Saturday, May 20, 2017

Soul Episode 125 The Aftermath/Behind the Scenes of the Cultural Festival

A/N: Yeah. Welcome back to Soul after an two month hiatus. This was due to several factors with factor one being Power. It was a story that I was interested because I had a new protagonist to use and when you get something new, you just want to test it out for sure. Factor two is that Zero started and well, I was really feeling Zane. He was the me that I wants to be even more than Bob and Natsu which is saying a lot. Factor Three is Yamada Kun.

Factor Four is due to the play. I decided to just push my way through it ,with that crap ending being the result of that, and Episode 21 of Zero should be out by the end of March or start of April. It really depends. Anyway, this episode starts a new arc for Soul which will have twists and turn plus love confessions. This episode is the in between stuff ,I mean the Filler, of Day 4 and the end of the festival. Lets begin shall we. This A/N was written in late March.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu was standing with Kana and Rain. On Day 4, the Executive Committee and Student Council had to work together for patrolling. Aurora and Lucas ,thanks to Spawn, almost caused a fight with the resident hot head aka Natsu liking that idea. Rain ,aka the level headed one in the relationship between god and human, stopped him by slamming into the ground and hard. "Wow Rain. I still can't believe you do that." said Kana.

The three were walking around and Rain said,"If you were dating Natsu, you would do the same thing as me.". Kana's face went red as she imagined Natsu as her boyfriend. "Yeah except she would try not to break every bone in my body." said Natsu. "Oh suck it up partner. That tickled you at best." said Visalth. "Yeah but it still hurts. So what's up first?" said Natsu. "I think a maid cafe from Class 2-B." said Kana.

The three walked in as Rain said,"They didn't do a bad job.". "You know that we had professionals help us right?" said Natsu. "Yeah but compared to the stuff that we've seen Natsu, this is actually good." said Kana. Rain got the attention of one of the students aka a maid and she said,"We're from the Executive Council. Are you having any problems?". "Nope. We're all good here." said the girl. "If you have any problems, just locate one of us okay?" said Kana.

Natsu said,"You wouldn't have something to drink would you?". The girls looked at him with Visalth saying,"Excuse the idiot of a partner.". "Actually, we have our tea. You guys do have to spend the whole day checking so here's something to help." said the maid. The boy held the cup and he took a sip. "Wow. This is really hot." said Natsu. "Yep. It also gives our customers energy with it being so hard to stay in the budget." said the maid.

Rain took the cup from her boyfriend as she said,"May I?". "Sure." said Natsu. The girl took a sip as she said,"Wow. This is good.". "Did those two just have an indirect kiss?" said a student. "Those two are rather bold." said a student. "Those two have been in each other's bodies so a little drink sharing is small potatoes but I wish that I could do that with Natsu." thought Kana. "Oh. I think you may like this too." said the maid.

She held three crepes with her saying,"We're going through the trial run right now but so far, people have liked it.". The girls took a bite with Natsu saying,"No thanks. I may be a heavy eater but those things go right to my hips.". Rain hugged Natsu's arm as she said,"We must get some crepes.". "She must like it." said Natsu. Kana held some of hers up and she said,"At least try it you big baby.". "He has two girls?! Lucky bastard." said a student. Natsu took a bite. "Not bad." said Natsu.

The three later stood in front of a haunted house with Natsu looking at Rain. She was shaking as the other girl whispered,"So what's wrong with her?". "Two words. Dana Reid. Both her and Alex are deathly afraid of Haunted Houses. Hey partner." said Natsu. "Already on it." said Visalth. "Okay. I'm ready to go in because I'm a Sorcerer." said Rain. Her face screamed scared as she walked in. "I may not be an expert of people like you but this isn't going to be good is it?" said Kana.

A large scream was heard as Natsu said,"You win the prize but the bright side is that we know this place works.". Rain was dragged out as Natsu said,"You know that you didn't have to do that?". She looked at him as she said,"I wanted to show you that I was brave. I heard you talking to Masoko and Sekien about heading here tomorrow. I wanted to join you and not freak out but I guess I failed.". The boy hugged her and he said,"You're so cute Rain!".

Her face was bright red as Kana giggled. "Why are you laughing?!" said Rain. "I didn't think the cold beauty could show such emotion. I guess having the hot idiot helped." said Kana. "I guess but...." said Rain. The three didn't noticed that a girl carrying a heavy bucket of water behind them. It felled onto the girls with the boy covering his ears. Later, Natsu stood outside of a empty classroom. He stood there in just his plain blue shirt with him saying,"You're welcome.".

The girls ,who were in their gym uniforms, were sitting in front of fire created by Natsu and Kana said,"I can't believe our luck sometimes.". "When you're dating Natsu, you get used to it." said Rain as she shrugged her shoulders. "At least, you weren't the room Natsu while we were changing." said Kana. "Yeah. I mean he wouldn't do that right?" said Rain. "Of course I wouldn't Rain." laughed the boy with his inner dragon sighing.

Kana said,"So are you two going back to the CCC?". "Yeah. They need Natsu to help cook. He is the master with his hands after all." said Rain. "Thank Akmo Su Rain." said Natsu. "Well, I'll come by and visit later." said Kana. "I think we would like that." said Rain. "Yeah." said Natsu. The trio just sat and talk with Astral not sensing that someone was watching Natsu. It was a machine and it just watched Natsu.

Later, Natsu was sitting in the kitchen. Rex stood there and he said,"We're rocking it out there. It took me a couple of tries but I got that shit perfect despite Yataro calling it crap several times but screw him right?.". Right now, the staff was Alex, Issac, Haru, Natsu, Rain, Rex, Stacey, and Urara in the cafe. "Good job man." said Natsu. Rex then sat that the class ace was using his tail to cook as Rex said,"Are you supposed to use them like that?". "They have to get stronger somehow." said Natsu.

Rex sighed as Astral went off. "Big Brother!" yelled three voices. "That would be for me with no doubt." said Natsu. Natsu stepped out of the kitchen with him getting tackled by Elena, Jason, and Molly. "We made it so did Marina come with you?" said Natsu. "Yep! Big Sis Marina wanted to see you." said Jason. He then saw the little girl with Hayato, Raku, and Ninsei. Rain walked over to them as Elena said,"Wow. You look so pretty big sis.".

Rain said,"Well thanks. So did everyone from the school show up?". "Nope. Those two begged to see their big brother and well, Jason was with them. He gave me the eyes." said Ninsei. "He's going to be a real heartbreaker when he's older for sure." said Harry. Hayato said,"Hey Big Bro! Molly tells me that you're awesome at cooking! Let me have some!". "It will be way better than my sis's cooking for sure." said Raku.

Urara coughed as she said,"You are going to enjoy my cooking when we get home.". Raku gulped as Issac said,"Let me get you guys a table.". The group was enjoying the food as Ninsei said,"You kids are just full of surprises aren't you?!". "You guys have gotten a lot of money right?!" said Marina. "It seems like it." said Alex. Marina was confused as Natsu put his hand on her head and tussled it. "You don't need to worry so much." said Natsu.

Marina said with a blush,"Don't worry big bro Natsu and big sis Rain. You and the rest of Class 1-C have this power to make the impossible possible!". "She's right!" said Hayato and Raku. "I guess they have been learning from you Natsu. You told them that you can make your weakness into strengths with them learning how do. Don't give up." said Ninsei. "Yeah. Don't lose big bro." said Jason. With the siblings hugging Natsu goodbye, they left.

Later, Natsu stood there and he said,"I'm going to enjoy this.". "So can he do this?" said Rain. "He's a paying customer and he's rich so make us proud Rainy." said Stacey. She led the ace to a table and he sat down. "You should know that we have a normal menu for food but if you have the money, you can have your maid do things for you. You can pick the maid by the way." said Stacey. "I pick my lovely girlfriend Rain." said Natsu.

Rain pinched her nose as she said,"Can I kill him?". Haru stood there and he said,"I would say yes but people who are trained killers can't kill him so keep that in mind.". "So what options are they? I was out when you girls designed the menu or something." said Natsu. "We have all of them." said Stacey. After looking at the options, the cold beauty's face went red and she said,"Why did you let them do this?!". Alex shrugged as she said,"Beats me.".

Natsu's eyes suddenly turned bloodshot and hearts as he said,"I'm in love.". "I hate you so much right now Natsu." said Rain. Stacey said,"However, this comes at a price.". He looked at Stacey with him saying,"You girls are savages. This is insane. I mean the lowest thing is 3000 Yen". "You do know that it makes sure that certain people don't go crazy with a maid right? You may want to start with some food Natsu." said Haru.

Rain took a breath of relief as she said,"Well, I know for a fact that you spend most of your money for the festival so I'm safe.". Natsu began to laugh with Urara thinking,"Wow. He was the God of Death with that laugh of us.". "You shouldn't underestimated me Rain baby. I'm survived training that would kill a normal Soul. This Cultural Festival is my first one and I'm going all in so take a look of this!" said Natsu.

He stood up holding several bills with Rain saying,"How do you get all of that money?". "Rain. Ever since I was ten, I've been working and saving my money for a certain occasion and it's time! I first pick the Cat Ears and Tail Combo!" said Natsu as he slammed his left hand on the menu. Rain was dragged away by Alex and Stacey with Issac saying to Rex,"Please tell me that this isn't going to destroy the cafe.". "It will." said Rex.

Rain stood there with cat ears and tail with her having a huge blush. "She works that outfit doesn't she Natsu?" said Alex. The boy in question pulled out his phone with him taking pictures and he said,"It is and I thank my mom for this joyous day!". "You do know that it cost money to take pictures right bud?" said Haru. "No! Get rid of them now Natsu!" yelled Rain. "How about you take this over to him Rain?" said Stacey. "I don't want to move like this." said Rain.

Natsu smiled and he said,"I now add Moe Moe Beam with Cat Girl talk to my bill.". "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" yelled Rain. "You do know that this is our job right Rain?" said Urara. "You can't kill the customer even though he's going overboard but here's the thing, you can tell that he likes you." said Rex. Rain took a deep breath as she brought a meal over to Natsu. "I'm sorry for keep you waiting master nyan!".

She saw her boyfriend smile with her saying,"I'll enhance your meal with my beam of love so it will taste better nyan!". She moved her hands into a heart with her saying,"Nyan Nyan Nyan Beam of Love!". "This is my heaven right? You're being like a cute housewife Rain. I just love that you are so dang embarrassed. This is the best day of my love!" thought Natsu. He was eating it with him crying tears.

Alex said,"Wow. I never saw him cry before and it's happy right?". "Yeah." said Stacey. "Okay. Time for the next option." said Natsu. "What?! You're ordering more?" said Rain. "Of course. You're going to kill me afterward so I need to make this my final meal." said Natsu. "Okay man. You're getting too serious about this bro." said Haru. "I want the Cat Girl Dance!" said Natsu. "Wait. That's too much Natsu." said Rain. "And then the romantic kiss!" said Natsu.

Rain was getting more embarrassed with her saying,"Are you nuts?!". "I think a massage would be good too. This may cost me a lot but it's worth it." said Natsu. "Hey. Could you stop? This is going too far. Master. Do you like cats this much nyan?!" said Rain. "Yes. I love you Rainy plus you make such a cute tsundere." said Natsu. "I see nyan. You should know that cats get mad right nyan?" said Rain with a dark aura around her.

Astral went off as Natsu said,"Uh oh.". He dodged a table flying toward him and he said,"I'm out of here! See ya later Rainy!". He was gone with Rain running after him. "Well. Those two sure are cute together." said Urara. "Yeah. I think Natsu better keep running." said Haru. "Why exactly? He is dead according to me." said Alex. "We just finished Natsu's uniform since his female persona Natsumi got raves." said Stacey. "Oh. Poor guy." said the three boys

Natsu was hiding on the roof with him saying,"So did she find me partner?". "Not yet. So why are we hiding again?" said Visalth. "I'm not a fan of being Natsumi. She may be cute but at the same time, I'm not in the mood to cross dress today." said Natsu. "So do you think Rain is going to find you and well kill you? I don't want a new partner." said Visalth. "Maybe. I wonder how the cafe is doing anyway. They swapped people." said Natsu.

Back at the cafe, it was busy because of their amazing online reviews thanks to both Ruri and Yataro who were enjoying the day together, several of the most popular first year students being the main attraction, or people hoping to see the legendary God of Death who was currently hiding from Rain on the roof. Leona ,who was dressed as a maid, said to Amy, Cindy, and Dana,"So where did Rain go again? We don't have time to be slacking off!".

She handed a plate to a customer as Amy said,"Natsu did something stupid again and well, you can figure out the rest.". "Yeah. Those two are made for each other." said Dana with Cindy agreeing with her. "Yeah but we're swamped." said Leona. Inside of the kitchen area, the boys were currently hard at work keeping up with the orders.  "We need to get these dishes washed now!" said Matt as a magic circle appeared making water appear.

Jake said,"Hurry with the circle! We can't have a normal person seeing it. How are we doing on OJ Ben?". "Good. We're running out. I'll ask Irene and Karla to pick up some more." said Ben. "Good! I think we're doing good." said Seth. Terry rushed in as he said,"Someone dropped a cup! Where's the broom!?". "You just had to say that didn't you?" said Ben and Jake. On the floor, it wasn't that much better. It could be considered worse in fact.

Dante jumped around and he said,"I'll see you ladies soon.". He was gone as a girl said,"He is so cool just like a real ninja!". "He's really working that skirt unlike Masaru." said a second girl. The boy in question was standing there next to Chad. "Water please." said a customer. "Coming." said Kyria. "I want some watermelon juice." said a customer. A boy in question had his phone and was about to take a picture of Yumiko before it was crushed by a shadow raven.

Katsuo stood there and he said,"Listen. I'm so sorry about that but I think me and my friends would like to have a word with you.". He pointed to Masaru who crackled his knuckles as the boy tensed up in fear. "Natsu's plan is working perfectly!" said Yusuki. "Hello first plate meaning island vacation in the winter!" said Cora with Kyoji smiling. Harry rushed in and he said,"We may have a problem with that guys.". "Whose our rival?" said Ben.

Harry fainted as Jake said,"You can't be serious.". Matt grabbed the sink hose and he fired it at the pervert waking him up. "I saw the other class shops and well it's Class A." said Harry. "Aren't they doing something like us except the guys are wearing maid costumes plus it's scary to see Dylan in a skirt." said Seth. "Even more than Masaru." said Terry. "Well, they have the same line as us plus this little thing!" said Harry.

The group of boys plus Amy, Cindy, Dana, and Leona looked at his phone to see Kyle and Lee with girls surrounding them plus Keiko sitting on a cat like throne. "We need to compete with them!" said the boys. "You guys are idiots." said Leona. "I could do that?" said Amy. "Yeah don't." said Cindy and Dana. "Hey! What's with this mess?" said a voice. The nine poked their heads out to see three punks standing there.

Cindy walked out and she said,"I'm sorry sirs. The waiting time is about a quarter of an hour. If you wouldn't mind waiting outside...". "Huh? I didn't hear you glasses. I thought that you kids were to make this festival fun." said a punk. Blair walked up to Cindy as she whispered,"We don't have any more room.". "So what should we do?" said Cindy. A punk smiled and he said,"Move!". He kicked a table scaring a customer with Nazar holding him back.

Nazar said,"Sir! We don't want a fight in here.". "You're telling us the customers what to do?! You got balls brat." said a punk. "Dude. Any girl in here is hot. Lets get one of them to sit with us." said the third punk. "Our girls aren't property." said Ryo as he blocked Blair. "Yeah and they would kill you before we could stop them." thought Tatsu. "What should we do Jake?" said Cindy. "I'm not sure but if we have to fight, we will." said Jake.

Ryker said,"I'll go look for Natsu or Rain! Maybe they can handle them!". He rushed off as Jake ran up to the trio. "Hey you guys. You know that we can take this outside? We worked really hard on this and ....." said Jake. He was held in the air as the punk holding him turned into a T-Rex. "Oh? A guy? I mean it doesn't take an idiot to see that you're not a girl!" said the T-Rex. "Hey! You can't use your power in here." said Jake.

Jake was thrown to the ground as Cindy ran over to him. "Go get a teacher!" said Amy. "Why did our god of death have to piss off Rain?!" said Harry. "Do you guys need some help?" said a voice. The cafe saw Reva standing there with her in the cursed form. She tugged on the T-Rex's shirt and she said,"Hey you guys. How about we take this outside? The kids worked really hard on this.". "Whose brat is this?" said the punk. "Brat?" said Reva. "Uh oh." said Class C and the students there.

An dark aura appeared around Reva scaring the three punks with the T-Rex saying,"You don't scare me bitch!". He was about to punch her before Reva caught the fist. She broke his arm and she said,"I suggest you leave now!". She punched him out of the shop with his pals following suit. The punk in question crashed into Dylan with Kana and Kyle laughing at the boy who was struggling to get the T-Rex off him.

Later, Natsu was walking with Rain who was still mad. Natsu himself was currently covered in red slap marks and claw marks. "You know that I'm sorry right?" said Natsu. "You should know that the females are a confusing species even to me." said Visalth. "Anyway, how is Flora doing?" said Rain as she was trying to change subjects. "Good. Sal is taking her on a date." said Natsu. "They're cute together." said Rain. "Not like me and you." said Natsu. "Maybe." said Rain.

The two were about to kiss and swap bodies when they heard,"Natsu! Rain!". They saw Ryker with the boy saying after he caught his breath,"We got trouble! Some punks are causing trouble! I think the problem is gone because I thought that I saw Reva!". "Well, I'm not needed. Reva can handled herself." said Natsu. "You just don't want to piss her off right now?" said Rain. Natsu shrugged as the three went back to the classroom.

Reva was enjoying some sweets as she said,"Wow! This is amazing!". She looked at the Class as she said,"Can I really?". "Yep. You did save the cafe and only caused little damage." said Amy. "Reva is a monster." whispered Harry. "Do you want to die?" said Sekien. Ryker returned with him saying,"All good now?". "Yep. Reva kicks major ass like her bro." said Jake as he rubbed his brusied arm. "They are currently resting in the nurses office." said Leona.

Natsu walked back in as he said,"Man. I was hoping for a maid royale. Lame.". "And where have you been?!" yelled the class. The boy pointed to Rain as Dana said,"That makes sense.". "So where's my sis?" said Natsu. He found her as she looked at him. "So why aren't you wearing your uniform?" said Reva. "It felt into the fire pit." said Natsu. "Which you created right?" said Reva. "I'm hurt that you think so little of me sis." said Natsu.

At the Unknown Club room, Natsu was trying to sell some bread. "Have you wanted to try some bread from the Underworld or other realms? My name is Natsu and I'm being honest to say that this bread will change your lives. So what is the price you may be asking?" said Natsu. He pointed to a sign with it saying 500 yen and he said,"We're giving it away! So who wants one?". The crowd that he gathered was gone as Visalth said,"I'm not going to say anything.".

Natsu then saw Jane standing there with her saying,"No one wants to buy it.". "Why not?! I mean it is good." said Natsu. "But it cost money plus your shop is way better and nice prices." said Jane. "You have a point there." said Natsu. He then turned around to see Issac in a bread costume with some girls trying to take their picture with him. Sonya said,"You look adorable Rain!". Akane nodded with Rain blushing.

Drew popped into the room and he said,"You guys will never believe it but I won the Shuffle Board Tourney.". Natsu's anger was rising and he said,"Jane. You may want to leave.". She was gone and he turned around to face the five. "WHY THE HELL AM I THE ONLY WORKING?! I BETTER GET MY ANSWER OR I WILL BURN THIS SCHOOL TO ASH!" yelled Natsu with his fire appearing behind it except it was blue.

Later after Natsu cooled down. "You know that it was your fault right hot head? You had to get the nice stuff." said Sonya. She was covered in ,minor, burns from Natsu as Rain said,"You know that we want some profit right?". "Yep. Even if we laced them with gold, I'm pretty sure that we would only sell a fourth." said Drew. "Do you want to burn?" said Natsu. "Calm down Natsu. There isn't nothing that we can do now. We just need to sell them." said Akane.

Sonya said,"You're so right Akane.". "How about we have the girls strip for every ten we sell?" said Issac with Drew agreeing with him. "We aren't do that! It's against the rules!" said Sonya. "We have about 100 to 200 sandwiches. I may love these maid costumes but they don't have many layers." said Rain. "At least you have your priority in mind." said Akane. "I have an idea." said Sonya. "I hate you Sonya." said Natsu.

Later, Kana and her lacky/friend Blaine were walking nearby the club room with Kana looking over to see Issac and Sonya standing outside of the club room. "You can't be serious right?" said Kana. "I am serious all the time Kana." said Issac who crossed his arms. "You know that I can't take you with that one right?" said Blaine. "And you're trying to sell bread by giving predictions of the future?" said Kana. "Yep! Now go on then!" said Sonya. She pushed Kana in as Blaine looked at her.

Kana looked around and she saw someone sitting there. It was a male with him covered in blankets that concealed his identity. "My name is Sight and I can see into the future child." said the man. "Is that you Natsu?" said Kana. She sat in front of him with Sight saying,"Natsu? The son of the sun goddess? Nope.". "You know who his mom is but not him?" said Kana. 'That is correct." said Sight as he looked at her.

Kana said,"Um. What are you doing?". "Getting my prediction. Would you mind closing your eyes to the count of five please?" said Sight. "Okay sure." said Kana. She closed her eyes as she heard some footsteps. "You know that I can hear you right?" thought Kana. She opened her eyes to see Sight in front of her with their foreheads touching. Her face light up as she said,"What are you doing?!". "I have no idea...." said Sight looking away.

He stopped as he said,"I've seen the future! You share an indirect kiss with Natsu Xasius very soon and I do mean that!". "What?!" yelled Kana. She was kicked out as Blaine said,"So who is Sight? I know him from somewhere.". He was enjoying some popcorn as Sonya said,"It's Natsu but his good twin. I'm thinking that Natsu is the evil twin though.". "It is a stupid plan I tell you." said Natsu. "You do know that you're kissing or headbutting a lot of people today right?" said Blaine.

Natsu went into the corner with him saying,"I can never be a groom now.". The club heard a large thud as Sight said,"I hate my luck.". Despite Natsu's clone being used as a way to get customers, it was a success much to the joy of Sonya. Natsu and Sight got revenge on her later much to the dismay of Akane and Rain. Natsu looked up as he said,"I need to go see Alice.". He ran off as Issac said,"I do feel bad for you Rain. I mean those two have been together A LOT lately.".

Drew said,"She told me that she needed some help with finals coming up.". "Yeah but that's not all she needs if you catch my drift." said Issac. Drew's face lit up as he said,"That son of...". Akane hit the boys as she said,"That isn't it. Now help me take Sonya to the nurse's office. Her burns aren't that bad I hope.". The three were gone as Rain thought,"Natsu. You aren't cheating on me with her are you I hope?".

Outside of the building, Alice said,"That's amazing! I'm so happy that I could help you out.". Natsu had a small grin as he said,"I'll always help out a friend.". "I guess that makes a little more even now I hope." said Alice. 'Hmm?" said Natsu. "Well, you and your friends did save me from being kicked out due to that fire and you help me with my studies." said Alice as she sat next to him. "You know that you don't have to repay me like that Alice." said Natsu.

Alice said,"Really?". "Yeah. It's what friends do." said Natsu. "Could I ask you a question and could you be honest with me?" said Alice. "Shoot." said Natsu. "Do you wish that we didn't have super powers and is there a way to lose the Sorcerer Power?" said Alice. "Huh?" said Natsu. "I don't want to leave schools because well, there is no other school that accepts Soul. I did my research on that but still." said Alice.

She placed her head on his shoulder as he said,"So why are you thinking this?". "It's simple. I hate my sorcerer power. You understand right? When you can see the future, it takes the fun out of life and well, I'm bored. When you know something awesome going to happen, you can feel any good about it. If something bad happens, you feel depressed about the whole thing. We almost failed to stop that fire even after that make up session and you almost died." said Alice.

Alice was looking at Natsu's right eye as Natsu said,"Yeah I guess where you're coming from.". The two looked up to see happy students with Alice saying,"They haven't seen true sorrow like you and I have in a matter of months. The main reason why I want to lose my power is because of love. I don't want to kiss a guy or girl and know how the relationship pans out for me.". "Yeah. I understand but I want to say something.".

Alice looked at him as he said,"Well, fate is strange. You can't get everything that you want. You will get both bad and good things. I almost died several times and I haven't turned twenty yet but on the other side, I have gotten to meet Rain, you, and the rest of my friends so that's a plus in my book. I promise you now that I will get rid of your power to see the future Alice. When a Xasius makes a promise, we keep it.". She hugged him as the two watched the crowd.

Later again, Kim said,"Huh? You want a way to lose a Sorcerer power?". Natsu said,"Yeah. I would ask Simon but he's out of the country right now. Missing the festival which you are enjoying for both him and you I suppose.". "You should come with me honey!" said Kim. "Maybe." said Natsu. "You know that I don't normally get asked this question." said Kim. "If you don't know anything, I will ask Simon when he gets back. Have fun." said Natsu.

He walked away as Kim said,"Hey! Why do you want to know anyway?!". "I was just curious is all Kim." said Natsu as he went to talk with Visalth in private. "I guess there is no other way partner but knowing her kissing problem." said Visalth. "I have a way." said Kim. Natsu stopped as Kim said,"Yep! You can get rid of a Sorcerer problem but it isn't a good feeling whatsoever. Follow me and I'll tell you.". Natsu followed her.

Next Time,
Is there a way to get rid of a Sorcerer Power beside with Simon? Why is Natsu so determined to help Alice? Will Rain get the jelly? This and more next time on Soul!

Food Gathering Group:
12 Males: Ben, Dante, Jake, Katsuo, Masaru, Matt, Nazar, Rex, Ryker, Ryo, Tatsu, and Yataro.
18 Females: Amy, Blair, Charl, Cindy, Cora, Hikaru, Irene, Kyria, Leona, Lucy, Moka, Phoebe, Ruri, Tessa, Tsuki, Urara, Yumiko, and Yusuki.
Cafe Setting Up Group:
10 Males: Chad, Harry, Haru, Issac, Kyoji, Natsu, Sekien, Seth, Soran, and Terry.
10 Females: Akane, Alex, Dana, Karla, Masoko, Mia, Miu, Rain, Stacey, and Tara.

11 Males. (Ben, Chad, Haru, Issac, Jake, Nazar, Rex, Ryker, Sekien, Seth, and Tatsu.).
14 Females. (Akane, Alex, Amy, Charl, Cora, Dana, Karla, Kyria, Leona, Lucy, Masoko, Moka, Ruri, Tara, and Yusuki.).
14 Females. (Blair, Dana, Cindy, Hikaru, Irene, Mia, Miu, Phoebe, Rain, Stacey, Tessa, Tsuki, Urara, and Yumiko.).
11 Males. (Dante, Harry, Katsuo, Kyoji, Masaru, Matt, Natsu, Ryo, Soran, Terry, and Yataro.).

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