Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Soul Episode 129 The Secret Revealed and the Outcome of that Secret Reveal!

A/N: Don't worry. Mary and Janice will get more of an important reason for being introduce like they were last time. Trust me on that. Also you should know that the Next Time part isn't that long usually for some reason, I just felt like saying it there. I mean can I have one!? I know that sounds spoiled but Fairy Tail has gone downhill and well, I just want a good ending making me feel my time was worth it but I still love Fairy Tail since it is the anime/manga to get me into the genre to begin with. Let's go at Star Valley High in Aurora's office. Do note that Aurora wasn't at the party.

Narrator P.O.V.
Aurora was enjoying some early morning tea and she said,"I was expecting Issac but you?". Rain (Natsu) sat across from her as she said,"He's busy.". "And you're so early! I didn't expect that so points for that." said Aurora. Heather was nearby making tea as Aurora said,"So who is the Mystery Sorcerer?". "She's in your class Aurora so you should know her. Her name is Lauren Dixon." said Rain (Natsu). The two seniors were shocked with Aurora jumping on the table.

Heather jumped into the air as Rain (Natsu)'s hands lit on fire with Aurora saying,"You win!". The girl looked at her with Heather saying,"This took a long time to make. It doesn't take that much to at least fake a smile.". "You're right but that's sad." said Rain (Natsu). She pointed to Aurora who was sulking in the corner and she later said,"Don't worry Heather. I'm fine. It seems that Natsu here has no sense of fun.". "Funny." said Rain (Natsu).

Aurora said,"You know that I'm impressed. I mean she's in my class and no one was unable to find her out. You know that I thought it would be Mike but you swapped bodies to avoid some kind of bad future?". "Yep." said Rain.  "So tell me, who told you?" said Aurora. "Your sister." said Rain. "Oh. I thought the deadbeat wouldn't talk to anyone after the memory thing but to me, you seem ready for it and that's something." said Aurora.

Rain said,"You know her and you're not helping her. I'm shocked at how much of a bitch you can be Aurora. Plus you did this from the start knowing this.". "Oh yeah." said Aurora. Rain thought,"I am going to hurt Issac later.". Aurora wrapped her arm around Rain as she said,"You know that I will be here for you star student until your death.". 'Yeah. That isn't happen because my memories are going bye bye." said Rain. "Huh?" said Aurora.

Rain walked off as Aurora said,"Wow then. I have one less problem to worry about because the next president is Issac isn't it? You pumped for that Natsu?". Rain leaned against the wall as she said,"I'm not done with you yet Aurora Lance;". Rain went back to their classroom as Natsu (Rain) said,"So are you done?". The boy was talking with Jake and Harry with Jake saying,"With what? Is it for the vacation?". "Please tell me that it's co ed." said Harry. Alex punched him into the wall for that.

Later, the two were back in their bodies. "Wow. You got everything perfectly." said Rain. "Well, I do have four sisters so I know what I'm talking about." said Natsu. He took a deep breath and he said,"I guess you should get back. I have stuff to do.". "Where? We're talking about the trip where we trying to kill you." said Rain. "Then I shouldn't be there. It's simple." said Natsu. "Huh." said Rain. Natsu said while sighing,"You do know what alone means right?".

Rain said,"I was thinking that we could have a make out session.". "Really?" said Natsu. "No. We are still in danger of the Mystery Sorcerer." said Rain. "I guess but I'm bad news right now." said Natsu as Rain punched him. "You do know that you are losing your memories of us and everything in the past six/seven months. I'm kissing you and explaining everything to you there plus I want to be with you alone." said Rain as she had a small blush at that last part.

Natsu said,"You do know that I love you right but a guy needs some alone time.". "You can't change my mind." said Rain. "And you call me stubborn! So what's going on? You're the one who is acting weird. I'm leaving and if the Mystery Sorcerer gets you, I'm going to kill and I promise never to do that again." said Natsu. "I'm able to fly using my powers so that shouldn't be an issue." said Rain. "I know you're right but still, I'm going to be alone!" said Natsu.

He then fell to the ground using gravity as he was on the top of Rain. "What are you doing?" said the boy. Rain placed her hand on his right cheek with her saying,"You're my boyfriend and the owner of my first kiss. I love you okay so please don't let me leave.". It was quiet as Natsu said,"So that's the reason you're following me?". "Yep." said Rain. "It screams problems!" said Natsu. "Then tell me how are you going to get your memories back without a kiss?" said Rain.

Natsu looked away as he said,"Listen. I don't know if I'm going to approach you as Rain Scott the daughter of the Chairman or my girlfriend but you should know that a Xasius is a loyal guy. Even if we lose our memories, we go back to the ones that we care about.". Rain smiled and she said,"You're still my idiot.". The two hugged as Rain said,"I guess that you're going to be fine. See you later okay Natsu?". She walked away as Natsu went onto the ground.

Natsu smiled and he said,"Take that destiny! I showed you that you can change destiny by the power of love so suck it!". He rested as he thought,"I'm going to get something to eat.". Astral went off as he said,"So you're finally here huh Lauren?". A girl stood behind him as she had long platinum blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She had a fancy umbrella as she said,"You're smarter than you look. My name is Lauren Dixon and I'm the final Sorcerer of the Core Seven.".

Natsu said,"You know that I'm still holding a grudge for what you did to the Lance family so thanks for coming to me.". "Well I had to make sure that everything was in place." said Lauren. "Hey. She ignored the first part so she must be evil despite her looking rather normal." said Visalth. The girl got down to the ground as she said,"So are you a pervert?". "Excuse me?" said Natsu. "There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm doing something rather perverted right now." said Lauren.

Visalth said,"Find out what partner!".  "Why are you telling me this?" said Natsu. "Is it weird that we are currently in December but there's no snow?" said Lauren. "A little." said Natsu. "So before we get distracted, we should get back to business and end this dance?" said Lauren. She handed him her umbrella and she said,"Hold this and close your eyes.". "Okay?" said Natsu. She held his head and Natsu thought,"Wow. She smells nice. I guess this is the best choice.".

Lauren said,"Well, I expected some trouble but you're rather easy.". "Well, I was plenty ready for you and well, I'm ready." said Natsu. "Well, I guess we will have to wait and see. You are the nicest boy despite those rumors about you but I have to leave. Classes are dreadful." said Lauren. "That's it? You know that my memories are still there." said Natsu. "Oh I know and it's done. Here's what you have to do." said Lauren. She handed him an envelope with her leaving.

Natsu thought,"Even with my METAL bones, I can still remember everything. I guess leaving things in the closet is good. So what's in the letter?". He opened it with a small flame and he said,"So it goes off in a day, sleeping is good, and I should go to the Student Council if anything goes on. This is like a prescription right?". He looked up as he said,"I guess I should go home and I don't mean my house now.". He was gone in a flame.

At the families's house, Natsu stood in his room with the trio of siblings and Havoc sitting on his bed in their PJs. "So what are you doing big brother?" said Molly. He placed a note ,which said Unknown Club, Class 1-C, Rain Scott, and my friends, on his bedroom door and Natsu said,"You do know that this is a good way to remember something?". "Like remembering not to bother Jasra during her alone time?" said Havoc. "I guess." said Natsu.

He sat on the bed with Elena saying,"Are you going to be okay?". "Yeah. I mean you guys are safe so I'm happy. So how is training going J man?" said Natsu. "Awesome! I'm able to freeze Kenji and I've gotten really good with magic." said Jason. "You're doing awesome little brother." said Natsu as he tussled his hair. "Can we stay with you until we have to go bed?" said Havoc. "Pleas big brother?!" said the trio. "Sure." said Natsu.

The next morning, Natsu burned his alarm clock and he stretched. He looked at the poster and he said with a confused look,"Don't forget? What is this?". He burned the poster with him heading down the stairs. He began making breakfast and he thought,"I guess I should wait to walk Elena and Molly to school plus drop off Jason and Havoc with Master Karma.". He heard running and he smiled. "Come and get it." said Natsu.

Later, he was in class but in the main building with it being just like the one on the mountain but they were here due to some repairs. Natsu was sleeping and he thought,"No one bothered me. That's okay with me.". He then walked to the Unknown Club room with him staring at the door. "You can do it for once Issac.'" said Akane. "Nah. It's Drew Drew's job to do the pointless stuff." said Issac. 'Why me?!" said Drew.

Natsu grabbed his head and he said,"Okay. I remember everything from the past year. What is going on? Is it because of my metal bones?". He looked at the door and he thought,"If that the case, I have a new problem. I was acting like I was going to war or something and now, I am so screwed. I better just take it.". He then opened the door and he said,"Hey. I'm sorry for what happened.". The room was quiet as Sonya said,"Huh?". "I don't know." said Rain as she was reading a book.

Issac said,"You're the God of Death Natsu Xasius aren't you? Are you here to mess with us?". The five glared at him with Natsu said,"Sorry. I went to the room.". He closed the door and he thought,"I guess the reverse happened. Everyone of my friends don't know about me now.". He punched his open hand and he said,"Time to make a house call.". He was gone and he reappeared in front of the student council office.

He activate his Devil Arm and he said,"Hey Aurora! I'm here!". He punched the door into a fiery mess with Karen saying,"What's he doing here?!". "You should know this happened because of your special gifts." said Aurora. "Huh?" said Natsu. A little bit later, the two were alone as Natsu said,"So I'm ignored and the others take the fall!". "Yes. You are right again Natsu but here's the deal. This is your fault because of your metal bones and your immunity to the Sorcerer powers." said Aurora.

Natsu said,"So you couldn't let everyone keep their memories?". "To be honest, I'm the only one who should know about Lauren. It's a rule since the start of this school so that she won't be in danger like she is if everyone beside us know." said Aurora. Natsu was quiet as she said,"Yes. I didn't want to do this because I get a thrill from hurting others. It was to keep the Sorcerers safe from the world and to keep order in our school so I'm sorry.". She hugged him as she said,"I hope you can forgive me.".  

Natsu pushed her away with him saying,"We aren't in a sappy romance novel Aurora so you don't need to say sorry.". Aurora was shocked as Natsu said,"I just wanted a reason plus I can make new and better memories with them so I'm fine with this.". "But Natsu..." said Aurora. "Well, I've always been on my own but now, I have to make new links with them so it is going to take some time but I can do it." said Natsu.

Aurora smiled as she said,"Well, you're determined so you get points for that. Why don't you take my spot then Natsu?". "Me president?" said Natsu. "Yeah! I mean you can do whatever you want and you can make others do your work for you." said Aurora. "I'm already royalty and I hate making others do things for me except for Sonya." said Natsu. "Well, that sucks." said Aurora. "I'm liking Natalia more and more by the day." thought Natsu.

Aurora said,"Well, you made your goal clear to me. My little bro is the next president.". "That's good I guess." said Natsu. "So what's your next plan? I mean you're going back to your friends aren't you Natsu?" said Aurora. She held a pen and she said,"I could introduce you to my brother! You're my pal now.". "I'm good." said Natsu. "Are you sure?" said Aurora. "I'm fine! I have a plan and it's going just perfectly." said Natsu.

He was gone as Aurora whistled. Karen walked in as she said,"So are you alright with this? I mean he seems serious.". "Well, you should know that you can't truly predict the future. He will be to us and well, I think he's going to see the truth." said Aurora. Natsu was walking down the hallway and he thought to himself,"Well, I'm sure that there are some people who still remember me such as the rest of the Guardians.".

He pulled out his phone and he saw messages from Karma saying that he's busy training Jason for the future, both Asahi and Cole are sick, and Derrick, Kazumi, Sabik, and Tyson are currently out of the country for training thanks to Karma. He sighed and he thought,"Okay. At least they're okay. Simon hasn't answer my texts in a while. I hope he's okay. From my first encounter, they seem to scared of me after what's I've done so I have to play this smart.".

Later, the five in the Unknown Club were shocked as Natsu said,"I didn't stutter.". "Yeah but you want to join the club? I mean you're the god of Death!" said Drew. "What's the plan?" said Issac. "I mean it's Natsu!" said Sonya. "Even without super hearing, this is hurt." thought Natsu. "I think Rain should do. She's Club President." said Akane. "You're fine but don't do anything stupid." said Rain as she was reading her book.

Natsu sat down and he thought,"Step one complete. Time for step two.". He got up and he said,"So what do you guys like to eat?". "Excuse me?" said Issac. "It's a family rule that you should make a meal for a new friend." said Natsu. "Well, can you make pasta?" said Issac. "Okay. What's his deal with Pasta?" thought Natsu. "Yeah.  What about you guys?" said Natsu. "How about a giant burger with all the toppings?" said Drew. "Boys. A light salad." said Akane. "Same!" said Sonya.

Rain was quiet as Natsu said,"Come on Miss. Quiet. You should be hungry.". "Okay. I want a lobster and it best be fresh." said Rain. "Okay. Be right back." said Natsu. He was gone and he later brought it to them as he went to the bathroom. "Okay. This is going better than I thought. I mean food is the best way to bring someone out of their shell. Lets go see the result." said Natsu. He walked back to the room and he opened the door.

They were talking as Natsu stood there. "Man, this guy can cook." said Issac. "Yeah. I thought his hands were only used for punching and killing but this is good." said Sonya. "I guess slightly adding a little bit of poison was a bad thing but who cares?" thought Natsu. "So should we tell him about that you guys?" said Rain. "Nah. I guess we should keep him around if we're hungry." said Drew. The trio of Drew, Issac, and Sonya laughed as Natsu closed the door and walked away as Rain noticed it.

Natsu was staring at the sky while resting on a bench and he thought,"Wow. I'm alone again. It's been so long since then that I forgot.". Sly jumped on his stomach and she said,"Me and Crimson Gecko are with you Nuts.". "She's right. I can't believe that they would use for food." said Visalth. "My rep is my rival isn't it?" said Natsu. "So why do you want to go back? I mean they are going to be fine without you?" said Sly. "You don't get it do you Sly?" said Visalth.

Natsu thought about his friends and all of his memories appeared. "I guess having my memories is better than being alone." said Natsu. He looked back at the sky with Sly and Visalth joining him on his stomach or in his arm. The trio of Dragons didn't noticed that Mike was standing there and he was watching them. "I guess you're losing right now. I guess helping you out is the best plan to complete the quest." thought Mike.

Next time,
How does Mike remember? Will Natsu be alright with just a few of his friends and his memories? Is Natsu seen as a evil monster or misunderstood giant. This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Lauren Dixon. 17 years old. Third year Class A at Star Valley High. Platinum Blond. Emerald Green. 5 foot 10. B. Pisces. February 25. Fashion, shopping, love, friendship, and doing things that are outrageous. Being alone.

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