Friday, May 26, 2017

Soul Episode 131 A Ally Appears?!

A/N: Yeah. We're not even close to being done. I expected this arc which started in Episode 126 and I do expect it going maybe in the hundred and forty. I know this series is going to be over 150 episodes and I think Zero is going to be close to be longer. This is just a guess by the way but I could be wrong to say the least because I'm going to count the spinoffs. Lets begin at night but there won't be any scary monsters and do know that this series is going to try and be done by 2018.

Narrator P.O.V.
Rain said to Natsu,"Who are you Natsu?". She was crying hard as Natsu let her go. "Well, we were together and I..." said Natsu. Rain was confused as Natsu said,"But you don't remember because of your memories being erased.". He took off his jacket since for once this year, he was actually wearing the school uniform and he said,"Could you please hear me out?!". Rain was quiet as she said after she dried her tears from her face,"Okay. I'll listen.". "Yeah!" said Natsu.

Rain said,"So you used to be my boyfriend with you being a member of the Unknown Club but that changed when the Mystery Sorcerer erased you from our memories.". "Yeah! You get it because we looked for the Sorcerers together and shared so many treasured memories." said Natsu. "Like what exactly?" said Rain. "Well, I think our date during the trip where we found out that Jane was a sorcerer, the time after we stopped the fire, and so many things!" said Natsu.

Rain said,"But you didn't go on that trip because you said that you hated the beach, Issac and the rest of the Unknown Club plus Ben helped stopped the fire not you, and I can't remember anything beside you blowing us off.". "No! You seriously don't remember me. I was replaced in your memories with bad ones rather the good." said Natsu. "Oh. Let me think about it." said Rain. "I know something that only you would know. You're the Body Swap Sorcerer and also Aria's little sister!" said Natsu.

Rain said,"Huh?". "You see. I know things that normal people wouldn't know. I'm not lying to you at all Rain." said Natsu. Rain giggled as she said,"I'm a sorcerer? You're funny Natsu.". "Huh?" said the boy. "I have heard about the Sorcerers because the Unknown Club is always trying to find about the undiscovered things in the world and you know about my sister is weird but I guess you could have read it about in the library. I wish I could swap bodies you know." said Rain.

Natsu thought,"No way. She doesn't remember me finding out that she's a sorcerer through our kisses but I can't give up.". "That was funny Natsu but..." said Rain. "No! You're a Sorcerer and you switch bodies with people but for some reason, you wanted to kiss me." said Natsu. "Really?" said Rain. "I can prove it!" said Natsu. He sat on the bench with her and he grabbed her. "Don't worry. I'll be real gentle." said Natsu. The two were about to kiss but Natsu was thrown into a metal light post.

Natsu said,"Ow!". "That isn't happening hot stuff." said Rain. "Gotcha." said Natsu. "I do feel better now but this was just another joke huh?" said Rain. Natsu recovered from the pole and he said,"I'm not joking Rain. You need to trust me!". "Funny. I need to leave now." said Rain. "Hey Rain!" said Natsu. "I'm sorry for crying in front of you. I've been randomly crying all day. It's weird." said Rain as she looked at Natsu. "That is so weird." said Natsu.

Rain said,"Yes. I'm not sad but I guess with everyone in the club has been busy with finals so they can't show up. I think that's it. Don't worry I'm fine.". She was gone as Natsu stood there. The group of Asahi, Cole, Mike, and Sly walked over to Natsu with Mike saying,"Well, you tried pal but in the end, the enemy's spell is too strong.". "So why did you tell her everything anyway? I mean she will have her memories restored." said Asahi.

Natsu was silent as Cole said,"You wanted to make sure that you two are still together.". "I guess. I mean Rain is the jealous type mainly when Cora, Irene, and Urara flirted with me. I think they did it just to mess with Rain though." said Natsu. "That makes sense to me." said Mike. "It does?" said Sly as Cole sighed. "We have other problems right now. Finals would normally not keep the gang from the club but the lack of memories will do and I won't let Rain be sad." said Natsu.

He clenched his fist as he said,"I'm getting those memories back asap!". "Yes. You should worry about your personal image though." said Mike. "You did kiss Kana and left her hang for a girl that turned you down plus you tried to kiss her. You really don't understand the heart of a maiden don't you Natsu?" said Asahi. Natsu was shocked as Cole said,"I'm guessing the stress has made our dear pyro forget that.".

The next day, Natsu was talking with Issac. "Why aren't I going with the club? It sure as hell ain't the finals. That shit is so easy for the future president of Star Valley." said Issac. "Oh really? Do tell my friend." said Natsu. Issac turned around and he said,"You know that personal space exists right? I'm sure that you're not a cute girl.". "Oh am I?" said Natsu. "Yes." said Issac. Issac looked up and he said with a smirk,"So how are things going with Rain...".

Natsu kissed him with Issac stunned. "Sorry man. I'm just so clumsy." said Natsu. Issac's face was red as he said,"That's fine idiot.". "Wow. I'm called that a lot." thought Natsu. "Hey Issac. Could I go over to your place today?" said Natsu. "Huh?!" said Issac. "Remember how I wanted to talk? Your house is huge right? I mean it sounds like fun." said Natsu. "Oh Natsu. You don't have to be shy. Lets ditch my place and go find somewhere quiet. Maybe your office?" said Issac as he hugged Natsu.

Natsu said,"Huh?!". "My family's at home and I don't want to be interrupted." said Issac. "I'm don't swing that way for sure pal!" said Natsu. Natsu then kissed him as Issac said,"Do you mind forgetting about that? I must be stressed out from this whole president thing.". "Okay. Time for Plan B!" thought Natsu. "Issac! I need you to be calm but I need to see Natalia." said Natsu. Issac was quiet and Natsu said,"I know that you're shocked but..". "What the hell?" said Issac. "Never mind." said Natsu.

Later in his office, Natsu sat there as he thought,"Okay. Natalia is out of the question. I know that he's worried about his sister but you can't be that overprotective.". "So I'm guessing you failed your quest as well pyro?" said a voice. Natsu turned around to see Mike and he looked like he just came from a hurricane. "Kim wasn't in a mood to talk." said Mike. "What did you do to make her so mad at you to begin with?!" said Natsu.

Mike said,"I couldn't find the notebook because of the owner not knowing that I was a friend of yours and also that she doesn't remember you.". "Yeah. I should have thought of that. We're screwed aren't we Mike? I mean both options are off the table." said Natsu. Sly ,who was in the room, handed Mike a towel to wipe up as he said,"We're fighting against gods here. I'm starting to see that the memories are long gone. Why would there being a restoring power in the first place.".

Natsu said,"Are you giving up on me?!". "I may. You still have Asahi and Cole who are late. Quite weird." said Mike. "Well, I'm not giving up and you shouldn't either! We can defeat destiny and the gods but we can't give up!" yelled Natsu. "Hey Natsu! You bastard!" yelled a voice. "Oh who could it be now?!" said Natsu. Kana rushed up to kiss him as Asahi and Cole appeared after her. Natsu let her go as he said,"Kana?". "How dare you use MY power on ME?!" yelled Kana.

Natsu said,"Huh?". "Like did you burn your brain or what? Do you know that I thought that you were cute all through out the day?!" said Kana. The four teens looked at each other and Kana said,"What's up with you guys? I mean I looked throughout the school and they're treating you worse than normal plus your pals don't remember you like at all.". Natsu looked at her and he thought,"Kana. Do you remember me?".

Kana said,"Blaine was the same so did you burn everyone's brains or what? Who could forgot about you Natsu?". "No way. She remembers me!" thought Natsu. "Hey! Are you listening!?" yelled Kana as she glared at him. "I have it!" said Mike. Natsu looked at the blond and he said,"You kissing her restore her memories.". "Huh?" said Natsu. "He's right and we have no other answer." said Cole as Kana yelled at him.

Asahi said,"I think you kissing her freed her from Lauren.". "Then why wasn't Issac? I mean I kissed him twice." said Natsu. "It may only work on Sorcerers." said Mike. "Then that means that I can get back Rain..." said Natsu. "HEY YOU BASTARDS! LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" yelled Kana. The four plus Sly looked at her as Kana said,"EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW OR ELSE.". "Sure!" said the four.

Kana said,"So she can erase memories? That does explain why no one was able to find her and why she erased you Natsu? I could never forget you.". "Thanks." said Natsu. "So it is the five no six of us plus a couple of second years and third years. Not a lot to work with." said Mike. "Well, this is quite interesting guys." said Kana. "So do you really remember me?" said Natsu. "You, Akane, and Rain are the only members of the Unknown Club that I can stand," said Kana.

Asahi said,"Wow. No love for Drew, Issac, and Sonya at all.". "I wouldn't disagree with her on the first one and latter." said Cole. "So why hasn't her memories been erased again?" said Mike. "Maybe Lauren or the president don't know or maybe she is planning something evil." said Natsu as he then imagined her as an evil scientist. "I don't think it is the later Nuts." said Sly. "You can use this to your advantage." said Cole.

Kana said,"Slow down you guys. What happened to the presidential race?". Natsu looked away and Mike said,"Ah yes. Issac won it since Natsu ,who was acting like his loyal servant, found the Mystery Sorcerer so he wins.". "You got to be kidding me!" said Kana. She shook Mike up and down and she said,"What about my feelings?! Doesn't she know how much hell I went through?!". "Violence isn't the answer and neither is burning!" said Mike as Natsu held a flame.

Cole thought,"Silence is golden.". "You're not alone though Kana because I was thrown under the bridge just you." said Mike. Kana walked away as she said,"Screw you Mike! I'm going to go ask her myself!". "Wow. You got dissed." said Sly. "Hey Kana. I missed you like a lot because you're one of the closest people to my heart plus if we had an election and I wasn't forced to help Issac, you got my support for sure." said Natsu with a big smile on his face.

Kana's face was red and she said,"Thank you Natsu.". She was gone as Asahi sighed. Outside of the office, Kana fell onto the ground and she said,"He's the same even after losing most if not all of his friends. It's nice to have someone like that on my side and I didn't have to use my powers. So am I the only female Sorcerer that remembers him?". "Hey Kana." said a voice. She looked up to see Blaine and he said,"The gang has been gathered and waiting for your order.".

Kana stood back as Blaine said,"We're at a key point in the race and we need something big to catch up with Issac so I was thinking that....". Kana walked past him as she said,"Yeah. Plans changed.". A few minutes later, Kana's gang was disappointed. "What? You're getting rid of our group. But why? I still don't get it." said Blaine. "You seriously don't. I've withdrawn." said Kana. "What?" said Blaine as the gang slithered out/

Blaine said,"Hey! So you actually dispelled your power?". "Yeah. I'm not a manipulative girl after I saw that smile." said Kana. She jumped down from her spot and she said,"My eyes are now open to the truth is all and being president isn't important anymore. Oh Blaine, I'm sorry.". She got close to Blaine and she said,"You were a good friend but now, I'm setting you free.". She was about to kiss him as Blaine went back.

His face was red as he said,"Wait a minute! I don't like this! Every day since we met, you were so determined to become president but now, you're not! Something happened and I'm not moving a single muscle until you...". Kana kissed him as she said,"I lost. Issac won.". Blaine was shocked as he said,"Makes sense.".Kana walked toward the door and she said,"Forget about me Blaine. Enjoy your school life okay and find someone better than me to serve with. Thanks.".

She closed the door as she sighed. The door opened as Blaine said,"So what's up next?". Kana was shocked as she said,"What's going on? I'm sure that you're free!". "Yeah. I'm free." said Blaine. "So why are you still here?!" said Kana. "Because I love you." said Blaine. Kana was silent as she turned around. "Oh." said Kana. "Where are you going?" said Blaine. "I'm insisting now Blaine. Go away please." said Kana.

Kana walked away as Blaine said,"Fine but let me ask. Where are you going?". Kana stopped as the boy said,"You have given up that you've fought for all year so this place must be rather important to say the least.". Kana went to the window and she looked out it as she said,"You're right but I learned something important after losing to Issac. I used my power too much to get happiness but then I met someone who is fighting against all odds to get his happiness.".

Blaine thought,"His?!". "Well, I want to be just like him." said Kana as she smiled. Blaine's face had a small blush as Kana walked away. "Goodbye Blaine. I'm not dragging you around." said Kana. The boy stood there as he said,"Yeah.". Back with Natsu and his gang. "I'm screwed! I can return the memories of the Sorcerers but what's the point if I can't get Rain back?!" said Natsu. "You can do it buddy." said Mike as he was reading.

Asahi said,"You can't just restore Rain's memories you know that right? I mean you don't want the others to be left in the dark right?". "You're right so what's the plan?" said Natsu. "Oh. So this is what you guys are doing?" said a voice. The five saw Kana standing there as she said,"You may need some help with that.". "Kana?!" said Cole. "Help?" said Natsu. "Yeah. Lets make this Failure Five into a Successful Six." said Kana. "We're good. I mean we got this." said Asahi.

Kana walked over to Natsu with her saying,"Yeah. I'm not letting that happened.". "Huh?" said Cole and Mike. "Do I have to make it obvious to you guys? I'm the only one who remember you and you are my pal plus I always help my friends so please let me help." said Kana. "Sure." said Natsu. He hugged her and Kana's face was red. "Thanks for being awesome like always Kana." said Natsu. "It's no problem." said Kana.

Sly said,"So what's your plan?". "Well, we need to go somewhere to get back the memories. Follow me." said Kana. Natsu and Sly followed her as Cole said,"Does Natsu not get what he's doing?". "I'm going to guess that Natsu is rather dense like the Ape Prince from Fantasy Festival The Secret of the Dragon's Heart." said Mike. "I just hope that Natsu doesn't break her heart." said Asahi. "I don't think that's going to happen." said Cole.

The group of Kana, Mike, and Natsu were standing outside of Issac's house as Natsu said,"You took me to Issac's place?". "Yep. You said that you knew someone who could have an idea about how to restore the memories so why not ask the black sheep?" said Kana. "Well, you're not wrong." said Natsu. "Indeed." said Mike. Kana was confused as Mike said,"Well, I decided to come here before but the housekeeper attacked me like nothing else. She's scary.".

Kana was talking to an older woman as she said,"We're in.". "Oh. You're friends with Issac? I didn't know." said the older woman. "Wow. She's really good at getting people on her side." said Natsu. "I think she kissed her." said Mike. "No. I don't need it so while I'll keep her distracted, you guys go get the answers." said Kana. "Wow. You rock Kana." said Natsu. Kana's face was red as she said,"Thank you Natsu.". "Idiot." thought Mike.

Natalia said,"Finally! You've arrived!". Mike was scared about almost being stabbed by a giant ax as Natsu said,"I missed you too.". "It seems that thanks to you being a Sorcerer Mercenary and having metal bones that negate powers that effect the mind meaning that Aurora was forced to do something else instead." said Natalia. "Really? I'm impressed." said Natsu. "I could tell from seeing my bro plus I'm her twin after all. I thought you would have been here by now so what happened?" said Natalia.

Later, Natalia said,"Well, things are busy now because this is making things easier to understand!". "I guess but you're the only one who can help." said Mike. He barely dodged another weapon as Natalia said,"Isn't it so obvious blonde? Just kiss everyone that you have a bond with like you did with Kana and the problem is solved.". Kana stood there. "Well, you're not wrong." said Natsu. "That method only works on Sorcerers. We know this since Natsu kissed Issac twice and it didn't work." said Kana.

Natsu said,"Anyway, we need to find a way to get EVERYONE'S memories back because even with my power and the Sorcerer, we're screwed.". "Well, your plan has flaws Natsu because I don't think I can help you out this time." said Natalia. "Huh?!" said Mike. "I do have something that you may be interested in. Look at this." said Natalia. Natsu caught some papers and the trio looked at it as Natsu said,"If one brings the Core Seven together, you can get whatever you want in a wish?".

Kana and Mike was stunned as Natalia said,"Sounds cool right?". "Are you crazy? I mean we do live in world with demons and the such but do you want us to believe in aliens now?" said Kana. "Well, I think there have been signs of aliens but the wish thing. Eh." said Natalia. "Then explain why you look so happy about it?" said Mike. "Well, why do you think that the student council use her power to erase anyone who learn all of the Core Seven?" said Natalia.

Back at school the very next day, Aurora sipped her tea as she said,"So what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you Vera?". Vera stood there as she said,"I heard a nasty rumor that Kana ,who was the most determined, has given up her candidacy for your spot.". "You're right. I'm guessing that she learned about my little brother winning the spot thanks to Nat Chan. I'm guessing that Heather told you this right? She is your servant." said Aurora.

Vera sighed as she said,"Is something wrong? You normally wouldn't have done this.". "I am just a little shocked is all because I found something about Kana. She has given up her dream of being a president plus given up her goon squad. I think this is the most interesting part." said Aurora. She held out her phone to Vera with the screen showing Natsu hugging Kana. "She's working with him? I thought she like most of them forget about him!" said Vera.

Aurora said,"Yes but this is making the game interesting don't you think?". "Yes but don't get too cocky Aurora. I have both Simon and Tiffany to use and you as well." said Vera. "Don't worry. I've my plan set in motion. You just get back to studying." said Aurora. Vera walked toward the door and she said,"Oh Aurora. You should look for your successor. I have mine in mind but he just has to pass the final test before he can handle Star Valley.". She was gone as Aurora sat there.

Natsu was walking toward school and he said,"So if I bring Alice, Jane, Kana, Kim, Lauren, Mike or Heather, and Rain together, I can get the memories back.". "It doesn't seem like Natalia would lie about something like that to me partner and it does seem like the council is hiding important shit." said Visalth. "You're right but this seems too easy. I mean getting the seven or eight together isn't easy but still something bad could happen." said Natsu.

Astral went off as Natsu heard,"You're just so fun Nat Chan! I mean you're the son of a goddess and it's the sun one in fact plus you can restore memories by kissing. You shocked Aurora which is saying something but here's the thing. You need to stop.". Lauren was behind him and she said,"If you do, I won't be holding back this time.". Natsu turned around and he said,"You!".Lauren smiled and Natsu gulped.

Kana yelled to her phone,"What Natsu?! My memory is getting erased again?!". She was sitting in her room and Natsu said on his bed back in his place,"Easy girl! I may not be able to hear without Astral but man, you're loud. I'm not the type of guy to lie like that especially to my friends because the Mystery Sorcerer back and she can erase memories.". "I guess." said Kana. "Yeah. She told this to Mike as well but this means that Aurora knows about the memory return." said Natsu.

Kana said,"And you're thinking that the memories are going to be wiped again?'. "Do I have a fiery temper?" said Natsu. "Okay. Just bring back my memories tomorrow." said Kana. "Huh?" said Natsu as he was holding a pillow and throw up into the air. "We know that it takes a kiss to return them ,at least for the sorcerers, so who cares if you have to kiss me a million times?" said Kana. "You're right about that." said Natsu.

Kana sat down on her bed as she said,"I hope you know that you need my help.". Natsu was quiet as she said,"Natsu?! Are you okay?". "Yeah. You're driving me crazy you know that?" said Natsu. "Are you being a jerk to me now?!" said Kana. "I have a reason Kana. I'm going to stop using the Core Seven." said Natsu. Kana was quiet and Natsu said,"Well, I'm seeing that the game of restore and delete will get us nowhere fast. I'm not letting you get hurt either Kana.".

Kana's face had a small blush as she said,"No! I'm not letting you...". "I know that you joined the alliance but I can say thanks from the bottom of my heart. You helped me out so much so I have to thank you again and again Kana." said Natsu. Kana was quiet as Natsu said,"I wasn't lying to you about what I said before you left. You're a good pal and I have the others.". "Okay but can you hear me out on something? It's important." said Kana.

Natsu was quiet as Kana mumbled out,"See, I....". "Listen to me Kana." said Natsu. "Are you serious Natsu?!" thought Kana. "I'm not losing this fight. I'm bring back the days where we could laugh and cry because I'm fired up and nothing stops me when my flame is burning bright. You can tell me this when we win okay?" said Natsu. "Okay." said Kana. "So what's up with you?" said Natsu. "Nothing much Natsu. I believe you Natsu." said Kana. She hanged up as Natsu sighed.

The next day, Mike and Natsu were discuss a plan in his office when the door slammed open. Kana stood there as Mike said,"Kana?!". "Someone tell me what's going on or I'll hurt Mike. My memories were supposed to be wiped right?" said Kana. "Huh? You're not wrong." said Natsu. "So why do I remember everything?!" said Kana. "Say what?!" yelled the boys with Sly in the background and she was enjoying some sweets like always.

Aurora said in her office,"Oh. That's interesting that you're unable to erase a person from someone's memories twice.". "I'm didn't know about that Aurora. So what's the plan?" said Lauren. "It seems things have gotten worse for us but at the same time, I'm having so much fun. So what is your next play Natsu Ryu Xasius? You wanted me to get serious with you? Well you got it and now, I'm going to play seriously." said Aurora.

Next time,
With Kana on their side, can Natsu return everyone's memories of him before Aurora does something deadly. This and more next time on Soul!    

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