Thursday, May 25, 2017

Soul Episode 130 Do You Remember Me?

A/N: You noticed that some titles have something ending them and others don't. This is due to me thinking about it deeply. I tend to go with the flow and sometimes, I add them and other times I don't. It is strange but sometimes, you need to go with the flow. I'm really determined to finish Soul before 2017 ends and it may stop during the summer since Zero is going to be seen a lot more in the summer but who knows for sure? Lets being with Natsu's P.O.V.

Natsu P.O.V.
It has been a week since the memory wipe of 2015 has happened. According to Aurora, the gang is still trying to find Lauren despite her being in the same class as the President! I overheard Drew and Sonya talking. "Dude. We got nothing beside Issac's sister." said Drew. "Yeah but she hates all of us for some reason." said Sonya. It was due to her being like me, an protective idiot. The good things are gone for some reason plus the other Sorcerers don't know me beside Cole.

Alice told me that she doesn't remember the promise I made her with me crying a little bit. I hanged out with Asahi and Cole but here's the main thing that I spend my time on. "And I'm done!" I said as a smile grew on my face. The Class 1-C was empty beside me since I was known as a demon so I kept it clean. Cleaning keeps me entertain so I can't complain. "Wow. You have really fallen haven't you Natsu?" said a voice. I turned and I saw Mike with me sighing.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu said,"So you remember me too?". "I do indeed Natsu! We're the same class of Soul after all due to me also being immune to the powers of this Sorcerer. Why wouldn't you tell me about her for some reason." said Mike who leaned on a desk. "I got my reasons plus now Simon remembers me since he is like us." said Natsu as he was dusting the roof thanks to him using his aura while he was cleaning the windows to the club room.

Mike said,"You know that I'm one of like ten people ,who go here, who remembers you. I think you should treat me with some respect.". "If I liked you, that would be right." said Natsu. "And you say that I don't think about what I speak, So what are you doing?" said Mike. "I'm cleaning to improve my cleaning skills since this building belongs to me. My parents told me that a true man should be able to fight and protect their family plus have the ability to clean." said Natsu.

Mike said,"Yep. You're off your rocker and way crazy. You playing princess is quite funny and I think you are just like the Swan Princesses pyro and....". He was hit with the soft side of Hellreaver and Natsu said,"I hope you know that I hit you because you're interrupting my cleaning. I think you get the hint now right?". "Well, I'm sorry for hurting your ego or did your friends do that? I'm here for a reason. How about we join forces?" said Mike.

Natsu stopped his cleaning and Mike said,"It's so obvious about you being bored of this and my idea will be interesting. If you think about it Natsu, we could rule this school! Every single Sorcerer power plus our own and your many connections will overthrow Aurora which gives complete control over Star Valley to us! You must hate her like crazy since she made your friends forget about you! So join me and bring a new age to Star Valley!". 

Natsu held several trash bags and he said,"I'm not a fan or ruling with an iron fist so go ask someone else. I have more cleaning so leave me alone.". He was gone as Mike was stunned by his answer. A little bit later, Natsu threw the bags away and he said,"That's all done for today.". "I knew you would be here my new ally." said Mike as he popped out of the trash with Natsu sighing. "I'm thankful that I can't smell you." said Natsu.

Mike said,"We're going to be allies and I'll do anything to get you.". "And I told you my answer." said Natsu. "Are you okay with all this?" said Mike. Natsu looked at him with Mike saying,"I'm sure that no one is thanking you for cleaning their school. You eat by yourself most of the time, you're cleaning Star Valley like the dam janitor, and leaving without a single word. I know that you want friends and you miss your old friends!".

Natsu said,"Wow. That's a cool story bro. See you later.". "Isn't there anything that you want from me Natsu?!" said Mike. "It's fine Mike. I have gotten everything that I could ever want and I have my family so I don't need my friends anymore to make me smile and enjoy school." said Natsu. For the second time today, Mike was in shock at Natsu. Natsu was in an empty classroom and he said,"I think he's more annoying that Sonya is but whatever, everything's going according to plan.".

He looked around and it was so clean that you could eat off the floor. "And I'm done for today. Time to go pick up the squirts from training." said Natsu. Astral went off thanks to his leg being grabbed by Mike. "Natsu! I'm begging you! I need your partnership to complete the quest!" said Mike. "How many times do I have say no Mike?" said Natsu as his leg went on fire. Mike said,"Please! I need you!". "Do I need you? I have some people who know me and I don't need more." said Natsu.

Mike said, "Isn't it obvious you clod?! I don't want my efforts to be forgotten!". "Okay then Mike. I am now interested so talk." said Natsu. A few minutes later. "Everyone forget about you too?  That explains your begging." said Natsu. "Shut up." said Mike. "I am curious about your descent into last place in a three man race." said Natsu. "Well, I heard from Issac and the dumb girl that you knew who the Mystery Sorcerer is. I wanted to try and stop you." said Mike.

In the past, Mike was leaning against the door and he heard the name. "Lauren Dixon?" thought Mike. "Hello there young man. What are you doing here?" said a voice. He turned to see Lauren with Mike saying in the present day,"I can't believe that I was defeated by myself!". "Dude. That's sad bro. I mean why do you care? You're the invisible man aren't you?" said Natsu. "Shut up! What do you know about me pyro? I wasn't sent out to die like you!" said Mike.

Mike looked at Natsu with him saying,"For the entire year, I have been working with Aurora to try and fix the school all so I could rule. I don't care if I'm alone! My plans are ruined and I have nothing at all! You can't replace those memories with cleaning shits for people who don't give a crap about you so you know...". The temperature increased as the room was covered in fire and everything will burning. "Shit." said Mike.

Natsu yelled as the fire increased,"Shut up! You should know that I'm furious! I thought that I could go back to being alone but I miss all of my friends and the memories that we shared is nothing if they don't remember me!". Mike couldn't say anything but he said,"Wow. You're sad.". Natsu punched the boy to the ground with Mike saying,"Wow. Using your fists to solve problems. How much of a brute can you be?".

Natsu said,"You know that I can and will burn you to a crisp. You're acting like a spoiled brat because you failed at being president! Your motives are greedy compared to mine.". "Oh that's funny. Being the president is the best compared to having pals." said Mike. Natsu held Gladius and he said,"You're going down!". The door opened as the two were about to fight. Rain stood there with Natsu saying,"I can't believe it.". "Is this a bad time Natsu? We need to talk." said Rain.

Natsu looked at Mike and he said,"Nope. We're good.". "You're trying to kill me just because I was saying that...." said Mike. He was knocked out thanks to Natsu with him saying,"So what's up?". "I need to know something because it was bothering me for a while.". "Yes?" said Natsu. "Are you not coming back to the club?" said Rain. "Huh?" said Natsu. "I put you down for joining but you stopped coming so I was wondering why." said Rain.

Natsu thought,"Yep. The memories are still gone.". Mike snickered as Natsu kicked him into the wall with his aura. "I know that your rep may give you trouble with making friends but I'm sure that you can do it if you just keep trying. Come back." said Rain. "Wow and here I thought that you were like the Fish King but I was wrong." said Mike as he was trying to recover. "Sorry but I rather be myself Rain." said Natsu. Mike was shocked as Rain said,"I see. I'll see you around I guess.".

She was gone as Mike yelled,"What's the matter with you?! I can't believe you sometimes! Are you just an idiot?! You were almost back into their party so why did you refuse?! You almost burned the building to the ground because of you being alone and not having all of your friends back.". Mike took a deep breath and he said,"You make no sense sometimes because I'm losing EXP from talking with you.". "It's fine.  They're better without be." said Natsu who was crying.

Mike was shocked again as he thought,"He's a genius?! He's acting like an idiot because he was trying to be cool.". "How about this then? I can join the club with you so you won't be treated like a monster. I'll be fine but you will help me in crushing the student council.." said Mike. He didn't notice that Natsu was gone and Mike looked for him. Natsu was walking back to his home and he thought,"I guess I don't need the club and all of my friends to be happy.". Mike watched with a sigh.

The next day, Natsu was sleeping on the roof with him looking down at Rain who was talking with Alex, Cindy, and Dana. "At least they're still talking. I was worried about Rain being alone but she is still smiling. I guess I'll be fine." thought Natsu. "I still don't get why Rain tried to bring you back to the club." said Cole. He sat nearby Natsu with Asahi as she said,"Yeah! It's weird but maybe, she had the memories of being in love with you.".

Mike was watching them as he thought,"Wow. It's weird to see how attached Natsu can be to his old pals. He makes things simple.". Later that day, Natsu was sitting in his desk back in the classroom that wasn't burned. "Okay. I'm confused now than I was before. The other Sorcerers don't remember me beside Cole." said Natsu. His eraser fell of his desk and he said,"My luck.". He went to pick it up but it was grabbed by Rain with him saying with shock in his voice,"Rain?!". Rain said,"Yes Natsu. Here's your eraser.". "Okay." said Natsu.

Rain said,"Natsu. See you tomorrow.". Natsu's face was red as Rain was walking away. "Hey! Could you wait?!" said Natsu. She turned around as Natsu said,"Well, this is really the first time that I have done this but will you go out with me?!". Rain was shocked as Mike said,"What is he doing?!". It was quiet as Visalth said,"What are you doing partner? You just asked her out and you aren't friends anymore.". "She isn't saying anything so I really messed up." thought Natsu.

Rain said,"I'm sorry.". "Yeah. I'm fine because well, I just asked and didn't do any research before I ask you out.". "No. You aren't an idiot for asking but I'm love with someone already." said Rain. The demi-god's face was stunned as Rain said,"Goodbye.". She was gone as Mike said,"Dude. I didn't know that she could be so savage.". Mike opened the door and he said,"Hey are you...". Natsu was on the floor as Mike thought,"Wow. He looks so sad.".  

Mike said,"Don't worry so much. This is just one of many girls who will reject you. As a wise man said, there are many fish in the sea so don't give up in the quest of love. You may be in pain now but you'll heal. So to help, I think being my partner in crime is a good idea no?". "Who the hell is the bastard that stole my Rain from under me?!" said Natsu as he was covered in the flame. "What? I thought that you were depressed about her rejecting you!" said Mike.

Natsu said,"No way Mike. I just want to know that this guy or girl makes Rain happy.". "You were rejected!" said Mike. "So? A real man doesn't give up on the women that he loves!" said Natsu. "I guess you can be determined." said Mike as he sweatdropped. Natsu was mumbling to himself as Mike thought,"Natsu is something else. He may be a battle hungry maniac but his determination is something else.".

Natsu opened the door and he said,"Time to go find out who she's dating!". "Wait!" said Mike. The door was slammed shut as Mike said,"And I'm alone again.". Natsu stood in front of the door and he thought,"Rain is in love with someone but who is it? I mean she does talk with people outside of the club but who could help me beside her?". "What about using her partner? You may hate her but to figure out who Rain loves, I would do it." said Visalth. "Right." said Natsu.

Later, Sonya said,"Oh you quit?". Natsu stood there and he said,"Yeah. I changed my mind.". "Well, I totally saw it coming because we have the smartest girl in school Rain Scott plus both Vice President of the Student Council and one of them is the future president. You didn't have a chance there." said Sonya. "Partner. We'll get her back for this with a fireball." said Visalth with a noticeable growl from the dragon. "Guys come by to get a look at Rain all of the time." said Sonya.

Sonya said,"Because of Issac.". "Issac? What are you talking about?!" said Natsu. "Huh? Why are you asking? I've heard a rumor but..." said Sonya. "Talk." said Natsu as a small flame gathered in his hands. "I think Rain is in love with Issac!". Natsu was shocked as he thought,"Could it be Issac?! I mean those two would be perfect together.". "What makes you so sure?" said Natsu. "Well, Rain told me this but they met when he saved her from the Crois." said Sonya. "Huh?!" said Natsu.

Sonya said,"That is so romantic! I love that kind of stuff!". "You know that I'm the one who saved her from that first attack?!" said Natsu. "What are you talking about? I mean you did destroy the Infernal Council but seriously?" said Sonya. "Did Lauren replace me with Issac in Rain's memory?" thought Natsu with Visalth shrugging in the Dimensional Void. "Oh but then again, she may be in love with Kyle Shields with Drew being so jealous.". "What?!" said Natsu.

Sonya said,"Well yeah, Rain told me that Kyle stopped some peppers and well, she found love and true friendship!". "That was me!" said Natsu. "Huh?" said Sonya. "God dam it. It changed to Kyle now!" thought Natsu. "Well, I think I know who Rain loves is Akane! Those two are like sisters and she told her that she enjoys school because of her!" said Sonya. "Seriously? Why did she switch me in her memories?" said Natsu.

Sonya looked at him blankly as Natsu said,"I just want to know who Rain is in love with.". "And why do you care?" said Sonya. "I'm curious since you can't pick on someone." said Natsu. She looked at him as Sonya said,"Rain told me who she likes during our summer trip to the beach.". "Who?" said Natsu. "I'm not sure because she told me for sure but I can't remember." said Sonya. Later, Natsu was sitting in his office as Mike joined him and Sly not by choice.

Mike said,"Welcome back Natsu. You tried and failed? So what happened to you?". "I'm not telling him what happened to you Nuts." said Sly as she was enjoying a doughnut. "Hey Mike. Do you think that Aurora was right." said Natsu. "About Lauren right?" said Mike. "The memories aren't gone. I'm sure of it." said Natsu. "Well, I think that the Sorcerers powers ,mainly the Core Seven, are hard to really figure out." said Mike.

Natsu said,"You're thinking the same thing right?". "Maybe but you've failed." said Mike. "Okay. I'm sure of it now. I'll work with you." said Natsu. "Really?! You're help me rule the school?!" said Mike with a smile. "Yeah." said Natsu. "Sweetness! I'm going to complete this quest and gain a new class for sure!" said Mike. "But if you help me, you're bring back my Rain's memories." said Natsu. "You think that Rain is still in love with you?!" said Mike.

Sly said,"Nuts is right. She cared a lot for him and vise versa. The loudmouth told him that she can't remember who.". 'Really?" said Mike. "She isn't lying and if you want to try and tell her off, you will die." said Natsu. "Let me give you some advice Natsu. She may not like you! It could have been me Natsu! I was erased as well or maybe you shouldn't relay on Sonya's mouth." said Mike. "You're right Mike." said Natsu.

Mike was quiet as Natsu said,"I am being a selfish guy right now and I should accept the fact that I was rejected plus we were just a couple because we were really close. I'm not giving up until I know the truth. Once I do, I'm going to confess for sure.". "Really now? I hope you can handle being alone again?" said Mike. "Can't you look on the brighter side Mike?" said Natsu. "Well. You can't make this worse for me. So tell me, how are we doing this?" said Mike.

Natsu said,"I thought you had a plan.". "You don't have a plan!?" said Mike. "There is some one who knows." said Natsu. "Oh. You're talking about the president." said Mike. "Yeah. She is totally hiding something from us." said Natsu. "So how are we going to get her to talk?" said Mike. "Oh? Let me show you the Natsu way!" said Natsu. Later, Natsu broke the door down and he said,"Hey Aurora! I have a question for you!". "Can't you do anything normally?!" said Mike.

Aurora was on the phone and she said,"Yes. Yes. Oh really? That's bad.". "Hey! I'm not leaving until you..." said Natsu. Astral went off as he turned into fire. Heather went through him as she kicked the other Sorcerer Mercenary into the wall hard. "I forgot about that little trick of yours and could you wait until she's finishes." said Heather. "Oh Natsu and Mikey. What's up? I'm rather busy with some president stuff." said Aurora as she hanged up.

Aurora said,"For the second time, there is no way to return those memories.". "Can't you be cool for once in your life?!" said Natsu. Elsa and Karen rolled their eyes as Aurora said,"Well, I'm sorry but I can't tell you how to do something that I wouldn't know. I give the orders because of the manual that I was given when I became president. It doesn't say anything about returning the memories and I know for a fact that Lauren doesn't know.". "Huh?" said Natsu.

Aurora said,"And also I don't have the time now. The other Sorcerers except for Ms. Scott and Lauren are causing trouble.". "Trouble?" said the boys. "Yes. They're bring me complaints so getting rid of the memories is karma against me." said Aurora. "What are they doing?" said Natsu. "Well, I will tell you. Ms. Moore is building an army with her getting most of the school by now." said Aurora. "She gets around." said Mike.

Aurora said,"And Ms. Daniels is using her powers to improve her grades.". "I thought you would be happy about that." said Natsu. "And Ms. Stars is ignoring everyone around her." said Aurora. "And that is strange to you?!" said the boys. "The biggest one is Ms. Rivera who along with her friends are causing some trouble more than the former three." said Aurora. "Wow. I didn't know that I was that important to them." said Natsu with Mike sighing.

Aurora leaned back in her chair and she said,"To be honest, I want them back because they would stop their childish behavior. I had trouble selecting my successor and now this.". Elsa and Karen placed several folders on her desk as they said,"Here you go madam.". "As you can see, I am very busy! So do you mind leaving?" said Aurora. Heather held a rope behind her and she smiled. "I'll leave but Mike won't." said Natsu. He was leaving as Mike said,"Wait!".

Natsu sighed and he said,"Why can't she be helpful to us instead of being a bitch? But on the other side of things, she isn't lying about not knowing how to return the memories and she really hates how five out of seven Core Seven Sorcerers are causing trouble.". "You're right." said Mike. Natsu looked at him as he said,"Well anyway, we should make a new plan then. Lets go back to my office ,which was somehow untouched after the memory wipe, and meet with Asahi and Cole to do that.".

Mike stood there at the door and Natsu said,"Hey. You know that my office is this way?". Mike was walking the other direction as Natsu said,"Huh? Hey Mike! Where are you going?". "I think this is where our partnership ends." said Mike. "Really? Are you crazy? You're the one who really wanted this man so why are you giving up?" said Natsu. "I found something to work for now because I want to use my power the right way." said Mike.

Natsu said,"Seriously? What's going on?". "Are you honest that blind to the truth? We have powers that are close to each other but at the same time, we are on two different worlds no dimensions. Your interactions with the Sorcerers and others really changed them for the good. You changed all of them you know and I didn't see that until now. It's funny. We're Yin and Yang Natsu because I know that no one would remember me and I did nothing to show for it." said Mike.

He was walking away as Natsu said,"Wait! When we restore the memories, I think you should come and hang out with me and my pals!". Mike stopped as Natsu said,"I didn't do all of this without them and I couldn't see my life without any of them!". "Are you serious Natsu? You better not be lying to me!" said Mike. "I don't go against my word man so lets go find those memories!" said Natsu. "You are something else Natsu." said Mike. The two heard,"Oh. I finally found you.".

They turned around to see Kana standing there as she said,"You're Natsu right?". "Kana?" said Natsu as he looked for her army and Blaine but she was alone. "You know my name? I guess that I'm quite popular." said Kana. "Why would she want you man?" whispered Mike. "Maybe she needs my fire power." whispered Natsu. "Well, someone told me that you were rejected by Rain." said Kana as she smirked. "Twenty bucks says that it was Sonya." whispered Mike.

Natsu said,"I'm so burning her after all of this or later.". "You may be asking how I know this? You are the baddest student ,mostly likely to die before having a girlfriend, asked out the granddaughter of the chairman and daughter to the head teacher after all. You should know that you would be the talk of the town huh Natsu?" said Kana. "Are you serious? Fine, we're leaving Mike." said Natsu. "You're right." said Mike.

Kana said,"Now hold on there. That isn't why I'm here.". Kana placed her hand on his cheek and she said,"I think I should give you a participation award. Also Rain is in love with Issac.". Natsu was in a state of shock as he mumbled,"It can't be. Issac wouldn't steal her from me. She can't remember our bond and I'm going to murder Sonya. No. I call you wrong!". "What makes you so sure? It's all over the school." said Kana.

Natsu said,"Yeah. I rather believe that a unicorn runs around the school during the night rather than trusting you.". "Oh. You were rejected by Rain and you're still cocky. You must be an idiot after all than a battle maniac/lover boy." said Kana. Mike looked at Natsu who was holding himself back and Mike heard,"Well, I'm here to bring you good news. I can bring a stake between the two lovebirds for you.". "What?" said Natsu.

Kana said,"This is supposed to be a secret but I can do anything you want. I won't tell you everything but I can do anything.". "Interesting." said Natsu. "But isn't Issac an annoyance in your love right? If you want to know me, join me. We'll meet in the courtyard at 5 to talk alone." said Kana. She walked away as Mike said,"At least she hasn't changed that much. She just came here to laugh at you.". "Lets go back to my office." said Natsu. "Right." said Mike.

The two return and they talk with Asahi, Cole, and Sly who was eating some candy. "So it looks like that Issac and Kana are still at each other throats for the title of president." said Asahi. "Yeah. She is gaining allies but mainly the lower classes. If she got someone like Kyle, Masaru, or Sekien, it would be quite hard to defeat her." said Cole. "Yeah. I'm letting her win because Issac as president is a bad idea." said Natsu. "Really?" said Sly.

Asahi said,"I have to agree with him but doesn't her power not work on you or the other sorcerers? It includes the Universe Manipulators right?". "Yes and no. I'm the only one but I could be wrong Asahi so what's the plan?" said Cole. "I'm not going to see her later today." said Natsu. "Yet you want her to win the election. So what's the plan now?" said Mike. "Well, the president and Lauren doesn't know so we got two leads left." said Natsu.

Asahi looked confused as Natsu said,"Well Asahi. We have Kim Rivera who has the better version of any knowledge on the witches so she may know something and Natalia Lance who avoided the wipe twice so she may know something.". "Well, I know for a fact that both of them are going to be hard to even talk with." said Mike. "I can agree with you on Kim. She has tried to get me to join her side but one ice wall later, I'm hated.' said Cole.

Sly said,"According to the mean lady who ruins the school, she thinks that we should avoid Kim but we could get her to stop if we need questions.". "She is right. We only have one option yet. Lets go find him." said Natsu. The five found Issac as he said,"Hey. What's up rejected by Rain?". "How do you know that?" said Natsu. "I guess that Sonya was right." said Issac. "So it was her fault? I'm going to burn her later." said Natsu.

Issac said,"I give you props for aiming high.". "You know that pissing him off more is a really bad idea." said Cole. "I guess this is going to be harder than I thought." thought Natsu. "Well, here is the thing because Sonya thinks that Rain hooked up with me but Sonya has so many issues so she is so wrong." said Issac. "I knew it!" said Natsu. "Well, I'm the one in line for the president's seat and also super popular so being without a girlfriend is hard." said Issac.

Asahi said,"You can't be serious.". "You're no fun." said Issac. "Hey Issac. I need to talk with you. I need some Rain advice." said Natsu. Issac looked at him as Natsu said,"Well, I'm a very determined guy plus you two are in the same club so could you help me?". "Are you going to try again?!" said Issac. "Yeah! I'm not giving up on her! She will be mine!" said Natsu. "How haven't you not been arrested?" said Cole with Mike and Sly agreeing with him.

Issac said,"That sounds like fun man! I'm in!". "Sweet." said Natsu. "Well done." said Sly. "Thanks man." said Natsu. "I'm not promising that you and Rain are going to be together." said Issac. "So could we talk about it at your house? I mean it's pretty late plus talking at school where Sonya could hear it and my house is quite far compared to you. So lets go." said Natsu. "Sorry but my house is like haunted." said Issac. "What?" said Natsu. "Yeah. You may want to stay away." said Issac.

Cole said,"That's fine. We don't believe in ghosts.". "Yeah and possession is so early 20th century you know." said Natsu. "You would know that." said Issac. Later, Asahi said,"I guess that we are going to have some trouble with this.". "It might have been the wrong choice after all." said Mike. "If I could get into his house without being arrested, I would." said Natsu. "You should just tell him what you need Nuts. I mean it's an easy move to make in my opinion." said Sly.

Asahi said,"Yeah.". "You don't know how sensitive Issac is when it comes to his sisters." said Natsu with Mike nodding. "Well, we should try and use what we got. We can create a plan to get back the memories tomorrow." said Cole. "Hey guys." said Mike. He pointed to Kana who was pulling out grass. "Kana? Why is she still here?" said Natsu. "Why is she doing that?" said Cole. "Yeah. It is weird to say the least." said Asahi. "She would make a good gardener." said Sly as Mike nodded.

Natsu said,"You know that I feel bad about leaving her to well do this. I'm not dealing with her right now. We should go the other way.". "No wait Natsu. You may want to go see her because she's able to have anyone serve under her with a kiss so if you copy it, we can use it on Issac." said Mike. "You're right." said Cole. Natsu took a deep breath as he walked over toward Kana. "Hey. I"m sorry but I had this really important thing." said Natsu.

Natsu got down to her level as he said,"And I'm all yours Kana so what's the plan?". She turned and she said,"You took forever! What the hell were you doing?!". "Did you wait for me? I mean it's been like two hours since we were supposed to meet." said Natsu. Kana was shocked as she said,"Are you stupid? I have my duties to the school so I'm far too busy pulling grass for you! You could have come up to me at any time today!". "What?" said Natsu.

Kana pouted as she said,"Fine. I'll tell you. Kiss me so you can be a friend of mine.". "Friend?" said Natsu. "You want me to help you split up Issac and Rain right? I always help my friends so be my friend with a kiss." said Kana as she smiled. "Well, she hasn't changed much so to get back all of my friends's memories." thought Natsu. He grabbed her and he was about to kiss her. Kana's face was bright red as she said,"Wait! Stop!".

She slapped him as Natsu said,"Wow! You hit like a truck!". "You should be like shy or something along those lines." said Kana. "Why? I mean I want to be with Rain so kiss me." said Natsu. "Wow. I think you're different from the others." said Kana with a blush. "It's all good because I'm an expert kisser." said Natsu. "You really like me don't you?" said Kana. The two kissed and Asahi thought,"I can't believe how good they are. I guess practice makes perfect.".

Cole tapped her shoulder and she saw Rain standing there with Mike saying,"Uh oh.". Natsu noticed her and he said,"Wait. Rain?". She turned around and she swiftly walked away. "Wait!" said Natsu as he pushed Kana away. "It was in a second but the plan was falling apart." said Sly. Natsu ran after his girlfriend and Kana was quiet. "It isn't what you think Rain! That was a obligation kiss! It's really a long story!" said Natsu.

Rain stopped as she said,"I don't care Natsu. What you do with other girls is none of my business at all.". "Huh? I guess you're right." said Natsu. "She's 100% right partner. Why are you trying to apologize to her?" said Visalth. Natsu was silent as he said,"Sorry Visalth.". He grabbed Rain's wrist and he said,"Stop Rain! You may hate me but I need to tell you something!". "I could swear that I was in love with someone else." said Rain. She was crying as she said,"Who are you Natsu?".

Next time,
Does Rain remember Natsu? Will Natsu and his friends be able to return back the memories that Lauren erased? This and more next time on Soul!

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