Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Soul Episode 128 Trickery from All Sides!

A/N: Yeah. We're meeting her soon. I mean it is a shock but well, we met the rest of the Core Seven aka Alice, Heather/Mike who is a guy, Jane, Kana, Kim,  and Rain already. I decided to rush things mainly because we haven't a part in over a month after three in a row. Don't expect that again or maybe it will but I'm unsure. Lets begin with Natsu heading toward his office after learning about the Mystery Sorcerer possibly being a teacher.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu opened the door to his office and Sly was sitting on the couch. "What's wrong Nuts?" said Sly as she floated over to him. "I need to see something." said Natsu. He opened a folder on his desk and it showed pictures of the known Sorcerers aka Alice, Alicia, Cole, Emily, Heather, Issei, Jane, Kana, Kim, Krista, Mike thanks to him stealing Heather's power, Rain, and Shane. Thanks to him and the rest of his friends, he found out four new sorcerers.

Chelsea Dawson is the Sorcerer of Transform meaning she can be anything that she wants and Devin Holt is the Sorcerer of Matter meaning he can make anything. He found this out thanks to Astral and Visalth. The other two are Mary Hines and Janice Boone with the girls both being in the same class as Aurora, Heather, Jana, Romeo, Simon, Vera, and Zora. Mary is the Sorcerer of Technology and she's able to create technology with Janice being able to control the Earth.

He knew this thanks to Issac, Rain, and Simon. Issac and Rain had a feeling and thanks to Simon who sent him a text, it was 100% confirmed. He looked over the result and he said,"I'm only missing the Mystery Sorcerer, Sorcerer of Control, Sorcerer of Magic, and all seven Goddess. Even with the stuff learned from the Yggdrasil Building from both visits, the Goddess are a mystery beside there being only seven but that's a guess at best.".

He slammed his head on his desk and Sly patted it. "Easy Nuts. You got this. I know you can handle it. You are doing good but why do you guess Seven?" said Sly. "Easy. My life deals with the number seven a lot so it's a guess." said Natsu. "Smart move. So what did handlebars say?" said Sly. "She thinks that the Mystery Sorcerer is a teacher." said Natsu. "Okay. Lets go to the teacher's lounge and find out if she's right." said Sly. Natsu nodded as the two were gone.

Issac found Natsu and Sly with him saying,"So you think that she's a teacher and I'm liking the name of the bitch.". "Yeah. I mean this sorcerer was able to hide for years without anyone finding about her and like you and Aurora, she may have access to student records." said Natsu while looking at the names of teachers. Sly said,"Nuts. Look at this. She is the only teacher who's been here for three plus years.". Sly pointed to a picture of Rain's mom and Issac said,"Like her daughter.".

In the President's office, Issac and Natsu stood there as Aurora said,"You think that it is Mrs. Casey Scott? I'm sorry but you're wrong.". "No way." said Issac. "Okay then." said Natsu. "Oh. I thought you would be angry like always. I didn't expect you to figure out a teacher. You're getting warmer though." said Aurora. "Right." said Natsu. He was heading toward the door with Issac saying,"You are acting weird bro.".

Natsu turned around and he said,"Hey Aurora. Tell me something. Has Mike been to you yet? I can guess that Kana or her servants have plus why did you hid Natalia who is your older twin from all of us?". "I don't know what you're talking about. Mike hasn't been here at all plus I only have Issac as a brother." said Aurora. "Fine. Ignore her but trust me, your family and friends will be there for you so don't forget okay?' said Natsu.

He closed the door as Issac said,"Okay. What's going on? You're acting weird. My sister is ignoring my other sister because well, she isn't going to school whatsoever.". "A plan." said Natsu. Astral went off as Natsu looked up, He saw Mike walking by as Natsu said,"Hey Mike.". Mike looked up and he said,"Hey pyro. What's up?". "Did you find the Mystery Sorcerer?" said Natsu. "Nope. It isn't end game yet but just an encounter between rivals." said Mike.

Issac said,"Hey man. We need to get going.". "Huh?" said Natsu. Mike was walking away as Natsu said,"Yeah.". The two were back in the clubroom as Akane said,"So she shot you guys down?". Drew put his arm around Natsu as he said,"Well at least you tried. I mean trial and effort.". "Don't touch me Drew. My plan is going perfectly." said Natsu with a serious look. Drew went back as Rain said,"You are acting weird.". "Something is always wrong with Natsu Rain." said Sonya.

Rain said,"On the brighter side, I guess the Mystery Sorcerer is a student.". "Well, you have a point there but who is it? I mean we can't use you as a martyr but Natsu's lips is another story." said Sonya with her shrugging her shoulders. "You're right about the former but the later." said Drew. "I guess we have one choice left." said Akane. "Yeah. Time to get see my sister." said Issac. Natsu thought about Natalia with him saying,"No. Not yet.". "Why not? This part of your plan too?" said Issac.

Natsu shook his head no as Rain said,"How is Mike finding out about the Mystery Sorcerer?". Akane and Sonya looked at her with her saying,"Think about it. He has no source of real information like us aka Kim, reading through the Yggdrasil building is something that Natsu or an army could handle, I think he doesn't have any friends or allies, and any leads.". "You're right. If he knew, we would have lost already." said Sonya. Rain said,"I wonder if he knows something that we don't know.".

Natsu was silent as Drew said,"Don't worry guys. I bet he's scared right now!". "You're wrong once again." said a voice. Kana stood there with Blaine as Kana said,"Right now, he is cool as Cole or ice depending on who you ask.". "Kana." said Natsu with a soft smile. "I see that you are so going to be feeling the cold shoulder of defeat aren't you Issac?" said Kana. "Stop with the puns. They're driving me to drink." said Issac. Akane said,"So why are you cocky?".

Kana said,"Because I'm the champion and you're the loser Issac because it's only me and you.". The demigod looked at her with Issac saying,"Wait. Mike's game is over!". "No. He isn't looking for the witch at all." said Kana. "Huh?" said Issac. "My pals have been over to spy on him and they have been saying that he's just reading those novels of his. I went to go mess with him and see what the plan is." said Kana. "You have no life." said Issac.

Kana said,"You want to know what he told me?". "I'm planning for the main guest rather than a lame side guest." said Mike. Natsu's eyes then widened and he remember what Issac said to him when he was talking to Mike earlier. He stood up as Kana said,"I'm sure that Mike is out of here!". "Thank you mom! Thank you mom! Thank you mom! I was right!" yelled Natsu. The seven looked at him and Kana said,"Is he alright?".

Natsu hugged her and he said,"You're the freaking best Kana!". Kana's face was bright red and she said,"I am......". "Hey!" said Blaine. He made him let her go as Blaine said,"You're a real ass you know that Natsu!". "Why is he hugging me?" mumbled Kana. The two were gone as Rain said,"So what's going on?". "You know what Mike's strategy is?" said Akane. "Yep. It's so obvious now and I will tell you after I get a drink." said Natsu as he walked toward the drink machine.

He finished off his drink and he said,"Kissing time Issac.". "Huh?" said Issac. Issac was slammed into the wall as he said,"What's going on with you man?!". "You need to kiss me!" said Natsu. 'Why? I'm not ready yet." said Issac. "I'm not in the mood for your games." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Sonya. The two kissed as Natsu said,"Bingo.". "Huh?!" said Issac. "Hey Sonya!" said Natsu. The girl turned and she saw Natsu in front of her. "What's up with you freak?!" said Sonya.

Natsu said,"I'm not in the mood so give me your lips!". The two kissed as Natsu said,"I knew it. You two are next Drew and Akane!". "No!" yelled Drew. A little bit later, Drew was on the floor and he said,"Why are you so evil?". "Another one. You four are in his party." said Natsu. "Huh?!" said the four he kissed. "What's going on?" said Akane. "Right now, you guys are under Mike's invisibility and he's getting the info from you!" said Natsu. "What?!" said the four.

Natsu said,"I recently kissed Alice so I have her power meaning that I would have a vision but I got jack. Issac, you didn't see Mike when we were talking outside of Aurora's office.". "He was?! That jerk." said Issac. "He's watching you four and waiting to gain the kill from under us." said Natsu. "So he's hiding?" said Sonya. "That jerk! We should go kick his ass and stop this move." said Drew. "If we do that, he's switching game plans." said Natsu.

Drew was shocked as Rain said,"So what's the plan?". "Lets play a little trickery. I think it's time to swap bodies Rain my dear." said Natsu. Later, the six were around a table. "Okay. Here's the plan you guys. Me and Rain are going to be swapping bodies because with you fours under his watch, we need to hide anything useful from him." said Natsu. "So we're serious about this right?" said Drew. "He is serious so I don't see why not." said Akane. "I hate this." said Sonya.

Natsu said,"Oh and here's the thing. Until this is all over, we're staying in each other's bodies.". "This can't be for real." said Sonya. "So you're sleeping in each other's beds?!" said Drew. "That isn't the point." said Issac. "No! This is the best move. We can't tell if we're meeting this woman today or tomorrow so we have to be on point," said Natsu. "You know that you can tell Natsu to go die in a hole right Rain?" said Sonya.

Rain said,"While it may not be the best plan, it's the best plan that we have,". "But we're talking about Natsu who's wanted by the world!" said Sonya. "I will kill you." said Natsu. "I mean he's going to do something that would make you unable to be wed." said Sonya. "We need to know more about this so you'll record it." said Issac. "Well, I could do the same thing to him." said Rain. "Yeah and we live in the same house some days." said Natsu. "You two are a weird couple." said Akane.

Natsu said,"Anyway, we're done here.". "I'm proud of you honey." said Rain. "I guess if Rain is fine with you, I'll let you live for now." said Sonya. "Wow. You're really acting like a detective aren't you at all Natsu?" said Drew. "You're shocked Drew? He is an assassin after all." said Issac. "Lets go and win the election!" said Natsu. He went to the door as he said,"Hey Rain. Let's go.". "Why?" said the girl. "It's the first part of the plan aka a kiss." said Natsu.

Issac said,"Where is this coming from?". "Why are you leaving?" said Drew. Natsu looked at them as he tilted his head. "Just do it here." said Akane. "Oh right. We kiss here." said Natsu. "What are you talking about?" said Drew. "You know that with all of this stuff, I forgot. You guys should know this because Alice has taught me how to use my tongue." said Natsu. "You're right but that doesn't explain why we can't kiss here." said Rain. "Darn." said Natsu.

Sonya said,"You've done it hundred of times so what's your damage?". "Nothing okay? We aren't in here because Mike could be nearby." said Natsu. "So. You and I were nothing huh?" said Sonya. She got closer to him and he said,"Yes. You're an annoying bitch.". "I'm nothing but a booty call aren't I Natsu?" said Issac with him fake crying. "I'm not an idiot." said Natsu. "It isn't happening here okay guys? Lets go!" said Natsu. He and Rain were gone as Akane said,"This is weird.".

Natsu said,"Can't those jerks just listen to me? I know what I'm doing for once so trust me.". "Um Natsu." said Rain. He turned around to see that he was holding her wrist hard as Natsu said,"Sorry about that.". "I'm used to your grip by now but what's wrong with you? You're acting weird. Have you been eating and sleeping?" said Rain. "Yeah. I mean Lucia is trying to sleep me and Sabrina is trying to gain my heart through food plus Keiko forces me to sleep." said Natsu.

Rain walked away as she said,"I see.". "Wait! I love you Rain!" said Natsu. The two were outside as Natsu said,"Okay. Astral says that Mike isn't in the area.". "Okay. Lets get back to the others and I've some studying to do." said Rain. "Okay." said Natsu. The two were about to kiss as Natsu said,"Are you going to be okay with being in my body?". "You bathe so I'm okay." said Rain. "I don't get you sometimes Rain. I mean we're going to be each other for days." said Natsu.

Rain said,"I know and we can act like each other without anyone figuring out.". "Okay. You're so sure about this but you should know that the girls love to grab me and well my siblings are the same but way less weird. You should know that they love to play and spend time with them okay?" said Natsu as he looked away. "I know. They adore you. Let's kiss." said Rain. The two kissed and Natsu (Rain) said while walking away,"Lets go Rain.".

Rain (Natsu) said,"I have something to tell you Natsu.". "Okay." said Natsu (Rain). "You know the vision right? I lied about it only being Mike being president. You're his secretary." said Rain (Natsu) as she looked down. "I see then. I can juggle that and my friends well enough." said Natsu (Rain) as he was walking away. The girl stood there and she said,"I'm not done yet my beauty.". The boy turned as he saw that she was shaking with a small flame around her.

Rain yelled with a giant flame behind her,"It was you Rain Scott that I was so worried about! You looked like the old Rain! I'm going to tell you something! You're one of the women that I love so I'm determined to keep you smiling so don't you forget that okay!!!!!!!". Natsu had a small blush as he said,"Why did you keep this a secret? I mean you should know that I'm never going to be that Rain okay?". "Huh?" said Rain.

Natsu said,"You may have say something because you are so stressed out.". He flickered her forehead and he said,"Of course I know that you're serious Natsu. You're my idiot after all and you never lie to me. So lets go enjoying life okay?". "Yeah." said Natsu. The two were going back to the classroom and Natsu said,"So what did you mean by one of the women?". "Well, I mean..." said Rain. "Natsu." said Rain. "It's complicated and I'll tell you when you're older." said Rain as Natsu rolled his eyes.

Back in the room. "That douche! He thinks that he's the best so why did he need to take Rain out of here?" said Sonya. "I guess someone has the case of the jelly don't you?" said Issac. Drew was quiet as Sonya yelled,"And you don't think it's weird?!". "I do but you need to calm down." said Akane as she covered her ears. Mike was in the room as he sat there reading a light novel. "I got it you guys! I think we should have some fried food!" said Drew.

Mike plus the three looked at him with Sonya yelling,"Shut up Drew!". "Man, what crawled up your but and died." said Drew. "You know that you should get a better hobby that doesn't involve fire you got that." said Sonya. "But I'm a chef. I have to cook." said Drew. "Wow. You two are so lovebirds so kiss." said Issac. "Shut up Lance!" said the two. Mike walked away as he thought,"Those two are so like the Lion Warrior and Elf Archer. They're not going anywhere. I'm gone.".

The door opened as Natsu and Rain return. "Hey you guys. We're all done now." said Rain. "So why did it take you twenty minutes?" said Sonya. "Well, I'm a romantic and I wanted a good place to kiss my girl." said Natsu as he sat down. "Wow. You two are so adorable together." said Akane as she put her arm around Rain. "I'm just happy that you are touching me." said Rain. "So we're looking for the Mystery Sorcerer?" said Sonya. "No." said Rain. "What?!" yelled Sonya.

Natsu said,"She's right. I mean we can start new tomorrow.". "Yeah." said Issac. The six were gone as Mike looked at them. Later. "What?! Mike was there!" said Akane. "He's like a ninja!" said Sonya. "I guess he was looking up your skirt huh Sonya?" said Issac. "Dude. I want that power!" said Drew. "I hate my luck sometimes." said Rain. "Anyway, your four should stay with me or Natsu for now due to us being the closet to the Sorcerer case rather than someone like Haru." said Natsu.

Sonya said,"Okay.". "So what's the plan now boss lady?" said Issac. "Time to go see Natalia for the second phase of my plan!" said Rain. "You mean crazy weapon lady?" said Drew. "If you call my sister that, you're dead." said Issac. "It's the only lead we have now." said Natsu. "But she chased you out already right? You won't do any better now than you did before." said Sonya. "Yeah but this time I'm prepared." said Rain.

Later once again. Natalia stood up and she said,"Leave!". Several weapons were around Rain and the group was shocked. "Yeah! I'm not doing this!" said Sonya. "See you later man!" said Drew. The two were gone as Akane said,"So what's the plan Natsu?". "Natsu?" said Natalia. "I got it." said Rain. The girl was silent as she said,"I'm asking you nicely. Please help us Ms. Lance.". She had the puppy dog eyes with Natalia said,"You're so weird you know that.".

Natalia was grabbed as the two girls kissed. "Wow. She fell for it!" said Sonya. "She may be a genius but she can be an airhead." said Issac. "No? What's going on?" said Rain (Natalia). She figured it out as she said,"No. This is the body swap isn't it?!". She glared at Issac who was quiet as she said,"Why are you doing this Issac? Idiot!". "You're smarter than I thought. I guess you should know what I am going to do if you don't tell me what I need to know." said Natalia (Natsu).

She held her shirt with her saying,"Time to go nude.". "No! You aren't making my sister into a dam stripper!" yelled Issac as he was held back by Akane and Natsu. "Oh. You're playing that card are you Natsu? Anything that you can do, I can do better." said Rain (Natalia) while  she took off the sweater vest. "Seriously? You're copying me? And here I thought that you were going to do something better than that." said Natalia (Natsu).

Rain said,"Lets begin okay?". "Fine!" said Natalia. The two took off a piece of their clothing and Drew's face was red and his nose was bleeding. "Awesome!" said Drew. "So aren't you going do anything?" said Sonya. "Well, I don't care. I mean if Drew or Issac look at me naked plus you or Akane, I can ask Natsu to erase your memories of it." said Natsu. "Oh yeah!" yelled Sonya. "You're a good rival Natsu." said Rain.

Natalia said,"I thought that you were wearing less but you decided to wear cute pajamas.". She was wearing pink and black pajamas with Rain saying,"I had a bad feeling and I was right. Your girl is a good dresser.". Her bra was exposed as Drew and Issac were knocked out by Akane. "I like her more than Aurora." said Natsu. 'Fifty Fifty." said Akane. "So are you going to leave?" said Rain. "Unless you tell me what I want, I'm not moving!" said Natalia.

Rain sighed as she said,"Don't you idiots get it yet? The Mystery Sorcerer is scary. She can ruin your life so let me be alone in peace.". "Sis." said Issac who recovered alongside Drew. "No. I don't give a dam about you! My reasons is more important and I'm not giving up until my goal is complete! Tell me what I want Natalia!" yelled Natalia. Rain glared at her with her saying,"You seriously think that you're the best! So tell your senior about it.". Natalia said,"Huh?". "Get out." said Rain.

The five were gone as Rain said,"We're alone now talk.". After the two swapped bodies, they were in her room. "So you saw the future and you're searching for her because you want to keep her smile in tact." said Natalia. "Yeah so?" said Rain. "I can't believe you would defy your senior for that dumb of a reason!" said Natalia. "So?!" yelled Rain. "I can't believe that someone can be so stupid but you're so cute!" said Natalia.

She pinched Rain's cheeks as Rain said,"Huh?". "You know that I would have killed you if you were doing this for being president or something but I bet you would have turned into fire and well, that would suck." said Natalia. She grabbed Rain's chest and she said,"Wow. You must like her for her body right?". "Yep. You're so Issac's sister." said Rain. "Okay. I'll give you the info that you desire now." said Natalia as she sat back down in her chair.

Rain said,"Really? It was that easy.". "Well, I'm not a bitch like Sonya is according to you. Here's the thing. If you find the final Sorcerer, you will change your destiny." said Natalia. "Really?" said Rain as she smiled. "If you do this, Rain Scott will have her life unchanged." said Natalia. "So tell me okay Natalia?" said Rain. "Meh." said Natalia. "Don't do that to a girl!" said Rain. "You're in a girl's body there Natsu. You have your goal in mind but you're at a crossroad here." said Natalia.

She took a deep breath as she said,"If you find the Mystery Sorcerer, you will never see the woman that you love again.". "Wait." said Rain. "Are you going to lose Rain or tell my sister about the final Sorcerer that she doesn't know. If you keep lying to her, she will be gone." said Natalia. Rain was silent as Natalia said,"Well, I guess you have no other way so...". "Hold on. I'm still lost on the losing thing." said Rain.

Rain said,"So are you saying that she's in danger?". Natalia looked at her with Rain saying,"What is she going to do to her?! She better no be kicked out or will she be unable to return to school? So tell me how much is she in danger?!". A sword went through her body due it being fire and Natalia said with a soft smile,"You're the one in danger idiot not her.". "Me?" said Rain as she pointed to a fire portrait of her real body.

Natalia said,"And you're a god?". "So I'm in trouble." said Rain. "Bingo. We have this out in the open before you did something stupid. So listen well Natsu. Once you learn her name, you will lose all of the memories of the Sorcerers and Goddess." said Natalia. "Huh?" said Rain. "Memories! Long gone and erased!" said Natalia. "If you're going to tell me like that, why are you being so dam serious you know that?" said Rain.

Natalia said,"If the Mystery Sorcerer is revealed, her purpose is revealed.". "Huh?" said Rain. "She is the one to eliminate anyone who learns of all core seven because of the rivalry between the goddess and sorcerers. She can only use her power if this is met unlike the others but here's the thing, anyone who goes there as a student or teacher is effected by her power. This is why she's special." said the girl.

Rain said,"So she's the reason why I'm losing my memories. I knew that this one would have a good power but here's the thing. She's nothing but a joke.". Natalia looked at her as she said,"You aren't serious are you?". "I am. I thought she had a super power that could kill a god or something due to her being special or scary. I mean she is hard to find but mind wiping! I can do that naturally so me losing my memories is nothing important." said Rain.

Natalia said,"I really can't believe it. I'm still scared of her but you're not. What's your secret Natsu because she ruined my life and my family.". "Are you seriously scared?" said Rain. "Yes! You're just an idiot! When I found her identity, I ran for my life and she couldn't get me at home but I forgotten about my good friends who were in the club as we were dragging the witches plus my sister ignores me thinking that I'm ditching school! You're walking into a battlefield!" said Natalia.

Rain said,"Your point Aesop?". "What?!" yelled Natalia. "And now you're the one yelling. You will lose your memories about the Sorcerers and Goddess. I hardly give a dam about them because I care about the people rather their title." said Rain. "Are you crazy?" said Natalia. "A little so tell me her name okay?" said Rain. "Okay. This is your choice." said Natalia. "One more thing. I need to tied some loose ends and it's late so tell me in the morning." said Rain.

Downstairs with the first years. "Okay. You know the whole story so I'm losing my memories." said Rain. "Oh. That sucks." said Sonya. "You really don't know much about the Goddess to begin with Natsu." said Drew. They were eating some food as Rain said,"And you guys are eating. ". "We had a lot from last time you were here." said Issac. "Why? Anyway, this is my choice so I wanted you guys to be kept in the loop." said Rain.

Natsu said,"So we have to tell you about them again. Pretty easy.". "No. You're wrong. You guys, I need a favor. When I lose my memories, you need force to join the club." said Rain. The five stopped eating as Rain said,"The Sorcerers and Seven Sins were the reason that I came to Star Valley to begin with plus Aria was a factor as well. I'm not going to care and probably go do something to prepare for the world's attempts to try and kill me or something.".

Sonya said,"You can't be serious?!". "He's right. This all begin with several accidents." said Akane. "I don't get it." said Sonya. "Use your pea brain for once. I met with Rain after she was curious about me and well she fell for my charm, I met Issac when he was curious about me and Rain, Akane found out because of  us being old pals, you joined the club because your love for Akane and also you did find out, and Drew because of the fact he tried to burn the building." said Rain.

She took a deep breath as she said,"I'm going to go back to the old me.". "I guess you're right." said Sonya. "Natsu. Are you really okay with this? This is my battle you dam idiot. You're taking the fall for me." said Issac. "I'm not but I'm not letting my friend get hurt so find me okay?" said Rain. The five went into a huddle as Sonya said,"So should we do it?!". "Hey!" said Rain. "I mean he is going to leave us alone which is a good thing." said Sonya.

Issac said,"If we leave him alone, we don't have the copy power anymore.". "I know! We should use him and keep him in the dark." said Drew. "You guys are jerks. So screw you. I can hold a grudge as I won't forget that and I'll mess up your lives!" said Rain. "Be prepared Natsu because we're bring you back to us idiot." said Natsu. "Huh." said Rain. The next morning, Sonya woke up and she said,"We had a party last night right? I guess I stayed here at Issac's house.".

She looked at Drew, Issac, and Natsu who was sleeping as she thought,"And here I am alone with no other girls beside Akane.". She looked over at an empty couch as she said,"Hey. Where's Natsu or is it Rain?". "He already left." said Akane. "That guy can be a real bastard." said Issac. The five smiled as Sonya said,"I guess we have a lot of work to do.". "Yeah. Like cleaning." said Natalia holding a broom with weapons around them. "Dang you Natsu!" said Drew. "That's him alright." said Natsu.

Next time,
Will Natsu lose his memories? Will he change? Who is the Mystery Sorcerer? Will Kana and Mike take defeat gracefully? And will Fairy Tail have a good chapter?! This and more next time on Soul! Except for the later! I just want one good chapter in Alvarez please! Make something good. That's all I want from Fairy Tail before it ends I move onto Boku no Hero and One Piece which is still going for a long time especially with the later.

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Mary Hines. Third year Class A at Star Valley High. Black with Red and White stripes .5 foot 11. AB. Gemini. June 8. Technology, virtual reality, cybernetics, shopping, fashion, and the future. The past and gym.
Janice Boone. Third year Class A at Star Valley High. Brown. Blue. 5 foot 9. A. Virgo. September 4. Plants, fruit, veggies, animals, water, shopping, cooking, fashion, the country, the wild west, love, romance, and fighting. Nothing. 

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