Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 Trouble at Arcane World PT 1 The forces of Darkness and Light gather at the amusement park Section 4 (Written on December 8 2021)

 This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Meanwhile in the most derelict looking warehouse Crystal Peak had available, the Scrums that were guarding the west side ,aka the group who didn't fight earlier in the day, were being reprimanding for letting the barrier over the city fall by one of the Five Atrocious Beasts. "So explain to me why all of you failed in stopping those wizards from destroying the barrier created by my little bro? Huh? Are you punks too scared of answer me or what?!" said a rough sounding voice. 

The Scrums looked away from their superior with the man getting more upset. This man is known as the Malachite Triceratops aka Ranpa Dezow. Ranpa is a huge, tall, and very muscular light skinned man with being around the same height as Rory Simmons aka eight feet tall. He has long yet vibrant dark red hair, going down to his shoulders. He has sharp looking brown eyes. His mouth is filled with fangs and has notably oversized bottom canines that stick out even with his mouth closed. 

His sharp looking face is hidden under his dark green army like helmet that covers a majority of his head except for his mouth and nose. His helmet exposes a large jagged crescent scar that goes over his nose. His helmet has eyepieces that are similar to a pair of black sunglasses. His helmet has three slender metallic horns, reminding someone of a Triceratops. On his back, he has a tattoo of a triceratops being protected by a group of malachite green crystals that are on fire. 

The upper part of his arms and chest are covered in a tattoo that looks to be malachite green scales. He wears a tattered looking blue shirt with a brown trim and reveals several scars, green cargo pants with knee guards shown into them, and a pair of brown wooden geta sandals over his feet.  Both of his arms are covered in carmine red bandages except for the part of his arms that's covered by a tattoo. He has a pair of black ,with malachite green, spiked brass knuckles over both of his hands.  

Ranpa grabbed one of the Scrum with him saying,"I want an answer right now or else, I'll break your jaw coward.". "We didn't even know about those wizards attacking our brothers." said the Scrum. "That is an excuse and I don't want excuses!" said Rappa with him tossing the Scrum into the air and the beast cocked back his left fist, glowing bright green and covered in a magic seal. "Drill Smash!" roared Ranpa. 

His arm began moving in a similar fashion to a drill and said fist went flying toward the Scrum with the Scrum closing his eyes. He was well aware of how strong Ranpa's Drill Smash was. "Barrier." said a voice as Ranpa's fist was stopped by a transparent rectangular green barrier. It was similar to the ones that covered Crystal Peak earlier but smaller. The barrier protect the Scrum and caused the entire warehouse to shake upon impact with the fist.   

Ranpa looked around with him saying,"What are you doing little bro?! I need to make these numbskulls pay for failing Discord! It's my duty!". "It's fine brother. I'm not mad at all about the wizards who managed to destroy my invincible barrier whatsoever." said a calm masculine voice. The larger male turned to see his little bro and sister standing there with the latter of the two giggling. These two are also fellow members of the Five Atrocious Beasts.

The female and male were known as Radical Butterfly and Savoy Crow respectively. The man known as the Savoy Crow's real name is Gurat Scistor with him being around 5 foot 8. He has a tall, slim figure with chin-length green hair that particularly cover his almond-shaped blue eyes. His mostly noticeable trait is his deathly pale skin. His eyebrows are pointed upwards. He wears a dark green dress shirt with a blush sash running diagonally over his right shoulder, navy blue pants, and brown dress shoes.

His shoes have steel toe and heel plating. He wears a beaded necklace around his neck and beaded bracelets around his arms. He has a pendulum in both of his hands with his pendulum resembling a gold coin. The woman known as the Radical Butterfly's real name is Corina Kirishima with her being one of the strongest members of the Five Atrocious Beasts even though it may not look it. Compared to the duo of Ranpa, she's rather short with her being 5 foot 2. 

She has a petite yet curvaceous figure with large breasts and thick thighs. She has a rather pretty face and sadistic yet playful smile on her face. She has shoulder length ash blond hair with dark blue highlights and styled into a pair of messy pigtails. Her eyes are red color with her pupils resembling an arrow shape. She wears a somewhat short dark purple red cut shirt, showing off part of her chest and reveals her black bra thanks to the straps being tied around her neck. 

It reveals her stomach as well. She wears a blue demonic pattern skirt that goes past her knees. She wears knee high black socks and dark brown shoes with thick looking heels. She's wearing a pair of noticeable red fox ears on her head and a fox tails around her waist. She wears black mascara. "He's totally lying about that Ranpa. You should have seen him when the barriers shattered. His face was priceless." said Corina as she kept on giggling at the memory.

Ranpa looked at Gurat who was slowly gaining more vein marks on his face as the laughter from the teen continued. "I wish I stole a Camera Lacrima when I snuck in with the boss earlier but nope, I was forced to get other types of Lacrima instead. It's a darn shame but the mission comes before pleasure I guess.." said Corina. "I would have shattered it." muttered Gurat. "Yeah you would have but who said it would have been my only one?" said Corina.

The two glared at each other with Ranpa sighing. "So where is the boss? I thought he would have been watching me punish these morons for failing him. You're lucky that we didn't decide to do our normal punishment." said Ranpa. The one who already lost their little fingers were thankful for since they didn't want to clean up the other little finger and the bloody mess it left behind. "He's with those big shots from the Balam Alliance. Can't believe we have to work with them." said Gurat.

He clenched both of his fists as he said,"The five of us can handle those amusement park losers no problem.". "Yeah but they now have the help of the Wordstar herself. She was the one responsible for your barriers going boom maybe." said Corina. Gurat clenched his fist and looked at the Scrums. "So do you mind if I vent out my frustrations on them?" said Gurat. "Sure but make sure they're not too beaten up. The boss wants all of the men in fighting conditions for tomorrow." said Ranpa. 

Corina tilted her head as she said,"Then why were you going to punish them? You're always so brutal when it comes to punishment time.". "You're not much better since the men are usually covered in knife wounds." said Gurat. "At least, they'll be able to fight if I punish these naughty boys unlike whenever Ranpa does punishment time. We don't exactly have doctors in our fine organization and Healing Magic is nothing but a Fairy Tail or was it Fairy Tale." said Corina. 

Ranpa looked at her as he said,"Fairy Tail. They're going to be at the park tomorrow right?". "Pretty sure they will since the Demon herself is modeling alongside two members of the Pride. It'll be very fun for sure. Lets watch Gurat get out his frustrations from a safe distance away." said Corina. The two backed away as Gurat's eyes glows brightly with the Scrums seeing a strange swirling pattern emanating from his body and that was the last thing they saw before darkness clouded by their vision. 

On the second floor of the warehouse that looked over the main area where the Scrums and three of five Atrocious Beasts were, there is a conference room. Despite the rest of the warehouse looking utter garbage, the conference room looked fancy and well furnished. It was spacious with large pane glass window that showed the first floor. It had two couches in front of a desk and both of these items were in front of the desk. 

In the room, the guild master of the Resolute Revenants known as Discord was sitting in his throne with two of his Atrocious Beasts by sides. Discord's real name is Dulroch Clover. He's a tall, well-built middle aged man and fits the Yakuza theme his guild has rather well. He's easily towers over most members of his guild except for Ranpa with him being six foot two tall. He has remarkably large forearms with his biceps and shoulders looking small by comparison. 

He has long gray ,which used to be black back in the day, hair which is tied in a thick ponytail that goes down to his shoulder blades.  He has a prominent nose, narrow yet sinster yellow eyes, square jaw, and an extremely menacing look on his face. He has a walrus mustache on his face and a stitched scar on his forehead. He wears a black coat with a handkerchief in his right side of the pocket. Under his jacket, he wears a long sleeved white shirt with a large V-neck.

It has the logo for his guild on the right part of the chest area. His guild's mark is a black ghost like creature. He wears gray pants and tucked into a pair of short black boots. He wears a wide black hat that was in the shape of a volcano and had gray stripes, mimicking lava flow/magma. Over his arms, he wears black bracers over them. By the man's side, there was a male and female ,on his left and right respectively, stood there. 

The female is a familiar face with it being Vucille Tempitch and she goes by Lavender Ammit within the guild. The male is someone who shares a familiar connection to the guild master Discord, his codename is the Burgundy Coyote, and his name is Stark. He does have a last name but tends to go only by his first. He's a tall, narrow man with him being the third tallest member of the Resolute Revenants at 5 foot 10 and looks to be in his early twenties. 

He has short, shaggy yet spiky black hair with several bangs falling down his forehead in uneven bangs and pale turquoise colored eyes with no pupils. He has noticeably small eyebrows with the tips of them burned off and both eyebrows having a scar dividing them in half. His left eyebrow has a scar divided in it half vertically and his right eyebrow has a scar dividing it in half horizontally. His mouth is stitched together at the edges, giving him a glascow smile. 

Stark wears a thick, dark burgundy hooded bomber jacket with the insides and hood lined with black fur. The jacket's cuffs are made out of a a silver metal. Under his jacket, he wears a black v-neck shirt with it having a stitched together pattern to it and a white tie worn around his neck in a very half assed way. He wears gray pants with silver knee guards and burgundy boots that are lace-up. He wears a pair of fingerless black surgical gloves with them embroidered with a gold coyote pattern to them. 

The man looked at Discord and to something else in the room. "So I'm not the one to question your oh so wise decisions old man but are you sure about asking for their help?" said Stark. He was glared at by Vucille with Stark sighing. "You know I'm right Ammit. You hate one of them after all. In the Balam Allinace, they are well known for their lone wolf nature and not caring about helping out their fellow dark wizards." said Stark. 

Along with the two wizards from the Oracion Seis they obtained from the Balam Alliance, they got two wizards from Raven Tail aka the only dark guild who isn't in the Balam Alliance. In the room alongside the three Revenants, there stood four dark wizards and a giant snake. This group consisted of two males and three females with the giant snake being female. If you want to know the difference between snake genders, look at this.

Three fifths of this quintet belongs to the Oracion Seis and this included the snake. This trio consist of Angel, Cobra, and Cobra's pet/best friend Cubellios. The duo of Angel and Cobra are both S-Class Dark Wizards and their snake Cubellios was an A-Class Dark Wizard. You may wonder how a snake could be considered a wizard but according to the Fairy Tail Wiki, Happy is considered to be a mage/wizard despite being a cat. If you can use magic, you're considered a wizard. That's the logic I'm going with. 

Anyway, lets show these dark wizards off. Angel is about 5 foot 4 with her being in her early 20s.She has pale skin, brown eyes, and long silver hair that reaches down to her back. She has tresses on both sides of her face reach down pass her shoulders and has part of her hair at the top of it curling into a hair that rises conspicuously from her head. Fitting the name of angel, she wears an outfit that reminds others of an angel or a swan. 

She likes to be called an angel and if you call her a swan, you'll regret it. She wears a dress that's a mixture of clothes and white feathers. It has a v-cut, exposed a good amount of her chest. Light blue fabric can be seen on either side of her waist. Her dress reaches down to the back of her lower legs with it being more open in the front. This exposes her legs up to her lower thighs. The feathers taper off near her waist and continue in a single, narrow band up the middle of her torso.

The feathers split towards the top of her breasts, jutting out to either side. Her shoulders are left uncovered. It has two angel like wings hanging from her back. She wears long, wide dark blue sleeves that are tied to her arms just below her shoulders by light blue ribbons. Covering her legs, she wears black knee length stocks and light blue high heeled shoes with white feathers on them. On her collarbone, she has two wing-like tattoos. 

In her hair, she wears a dark-blue ribbon around her head with four bows hanging from it ,two on each side, that cover her ears. Cobra is 6 feet exactly with him being around the same age as both Angel and Stark. If he wasn't a well known criminal, Angel would suggest for Cobra to be a model since his looks are something to be admired especially compared to the other five guys in her guild. I mean have you seen Midnight at all?

The best way to describe Midnight comes from dub Gajeel being that he looks like some angsty kid that got into his mother's makeup. He's a slim yet muscular man with noticeable tanned skin that's natural unlike a certain wizard from the legal guilds. He has spiky, upward-styled crimson hair except for a tuft covering his forehead and two bangs framing his face. He has snake like features with purple slit pupil eyes, a rather flat nose, and prominent canine teeth. 

He has noticeably pointed ears which has helped him greatly over the years. Resting on his right shoulder blade, he has a noticeable burn that is a unique shape and it's something that forever marked him as a victim of a deluded prick. He wears an exquisite gray coat with gloom red inner lining and cuffs intricately decorated by golden-colored motifs. It has many studs lined up the chest and has a high collar. His jacket is lacking sleeves with the the sleeves looking that they were burned away. 

Under his jacket, he's wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt with a crimson red scaled snake in the center of it. The end of his shirt looks to be have burned away as well. He wears crimson red pants with a black scale-like pattern and held up by a studded belt. He wears black boots. Over his hands, he's wearing a pair of black leather gloves. Cubellios is a large serpent ,with her being large enough to carry up to four people as transportation, and has violet scales and a white underside. 

Her eyes are green with black slitted pupils. She was currently wrapped around Cobra's arms and hissing while looking at Discord. The final two members of this villainous quintet are from Raven Tail with it being a boy and girl. Lets start with the boy first since his name goes before the girl's name alphabetically. His name is Rucolt Prastaza with him being nineteen years old and an A-Class Dark wizard. Compared to the other men in the room, Rucolt is rather short at 5 foot 7.

Rucolt has pale skin with a toned muscular figure with angular violet eyes. He has spiky dark blue hair with a crew cut and small eyebrows. Similar to Cobra, he had the appearance of a good-looking guy. He wears a black vest with purple buttons and wears a navy blue undershirt underneath. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He wears a pair of dark green pants with multiple pockets and a brown belt around his waist. He wears knee high black boots with two purple skull around the top of each boots. 

He has a long, flowing cape around his neck and goes down to halfway down his shin. He wears metal wristbands with the symbol of a planet on them. The other Raven is a rookie member who his master just brought to Raven Tail only a handful months ago but showed great promise in taking down Fairy Tail. Her name is Flare Corona. Flare is a pale-skinned young woman with her being around the same height as Angel aka 5 foot 4. 

The most noticeable thing about her is her long, straight dark red hair with it worn in a pair of massive waist-length braids that are tied together behind her back. She has red eyes with them always looking open and it was part of a certain combination. This combination consist of her always open eyes, her tilted head, her perpetually raised eyebrows, and her semi-opened mouth give her a very deranged appearance. She has noticeable bags under her eyes. Her lips are full yet glossy. 

She has an voluptuous body ,with very large breasts and paired alongside similarly large hips, endowing her with a virtually perfect hourglass figure. Her body was able to struck envy even to supermodels. Her left shoulder bears a scar in the shape of an "X", and her dark red Raven Tail mark is located on the upper part of her right breast. Her shapely figure is hugged by an extremely revealing crimson red blouse. 

The blouse is open enough to reveal a large portion of her cleavage and almost reaching down to her navel. It also exposes part of her guild mark. She wears a navy blue skirt that goes down to her calves and has a large slash, revealing her legs. She wears dark red frilled red gloves that go up to her elbows and dark red high heeled shoes. She wears a black choker with a small sun shaped emblem in the center of the choker. 

Angel smiled as she said,"Do you not trust us or not scarbrows? All of us are evil so why shouldn't we be friends?". "Because he doesn't trust anyone including his so called friends which is so very sad." said Cobra. "How did you know that carmine head?" said Flare, looking at Cobra. She was getting close to Cobra mainly due to what her guild master told her about him. She was secretly told something about Cobra and how he shares the same magic power as three wizards of the light.

These three wizards are Fairy Tail's Salamander whose fire magic is infamous for having the power to kill dragons, Fairy Tail's Stormbringer whose lightning rivals the god themselves according to Sorcerer Weekly, and Phantom Lord's Black Steel. She was getting close to Cobra but was stopped by Cubellios who hissed at her. "Sorry about that red but she hates whenever a beautiful woman like yourself gets close to me. I know that you just joined Raven Tail but how about you join us?" said Cobra. 

Flare looked away as she said,"Um. Let me think about it.". "If she joins us Cobra, we wouldn't be the Oracion Seis anymore." said Angel with her pinching his arm for two reasons. Cubellios glared at her with her unable to do anything for now. "Aren't you forgetting about that thing Angel? You're also forgetting about Cubellios but that's a given since most of you consider her to be nothing more than my pet which isn't the case at all." said Cobra. 

Angel sighed as she said,"Right. I tend to forget about that one even though he's a massive perv and one of the most blind bastards to beauty I've ever seen. I do think he's slightly better than Sleeping Beauty though. And for Cubellios, it's hard to remember what she used to be. It's been a long time.". "Yeah. He may sleep a lot but he's reliable and loyal just like all of them except for those traitors. Is it fear or just seeing him as their friend even those days have long past?" said Cobra. 

Vucille blinked as she whispered,"So why isn't Master doing anything about them? They're ignoring him.". "You've been gone for a while now Vucille but dear old Discord here is thinking about what he's going to do once we get the Dragon Slayer Lacrima and how it's going to change this disgusting country into something good." said Stark, smiling. "So the rumors were true about you huh Stark. You're a loyal support of that." thought Cobra.

He crossed his arms as he thought,"The Ultimate Magic World is something that Master Hades is trying to achieve for reasons I'm not aware of yet. I'm not against it but I rather not have him get what he desires after what he did to me and the others.". Thinking about that man, he began holding his right arm in anger. Sensing her master's growing anger, the snake comforted him and he smiled. "Thanks old friend. I swear to get revenge for you and the others who died." thought Cobra.

Discord looked at the four with him saying,"So do you think you four can handle those legal wizards who broke the barriers around the cities.". "Of course we can. I mean they're from Fairy Tail and all of them are weak." said Rucolt. "Don't underestimate those Fairies. It'll get you killed." said Stark. "What he said. Two of them are S-Class right?" said Cobra. "Yes. Levy McGarden aka Wordstar and Mirajane Strauss aka the Demon are at the park alongside two members of the Pride." said Vucille. 

Angel smiled as she said,"Okay. We'll make sure you get your precious Lacrima if you convince our genius master to let Cobra and myself go after that monster Jellal. I can't stand how he was able to get away with what he has done.". "Jellal? Who is he?" said Flare. "He is no one important at least to me and depending on good you three do, I can try and convince Brain to let him. Do you four mind doing something for me?" said Discord. 

Cobra smirked as he said,"Sure. Me and the dork will fight your two men for you. Put up a good show for your men and teach them not to fail.". Cubellios began wrapped herself around Rucolt as he said with annoyance,"Hey! I didn't sign up for this! Why don't you fight with her girlfriend?!". "Do we really seem like boyfriend and girlfriend? I'm touched you think that and I hope a certain snake gets the hint about who her master REALLY loves." said Angel with a blush. 

With an angry hiss, Cubellios slithered over to Angel and hissed at her while letting Rucolt go. "So what's going on there? Those two are fighting even though one is a giant snake." said Flare, watching the two fight. "Something stupid yet complicated at the same time red. So where do you want us to fight?" said Cobra. "Which I don't want to do by the way." said Rucolt. "Downstairs. Follow me and don't be late or else." said Discord. 

He walked out of the room with Vucille following him. "You should probably just accept that you're fighting since messing with that old timer is a bigger mistake than the cape of yours dork." said Stark as he placed his hand on Rucolt. The young man was shocked with him glaring at Stark who only smiled at him. "Come on. I dare you to attack me and prove me wrong about you." said Stark with him holding out his chin to taunt the teen. 

Cobra looked at Stark with him saying,"Stark. You and this dork can fight later. Just get going.". "Okay then Mister Snake. I'll get going. Later dork." said Stark with him turned into lightning and vanished from the room. Cubellios looked at Cobra with the male motioning to her and she nodded. Using her body, she grabbed both Flare and Rucolt. Both dark wizards were confused by this action and they were dragged out of the room much to the amusement of Stark.

Angel looked at Cobra with her saying,"So why did you get rid of the rookies? Is it because you want to kiss me Cobra?". "Not that at all Sorano. Why did you mention him? Did you seriously forget what our goal is?" said Cobra. Noticing how he called her by her real name rather her codename, she knew that he was serious. "No. Of course not. We're going to help that idiot with his goal of finding Nirvana in order to make our dreams come true." said Angel.

Cobra nodded as Angel said,"But we can't let that bastard live for what he's done to us and the others Erik.". "I know that but we can't let Brain or that snitch hear about this since that monster is precious to Brain. Even if we could get our revenge on him but Brain needs him alive. We've been working on this plan for how long?" said Cobra. "Ever since we were giving freedom to do whatever we want. So what are you thinking?" said Angel. 

The man crossed his arms as he said,"I could be wrong but I'm hearing a powerful voice off the coast of Fiore. She's currently enjoying something called Star Mango Gelato and with her help, I think we can get what we truly desires along with our prayers. The death of Jellal.". "You got it. Lets get going. I want to see my man teach these idiots a lesson." said Angel. She dragged him out of the room and Cobra smiled at how she was acting. 

In the middle of the first floor, Cobra and Rucolt stood there with the younger male looking right at Cobra. "So why didn't you try and convince their boss not to have me fight? I really don't want to waste my magic before the job." said Rucolt. "Chill out. We won't be fighting against anyone too strong plus don't you want to look good for her?" said Cobra. He point over to Flare who was talking with Corina and the red head didn't say anything. 

Compared to the more social Corina, Flare is very shy after all "You're talking about Flare right? What about her?" said Rucolt. "Isn't she your little girlfriend? I can tell if you're lying so don't unless you want to get hear your heart beating so don't lie." said Cobra. Before Rucolt could say anything, the two heard a masculine voice,"I hope you two outsiders are ready to go down.". "My brother is right. The odds are against you both so I hope you said your prayers." said another masculine voice.

The two dark wizards saw hundreds of Scums with their gaze focused on them. All of them weren't a threat but two of them stuck out amongst the sea of weaklings. "Hold on a minute. I thought you said we only had to fight two members of your guild!" said Rucolt. "If you honestly believed him, you're a bigger fool than I thought. Even among some truly scummy pieces of shit, Discord is known for it. So who among you is the strongest? I'll fight all of you. Leave them to me kid." said Cobra, smiling. 

Rucolt looked at him as he turned to see two wizards standing in front of the crowd of Scrums. Both of these two wizards were male with the one on the right being taller than the one on the left. The left wizard goes by the name Drorak and the right wizard went by the name Browan. Drorak is stronger than the right wizard with him having a angular face and long blue hair. It's tied in a ponytail and has a few strands hanging in front of his face. He has gray eyes. 

He's wearing a dark purple tank top with it exposing his lean yet muscular frame. He wears brown pants and these pants are tucked into a pair of dark green ,with a blue line, boots. Browan has a sick grin on his face with fangs sticking out of his mouth. He has fair skin with spiky, waist-length brown hair and sharp looking red eyes. He's wearing a fitted dark red sleeveless v-neck shirt and black pants with a dark green obi belt sash wrapped around his waist. 

Browan wears a dark green rocket-pack attached to his back by a pair of large straps and below his arms. It's in the shape of a cube with two gold symbols of the Resolute Revenants on the side of the cube. He wears brown knee-high combat boots. His eyes, mouth, and nose is covered by a steel armor mask. "So these two are the strongest among the Scrums Browan and Droak." thought Stark. In the rafters, he sat there from the rest of his guild.

Like Flare, he wasn't very social. "I heard about how strong Cobra is but I wonder if he'll protect the newbie. I heard about him having a similar magic to that monster from the strongest dark guild and an interesting magic not unlike mine or Cobras. It could be one of those magic but I'm sure he'll be strong in the new world." thought Stark. "So are you ready to begin? My men won't be holding back." said Discord with Ranpa, Gurat, and Vucille standing beside him. 

Cobra smiled as he said,"Of course we are sir. Bring it on.". The group of Angel, Corina, Cubellios, and Flare watched from the side lines. "Okay then begin." said Discord. "Take this! Fire Bullet!" said a Scrum with him casting a spell and firing a large, bullet-like stream of fire toward Cobra. "Oh wow you guys. Who didn't see that coming. A cocky fire wizard." said Cobra as he moved out of the way of the fireball and rushed toward the Scrum. 

His left hand was slowly cover itself in a bubbling purple poison like substance and slammed his fist into the Scrum's stomach. It pushed him back and screamed in pain. The Scrums saw that the fire wizard's stomach was covered in a burn and had a faint purple glow around it. "Oh wow. Cobra is on fire today. He's the best close combat fighter among the Oracion Seis according to my research. I could be wrong about that though." thought Stark.

Unlike most of his guild, Stark knew about the strength of his superiors but Stark's main focus was of the strongest guild Grimoire Heart. "I'm sure that his immense strength is thanks to what is inside of him. Unlike those in the light, he doesn't go blabbing about being raised by extinct creatures or beings of immense power. While it may like he's using it to those idiots, Cobra isn't using it but just regular old magic." thought Stark. "So who's up next?" said Cobra with a smirk and got ready to fight. 

One of the Scrum glared at him as he said,"You just got lucky! Take this!". Cobra turned to see the Scrum jumping toward him with his entire body covering in electricity. "Take this bastard! Discharging Web!" said the Scrum, firing out a massive stream of electricity toward him. "Don't you know anything about me. I can hear your thoughts and that means you'll never hit me. Keep on wasting your magic power though." thought Cobra as he jumped back to avoid the electricity.

While evading the attack, Cobra covered his right hand in poison. "Since you're so determined to fight little old me, Poison Make: Bazooka." said Cobra with the poison around his right hand turned into a bazooka made of poison. He fired out a massive ball of poison and it moved at incredible speed. It collided direct with the electricity Scrum and he began screaming. The poison began burning his skin alive and Cobra smiled as the poison began spreading around the Scrums below sparky. 

Cobra closed his eyes as he thought,"And now with the poison in play, the fun can truly begin. Poison Dragon's Plague.". Upon snapping his fingers, the Scrums that were hit by his poison earlier slowly got back up and had several purple scales covering their body. The infected Scrums began attacking the Scrum around it with them slowly infecting them in the same purple marks. Once they did that, the Scrum fell to the ground and they weren't moving. 

Stark looked down with him saying,"So that must be a spell he created to force an enemy's numbers against them. It seems that this won't be such a bother after all.". "So what's going on out there?! Why are the Scrums attacking each other and then dying after word? I mean Gurat didn't use his magic on them did he? I didn't see him using it." said Corina. "Nope. That is because of Cobra. So what about your friend red?" said Angel. "What do you mean?" said Flare as she tilted her head. 

Corina looked at her as she said,"You know Rucolt. The guy whose a part of your guild.". "Oh. I know about him. Yeah. I don't know what kind of magic he can use but Master Ivan says he's pretty good at eliminating those pesky Fairies. I still wonder why he does all those strange poses though whenever someone mentions Fairy Tail or just the word Fairy." said Flare. "Poses?" said the two girls with Cubellios shrugging.

The fight went on as Cobra jumped back from a group of boulders that came from a spell called Rock Storm. It's similar to Rock Slide except the rocks from came from all sides rather than just above the target. "Okay then. It seems all of you really want to die. Poison Bullet." said Cobra with him chewing on air. This action made his cheeks expand in size. The Scrum were confused by this especially when Cobra was making a bubble of poison appear in front of his mouth. 

It floated in front of Cobra with the man poking the bubble and the bubble turned into a barrage of poison bullets. The bullets were of different sizes and they pierced the Scrums, poisoning them in the process. It didn't infect them like Cobra's combo earlier but it did thin their numbers. "Oh wow. This guy is really strong." said Browan using a Scrum to deflect a bullet that went toward him. "Of course he is brother but his partner on the other hand is another story." said Droak.

He looked at Rucolt with him saying,"Lets see if he can handle himself in a fight. Do keep him busy brother. Earth Make: Titan's Hammer!". Cobra looked over at Droak who stomped onto the ground and caused the entire warehouse to shake . "What is he planning? I hope the dork noticed that his enemy is doing something." thought Cobra. Much to his disappointment, Rucolt was watching him in awe. "It's going for the dork. I need to do something..." thought Cobra as his ears and eyes turning gray. 

Browan ,with his face covered in veins, smiled as he said,"Sorry but you helping the brat out won't be happening. He needs to fight on his own. I think with your hearing and sight blocked, you're done for. Elemental Missile Storm!". From his rocket pack, several missiles came out and went flying toward Cobra who was caught up in an explosion of different elements collided in one spot. "Cobra! Are you okay?" shouted Rucolt. "Sorry but that won't be happening kid." said Droak.

From the ground, a giant hammer emerged and Rucolt's eyes widening upon seeing it getting close to him. "Gravity Change: Decrease!" said Rucolt as he jumped high into the air and evading the hammer swipe. "So aren't you worried about Cobra? He just got nuked. I would ask if Flare cares about that cape wearing loser but she doesn't." said Corina. "If you think that, I hope you regret saying that." said Angel with Cubellios nodding. "Ha! You're too slow!" said Rucolt. 

Above him, Stark shook his head as he thought,"Being cocky and underestimating your opponents will only lead to your defeat.". "Elemental Missile Storm!" said Browan as the missile collided directly with Rucolt, causing him to fall onto the ground and in a cloud of dust covered him. "So is this what a member of the Oracion Seis can do. I got to be honest. I'm disappointed." said Gurat. "Indeed. I've seen one of them in action and this is pathetic." said Vucille, looking over at Angel who waved at her. 

Ranpa looked at Discord with him saying,"Master. Why did you ask for the Oracion Seis's help in our job?". "Are you questioning my decisions Ranpa?" said Discord. "Not at all sir. That's more of Stark's thing than mine but these two are weak and I'm sure those ladies over there are weak if the male's performance has anything to say." said Ranpa. "So is he being sexist or what?" said Angel with Corina shrugging. "Honestly, I'm not too sure." said Corina.

Discord looked at the duo of Browan and Droak who stood there. They've been considered for a spot in the Five Atrocious Beasts but were lacking one thing. "If you think that Cobra was defeated by such a weak spell, I guess you're a bigger fool than I thought you were." said a voice. The two turned around to see Stark standing there with them hearing,"Oh god! It burns!". Back on the battlefield, Browan stood there with him holding his left arm which was glowing purple. 

Browan glared at his arm as he said,"How the hell did you survive my attack and infect me?!". Cobra stood there without a single scratch on him. "Unlike most of my comrades in the Seis or most wizards I've faced, I have my ways of blocking my enemies and attacking at the same. So how are you liking my poison? Unlike those idiots, I decided to give you a more potent dosage compared to them since you pissed me off." said Cobra with him looking in Browan's general direction.

This was due to him being unable to hear or see him but smelling him was another story. "It isn't your fault really but I bet you just use Jet Magic don't you? Reminds me of a justice spewing bastard whom I want to poison." said Cobra as he smiled. "Fine then. Take this! Steel Tendrils and Elemental Missile Storm!" said Browan as his rocket pack began producing both metallic tendrils and missiles that went toward Cobra who dodged them. The other Scrums however won't so lucky. 

Stark looked at Browan who was slowly looking worse as his purple glow slowly began covering more of his body with each attack of his missing. "Like with the others before, his attacks are too damn obvious and you aren't different either." thought Cobra with him jumping into the air to avoid the giant hammer. "What are you doing Browan? I thought you took both his hearing and sight earlier!" said Droak as he controlled the hammer to hit Cobra who kept dodging.

To piss off Droak more, Cobra had his hands in his pockets. "I did..." said Browan with him falling to the ground and was bleeding out his eyes. "Oh god!" said Gurat with him puking. "He's dead." said Discord. "Are you sure about that master?" said Vucille. "His eyes are bleeding Vucille. Unless Browan is secretly a Blood Wizard, I'm sure the snake killed him." said Stark. "You're done. The poison I gave you is enough to kill a Vulcan and I don't think you'll be needing this any more." said Cobra.

Cobra walked over to him without any one of the Scrums including Droak stopping him since he just killed Browan who was one of the strongest Scrum. "Poison Make: Gauntlet." said Cobra as poison covers his right arm and formed a gauntlet. Cobra slammed the gauntlet into the rocket, destroying it and inflected Browan with more poison. If Browan was alive, he wasn't anymore since he had a great deal of poison inside of him. 

Angel whistled as she said,"Oh wow Cobra. You really went all out on that loser.". "Thanks. So why don't you come on out and do something already Hyde?" said Cobra. Droak shook off his shock as he heard Rucolt's voice,"Fine but I'm damn too tired to deal with this right now so next time, don't force me to come out since you want to see me in action.". Droak looked for Rucolt but couldn't find him at all. "Looking for me aren't you? Fine. I guess I'll make an appearance." said Rucolt's voice.

Droak turned around to see Rucolt standing behind him and the ground below him looked softer for some reason. Droak didn't noticed that due to him looking different. His eyes were bright red and his right arm was covered in black ,with white stars scattered through out it, magic seals. "Planetary Smash." said Rucolt as he slammed his fist right into Droak's gut. This caused his eyes to widen and he coughed up blood since his fist broke most of his organs. 

He was sent flying into the wall, creating a noticeable sized crater upon hitting it before falling to the ground dead. "If you're thinking that it's that magic, it's nothing like that crap he uses." said Rucolt. "Of course. So mind if you take care of the gawkers? They're pissing me off." said Cobra as he pointed to the Scrums. "Sure. Gravity Change: Decrease." said Rucolt as the Scrums flew into the air and they were unable to move. "And now, Gravity Change: Increase." said Rucolt with him bowing.

As he bowed, each Scrum's body splattered upon hitting the ground and covered in blood. "Oh wow. He made your boyfriend's act of cruelty look pathetic in the process." said Corina. "Yeah. That is him alright." said Angel. "Do you know him or something?" said Flare. "Of course. He's an old friend of ours who has a score to settle with a certain blue haired prick but can't achieve that due to a curse given to him by a wizard of that horrid place." said Angel with Cubellios hissing in anger. 

Even though Corina and Flare couldn't speak parseltongue, they could tell that she was angry and stepped back just in case. Rucolt smiled as he turned to Discord. "So you're not mad about me and Cobra here killing these weakling huh Discord?" said Rucolt as he kicked Browan's body right toward him. Before it could get close to him, it was blocked by one of Gurat's barrier. The body collapsed onto the floor with Gurat ,with his puke cleaned up, saying,"I won't let that corpse touch you boss.".

Discord looked at the body with him saying,"It's fine. We won't be needing their strength. They may have been two of the strongest Scrums but in the end, they were still Scrums. Browan's Jet Magic and Sense Removing magic and Droak's Earth Make magic were useful but you four are more than capable of taking their place. Get rid of the corpses.". The remaining Scrums looked at Cobra who was petting Cubellios. "Don't worry. You won't get poisoned like your pals did." said Cobra.

The poison wizard smiled as he said,"However, you may get ripped in two if the dork wants.". Upon hearing that, Rucolt groaned. "Must you keep calling me that? Do you think I like wearing this stupid thing?" said Rucolt, holding his cape. "I calls 'em like I sees 'em." said Cobra with a shrug. "Fine then Cobra. Just make sure I don't have to come out again. It's a total drag when I do especially in such a dusty place." said Rucolt as his eyes turned back to normal.

Instead of saying anything, he was about to hit the ground due to him falling asleep. He was caught by two massive stands of red hair and it came from Flare. "I think I see why Master warned me about that. He has two personalities inside of him. One is Rucolt and the other one is the murderous Baldur." said Flare as her hair was moving back and forth. "So you two are actually quite strong. I want to fight you now." said Ranpa, cracking his knuckles.  

Cobra looked up at Cubellios with him saying,"If you want to die like your buddy did, go ahead. I won't stop you.". "Fine. You're going down snake boy!" said Ranpa with him jumping toward Cobra. He was however blocked by one of Gurat's barriers and contained in a prison of barriers. "Hey! Let me go!" said Ranpa. "You'll have to fight him later Ranpa. Do you have any questions for me? I'm sure you do." said Discord. "Yep. So why do you want this Dragon Slayer Lacrima exactly?" said Angel.

She crossed her arms as she said,"I mean from what I've been told, you desire it to increase the strength of one of your wizards. However, I haven't seen the wizard whom you want to use to rule over the non-wizards since they are ninety percent of Earth Land's population. My second questions is what about the wizards who support the non-wizards? They'll try to stop you from ruling over the wizard. You're just a small group like us compared to Grimoire Heart and Tartaros who rule over Fiore.". 

Discord looked at her as Stark said with a smile,"I got the first question there boss. He's currently busy getting ready since the process of implanting a Lacrima inside of a wizard is no way pleasant especially one of the Dragon Slaying variety. Isn't that right Cobra?". "Yeah. How that man survived having eight of them implanted inside of him is a mystery." said Cobra, shaking his head. "To answer your question Angel, I've been working on this plan for thirteen years." said Discord.

Hearing this made Angel whistle. "The power of this wizard is the result of all of my years of hard work toward my goal. To rule over the majority instead of serving under those freaks. I've been gathering our forces and expanding our group to be the strongest dark guild except for the big three aka your guild plus those two monsters. The wizards who support the non-wizards will join up with us or they'll die because of the wizard who will be the strongest one of them all." said Discord. 

Flare looked at Angel who smiled. "Oh wow. Got to say that I'm impressed. So what about Bulldog or Fox?" said Angel. "Bulldog? Fox? Who are they?" said Gurat with Corina and Ranpa shrugging. "Those two are wizards who belong to the Order of Rukinity. They've been rising in power for the past couple of months mainly with the wizards wearing gold or silver animal masks. So why bring them up?" said Vucille. "Take it away Cobra." said Angel.

Cobra nodded as he said,"You may have a plan that you must have been working on for a while now but tell us this. You claim that this wizard will be able to handle those who go against your rule but what about the Wizard Saints? Those wizards are monsters especially the first and fifth ranked one. Even if we ignore those monsters for a moment, you're ignoring the rest of the planet and it's wizards. I can say this without a doubt.". 

He got onto Cubellios with him saying,"Your entire guild would have been destroyed by those who live in the light since your plan is nothing more than a dream of fools. You have some powerful pieces in the form of the Five Atrocious Beasts sure but your entire plan relies on one wizard and like any human on Earthland, they can be tempted. You talk a big game but all I see is a bunch of wannabes. Those in the Oracion Seis are going to complete our goal but your goal. It won't work.". 

Discord and Stark glared at Cobra with the wizard smiling. "Oh I seem to have touched a nerve but well, I'm willing to help you guys out since you have the power but lack direction. However in return, I want you to help me with my foolish dream. Taking down a wizard whose been driven to madness by a damn ghost. His name is Jellal and I'm sure you'll help me out right?" said Cobra. Before Discord could say anything, Cobra heard something and sighed. 

He looked to his right as he said,"Guess someone is pissed at me for what I said about your plan huh Discord.". Charging toward him, a huge wizard was standing there. He looked to be even taller than Discord but smaller than Ranpa. He has a wide, muscular build mainly in his arms and has rather small legs. He has smooth, chin-length purple hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a blue and red v-neck t-shirt underneath it. 

He wore brown jeans and red sneakers. In his hands, he had a giant war hammer and looked to be much bigger than him with the head being the size of a bus. "What is Kurkow doing?" said a Scrum. "I'm sorry about this master but I can't let this brat shit talk you anymore! Electromagnetic Attraction!" said Kurkow as Cobra glowed purple and began moving toward Kurkow with Cubellios unable to stop this from happening. 

Kurkow got ready to swing his hammer as he yelled,"All my life, I've been looked down upon because I was born with magic and the fact I wasn't like the others around me! Master promised me a chance to make a place where wizards like me come live without any scrutiny! I promise to take care of anyone who tries to prevent that from happening or mock his dream! Electromagentic Smash!". The hammer was about to slam into Cobra's head. 

However before the spell could happen, Kurkow's eyes widened and he along with Cobra were both swallowed up by a huge burst of steaming dark red poison emerging from Cubellios's mouth. The poison was gone as Cobra stood there with Kurkow's dead body on the ground and the floor around them was covered in blood. "Big sis Kurkow!" shouted Corina. "Oh wow. You really made her upset if she decided to use that poison. It's pretty lethal stuff." said Angel.

Cobra rolled his neck as he said,"Even with that in mind, I think she'll be able to come back if you get to her in time but your man or should I say woman did attack me because I spoke against you so you're not too mad at us are you guys?". Vucille jumped toward Cobra with Discord looking at her. "Stop right now Vucille!" said Discord. "You don't get it master! I know how bad these two really are and I won't let your dreams end like this! Mythical Soul:....." said Vucille.

She was stopped from casting a spell and this was because of a gargantuan-sized white creature that looks muscular. It doesn't have a face or lower body with it seemingly composed of feathers. She was sent flying toward the recently awaken Rucolt whose eyes were red. "What did I just say about waking me up again Cobra?! Planetary Orb!" said Rucolt who tossed a black ,with white stars scattered through out it, ball right toward Vucille with the orb piercing right through her chest.

It left behind a hole and slammed into the ground. "Vucille!" shouted Gurat. She was caught by one of Gurat's barrier as Stark charged toward Rucolt but was stopped by a wall of steaming dark red poison. "I won't do that if I were you. Wish we didn't have to do that but oh well. Your boss knew what he was in for when he hired me, Angel, and Cubellios. You're lucky to have a decent healer on your team. I'm sure you could bring her back in the way she sees herself." said Cobra.

Cobra wiped away the blood of Kurkow from his jacket as he said,"It's because of your guild being a a sausage fest. I guess it's time to say goodbye. We'll see you all in the moment. Did you make us an exit Angel?". "I sure did thanks to my angel here who saved you and made us an exit in record time." said Angel, petting the creature. "Good. So are you two coming with us? I mean we're not welcome after what we've done." said Cobra. 

Rucolt looked at Flare with him saying,"Of course we are since I refuse to be in this dusty hellhole no more.". Flare nodded since she rather stay with her guild mate. "Bastard! I'll kill you for this!" shouted Ranpa. "Boss. Let me cut them super fast. " said Corina. "No." said Discord. "But we can't let them get away from killing our men!" shouted Ranpa. "No means no." said Discord. "I guess you do know how we tend to kill some members of the guilds we work alongside." said Angel.

Cubellios nodded as Cobra said,"It's a darn shame but you didn't hire anyone from the Death's Head Caucus or Southern Wolves guilds. They'll work under you without any question or resistance but it seems you want power. You hired two fletchlings of darkness and the murderous trio so I hope you'll like what you asked for. Good night and sleep tight. We got a big day ahead of us.". The five of them were gone and the Resolute Revenants were left stunned. 

Discord clenched his fists as he said,"Stark. Fix up both Kurkow and Vucille. We'll need them. As for the rest of you, don't go after them. We're going to need their brand of chaos so get ready. My dream will come to fruition.". "Yes boss!" shouted the guild with Stark smiling. "This is going to be fun since well, I got my own plans for tomorrow. It's a bit different compared to yours." thought Stark as he walked toward where both Kurkow and Vucille's bodies were.

Next time, 
With both Arcane World and the Resolute Revenants gathering up their forces to protect or take the Dragon Slayer Lacrima, what will happen next? Are Cobra and his group more trouble than Discord expected them to be or did he expect this? What is Stark up too? And who is this ultimate wizard who will make Discord's dream come true? This and more next time on Fairy Legion Royale! 

Petit Tail: Why are you so calm Zane? 
A chibi Cana, Lucy, and Zane are standing in front of a picture of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall.
Cana (with a smile on her face): Boyoyoyo. I hope you two both enjoyed your first jobs here at Fairy Tail. I mean Lucy. You lucked out since you just had to deal with a perverted duke while Zane gets some murderous dark wizards.  
Lucy (looking scared): Why did you say that Cana?! And aren't you scared Zane?!
Cana (with a smirk): According to Lisanna and Zane here, boyoyoyo is something that the roly poly duke said a lot and Zane told me you would freak out which you did. 
Lucy (looking depressed): Please tell me that this will be the last time I hear something like that.
Cana (with her arms crossed): I do agree with Lucy on how you're being rather calm since those dark wizards you're up against aren't the friendly type.
Zane (with his arms crossed): Don't worry. I can handle it just fine plus I got the support of my guildmates and the Pride. We also got two S-Class wizards with us and Lucy. Don't woryr about being seeing or hearing anything related to the Duke. I mean what's the possibility you'll ever see someone like him again? Pretty low if you ask and teasing you is actually kind fun and cute to do. May do that randomly since you're always going to be fun to tease. 
Cana (nodding her head): Yeah. She really is fun to tease unlike her. I heard that she's coming back to the guild real soon. Titania, Fairy Tail's strongest woman.
Lucy (looking at Cana confused): Hold on. I thought Levy or Mira was the strongest women in Fairy Tail. They're both S-Class Wizards after all. 
Cana (looking at the blond): They are but according to most of the guild, Titania is stronger than both of them especially after what happened to Mira all those years ago. Levy may disagree with her being weaker than Erza. You'll learn about that incident and Titania later you two.
Zane (nodding his head): You got it Cana. So lets see how things turn out for me at the amusement park. 
Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced prior in Fairy Legion or Zero:
Hair Form. This card has a black frame with several streams of hair which formed into several different objects, ranging from a car to a giant dragon. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a master of living hair. This Form was introduced in Fairy Legion Chapter 26 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

String Form. This card has a black frame with a spider like silhouette in the center of the card. It's holding a sewing needle and spindle filled with string. This form was introduced in Zero Episode 54 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet. This form can make clothing for himself or others on the spot due to him being an expert on using his string for a variety of purposes.

The fanfiction that that I mentioned up above. I may be talking about these stories in a later post down the road since I mentioned how they're well written but the OC and the changes to canon aren't my cup of tea: Ben and Jen 10.

Elemental Templars plus Necron Orion and which Zodiac they created and are representing in the future.
Barroth to Scorpio.
Erisdar to Gemini.  
Galzra to Virgo.
Milorth to Pisces.
Necron Orion to Cancer. 
Novis to Libra. 
Ophelia to Aquarius. 
Resalth to Leo.  
Saphira to Capricorn.  
Tessith to Taurus.  
Vevna to Aries. 
Zagehz to Sagittarius.

Zodiac Spirits's real name. This will be updated later on once we meet more Zodiac Spirits since we got six left.
Aquarius= Nerida.
Aries= Antonia.
Cancer= Clyde.
Capricorn= Craig.
Taurus= Terry.
Virgo= Venus.

List of changes between Fairy Legion Chapter 3 and 4 and Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 in no particular order. Bold Changes will be the ones primarily discussed in the next Author Note but most of the changes mentioned will be there. These will be not all of the changes but a good amount of them.
1. The reference in this opening is once again to One Piece but Chapter 520's cover page and the Tycoon game in Persona 5 Royal. I could mention the game itself but I remember the card game in Persona 5 Royal so yeah. 

2. There was also a very quick synopsis of the anime exclusive scenes of Episode 4 involving the Eisenwald Chicken and his groupies. They will also be a lot of references to the Daybreak Arc and won't be shown off. Lucy and Zane's relationship is going to be more friendly and just a bit romantic compared to before where Zane called her Triple B a lot and she didn't like him too much due to his more abrasive nature. I'm going to try and rein back Zane's asshole nature just a bit. 

3. To make Lucy somewhat stronger than she was in canon at this point in the story, I decided to show her jogging and give her Capricorn earlier. I decided to let Lucy have Capricorn because why not? Giving her a Celestial Spirit that was going to be hers before Zoldeo joined the dark side after killed Grammi. I have plans involving what happens to Zoldeo in Fairy Legion Royal since he didn't get the goat body. 

I'm not saying that she isn't a powerful wizard overall since she has ten out of twelve Zodiac keys and managed to perform some impressive feats in the story. She is the strongest Celestial Wizard in the series without a doubt but similar to the title of Fairy Tail's strongest female, she doesn't have much competition. Her only rivals ,by the end of Fairy Tail, are Anna, Hisui, and Yukino with two of them not being all too famous for being Celestial Wizards.

One and one of these two only being considered one thanks to the Anime. 100 Year Quest may change that but I doubt anyone is going to match Lucy in terms of summoning spirits. It's like with Erza being considered the strongest female in Fairy Tail in the guild and series. You could argue that another female could be stronger than her but nah. Erza is the strongest and there is really no arguing about it. 

However at this point in the story, Lucy really isn't. I mean have you seen what she can do mainly in 100 Year Quest. I honestly think that she gets to be powerful around Galuna Island. Yes. I'm not kidding. She closed Taurus's gate without the bull giving permission to it. She also summoned all of her spirits ,at the time, during the Loke Arc which was seen as impossible at the time. She also did perform a Unison Raid with Juvia even though the two weren't all too close at that point.

The three feats mentioned above were in the first forty eight episodes/one hundred and twenty eight chapters after all. We also get a slightly altered backstory involving her that will be given a lot more  development in a later arc.      

4. Like with the duo of Freed and Romeo/Bickslow, Evergreen was introduced earlier than she was in canon. She isn't exactly that friendly toward the guild mainly the males. She also doesn't like Happy due to him being annoying and tending to upset her cat allergy. She tends to be nice toward the the girls except for one. This is due to there being no men who up to her ,extremely high, standards. Her crush on Elfman is a bit more noticeable since she's the only male she tolerates excluding Freed and Romeo. 

This is due to him saving her from a pervert aka Wan Chanzi. I may not give screen time to characters like Wan but I will bring up their names often in a negative context. I don't hate the assistants that these characters are based of. For Chico Hammitt, she was based of Sho Nakamura. For Joey Fullborn, he was based of Yui Ueda. For Mikuni Shin, he was based of a assistant who worked with Hiro on the manga "Monster Hunter Orage" and he's apparently sixteen years old. 

For Wan Chanzi, he was based off Bobby Osawa. Oh and her appearance is a mixture of her look during the Battle of Fairy Tail and the most current design of her.

5. If it wasn't obvious, Lucy had shown the trio of Happy, Lisanna, and Natsu how her magic works off screen before showing Frosch and Zane how. This means that the contract between Lucy and Plue already happen. In the place of Master Plue, we showed off another popular spirit instead. A pretty fair trade if you ask me. A cute snowman ,at least to me, for a sexy maid. We also learn more about the Celestial World.

The twelve zodiac's having names is a reference to Power Guild from December 2016 to January 2017. 

6. We met three more members of the current Magic Council with the chairman or first seat not being seen. Some of the members who have history with Zane are revealed and it isn't who you expect. The duo of Belno and Org were given an upgrade to show that both of them were powerful wizards even in their old ages. I pick those two since Org is the only member to be part of two out of three magic council shown in the series and Belno is the only woman other than Ultear. 

She was also given a connection to Gajeel and having that is better than having nothing at all. They also have a connection to two members of the Spriggan 12.

7. Like with Chapter 3, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu won't be given a lot of screen time. I am going to try my best to showi off what Grace, Levy, and Tyrell are going to do plus a pair of white haired siblings alongside some wizards from other guilds just like Chapter 3 of Fairy Legion. This is one of the reasons why I decided to split up Chapter 4. Genders of minor characters on the level of Irvin from Chapter 3 will be swapped becaue why not.

8. Sorcerer Weekly is still having their Summer Slam and it's in Crystal Peak. The town changed from a mining town to a vacation city. It also sounds like Cypress Park as well. I think it's for the best since Arcane World is pretty much Fairy Tail's version of Disney World. The dark guild Valiant Wraiths changed to Resolute Revenants but they're still the bad guys. The Five Atrocious Beasts were based of the Four Symbols except with different animals and colors.

They're also not named after a different direction and consist of five members aka the Five-Man Band.

9. Lisanna and Mirajane or Mira are much different characters than they are in canon. Lisanna is closer to her appearance in canon except she's far more determined to have Natsu as a boyfriend due to their past. This is going to be a challenge due to him being a dense protagonist and having another admirer with the guild. She is still very nice but does have a bit of a mean streak to her just like her older sister.

Her mean side usually comes out whenever she feels threatened. Mira is a bit more closer to who she was prior to the Beast incident but with qualities of the Mira from the main series thanks to a certain wizard's actions. Something bad did still happen there but well, her trauma isn't too huge compared to canon. I can say this. We won't learn about it in detail until much later and Zane wasn't involved in this. 

Instead of Mira going a full 180 like she did in canon, it's more like 90 to 135 degree turn. She is still more of a Demon compared to the motherly figure. Mira also hates swearing and tends to punish whoever does mainly using the combination of fist and soap in the mouth to make sure that the person who swears is properly punished. She may swear herself but tends to issue a punishment equal to how badly the person swore. 

There is also another mention of Mystogan and well, the mysterious fairy is going to be just a bit different than what you may expect him to be.

10. I decided to change up canon in a minor yet major way. This changes comes in the form of Levy being related to two members of the magic council. These members turned out to be Belno and Lahar. It was either between her and Org since it would be interested to give a grandchild to a character like Belno. She's also the younger sister to Lahar. I honestly really did like Lahar when he was around.

It would be more interested to see him help Mest or Doranbolt with freeing the Oracion Seis from prison rather than see him die or have him go out trying to stop Jackal from killing Org. The reason I did this is because I want to make Fairy Tail feel expansive and feels like a real world like One Piece without spending hours upon hours coming up with different cultures and races like Oda does. 

I respect the hell out of him for doing that mind you but that's not really my thing.

11. Like with Brandish, I'm introducing some villainous characters earlier in canon. They belong to the Oracion Seis with it being Angel/Sorano, Cobra/Erik, and Cubellios/Kinana. The reason why I picked this trio is because Angel and Cobra are my favorite two members of the group. I was also watching my Hero Academia Season Four around the time of writing this and I really like the dynamic of Toga and Twice. The rest of their guild will show up in due time. 

12. Alongside the trio from the Oracion Seis, we have the introduction of two members of Raven Tail being the duo of Flare and an OC member since the evil version of Fairy Tail could really use some more members. Due to the Grand Magic Games arc introducing a lot of characters who either got a good amount of screen time or a decent amount of them, all of Team Raven Tail and Quarto Cerberus were pushed to the side.

I decided to pick these two since Flare is the most popular member coming from that guild and I'm pretty sure about this claim since who cares about Nullpudding? I only know him as the wizard with either a butt chin or breast chin. Kurohebi and Orga was considered as well but decided against at the last minute.

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