Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 Battle on the snowy peaks against a ferocious, giant, and purple demon Section 1 (Written on December 7 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: I really should have mentioned this back in the last author note but I forgot. I had that rant on my mind and wanted to express my opinion. If you like that stream, there is nothing wrong about this. I just had my issues and those issues were very personal. Until we get to the Tower of Heaven Arc, I'll be describing the changes between Fairy Legion and Fairy Legion Royal. I may talk about other things in the author note but until we're all caught up, expect this for a long while.

Do note that these changes are not connected since Fairy Legion Chapter 2 is actually Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3. Lets start with the minor changes. I'll be skipping over Changes 1, 2, 3, and 5 since those are rather obvious to say the very least. Lets go with Change 7. I should make this obvious now but I plan to name drop and make references to characters who we won't be seeing for a while such as Nab from the man ,whose identity is super obvious to any one who knows Fairy Tail, and Lynn.

Now you may be wondering about Lynn since in Fairy Legion, we never saw her in the present X784 of Fairy Legion. I won't say what I had planned for her in Fairy Legion but it would have been interesting to the very least since it was in an arc where we meet a lot of new faces. That's my only hint. Lynn in this series would have be a different character and different from her counterpart in Fairy Legion. I made Natsu's confirmed age to be eighteen years old.

This is for a very simple reason aka we don't know Gajeel and Natsu's age if we don't count the whole time travel and dragons living inside of them issue. Don't worry, we'll get to that elephant or dragon in due time. Once we get to Gajeel, you'll be seeing what I'm doing with him. The reason why I picked a year younger than Erza and Mira is because of the relationship that he shares with Erza as family in canon and as an older sister character. 

I also have some other reasons which will be explain. I got to keep somethings under wraps. Next up is Bora being a confirmed member of Ruined Emerald alongside Rory and Vucille. He did get kicked out of his guild for bad behavior so why not join a dark guild where doing that stuff is totally normal and required to be a prominent member. We'll be seeing Vucille again since unlike her guild aka Rory and Bora, she wasn't captured by the army. 

Think of her as a recurring antagonist. The reason for the Happy abuse is because why the hell not? I mean if he's going to keep running his mouth, he's going to get smack by gods hand aka mine. When Carla eventually shows up, I'm going to try and make sure that Happy isn't Morgana. We don't need to have another cat simping. While I do like Morgana, one simp cat is bad enough and I like Morgana more than I do with Happy. 

My main reason for Happy and Natsu being stuck on dry land during the whole boat thing is actually very simple. Levy and Zane were already there plus Natsu really don't much there in canon to begin with. He did destroy the roof and puke probably. Thanks motion sickness. Happy did rescue Lucy from Bora and we met one of the most pissed off mermaids in fiction but nah. Not enough for me. Unlike in Fairy Legion, Zane won't be going into a form every single chapter of Fairy Legion.

This is to show off that he doesn't need to rely on them plus he rather not explain the difference between his forms and Take Over magic right now. He will later on since people are going to notice and ask some questions. Selkie attacked the man on the mountain is to fulfill her Goddess's order and to have some fun with her magic. Like with Fairy Legion, I won't be describing the gate keys but I will if they are a OC Celestial Spirit. 

You'll see what I mean by that later. This change is connected to the next one I'm going to talk about that and that is Zane's relationship to Aquarius. In Fairy Legion, Zane knew all of the Celestial Spirits and that was because he has known them all for a very long time prior to the story. The Twelve Zodiac signs are like a title given to certain beings of the Omniverse. Like most if not groups in fictional, it is filled with lovable weirdos. 

I would argue that Capricorn is the most sane out of the bunch but we barely see him so getting a good grasp on his personality is a mystery at least to me. I just want to make that connection between Zane and the spirits more obvious. Do note that the relationship Aquarius/Nerida and Zane will be revealed later on with it being a rather interesting one. So to all my Aquarius and Scorpio fans, let just say that they won't be together but Scorpio did cheat on Aquarius so yeah. 

We'll may also see her relationship to Brandish earlier than in canon because that was easily one of my favorite parts of the Alvarez Empire Arc. I didn't mentioned the last name swap in the changes list because I thought I gave a pretty good reason there in the chapter. I mean anyone who is aware of the conflict between nations would be cautious of the guy who shares their enemy name. It's common sense. We have three changes left and they are big ones so let's go

The Order of Rukinity was given even more depth and Zane being the one to create Earthland. Owl and Unicorn's identity was revealed but what does this mean? Does it mean that they've been kicked out after failing to kill Zane? Who knows? Zane is the creator of Earthland won't have that big of an effect on the story since well, he wouldn't control them. He truly believes in letting a being have freewill and controlling beings isn't his thing. 

He also won't let anyone know this since he hates being given special treatment just because of his blood or title. Zane's conversion with Igneel is something different and how I mentioned Igneel's parents plus his biological son. Do note that we will be seeing some stuff with the dragons behind the scene and without their slayers knowing about it. This is to keep up some suspense and it will help with pairings in the future.

Yeah. Time travel is weird and having your main character being a demon is already strange but maybe four hundred years old than your love interest is weird. I'm under the assumption that the five dragon slayers from the past aren't 400+ years old but their dragons are and they share the same bodies so combine their ages. This is my head canon for how Freed's enchantment worked on Gajeel and Natsu despite both of them CLEARLY not being eighty.
The big and final change I'm going to talk about is how Levy changed from this kind bookworm into this woman who is willing to fight and tries not to cause too much destruction. Most characters ,if I like them, will be changed in a similar manner such as Lucy having more gate keys than she did at this point in canon aka one extra golden key. I won't say who the fourth gold key is here but I can saw that it isn't Leo or Virgo. We'll meet Virgo later and Leo real soon. The reason why these changes are going is bias.

I like to use that word a lot because it really does fit well with what I'm trying to do. It's like how this clip works for pretty much anything. It's like a good Simpsons meme or quote and I haven't seen the show where Shut up comes from. Do note that some of these changes will be different from Fairy Legion. I tried to keep that series close to Fairy Tail but with some changes. This isn't going to be like Fairy Tail so some characters may get some screen time that they never had before or not who knows. 

This will be shown off very obvious in the Opening Song which may contain spoilers for the series by introducing characters before hand. If you wish to skip said opening because of that or you just don't want to see it, press Ctrl+F and type in Narrator in the search bar. Go to the second one and you'll skip the opening. This will hopefully be the case for every Opening Song going forward but I could be wrong about that.

You should note that Fairy Legion Royal will not be following Fairy Legion or Fairy Tail in canon perfectly. Some arc will be told differently or added onto the story. Lets begin shall we and here's the content warning. 

This series contains sequences that may be particularly disturbing to younger children or people with sensitive mindsets. This series contains alcoholic drinks, drug usage, fantasy/comic violence showing teens to adults, foul language, gore, proactive imagery that depicts both females and men in an highly unrealistic manner mainly females, public indecency from females and males mainly seen with ankles, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, and waists, and several items that aren't exactly PC. 

Do not that if you don't like that kind of stuff, that's fine and there is no wrong with that. This just might not be for you. 

Narration: "In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small and peaceful nation of 17 million being and it's a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, with it being a mundane part of everyday life. For some ,however, magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many magical guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there's a certain guild in a certain town that sores above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. It's name is Fairy Tail."

Opening Song- Snow Fairy by Funkist.
Fairy, where are you going?
Hikari zenbu atsumete.
Kimi no Ashita terasu yo.
(The night sky over Fiore is illuminated by a herd ,which is the collective noun for a group of fairies, of glowing silhouetted fairies dancing across it. These fairies are dancing across Fiore. They seem to be starting from Kardia Cathedral, going over the ocean where a boat is sailing upon, and finally Zane is standing alone in an empty field, looking up at the night sky. These fairies dance up toward the moon with the title of Fairy Legion Royal appearing beside it.). 

Oh Yeah! Kikoete no ka kono koe wa? 
Oh Yeah! Karetatte sakebu kara.  
(Levy and Lucy are standing onto a hill overlooking Magnolia with Plue by her side as a fairy pass by the two of them as the girls turns around to face the camera. This scene is followed by Natsu standing in a ruined city with him looking for Igneel. The duo of Happy and Lisanna standing nearby him with Happy enjoying a fish and Lisanna looks at the duo of Happy and Natsu with a smile on her face, a fairy flying above the three of them.).

Oh yeah! Kikoeru made kimi no kokoro ga.
Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!
(The group of Erza, Grace, and Tyrell are standing nearby a defeated monster with it being covered with sword slashes, bullet holes from a gun, and covered in frost. Erza looking serious with Tyrell looking at the destroyed city behind the monster. Said city was probably destroyed by the monster since Erza brought said monster into the city. Tyrell is clearly worried about the property damage of their fight this will cost the guild. Grace ,currently missing her top, is trying to comfort Tyrell. The trio have a fairy flying right past them. Finally, all of the fairies fly right past the duo of Frosch and Zane facing a cliff that is overlooking a forest. Zane turns around, giving the camera a thumbs up with his Z.E.R.O. Watch and has his signature smile as Frosch mimicked his father's action. The trio of Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix appear as well.).

Tsuki to taiyou no haitachi. 
(The next scene shows Team Natsu (Erza, Happy, Lisanna, Lucy, and Natsu), the Mystic Vanguards (Grace, Levy, and Tyrell), and Team Maelstrom (Frosch and Zane) are currently on being a train to an unknown location with each being doing their own thing. Grace and Tyrell are currently playing a game of chess with Grace struggling to defeat him, Levy is reading a history book, Lisanna is reading a book on different kind of recipes that comes from all over Ishgar, Lucy is writing in her journal, Natsu is currently motion sick with his head in Erza's lap and with her running her hands through his hair, and Zane is currently sleeping pwith his headphones covering his ears and music playing in his ears, and the trio of Frosch, Happy, and Plue is dancing nearby them.).

Wasuremo we nai desuka? 
(The two teams are currently on a caravan before the next scene switches to a campfire. Erza is currently keeping guard over the camp, Frosch is enjoying a bowl of ice cream, Happy devouring a fish, Grace is currently sleeping nearby them without her pants on, Levy and Lisanna are reading from a map with the white haired girl sporadically looking over at Natsu, Lucy is giving a disapproving look at Grace due to her wearing not pants in front of the boys, Natsu is currently savagely eating some drumsticks that came from a nearby dead monster, Tyrell is currently mediating on top of a large collection of luggage, and Zane is playing some music on Yamata.). 

Okashii na kimi ga inai to.
Hoshii momo sae mitsukara nai. 
(During a rather depressing looking day in Magnolia and nearby Strawberry Street, Lucy is sitting on a bridge with a solemn expression on her face and Plue trying to comfort her. He turns around to see Levy with the rest of Team Natsu, the Mystic Vanguards, and Frosch standing there with the sky brightening up around her, causing her to smile as she runs over to them. Zane is nowhere to be seen during this heart warming moment.).

Snowing sunao ni egao ni nareta no wa. 
Futari Yorisoi. 
Kasane aruka "jikan" ga aru kara. 
(The next scene shows a montage of various adventures that aren't seen throughout the story. Both Frosch and Zane are on Saver with the two of them racing against Erza, Grace, Happy, Natsu who is very much motion sickness, and Tyrell with them in a carriage powered by boars that look to be miniature mammoths and producing fire like an engine. The trio of Levy, Lisanna, and Lucy are watching nearby with the blond and white haired girl cheering for the carriage team and Levy is cheering for the motorcycle team. The Mystic Vanguards are watching Grace and Natsu butting heads back in the guild hall with Tyrell shaking his head in disappointment and looks embarrassed due to Grace losing her clothes sometime during their squabble. She isn't naked yet but getting close too. Happy, Lisanna, and Lucy are there as well with the feline enjoying a fish and the two girls laughing at this. Frosch and Zane are standing in the center of the screen, looking ready to fight as the Order of Rukinity (Bulldog, Fox, Krota, and Selkie) appearing around the duo. The rest of Fairy Tail (Alzack, Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Freed, Jet, Laki, Loke, Macao, Makarov, Max, Mirajane, Nab, Reedus, Romeo, Vjeeter, Wakaba, and Warren) shortly appears.).         

Fairy, where are you going?
Hikari zenbu atsumete.
Kimi no ashita terasu yo.  
(Frosch turns into his guardian form with him smashing open the ground using a single punch. Grace takes a deep breath with her creating a massive explosion of ice, freezing a large group of lizardmen charging at her. Levy has the words "Shine" and "Poison", followed by "Fire" and "Water" mixed with "Blast", followed by "Sword" written above her, and the word "Iron" falling from the sky. Tyrell appears with him aiming his pistol toward a group of dark wizards, blasting them with a powerful blast of magic before blowing away smoke from his weapon's barrel. Zane holds up his watch and transforms into his most famous form aka Diamond Form with him getting launched into the air to the ground below him expanding. As the ground expanded, it glowed green. All of Fairy Tail's members look on from the distance, with it being followed by Zane landing his diamond fist hitting a giant demon like monster in the face.).

Don't say goodbye!
(Erza reequips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and charges toward Zane whose left arm is covered in Vulcan Emperor's scales with the two clashing, creating a explosion of light. As the light fades away, the duo of Frosch and Happy ,with both wings out, fly toward the screen with Frosch giving the sign of the horns with both of his paws and Happy winking. The two cats are gone with Frosch, Zane, Team Natsu, and the Mystic Vanguards standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall.). 

Narrator P.O.V.
In the large town of Era which is located somewhere in Fiore, there is the magic council headquarters and there was a meeting going on there. Instead of a boring office room, the meeting was being held on top of a blue magic circle seal. Those dam idiots from Fairy Tail have gone and done it again! They would have destroyed another town if not for the Wordstar being there!" said a higher but still masculine voice. 

This voice belongs to Michello, the third seat of the Magic Council and a possible cat/human hybrid. Do not that it isn't Adam West but Koro-Sensei. Michello is a short, old man with oddly flat brown hair. His hair tapers to a point in three places with two of them being on both sides of his face and in the center of his forehead. He also has tufts of hair on either side of his head that resemble ears and don't seem to operate as such due to him having a set of regular ears as well.

What's strange about him is the light-yellow tail growing out of his backside. His tail and cat like ears give him a strong cat-like appearance. Due to this, he has been given the nickname of Cat Man much to his annoyance. He has a bristle-edged mustache, tiny, dark-colored eyes, and eyebrows that resemble musical notes. He's wearing a light-colored robe that bore stripe-like markings on both sleeves, down his sides and on his back. He has a wooden cane, which he's leaning on. 

He and the other eight members of the Council were currently looking over a video feed ,which was recorded by a hidden surveillance Lacrima, of Hargeon. It wasn't the only thing that they were watching since they were also watching over other incidents throughout Fiore. All of these incidents have one thing in common. "What is the matter with the wizards from that guild? I just wish to learn why they show no sign of resistant." said another male.

This voice belongs to Leiji with him being the seventh seat of the magic council. Compared to Michello and most members of the council, he looks rather normal. Leiji is a tall middle-aged man, who always wears small, round, dark shaded glasses even indoors. The reason why Leiji always wear sunglasses is possibly due to him having photophobia or his eyes were heavily injured at one point in life. Yeah. I could be wrong about that but well, it's better than nothing.

He wears a white and blue Magic Council cloak. This cloak belongs to the magic council since it has their symbol aka a blue ankh on the back. He always has the hood up. Leiji has large thin lips and tan skin. He has black hair and huge sideburns that almost hit his lips. On his chin are small chin hairs. He also has small eyebrows that always point downward with these brows always making him look angry and serious. 

Do note that according to the employees of the council, seeing Council Member Leiji smile is a very rare occurrence. "To be honest with you third and seventh seat, I find them to be quite amusing." said a younger man's voice. This voice belongs to one of the two new and younger members of the council Siegrain. Siegrain ,or Sieggy which usually pisses him off, is a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye. 

According to him, it's just a birthmark and would make find any job outside of being a member of the council impossible. He dress himself in elegant yet simple robes being a long white frock-coat with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms. It has a decorated standing collar, large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front. His coat is worn over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes. 

He also sported a ring on his right middle finger and has a medallion around his neck, hidden by his jacket's collar. This medallion is a very important honor in Ishgar but not relevant to what's going on now. His current disposition was currently smug with a hint of calmness. Among the current council member, he's easily the most arrogant of the bunch and has been called a villain before especially when he's seen with a cat. 

Think Ernst Stavro Blofeld. "They may look and act like fools third and seventh seat but don't you two forget. They're easily one of the stronger guilds throughout Fiore. I'm sure that their combined strength could defeat Iron Rock Jura and provoking them can be quite helpful to pesky problems." said an elderly man. Said elderly man is Yajima aka a former member of Fairy Tail and a well known supporter of the guild much to the annoyance of five of the nine council members. 

Yajima is a short, old man with thick light-brown eyebrows and a small toothbrush mustache that reaches halfway to his mouth. He wears a brown long sleeve shirt with black vertical stripes and a black three-spiked hat. "Yes. They're a powerful force and quite helpful against the Baram Alliance as seen with Fairy Tail's Wordstar." said a grave, yet powerful voice. The duo of Leiji and Michello grumbled in agreement with Siegrain smirking.

However, the voice wasn't done talking. "However, she and a handful of others such as the Stormbringer are part of the small group that don't cause too much trouble for the Council. The ones known as the Salamander, Titania, Yuki-Onna, and the rest of their guild on the other hand. They're a much different story."  said the grave yet powerful voice. This man is Gran Doma, fourth seat of the Magic Council and next chairman of the Council since the current chairman is only a few months away from retiring.  

Gran Doma is a tall and fit elderly man with long graying hair and a long beard. He has black eyes with two scars running diagonally down them in opposite directions and a long, graying beard. His mustache is also a ridiculously overgrown length and almost covers the entirety of his mouth. He is moderately clad in fitted armor; has an ornate cape draped over his shoulders. He sports a stereotypical black wizard hat on his head. He is never seen without a large staff with a designed serpent head on it. 

Siegrain nodded as he said with a hint of irritation in his voice,"Let them be fourth seat. If we didn't have fools like them, the world would just be boring. I think our main concern is that man that the Wordstar was seen with. The royal army were impressed to see him restore Hargeon.". Said irritation was easily picked up on by the other eight members and knew the reason for his irritation. The screens showed Zane appearing on the video feed as things were going to get worse in due time.   

A few days after the destruction/rebuilding of Hargeon and on July 4th, our hero is currently in the city of Magnolia. The trio of Frosch, Levy, and Zane were walking through it. The day was still young in the calm and peaceful Magnolia. Magnolia is a fairly large town when compared to Hargeon and it's a city that's prosperous in magic since the days of yore. It's located in the center of the southeastern part of Fiore. It has a large canal stretching through it. 

Said canal is often busy with it filled with boats of a variety of size with all of them either ferrying people and goods through the city. Magnolia has a forest surrounding the eastern side of the city, a beautiful church standing in the center, but at the very end of town, most normal people ,a good portion of the thirty-six thousand nine hundred fifty-five inhabitants, stay away from the magical and possibly psychotic wizards of the local guild Fairy Tail. 

Yes. This town has that many people and here is why. According to Wikipedia, Venice ,which is the most famous city  for having canals, has 258,685 people living it. I then figured out the factors for this number and I pick the number of 36,955 which is 258,685 divided by 7. Another two reasons I picked Venice are this. Magnolia has canals and the second reason is that the population for Venice has a factor of 7. It fits since well, Fairy Tail really likes the number 7.  

Despite most people being wary of the Fairy Tail wizards, the guild has been Magnolia's protectors for almost a hundred years now. The really old townspeople ,who have been living this long thanks to the Ethernano keeping them alive for just a bit longer, remember the terror that Blue Skull once brought to their home. They remember how the young Mavis Vermillion ,the first Fairy Tail guild master, defeated Blue Skull's guardian dragon and the rest of the guild with the other founders of the guild. 

All of them were remember as heroes except for one of them, This is mainly due to this single founder being something of an urban legend. Not even the elderly are sure about this founder. Lake Scilliora is right behind the guild hall. Zane personally enjoyed the medieval feeling of the town despite him being a city man. "So I'm confused about something Levy." said Frosch with her looked at the cat who was in his human transformation. "What's wrong Frosch?" said Levy. 

Frosch turned to her as he said,"What did you mean by us beating Natsu and his group here? They left before us.". "That's because of the train." said Levy. "Do you mind explaining that in more detail to him?" said Zane with Frosch nodding. "Oh. Natsu has a really bad case of motion sickness. If he gets on any kind of vehicle except for Happy who isn't a vehicle, he becomes nothing more than a sack of potatoes so he's very useless." said Levy. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Has he ever puked on you? If he puked on me, let just say that Natsu will be sent flying.". "Not yet but according to Happy, it has happened before and on a job too. It was a rich nobleman and well, our master had to pay a hefty fee to please the nobleman. I can show you guys a picture of what he looks like if you want." said Levy. "Sure. I don't mind seeing it. How about you Frosch?" said Zane. "I want to see it too!" said Frosch.

Levy smiled as she made a surveillance Lacrima appear and glowed. It then showed a motion sickness Natsu. He had sweat coming from every pore on his face, a sickly green face, and really puffed up cheeks. "He looks terrible." said Zane with Frosch agreeing with him. "Yeah. This image was taken after the train was beginning to move." said Levy. "At least you can control when you puke or hold it until you can dump your cookies." said Astaroth with both Havoc and Matrix agreeing with him. 

Zane looked at Levy who had put back on her jacket sometime after the fight and remembered her Fairy Tail mark. "So in your opinion Levy, is Fairy Tail the best guild in Fiore? Lucy said it was but I'm sure she's just a fangirl of the guild and has no real experience being in a guild." said Zane with him sounding skeptical. "I think so too!" said Frosch. "So do you two not know Fairy Tail? I may not be a fan girl like Lucy is but most people in Fiore know about our guild for better or worse." said Levy.

She sighed as she said,"All of our members are known for being destructive. Sorcerer Weekly loves reporting on us mainly when we cause another city to be destroyed. The council doesn't.". "So I have to wonder if that's a common occurrence." said Matrix. "I think so since they sound like a group of Therons to me." said Havoc. "A truly horrible nightmare to Verna." said Astaroth. "I've heard of Fairy Tales before but I'm such that is a common mistake." said Zane. 

Levy looked at him with her saying,"That never really happens Zane but I don't think I can probably explain Fairy Tail to you Zane. You'll just have to see it once we get there. You can form your opinion from personal experience rather than have it formed from a bias." "That sounds good to me." said Zane with a smile. "So since you asked me a question, I'll ask you a question. What is your magic Zane? I am sure that you and Frosch are wizards but I can't figure out what type of magic you use." said Levy.

Zane nodded as he said,"Frosch used Ultimate Imitation magic and I use Zenith magic. Both of our magics are culminations of several different types of magics.". "Ultimate Imitation magic? Zenith magic? I've never heard of either of those magic before. I'm well aware of several different types of magic used by wizards throughout Fiore but those two magics. They're new to me." said Levy. "Oh wow. She's a very smart lady. Totally your type Zaney." said Astaroth. 

Matrix smiled as she said,"As much as I love teasing Zane about his crush, it's a good thing we came up for a reason if the legitimacy of your and Frosch's magic came into question. We also decided on if we should tell anyone about where we really came from.". At the hotel that they were staying at it in Hargeon, Zane had to tell Frosch not to tell anyone about where they really came from. "Yeah. He really doesn't like lying but sometimes, you have to lie in order to keep the peace." said Havoc.

Astaroth nodded as he said,"Yeah. At least, we came up with an excuse. This is going to bite you in the butt later Zane.". "Of course but I rather not having anyone in the dimension I created getting attacked by my really strong enemies." said Zane. "I can understand why you're confused Levy. It's hard to know two types of magic that primarily come from a part of Earthland that's rather isolate from the rest of the planet. We also don't call our abilities magic but Impulse." said Zane. "Huh?" said Levy. 

She was extremely surprised to hear that both Frosch and Zane came from an extremely isolated place since immigrants from other countries. She could only think of Alzack and Bisca who came to join Fairy Tail sometime two years ago. "So why do you call magic Impulse?" said Levy. "It's rather complicated to say the very least. I mean I can say that I don't use it often since well, I'm naturally very strong." said Zane with him flexing. 

This caused some nearby girls to squeal at him. "I got that from when you stack those fully grown men into a pyramid shape. So does Zenith magic incorporated several different types of magic? I saw you use invisibility magic and you were standing on thin air which I presume to be Air/Wind magic. You also cleaned up after Salamander's rampage using so many different types of magic. Here in Fiore, there are dozens of different types of magic but even so, wizards only practice one." said Levy.

She ignored the squealing of the other women as Zane was flexing. "They're exceptions yes but they're a rare few. Most wizards learn a couple of spells outside of their specialty. " said Levy. "This is quite fascinating Levy but to be honest with you, I rather talk with you about this in more detail after we get settled into Magnolia." said Zane. "Yeah Levy! We talked it over yesterday and we're going to join Fairy Tail!" said Frosch with his smile growing bigger. 

Levy smiled after hearing this as she said,"Really? That's great! We're always looking for new members regardless of the wizard's strength what one member thinks.". "Yeah. I know that the two of us mainly me are being so secretive but I promise to answer your questions in due time." said Zane. "So does every wizard in the guild have that mark somewhere on your body?" said Frosch, remembering seeing the mark on Happy, Levy, and Natsu. 

The woman looked at her as she said,"Yes. It isn't just a decoration though. It's a symbol that everyone in our guild knows to mean one thing. We're a family. We would go to oppose anyone who would dare cross paths with us. We share pain, the joy, and the sorrow of every member of our family. We will punish anyone who misuses our name as you seen back in Hargeon. We help carry your burdens and fight for each other. That's a what a guild is Frosch.". "Oh wow." said Frosch. 

Levy looked away embarrassed as she said,"Sorry about that! I tend to lose myself when I talk about my guild or history.". "It's all cool. I do the same thing especially when it comes to super powers and a variety of things." said Zane. As the trio were walking, they walked past people who were selling from stalls. "You're lucky that you met me instead of Titania." said Levy. "Why?" said Frosch. "She can no be very impatient and tends to demand answers from people when they're being secretive." said Levy.

Zane looked at her with her saying,"She also loves to criticizing the bed behavior and habits of the other guild members while ignoring her own.". "She sounds like a real pain to me." said Zane. "Oh she is but well, she's a member of my family." said Levy. "Yeah. I can get where you're coming from Levy. After all, family is always there for you even if you may have issues with each other. That comes with being part of a family." said Zane. "Levy. How long has it been since Natsu has seen Igneel?" said Frosch. 

Levy looked at the cat turned human as she said,"From what Lisanna tells me, seven years. He just up and vanished on him without saying where he was going. No one has seen a dragon since then but Natsu has been looking for Igneel ever seen. He's been chasing rumors of dragon sightings whenever he can.". "Oh wow. Lets just hope looking for this deadbeat doesn't get him killed." said Zane. "I'm sure the next time Zane sees Igneel, he's going to get smacked." said Havoc.

The Vordlarin sighed as he said,"Zane hates whenever a being is bad to their family especially dads to their son.". "That's because Zane has some very serious father issues as we're all aware of." said Matrix. "Yeah. Ain't that the truth Matrix." said Astaroth. "Levy. Do you mind telling me how your weapon Starsong work exactly? And be honest with me. Do you think you could have handle Ruined Emerald by yourself?" said Zane.      

Levy looked at her as she said,"I'll answer your second question first Zane. Ruined Emerald is a minor dark guild so yes I could but a dark guild like Eisenwald is another story. My weapon Starsong is something special since it can be used to help cast a variation of Jutsu Shiki and Script magic. The runes created by Starsong can be used to create a shield around an object. This shield block a good amount from the back, front, or sides before eventually dispersing.". 

Zane nodded as he said,"Fascinating.". "Do you two remember back in the forest when my weapon cut down that tree?" said Levy. "Yeah!  You made a sword out of light appear. That was so cool!" said Frosch. "That is Starsong's combat mode. The light that you two saw can form several types of objects such as a whip or sword. It's a special weapon made just for me." said Levy. "Hey Zane! Can I get a weapon like that? I mean imagine me with a weapon! I would be awesome right?" said Frosch. 

The Cross Species looked at Frosch with him saying,"Sure thing but maybe after we find somewhere to live and earn some Jewels. I mean we're pretty much in debt to Levy.". "What? You two aren't in debt to me?!" said Levy. "Of course we are Levy. I mean you paid for our hotel room and train ticket plus meals." said Zane. "And we always pay back our debts!" said Frosch. "That's right. I mean I do have money but haven't had time to get it exchanged for Jewel yet. It's back from our country." said Zane.

He held out his wallet. "Do you mind if I see it? I think there is a currency exchange somewhere here in town that can help you." said Levy. "Sure." said Zane as he handed her his wallet. Levy looked around with her eyes widening. "Oh wow. You have a lot of money in here. I'm sure that you could easily pay for one of Natsu's lunch." said Levy. "Are you sure about that? I mean he eats a lot. Less than Zane though." said Frosch. "I'm sure and what do you mean by that?" said Levy as she looked at Zane. 

Zane smiled as he said,"Trust me when he says that. I eat a lot and you'll see that in time.". "According to what I know about this dimension, a 100 Jewels is about a dollar back in Cypress Park. We won't have to worry about money for a long time since Zenith Industries constantly makes money even though you have a reputation for being an old fart." said Matrix. "I see. That's good I guess." said Havoc as Zane put his wallet back inside of his body. 

Levy looked at Zane as she said,"So how much money do you have in there? Don't worry. I'm not at all greedy.". "I can give tell you how much but only if I whisper it to you." said Zane. "Sure thing." said Levy with her brushing her hair back off her ear as Zane got closer to her. Zane whispered something into her ear with Frosch seeing Levy's eyes widening and jaw hitting the ground. "You can't be serious about this. You're set for life." muttered Levy. 

Zane smirked as he said,"Yeah. I am. Lets just say that I've made a lot of good investments over the years and been on so many blind dates. Don't get me wrong. I haven't been with a girl who push all of the right buttons in a long time. You're one of those girls by the way Levy." "Really? You're not going to ask me out any time soon right?" said Levy. "Nope. I tend to not jump into a relationship without considering all possible factors and if I could see spend my life with her." said Zane.

Levy pouted at this with Zane smirking. "But don't get me wrong. I would take a chance with you Levy since well, you're my type. A beauty in both the mind and body. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure that you wouldn't let me control how our relationship plays out and well, bookworms are easily my type." said Zane with a smile that caused Levy to blush. "Thanks. I usually never get complimented like that." said Levy, looking away from him with a big smile on her face. 

Zane looked at her as he said,"Really? That is a shock. I mean the only problem with us dating is rather simple. It's me. My jokes are truly cringeworthy and just plain awful. I also have an awful personality that's quite toxic.". "Is he serious about that?" said Levy. "He is! Zane is well known for his bad jokes and personality with the former being used as a way for him to against fight evil!" said Frosch. "I see then." said Levy.

As they were talking, they went passed Kardia Cathedral. It's located in the middle of town and overlooking the central path. It has an appearance of a modern cathedral as a rectangular shape building with four cylindrical keep towers attached at each corner. The entrance is a huge gate with a small bell tower at the very top of the side of the building facing the entrance. "Oh wow. This place hasn't changed at all so I wonder if that has changed as well. I doubt it but I could be wrong." thought Zane. 

Zane turned to Levy as he said,"So how do you normally learn magic here in Fiore Levy?". "Well Zane according to one of my best friends, the best way for a person to do this is by meditating in order to gather up Ethernano. Ethernano particles exist all around us and wizards can naturally absorb it into our bodies. However not every wizard can absorb the same amount of particles despite it being a never ending power." said Levy. 

The Cross Species and disguised feline nodded as Levy said,"Once you do that, it's the strength of their feelings and emotions that affects the control over the magic. For those who use Caster type magic like myself, it comes pretty easy once you begin meditating. Once you figure that out, you can begin training it. Lucy is different since she uses Holder type magic.". "That's quite fascinating." said Zane as Frosch nodded. "That sounds like what he said back then. I wonder how he is doing." thought Zane.

After the brief stop, Levy then led the duo down the street behind the cathedral and across a bridge overhanging a river than ran throughout Magnolia. Said river reminded Zane of Italy due to there being people in small boats rowing under the bridge as they passed. "So mind if I vent something." said Astaroth. "Sure. I don't mind since I doubt we can stop you once you get started." said Havoc. "Yeah Astaroth. We can't do it with Zane so why try and stop you?" said Matrix. 

The demon smiled as he said,"Thanks guys. So I've been staring at Levy for a while now. She has a nicely sculpted face, not too round or angular. It's a pleasant shape to me. Her hourglass is perfect and I'm begging Zane to wrap it around his arms. There is no part of her I don't like is since she's muscular and voluptuous just like Zara is. I'm sure that Zane wants to play with her chest and extremely shapely posterior. It's pure sinew and sexiness! Do her now Zane!". 

Matrix sighed as she said,"And there is the pervert demon. I'm thankful that there are only a couple of beings who can hear him". After Levy showed the duo of Frosch and Zane some of Magnolia's most famous sites such as Book LandHeaven's ParadiseMag DrugMagnolia Bakery, Magnolia Cake Shop, Sapphire Star aka a popular ramen stand which Zane was looking forward to checking out, South Gate Park, and Tomas Coffee, the trio decided to finally head to Fairy Tail. 

As the trio made their way there, Zane decided to take a look at the architecture of his new home since he wanted to know about his home. Everything seemed closely located to each other. All around Magnolia, there are a variety of people of all ages enjoying life and being truly happy. The trio went up a wide flight of stairs. These stairs were on the side of an incline in the street with Zane seeing the group of Happy, Lucy, and Natsu at the top of these stairs. 

Natsu smiled upon seeing them. "Finally! You guys took forever to get here!" said Natsu. "They had to stay behind to keep the army occupied Natsu." said Lucy. "Or they got lost." said Happy, snickering at Zane's group. "We didn't get lost Happy. We had to rebuild the town which was destroyed." said Frosch with a smile. "So why are you guys here?" said Levy. "And why do I detect the faint smell of beef and fish on you two?" said Zane. 

Natsu looked at Levy as he said,"Isn't it obvious Levy?". "No. That's why I'm asking. And did you ignore Zane's question?" said Levy. "To introduce Frosch, Lucy, and Zane to Fairy Tail obviously! So tell me. How did you turn into that beast from earlier? It was awesome!" said Natsu. "Aye Sir! Was that Transformation Magic?!" said Happy. "Yep but Zane's transformations are way cooler than that." said Frosch with him thinking about some of his favorite forms. 

Levy turned to Frosch as she said,"I won't put yourself down like that Frosch. I mind you're easily stronger than Happy since you can make yourself look human and use Impulse.". "Speaking of that little detail. So why are you looking human Frosch? People here are used to Happy who is a talking cat." said Lucy. "He just wanted to. I tend to let Frosch do whatever he wants. So how about instead of talking, we get to the guild hall." said Zane. "I think so too!/Aye sir!" said Frosch and Happy.

The group later stood in front of a large building that seemed peaceful and quaint on the outside but inside of the building is another story. It sat close to the edge of a cliff overlooking lake Scilliora. It was fairly tall but not as tall as Kardia Cathedral. It look to consist of three floors and having several architectonic styles to it. It has white walls. It strongly resembled a pagoda with each floor being smaller than the one before it and sitting on the latter's roof.

Said building's roofs also bore great resemblance to those of real pagoda out there, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles. They were lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. On the highest roof ,topping the summit of the building, sat a simple, round and pointed dome. It's highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings, which bore a flag on the point of it. 

The building's large entrance aka red doors was once again Arabian in design ,with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit, and above it was the guild's name "Fairy Tail" written in big, blue letters with the sign itself had a gold trim. The sign had a gold trim with a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of symmetrical, fairy-like silhouette that have tails. Stylized heart shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous ,large pentagonal windows.

Said hearts were located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller, arched windows partially covered by banners. It had two red, pentagonal windows on either side of it. On the highest level of the pagoda, there were three flags. The one of the left was green and the one of the right was blue. These two flags have known symbols. The center flag was orange and had a white Fairy Tail symbol on it. "Oh wow. This place is so cool!" said Frosch with him looking up at the guild in front of him. 

Zane looked at Lucy ,whose face was screaming joy, since this was her dream guild. He was pretty sure that she had died and gone to heaven. "Here we are you guys! Welcome to Fairy Tail!" said Happy with glee. "I can't believe I'm actually here! It's so big!" said Lucy with her barely managing to hold back her giddiness. "So are you seeing stars in her eyes too or is that just me?" said Havoc. "Probably just you but we've seen stars in several eyes before." said Matrix.

Lucy always wanted to be in Fiore's number one guild ever since she was a little girl and her dream was about to come true. "That's what she said!" said Astaroth. After hearing this, Havoc and Matrix shook their heads. "So is Lucy going to be alright Zane?" said Frosch. "No clue. I'm pretty she'll be alright eventually." said Zane with Lucy breaking out of her trance to glare at them. "You two do know that I can hear you both right?" said Lucy. "Meh." said Frosch and Zane, shrugging in unison.

Natsu had a satisfied smirk as he said,"Heh! It doesn't get boring seeing the faces of new people when they see our guild!". "Since we know what Lucy thinks, what do you think Zane?" said Levy, turning to him. Much to the three Fairy Tail member's surprises, Zane looked absolutely bored at the sight of their building. "Meh. I've seen bigger and better." said Zane. "It looks the exact same too. I thought it would have been reconstructed at one point." thought Zane. 

Happy looked shocked by this reaction as he said,"I can't believe it Natsu. Someone isn't excited to see the guild hall. I think he's crazy. Maybe he needs some fish.". "Don't worry little buddy! That'll change since lets go inside where the magic happens!" said Natsu in enthusiasm and had a toothy grin. "I'm good out here since I really want to explore Magnolia and...." said Zane as Natsu ignored him and went toward the door. "I'm pretty sure that Natsu going to be doing that a lot isn't he?" said Havoc. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"You mean how he ignored someone when they're talking? I think he's been doing that for most of his life.". "Just like Zane except whenever he does is, he's also listening due to his hyper hearing." said Astaroth. "Hold on a second!" said Lucy who was wildly waving her hands in front of her. "Do I look bad? Is my make up on right? Do you think they'll make me say a whole speech in front of everyone? I didn't prepare anything!" said Lucy.

Natsu stopped as he said,"You need to make a speech about what?". "Oh you listen to her not me. I see how it is." said Zane. Natsu walked up to the door of the guild and in an action that shocked the duo of Frosch and Lucy, he kicked the door open violently. This only made Lucy's mind race a mile a minute as she was thinking of a speech to say. "We made it back alive everyone!" shouted Natsu at the top of his lungs. The door's hinges were almost broken due to how strong his kick was.

To compliment him, Happy said,"Aye sir!". "Did he really have to open the door like that? Won't he get in trouble?" said Lucy with a dead panned expression. "He would but a kicked open door is actually tame compared to what kind of destruction our guilds into it. You two aren't phased by this?" said Levy as she looked at Frosch and Zane. "Nah. Zane's uncle Theron usually smash through buildings to try and perform a sneak attack on Zane which never works." said Frosch. 

Both Levy and Lucy looked at Zane with him shrugging. "He isn't wrong whatsoever. Theron doesn't know the word subtle is whatsoever. This is a unique way of saying I'm home Lucy. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure you'll be well liked given how you're a pretty young maiden. Even if your makeup is ruined which it isn't by the way." said Zane with Lucy blushing at his comment. "Besides if this guild hall hasn't changed, I doubt they would reject anyone." thought Zane. "We're home!" chirped Happy.

He was flying in behind Natsu with a smile spread across his lips. The rest of the group walked in with Lucy being amazed. There were so many people just laughing and having a good time. Some members were drinking, sharing a meal, and there was even someone dancing on a table. The inside was like a large lunch hall. It looks to be constructed of wood ,having a parquet floor, and a mezzaine held up by wood beams overlooking it. 

Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar at the end. Several waitress walked through the air being that it was filled to the brim with wizards and a sense of warmth the blonde. The request board was located beside the bar. The second floor won't be seen until a little bit later. After seeing all of these people, Zane put on his headphones and it began playing music. This confused Lucy since she didn't expect that from him. 

Lucy looked at Zane with Frosch saying,"Zane has trouble in really loud places.". "Ah. I really didn't expect that from him." said Lucy. "Yeah. I get that a lot. I wonder where he is? I don't see him and he can't sense my presence." thought Zane as he looked around for a certain someone. Get ready for an info dump on several members of Fairy Tail. Their heights and age will be at the bottom of this post. Lets begin with Alzack Connell and Bisca Mulan, Fairy Tail's western couple. 

Yeah you read that right. They're a couple and in love. I could build them to become a couple like they do in canon thanks to subtle mentions of it before having them married after the timeskip but nah. Lets just put them together here and now. Alzack is a young man of average height. He has long black hair that covers the right part of his face and black eyes. The right one is always obscured by his hair. His attire mirrors that of fictional cowboys, minus their signature hats.

Bisca is the one who wears the hat in their relationship. His outfit consists of a long brown coat that resembling a poncho with tasselled edges together with a shirt. He wears that with torn pants with strips similar to the ones on his coat hanging from their edges. These being held up by a studded belt with a skull-shaped buckle. On his feet he wears simple shoes or boots. Alzack has a case on his right hip which is attached to a belt in.

He usually keeps one of his guns, with it consisting of a large leather belt, seemingly decorated by concentric circles in its widest part. Bisca is a young woman with long, straight green hair that reaches down to her lower back, and a set of long bangs framing her face. She has brownish purple eyes, a pair of large breasts, and is always seen wearing red lipstick. Her outfit mirrored a fictional cowgirl aka she wears the cowboy hat which Alzack doesn't.

She's always with her western-style hat and visible on her head, a light, polka-dotted neck scarf, and a pair of reddish brown boots. Her body was covered by a short, strapless black one-piece dress decorated by white spiraling motifs and striped edges. She's wearing brown cowgirl boots. Next up are the duo of Droy and Jet, two thirds of Team Shadow Gear. Droy is a tall, slim young man with black hair kept in an unusual, and distinctive hairstyle.

A tuft of his hair on top of his head was jutting upwards and then it was curving frontwards, being reminiscent of a plant’s stem. His hair extends in a rounded form on his forehead, and was cut on both sides of Droy’s head in a spiraling motif. Droy has dark eyes and thin dark eyebrows pointing downwards at their outer edges. His rectangular-shaped face sported sharp features with prominent cheekbones.

He's wearing a simple white shirt, green checkered pants, and dark shoes with lighter soles. He also sported a pair of distinctive belts crossing his chest, each passing over one of his shoulders. These belts were reminiscent of bandoliers, sporting rectangular cases on them, which contain special "secret seeds" used for his magic and not weed. Jet or Sarusuke is a slim young-looking man with orange hair, kept jutting backwards at the sides of his head. 

Jet has a very sharp face, a prominent, flat and defined nose pointing downwards, and quite distinctive teeth. It's a very protruding, sharp, triangular-shaped upper molar complemented by a chipped portion on the low row. It's something which allows him to close his teeth completely despite such a peculiar physical irregularity. He's wearing an open light-brown coat that had yellowish fur trimmings on its edges and sleeves which reached down below his elbows. 

He's wearing a high-collared purple shirt ,being that the collar is left mostly open, which it left hanging over his checkered belt with a rectangular buckles to it. He's wears black pants inside brown boots. He's wearing a bracelet composed of thin ropes around his right wrist, and a watch around his left. His most noticeable article of clothing is his fancy and very tall brown and white striped hat that has a large brim and fur trimmings over its entire length plus a furry ball on its top. 

Next up is the glasses-wearing sadist Laxi Olietta aka the leader of Team Shadow Gear. Laki is a slim young woman of average height with straight, pale lavender hair set in a bowl cut-like style, with her fringe covering the left part of her forehead, and the right side exposed. She has brown eyes and a large, dark red colored ribbon adorning the top of her head. She is always shown wearing her signature simple looking glasses with oval lenses. 

She's wearing a light-colored coat reaching down below her waist, with dark cuffs retaining the original color on their back edges, a dark cravat tie around the collar, tight-fitting dark pants tucked inside light-colored boots with dark soles, and light colored gloves. She also had a small, dark satchel adorned by a pair of small hearts hanging on her right hip, seemingly attached to her waist. Next up is Max Alors who is known for his Sandstorm Magic and being close friends with Laki. 

He is unaware of how jealous Droy and Jet are when Max talks to Laki due to the duo liking her. Max is a slim young man of average height with beige hair kept in a very noticeable ,like very obvious, bowl-styled undercut, with two large and straight bangs framing and partially covering the sides of his face; he has dark eyes and thin, dark eyebrows. Max's outfit consists of a simple, open-collared blue shirt with rolled up sleeves, loose dark blue pants with torn hemlines, and light-colored plain shoes.

Nab Lasaro is up next. Nab is an extremely tall, heavily muscular and massive young man, being that he towered over most of the guild. He has straight black hair with it styled in a bob cat with a light-colored band circling it near the top, and two curved bands emerging from under it. This framed the upper portion of his face, which has a somewhat rectangular shape. Nab also has prominent thick lips and a pair of wide, horizontal white stripes. Each stripe covering one of his cheeks. 

It looked like tribal war paint. His shoulders had a white tattoo consisting of several circles with a large one in the center being surrounded by smaller ones, in a shape very much like a stylized sun. He's wearing a black, open vest with the edges decorated by green and red triangles. He's wearing a fun loincloth held up by a belt adorned by many rings. His forearms and lower legs were covered by armor plates held up by ropes, 

Said jungle man carried around a number of small, round skulls on his person being that they held together by cords, circling both his neck and waist. Reedus Jonah is a rather tall man with him sporting curly, light orange hair. He has a distinctly large torso. He's wearing a large, white shirt fitting his chest size, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark pants. He's wearing dark, pointed shoes adorned by light crescent moon-like motifs on the inner sides.

He wears a distinctive dark hat, with a large brim, a curved point hanging down on Reedus’ left and a light orange band around it, highly reminiscent of those worn by fictional sorcerers and very few wizards wear hats like this. Vijeteer Ecor is a slim, young man of average height with long brown hair, which he keeps tied in a ponytail at the back of his head, and has two long, curved shoulder-length bangs. He has dark eyes and is mostly ,if not always, shown frowning. 

Vijeteer’s initial outfit consisted of a dark, close-fitting dancing suit. It covers the entirety of his body aside from his head. The suit comes with small, outlined round areas over the shoulders, elbows and knees, linked together by thin, silver-colored stripes. Vijeteer is said to possess 100 copies of this very same attire being that if you see him wearing the same outfit, he has washed a copy of it. Wakaba Mine is an average height distinguishable by his brown hair. 

He keeps it in an ostentatious pompadour ,which he treasures more than his wife maybe, that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly and fluffy tuft. His eyes are either closed or semi-open with him having light-colored pupils. This is  shown whenever Wakaba display his surprise. His physique is peculiar in the fact that ,despite Wakaba having quite a large belly, his abdominal and pectorals are well-defined. 

Wakaba's guild mark is yellow in color, and is located near his left pectoral. He also seems to have mildly hairy legs. He's wearing a loose, light green shirt decorated with many motifs of stylized dark-colored flowers with five petals. He also has on a pair of pants cut down below Wakaba’s knees (held up by a light belt adorned with many black stars partially hidden by his shirt) and sandals held up by striped bands.

Warren Rocko is the last member to go over and he was never given a full appearance in Fairy Legion unlike every member mentioned above him. Weird huh? Warren is a slim man of average height with black, straight hair ,which was initially styled in an undercut-like fashion, with most of it being kept quite short aside from a prominent wisp on the right part of his face. Warren has black eyes and a mildly prominent nose, with his most distinctive facial feature being his long, and thick lips. 

The man is wearing donned a high-collared red jacket, with striped brown padding over the shoulders and neck areas, with part of it protruding downwards on the chest, following the zip closing the jacket. Each of its light-colored cuffs bore a line on the back edge, and the jacket was closed around Warren’s waist by a light belt with a round buckle, somehow shaped like a mechanical device, with a small, dark capsized pyramid on it. 

He also wore a pair of white pants tucked inside boots, with the parts covering his feet being black, and the ones coming down from his elbows being reminiscent of light, loose shin-guards made of cloth. Lets get back to the story. Droy took a sip of his beer with him saying,"Hey there Natsu. Welcome back man.". "So I heard you went all out in Hargeon. Natsu. You just had to go all out didn't you? Neither of them are going to....." said Jet as he was stopped by Natsu's sandal currently implanted into his face. 

Due to the kick's strength, Jet went flying across the room a second later, destroying a table and hitting the wall in the process. "Why did he do that?!" said Lucy as Levy shook her head in annoyance. "You lied to me bastard! You lied about that Salamander rumor! I'm going to kick your ass!" said Natsu who had a massive red tick mark on his head. "Hey come on! Don't be such a little baby about it man! You had to go there to help out Levy so I just made sure you went there." said Jet.

Much to Lucy's surprise, he emerged from the wall perfectly fine and Jet had a red tick mark. "Not one of your better ideas Jet." said Droy. "Do you really think I need to be tricked in order to go help out my friend?" said Natsu. "Didn't he and Happy forget about you?" said Frosch. "Yes. He did and if he does that again, I'll punish him." said Levy without breaking a sweat. "Oh wow. That's brutal yet cold." said Havoc. "You're going down speedy!" said Natsu, cracking his knuckles. "Bring it!" said Jet. 

The two began throwing punches at each other with the rest of the guild watching this fight go down as if it was normal. "That's Natsu for you. An talented wizard whose reckless knows no bounds, extremely hot headed, and tend to speak whatever on his mind." said Happy. In no time at all, the fight eventually grew to encompass the entire guildhall. It was complete pandemonium and it's a complete contrast compared to the rather peaceful Magnolia outside. 

Chairs were sent flying, tables were being knocked over or crushed, drinks and food fell onto the floor with people hitting it, and more people getting into the fighting spirt. "Come on Natsu. I think you need to calm...." said Happy, looking toward Natsu's direction since his pink hair sticks out like a sore thumb even during a fight.  He was stopped from talking as Zane grabbed his tail and tossed him through the guild hall very much like a pinball before the feline was smashed in the face by a mug. 

Astaroth smirked as he said,"Nice throw.". "So why did you do that Zane?" said Levy. "The fighting got to me Levy plus he talks too damn much." said Zane as he grabbed a mug of beer that was flying through the air thanks to the chaos around him. "You know that you'll pay for that right Zane?" said Levy. "Um yeah. I was totally going to do that Levy and totally not put it on Natsu's tab. So what's up with the towhead? She looks off." said Zane with him crossing his arms. 

The blue haired woman looked at Lucy who had a confused look on her face yet a blissful smile on her face. "Oh wow. I can't believe it mom. I'm actually inside the Fairy Tail Guildhall." muttered Lucy with her looking around the guild hall. "So is this normal too?" said Zane, pointing to the blonde. Levy shook her head for no. "Not really but seeing Natsu start one of our guild's infamous fights in under a minute broke her brain." said Levy. "I think so too!" said Frosch. 

Levy sighed as she said,"So how come you two aren't freaking out like she is?". "Because honestly, I've seen this before and this fight here makes anything Theron does seem normal in comparison." said Zane. "Yeah and Zane has seen a lot over the years." said Havoc with Astaroth and Matrix agreeing with him. From behind the counter, a figure poked her head out. "You guys do know that you're going to clean this up right?! I'm talking to you specifically Natsu Dragneel!" said a mildly angry girl. 

This girl had a similar set of curves to Lucy except slightly less buxom but that difference is barely noticeable, height aka five foot two, and looked to be a year older than Lucy aka eighteen years old. She has short white hair with two long bangs framing the side of her face and two pigtails in the back. If you need a visual example of her hair, check out this. I suck at describing certain things. She has bright blue eyes. She is wearing a dark red dress that go up to her thighs with a pink collar and white bow. 

Above her elbows on both arms, she has gold rings with a pink fabric flowing down from them to her forearm. She wears brown leather ankle length boots with gray tights. She wears a silver belt with red Fairy Tail like designs all around it aka the dancing fairies. It has little pouches on them. She wears silver bracelets and has small sapphire gem earrings. She has the Fairy Tail symbol in white on her left arm just below her shoulder. 

This lovely lady is Lisanna Strauss, a master of Take Over magic, a member of the Take Over Trio, and has a close bond with Natsu Dragneel. Yeah. She is alive in X784 before a certain arc and well, we'll be talking about that in due time. Due to her impressive beauty, she has been often to do some photos with Sorcerer Weekly. The young woman tends to do these shoots with alongside her older sister Mirajane Strauss. 

Mirajane was known as the beautiful yet somehow dangerous seductress while Lisanna is the unspoiled girl next door. Both Strauss girls are rated as two of the "girls you would like as your girlfriend" but Lisanna has been taken by the Salamander who she has been closed to since she joined the guild in X778 alongside both of her siblings. Both of her older siblings are staunchly opposed to Lisanna modeling for an obvious reason

However, her beau Natsu tends to go silent at just the mention of Lisanna modeling. I wonder why that could be. Lisanna looked over at the fight and saw Natsu about to get hit by Nab from behind. The man was stopped by said girl throwing a plate at him with Natsu thanking her. "So is this normal?" said Frosch with her looking at Levy. "Yes. It is. I'll never understand where they get all of that energy." said Levy.

As the brawl continued on, a new face showed up. "So flame brain is back. About time he showed his reckless mug." said a high pitched voice which sounded like a mellow tomboy. The two turned to see a beautiful, eighteen year old girl standing there with a smirk plastered on her face. She has a fair skin tone with it being a peachy white color and she's 5 foot 4. She has long black ,with a navy-blue hue, hair that goes down to her shoulders. 

There were a few strands of her hair go down her forehead with two strands of her hair covering her right eye. She has icy-blue eyes, which many note that has a certain amount of intensity to them, enough to mesmerize yet frighten anyone who dare looks into them. They looked to be naturally slanted. She has a beautiful looking face with a small button nose, high cheek bones, noticeable eyelashes, and succulent lips. 

She had a great, toned hourglass figure with her being called slender yet curvaceous. Her breasts are ample but they're a size smaller than Levy's but she's still more busty than Lisanna and Lucy. Her arms looked to be rather slim in comparison to say Elfman but the muscles that were there are compact. She has a taut, hard core which showed that she tended to training her body rather than model. She had sleek and curvy calves and thighs which like her arms, the muscles there were compact. 

Her butt is plump. She is wearing a short, white jacket with short black sleeves that only cover her shoulders, ice-blue lining, and a short dark brown collar and cuff. It has two breast pockets with these pockets being closed by buttoning the small flaps above them to the front. Her jacket is currently open, revealing a gunmetal tank top/tube top that gave a good view of her breasts and midriff rather well. She wears a black and maroon skirt that has a white frill at the bottom. 

The skirt clung to her and ends around her thighs. She wears black ,with horizontal white stripes, fishnet style leggings/capris underneath her skirt. Her leggings/capris expose most of her legs. Her skirt comes with a stylish white belt with an icy blue snowflake/heart design to it. Her belt has a metal heart-shaped belt buckle. She's wearing a pair of open-toed strappy black ,with icy-blue soles, sandals which seem to be slip ons. 

She wears her signature Heart Kreuz shaped necklace aka a sword with a red gem stone inside of it and a white bracelet around both of her wrists. She wears silver stud earrings. In her mouth, there was currently a lollipop. Said lollipop has the ability of keep her body temperature to be cold wherever she finds herself. She doesn't wear much makeup except lipstick and nail polish. This was made possible thanks to the duo of Lisanna and Mira.

They were trying to help her appear feminine to a certain wizard in their guild despite Grace not caring about romance like those two do. Her fingernails, lips, and toenails are painted an maroon color, and she wears black mascara. Her guild mark ,which is a dark blue color, was currently visible and sitting proudly on her right calf. This lovely young lady is Grace Fullbuster, a very talented wizard like Natsu and has the title of his rival ever since childhood. 

She has a certain quirk that makes her stick out for the wrong reason. Yeah. Gray is now Grace and well, I listen some of my reasons down below. I do plan to list all of them in due time such as why she has the lollipop in her mouth. There is a reason for that. If you need a voice actor for Grace aka a great name for a female Gray, think Chie Satonaka aka Erin Fitzgerald. Fun fact. Did you know that Erin Fitzgerald voiced Nazz from the show Ed, Edd, and Eddy? 

I really didn't know that until now. The things you learn when you research up stuff for your story. If you need the idea where female Gray came from, check out these three pictures. You may have notice that two of them are about Naruto not Fairy Tail and you would be correct. These two picture are based off an interesting Naruto fanfiction which I recommend checking out through this link. It does have its issues which I'll hopefully mention at a later date.

These issues are problems that I find annoying but you may note. "Hey Natsu! It's time the two of us settle things!" said Grace. Much to the shock of Lucy who screamed, Grace removed her clothes and exposed her underwear to everyone. Her underwear/training gear consisting of a dark blue low cut sports bra and it was matched with a pair of dark blue boy shorts. Both undergarments have icy blue upper borders with a pattern of black snowflakes running along below them. 

You may think this is rather inappropriate but it could be considered casual wear in the unique world of fashion. This is the same quirk as Gray but well, it's more pleasing to the female fanbase rather than the male fanbase. Some ladies may like that Grace strips as well and males may like when Gray strips so to each their own. If you're curious, she still had the lollypop/lollipop in her mouth. She may not keep on her clothing but she does with this. 

Weird isn't it. "Kya!!!!! Why did she just take off her clothes Levy?! Is she some kind of stripper or what?!" screamed Lucy in embarrassment. She was rapidly moved her gaze away from Grace who was walking toward Natsu. He wasn't paying too much attention to her due to him currently punching Nab repeatedly in the face. It was a hilarious sight. "Sorta of. I doubt she's stripped for Jewels before but she does strip a lot." said Levy, cupping her chin. 

Havoc looked at Zane with him saying,"Hey Zane. So why are you staring at her?". "Huh? Was I?" said Zane. "You totally were pervert." said Matrix. "Hey. I don't blame him Matrix. She's hot but that's a given in a dimension Zane created." said Astaroth. "I think Astaroth is enjoying this vacation more than all of us combined." said Havoc. "Ain't that the truth." said Matrix. "While she may be pretty, I think it's because she has great potential but I could be wrong." said Zane. 

Before Lucy could question her further, Zane looked to see a half frozen wizard heading toward Lucy and he sighed. The frozen wizard was stopped mid flight much to their confusion and sent flying into the roof before coming back down right into a group of wizards. "Did you do something Zane?" said Frosch, looking at Zane. "Yep. I sure did. Really didn't want the ladies to get hurt." said Zane. "Ah. That makes sense." said Frosch. "Okay then. Why is this happening?" said Lucy. 

She heard a regal sounding masculine voice say,"Don't let this scene of chaos fool you. I can say this without any doubt. This is tame compared to some of the fights that have broken out here before. Oh welcome back Levy.". Lucy blinked and quickly turned around to see a slim looking royal looking male standing there. He looks to be 5 foot 10 and twenty years old. He has waist-length light-green hair. His bangs are brushed to one side which was covering the majority of the right side of his face.

He has a pair of thin lightning bolt shaped strands jutting out backwards from the sides of his head. His hair is gathered at the end and tied in a short ponytail with a gray ribbon. His eyes are greenish blue with the left one lies a small beauty mark. He possesses prominent, long eyelashes. He's wearing a dark red knee-length double-breasted overcoat. It possesses a wide collar, large lighter-colored cuffs decorated by a darker line on the back part, and edges adorned by two thin golden lines each.

There are four yellow buttons that would be closing said coat. However, said coat was open exposing what he wore underneath. Over it and around his waist, he has a pair of buckled belts. Attached to which ,on his left hip, is his sword. Under his coat, he wears a simple, black dress shirt shirt with large cuffs and a mildly high collar to it.  He has a light cravat tie around his neck and the lower part tucked inside the coat. 

He wears a pair of loose white pants tucked inside simple knee height brown ,with gold trim, boots each sporting a line of small buttons. These buttons were on their respective outer sides. His clothes ,coming together in harmony with his physical features, make him resemble a French nobleman from the Enlightenment period. On the back of his left hand, there is a green Fairy Tail Mark. This man is Freed Justine, leader of the Thunder Legion. 

It's well known that he values honor above everything else and tends to be one of the few wizards who don't cause trouble while working. This is impressive since well, destruction and Fairy Tail wizards go together like peanut butter and jelly. "Um hi." said Lucy. "Nice to meet you as well. I'm sorry about this." said Freed with a chuckle. He grabbed the blond by her shoulders and yanked her down as several people went flying over them and there were yells of pain upon crashing into another table. 

The blunette looked at Freed who let Lucy go with her thanking him. "It's good to see too Freed. Thanks for saving the new girl. I'm sure Master wouldn't want someone like her leaving the guild." said Levy. "I can't believe I'm saying this but it's the truth. Master does like whenever girls such as this blonde join up with us." said Freed. "And what reason is that?" said Havoc. "I think he's a pervert like Astaroth." said Matrix. "Yeah. He is. Gets that from his old man." thought Zane. 

Levy sighed as she said,"That's true. We should probably head toward the bar. Normally, the fighting doesn't get too close to there.". "Normally?" said Lucy. "It all depending on who is involved in the fight at the time. Our Titania nor the Demon are here so we're safe." said Freed. "Thank Mavis. I don't mind Mira but her. Ugh." muttered Levy. "Huh. I wonder what's going on with Levy and this Titania. Color me curious." thought Zane.

The group went toward the bar with Lucy saying,"So the bar is safe?". "Not exactly. You break it, you buy it. In the back, there are some expensive drinks and no one wants to replace them with their own money since a single bottle cost about one hundred fifty thousand Jewels. You also have to deal with Cana and Mira if she's currently working there at the time. Luck for us, Mira isn't here. Cana on the other hand. She is here." said Freed. "Ah. So can I ask you something?" said Lucy.

Freed looked at Lucy with her saying,"Yes. What is it?". "I heard Levy mentioned your name. You're Freed Justine right? Leader of the Thunder Legion and Fairy Tail's Rune Master?!" said Lucy with her eyes sparkling. "Yep. Oh before I answer your question. Grace. Your clothes." said Freed, turning toward the half naked wizard. "Screw you Freed! He's going down!" said Grace as she jumped into the fight. "At least you tried." said Frosch, trying to comfort the man. "Indeed." said Freed.

The group heard a woman's voice,"I really doubt she cares about how she looks Freed since well, her lucky lecture lure isn't going off right now especially when he's lurking around somewhere.". At the guild's bar, a woman was sitting there and was drinking a glass of expensive looking red wine at the moment. There were several barrels of beer beside her. She is a slim young woman with her being about the same age as Lisanna and 5 foot 8.

She has long mid-back length thick and wavy brown hair with two shoulder-length strands of hair framing her face with the left one starting with a prominent, high fringe. She has large purple eyes and visibly long eyelashes. Her figure ,like most of the women here, seemed very voluptuous with large breasts aka D-Cups and curvy hips. She has her Fairy Tail stamp ,being black, located on the lower half of her being the left part of her abdomen, right above her hips.

Her clothing left little to the imagination with her upper half clothed into nothing more than a light blue bikini top ,with a camouflage pattern that showed off her stomach. She's wearing a pair of capri pants with two bangs hanging from each one of her leg and also a light belt covered in heart motifs loosely tied around her waist. She's wearing high-heeled sandals. She also had on a pair of metal bracelets, adorning her biceps, bearing an incision compared of many A's.

She also had three simple, round metal bracelets on her wrists. She's currently has a shoulder bag with the plain brown strap passing over her left shoulder and diagonally crossing her chest, with the bag itself being covered in very long and massive feathers that are lavender and light blue. This woman is Cana Alberona, a beautiful lush. "You have a point there Cana. I just wish she tried to get help with that." said Freed. "Yeah but she claims that it's because of her training." said Cana.

Freed nodded as he said,"Yes I do remember that. She trains in nothing but her undergarments on the ice and snowy mountains. Being in a warm place like Magnolia is like being in a desert for her.". "I think you're the only guy here with any class Freed. I need a real man." said Cana as she took a nearby barrel of beer next to her and stated to drink from there like it was nothing to her. This shocked Lucy once again. "Oh wow. She is making your drinking looking tame Zane." said Astaroth. 

Zane couldn't argue against that since he has a tendency to drink a lot. "Come on you three. I'll show you around." said Levy. "Even though this is going on? Why is everyone here crazy?" said Lucy. "Yeah. You better get us it to." said Levy. Cana finally noticed them with her smiling. "Hey Levy. It's been too long. So who's the trio?" said Cana. "New recruits. Showing them around and hopefully not get scared off." said Levy. "I'm not scared by a little roughhousing or the insane." said Zane. 

Frosch agreed with that. "What about you blondie? I mean you're a real lovely girl and having another beauty like yourself joins is more of a plus. I mean blondes have all the fun." purred Cana, looking at her and noticing how curvy she was. Lucy didn't answer her as Levy looked at Cana. "I think she's still stunned by Grace's stripping and because of that, she's ignoring your flirting." said Levy. "Ah. That makes sense. Most men and some women really love when they flirt with her." said Freed. 

As this was going on, Lucy thought,"How come no one else but me is bothered by this?!". "This area here is the main hall where you can talk with people, eat, and get into big fights. I'll show you three the job request board next." said Levy. "So I know that I'm new here and don't have anything to say about how your guild does things. Why doesn't Grace put her clothes in a pocket dimension space while she's stripping?" said Zane. 

Freed looked at him as he said,"You mean Requip magic right? I see. That's a simple yet effective solution but the only wizard who uses it as her main method of fighting isn't the best teacher according to Natsu who screamed like a banshee.". "Yeah. I still remember that day clearly. I think Master was shocked to see that his scream broke a couple of bottles here at the guild hall much to my dismay." said Cana. "You really need to curb back on the drinking." said Freed and Levy with Cana shrugging.

As the fight went on, a large man appeared. He looked to be the same age as Cana and Lisanna, being eighteen years old, He easily dwarfs the two girl and most of the girls with him being an inch taller than Nab aka 6 foot 2. He's a muscular man with tan colored skin. He has long white hair which is styled upwards in long, wavy spikes. His dark blue eyes possess no visible eyebrows and his rectangular, elongated face has a stitched scar running down its right side, crossing his right eye.

Zane noticed that his Fairy Tail stamp was located on the left part of his neck and a black color. The man's currently wearing an outfit that wouldn't too out of place on a normal fictional Japanese high-school hooligans. This consisted of a dark blue jacket with purplish blue innards, held closed on the front by a line of large buttons, with similar buttons on the sleeves' back and the zip located on the high collar left open. The back of his jacket is adorned by large ,light Kanjis, reading,"The greatest". 

The jacket itself seems to be worn over a light red shirt. He's wearing matching colored pants held up by a simple belt and traditional Japanese geta sandals. "It's barely noon and you two are already fighting like spoiled children. Do I need to teach you a lesson?" said the man. This brute of a man is Elfman Strauss, whose main way of solving an issue is using his two strong fists and being a real man. The definition of what makes a real man to him is currently unknown.

It's mainly unknown since he uses the word man a lot and for a variety of things. Elfman is the middle child of the Take Over Trio. "I don't think they heard you Elfman. You should probably go teach them that lesson." said Freed. Elfman nodded as he pushed some random guy out of his way. "I can't believe you would encourage them." said Lucy. "Yeah. Freed may be a gentlemen but he really likes watching the big guy going flying away. A total sadist." said Cana. 

Lucy watched the duo of Grace and Natsu turned around, socking him in the jaw and sending him flying toward a nearby wall. "Stay out of this!" said the two in unison. "And he's out of here!" said Matrix with her doing her best sports caster voice. "I can't believe. He totally got yamcha'd." said Astaroth. "Nice double reference there Astaroth." said Havoc. "Right. I totally meant to do that." said Astaroth. When Elfman landed on the ground, he noticed something had broken his fall and looked down to see Laki.

Even thought a giant of a man just fell on top of her, the glass wearing girl smiled at him as she said,"Hi there Elfman.". "Hey there Laki. Sorry about that but those two were so unman...." groaned Elfman with him slowly getting off her but was literally kicked in the ass. He was sent him flying forward toward the duo of Nab and Warren, unintentionally clotheslining both of them. Elfman turned around to see the girl smirking at him. "Hey! It isn't manly to kick someone in the back!" said Elfman. 

Laki shrugged as she said while cracking her knuckles,"You know the rules of the brawl Elfman. There are no rules. Now. I think it's time to teach you fools a lesson.". "Fine then Laki! I'll show how strong a real man can be!" shouted Elfman as he and Laki began brawling. Sitting at one of the tables, there was a man sitting there and he said,"Jeez. It's so damn noisy around here.".  This man looks to be 5 foot 8 and looks to be around the same age as Elfman. 

His face looks very delicate with his orange hair. It's mildly short and spiky with spiky strands covering his forehead, and other, longer ones jutting upwards from the top of his head. His hazel eyes are covered by a pair of azure-tinted sunglasses with a thin frame. He has three earrings being a stud earring and two rings. He's wearing a green coat with a wide collar, complete with very prominent ,spiky, brownish-white fur trimming lining the hood. 

Under his coat, he's wearing a light red t-shirt covered in many flower-like motifs, black pants, and whitish sneakers, each adorned by a pair of light green stripes. He had a woman resting in each of his arms. This is the lady killer Loke. He is well known for being one of Fiore's most eligible wizard bachelors. He was watching the chaotic fight in amusement before a table collided with his forehead hard, causing him to fall onto the ground. 

The two women he was with were worried about him due to his face being injured.  He was one of Fiore's most eligible wizard bachelors after all. Loke shared this title alongside Bomb Sentense of Gramlush, Eve Tearm of the Magic Council, Freed, Guy Aleus of Quatro Cerberus, Hibiki Lates of Blue Pegasus, Ichiya Kotobuki of Blue Pegasus, Mace Orlando of Phoenix Grave, Ren Kannagi of Blue Pegasus, Siegrain of the Magic Council, and Tyrell Sequen of Fairy Tail. 

Said man had an irritated face and stood back up. His confident smile return as he turned to two of his girlfriends. "I'm going to be joining the fight if only to protect you, lovely ladies." said Loke. "Okay then. Have fun Loke." said the ladies in unison, swooning as their boyfriend joined the brawl. Lucy watched this and crossed his image off her potential boyfriend list which had Siegrain on it. Back with Frosch, Levy, and Zane, she was showing the two males the job request board. 

As she explained that the jobs were organized by class ranking, Frosch noticed that Lucy was still in shock at the guild fight. "So here at the bottom of the board are E-Class jobs. These jobs are normally small stuff like helping out a local business or finding someone's cat. They usually pay around 500 to 5000 Jewels. It makes a good starting point for upcoming wizards since they're not too difficult but not too easy either." said Levy. "I see. That's good to know." said Zane.

Levy nodded as he said,"At the top of the board, we have A-Class jobs. They usually involve monster fighting, dark guild busting, and defending towns. Not to brag, I was doing these types of jobs when I was ten years old with Freed and my older sibling. Now in between those two, you got D, C, and B-Class jobs. D-Class jobs involve....". "Levy! How come you're not freaked out by all of this?! I mean there is no one sane around here!" said Lucy, pointing toward the mob of angry wizards.

Much to her surprise, Zane patted her head and smiled. "Lucy. Let me give you some advice. No one out there in the world is exactly sane and well, I had a feeling Fairy Tail was going to be like this after meeting him back in Hargeon." said Zane. Lucy looked at him with a very skeptical look. "Okay. You got me. I figured it out after you spent an entire day watching him and Happy trying to catch a flying ox fish. I wonder. Did it did taste more like beef or fish?" said Zane. 

Cana alongside Freed was interested in the conversation between Lucy and Zane as Cana said,"How did you know that headphones?". "I read her mind obviously. Natsu didn't answer me why he and Happy had the faint smell of beef and fish on them earlier when I asked them. I really hate going without answers." said Zane. "Despite Zane reading your mind without permission Lucy, this is just normal for Fairy Tail." said Levy. 

Freed nodded as he said,"Yeah Lucy. If you want to see real chaos, you should see how we celebrate New Years. If this shocks you, just wait until New Years.". "Yeah. Busty here really needs to see how we celebrate Saint Pattie's Day, Mardi Gas, or Oktoberfest. That is when things go real crazy around here. So you thinking about joining us?" said Cana. "You bet I am! It's been my dream to join since I was a little girl!" said Lucy. 

The gentleman looked at her as he said,"Ah. I guess we should welcome you aboard this crazy ship and hope you don't regret it.". "Why would I regret it?" said Lucy. "You'll understand in time." said Freed with him smiling. "Ignore him blondie. He's just trying to scare the newbie like his boss tries to but with far less violence. Welcome to Fairy Tail. We're one big family who likes to brawl, destroy, brawl once again, destroy even more, and would be a perfect fit for a mental institution." said Cana. 

Cana turned toward at Zane with her saying," So headphones, why aren't you brawling with the rest of them? Freed here doesn't because it isn't honor less.". "I do enjoy a good fight yes but this isn't one in my opinion. This is just rough-housing since well, they're having fun out there and not taking this fight seriously at all. You can obviously tell that. I wonder if this is why Fairy Tail is considered the number one guild here in Fiore." said Zane.

He looked at the booze behind the bar with him saying,"To be completely honest with you, I'm craving something to drink.". "Oh wow. How did you figure this out exactly? I mean I couldn't tell that they were having fun out there." said Havoc. "None of their fights are leaving any serious injuries and well, the smiles on their faces give it away." said Astaroth. "Yeah and the fact that they aren't using any Ethernano at the moment helped too." said Matrix.

A calming, masculine voice spoke up and he said,"I knew that I should have gone with Happy and Natsu to pick you up Levy. His IQ can be slightly smaller than a rock outside my house. Natsu should know that he's Salamander but I presume that she made him forget that alongside the fact that it would be national news if a Dragon was seen. So you brought us some new recruits too. I haven't seen you do this since well, six years ago.". 

The group there turned around to see a male standing there with a pleasant smile on his face. He looks to be 5 foot 10 with a rather lean yet toned build. He has a slightly tanned skin with it being on the lighter side and a relatively handsome fellow at the age of nineteen. He has spiky shamrock green hair ,with it going to his shoulders, and a pair of sharp, striking amber colored eyes that looks to be a shade of red rather than brown. He has a noble almost royal look to him.

He wears a short sleeve black shirt with the bottom edge of his shirt have a green wave like pattern embroidered into it and its collar is in the shape of a sword. He wears slightly frayed navy blue jeans with a dark brown belt. His belt has a silver, triangle-shaped buckle. He wears a pair of brown wide, knee-high military-style boots that have three silver metal straps on them. He wears a brown loose, knit cap with a golden rim and there is an emblem of Fairy Tail on the side. 

The young man wears two dark gray ,with green lining, fingerless gauntlets that guards his lower forearm, hand, and wrists. He wears a necklace around his neck with it being a emerald green lacrima with a silver outline and held by a golden chain. In the middle of the lacrima, there is the symbol of a tree. His necklace and hat belonged to his mother who is no longer living. He has a pitch-black longsword in its shamrock green sheath strapped to his back.

It was connected by a dark brown strap wrapped around his chest. His sword's hilt is a gold color and shaped like a cross-guard. He has his signature revolver in a holster strapped to his belt on his left hip. His revolver has a six-chamber cylinder and a rapid-fire trigger. It looks to be made out of a wooden material and its frame has the symbol of Fairy Tail etched in the barrel and grip. The two Fairy Tail symbols on his pistol are a shamrock green color. 

His guild mark is the same color as his hair, the one on his hat, and the ones on his pistol. The man's guild mark is located on his right rib cage. This is Tyrell Sequen, the great grandson of one of the Four Gods of Ishgar Warrod Sequen and student of Precht Gaebolg and Yajima. He is well known for his eyes and according to Sorcerer Weekly, it's his most specular trait since his eyes can light up the night sky. Don't ask how that works. 

It just does. "Hey Tyrell. Good to see you." said Levy. Tyrell looked at Levy and smiled. "Same to you my old friend. So who is she? You three are new right?" said Tyrell, pointing to Lucy whose eyes were currently hearts and had stream coming out of her ears. "A fangirl Tyrell. Isn't it obvious too you?" said Cana with a shrug. "Oh My God! It's Tyrell Sequen in the flesh!" squealed Lucy with her remembering seeing him from his photo shoots in Sorcerer Weekly right alongside Mirajane. 

Levy blinked as she said,"Huh. I usually never see fangirling for you Tyrell.". "It does happen to me. Less than Mira but honestly, it's annoying and makes me wonder how Mira deals with them especially the more obnoxious ones." said Tyrell. Cana and Freed looked at Zane's right eye which was twitching violently. "So what's wrong with him? Is he going to be okay?" said Freed. "He looks like Gramps when one of us goes overboard on a job mainly Grace and Natsu." said Cana.

She remembered seeing that look a lot in her years with the guild. Freed was the same except he hadn't been on the receiving end of it like Cana had been. He was one of Fairy Tail's few wizards who didn't cause too much trouble. "Oh. Zane really hates fangirls especially ones that love to squealing and also stalkers." said Frosch. "Ah. That makes sense." said the two in unison. Lucy began shaking Zane's right arm as she said,"Look Zane! It's Tyrell in the flesh! He's Fairy Tail's most handsome member!". 

Loke heard this and he shouted,"No he isn't!". His comment earned him a punch to the face by Max and was ignored by Lucy. "He along with Mirajane are always featured in Sorcerer Weekly! Look!" said Lucy as she took out her magazine of Sorcerer Weekly and Zane shrugged. He began flipping through the pages with him nodding. "I see." said Zane, closing the magazine and gave it back to her. "So what do you think?! If you met Mira, I'm sure your jaw would be on the floor." said Lucy

Zane shrugged as he said,"Meh. I've seen prettier. No offense Tyrell. I do think that the article on the history of Fiore's Royal Family is interesting. The king is so tiny.". "Seriously?!" said Lucy. "Yeah. I guess Zane wouldn't find this Mirajane girl to be sexy which she is right Astaroth?" said Havoc. "I have to agree since I'm pretty sure about one thing. If she was a red head instead of a snow head, you would like her right partner?" said Astaroth.

Matrix looked at him as she said,"That's impossible Astaroth. Rae is Zane's number one redhead for the rest of time. Nothing can change that like how Alyssa is his favorite silver haired beauty and the twins share the title of his favorite purple hair beauty.". "Yeah. What she said." said Zane. "So to change subjects from me to something else, how did the search for Igneel go Levy?" said Tyrell. "About as well you think it went Tyrell." said Levy. "Not well I'm guessing." said Freed.

Levy looked at Lisanna who punched Laki for getting too close to her brother. "How Lisanna is able to deal with him when he's like this is a total mystery to me. There was also a dark wizard impersonating Natsu and doing an absolute terrible job at it." said Levy. "Ah. Makes sense. I heard that you and another guy helped rebuild it. So let me guess. It was him and his little friend." said Tyrell. He pointed to Zane who was currently trying not to throw Lucy into the mosh pit of fairies.

Despite not caring about how beautiful or handsome Mirajane and Tyrell looks, she didn't get the hint whatsoever. The only being who was trying to stop him was Havoc with the other two allowing this to go on because why not. He did that to Happy earlier. "Yep. He along with Frosch and Lucy are here to join Fairy Tail." said Levy, pointing to Frosch and Lucy with the boy waving to them. "Hi! My name is Frosch Strife! Nice to meet you!" said Frosch. 

Hearing her name, Lucy turned around as she said in a rapid fire manner,"I'm Lucy by the way! Levy and the others helped me out in Hargeon and said I could join Fairy Tail. It's an honor to be here.". "Oh Lucy. I like you but if you don't stop fangirling right now, you will be tossed into a pool of boiling oil where your precious beauty will be boiled away. I don't like fangirls so please listen to my very kind request." said Zane in a cold tone that caused the five wizards to shiver in fear. 

Cana looked at Frosch who was smiling as she said,"Oh wow. You really weren't kidding about him hating fangirls Frosch.". "Yep. That's Zane for you!" said Frosch, smiling brightly. The sounds of fighting caught the attention of those at the bar. "So Levy and Tyrell. Shouldn't we do something about that at all? They might wreck the place!" said Lucy, pointing to the brawl behind her. "It's always like this Lucy. If you try and stop them, it'll only get worse from here." said Tyrell in a casual manner. 

His comment had Cana, Freed, and Levy agreeing with him. All four of them have been in Fairy Tail for a while now and this was normal for them. "He's right blondie. If you don't let them get out of their stress, they'll ruin your drink and that's a true heinous crime." said Cana. "So do you wish to meet our master you three?" said Freed. Crisis Judgement went off. As the battle around the guild kept going on with chairs, tables, and bottles flying, an giant of a man aka Elfman was approaching Levy quickly.

She didn't see it coming since well, it was in her blindspot. With his quick reflexes and without thinking about it too much, Zane moved quicker than any of the wizards expected him too and caught Elfman with a single hand. He also had Levy behind him as he was protecting her. This action surprised the group except for Frosch since he was used to seeing that from him. "That's real impressive." said Cana with Freed and Tyrell agreeing with her since none of them saw Elfman until Zane caught him. 

Elfman turned back to see Zane who had a smile on his face. "So since you were about to hurt one of my friends, guess what you get?" said Zane. "Letting me down manly?" said Elfman with him seeing the new guy's smile as something his big sister would do and that was scary. "Nope. You're going to be flying around the world fairy. Giant Toss." said Zane as his arm slowly began growing bigger and it became the size of a giant approximately give or take several couple feet.  

This shocked the group except for Frosch and Lucy since Zane's arm was similar to their master's Titan Magic. He began winding his arm in a counterclockwise direction, building up torque energy and was then tossed away like a baseball. The giant screamed rather manly ,aka like a girl, as he went crashing into a group of fairies. "And strike. That felt good." said Zane as his arm went back to normal. "Thanks Zane. I'm sure that Elfman hitting me wouldn't knock me out but thanks anyway." said Levy.

She said all of that with a sweet smile on her face. "It's no problem at all Levy. I have something of a hero complex. Whenever I see someone in danger especially a beautiful woman like yourself, I can't help myself from being a hero." said Zane with a smile. The blue haired beauty couldn't help herself from feeling admiration whenever she was staring at Zane's eyes which she could get lost in for hours easily. Her heart was beating faster than normal thanks to Zane's smile and comment. 

That type of comment normally doesn't happen to her since she was used to guys flirting with her all of the time like Loke. They usually judged her based off her body rather than her brain. However, the combo of Zane's looks and unique personality got her to be interested in him. "Come on Levy! You need to focus! You just met him barely a week ago! You shouldn't be attracted to him this fast!" thought Levy with her shaking away her lewd thoughts and the blush on her face. 

Levy looked away as she thought,"But he was really cool just now and he called me beautiful.". "Oh wow. Levy is blushing. Never seen that before except when I get her hammered. Guess headphones is more interesting than I thought. Oh. Nice shot." thought Cana as she watched Zane grabbed a nearby empty bottle and threw into the crowd, hitting Vjeeter's head directly. "So Lucy. Why did you want to join Fairy Tail?" said Levy. "Huh. I thought I told you." said Lucy. 

The bluenette shook her head for no as she thought,"Not from what I recall. You also could have asked Happy or Natsu if you want to join back at the restaurant but I guess that didn't go through your head at all.". "I guess the fascinating stories about the legendary wizards of the guild made me curious but I had some doubts about joining." said Lucy. "You did? But you're one of Fairy Tail's biggest fan girls." said Frosch. "So what made you change your mind?" said Freed.

Lucy had a faint tint on her cheeks as she said,"It was about three years ago. I was on my way back home when I was attacked by some bandits who were threatening to rob me. They had cornered me but a guy who looked to be around my age saved me. He defeat all of them using a sphere of magic. After he took down their leader, I asked him what his name was. He told me that his name was No-Name and that I should join Fairy Tail. Before I could ask why, he then left after that. He was so cool.". 

Frosch looked at Zane with him thinking,"Could that have been Zane? I mean he has been here in this dimension a lot. He did help with its creation so maybe he was/is a member. He told me everything he did here the other day and it was a lot. He's really like Parker huh.". "I've never heard of this guy to be honest with you blondie." said Cana. "Really?" said Lucy. "She is serious since she's been a member the longest out of our generation. It could be Mystogan who saved Lucy." said Tyrell.

Lucy looked at him as Cana said,"Maybe Tyrell but I've never heard Mystogan say a word ever. He's more silent than a wall.". Suddenly, Lucy was knocked onto the ground by an airborne Grace. Grace was on the floor with Natsu standing a few feet away and smirking. Much to the blond's disgust, the icy blue eyed beauty was wearing nothing at all. Yeah. She's one of the reasons behind the content warning written above. We'll see the rest later on. "Get off me you pervert!" squealed Lucy as she pushed her off.

Despite Lucy being flustered, Grace wasn't. "Calm down. We're both girls after all. I didn't mean to get naked. It just happened." said Grace. "Good night everybody!" said Zane while kissing the air. "You say that Grace but I doubt anyone here believes you at this point right Tyrell?" said Cana with her rolling her eyes. Frosch and Lucy looked at Tyrell whose face was slowly turned red at a decent rate. "Okay then. Lets count it down. Three, two, one." said Freed, counting down. 

After he reached one, Tyrell was sent launched through the air thanks to a nosebleed and crashed dead center into the mosh pit of fairies. This caused blood ,from Tyrell, to go everywhere. If you need a visual example of this perverted feat, look at this scene. I was really tempted to go with this scene right here but you can't beat the classic nosebleed rocket which needs to be a thing. "Seriously?! You really need to get that problem of yours checked out." said Wakaba.

Max looked at the older brunette as he said,"Who? Grace or Tyrell.". "Either one of them works Max." said Wakaba. "So what just happened?!" said Lucy. "Blonde. That is what we called a bloody nose rocket. It's commonly produced by the male after seeing a beauty in her birthday suit. Sometimes, it can be done with a female but this is rather rare." said Zane while sounding like a professor. "Yeah what he said and it only happens because of Grace's Lucky Lecher Lure." said Cana.  

Levy sighed as she said,"Yep. That hasn't changed in the year I've been gone. So has he done anything to rival that yet?". "Not yet but he's getting there. So why are you naked this time around Grace?" said Freed. Lucy was confused by all of this. "Pinkie stole my undies! The perv!" said Grace. "Come and get them you icy bastard!" said Natsu who had a huge shit-eating grin and held them. "Please don't turn around! Don't turn around! Don't turn around!" screamed Lucy internally. 

However, Grace did turn around. "Excuse me blondie. Mind if I borrow your....." said Grace. "Like hell!" screamed Lucy with a bright red face as she punched Grace and sending her flying away. This flight had Grace bleeding from her nose. "Oh wow. That was one hell of a punch. You broke Grace's nose which is quite durable." said Freed. "Yeah. I'm sure that it was for comedy or something like that but the power of a woman's anger is amazing." said Zane while sipping on some stolen beer. 

Suddenly, Lucy felt herself being lifted off the ground and it was Loke who held her in her hands bridal style. "Wow. He's really fast." said Matrix. "Yeah he is. He will only move at the speed of light to help a girl." thought Zane. "She can be such an uncivilized beast even though you two are both beauties. Don't worry. Your knight in shining armor is here." said Loke with a flirtatious grin. Lucy grimaced at this and was slightly thankful when Lisanna dropkicked Loke in the face. 

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