Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 Trouble at Arcane World PT 1 The forces of Darkness and Light gather at the amusement park Section 3 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

After finding Grace who was asking for directions to the amusement park, they eventually found it. It seem to dominate at least a quarter of the city with the skyline having to share space a large roller coaster and least fifteen other rides from what Zane can see. "It's like a magic version of that one amusement park that we went to that one time." said Havoc. "You mean Disney World? It's still weird to me that one company could own so much and still want more." said Astaroth.

The devil like being sighed as he said,"That company is greed incarnate.". Do note that I do like Disney but do they really need that much? I mean they made 65.29 billion Dollars in this year alone even during the pandemic. "Yeah but the best amusement part is without a doubt Zenith World. I mean it has every ride imaginable, the lines aren't too long, and the price for entry or food isn't outrageous." said Havoc. "Agree." said Astaroth and Matrix.   

Lisanna looked at the theme park with her saying,"Oh wow. This place looks so amazing.". "I think so too!" said Frosch who had woken up some time ago "Yeah. It really is." said Levy. "You've been here before Levy? I mean most members of Fairy Tail haven't ever been here before for very obvious reasons." said Tyrell. "Yeah. I came here with the Thunder Legion after a rather annoying job. We just needed to relax and why not the happiest place in all of Fiore?" said Levy.

Astaroth blinked with him saying,"Okay. I'm calling this place magic Disney World. Are you two okay with that?". "Yep. We're good." said Havoc with Matrix nodding. "It was something all five of us agreed on so we came here and had an amazing time." said Levy. "So what do you mean by five of us? I mean isn't the Thunder Legion a trio not a quartet. And what was this annoying job? Is it worse than the job with the Jiggle Butt Gang." said Zane. 

Before she could answer him, she noticed that the trio of Frosch, Grace, and Lisanna peering over the fence that separated Crystal Peak from the amusement park. They were trying to see what was inside but couldn't thanks to the bushes. "Lets put hold on my questions for now. So what's with Grace and Lisanna? Haven't they been here before? And they won't be hopping the fence right? I'm pretty sure that Arcane World isn't a fan of people sneaking in." said Zane. 

Tyrell nodded as he said,"No one will be hopping the fence Zane. They know better. As for Grace and myself, we haven't been because I've never really liked amusement parks for a personal reason that I'm not willing to talk about. Grace always wanted to go here but she never did because of my personal reason.". "That's actually real sweet. She's a good friend isn't she?" said Zane. "Yeah. She really is." said Tyrell, smiling. 

Before she could say anything, Astaroth decided to ruin the mood. "You think another reason why she's never been here before is because of her amazing stripping problem. I wish every girl in this dimension had this problem." said Astaroth. "Probably but did you have to say that? You totally ruined the mood." said Matrix. "They can't hear me so why does it matter what I say about them Matrix?" said Astaroth. 

Havoc sighed as he said,"They might not be able to hear you but we do. You really need to stop being so perverted.". "So what about Lisanna?" said Zane. "Lisanna doesn't really go to these kind of places because of her little boyfriend. You've seen how bad his motion sickness is but for a reason involving Happy daring him, he'll go on a ride just because it looks fun." said Levy. "Ah. That makes sense. So in time, will I get used to seeing Grace strip without any kind of warning." said Zane.

Zane said this because Grace was currently in her underwear. "Yep. We've just gotten used to it over time even though it's completely random unlike with Natsu's motion sickness. So why is Frosch so excited?" said Levy as Tyrell went to go tell Grace about her being in her underwear. "Oh that's simple. Frosch is just a huge fan of amusement parks. Whenever we go to a city or town with one, Frosch begs me to go check it out even if we don't have money for entry." said Zane. 

As Zane recalled when this happened, Tyrell dragged Frosch, Grace, and Lisanna over to Levy and Zane. "Speaking of entry, do you think we have enough money? I mean I heard that Arcane World can be pretty pricy especially during the summer. The rest of the year isn't much better but just look at that line." said Tyrell. The six looked to see a massive line with several people having cameras and looked like your typical fanboys. 

If you need an example of them, check out Mt. Lady's first appearance. "I bet most of that line are members of the Pride's fan club and they're here to get a couple of money shoots for their own magazines. Here in Fiore, there are other wizarding magazines but they're more about gossip about whose dating who." said Lisanna. "Ah. They're tabloid magazines." said Zane. "Freaking vultures. I just freeze them right?" said Grace as frost covered her body. 

Before she could do anything, Tyrell stopped her. "Ignore them Grace. We don't want to ruin the reputation of Fairy Tail now do we?" said Tyrell. The frost was gone as Grace sighed. "Fine but I bet not see them doing so perverted. I despise perverts so damn much." said Grace, cracking her knuckles. "Uh oh. You better not let her find about you Astaroth. She seems like the type of girl who punishes pervert without showing any ounce of mercy." said Havoc. 

Astaroth scoffed as he said,"I'm not worried about her. What's the possible of her ever meeting me anyway?". "Did he just say what I think he said?" whispered Havoc. "He did but lets see how things will play out." whispered Matrix. "So what's the plan? Mira did get us a way without paying an arm or leg to get in right?" said Tyrell. "Does it really cost a lot to get in here? I mean it does look super amazing so I bet it does." said Frosch. 

Levy smiled as she said,"She did. She sent six passes in the letter. Just one of these passes would normally cost at least two hundred fifty thousand jewels and we got six. These passes allow us full access to the park, pay less for the food served here, and get to ride some of the most famous rides faster than someone who doesn't have the Mystical Pass.". "Wow. Big sis is totally the best right?" said Lisanna. "Yeah she really is. I guess we don't have to sneak over the fence right Grace?" said Tyrell.

Frosch turned around and saw Grace about to climb over the fence using her magic. "Yeah of course we don't. Totally." said Grace. "It's a good thing you stopped her." said Levy. "Why?" said Frosch as he looked at her. The six were walking toward the entrance with Levy saying,"If you're seen without a pass inside of the park, you're instantly sent off to a area hidden in the park so you may be punished for breaking and entering.".

Levy crossed her arms as she said,"It's very important that you keep your pass on your person or pocket dimension at all times.". "Really? That sounds scary." said Frosch, shaking a bit. "So how do you know this exactly? It sounds like you've had personal experience with this. Were you taken to this specific area before? Are you a criminal Levy?" said Zane, imaging her wearing the typical criminal outfit aka a black and white stripped jumpsuit and a number on it. She was wearing chains as well.

The chains were an extra addition. "No but I saw it happen a couple of times when I was here with the Thunder Legion. A normal guy had his pass stolen by someone with sticky fingers and was taken away by the guards, kicking and screaming like a baby." said Levy. "That probably pissed that duo off a lot didn't it?" said Lisanna. "Oh it did and much to my surprise, it also pissed off Freed of all people. He was going to use his magic on the crying man child as he puts it." said Levy.

Levy smiled as she said,"Thankfully though, he was stopped by Romeo due to another one of Arcane World's rules. Another rule of the park is that a wizard can't use your magic inside of the park unless given permission from the staff. I asked an employee how often this has happen and she told me never in the park's fifty years of operations.". "So tell me something Levy." said Zane with his serious tone getting her attention.

Zane looked serious with him saying,"If someone at the park was in danger of being killed and none of the employees knew about this going on, would you just stand by and follow the rules while you watch someone die?". "I would do something. I mean I don't like break the rules but sometimes, you need to break them depending on the circumstances. Erza may disagree on that but honestly, that's just one of the many reasons we don't get along." said Levy. 

After hearing that, the Cross Species smiled and he said,"I see. I guess you made the right choice after all.". Levy was confused at what Zane said. "Come on you guys! We want to get into the park already!" said Lisanna. "Yeah. I really don't want to piss off Mira!" said Grace. "Is she really that scary?" said Frosch, flying up to Tyrell's face. "Only to Grace because of what happened to her before you and Zane joined." said Tyrell. "Oh. I get it." said Frosch.  

The duo looked to see the rest of the group standing nearby the entrance of the park. It was a great big light house which had a large gate and above said gate, there is a large, flash banner saying the park's name. In front of the gate, there is the ticket booth. "Lets just say this choice involved joining Fairy Tail and leave it at that for now Levy." said Zane. He walked to join the others as Frosch jumped up and down. "Come on! I want to go explore the park already!" said Frosch. 

Zane placed his hand on Frosch's head as he said,"Be patient little buddy. After all, Levy haves the passes.". She nodded as she opened up her bag and handed each member of the group their pass. It was a golden credit card with the words Arcane World written in a black color. "I'll treasure this card forever and won't let it out my sights. No one will take it for me. I'm watching you guys!" said Frosch, keeping a close eye on the line of people beside them. 

Grace turned to Zane with her saying,"So is this normal for him?". Lisanna and Tyrell placed their passes in their pocket dimension. Requip and Take Over was a very common magic among most wizards alongside most Holder type magic such as Gun and Sword magic. Most members of Fairy Tail knew it except for Grace and Natsu. Grace didn't know it because she had no interest in learning other types of magic until meeting Zane and Natsu had issues learning it. 

Thanks to Tyrell teaching her, she had it mastered and was planning on putting spare clothing in there due to stripping. She hasn't done this yet but will in time and she placed her pass there just like the others. Here in Arcane World, they're able to detect a customer is able to use Reequip magic if they have their pass in the pocket dimension. "Yeah. He really doesn't like getting in trouble. Lets just say that one of his uncles made sure that little Frosch never commit any crimes." said Zane.

Grace nodded as Zane placed his pass in his coat's upper left pocket. "Yep! I'm not a criminal but a hero." said Frosch, putting his pass in his costume's pocket. "Well, lets get going." said Levy. The six walked into the park thanks to the massive gate actually have a regularly-sized door to open at the very bottom of the gate. "Yep. This place is Disney World. At least, it's better than one park with those creatures." said Astaroth. 

Havoc tilted his head as he said,"You mean USF? I thought you liked that place.". "He did until those creatures came to be. They were fine at first but those yellow demons ruined the park for him." said Matrix. If you get the reference, I don't dislike or hate those yellow demons but they aren't something I'm a hundred percent a fan of. From the main gate, you would go down a central path until you reach the castle and its five paths. 

Each path lead to a different part of the park and it's practically impossible to see the entire park in one day. "So where do you guys think we should go to first?" said Grace with her holding up a map of the park. "How about the roller coaster? I always wanted to go on one of those without dealing with Natsu." said Lisanna. "How about we go shopping? I want to see if they have any cute plushes of the park's mascots." said Frosch. "Seriously? You like that kind of stuff." said Grace. 

She wasn't used to seeing guys show their feminine side and according to Cana and Mira, neither does her. "Of course I do Grace. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I can't like cute things. Zane taught me that." said Frosch. "How about we just go wherever we want and meet back up at the castle in two hours?" said Tyrell. "Good idea. Lets go!" said the trio of Frosch, Grace, and Lisanna. Before they go too far, the four were stopped by Levy and Zane with the two saying,"Not happening you guys.". 

Zane smiled as he said,"Jinx! You owe me a soda!". This comment made Levy sighed. "Hey. What's the big idea? We want to go explore the park. I thought you would let us do whatever we want. Erza or Mira on the other hand." said Grace. "Did you forget why we came here? We are supposed to meet up with Mira." said Levy. "Yeah but we should totally ride some rides first. I mean I doubt that Mira is that scary and she wouldn't mind if we had some fun before we had to work right?" said Grace.

Frosch smiled as he said,"Yeah! Lets go Grace!". His eyes were currently sparkling. "Huh. He really likes amusement parks doesn't he?" said Lisanna, covering her eyes from how bright the feline's eyes were. "As your adopted son would say, aye sir." said Tyrell. "I'm just happy that it's about something other than fish." said Grace. Much to Levy's dismay and Zane's neutrality at first, the group began going from ride to ride. Levy's dismay vanished after the second rollercoaster they went on.

They eventually stopped at a cafe with Tyrell smiling. "I guess we had a lot of fun." said Tyrell with him having bunny ears. "We sure did." said Levy with her petting Frosch's head as the feline enjoyed the sundae he was given by Zane. The duo of Grace and Lisanna ,with bear ears and cat ears on their heads respectively, agreed with Zane. "My favorite ride was obviously the pirate one. It was amazing you guys." said Grace, smiling. 

Lisanna smiled as she said,"Yeah. You didn't lose any part of your clothing on that ride so I guess it would be your favorite.". "That isn't the reason Lisanna." said Grace. "If we're talking about possible favorites, I think mine would have been the haunted hospital. I always love a good haunted exhibit especially ones where I can reveal the ghost's true form." said Zane. "Seriously? You like that kind of stuff Zane? I thought it was boring since it's all fake." said Levy. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Of course. I just wish you were a scaredy cat Levy because I really wish that you grabbed onto me, telling me that you can't move because of the scary ghosts around us. You are already super cute but if you did that for me, I think you would be even more beautiful.". After hearing Zane compliment her, Levy looked away from Zane with a faint blush on her face. Lisanna noticed the faint blush on Levy's face.

It was noticeable to one of the two matchmakers of Fairy Tail. "I guess Cana was right. It seems a crush is about to be born." thought Lisanna. "I'm not like that Zane." said Levy. "Yeah but a man can dream right? So have you guys sensed Mirajane at all yet?" said Zane. "Nope. I didn't pick up on her magic at all Zane." said Grace. "Were we supposed too?" said Lisanna. "I think you should have told them about your plan earlier Zane. We were going to explore the park so we can try and find Mira." said Levy.

Tyrell looked at Levy with her saying,"Um Levy. Zane told me and Frosch about his plan earlier in the day.". "When did you do that?" said Levy. "When you and Lisanna went to go find Grace's clothing after she lost them on the tea cup ride." said Zane. "Which was amazing." said Astaroth. "Matrix." said Havoc. "Don't worry. I'm already asking Athena and Twilight about what to do when a member of Team Legion Zero is too horny." said Matrix. 

Levy nodded as she said,"Oh. That makes sense. So I get why Frosch couldn't find her since he never met her before but you Tyrell. You're supposed to be good at sensing magic power.". "I did have it but then we went on the Star Invasion ride." said Tyrell. "Yeah! That's right. You looked like Natsu does whenever he goes any vehicle. It was hilarious to see." said Lisanna. Tyrell looked away with an embarrassed look.

Grace blinked with her saying,"Wait a minute. That's what we're supposed to do? I thought we were going to have fun first and then go look for Mira.". "I guess you would think that Grace because a certain someone didn't tell you or Lisanna about it." said Levy. "Hey Zane. I think she's talking about you." said Frosch. "Yeah. She totally is. That was my b." said Zane. Before Levy could say anything about that, Grace felt a presence with her shivering. 

Havoc blinked as he said,"Did you guys see that? I mean an cryokinetic shivered.". "I think it was out of fear rather than the cold." said Matrix. "So instead of coming to look for me, you guys decided to play around. Not very cool." said a feminine voice. The group turned to see a sexy jester standing there. She looked to be in her late teens with a curvaceous figure and fairly large breasts. She has long blue hair with it tied in pigtails and red eyes. The jester's skin was bleached white. 

She's wearing a black and red checkered tank top that exposed her midriff and navel. Her top was also ripped, exposing parts of her breasts. She wears a black satin jacket that exposed her both of forearms. Her arm looked to be obsidian black claws belonging to a demon rather than a human and it had red nail polish on it. She's wearing tight blue shorts with ripped fishnets stockings, brown leather belt, and black boots that goes up to her knees.   

Her entire body was covered ,from top to bottom, in a mixture of dirt, dust, and blood that was dripping off her body. "Mira is here! Run for the hills!" said Grace. She would have run away but the jester grabbed her. "I heard about a certain girl stripping and then she swore at an employee telling her to put back on her clothing." said the jester. Her eyes glowed and she suplex Grace into the ground, breaking it apart. "Oh wow. Sexy clown has it going on. I like this park a lot." said Astaroth. 

The Vordlarin looked at the A.I. as he said,"How is getting the horny prevention system coming along?". "It'll be here soon." said Matrix. "So I'm going to take a shot in the dark here but this is Mirajane Strauss isn't it? I was expected a girl who looked like an older Lisanna or maybe a female Elfman." said Zane. He was expected Astaroth to say something about a female Elfman but he didn't whatsoever so it mean one thing. "So is the horny prevention system up or what?" said Zane.

Havoc smiled as he said,"Oh we did Zane. It's actually really nice to have and we should have put it up a long time ago.". "Indeed. According to Athena, they had to do this with Cole except it was called the Cole prevention system." said Matrix. "Hey Levy or Lisanna. I know that Grace got suplexed into the ground for being a perverted potty mouth but what's up with Tyrell?" said Frosch as Zane looked over at Tyrell. 

Tyrell's eyes were bulging wide open, his irises and pupils were missing, and his body was shaking like a dog in winter. His soul looked to be flying out of his mouth as well. "It seems that a certain someone hasn't gotten over his fear of clowns. Such a shame since this clown likes you a lot Ty Ty." said the jester. She placed her left hand on Tyrell with him falling to the ground, unconscious and foaming at the mouth. 

At the sight, the jester began laughing. "Man. That never stops being funny." said the jester, wiping a tear away from her eyes. She turned to Lisanna with her frowning. "What?" said the jester. "Big sis Mira. Why did you scare poor Tyrell and suplex Grace?" said Lisanna. "Because it was funny and I hate people who swear. Isn't that obvious?" said Mira, crossing her arms. "Yeah but still Mira. Those two are your friends." said Lisanna with a pout. "Okay sorry you two." said Mira. 

Mira removed Grace from the ground by her head as the ice wizard muttered,"You don't mean that at all.". Mira smiled and while it may have looked warm but her eyes screamed another story. They were narrowed and glared at Grace. Somehow, she was missing her jacket. Mira got close to Grace's ears and she whispered,"I totally meant that Grace. Are you doubting me?". "No ma'am!  Not at all." squealed Grace as she was shaking her head profusely, remind Frosch of a bobble head. 

Havoc raised an eye as he said,"So how did she get her jacket back on Matrix?". Grace now had her jacket back on. "Who knows Havoc? Is it weird that I miss having Astaroth around to comment about things?" said Matrix. "A little bit but maybe once Astaroth calms down a bit, we can deactivate the HPS." said Havoc. "That sounds like a good idea to me." said Havoc with the devil like creature growled something. 

Mira smiled as she said,"You're a good girl. I don't care what that knight or my sister's beau say about you.". "What does that flame brained moron say about me?" said Grace. "Some very interesting stuff but you should ask him about it once you see him next time you meet." said Mira, snickering. Lisanna was sure that she was planning on making both Grace and Natsu fight each other back at the guild once this job was done so she was getting mentally prepared for that.

Grace nodded as she said,"Oh I will. So what happened about Tyrell? Is he going to be okay? He looks awful.". "He should be but maybe I should ditch the whole sexy clown look. I mean it's one of the park's mascots but if it scares poor Ty Ty, I should probably change." said Mira. "It is? Can we leave you guys? This place is truly hell." muttered Tyrell with Mira kicking him just a bit since he swore in front of her. 

The jester put Grace down with her covered in a purple smoke and the jester was gone. In its place, a female stood there and she looked to be an older version of Lisanna rather than a female Elfman which honestly doesn't look half bad. I honestly thought that a female Elfman would look Elfman ,pre or post time skip either one works, but breasts and pigtails or like the new character Mimi from 100 year Quest which I call Female Broly. Thank you internet for proving me wrong. Anyway, lets go back to Mira.   

She's a breathtaking and beautiful young woman with her being around the same age of Tyrell aka nineteen years old. She's rather petite compared to Levy with her being taller than her sister Lisanna but shorter than Grace by an inch. She has peach colored skin. Like her younger siblings, she had naturally white hair that was down to her hips and curls just a bit at the end. Two bangs frame her face and reach down to her chest. 

Mira has a short, upwards ponytail obtained by gathering and tying her hair covering her forehead. Due to her having this ponytail since childhood or her pre-teen days, her hair has adapted to it. Even if she doesn't have her hair tied in a ponytail, the hair on her forehead points upwards even when it isn't tied. I don't know if this is canon in Fairy Tail but in Fairy Legion Royal, this is canon. She had sapphire blue eyes which looked captivating and gorgeous just like Lisanna's.

She has a curvy and voluptuous body with large breasts that rivaled Levy and had a model like figure. It was trim yet athletic just like Grace and Levy. Mira is currently wearing a sleeveless ankle-length black dress/qipao with a white trimming at the end of the skirt and a long, dark gray obi around her waist. The dress is rather loose around her chest, exposing a certain amount of her ample cleavage. The middle of the dress is adorned by a large, white bow with a demonic skull like pattern to it. 

Her dress was cut, exposing her long, toned legs and smooth, creamy thighs. She's wearing black straps with a white gothic ribbon in the middle of each one, and black ankle high sandals. She wears a small silver necklace around her slender neck. It's a silver heart with devil like horns and a tail coming out of it. Her Fairy Tail guild mark is located on her left thigh and it matched her hair color perfectly. This is Mirajane Strauss who looks a bit different compared to her appearance in Fairy Tail and Fairy Legion.

Like with Lisanna being alive instead of you know dead, she looks like a mixture of Punk Mira and Motherly Mira. This will be shown how in due time. Mira is known as the Demon/She-Devil whose feared by both dark and legal guilds throughout Fiore. She used to be very temperamental and had a tendency to bad mouth everyone mainly Erza. She's very protective over her siblings and has a strong dislike toward those who swear. 

She and Erza had a rivalry when they were kids that rivaled Grace and Natsu. It was pretty bad back in the day but has calmed down over time. She is well known for her intense presence that often frightens most people mainly Grace and Natsu. Ever since she has been a member of Fairy Tail, Mira is well known for her mischievous nature and tends to be the queen of pranks in Fairy Tail. Her main target is Erza. 

She often teases her fellow guildmembers mainly the guys. Her main two victims are Tyrell with his Coulrophobia aka fear of clowns and Wakaba. The older of the two victims is mainly to remind the smoker that he is married to a local woman, has a daughter around Romeo's age who isn't interested in being a member of Fairy Tail due to its bad reputation, and really shouldn't be flirting with girls twice his age or to be specific Lisanna. 

Mira often does tease the newer members as well and has been called immature by a certain knight but the demon doesn't care since her teasing helps the new guild members open up to their new family. It didn't work for Mystogan but most of the time, it does. Makarov is often impressed with this side of Mira which is a sign of Motherly Mira while in the disguise of Punk Mira. She takes a noticeable liking toward those who know how to take a joke or return one but she knows when to get serious. 

While Lisanna may be a gossip when it comes to the relationship between guild members, Mira will do whatever it takes to make her ships come true. This was shown perfectly with the ship of Alzack and Bisca or AlBis since she was the one responsible for making it happen. She did this by constantly having the two Western wizards go on jobs together even though they were already good friends prior to joining Fairy Tail.

She would make them have romantic encounters that would have been perfect in a smutty romantic novel that Erza is knowing for reading. The knight may claim to never read those type of books but no female believed her. The males did since they were scared of upsetting her. Seeing her beauty, there was no doubt that she was one of Fiore's top models and currently holding the title of Miss Fiore. She's also the drawing card of Fairy Tail along with being the hottest or strongest girl in Fairy Tail. 

The latter title of hottest or strongest girl could be argue. Her beauty is known nation wide thanks to Sorcerer Weekly publishing her images on their magazines and usually seen as the centerfold. She was considered to be one of the top ten wizards you would want as your girlfriend. Despite being one of the toughest females in Fairy Tail, she does have her weakness. Two of her known weakness is that she can't draw whatsoever and she hates most types of insects except for arachnids. 

She doesn't mind them whatsoever. The former of the two weakness is the opposite of Erza's weakness aka the fact that her handwriting isn't the best. Mira looked at Frosch and Zane with her blinking. "So who are these two? I've never seen them before but they're members right?" said Mira. "That's because they joined rather recently. I met them in Hargeon and they decided to join along with another girl." said Levy. 

Mira nodded as Zane looked at her. "Hi there Mirajane Staruss. My name is Zane Strife and this is my partner Frosch Strife." said Zane with him holding out his hand for a handshake. Mira looked at Frosch with her seeing that the chibi looking frog was actually a cat like Happy.  Her next question was her wondering if it was a boy or girl. This is a solid question since I doubt Hiro would answer that question any time soon. 

Frosch walked over to Tyrell with him trying to comfort Tyrell. "Don't worry Tyrell. The bad clown won't hurt you any more. I promise." said Frosch. "Please don't lie to  "Nice to meet you two." said Mira as she returned his handshake and smiled at him. Right off at the bat, she noticed that his hair was unique to say the very least. It was two colors and wild looking. Mira's eyes then went to his body and well, she was impressed on how redefined his body structure was. 

His muscles weren't huge like Elfman's or small like Loke's but perfect in every way. The white haired beauty quickly shook those thoughts away with her knowing where that particular mindset would lead her. "Okay. I don't know what came over me. I just met the guy and for some reason, I want to touch him." thought Mira. "Um big sis." said Lisanna. The older white haired girl looked at her as she said,"What's up sis?". "You're groping Zane." said Lisanna with a blush on her fash.

Mira blinked with her seeing that she was currently squeezing his pecs and this caused the white haired beauty to blink. She looked up at him with her having a rather innocent look on her face.  "I'm so sorry about that. You don't mind that I touch you like this right Zaney?" said Mira with her sounding all cute and feeling Zane's muscles under the shirt. His muscles were perfect. 

You could only see this type of muscles on someone who has spent a majority of their life training and fighting. Due to Grace and Natsu always been seen without a shirt, Mira could confirm that Zane was more ripped than both of them. "Wow. She's already using the voice." thought Grace and Lisanna. The two had seen her use this voice and a beaming smile to get them a cheaper room in an inn once. The clerk blushed when this happened and had a trail of blood coming out of her nose. 

The clerk was straight but that one moment made her swing for the other team. Zane looked at her with him smiling at her. "Oh wow. He has a nice smile. It's like those trimen in Blue Pegasus except for some reason, it doesn't feel fake." thought Mira blinking. Do note that Eve Tearm isn't a member of the group just yet since he's still training to become one of the Magic Council's Rune Knights at this point in the story. Yeah. I bet you didn't know that if you only watched the Anime but nope. 

Do note that little nugget of information was revealed in Chapter 143 and at one point, he was voiced by Abridged Cloud Strife's voice actor aka Justin Briner. He voiced Eve for Fairy Tail's final season for the dub and I don't know why Daniel Litwin couldn't return for the role. It isn't a big deal since well, Eve matters very little to the story of Fairy Tail as a whole. He was important for one arc but that's really about it. 

You should probably know that Daniel Litwin will be the voice actor for Eve Tearm for the entire story of Fairy Legion Royal. I could just use Justin Briner aka Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7 Abridged or Machinabirdged, Deku from My Hero Academia, Cloud Strife, or Luck from Black Clover but nah. I'm good. Back to the story. "Not at all but I think Levy minds a lot." said Zane. "Levy?" said Mira as she turned to see Levy looking at Zane with a confused look. 

Levy crossed her arms as she said,"What are you talking about?". "I know that I confessed my feelings toward you and how you rejected me but I won't give up on winning your heart." said Zane, clenching his right fist. "Hold on. He confessed you and you rejected him. When did this happen? Did I miss this happen sis?" said Mira. "No. This is the first time I've heard about it." said Lisanna as Grace could see the sisters getting into their match maker mindset or triple M. 

It was like her triple L or Lucky Lecher Lure except with less stripping and more scheming. "You really should be asking him that since I don't recall him asking me out at all. Isn't that right Zane?" said Levy with her sighing. Both sisters looked at Zane who only smiled before it vanished with his cheeks scrunching up, lower lip quivering, and eyes having a few tears coming out of them. "I can't believe you would forget about the time I confessed to you. Why are you so mean to me?" said Zane.

He was speaking in a tone that sounded like a child who was coming close to crying. The three girls looked at Levy who was stuttering and had a blush on her face. The duo of Frosch and Tyrell were unable to comment on this since Tyrell was still recovering from the clown incident. Frosch didn't really care. "I didn't reject him! He has been flirting with me since we've met but he's just playing around or teasing me. I mean would any man like a woman as muscular as me?" said Levy. 

Mira looked over Levy with her saying,"You're not that muscular Levy. I mean I think Grace and her highness out class you in that regard.". Grace agreed with Mira not out of fear for once. "So are you joking around with her Zane?" said Lisanna. She turned around to see Zane holding Frosch like a stuffed animal since the feline could sense that Zane was crying. "Of course I'm not. If you seriously think that I would mess around the feelings of a maiden, you got another thing come." said Zane.

The younger white hair girl could tell that he was serious about that. "I may flirt a lot in fact but well, I like Levy a lot and really want to get you know you more. I also really dig a chick with abs since girls who don't work out a day in their lives turn me off. I like girls who work for their beauty through training rather than coast off their looks. Your body is absolutely perfect Levy so well, I hope you and I can be more than friends in the near future." said Zane with a smile. 

Frosch rapidly nodding his head as he said,"I hope you two do too! You two are so cute together!". "So are we sure about Rae liking her if they ever meet?" said Havoc. "Perhaps." said Matrix. "Did Zane just confess to Levy or am I still not a hundred percent? Oh when did you get here Mira?" said Tyrell.  The other S-Class wizard's face was bright red with her looking away and the temperature in her cheeks was rising. It wasn't too strange for Levy to get given a compliment or some form of praise.

However, the latter was based off her skills as a wizard rather than her appearance. That kind of thing was more fitting for girls like Lisanna or Mira since both of them were attractive and models as well. Most people ,mainly in Magnolia, knew about Lisanna's not so subtle crush on the Salamander so they backed off. Natsu had stronger than normal feelings toward her so people mainly flirted with Mira who sometimes used this to her advantage. 

She made them test their feelings by having them do outrageous things and no one has survived her test before. "Me too Zane. You're really sweet." said Levy. "As are you my dear." said Zane, causing Levy's blush to increase further. If you expect me to stop with the Levy and Zane ship any time soon, you're gonna have a bad time. As this scene was going on much to the amusement of Lisanna and Mira, Havoc and Matrix looked at Astaroth. 

Thanks to the HPS aka the Horny Prevention System, Astaroth was unable to comment on anything until he calms down. "So how are you doing Astaroth old pal?" said Havoc. "Yes. You've been quiet for a while now and well, we're worried about you." said Matrix as Astaroth gave the two a look that screamed are you two serious. "You know why we did this and well, you had it coming. I mean you've always been a pervert since I've known you and Zane says that you corrupted him." said Havoc.

Matrix nodded as she said,"Which we doubt given how many perverted beings Zane has been around over the centuries.". "Lets make a deal." said Havoc. "Are you sure about this?" said Matrix. "Of course I am. I mean you miss his commentary as well so we'll be removing the HPS under one condition. If you say anything that either of us deem to be lecherous, we'll shock you and these shocks won't be small ones. It will rival one of Zane's electricity forms. Does that sound fair?" said Havoc. 

Astaroth looked at the two with him nodding. "Okay. I'll deactivate the HPS." said Matrix with her deactivate the system. Astaroth took a deep breath with him saying,"Thank you guys. I feel better now.". "You do. So what do you think about Mira?" said Matrix. "I think she's beautiful without any doubt. Even among a dimension filled with knock-outs, her beauty sticks out. Here's the thing. I think her heart has been taken by another being and Zane can see that." said Astaroth. 

The duo of Havoc and Matrix looked at each other with Havoc saying,"Hold on. You're not saying anything perverted.". "And what do you mean by that?" said Matrix. "You'll see." said Astaroth. Mira smirked at seeing the blossoming relationship between Levy and Zane since she had never seen Levy interested in a guy before. Before the two could start acting like a cheesy couple like Alzack and Bisca would, Mira decided to get serious. 

She crossed her arms as she said with a smirk,"As much as I enjoy seeing Levy get all embarrassed like a school girl, how about I take you guys to meet the clients? I already booked a place for us to stay so lets go." said Mira. "Right." said the group. The seven Fairies walked through the park with four of them taking in the sights and sounds as they passed. "So Frosch and Zane." said Mira. Levy looked at her with her saying,"What about them?". 

Mira looked at her with a serious look as she said,"I get that both Frosch and Zane are pretty interesting mainly since Zane finds you attractive but are they up for this? At the very least, it's a B-Class job. It could be an A-Class or S-Class job if things really hit the fan.". "They are since Zane defeated Grace and Natsu." said Levy. "That may sound like a big achievement but we've been able to do that since we were kids." said Mira.

Levy couldn't disagree with her on that. "I'll admit that flamebrain and snowcone have gotten stronger since this but they're still idiots." said Mira. "Oh I know that but Master recommend them since he and Zane are old friends. He actually managed to ruffle his hair without getting smashed into the ground aftewords. " said Levy. "Really? So what did Zane say to Master? Anything juicy?" said Mira. "He called him Makky." said Levy.

Mira blinked as she said,"That must mean something right? I think only Councilmen Yajima, Master Bob, Master Goldmine, Porlyusica, and she who must not be named call him that but that is because all of them including her are old friends with Master.". "That isn't everything. Zane also calls Master by the name Pippoko." said Levy. "Pippoko. Whoever came up with that name is an idiot." said Mira with her comment causing a wizard somewhere in Ishgar to sneeze.

This was to the confusion of those around said wizard. The seven eventually reached the castle which is in the center of the park. Said castle was made of white cobblestone with it looked beautifully from the outside. It was easily three stories tall with Zane noticing the flashing neon sign that said,"Starlight Castle" in bright colors. "This place really does fit magic Disney world huh?" said Astaroth. "It really does." said Matrix. "I just hope you can hold back being a pervert." said Havoc. 

Astaroth looked at Havoc with him saying,"I'll try but I prefer to be called a connoisseur of the feminine form.". Zane sighed as he heard Astaroth getting shocked. "So how is Astaroth doing right now Zane?" whispered Frosch. "Pretty good all things considered. Only been shocked once. He's better than Cole who got shocked at least twenty times within an hour." whispered Zane. After entering the building, they entered a reception desk and the receptionist wasn't a normal look one. 

Havoc blinked as he said,"Hey Zane. Doesn't that receptionist remind you of a weird mixture of Antonia and Craig except less skittish and serious respectively?". "Even though Antonia isn't my type, she has her fans with one of them being in the form of a certain cub." said Astaroth with Matrix nodding. "I like how you're not being a pervert but I have a question. Is that receptionist male or female? Their name is Skylar according to what the desk plate says." said Matrix. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Does that really matter? I mean they shouldn't be judged just because they're neither male or female.". Do note that I'm going to try and write a character who identify as neither male or female. This means that this character has an ambiguous gender. This is a good way to try it out and this means that you'll be saying their, them, and they. If I get the pronouns for this character wrong, I'm going to say sorry in advance. I just wanted to try writing someone like this. 

I don't mean to offend anyone with anyone who doesn't seem themselves as male or female but I tend to mistype something and not noticed it until much later or never. Do note that the character of Vigran is male despite having feminine features. This is to show that aliens define gender differently compared to humans and honestly, I thought it would be interesting. Skylar looks to have an androgynous figure with delicate features, average size for both genders, and no noticeable feminine features. 

They didn't have the curves which either bother them a good amount or not at all. Despite not looking very physically threatening, Zane could tell that Skylar wasn't someone to mess with. Skylar has spiky yet curled like a lamb's fleece brown hair and green eyes. They have a pair of golden, lamb like horns protruding from their hair. They have green eyes, small thick black eyebrows, and a somewhat pale complexion. Their face looks rather stern and intense. 

Skylar is wearing formal looking attire in the form of a black vest over a white dress shirt, maroon dress pants, and black flats. "Hey there Skylar. Sorry I had to leave so suddenly but I had to collect my guildmates. These six wizards will help with Arcane World's little problem." said Mira. "It's no problem Miss Strauss. I do hope that they will help make Lady Emma's first shoot with Sorcerer Weekly a smashing success." said Skylar.

The receptionist spoke with a soft and strong voice that reminded Zane of a Yakuza member who has never killed anyone and has a rival turned friend who is a twenty four Cinderella. "Yeah. We were exploring the park and lost track of time. We're truly sorry for that." said Tyrell. "Mr. Sequen. Ms. Strauss told me to expect you lot from Fairy Tail being late or causing trouble for the park by breaking one of the park's rules." said Skylar.

Mira shrugged as she said,"What can I say? I know our guild too well.". "Indeed you do. Beside for a couple of stripping incidents and breaking the pavement using Miss Fullbuster, you haven't caused too much trouble. My name is Skylar, the head butler to the Brasard family who owns Arcane World, the Obsidian Depths Mining Company, and Sorcerer Weekly. Lady Othelia and Lord Clifton both wear many hats after all." said Skylar.

Frosch began imagining a man and woman wearing many hats after hearing that. "Nice to meet you there Skylar. I hope we can work well together in protect the models, the park, and the Lacrimas your masters company makes." said Zane. "Indeed but how did you know about the latter? I never mentioned that we make Lacrimas as well." said Skylar. "Neither did I. Mind telling us how you managed to do that Zane?" said Levy. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh. I can explain how I know that. When you were using me as a pillow and talking in your sleep which was precious, I had a chance to do some research on our job and found out that Obsidian Depths Mining Company makes most of Ishgar's Lacrimas.". "Oh. That makes more sense when you put it like that." said Skylar. "Skylar. You're forgetting something important. The Wordstar talks in her sleep and did she sound cute Zane?" said Mira with Levy looking away, blushing. 

The Cross Species smirked as he said,"She did.". "Please follow me. We've expected you for some time now." said Skylar. The seven wizards followed Skylar down a hallway with Frosch thinking that they were walking through a maze rather than a simple hallway. Every so often, Zane would see security guards patrolling the hallways. Unlike the employees outside, they were all grumpy and short tempered men. 

If you're curious about their uniform, this is it. It's a royal blue shirt, golden shoulder badges with the insignia "AW" on both shoulders, blue, brown, or black pants, and brown boots. All of them were giving Zane the same look aka a glare and arms crossed against their chest. "I wonder why they're all glaring at you Zane. I doubt because of lust. Some of them could be doing that but they are a very small majority of guards." said Havoc. "They must be jealous of you being this close to the ladies." said Astaroth. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"That's a very sound guess given how that has happened to Zane a lot over the centuries. If that's the case, why they aren't they glaring at Frosch or Tyrell?" said Matrix. "No clue on Tyrell but I got an answer for Frosch. They could not be glaring at Frosch since he's a cat or they think he's a she like we all did at one point." said Astaroth. "That actually makes sense. Good guess Astaroth." said Havoc. 

Havoc and Matrix couldn't deny that at one point. "So why are all of the security guards glaring at Zane like he's a major threat?" said Frosch. "I think Frosch is asking for you Matrix." said Havoc. "Ah. That's a simple one. Master Clifton is a fan of giving those who break the park's rules two choices. They either work for the park or get sent to one of the Magic Council prisons. Most tend to pick the former choice for obvious reasons. As for the reason they're staring at your friend, no idea." said Skylar.

The receptionist smirked as they said,"Maybe because he's so handsome right Miss Wordstar?". Levy looked away with the trio of Lisanna, Mira, and Skylar looking at her with the desire to tease her growing stronger by the moment. Another guard passed by Zane, glaring hard at him and bumped into him on purpose. "That son of a.. He did that on purpose." muttered Grace as she watched him walk away with a smug look on his face. "I think I need him to teach a lesson." said Grace.

Before she could do anything, she was stopped by Tyrell. "Don't. We don't want to get in trouble. I'm sure that fighting an employee will lead you to their detention center." said Tyrell. "That it will. My lady isn't the biggest fan of fighting unless absolutely necessary." said Skylar. "Yeah but that jerk bumped into Zane." said Grace. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll get his pay docked for his childish behavior." said Skylar. "That works for me." said Zane with Grace accepting it. 

They reached a double door room with Skylar knocking on the door. "Is that you Skylar? If it isn't, come back later. We're currently doing some mediating at the moment." said a man's voice. "It's me Master Clifton. Mira has returned with her friends from Fairy Tail. I'm sure they'll help us with our little problem." said Skylar. "That's good. Okay. Come on in." said a cheerful feminine voice with Skylar opening the door. 

Upon entering the room, Zane took clear near of the elaborate decorations. The room was decorated beautifully with a sky blue ,with pink sakura petals, wallpaper and many pictures of different models framed and posing in extravagantly. He also noticed two palm trees sitting in the corners. There was a desk that had several papers and documents, currently being ignored at the moment. In the center of the room, there were two couches.

In between the couches, the group's employers ,a man and woman, were doing couple's yoga. They had moved the coffee table that was there earlier. The female is a tall woman with her being taller than all of the females including Levy there. Skylar would count as well but the receptionist's gender is currently unknown. She has peach colored skin with long orange hair ,tied in a bun, and brown eyes hidden under a pair of white star shaped glasses. 

She has long eyelashes with her wearing a magenta colored blouse with it exposing a tasteful amount of cleavage, blue knee length skirts, and brown sandals. She wears a white star shaped necklace. She was currently holding onto the man's arm. The male looked to be a tall and imposing figure with a lean yet muscular appearance. He has peach color skin with the group noticing something noticeable about the man. His head was in the shape of a pineapple like a certain pirate

He has purple hair with a single and noticeable strand hanging in front of his thin face and light green eyes. He has a handlebar mustache and a pair of glasses sitting at the top of his nose. He had a very cheerful expression on his face. He's wearing a lone, opened dark green coat which goes down to his knees and has a white-furred collar. He wears a azure blue shirt under his jacket and black pants with a brown belt. He wears thick black boots that goes to his knees. 

The man wears a brown fedora that looks to be in the shape of a bird skull. He looked to be in his mid-sixties with him giving off the vibe of an artist ,which was obvious given the room, and oddly enough, a mafia boss being that Zane liked this guy for this style. "May I introduce you all to Clifton Barsard and Othelia Brasard. Master Clifton is the primary owner of Sorcerer Weekly and co owns of Arcane World with his wife. Lady Othelia runs the Obsidian Depths Mining Company." said Skylar. 

Clifton smiled as he said,"Nice to meet you kids. Come on and have a seat. Skylar. Do you mind getting us...". "I'm already on it Master." said Skylar with them holding a plate with seven cups of tea. "Oh wow. That was fast." said Grace. "Skylar has been with us for many years and knows how we operate especially with important guests like yourselves." said Othelia. "That make sense." said Tyrell. The seven Fairies were sitting on one of the couches.

The couple of Clifton and Othelia were sitting on the other couch with Skylar behind their masters and Othelia was holding Clifton's arm. "So before I tell the majority why we need all of you, do you have any questions for us?" said Othelia. Frosch ,sitting on Zane's lap, looked at his father and the Cross Species nodded. "Why does your head looks like a pineapple?" said Frosch. "I got to agree with Frosch on this. I mean it's just weird." said Grace. 

For her comment, Grace got a light punch to the arm from Mira with Lisanna sighing. "Big sis. Don't lie. You were wondering the exact same thing as Grace." said Lisanna. "It's fine. I get that a lot but to answer your question. I have no idea. I was just born this way." said Clifton. "Well, I'm sure you know who most of us are except for these two. They did just join our guild after all." said Levy, pointing to Frosch and Zane. 

Skylar nodded as they said,"That's correct. All of you are famous wizards throughout the entire county of Fiore with a majority of you working for my master's company before.". "So who in our little party hasn't modeled with Sorcerer Weekly before?" said Zane. "Both Grace and Levy. Lisanna, Mira, and myself have modelled before. It was a fun yet rewarding experience in my opinion." said Tyrell. "I think Natsu would disagree with you since he hates it." said Lisanna.

Mira looked at Lisanna with her saying,"Isn't it because Jason can't read the room and has a crush on your boyfriend?". "Yeah. That's Natsu for you." said Lisanna. "It was a darn shame that neither Ms. Fullbuster and Ms. McGarden never modeled with us before. We could never have Fairy Tail's strongest team the Mystic Vanguards on our front cover until now." said Clifton. "Hold on. I don't mind being a security guard but being a model is another story." said Grace with Levy agreeing with her. 

Zane looked at the two of them with him saying,"I know that modeling may not be your things ladies but it will be a crime against the Kingdom of Fiore if neither of you two beautiful ladies modeled even once. Who knows? You may just like it but you'll never know until you try it.". Levy blushed once again since she always seem to do whenever Zane compliments her. "Sure. I'll give it a shoot but it better not be too racy." said Levy.

Clifton nodded as he said,"Of course it won't my dear. If it was another magazine, it would be since sex sells very well after all. However, that isn't what Sorcerer Weekly is about. I can promise you this. We'll work to bring out your charms without making you uncomfortable since that would do nothing but get rid of the charms of our models.". "Okay. I trust you." said Levy with her hoping that Clifton was right about this. 

Grace on the other hand was still against modeling until Mira placed her hand on her shoulder and smiled right at her. While this smile may charm others, it frightens Grace. "You will model with me, my sister, and Levy or else." said Mira. "Gotcha!" said Grace. "So what are your names? We haven't heard about you before." said Othelia. "Hi! My name is Frosch Strife and I just joined Fairy Tail alongside Zane." said Frosch with Zane waving.  

Skylar looked at Frosch with the receptionist sighing. "I just hope this talking cat doesn't devour our entire fish supply like the last one." grumbled Skylar. Lisanna overheard the receptionist's muttering with her sighing. She was well aware of her adopted son's obsession for fish. He devour the entire supply of fish they had for a shoot when she took him to a modeling shoot. She would have left him with Natsu but he was on a dangerous job with Erza.

The Animal Soul wizard would have asked Elfman or Mira to baby sit Happy but both of them were on a job at the time so Lisanna had no other choice to bring Happy with her on a shoot much to her dismay since Happy can't resist fish. Normally, Happy would be fine with just one fish but he was really hungry that day. "So since introductions are out of the way, let me explain why I ask Mira to bring all of you here. We're in a dire situation." said Othelia. 

Clifton nodded as he said,"My wife is correct. As all of you must be aware by now either through my lovely assistant Skylar or through word of mouth, the Obsidian Depths Mining Company or Crystal Park are the main supplier of Lacrima throughout all of Ishgar and as of three months, things were going perfectly normal. This changed after one of our employees managed to find a certain type of Lacrima three months ago.". 

Tyrell looked at the man with him saying,"So how rare is this type of Lacrima? I noticed how much security has this place earlier so it must be pretty rare.". "Very rare Mr. Sequen. It's a Dragon Slayer Lacrima with its base price being ten hundred million Jewels and can only be found every couple of years." said Othelia. "A Dragon Slayer Lacrima?! Those actually exist?!" said Grace and Lisanna in unison with Levy and Tyrell looking at Mira. 

Zane noticed the two looking at Mira with him thinking,"I wonder if that means something to them or something.". "Don't look at me like that you two. I'm just learned about it right now just like you guys are. So the added muscle is mainly because of the Dragon Slayer Lacrima been discovered and not for the Summer Slam." said Mira. "It is Mira. Whenever we find a Lacrima like this, my wife inform all of our buyers and one of them was that dreadful Duke Everlue." said Clifton, shivering in place.

Skylar nodded as they said,"I could never understand how that man managed to earn his fortune until his encounter with Fairy Tail Wizards brought his criminal activities to light and destroyed his precious mansion. It seems your guild's reputation for destruction is true after all. I do wonder how that man's mustache manage to grow inside of his nose.". "So I got to ask. Are they correct about this duke's stache growing inside of his nose Matrix?" said Havoc. 

Matrix was silent until she said,"They are correct. It's quite an interesting sight to say the least. Do you two wish to see it?". "Nope. I'm good but thanks for offering." said Astaroth. "He also has the worst sense of his beauty out there. He managed to call our dear friend Lucy ugly which isn't the case right you two?" said Lisanna as she looked right at Tyrell and Zane. Before either male could answer her though, Othelia said,"Lucy? Is she a fellow guild member?". 

Skylar looked at their master with their arms crossed. "That name sounds awfully familiar. I wonder if Lady Othelia noticed it as well." thought Skylar. Mira was interested as well since Mira knows everyone in Fairy Tail but Lucy was new to her. "She is. She joined around the same time as Frosch and Zane here. So do you two think she's pretty?" said Lisanna. "Sure I guess. Not really my type though." said Tyrell. 

Mira nodded as she said,"Yeah. You like girls who constantly strip into their underwear mister Bloody Nose Rocket. So what about you Zaney?". "Well, I haven't known Lucy for too long but calling her ugly means two things. Duke Everlue is either blind or has a unique sense of beauty which is something I sorta of respect but he's still an awful being." said Zane. "The latter thing is more correct Zane. He tends to claim that a man of his standards only hires the fairest of the fair." said Skylar.

The seven Fairies watched the receptionist shiver in place. "If you've seen what he defines to be the fairest of fair, you would question everything you know about beauty." said Skylar. "Yeah. We learned that the hard way." said Lisanna, shivering at the memory of the maids the duke hired. "So it was you and Team Natsu who managed to bring the Duke's crime to light." said Clifton. "Yeah. After Plan S failed, we decided to go with Plan NR." said Lisanna. "Plan NR?" said Frosch. 

Lisanna smiled as she said,"It stands for Operation Ninja Rampage. Three members of Team Natsu would charge in like a bunch of wild animals, beat the crap out of anyone who gets in our way, and then kick the old guy in the balls just for kicks.". "I still can't believe you came up with this plan instead of your little boyfriend who is the prime example of a Fairy Tail member aka a wave of destruction." said Mira. "So why is called Ninja Rampage?" said Zane. 

Grace looked at Zane as she said,"Because the flame brain idiot decides to mimic a ninja by wrapping his scarf around his head, covering only his mouth. After that, he makes a symbol with his hands. It's even more annoying when Happy joins it too.". "Oh I get it now." said Zane. "It's super cute when they do it." said Lisanna, giggling at the memory of those two being ninjas much to Lucy's confusion at the time. "So is there anyone else who wanted the Dragon Slayer Lacrima?" said Levy. 

Clifton nodded as he said,"Yes. Beside our normal batch of clients, we got a new client in the form of the dark guild Resolute Revenants. Their leader who actually calls himself Discord entered the park by himself and not a single one of his goons. After surrounding him, he demanded that we get the lacrima to him but we told him no. Instead of using force like we expected, he told us that he was going to get the Lacrima no matter what even if Arcane World has to fall in the process.". 

Myra looked at the others with her saying,"So why didn't you two report this to the Magic Council? I'm pretty sure they would helped you if needed. You really shouldn't take the threat of the park being destroyed lightly.". "We tried that shortly after making sure that Discord left the park and he didn't have any goons lying around. However, they would only help us if we gave them the Dragon Slayer Lacrima as payment and not pay a single penny for it." said Othelia.

Skylar crossed their arms as they said,"I think it was mainly to make sure that God Serena, the Hybrid Guardian stays the strongest in all of Ishgar.". "It's a good thing you didn't since increasing that man's ego and flashiness is never a good thing." said Tyrell. "The Hybrid Guardian. So has Zane been called that before? I mean he's the Omniverse's most famous Cross Species for better and worse." said Havoc with him trying to remember if Zane has before.

Astaroth cupped his chin as he said,"Most likely but most beings call him Legion Zero or Zane. The name Hybrid Guardian does work for Zane though.". "Both of us disagreed to their help much to the annoyance of the toadie we were forced to talk to. They claimed that the Resolute Revenants haven't done anything too noteworthy ever since they were expelled from the Wizard Guild League ten years ago." said Othelia.

Clifton nodded as he said,"According to the particular toadie, the royal army could handle them easily and they shouldn't waste the Magic Council's precious time. Before we could call the royal army, our entire city was covered in barriers thanks to a single wizard from the dark guild.". "All of those barriers was done by a single wizard? I thought it was a group of them." said Grace. "Yeah and they aren't fragile either." said Mira.

She clenched her fists as she said,"Neither me or any member of the Pride could destroy them since any damage they take gets instantly restore. So I got to ask. How did you guys destroy the barriers? We saw all of them shatter earlier.". "It was only Zane and he used Faf to destroy all of them using Carnal!" said Frosch. "Faf? That seriously isn't the name of your sword is it?" said Tyrell. "It's short for Fafnir. He really doesn't like being called that but Frosch and I are an exception." said Zane. 

Othelia looked at the group as she said,"So will you help us? Arcane World is my father's dream come to life and I would hate to have it destroyed by those hooligans.". "We also have our Summer Slam event going on and it's one of the magazine's biggest events due to us having some of our most popular models here. I won't let any one of them get hurt since one of them is our granddaughter Emma. Please help us take care of this dark guild Fairy Tail!" said Clifton,

He stood up and bow to the group with Othelia and Skylar following his lead. "Pick up your heads. I may be speaking for my group here but we'll help you take cares of these Revenants. You're needing help and what kind of hero would ignore someone in help?" said Zane. "A bad one! I'll help you guys out too since this park is amazing!" said Frosch. "I think you have our answer you three so don't worry okay?" said Levy. "Thank you." said Othelia. 

Zane smiled as he said,"So when do they plan on attacking the park?". "We're unsure but we do have our guards on high alert to keep an eye for anyone who doesn't have a pass to the park or bears their guild mark. If you see anyone with a ghost shaped mark, expect them to be a member of the Resolute Revenants. We'll explain more of our plan tomorrow since it's getting rather late. Have you showed them where you'll be staying during your duration here at Arcane World Mira?" said Skylar. 

Mira shook her head as she said,"Not yet. We should probably get going you guys since we'll need all of our energy for tomorrow. It'll be a long day that's for sure.". The seven Fairies were gone with the two owners and their receptionist being grateful for their assistance in their time of need. A couple of minutes later, the seven Fairies were in one of Arcane World's hotels known as the Grandiose Vertex Resort. 

They were on the topmost floor with there being a series of suites directly on the hotel's roof. Each suite had their own small pool complete with chairs and table, eight bedrooms with a bathroom for each room and a king sized bed, a large sitting or lounge area, and a bar. All seven of them were sharing a single suite since Mira could trust Tyrell and Zane not to peep or else. Frosch was okay to peep because Grace told Zane to take Mira's warning seriously.

She said that the last guy who peeped on her or Lisanna was in the hospital for a month. "Wow. The models in Fiore sure live in style." said Zane, sitting at the bar and drinking from a larger than normal bottle of rum. Frosch was currently with the girls since he had already figured out which room Zane would go for since the two always share a room if possible. The girls already claimed four of the rooms with them leaving the remaining four rooms for Tyrell and Zane. 

In the lounge area, Tyrell sat nearby. "I guess they do huh. No wonder Lisanna and Mira like to model so much." said Tyrell. He was used to seeing Cana drink a large amount of alcohol and this guy did defeat Cana in a drinking contest so it wasn't that big of a deal. "That's true. So since the girls are busy stuffing their face downstairs, can I ask you something?" said Zane. "Sure." said Tyrell. "Mind telling me a little more about Levy and Natsu?" said Zane. 

Tyrell blinked with him saying,"Why those two if you don't mind me asking and why me?". "According to little Makky, you're the big brother of the guild even though Freed is a few months older than you and he says that you're good at reading people." said Zane. "That may be true but I'll only tell you what I feel comfortable telling. If you want to know more, talk to them when you get a chance and if they're up for it. Is that alright? And do you mind if I ask you some questions as well?" said Tyrell. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Sure. That's perfectly fine with me.". "Okay. I'll start with Natsu aka our fighting junkie. He has absolutely no idea about where his dragon father went whatsoever and loves to fight anyone even if his opponents is much stronger than him. You noticed that in your spars with him right?" said Tyrell. "Yeah. He also had no real fighting style and tends to play it by ear most of the time. I tend to do that myself but if push comes to shove, I rather have a fighting style." said Zane. 

Tyrell looked at Zane as he said,"Yeah. One of our most powerful wizard aka the Stormbringer really hates how Natsu doesn't have a fighting style and how it constantly works in his favor. According to Gildarts aka our guild's strongest wizard, Natsu has immense potential in terms of his magic power and fighting skills but tends to do nothing with this. So why did you decided to train Grace instead of Natsu? I mean both of them are pretty strong to say the least.". 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"It's obvious to me those two see each other as rivals and possible has feelings for each other. Not sure about that just yet. The reason why I picked Grace is because of her versatility in combat compared to Natsu's raw power. I tend to gravitate toward people who can solve a problem in a variety of ways compared to having a single way of solving a problem. From what I gathered from Natsu, he tends to solve a problem by burning, searing, or blasting through everything.".

Tyrell agreed with that assessment since he has known Natsu for many years. "Both of them do have some level of endurance but durability is another story I noticed. I can fix that in time however." said Zane. "I see. So what about her stripping habit? I think we timed it once and Grace was able to keep her clothes on for twelve hours before they came off thanks to Natsu." said Tyrell. "Perhaps. So does Natsu grow on you like a weed?" said Zane. 

Before Tyrell could say anything, a feminine voice said,"Yeah. He really does since he is someone who gives his all just for his friends is a good thing. So what's going on here? You two gossiping about which girl is the cutest?". The two turned to see Mira standing there with her arms crossed and a flirtatious smirk. "Hey there Mira. Zane wanted to know more about Levy and Natsu so I was telling him about those two. So where are the others?" said Tyrell. 

Mira looked at Tyrell as she said,"They're downstairs at the buffet with a human Frosch. I still can't believe how much different he and Happy are. So why are you telling Zaney here about Natsu? I still remember when he was such a crybaby, always crying after someone made fun of him or beaten him in a fight.". "Huh. Doesn't that sound like a certain someone?" said Matrix. "Yeah it does and unlike Zane, he wasn't forced to grow up and doesn't ignore the potential inside of him." said Astaroth.

Tyrell looked at her as he said,"Wasn't that normally you though? Mira here used to make him cry because she thought that him crying was just adorable. For a period of time, people really thought you liked him and Lisanna would be your rival. However, Erza knew the truth. You're just a sadist.". "Yeah but I don't like Natsu in that way. He's like a little brother to me and I don't want to ruin the relationship between him and Lis. They're just adorable together." said Mira. "I guess so." said Tyrell.

Mira looked at Zane with her deciding to ask Zane something that has been on her mind for a while. "So Zane. Since you're asking about Levy, do you really like her?" said Mira. "Of course Mirajane. She's totally my type. I mean she may have an amazing figure like you do but she has brains. I like smart girls and when she gets embarrassed, she's just precious. I guess we may get along perfectly since we're both sadists." said Zane. 

Astaroth smiled as he said,"It seems that Zane knows something crucial about the female. They can detect fear and lying to them is practically impossible thanks to the supernatural power of women's intuition.". "I see then. You're not interested in just her looks but her brains instead. I really don't like superficial guys flirting with my friends so I guess you're not like most of the guys in our guild. Thinks with his head instead of his little soldier. So why aren't you calling me Mira?" said Mira.

She glared at him as she said,"I like to be called Mira since Mirajane sounds so formal. We're a family so call me Mira.". "You better do it or she'll beat the tar out of you." said Tyrell. "Dude. You're sounding like Grace but sure. However once we get to be friends or something more. Who knows what will happen?" said Zane. "I'll take that for now so why do you like Levy? She isn't used to people treating her like a girl." said Mira with an impish smirk on her face. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I may not be looking for a relationship at the moment but I do have a type Mirajane. My type works for both males and females.". "Hold on. You swing..." said Tyrell. "Does it really matter Tyrell? I like both men and women but I tend to prefer women. They’re just better for companionship in my opinion." said Zane with a shrug. "How come you're so confident with being bi if you don't mind me asking?" said Mira. 

The Cross Species shrugged as he said,"I guess I've always been like this but thanks to a dear friend, I was more open about.". "He's talking about Rae." said Havoc. "Of course since she had to force him to be more confident in sharing his feelings." said Matrix. "Lets thank her for doing that. I rather have an open Zane rather than one who keeps everything bottle up until he explodes." said Astaroth with both Havoc and Matrix agreeing to that. 

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"So my type has to be strong and good looking. They need a sense of humor, kind and supportive of me and other's choices, share hobbies with even if we don't like the same things, makes it clear what she wants in her life and partner, love to go on adventures and willing to do things outside of their comfort zone once in a while, someone who will fight with me when things get together, someone who I can laugh, cry, and share with, and the most important thing.".

He smiled as he said,"They have to like me for me. Not just for my looks but for my personality as well.". "Oh wow. I didn't expect you to give me your type in such detail." said Mira. "According to Levy, Zane has a tendency to go in great details about weird things. So something interesting about Levy is her family." said Tyrell. "Hold on there Ty Ty. Do you think Levy would want Zane to know about her family? Her family is pretty famous after all." said Mira. 

Tyrell looked at her as he said,"She doesn't mind if people know about her family after all since her real family is with Fairy Tail.". "That's true but her family situation is a bit complicated." said Mira. "So do you two mind telling me who Levy's related to? I mean I could just read your minds but I rather hear it straight from the horse's mouth." said Zane. "Sure. She's related to two high ranking members of the Magic Council." said Mira. "Please tell me it isn't Garfield." said Havoc.

Matrix shook her head as she said,"No. While Michello does have a grandchild, Levy isn't related to the cat man.". "Okay. That takes out one member. We have several possible candidates on who she could be related to." said Astaroth. "The person our dear Wordstar is related to is the Professor of Magic herself Belno." said Mira. "And don't forget about the other member. She's also the younger sibling of the captain of the 4th Custody Enforcement Unit Lahar." said Tyrell.

Zane blinked as Havoc said,"Hold on. There are several things to unpack here. Zane's crush is related to both Belno and Lahar. I didn't even know she had kids much less grandkids.". "Levy being related to Belno does explain her immense magic power and intelligence. Belno was always smarter than those around her. Nothing compared to the power maniac here but pretty smart for a being out here in the boonies." said Astaroth.

The Cross Species nodded as he said,"Yeah. All of them are pretty serious which means that they are super adorable when embarrassed.". "You always did like teasing both Belno and Lahar when you worked for the Magic Council." said Matrix. "From what Master told us, Lahar and Levy were both raised to be members of the council just like their father was before he passed away." said Tyrell. "Yeah. I remember him. He was a good man if not a little strict." said Zane.

Havoc looked at Matrix with him saying,"So how did he die?". "He died in the year X769 thanks to a dark wizard. Levy's father was investigating the dark guild Tartaros at the time but the town where he was staying was covered from top to bottom in Magical Barrier Particles aka poison for the beings of this dimension." said Matrix. "Before their father died, he left behind a certain mindset that Lahar follows to the letter." said Mira.

The demon crossed her arms as she said,"This mindset is that anyone who commits a crime is a felon that deserves to be brought to justice regardless if the felon is a good person at heart and did the crime for a good reason. Her father raised both Levy and her brother to be tools for the Magic Council and nothing more. It's something that neither Belno and Levy agreed to this so Belno brought Levy to Fairy Tail and she joined around the same time as Tyrell.". 

Zane looked at Tyrell with him nodding. "The two of us have been friends for a long time. You may have noticed this but Levy tends to have trouble accepting that people may find her beautiful since she's more muscular compared to Lisanna and Mira. I think that's the main reason why she's never modeled before." said Tyrell. "Yeah. It's something like that and unlike her highness, she's willing to admit that she has unresolved issues." said Mira.

Tyrell looked at Mira with him saying,"Yeah. Erza does have trouble admitting when she has issues with something.". "Zane. If you do like Levy, make sure she knows that you honestly do. I'm sure that you're the first guy she has ever fallen for even though she's best friends with one of the most popular guys in Fiore. She may not know if her feelings for you are true. They exist no doubt but well, just make sure you're sure about them or else, I'll break you in half." said Mira.

She released a bit of her magic power to intimated Zane which didn't work. "Of course Mirajane. I don't go around treating girls like they're trophies. So what about you? I heard about you and Lisanna having the same brand of magic but I don't think you use animals to fight." said Zane. "I'll tell you at another time since well, we should get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for sure." said Mira. She began walking over to her room which she was sharing with Lisanna with Tyrell looking at Zane. 

Tyrell sighed as he said,"If you didn't know, every member of Fairy Tail has a tragic past and have trouble talking about it. Mira is the same. You may not get her to talk about it right now but maybe later.". "Yeah. A teacher of mine once said that the strongest being usually have a lot of emotional baggage to them and Mirajane being an S-Class must mean that she have some serious baggage." said Zane.

Astaroth nodded as he said,"That statement totally fits Zane extremely well like a bikini on a supermodel.". "So is this a perverted comment?" said Havoc. "I'm going to say no but it's been a while since we've shocked him and it's funny whenever we do." said Matrix with Havoc shrugging. Astaroth was shocked much to his annoyance. "That she does. I think I hear the others coming toward us so we'll have to put a hold on this conversation for a while." said Tyrell. "Sounds fair to me." said Zane. 

The door to their suite opened with the remaining girls and Frosch ,in his cat form, heading into their room. Levy let out a cute yawn with Zane smirking. "It seems that a certain someone is tucked out after a long day." said Tyrell. "Yeah I guess so. Even with that really good nap I had on the train earlier, I'm exhausted." said Levy. "I'm pretty sure it's because you were using me as a body pillow." said Zane with Levy having a blush on her cheeks. "I didn't do that!" said Levy. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Oh yes you did. Don't feel embarrassed Levy since it's perfectly natural for a girl your age to want to cuddle. I don't mind since well, I'm used to people cuddling with me for warmth. Aren't I right Frosch?". "Yep! Zane is the best heater around!" said Frosch. Grace looked at Levy whose face was blushing crimson and she was stuttering. "It's weird seeing her like this." said Grace. "A little but she's pretty adorable right Grace?" said Lisanna. 

Grace shrugged as she said,"I guess but you, your sister, and Zane love teasing people huh?". "I guess we do but only when it comes to the people we love." said Lisanna. "Don't worry Levy. I don't mind being using as a pillow since Frosch has been doing that for almost his entire life." said Zane. "Okay but do note that I didn't mean to use you as a pillow." said Levy. "It's fine since well, you were just adorable earlier. Really wish I had a camera since it was a Kodak moment." said Zane.

Levy's blush was still present on her face since she was really not used to getting compliments about her being cute. "So did you get me anything at the buffet?" said Zane with Levy's blush still present on her face. "Yep! I got you some really spicy curry. I don't really like it but I know you do." said Frosch with him holding up a to go box. "Thanks little buddy. I just love spicy food way more than you do with sweets Frosch." said Zane as he held the box. 

The white hair girl looked at Zane as she said,"Yeah. Frosch mentioned that back at the buffet and should you be worried?". "Worried about what?" said Zane. "The amount of sweets he eats." said Lisanna. "I would be if he didn't eat from the other food groups as well and I should be asking you the same question. Even though fish is more healthy compared to sweets, I don't think I've seen Happy eat anything other than fish." said Zane. "Huh. Has Happy eaten anything other than fish?" said Grace. 

Levy looked at her as she said,"Not to my recollection but we should get going to bed. I think Mira would want us to get a good amount of sleep before tomorrow.". "Yeah. I rather not piss her off." said Grace as she head off to bed in her underwear. "She was so close to stay clothing for the entire evening wasn't she?" said Zane. "Yeah she was Zane. See you guys tomorrow." said Lisanna, picking up after Grace. "Night you guys!" said Frosch with Zane nodding. After saying that, they all went to bed.

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