Sunday, May 28, 2017

Soul Episode 133 Sorcerer Chess Natsu and his Pieces vs Aurora and her Pieces!

A/N: Yep. We're going to see some fighting and pointless property. If I've learned anything from One Piece or Fairy Tail, violence is always the answer. I'm happy that Fairy Tail is ending in nine weeks because the final and in my opinion worst Alvarez Arc has opened my eyes to the truth and well, writing Power and Power Guild helped in that. I mean you can kill SIX out of TWELVE Spriggians but you can't kill off Makarov. I'm sorry but I just want someone to die.

This may come from me loving Assassination Classroom. If they brought Koro Sensei back, it would piss fans off and I knew that Makarov wouldn't die but you could have killed him Hiro. I mean I want Laxus as guild master rather than him because Makarov. I'm going to guess that you're going to find a way to keep Natsu alive too so he can get with Lucy just like Jellal with Erza. I'm so sorry but I just puked a little in my mouth after writing that.

Lets begin and do note that I'm not pulling any of my punches when it comes to Zero and Fairy Tail crossover. Fairy Tail will be done by then so I'll have everything to work with. Is the Anime starting back up soon? I mean the series is almost over and I think beside Avatar, you could make Alvarez great again. I haven't seen the new movie yet and haven't looked up any spoilers for it. I want to be kept in the dark about it so I could be happy or angry.

It helps. So the gender bent Yamada Kun was awesome and well worth the wait. As a fan since May of 2015, it was cute. I mean I would love to seen more from it but well, I'm happy that I got. It gives me ideas. I don't know why. Lets begin at Natsu's family house with the trio of siblings and the trio of Kana, Mike, and Natsu.

Narrator P.O.V.
Elena said,"Wow Kana. You know that I have always wanted an older sister whose just as pretty as you.". Kana's face was red as Mike said,"Hey! What about me? I could be a way better brother than Natsu!". Molly was sitting on her big brother's lap ,as he was working on something, said,"You may be cool but no one can beat big brother to me!". Natsu smiled as Mike said,"Why not?!". "Because you may be hot on the outside but you don't have our big brother's heart." said Jason.

He was sitting on Natsu's bed next to Molly as Mike said,"Rejected by a toddler.". "Hey. So do you guys mind them in here? They like to spend time with me." said Natsu. Elena sat on the right of her younger sister as Kana said,"I don't mind. These three are going places.". "Thanks big sister." said the trio. "At least you like them. Okay then, I finished my drawing so lets get the final plan started." said Natsu.

The six looked at the notebook which showed six of the Core Seven's faces perfectly as Natsu said with a groan,"Well, we have 2/3 since we also have Heather's power thanks to Mike. We only need Lauren and Rain to complete the quest.". "Wow. And you want to be an astronaut?" said Kana. "Big brother may be an artist but he wants to explore space." said Elena. "And bring back space ice cream for sure!" said Molly. Jason nodded with him thinking about it.

Mike said,"We need to plan this out. I think Rain is going to be easy but Lauren is a mystery.". "You have a point. I mean she didn't even kiss me to get rid of the memories the first time. Why is there a sorcerer who can erase memories?" said Natsu. "Well, I have been doing some research on her and guess what I found." said Kana. "A million bucks!" said Jason. Natsu tussled his brother's hair and he said,"Jason. Kana was talking.".

Jason said,"Oh. Sorry big sister.". "It's fine Jason. Anywhere, I couldn't find her name anywhere. She wasn't in the student register or any school roster." said Kana. "What the? She's a senior and in the president's class?" said Mike. "You're not wrong but I asked a senior friend of mine and she told me that she doesn't know of a Lauren Dixon." said Kana. "Wow. This is so cool big brother. Is this what high school is like?!" said Molly.

Natsu said,"Maybe a little less Sorcerers.". "I can't wait." said Elena. "Anyway. I think we should go after Rain first rather than Lauren." said Kana. "Huh." said Cole as he sipped his lemonade. "Oh. You can do this by yourself Natsu." said Kana. "Okay! It's go time. I can't let anything go wrong so this plan has to be really good." said Natsu. He was thinking about it as Jason said,"Don't hurt yourself big brother.". "I got it. Maybe some food will help me!" said Natsu.

He was gone as Mike said,"Yep. He isn't changing. So are you okay with this Kana? You are losing time with him plus Alice and Kim are more forceful on their love toward the pyro than you.". Kana was sipping her tea as Elena said,"You like big brother don't you?!". Kana's face was red as Jason said,"Big brother has so many admires like Big Sister Rain.". "Big Sister Alice is awesome too but Big Sister Keiko is cool today." said Molly. "Well, I haven't confessed to him yet." said Kana.

She took a deep breath as she said,"I'm fine but this time ,even though it was short, I'll remember this.". Mike had a sad smile on his face and he said,"Well at least you enjoy the time that you had.". A little bit later, Natsu stood in front of his house with Kana and Mike nearby him. "So the plan start tomorrow you got it Natsu?" said Mike. "Yeah Mike. The trio had funny with you guys so come by again okay?" said Natsu.

He was about to go into the house as Mike said while pointing to Kana,"Hey Natsu. Could you walk Kana to the station for me?". Kana's face was bright red as Natsu said,"I don't mind at all but why can't you?". "Well, you're a gentleman. Letting a lady walk alone in the dark is very rude plus I need to get the volume for this book series on the OTHER side of town." said Mike. "Okay man. Be safe. Lets go." said Natsu. Kana looked at Mike with her saying thanks under her breath.

The two were walking as Kana kept looking at Natsu. "Wow. Check it out." said Natsu. He stopped in front of a store with him saying,"They're selling the Astro Bear. Elena would love this.". He bought the bear with Natsu said,"Oh. I need to ask you something. You told me that you had something to important to tell me right? So what is it?". Kana's face was red as she said,"Huh?!". "Well, you said that you had something important to tell me because of the memory loss." said Natsu.

Kana said,"Did I really say that?". "Pretty sure you did." said Natsu. "Well, I forget!" said Kana. "I guess that's weird." said Natsu. "So what are you going to do after Rain gets her memory?" said Kana with her looking away. "Huh?" said Natsu. "So what will be your relationship then?" said Kana. "Isn't it obvious? I'm ask her out for real this time." said Natsu. Kana looked at him and Natsu said,"So I should wait then?".

Kana said,"Wait. You didn't ask her out before! You've been dating for almost five months.". "Yeah but we become a couple after everyone thought we were dating plus I never really confessed to her for real Kana. I mean what kind of guy doesn't do that for his special lady you know?" said Natsu as he held the bear wearing an astronaut costume in the air with him making space sounds. "You're right but....." said Kana. "But what?!" said Natsu.

Kana said,"You want my opinion? She'll say no.". "What?" said Natsu. "I mean I could be wrong but women's intuition is usually never wrong or maybe it's just obvious. Are you listening to me?" said Kana as she turned around. She saw Natsu sulking and she was shocked. "I was kidding Natsu! Don't you understand a joke?!" said Kana. "You brought reality down on me about Rain." said Natsu. The girl looked at him as Natsu slide down the pole that he was leaning against.

Natsu said,"To be honest, Rain turning me down ,after she gets her memories back, I'll probably go back to how I was before coming here. To be honest, she is the reason that I'm the guy that you see now. I know that I'll still have my pals but having Rain by my side and supporting me even if I act like an idiot is something that I'll miss.". Kana looked at him with him saying,"You know that I did fall for her hard so maybe I should leave...". "Shut up. You're acting like a coward." said Kana.

She picked him up and she hugged him. "Kana." said Natsu. "I may have not known you before you came to Star Valley but you're my friend and seeing you like this makes me so mad! You're the guy who can do anything if you put your mind up to it. You saved Alice and Kim from being expelled plus changes several people's lives. So please don't go if Rain rejects you." said Kana. After letting go, the two stood there as Natsu had a soft smile on his face.

Natsu said as he was holding the bear,"Thanks Kana. I need that kick. So do you think that you need me to walk you the rest of the way?". "No. You just get some sleep." said Kana. "Okay but take this okay? If I give Elena this, Jason and Molly will want one." said Natsu. Kana took the bear and she had a smile. 'Thanks Natsu. See you." said Kana. She walked away and she smiled at seeing her first gift from her idiot.

Back at the school the nest day, Aurora was getting some info from Elsa. "So you're telling me that he now has four out of the seven on his side. He's being a stronger opponent than I thought. It seems that it's time for action now." said Aurora. She held some letters and she said,"Oh Elsa. Could you deliver these for me?". "Sure Madam President." said Elsa. She was gone as Aurora said,"Oh Natsu. You're not going to like me for this but I have my goals.".

At the makeshift base, the group excluding Natsu was looking at a letter. It was saying that the girls and Mike had a meeting with Aurora and if they don't go, they're going to be in big trouble. "So all of you girls and Mike got one." said Cole. "It's about the ritual isn't it Kana?" said Asahi. Kana nodded as Alice said,"I'm not sure about this you guys.".  "You know if we don't, we're going to be in trouble right Alice?" said Jane. "Yeah. I'm a fan of not being expelled." said Kim.

Mike thought,"I'm counted I guess.". "So what's going on Sly?" said Alice. Sly floated in the center of the teens as she said,"Me thinks that she wants you all to have a ritual for HER rather than one we are doing so everyone can remember Nuts.". "You're right." said Kana. "We're out of time I guess so why am I counted?" said Mike. "You're rather feminine dude." said Cole. The two fought as Asahi said,"We can't let her win.".

Kana nodded as she said,"Okay everyone. Here's the plan. We have until the date to get all of the Core Seven on our side so we can have our ritual. Make sure that you can stay in contact with me, the idiot, or Mike.". "You got it! I'm totally calling Natsu!" said Alice. Jane nodded as Kim said,"I'm with Alice on this one.". "Okay and break." said Kana. The three Sorcerers plus the two guardians were gone as Alice said,"You and Natsu must have fun last night?! Tell me about it later!".

They were gone as Kana's face was bright red. "Wow. You really fell for that pyro. So we only have three days? That is a short amount of time." said Mike. "Yeah but we're in the middle of the second semester finals meaning that Aurora's rushing things." said Kana. Sly said,"So where's Nuts?". "He went to go talk with Rain after learning about the letter from Uxio." said Mike. "Okay. I guess we should go find Lauren." said Kana. 'Aye." said Sly.

The boy was heading out the door as he stopped. "What?" said the girls. Kana looked and she saw Lauren standing there. "You!" said Kana. "Yep! Miss me Mikey?" said Lauren as she poked him with her umbrella. "What are you doing here?" said Mike. "Well, I'm angry because you guys are trying to find me out and I don't like that!" said Lauren with her pouting. "Huh?" said the trio. "You do know that you're a mystery right?" said Kana.

Sly said,"No one beside Aurora knows you so who are you?". "Well, I'm the Mystery Sorcerer!" said Lauren. Mike held Kana back as Mike said,"Calm down Kana!". "I'm just joking. I guess that because I can erase memories, I'm forgotten too." said Lauren. "What?" said Kana. "Well, you know why no one can find me because it's a pain if someone knew my name like really painful." said Lauren. She went toward the door as she said,"See you guys later!".

Kana said,"Wait! You could help so join our ritual.". "Nah!" said Lauren. "What?!" yelled Kana. "I think you owe us a reason for why you're helping Aurora with hers." said Mike as Sly held Kana back somehow. "Well, Natsu is being a pain to Aurora. He isn't one to follow the pact and that messes with the Student Council. Oh and Aurora is going to make Natsu go bye bye." said Lauren. She was gone as Sly thought,"I hope Crimson Gecko wasn't right.".

At the Unknown Club room, Rain and Sonya were there as Sonya noticed that Natsu was standing there with a serious look on his face. "What are you doing here?" said Sonya. "I'm here to talk with Rain." said Natsu. He bowed as he said,"Please kiss me!". "What?!" yelled Sonya as Rain looked confused. "I wouldn't normally do this Rain but we're running out of time!" thought Natsu. "He is a freak Rain! Lets go get a teacher!" said Sonya.

Rain said,"No. Natsu is like this.". "Huh?!" said Sonya. "Sorry but I can't." said Rain. Natsu was in a state of slight shock as Rain said,"Well it is due to Sonya being here...". "And also you're not worthy to kiss a girl like Rain you ugly bastard!?" yelled Sonya. Natsu looked up and he said,"Shut up. I'm on a strict schedule and I need to kiss you Rain regardless of loud mouth.". "What?! Hey Stop right there!" said Sonya.

Natsu was slowly walking toward them as Sonya stood in front of Rain. "Run away and get help Rain! I will hold him back!" yelled Sonya. "Don't worry. Natsu isn't the type to force someone to do what he wants." said Rain. Natsu bitch slapped Sonya away with him saying,"That felt really good and I'm changing your view point on me Rain.". "Huh?" said Rain. "Look. You just have to trust me on this. I'll tell you everything later." said Natsu.

Rain said,"But if the council see us...". "Fuck the Council Rain! I don't care because I want you back in my life!" said Natsu. He grabbed her chin and he thought,"I hope this works!'. The two were about to kiss but Astral went off. "Come on and do it. You're going to fail like always loser." said Rain and Natsu was shocked. "Rain?" said Sonya. She was gone and Sonya found her sitting on the top of the boxes and she said,"You were so close but you failed again.".

Natsu activate his Dragon Hero Armor and he said,"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU TO MY RAIN BITCH?!". A huge fire was around him and Rain said,"Who am I? Your pea of a brain must have become ash if you forget who I am. I'm your worst nightmare Rain Scott idiot boy.". Natsu growled with Sonya said,"Huh?". "DON'T SCREW WITH ME OR YOU'LL GET BURNED!" roared Natsu.

He cocked his fist back and he roared,"TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU SO HARD!". He was about to hit the boxes but Sonya held his other arm. "Stop it right now!" yelled Sonya. Natsu turned his head back and he burned her back. "Help me Sonya! Natsu is trying to kill me for making fun of him!" said Rain. "Okay! I'll be back Rain!" said Sonya. She was gone as Natsu punched the boxes causing them all to erupt in flames.

She was gone as Natsu heard,"Wow. You're not good at anything beside burning thing.". The fire in the room grew as Natsu grabbed Rain. "YOU'RE DAM LUCKY THAT YOU'RE IN HER BODY OR ELSE YOU WOULD BE BURN TO A FUCKING CRISP!" roared Natsu. "You're scary but you're outmatched." said Rain. Several students appeared and Natsu laughed. He rushed toward two boys and he slammed their heads together causing an explosion of fire.

Natsu held one of their heads with him roaring,"YOUR ROBOTS WON'T WORK ON ME AND I KNOW WHO YOU ARE NOW BITCH! NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, I'M BURNING YOU TO A DAM CRISP!". He took a deep breath with a giant fireball appearing in his mouth and it caused a giant explosion which blew up part of the school. "BOOSTERS ENGAGED!" roared Natsu. The boy was gone as Rain (Heather) stood in the center of the flames.

Natsu burst into Aurora's office and he grabbed the woman. He threw to the ground hard and his face exposed, Aurora saw that Natsu's face was more dragon like. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY BITCH?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WITH MY FLAMES OF RAGE!" roared Natsu. He made her explode and it was another robot. "Oh hello there Natsu. It's nice to finally meet you in person. I've heard so much about you." said a voice.

Vera sat in Aurora's seat and Natsu roared,"WHERE IS RAIN AND YOU BETTER TELL ME OR I WILL BURN YOU TO A CRISP LIKE YOUR DAM BITCH IS GOING TO BE ONCE SHE GETS BACK IN HER BODY!". "Now why should I tell you that?" said Vera. She was then grabbed by Natsu who produce fire from his mouth causing her face to be burned along with the rest of the room which erupted in flames once again.

Natsu roared,"NOW TALK! YOU USED YOUR LACKEY HEATHER TO SWAP BODIES! I AM SMARTER THAN YOU BITCH!". "Fine. I did because Aurora asked me too. She knew that you would do anything to get back the memories and well, I had Aurora suspended Heather or should I say Rain. You know that I won right." said Vera. Natsu let her go and he head toward the burning door with his face plate going back down.

Natsu roared,"OKAY. YOU MAY WON THIS BATTLE BUT IF YOU THINK THAT YOU WON THE WAR, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG! I'M GETTING BACK MY FUN AND JOY! I WILL BURN EVERYTHING IN MY WAY SO YOU'RE FUCKED!". He was gone in a burst of fire with Vera saying,"You're making this more and more fun by the day Natsu Ryu Xasius or should I say the Dragon Emperor.".

Mike looked at the two giant fires which wasn't going out. "That was Natsu right? I can't believe that Aurora helped did that." said Mike. "Yeah. I got a text from him." said Kana. "Nuts is in the Dragon Rage and he can't be controlled. He's turning into a dragon." said Sly. "Wait. What did you say Kana about Natsu?" said Mike. "He's heading toward Heather's place and well, he asked us to handle the Lauren problem for him." said Kana. "Uh oh." said Mike. "Nuts. Be careful." said Sly.

Natsu who was back to normal except for his skin being replaced with crimson scales stood in front of Issac's house. "Partner. Why aren't we going to Heather's place again?" said Visalth. "I'm sure that Aurora and Vera expected me to go either there or Rain's. Vera's robots would be the guard for Heather and Levi is guarding his Rain. So I need to talk with Natalia." said Natsu. He walked up to the door and Issac opened it.

He said with a bowl of popcorn,"Hey man. I heard part of the school burned today. That was totally you right?". "Maybe." said Natsu. "Dude. That's awesome because we may push back finals for a few days. I'm not worried about failing. So what are you doing here?" said Issac. "Well, I need to.." said Natsu. "Hey. What's with all the noise?" said a voice. Natalia stuck her head and she said,"Oh hey. It's been a while Natsu.". "Yeah." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Issac.

In Natalia's room, the girl was laughing. "You're so much fun Natsu. I mean you burned the school just because they took your girlfriend!" said Natalia. "No. This isn't a joke." said Natsu. "You're so dam funny Natsu. I mean this isn't that serious?" said Natalia. "No. You're wrong. Rain is going a lot of pain and you're laughing." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Natsu. "She was used as a means to an end to serve your sister and Vera. I'm sure that she's confused." said Natsu.

His fists were clenched with him saying,"She's been suspended and locked up while Heather used her body for evil! I'm not letting them get away with that Natalia!". "You're not wrong but you are." said Natalia. "What?!" said Natsu. "If you tried and free her from both her overprotective daddy and the school, they will hurt her again like ruin her future or something." said Natalia. Natsu was quiet as Natalia said,"Calm down Natsu. They can't keep her trapped forever.".

Natsu was on his knees and he said,"I was an idiot.". "Well, everyone makes mistakes except most people aren't a pyromaniac like you. You know that I wish you were my boyfriend. Rain is a lucky girl to have a guy like you loving her." said Natalia. "Hey thanks." said Natsu. "Oh. You know that you remind me of someone and you know who I'm talking about." said Natalia. "I do. Let me start from the beginning." said Natalia.

The door bell went off as Issac's voice said,"Seriously? First Natsu and now you two!". "Just get out of the way Issac!" said a female voice. "This is my house!" said Issac's voice. "We're here for your sister not you idiot!" said a male voice. "Oh. More guests?" said Leona. Kana and Mike stood there at the door as Kana said,"Natsu?! What are you doing here?!". "I thought you were hiding from the cops after burning the school down." said Mike.

Natsu said,"I could ask you two the same question since I ask you to get Lauren on our side.". 'Well, I guess she was pulling a you in being a stubborn idiot!" said Kana. "Well, they attacked Rain and I'm furious!" said Natsu. "Stop before you burn my house down Natsu. I feel better if all three of you are here since Asahi and Cole have nothing to do with the ritual." said Natalia. The three first years then looked at her as they said,"Huh?!".

Kana said,"You think it's weird that Mike's wanted at the ritual?". "Yeah." said Natalia. "I did think it was quite weird." said Mike. "Totally thought that it was because you're not masculine." said Natsu as he evaded Mike's punch. Kana held back Mike as Natalia said,"Well from my research, I know that the Sorcerer is required and not the Sorcerer Mercenary meaning that Mike with Heather's Invisibility wouldn't be enough.". "Oh." said Natsu.

Kana said,"So why does Aurora want him there then?". "I'm thinking because unlike Simon, you can give back unlike Simon who can only swap powers." said Natalia. "Huh?!" said Kana. Mike looked shocked at this as Natsu said,"Since when did you get an upgrade?!". "And why didn't you tell us you could?!" said Kana. "I didn't know either! What makes you so sure about this?!" said Mike. "Think about it. If Mike can hold onto a power, you have only six out of the Core Seven active." said Natalia.

Natsu said,"So you're the reason why neither us or Aurora can have the ritual. I think Vera used your sister to get Mike there because...". "She knows that he can return powers unlike Simon.". "No way. I can't believe it." said Mike. "So they're going to win?" said Natsu whose fists were flaming. "Mike. I still can't believe that you didn't know about this before." said Kana. "Well, I did everything that the guild master told me because she told me that I had this power to begin with!" said Mike.

Kana said,"In other words, you were whipped.". "So we get to have revenge on Heather? I mean she needs to pay for what she did to Rain." said Natsu. "Ease there cowboy. You still have Lauren Dixon to worry about." said Natalia. "Yeah but she's a pain in the ass. You would be in the same class with her if you went to school right? Any tips?" said Kana. "Well, I have one. She and my sister are closer than friends could ever be but they aren't lovers since one has a crush on someone else." said Natalia.

The trio later stood outside of Issac's house with Kana saying,"Sorry about this Issac.". "It's all good guys." said Issac. The trio was walking off as Natsu heard,"Who are you Natsu?". He turned around and Issac said,"How do you know my sister? You and her are friends right?". "Yeah and I promise that this will all make sense soon enough." said Natsu. "Huh?! Hey wait Natsu!" said Issac. Natsu stopped once again as Issac said,"Thanks! My sister hasn't laughed in a long time.". Natsu smiled.

Kana, Mike, and Sly who was holding a tablet with Natsu's face on it were in the makeshift base. The reason for Natsu being on the screen is because he's wanted for burning down the school and well, he will be tortured once again with Alice, Kana, and Kim not wanting that. "So what should we do? I'm sure that their bond can't be destroyed so easily." said Mike. "It seems like the Student Council needs Lauren and I'm sure that Aurora is Lauren's only friend." said Sly.

Kana said,"Maybe Vera as well but I'm sure that they won't throw each other under the bus. What do you think Natsu?". Natsu thought about it and he said,"I got it. I found their Achilles heel. Sly, carry me!". "Okay." said Sly. The little girl was about to leave the room and Kana said,"Where are you two going?!". "To find Lauren!" said Natsu. The four later found her in the prop room. "Why am I here? I love acting and it screams me right?" said Lauren. "Yes." said Sly with the three teens nodding.

Lauren said as she was playing with a rubber chicken and skull, "What do you want from me exactly and you look so adorable on that screen Natsu?". "I guess being pals with the President does have its benefits." thought Mike. "Lauren. Could you please help us? Please think about it." said Natsu. "Let me think about it. No." said Lauren. "Okay then. I had a feeling that wouldn't work. Time for plan D then. What's your relationship with Aurora then?" said Natsu.

Lauren said,"Oh? Are you jealous of us because we're both girls?". "Not really. I have my Rainy so what's it?" said Natsu. "Okay. You're so serious Nat Chan. We need each other." said Lauren. "I see then." said Natsu. "Wait. I'm confused." said Kana. "Oh. I wonder why Aurora asked Vera to make a robot double of herself in case of me attacking her, ask Heather and Rain to swap bodies, and also try and get rid of me then?" said Natsu.

Lauren was confused as she said,"Huh?". "Caught you. I mean Aurora doesn't seem like the person to go behind her friend's back like that but playing two moves like that, I'm guessing that she had no use for you after all." said Natsu. "Don't ask me! It's Aurora's idea and she needs me!" said Lauren. "You sure about that huh?" said Natsu. "No! Stop trying to driving us apart!" said Lauren. Kana and Mike were shocked at Natsu with them saying,"Dam.".

Natsu shrugged and he said,"I tell it how I see it Lauren plus you should know that Aurora has a crush on Simon not you.". "What?!" yelled the three. The screen was hit by fake barf as Sly said,"I can't ask what they would use this for.". "I thought you would know what it's like. You know that I was alone all three years. No one knew who I was because of my power. It was nice not going to class but I wanted a friend. Aurora is the friend and I'm never going to betray her!" said Lauren.

Natsu smiled and he said,"But Lauren, you have me and all of us in our group who know about you and also I'm not a fan of Aurora right now. She's using you and I don't like seeing one of my friends being treated like some toy. So join us and I promise you that you'll be remember by everyone not as the Mystery Sorcerer but Lauren Dixon!". Lauren hugged the screen with her saying to the other three as Natsu was staring at her breasts,"I'll help you under one condition. Bring Natalia to me.".

Mike said after recovering from Natsu's speech,"Why?". "She knows my name and beside you guys, I don't want anyone else knowing my name." said Lauren. "But don't you want that?" said Mike. He was hit with a fake caveman club as Lauren said,"Don't question a maiden!". "Anyway, we will talk about it with her. Lets go Sly and don't forget Natsu." said Mike. Sly nodded as she held the tablet. "I can't let that happen." said Natsu.

Kana said,"Hey Natsu! What are you saying?!". "Look can we do something else instead? I can make anything happen." said Natsu. "Nah." said Lauren. "You're so stubborn! I can get you a unicorn, free presents from Santa, or a personal country!" said Natsu. "What can he do?!" thought Mike. "If you can't accept that, I'm going to have to say no. Come back to me with Natalia!" said Lauren. The three plus computer screen were pushed out of the room.

Mike said,"What are you thinking?!". "He's right! That may have been our only chance to get her but you had to do something both smart and dumb in the same ten minutes!" said Kana. "I'm not letting her erase Natalia's memory. If we tell her that, she won't be able to stop herself. She's just like Issac in that regard and also Aurora." said Natsu. "You're acting stupid Natsu. If her memory gets erased, we can just ask for them back with the ritual plain and simple." said Kana.

Natsu said,"No. You're the one who's acting stupid. Lauren could easily erase her memories right after it? I'm sure that I can't return her memories back to her even with Underworld Tech. I'm not letting her get in the crossfire between me and her sister. I'm not the guy who would put his friends in danger just that I can succeed in getting back my friends!". "Natsu." said Kana. Back at the Lance's house, Issac opened the gate. "Man. I hated doing paperwork." said Issac.

He looked up to see Natalia with her looking like a dog waiting for its master and Issac thought,"So what's up with her? This week is just weird.". Natalia closed the door as she thought,"That's weird. I thought they would be here by now.". She then picked up a picture frame with it being her with three others with their face covered as she said,"I'm ready for anything.". Back in the makeshift base, the teens, Dragon Goddess, and Natsu on computer screen were sitting in silence with Kana angry.

She looked at the three with her saying,"We can't just stay here like this! We shouldn't be sitting on our buts when we're running out of time!". "So what's the plan?" said Mike. "Um..." said Kana as she looked away. "We have to find a way to have Lauren help us without hurting Natalia. I'm with the whole not hurting our friend thing." said Mike. The tablet beeped as Natsu said,"Hey. This is quite interesting.". "You're right Nuts." said Sly.

Kana looked at the screen and she said,"Oh wow.". Mike was angry and he said,"Get off the dam web and help me!". "We aren't online except for video chat but I got a message from Natalia. She wants us at her place and in person plus if we don't, you're dead Mike." said Natsu. At the house, the trio all in person sat in Natalia's room as she said,"So how did things go with Leona?". "Well, things went good and bad" said Natsu. "You did talk with her right?!" said Natalia.

She had a sword aimed at Mike who gulped. "We did but she wasn't listening to us. We're thinking of us to convince her to join our gang so yeah." said Natsu. She then sighed as she said,"I freaking knew it.". "Huh?" said Natsu. "She wants me to come back doesn't she?" said Natalia. Natsu was silent as she said,"I had a good feeling that if I sent you to Lauren, this would happen. So why did you hide that from me Natsu?".

Natsu said,"Well, I don't want you losing your memories. I know that memories are precious and if you knew this was going to happen...". "Natsu!" said Natalia. "Yes!" said Natsu. "You're the best kind of guy!" said Natalia. "The..." said Natsu. She kissed him and Kana said,"Hey!". Natsu looked down to see her breasts and he passed out with his nose bleeding. "Oh. I didn't expect your lips to taste like cherries this time. I thought it would be blueberry like last time." said Natalia.

She crossed her arms under her bust with Mike saying as he looked at the passed out Natsu,"So what do you mean by that?". "Oh. I kissed Natsu last time before you guys left but don't tell Issac." said the older girl. Natsu woke up and he turned to see an angry Kana. "Um. I can explain?" said Natsu. He was knocked out again with Natalia saying,"She likes him doesn't he?". "No shit. He's able to have a harem due to him being the Underworld King." said Mike. "Ah." said Natalia.

Natsu ,after recovered from Natalia's rack and Kana, looked at Natalia with her saying,"I truly didn't expect her to remember but you can't judge a book by its cover can you? All of your pain Natsu is my fault.". "You?" said Kana. "What do you mean?" said Natsu. "You know that I was a member of the same club as you." said Natalia. "Yeah. I figured that you were erased by Lauren, the club was left abandoned until Issac took over it." said Natsu.

Natalia said,"Well, there was me and three others. We were good friends since middle school and I remember spending hours finding anything unknown on Earth or in the school. Those days were the best but to be honest, I think it was seeing her with him. I'm not the type to fall in love but those two were something else. When I learned who the Mystery Sorcerer is, we were caught.". "Run! Please for me! I will bring you back to Star Valley I promise!" said a boy's voice.

Natalia said,"I never spoke to them again and well, they forgot about me.". Mike looked at Natsu as Natalia said,"Here. Look at this.". Natsu held the picture and he said,"No way.". Natalia stood there with Aurora, Simon, and Vera smiling. "God dam!" yelled Mike. "So what I saw wasn't just a bad dream? Aurora, Simon, and Vera had their memories erased of you!" said Natsu. "So how did your sister become president?" said Mike. "Because of me." said Natalia.

Next Time,
What happened in the past? This and more next time on Soul!  

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