Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 Trouble at Arcane World PT 1 The forces of Darkness and Light gather at the amusement park Section 1 (Written on December 8 2021)

This post is a part of Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4 and has been put into a separate post mainly due to the original post being unable to edit for reasons described in this update post. This post here has been written in December 2021 but will be uploaded before Fairy Legion Royal Chapter 4. This is to mainly improve the amount of posts produced within a certain time frame or other reasons.

A/N: Yeah. Last chapter had a lot of huge changes between Fairy Legion and Fairy Legion Royal. It's also a huge difference compared to Fairy Tail but that's a given since the original Fairy Legion was only slightly different compared to Fairy Tail. I tried to keep Fairy Legion somewhat close to canon. There were a few changes here and there but to be brutally honest, it was pretty much Fairy Tail featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series or Zane from Zero. This is just my honest opinion on the subject.

I've never been against fanfictions that go against canon and I honestly tend to prefer them compared to having your OC in the story and changes very little. One such examples of this type of writing is well written but mother of god, the changes that it does have are not exactly the best changes and the OCs in those stories aren't the best in my opinion. This is just my opinion and I may talk about my reasons for why I dislike them at a later date. 

Check out these two examples with the link right below Petit Tail which aren't the best things out there but I enjoy writing them. The titles for them won't be good either and the characters in them are going to be the same every time. Back to Fairy Legion Royal. Out of the thirteen major changes I listed at the end of the chapter, four of them aren't very important. I mean compare Change #3 to Change #6, one is rather minor compared to something that changes the story aka Lisanna. 

The gender swaps I have plans for and we'll see those plans come to fruition in due time. Like last chapter, this chapter will also have a lot of changes since Chapter 4 and 5 of Fairy Legion Royal is the combination of Chapter 3 and 4 of Fairy Legion with some new features. Some changes I won't be talking about in great detail aka Change #3, Change #7, Change #8, and Change #10. These changes don't really affect the story greatly. 

Unlike Chapter 2's Changes, I gave some pretty good reasons to all four of them. Lets start with Change #1. The reason behind me doing this is because I thought it would be rather fun to do and something to make Fairy Legion Royal stick out compared to Zero or the original Fairy Legion. I also really do like the openings of Fairy Tail at least compared to its endings. To me, all of them are memorable but that's because I have a bias toward the series. This bias is mine is strong.

Speaking of opening, I can't name a single series where I like all of the openings and there is no bad one. I did rank from worst to best my Fairy Tail Openings. I mean if we compared Snow Fairy ,aka Fairy Tail's first opening, to Kanpekigu No Ne aka Fairy Tail's first ending, there is nothing really there to talk about. I mean the first opening is just more visual interesting compared to the first ending. That's my reason for why I did the opening but not the ending. 

In my time watching anime or cartoons in general, I just prefer openings compared to endings. This is made obvious in Anime. Don't get me wrong. There are some good Anime Endings out there such as the one from Blood Blockade Battlefront and Fire Force. Those two anime's ending are really good even but honestly, endings are just okay and not for me. This mindset may be because I haven't seen enough good endings but I tend to just skip over them and start the next episode.

Don't get me wrong. I do skip over openings as well but I just tend to skip over endings more often than not. I didn't come up with this idea myself being that I got the idea for Navek. I do highly recommend checking out the author does expand on Earthland which Hiro didn't do. I don't mind that Hiro didn't expand on Ishgar because well, that kind of stuff isn't important to me. I love One Piece but how Oda makes the world of One Piece feel alive isn't why I read One Piece. 

If the author expands on the world, that's great. That kind of writing isn't too important for me but if you like that kind of stuff, I got an author for you. This author is Vimesenthusiast and his story Making Waves which is a crossover between Ranma 1/2 and Fairy Tail. If you don't know Ranma 1/2, don't worry. From what I read aka up to Chapter 17 at the time of writing this post, only the first part of Chapter 1 is based off Ranma and the rest is Fairy Tail. 

However, there is a issue with this story and this issue is a personal one. Each chapter is really long and should be enjoy over time rather than trying to read it at once. I would highly recommended taking your time. Chapter 3 of Fairy Legion Royal was supposed to come out on the fourth of December but got it pushed back two days because of me trying to read this amazing story at once. Oh and the profile of Vimesenthusiast says that their gender is male so that what I'm going by. 

Lets go back to why I decided to do the openings. I just thought it would be fun to do and give FLR (Fairy Legion Royal) its own identity compared to Fairy Legion. This didn't happen in Chapter 1 or 2 since Zane wasn't in Earthland for the entire chapter. The narration and opening will begin each chapter after the Author Note and before the story starts alongside the content warning. I didn't mention the content warning since this has been here for Chapter 1 and it ain't leaving until we're done. 

I may do the endings one day but only the ones I can make work. You'll see which ones I do once we get past Snow Fairy but that won't be until we get to Galuna Island. Like with almost every opening of Fairy Tail, there will be spoilers in them. I mean most Anime Openings do that such as One Piece but Fairy Tail, they don't hide anything such as the identity of all of the Spriggan 12 in Opening 24 just to name a example involving Fairy Tail. The only Spriggan they don't show off is Larcade.  

Two theories of mine of why they do this is because they want to get you hyped up for the show and I'm sure that they expect viewers to have read the source material before hand. The latter theory is more of a shot in the dark since most people don't read the source material. That does make sense since why read something when you could watch it instead. The former theory makes sense to me. I should mention this but I will be switching the link of said opening.

It will be an English cover of the opening if available and the full version of the song. There will also be different variations of the opening. You'll see what I mean. Onto Change #4 and #5. These two changes are connected since well, I feel like I gave a pretty good reason on why. We will be seeing characters like Evergreen in due time alongside the remaining S-Class Wizards. Do note that I didn't forget about Gildarts. He will be mention here and there but won't be showing up until I feel like the right time.

This right time may be the same as in canon or maybe earlier. Even though I'm perfectly willing to give more characters screen time aka Change #10, do you really think I'm going to give this precious screen time to Chico, Krov, or Mikuni? I'm sure that there are fans of those characters like Droy and Jet but to me, they're nothing to waste time on since they don't rejoin after the guild is brought back. This was mentioned in the manga aka Chapter 448 if you're curious. 

I may make references to them here and there mainly Joey. I may be wrong but I remember seeing a character like him in Quarto Cerberus during the Grand Magic Games. I could be wrong about that but there was someone like him there according to Episode 178. He fits the wild guild rather well and if you ask me which guild is the equivalent of those characters who were mentioned in the manga but never given any time in the sport light, Quarto Cerberus is that guild.

Don't get me wrong. They do have two important members with those two members being Goldmine aka a former member of Fairy Tail and Bacchus who was easily the most memorable member of said team. Minor spoiler alert for FLR here. In Fairy Legion and Fairy Legion Royal canon, Quarto Cerberus is the opposite of Mermaid Heel with them being an all male guild compared to the all female guild. I could be wrong about that but well, I like the idea.

Having one guild of beautiful women compared to one guild of wild men is just an interesting reason. I do plan on giving Mermaid Heel or Quarto Cerberus some screen time. The answer is super obvious and I'll give you a hint. What is Fairy Tail known for beside friendship power up? That's the only hint I'm giving you. Change #5 was given a good amount of detail on why I did that mainly with putting Alzack and Bisca together before the timeskip.

I do like Bisca but having her a love interest was a bit difficult mainly because I wanted to have Asuka around but she's the daughter of Alzack and Bisca. I could change who the father is but it was too much of hassle to deal with. Why I decided to combine Bickslow and Romeo together is because I wanted the kid to be more than just a Natsu clone. Lets be honest. He looks like a mini Natsu and using the same type of magic makes that point more obvious.

That isn't a bad thing mind you but well, I rather do something with the character. The reason why Laki is the leader of Team Shadowgear is because I didn't want Levy to be a member and it makes things interesting. You may be confused why I mean by that if you look at the opening but like I said in that reason, all will be explained in time. I wanted to keep Droy and Jet as punching bags and Laki will not be on Tenrou Island during the timeskip. 

Next change is Change #2 and this was one of the four changes that weren't bolded. I decided to make Gran Doma a member of the X784 council because why not? I mean he has a name unlike the other two members at the time. You'll see the rest of the council in due time. This council may stay a thing after a certain arc except for two members but that's because of plot reasons. The other reason is because of the obvious fact. The new council ,aka the one before the Wizard Saints, don't have a name or personality.

They do hate being against Fairy Tail but there were only two members with names and one of those named members was from the old council. The first Council was the same as their successor in terms of their opinion on Fairy Tail but at least, the majority of them had names. It's better than nothing I guess. I often compared the Magic Council to One Piece's Five Elders since they both don't have names but Oda will give those five old men their time to shine in due time.

Maybe Chapter 1000? Who knows? I'm just happy that we're starting 2021 with that story compared to it ending 2020. It will make the hype for it even more intense. I also like the Five Elders more compared to all three version of the Magic Council shown in Fairy Tail thanks to the non-canon Return to the Reverie or to be more specific Chapter 3, they were given some time to shine. It may be non-canon but at least, it's interesting to talk about. 

I honestly didn't plan for this but most of the Changes such as Change #6, #9, and #12, I went into great detail about them. The only thing I wanted to add is that Grace's Lucky Lecher Lure is based of Tamaki Kotatsu's Lucky Lewd Syndrome. She's from Fire Force. Do note that I don't plan on doing this for every batch of changes except for the ones that don't affect the story in a major way and there will be more gender swaps since there can never be too much fanservice right? 

We will have some male fanservice or manservice but there will mainly be female fanservice in FLR since Fairy Tail does that a LOT and why fight fate. Just watch anything from Dragon Cry and you'll see what I mean by that. All anime does fanservice such as One Piece so why fight it. There will be a lot of changes in this chapter since it is the combination of not one but two chapters. One more thing I have left to talk about is how Brandish showed up MUCH earlier than she did in canon. 

Unlike with Ultear and Grimoire Heart, we didn't get the mention of the main bad guy group in the series until the arc that they showed up in. For example. The other two members of the Balam Alliance Oracion Seis and Tartaros were mentioned in the arc before they showed up. Ultear was shown at the very start of the series and she was a member of Grimoire Heart since she was a little kid. This may be because Hiro isn't a fan of world building and like I said before, that's fine.

It's his story and it should be done as he wants it. As fans, we should enjoy what we're giving. If we don't, just write a fanfic that does what you want. That's what I'm doing. Do note that I will be teasing the other two members of the Balam Alliance and the Alvarez Empire since I really like a good tease of what's to come and you'll see it in this chapter. The Tartaros one is a stretch. Lets begin since this will be a long one. Here's the content warning. 

This series contains sequences that may be particularly disturbing to younger children or people with sensitive mindsets. This series contains alcoholic drinks, drug usage, fantasy/comic violence showing teens to adults, foul language, gore, proactive imagery that depicts both females and men in an highly unrealistic manner mainly females, public indecency from females and males mainly seen with ankles, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, and waists, and several items that aren't exactly PC. 

Do not that if you don't like that kind of stuff, that's fine and there is no wrong with that. This just might not be for you. If you wish to skip said opening because of that or you just don't want to see it, press Ctrl+F and type in Narrator in the search bar. Go to the second one and you'll skip the opening.

Narration: "In a land far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small and peaceful nation of 17 million being and it's a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most, magic is merely a tool, with it being a mundane part of everyday life. For some ,however, magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many magical guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there's a certain guild in a certain town that sores above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. It's name is Fairy Tail."

Opening Song- Snow Fairy by Funkist. (The English written here is the anime's translation not from the website's translation.). If you want to hear an English version of the song, check out this cover of it done by Studio Yuraki.
Fairy, where are you going?
I'm going to gather up all the light and illuminate your tomorrow. 
(The night sky over Fiore is illuminated by a herd ,which is the collective noun for a group of fairies, of glowing silhouetted fairies dancing across it. These fairies are dancing across Fiore. They seem to be starting from Kardia Cathedral, going over the ocean where a boat is sailing upon, and finally Zane is standing alone in an empty field, looking up at the night sky. These fairies dance up toward the moon with the title of Fairy Legion Royal appearing beside it.). 

Oh Yeah! Can you hear my voice? 
Oh Yeah! Even if I go hoarse, I'll keep shouting.  
(Levy and Lucy are standing onto a hill overlooking Magnolia with Plue by her side as a fairy pass by the two of them as the girls turns around to face the camera. This scene is followed by Natsu standing in a ruined city with him looking for Igneel. The duo of Happy and Lisanna standing nearby him with Happy enjoying a fish and Lisanna looks at the duo of Happy and Natsu with a smile on her face, a fairy flying above the three of them.).

Oh yeah! Until your heart can hear it.
Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!
(The group of Erza, Grace, and Tyrell are standing nearby a defeated monster with it being covered with sword slashes, bullet holes from a gun, and covered in frost. Erza looking serious with Tyrell looking at the destroyed city behind the monster. Said city was probably destroyed by the monster since Erza brought said monster into the city. Tyrell is clearly worried about the property damage of their fight this will cost the guild. Grace ,currently missing her top, is trying to comfort Tyrell. The trio have a fairy flying right past them. Finally, all of the fairies fly right past the duo of Frosch and Zane facing a cliff that is overlooking a forest. Zane turns around, giving the camera a thumbs up with his Z.E.R.O. Watch and has his signature smile as Frosch mimicked his father's action. The trio of Astaroth, Havoc, and Matrix appear as well.).

The moon and the sun high-five. 
(The next scene shows Team Natsu (Erza, Happy, Lisanna, Lucy, and Natsu), the Mystic Vanguards (Grace, Levy, and Tyrell), and Team Maelstrom (Frosch and Zane) are currently on a train to an unknown location with each being doing their own thing. Grace and Tyrell are currently playing a game of chess with Grace struggling to defeat him, Levy is reading a history book, Lisanna is reading a book on different kind of recipes that comes from all over Ishgar, Lucy is writing in her journal, Natsu is currently motion sick with his head in Erza's lap and with her running her hands through his hair, and Zane is currently sleeping with his headphones covering his ears and music playing in his ears, and the trio of Frosch, Happy, and Plue is dancing nearby them.).

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?
(The two teams are currently on a caravan before the next scene switches to a campfire. Erza is currently keeping guard over the camp, Frosch is enjoying a bowl of ice cream, Happy devouring a fish, Grace is currently sleeping nearby them without her pants on, Levy and Lisanna are reading from a map with the white haired girl sporadically looking over at Natsu, Lucy is giving a disapproving look at Grace due to her wearing not pants in front of the boys, Natsu is currently savagely eating some drumsticks that came from a nearby dead monster, Tyrell is currently mediating on top of a large collection of luggage, and Zane is playing some music on Yamata.). 

It's strange, without you. 
I can't even find something to want.
(During a rather depressing looking day in Magnolia and nearby Strawberry Street, Lucy is sitting on a bridge with a solemn expression on her face and Plue trying to comfort her. He turns around to see Levy with the rest of Team Natsu, the Mystic Vanguards, and Frosch standing there with the sky brightening up around her, causing her to smile as she runs over to them. Zane is nowhere to be seen during this heart warming moment.).

Snowing, I was able to open up and give a smile.
Because we have time to snuggle up and be together. 
(The next scene shows a montage of various adventures that aren't seen throughout the story. In a jungle or a mushroom that has been made into a circular couch, Levy, Lucy, Erza and Zane are playing a game of Daifugō or Tycoon with Zane winning much to Erza's annoyance. Lucy is trying to comfort the red head with Levy wondering if Zane cheated somehow. The duo of Frosch and Lisanna are watching the group of Grace, Happy, Natsu, and Tyrell getting attacked by giant bee/mushroom hybrid creature known as Mushbees/Roombees and cheetahs/Komashika hybrid. The reason for this happening is that the duo of Grace and Natsu pissing off the four legged hybrids by the two of them fighting nearby their home, the mushbees/roombees are after Happy for stealing their honey, and Tyrell was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Mystic Vanguards are watching Grace and Natsu butting heads back in the guild hall with Tyrell shaking his head in disappointment and looks embarrassed due to Grace losing her clothes sometime during their squabble. She isn't naked yet but getting close too. Happy, Lisanna, and Lucy are there as well with the feline enjoying a fish and the two girls laughing at this. Frosch and Zane are standing in the center of the screen, looking ready to fight as the Order of Rukinity (Bulldog, Fox, Krota, and Selkie) appearing around the duo. The rest of Fairy Tail (Alzack, Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Freed, Jet, Laki, Loke, Macao, Makarov, Max, Mirajane, Nab, Reedus, Romeo, Vjeeter, Wakaba, and Warren) shortly appears.).         

Fairy, where are you going?
I'm going to gather up all the light and illuminate your tomorrow.
(Frosch turns into his guardian form with him smashing open the ground using a single punch. Grace takes a deep breath with her creating a massive explosion of ice, freezing a large group of lizardmen charging at her. Levy has the words "Shine" and "Poison", followed by "Fire" and "Water" mixed with "Blast", followed by "Sword" written above her, and the word "Iron" falling from the sky. Tyrell appears with him aiming his pistol toward a group of dark wizards, blasting them with a powerful blast of magic before blowing away smoke from his weapon's barrel. Zane holds up his watch and transforms into his most famous form aka Diamond Form with him getting launched into the air to the ground below him expanding. As the ground expanded, it glowed green. All of Fairy Tail's members look on from the distance, with it being followed by Zane landing his diamond fist hitting a giant demon like monster in the face.).

Don't say goodbye!
(Erza reequips into her Black Wing Armor and charges toward Zane who is currently holding both Fafnir and Lazarus Soul with the two fighters clashing, creating a explosion of light. As the light fades away, the duo of Frosch and Happy ,with both wings out, fly toward the screen with Frosch giving the sign of the horns with both of his paws and Happy winking. The two cats are gone with Frosch, Zane, Team Natsu, and the Mystic Vanguards standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild hall.). 

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been a few days after the trio of Frosch, Lucy, and Zane joined one of Fiore's Elite Four. The Elite Four are the four strongest guilds in the kingdom according to both the Magic Council and Sorcerer Weekly. The guilds in the Elite Four hasn't really changed since the title of Elite Four came to be in the year X777. The current Elite Four consisted of Blue Pegasus, Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, and Phantom Lord. 

The two strongest guilds in the Elite Four are Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord with them tied in strength for many reasons. One of the major reasons is that both guilds have a wizard saint for a master. Blue Pegasus is considered to be the fourth strongest guild thanks to the guild's ace Ichiya. Lamia Scale is considered to be the third strongest thanks to Iron Rock Jura who recently became the latest Wizard Saint as early this year. 

In Frosch and Zane's apartment, the color of Magnolia's sky was a dark blue color with only a few stars remaining. The horizon was a mixture of several different colors with it meaning one thing. It meant that dawn was coming to the town. Zane bolted upwards with him panting heavily and sweat coming off his face. He groaned with him taking a deep breath and wiped away the sweat forming off his face. "I really can't believe it." thought Zane.

He stretched as he thought,"Even after all of this time, I'm still having nightmares of my big mistakes made throughout my entire life. All of them happened when I was starting out too.". His arms were covered in goosebumps as Zane turned to see Frosch ,on a pillow right next to him, sleeping peacefully and he had a big goofy smile on his face. "Really wish I wasn't jealous of you having nice dreams but here I am. I'm jealous of my son having better dreams." thought Zane.

With a single hand, Zane began petting Frosch's head. "This is a very big downside of my powers since having the ability to never forget anything means that you remember both the good and bad." thought Zane. This simple act of kindness unintentionally woke the sleeping cat. "Zane. Are you okay? What time is it? Is it breakfast?" said the drowsy feline. "Lets just say that it's real early little buddy and here's the thing. I'm fine Frosch. Just go back to sleep. I just got up to do some quick training." said Zane. 

For his entire six years of life, Frosch could always tell whenever Zane was lying and this impressed other beings. Zane used to have a tell for whenever he was lying and this tell was the Cross Species's right eye twitching. It used to be something that only Danny could notice but over time, Zane learned how to hide this tell so no one could tell when he was lying. Due to this ability, only being those close to Zane ,aka his family and Team Maelstrom, could tell whenever Zane is lying. 

However ever since birth, Frosch had the ability to tell whenever any being was lying and this included Zane. He may be half awake right now but Frosch was pretty sure Zane was lying. "Did you have a bad dream again?" said Frosch. Zane sighed with him looking down at Frosch. "Yeah but I'm fine Frosch I promise. I'm just going to get some training done. Just get some sleep okay? Today. We're going on a job since we need to explore Fiore just a bit." said Zane. 

To snap the nightmare out of his head, he slapped his cheek. "Okay but don't be gone too long. We really need to go on a job today." said Frosch with his eyes closing mid-sentence before falling back to sleep. The Cross Species shook his head in amusement with him getting out of bed and hopefully didn't wake up Frosch again. He didn't. Before leaving, Zane left behind a note for Frosch. It wasn't to tell Frosch how long he was going to be out for since Frosch was well aware of how long Zane trains for.

Said note was to inform the feline of what to say if anyone from Fairy Tail came by and wondered he was when Frosch entered the door. In the past couple of days since he and Frosch got their place, he had a good amount of the guild come by and visit them. According to Makarov, this was bound to happen and they tended to come into his house in a peculiar way. When Grace learned about his place, she didn't come through the door like a normal person.

The stripper came in through the fireplace like Santa Claus much to the shock of Frosch since he loved Santa except this one stripped so Astaroth liked this Santa a lot compared to the pure Frosch. Because of her entering his place like this, Zane toss Grace out and she landed in the nearby canal much to the shock of the men in boats nearby her. If you need a visual example of this happening, check this out and you got what happened. 

While this kind of behavior didn't bothered Frosch too much, it bothered Zane a good amount since he hated people with no sense of personal space. From what Tyrell told him after he fished Grace out of the canal outside of Zane's house, he mentioned that Happy and Natsu tended to break into other member's houses the most. They usually came by to visit much to their annoyance at first but slowly get used to seeing the duo there. 

However, Zane wasn't going to let this happen. To prevent those two from breaking and entering his place, he had set up a impressive security system using his smartest forms and wanted to test it out on them. There was a problem since the duo along with Lisanna and Lucy went on a job to take care of a book. It was apparently worth two million Jewels which seemed sketchy to Zane. Making a piece of paper appear and using the pen in his right middle finger, he wrote the note for Frosch.

Zane placed it by the table that was closest to the feline. With one last look at Frosch who was currently dreaming about some kind of dessert, Zane smiled and left the bedroom. To make sure he didn't wake Frosch up again, he turned intangible and phased through the bedroom door. "So were you lying to him Zane?" said Havoc. "Of course he wasn't Havoc. Zane did have a nightmare obviously but it was one of the minor ones." said Matrix. "And what exactly constituted a minor nightmare?" said Astaroth. 

Matrix shrugged as she said,"No clue. So what did you dream about Zane?". "Did you say something Matrix? I honestly wasn't listening to you." said Zane as he had changed into one of his many workout outfits. It was a blackish red sleeveless training gi with matching colored kung fu pants and his signature tennis shoes. "Nothing. Just go enjoy your training." said Matrix. "Okay. I know that you guys are worried about me like Frosch but like I told him, I'm fine okay?" said Zane. 

Havoc looked at Zane with him saying,"Are you sure Zane? I mean if you aren't feeling good, you can always tell us.". "He's right. We're a team." said Astaroth. "I'm fine okay? Just let me get my training done okay?" said Zane. The three agreed to this as Zane left his house with him putting his headphones over his ears. He began playing some music with him staring off his training by getting into a handstand and took off in a light jog down the street.  

This strange looking scene did confuse the people of Magnolia but after seeing the Fairy Tail symbol on Zane's left arm, they understood what was going on. The people of Magnolia was used to seeing strange things from the guild since they've seen Cana drinking, Grace stripping, talking cats, and many more strange sights before thanks to Fairy Tail. A few hours later, Frosch woke up to see that Zane was currently missing from their room and the feline couldn't sense him anywhere in their home. 

Instead of being worried from his father's whereabout, Frosch stretched. "I guess he still must be out doing his morning exercise. Good for him." thought Frosch. Even thought Zane was much stronger than most beings out there in the Omniverse, the Cross Species always kept up with his training. According to him, it was just in case an extremely powerful being came to fight him to rule the Omniverse or just fight the Protector of the Omniverse.

Zane's training is both physical and mental demanding since it made Zane hone in on every LITTLE detail that his opponent could make. According to him, he says that all of the training he has done in his later teens to early twenties was hell since Zane wanted every one of his teachers to not go easy on him whatsoever. All of his teachers agreed to this since most of them turned out to be sadists and wanted to make Zane have the power and ability to protect those he cared about which he did. 

Even during a time of peace, the reason behind the intensity of Zane's training was something that not even his close friends could understand about him. In a few seconds, he heard a knock on the door. "Be down in a second!" shouted Frosch as he put on his typical pink frog costume and flew downstairs. The feline opened the door with him smiling. "Hi Lucy! What are you doing with Zane and why is your face red?" said Frosch. Lets go back a few minutes to find out what's going on with Lucy. 

Flashback P.O.V.
After finishing up his training regime, Zane was walking through Magnolia with him humming a unique tune. This tune was something that a certain man should have done when in office. Thanks to a good morning workout, his blood was pumping and it was a good way to start the day. He was about to reach his house when he heard a voice,"Zane? Hey there Zane!". Zane turned around and turned to see Lucy walking toward him. 

Lucy currently had her hair down up in a messy looking ponytail and had a broad smile on her face. "I can't believe it. She's so damn sexy!" said Astaroth. "Just like most women in this dimension. I don't get what the big deal is about her being there." said Matrix. "It's Astaroth." said Havoc. "Why does that make too much sense." said Matrix. Through Zane would admit that Lucy was attractive, her current attire was something that would make anyone blush except for Zane. 

The only beings who wouldn't blush at Lucy's attire is someone who is blind or shows no sexual attraction to others or women. The voluptuous blond donned a dark pink sports bra that's crisscrossed behind her back, pink and white yoga pants that showed off her curves, and a pair of black sneakers with white ankle socks. She cheerfully waved to him as she walked over to him. "Good morning. To be honest, you weren't the first person I expected to see you today but not a bad thing." said Zane.

Havoc nodded as he said,"Yeah. I didn't expect her to be the jogging type but I guess she's full of surprises. I thought she was still on her job too.". "Me either but I did come by to see you and Frosch in your new place. Levy told me that it was really nice. So were you doing some jogging too Zane? I would have used the gym at Fairy Hills but well, I wanted to see Magnolia just a bit." said Lucy, wiping some sweat off her brow. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah. I was doing my normal morning routine and well, I planned to stop by the guild today. So do you want to come by and check out the place?". "Sure. I'm not bothering you am I?" said Lucy. "Not really Lucy. So how did your first job go?" said Zane. "It's a long story." said Lucy with a sigh. "Well, I'm all ears." said Zane as he pulled down his headphones and paused his music at the same time. 

The two were walking back to Zane's place with Lucy telling the Cross Species about her first job. It was with Happy, Lisanna, and Natsu who had offered to show her the ropes and join their team which had the extremely clever name of Team Natsu. I mean it isn't the worst team name seen in Fairy Tail but it's nothing compared to the Seven Kin of Purgatory, it isn't the best name. She was rather surprised at first but in a short amount of time, she eventually found out what they were planning for her.

Lucy's first job in Fairy Tail just so happen to required a blonde girl to be a maid for a rather perverted man who went by the name of Duke Evelue. She was going to back out of it but Natsu reminded her that Celestial Wizards never break a promise much to her dismay. However, the pay and experience made her go for it. It had a unique first mission to say the least since they were asked to destroy a book held by the duke for two million Jewels. 

The blonde sighed as she said,"I know that Sorcerer Weekly said that Fairy Tail Wizards take things to an extreme level but I thought they were joking. Natsu by himself destroyed the mansion during his fight with the mercenaries.". "Yeah. I kinda expected Natsu to be an expert at destroying things since he almost destroyed Hargeon back when we first met. Should have been obvious but at least, you had a eye opening experience." said Zane. 

Lucy had to agree with that since she was pretty sure that Natsu and destruction go together hand in hand. According to him, he didn't mean for the mansion to be destroyed but it just happened. The mansion's destruction was also due to Everlue's magic which he shared with the gorilla maid. On their way back home, the four managed to bump into Grace and Tyrell who had just finished up a job fighting some monsters in a nearby town. 

Upon seeing each other, the duo of Grace and Natsu instnatly began bickering with each other much to the annoyance of Lucy who thought it was childish. The trio of Happy, Lisanna, and Tyrell agreed with her but like with Grace's stripping, they were used to it since they have known both Grace and Natsu since they were kids. Thanks to Tyrell, Team Natsu managed to hear about Erza coming back to the guild after her job handing a demon. 

Grace and Happy shivered in fear at the mention of her name but the duo of Lisanna and Natsu were excited to hear that. Lucy was unsure how to feel about the news of Erza coming back since she had heard about Erza Scarlet aka Titania before in Sorcerer Weekly. She along with three other wizards were all considered to be the strongest woman in Fairy Tail even after an incident two years ago. Much to Lucy's confusion, Grace and Happy called her a full-on monster.

With her writers mind, Lucy instantly imagining a female silhouette destroying a town and a handful of mountains just for good measure. This statement pissed off Natsu, causing him and Grace to have a physical scuffle. Tyrell managed to keep the two away from each other as Lisanna explained to the blonde that Erza wasn't a monster but had a tendency to go overboard in delivering in justice to her enemies and family members. 

Shortly later, the Fairies were forced to save Happy from some wizards who wanted to eat him. One of them was a talking chicken who could use fire magic. The trio of Grace, Natsu, and Tyrell easily took care of them with Grace stripping down to her underwear during the fight and she got a prediction involving her love life. According to the fortuneteller, it was going to be a complete and utter mess involving countless people which including Lisanna, Lucy, Natsu, and Tyrell just to name a few. 

The fortuneteller was very detailed with his fortunes after all. As the fighting was going on, the duo of Lisanna and Lucy were freeing Happy. "Hey. At least, you got a gold key for the whole thing. The other three didn't get anything beside a lecture from Makky about destroying another building probably mainly Natsu who promptly ignored it." said Zane. Lucy nodded in joy as she explained to Zane that the gorilla maid was actually a Celestial Spirit and she wasn't a silver spirit. 

She was a gold spirit with it being Virgo the Maiden. According to Virgo, her former wizard Duke Everlue broke their contract by getting arrested and wanted to work with Lucy since the maid was impressed with Lucy earlier. The blonde had yet to make a contract with her since she wanted to show Frosch and Zane how Celestial Spirit magic like she did for Happy, Lisanna, and Natsu early in the week outside of Fairy Hills. 

Lucy also wondered if Virgo somehow knew Zane like Aquarius did. She remembered how Aquarius and Zane kissed with her face going red. She was well aware of Aquarius having a boyfriend since the spirit often bragged about it and the blond was sure that it was another Zodiac spirit. She thought this thanks to one of her other spirits mentioning it to her when she asked about Aquarius's boyfriend but that was three years ago. 

She looked over at Zane with her taking in a good look at Zane. Even when they first met, she thought he was hot and this hasn't changed. It was made obvious due to his current clothing. His gi clung to his well-defined torso, showing off his chest and chiseled abs. "I really don't get why you need to be jogging since you're perfect." thought Lucy as her eyes looked at his biceps. His dense and tight muscles had small droplets of sweat going down there.

Her eyes moved down to his toned forearms and to his legs. His pants may be currently hiding his legs but it didn't take a genius to guess that his legs must be toned like his arms, harboring great power in them. Like I mentioned before, there will be a whole lot of fanservice from both genders. This is for the ladies and men who bat for the same team but don't you worry. We'll get a lot of fanservice for men and ladies who bat for the same team. It will involve bikinis.

Lucy thought with a smirk,"Oh wow. I'm sure he could cut diamonds with those muscles. What am I doing?!". She looked away from him and had a fierce blush overtaking her face. She was mad at herself for checking out his body since it was usually her catching the lustful attention from men and some women. Cana made that clear when the lush brunette grabbed her chest and proclaimed her cup size to every girl there. Said brunette was correct in calling Lucy's cup size much to the blond's shock. 

She never once gawked at a male like he was a piece of meat. As if to made things worse, her heart was beating at a rapid rate that made Lucy wonder if Zane could hear it. He could easily thanks to his hyper hearing but wasn't going to mention it. Astaroth would have but he couldn't be heard except by the other members of Team Legion Zero and Zane. "No! I shouldn't think of him like that! We're just friends and if what Lisanna tells me is right who heard it from Cana, Levy likes him and that's it." thought Lucy. 

Along with being the unspoiled girls next door, she was known for her being a gossip mainly when it comes to the relationship between guild members. She was the one to call that Bisca was going to ask out Alzack with Cana saying that it would be Alzack. Bisca was the one to ask Alzack much to his and Cana's shock. Despite her being confident in her feeling being platonic, she still felt attraction toward Zane. She walked up to Zane's front door and knocked on the door with it opening to reveal Frosch.     

Narrator P.O.V.
Slightly embarrassed, Lucy looked away from the feline with Zane saying,"She was jogging little buddy. We met up earlier on my way back.". "Oh! That makes sense." said Frosch. "Yeah. I came back to see you guys after doing a couple of laps around Magnolia. So what about you Zane?" said Lucy with her rolling her shoulders. "My workout is a bit more intense than yours and I'll leave it at that." said Zane with Frosch nodding. "Yeah! Zane's workout is super intense!" said Frosch.

Lucy tried to imagine the training with her coming up with nothing. "Want me to give you a hint of what my training is?" said Zane. "Um sure." said Lucy. "Let me see. I did a hundred laps around Magnolia using my hands to walk and my legs had these on them." said Zane, rolling up his pants legs to show Lucy the Gravity Bands on both legs. "Wait a minute. You did how many laps around town again?" said Lucy. "A hundred and under ten times Earthland's gravity." said Zane.

After hearing that, the blonde blinked with her saying,"Oh wow. I guess Frosch wasn't kidding about your workout being intense.". "Yeah. I'm just happy you knocked and use the door Lucy." said Zane as the two walked inside the house with Frosch closing the door behind them. "Of course Zane. Who wouldn't do that?" said Lucy. "According to Master Makarov, no one else in the guild will have the common courtesy to knock whenever they come by for a visit." said Frosch.

The feline smiled as he said,"That would be the case if Zane didn't install a security system into our home.". "Yeah. I gathered that much after seeing the brawl on the day we joined. So that won't happen to me right?" said Lucy. "I doubt it since according to Freed, Fairy Hills has runes around it that will automatically go off if a male enters the building without permission from a resident of the dorm and said male will be punished by the residents of the dorm for as long as they see fit." said Zane.

Lucy looked at Zane with her saying,"Are you sure about that?". "Freed seemed sure about it and I'm sure he's not the joking type." said Zane. "Okay then. I guess going to live at the dorms wasn't a bad idea after all. On my jog earlier, I noticed all of the cute places here in Magnolia but the prices for them are a bit much too much. The dorm is pretty nice though." said Lucy. "Yeah. I wish me and Frosch were that lucky but there is no male equivalent to Fairy Hills." said Zane.

Frosch nodded as he remembered asking Levy and Tyrell about there being a male version of Fairy Hills and Tyrell mentioned that there was one but it was gone. "You might as well get used to Fairy Tail's craziness now Lucy. So I should have offered this earlier on our walk but if you want, you can use one of our showers and get into some decent clothes." said Zane. "And while you two do that, I'll make something for us to drink and eat before we head to the guild for our first job!" said Frosch. 

Lucy blinked with her saying,"Oh thanks you guys. I guess we rookies have to stick together huh?". "I guess so but instead of us being rookies, we should be the Supernovas instead. Doesn't that sound much cooler?" said Zane. "I think so too!" said Frosch. "Sure. I like that name. So where is your shower? I don't think you mentioned where that is earlier." said Lucy. "On the second floor. I'll show you." said Zane, motioned to the stairs. 

From inside Zane, Astaroth smiled. "Nice job Zane. You're already bringing a girl upstairs to the bedroom. You're making me proud Partner!" said Astaroth with a smirk. "Not going to do anything about him Zane?" said Havoc. "I would do something but you forget. Matrix is always here to rein back in the perv." said Zane as the A.I. was preventing the demon from speaking. "Right. I tend to forget that she can do that." said Havoc.  

While Zane was taking his own shower in his and Frosch's room, Frosch and Levy were taking a bath in one of the guest rooms. You may wonder why Frosch is taking a bat since most cats don't like baths but Frosch isn't like normal cats. Lucy asked Frosch if she wanted him to join him for one and Frosch said yes. She asked him to join mainly because of her worrying about someone from Fairy Tail breaking into the bathroom despite Frosch telling her that won't happen.

The reason for this is happening is simple. It starts with the letter f and consists of eight letters. Said blond was currently in the bathtub, enjoying it as the steam covered the entire room. She was also in her birthday suit with her naked body covered in the pink colored water and the naughty bits were covered by nature's censorships aka steam. Her hair was pulled off her forehead, exposing it. Her skin was sparkling and massive bounds of flesh were resting on the water.

Her massive cleavage was exposed. "This feels really nice. Even better than the baths at Fairy Hills. So are you going to get in Frosch?" said Lucy with her looking at the cat staring right at her. Inside of his signature pink frog costume, he was wearing nothing but a white towel. "Um. If you're really sure since well, you told me to keep an eye for any intruders." said Frosch. "It's fine Frosch. I'm sure you were right about your place's security and beside, I want to talk with you in particular." said Lucy.

After removing said towel, Frosch smiled as he walked slowly to the bath and entered it. The bathtub easily fit the two. The bubbles and warm water in the tub stood still. "So Frosch? Why did you and Zane join Fairy Tail?" said Lucy. "Um. Well....." said Frosch. He didn't want to tell Lucy the real reason why they joined the guild mainly due to Zane wanting to keep it on the downlow since the Order of Rukinity is a serious threat.

Instead, Frosch decided to tell a lie but a truthful one. "Don't tell Zane but I really want him to be more social since well, he is really antisocial." said Frosch. Even though Zane may seem like a personable guy, the feline could easily tell that Zane reveals his true self to only a handful of beings mainly the ones who have been with him for more than a hundred years. "Oh. I didn't expect that from him." said Lucy. "Yeah. He's really good at keeping secrets." said Frosch. 

Lucy looked at the roof with her thinking,"I guess he and I are the same.". It's time for a character's backstory which has been altered since Fairy Legion already did the backstory shown in the original material. Before joining up with Fairy Tail, she lived with her parents and had a comfortable life. Lucy did have her fair share of friends mainly ones that her father approved of. This was a small amount since Jude Heartfilia being worried of his daughter getting taken advantage of.

Yeah. That sounds different compared to canon Jude doesn't it. Lucy looked blankly into the water of the tub with Frosch looking at her. "So are you alright Lucy? You're not going to summon Nerida here are you? I'm sure she wouldn't be happy about that." said Frosch. "What? Of course not. I'm just thinking about something." said Lucy with her shivering in terror at the thought of summoning the easily triggered mermaid.

She smiled at the feline with her saying,"We should probably get dressed. Zane is probably waiting for us isn't he?". "Yep! I'll get out first and see if Zane left you some clothes." said Frosch. "Thanks and are you sure about that?" said Lucy. "Yep. This isn't the first time Zane has let someone use one of our showers before. Grace was first after Zane tossed her into the river." said Frosch with him getting out of the bath and a white towel. "Huh. That's interested." said Lucy.        

Some time later, Lucy was sitting in the living room with Frosch and Zane as the duo of Frosch and Lucy were drinking some tea. Zane wasn't since he was drinking from a flask. His flask is black with a small silver dragon wearing a gold crown on the top of it. The reason why Zane was drinking so early in the morning was simple. It was five o clock somewhere in the Omniverse. While Frosch and Zane were wearing their normal outfits, Lucy was wearing something different. 

She was now wearing a red t-shirt with said shirt emphasized her ample bosom since they stuck out to say the very least. She's wearing blue high waist jeans that ended slightly above her knees. Her jeans showed off her long, slightly toned legs that were a result of hard work with her having a lean layer of muscle under her smooth unblemished skin. She's wearing a pair of light blue open toed wedges with two straps around her ankles. 

The blond is wearing a gorgeous silver necklace with twelve tiny key charms on it. All twelve keys had a different design and a different symbol of the Zodiac. "This tea is really nice you two. What kind is it?" said Lucy. "I got it from a friend of mine and according to her, it's going to be the replacement for coffee which I doubt but who am I to dash someone's dream?" said Zane. "So why did you come to visit us? I mean you just came back from your job with Natsu right? How was it?" said Frosch. 

Lucy looked at the cat with her saying,"I did but I wanted to come see you two first thing before you two head out. So you two really haven't gone on a job yet? And my first job was interesting to say the very least.". "Nope. We decided to explore our home a little bit first and well, it was an interesting time to say the least. Want to hear about it Lucy? I'm sure after our story, you can tell Frosch about how your first job since I heard about it earlier." said Zane. "Sure." said Lucy.  

Flashback P.O.V.
It was the next morning after the match between the new guy vs the duo of Salamander aka Natsu and the Yuki-Onna aka Grace. In Fairy Tail's guild hall, it's usually pretty peaceful since most of the rowdy members aren't exactly morning people. "Ugh. Where am I?" said a groggy Natsu. He opened his eyes in confusion with him gently sitting up from the bed he was in. Said dragon slayer saw that he was in the guild's infirmary and well, he was confused. 

Natsu looked around as he thought,"Why am I in the infirmary? Did something happen during the fight?". "You're awake Natsu!" shouted the annoying yet somewhat endearing to some mascot of the series Happy. The feline landed on Natsu's lap with Natsu looking down at his adopted son. Before he could say anything to him, Lisanna ,who had slept on one of the infirmary's benches with this being made obvious with the beat up blanket and pillow beside her, smiled. 

Lisanna looked over at her "husband" and "son" as she said,"I'm happy you're awake you big lug". She stood up and walked over to her family. "Zane told me that you would wake up by tomorrow but I thought he was joking. Lynn also told me that you and Grace were supposed to be up in a few hours but instead, you were fastasleep." said Lisanna. "So how long was I out for? The last thing I remember is being knocked out by Zane." said Natsu.

After saying that, the pink haired teen stretching his arms and neck to get the stiffness out. It was well known that the guild infirmary's bed weren't exactly the most comfy beds around. "You were out like a light for over twelve hours! Zane unleashed a huge burst of energy to defeat you! He knocked out like it was nothing! Grace put more of a challenge than you did!" said Happy in an extremely blunt tone with Lisanna sighing as she began pinching her son's cheeks and pulling on them. 

This action caused Happy to wince a bit. "Happy. Didn't you promise me that once Natsu wakes up, you wouldn't remind him about the fight?" said Lisanna. "Sorry mom. I forgot." said Happy. As Lisanna was reprimanding the feline, Natsu was rather frustrated at what just happened. The Cross Species defeated him so easily. It was like how any S-Class wizard from the guild would do if he ever challenge one of them and only one of them made sure he wouldn't never fight him again. 

Natsu wouldn't say this aloud mainly due to him not wanting to be teased by the others but this one S-Class wizard had a rather short-fuse and wasn't very social unlike the others in the guild. For a while, he used to knock out the entire guild whenever he needed a job. This behavior did stop thanks to the duo of Levy and Mira forcing him to open up just a bit. He still had a tendency to knock people out with his sleeping spell but this only happened whenever he gets overwhelmed with the guild's constant partying.

Due to him becoming more social thanks to the girls, something else happened whenever this wizard gets overwhelmed. The guild really didn't want that side of him to come out. It made the destruction that Freed makes whenever he's the sadist rule breaker Freed or any one in the guild's destructive habits look like nothing. Natsu was the first one to learn this fact and well, he's scared of this single S-Class wizard despite saying that he isn't.

Natsu clenched the sheets of his bed tightly with him looking down at the ground. "No! I can't get give up now! I need to surpass my limits so I can prove to everyone that I'm a powerful wizard! Dad would be disappointed if he found out that the successor of the Fire Dragon King couldn't win against anyone who stood in his way!" thought Natsu. Before Natsu could continue to mentally berate himself after losing to Zane, a certain duo entered the infirmary. 

It was Grace and Tyrell with the female having a cocky smirk on her face. "It seems you finally woke up Natsu. That's good." said Tyrell. "Yeah. I honestly thought that you were going to be a coma after getting wrecked in record time." said Grace with Tyrell sighing. "You promised me that you weren't going to make fun of Natsu once he woke up Grace." said Tyrell. "Yeah. I lied Tyrell." said Grace with her shrugging. 

This comment angered the Dragon Slayer with him making his way toward Grace in record time and looked comically angry. Happy and Lisanna looked at Natsu with them worried for him since well, those two tended to fight each other a lot. "What did you just say stripperella?! Even though I lost to Zane, I'm sure as hell can kick your ass!" said Natsu with Grace getting pissed off. "Oh. I usually don't beat up the injured but if you're asking for it, I'm more than happy to deliver!" said Grace.

She also looked comically angry. "Bring it out! I think it's time to see who is stronger between the two of us!" said Natsu with him getting ready to fight Grace. "Sometimes. It's like a rule that these two have to fight each other whenever they see each other." said Tyrell with him walking over to Happy and Lisanna. "Aye! This always happen Tyrell!" said Happy with the youngest member being used to the rivalry between fire and ice. 

Lisanna sighed as she said,"It seems that everything is back tonormal. Mind keeping those two from destroying the infirmary? I rather not piss off Lynn any time soon.". "Sure thing Lisanna." said Tyrell with him being used to stopping these two from destroying the guild. "Aye ma'am!" said Happy with him saluting her. Lisanna smiled as she made her way out of the infirmary and into the guild hall. In the guild hall, Lisanna saw Romeo sitting at the bar.

He was enjoying some juice that was given to him by Makarov. Cana was nearby the youngest member of the Thunder Legion and was enjoying her first of many drinks for the day. "Good morning Cana and Romeo!" said Lisanna with her walking over to the duo. "Good morning Lisanna. So how is your little boyfriend doing? Is he still asleep after losing to Zane?" said Cana. "Nope. He's awake and fighting Grace after she and Tyrell showed up. Oh and Natsu isn't my boyfriend yet." said Lisanna.

After hearing that, Cana gave her a look that said,"Yeah right.". "We're still just friends but that will change I promise." said Lisanna. "Same old Lisanna and Natsu. You two haven't changed at all." said Cana. "So where are your babies Romeo? I usually see them float around you." said Lisanna. "They're over there." said Romeo as he pointed to a nearby table. Lisanna followed the direction where Romeo pointed and saw an interesting sight. 

One of the strongest newcomers in Fairy Tail's history Zane Strife was sitting on top of a table with him currently in a Burmese Posture and had his eyes closed. His chest was moving up and down, showing that Zane was still alive. The Cross Species had Romeo's babies floating around him and trying to get his attention. "So what is he doing?" said Lisanna. "According to Frosch, he is currently doing some mental training. Frosch warned us not to mess with him when he's like this or else." said Cana. 

What Cana didn't know is that Zane was checking in on sleepy which is a nickname for a powerful being who lived inside of him rent free. This being is Sivarth who Zane was pretty sure that he slept more than several colonies of koalas. He could also hear the Akostar snoring with Zane just accepting that one of his oldest friends was fine and didn't need to bother at all. It was mainly due to Sivarth being groggy is something that Zane doesn't want to deal with at the moment.  

Lisanna began looking around the guild hall for the other talking cat as she said,"So where is Frosch exactly? I thought he would be around Zane like Happy is with Natsu.". "He is upstairs talking with Gramps about yesterday. Apparently, big bro was holding back in his fight with Grace and Natsu." said Romeo. "Yeah. I know how strong Grace and Natsu really are. He defeated your boyfriend Lisanna with ease and while Grace did slightly better than Natsu, it was still in Zane's favor hands down." said Cana.

Her assessment was on point since she had been in the guild ever since she was six years old. "I guess we got a really strong wizard then. Both Grace and Natsu are candidates to become the next S-Class wizards so him defeating both of them was nothing to joke about." said Lisanna. "It reminded me of whenever Erza need to stop those two from fighting. He was so cool." said Romeo. "Yeah. I guess he was." said Cana, gaining an interest in Zane.

Up in Makarov's office, Makarov was looking at Frosch with the feline smiling. He would have asked Zane this but according to the feline, he was currently meditating and shouldn't be disturbed. "So do you think Zane will mind if I ask him to show us what he's truly capable of doing?" said Makarov. Frosch looked at the master with a neutral look with the feline thinking about his request. The feline was pretty sure Zane wouldn't mind showing off what he could do but it wouldn't be his full power. 

If he did that, he would cause an earthquake that would affect the entire planet and alert powerful beings to this dimension. These powerful beings would want to challenge Zane and no one in this dimension could stand a chance against these beings since this dimension is out in the boonies. Most beings from this part aren't exactly the most powerful but this dimension was created by Zane so maybe these beings were stronger than normal. Frosch however didn't want to take that chance. 

The feline was also somewhat aware of Zane's connection to Makarov thanks to what Zane told him at breakfast earlier this morning so over all, he was sure Zane wouldn't mind. "Um sure Master but do you have somewhere he could do that? He's really strong and tends to draw attention if he does. He could also destroy the guild." said Frosch. Makarov was slightly aware of how strong Zane was thanks to what his two godfathers told him about the unknown fifth founder of Fairy Tail.

Makarov nodded as he said,"Don't worry. I know of the perfect place where he can show off without attracting too much attention.". "Sweet! Once Zane wakes up....." said Frosch. The two heard something break and Makarov looked at Frosch. "That was Zane wasn't it? I'm sure one of my children didn't listen to your warning." said Makarov. "Probably. We should go make sure Zane doesn't kill whoever woke up him." said Frosch. Lets find out who didn't listen.  

In the guild hall, Happy ,who arrived a few seconds earlier, was waving his paws right in front of Zane as he said,"So is he asleep or what?". "I don't think so but you should find out for us Happy." said the babies. "You really shouldn't Happy. Ignore those devils." said Cana. "So where are Grace and Natsu exactly?" said Romeo, turning to Tyrell. "Getting a lecture from Lynn about destroying the infirmary. I tried to stop them but once those two get started, it takes an armored fist to stop them." said Tyrell.

Everyone at the bar knew who he was talking about with Tyrell looking around. "So where is the new girl Lucy?" said Tyrell. "Oh. Is someone interested in the blond? She is pretty cute right?" said Lisanna with Tyrell sighing. "It isn't like that Lisanna so don't spread any rumors okay?" said Tyrell. "Yeah and she's totally rocking a pair of DDs." said Cana. "Really? That's hot." said the babies with the outlier doll saying,"She's still a smaller size compared to Ever and Grace though.".

The outlier doll was hit by a fan as a woman stood there with her arms crossed. This woman is the final member of the three wizard team known as Thunder Legion. Her name is Evergreen. She is 20 years old with her being 5 foot 8. She has pale yet fair skin. She has chestnut brown shoulder length hair with it being a long and curly style, glossy dark brown eyes with oval glasses over them, and full lips which looks to be coated with a pink lip gloss. Her face is rather diamond shaped with a sharp jawline. 

She has a small and rounded nose with it giving the appearance of a porcelain doll. Her most noticeable feature is her voluptuous figure aka very large breasts, curvy hips, and a small waist. She's wearing a very short green velvet yet revealing dress. Her dress had a floral pattern to it. Her dress was currently under a brown leather coat with white fur around the inner trim and sleeves. She wore navy blue slightly ripped fishnet stockings and white high heeled sandals. 

Evergreen was currently holding a feathered purple fan with three hearts on it. Her green guild mark is located on her right bosom. She sighed at Romeo's babies lewd comments before putting the fan away much to their joy. "Romeo. Do you think you could keep your babies from saying such lewd comments in the presence of others?" said Evergreen. "I've tried several times Ever but it's like they have a mind of their own." said Romeo. "So who is this guy? I mean he's really good looking." said Evergreen. 

Happy smiled as he said,"Of course you would notice his looks first.". "You do remember what my eyes can do especially to cats who make unnecessary comments." said Evergreen with her staring directly at Happy. To make sure he got the hint, Evergreen's eyes were glowing yellow. "Protect me from the Gorgon Zane!" said Happy with him using Zane as a shield from Evergreen. Zane didn't protect the feline whatsoever since said cat was currently a stone statue. 

Evergreen sighed as she sat down at the bar. "Sometimes. That idiotic cat can be a real pain. Even when you warn him not to do something, he just does the opposite." said Evergreen "Yeah but I bet that was pretty nice. Turning him into a statue." said Cana. "Oh it was. I just wish we could have kept him as one. His time as a statue will be for five minutes." said Evergreen. "Thanks Ever. So the guy sleeping is Zane Strife. He and Frosch just joined yesterday along with Lucy." said Lisanna.

Romeo smiled as he said,"Yeah. Big bro is so cool Ever. I mean he helped me, Freed, and Cana save my dad plus he defeated both Grace and Natsu without breaking a sweat!". "Oh really? I guess that's why Grace was all huffy yesterday. She hates losing after all. So who is Frosch?" said Evergreen. "He's like Happy!" said one of Romeo's babies since the other six were messing with the stone cat who was slowly turning back to normal. "Another Happy joined?" said Evergreen with a worried look on her face. 

It was well known by the guild that Evergreen wasn't exactly the biggest fan of Happy. She didn't hate him but she wasn't too keen on him either. It may be due to her having a slight allergy toward the cat and not liking pointless commentary which the cat excels at. She also isn't the biggest fan of fish and Happy is. "Don't get so worried Evergreen. Frosch and Happy are two different felines since Frosch isn't obsessed with fish." said Cana. "Which is a crime against nature itself!" said Happy. 

Evergreen rolled her eyes as she said,"Oh. I guess we have to hear you talk again. Fantastic. Wish you were a statue for just a bit longer.". "Hey Zane! We need to talk!" said a voice. The guild turned to see Natsu staring down Zane with Grace and Lynn standing nearby. "You really think he would have learned his lesson but no. He didn't." said Lynn. "It's Natsu Lynn. Of course Natsu wouldn't learn his lesson. Both him and Happy are the same in that regard." said Grace.

The first thing she noticed was that Evergreen was slightly peeved and was pretty sure that Evergreen already used her Stone Eyes on Happy. "Fight me!" said Natsu with him shaking Zane. Zane made no sign of acknowledging Natsu and this confused Natsu. He was pretty sure that his voice was loud enough for him to hear. "I got it Natsu. You should poke him." said Happy. "Hey Zane...." said Natsu with him poking Zane's right shoulder and this caused his eyes to open up.

Instead of being storm gray, Zane's eyes were glowing red. "Natsu Dragneel. I think it's time for you to learn your place again." said Zane with him turning into a form and it shocked the guild since it was like nothing they had never seen before. This form is Hair Form. This form is a large, muscular being with him being eight feet tall. Most of his body is covered in dark blue hair except for parts of his face. He has a single pupil-less emerald green eye in the center of his face. 

Zane has a small red diamond shaped nose. His mouth is in the shape of a zipper and when he talks, it opens up. He has two antennas coming out of his forehead with it curling at the end. He has four fingers and toes. He wears a black tunic with three blue stripes and a blue collar. He wears a pair of gray jeans, gray gloves that go up to his elbows, and black steel-toed and buckled boots. "So Lisanna. Do you happen to know what type of Soul he has?" said Cana.

Cana was looking at the strange creature in front with her saying,"I want to say that he has the same one as Elfman but the human one from yesterday didn't look like anything this.". "You're so hairy now." said the dolls with them floating around Zane. Before Natsu could answer him, Natsu smiled. "Fine. Your strange Takeover means nothing to me! You're going down!" said Natsu with him planning on punching Zane in the face using his fiery fist. 

However, the dragon slayer was held in the air by tendrils of hair holding in front of Zane. "Shut up Natsu. Time for you to fly." said Zane. The hair tendrils tossed Natsu across the guild hall into a wall and making a noticeable bang sound. His body made butterfly like cracks upon contact with the wall but Natsu's punishment wasn't done. Zane soon unleashed a stream of dark indigo ,with a black and white outline, electricity from his hair tendrils toward Natsu. 

Said dragon slayer screamed upon the lightning making contact. Happy and the other wizards just watched it happen with them being reminded of three wizards. Take a guess on who and the answer is obvious. "Wow. That really was something. Reminds you of our leader doesn't it Romeo?" said Evergreen. "Yeah!" said Romeo. "You've learn your place hatchling." said Zane as the tendrils stopped producing elecricity. 

Zane turned toward Happy with the cat looked scared. "Please don't hurt me Zane!" said Happy. "Do it!" said the dolls with Evergreen agreeing with them surpringly. Before Zane could do anything, Frosch and Makarov was on the main floor. "Zane. I'm sure Natsu didn't deserve that. You should know that I don't allow killing your family within the guild." said Makarov with Frosch looking at Natsu who was twitching a bit. "But he isn't dead master." said Frosch.

Makarov looked at Zane with him saying,"Is he telling the truth?". "Of course he is Makky. Have some faith in this old geezer. I'll kill only if there is no other choice and you know this. He shouldn't have bothered me when I'm doing mental training, sleeping, or if I'm talking to someone. It's just rude." said Zane. He deactivated the form and walked over to the bar. Makarov sighed as punishing Natsu for being annoying wasn't new.

Most of the guild has used magic to stop Natsu from fighting them several times before. This usually led into a brawl. "Do you think Natsu will learn his lesson this time?" said Max. "I'm not a betting man Max but I'm sure that he'll be back to challenge someone clearly out of his league in no time at all." said Warren. "I think so too!" said Frosch as he landed on top of Zane's head. "So that must be Frosch. He's a talking cat like Happy but far more cuter due to obvious reasons." thought Evergreen.

She was a bit curious to see if he also bothered her allergy due to him being different from Happy for a rather unique reason. It was the fact that he wore some type of clothing unlike Happy who is naked most of the time. He only wears clothing at the beach or whenever Erza forces him to look. "Ow. That freaking stung." said Natsu with him slowly getting back up. "Are you okay Natsu?" said Lisanna as she helped him up. 

Natsu looked at her as he said,"I'm fine Lis.". She sighed as Natsu glared at Zane. "So why did you attack me newbie?!" said Natsu. "Because you shouldn't bother someone when they're doing their mental training or sleeping. Instead, you should have ask someone why I wasn't responding to you because they would have told you why. You're also very lucky that I didn't break you in two or kill you since my reflexes are very much trained for combat." said Zane.

Zane looked at Natsu with him saying,"It may because when I was young, my father constantly attack me or the more obvious fact of how I've been in several life or death situations. To end my lecture, my name is Zane. Not newbie.". "Okay. I get it." said Natsu. "Aye." said Happy. "Oh wow. You lectured those two into submission. Do you mind telling me how you did that? They tend to not listen to anyone other than Master and the great Titania." said Evergreen. 

The Cross Species looked at her as he said,"Sure. So we haven't met before. My name is Zane Strife and this is Frosch.". "Hi!" said Frosch with him waving to the brunette. "So is Frosch setting off your allergies Evergreen?" said Lynn, walking over to the bar. "Am I? Sorry about that." said Frosch with him getting ready to fly away from her or turn into a human. "Not really you two but I rather not take any chances. I can be around cats but touching them is another story." said Evergreen. 

Zane nodded as he said,"Ah. That makes sense to me. You can stay here but just don't touch her okay Frosch? I doubt you want to make such a beautiful woman like her sick. Go human if you need to touch her okay?". Evergreen looked at him as she watched Frosch nodding his head. "So are you two ready for the crash course of being a Fairy Tail wizards?" said Natsu with a bright smile on his face. "Not really hatchling. I'm more of a hands on learner and I'm well aware of a guild works." said Zane.

Natsu crossed his arms as he said,"Oh really smart guy? Then tell me how the request board works if you're so smart.". "Many different organizations or people put in requests to the guild and you put down the bare essentials for said request onto a piece of paper. Any member is able to take any job they would like if they can handle it of course. On the pieces of paper, you can find out the reward, who the employer is, and the location you need to go in order to complete the request." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"Before going on a job, you'll need to tell someone like Makky before going since I'm sure that keeping a record on who does what job is important and they'll need to tell the employer about who is taking the job. I think Makky needs me for something right?". Natsu sulked for a bit after hearing that explanation from Zane. "Yes I do. We'll talk upstairs." said Makarov. "Lead the way Makky. I'm all ears." said Zane.         

The two walked up to Makarov's office with Lisanna walking over to Natsu. "Cheer up Natsu. I'm sure you can show Lucy the ropes once she gets here." said Lisanna. "Yeah. So where is she? I don't see her anywhere." said Natsu. "She's probably still at the dorms. Why are you asking? You do remember what happened last time you tried going there without permission?" said Grace with her currently not wearing her jacket and sitting nearby the bar. 

She still had the tube top on at the very least. "Of course I do snowcone since I got the perfect beginner job!" said Natsu with him tearing off a specific piece of paper from the request board. "That was fast Natsu." said Frosch. "Yeah. Natsu is the type of guy to act before he thinks." said Evergreen. "I'll have you know that I had this job in mind for a while." said Natsu. "And long was that? Five minutes?" said Evergreen with Natsu glaring at her. "So what is it?" said Romeo. 

The dolls floated around Natsu with them chanting,"Yeah. Tell us.". "Something I need Lucy for. So do you mind coming with me and Happy Lis? I rather not do that again." said Natsu with him remembering being tortured by Laki. "Sure. Lets get going." said Lisanna. "This is going to be so much fun." said Happy as the family was gone. "Whatever job blonde goes on, I just hope it isn't too embarrassing." said Evergreen with Frosch confused about what she were talking about until a few days later.

Narrator P.O.V.     
Zane paused their story to let Lucy tell Frosch about her first job since the feline was curious about what Evergreen meant by that ever since he heard her mention that the job would be embarrassing. After hearing about Lucy's fist job aka the Daybreak Arc, Frosch looked at Lucy with him saying,"So how embarrassing was it?". "Very embarrassing. So what about you two? Why haven't you gone on a job yet?" said Lucy. 

The Cross Species crossed his arms as he said,"Well, I wanted to learn more about my home and I wanted it to be special. I could have done a job based on how much money I could get it by completing it or how difficult it may be but no. I wanted it to be special and none of the jobs there interested me at the moment.". "I guess that makes sense. So I bet you two are curious about how my magic work." said Lucy. "A little bit. You're currently contracted to Nerida." said Zane. 

Lucy blinked with her saying,"Nerida? You mean Aquarius right?". The kiss Aquarius and Zane was still fresh in her mind since it was so out of character for the mermaid. "Yeah. Me and her go WAY back. So you uses those keys of yours to summon your spirits right? There is a major flaw with your magic. If you somehow managed to lose your keys, you'll be defenseless and your spirits won't be too happy I'm guessing." said Zane with him starting to mutter up a storm. 

Matrix shook her head as she said,"And here comes the power geek. Even though he spent an entire day reading up on several types of magic here in Fiore, he still does stuff like this.". "Yeah but that's Zane for you." said Havoc. "Um Zane." said Frosch, getting Zane to stop since his ranting tended to freak beings out if they've never seen him do it before. Lucy was one of those beings. "Oh sorry about that. I tend to ramble whenever it comes to magics and such." said Zane. 

The blond smiled as she said,"It's fine Zane. Everyone has their quirks. Fairy Tail is a great example of that. So like Zane mentioned a bit earlier. To summon a spirit to our world, we use objects called gate keys. When I get a key, I summon the spirit and work out the details of their service.". "Huh?" said Frosch. "The reason why I do that is to determine when and where is the right time you can summon them. They tend to be rather picky when or where they like to be summoned." said Lucy.

She learned that lesson the hard way thanks to Aquarius who didn't like being summoned in a fish bowl or her bathroom. "Oh that makes sense. So many spirits are you contracted with?" said Frosch. "Nine spirits. Three of them I got from a family member, two of them I got after working a handful of shifts as a waitress for a diner, two of them I got for a reward for helping someone out, and I got this from a spirit herself." said Lucy, showing off her key ring with five gold keys and four silver keys. 

Matrix whistled as she said,"Oh wow. That's a lot of contracts. You have a good amount of options to handle a problem.". "Yeah. I'm just happy she isn't bragging too much about it." said Astaroth with his arms crossed. "Wait a minute. You mentioned how you got eight keys but I count nine keys." said Frosch. "Well, you two did help me get one key back in Hargeon remember?" said Lucy. "That's right! It was the white doggy right? Did you already make a contract with that spirit?" said Frosch.

Lucy nodded as she said,"That's right Frosch. I did make a contract with Nikora or Plue earlier but I can show you guys a couple of them but not all of them for a very obvious reason. Each spirit cost a certain amount of magic power from its caster with the amount of magic power depending on what type of spirit the caster chooses to summon.". "There are different types? I mean one half of your keys are gold and the other half is silver." said Frosch. 

The blonde smiled as she said,"Yes. The silver keys are the type you can usually find in any store. So far, I've got five of them. I have Crux the Southern Cross, Horologium the Clock, Lyra the Lyre, and Plue the Canis Minor or white Doggy thanks to you guys.". "What about the gold ones Lucy?" said Zane. "The gold keys are super rare since they are only twelve of them out there. These keys open the gates of the zodiac." said Lucy.

Frosch looked confused as Zane said,"I'm sure she'll explain which zodiac she's talking about in due time little buddy.". "Yep. I've got Aquarius the Water Bearer, Cancer the Giant Crab, Capricorn the Sea Goat, and Virgo the Maiden thanks to Everlue getting arrested." said Lucy. "Wow. That's really cool Lucy. You have spirits from the western zodiac." said Frosch. "Thanks. I guess you really aren't like Happy." said Lucy. "What do you mean by that?" said Frosch, tilting his head. 

Lucy looked at Frosch with her saying,"Your mouth isn't watering over me mentioning giant crab.". She clearly remembered both Happy and Natsu doing that when she mentioned her spirits to them. Happy was also slightly disappointed when Cancer turned out to be not what he expected. "That's due to the obvious fact of Frosch not liking fish." said Zane. "Is that true?" said Lucy. "Yep!" said Frosch. "Does Happy know that?" said Lucy, clearly aware of Happy's obsession with fish. 

Zane shrugged as he said,"He does and isn't taking it well. Lucy. I got to ask something. So are there only two types of gate keys?". "I think so. My magic teacher mentioned that there are three more types and these keys are much more rare than gold keys. There are Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire keys." said Lucy. "So I'm going to guess there aren't Black Keys, Blue Keys, Green Keys, Diamond Keys, Pearl Keys, Platinum Keys, Red Keys, White Keys, and Yellow Keys?" said Havoc.

Matrix blinked as she said,"Did you just list most of the core series Pokémon games?". "That he did Matrix old friend. He only missed the games in Generation VI to VIII since they aren't named after a color. So happy we don't have to worry about that pesky fourth wall." said Astaroth. "So I bet you two want to see how a celestial spirit wizard makes a contract." said Lucy. "Sure. I'm game since Natsu isn't here to challenge me." said Zane. "Sure!" said Frosch with Lucy giggling. 

She really did enjoy seeing how Frosch can switch from being serious to enthusiastic at the drop of a hat. "Wait. It isn't some kind of blood pact right? If it is, hide me Zane." said Frosch. "It isn't that Frosch. Just relax." said Zane, petting the feline with him purring. "Okay!" said Frosch. "Go ahead Lucy. Show us how a contact is formed." said Zane. "Sure." said Lucy, standing up and holding her newest gold key. 

Lucy held the key out directly in front of her with her saying,"I call upon three in the world of the Celestial Spirits. I beckon you to my sides at once. Pass through the gate!". As she was speaking, a gold magic seal was under her. "Open! Gate of the Maiden Virgo!" said Lucy. With the sound of a doorbell mixed in a drill, a orb of light appeared. The orb began to move around and began to form a human like shape. After a few second, a female appeared with Lucy's eyes widening. 

Virgo looked much different than she did before. Instead of being an eight foot tall ,guessing on her height here but eight feet just seems right, gorilla maid, she was now a five foot tall petite maid. She was less developed at least compared to Aquarius or Lucy but she would draw still attention to say the very least  She has short pink hair ,up to her chin, and blue eyes. She's wearing your average maid attire aka a black under coat, a white frilled-trim apron, white knee high socks, and black mary jane shoes. 

The most unique thing about her are the metal shackles around her wrists. Said maid was down on one knee, bowing to Lucy with her hand outstretched to the floor palm upward. "Did you call for me my mistress?" said Virgo. "Oh wow. She's much different compared to Aquarius." said Havoc. "Of course she is but I'm disappointed. I thought she would be more curvy." said Astaroth. "Astaroth. It doesn't matter if a woman is curvy or not, it matters how they look on the inside." said Zane. 

Astaroth looked at Zane with him saying,"I respectfully disagree with that type of thinking.". "You are Virgo right? I mean you look much better than you did when you served him." said Lucy. "Yes. I am Virgo. As a loyal servant of my master or mistress, I take up a form that my master or mistress would prefer so I may do my work faithfully. Does this not suit you? I can change back if you so desire." said Virgo with her turning into a massive, overweight woman with rather mannish features.

To some, she would be considered ugly but Everlue has a different view point of beauty. She had her hair was in pigtails. "My eyes! They're burning!" said Astaroth, covering his eyes. "Well, you got your wish Astaroth. She's more curvy now." said Matrix with her laughing at the devil's suffering. "No! You looked amazing in your other form!" said Lucy with her moving her hands frantically. "As you wish mistress." said Virgo with her going back to being petite and bowing to Lucy. 

Lucy sighed as she made Virgo stand up. "And I don't like it when my spirits bow to me. Don't do it again okay? You're my partners not my servants." said Lucy. "Understood. Do you wish to form a contract with me mistress? Please say yes." said Virgo with a smile. She was slightly aware of her new mistress's kindness thanks to what she heard from the other spirits but this was something else. "Sure but don't call me mistress." said Lucy. 

Virgo smiled as she remembered how Lucy used a whip against her former master and well, it made her excited. "How about dominatrix?" said Virgo. "Nope." said Lucy, holding up her arms in an X. "Boo you stink!" said Astaroth. "How about princess?" said Virgo. "That will work." said Lucy. "It seems Lucy has a bit of an ego doesn't she?" said Havoc. "Yeah she does but at least, she could work as a princess unlike that one chick Zane met and her ego is smaller than Zane's." said Matrix. 

The maid looked as she said,"Okay then Princess. I'll need your hand and some of your magic to imprint upon so I may be at your beck and call whenever you want.". "Without any hesitation, Lucy took Virgo's hands and shook them. "Happy to have you as part of the team Virgo!" said Lucy who had a big smile on his face. "As am I princess. I hope we can kick all kinds of butt together." said Virgo, smiling at this. "So are you're going to keep ignoring me and Frosch Dig Dug what?" said Zane.  

Virgo looked at Frosch and Zane with her kneeling to the two of them. "It's good to see you two once again Master Frosch. Master Zane. I know that I swore my services to princess but whatever you need from me, just ask and I'll be there for either of you." said Virgo with her emotionless voice having a just hint of emotion in it. "Sure. You haven't changed at all." said Zane. "You know him too Virgo?! I thought it was just Aquarius who kissed him!" said Lucy. 

The maid turned to Lucy as she said,"Of course I do princess. Zane is a old friend of all twelve Zodiac spirits and someone I greatly respect. I shouldn't say how we know each other but he's someone I rather not make upset.". "Yep. So are you going to leave Virgo? I mean you're draining your princess's magic power by being here." said Zane. "Of course but you can sense it right? I wasn't sure what the others meant by her having great potential but I now can see that she'll become a powerful wizard." said Virgo.

Zane nodded as he said,"Yeah no doubt about that.". Lucy smiled after hearing this from both Virgo and Zane. "Wait Virgo. Before you go, can I ask you something?" said Lucy. "Sure princess. Does your question require me to be punished for not telling you about my connection to Master Frosch and Master Zane?" said Virgo. "Somewhat. I know that you and Aquarius somehow knew Zane but why did he call her Nerida? I thought her name was Aquarius." said Lucy. 

Virgo looked at Zane as she said,"Do you mind if I tell her Master Zane?". "Go ahead. She should learn more about the Celestial World. I wonder why Craig or the young scholar Crux didn't teach her about but I guess he was more focused on making her strong. There is nothing wrong with that of course but she should learn more about her magic." said Zane. "Of course. As you were taught by Capricorn, there are only twelve golden keys out there." said Virgo.

Lucy nodded as Virgo said,"The spirits that can be summoned using one of the golden keys has been handpicked by Eldon, the Celestial Spirit King to represent one of the twelve Zodiac. The Zodiac were given life thanks to one of the Elemental Templars. If you wish to know about the Elemental Templars Princess, ask Capricorn. We are then given the name of that zodiac. Nerida is the seventh and most current Aquarius right after her mother Hali and she's a descent of the first Aquarius Ophelia.". 

The maid bowed to Lucy with her saying,"I know that you said not to bow to you Princess but this is something I must do if my summoner learns my true name. My true name is Venus and I'm the most recent Virgo. Your spirit Cancer's true name is Clyde, Capricorn's true name is Craig, and Taurus's true name is Terry. If you wish to call me or the others by our real names, I'm sure we won't mind but Nerida is another story since she tends to be quite volatile as you are well aware.". 

After the quick history lesson, Lucy sighed. "Okay then. So I'm going to ask Craig about this later. So is it weird for me to give my Nikora a name?" said Lucy. "Not at all. Master Plue is just one of many Lupus spirits. He really likes the name by the way." said Virgo. "And you're quite lucky to have Plue in your arsenal since he's the creator of the Plue Copter, the principal of a high school, and he's a really good dancer. One of the best I've ever seen." said Zane. 

Lucy had to agree with the latter statement of Zane since the gesture and motions he made to communicate with her was adorable. He could speak but only "puu-puun" which only Natsu could understand. According to Lisanna, Natsu had a way with animals. "Do you mind answers more of my questions Virgo?" said Lucy. "Will I be punished if I don't? Or will I be punished if I do? Either or is good with me." said Virgo. 

Frosch looked at Zane with the Cross Species saying,"Yeah. Venus is more of an M compared to Nerida who is an S.". "Okay then. So is it common for Celestial Spirts wizard to give spirits name and is it common knowledge that the Zodiac spirits have names?" said Lucy. "It is not common for either of your questions Princess but something to be admired. So may I leave now? I wish to tell the others about me being your latest spirit." said Virgo. "Sure Virgo and you're my latest friend no spirit." said Lucy. 

Virgo nodded as she was gone. "So Lucy.  I got to ask you something before we go." said Zane. "Sure what is it?" said Lucy. "I'll be up front about this. Your last name is Heartfilia is it not?" said Zane as the blond girl gave Zane a shocked look. "How do you know that? I never told you that. Did you read my mind without my permission? Who told you? Did my father hire you to bring me back? Because I won't go back without a....." said Lucy.

Zane stopped her from talking as he said,"Lucy. Calm down. Do you really think your father would hire someone to bring you back?". "No but how do you know my last name?" said Lucy. "Isn't it obvious Lucy?" said Frosch. "No. It isn't." said Lucy. "I'm really good friends with most of your spirits and we chat about stuff. You also bear a striking resemblance to a Heartfilia I met. In fact, I honestly thought you two were the same except for a obvious difference." said Zane, sipping his tea.

Lucy looked at him as she said,"Okay but please don't tell anyone you two. I really don't anyone to know about it. They probably would treat me differently.". "Well, I won't. You're just Lucy to me not some rich girl. The guild would think the same I'm sure." said Frosch. "You're a good person and I don't hate you despite your flaws being traits I hate. Your attitude and vanity are something I'm not a fan of but here's the thing. I don't judge a being just based of what traits they have shown to me." said Zane. 

Zane looked at her as he thought,"I wasn't going to tell anyone Lucy since well, I have my own fair of secrets.". "So are you ready to go? I'm sure they're missing us at the guild hall." said Zane with him deciding to change the subject. "Yeah! It's time for us to go on our first job!" said Frosch. "Lets get going. I'll show you guys Plue later." said Lucy. "Ah Master Plue. It's always good to see him. I just hope Princess will treat him well or else, she'll regret it." said Astaroth. 

Havoc placed a hand on him as he said,"Calm down. I get where you're coming from but you need to relax.". "Yeah. I doubt she'll hurt him since he and Frosch are too adorable to hurt." said Matrix. "So another question for you. Did they give you gloves?" said Zane. "Gloves? Why?" said Lucy as she saw Zane lock up his house. "Your guild mark Lucy. Duke Everlue sounds like an idiot but your guild mark is an obvious tell." said Zane. "Ah." said Lucy. 

Frosch looked at her as he said,"Yeah. That would probably make your infiltration harder since Fairy Tail is really famous. If this duke guy was smarter, he should have hired more than two goons to take care of you three.". "Yeah but we had it handle. Aren't you forgetting about Happy?" said Lucy. "Unlike Frosch, Happy doesn't really do much beside comment pointlessly and be used as a way to fly Natsu around right?" said Zane. Lucy really couldn't argue against that.            

The trio of Frosch, Lucy, and Zane eventually arrived at the guild around ten o clock in the morning and the guild currently having one of its normal brawls. Lucy spotted a table flying toward them, leaving her to yelp as she ducked. Zane sighed as he cocked back his left fist and threw it forward. It shattered into a dozen pieces. "Seriously. Can they go one minute with having a brawl?" said Zane. "You of all beings should know the answer since you've known the guild since its founding." said Havoc. 

Matrix nodded as she said,"Yeah. Was the guild like this back in the day?". "Not from I recall. Right after the founders founded the guild, the Second Trade War started so there wasn't any real time for roughhousing." said Zane. "Ah. That sounds real interesting and totally not boring at all." said Astaroth. "So I got to ask you something Frosch." said Lucy. "What is it?" said Frosch. Before Lucy could ask her question, Natsu charged right toward the Cross Species.

While engulfed in flames, Natsu smiled as he said,"You’re going down this time for sure Zane! Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!". He was flying toward Zane at an incredible speed. Lucy was freaked out by this with her using Frosch as a meat shield. Instead of trying to dodge it, Zane stood there and swung his body to the right, easily evading the fiery headbutt. Zane grabbed the dragon slayer's leg and tossed him into the wall, making a Natsu shaped hole in it.

Zane sighed as he said,"Natsu. You shouldn’t announce that you’re planning on attacking me. It gives me time to counter you quite easily mind you. If this is how you start out all of your fights, I got to say I'm not impressed.". After hearing that, Natsu slowly stood back up. "You just got lucky Zane! You will train me!" said Natsu. "How about no? You must know my requirements by now and only Grace has earned the right to be trained by me." said Zane as Natsu charged at him. 

Lucy looked at Frosch with her saying,"So while Zane keeps Natsu busy Frosch, you and Happy can both fly right? And what does Natsu mean by Zane training him?". She pointed to the blue feline who was currently eating a fish nearby his momma who was working at the bar today. She and Frosch were ignoring Natsu and Zane with the dragon slayer trying to land a punch on Zane but each one of his hits was blocked by one of Zane’s sheathed swords. 

It was Lazarus Soul since Zane was well aware of Fafnir's dislike of being using as a shield. "Yep. I'm pretty sure that I'm faster than him when it comes to flight but I could be wrong. I haven't seen him fly before. However, Zane here taught me to always have a diverse move set." said Frosch. "That sounds right. You turned from adorable cat to a monster cat. I guess Zane is pretty strong since he's making quick work of him." said Lucy.

She looked over at Zane who kicked Natsu into a table thanks to a solid blow to the head and the dragon slayer was panting a little bit. He was trying to land a single hit on Zane but couldn't. Lucy was slightly impressed by Zane due to her remembering how Natsu fought against those bounty hunters and Virgo the other day without breaking a sweat. "As you can see folks, being like Natsu will never get the hint unless you hit them hard." said Havoc. 

Matrix sighed as she said,"You do know that they can't hear us at all right? And does this count as Zane training him? Also. You need to hold back more Zane. Your kicks can cause brain damage.". "Havoc knows that Matrix but it's better to speak your mind rather than not saying anything at all. I count it as training but will Natsu is the question you should be asking." said Astaroth. "According to Zane, it's always good to have a trick or seven up your sleeve just in case." said Frosch.

Frosch crossed his arms as he said,"The reason why Natsu wants Zane to train him is because of the spare from the other day. Shortly after you guys left for your job, Zane offered to train Grace and she accepted. Natsu must have heard about it and wants Zane to train him. If Natsu can land a noticeable hit on him, Zane will train him. That's typically the normal requirement to be trained by Zane. However as you can clearly see, Natsu hasn't done that yet." said Frosch. 

Lucy looked at Frosch with her saying,"Really? What a weird requirement. So Grace was able to do it but not Natsu.". Zane made a dark indigo spiral like portal appear in front of him. "Yeah. I’m pretty sure that Zane let Grace hit him since he sees potential in her and you too Lucy. Natsu on the other hand is another story." said Frosch as Lucy watched the portal swallowed up Natsu. Within seconds, Natsu reappearing above where Grace was eating a salad.

The weight of the dragon slayer destroyed the table where she was sitting at. Said woman was currently missing the bottom half of her clothing but this was normal to say the least. "I was eating here! What the hell is wrong with you flamebrain?!" said Grace as she took off her jacket and tank top. "Hey! It wasn't my fault! Blame him!" said Natsu, pointing at Zane. "He's right about that Grace. Sorry about that. I didn’t plan on him landing there since I was aiming for the lake." said Zane. 

Grace nodded as she said,"That's cool. So did you get him to train him like I did?". "Nope because I can't even land a single hit on him. How the hell did you land a hit on him?!" said Natsu. "Because she's a much better fighter than you since she has both brain and brawn. You have one of those things while the other one is nothing more than ash. Guess which one I'm referring is to ash." said Zane. Before Natsu could do anything, he watched Zane get captured in ice. "Now go land a hit on him." said Grace. 

Natsu glared at her as he said,"I didn’t need your help!". "Yes you did. Now I can have some…." said Grace with her seeing that the ice around Zane was melting away. "Oh wow. You decided to help out your rival. Color me impressed. I guess you like him after all." said Zane. "Okay. You’re going down Zane. I will freeze you." said Grace, getting ready to fight. "You remind me of my pal Cryonic. He tried to freeze me but I broke out." said Zane. 

The duo of Grace and Natsu charged at Zane who stood there. "So what kind of magic was that portal Frosch?" said Lucy. Frosch looked at Zane who nodded while blocking Grace and Natsu’s fist using only Lazarus Soul. "See that tattoo on the back of Zane's neck? It comes from him making a pact with a Chirotirian." said Frosch. "Chirotirian?" said Lucy. "It's a species that's long since extinct but it still lives on thanks to the devils of the modern era." said Zane.

As he was speaking, he made Grace and Natsu crash into Elfman much to his annoyance. "Devil?! You make a pact with a devil!" said Lucy. "Yeah. It was to help protect those who can't protect themselves and those close to me. Worth it in my books." said Zane with him watching Grace and Natsu forget about him due a portal where their attacks hit someone else instead. They were now fighting Elfman who claimed that attacking him while his back was turned wasn't manly.

While walking over to the trio of Frosch, Levy, and Frosch, Cana smiled. "Oh wow. You really like being a superhero don't you Zaney?" said Cana. "Yeah because well, I wanted to be one since I was a little kid." said Zane, shrugging. "Whatever. That spell of yours is really handy for travel isn't it? So since you made the fight worse, mind stopping it?" said Cana. "Nope. The fight is over since little Makky is planning on stopping the brawl within a time period of five seconds give or take." said Zane. 

Cana and Lucy watched as Makarov ,using his right expanded fist, stopped the brawl with ease. "That looked real painful and well, how long did it take for him to ?" said Lucy. "Five seconds exact. So Frosch. How good is Zane at gambling?" said Cana. "Pretty good since his luck is unmatched." said Frosch. "Yeah but I'm sure that this won't stop them from fighting any time soon." said Astaroth with a smile. 

The devil could sense the determination from these fools. "Yes. These Fairies are quite resilient. A perfect guild for one of the most stubborn beings in the Omniverse and it makes sense he is the one who created this dimension." said Matrix. Zane looked over the wreckage that was caused in the guild hall and held out his left hand. Chair began rearranged themselves, broken arms and legs snapped back together, and spilled food was placed back where it was. 

Cana looked at Lucy with her saying,"So Lucy. Congrats on completing your first job. Destroying a mansion is no small feat.". "Thanks I think. Natsu claimed that he didn't mean to do that but well, I have my doubts about that." said Lucy. "Yeah. Out of everyone in Fairy Tail, Natsu and destruction go the best together." said Cana. "I think so too!" said Frosch. "So I have to ask. You wouldn't happen to know how Zane got Grace to train her would you?" said Lucy. Lets find out shall we.

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