Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fairy Legion Chapter 48 A Star is Born

A/N: Yep. We're on the final chapter of the filler arc consisting of Chapter 42 to 48. After this episode, we'll begin the Tower of Heaven arc and it'll be a good one. If you liked the changes that I did for the Phantom Lord arc, I hope that you'll enjoy the changes that I do for this arc. This author note won't be having the next One Piece chapter recaps since I rather switch it once in a while. The next one may be the next One Piece chapter recap but I'm not sure yet.

It isn't like how I'm still on the fence for doing the Key of the Starry Sky Arc since I'm trying to find a way to incorporate Zane into it and the fact that I'm not too fond of the arc in general. The concept in general kinda interests me but the fact that it's Lucy centric makes it hard for me to come up with anything new and creative while keeping the story in tact. I think I can do the Eclipse Celestial Spirits arc since I did change up the Celestial Spirits a bit. Lets talk about that.

I pretty sure that I mentioned before that I was going to give Lucy a power up in the form of Star Dress since well, Lucy kinda needs it in my opinion. In the main canon and in my opinion, Lucy didn't really become a force to be reckoned until the Grand Magic Games. This is because of her gaining access to her second origin, gaining the ability to summon more than one spirit. She could do this in the Loke Arc so I decided to give her the ability to do that naturally.

She'll also have the ability to perform a Unison Raid and when the Oracion Seis arc happens, she will gain access to Urano Metria. As Natsu's mate, she has some of Natsu's abilities such as enhanced senses and the ability to use fire magic. She won't be able to cast Fire Dragon spells any time soon but she'll have a higher temperature tolerance and able to use fire magic. Do note that she won't be able to open/summon three spirits at once and able to summon the Celestial Spirit King.

That won't happen until after the time skip. I kinda need to make sure that Lucy isn't stronger than the rest of Team Natsu except for Happy. The trio of Erza, Gray, and Natsu are stronger than her even with this power boost. I'm including Erza despite me making it very clear that I don't think she is that powerful at this point in the story. After Tower of Heaven, I may be saying something about her but you'll just have to wait and see. Got to keep something secret.

Oh, I should mention how the Celestial Spirit King is a Magnus and his name being Eldon is canon to only Fairy Legion but not Fairy Tail and Zero. I'm sure that I mentioned this before but I decided from the very start to make this series several years in the future from Zero since I wanted to write a Zane who is experienced and making this series non canon to Zero is much easier than trying to make it canon. If I try and do that, it would be a nightmare.

Everything that has and will happen in Zero is canon. This has been a cold hard rule from day one of writing Fairy Legion. However, there is an exception to this rule. If there is something from Fairy Legion ,like Jaime and Nemo, that can work in Zero, I'll incorporated into the series. Zero characters can appear in Fairy Legion but only if they are immortal/can live into the future and not dead. What I mean by the latter is that if they died in Zero not in between Fairy Legion and Zero.

I could bring back Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra who died ,during the Massacre, but that's kinda tasteless in my opinion. I mean a death ,fictional or real life, should mean something and stick at least in my opinion. Despite Fairy Tail's inability to kill off their characters unless they are evil, the deaths that they do have still mean something and affect the characters somewhat. One Piece does this as well as of Chapter 968. Wano could prove me wrong. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
It had been three days after Loke was saved from death and things have calmed down. The group of Erza, Gray, and Stella were walking down a dirt path that led to Zane's house. Fairy Tail decided to throw Kaida, Sly, and Zane a potluck. The reason Zane decided to allow this in the first place was because Kaida wanted to have the party at the guild hall but it was still under construction due to Natsu's tantrum.

This tantrum came to be after Zane refused the fire dragon slayer from seeing his mate after she used a high amount of magic power to save Loke from well dying. Zane also kept the information of Loke being a spirit from the guild until Loke told them but Makarov knew about it. It was actually pretty easy for the elder since he saw Loke ,as Leo, being used by Karen back in the day when he was visiting his old friend Bob at the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall.

As payment for slowing down construction again, Zane told them that they could come over to his place for the potluck and nothing else. The Cross Species know that they chose not to hear that but they did hear him saying party as they began to plan for the potluck. It was decided to be a potluck being that each guest would bring a random dish of food or refreshments to Zane's place. Erza was carrying a pink box that had a bakery's logo on top.

She asked if she could bring the cake which Zane agreed to much to the guild's shock. Happy asked Zane why he would let his most hated rival pick out the cake and Zane told him that he was going to get more than one cake for the party so more diversity in cake choices is always a good thing. Gray had a pack of sodas ,which he used his magic to keep cold, in his right hand, and Stella was bringing a bag of chips and salsa.

Stella looked around as she said,"So is Natsu still sulking or what? I haven't seen him the past couple of days ever since Lucy passed out.". "He'll show up." said Erza. "And how come you're so sure about it? While I'm worried about Lucy, it's nice not to see him worrying about her. He should know that Zane can be trusted by now." said Gray, with him wearing nothing but his pants. "That makes sense and you really shouldn't be naked in any regard for a party Gray." said Stella.

Gray blinked with him saying,"Huh. Guess I did.". "You really should be more concerned about your stripping habit. I think both Happy and Natsu will meet us at Zane's place." said Erza in a matter of fact tone. "You really think so? What makes you so sure?" said Gray. "I just know Natsu Gray." said Erza. "Yeah Gray. Those two are really close after all. So who wants to bet that Happy and Natsu both forgot to bring something?" said Stella.

Erza looked at the dragon slayer with her saying,"Are you insinuating that Natsu is forgetful?". "I think she's is Erza but I'm pretty sure that Natsu ate it on the way here. So what type of cake are you bringing?" said Gray. "It's a strawberry cheesecake with royal chocolate icing over it." said a happy sounding Erza while opening the lid. "Oh wow. That looks really good and I usually don't like sweets." said Stella.

Both Gray and Stella noticed something interesting about the desert. There was a triangle-shaped piece outlined with regular strawberry frosting. "So what's up with the strawberry piece Erza?" said Stella. "I got that piece for Natsu and the rest is for me." said Erza. "So let me get this straight and tell me if I'm wrong. You're bringing a cake to a potluck and you're going to not let anyone else have a piece except for Natsu." said Gray.

Erza nodded with her saying,"Of course Gray. This amazing desert is too good to shape but to make amends with Natsu after my recent behavior, I'll give him a piece. Is there a problem with that?". She looked at the duo with a scared expression. "Nope!" said Gray. "Yes I do but I'm just happy that there will be cake for everyone else thanks to Zane predicting you." said Stella. Suddenly, their attention was caught by a loud explosion like boom that shook the ground.

Gray said,"So what in the nine realms was that?!". "Nine realms?" said Stella. "Sly and Zane say it a lot so I thought I might as well." said Gray. Erza looked forward and could see a black mushroom cloud in the distance. The point of origin was coming from... "That explosion came from Zane's house! Lets go!" said Erza, worried for Lucy and Natsu. Despite her not liking Lucy for stealing her man, the blonde was still a Nakama.

The trio ran down the narrow path until they arrived in Zane's front yard. In the middle of the field was a newly formed shallow crater was a large smoke cloud heading toward the sky. Around the crater's rim, there were emerald green , with a obsidian black tint, were burning strong. Without warning, a small blue cat and pink haired teen crashed at the trio's feet. The cat's fur was slightly singed. "Ugh. My head is spinning." said Happy with swirling eyes.

Natsu groaned with him saying,"Wow. Zane is really strong and I can't believe that she's standing up to her but she's strong.". "Um. Who are you talking about flamebrain?" said Gray. "Is it obvious snowcone?" said Natsu. "No. That's why I'm asking." said Gray. "Um Gray. You'll get your answer if you look in front of you." said Stella. He followed her pointed finger back to the field and his eyes widened. "No way. Is that Lucy down there?!" said Gray.

The wizard saw their blond teammate ,awake, standing ten yards to the left of the crater. Her body was covered in a golden fire like glow. Her pupils were silt like a reptile and her teeth were elongated like most dragon slayers. "Come on Zane. I know that you're much stronger than that or are you get slow in your old age?" said Lucy, taunting Zane. "Lucy is fighting Zane?!" said Erza, wide-eyed and worried for Lucy.

She was slightly worried about Zane's safety but the red haired knight knew that Zane could handle a little damage. Lucy was another story. All of a sudden, a twelve foot tall creature stepped out from the smoky crater with him stretching his body. It was Brick Form ,who first appeared in Fairy Legion Chapter 3, but the upgraded version of the form. He changed from a weird looking building block like creature into a more organic version.   

He's now twelve feet tall. He has a slender yet muscular figure to him. His skin color is a black color with green stripes. His head is a white circle shape and he has two indigo eyes with black markings over them. His chest is a rectangular shape. He still has large arms and legs with his arms and legs consisting of large steel gray bricks. His feet and hands are now a circle shape with five thin brick like fingers and toes to it with holes in the center of his palms and soles. 

Zane looked at the blond with him grinning confidently. "Got to say that I'm kinda impressed with your new power set Lucy. I guess that you challenging me to a quick spar wasn't a waste of my time I could be spending with Peanut. Lets switch it up." said Zane, switching out of the organic brick form and turning into Pyre Prime. Since we seen Pyre Form before in Fairy Legion, I suggest checking out Fairy Legion Chapter 23 for more info.

With that out of the way, let me show off Pyre Prime. He's now sixteen feet tall with large arms and legs. His body is still made out of tan gray gas burners that are constantly active. His hair is now down to his waist and his jaw looks sharper. He still wears his black and red helmet that now covered his face. Over his blue-green hallowed out eyes, he has a obsidian black crystal visor with two blue-green dots for eyes. His jaw, mouth, and nose are covered by a mouthguard aka five grillplates. 

His body is covered in a charred maroon rock, rough looking metal armor that covered most of his body and had water going through the grooves of his arms, chest, and legs. His shoulders now naturally have mini volcanoes spewing plasma out of them. His left arm still has a volcanic looking blade that has a large flame covering the tip of his blade. His right arm ends with a blood red cannon. The cannon has water going through the sides of it, giving it a very unique appearance. 

Instead of Zane's signature flames, his fire is now bluish white color with a tint of gold to it. It was now plasma as well. "Since you're on fire right now, I think I will as well." said Zane with him punching his left fist into his cannon palm. "What are they doing?!" said Stella. "Lucy must have pissed Master off for him to do this in the first place." said Gray. Happy was going to say something about that but one look from Erza shut him up.

She had an threatening aura around her and her eyes were covered by her hair. "Someone for the love of Mavis please tell me why are two friends fighting each other to begin with? According to Zane, Lucy was unconscious due to her expelling a high amount of magic power." said Erza in a slow tone. "You're totally right Erza but this was her idea. Natsu was against obvious but Lucy was so determined to fight him!" said Happy.

Stella looked at the cat with her saying,"Um Happy. Are you sure about that? I would ask Natsu but I don't think he's listening to me or us in general.". Natsu was focused on the fight with Happy smiling at the dragon slayer. "Yep. Oh and Zane told me to tell you this Erza. Shut up Prude Knight. Anyone being a control freak is a massive turn off. Let us have our fun because both Lucy and Peanut wanted this from me. I don't think you want to make either one of them upset right?" said Happy.

Erza's eyes twitched as she looked at Zane with her saying,"While that may be the case, there should not be any fighting between guild members especially when one of them just woke up.". She was going to stop this fight but was stopped by Sly in her human form. "Stop Prude Knight. Lucy wanted this because she got her mate's fighting spirit and also this is too good to stop." said Sly. Lucy looked at the prime version of one of Zane's forms with worry before it switched into determination.

The blonde said with a toothy grin very similar to Natsu,"Bring it on tough guy!". "If you insist your highness." said Zane. The ground below his feet suddenly rumbled until it suddenly ripped out of the ground and floated in the air with Zane. The hero began to fly it through the air ,treating the rock like a surfboard, and he said,"Hellfire Emperor Absolute Method: Crimson Fury!". Zane took in a deep breath with him firing a giant torrent of flames out of his mouth. 

The heat from this spell was much stronger, hotter, and powerful than normal. This shocked the group watching this except for Sly. The torrent forged a burning trench in the ground, instantly vaporized anything in its way. However, Lucy stood there as the powerful inferno came at him. "Move away Lucy!" shouted Erza, Gray, and Natsu. The aura around Lucy changed from a gold fire like substance into a gold water like substance with her smiling.

Lucy said with a smile,"Time for my Celestial Torrent!". From around her, a large mass of water appear and she threw it at the torrent of flames. The two opposing elements clashed being that it created a huge cloud of smoke. "A very nice job switching elements Lucy. Starting with Natsu's fiery fire into Nerida's calming water." said Zane. "I think we have different opinions on what Aquarius's water is but thanks for the compliment." said Lucy.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Yeah but that makes life interesting. Having a different opinion on something be it big or small is better than having the same opinion on something.". "What is going on here?!" yelled Erza. Lucy nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Erza's voice and Zane sighed. The two fighting turned to see the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Sly, and Stella standing there.

The "strongest" of the group was the head and had her fist clenched while the other arm held her oh so precious cheesecake. "I'll ask this again and I better expect an answer from either of you. What is going on here?" said Erza with her practically demanded an answer and having a serious expression on her face. "And who is winning? I mean you two are fighting so something must have happened between you two." said Stella. "Did you call him a pervert again Lucy?" said Gray.

Zane looked at Lucy who shrugged as he said,"We're not fighting Prude Knight and I'll tell you what we are doing if you ask me nicely.". The hero leaning back on his floating boulder and treating like it is a couch. "Zane. In the time you've known her, do you think she'll actually say please?" said Lucy. "A Cross Species can believe Lucy. I like to give people benefit of the doubt and hope that they'll change for the better." said Zane.

Lucy sighed as she said,"We got bored waiting for you guys and I wanted to try something out so I asked Zane to spare with me to kill some time.". "Huh?" said the group except for Sly. "Hold on. So you two weren't fighting. So why did Happy and Natsu get sent flying?" said Stella, pointing to a lightly burned Happy. The cat was slowly getting back on his feet with Zane saying,"Happy got too close to me using two exploding bricks and I'm so sorry about that happening.".

The blonde crossed her arms with her saying,"Zane. I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that you're lying about that.". "I could be telling the truth Lucy." said Zane. No one believed him. "So why did you get hit Natsu?" said Gray. "Because he was fighting Luce! I wanted to stop them but she told me not to! Isn't that obvious?!" shouted Natsu. Gray got in Natsu's face with an icy-blue aura emanating off his body and glared at his rival. "You better shut up or else you scaly mouth bastard." said Gray.

Natsu glared at him with him saying,"Oh yeah?! What are you going to do about it you pervy flasher?!". His signature flames appeared around his body. "Seriously? Those two are going to fight now?" said Stella. "You've known these two for how long and you're still asking that question? It's like questioning why Gray strips or Zane is an asshole. You just accept it." said Sly. "Aye." said Happy, slightly less dizzy than before.    

Before a fight could break out, Erza stepped between them and pushed the two wizard apart from each other. "Enough!" yelled Erza in a stern tone. Both boys jumped back in terror with their elemental aura that had surrounded them vanished. "Aye!" cried the two boys. "And those two are what we called whipped to fear someone who isn't very scary." said. "And that's the mighty Erza for you Zane!" said Happy. "Mighty isn't the word I would use to describe her." said Zane.

The hero deactivated the form with him wearing a different outfit than his normal Earthland attire. He is wearing a simple black shirt with a dragon claw in the center of the shirt, dark blue gym shorts that go past his knees, and the shoes he wears in Earthland. He's also wearing all of his accessories. "She's a prude." said Zane. Erza sighed, closed her eyes, and shook her head. "If you two wanted to pass the time, you should do something more productive like training." said Erza.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Um Prude Knight. That's what we were doing.". "No. You two were fighting." said Erza. "No. We weren't." said Zane. The two were about to start fighting being that unlike with Gray and Natsu, no one could really stop them once they got going. "Sly. Shouldn't you try and stop them before they start fight?" said Lucy. "I would but Natsu is going to do that for me. I may not be able to see into the future like Zane can but I know people." said Sly.

Gray and Natsu looked at each other with them grinning excitedly. "Now that you mention it , I could go a few rounds with Zane and maybe Lucy or Stella if they doesn't mind." said Gray, looking at the girls. "While I don't mind Stripper, Lucy might." said Stella. "I guess so but please don't me too rough Gray. I'm still learning how to use my new powers." said Lucy, covering her fists in a gold glow that once covered her body. "Before that Luce, I want Zane to do something for me!" said Natsu.

Zane looked at him with him saying,"And why do you expect me to do that Hatchling? I'm currently arguing with Prude Knight here.". "Because you don't want to make Kaida mad. Remember what she wanted you to do for your little girl." said Sly, earning a sigh from Zane. "Okay fine. So what do you want me to do? Do you want me to party like the roaring twenties or something like that? Kinda hope you want me to do that." said Zane.

Natsu blinked with him saying,"No. I want you to turn into that one form of yours.". "I kinda need a name or description of their powers if you want me to turn into him." said Zane. "Can't you just read his mind and find out what form he wants?" said Happy. "I would but....." said Zane. "Turn into that bug that can breath fire!" shouted Natsu with a vein throbbing on his forehead. "Okay fine but don't yell. I got really sensitive ears." said Zane.

Instead of turning into Frost Form, Zane turned into Salamander Form. "Um. I think he asked for Frost Form Zane." said Gray. "He knows that." said Sly. "So why didn't he?" said Lucy. "Because it's my choice and don't worry Natsu. I'll give you the fire you're looking for except I'll do it much better as a lizard rather than a bug. Salamander Prime." said Zane as his body glowed bright purple and turned into Salamander Prime.       

The form lost his salamander like appearance to become a strange fusion of komodo dragon, raptor, and tortoise. His body is two times bigger than before, being 16 feet tall. His gray scales turn dark red. His white shell turns black with it now covering his arms, chest, and legs like a suit. His shell is very durable and light at the same time. The underside of his shell is a snow white color. His fins are now replaced with crystal version of them being that they now naturally produce frost from them.

His tail has three icicles sticking out of them. His face stays the same being that his icicle beard is more noticeable in this form. He can extended or withdrawn two long gray bio-cannons that come from his shoulders. "Okay. This way cooler than the bug form." said Natsu, getting ready to fight. "Okay but he asked it for it. You got that Prude Knight?" said Zane with Erza nodding and the group stood back from the duo of Natsu and Zane.

The lizard aimed both of his cannons at Zane, firing two torrents of fire at Natsu who reared back his head and inhaled it. All of a sudden before Natsu could react, his entire body was encased within a large chunk of ice and said ice was covered in a layer of electricity. "He didn't know that while this form can breath fire like a dragon, it can also combine elements which I did. I combined the trio of  fire, ice, and lightning to entrap Natsu." said Zane, shaking his head.

Erza looked at him with her saying,"And how was he supposed to know that?". "Prude Knight. You should know this but with me, you really should expected the unexpected." said Zane, earning a loud sigh from her. "So you combined two different elements together? So why does it look like fire exactly?" said Lucy. "Who knows? I kinda like him this way. Less annoying." said Gray. "I do too but your clothes Gray." said Stella with her looking annoyed.   

Gray looked down to see that he was in his boxers once again and began to pick up his clothes off the ground, putting them back on. The ice around Natsu slowly began to crack away until the ice chunk shattered into tiny fragments. His body was covered in fire with him glaring at Zane. "You lied to me Zane! You said that you were going to give me fire but that wasn't fire!" said Natsu. "I did give you fire Natsu but with a twist." said Zane.

This answer only pissed off Natsu being that the flames around him increased, jumping at Zane with his left fist cocked. "That's it! You're going down! Fire Dragon Iron...." said Natsu. The wizard didn't get a chance to finish as Zane turned into Terrapin Form. Just as Natsu was casting his signature spell, Zane was doing something. His head went right into his shell, showing that he was looking out using the holes in his chest.

He made his two legs fused into a large flipper like appendage, matching his two large flipper like arms. His shell hovered in the air and the three flippers began spinning around his body. He was looking like a fan as Natsu was trapped in the air. "Hey! Put me down!" said Natsu. "Nah. How about we got for a ride on the Terrapin Tornado instead?" said Zane. The turtle moved Natsu around in a circle, causing the dragon slayer to get motion sickness.

After seeing the green faced Natsu, the turtle dropped Natsu onto the ground hard and his eyes were spinning. "Here is some words of advice which you'll ignore but whatever. Never charge into anything without a plan. It gets results yes but most of the time, you make an ass out of your self. While I pretend to do that, I'm always several steps ahead while I act like I'm not." said Zane in a wise, sage like tone.

Gray nodded with him saying,"That does sound like Natsu. Both the running ahead without a plan and ignoring your advice.". "I kinda thought that Zane was going to use that really big rock guy or the ball guy to deal with Natsu but a giant turtle, I didn't see that coming!" said Happy. "I kinda did. It's Zane. He tends not to do the same thing twice." said Lucy. "You really should listen to his advice for once Natsu. Zane knows a fair deal about battle." said Sly.   

Erza nodded as she said,"And while I hate to admit it, Zane is right.". "Okay." said a sick Natsu. The rest of their group was shocked by how Erza was saying that Zane was right about something. She may dislike Zane for many reasons mainly his blatant disrespect toward her and how he treat Fairy Tail but she does respect him in some regard. Gray shook off his surprise as he had an idea. He placed his drinks in Lucy's arms with him saying,"Hold this Lucy.".

Lucy looked at him with her saying,"Okay then?". "So Zane. You may have defeated Erza a handful of times and Natsu more than twenty times but you and I haven't fought. So lets fight." said Gray with Zane blinking. "You're going to fight Zane too Gray? Huh. I didn't see that coming. Really wish that I could see the future." said Stella. "Yeah Gray. He may use those forms that beat the living tar out of you!" said Happy, talking about Frankenstein Form and Thunder Form.

After hearing this, Zane smiled with him turning into a new form that the group had never seen before aka Galaxy Form. He's twelve feet with him looking like a muscular humanoid rhino. His armor like skin is a gray color except for his chest and face which is a black color. He has cropped green hair and four glowing aquamarine eyes. All fours of his eyes have yellow sclera. He has triangular thin elf shaped ears with the insides being crimson red.

He has two muscled arms with five black fingers. He has two long muscled legs with three sharp black toes on each foot. The tip of his tail resemble a lightning bolt. He wears a black and white two-strap Gracian chest belt around his chest with black pants. He wears dark red spiked shoulder pads on his shoulders. He wears a black and white Roman style helmet with a plume of dark red feather running down it. The rhino wears brown fingerless gloves. 

Zane has three silver metal blades coming from his elbows. "Okay Gray but be prepared to fear another one of my forms." said Zane with him having an rough yet calming British male voice. The two walked away from the rest of the group to make sure that no one got hurt. "That's some pretty big talk. I think you need to cool down Zane. Ice Make: Lance!" said Gray, firing a barrage of icy lances at him.

Much to his shock, the rhino broke the lances with a single punch. "While you may be right about me talking big, you're still going down Gray." said Zane, smirking. "Ice Make: Arrows!" said Gray, forming a giant ice crossbow construct. He held it out and fired a bombardment of ice arrows right at Zane. Unlike before and despite his size, Zane jumped over them with ease. Lucy squealed lightly with her taking a couple of steps back.

She eventually reached where Erza, Happy, Sly, and Stella were standing along with a still motion sick Natsu. "So do you think we should stop them you guys? And when is Kaida coming back Sly?" said Lucy. "Hold on. Kaida isn't here. Where is she?" said Stella. "She's out with Levy at the moment so we'll be fine." said Sly. "And to answer your question Lucy, I think it's best for Gray to learn his place the hard way." said Erza.

As she said this, the knight crossed her arms over her breastplate. "Me thinks that she's still mad about losing to Zane at least four times." said Happy, earning him a glare from Erza and the cat tried to hide behind Natsu who was still dizzy. Zane landed in front of Gray, delivering a punch to the ice wizard's solar plexus and knocking the air out of his lungs. This sent the ice wizard careening back a few meters before landing on his side.

Zane crossed his arms with him saying,"Gray. I can easily see your attacks coming from a mile away and this is without me using Crisis Judgement warning me of the possible danger that could happen. Like I've told you and Natsu many times during our training session, the key to victory is knowing your opponent and how they operate. If he's good with close quarters, you fight him at a distance. If he's good at a distance, you fight him in close quarters.".

Gray groaned, slowly getting back on his feet and holding his sore chest. "And how am I supposed to do that? You're good at close quarters and at a distance." said Gray. "Figures. I guess you're weaker than Hatchling. Such a shame." said Zane. "He isn't going to fall for Zane's taunt is he?" said Lucy with Stella looking at her. "Lucy. It's Gray." said Stella. "Yeah. You're right." said Lucy. Gray shot forward at Zane with a goal in mind

The reason why Gray was charging at Zane is pretty simple. He fell for Zane's taunt about him being weaker than Natsu which in my opinion ,Check out Fairy Legion Chapter 43, he is. He drew back his left arm with his arm covered in frost. He was getting ready to slam his fist into Zane's face and was shocked to see his fist caught in Zane's right hand. "Like I said, I can see you coming from a mile away." said Zane.

Zane tighten the grip on Gray's fist with the ice wizard feeling the bones in the hand grind together and the hero sighed. "Sometimes Gray. Your predictable will get you killed." said Zane, cocking his left arm back and punched Gray in the stomach. This sent him rolling across the ground and stopped right in front of the crowd watching. "You've hoped that you learned a very vital lesson from this Gray." said Zane.

Gray groaned in pain, standing up on shaking legs and glared at Zane. "Don't charge at god without a plan?" said Gray, nursing his injured hand. "Nope. You've missed the point. You need to learn how to ignore someone who is insulting you. A smart opponent can always beat a strong opponent if they can trick the strong opponent into making fatal mistakes. Brains always beat brawn most of the time." said Zane.           

Lucy blinked with her saying,"So how long did that take? I wasn't keeping track.". "I think about five minutes Lucy. Gray got his butt kicked by Zane and then lectured by him." said Happy, seeing a very familiar scene. "And I think Gray has learned his lesson the hard way." said Erza. "I sure did but I think you made a big mistake Zane." said Gray. "Like Prude Knight has down with her feelings toward Hatchling ever since she learned about Nalu?" said Zane.

Gray shook his head for no with him saying,"Nope. I think you got those two excited for a spar with you.". "Oh. I see you what you mean. Okay. Lets do this ladies." said Zane, getting in a fighting stance and had a smile. Like Gray said, Erza and Stella wanted in on this fight. Erza gave Lucy her bakery box to Lucy with Stella doing the same with her chips and salsa. The blond had her arms full of food with the duo saying,"Hold onto this Lucy.".

Lucy blinked with her saying,"Are you two kidding me?! Why am I the pack mule?! And why won't you help Gray?!". "My hand is in pain." said Gray. "If you're willing to fight Zane, I want to fight him as well." said Erza, ignoring Gray and Lucy's conversation. She was in her Black Wing Armor and Stella cracked her knuckles. "While I may be scared of fighting you mainly when you're mad, I think it's time to rock and roll!" said Stella.

Zane chuckled with him saying,"Sure thing ladies. I'm happy to wipe the floor with you two before the party begin.". "That's some big talk there Zaney. Lets see if you can back it up or are you all bard and no bite?" said Stella. For a moment, the three stared at each other and waited for the other to engage first. The trio let out battle cries as they charged at each other simultaneously. "So who do you think is going to land the first hit?" said Happy.

Sly shrugged as she said,"I may be biased but got to go with my partner Zane here.". "Of course you would. I'm going with Stella." said Gray. "And no one is going to go with Erza huh?" said Lucy. "I guess so." said Happy. Erza reared back her sword, Stella made an earth construct battle axe with it being the same one from Fairy Legion Chapter 29, and Zane deactivate Galaxy Form with him getting ready to punch someone.

A small shockwave was created when the forces collided. Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Sly stood by and watched. The blond's jaw was danging off her face with Happy bursting with excitement. "This is so cool!" said Happy. Gray watched as Zane dodged a punch from Stella and countering her with a very strong knee to the face. The girl was sent crashing into the ground as Zane made his right arm into a buckler shield, blocking Erza's sword.

Before Erza could do anything, Zane said,"Lets go Sweet Shield.". Several tendrils came out of the shield and captured Erza, throwing her toward the charging Stella. The knight crashed into Stella's diaphragm and knocked the air out of her lungs. "Yeah. I'm just happy Zane didn't do that to me." said Gray as Lucy agreed. "Didn't you train with Zane earlier Lucy? This is actually pretty normal for Zane." said Sly.

Lucy placed the potluck dishes on the ground with her saying,"Yes but Zane knows that I'm not exactly battle crazy like they are. I'm still learning how to use my new powers.". "I think you're just making excuses Lucy because you're a chicken!" said Happy. "You just made a big mistake there Happy." said Sly, shaking her head. "Got to agree with her furball." said Gray. Happy blinked as Lucy grabbed his head within seconds.

Her left arm was glowing gold with her saying,"If you're so brave Happy, how about you join the fight too!". She tossed Happy toward the fight with the cat screaming. Zane could hear Happy's scream of terror and smirked. He manipulate Stella's kick so instead of hitting Erza like she had planned to, she instead kicked Happy ,in the face, back toward where Gray, Lucy, and Sly were. It may seem like that but he was actually heading toward Natsu.

Natsu had just recovered from his motion sickness and ready to deal out some payback using his fiery fists. "You're going down Z....." said Natsu as he got a headbutt from his feline pal. The two both fell onto the ground with large comical bumps on their head and swirls in her eyes. Lucy smiled at this with her saying,"So I don't think anyone would mind if I count that as a victory for me.". "Nope. I don't think anyone will mind at all." said Sly. "Yeah. You earned it Lucy." said Gray.   

About half an hour later, the group of Erza, Stella, and Zane finished their training. Erza had received the most damage being that she was the main target for Stella and Zane. After she got sent toward the ground by Stella and Zane's combo for a third time, she watched the two duke it out. A clone of Zane was using her head as an arm rest much to the knight's anger. Stella and Zane were currently engaged in a brutal hand to hand fight but it came to a deadlock.

Due to their spar, a few craters were scattered across the grassy field. To prevent any more damage to Zane's house, they decided to call it a draw. After the spar had ended, Happy and Natsu regained consciousness with the fire wizard not too keen on missing the spar. Thanks to Zane, Stella had a few scraps on her body. "Come on man! That's so unfair! I was out cold the whole time you guys were fighting! I want a rematch right now!" said Natsu.

Sly rolled her eyes as she said,"Um Natsu. Are you a sadist? I mean you've gotten beat up how many times today alone?". "Maybe another time Natsu. You weren't so bad Stella. I mean I didn't get to fight you personally but I really did enjoy when you punch Prude Knight in the face. It was really good and hilarious." said Zane. "Thanks Zane." said Stella, blushing. "Wow. You got it bad for him don't you Stella?" said Gray with him getting a boulder to the nuts.

This caused him to double over in pain. "Learn your place Gray." said Stella. "So Zane. Don't you think we've gone a bit overboard with the training? I mean your front yard is ruined." said Lucy as she pointed to the multiple holes and upturned dirt. "Yeah but it killed time and I got a repair crew on standby for this kind of stuff so no big deal." said Zane. "Then why did you make such a big deal when Gajeel and his groupies did this during the war?" said Erza.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"Because I'm petty. You should know this by now Prude Knight plus they invaded my property and Jude was being a scumbag pappy. He had it coming.". As the duo of Erza and Zane were bickering, Stella stared at Zane's back. His outfit didn't do a very good job at how well toned he was and her face was getting hotter. "So why did you hit Gray in the nuts? It may have been funny Stella but...." said Natsu.

Natsu ,of all people, noticed that Stella wasn't responding and followed her eyes toward what she was staring at. It was Zane being that Natsu grinned cheeky. "So Stella. I bet you're enjoying the show aren't you?" said Natsu. Stella snapped out of her daze with her saying,"What?! No! I wasn't staring at Zane!". "Come on Stella. I may not be the smartest person around but it's obvious to everyone that you like Zane. Why not just be out in the open with it like Juvia is?" said Natsu.

As he said this, Natsu thought,"Oh wow. No wonder why Mira and Zane love teasing people. It's so much fun!". Stella's blush deepened as she turned to Natsu. Natsu looked at her with him noticing a very dangerous aura. "You'll stop this right now or else, I'll give you something more painful than a boulder to the nuts." said Stella. "Yes Ma'am!" said Natsu, saluting her. "So why is Natsu saluting Stella guys?" said Happy, attracting the group's attention to the scene.

Sly and Zane looked at each other with Sly saying,"Who knows why Happy? So when is the little one coming back?". "I think in about five seconds. She really enjoys the place." said Zane, looking down at his watch. "As do most people. It's one of the most popular tourist destination in the Gamma Anchor System." said Zane. "Um. What are you two talking about?" said Gray. Zane's watch beeped as he smiled.

He opened his pocket dimension and pulled something out of it, getting the interest of the wizards and their cat. It's similar to a pricing gun mixed with a modern day gun. It does have a thicker than normal barrel which comes in the form of a gray cylinder with a black handle and trigger. It has a big muzzle with a glass half sphere at the end of it. On the side of it, there is a power meter with the scale ranging from green to red. Green is in the good and red is in the bad.

Lucy looked at it with her saying,"Hold on. Isn't that the thing you used to send those three away to Zenith World?". "Zenith World?" said Erza and Stella. "Yeah and I'm getting them back. I just got a message from Levy. I kinda want Kaida to spend time with her family rather than an amusement park." said Zane as he pulled the trigger. A horizontal beam of green light appear in front of the glass sphere and it didn't go out too far. Next to the weapon, there is a 12 by 12 inch holographic screen.

It starts out being light purple and slowly gains portal shaped objects. These portals are different dimensions through the Omniverse. Zane picked one and a portal opened up. "That's so cool! What did you just do?" said Natsu, looking confused yet interested. "I opened up a portal to another dimension Natsu. It's thanks to the Omniverse Traveling Device. I can use it to travel to other dimensions within the Omniverse easily." said Zane.

Erza nodded as she said,"This is fascinating Zane. So would it be possible for us to travel to other dimensions?". "That's a hard no Prude Knight. For a multitude of reasons, I try not to take people outside of their home dimensions. Lets just say that humans or Terrans as my friend calls them are very valuable in the more seedy parts of the Omniverse. I'm also sure that those two would cause me a heavy amount of paper work." said Zane, pointing to Gray and Natsu.

Following Zane's fight, Gray and Natsu looked at each other and they said,"Why are you comparing me to ash for brains/stripper snowcone?". "Because you two are like a younger version of Theron and Zane's grandfather." said Sly. "So if you don't allow us to leave this dimension, why did you let your five year old daughter and girlfriend?" said Stella. "Because I trust Levy to protect Kaida and they have a pretty good bodyguard." said Zane.

Before anyone could say anything, the Earthlanders looked to see something coming toward them from the portal and got ready to attack it. "Hey partner. Shouldn't you stop them from hurting him or vise versa to be more specific?" said Sly, earning a shrug from Zane. The Earthlanders watched a giant ,about 6 feet and ride able, pegasus ,which had elements of several different animals, fly out of the portal. It's a male flying horse.

His body is a black color with a mohawk-like crest of hair that goes from the top of his head to the base of the neck of crimson red flames. He has several yellow spots with it completely covering his body. He has light tan hooves with brown eyes and gray duck like bill like muzzle with four noticeable tusk-like pinches to the four corners of his duck bill. He had a green fur collar. He has a large dark red fan-like tail.

He has two long, eagle like wings sprouting from his shoulders. The tips of the wings are crimson red. He has a brown saddle with black, red, and white patterns. He's equipped with silver armor. He's pulling a large red wooden chariot ,with red and white flame like decal, with two wheels. The most noticeable thing about the horse was that his nose was running. On the chariot, Kaida and Levy stood there with Levy waving to her friends.

Happy blinked with him saying,"So does everyone else see the Pegasus or is it just me?". "I think we all see it Happy but can't believe it." said Gray. "Yeah. Why is his nose running?" said Natsu with the horse quaking. "Did that horse just quack?!" screamed Lucy. "He isn't a horse Lucy. This is Papa's old friend Buzz and an Elemowl!" said Kaida, hugging Buzz's neck very tight as her little arms could do. This earned her a happy sounding quack.

Stella blinked at the strange sounding quack with her saying,"Huh. I guess I can understand why you don't like taking people outside of their home dimension if creatures like Buzz exists.". "Yeah. It's super obvious. So did you enjoy your time at Zenith World you two? And thanks for keeping an eye on them old friend." said Zane, helping Kaida and Levy out of the chariot using his telekinesis. "It was amazing! I really enjoyed seeing your history come to life!" said Kaida.

Erza looked at Zane and before she thought to ask Zane what is Zenith World, she decided to ask Levy this question instead. "Levy. Do you mind telling us what Zenith World is? And what is an Elemowl? I would ask your boyfriend but...." said Erza. Levy looked at Zane who was currently petting Buzz and she nodded. "Yeah. I kinda figured you would ask me since Zane doesn't like telling you anything because he hates you for his personal reasons." said Levy.

The knight was about to say something but decided to keep her thoughts to herself for a moment. "An Elemowl is a powerful Phantom with him able to breath out and generate flames that can burn the strongest of cold. He can also fly pretty fast and adjust to altitudes while carrying a person. He and Zane are old friends since Buzz helped Zane take down one of Zane's rogues known as Father Nature and save his friend Rachel from the bastard that Rachel's older siblings set her up with." said Levy.

Lucy looked at Zane with her saying,"Wait. Zane broke up an arranged marriage?". "Yeah. Him and Rae are very close so seeing her go to a sister loving scumbag just pissed him off. I remember that beatdown like it was yesterday." said Sly, reminiscing of the good old day. "So what about Zenith World Levy?" said Gray. "Oh. It's a dimension that's just a theme park. It's dedicated to Zane and all beings that saved the Omniverse countless times. Mainly Zane." said Levy.

Natsu looked at Zane with him saying,"Wait? There is a theme park dimension?!". "And why Zane mainly? So why are you excited about it Natsu? We can't go because Zane told us we couldn't." said Happy. "Because it sound awesome little buddy and look." said Natsu, pointing to the Omniverse Traveling Device that was in Zane's left hand. The two sneaked toward Zane with Lucy saying,"So should we try to stop them or not?".

Gray shrugged with him saying,"Nah. Those two numbskulls will learn their lesson eventually. So to get an answer for Happy's first question.". "Zane is the easily most popular and famous being in the entire Omniverse. According to one of the history exhibits that at Zenith World, Zane's life is an entire year of study at most colleges in the Omniverse." said Levy. "Interesting. It really does seem that Zane has lived quite the amazing life." said Erza.

Zane walked over to them with Kaida sitting on his shoulder and Buzz behind them. "Yeah. It's filled with high and lows with the lows hurting the most. Sorry for taking you away from the park Peanut but I need you to meet a very important friend of mine." said Zane. "And who is this important friend of yours Zane? Is it someone like Danny or Gwen? We've already met Danny." said Levy. "Yes and she and I could be considered more than just friends." said Zane.

As the group was left to wonder what Zane meant by that, Happy and Natsu were about to grab the OTD (Omniverse Traveling Device) but they were stopped. Buzz looked down at them with him glaring at them scaring them back. "Sorry! We won't do it again!" said the duo. "I highly doubt that but lets go inside. Buzz, you can leave if you want or go visit Nemo. It's up to you old friend." said Zane. Buzz quacked as he wonder what he was going to do.

A bit later, Zane ,in his normal Earthland attire, sat in his living room. "I knew this was going to happen but gods damn it." said Zane. Like the last time that Team Natsu were here at the Omniversal Chateau, the group of Erza, Gray, Happy, and Natsu were currently going through his house and left nothing in its initial place. This "investigation" began after Team Natsu and Stella laid their dishes on the table in the kitchen.

This "investigation" would have consist of opening drawers, going through his laundry, and examine anything. "So Zane. Got anything to eat or ....?!" said Natsu, opening the fridge and getting a boxing glove to the face. "Come on door! Open! I want to see if you have dirty clothes in here!" said Happy as he tried to open the door to the laundry room but was stopped by Natsu. The boxing glove sent Natsu from the kitchen toward the laundry room.

Gray would have lay down on one of the couches in the living room ,wearing nothing but his black boxers, but was being held in the air by several metal wires that came from the ceiling. "Can I please come down now Zane?" said Gray, getting shocked by the wires. "I'll let you down Gray once you idiots learn what personal space is." said Zane. "So never." said Stella, sitting next to Lucy who had Plue on his lap.

The spirit had a goofy smile on his face. "Yeah. So do you think you could install this into my place or what?" said Lucy. "Won't your landlady get mad if we mess with her building?" said Kaida, sitting on her father's lap. "I'm sure with the right amount of jewels, Zane could commit a murder in your place and she wouldn't mind." said Sly, in her dragon form. "Got to say that I'm impress Zane. I thought you would be pissed off about them going through your house." said Stella.

Zane sighed as he said,"I am but I promised myself that I wouldn't get too mad and well, I expected this to happen.". "That's a good thing. So I know where Gray, Happy, and Natsu are but where did Erza go?" said Levy, hearing an electrical shock and boxing glove go off. "I'll go find her and don't let him down." said Zane, standing up. "Will do papa!" said Kaida, saluting her father with the three older girls gushing on how cute Kaida can be.

The hero walked into the hallway, seeing an unconsious Happy and Natsu, both smoking from the high amount of voltage. "Idiots." said Zane in Uwaric. Without any warning, a high-pitched squeal rang through the house. The group except for Gray and Zane ran out of the living room and headed to the kitchen. "So are you going to let me down?" said Gray. "Yes. Now lets go." said Zane as Gray was dropped onto the ground.

Both boys joined the girls in the kitchen with Zane saying,"So what happened?". Erza was standing by the counter, staring a familiar device. "You have your Legion Void Knight Slushie Maker?!" said Erza with hearts for eyes. "So what's why you squealed?" said Lucy, raising an eyebrow. "I honestly thought she saw a bug and was going to laugh at her for being scared of bugs." said Stella. "And my reason for having one here Prude Knight is because of her." said Zane.

He pointed to Sly who shrugged. "Well, I can't head down to the guild hall all the time if I want a slushie so I asked Zane to make one for the house." said Sly. "She really means that she begged Zane for a good four hours until Zane eventually did." said Levy, earning a chuckle from Gray. Erza noticed a dozen small cups to the left. Each cup was filled with a different flavor. She picked up one of the small glasses, having some condensation in it.

The knight lifted the cup up to her lips, tasting the green and silver substance. Once again, Erza squealed like someone seeing Baby Yoda. "This flavor is really good. I've never had it before." said Erza. "That's the Cyber Form flavor. It's mainly Apple and a hint of Pear. Zenith Industries have made a lot of slushie flavors over the year." said Zane. "Since it's kinda appropriate, what haven't you done in your life and why have you done so much?" said Stella, crossing her arms.   

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I've done a lot in my life Stella for one simple reason. As my teacher once told me, an immortal needs something to keep the mind occupied so they don't go too crazy and honestly, it's kinda fun having random skills.". "I guess that makes sense." said Natsu with him and Happy walking over to the group. "So did you two learn your lesson about going through people's house without permission?" said Lucy.

Natsu nodded with him saying,"I guess but man, that glove packs a serious punch.". Erza ,from out of nowhere, broke out in applause and clapped her hands. She had a cheerful smile on her face. "So why is Erza clapping? Has she gone crazy?" whispered Kaida. "I'm not sure myself Kaida but I rather not question her sanity like he does." whispered Levy. "While I may disagree with you most of the time, I have to thank you for bringing us slushies." said Erza, clapping.

Happy blinked with him saying,"Okay then. I know that slushies are good but I can't believe that there is more than one person this crazy for them.". "Yeah. I kinda expected Sly to be the addict but Prude Knight? I didn't see that coming." said Zane. "Yeah. Those two are weird." said Happy. "Like you have room to talk." said Lucy. It was pretty obvious to the blond that everyone in Fairy Tail has a couple of screws loose some more than others.

Erza heard the others talking about her with her glaring at them. "Clap." said Erza. The rest of Team Natsu screamed and quickly clapped their hands in applause. The four smiled as sweats drops ran down their faces. "Wow. You guys are whipped." said Stella. "Yeah. I don't get why myself though since she isn't scary." said Zane. "Yeah." said Kaida. Before anyone could say anything, there was a knock at the door.

Sly looked at Zane with him saying,"Must be the others. I'll let them in since well, I don't want to deal with this clapping anymore.". He deactivated the alarms and opened the front door. Outside of his front door, Alzack, Bisca, Cana, Droy, Elfman, Jet, Juvia, Macao, Makarov, Mira, Reedus, Vance, and Wakaba were standing there. "This is a really nice place Zane but now, it's time to party." said Makarov.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned intangible as the group of wizards ,except for the trio of Bisca, Juvia, and Mira, ran by him and stormed into his living room while dropping off his dishes and party favors in the kitchen. "So I'm kinda impressed with you Zane." said Bisca. "What do you mean by that Bisca?" said Mira. "Zane hates crowds a lot and he's well aware of how crazy our parties can get. I don't think he's gotten mad once." said Bisca.

Zane shook his head with him saying,"Oh. I'm pissed Bisca but I'm trying not to ruin a party that's for the three Alvarez family members and well...". The four heard a lot of screaming and electric shocks being that they were getting tortured by Zane's "childproofing". "I'm enjoying their suffering and I'm billing the Coward for everything broken." said Zane, smiling. "Yep. He's a sadist." thought the three girls in unison.

Later after everyone had stopped looking through Zane's house due to them almost dying a handful of times mainly Droy and Jet, they began helping themselves to the variety of foods brought over. Zane had pretty much everything on a table except for the cake that Erza brought. He watched Natsu take the slice that Erza had set aside for him and the hero hoped that this was the start of those two getting together or talking.

The hero was currently sitting on the sofa, drinking from his flask and talking with the large group of Team Shadow Gear, Juvia, Kaida, Macao, Wakaba, and Cana about Team Maelstrom and Dante's battle with Lewis Haynes. Except for Juvia and Levy, the group of wizards were interesting by what the super hero told them. "And then, I used my armor and aimed several cannons at the guy. All of the energy created an explosion that blasted him out of the volcano." said Zane.

Juvia smiled with her saying,"While destroying the volcano in the process.". "Wow. That's just insane but from what we heard about you, this is actually pretty tame for you." said Macao. "Yeah. I never heard about someone destroy an entire mountain or volcano before you came around." said Wakaba with him agreeing with his old friend. "Yeah. I've been able to break mountaintops since I was sixteen years old." said Zane.

In the kitchen, Natsu was devouring a giant, grilled chicken leg and Happy sat on the bar counter with nibbling on a fish he brought over. Lucy and Stella walked over to them with Lucy sighed as she watched her boyfriend stuffing his face with the cooked poultry. "Natsu. You do know what the point of a potluck is right? You're supposed to bring some food not just eat everything that the others brought to it." said Lucy.

Natsu turned to them with him saying with a full mouth,"We did!". "Swallow your food." said Stella in a reprimanding tone. Natsu swallowed with him saying,"We brought over a pie and we did!". "So where is it then?" said Lucy, raising an eyebrow. "On our way here from the pie shop, Natsu got super hungry so he ate it." said Happy. "And I was right. Can't you hate a little bit of time for something to eat Natsu?" said Stella.

Back in the living room, Reedus walked up to where Zane was sitting on with four framed pictures stacked in his arms. "Hey there Reed. What are those? I mean I already know but they don't." said Zane. "So Zane calls Reedus by a nice sounding nickname but we get mean sounding ones? How is that fair?" said Droy. "Life isn't fair Chumchum." said Cana. "I painted them for you, Sly, and sweet Kaida as a housewarming gift. I'm a tad late but art takes time as you must know." said Zane.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Thanks Reed. You didn't have to do that you know.". "Yes but I wanted to since your daughter has been quite the interesting artist who I hope to see grow and blossom as time goes on. I'm sure you'll like them though." said Reedus, placing the four frames on the coffee table as everyone gathered around to see them. These pictures were artistic interpretation of some of Zane's moments here in Fiore/Earthland.

The first painting was a painting of everyone getting bodyswapped with Zane laughing his ass off in the background. The second painting was a painting of Jose ,with the former guild master and wizard saint having his Phantom of Darkness spell cast, and Zane fighting each other inside of the ruins of the Phantom Lord Guild Hall with the silhouette form of Nightmare Form in the background. The third painting was Erza ,in her Heaven Wheel's Armor, fighting against Zane using Omni Mode

Out of the four painting he was giving, the fourth one was probably Zane's favorite. It featured one of Zane's "jokes" in the form of Erza ,as Gluttony Form, chasing after Zane but it was mainly about some of the times that Zane was defeating Gray, Happy, and Natsu. For Gray, it was him using Frankenstein Form and Thunder Form. For Happy, it was the time that Happy messed with Zane's watch.

Zane responded by keeping Happy away from fish for an entire day. This was torture to Happy but for fishmongers, they thanked Zane for keeping away the blue furred devil mainly the one who calls himself the Sea Captain but whose real name is Conan. If you get his name being Conan, you know your Simpsons lore or looked on the Wiki. For Natsu, there was a lot of examples for the many times that Zane has defeated.

These examples are Zane using Astral Form, Zane performing the Astral Clamp on Natsu using Nano Form, making Natsu dance using Specter Vampire Form, and when Zane sprouted multiple arms to quite literally beat Natsu like a drum. All of the frames had intricate carving ,forming Zane's Fairy Tail Mark, and all of them were gold. "I call this series, the Protector of Fairy Tail." said Reedus in a proud sounding tone.   

Zane looked at these pictures with his left hand cupping his chin. While he may not be an artist or have a great knowledge of art outside of the few times he went to an art show, he could at least tell when someone puts a lot of work into them and Reedus. "Reed. Thanks. These are great. Really dig the one with me teaching four/seventh of Team Natsu their place but all of them are great." said Zane with him smiling. "Oui" said Reedus.

Macao nodded as he said,"Reedus old friend. These paintings are amazing even more than your normal ones.". "Yeah. So how did you paint them so fast and in such great detail?" said Wakaba. "I won't say much but I had some help for a upcoming artist." said Reedus. Levy stood by Zane with her smiling at them. "Got to agree with the general consensus. These painting are very good and it wouldn't hurt for you to have some art in your house." said Levy.

Reedus nodded in agreement with Sly saying,"Um Levy. You should know that....". The Akostar was stopped by Juvia and Mira both strolling around the room and examining the walls, tapping their chin in thought. "So what are you two doing exactly?" said Lucy. "Trying to find the best place for Zane to hang up his painting." said Mira, walking past her to the other side of the room. "And why would you two care where he hangs them up again?" said Vance, overhearing her.   

Without turning away from the wall, Juvia smiled as she said,"Because this task requires a woman's touch Vance. Despite Zane's many strengths, he doesn't have the ability to find the best place to hang them so it's up to us.". "So are you going to deny that or what?" said Cana, nudging Zane for one of his signature response. "She isn't wrong. The designer bug never really bit me but there was a lot of bugs that bit me instead like the dancing and singer bug." said Zane, sipping his flask.

Vance placed a paw over his mouth to hold back his laughter. He was doing an awful job at it but the attempt is all that matters right? Your choice. Upon gaining some control, he removed his paw and grinned mischievously at the two women. "Wow you two. You really sound like your Zane's wives or something." said Vance. The two women gasped lightly as a blush appeared on their face, leaving the two in a stunned state and imaging them being married to Zane.

I would go into detail on their daydreams but they're much the same thing, Both all start with the trope of Do you want dinner, a bath, or me. After recovering from their daydream, the Rain Woman and She-Devil both turned and shot the cat a death glare. Normally, Vance wouldn't be scared of a glare but this one was different. In response to this, Vance shot toward Stella and hiding behind Stella. "I guess Vance is a scaredy cat after all. Case Closed folks." said Zane.

Stella rolled her eyes at Zane's comment with her saying,"You really did good Reedus. These paintings are great mainly with those three getting punished by Zane. Happy that Zane hasn't done us yet right Lucy?". "Uh huh." said Lucy. The group of Gray, Happy, and Natsu crossed their arms over their chest and huffed. "Quit pouting you three. Ruining the party you are. Oh and I have the perfect place to hang these amazing paintings." said Zane.

Erza looked at him with her saying,"And where is that?". "In the room of memories. It's where I put things that symbolize some of the best if not most important moments of life." said Zane. Gray began to examine the paintings. His eyes widened when he figured something and began to burst out into a fit of laughter. This confused the others. "So what's so funny?!" demanded Natsu. "I pretty sure that this makes it obvious. You get defeated more than I do which means I'm the best!" said Gray. 

Everyone looked at Gray with them just accepting that since no one could rebut against that. The group decided to humor Gray including Erza and Lucy with laughter but for the girls, it was more like giggles to be honest. Natsu wasn't happy about this, causing his fiery temper to ignite. He glared at Gray as intense flames ,almost rivaling the ones used against Gajeel, around his body. "The only reason that he beat me was because I wasn't ready!" said Natsu.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Yeah. You keep thinking that since it'll help you sleep at night unless a certain someone helps you get a good night sleep.". "Shut up man! If I were to fight him now, I would totally win!" said Natsu. Gray scoffed as a icy mist came out of him like sweat. He got up in Natsu's personal space but didn't touch his special area thank the gods. "Yeah right. Don't kid yourself. He beat your sorry ass more than times than I can count and you know it!" said Gray.

Natsu said,"I know one thing though. I could totally kick your ass you icy stripper!". "You want fight pinky?!" roared Gray. After saying that, a dust cloud formed around Gray and Natsu while they were fighting. Gray gave a powerful right punch to Natsu's face, sending flying into Macao's back. The fire wizard had been chugging some beer but the drink was spilled all over Wakaba. This may have not been his fault but Wakaba still blamed him, causing another fight.

It seems that fighting fever has taken them over. "What do you spoiled children think you're doing right now?! A real man doesn't fight in another man's house without the man's permission! So for once in your lives, be real man and take it outside!" roared Elfman. Gray, Macao, Natsu, and Wakaba stopped their fighting, deciding to have a temporary truce for now and take it out on someone else instead. "You got it sir!" shouted the four.

Elfman was instantly hit with four punches into Elfman, sending him crashing straight through the wall. Within seconds, a classic Fairy Tail brawl erupted in Zane's living room. The sane ones ,aka the ones not fighting, were Bisca, Cana, Juvia, Kaida, Levy, Lucy, Makarov, Mira, Sly, and Zane with the Cross Species not reacting to his house being destroy. "Wow. You're not freaking about this so are you okay Zane? Abducted by aliens between today and yesterday?" said Cana.

Makarov looked at the chill Zane with him saying as he chugged from his mug of beer,"I think Zane is broken my dear.". "Nope. He's daydreaming about something to keep himself from murdering everyone and their grandmother." said Sly. "You can tell?" said Bisca. "It's pretty obvious since this is one of Zane's techniques for calming down and controlling his anger problem. You can tell he's doing this by the noticeable veins on his forehead." said Sly.

Juvia noticed the veins on her beloved's forehead with her nodding. "I can see it. So shouldn't have Erza stopped this by now?" said Juvia. Lucy sighed and pointed to Erza who was kicking Stella into the duo of Alzack and Vance, sending the three through the wall and made another hole. "So I kinda doubt she's trying to help since her methods are well...." said Levy, trailing off. "Impracticable?" said Kaida. "Yeah. That's the word." said Levy. "That's our Prude Knight for you!" echoed Happy.

The feline somehow heard this but was kicked by Vance. "It really does feel like the Guild Hall doesn't it?" said Mira, unfazed by the violence in front of her. "I guess but at the rate they're going, I doubt our residential asshole, his partner, and daughter will have a home." said Cana, sitting on a bar stool. "Yeah. So how do we get them to stop?" said Lucy, watching Zane dodge a piece of rubble that was thrown at him by Droy.   

Zane looked at the plant user with him saying,"You'll pay for that dearly Chumchum. I was enjoying a dream where I was in the land of candy where you could eat everything and half priced.". Zane was in a form that Sly knew as Fragrance Form. Zane is twelve feet tall, with a strong, muscular build to him. He looks to be an anthropomorphic skunk with him able to stand bipedal but can go an all fours very effectively. 

It's usually for a powerful charge. His body is covered in black fur with white stripes that goes from his neck to his long bushy and fluffy tail. He has furry tuffs on the sides of his face. He has two glowing orange eyes with black sclera. He has five fingers and toes. He wears a biker like outfit. He wears a short-sleeved gray denim jacket with a white long-sleeved undershirt. He wears gray pants ,with a gold belt, and brown boots on him.

Zane is wearing a black helmet with white stripes. In the center of his helmet, he has a crimson red “LZ” placed there. All of the not fighting fairies looked at Zane. They know about skunks but what could this one do. "Whoa. I've never seen this before." said Lucy. "So what can it do?" said Cana with her arms crossed. "Just cover your mouth and noise." said Sly, doing that. The group followed suit as Zane smirked.

The skunk smiled with him saying,"She's right and good for you all. Time to stop the brawl by taking a nap Chicken Pox style.". Zane extending his arms out, releasing a green gas with sprinkles of black and blue. "Hey! What the hell are you....." said Alzack. The cowboy was cut short, feeling his eyelids get heavy and a wave of itchiness going over him. A couple of seconds later, the brawl was over but the trio of Gray, Natsu, and Stella weren't there.

Bisca blinked with her saying,"Okay. What did you do to them?". "Took them out with some good old fashioned knockout gas." said Zane, smirking. "And? You probably added something else to it didn't you? Like you did with that fire for Natsu earlier?" said Lucy. "You're kinda learning how I operate Lucy. Lets just say that the answer will become apparent in three seconds." said Zane as the group watched the sleeping wizards scratching themselves.

Kaida smiled as she said,"Oh! You combined knocking gas with itching powder!". "I didn't know that Fragrance Form was a chemist." said Sly. "It pays to have chemistry knowledge." said Zane. "Very interesting. Aside from the itching, this is something we could use if there is a pointless fight breaks out in the guild hall." said Makarov. "Aren't all of them pointless?" said Juvia. Before anyone else could say anything, Stella walked through a broken hole in the wall.

She was dragged Gray and Natsu behind her. She held Natsu's vest with her left hand and clutching Gray's hair with her hand. Both of them were out cold with several rock shaped bumps all over their body and swirls for eyes. "So are we sure that these two aren't really big kids. Sorry about the damage you guys maybe I can....." said Stella. She stopped herself upon her seeing Zane and the sleeping wizards who were lying on the floor, scratching in place. "So what happened?" said Stella.

It took about an hour before the knockout gas/itching powder wore off. The affected woke up and stopped scratching themselves like someone with the Chicken Pox. During that time, Zane turned into Robot Form. He reversed the damages done to his house and draw on their faces. After that incident, most of the guild began to leave. Makarov was sitting on Zane's kitchen counter and drinking the last of the booze in the mug.

Zane looked at the elder with him saying,"So are you going to leave or do I have to use the old greet "n" toss on you?". "Eventually Zane. I have to give you some good news." said Makarov. "Is it that you're going to retire and give the guild hall to the best candidate possible Laxus?" said Zane. "Not in this lifetime. You'll be cleaning up their mess in just one place rather than two." said Makarov with him grinning like a madman. Zane rolled his eyes with him saying,"And you're drunk coward.".

Later. Everyone other than Team Natsu and some other left, Levy, Kaida, and Zane were sitting on a couch ,in the living room, together. Team Natsu, Juvia, and Laki sat on the other couch. Zane was glaring at the male Dragon Slayer and ice wizard. He was doing this while resting his head on his girlfriend's lap much to Juvia's jealousy. "So why did you two fools start a fight in my house? And you're doing great babe." said Zane as he felt Levy's hand go through his hair.

If he wasn't reprimanding them, Zane would have purred like a cat at this. "Gray started it!" said Natsu. "No! He did and he knows it!" said Gray. "Say this again I dare you!" said Natsu. Laki ,who got stuck sitting in the middle of the bickering, sighed. "Seriously. You two are worse than bratty siblings when it comes to fighting." said Laki. "Enough!" commanded Erza, causing Gray and Natsu to flinch at her tone. "You two are both the culprit and will be punished for this!" said Erza.

The boys trembled in fear after that. "No. We're sorry! Please forgive us Master Zane!" whimpered the boys, prostrating in front of Zane. "It's fine Prude Knight. Don't worry. They'll pay for doing this during our next training session. Lets just say that I have a couple new ideas." said Zane with him smiling. The boys looked at the smile with them knowing it all too well. It was his sadist smile with the two nodding rapidly.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Take notes ladies. Men are just dogs in the fact that they can be trained out of their rowdy ways using force.". "Duly noted." said Lucy. "So beside for the fight, how did you enjoy the party Kaida?" said Juvia. "Beside for our house almost getting destroyed, it was really fun Juvia!" said Kaida, smiling as she was drawing Fragrance Form. "Speaking of that, why didn't you use Liget Form earlier?" said Happy.

Levy rolled her eyes as she said,"Because that would have made things worse Happy and the three do need a place to live.". "We could go couch surfing. It's like a sleepover except more depressing." said Sly. "Yeah. I would start at Fairy Hills myself." said Zane. "That's forbidden Zane." said Erza in a commanded tone. "Prude Knight. Tell me this honestly. Do you honestly think you could stop me? I have many a ways to get people to let me do what I want." said Zane.   

Lucy looked at Zane with her saying,"So Zane. Maybe we should tell them why you didn't let anyone see me for the last three days.". "Oh right. You did do that." said Gray. "Yeah! Why didn't you let me see Luce?! I get the popscicle but me! Your best friend!" said Natsu, putting his arm around Zane and was promptly thrown into the wall by a tendril."It's simple. You annoy me Hatchling and you're sure as hell not my best friend. That title belongs to Danny." said Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"But to be serious for once, Lucy needed to rest and you guys wouldn't have helped her do that. She used a great deal of magic power all at once and no matter who you are, you need rest after doing a feat like that. While she did the right thing in the end, this overload her magic container but didn't break thanks the gods. She would have died if that did happen or I would have to perform a surgery on the spot.".

Upon hearing this, Natsu cocked his head to the side in confusion which was instantly mimicked by the rest of the wizards except for Kaida and Levy. "I think you may need to dumb it down and explain it for them. You always make things involving superpowers or Impulse more complicated than it has any right to be. Get the books." said Sly. "I got it." said Zane with him stretching his right arm out of the room to grab something.

The group waited for the arm to come back and it did with two books and a sandwich. "So. What's the sandwich for?" said Happy. "Me. I've been craving one for the past five minutes. If I had time, I would make a very spicy pizza." said Zane, sitting up and opening up the books while telekinetically eating the sandwich. Multitasking at its best. He placed them down on the table in front of him, showing the group some specific pages.

Zane turned the book on the right around, pushing it forward. "This is a very basic diagram of a human body. This diagram applies to at least in the Prime Dimension or in most dimensions to be more specific." said Zane. The group looked down to see a picture of the human body, showing Impulse going through the body. "Okay. I don't get it still." said Laki. "All beings in the Omniverse can access Impulse in some shape of form so here is how a Earthlander's body works." said Zane.

The Cross-Species turned the other book around showing them another image of the human body. It matched the first picture but there was a key difference. There was no Impulse flowing throughout the body but there was an hourglass shape with Impulse inside of it. "Wait. So you're telling me that all of us have that inside of us?!" said Natsu. "Yes. From what I gathered from Lewis's mind, he was here for two reasons." said Zane.

Zane held up two fingers as he said,"Reason 1. He was here to gather up power and take over the Omniverse which was doomed from the start but he didn't know that. Reason 2. Ethernano or in other words Impulse is a very different beast. I'm pretty sure that if we didn't stop him, he would have taken those hourglasses from innocent wizards and killing them in the process.". "Lewis has killed people before and taken things from their corpse before. It's messed up." said Sly.

The group gulped at this with Kaida not really paying attention. "Back on topic here. Ethernano is a mixture of physical and spiritual Impulse that's drawn to Earthlanders like a magnet. It comes from the area around you. Magic is considered a physical expression of the human spirit after connecting with the flow of nature around you." said Zane. "Uh huh. I don't get it." said Gray, Happy, and Natsu with the girls ,except for Kaida, Levy, and Sly, agreeing. 

Zane rolled his eyes as he said with an annoyed expression and tired tone,"To put it in extremely simple terms, living in this world gives you superpowers.". "So what does this have to do with you banning us from seeing our Nakama?" said Erza. "Fine. By saving Wildcat the way she did, Lucy's container grew in size and gave her more magic power. She had no control of it. I helped her control it and shape into...." said Zane.

The hero looked at Lucy who nodded. She took a deep breath as her body glowed gold and had a fire like glow. Her pupils were silt and her teeth were elongated. "Celestial Drive. She'll easily be a bigger threat on the battlefield or protect you. Either or works." said Zane. "The reason why Zane didn't let you guys see me was because if I didn't have any training with my new power, you could die from the raw Ethernano or something like that." said Lucy, turning off her power.

Juvia looked at Zane with her saying,"So let me get this straight. You helped Lucy with her new power that she unlocked after she helped someone named Wildcat.". "Yes but to be more specifically about it......." said Zane. He was stopped by Levy who covered his mouth as she said,"He sure did since Zane is a hero.". "Good job Levy. Once he starts talking about powers, he doesn't stop." said Sly with Kaida nodding.

Zane sighed as he said,"Fine I won't. You're missing out but I taught her how to use Celestial Drive in order to protect her. Her being a typical summoner is bad enough so I need to teach her how to fight her own battles. Relying a single method of handling a problem is pretty much asking for trouble or for someone to come up with a counter. Remember Ratgirl? With Celestial Drive, the next fight between you two will be much different.".

Lucy remember how Sherry used her magic to control her spirits and she said,"Yeah I do. It was when you didn't want to help me since you hated me. You and Sly practically did nothing ". "You did what Zane?!" said Natsu, glaring at Zane. "I forced her to fight her own fight and technically, that was Zone not me. I was busy and honestly, I was encouraging her in my own special way with Sly doing the same." said Zane. "You both have a very different definition of encouragement." said Laki.

Sly nodded with her saying,"That's fair. Lucy should have learned that she can't rely on her opponent being an idiot since most of the time, they're not.". The blond didn't like how her magic's weakness was being pointed out. "But that's what we're for right?" said Happy. "You. No. I taught her Celestial Drive just in case a fight happens and there is no one there to defend her. To content with the best or the enemy, you need a plan and you got two plans now." said Zane.

Lucy blinked with her saying,"Hold on. I know that Celestial Drive is one of them but what's the second plan?". "That's right. I made you something to give you a way to fight if you lose your keys again or something happens to those spirits. Hold on. I need to get it from the lab." said Zane. "Try not to get the one that exploded on you." said Sly. "What?!" said the group. "Yeah. Papa was caught in an explosion when he was working on something called the Elysian Wand." said Kaida.

Levy looked at her boyfriend with her saying,"Is it similar to my Ethernano Swiss Army Knife?". "In a sense yes but it's more focused on something to help Lucy." said Zane. He held his left hand out and opened up a portal. "That must make getting things pretty handy huh." said Gray. "Yeah. With how big my house is, I kinda need to learn how to manipulate space and it makes traveling around the Omniverse really easy." said Zane, pulling something out of the portal.

It looks to be the handle of a cane or walking stick. It's a dark brown color with a starry night pattern carved into it. It has a large knuckled guard which reached the bottom of the handle. The handle is curved and has a silver base. The shaft's base has a Fairy Tail logo on the bottom and it matches Lucy's Fairy Tail Mark. The top has a circle stacked on top with silver star shaped rings visible and there is a gold orb at the bottom.

Erza looked at this strange looking device and she said,"So what is this?". "I call it Celestia. Like with Levy's weapon, it adapts to the users and teaches you as you continue to use it. It can only be used. It can be used to cast spells and these spells are a mixture of Jutsu Shiki and Solid Script. Want to see a demonstration?" said Zane. "Sure Zane but I thought that you just said that only Lucy could use it." said Juvia.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I'm the creator of it and as with any invention I make, I can use it even if I put in a DNA lock.". The superhero tapped the cane on the ground twice, creating a series of golden runes in front of Zane. "This is a simple shield spells and can block a good amount before eventually dispersing. It can block attacks from the front or...." said Zane as the runes moved around Zane and was forming into a large round dome. "Or from all sides." said Zane.

Lucy smiled as she said,"This is really sweet. Do you mind?". "Go ahead. It's your weapon." said Zane, making the runes vanish into light and handle Lucy Celestia. The blonde placed her hand on the orb. She pulled it off, extending slightly and turned the orb. The rings began to move as well and they stopped upon her hearing a click. She pushed the orb back in place, golden light came out and formed into a whip like construct.

Natsu looked at it with him saying,"So what did you just do Luce?". "I honestly had no idea. The staff just gave me the idea to do this." said Lucy. "You basically activate the combat mode. The light can allow you to form different objects such as a whip or blade of a sword." said Zane. The blond made the gold light disappear by doing the thing that she did before. "Thanks for this again Zane." said Lucy with her putting in the same spot as her whip.

Zane smiled with him saying,"No problem. I will always help my friends. So you guys know Loke right?". "Yeah. The guy tried to quit but you stopped him right Luce?" said Natsu. "Yeah. We stop him from quitting something else." said Lucy. "A pervert? I've met his "harem" before. Stringing along such beauties is a crime." said Sly. "Not even close. I think I should just show you." said Lucy as she stood up with her holding a gold key. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" said Lucy.

In a flash of golden light, Loke appeared in the living room before them. He looked physically better to start. He was wearing the same clothing as he did three years ago aka Fairy Legion Chapter 47 but with his signature shades. "Hey there gang. Miss little old me?" said Loke, pushing his shades up and smiled bright. The entire room was silent as the group ,except for Lucy, Sly, and Zane, stared in shock and took a moment to speak.

Natsu was the first to regain the ability to talk. "Loke?! You're a Celestial Spirit?!" shouted Natsu with him slamming his hands down on the table. "No way. You must be pranking us. Working with the master aren't you?" said Gray. "Nope. Sorry. I couldn't really tell you before since I would have been seen as crazy. My real name is Leo the Lion but call me Loke." said Loke, amused by the duo of Gray and Natsu.  

Zane coughed as Loke sighed. "And you can call me Wildcat too." said Loke. "That's a good kitten. I think my demands for you almost killing yourself were made perfectly clear by Nerida." said Zane as he crossed his arms. "Yeah. She blasted me into a wall using her urn. Still hurting by the way. Did you really have to kick Taurus into me?" said Loke. "Yeah. You kinda almost killed yourself so you had it coming and it's fun to do." said Zane, shrugging his shoulders.

Natsu looked at him with him saying,"So that must be why I felt so weird around you. You have a very different scent compared to everyone in this room except for Sly and Zane.". "I guess so or perhaps you're attracted to...." said Loke. He noticed the rage in Natsu's eyes as he said,"To someone else who isn't me.". "I didn't see it coming but before Lucy joined, I had no idea what a Celestial Spirit was." said Laki, crossing her arms. "So why aren't you a cow or horse?" said Natsu.

Loke sighed as he said,"That's because not all Celestial Spirits are animals Natsu. Virgo is human and so is Sagittarius. The reason why he dress like that is still a mystery.". "You say that man but I've seen her becoming a gorilla!" said Natsu. "She isn't a gorilla Natsu and some people like her in that form of hers. I personally don't but everyone has their favorite appearance of the Maiden." said Loke. "Aka me. Makes her look tough. Wildcat here is actually a lion. He just doesn't look it." said Zane.

Happy's eyes turned to stars with him saying,"Awesome! A lion is a grown up cat right?!". "Yep. You got it." said Loke. "Don't agree with him!" shouted Lucy. "You're the coolest spirit ever Loke." said Happy, sitting on Loke's shoulder and drooling. "So how did this happen?" said Erza. "I guess it's story time so sit down and let me tell you a story." said Loke. Loke began telling the story of what happened with comments from Lucy and Zane.

If you want to know what happened, read last chapter. It was a great deal of information to take in but things ended up for the better. "Okay then. Shouldn't you be resting up back in the Celestial World or something?" said Juvia. "I'm feeling a lot better than I was thanks to Aries. She missed me a lot but I should get going and tell the guild what happened plus I came here to see two people." said Loke as he looked at Lucy and Zane.

Happy smirked with him saying,"I think he loves you two!". "No he doesn't!" shouted Natsu. "Happy old friend. I suggest you shut up or you'll get a beating." said Gray. "Being a wizard of Fairy Tail is a thing I'm proud of but my main priority is to protect and serve Lucy. I'll be at your beck and call my dear. I'm the knight whose power radiates like the sun." said Loke. "And." said Kaida. "Oh and to help Zane out since I owe him." grumbled Loke.

Zane smiled as he said,"Love you too Wildcat.". "I got it! If me, Loke, Vance, and Zane turns into a cat, we could be a team of Cats!" said Happy, eyes sparkling. He imagined himself flying between the trio of Loke, Vance, and Zane ,in Archer Form, heading into battle. No one else thought that idea was very good though. "Loke. You may be her knight but I'm her guardian dragon and I don't like pesky knights stealing my princess." said Natsu, lowly growling and glaring at Loke and Zane.

Loke looked at Zane who shrugged. "I think he's talking about you buddy since I don't steal girls like you did." said Zane. "That was one time and you know it!" said Loke. "Aries doesn't see it that way and I tend to support the ladies more than the fellas." said Zane. "I can handle a little flirting since she is so beautiful and it's natural. If you take her from me, I'll end you." said Natsu. "Gotcha! You got yourself a swell guy there Lucy!" said Loke.

Lucy sighed as she said,"I sure did but he's right. I'm with Natsu. If you feel more comfortable flirting with me, that's fine but don't go too far or else, I'll sick him on you. I love Natsu and I don't want to be with anyone else.". "Gotcha." said Loke. Levy looked at Erza who looked upset about the whole Lucy and Natsu thing. "Really wish she would talk to him or vise versa already." thought Levy with her sighing. Zane read his girlfriend's mind, agreeing with her.         

Natsu smiled as he said,"Since that's all settled, I always wanted my own Celestial Spirit.". "I know that I'm going to regret asking you this but what kind?" said Laki. The male Dragon Slayer's eyes flickered with fire and clenched his fists. "A dragon obviously! I could practice my magic on it and get stronger than you!" said Natsu. "Yeah!" said Happy. "So you admit that you're weaker than her Natsu? That's bold of you." said Levy.

Lucy sighed as she said,"You don't summon spirits just to practice magic on them.". "Except if you have a masochist one." said Zane. "Ignore him. You better get going though. I may need you soon if my luck has anything to say about it." said Lucy, holding his key. "Before that, I need to give you guys something." said Loke, pulling out ten slips of paper. "It's a token of my thanks for saving me from you know dying." said Loke.

Gray looked at the paper with him saying,"Okay. I don't get it.". "They are tickets for this amazing resort. It's at the beach and pretty fancy." said Loke. "Seriously?! That's awesome! I've never been to a place like this before!" said Gray. "Thanks Loke." said Levy. "Uh huh." said Juvia. "I hope you guys have a fun time. As Sagittarius says, see you later alligator." said Loke, vanishing. "Why does he say that Papa?" said Kaida.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"No idea. I'll just be holding onto those.". "Why you?" said Happy. "I don't trust people and I need to find Kaida a babysitter. I think Bisca and Stella said they'll be staying in town and well, I like keeping things from people." said Zane. "So when does it say for us to be there?" said Erza. "Tomorrow. We'll be there for an entire week. Soaking us the sun, getting a wicked tan, and gambling. Mainly the latter" said Zane.

Sly sighed as she said,"Zane. I know you very well and please tell me that you won't be gambling the entire time.". "Sly. In what realm would you think I would do that?" said Zane with his eyes in the form of slot machines all reading jackpot. No one believed him. "You know something. I was just thinking. If I were in his shoes and I had accidentally caused someone here to get hurt or worse, I would be just like him. Unable to move on past that." said Lucy.

Zane rolled his hand as he said,"There's a but to this right?". "Yeah but I got my friends by my side through the best and worst of times. There is always someone here in Fairy Tail who is willing to help me out." said Lucy. Everyone in the room smiled with them nodding in agreement. Zane looked away as he let out a frown and remembered all of the pain that he had suffered. He shook his head and told himself to move past it and into the future.     

The hero smiled as he said,"Well said blondie.". "So did you finally dump the Triple B name and just call her by her hair color?" said Sly. "Nope. I don't like to call my true friends nicknames. We need this since a lot has happened and well, I really like to gamble. So who is ready to party on the sunny beach for days to come?" said Zane. "We all!" cheered the group. No one will never forget that day. Erza looked so happy but well, fate had a different plan for her.

Next time,
Fun and sun at the beach thanks to Loke being a total bro. Will get the typical beach tropes while we're there? What did Zane mean by he likes to gamble? And will we learn why Prude Knight wears her armor? The last one isn't at all subtle but who cares. This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Fragrance Form. This card has a black frame with a mustelid like creature standing there in the center of a powerful explosion coming out of it no worse for wear. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a being that can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time using his unique scent. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 131 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Galaxy Form. This card has a black frame with a rhino like creature standing there in the center of the card with the battleground of outer space. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a rhino ready for battle. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

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