Monday, November 6, 2017

Zero Episode 59 Worst Future Ever PT 10 The Bonds We Share

A/N: It's a weird title but it's fitting to say the least. You may be asking yourself. What can't Zane do with his body? He can heal from having it pealed off from acid, getting burned to ash, and several other things that can kill him. Zane ,since his fight with Daemon, has been fighting on instincts rather than normal being that he makes jokes. He's going off memories of his past lives being the other Ninety Zeroes. He doesn't know how he's doing all of this but he sees that it's working so he's going with it. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Xiadur ,with his hat back on covering his third eye, limped over to the guards as he heard,"Are you okay sir? You and Legion Zero had a fight that killed over 100 prisoners! What should we do with him?". Xiadur went through them as he said with a smile,"He'll be dead soon enough from my acid but to make him truly suffer, I'll let Mistress Linda and her pets have some fun with him before he's sent to Level 5.". "Yes sir!" said the guards.

One of them said,"Um sir. We may have a problem. The tunnel to Level 3......". "Is what?!" yelled Xiadur. "It's unknown but well, let me just say that it has been an....." said a guard. He was kicked into the pool of ice freezing to death. "Fine. Lets go check on that excuse of a vice warden." said Xiadur. He limped toward the gateway as the rest of the guards were heading toward the doorway with Xiadur annoyed.

Back with Zane, he was unable to move except for his eyes. "Why can't I move? It's like I'm unable to fight this acid. Did I take too much splashback or what?" thought Zane. Even with him filled with acid, he heard high heeled footsteps along with massive ones and tiny ones. "I don't get a break now don't I? Curse my luck." thought Zane. Linda stood there with all four fiends including Chanter who looked angry.

Some guards stood there as one said,"Mistress! Warden Xiadur demanded that you keep alive so we can transfer his corpse to Level 5!". "That's fine. Now please leave." said Linda. "Um but what if he?" said a guard. "Are you dumb? Look how much acid the Warden released during his fight with the child. This boy has caused all of us mainly my man and my boy Chanter! I wish to have revenge on him in private with my boys if you don't mind." said Linda.

She pulled out her whip and cracked it. "If you want to tell me no, I'll whip you into either the fire or ice pit. I'll let the first one pick and then it's a free for all!" said Linda. "No Mistress! We'll give you your space!" said the guards in unison as they ran off. Linda looked at Zane as she said,"Okay boys. I want you to make him feel like death and Chanter dear, go nuts.". The four nodded and well, it's too graphic to even described what they did to Zane.

Meanwhile, Lucius was with Amelia and Sharia watching the fight and torture. Lucius had his hands covering his eyes as Amelia said,"Lucius. It wasn't your fault. We didn't know that Xiadur wasn't on his bathroom/nap break.". "Why did I let him run off like that?! He's still only a kid!" yelled Lucius as he punched the wall. The two had found Sharia ,currently hold up in a female guard's locker room which was rather empty, and they watched it through a Communication Orb.

Amelia said,"Zane's strong. He left so damage on Xiadur that he can't recover from. I wonder what he was talking about. He knew about Zane's ability to heal from the most deadly wounds and his limbs are able to become a candy syrup like substance.". "That proves my theories." said Sharia. "What are they and when were you going to tell me this?!" said Lucius. His palms was bleeding with Sharia as Amelia said,"Is it why there's a female locker room when you're one of two female guards?".

Sharia said,"Okay. I'm going to find out your question Amelia. Anyway, I figure out how Zane was able to make it this far. He was heavily relying on his instincts and the memories of his previous lives aka the other ninety nine Zeroes.". "What makes you so sure?" said Lucius as Amelia wrapped up his palms. "He knew how to use Celestial Body I think, and Empyrean Will without thinking. He knows how to use his transformations, Astral Clairvoyance, and Nether but he's still learning." said Sharia.

Lucius sighed as he said,"I knew that I should have forced him to truly heal. He was eating more than he normally does.". "I would say something about how much he normally eats when I've seen him eat more than normal. So what about the other theory of yours?" said Amelia. "You've heard about the Warden and his rumors about him being corrupted." said Sharia. "Yeah but you saw what he did to Zane. He's serious about his job." said Lucius.

Sharia shook her head as she said,"You're right but as the warden of Blacktomb Detention Center, he is a high ranking member of the Alliance but he mentioned a boss.". "You're right. Do you think it could be Lucas Hammond?" said Amelia. "Nope. I think he's talking about Skull Plague." said Sharia with the two's eyes widened. "You can't be serious!" said the two. "I'm sure because I was doing some research earlier and I heard him saying Master Skull Plague." said Sharia.

In an unknown part of the prison, it looked like a paradise compared to the rest of the prison. The cage door were opened and the prisoners were giving massage and a drink inside of a coconut by bunny girls. "Hey! What's wrong with that guy?" said a prisoner. One of the prisoner wasn't moving as another prison said,"I guess he couldn't handle the illusion any longer.". One of the prisoners was laughing as his right ring finger fell off. "I guess I won't be needing that anymore!" said the prisoner.

The guards were dragging something through the yard as a prisoner said,"Check out the new kid! He is so young! What did you do?". It was Zane with his body covered to the brim with the glowing green acid and bruises. "Man. Xiadus went to hell on this kid and I think Mistress Linda had a hand on him. Poor kid. I hope he didn't piss her off in anyway being that she gets crazy strong when she's angry or lusty. For her, they blend together too easy." thought a prisoner.

Back with Xiadur, he sighed. "I'm gone for ten minutes top and look at this!" said Xiadur. "You were here Damien and you let yourself be defeated by insects!" said Xiadur. Damien was soon grabbed by the warden with Xiadur saying,"Wake up Damien! Or you'll die by my acid!". "Let me down please Warden! The bastard who did this caught me off guard! Sorry!" said Damien as he was dropped down to the ground hard.

Nearby him, Henry and Trunk were nearby. "Don't torture us with Mistress Linda at all!" said the two. "That weirdo was spins a lot did this to us! I don't know how but he suddenly blew up and reformed from it. He went upstairs and said,"I'm escaping this hell hole! Bye you dam suckers! Also the Warden is ugly.  I actually didn't say that last part sir!" said Damien. "Silence. He must have a power that we didn't know of." said Xiadur.

A guard said,"Sir! It turns out he's a high ranking member of Prime Force like Amelia Pearson who is still missing along with Lucius Alvarez!". "That's better than nothing." said Xiadur. "Don't worry. We can handle him using the more explosion proof nets." said the guard. "What is like on Level 2? Has it effected Level 1?" said Xiadur. "It's finish." said the guard. "All of the guards plus Linda's boys shall handle searching for our dancer and the rest of them." said Xiadur.

The guard said,"What about these two?". "Do whatever you want. Make Blacktomb Detention Center back to the way it was before this mess!" said Xiadur. He phased toward his office as a guard said,"I think he's going to watch his show.". Damien kicked the defeated guards away as he said,"Get up you asses! We need to find that spinning freak!". "What about them?" said a guard pointing to both Henry and Trunk. "A word with them in private. Get an interrogation room." said Damien.

Damien soon threw the two into a room with Damien closing the door behind them. "We're free now thanks!" said Henry. "I guess these simple minded fools know when not to mess with the boss or sub boss." said Trunk. Damien soon turned into Ivan as he said,"We need to go save Zane before his song is over before it has begun!". "Why would you want to save him Ivan? You left him to die after all bastard." said a voice.

The three saw Lucius standing with Amelia and Sharia. "You guys! Why are you with a guard?!" said Trunk. "And why is she so sexy?" said Henry before he was punched into a table by Sharia. "Sharia is our friend unlike the bastard here. You would betray Kurt wouldn't you?" said Lucius. Ivan looked away as Trunk said,"I know you're mad at him for abandoning Zane but....". "He could have helped Zane using his ability to turn into anyone or explode and reform back to normal!" said Lucius

Henry said,"I didn't expect you to care so much. I also didn't expect Zane to wreck him so much. He's missing an arm now just like Chanter is.". "He was also tortured by Mistress Linda and her boys after what you guys did to Chanter." said Sharia. "Dam." said Trunk. "I abandoned my friend leaving him to Xiadur was a dick move! I died there! I'm going to save Zane because I know that my friend Zane Vincent Alvarez won't die from this acid bath!" said Ivan as he spin around and cried.

Amelia said,"Why didn't you leave? I mean you can turn into anyone and no one would see past your disguise. Do you really care about Zane?". "I do Amelia. I care about all of my friends in a way that can't be described in words! Friends mean the world to me because I was alone once! Zane is a good kid and I won't let him die in this hell because his friend ran away when he could have helped! Zane came here coming to save his dear brother and I'm going to help him see it through!" yelled Ivan.

Lucius said,"Fine but I'm keeping an eye on you. We're going to save Zane. We need to find a way to heal Zane from Xiadus's acid.". "Keep an eye on them. I'm going to save Zane." said Ivan as he soon turned into Damien leaving the room. Trunk looked at the trio standing there as he said,"So could you let us out please?". "And why did you leave our group Trunk?" said Amelia. "I wanted to live. You may call a coward but seeing Ivan, I want to help Zane as well!" said Trunk.

Sharia said,"What about you Henry?". "I don't have a good chance of escape before this since I never learned any kind of Transformation Magic. It's sad but the truth. If you're working with us, I'll gladly serve you." said Henry. "Could we throw him back into the cells?" said Amelia. "No. We may need his help. I hope you know what you're doing Ivan. You're a good man being that you're willing to be there for my brother after just meeting." said Lucius.

Damien/Ivan said,"Are you serious?! I mean there is nothing you guys can do even with this highly advanced medical science.". He was in the medical room. "No one ever survives Xiadur's acid being it melts through everything sir and we can't get past the thick substance around the boy." said a male scientist. "You guys call yourself doctors?! What the heck?!" yelled Damien. "Huh?" said the doctors in the room.

Damien cough as he said,"Nothing. Don't give up and believe in yourself. We have to make sure that Darin isn't pissed about us hurting his grandson.". "If we try to do anything, it may kill him. Legion Zero is only sixteen years old and if we do anything, he'll be the youngest inmate to die. I don't want to be in that mess no sir." said the doctor. Damien growled. Back in the interrogation room, Henry and Trunk were now free.

Henry said,"You see? There is no hope in surviving against Xiadur. He's far too strong and even with him missing an arm, he'll kill all of us we don't get out of here!". "There must be something! I mean think about Liv!" said Amelia. "Liv?" said Ivan. "Who's Liv?" said Henry and Sharia. "Of course! We can go see Liv! She's able to heal any wounds using her dimension's advanced medicines! Lets go you guys!" said Ivan.

Back on the door outside of Level 5. "You want to go Level 5 sir?" said a guard. Damien/Ivan stood there with a cuffed up Henry and Trunk as the other three were in guard uniforms. "Yep. I decided to send these two down to Paradise. It seems like fun no?" said Damien. "So why is called Paradise? It should sound worse than that." whispered Henry. "Who knows but it beats Level 3 and 4!" whispered Trunk. "Keep quiet!" said Amelia hitting them with her rifle.

The door opened as the six walked through the hall with a guards. Damien was looking over a list as Amelia said with a mile,"Keep walking you scum!". "You're enjoying this aren't you guard?" said Henry. "We may be seeing a new Mistress Linda. Needs to work on the trash talk though." said Trunk which caused him to be hit by Sharia. "Yep. She sure does." said the unnamed guard. He was soon hit by the two women as Lucius sighed.

Ivan thought,"This is a long shot but I'm not giving up on you Zane! You wouldn't for me! This list is weird. Olivia Potter aka Liv has her name crossed out. She can't be free or dead?". He got one of the guard's attention as he said,"This prisoner. Why is her name crossed off?". "You mean Potter? You don't remember Vice-Warden? It happened a few years ago being that the prisoner got attacked by that remember?" said the guard.

Damien said,"Of course I do. I was just testing you and you passed with an A Plus. So do you mind telling Sherry here about it?". "But what about these two sir?" said Amelia pointing her gun at Henry and Trunk. "Tell me already!" said Damien. "Okay.  People going missing and we're sure that they didn't escape since they were on death's door. They just vanished and a rose is always left behind. It's weird right?" said the guard. "That's weird." said the guard.

They stopped in front of the door as the guard said,"Do be warned. Legion Zero has made things well interesting. The folks in there are working harder because of him. So I wish you guys good luck and have fun!". The door opened as the six were shocked by what they saw there. "Have fun you crazy kids! Communication Orbs won't work here!" said the guard as he closed the door. "Why the hell is this here in Hell?!" yelled the six. It looked like a paradise or an oasis plus a beach resort.

Damien said,"I can't believe it. This is here in Blacktomb Detention Center. No wonder why no one wants to leave this place.". He freed Henry and Trunk as four bunny girls walked over to them. "I'm counting four hot ladies! This place is way better than Level 2 with those monsters!" said Henry as his eyes were hearts. Henry ran over to them as he said,"I'll see you guys later! Lets go ladies!". The five were gone as Sharia said,"Well, he's honest at the least.". Damien turned back to Ivan.

Amelia said,"So what's this floor called?". They walked through the paradise looking for Zane and Trunk said,"I think it was called the Lotus Floor. It may be named after the Lotus-eaters. They were a tribe addicted to a fruit and when Odysseus encountered this tribe, some of the men tasted the fruit and never left. I think the prisoners here are given something to make them want to stay here and waste away. That's just a guess though. To be honest, I wish I ended up here.".

Back with Zane, he was moving back and forth groaning in a lawn chair. The guards tried to give a uniform like the prisoners but they couldn't touch him due to the acid covering his body. It didn't melt them or anything but he kept fighting back. "So can we have his stuff since he doesn't want us? This is just sad to watch." said a prisoner.  "Shut up Brad! This acid or pain doesn't hurt at all!" said Zane as he coughed up a huge amount of blood.

He screamed out in pain as he slowly stood back up. He looked to see the gate turning into all of his friends back home and he ran into it knocking him down. The prisoners just watched this as one said with a frown,"You need to give up kid. You're going to die by Xiadur's Acid Torture. It sucks but you should enjoy some paradise okay?". "Shut up Lilith! I'm not giving up or die after saving my brother and my friends from the bastards!" yelled Zane clearly seeing things.

A prisoner said,"Listen. You should know that people don't care about you saving them because they only care about themselves got it kid?". "In the mixture of Fire and Ice, you throw someone in there to save yourself! With the animals, you throw someone to feed them! Fend for yourself! Be a man and die already!" yelled a prisoner as he kicked Zane into a cell causing him to cough up more of his candy syrup blood by the minute.

A prisoner looked through the gate as he said,"Hey. Some people are coming. They don't like the normal guards or prisoners. I think one of them is spinning.". "Spinning?" said Zane as he slowly got back up and coughed up blood. Ivan stood there with the group ,covered in blood, as he said,"Friend Zane! Your friends are here to save you from the hell that I placed you in because of my cowardice! I hope you can forgive me!".

Trunk said,"So tell me again. How did he get soaked in blood? I was gone for five minutes.". "Some of the girls here poured pig's blood on him. I don't get it either." said Lucius. The prisoner ,who was the one who kicked Zane, said,"What the hell are you guys?! Idiots?! You guys are idiots just like the brat here! He believed that he was going to save his brother and friends from the bastards. What a dam fool!".

The other prisoners laughed as Ivan and Lucius looked down. "Sharia. Open the cage. Me and Trunk will get Zane while Ivan and Lucius make them pay." said Amelia. Sharia opened the gate as the guy from before said,"Thanks you idiots. I guess you're dumber than I thought....". He was soon kicked in the face by Ivan with the others being pierced with metal by Lucius. "You bastard don't know what power this guy can do! He's going to be the savior of the Omniverse for sure!" yelled Ivan.

Henry was enjoying a foot massage and a drink. "This is the life. I never thought I would want to live in hell!" said Henry. He stopped himself as he said,"Wait a god dam minute. This place is nice and all but I could be ruling Taelamelan!". He went to go find the rest but he didn't noticed that the women's eyes started to glow. Back with Zane, the five walked around the floor looking for Liv only to hear some insults about her, some choice words from the perverts, and useless advice.

They were heading into the forest as Lucius said,"Don't worry. We won't let you die. We have to save the others from Daemon.". "Yeah. I know that we're going to be caught by Mom but we won't let big bro down don't we Uncle?" said Zane as he was being held by Lucius and Trunk. "Yep. He's seeing things now and acting drunk." said Amelia. "I'm sure that Liv wouldn't die! She wanted to spread her word! We'll find her for Zane's sake! He's our friend and I'll do anything for my friend!" yelled Ivan.

Something was coming toward the group with Zane saying,"Cry me Uncle! We got company and it's bad bad bad!". The women ,now harpies, were chasing after Henry with Ivan kicking one back. The Sorcerer landed as he said,"Hey guys! I'm back and here's some friends for you!". He flew off as Amelia said while shaking her fist,"Get back here you bastard!". She punched one of the bird women back as Trunk soon made a wood cage to protect Zane as the five got ready to fight.

The bird women were getting closer to them as Sharia said,"You guys ready?". "Yep. I'll do anything to protect my friend Zane!" yelled Ivan. Zane looked at them as they began fighting the birds with them starting off good. They were soon overwhelmed by them as Zane slammed against on the cage and yelled,"Let me out!". The cage soon turned into splinters as Zane's right arm was on fire. "We can handle this Zane!" yelled Ivan as he was slashed by a harpy.

Zane said,"What the hell are you bastards doing to my family?". The women went back as they saw Zane's right eye was now Molten Gold. They couldn't see Zane's left eye was covered by acid and wounds."LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE XIADUR!" roared Zane. The entire level was covered by the purple energy wave ,the very same one from the arena, knocking out most of the bird guards and prisoners, with the harpies's mouths foaming but not the prisoners for some reason.

Trunk said,"How did he just?". Zane fell down as Lucius said,"That was his Empyrean Will! He used it again.". He soon saw Amelia, Ivan, and Trunk fainted due to the attack. He soon saw that Sharia was about to faint as well with him following suit. A man soon stood there. He had brown hair go up to his shoulders and gray eyes under plain old glasses. He's very tall with a very rectangular jaw and slightly muscular figure.

He's wearing a dark purple long sleeved shirt with dark blue jeans and green flats. He has mustache that points down at the end and is straight. He's holding a glass filled with alcohol in his hand and he was moving it back and forth. He looked down at Zane and the others as he said,"I found them. They shall be healed by us.". He somehow dragged the six away with Zane groaned in pain through the whole journey.

Back with the real Damien, he was currently captured and hanging somewhere. "Dam that exploding bastard!" thought Damien. He remember how he got captured earlier. Ivan ,in a rather buxom red hair female disguise, had tricked him. "Why is it so darn hot down here? It's making me sweat up a storm fast." said the red head. Damien's eyes turned to hearts as he said,"You're just my type! Young and healthy plus not a psychotic bitch like Linda!". Linda sneezed.

Damien said,"Wait a second. Where's that dancing freak who defeated the guards. Who are you sweet thing?". "That doesn't matter right now handsome. Could you follow me? I'm so sweating from this unbearable heat. I may need to undress." said the red head. "Sure thing!" said Damien. He opened the door as the two walked inside. "Wow. I forgot how dark it can be in here." said Damien. He was soon knocked out cold by Ivan as Damien thought upon walking up,"I want to be warden.".

Back with Xiadur, he examined his wounds. "Dam it all! That Eazarirvian destroyed me!" yelled the warden. He held a communication orb as he said,"Status report you two!". Back on Level 2, all of the prisoners were beaten and locked up by the Crimson Ogres. Ramon said,"Yep. All of the prisoners are back in their cells beaten. They keep saying that Zane will save them but he's already dead. These poor misguided fools".

Linda was all spent for beating up Zane with her saying,"Okay boys. I may be spend from whipping that boy into submission earlier but I still have enough energy to say! Find the other three scum of the Omniverse and make them get punished!" said Linda. "I really feel bad for the kid." said a guard. "I know right? He was already given the Acid Treatment plus the torture." said a guard. The two were glared at by the fiends as they said,"No. We don't feel bad for him!".

Back with Ivan, he was slowly walking up. "Where am I? Why am I covered in bandages? I only felt a bit of pain during the fight." said Ivan. He was covered in bandages as he said,"Where is Zane and the others? I hope they're safe.". He heard voices as he walked toward them. They sound like they were funny as Ivan reached a door. He slowly opened it and he said,"What the hell?". He opened the door as he heard,"Welcome new friend to paradise!".

Several oddly dressed men and women were enjoying themselves as they were all dressed rather unique being that some of the men were wearing revealing feminine clothing and Ivan's mouth couldn't go any lower. "So you're finally awake? I guess you guys did get affected by an up and close Empyrean Burst." said a man. "Want a drink handsome?" said one of the women wearing an aviator cosplayer.

Ivan looked to see them all happy as he heard,"You and the rest of your guys were so awesome! Well done!". "What the?" said Ivan. "So would you like to see your friends? We got plenty of food at least for forever!" said a waitress. "That would be nice but where is Zane?!" said Ivan. "Did you honestly think you're out of this hellhole?" said a woman at the bar drinking with a friend. "Chill out for a minute muscle. You're still inside of the worst place in the Omniverse." said the woman.

Ivan started spinning around as he said,"That's wrong! Most of you aren't wearing prisoner clothing and eating some amazing looking food! You're having fun! Where are my friends!? We were saved by Zane using some weird power and I was out cold!". "Sorry but you're dead wrong ballerina boy or should I say man? You were asleep for half a day but it's impressive since your friends woke up about four hours after you." said a female voice. He turned to see a woman standing there.

She has a pair of old glasses ,very much like the man before, resting in the collar of her top. She's rather tall being only slightly shorter than Ivan. Her jaw is round being extremely attractive. She's wearing a light purple blouse that shows off her body well with light blue jeans with green high heels on her. She has a white glove on her right hand as she was sipping on some wine. "Hold on a minute there honey! Where am I? Who are you? And where are my friends?!" said Ivan.

The woman sighed as she said,"You're worried about your friends. That's sweet but you still need to rest. My name is Marissa Watts in this form. I was the one who saved you from the nasty Harpies and saved you. I was in my masculine form at the time.". "Thank you Marissa. I have questions but I need to know where my friend Zane is." said Ivan. "Patience honey. All will explain by her." said Marissa as she sipped her wine. The lights went off as a person said,"It's showtime!".

Ivan saw a stage and he said,"How did I noticed that here?". "Follow me. I shall lead you to your pals and our leader will show you where Zane is." said Marissa. He followed her as the curtain went up. "I have so many questions." thought Ivan. "Did you sleep well my dancer man? Your friends were all worried about you Ivan Preston." said a voice. "How do you know my name?" said Ivan. He saw a woman standing there with music playing.

She's a tall woman being eight/nine feet tall. She has long purple hair with noticeable eyelashes as her skin looked rather fair. Her eyes were sharp and gold. She's wearing a dark purple feather coat that covered her entire body. She's wearing a white top that shows off her chest and thin waist. She's wearing a pair of crimson red jeans and black knee high high heeled boots. "Thank you all for coming to this Paradise." said the woman.

The music picked up as the woman started singing."You had to go through the plain Level 1, beastly Level 2,  burning and chilling Level 3 and 4, and survive those awful bird women above us. We have everything that the heart desires drinks, weapons, guns, and food! However, the most important thing is that we have each other because this is where real humans live!" said the woman. The crowd soon cheered behind Ivan as he said,"Huh?!!!!!". 

The woman strutted on the stage as she said,"The bastards upstairs are nothing to us down there and they're so annoying. They don't keep about those they're supposed to protect! Welcome Ivan Preston to Level 5.5 bitches! My name is Olivia Potter and I am your queen bitches". "You're Liv?! You're the woman I've been searched for!" yelled Ivan. The crowd cheered for their queen as Ivan said,"I finally made it here.". He spun around as he said,"Hello all!". "Welcome!" yelled the crowd.

Next time,
What happened to Zane and the others? Who is Olivia Potter? Why did Marissa save them? And what did she mean by her masculine form? This and more next time on Zero!

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