this guy as Fallout disappeared. Zane looked back as Lucius said,"Zane! Ignore him! We need to keep moving!". Zane ran with the others as he kept hearing Skull Plague's laugh and he said,"I won't let you live next time we meet I promise.".

They ran up the stairs with Zane flying past them. Zane kicked Chanter up several flight of stairs as Ivan said,"He's so much stronger now! He defeated him with a single kick!". "Zane is stronger than one may think. He was holding back but now, he's powered up." said Daryl. The group kept on going just as Xiadur arrived to see Linda. "Get me out of here Warden! I need to make Zane cry out in pain for what he has down!" said Linda. 

Xiadur said,"Calm down. I can tell that Zane defeated you. Get her down.". The guards did that as the warden walked toward the exit. He saw Fallout as he said,"Hey Buddy! You're not looking so good! I guess that Zaney boy did a lot to little old you.". "Why are you here? I can handle a prisoner." said Xiadur. The guards were confused as Fallout said,"Your little bitch was nothing to me. I hope you can handle him or your pride as a Qlakrik will be destroyed!".

The two destroyed all of the prisoners and guards left behind as they looked at Damien. "I will handle this mess because we're done here. You're the only one worth of the title of warden." said Xiadur. The warden looked up the stair well as he yelled,"Zane! You're dead meat! I promise you that this day will be your last!". The prisoners were running as Zane said,"You're going down Acid Spitter!". The man soon rushed after them as Fallout went after him.

Next time,
Xiadur's true nature is revealed! He's an enemy of Zane being a Qlakirk! Will Zane defeat him this time around or will he die by the acid man?! This and more next time on Zero!

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