Sunday, December 6, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 Battle on the snowy peaks against a ferocious, giant, and purple demon Section 3 (Written on December 7 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 3. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

Freed walked into the guild hall with him dragging a young teen in a rune barrier that floated behind the man like a balloon. This teen is Romeo Conbolt who like Levy who got a major redesign. I combined him with Bickslow and well, this will be explain next chapter. He's 5 foot 2 with him being fifteen years old. He's a slim yet muscular teen with prominent abdominal and pectoral muscles and biceps. For some one his age, he has broad shoulders. 

He has straight, yet long and spiky dark purple and blue hair with the blue parts being almost shaven off. The dark purple parts occupying the top and the sides of his head are being much longer. His bangs cover part of his head and his hair on the side is pointed backwards. He wears a long, dark red long sleeve tunic that goes down to his lower thighs and the tunic's sleeves cover his entire arm except for his hands. His tunic is covered by horizontal white stripes and comes with a hood. 

Romeo tunic's shoulder pads have red skulls on them. His legs are covered by extremely baggy ,loose looking, dark green pants going past his knees. His pants are tucked inside a pair of light, armored greave like boots. Over his face, he wears a metal visor that similar to a domino style mask.  It comes covered with eight small, elongated holes. Four of them in front of each of his eyes ,allowing him to see, but preventing others from being affected by his unique magic. 

Under his mask, his eyebrows are purple. His nose is small, mildly round nose. The upper part of his nose and his forehead bear the tattoo of a stylized man with it extending his long, curved arms outwards. His irises each have a concentric circle surrounding the pupils inside them. He also has prominent eyelashes ending in a spiraling curved motif, each placed at one of his large eyes sides. The pair of eyelashes pointing towards his nose are headed downwards while the outer ones jut upwards.

Below his dark red eyes are two slightly curved lines pointing downwards. His purple Fairy Tail mark is located on the upper part of his tongue and often sticks out of his mouth. Currently floating around Romeo, there are seven wooden, can/bongo drums shaped dolls with dark-colored wings attached to both sides and different faces painted onto them. Romeo is well known for his laughter which sounds  maniacally ,which he doesn't do because of that, and sticking out his tongue out. 

Despite this, he is more serious and mature than most Fairy Tail wizards his age mainly Grace and Natsu. He's very friendly and caring, always willing to help others out. He tends to be quite stubborn when it comes to not backing down on something he feels passionate about and calling those older than big brother or sister. Unlike most Fairy Tail wizards, he tends to be the opposite of reckless and takes his actions carefully. However, he tends to think irrationally when he's emotional. 

Like right now for example. Due to him being more mature, he tends to be respectful and appropriate towards girls. This is impressive given how the older males of the guild ,including his dad Macao, are perverts. Much to Macao's jealous, he is able to bathe with the girls in Fairy Hills's baths much to Romeo's embarrassment. He is also quite dense when it comes to feelings. The dolls that floated around him ,thanks to his magic, usually agree with him and protect him like they are his bodyguards. 

They do have Romeo's serious and mature nature but tend to have minds of their own especially one who tends to communicate says saying names of food instead of normal words. It can use normal words like the rest of the dolls. Even though the females of Fairy Tail don't consider Romeo to a pervert, the dolls on the other hand are a different story. "Yeah Freed! Put us down!" said six of his dolls, agreeing with Romeo except for one who said the word cheese. 

Freed sighed as he said,"I really hate it when you're like this Romeo. Help me with him Master.". The rune prison landed in front of Makarov with the runes covering Romeo and his dolls in rune cuffs. "So what's going on with him Freed? What did he do exactly?" said a woman's voice with her coughing just a bit. The trio turned to see Lynn Dreyar, the daughter in law to Master Makarov and Ivan Dreyar's ex wife with her keeping the name after Ivan left the guild.

She is Fairy Tail's master of potion and the vice Medicinal Advisor with her being the only human to see the head Medicinal Advisor who lives in the cleverly named East Forest. Lynn was currently wiping away some blood from her mouth much to the concern of Lucy but no one else minded the blood. She's a tall ,being 5 foot 7, and beautiful woman with her having fair skin. She's forty four years old but looks to be in her early 30s. 

If you don't want to effected by one of her potions, don't mention her age or weight. She has fair skin with a faint tan covering her body. She has a slender yet voluptuous frame ,mainly shown with her breasts, with her being well build. She has wavy ocean blue hair that goes to her ankles and has two bands. These two bangs are long, crossing each other over her bust and below her chin. She has sharp, intelligent green eyes with long eyelashes. 

She is wearing long sleeved dark blue hooded jacket with a gold lining and was currently zipped at the moment. It did expose her revealing green bikini top and ample bust. She wears a knee length black skirt with a green belt around her waist and her skirt was currently hugging her figure like it was part of her skin. She has several brown pouches attached to her belt. She wears brown high heel sandals with dark green nail polish on her fingers and toes. Her lips are covered by red lipstick. 

On her right wrist, she has a pink floral wristband. She has silver potion shaped earrings with a red blood like liquid inside of them. On the right side of her neck, she had a dark green Fairy Tail mark. She is well known for her love of dancing and potions. Her clothes covered it rather well but she has a noticeable large scar that covered the right side of her waist. How this happened will be revealed in due time. 

Freed turned toward her as he said,"Well Lynn. I caught him and his babies trying to make his way up to Mt. Hakobe. We're lucky that I managed to stop him because I'm sure he would have been long gone by now.". "Thank you Freed. What were you thinking young man?" said Lynn. "Well, no one else is willing to go check on dad!" said Romeo, glaring at the motherly figure of the guild. "Yeah!" said the six dolls except one of them who said macaroni. 

Havoc blinked as he said,"So why does one of the dolls keep saying the name of different type of foods?". "Who knows Havoc? This dimension was created by Zane who is known for not being normal." said Astaroth. "I wonder why he's so worried." said Matrix. "You're working my last nerves Romeo. I've told you this at least ten times by now but I'll say it again. Maybe this time it'll stick. He's a Fairy Tail wizard just like everyone in the guild. He can handle himself just fine." said Makarov. 

Romeo looked at him as he said,"I know that master but he's been gone for a week. Hunting down Vulcans should take three days!". "So what job did he take again Nab?" said Lynn. "Why do you think I would know that?" said Nab. "You're ALWAYS by the board." said Lynn with her arms crossed. "Oh right. Like Romeo said, he's off hunting some Vulcans on Mt. Hakobe and it would normally take three days but he's been gone for a week. Macao must be taking his time just to making sure." said Nab. 

Lynn nodded as Romeo said,"It's really close by so why can't I go up there to check up on him again Master?!". "Please! Let us go already!" said the six dolls except for one who said sushi. "Romeo! Get it through your skull! Your father is a Fairy Tail wizard and can take care of themselves. If he can't handle an easy job like that, he doesn't belong in the guild. Just go home and wait like a good boy." said Makarov. 

Romeo clenched both of his fists with him saying,"I guess the boss is right about you master. You're nothing more than a.....". However before he could say anything else, a metallic fist slammed right into Makarov's nose. The master went flying into the wall with Lynn running over to her father's side and looked over his wounds. "Makky. You're a real bastard you know that. I thought you wouldn't get that trait from him but nope, you did. You got the perversion from her though." said a voice. 

Natsu turned to see Zane with his right hand missing and deduced that the metallic fist that punched Makarov belonged to Zane. He was proven correctly as it attached back to his arm. Zane ignored the death glares with him walking toward Romeo and his hands were covered in steel gray Impulse. Upon touching the runes, they were erased easily. "Freedom!" said all seven dolls, flying around. "Did he just erase one of Freed's runes like it was nothing?" thought a shocked Romeo. "Lets go kid." said Zane. 

Romeo blinked as he said,"Go where?". "To rescue your old man duh. My name is Zane Strife by the way." said Zane. "You go with me?" said Romeo. "Of course. Makky may want his children to be able to handle themselves but sometimes, your children will need some help. So are you ready to save your old man?" said Zane. Before Romeo could answer him, Grace ,fully clothed, stopped him with Tyrell standing nearby her. "Hey you! Why did you do that to Gramps?" said Grace. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"I got my reason Stripperella so listen clearly. I'll always go out of my way to help someone in need. Lets go.". "Hold on there you two." said Cana. She walked over to the duo of Romeo and Zane as she said,"I'm coming with you two to Mt. Hakobe and save Macao.". "Even after the master said no? Why?" said Grace. Romeo was thankful for Cana and the new guy Zane offering their help. "Honestly Grace, I want Macao to owe me one." said Cana. 

Freed shook his head as he said,"Sometimes Cana. I'll join you guys as well not because I want a favor from Macao. After all, the Thunder Legion sticks together. Ever would say the same thing if she was here and she hates the cold.". "Thanks you guys." said Romeo, smiling brightly. "Yeah." said the dolls as they tried to mimic the dolls smiling. The four ,plus the dolls, were gone shortly after. "Wow. That was hard to watch." said Lucy.

The sound of wood broke up nearby with her turning toward Natsu who had just punched the table where he was sitting at in half. His expression was fixed in a frown and stormed off toward the guild doors. His feline companion followed suit with him holding his pack. The two didn't get too far before they slammed directly into a wall made out of runes. His impact made a distinct thud sound. "Ouch. That looks really painful." said Tyrell. 

Instead of feeling sympathy for Natsu, Grace was laughing. "So why did Zane punch Master?" said Lucy with a frown as she watched Natsu trying to break through Freed's runes. It wasn't working. "Don't worry so much Lucy. I know that it sounds like the master doesn't care but he really does." said Lisanna with a smile. "Yeah I got that so what about Zane?" said Lucy. "No clue." said Lisanna. "Zane has always been close to those he calls his family." said Frosch. 

The two girls looked at Frosch who was sitting on Levy's lap. "Wait. You didn't go with him?" said Lucy. "Nope. I don't follow Zane around like Happy does with Natsu." said Frosh. Lisanna looked at Happy who was mimicking his father as she sighed. "According to my uncles, Zane would always seriously injure someone for making fun of a member of his family.  A little joke would have Zane send someone to the hospital." said Frosch.

He crossed his arms as he said,"He has always been a very emotional being and has been working on trying to get better about it but it isn't an easy process. Like he said earlier, he always goes out of his way to save someone easily in need. This is because despite all of his powers, he has lost more of his fair share of his loved ones including one of his father figures.". Makarov ,with bandages around his nose from Zane's punch and said punch broke his nose, sighed. 

Droy sighed as he said,"I can't believe that Cana and Freed went with those two to get save Macao. It has been a week since I get why Romeo is worried about him but.....". "Yeah but it's Vulcans. They may be wild and ferocious but even we can take them down no problem." said Jet. "Still though, Macao going by himself shouldn't have taken this long." said Droy. "I still can't believe that the new guy punched master and lived afterwards." said Laki. 

Lynn walked over to Team Shadow Gear as she said,"I'm sure that all of them had their reasons for going on that mountain. You really can't fight fate and Zane punching dad is just what fate wanted.". "I guess but still." said Jet. "All of us in Fairy Tail have one thing in common. We all have experience suffering and loss." said Lynn. "Yep. Zane especially." thought Frosch with him remembering all of the stories about his dad. 

For all of the good stories, there were a fair share of bad ones with some of them being rather painful to Zane even now. "So I have a question then. Is it true that Natsu was raised by a dragon? I mean that's crazy right?" said Lucy. "Not really. Natsu's father was a fire dragon." said Happy as Lucy looked at him with a tone that screamed are you serious? Natsu would have answered her but he was still trying to break down the barrier by punching it. 

By punching the barrier, it was only made stronger and shocked him upon contact. You think he would have gotten the hint by now but nope. "He is Lucy. When Natsu was young, Igneel taught him how to write, talk, show him culture, magic, and everything. He just disappeared one without any warning or clue where he could be. it has been almost seven years since he has last seen Natsu." said Lynn. "I finally get it now!" said Frosch.
The guild including Happy and Natsu looked at Frosch who left Levy's lap and floated in the air using his wings. "I was confused why Zane left with Cana, Freed, and Romeo. He may not know the guild like Natsu does but whenever someone is in pain, he'll do what he can to help them. That's his personal goal as a hero. With my power, I'm going to do the same thing!" said Frosch with him sounding determined. 

Makarov looked at Frosch with him thinking,"Interesting. His cat seems to be a beacon of hope like Natsu and Zane.". "Hey Frosch. Do you think once Zane gets back, he can fight me?" said Natsu. "Why would you want to fight him?" said Frosch. "Because he punched Gramps and broke bone. I've never seen him bleed like that before. He's strong and I want to fight him." said Natsu. "You'll have to wait your turn Natsu but I want to fight him first." said Grace. 

The two glared at each other with them about to fight but was stopped by Tyrell. "Both of you can fight Zane when he gets back from the rescue mission alright?" said Tyrell. "Fine." said the two as they went to go sulk. "So Frosch and Lucy. I got a question for you two." said Lynn. "Yes?" said the two. "Do any of have a place to stay?" said Lynn. "I was planning to go looking for one after getting my guild mark and see if I could afford one." said Lucy. "Same except I already have a place in mind." said Frosch. 

He remembered seeing a nice looking place on their way to the guild hall with it having the sign for "vacancy" on it. He told Zane about this earlier and asked the feline to check it out for him. "Okay. That solves one problem since Fairy Hills is only for girls." said Lynn. "Fairy Hills?" said Lucy. "Yeah. It's the girls dorm where all of the female members of Fairy Tail stay. It's real nice since we all have our own separate rooms, a private bathing area, and our own bathrooms to use." said Lisanna.

Lucy was interested in staying there rather than searching for a place with the small amount of Jewels that she has now. "It sounds really nice. What's the rent for a single room?" said Lucy. "It was a hundred thousand Jewels for a single room per month and if you want more than one room, you had to pay another hundred thousand jewels. Total pain in my ass." said Grace, crossed her arms. "Oh wow. I'm not too so sure about that." said Lucy. 

Paying a hundred thousand Jewels per month is a bit much in her opinion. "Oh that was the case under the former owner's rule mainly after his daughter was kicked out of Fairy Tail for using the guild's name to rob several high profile clients. He was a spiteful man. This changed greatly once Lynn became the owner. It's now twenty five thousand Jewels per month and she's pretty forgiving when it comes to being late with rent. Grace can show you around if you're interested Lucy." said Tyrell. 

Lucy looked at Grace who nodded. "Sure. Thanks." said Lucy. "No prob. Lets get going blonde." said Grace. The two girls left the guild hall with Frosch looking at Lynn and the older woman sighed. "I know what you're thinking Frosch. Why did Tyrell offer to have me take her there? It's simple." said Lynn as she grabbed the back of Natsu's jacket. This confused him as he turned back to face him and well, he got scared.

She smiled as she said,"I need to make this fool pay for drinking one of my potions and while I may offer them for free to my fellow wizards, I need to test a potion once in a while. Ready to get going my little guinea pig?". Natsu shook his head for no as Lynn shrugged. "Too bad." said Lynn as she dragged him off much to the dragon slayer's dismay and screaming for her to let him go. Happy followed so he could mainly to tease Natsu.

There was also the promise of a fish based potion from Lynn so you can see where his priority lies at the moment. "Okay then. I still don't get why he hates going to Lynn's lab. It isn't so bad there to be honest with you." said Laki. "I think Natsu just hates tasting her potions due to his senses being much stronger than ours. So what about you Frosch?" said Levy. "I may need some help since I don't know where a realtor is. I don't know how to get around town." said Frosch. 

He did remember the way to the guild hall but everywhere else in Magnolia would take some time for him to memorize. "Of course Frosch. I would be happy to help you on this job to find you and Zane a home." said Levy, smiling. "I'll join you guys if you don't mind a plus one joining you." said Tyrell. "I don't! Thank you both!" said Frosch with him flying toward the doors and Tyrell walked over to join him. 

Levy smiled as she heard,"So since you're interested in Zane, you're going to try and make friends with his cat. Smart move Levy.". Levy turned to see Lisanna having a smirk on her face and she spoke in a teasing tone. "What?! I don't know what you're talking about! I'm just helping my guildmate out!" said Levy with her trying to not let her friend's teasing get to her but it failed. "Come on Levy. Even Cana could up with a better lie for why we're missing several barrels of booze than that." said Laki. 

The bluenette sighed as Lisanna said,"To be honest with you, Zane seems like a really nice guy. If I didn't have Natsu, I would try to go for him before one of those two take him.". Levy frowned at hearing this being that she walked over to Frosch and was trying to figure out a way to keep Zane from getting into one of their grasps. "Wait. What am I doing? Am I getting jealous? No. That can't be possible since we just met." thought Levy. 

Meanwhile, Makarov overheard Levy and Lisanna's conversation with him smirking. It was interesting to see that Zane managed to capture or catch the heart of one of Fairy Tail's many beauties without trying. He was well aware of Zane's ability to charm people but it's different seeing in action compared to hearing it from Precht and Warrod. Meanwhile, the group of Cana, Freed, Romeo, and Zane were on the road that leads to the outskirts of Magnolia. "So your dad Romeo." said Zane.

Romeo looked at Zane with the Cross Species said,"If I got my information right, your father is on Mt. Hakobe and was supposed to handle some Vulcans.". "That's correct. My dad should be able to handle those overgrown monkey since they only have trouble with E-Class wizards." said Romeo. "They do have strength in numbers." said Cana. "All of you are smart." said the six dolls with the one outlier doll saying Texas toast. 

Freed nodded as he said,"Yes. Normally, it would be a three hour trip by carriage and we're woefully underprepared.". "Okay. So is there a but coming or what?" said Havoc. "But lucky for us, that's where I come in." said Cana, opening her bag. "You're going to drink?" said Astaroth "Patience the both of you." said Matrix. Cana held a deck of cards ,which look like they do in the anime, and she drew the top card before tossing it in front of them. "Card Magic: Supersize." said Cana.

The card in front of them began expanding and turned into a large carpet and hovered right in front of them. She stepped on and walked to the front before sitting down. She turned around to see the two members of the Thunder Legion and Zane standing there. "So are you ladies just going to stand there or what? We got an old man to rescue." said Cana. "Right big sis!" said Romeo with him wrapping his arms around Cana's shoulders. 

Cana smirked as she said with a teasing tone,"Come on Romeo. I don't mind if you put your arms around my waist like you did back in the day.". "Do it." said the dolls with Romeo blushing. "Lucky son a bitch." said Astaroth. Zane looked at Freed whose left eye twitched. "So what's up with you Freed?" said Zane. "Nothing Zane." said Freed as he got onto the magic card and Zane followed suit after shrugging. "Whatever man. So how fast does this thing go?" said Zane. 

The brunette looked at him as she said,"With passengers, I'm going about fifty miles per hour and we're flying so we'll be there in no time. To make sure you're comfy.". A few cards flew out of the deck and they formed the arm rests, backs of seat, windshield, and three cards made walls for above them and to the sides of them. "Lets get going." said Cana as the card floated smoothly and easily lift all three of us high into the air over Magnolia. 

As the card went toward Mt. Hakobe, Freed was looking at Zane who was listening to his music. "So mind answering a question of mine Zane?" said Freed. "I don't think he can hear you Freed. He's listening to his music." said Romeo. "Which rocks!" said the dolls. "I can Romeo. So what's on your mind?" said Zane. "So why didn't Frosch come with us?" said Freed. "I guess you fell for his charm too huh. He has his own job to complete." said Zane.

He smiled as he said,"We're also not attached to the hip like Happy and Hatchling from what I was able to gather. He's also not as annoying as Happy and Lucy is when it comes to her fangirling. I like her I really do but fangirling is annoying". "Hatchling? You mean Natsu?" said the dolls. "Yeah. He's like a little dragon after all." said Zane. "Huh. That's the same nickname your boss uses for him right you two?" said Cana. "Yes. Your reason is similar to our boss Zane." said Freed. 

The card stopped moving with Romeo saying,"So we're here right?". Cana nodded. "Yep. Get ready to see Mt. Hakobe Zane. One of the coldest places on Ishgar and even during the summer, there is a blizzard." said Matrix. "So why is Cana wearing the worst clothing for it?" said Havoc. "Because she needs to show off her goods obviously." said Astaroth as Zane sighed. "Okay. Next time, you say something perverted. I'm hitting you." said Havoc with Matrix agreeing. 

The cards vanished as the four were in the middle of said blizzard. "Oh wow. This isn't half bad. I thought it would be much worse." said Romeo. Zane looked around to see that it was a cold and frigid environment with snow falling down in every direction and freezing wind coming from all sides. The whirling snow covered the sky. "I guess this is a light blizzard because honestly, this is nothing like the blizzard back home." said Zane, remembering how bad Cypress Park can get when it snows. 

Freed looked at Cana who wasn't shivering uncontrollably. "So why aren't you shivering right now Cana? You're wearing so little and came up to the mountain by choice." said Freed. The four were walking up the path toward the summit. "Yeah. I mean you're wearing a bikini." said Romeo. "Which is totally hot by the way." said the dolls with Astaroth agreeing with the dolls. The dolls couldn't hear the devil but they had a feeling that someone out there agree with them. 

Cana held up two fingers as she said,"Two reasons Thunder Legion. My dormmate is a ice wizard so I'm used to the cold plus this is nothing. I mean the blizzards up here during the fall and winter are much worse than this.". The weather was very much brutal being that the snow never stopped and there were chilling winds that cut to the bone, and howled without ending whatsoever. "I'm quite impressed with her endurance." said Matrix. 

With a snap of her fingers, several cards from her deck began floating around. "Since it's bothering you two so much, I'll change. Card Magic: Costume Change!" said Cana as the cards began covering her from every angle possible. "Oh come on! We won't don't get to see the show! Lame! Lame!" said the dolls."Ugh. Why are they so perverted?" said Romeo. "No idea but I blame the guild and mainly the males corrupting them." said Freed. "Trust me Romeo. I feel your pain." thought Zane. 

The cards vanished, showing that Cana had changed into far more appropriate clothing for the weather. She's wearing a brown snow jacket ,with red sleeves, and black snow pants. She's wearing blue snow boots, fluffy purple earmuffs and gloves, and her jacket is open, exposing her bikini top. "Yes! She let the girls out!" said Astaroth. Like he was told earlier, Astaroth was hit by both Havoc and Matrix. "You had this comin partner." thought Zane. 

Freed shook his head as he said,"Anyway, lets keep moving. The Vulcans usually don't live toward the bottom of the mountain so we need to go toward the top if we're going to find Macao.". "Right." said the three as they kept moving forward. The wind and snow had began to pick up more and more as they had continued to head toward the summit of the large mountain. As they were moving up the mountain, the only female looked at the males. 

Cana crossed her arms as she said,"So how exactly are we going to find Macao? I know this is a dumb question but you guys do have a plan right? And does the rookie even know what a Vulcan is?". "I really don't need to know what a Vulcan is because someone needed my help. Let me guess. It's a big monster of some kind." said Zane. "Bingo!" said the dolls. "So what's the plan?" said Cana. "We got one Cana. Tell her Romeo." said Freed.

Romeo nodded as he said,"If Natsu was here, he may have been able to smell my dad's scent but due to how strong the blizzard is, it may not be. Just watch my babies go to work Cana. Soul Sight.". Four of the seven dolls flew off to a different part of the mountain just as the youngest member of the group's eyes glowed red. "I see. You're using your babies to cover more ground. That's pretty smart to say the least." said Zane, looking at the teen. 

Without looking at Zane, Romeo said,"Thanks. Zane. It's better than screaming at the top of your lungs. I rather not be the fourth Fairy Tail wizard to cause an avalanche.". "Fourth? There has been more than one." said Havoc. "Ah. That's right. The trio of Erza, Grace, and Natsu caused an avalanche the last time all of them were up here on Mt. Hakobe by having a screaming contest. An entire town was buried in snow." said Freed. 

Matrix blinked as she said,"A screaming contest? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.". "Really Matrix? Have you seen any of Zane's ideas before?" said Astaroth. Before Zane could say anything to defend himself, Crisis Judgement went off and Zane's hyper hearing could see the sounds of large mammal foot crushing the snow. "What's up Zane?" said Cana. "Romeo. How fast can your dolls get back here?" said Zane. "A few minutes and they're my babies not dolls. Why?" said Romeo. 

The group heard a roar with Freed saying,"I think that's why.". Something jumped toward the group with it being a large creature that reminded Zane of the Gorian except for some key differences. Its fur was white with its abdominals, ears, facial features, hands, and pectorals are black. The lower half of its body is a darker shade of black and the decorative pattern on their arms consists of five black circles on each arm, which are composed of black tufts of fur. "This is a Vulcan Zane." said Cana.      

Said gorilla looked at the wizards with him seeing Cana. "Woman! Me want pretty woman!" said the Vulcan with him charging at the group. "So I'm going to guess that the Vulcan are dumber than the Gorians?" said Zane. "Yep. The Gorian are only a couple of I.Q. points smarter than their cousin up north. This one is also slightly smaller than normal." said Cana as Romeo called back his babies and deactivate his Soul Sight spell. "Less talking more fighting. Dark Écriture: Slay." said Freed.

As his right eye glowed purple, he drew his sword and charged toward the Vulcan. The ape jumped into the air in order to avoid Freed's attack that destroyed the ground right below the monkey. "This may not have the same power but it should work good enough. It's time for Line Formation babies!" said Romeo as his three dolls combing by standing on top of each other. The three dolls unleashed a large, vertical crescent-shaped beam of energy and it went flying toward the ape. 

Instead of being scared of it, the Vulcan smiled. "Won't work! Smokey Fake!" said the Vulcan as he turned into pink smoke. The beam went right through the smoke. The smoke reformed into the Vulcan who smiled upon landing on the ground. However, Romeo appeared in front of him and his left fist was cocked back as blue flames covered it. "Sorry but that won't work on me. Azure Fist!" said Romeo as his fist connected with the ape's face and sent him into the mountainside. 

As the four dolls he sent off earlier, the ape groaned with him turning into pink smoke. "Okay. Did that smoke remind you of Wakaba or am I crazy? Plus that Vulcan was weak even for a Vulcan." said Cana with her arms crossed. "It did. Wakaba was back at the guild hall right?" said Freed. "He was but we have another problem." said Romeo. "What? And who is Wakaba? Was he that large guy in front of the board? I don't think I saw him move from the general area of the board." said Zane. 

The three wizards looked at him as Cana said,"No rookie. He's the guy with the pompadour which he thinks is cool but it really isn't.". "So what's wrong Romeo?" said Freed. "Before calling them back, one of my babies found a whole shrewdness of Vulcans in a nearby cave with all of them dancing around some women. From what they could see, they came by the nearby village." said Romeo. "Does he mean the one that was buried under the snow or what you guys?" said Havoc. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"Probably not that one Havoc.". "I see. It seems that your father wasn't the only one taken by the Vulcan. Can your babies lead the way to their camp?" said Freed. "Yeah but there is something else there. Among the Vulcans, I saw a human soul inside something rather strange." said Romeo. "So do you mind telling us what that something is Romeo?" said Cana. "A demon." said Romeo. "Okay. Now things got entertaining." said Zane with a smile. 

Near the summit of Mt. Hakobe. Several Vulcans ,with all of them had a sickening grin and having steam coming out their nose in a perverted manner, were dancing around in an idiotic fashion. These not so funky apes were doing their dance around a group of the nearby town's women who was shivering due to it being cold. All of them were scared of these grotesques apes being that they heard about how the Vulcans would peel open their victims' head wide open and eat what inside of their heads. 

However despite them being scared of these apes, their leader was terrifying. A really massive, fat Vulcan walked toward one of the girls ,who was a orange haired beauty, and was going to do lick her face. However before the ape could connect its tongue to her face, the apes and females heard a female voice,"Hey. Keeps your gross disgusting tongue off you chubby ape. Card Magic: Missile!". Said ape turned around to see a giant card appear.

Said card was about the size of a jeep and was floating above the icy cavern floor. It was flying toward him from his left. The card collided with the fat ape and send him toward the icy wall, turning into pink smoke like its weaker brother did earlier. The captured girls and remaining apes turned to Cana, Romeo with his eyes no longer glowing, and his babies standing there. Lets go back a bit earlier to see how Chunky Kong got turned into smoke.         

Flashback P.O.V.
The group of Fairy Tail Wizards were hiding behind an pillar of ice with Cana whispering,"So what's the plan? And do your babies see Macao anywhere?". She turned to Romeo who had activated his Soul Sight spell upon entering the cavern. "Not yet Cana but I can sense his soul somewhere in here." said Romeo. "I got it you guys. We need to get these girls off the mountain and fast. Cana and Romeo. I need you two to distract those apes. Freed." said Zane.

Freed looked at Zane as Zane said,"Can you make an enchantment around the cavern? I don't want those apes or demon to run away.". "Indeed I can but what about you?" said Freed. "I'm going to return those girls back home and the way I had in mine may have the apes escaping. Your enchantment will do that right?" said Zane. "Yes. I shall get on writing it." said Freed as he ran off. Are you two ready to go?" said Zane as the two nodded.      

Narrator P.O.V.
Cana smiled as she said,"I really wish you went with my idea Romeo but this works too.". "Yeah. After all, Skimpy Babes in their tiny bikinis are the best, best, best!" sung the dolls. "That wasn't going to happen and you know it Cana." said Romeo with him being embarrassed by said idea. "Oh come on little man. You know that the apes would have loved seeing two scantily card girls." said Cana, holding up a card. "But I'm not a girl!" said Romeo, bringing up the obvious fact.

The brunette shrugged as she said,"You would have been if you went with my plan. Hey apes! Tell us where Macao is or else! He's a human man who thinks that he's a lot cooler than he is and we know he's here.". As the two kept the apes distracted from eating the girls like they were snacks, an invisible Zane appeared and tapped the shoulders of one. She shrieked as her mouth was covered by Zane's hand as he reappeared. 

Zane smiled as he said,"I'm sorry about this but you all need to leave right now. You'll be going back to your homes in a flash. Oh and tell the Magic Council that Fairy Tail saved you from those Vulcans okay?". Much to the girls' shock, he sprouted several tendrils from his back without any sign of pain of discomfort and they connected with all of the girls. "Lets go." said Zane as they were gone by a dark indigo spiral like portal that appeared below them.  

The group of Vulcans turned around to see that their captured girls were gone and before they could do anything, Cana smiled. "Sorry boys but you're not going anywhere. Card Magic: Bullet!" said Cana with her tossing several cards ,that were hard like steel, toward the apes at lightning like speed. They pierced right through the apes, destroying most of them with ease. "This is for the Stormbringer! Azure Shocking Blast babies!" said Romeo.

All seven of his dolls were covered in azure blue lightning and began releasing streams of lightning from their bodies and shocked the apes. Over half of the apes turned into smoke. "So do you think Freed is finished with his enchantment already? I'm also thankful how I don't feel bad about killing all of these apes. They're just like Wakaba's Smoke Fakes." said Cana, throwing a card at one. A Vulcan was about to deliver a powerful punch toward Romeo who was busy with a group of Vulcans but was stopped.

He was unable to move as he heard a voice,"The rules of the enchantment clearly state that there will be no cowardly hits from behind. As punishment for this transgression, Dark Écriture: Pain! Dark Écriture: Suffering!". The Vulcan had runes written on his body with the pain that these runes inflicted him was increased as Freed slashed him repeatedly. One thing about Freed is that when someone breaks the rules, he makes sure they regret it and becomes a sadist in punishing them.

Cana looked at Freed as she said,"Hey Freed. You can stop now. I think he's dying now.". She was right as the Vulcan turned into smoke. "Right. Sorry about that. Lost control of myself for a second." said Freed. A group of Vulcans appeared with Romeo smiling. "Baryon Formation! Flight Formation babies!" said Romeo as his five out of seven dolls began to spin around in a circle above him. It was glowing green and creating a powerful whirlwind. 

The two remaining dolls were under him and carrying him above the others. "While he's charging up his spell, we'll handle them. Ready Cana?" said Freed. "Yeah. Card Magic: Anvil!" said Cana, tossing a bunch of cards toward the charging Vulcans and these cards ,with the weight of steel and the size of a carriage, slammed into the apes, crushing them into smoke. "Dark Écriture: Rapid Fire!" said Freed as he began slashing the air in front of him. 

Several rune like bullets went flying toward the apes, piercing them. After that, Romeo's attack was unleashed and the massive beam of energy went flying toward the apes, destroying all of them with ease. "Purple Reflection!" said a voice as a purple fire mirror appeared and it bounced the energy beam back. Romeo's eyes widened as he saw his attack fly back toward him with Cana and Freed getting ready to defend their younger friend from the powerful attack. 

However, plans changed. "Void Absorption!" said a voice. The three wizards saw Zane reappear in front of the energy beam and much to their shock, it was being absorbed into his right palm. "Did he just absorbed one of my strongest attack like it was nothing?!" thought Romeo. "That magic of his. He isn't like Lucy who just screams newbie but someone who is experienced. I wonder if his conversation with master wasn't crazy." thought Freed as Zane landed on the ground with ease. 

Cana looked at Zane as she said,"Hey Zane! Do you mind explaining how you did that and reappeared here in a flash?". She has never someone move that fast before and this included Jet. "To make a long story short Cana. I absorb Romeo's attack using a technique of mine and said technique gave me a quick recharge. By the way. This Impulse taste amazing. I got here this fast thanks to teleportation. So how about you show yourself Macao? I know you're here you coward!" said Zane.
The group began seeing steam build up through the cave as the Vulcans began bowing in fear. "So you were able to absorb the boy's attack. Color me impressed." said a demonic voice. Through the stream, Zane could make a masculine demon walking toward them. He looked to be eight feet tall like the Vulcans around him with him having a brawny lizard like demon. His body is covered in dark blue scales with two glowing red eyebrows. 

He has a prominent nose with a flat, rectangular front and two metal bull like horns coming out of his head. For clothing, he's wearing the same thing as Macao. He has three claws for fingers and bull like hooves for feet. Coming out of its back, it has large, slicked back dark purple flame like pillars. It left arm was covered in a large burst of flames with it being shaped like a razor shaped shield and the end of its long tail was covered in flames. "Dad?" said Romeo with him clearly shocked. 

Like their master, the dolls were shocked as they said,"It can't be. That's him though. His magic is similar to his though.". "Alongside his appearance." said Freed. "So what's your name handsome?" said Zane. "My name is Macazord, one of the servant of the great goddess Krota. I was once a normal human whom you came here to find correct? Don't worry. I've been reborn." said Macazord. "So do you think we can reverse this? I mean this is connected to Krota." said Matrix. 

Astaroth laughed as he said,"Of course we can. I mean he may be a demon because of Krota but Zane has defeated them countless times before.". "Okay. I'm going to bring you back Macao. It's time for you to learn your place." said Zane, cracking his knuckles and grinned in a cocky manner. After saying that, he propped his left foot behind him and held out his right hand out in front of him. It was like he was asking a woman to dance. "So are you ready to dance? And fail Krota." said Zane.

The demon roared and it turned into a purple fire with it vanished. For a second, a faint outline of the demon appeared to the wizard and the entire battlefield was covered in purple flames, melting the ice cave. Cana and the other Fairies was shocked to see Macao moving like this since he was moving faster than Jet. Whenever Macao did appear, it was to strike Zane but he easily dodge it without trying. "Oh wow. You're making the name Krota look bad." said Zane, yawning and this pissed the demon off. 

Due to her being shocked by this, Macazord appeared in front of Cana and was prepared to punch her in the gut. "Not happening you speedy freak! Sweet Comet!" said a voice. The demon's legs was grabbed by Zane who stomped his legs into the ground, cracking the ground a bit. The wizards watched Zane's waist twist all the way around, rotating his spine and it looked freaky. Zane keep going until he reached fifty rotations and stopped. 

Zane uncoiled his body with him spinning and the demon was being spun around like it was on a teacup ride. With each spin, Zane's arms extended more and more away from his body. Upon reaching the last coil, Zane's arm expanded in size and exploded. This caused Macazord to be send flying and through several ice pillars and making a loud sizzling sound. Before he could recover, Zane appeared above him with him saying with his left arm behind him,"Sweet Onslaught!". 

Like before, his arm began twisting itself and Zane punched him in the gut. Right before he hit the human turned demon, Zane's arm slowly untwisting itself and the demon roughly landed on his back with his demon making a loud bang. It growled a bit as it slowly stood back up. "Oh wow Zane. You're making him look like a joke. Way to go." said the dolls. "Thanks you guys. So do you guys mind helping me out? I'll free Macao I promise." said Zane. 

Freed swung his sword with him saying,"Of course.". "Yeah!" said Romeo with Cana nodding her head in agreement. The battle began again as the demon roared, creating a purple magic circle in his left hand and made a ridiculously-sized axe/claymore appear. He charged at Zane who easily avoided the first slash. "That's a really big axe!" said one of Romeo's dolls as the rest of them blasted back his father with the green energy beam. "And I think he's compensating." said Cana. 

Macazord roared out,"You'll pay for destroying my harem and pissing me off Macazord! Purple Wave!". As he spoke, his blade was covered in purple flames. He swung the axe right through the ground, creating a massive crescent wave of purple fire. The wave of flames tore a path through the ground. "Not happening. Satanic Escutcheon." said Zane as royal blue Carnal appeared in front of him and made it a big transparent shield. 

The purple fire came in contact with the shield, getting erased from existence. "Yep. That is Macao's flames alright." said Cana as she tossed one of her card toward the demon's jaw hard like a steel punch to the face. Said card sent him flying. "Do you think that's a way to reverse it? And what happened to him? I doubt it's either Possession or Take Over magic." said Romeo. "I'm sure there is and that way to to beat the living tar out of the demon, freeing Macao in the process." said Freed.

Freed looked at the demon with him saying,"But right now, we have to leave it Zane to deliver the smackdown.". "Got it. Alligator Rudder." said Zane as he kicked the demon and launching him back with it creating a small wind gust around them. Zane rushed toward the demon by jumping. Zane was slowly begin to spin through the air ,like a drill, and slammed both of his feet right into the demon. "I guess you're strong but against me, you're weak. Let me show your place!" said Zane. 

Macazord roared as he made a large katana ,with it matching his other weapon in terms of its size and mass, and he charged toward Zane. However, all of Romeo's dolls appeared in front of him with Romeo saying,"Second Gear! Repetition Formation babies!" said Romeo. All of the dolls began glowing purple and before Macazord could do anything about them, they blurred out of existence. The demon was shocked by the speed for a second since the hit to the gut knocked him to the ground. 

Every time the demon stood back up, he was either sent back to the ground thanks to one of the dolls hitting him in the back, gut, or legs. Each hit from the doll was stronger than the last and creating a shockwave. With each hit, there was the sound of a bongo drum. If Macazord tried to block the dolls using his flames or weapon, they were reflected off the dolls and hit the surrounding area. "Wow. Those dolls are moving fast." said Havoc. "Still slower than what Zane can do but it's fast." said Matrix. 

Astaroth agreed with him saying,"Yeah but like great power, it seems to have a cost on its user.". He saw that stream was coming off Romeo's body and he was panting a bit. "Romeo. I think your father has suffered enough." said Freed. "Of course Freed but my babies are only chipping at his scales. Time for the closer!" said Romeo as the dolls nodding. All seven began hitting Macazord and his katana with the final doll launching the demon into the air. 

The katana was shattered into pieces in the process. The dolls went back to their normal color and reappeared behind their master as Romeo went on the ground and was panting. "And I'm out. You guys got it from here." said Romeo as Cana and Freed nodding. The demon recovered, stabbing his claymore into the ground and roared. "Purple Pillar!" shouted Macazord, sending several fire pillars toward the ground. "Dark Écriture: Destruction." said Freed.

He began rushing toward Macazord with his sword being sheathed and his left hand was on it. He was able to dodge the pillars of fire and rapidly unsheathed his weapon, slashing his friend. This dealt the demon a great deal of damage and sent his massive claymore flying away from him. At this point, the demon was getting annoyed with these humans. With a roar, the demon unleased a massive stream of purple fire with it forcing all of them back. 

Cana smiled as she made twelve cards float in front of him. "Can it already you blowhard and wake up Macao! Card Magic: Explosion Tornado!" said Cana, tossing the cards toward the stream of fire. They collided with the stream of fire, making an tornado appear and it pushed the demon back due to the wind's great strength. Before Macazord could recover, he heard a voice say,"Do you know what the weakness of a wizard is?". 

He was punched in the back by Zane who said,"They tend to focus only on their mind rather than their physical body. The warrior's weakness is being overconfidence.". He cracked his neck with him saying,"Let me this perfectly clear so hopefully, it will get it through your thick skull. I may be brand new to Fairy Tail but it's plain as day to see that everyone in Fairy tail is one big family. It could be Cana, Freed, Levy, Lucy, Makky, and Romeo but you're a member of their family right Macao?!".

After saying this, Macazord grabbed his head. "Romeo." said Macazord as the demon sounded almost human. "Yes. Your son is here to bring you back home and I'm here to help out with that no matter what it takes!" said Zane as he turned into Liger Form much to the shock of the demon and wizards since not one of them have seen a creature like this. He's twelve feet tall with him having a muscular build. He looked to be a liger ,a hybrid of a lion and tiger, and he doesn't have a tail unlike more felines.

He has shaggy black fur that covered his entire body with white stripes on his forearms, legs, shoulders and upper half of his body. His chest and mouth/muzzle is a white color with two of his sharp teeth coming out of his mouth. He has a tiny snout with a small orange nose. His eyes are bright blue with red sclera. He has a belt formed of energy that looked to be a championship belt. In the center of the belt, he has his superhero logo aka Updated Superhero Logo.

His ears are the same color as his nose but they're slightly bigger than his nose. He has large hands and feet with five fingers and toes respectively. For clothing, he wears a dark red gi with a black mark on the right chest of the gi that has the word LZ there, a pair of black fingerless gloves, a pair of dark red pants with a white tiger-like stripes pattern, and three large retractable black claws on his feet and wrists. With a swift headbutt to the demon's chest, Zane said,"Lets go brother!".

This hit sent the demon flying and Zane went behind him. He wrapped his arms around its back. He performed a German suplex on the demon with the demon groaning. "Oh wow. That's quite the Take Over and it's a full body one too. Elfman has still trouble with performing those types of Take Over unlike his sisters especially her." said Cana with the dolls shivering. "Demon woman." said the dolls except the outlier who said,"She's scary but sexy. A deadly combo.".  

Zane smirked as he said,"So are you done now brother?!". Macazord roared loudly at the feline with him punching Zane in the face and pined the hero to the ground. "So are you regretting using Liger Form when Brawn Form was perfectly functional?" said Matrix as Zane was punched in the head by the demon who began pummeling her. "Nope since Liger Form is totally doing this to hype the crowd." said Havoc. "What crowd? No one is here but us and the Fairies." said Matrix. 

Astaroth smiled as he said,"Come on Matrix. You know what crowd he's talking about and this beatdown is nothing to Zane. This would be much better if he used the female version. I mean female wrestlers are much sexier than males! Meow!". Zane smiled as he used his strength to push the smaller creature off him and he unleashed steel gray energy from his mouth, blasting the demon back. The demon recovered and charged at Zane. 

Zane grabbed the demon's arm with him putting it behind his back and could hear its arm bone breaking slowly. "So is this pain waking you up now brother? If not, I still have punishment for you!" said Zane. He wrapped his legs around Macazord's neck, putting the demon in a scissor hold. "Again. I'll say it again. Ligeress Form would be better." said Astaroth. "Can it you old pervert brother!" said Zane with him using his impressive leg strength to constantly slammed the demon into the ground. 

Freed blinked with him saying,"Okay. So is this how I'm like when I go all sadist rule breaker as Ever puts it.". "Yeah except you got this real creepy smirk on your face." said Romeo. "And the enemy's painful screams sound like a catchy song to you or something like that. You also constantly yell die a lot." said Cana. "I see." said Freed with him getting embarrassed. After getting bored with giving Macazord several kisses with the floor, Zane picked the demon up like a trophy.

Said demon was tossed him into the air. Zane jumped up after it with his fists colored steel gray Just before Zane slammed the demon into the ground with his back hitting the ground first, he smiled. "The game is now over! Time to turn you back brother! Release him!" said Zane as he slammed both of his fists into the demon, hearing a loud crunch. The demon ,with swirls for eyes, went flying into the ground very hard. This caused very visible spiderweb cracks formed on the ground where his body hit.

Zane landed on the ground with him saying,"Are you not entertained?!". "So are you okay Zane? You went overboard in your beatdown." said Cana as Zane deactivated the form. Before Zane could answer her, the demon began glowing a blinding pink color and the light faded. "Dad!" said Romeo, running over to his unconscious father. Cana made a card appear and go under Macao, lifting him off the cold floor. It also wrapped up the wizard up like a blanket.

Freed looked at Zane as he said,"So I guess you freed Macao from the demonic possession like you did back at the guild hall Zane. Those runes that I made were hastily made but not something easy to break by the way.". "So was this Take Over magic or what? I mean this guy was normally not that tough." said Cana. "Nope. It seems to me that his body was remodeling at the biological scale into that hideous mockery of a demon. Is there is a magic that can do something like this?" said Zane. 

The green haired man nodded as he said,"Yes. According to the guild's library, there is a magic that can do something like this but it's a lost magic. Not sure on the name however. How did this happened? I'm not sure. I'm impressed with your skills Zane. Defeating a creature that would give any wizard worth its salt trouble." "Yeah. I got to say that you're not exactly the normal type of wizard you see except in our guild." said Cana. 

Zane flexed with him saying,"Thanks. I did a whole lot of push ups, sit ups, and drinking some milk to achieve this power.". Romeo looked at the two older wizards who shrugged since no one know what to say. "So how is your dear old dad doing? He doesn't look too good in my opinion." said Zane. Romeo put two fingers on his neck with him hearing his dad's heart beating. "He's okay but exhausted. Those Vulcans may be weak but they can really deal some serious damage in numbers." said Romeo. 

The teen looked at Zane as he said,"I'm just thankful that we didn't hurt him anymore.". "That's good to here. I'm not a big fan of seeing the reaper win." said Zane. "Macao. Wake up already!" said Cana. After that, Macao began stirring and opening his eyes to see the group. "Cana... Freed.... Romeo... The Babies... Don't know who the other guy is but nice to meet you." said Macao with him coughed at the end. "Welcome back to the land of the living. So did you let a Vulcan possess you?" said Freed. 

Macao shook his head as he said,"Not at all. I took out all of them but then this girl showed up.". "Are you sure that you didn't just imagine her in your clearly dazed state? I mean that you and Wakaba are both obsessed with women but claiming to have seen one up here in Vulcan turf. You're crazy." said Cana. "No. She was wearing a weird mask. You know that one creature that Lisanna can turn into. The skinny yet fat one right?" said Macao. "Seal right?" said Romeo with Freed nodding. 

Havoc sighed as he said,"So I guessing the Order did this.". "But why is the more important question Havoc." said Astaroth. "I'm sure we'll figure it out." said Matrix. "Yeah. That one. She was using a similar magic to you and Nab son. One of the Vulcans were playing dead to try and get me when my guard was down. I wish that didn't happen since I was so sure about all of them being dead. Guess I'm nothing but an old relic." said Macao. 

Zane sighted as he said with a deep tone of authority," Don't put yourself down like that Macao. You defeated those monkeys before that woman showed up. You should feel proud. I'm sure that Romeo here is very much proud of you since he looks up to you like all sons do. They may show it in ways that no one truly understands but from my experience, all children care about their parents and vise versa. Your son asked me to bring you back and I don't break my promises.". 

Romeo looked at his dad with a toothy grin as he said,"He's right! You were just amazing as that demon earlier.". "Yeah. You're way better than smoky but not Lynn. She's a total MILF!" said the dolls with Freed smacking them using the hilt of his sword. "Idiots. Read the room and be grateful the boss isn't here. You would be shocked." said Freed. "Ignoring the babies for a second. You were able to create those pervert monkeys that would have given someone like Natsu trouble." said Cana. 

Macao shrugged as he said,"I guess so. Come on. Lets get back home. I need a couple days off after all of that. Mind if I take a couple of Zs you guys? I'm exhausted.". "Macao. You've earned it." said Freed with a smile. Macao drifted off to sleep with him looking peaceful. "So do you think you can get us back to Magnolia like you did with the girls?" said Cana. "Sure. Just hang on tight." said Zane as he sprouted four tendrils. They connected onto a wizard with the five teleported out of the cave.  

In the guild hall, everyone was doing their own thing with the house hunting for Frosch finishing up rather quickly. Grace and Natsu were bickering about who would win in a fight between Frosch and Happy with the two felines not caring about that. Lucy was having a conversation with Levy about their shared love of literature, and Frosch was enjoying something sweet that Tyrell bought for him earlier after they finished house hunting. 

Things changed once Zane and his group appeared from thin air. "And we're here." said Zane. "Holy crap Zane. That was wicked! Do that again!" said the dolls. "Maybe if he warns us next time." said Freed. "Yeah but that must be super helpful from getting from place to place huh." said Cana. "Maybe later you seven and yes Cana. It is." said Zane. "Zane! You're back!" said Frosch, flying toward Zane and hugging him. "Of course. So did you accomplish your first job?" said Zane. 

Frosch looked proud as he said,"Yep! I got us a house.". "Good job. I guess we both did a good job huh little buddy." said Zane smiling. Lynn eventually asked Cana to help take Macao to the med bay so she can help Macao heal faster. "Hey Romeo." said Zane, getting his attention. "Yeah?" said Romeo. "I know that I promised to you help get your dad back along with Cana and Freed but well, I need something from you in return. Don't worry. It isn't money." said Zane as he held out his left fist. 

Romeo was confused as he said,"Let me tell you something that one of my mentors told me when I was around your age. When two people fist bump, they're connected even if they're separate on a job or a different plane of existence. They can be millions of miles away but the connection will never die. So would you do me the honors already Romeo?". "Sure thing big bro!" said Romeo with him fist bumping Zane. 

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