Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 Battle on the snowy peaks against a ferocious, giant, and purple demon Section 4 (Written on December 7 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A bit later, the guild was in awe at Zane. He was currently sitting at the bar with him working his way through every single item that the menu offered at inhuman speed. Except for Makarov who heard about his godfather's never ending stomach, the wizards were shocked to see more than a hundred bowls and plates stacking up beside him like miniature mountains. It was easily more than Natsu eats. "That isn't fair. How could someone so fit eat like that and not be chunky?" said Droy. 

Laki looked at the plates as he said,"With the amount of food that Zane has eaten, that amount of food could have fed an entire town.". "Okay then. This food is really good. You really know how to cook Lisanna. I've had a lot of food especially ramen before but this is really good. I may just be really hungry but if you're here cooking, I'm happy to have joined." said Zane, smiling as he finished up a bowl of ramen and went for the next plate of food while drinking from a glass of water.

The white hair girl smiled as she said,"I'm glad you're enjoying but my cooking is nothing compared to my big sister and well, I'm used to making a lot of food at once.". Like the other wizards, she was shocked to see the amount of food Zane ate but got over it rather quickly. She was used to another someone eating a large amount of food. I'll give out a hint on who this someone is. Their magic is one of the core four elements. 

Makarov sat on the counter nearby Zane. "So you really can't turn off your big brother mode can you Zane?" said Makarov. "What do you mean by that Makky?" said Zane with a raised eyebrow. "Don't be coy with me brat. I know how smart you really are. I'm well aware of how much of a big brother you were to a certain girl and you helped Romeo out with his problem despite barely knowing him." said Makarov. 

Zane sighed as he said,"That's true but well, it's more like being a superhero rather than just being an big brother. Romeo reminds me a little bit of myself when I was really young.". "Yeah. Your food is really good Lis. You're easily one of the best cooks in all of Magnolia." said Natsu, walking over to the bar. Unlike with Zane, Lisanna blushed at his comment. "I wonder why the snow head blushed like that." said Havoc. 

Astaroth looked at him as he said,"Is it obvious Havoc? Love is in the air.". "He has a point. I'm just shocked that she didn't blush when Zane said that." said Matrix. "So what's up Natsu? Do you have something to tell the class?" said Makarov. "I sure do gramps." said Natsu. The pyro slammed his hands down onto the bar to get Zane and everyone else's attention. "I want to fight you!" said Natsu with a fire burning in his eyes. 

Grace looked at Zane with her thinking,"So the pyro decided to challenge Zane to a fight. This should be interesting.". She heard about him thanks to Romeo but well, she was one for actions rather than hearing about how strong someone is. Unlike most girls her age, she wasn't interested in what someone look like but how they fight. "It seems that this didn't take too long to happen at all." said Levy. "What do you mean by that?" said Lucy. 

Levy looked at her new friend as she said,"Whenever a new member of the guild shows up, Natsu has this desire to challenge them to a fight and see where they stack up. It's like an unofficial initiation we have here at Fairy Tail. We may let pretty much anyone join but we do need to see where each member's strength is when joining the guild. It isn't required but it's good to know. I think it's called the Fairy Trials.". "Does that mean he'll want to fight me?" said Lucy, scared for her life. 

The bluenette shook her head as she said,"He usually doesn't do this with girls so you're good.". "If those two were here, it would be another story entirely." thought Levy as she watched Lucy sigh in relief. Zane didn't answer Natsu at first with him slurping up a bowl of ramen. This lasted for a few minutes with him slamming the bowl into the bar after licking it cleanly. "Man. That was a really good snack. Thank you for a really good meal." said Zane, smiling brightly. 

Levy's eyes widened as she said,"Snack?! You can't be serious Zane! You just ate over a hundred full course meals!". She was very much in awe of Zane's stomach. She was now fully aware of what Frosch meant when he said that Zane eats a lot less compared to Natsu. "I think I lost count at twenty five or less plates." said a shocked Alzack. "Good job for trying honey." said Bisca. "I just hope he doesn't get a stomach cramp for eating that much." said Lynn. 

Makarov looked at his daughter in law as he said,"He won't my dear. Trust me, Zane's stomach is something that can never truly be filled.". "Yeah Lynn. Master is right. This is nothing. Zane has eaten much more before." said Frosch. The ones around the cat fell onto their backs comically after hearing that. "Since I'm so nice, I decided to let you finish eating so lets fight and answer my question!" said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I'm not fighting you Hatchling. I actually wanted to go check the place Frosch got us before I do any fighting with anyone. I'm craving some chocolate right now.". "Seriously? You're still hungry?!" thought the guild. "I blame your desire for chocolate for listening to that song earlier today Zane." said Matrix. "That's probably why but it's a good song and the music video for it. It's also sweet and romantic." said Havoc. "I agree." said Astaroth.  

Frosch flew over to Zane as he said,"Don't worry Zane. I saw a chocolaterie earlier. We can get some on our way home.". "Nice little buddy but it's called a confectionery store. I doubt they make their own chocolate here but I could be wrong." said Zane. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" said Natsu with a red tick mark on his brow that pulsating violently. "Isn't it obvious ash breath? He doesn't want to fight a weakling like you." said Grace, walking over to the duo. 

Natsu glared at her as he said,"Oh. Do you think he wants to fight you stripper?". "Probably since I'm much stronger compared to you flame brain." said Grace. The two were about to bickering with Zane sighing. "So why does these two want to spar with me again?" said Zane. "Probably because of me big bro." said Romeo, walking over to the bar with his babies floating behind him. "What do you mean by that?" said Zane. 

He was going to get mad at Romeo but was sure he didn't mean too unlike with Happy who Zane swore not to tell him anything about the Omniverse or well, there will be a dead cat possibly. That all depends on his future self's mood. "I may have told them how cool you were on that mountain. Cana and Freed were cool too but you literally defeated a demon like it was nothing." said Romeo. The dolls flew beside Romeo as they said,"It was wicked!". 

Those dolls saying wicked doesn't compared to Kanna saying wicked. "See?! You're strong so lets fight!" said Natsu with admiration and determination. "Yeah but ash for brains here isn't worth your time. So we should fight instead." said Grace with a smirk. "No way Zane! I'm way stronger than ice-princess over here! Fight me!" said an angry Natsu. "You're stronger than both of them combined and this is without you trying. Not sounding cocky or arrogant but it's the truth." said Matrix. 

Astaroth chuckled as he said,"I would agree with you Matrix since Zane is strong no doubt but to be completely honestly, I think the sexy one has potential to surpass him and that fire lizard inside of him.". "Grace. Natsu. While I'm thankful for you two wanted to fight me, I'm not in the mood for that today. I just want go home and maybe we can fight another day. Tomorrow maybe or later this week perhaps" said Zane. "Seriously?!" said Grace and Natsu. "That isn't manly at all!" said Elfman

Before the three could complain anymore, Makarov intervened. "Quit your complaining brats. If Zane doesn't want to fight either of you, you should accept that. I also think waiting just a bit to look see him is better instead." said Makarov.  "Why is that master?" said Lisanna. "Because I plan to have Zane here become S-Class once she returns. I'll let you all know the reasons why at a later time. The two will fight and if he wins, he will be Fairy Tail's seventh S-Class Wizard." said Makarov.

This announcement caused several members to grumble about how unfair this was. "Gramps! I don't care how strong this guy is. He should have to take the test like the rest of us!" said Natsu with the duo of Elfman and Grace agreeing. "Hatchling. I get where you're coming from so how about this. Instead of fighting just Titania to become S-Class, I need to fight and win against five S-Class wizards instead of taking the normal test Fairy Tail Wizards have to take in order to become S-Class." said Zane.

Freed looked at Zane as he said,"Zane. Are you insane?". "Yep. I sure am." said Zane. "You're not going to deny that?" said Nab with Zane shrugging. "I'm okay with this change. Are you brats? The S-Class trial is hard enough but fighting against five S-Class wizards is much harder. He'll also have to do this without losing to a single one of them and if he does, he will have to restart from the beginning. He can't become S-Class unless he does this." said Makarov. 

Zane looked at Makarov with him saying,"Okay. I know you just add that but I'm okay with it. I do like a challenge after all.". This simple change caused the guild to agree to this make shift trial but Zane had something else to say. "Oh. I'll only fight either of you if both of you decided to work together against me." said Zane, looking at Grace and Natsu. "What?! I got to fight with the stripper?! No way!" said Natsu, pointing right at Grace. "Neither do I flame brain!" said Grace, pointing right at Natsu. 

The two glared at each other with Frosch seeing lightning appearing. "Ignore them Zane. If they want you to fight you, they have to work together. That sounds fair doesn't it? If you win, I won't bill you for all of the food you ate. You ate a lot and your bill is something else." said Lisanna with a smile. This smile rivaled something that her older sister did often but well, it didn't have the same punch that her sister's smile can have.  

Zane sighed as he said,"That's fine with me but if you want me to help out at the bar sometimes, just ask. I don't need to be asked to help out once in a while and a good spar isn't a bad thing. So are you two willing to work together in order to fight me? I mean I have to fight against five powerful wizards in order to become S-Class after all. If you defeat me, you'll be stronger than me.". Grace and Natsu grinned with the two accepting that they had to fight with each other in order to fight Zane. 

This was something that they needed to do. "All right! I'm all fired up! I'm going to win this fight for sure!" said Natsu, raising both of his fists up into the air. "Like hell you will pinkie! I'm going to win the one to defeat you and him!" said Grace, glaring at him. "If you brats are going to fight, go outside behind the guild to the sparring ting. I don't want to make poor Laki rebuild the place since you two don't know how to hold back." said Makarov, referring to the two knuckleheads. 

Both of them nodded as they started running out to the back of the guild to their sparring ring which is an open clearing. They were shortly followed by the members who wanted to see the fight in action. As the guild hall became empty, Frosch, Lisanna, Lynn, Makarov, and Tyrell walked over to Zane. "Please tell me that you're going to hold back on those two Zane." said Lynn. "You can sense how strong Zane really is Lynn?" said Frosch. 

Makarov nodded as he said,"She can. Even though he may not show that he has power, he's very strong as you're well aware.". "I could tell too but well, you defeating Macao in a demon like state proved it to me. Not mine can defeat demons so easily." said Tyrell. "Of course. I'm just going to test them out since it's a spar not a fight." said Zane. "Thank you." said Lynn. "So mind giving me some advice about this Titania? All I know about her is that Levy and her don't get along." said Zane.

Tyrell sighed as he said,"That's mainly due to them being rivals. We used to have a set of three female wizards clashing but it has only recently become two females fighting.". "Yeah. That's a good thing right master?" said Lisanna. "Indeed it is." said Makarov, remembering the bills that were a result of those three fighting each other. It far surpassed the bills he got from Grace and Natsu's bickering contest. "Anything else I should know?" said Zane.

Lisanna cupped her chin as she said,"She has really beautiful red hair and according to some of our guild, she can be scary.". "Scary?" said Frosch. "Yeah. She can be rather tough on us but she's a nice person. Levy and I tend to see her differently." said Tyrell. "Good to know." said Zane. "So let me guess what you're going to do partner. You're going to have a clone fight them at first and you fight them yourself if clone goes bye." said Astaroth. "Bingo." said Zane.         

In a few moments, the members of Fairy Tail were currently in the guild's sparring ring. The sparring ring ,along with several other training areas, was a large area that was a good distance away from the city and surrounded by a dense forest. They could see Grace and Natsu near each other on one side with the two stretching their bodies so they can start fighting properly. On the other side, Zane was looking down at his watch.

He was trying to of what form he should use and if it can clone itself. On the sidelines, Cana was setting up her typical betting pool so it could allow everyone to bet on who they want to win. The majority of Fairy Tail placed their money on the duo of Grace and Natsu since they were some of this generation's strongest. The group of Cana, Freed, Levy, Macao who didn't want to miss this fight despite his injuries telling him to rest, and Romeo were betting on Zane since they were aware of Zane's strength. 

Frosch and Lucy didn't wager anything thing since they were new to the guild and didn't have any Jewels to wage. Lynn, Makarov, and Tyrell didn't bet because of them not wanting to show bias. This isn't a normal thing at least for Makarov. "I can't believe you would actually wager against both Grace and Natsu just because he help save your ass." said Wakaba. "Of course. I'm sure that he'll win because my son trusts him and well, I'm sure his muscles aren't for show unlike yours." said Macao. 

This comment caused Wakaba to glare at him. "So I get that the Fairy Trials is something Natsu wants to do when someone new joins but on their first day?" said Lucy. She was standing next to Lisanna who had Happy in her arms and Levy. "Usually, it's the second day but I guess seeing Zane in action and hearing about him from Romeo got Natsu fired up." said Levy. "Aye sir!" said Happy. "It's weird to see Grace wanting to fight Zane too." said Lisanna.

Lucy nodded as Levy said,"I did read up on this Fairy Trials before though. A long time ago, a friend of the second master came up with the idea. It would have a newer member fighting against a more experienced wizard determine the newbie's strength and standing in the guild. This is how our ace came to be a S-Class on his first day.". "Yeah. I remember that day. Poor Goldmine. I just hope Zane doesn't do the same with those two." thought Makarov as he shook his head.      

Tyrell walked out from the crowds to observe and referee the fight. "Get ready." said Tyrell as he went back in order to evade getting hit. The two wizards got into a fighting positions. The dragon slayer looked ready to lunge at him and the ice wizard had her right fist over the palm of her left hand. Zane spread out his legs to the sides, with him glowing for a bit and turned into a new form. This form is Voice Form. 

He looks to be 6 feet tall with crimson stone like skin. He has green hair with it being really spiky and yellow eyes with gray guitar shaped pupils. He wears a pair of sunglasses which either rest on his nose or cover his eyes. He wears a black vest. He wears a white t-shirt that shows part of his muscular chest and a thin black necklace with a gold music note shaped pendant. He wears black pants with gray music note shaped patterns. He wears gray boots and fingerless gloves on both hands. 

Warren blinked as he said,"He's a Take Over Wizard? I guess this won't be a funeral for the guy after all since both Gray and Natsu can't hold back.". "So what type of soul do you think he is using bro?" said Lisanna. "No clue but it looks manly." said Elfman. "You think everything looks manly though." said Max. "I better not see any blow to the boy bits or eyes and no lethal moves. Three, two, one. Go!" said Tyrell. "You're going down Zane!" said Natsu, charging toward the Cross Species at an incredible speed

Instead of doing anything about it, Zane crossed his arms. Even with one of his weaker forms, he could easily defeat both of them so he was going to have some fun. He always did enjoyed seeing how two different beings use the same element. "You may be a newbie to the guild but I don't hold back on my opponents! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" said Natsu as his fists were covered in flames and was getting ready to punch Zane. 

Despite the flames being rather intense, Zane stepped back and dodged the attack with ease. "Come on Natsu. How about show me how you could slay a dragon with those flames of yours? I mean they are pretty weak though. You could kill a wyvern though." said Zane while smirking. "I'm just getting started so don't get cocky!" said Natsu. He began trying to hit Zane using his fiery fists, delivering a flurry of punches. Zane dodge them with ease and to see if Natsu was like his old man, he yawned. 

This only pissed Natsu off with him deciding to switch things up. He jumped back and then leaped toward Zane. "Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!" said Natsu as he swing his fist in an arc, getting ready to strike Zane's head using his fingertips. Just when they think Natsu finally landed a hit, Zane sighed loudly. "Seriously. Do you really think that would work? You're too obvious brat." said Zane as he brought up his left hand and caught said fist much to his shock.

All of the flames that were produced vanished. "How did he do that?" said Lucy. "I got no idea. Maybe that Take Over can get rid of fire which makes a bad opponent for Natsu." said Lisanna. Zane began spinning him a couple of times and tossed him toward where Grace was, barely hitting her. Members from the guild at this point were looking at the battle with wide-eyed expression. "Oh wow. Natsu couldn't even land a hit and he was literally burning up!" said Laki. 

Nab looked at her as he said,"You mean he was fired up right? That is his catchphrase.". "Of course she did. Are you stupid?" said Jet. "Not really. I just wanted to make sure." said Nab with Jet glaring right at him. "So are you regretting betting against him now old friend?" said a smug looking Macao. "The fight is just getting started!" said Wakaba. Grace was getting ready to cast a spell while Natsu got back up and glared at Zane. "Dammit! I couldn't land a single hit!" said Natsu. 

Grace smirked as she said,"Oh wow. I at least expect one hit but zero. That's sad flame brain. Time to show you how it's really done.". Natsu glared at her out of anger rather than lust. "Yeah right." said Natsu, crossing his arms. The temperature around Grace began to drop with a fog coming out from her hands. "Ice-Make: Rosen Krone! Ice-Make: Thorns!" said Grace. She brought out her hands forward toward Zane with multiple quantities of rose thorns, sending them toward Zane.

These thorns went well alongside the giant roses and spiked branches. All of her attacks were made out of ice. Just as the frozen plants were about to reach him, Zane took a deep breath and whistled. Much to Grace's shock, all of the ice shattered before they could come in contact with Zane. "Fine. That was just a warm up!" said Grace. "Don't you mean a cold up?" said Zane, causing the crowd to loudly groan at his pun/ "Get ready for this! Ice-Make: Polar Bear! Ice-Make: Dragon Crusher!" said Grace.

After saying that, she sent a giant polar bear made of ice that rushed toward Zane alongside several dragons whose wings looked ready to crush/slice Zane. "Oh no! It's our polar bear master coming south for revenge!" said Havoc. "Don't worry. We don't need to worry about seeing revenge since we still have to see Clunkers." said Matrix. "Wow. It's a good thing we don't have to worry about the fourth wall because it was broken." said Astaroth. 

Havoc and Matrix agreed to that. "Yeah. It's so freeing to say the very least. No wonder why Cartoon Form does it all the time." said Havoc. "And that one superhero/supervillain." said Matrix. Much to the crowd and the fire/ice tag team's confusion, Zane began to sing a song with the first two lines sounding feminine, the second and third set of two lines sound masculine, and the final set of three lines sound like a combination of the male and female voices. It was also under a vocaloid remix. 

Zane smiled as he sung,"It's been four weeks, we can't stop singing. And we've slowly gone insane. There's a gumdrop wrapped in rainbows. Where there used to be my brain. We have to end this nightmare. I've got sugar in my eyes. Please make it stop. We can't endure another cute reprise.". Do not that it's bold and italics because of Zane being in a form and singing respectively. Spells from Earthland ,including Romeo's dolls, are italics and demon's text are bold. 

After he finished singing, the ice was shattered. "What the?! Did he just sing and shatter my ice?!" said Grace. "Ha! Your attack didn't do crap!" said Natsu. "Wow. He literally cracked the ice by singing a weird song. Regretting your choice now Wakaba?" said Cana with her grin widening. "Nope. They're just getting started Cana." said Wakaba. "You're in so much deny old man." said the dolls with the outlier doll saying,"Yeah. Zane is totally going to win.". 

Levy looked at the arguing Grace and Natsu with her saying,"Hey! How about instead of going one at a time, you two should work together!". "Levy?! I thought you were on my side!" said Zane, turning toward her. "I rather seeing them hit you at least once Zane." said Levy. Grace and Natsu decided to work together since that singing wasn't something either of them liked and didn't want hear any more of it. Both of them charged toward Zane with Natsu starting things off and was engulfed in flames. 

While covered in flames, Natsu roared,"Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!". He rocketed into the sky with him looking like a comet and this was only possible thanks to fire coming out of his feet. His body went right toward Zane with him smirking. Just before making contact, Zane kicked the air below him and launched himself into the air right above Natsu. Zane opened his mouth, unleashing a powerful sound wave and pushing right into him into the ground.

The dragon slayer was covered in dirt with him covering his ears due to the sound. "Did Natsu just lose?" said Lucy. "Nope. He isn't done yet Lucy." said Happy with him eating a fish that came out of nowhere. "Ice-Make: Blizzard Bazooka!" said Grace. Zane turned toward her as she was holding a very large, rocket launcher made out of ice in her hands. She aimed said weapon at Zane and unleashed a large rocket of ice toward Zane.

Zane jumped into the air with him standing on thin air and unleashed a powerful scream, causing the attack to shatter and the frost from the attack covered Natsu in a pile of snow. "Hey! You're supposed to hit him not me!" said Natsu who melted all of it away using fire. "Shut up! I know what I'm doing unlike you pinkie! Ice-Make: Pistol!" said Grace as she made her right hand into a gun like shape. She held her rocket launcher in her left. 

She bend back slightly her index finger, firing multiple icicle shaped bullets. Zane moved his arms in front of him, sending the bullets down toward Natsu which caused him to jump upwards. "Seriously Grace?! What's your damage?!" said Natsu with him getting hit directly by the ice rocket, causing an explosion of ice. Zane landed back on the ground with him cracking his neck and showing no sign of damage or exhaustion on him. 

Astaroth chuckled as he said,"Oh wow. You made her attack hit her partner. You're cruel.". Zane watched Natsu crash to the ground. "Okay. You've gotten me fired up now buddy!" said Natsu, covered in veins and frost. "Ah. I'm not your buddy. Hurtful. Oh and do you two want to know something very important? Do you know why I'm easily defeating both of you despite me using one of my weaker combative forms?" said Zane. 

Both wizards looked at Zane. "It's simple really. I've been in a lot of fights and against a variety of beings over the years. I've seen countless cryokinetics and pyrokinetics so I know how to fight against them. If you really want to defeat me, you need to somehow come up with a way to catch me off guard. Akostar Storm." said Zane as he snapped his fingers. Above him, several beams of crimson red energy appear and Zane brought them down on the two wizards.

It was like rain drops with the two wizards dodging the attack. It wasn't easy and even if Grace tried to defend herself, the ice construct she made was destroyed. It covered the two in a dust cloud. "So what was that whole speech about master?" said Romeo. "It's simple. Grace's magic is linked around ice while Natsu's magic is linked to fire. From what I can tell, Natsu isn't going to be learning any different type of elemental magic any time soon." said Makarov.

He looked at where Grace was as he said,"Grace on the other hand is another story despite her magic being very cold and fitting for ice. Their dedication made them masters in their respective fields but that does make it easy for someone like Zane to exploit it.". "Huh?" said Romeo. "What master is saying that due to Zane's experience, Grace and Natsu's strategies are rather obvious." said Freed. "Oh. That makes sense." said Romeo. 

Frosch smiled as he said,"Fighting against Zane is pretty easy but winning. That's another story. Zane is always several steps ahead of his opponents due to him always thinking about what a power can and can't do. He's pretty much invincible despite it being impossible to be that.". "Oh wow. Grace and Natsu don't stand a chance." said Levy. "No! It doesn't! Natsu won't lose to Zane!" said Happy. Lisanna looked at Happy with her saying,"What about Grace?". 

Happy looked right at his mom as he said,"I don't know Grace but I know Natsu. He's stronger than her and Zane! He will win no matter since he'll just get fired up and nothing will stop him!". "Oh. I can't wait to see him being proven wrong." thought Frosch. The dust cloud suddenly produced an unhealthy amount of fire as the energy rain was gone and the cloud cleared. Both Grace and Natsu stood there with them covered in bruises and scratches.

Natsu looked at Zane who smiled. "You're strong Zane but as a Fairy Tail wizard, I'm not going down with a few attacks. That rain won't work on me! Fire Dragon's Roar!" shouted Natsu, unleashing a massive torrent of flames coming out of Natsu's mouth. It went toward Zane who smiled. "Yep. You're his kid alright." thought Zane as he was covered in the flames. "Oh wow. That had to get him!" said Elfman. "It looked painful though." said Lisanna. 

Wakaba smirked as he said,"Get ready to give me your hard earned Jewels old buddy.". Levy narrowed her eyes while watching being that this Take Over interested her. He used sound magic to destroy all of most of Grace's attacks at this point and use air magic to sent Grace's attacks into Natsu. "What else can this form do Zane? I hope you'll show me. Kinda thankful that we're having this outside since Natsu's attack was lethal." thought Levy.

As the smoke cleared, everyone saw something that shocked them to the core. Zane was nowhere to be seen in the surrounding area with there being ash where he once stood. A moment of silence passed by everyone since well, Zane was no longer there. Grace broke the silence. "Way to go flame brain!  You killed him!" said Grace with her pushing him to the ground. "Shut the hell up Elsa! The power I put into that shouldn't have done anything but burned him just a bit!" shouted Natsu.

Everyone could tell that he wasn't sure about that. "Well it doesn't matter since you killed him!" said Laki. Whispers broke out out in the crowd at what they saw. Happy, Lisanna, and Lucy had a look of horror with their mouths covered by their hands and Levy clenched her fists while grinding her teeth hard. "Damn it. I can't see or sense Zane anywhere!" thought Levy, looking for the person she brought into her family. 

Despite his father seemingly dying, Frosch didn't seem sad or angry at what just happened. Both Grace and Makarov were the same. "That's weird. I know that I sense Zane around here but where?" thought Grace. On top of the Fairy Tail guild hall, Zane stood there with his arms crossed. "Oh wow. I can't believe it. He actually thinks that he killed me when in all reality, you killed my sound double that I made earlier. Well, I guess Igneel's brat would destroy such a weak copy." thought Zane.

He then looked down to see both Grace and Natsu walking toward the pile of ash where his clone once was. "Guess I should go down there to make them less depressing." thought Zane as he turned into sound and went down there. he reappeared behind the duo with him sensing the worry as they looked at the burnt up clone. Grace was on his right and Natsu was on his left. Zane grabbed her left arm with his right hand and Natsu's right arm was held using his left hand. 

They flinched upon making contact and snapped their heads to see him standing there. "Hi there you two. You shouldn't get distracted in a fight since well, it would lead to your death." said Zane as he tossed them a few feet away from him. "I mean you should have been able to sense that it was a clone you burned to a crisp. I mean Frosch did and he's only six so yeah. You got owned by a six year old. Ain't that right Frosch?" said Zane. "I think so too!" said Frosch. 

Natsu glared at Zane as he said,"What the hell is wrong with you man?! You had me scared to death after I attacked you!". "Yeah! That isn't cool. We wouldn't have been able to live that down especially since you just joined." said Grace as Zane sighed. "Okay fine. I guess you have a point there but expecting me to go out like that would be a huge slap to the face of those I hold dear to my Essence." said Zane. 

He deactivated the form with him saying,"Look. I'm alive now and lets continue the spar okay? I mean I'm easily going to win this so why fight fate you two? Come on.". This comment caused the two to narrow their eyes and charged right at Zane. "Works every time." thought Zane with a smirk. "Ice-Make: Briar Prison!" said Grace with her looking at Zane. Zane looked around to see a cage of briars form around him with him whistling. 

Zane looked around with him thinking,"Oh wow. You made a prison from me. I'm touched but it does nothing to me.". He was gone just at the briars were about to attack him. Natsu looked right at the prison, trying to find a way in without getting hit by the thorns or melting it. Grace's Briar Prison is known for its ability to have the briars that created it capture anyone and pierce skin. He knew this because he was at the receiving end of this spell before back when they were kids. 

Before he could do anything, the two heard,"So I know that you want to come and sock me one but how are you going to do that? Don't want to ruin your partner's ice sculpture huh. So caring.". It belong to Zane with him looking around the area for the Cross Species. "What is he doing?" thought a confused Grace. "I'm right over here Hatchling." said Zane as he reappeared much to the teen's shock. "I got you!" said Natsu. 

He tried to punch Zane but his fist phased right through the superhero's body which shocked the Dragon Slayer and ice wizard with his body vanishing. "How did he...?" said the two. "It seems that Precht was right. His speed easily surpass most since he's moving at speeds that can't been seen by normal eyes. It's confusing both Grace and Natsu." thought Makarov as his well trained eyes saw Zane moving at speeds that make Jet look slow in comparison. 

The other wizards were in awe at seeing both Grace and Natsu getting fooled constantly by the superhero's speed. "Oh wow. Muscles is making two of our best A-Class wizards look like jokes just like those three." said Cana. Everyone around her heard her comment and shivered. "Muscles?" said Romeo with him looking at her. "Yeah. I mean he does have nice muscles. You would have seen it earlier when he took off his shirt. A total hunk." said Cana. She was liking the new guy a lot.  

Zane reappeared when he began the fight and he said,"Come on you two. Is that the best you can do? I mean I'm barely even trying here and you've two done nothing but make me sing. I mean I like singing but well, this is a spar not karaoke night at the Velvet Spoon.". This comment pissed off said dragon slayer and this was made obvious by his body covered in flames. "Oh wow. He's really good at pissing off the idiot. Lets see what happens next and how I can use it to my advantage." thought Grace. 

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"Fine! I'll show you! Fire Dragon's Roar!". He unleased a powerful stream of fire with this stream being much stronger than the one he used earlier. It went toward Zane who smirked. "Yep. You're definitely Igneel's kid alright and well, I think it's time to teach you the same lesson I taught your dad all those years ago. Even though an Akostar or Dragon's flames are powerful, they are nothing compared to mine." thought Zane. 

As Natsu's flames got close to him, Zane held out his hands and he thought with a smile,"These flames of mine are the symbol of my existence, resolve, and strength. Predatory Consumption!". His arms were covered in obsidian black Impulse and formed claws with these claws grabbing onto the flames. Upon contact with the flames, the flames were getting turning into obsidian black Impulse and were getting absorbing into his body.

Once Zane finished up with the flames, whips of obsidian black Impulse were coming out of his mouth like drool. "What?!" said Natsu as he was shocked to see his attack getting absorbed into him. "What the hell is this guy's magic?!" thought Grace. "He just absorbed Natsu's attack like it was nothing!" said Lucy in awe, remembered how Natsu's roar was able to burn the clone of Zane earlier and the real Zane countered it like it was nothing. 

Tyrell looked at Zane as he said to himself,"Oh wow. I've never seen someone take one of Natsu's attack like that and absorbs it. Reminds me of the old man and his crash magic.". Due to him being trained by two powerful wizards, he was aware of when a wizard is holding back. Only a couple wizards could do something like that against Natsu who is no way a pushover. Natsu charged toward Zane with his arms both covered in flames which was getting brighter each second.

After the flames got brighter, he made a large stream of fire come from them. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" said Natsu as he swung said streams at Zane. Instead of dodging it, Zane did nothing about it. It created an brilliant explosion that covered both of them in fire and a powerful gust of wind that could be felt through the battle field and sidelines. Everyone was concerned about Zane mainly Cana and Levy since they didn't see Zane do anything about the attack.

The smoke cleared with Zane smiled as he held Natsu's face with his left hand and the two pillars burned the ground around Zane instead of him. "Impossible! He just tanked a powerful attack from Natsu like it was nothing. Guess he wasn't changed whatsoever." thought Loke. "Impossible! My attack should have hit him!" thought a shocked Natsu as Zane tossed Natsu toward Grace. "How were you able to dodge all of my attacks like that?!" said Natsu. 

Zane sighed as he smirked. "Really? It isn't obvious? Huh. I guess you're not good at sensing the difference between yourself and your opponent. Lets just say that I'm much stronger than you." said Zane as he cracked his neck. "No way. Is the gap between us that big?" thought Natsu, somewhat nervous at fighting Zane. He has felt like this before when he fought Erza and another wizard at the same time two years ago. 

It didn't go so well since that duo made him look like a joke. "I'll admit that you got the potential to become strong and you would make a tough opponent if I wasn't more experienced. However, there are two things you need to overcome. Find a way to increase your flames power so that your enemy can't absorbed and get more variety in your attacks. You're too simple but Grace on the other hand. She's much more of a challenge compared to you. Let's go! Time for you to learn your place!" said Zane. 

He vanished from everyone once again but reappeared in front of him. He punched Natsu three times in a row with the final punch hitting his stomach. Zane hook kick Natsu in the chin, sending him flying. He rushed right toward Natsu but from behind this time and performed a roundhouse kick. "Conclusion Stride." said Zane in a neutral tone, firing a giant burst of platinum energy out of his right pinky at Natsu. This caused Natsu to be completely knocked unconscious as he fell to the ground defeated. 

Before the guild could react to this, they heard,"You may have defeated Flame Brain Zane since that's easy but not me! Ice-Make: Skates! Ice-Make: Claws!". Grace ,with her feet having wheels made out of ice attached to the soles of her feet due to her losing her shoes earlier, went flying toward Zane with her arms covered in giant polar bear like claws. Zane easily dodging her swipes which cut through the ground with relative ease. 

Over some time, Grace's appearance eventually breaking cracking apart and turning into water itself which wrapped around Zane, turning into chains. "That was Grace's Ice-Make Chains and Ice-Make Clone combo!" said Happy, not shocked by Natsu's defeat. "Which means?" said Lucy. "Look up and you'll see." said Freed as Lucy looked up to see Grace above them. "Ice-Make: Phoenix!" said Grace with her firing a gigantic phoenix made out of ice toward Zane.

This attack was one of her stronger spells since it can't be melted or destroyed due to it freezing everything around it as it flies. Upon colliding with the bird, it would make a massive explosion and freezing everything it around it. Instead of running from it, Zane held out his left hand and grabbed the bird. "This is an impressive phoenix there Grace but compared to my big bro, it's nothing but a frozen chicken." said Zane as the bird was covered in a royal blue glow.

Much to the guild's shock, it turned into a phoenix made out of army green ,with streams of cadet gray, wind. Zane tossed it back with it flying back toward Grace with her eyes widening and she was caught in a massive windstorm. She was out cold like Natsu was and her clothes were in tact. This was mainly due to her wearing nothing but her underwear but still. "Damn. I really wanted to see her naked again." said Astaroth. "Sigh." said Matrix as Zane saw her falling toward the ground. 

He jumped into the air and grabbed her, holding her like a princess. Zane landed on the ground with him smiling. "I win." said Zane as he looked up to see the stunned crowd. They just watched both Grace Fullbuster and Natsu Dragneel, the famous Snow Green and Salamander respectively lost to Zane without much effort on his part from what they could tell. "The winner is Zane Strife!" shouted Tyrell loudly.   

Everyone began making their way toward Zane with Levy leading them and she had a stern look on him. "Hey. You should probably move." said Havoc. "Yeah. I'm already on it." said Zane as he moved at an incredible speed just as Levy was about to grab him. Zane reappeared behind the crowd with him hearing,"Where did you go Zane?!". "Oh wow. She's real pissed at you. I guess seeing you "die" didn't make her happy just like a certain group of females." said Matrix. 

Havoc nodded as he said,"Just like Arya, Rachel, and the twins. They more or less got used to it.". "I'm right here Levy and charging at me while I'm holding stripperella here isn't exactly the best idea." said Zane. "Zane defeated both Grace and Natsu without too much effort on his end. No wonder why I was warned several times not to anger him." thought Makarov. "Natsu!" said Happy and Lisanna with the duo running toward the unconscious form of Natsu. 

Both were all worried about the dragon slayer. "Don't worry. He's only knocked out. I only use enough power to knock him out. He'll be up before tomorrow I promise." said Zane, trying to calm the duo down while holding Grace in his arms. "See Happy? I told you there was nothing to worry about. Natsu has received worst beings before." said Lisanna, trying to comfort the cat like a mother would with her child. "Do you think he'll get better if I gave him some of my fish?" said Happy. 

Zane looked at the cat as he said,"I doubt it but I think I got some some smelling salts on me if you want me to wake up the dynamic duo here.". "So do you need me to help you carry them Zane?" said Frosch as he flexed his muscles. "Sure. So do you mind helping by picking up Natsu? We'll take him to the infirmary which is where? I know Magcargo went there after we came back from the mountain." said Zane. "It's Macao." said a depressed Macao as Romeo tried to comfort his father.

As the younger wizard comforted him, his babies began chanting Magcargo. "I'll show you two there if you don't mind carrying them inside for me." said Lynn as Frosch grabbed Natsu by his scarf and dragged him into the guild hall and Zane carried Grace in his arms. The crowd followed suit as Zane could feel the awe and confusion with one wizard glaring at him. "I think Levy is mad at you." said Matrix. "Trouble in paradise already. That must be a record for you or something." said Astaroth.

In the infirmary, Frosch and Zane placed Natsu and Grace in separate beds. Both of them were still out cold with the two of them supposed to wake up in a few hours according to Lynn's diagnosis. She was one of the guild's best doctors after all. It was late afternoon in Magnolia since most of the guild went back to their homes. Some of the members usually stayed late to close up. The group of wizards who stayed behind were Cana, Levy, Lisanna, Lynn, Macao, Makarov, Romeo, and Tyrell. 

After getting the okay from Lynn, Frosch and Zane left the infirmary where Happy and Lisanna were waiting for Natsu to wake up. "I've got to say. You had me worried for a second there. I didn't see you when the dust cleared." said a voice. Zane turned to see Levy standing outside of the infirmary with her arms crossed. "Yeah but I'm really hard to kill and flames like Natsu's or ice like Grace's won't be the thing to do me in. Ain't that right Frosch?" said Zane. "Yep! Zane is too stubborn to die." said Frosch. 

Zane smiled with him saying,"But in all serious Levy, thanks for being worried about little old me. It's nice to say the least.". Levy blushed after hearing this. "You really did good in your fight. Even I was impressed how good you two did against two of our A-Class wizards." said Levy. "Thanks Levy but honestly, they weren't that much of a challenge to me. I mean they may have a lot of magic and their attacks would pack a punch against a normal opponent, they both have a fatal flaw." said Zane. 

Levy looked at him as she said,"Which is?". "I think I know Zane!" said Frosch. "Sure. Tell us what you think what their fatal flaw is." said Zane. "Grace's FF tends to rely on Impulse based attacks and Natsu's FF is his emotions. I mean Zane was able to bait him into attacking. Was I right?" said Frosch. "Yep but Natsu's FF is shared among most pyrokinetic not just him. Good job little buddy." said Zane with Frosch smiling. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"I think Frosch got your ability to appraise a being of their strength and weakness.". "Lets just hope that he doesn't get Zane's ranting about powers and what a being could possibly do with them. We really don't want to hear two of them ramble." said Astaroth. "So after you and Frosch go check out your new place, you could come by the guild tomorrow and I can show you around town so you're going to be living here for a while." said Levy. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Sure thing. It seems like a good time to me. What do you think Frosch?". "I think so too!" said Frosch. They eventually reached the main area of the guild hall with Levy looked at Zane. "Oh before I forget." said Levy. "What is it?" said Zane. Levy slapped him with her left hand with Zane blinking. The wizards there watched this happen and the men winced at Zane getting slapped. The females winced for another reason.

Zane blinked as he thought,"Huh. That didn't hurt like at all. Usually a slap kinda tickles but nope. I felt nothing. Do I have one of Scarecrow Form's dolls activated right now? Did some random being out there get slapped?". "Maybe Zane. I honestly don't know." said Matrix. "Or perhaps the more obvious answer. You're too strong and her slap is too weak. She is no way weak but you've been training for almost fifty years times her age." said Astaroth. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"You okay there? You tried to slap me but well, it didn't work like you planned huh.". Levy was holding her left hand which was bright red. She blinked at him with her glaring at him. She grabbed Zane's trench coat and glared right into Zane's eyes. "Just what were you thinking earlier?! You almost died! I don't care if that was a clone or whatever that was! Do you think I would like seeing a friend of mine get injured like that or something worse?!" said Levy.

She did this at the top of her lungs and tears at the corner of her eyes. "Look Levy. I know that I didn't plan on scaring you or the others like this but honestly, I tend to do that kind of stuff to be a showoff or make a memorable impression on someone. It's a curse but don't you worry. I won't be dying any time soon so don't waste your tears on someone like me." said Zane as he pulled her into a hug and Frosch nodded. 

Levy blinked and inhaled several times. "Okay. Lets go see your house." said Levy as Zane let her go from his arms. She and Frosch went toward the guild hall exit and Zane looked at his right arm. "I've already seen my death once and honestly, I don't plan on doing that again any time soon." thought Zane with a serious look. The group there watched the two leave with Romeo saying,"Oh wow. Big bro is totally awesome. He was able to tank one of big sis's hits like it was nothing!". 

Six of the seven dolls looked at Macao with them saying,"He's way better than you Magcargo.". The outlier doll didn't go with the flow likes its sibling since it said,"Slugma.". "Would you please tell your babies to stop calling me that son?" said Macao. "I doubt they'll listen to you since it's a pretty funny name. Well, I better get going." said Wakaba with him able to leave but was stopped by runes. "What the? Freed! What's wrong with you?!" said Wakaba. 

Freed looked at him as he said,"You didn't pay up your money. Everyone else did and Cana told me to make sure you did before you could leave.". He was pointing to the brunette who was drinking some booze that was purchased thanks to some of the Jewels she made from Zane. "Son of a......" said Wakaba, pulling out his wallet and get out some Jewels. "Zane. I'm sure you and I will be good friends real soon." thought Tyrell. He looked toward the infirmary and heard Natsu's voice. 

He usually made a lot of noise whenever he woke up from one of his beatdowns and this was no exception. The great grandson walked toward the infirmary with a goal/idea in mind. Frosch, Levy, and Zane were walking through the apartment district of Magnolia. According to Frosch, their new home has a lot of benefits. It wasn't too far from the guild, was nearby some restaurants and shops, and the landlady was super awesome.

It was slightly past six now. While walking, Zane decided to talk about the fight. "So the fight earlier. I did good right?" said Zane. "Hm." said Levy. "You do remember how I fought both Grace and Natsu right? I'm sure you and the others were evaluate my skills and I passed right? You would give me two thumbs up right?" said Zane, holding out his thumbs and raising them up. Levy couldn't herself from chuckling at this since Frosch decided to join in. 

Levy looked at the two with her saying,"Yes. You're quite capable of handling yourself in a fight but don't forget. The fight with Grace and Natsu was nothing but a sparring match. Don't let your victory get to your head.". "Of course I know that. I've fought some really bad people before joining and most of them were quite dangerous. They would kill innocent people for money and not for the betterment of society." said Zane. "Indeed." said Levy.

Frosch noticed something in front of them as he said,"I think I see our landlady in front of our house so lets go say hi! She's super nice Zane! You'll love her!". He flew on ahead, leaving the two behind. "Is she nice Levy? Frosch tends to have trouble telling if someone is being naughty or nice. He wouldn't do good at being Admiral Claus but he would make a pretty good elf." said Zane, imaging Frosch in a elf themed costume and it made him cuter. 

Levy looked at Zane as she said,"Admiral Claus? You're talking about Santa right? Is that what you call him where you and Frosch are from?". "Not exactly. I'll tell you the story about him later. So is the landlady naughty or nice?" said Zane. "I think she is since she used to be a member of a guild here in Fiore. Not Fairy Tail mind you but another one. She and Master Makarov's wife used to be friendly rivals back in the day when they were both guild wizards." said Levy. 

Astaroth nodded as he said,"So little Makky got married after all? Got to say. I didn't expect that. I mean so did the little gecko but Makky too. These past of couple days have been real eye opening for me.". "Astaroth. Did you honestly think he didn't get married at any point in his life? Makarov not Igneel. I honestly didn't think he would get with anyone due to his fiery temper which he and his dad both share. Makarov has a grandchild and Ivan is a being who exist somewhere in Fiore." said Matrix. 

Havoc looked at the humans walking around them as he said,"She's right. Most beings out there in the Omniverse require a being of the opposite sex to reproduce. She's right. So I got two questions. What gender is his grandchild and what happened to his wife?". "We'll find out the answer to both of your questions in due time Havoc. For now, lets meet the woman who'll paying Jewel to each month." said Matrix. "Right." said Havoc.

In front of a two story building that overlooks one of the town's canals with it being nearby Fairy Tail and Magnolia's shopping district, a woman was currently sweeping in front of it. It was nearby a stone bridge. The building's walls is made out of silver stone like bricks and a dark green sloping roof. It has two dormer/bay type windows. The building's main entrance is made out of a thick, huge oak door.  The woman's name is Rurila Stogross.

She look to be a woman of striking beauty around her early 30s but in all reality, she was an octogenarian like Makarov and around the same height as Lynn. She has mid back length, wave silver pink hair and vibrant sea green eyes that showed great wisdom and power behind them. She had plump lips and long, pretty eyelashes. She has fair skin with it being pale as the moon and has a few wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

Like most women in Fiore, she is a very well-endowed woman with a curvaceous frame and ample chest. Her figure is something that most woman in Fiore could only dream of but under her beautiful appearance, there was still a layer of steel-like muscle that hasn't been affected by time. She wears a long green sweater, a long sleeved dark dress, a slim black leather belt around her waist, black tights, and black sandals. She wears a blue and gold necklace and a pair of hoop earrings.

She's wearing a plain black silk dress that covered her body and a light brown shawl. She has long gray hair with brown eyes. She's wearing a long sleeved red ankle length dress with a emerald green shawl over her shoulders, upper arms, and upper body. Under her dress, she's wearing black tights and ruby red high heel like slippers. She is wearing a faint layer of purple mascara around her eyes and pale red lipstick around her lips.

Despite being a seemingly normal old woman, she was once a famous wizard of Fiore who went by the name of Holy Valkyrie and was a former member of Mermaid Heel. She stopped her sweeping when she sensing something coming close toward her and put said broom into her pocket space aka Requip magic. "Rurila! I'm back!" said a voice. She looked up when she saw Frosch flying toward her and while most people would be concerned with seeing a flying and talking cat, she wasn't. 

She has been around for a long time and has seen a lot. "Hello there Frosch my dear. So did your partner arrive back from this mission. I do hope it was a success." said Rurila. "It was and I came here to show him where we'll be living." said Frosch, floating in front of her. The duo of Frosch and Rurila turned to see Levy and Zane walking toward them. "So I presume the tall one is your partner. He's quite powerful to say the least." said Rurila. 

Zane held out his right arm with a handshake with him saying,"Yep. My name is Zane Strife. It is nice to meet you. My partner says that you're a nice woman and well, I hope he isn't wrong.". "I am except toward those who hurt those who can't defend themselves, those who don't have an opinion and follow the crowd, betray others to obtain power, and can't sing. You're not one of those things right?" said Rurila, returning the handshake.

She looked at Zane's arm with her thinking,"This arm of his. It isn't one made out of bone and flesh like mine. However, I can feel that this arm has been used countless times to protect those who are weak. I wonder how strong of a wizard he is. Lets see if he can survive my examination.". "So mind showing me this place? I heard great things about it." said Zane. "Sure. Follow me inside." said Rurila, opening the door to the building right behind her. 

Do note that I don't know anything about anything about architecture. I based it of 742 Evergreen Terrace from the Simpsons. On the ground floor, the front door leads straight into the foyer. It's covered in a old fashioned white plater with wooden timbers inside. On the left side of the foyer,  there is an archway that leads into the living room. On the right side of the foyer, there are stairs leading up to the second floor and an archway at the foot of the stairs. The right archway leads to the dining room. 

The dining room and living room floor is covered in silver carpet which feels nice on your feet. The dining room table has room for twelve people. There is also a gray China cabinet in the room. Both the living room and dining room have bay windows and icy blue curtains. At the back of the dining room, it leads into the kitchen. The kitchen has a brick oven stove with a microwave above it, a full fridge and freezer, several appliances for cooking, pantries, and a bar like counter with four bar stools. 

It does have a small table but it only has four chairs instead of twelve like in the dining room. The kitchen has a glass sliding door that lead out to the patio and backyard. The living room has two single plush sofa and two plush leather chairs with one chair being close to the living room window and the other chair being on the opposite side of the first chair. In between the chairs and sofas, there is a large brown coffee table. To each side of the sofa, there is a small table and has a highly advanced lamps. 

On the left side of the living room, there is a small but decently packed bookshelf. On the right side of the living room, there is currently an unlit brick fireplace against the wall. At the back of the living room, there is a door on the left that leads to the backyard of the house. Said backyard could easily work for a good training ground. At the back of the foyer, there are a door that leads to the basement thanks to some stairs. 

The building's basement can be used as a storeroom that contains several supplies and equipment just in case of emergencies. It also has a laundry room which has several dryers and washers down there. It also has a guest room down there as well. The basement guest room is similar to the rooms on the second floor. The backyard is surrounded by a wooden picket fence with it featuring a patio. There is a small but amazing outdoor hot spring.

It can be used all year round and a garden that can be used by its occupants. The back of the living room has an archway to the right that leads to the kitchen. On the second floor, there are four bedrooms. All four bedrooms have a bath/shower, large bed and closet, and nice sized desk. On the landing, there is a pull down stair case that leads up to the attic. From lighting this house during the night, it has several Lacrima bulbs. 

Every room in the building's ceilings and the kitchen are made out of white trade card tiles but they're actually hard wood. After the tour, the four were outside of the building. "The building had full plumbing and utilities as well. I try to keep this place clean and in good shape since well, I want the person or persons who eventually buy this place to be happy with their money spent." said Rurila. "So how much for this place? I mean this place has to cost a fortune to maintain right?" said Zane. 

Frosch smiled as he said,"Here's the best part Zane! It's only a thousand Jewels a month!". "Um. Is he telling the truth or did he misheard the amount? I'm honestly not sure." said Havoc. "No I think he's serious since neither Levy or Rurila are correcting him." said Matrix. "Despite Frosch sounding like he's wrong about the price, he's correct." said Levy. "So do mind telling me why the price is so low? I mean did you see the view from the rooms on the second floor? They were amazing." said Zane. 

Rurila looked at Zane with her saying,"It's because I was told about you being a good person in detail by your partner here.". "Yep. I wanted to make sure you and I had a real nice place to live. It's about ten minutes from the guild and near a lot of fun stuff. This is the perfect place for us isn't it?" said Frosch with a bright smile. "It sure is Frosch." said Zane. "Your soul tells me that he was correct. Have you ever hear of Human Possession/Seith magic?" said Rurila. "Isn't that Romeo's magic?" said Zane. 

He remembered one of Romeo's babies mentioning it to him earlier and it was the one who spout names of food. "It is Zane. He can use Rainbow Element magic because of his mom who has passed away. I'll tell you about her later. Go on Rurila. I think Zane is curious about the reason behind the price." said Levy. "Yes. Before I became a landlady, I was a guild wizard myself and can use a type of magic called Spirit magic. Spirit magic basically allows me to tell if someone is good or evil." said Rurila.

She placed a hand on Frosch's head with her saying,"Whenever I get a tenant, I make sure to check what color their soul is and based their rent of what color their soul is. You and Frosch's soul are a blue color which I find to be quite rare. For example, Levy and Tyrell have green souls. This doesn't make them bad or anything but a blue soul is rare. I just leave it at that for now. I'm sure your guild's archives has a book in magic somewhere there.".

Zane looked at Levy with her saying,"It does. We can check it out later if you want.". "Anyway, I'm well aware of the madness that being a guild wizard especially from Fairy Tail brings. This building here is my pride and joy so promise me that you won't break it." said Rurila, smiling while handing Zane the keys to his apartment. "I won't." said Zane. "Especially once we get the alarm system set in place." said Matrix. 

Rurila looked at Zane with her saying,"If you're worry about me, don't. I make a lot of Jewels each month so giving up a building like this for low price is nothing.". "Rurila owns several properties throughout Fiore mainly here in Magnolia, Margaret, and Shirotsume. Each one of their buildings ranging from fifty thousand to hundred thousand jewels a month." said Levy. "That's a lot. Thank you for giving me and Frosch such a nice place to live." said Zane with him bowing to her. 

Frosch mimicked Zane's action as well as he said,"Yeah! Thank you!". "It's no problem at all. I hope you two don't mind if I come to visit in a while." said Rurila. "Not at all. We always enjoy having good company over." said Zane. "I think so too!" said Frosch.  Rurila walked off with Levy saying with a very sweet smile,"So how did you two pull that off?". "What do you mean Levy? I didn't really do anything. That was all Frosch." said Zane. 

Astaroth nodded as he said,"Which sounds like the name of a sitcom.". "You managed to get this building which for many years has been priced at two hundred thousand Jewels a month done by ninety percent." said Levy. "Oh wow. Frosch just has this charm about him. I can't really explain it but well, he can just make people love him even the most cold hearted aren't immune to his charm or Rurila just likes us." said Zane. "I think so too!" said Frosch. 

Levy shook her head as she said,"And here I thought that Lynn making Fairy Hills's price go do by seventy five percent was an impressive deal.". "So how much was it before? And where exactly is Fairy Hills? I'm not thinking about doing anything perverted if you're curious." said Zane. "Damn. Why can't you be any funny?" said Astaroth, getting hit by Havoc and Matrix. "A hundred thousand Jewels per month and it's on the hill east of the guild. About five to ten minutes away." said Levy.

Zane nodded as he said,"I see. Guess Lucy got pretty lucky to find a place so close to the guild.". "She really did. The former price was only if you had a single room. If you want more, you had to pay another hundred thousand each month. Our great and powerful Titania had to pay at least five hundred thousand a month before Lynn came along." said Levy. "Why did she need five rooms exactly? And a hundred thousand Jewels per month is a bit much in my opinion." said Zane. 

Levy looked at Zane as she said,"Yeah. It really was. In Titania's words, she need a room to carry all of her armors, weapons, books, and other things that she couldn't carry in her pocket dimension.". "Ah so the dimension that's created by Requip magic has limits. I see. Thanks for all of your help Levy. Me and Frosch really do appreciate it." said Zane with Frosch nodding. "It's no problem Zane. We help out as much as we can. It's our guild motto after all." said Levy. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Alongside going overboard and creating a whole lot of property damage am I right?". "You're not wrong about that. I guess I better get going." said Levy with her being slightly upset that she had to leave. "You're leaving. Why?" said Frosch. "Because we're going to go explore all of Magnolia tomorrow and we want to be well rested right?" said Zane. "Oh. That makes sense." said Frosch. "Yep. We get to be shown the sights with a beautiful woman as a tour guide." said Zane. 

After hearing Zane calling her beautiful, Levy blushed as she said,"Well, take care you two!". She was gone with a trail of dust left behind in her place. "Huh. That was weird. I didn't know she could use speed magic like the guy with the hat." said Frosch. "I guess she's full of surprises. Lets break in our new place." said Zane. "Yep!" said Frosch as Zane opened the building using the keys he was given earlier.

Later that night, Zane was currently walking out of his room's bathroom. He shared his room with Frosch. Zane's bathroom had a basket, mirror, and sink which leads to the bathtub/shower separated by a silver shower curtain. The bathtub is a white slipper bathtub with a shower above it. The bathtub looks to seemingly float above the ground. He and Frosch ate dinner which was really good according to Frosch, showered, cleaned his teeth, and was getting ready for bed.

The duo's room is a crimson red color with an green trim on the bottom. Zane's bed is a California king sized bed with a nightstand on both sides. Zane had switched out his clothes into more comfortable looking clothing with Frosch wearing a pajama version of his normal frog like suit. If you thought it was the same suit, you wouldn't be wrong whatsoever since there are very little difference between the two outfits. 

Zane's current outfit is a gray short sleeved shirt with the kanji for Hero in the center of it and olive colored lounge pants. Frosch was sitting on the bed, looking at Zane heading to him. "Hey Zane." said Frosch. "What's up?" said Zane. "I need to know something and please don't like or joke around with me." said Frosch. "Sure thing Frosch. You got it. What's on your mind?" said Zane. "Why are you lying to pretty much everyone in Fairy Tail?" said Frosch.

The cat looked at his paws with him saying,"I mean only Master Makarov knows why we're really here and you've meet Natsu's dad before. You told me about him before so why not tell Natsu about where he is? Oh and will you kill anyone? I know that you will kill but only if there is no other choice.". "It's a bit more complicated than you may initially think." said Zane. The feline looked at Zane and he motioned for him to continue. 

Zane sighed as he said,"I can tell that Natsu is a good kid but his ability to stay still or listen to others when they go against him is practically impossible and he's driven by his emotions. The latter is come with pyrokinetics but well if I told Natsu the truth, I don't think he would believe me and go out into the world just to prove me wrong, getting killed in the process. A wise being once said that it's sometimes better to tell a small lie than a painful truth and the answer to me killing.".

The Cross Species shrugged as he said,"Honestly. I'm not sure yet. I'm not saying that I won't but it seems that if I do, there will be some conflict between me and the Fairies.". "Okay. I just hope that this doesn't come to bite you in the butt as Aunt Sly puts it." said Frosch. "Yeah. I hope so too. Lets get to bed okay Frosch? We got a big day ahead of us." said Zane. "Okay." said Frosch as he went toward his side of the bed aka the right. 

Zane got onto the bed with him laying down on his bed. He had his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. He had a frown on his face. "I'm not sure what the Order is planning but I won't let down my guard." said Zane as he decided to go asleep, getting ready for whatever tomorrow might bring. Before that could happen, there was a crash sound and Zane looked out the window. He tried to track the sound but couldn't. 

He sighed as he said,"It was probably someone dropping a vase nearby. Guess even when I'm on vacation, I'm still on guard.". He closed the curtains to the room while shadowy figures watched the house from a nearby rooftop. They were gone shortly after. In an unknown location somewhere in the western continent of Alakitasia, there is a a green hill that overlooking a random town that served the Alvarez Empire. 

This town known as Vivicus and the home town of a member of its elite unit/personal guard of the country Spriggan 12. This town may look normal and has never seen any kind of trouble but there was an incident here in the past or to be specific in the year X777. This incident involved a group of townspeople who were against joining the Alvarez Empire and had awoken a demon to protect them from the empire. 

However, the demon wasn't going to listen to humans and began attacking the city. The town begged for the empire's help but the Empire didn't send anyone to help them in their time of need for a simple reason. They were against joining the Alvarez Empire and summoned a demon on their own free will so they were more than willing to let sleeping dogs lie. However thanks to a miracle and a whole lot of luck, the town was saved by a wandering wizard and not the Empire. 

The wandering wizard look to be in his early 20s and he managed to defeat the demon with no issue according to the townspeople. Said wizard didn't stay for too long however due to the Empire hearing about him and wanted him to join. The scouts reported that he slayed said demon with no issue and reminded them of a wizard that stopped their efforts once before in the nation of Bosco two years ago in the year of X775.

In response to this information, they sent one of the Spriggan known only as the Assassin toward the small town in an anger that was rarely seen from the man. He wanted revenge on this wandering wizard since said wizard was the one responsible for ruining his record. This record was never failing a job for the Empire and he had done so for many years until the Bosco job. He was joined by another Spriggan who wanted to make sure that the Assassin didn't destroy Vivicus more than it already had been. 

After finding out that the wandering wizard was long gone, the Assassin went back to the capital to get rid of his anger by taking up some jobs. The other Spriggan manage to find two promising candidates to join the Empire and possibly become Spriggan themselves one day. It has been seven years since then and neither candidate had left Alakitasia until now. On this hill, there was a single grave there with one of those candidates standing in front of it.
This candidate is a female with her looking to be in her early 20s and no older or younger than twenty one. She is quite tall ,for a female, and tends to tower over most male with her standing at 5 feet 8. Like most women in Fiore, she has a curvaceous body. Despite her looking to be rather dainty, she had well-toned and showed that she did work out to gain this body. She had a slight tan to her. She has her green hair tied up in a ponytail and if her hair was let out of said ponytail, it would go to her shoulders. 

Her bangs were cut just above her green eyes. Her face is round and soft ,despite her somewhat pointed chin, highlighting her cheekbones. She has two purple cross-shaped objects attached to the sides of her head like horns. Her body is covered by a golden fancy coat like cloak with purple-indented flower patterns across its design, along with purple fur around the collar. She does wear clothes under her coat like cloak. 

She wears a sleeveless white shirt that has a horizontal golden diamond shaped pattern all over it and bears her midriff. She wears a brown leather belt that holds up her black chainmail like pants that go up to her knees. Her belt is attached to a quiver of arrows worn at her waist. She wears brown ankle high boots that shows off her toenails and has black lacing. Her arms are covered by gauntlets that have two large blades sticking out of them.

Around her neck, she's wearing a dark brown metal choker with golden chains attached to it. It runs across her back in a t-shaped pattern. Her choker has a dangling cross-shaped emerald attached to it. She wears silver cross-shaped earrings. All of her nails are tainted with a pinkish purple tone. Covered by her pants, the symbol of the Alvarez Empire is on her right thigh and it's a purple color. This woman is Brandish Myu/μ aka the Nation Destroyer.

She is the apprentice/adopted granddaughter of the Spriggan member known as the Wizard King of Disaster August and member of the Spriggan Twelve herself. Ever since the failed invasion of Ishgar three years ago thanks to the weapon known as Etherion, the Alvarez Empire had been keeping a close eye on any wizards that showed promise. In the past couple of days, there have been two new players in Ishgar. 

These two new players are the Order of Rukinity who were always known to the Empire for many years but have only recently become a notable threat to their emperor's plan to obtain the Lumen Histoire. The cult has been become a threat thanks to one of their members aka Bulldog destroying parts of Ishgar's Balam Alliance. The destruction of the dark guild Dark Riders. This one wizard was in no way on the same level as one of the Spriggan 12 but he was a growing threat. 

The other player is someone that they were well familiar in the Empire since this player was someone who has interfere with their operations in the past. This player was Zane since he was the one to kill that demon in Vivicus in X777 and stopped an operation in Bosco in X775. Two of the Spriggans being The Scarlet Despair Irene Belserion and the Winter General Invel Yura wanted one of their fellow Spriggan to go check out and handle these new players over in Fiore.

Both players were seemingly in that country alongside the Lumen Histoire. This Spriggan was Brandish much to her dismay. The Assassin Jacob Lessio would have gone but there were two reasons why he couldn't go. He had a well known hatred for Zane after he ruined his perfect record nine years ago and the second reason was the sheer indecency of Fiore's women keep him stuck in his home country much to the annoyance and amusement of Invel and Irene respectively. 

The young Nation Destroyer was annoyed by this order at first but thanks to her grandfather August telling her that she wouldn't have to be around some of the more annoying fools in the Spriggan 12 aka the Desert King, Grim Reaper, Judge, and Warrior Queen plus him for a long time, she agreed to this mission without any hesitation. She had just finished watching over the image of the new players. This footage was recorded by their spy that the empire had in the Magic Council.

She was rather annoyed and sighed. "Mom. I'm sorry for doing this but thanks to that annoying ice prick, I'm forced to go there because of some threats to grandpa and the kingdom. I don't like how I go back to the land where you were killed but I saw her with one of the targets I was to take. Layla's daughter and the man who saved my life from one of the emperor's dolls that went overboard." said Brandish with her holding her hands over her chest and had a heart-warming smile on her face. 

Her smile was rare to see like it was rare to see Jacob angry. "He is the man who changed my life after all and kept me from joining you so early. I truly don't want to go and leave you but I need to know why he would be with such a monster and fluffy cutie. Sure the blue one was cute but the one in pink. Super cute." said Brandish. Before she could teleport away to get some star mango gelato from Caracole Island, she heard,"Lady Brandish! Don't tell me you're actually going to Ishgar.". 

She loudly sighed as she saw one of her more annoying servants heading toward her and looked pissed which was rare to see on his happy go lucky face. This servant is Marin Hollow who despite his young age, he is highly ranked in the Empire. Marin is a thin, young man of average height with spiky, black hair and black eyes. He wears a pair of purple trousers partnered with a purple blazer with some parts of it having a violet shade of color. It's specifically the trousers and blazers outer linings.

The blazer has a unique design in which below the outer lining of the blazer specifically its collar lapel and break line also has the same violet color which is spread up through the edge of jacket center front of the blazer and continued through the edges of the blazer's side seam all the way to its back vent and its jacket side back. Underneath his blazer, he has a white long sleeve dress shirt with a large collar that he kept upturned. 

In addition to this, he sports a striped bandanna with an alternating color identical to his trousers and blazer which are purple and violet respectively and a pair of tinted eyeglasses with a maroon colored lenses and black colored front frames, hinges and temples of the eyewear on his forehead. Lastly, he wears a pair of black colored boots with a white colored outsole. His magic known as Rules of the Area is very powerful since it can grant him to cancel out any magic relating to space. 

She scowled angrily with her turning around to face Marin and his eyes widened in shock. The aura of his lady, it screamed power. If he hadn't been around the rest of the Spriggans, he would never witness someone of her magic power before. It was making his knees weak just by being near him. "Don't get me wrong. I don't want to go on this mission but grandpa asked me to do this and I don't want to let him down. If you try and stop me from doing my mission, I'll end your pathetic life." said Brandish.

The woman glared at him as she said,"Just be happy with your other girls and keep my home safe. If you don't......". As she talked, the tree behind her and Marin were glowing green. The tree began to grow at least twenty times, dwarfing both of the humans below it especially for the man who did the opposite and shrunk to the size of a Funko pop aka 3.75 inches. "You'll regret every moment you made in your pathetic life." said Brandish with her looking cold and badass at the same time. 

Marin nodded rapidly with him saying,"Of course Lady Brandish. I won't stop you! I just wanted to tell you that both....".  He didn't get to finish saying anything due to her kicking him off into the distance with him turning into a twinkle. As he flew, he glowed green and went back to his normal height. "I don't care. It's time for me to get going mom. I do hope he comes to visit but knowing how annoying he can be, I doubt it. He has grown up to be a little turd." said Brandish. 

Brandish clenched her fists with her saying,"I promise to get revenge for you mom. She needs to die for what she did to you. Grandpa has taught me to make sure that I make a thorough investigation of what happened that day seven years ago. Promise that you'll keep an eye on the little turd for me. He's the only family I have left after all. Before I go to Ishagar, I need some Star Mango Gelato." said Brandish with her mouth watering and she was gone with The tree shrunk back to normal size.

Next time,
With the trio of Frosch, Lucy, and Zane joining Fairy Tail, what will happen next? What does the Alvarez Empire want with the Order and Zane? And are they the only ones interested in them? This and more next time on Fairy Legion Royal!

Petit Tail: First Job Horror Stories.
A chibi Lucy, Tyrell, and Zane are standing in front of a picture of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.
Lucy (with an excited look): I really can't believe it. I finally get to pick my first job on the request board! Aren't you excited Zane?! I mean I'm also real scared too.
Tyrell (with a tired yet inviting look): And here I thought Happy was exaggerating on how much you talk Lucy. Don't worry so much about your first job two. 
Lucy (with a curious look): Oh hey there Tyrell. So is it true that your grandfather is one of the Gods of Ishgar?
Tyrell (with a smile): Yep. His sense of humor may be unique but we share the same blood. I'll always be proud to be his son and I won't let him down no matter way.
Zane (smirking): At least, Warrod hasn't changed unlike Makky. I mean he was always short but now he's bald too? Man. I'm going to have a field day with these jokes.
Lucy (while leaning over to Tyrell): So how does he know Master and your grandfather? I mean he knows my spirit Aquarius and he kissed her!
Tyrell (with a raised eyebrow): Oh really? That's impressive given her temper. So about your first job. We here at Fairy Tail always make sure to have a senior member help out and this first job is usually something stupid or out of the ordinary.
Zane (with his arms crossed): Okay. So what was your first job?
Tyrell (began to shiver like crazy and his face went bright red): Lets just say that I learned the difference between males and females that day and leave it at that.
Lucy (looked confused): You can't be serious. I highly doubt my first job will be something that weird you guys.
Zane (with a even bigger smirk): You just tempted fate young blonde. I just hope you have good customer service. 
Lucy and Tyrell (with both of them looking at him): Huh?
Zane (with his arms crossed): Just wait and see.
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced prior in Fairy Legion or Zero:
Liger Form. This card has a black frame with a tiger in the center of it. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 16 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 51. This form is very much like a wrestler and tends to be a showoff. 

Voice Form. This card has a black frame with a boombox in the center of the card. This Form was introduced in Fairy Legion Chapter 5 and it doesn't have a Prime Form. This form is an expert on sound like Sound Form. He can mimic any voice that he's ever heard and he's rather blunt.  
List of changes between Fairy Legion Chapter 2 and Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 in no particular order. Bold Changes will be the ones primarily discussed in the next Author Note but most of the changes mentioned will be there. These will be not all of the changes but a good amount of them.
1. The opening narration from the first season of the Anime or like this and openings will appear at the start of the story. This narration and opening will begin before the story starts. I got this idea for including the opening from the author Navek so all credit goes to that author. I would say what gender but the author's page doesn't say which one so I'll just go with them. Endings may be done but don't expect it. 

Everything that is shown in this opening will be explained in due time and will have references to other series. The race is a reference to One Piece Chapter 274's cover page/Brand New World and the boars are a reference to the boars from Black Clover Episode 9 that were producing fire. 

2. We see five out of nine members of the current Magic Council. Gran Doma is a member despite him not being named until after the Tower of Heaven incident. This is different from Fairy Legion since I didn't give them names or their appearance until Chapter 8 of that series. A couple of these members have a history with Zane and it's explain in due time.

3. Before Frosch, Levy, and Zane arrive at Fairy Tail, the trio have a long and lengthy conversation. It's also revealed that Zane and the rest of Team Legion Zero told Frosch not to mention that they were from a different dimension but a different part of Earthland. The reason for keeping this is a secret mainly due to Zane being worried about the beings of the dimensions that he created.  

4. I introduce pretty much all of the characters who were members of Fairy Tail in X791 before the games and those who haven't joined around the time of the Macao Arc. This is mainly to cut back on introducing characters later on as seen in Fairy Legion. Some of them such as Evergreen and Mirajane weren't seen but will be seen later. However, there is a group that I will not be introducing. 

This group consist of Chico C HammittEnnoJoey FullbornKrovNiggyMickey ChickentigerMikuni ShinTono Rabbits, and Wan Chanzi. You'll know why in time.

5. Here are just some of the character changes that are featured in this chapter and may not be as obvious. Alzack and Bisca are already a couple prior to join Fairy Tail after the She's Erza omake/Episode 203. This was mainly due to them being one of the ships in Fairy Tail that actually came to be unlike Nalu. My head canon is that Lucy and Natsu are already together but Hiro doesn't say anything or they will be at the end of 100 year quest. 

The latter probably isn't a sound theory but who knows? The characters of Bickslow and Romeo were fused into one with the combination name. This was to given Romeo more relevant in the story and well, I got another reason aka Bickslow doesn't really do much in the story. I mean Evergreen has her relationship to Elfman and I just like Freed as a character. It's also not because I have ships in mind or anything. 

Droy, Jet, and Laki are the members of Team Shadowgear since Laki was with them after X791 and to give her something to do. Freed is more social with the members of Fairy Tail and this was before the Battle of Fairy Tail arc happened. I'm adding elements of the character Asmodeus Alice from Welcome to Demon School Iruma Kun if it wasn't obvious with Freed's slightly modified outfit. 

Evergreen and the leader of the Thunder Legion's relationship won't be seen until a bit later. This change is super minor and I doubt you would really care but Max is eighteen instead of seventeen. An age change like this doesn't change the story at all since well, Max doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

6. The biggest two changes to Fairy Legion and Fairy Tail are that Gray Fullbuster had a gender swap and Lisanna is well among the living of the land. This is Earthland Lisanna by the way. Do note that I will be repeating myself on these two changes in particular next chapter with the Gray one getting more time there. Lets start with Lisanna first since the reason for that is the more simple one. 

The reason why I kept Lisanna alive instead of "dead" is because of the Fairy Tail Video Game giving her some major screen time just like it did with several other characters like Levy and Sherria. The latter of the two is a name I always get confused with her cousin. It sounds so similar. It's also because I want Nali to be a thing and well, I want to be someone who doesn't push Lisanna to the sidelines and bash her.

It's mainly because she gets in the way of Nalu or has Lucy kicked out of the guild in fanfictions a lot. The latter of which happens a LOT in fanfiction. I wish I was kidding about that but no. She's in the opening for crying out loud and a member of Team Natsu whose name isn't all too clever. However, her being alive has an issue. The reason why Elfman and Mira are the way there are in canon is because of her being "dead". 

Do note that they will be still like that except I found a way to achieve this since well, the power of OCs allows me to change the canon. Not too much and to say one more thing about this, Lisanna is eighteen and Elfman's younger twin. I only did this is because I just love the idea of this being a thing and well, why not? The reason why Gray got the gender swap is simple. I want a gender balance and also more powerful female characters in the series or guild Fairy Tail beside Erza. 

Erza is a fine character but she shouldn't be the only one who I find to be powerful. You could argue a couple of them like Juvia, Lucy, Mira, and Wendy just to name an example but well, they don't have a lot of badass moments like Erza does. Juvia's main thing that holds her back is that she's too obssessed with Gray. Lucy isn't a frontline fighter like Natsu is. Mira doesn't get a lot of screen time. Wendy is too young.

This is mainly why Levy and Lucy's designs changed so much compared to canon. The gender balance is more importance. According to dreaded math, the main thirty eight members of the guild ,aka everyone in the first eight rows of five on the Characters page on the Fairy Tail Wiki except for Touka and Wan for obvious reasons, mainly consisted of men. There are twenty four males to fourteen females. 

You may think I could fix this issue by adding ten more female OCs but I have some OCs in mind and a couple of them are females not all of them. There won't be ten of them. Gray was the first one to pick and well, I kept the whole stripping thing. It's important to Gray since it's how she was trained. I also made Grace the same age of Natsu because I really want to keep the rivalry alive and make their relationship to Erza far more obvious. 

If you would ask me about Grace and Natsu's relationship, I would have to say that they're close friends and siblings. Possibly romantic? I highly doubt but lets see.

7. Instead of Zane stopping the brawl which has every main member of the guild involved except for three of them, Makarov stops it instead.

8. Like with Igneel, Makarov and Zane seem to know each other and rather well in fact since Zane was good friends with the founders of Fairy Tail back in the day. Makarov is made aware of why Frosch and Zane are here being that Zane tells him about his mission against the Order of Rukinity with the elderly man offering Fairy Tail's help.  He has also been helping the dimension that he has created a lot over the years despite not knowing that he created it. 

9. Oh and Ivan's wife is shown off and it is Lynn. In canon, she isn't mentioned just like Makarov's wife but they did exist in the series. Without them, how would Ivan and Laxus be born? Lynn changed from being Laxus's childhood friend/love interest to his mother. Yeah. That's a chance to say the very least and will make Laxus a much different character since there is a character for him to talk with him about his issues. 

That is because of two very simple reasons and one of those are the same reason I changed Gray in the first place. We need more ladies in Fairy Tail so that a true ladies man can beat them off with a stick. Exactly how you see it in the link. The second reason needs a bit more back story. I know that I'm probably the only person to ever wonder about this but I feel like I should explain myself. 

Who taught the guild members who have been with the guild since they were children the birds and bees and the rest of their sexual education? I mean the boys have someone aka the trio of Macao, Makarov, or Wakaba teaching them about their bodies. I would say Gildarts but he's never around compared to the three members mentioned above. That solves the boys but what about the girls? 

My best guess is Porlyusica but she hates humans so they probably had to learn from a distance aka medieval social distance. I don't need to know every little thing about a story for me to enjoy it like some people do but I just sometimes have these random as heck questions that make no sense to say the very least. 

10. Zane is nicer to the members of Fairy Tail and doesn't have any reason not to join around the same time as Lucy. I will also try to make sure that I spell Écriture like this aka the little line above the E but no promises. I also got rid of the spell that Iris put on Zane because wow, that wasn't one of my better ideas. I mean it was a good idea but well, I could have made it better. Do note that like with the robe all of Zane's forms wear, they will have Zane's guild mark is the same spot as him. 

I just won't mention it every single time. I also either switch between 5 or five feet but it means the same thing.

11. The trio of Happy, Lucy, and Natsu don't join Zane to go rescue Macao from Mt. Hakobe. It means that Lucy and Zane don't have their conversation about Lucy's family, the conversation back at the guild hall before Macao/the Vulcan shows up, and the Taurus abuse. I did this to show off some more wizards plus Lucy and Natsu don't have to be involved in several arc right? I mean they're the main characters but is it wrong for me to show off the side characters a bit? 

Instead, the group going is Cana, Freed, the older Romeo, and Zane. The Taurus abuse will happen don't worry.

12. Lucy isn't staying at her apartment on Strawberry Street but Fairy Hills instead and the amount of rent has changed from a pricy 70,000 Jewels ,at the beginning of the story but it changed to 80,000 later on after X786, to a much more manageable and reasonable ,in my honest opinion, price of 25,000 Jewels a month. Lucy not living in her canon apartment is for a very simple reason before the price drop. 

You all know how I'm not a fan of running jokes right? Lucy complaining about needing money to pay her rent is a running joke in my mind and it got older fast so why stop that joke now before it can grow into something more annoying. There is also the fact that most of the female Fairies lived there in the story except for Kinana, Lisanna, and Mira. I'm pretty sure that Kinana lived/lives there but the wiki doesn't state it and I can't find proof about her living anywhere else.

It does note how her and Erik are together so good for them. I think Lisanna and Mira share a place somewhere in Magnolia since Fairy Hills is no boys allowed and they wouldn't leave Elfman to live by himself now would they? I just want to keep all of the girls in one place for a slumber party and the wacky hijinks that would ensue there. The price drop is rather simple since like stated above, Lynn is the current owner.

She bought it from Ruchio Hammitt who is the father of Chico Hammit/matron after Hilda passed away in X778. Do note how I mentioned that Chico doesn't exist in this story so why should the ownership belong to her father if she doesn't exist. I also just thought that a 100,000 Jewels a month was much for a single room and that there was no known discounts. Lucy's apartment being the amount it is makes sense since it's more than just a single room. 

That was also all of the other things at Fairy Hills but still. That always bothered me. Your daughter works as a wizard in the guild so maybe, you should lower the price just a bit for her fellow female wizards. You would get more residents. Oh I should probably mention that I may use the symbol for Jewels sometimes but expect Jewels rather than the currency symbol. The reason why Frosch and Zane can live is rather obvious since to Fairy Tail, they're men. 

We will also see the house hunting experience unlike before. Since Lucy won't be living in her apartment, Lucy's landlady may not show up either. Frosch and Zane won't be living in the Omniversal Chateau but it will still be in a nice looking place.

13. Macao wasn't taken over by a Vulcan but a demon thanks to Selkie's magic which was given to her by Krota. I need to bring in the Order somehow into each arc and well, this will be a common thing until the very end. The fight between Gray and Natsu vs Zane does have a plot related purpose. We also get the Spriggan 12 show up much earlier and this includes some of these members get an upgrade in the same level as Levy.     

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