Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Fairy Legion Chapter 47 Two Kings and a Lion (Full Post)

A/N: Yes. We're back to Fairy Legion after four Zero posts and one post that shows my opinion on a set of movies. The reason why I didn't work on Fairy Legion is because I've been working on how I'm going to be writing a One Piece review since I need to find out what chapter I ended on. I ended on Chapter 934 so I needed to go from Chapter 935-942. Chapter 955 is when Act 2 of Wano Country ends but I decided to cut this down into three parts of 7 chapters.

The first section is Chapter 935-941, the next section is 942-949, and the final section is 950-955. I'm sure that I'll have a lot to talk about and this is to make sure that you're not stuck reading over 20 chapter reviews.  They probably won't come after each other. I'll see what happens when we get to that point. I do want to talk about other things in the author note and I'm not in the mood for writing this much One Piece in a single go.

I would count the two filler chapter arcs as well but honestly, I like talking about them apart of the Wano Arc since I find those few chapters the most interesting. This will be done in a similar fashion to the My Hero review from Fairy Legion Chapter 42 so I'll be going over details that impacted me and not every little thing. We will be talking about the Loke Arc at the end of this massive author now so lets start with Chapter 935.

We meet Solitaire which continues the card game motif that Kaido's crew has and she has eaten the Monkey Smile Fruit. I think that out of all of the Grifters and Headliners ,excluding Flying Six Headliners and Hawkins obviously, Solitaire and Daifugo got the best deal out of it. I mean you could like Batman, Gazelleman, Mouseman, Rabbitman, Snakeman, and the secret final boss of Wano Alpacaman but I don't.

While Raizo is trying to free Luffy from the prison, Luffy is breaking the law by attacking Daifugo and we met Babanuki who has an elephant head in his chest. He may be unable to wear a shirt now but he can fire bullets from the pachyderm. It's a price to pay for an impractical yet awesome way to fight. Luffy can't use Haki while wearing Seastone but that doesn't matter since we see Queen who has some sick dance movies.

I mean his first appearance we see him sworn over Komurasaki and he doesn't know that she's dead yet. This would be a meh thing to me but then he starts dancing. I just love silly characters and One Piece does that the best. We learn Queen's bounty which is 1,320,000,000 and while it may be higher than Katakuri's, it's still small compared to Luffy. I also love Queen's reaction to Kidd escaping, the key to the seastone prism cuffs being stolen, and Luffy escaping.

What makes it great is that Babanuki is giving them with a straight face. We see Yasu showing off his domicile to Franky, Law, and Usopp but Sanji and Zoro have gone missing. Sanji is pretty obvious since the next page shows the bath house which is in character for him and people won't hate him for this. Now if Mineta does this, people get up in arms about this. I guess it may have something to do with how Sanji is more than just his pervert nature and Mineta isn't.

Zoro has gone after his sword but hey at least Wano is for mixed bathing. I would be uncomfortable with it and so is Shinobu who brings out the ball crusher on the perverts for ignoring her. To be fair to the perverts, she was sharing the same bath as Nami and Robin. They're kinda some of the most attractive women in the series so yeah. We also see Hyogoro's past appearance and well, old age has caught up to him and then some.

Hyogoro is seen as a true knight which is blessed with strength and charisma. So is the Octopus who brought Luffy's group into Wano a bath boy? We then return back to the prison where Hyogoro is begging for Queen to spare Luffy's life with his. We also meet Kawamatsu and not get his appearance until much later. The cover page of 936 has Camel and Kuzan getting some ramen from Wanze who should report Kuzan to the World Government.

I doubt the Ramen Kenpo user would be stupid to do that since Kuzan was a former admiral and he may want to live. Kawamatsu wants to join the fight but his chain is rusted so can he escape? We'll find that out later as it's time for the Sumo Inferno! This is a death match involving Luffy and Hyogoro fighting in a arena. They may have their handcuffs removed ,which makes all of Raizo's hard work go down the train, and work together but there is a price.

The duo now get collars around their neck and don't leave the ring with it on or your head will be sliced off their neck. It's like what the Celestial Dragon used except more bloody. I mean with an explosion, every part of the criminal is gone, However with a slice, blood will shed and it stains. The two have to fight their way to survive and after Queen is called a Balloon, it begins with the waiters which is easy pickings for Luffy with his Conqueror Haki.

The next part of the chapter has Hawkins and X Drake raiding the bathhouse with Drake staying outside since he's a gentleman. He may be after Soba Mask aka Sanji but he isn't a pervert like most of the men in One Piece. The Beast Pirates are now aware of the mark Kinemon's allies have on them so will the plan have to change? I mean if you read ahead, you know the answer but lets pretend that we don't for now.

To stop Hawkins's investigation, Nami uses her secret weapon aka stripping and showing off her body like she normally does except in this arc. Sanji is revealed by this attack and Drake is defeated by this since he's weak to women or a gentleman. I think this means one thing. They need to do this attack on Kaido and see if he reacts. Do note that I'm only a quarter joking here and I don't want to see that.

We also learn that Bepo and the rest of Law's crew was captured to bring him out. As you may have forgotten, I'm not the biggest fan of Law since he kinda steals the spotlight from the other eleven Supernovas who kinda need it. I mean Luffy and Zoro are main characters so they have enough spotlight on them but maybe Apoo or Urouge need some spotlight. I personally don't count Teach as part of the Eleven Supernovas since he wasn't on Sabaody Archipelago like the others were.

He's part of the Worst Generation but not the 11 Supernovas and nothing you can say is going to change my mind. The chapter ends with Zoro finding the man who stole his sword and they begin their battle on a bridge. Chapter 937's cover page is a color page with the Straw Hats planning their next adventures and it's nice to see the group all together. Chopper's group ,which includes Big Mom who had amnesia at this point and time, is heading to the prison.

This is going to end up badly and I don't need future vision to see that something is going to happen and it won't be pleasant. Luffy is easily showing the Beast Pirates why he is the main character while Luffy is trying to improve his Busoshoku Haki or Armament Haki like Rayleigh and Sentomaru did back in the pre timeskip days. While this beatdown is going on, Queen is eating Oshiruko and Big Mom is craving Oshiruko.

This is like the Hiyori "twist" but more obvious on what's going to happen. Gyukimaru is introduced and he's calling out Zoro for not knowing Ryuma. Wano was called the Land of Gold but now, it's more like the land of Trash thanks to Orochi or the fact that it had been over a hundred years since Ryuma died. Either or works. Their fight is interrupted by Hiyori ,under a disguise but like with the twist, I'm not going to hide who it is, and Toko.

They are being chased by Kamazo ,whose identity I'll be keeping since I didn't see it coming, and I kinda wanted Toko dead. Not a fan of her since she laughed at Orochi. I mean there is a reason why which we learn in the Arc but still, you don't laugh at your king. It's just rude and a major death sentence. I mean we laugh at our president ,in early 2020, but he kinda asks for it and Orochi didn't maybe. Kamazo may have easily been defeated by Zoro but there is a reason for that.

The reason why Kamazo was defeated so easily and Toko can't stop laughing are connected and that's all I say for now. Like before, I really like the cover page for this chapter. This chapter may have Carrot ,who I really don't like, but it isn't that bad of a chapter. I mean you can see all of the Zou characters fitting Wano so that's a plus but this isn't where the chapter picks up. Law and Shinbou argue what to do about Law's crew being captured while Sanji gets punished for peeping.

So I have a question. In Anime/Manga, you see men getting punished for peeping but has there been a time where a women has gotten punished for peeping? I honestly couldn't find an example of that but if there is one, I would like to see it. Franky asks how a face could get like that but his question is ignored since Law has to take center stage once again. Law does care about his crew which is a good thing and kinda connects him to Luffy.

However, I have to side with Shinbou on this one and not because of bias for once. I know. That's a shock for me too. Shinbou mentions that they've been waiting for 20 years and this isn't a game to them. We also see Yasu and he knows the duo of Shinobu and Kanjuro. I wonder why? Zoro wakes up after losing a lot of blood to Kamazo and Gyukimaru being that he's healed by the toad oil that Toko stole.

Hiyori also tries to stop Zoro for going after Gyukimaru by making his wound probably worst. This is Zoro we're talking about so this is nothing to him. We also learn that Hiyori and Komuraski and this is a shock to no one. I mean this is an awful twist and I usually don't notice this kind of stuff. I always bring up the fact that I didn't know that END and Natsu were the same person till the final arc of Fairy Tail.

Chapter 939 has Zoro telling her that he knows her older brother or would it be younger brother due to him going to the future. It's either or for me personally. So Hiyori told Toko this because Toko is a ray of sunshine in her life. I mean that's a good reason but why didn't Hiyori go with them to the future? It's revealed that Hiyori stayed behind to continue on the bloodline in case the time travel doesn't work.

This is a solid idea in concept but leaving an six year old girl behind is an awful thing to do in order to keep your bloodline in tact. She was protected by Kawamatsu the Kappa and this means that we know all Nine Red Scabbards. So as the most recent chapter, we know what happened to eight of the nine scabbards and this includes the Pink Haired Ashura Doji. Why is his hair pink? I mean I get that Wano is supposed to be more colorful but is it wrong to have black hair?

I mean I don't think Kaido ,in his dragon form, threatening due to him being a light blue color. I mean he could still kill me with a single claw to the chest but I just find his color not threatening. To get back on track here, I do like how Hiyori has a personality other than a bitch but I'm not going to forget about her actions. She may have done it to survive but like with Endeavor, I'll forgive her but I won't forget about what she did.

I may have said in the past that I wouldn't forgive her but things change. So did Bepo and the other reveal the others plan or did someone else? We see Alpacaman again but he's partnered up with Madilloman who was forced to eat the Armadillo Smile. It's better than the Alpaca Smile. Thanks to Luffy seeing the future, Hyo is able to make Alpacaman look even stupider and Madilloman is unable to stop Luffy from owning him.

Hyo shows why he is a badass when he uses Armament Haki on Alpacaman defeating him and using the advanced technique that Luffy is trying to use. He also refers to Haki as the will of a samurai and we'll learn more about Armament Haki in this arc. Hyo decides to teach Luffy how to use this power and the rubber boy is excited for this. Chapter 940 returns with an amazing cover page being that Bartolomeo has made Straw Hats crew candy art and refuses to sell them.

There is also the clear reference to the Chinese Zodiac in the background along with a Cat and Panda just for added appeal. This chapter reveals that Law went to go save Bepo and the others much to Usopp's annoyance. Nami tells him to see if from Shinobu's perspective and the two cowards of the crew are pretty sure that if they were in Bepo's position, they would probably squeal. We also see the return of the trio who got swindled by Hiyori.

They are Bingo, Bongo, and Bungo and their names do rhyme. They were also working together to swindle innocent people and that makes them worse than Hiyori. So did she do this on purpose or did Kyoshiro? I mean he probably did since Hiyori isn't an evil mastermind like Elfman and Mira from Fairy Legion are possibly. We also learn how Yasu is beloved by everyone in Ebisu town and this makes me really like him. God, I hope nothing bad happens to him.                     

I should be more subtle but nah. We also learn how Toko and Yasu are related. I mean it's kinda obvious due to their smiling face and it's better than the trio of Anna, Layla, and Lucy being the same exact person in terms of their appearance. Toko and Yasu at least look different. In the prison, Luffy is being taught by Hyo and it's similar to Star Wars. I mean the Luke and Yoda ,not Baby Yoda, parallel is super obvious.

Even though the training isn't working the way that Luffy wants it too, Luffy is still defeating everyone and this includes Madilloman. Queen decides to stop for the night and Hyo asks why Luffy wants to defeat Kaido after getting destroyed by him. Luffy knocks out the guards and says in the typical Luffy way that if he wants to be King of the Pirates, he has to beat them all including Shanks eventually.

Hyo also mentions that he knows Roger and this is revealed alongside the assistance of Caribou who is going to help them out since Luffy believes that he changes. I highly doubt that but hey, lets give him the benefit of the doubt. With this, Hyo believes in the spraks of the Rebellion and tells them that the Yakuza leaders who supported Wano from the shadows are in the prison and will fight to return Wano back to normal.

The chapter ends with Kawamatsu going to be free first and Big Mom coming to the prison. I expect trouble soon and Chapter 941 has that. We're on the final chapter for this recap and it starts with a color page. Orachi may upset about Hiyori's "death" but the thief Ushimitsu Kozo or Japanese Robin Hood has been captured. Queen also learns about this much to his dismay. I mean she isn't really dead but the persona of Komuraskai is so his tears are allowed for now.

Queen finds Hyo and Luffy much bigger than the night before and well, this is the start of Queen's day. I can say that it gets worse from here. Ashura Doji or Shutenmaru is mad about his base being set in flame and he's going after Holdem but well, it's Kinemon and Inuarashi's fault. They need him to see reason and burning down his home is the way to do. I mean they're desperate but arson is never the answer.

We also see the return of Brook and how he is jealous of Zoro sleeping with Hiyori and Toko. It isn't sexual but will the police believe him. Hiyori is happy for seeing the good side of things even through the Japanese Robin Hood has been captured but it turns out that the Japanese Robin Hood is Yasu much to everyone's shock. Toko leaves to go save her father with the others following her. While everyone in the Flower captial is said about the "death" of Komuraski, Yasu's identity is revealed.

Tonoyasu or Yasu is Yasuie with him being a loyal servant of the Kozuki family and called the hedgehog. Me thinks it's because of his sweet hairdo and his afro which rivals Brook but no haircut can beat the Skeleton's hair in my mind. Yasu is ready to die being that he has to say to sorry for two things and say something to Orochi. Once he does that, he tends to die by laughing. This ends the first of three chapter recaps.

So since we're done with that beast, lets talk about how I'm doing the Loke Arc. I thought about this for a long time and this shouldn't have taken so long but it did. This is going to be both Episode 31 and 32 or Chapters 71-74 in the same Chapter so this is a long one. I'm not the biggest fan of this arc and like I've mentioned many times before, I was unsure if I was going to do this arc. I decided to do this arc and maybe the two filler arc post timeskip.

Jury is still out on that one. I'm honestly not sure and while I write this, I decided what to do as we go along. Overall, enjoy a longer than normal episode. We may go back to Zero after this comes out or it'll be a lot of Fairy Legion episodes in a row to counter Zero's five posts in a row. I may want to go back and forth between the two series but sometimes, I really do feel like they're writing one series over another. It's personal. Lets begin. 

Narrator P.O.V.
To the west of Magnolia, there is something going on at Fort Term. A group of bandits have made the ruined castle their base of operation. Juvia was peeking her head out from a cliff, looking over the ruined castle. "So Juvia. I have to ask you a serious question. Why are we here again?" said a voice as Juvia eeped and jumped. She turned to see Zane standing there with his arms crossed. "Um. We're here because....." said Juvia.

Zane could see the water woman trying her best to come up with an answer for the superhero and he sighed. "Never mind why we're here Juvia. So are we going to help them out? You did drag me here against my will." said Zane, sitting next to her. Juvia blushed ,due to how close Zane was to her, as she said,"Um. We came here to help out Team Natsu.". "We are? Why would we do that? I mean I don't like Prude Knight and Happy. The other three I do." said Zane.

Juvia looked at her as she said,"You see it too right beloved? Erza has been taking jobs left and right for her and her team for the past five days ever since they came back from Onibus Town. I think this is their tenth job. You know why she's doing this right?". "Yeah Juvia. Me thinks that Erza isn't a fan of Nalu whatsoever." said Zane. The water woman blinked in confusion as Zane said,"It's their couple name. So why do you care about Erza taking out her anger on some bad people.".

The water woman sighed as she said,"You know my friend Gajeel Kun right?". "I do. Fought against him twice and won. Why bring him up exactly?" said Zane, crossing his arms. "He and Sue are dating as you know. When Gajeel heard that her and Boze were seen together, he wasn't happy. I later found out through Aria that Gajeel had been taking jobs to avoid Sue because of him liking Sue and well, he almost died by a group of dark wizards due to him wasting away his magic." said Juvia.

Zane nodded as he said,"Ah. So how did you make Lugnut stop taking jobs then? I'm sure that he wouldn't listen to you since he barely listen to second place and he was his guild master.". "I told Sue on him and well, she wasn't happy with how he almost died to some bandits. She forced him to stay in her place and well, the two started dating afterwards." said Juvia. "Let me guess why we're here if you don't mind of course." said Zane.

Juvia nodded as Zane said,"Okay. We're here to make sure that Prude Knight and the rest of the gang don't get killed by these bandits because Prude Knight not being able to handle Natsu dating someone who isn't her and she's too stubborn to let Natsu tell you about his certain arrangement. Okay. Just wait here. I got this.". He stood up and got in a running position. "See you later." said Zane with him vanishing from her sight much to her shock. "Wow. He's fast." said Juvia.

Like mentioned before, Team Natsu were on a job right now involving taking care of the bandits inside of Fort Term. Taurus had been summoned and he punched a bandit in the face. The bandit fell to the ground with Lucy standing behind Taurus. "That was great Taurus! Way to go!" said Lucy as she high fived Taurus. The bull had hearts for eyes with him saying,"And you got some mooves of your own Mistress ......".

The blond was shocked to see Zane appearing from out of nowhere and like before, he had attacked Taurus with the bull getting kicked in the face. "Shut up you perverted bison!" said Zane, landing on the ground. "Zane?! What are you doing here?!" said Lucy. Zane turned to her with him saying,"Juvia asked me to make sure that Prude Knight didn't get you and the rest of Team Natsu killed plus I don't like him.".

Lucy followed his finger toward Taurus with her sighing. "Thanks for the assist Zane but we didn't need since these guys are really weak." said Natsu, slamming a bandit head first into a wall. "While I'll agree that these guys are really weak and probably stole from old ladies and kids. Zane's right about Erza running us ragged with all of these damn jobs! The pay is nice but I'm getting tired." said Gray with him kicking one of them in the face.

Natsu sighed as he said,"Yeah but what do you expect me to do?". "Talk to her Einstein." said Gray and Zane in unison. "Jinx! You owe me a beer!' said Zane, earning a sigh from Lucy. "Okay. She may be doing this to get her mind off me and Luce being together. I really need to talk with her when I get the chance." said Natsu. "I could lock you two together in a room together and forced you two to talk about your relationship." said Zane.

Gray looked at Zane with him saying,"While I'm not against that, how are you going to keep Erza in said room?". "I got many a ways to negate a wizard's magic power but our Hatchling needs to do this himself." said Zane. "May I ask why?" said Lucy. "Because I love her Luce and seeing her miserable is just the worst. How can I talk with her if she's ignored me? I mean every time I try and talk with her, she makes an excuse and leaves. She doesn't even want to hang me with me." said Natsu.

Zane raised his hand with him saying,"Me and Juvia could keep her contained using a mixture of her Water Lock and my telekinesis.". "That could work. I'm game to help you guys out if we can find take a break." said Gray, kicking a bandit in the face. "You may think this is over but it isn't! You'll regret doing this since Lord Devon is going to make you Fairies pay." said a bandit. "We beat up that jerk a long time ago." said Happy, coming in from out of nowhere.

This bandit was shocked by this as the four humans heard,"I'm finished upstairs.". Erza stood there with Zane noticing the bandits on the floor around her. "Nice. Way to go Erza." said Lucy. "And I guess Juvia was wrong about you being out of magic power Prude Knight due to you being unable to handle Nalu." said Zane. "Nalu?" said Happy. "It's their ship name. Whatever that means." said Gray with him taking off his shirt.

As this was going on, a bandit was trying to scuttle away and Erza growled. "You're not leaving here criminal!" said Erza with her throwing a nearby unconscious bandit at him. "Holy crap. You beat a motherfucker with another mouthfucker. Color me impressed." said Zane. The scarlet haired woman dug her boot in the bandit's back as she pulled his arm back and the man howled back. The quarter of Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu could hear his arm breaking, cringing.

Erza said,"You need to be punished criminal!". "I've been so very bad! Please punish me too Mistress Erza!" said Taurus with him slowly being sent back to the celestial spirit world by Lucy. "Thank you for doing that Lucy. Really don't want to deal with him and Prude Knight being a sadistic queen. You need to let him go now." said Zane. "And why should I listen to you? You've faced all of these types of scoundrels and let them live when you should...." said Erza.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"I know that you're mad about how things went down but you need to calm down. I may be a killer but you shouldn't. Let me go. The Magic Council has been called by Juvia and they'll be put away from their criminal. If you're willing to cross the line from being a hero to a killer, I'll put you away with the criminals that you hate.". The two looked at each other with Happy saying,"Wow. This is really fun.".

Gray and Lucy looked at him with them saying,"Seriously?". "Jinx! You two both owe me a slushie when we get back to the guild." said Natsu. "It doesn't work like that. You have to be the one to say it Natsu so you owe them a slushie or a punch in the arm." said Zane, glaring at Erza. "I'll take the latter rather than the former." said Gray, punching Natsu in the arm. The fire wizard glared at Natsu with Lucy saying,"You kinda did this to yourself Natsu.".

Natsu grumbled with Erza letting go of the thug's arm. "Fine. Lets leave." said Erza with her storming out of the room. The others followed after her with Juvia seeing them leave.  She zoomed down the cliff with Zane being the only one to see. "Okay. I think this is the first time she's been in love and if I hadn't seen the stuff I've had, I would be freaked out." thought Zane. Juvia walked over to the group with Happy being the first to notice her.

Happy smiled mischievously ,just like the Cheshire Cat, with him saying,"Hi Juvia! What are you doing here? Are you and Zane on a date?". "It isn't like that!" said a redfaced Juvia. "Yeah and Zane is dating Levy remember?" said Lucy, thankful for Happy to try and change the mood. "That was a complete waste of time. It was barely a challenge and someone had to stop me for exacting justice on them." said Erza, scowling at Zane.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"And I kinda didn't want to throw you in jail.". "Come on! I want to destroy something!" said Natsu. "I know that but save it for the next job since you can't stop Erza from accepting jobs." said Gray, crossing his arms. "Check out this rock I found! Pretty cool don't you think?" said Happy, holding a small diamond. "Aah! Stealing from thieves is still stealing! Go put it back and you too!" said Lucy.

Gray turned to see Zane holding a bag of treasures with him saying,"Wow Lucy. You would think that I'm a thief. When have I ever stolen anything in my time here?". "You stole from Lucy's father and didn't give us a single cent." said Erza. "That's because Jude was a scumbag father and my house was destroyed, protecting Lucy who got capture anyways by Sue." said Zane. The two were about to start fighting once again with Natsu stopping them.

Natsu said with him standing in front of Erza and Zane,"Instead of fighting. How about we go to our place at the local inn? We still had it for another day. This town is pretty relaxing so how about we stay the night and head back to the guild tomorrow?". "I rather get back and go on another job." said Erza, quickly shooting down Natsu's idea and was going to walk away. "You need to stop right now Erza! You've been running your team ragged! You need to rest and recover!" said Juvia.

The knight stopped in place and turned to glare at Juvia. "Are you ordering me what to do? Don't think I forget about what you did to Lucy." said Erza. "I may have done some awful things to my Nakama but I'm trying to prevent you from doing the same thing to them just because you can't handle Natsu dating. Just look at them." said Juvia. "Wow. She's not standing down to Erza. That's kinda cool." whispered Happy. "I know right?" said Zane, smiling.

Erza looked at the members of her team with her eyes softening. All three of them looked exhausted and yes, I said three. She's ignoring Happy and this is totally speciest by the way. Gray and Lucy looked like they were about to pass out if they went onto another job and Natsu had clear bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep. "Prude Knight. I know that you want to get your mind off things but this isn't healthy. I should know. Trust me." said Zane.

The knight sighed as she said,"Fine. We can stay the night.". The four members of her team let out a sigh of relief with Erza saying,"But we're leaving tomorrow!". "Don't worry. I'll convince her to stay longer." said Zane, throwing them a thumbs up. "Whatever. I just need to sleep. It's like our training stuff but worse" said Gray with his limbs screaming in pain. "I could always make it worse." said Zane, cracking his neck and knuckles. "Please don't." groaned Gray.

Juvia giggled at the dynamic between Gray and her beloved with Lucy noticing something off in the distance. "Hey guys. I may be hallucinating here but I think I see Loke." said Lucy. The glass wearing wizard's eyes perked up as he noticed the five wizards plus a cat and A Cross Species, group. "Hey. How are things with Fairy Tail's strongest team plus Juvia and Zane." said Loke. "Just fine. It's been too long. You haven't been at the guild since we won against Phantom Lord." said Gray.

Natsu grinned with him saying,"We've been beating down bad guys and awesome as usual.". "You guys are always doing something." said Loke. "So are you here on a job?" said Zane, crossing his arms. "Yeah. I'm totally doing that." said Loke, nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Dude. Just stop with the lying." thought Zane. "Ah! I've been looking for you! About my keys Loke. I want to thank....." said Lucy who pushed her to the front of the group. 

Upon Loke seeing her, his eyes widened in fear. "Lucy!" said Loke. He began slowly backing away from her with him saying,"Well, it seems that a lovely lady is requiring me to be somewhere else. See you guys later!". He dashed off, leaving behind a dust cloud. "What's with that guy?" said Lucy with her pinching the bridge of her nose. "So what did you do to him? I haven't seen him run from a girl ever except for you." said Gray.

Zane smirked with him saying,"Me thinks that Lucy stinks Gray. I mean that's the reason why he got the hell out of dodge upon seeing you. It's like you're the plague or something.". "She doesn't stink! If you say that she is, I'll kick your ass Zane!" said Natsu, balling his fists. "It isn't my fault! And don't do anything stupid Natsu!" said Lucy. "Enough. We've wasted enough time lollygagging." said Erza in a strict tone. "I don't think we've spend enough time lollygagging." said Zane.

Juvia sighed with her saying,"Beloved. Please don't start another fight with Erza. How abotu we just go back to the inn?". Erza smiled as she thought that Juvia had stopped Zane from talking but this wasn't going to happen. "And on the way there, you can make comments." said Juvia. Erza's smile vanished as Zane's smile appeared. "Thanks Juvia. You're the best." said Zane. The group began to head back with Zane thinking,"And now, it's time to put my training with Alyssa to use.".

He flicked his Enigma Talisman with his soul leaving his body. It's steel gray and looks to be made out of cosmic energy. It resembles his head but more skeletal. The cat and the wizards didn't see him fly after Loke's dust trail and Zane found himself in a small forest. "Okay. So what are you doing here Loke?" said Zane. He found Loke with him panting and leaning against a tree. "Is it wrong that I don't feel bad about doing this? Nah." thought Zane.

Zane floated above Loke with the wizard placing his hand on a flower and it was slowly dying. "I guess that you don't have a green thumb huh Loke." thought Zane. Loke sighed as he slowly stood up and pushed himself off the tree. He sadly smiled with him walking off into the distance. The soul of Zane watched him walk away and Zane shook his head. "Let me make sure you don't do anything stupid. I rather not have her lose you." said Zane, placing a C.O.N.E on Loke and flew off.

Balsam Village is considered to be the most popular resort in Magnolia with it being famous for its spa. It's considered to be a flamboyant ,if somewhat evasive, tourist attraction was designed by a duke who was fascinated with the Orient and its architecture. Lucy let out a content sight as she let the hot spring's warm water wash over her. The busty blond leaned her head against the stones behind her and closed her eyes.

Lucy sighed as she said,"I don't get it. Why is Loke scared of me?". "Maybe because you're just a naturally scary person Lucy." said a feminine voice. Lucy turned around to see Juvia and Zara ,who looks the same as she did in Fairy Legion Chapter 29, in the springs with her as Lucy blinked at the sight of them. "Um Juvia. Who is your friend? And why does she remind me of... Hold on. Is that you Zane?" said Lucy.

Juvia nodded as she said,"It is but right now, he is a she by the name of Zara.". "Seriously? You use your god like powers to peep on us." whispered Lucy. "Lucy. I'm hurt that you would think I would use my powers irresponsibly and technically, I'm all women from head to toe. Want see? I mean it's a nice moon out." said Zara, slowly standing up but was stopped by Juvia. Lucy blinked in confusion with Juvia sighed. "Zara is here since the boys are ruining the spas. Her words not mine." said Juvia.

The blond sighed as she said,"Nevermind. At least, Erza isn't going to say anything about you being here since she's well ignoring me like Loke is.". "Sweet. You're the best Lucy my busty buddy." said Zara as she wrapped her arm around Lucy. Lucy blushed as she said,"Um Zane.". "It's Zara and yes Lucy?". "Your chest is touching mine." said Lucy. "And is something getting the hots for me? I'm sorry but you're not my type. Juvia, Levy, and Mira on the other hand." said Zara.

Juvia pulled the two apart by using the springs as she said,"Um Lucy. So do you know why is Erza wearing her armor? Oh. Never mind. She is out of the armor.". "According to her Juvia, she felt more relaxed with it on. Even though it's super weird, she ignored me after that." said Lucy. "I didn't know that she could relax but the powers of the hot springs is strong. Not even Prude Knight can resist its powers." said Zara, nodding.

Zara smirked with her saying,"I wonder if I should.". "Zara. Whatever you're thinking, don't. I don't think Natsu could handle it. Remember what happened during the Soul Swap incident." said Lucy with Juvia looking confused. "I was only joking Lucy. So want me to bring her over since you two can chat and maybe do each other nails." said Zara, pointing to the heavily frowning Erza and looked to be in deep thought.

Lucy shook her head as she said,"No Zara. She isn't a fan of me and Natsu being a thing. She's going to get herself killed at this rate. Why isn't she letting Natsu explain himself? She's instead of pushing us away.". The blond briefly dunked her head under the water with Juvia saying,"So are you going to do something about this and the Loke situation?". "I think I'll handle the latter first since this one is up to Natsu and he needs to do something before Erza hurts herself more." said Zara.

While the group of Erza, Juvia, Lucy, and Zara enjoyed the hot springs, Gray and Natsu got some much needed rest in their room. Gray was trying to catch some sleep but was woken up by Happy and Natsu bursting into the room. "Here we go! Lets get this party started!" said Natsu, holding two pillow. "Aye!" said Happy, holding a pillow. "Seriously Natsu? I'm trying to sleep here because you can't tell Erza your feelings. Go party outside." said Gray, glaring at Natsu.   

Natsu smiled with him saying,"Come on man. We're having a sleepover! And you know what that means right?". "We sleep?" said Gray. "No! You have to bust our your pillow throwing skills! Or is someone scared?" said Natsu. "Of you? Yeah, right." scoffed Gray. "Hmph. My arsnal is equipped with only the most powerful pillows." said Erza, entering the room with the girls and Zane. All of the wizards, the cat, and superhero were wearing yukata with Lucy's showing off her cleavage.

Erza and Juvia's yukata weren't but the blond's yukata was. Weird huh? The girls had their hair either in a ponytail or pigtails. Erza had a ponytail with Juvia and Lucy had pigtails. Natsu instantly blushed at seeing his girlfriend's cleavage as Juvia said,"Most powerful pillows?". "Whatever! You're going down Erza and Zane!" said Natsu. "Grow up guys." said Gray, shaking his head. Natsu threw two pillows at Erza and Zane with Erza jumping out of the way and Zane looking at Gray.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Time for my secret pillow fighting technique gang. Lets go! Gray and Happy Barrier!". "What?" said the two as Zane used the duo to block the two pillows. "You're in for now Erza, Natsu, and Zane! Oh. Look at what we have here. These pillow are just begging to be used to take you three down." said Gray with half of his yukata falling off. Juvia held a pillow with Lucy saying,"You're not going to join them are you?".

Juvia nodded as she said,"If my beloved needs me, I'll be there for him.". "Um. You do know who you are worried about right?" said Lucy as Gray tossed a pillow toward Natsu who was focused on Erza and Zane. This pillow smacked Natsu directly in the face with Gray saying,"You two are up next!". He threw two pillows at Erza and Zane with Erza catching hers. "Not too bad Gray but you're still an apprentice to a...." said Erza.

A pillow appeared and sent her flying back. It was the pillow that was supposed to hit Zane but it was stopped by Zane's telekinesis. "And you need to focus young one. You're a pillow Padwan and I'm a master." said Zane. The trio of Gray, Erza, and Natsu looked at each other with them nodding. "Lets take him down!" said the trio, throwing a pillow at him. Zane turned intangible with him saying as the pillows phased through him,"You've got a lot to learn before you beat me. Try again, kiddo!".

Lucy laughed with her saying,"Okay. Maybe I'll give it a hand.". Juvia stopped her with the blue hair girl blocked five pillows coming right toward her. "You may want to leave Lucy. This is going to get intense." said Juvia. She was right as the six began a pillow fight with Zane being the only one not to get hit by a pillow due to his intangibility and his telekinesis combo. "Okay. I'll just watch and my money is on Zane." said Lucy as she blinked at the chaos in front of him.

A little bit later, Lucy was walking around the inn for a bit and was enjoy the nice night air. As she walked, she summoned Plue to keep her company and the little celestial spirit walking beside her. "It is such a nice night. So are those guys human?" said Lucy to Plue. "Beats me Lucy. I mean Happy isn't human and well, I can say that I'm only 25% human at this point." said a voice. Lucy turned to see Zane standing there with him in his casual clothing.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Let me guess why you're here. You're a clone of Zane and the real you is fighting in the pillow war.". "Nope. It's the reverse. Zone is in the pillow war and winning but I'm just here to spent time with Master Plue." said Zane. "Okay then. So since you somehow know my spirits on a personal level, answer me this. Is Plue a dog or what?" said Lucy. Zane looked at Plue with him saying,"I think he's a snowman.". "Really?" said Lucy.

The two heard a voice that sounded an awful lot like Happy,"Actually, I'm a human just like you and kinda Zane!". "Uh huh." said Lucy. She turned to Plue with her screaming. Zane sighed at this with him shaking his head. "Human? I never knew you could talk!" said Lucy. "Aye!" said "Plue". "Wait a minute." said Lucy. Behind a bush, Happy snickered and he said,"I come from a faraway land where I'm a principal of a high school!".

If you understood that reference, you get an thumbs up from Captain America. "Very funny. Now stop fooling around." said Lucy. "Actually, he's serious." said Zane. "Don't agree with his blue butt Zane." said Lucy. Happy poked his head out of the bush with him saying,"Dang. I was really hoping to keep it up for a week or two since you're such a fool Lucy. Zane would have figured it out within seconds since you can't trick him.".

Zane smiled with Lucy saying,"I can really see how biased you are toward Zane.". "So why are the two out here? On a date?" said Happy. His cheeks were pinched by an invisible force with Zane saying,"Happy. Are you insinuating that me and Lucy would cheat on our respective partners? We're just going for a walk mainly because someone is scared of getting hurt by a pillow.". "That totally makes sense. Can you let my cheeks go now Zane?" said Happy.

The Cross Species looked at Lucy and Plue with him saying,"Only if Lucy and Master Plue says so. I think Lucy is also trying to avoid Prude Knight since she hates you for stealing her man.". "Why do you hate to be right about that?" said Lucy. "I'm good at hitting the main issues. Not one for dancing around the issues." said Zane. "And I'm out keeping an eye on Loke. So what is going on with the playboy?" thought Zane.

Meanwhile, Loke was in the same area as the rest of the group. He didn't noticed that he was being tracked by the C.O.N.E. and what he was doing. The latter was being recorded by the combination of a Drake and Zane's spell Omnipresent Eye. The former's standby form is a black sphere ,being the size of a normal smartphone, and it's very similar to his V.B.R.S. Its surface area is both smooth and sleek.

Upon placing them down, the spheres turn into mini dragons with a bright red sphere, working as an eye. From its eyes, a set of horizontal and vertical red lines stretches along the sides of the dragon, diving it into four pieces. The latter is an eye ,with it being about the size of a basketball, and its made out of Zane's signature fire. Loki held a request sheet that bore the pictures of two men. These comments from Zane while he's talking to Lucy.

The power of multitasking am I right? "So Loke is here on a bounty hunt." thought Zane. Loke sighed loudly as he put away the sheet in his coat pocket. He was walking around town and instead of him picking up the local chicks, he went to buy a drink at a vending machine. "Okay. This is wrong. Loke and picking up girls is just normal. It's like seeing Hali and Nerida being kind and pleasant, Taurus being a saint, and Virgo being a sadist. Something is clearly wrong." thought Zane. 

Loke took a sip from his drink and aimed it toward the sky. "The stars shine ever bright tonight but one of them shall go away." said Loke, clearly annoyed. The Drake looked up toward the night sky as Zane thought,"Okay Loke. What do you mean by that? If I remember right which I do, the celestial spirits are named to their respective constellations.". The drake showed Zane ,through his glasses, the formation in the air.

Zane instantly spotted out eleven out of twelve symbols of the zodiac. The one constellation that was slowly flickering out of existence was Leo. The eye turned toward Loke who looked terrible. "Gods dam it. Why the hell do you two have to be so stupid?" thought Zane. His attention was brought back to Loke who was walking again down a long path next to the walls of a spa. "Almost." muttered Loke, clenching his right fist tight. "Keep an eye on him and tell me..." thought Zane.

His order was interrupted by a guy saying,"Yo! What's up girl?". Lucy and Zane turned to see two shady looking men standing in front of her, blocking her path. One of the boys is wearing a red beanie. He has dirty blond hair and black eyes. He's wearing a black and red t-shirt, green pants, and brown shoes. He wears a purple pendant around his neck. The other young man has dark blue hair and green eyes.

He's wearing a dress shirt, maroon pants, and purple shoes. The bluenette's head was wobbling back in forth. "That outfit looks good on you sweet cheeks. You a tourist?" said the bluenette. "We're here from Oshibana yo. So how about this? You can come on a drink with us. That sound badass right sweet cheeks?" said the blond. "These two can't be real?" said Lucy. "Yeah. I like to call them idiots and they exist in every dimension." said Zane.

Lucy smiled with her saying,"Sorry but I have a boyfriend who isn't this moron.". "I'm hurt but that's fair. She's currently with our friends and not up for drinking." said Zane, pointing to himself and Plue but not Happy. "Um Zane. You're forgetting about me." thought Happy. "Am I though? I mean you're just a cat and not Master Plue. Stay quiet." thought Zane. "Aw. Don't play me like that yo!" said the blond. "We better go." said Lucy.

The bluenette nodded with him saying,"By friends, you mean that cat and...". The two thugs looked at Plue who waved them. "Yo. Your friend here is pretty funky but not the cat and guy. The dog is good though. He's so cool yo!" said the blond. "Zane. Mind doing something about them?" said Lucy with her clearly getting annoyed with the duo trying to flirt with her. "What do you mean? I mean they like Master Plue and they should know about your boyfriend." said Zane.

The blond laughed with him saying,"Seriously? We ain't afraid of something that doesn't exist!". "Oh but he does. He really doesn't like perverts hassling me plus he really hates when a certain superhero not doing anything about it." said Lucy. "And he should know that I hate fighting others battle when she could easily handle these guys." said Zane, crossing his arms. "Fine. I'm sure he's out looking for me so we're going to have leave." said Lucy.

She couldn't get too far with the blond holding the female's shoulder. "That's no need to be shy." said the blue hair man grabbing Lucy's arm. "You're pushy. Since Zane is being an idiot, how about you Happy?" said Lucy. "Meow." said Happy. "Seriously?!" said Lucy. "Okay. You think that the cat can talk. How cute." said the bluenette. Happy was snickered with Zane shaking his head. "You guys got it so wrong! Look I told you I'm busy so knock it off!" said Lucy.

Lucy was about to perform her signature Lucy Kick but couldn't move a muscle. "Don't worry sweet cheeks. We're going to have a great time!" said the bluenette. "Yeah. It'll be funky!" said the male blond. "They're wizards. Crap." said Zane. He was about to knock them out but the two thugs felt an overwhelming wave of killing intent washing over them. "Oh wow. You guys really fucked up. I mean you made a dragon mad by taking his treasure." said Zane, sitting down.

The killing intent was powerful being that both men immediately collapsed to their knees. A searing wave of heat slammed into the men, causing them to shake in fear. Both men gasped in pain when the male blond had a strong hand wrapped around his throat and lift him in the air. "What the hell is going on here?" said the bluenette, scared. "You really should listen to her." said a menacing voice as the blond tried to see who was attacking them.

He only saw pink. "I don't like people messing with my girl. I should kill you both for trying to force yourselves onto her. However, I don't want to bother the innkeepers with cleaning up your corpses and I'm not Zane." said a voice. Without warning, the assailant slammed him into the ground and was knocked out. "Natsu?! Thank go you showed up!" said Lucy, hugging the dragon slayer in for a tight hug.

Natsu smiled with him pulling in Lucy closer. "Don't worry Luce. I'll always protect you and I meant it. Speaking of protecting, why didn't you do anything Zane?" said Natsu, glaring at Zane. "Because your girl has a pretty nasty kick and she can handle herself. I mean Second Place knows it and he was a wizard saint." said Zane. As this was going on, the bluenette was running away. However, Loke came out of nowhere and delivered a right roundhouse kick to him.

The bluenette was sent flying much to the awe of Happy and Plue. "Meh. I've done better." said Zane as he crossed his arms. Loke looked at Lucy and Natsu with him saying,"Are you okay Lucy? Sorry we're late. I had to get Natsu and well, these two scumbags got what they deserve for harming a lady like yourself." said Loke. Before Lucy could say anything, Loke vanished and reappeared behind some bamboo. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me!" said Loke.

Lucy looked at him with her saying,"What did I do to you?!". "Nothing important and a certain idiot shouldn't judge someone because they share the same magic." said Zane, glaring at Loke. "If Loke didn't stop me from attacking them, they would be burned where they stood." said Natsu. "It's fine Natsu. These two scumbags are renegade wizards. They've been going after female tourists that they find alone. Don't know why they went after you Lucy." said Loke.

Natsu looked at Loke with the glasses wearing wizard saying,"Because she's with Happy, Zane, and her pet snowman.". Plue looked at Loke with his arms crossed. "I was after their bounty and you guys helped me so thanks." said Loke, holding the request sheet. "Okay then." said Lucy. "Anyway, I owe you for knocking one of them out Natsu but I have to be the one to turn them in before they use their Body Restriction Magic and escape. See you guys later." said Loke.

He picked the two up by their collars and was dragging them away. "Wait Loke!" said Lucy. "What's up?" said Loke, turning to face her. "Thanks for rescuing me from those two Loke and Natsu. Zane should have done something but well, he's been a stubborn bastard." said Lucy. "And that's why the ladies love me." said Zane. "Unless your name is Erza. I owe you thanks for getting my gate keys back to me." said Lucy.

Loke chuckled with him saying,"Thanks but it's what a gentleman does for a lady even though she's dating another gentlemen. You're also a member of Fairy Tail so we help each other.". "And in what dimension is Natsu a gentlemen?" said Zane. "Ignore him Loke. How about we go out for a drink and talk in private?" said Lucy. Loke was shocked as Happy and Plue's eyes turned into hearts. "Things are about to get steamy! The love triangle is still going strong!" said Happy.

Zane chuckled with him saying,"It isn't like that you two. Probably just a way to say thanks right? I'm coming too since well, I need something to drink.". "Seriously? You can't read the room. I'll see you back in the room Luce since I can read it." said Natsu as he let go of Lucy's waist. "Oh I can. I just choose to ignore it when we should do something about it. I just need to make sure Loke doesn't run away. Now lets go." said Zane, grabbing Loke and the thugs.   

Five minutes later, the group was at a restaurant called Super Express. Similar to the rest of the buildings in the village, the Super Express restaurant is influenced by Oriental architecture. The whole building is intricately designed with the gigantic head of a golden Dragon on its blue roof. The restaurant and its yard are surrounded by a blue fence with an arch in the front of the shop. In the front of the restaurant, a statue of a pink frog can be seen sitting on top of a rock.

It's carrying an umbrella. A red sliding door serves as the entrance to the restaurant with two windows on either side of it. The name of the shop, written in a different language, can be seen on a signboard on the base of its roof.  This restaurant is known throughout Earthland and it's a popular spot in Balsam due to them offering its patrons a culinary adventure. Inside, a bar is situated in front of the entrance of the shop with multiple wooden stools surrounding it.

Inside the bar, a fireplace can be seen with multiple shelves hanging from the wall. It's topped with different statues and beverages. Multiple tables can also be seen lined up beside the walls of the restaurant. The silent chef's forehead is very interesting to see but people ,locals and tourists, come for the food every time. The silent chef wears a white robe with black trimming. He has an extremely large and noticeable forehead. He always has his eyes closed.

The silent chef also has a small mustache above his lip. On the top of his large head is his flat-top black hair. "Hey Zane. Why did you let him sit so far away from me?!" said Lucy with her pointing to Loke who was sitting several seats away from her. Zane ,sitting at a nearby table, shrugged with him saying while sipping some booze,"This is something you have to do yourself Lucy and also, I don't care.".

Happy and Plue sat at the same table as Zane with the cat and snowman ,maybe?, devour some food nearby him. The chef nodded his head as Zane said,"See? Even the chef agrees with me. So instead of talking to me, hash it out. Plus close the boob window. It's very unlady like.". "Ignore him Lucy. Erza doesn't and well, she tends to play right into his hands. I also like this side of the room more. Good atmosphere." said Loke.

Lucy smiled as she walked over and sat next to him plus closed up the boob window since Natsu wasn't here. This reason is brought to you by Fairy Legion canon and not official. "So I have to ask you something since no one will tell me why. Is it true that you have a bad history with Celestial Wizards?" said Lucy. Loke was silent with Lucy waiting for an answer. She pouted for a second as she took a sip of her drink. "Wow. These two stink at talking." said Happy.

Plue nodded as Lucy said,"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. I'm not someone who forces people to talk about a bad experience.". "I think she's talking about you." whispered Happy. This comment earned him a slap from a tendril with Plue sighing. "However, I don't think it's fair to judge me like that wizard who hurt you." said Lucy. "You're right Lucy. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Don't want to make Natsu mad at me." said Loke, lightly chucking.

The spiked haired teen turned away as he said,"I'm no good for you or anyone. Just forget about me and move on.". Zane rolled his eyes at the cliche line uttered by the man. "Why are you giving me some lame breakup line?" said Lucy in a deadpanned tone. "That came out pretty funny right?" said Loke, earning a sigh from Lucy. "No. I didn't mean like that." said Loke. "You weren't serious. You've been at the receiving end of Natsu's wrath before and I doubt you would want that again." said Lucy.

Loke was silent as he eventually said,"Nope. Just thinking about something that happen a long time ago.". "Can you tell me?" said Lucy. The chef held a record in front of her with her eventually making an "X" with her arms. This action caused the chef's massive forehead to deflate. Loke's silent treatment continued on for several minutes with Happy and Plue sleeing on the table. Lucy sighed as she stood up. "Well whatever. Thanks for getting Natsu. You're a nice guy Loke." said Lucy.

Lucy turned to Zane with her saying,"Unlike a certain superhero, I can see why the girls like you. If you want to talk about what happened, I'll always be there to open an ear. I won't force you like Erza would. Things were getting awkward between us so we need to sit down and talk. Everyone in Fairy Tail is family. We better get going Zane. See you later Loke.". "Yeah Lucy. Erza is finally knocked out. Zone had fun." said Zane as he finished his drink.

Before Lucy could leave, Loke grabbed her wrist. "Stop." said Loke, causing Lucy to stop and look at him. Standing up, Loke enveloped her in a hug and caused her to blush in surprise. "Huh?! What's up with you Loke? You're shaking." said Lucy. "The truth is. I don't have long to live." said Loke with his face darkened. The two stayed like this with Zane saying to the chef,"Wow. It's like those two are ignoring us.". The chef nodded. 

Lucy's eyes widened with shock as she said,"Loke. What are you saying?". He let her go with her pupils shaking and widening. Loke looked away with Zane sighing and whispered in Uwaric. "Et moron stupri.". Despite the chef not knowing Uwaric, he nodded his head at what Zane said. Loke began to laugh slightly, causing her eyes to widen once again. "What?" said Lucy with his laughter getting worse.

Loke said,"I sure fooled you. That's something I use to seduce women. It's one of my best.". This caused Lucy to clenched her teeth. "It pulls on the heartstrings every time. You should have seen your face. A totally classic." said Loke. Lucy was pissed as she kicked him in the nuts hard, causing the two other men in the room to wince in pain. "Oh wow. What a kick she has." said Zane with the chef nodding in agreement.

The glasses wearing teen was on the ground with Lucy screaming with her eyes filled with tears,"I hate those type of jokes! Do you think it's funny to joke about dying?! No it isn't! You're the worst Loke! Lets go Happy and Plue!". She stormed off with Plue looking at Loke and Zane. "You're a very big idiot Loke. Always been one since I've known you." said Zane. Loke looked at Zane with him saying in a higher pitch,"Then why haven't you said anything.".

Zane sighed with him saying,"Because you're being ridculous. You shouldn't let your feelings get the better of you. Don't drag Lucy into your problem. This is your mess and you're the one who needs to clean it up. You're paying for our bill. Night Wildcat.". He was gone as Loke payed the bill and he stared up at the night sky. "Why the hell does he have to be such an annoying pain? Whatever. It's too late. There is nothing I can do about it." said Loke, walking away under the watchful eye of a Drake.

The next day in Magnolia and at the Fairy Tail Guild hall/construction yard. Gray and Natsu were butting heads with each other. Both of them were covered in bandages. "Back off ice princess! If you don't, I'll kick your ass in front of everyone!" said Natsu. "Ha! I would like to see you try ash for brains!" said Gray. "So what's up with those two?" said Elfman. "They were both hurt during a pillow fight according to Zane." said Mira, smiling.

Elfman blinked with him saying,"Okay. That makes no sense since pillows aren't manly. Were those pillows filled with rocks or something?". "Who knows Elfman? I'm just enjoying seeing Erza dressed like a mummy." said Stella, pointed to the bandaged up knight drinking a strawberry mango slushie at a table. "Let me guess. You did that." said Juvia ,not covering in bandages, with her talking to Stella and Zane at the bar. "And you're learning how I operated. Smart girl." said Zane.       

Juvia blushed as Mira looked at Zane with affection in her bright blue eyes. "Zane. One second you act all serious and kinda a jerk and the next, you're like a good friend. Despite saying the worst things to hear, you can bring everyone to your side and put a smile on the face. You and Natsu are the heart of the guild. When something goes down, you and Natsu will be the ones to bring us." thought Mira with her hoping that Zane wasn't reading her mind.

Zane was but he wasn't going to say anything since well, he didn't feel like it. "Why do you have to take a pillow fight so seriously?!" yelled Gray. "Cause I give everything 110 percent! You're just salty because you lost first!" said Natsu, balling his fists "You didn't have to set the pillows on fire when you threw them?! And you can't do something more than a hundred percent! You're just a sore loser too Natsu!" said Gray. "I'm the winner and you're the loser!" yelled Natsu.

Stella looked at them with her saying,"Um. Can someone even win a pillow fight?". "Beats me but I totally won. Oh and this is going to be hilarious." said Zane, smiling. "Lucy! I won the pillow fight didn't I?!" yelled Gray and Natsu as they turned to face the blonde at the corner. She turned around slowly, revealing her. She had an expression of deep anger and she said,"For the love of gods, shut the hell up! Natsu Dragneel, stopping bickering right now!".

Gray and Natsu shivered in fear with Gray saying,"Sorry there Lucy. I'll be quiet.". "Yeah. Sorry Luce." said Natsu, rubbing the back of his head. "And here I thought Erza and Zane were the only two to make them stop fighting." said Mira. "She's a real man." said Elfman. "So why are you being like Zane Lucy? He infect you with his um... What was it Vance?" said Happy. "His assholeness." said Vance. "I can't infect people. I don't have the zombie infection right now." said Zane.

Stella blinked with her saying,"Right now? You had it before. And is the zombie infection sound like what I think it does.". "Yeah. According to Parker. I kinda get it whenever I go Zombie Form. I can't infect people but I mimic a zombie's natural attributes and sick dance moves. I can only infect people when I'm either Dragonfly Form and Restore Form." said Zane. "And the zombie thing wouldn't work on Lucy since she's too stupid to have brains." said Happy.

Lucy looked at Happy with her saying,"Shut up Happy before I make you shut up.". "Save me!" said Happy, hiding behind Natsu. "Wow. You're dead Happy. I'll write I love fish on your tombstone." said Zane. "So what's wrong? Is it because of the Plue thing?" said Stella. "You know about it? Zane told you about Happy's failure of a prank didn't he and no. I'm not petty enough to be hung up about some prank." said Lucy.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Says the woman who was mad at me for a week when I swapped her body with a cat. It was a prank.". "I'll ignore you for now. I just have a lot of my mind right now and shouldn't take it out on innocent people." said Lucy. "What's up Luce? You should know that you can talk to me about it. I'm great at helping people." said Natsu, sitting next to her. "Or maybe someone with some actually experience like Papa!" said a voice.

Lucy and Natsu turned to see Kaida standing there with Lucy smiling at the two of them. "It's fine you two. I'll be fine." said Lucy, placing a discrete kiss on his cheek. "Why not? Papa is great at helping people for a cost." said Kaida. "And you just answer your question Peanut. Come here and let Lucy be alone okay?" said Zane. Behind some planks of wood, Loke peeked his head. "Lucy. I'm sorry for bringing you into this." thought Loke. 

Loke turned away from the blond as his right hand began to become transparent for a second before coming back. "It's almost time. Good bye." thought Loke. "So I have to ask. Why do people like a guy like Loke? I mean he's a playboy and a bad one too." said Zane. Elfman was glaring at Zane with the giant thinking that sounded like Zane. He couldn't say anything about that since Mira would kill him but there was a chance that she won't. However, those were low odds.   

Elfman was sure that Mira could think up a few ways worse than death if she was really upset. Lucy sighed as she said,"Yeah. Loke is actually weird. I mean stranger than normal. He usually avoids me just because I'm a Celestial Wizard but what he said to me last night. I don't know.". "Men can be a confusing mystery you know. Maybe we can talk to him together. I'm good at making people talk since I work with a spy." said Zane, cracking his knuckles.

Before Lucy could answer him, she heard an angered female voice,"I've been looking everywhere for Loke! Where is he Mirajane?!". The blond turned to see several angry looking girls staring down a very much uncomfortable Mira. "I can't believe he ran out on me!" said a girl. "And what do you think you're doing here?!" said a third girl. "I could ask you the same thing whore!" said a fourth girl  with her glaring down the third. "Loke! Where are you?!" said a fifth girl.

Lucy blinked as she said,"Um. What's going on over there?". "Trouble in paradise I think." said Stella with Zane nodding. "I think I know some of them. They've been with Loke before. They must all think that Loke is his girlfriend or something." said Natsu. "Last night. He said that he wanted to break up with me! Can you believe that with me?!" said a sixth girl. "And he broke up with me!" said a seventh girl. "And me!" said an eighth girl. "What's going on?!" said an ninth girl.

Mira looked at them with her saying,"I don't know. Maybe he's just on a really important job.". She looked distressed with the girls continued to question her. "I got this. Time to use their love against them and also I think Loke needs to learn why you never want to invoke a women's wrath." said Zane as he placed Kaida on a nearby booth and disappeared. "Why doesn't he want me huh?! Why?!" said a tenth girl.

Yeah, Loke has dated a lot of girls and he's serious with none of them. "Is he with someone else or what?!" said a eleventh girl. "No. Of course he isn't. I hope." said Mira. "Who is she? Is she with that all girl guild?" said a twelfth girl. "Um. Well.." said Mira, trying to come up with a response. She was about to do the only thing she could think of when she heard,"Hey there ladies. What's going on? You seem testy.".

The army of angry woman wiped around to face Loke much to the shock of the real one who was hiding. "What the? Zane! What is he doing?!" thought Loke. The twelve women stared at "Loke" with them glaring angrily at him and collectively placed their hands on their hips. They all looked royally pissed them off. "Um. What's going on Loke?" said Lucy. "Um Luce. That isn't Loke. They don't smell the same." said Natsu. "Yeah. That isn't Loke." said Stella.

The first woman said in an extremely anger tone,"Where have you been?!". "What are you talking about my...?" said "Loke" but was cut off. "You jerk. You're unbelievable. You know that?" said the second. "Is this how you treat your girlfriend?" said the third. "Loke" looked to the girls with him thinking of a response. "Sorry about that. I guess I have to tell you all the truth." said "Loke". "And that is what mister?!" said the fourth girl.

"Loke" smiled with him walking over to Erza. "Um Loke. Is there something the matter?" said Erza as she didn't notice the crowd of angry women behind her. "I've decided to dump all of you and give up my playboy ways for my true love. Prude Knight." said "Loke", wrapping his arm around Erza much to her anger and confusion. "Okay. That's Zane right? Playing a prank on Erza by using Loke's image." said Elfman, pointing at the teen.

The real Loke looked at his fake with him saying,"Damn you Zane. I'll get you for this but thanks for protecting her. I couldn't do that so maybe you could.". "So this is the girl?" said the fifth girl. "Yep. I mean just look at her. She has beauty that you ladies surely don't have. I mean she doesn't dress like a tramp like you all do for starters. Dear. Do you mind taking care of them for me? I have to continue being a coward who's running from my problems instead of facing them like a man." said "Loke".

He smiled as he said,"I should be a leader instead of a little bitch.". "What are you talking? We're not together." said Erza. Before Erza could get an answer, "Loke" vanished in a puff of smoke as the girls began trying to get answer from Erza. "So you think that you're better than us huh tramp?!" said the sixth girl. "Loke may be a coldhearted jerk but at least, he knows not to date an ugly girl like you are Prude Knight. Loke's pet name for you is so fitting." said the seventh girl.   

Lucy blinked with her saying,"Um. Do you think we should help her Natsu?". "I'm sure she could handle herself and trust me, I really don't want to be those girls." said Natsu. "So what did my papa do exactly?" said Kaida, looking confused. "I used their love of Loke to direct them away from Mira to someone else. It's called misdirection and it's something I use every day." said Zane as he appeared on the barcounter in Illusion Form.

Mira looked at Zane with her saying,"You did this because? I mean I'm thankful for you saving me but Erza will kill them if they keep calling her names.". "Don't worry. She won't since I currently have her in a different place. Illusions are a hero's best friend." said Zane. "And where would that place be?" said Elfman. "And why pick on her?" said Natsu. "Because she is just an easy target for my trickery. Those girls will leave her in three, two, one." said Zane, snapping his fingers.

A cloud of dust and debris immediately kicked up, making a impressive smokescreen. Loke's harem began to cough and sputter as the debris clouded their vision. "So long suckers! I'll see you all at Loke's place!" said Erza's voice. "Get her!" shouted the girls. The twelve girls were gone with her heading toward where Erza was heading. However, Erza never left her spot. "And this is why you don't mess with my friends. Better lay low Prude Knight or they'll get you." said Zane.

Erza looked at him as she said,"And why did you use me to get rid of them?!". "You looked bored and well, you're such an easy target. Ain't that right Mira?" said Zane. "Um Zane. I really think you should stop while you're ahead." said Mira. "Oh come on Mira. What's the worst that could happen to little old me? If Prude Knight tries something, I got a counter for her." said Zane with him smiling.

The knight growled as she slapped Zane directly across the face as hard as she could. His head shot to the right as a red handprint now make an appearance on his cheek. The entire guild held a hand up to their mouths in shock and gasped at the sudden outburst. "Okay. Took you long enough to finally hit me. Come on Prude Knight. Hit me already. Your weak attack did nothing but give me a tan." said Zane, earning him another slap.

Erza continued to slap Zane with her screaming,"For once in your life, shut the hell up! No one finds you annoying mouth funny!". "I disagree. There are a lot of people who find me hilariously and are you going to keep slapping me? Try something new like maybe admitting your feelings. No that's impossible since a warrior like yourself can't admit that she isn't happy about how things played out." said Zane.

Kaida looked confused as Stella said,"Your father is trying to "help" Erza with her problems about Nalu.". "Oh. I get it but why is he getting hurt?" said Kaida, watching Zane getting thrown by Erza into the ground and began getting assaulted by the knight using her fists of fury. This beatdown is brought to you thanks to me trying to find a way of helping Erza cope with her relationship problem and for anyone who likes Jerza as a good ship.

To me personally, Jerza is like Joker and Harley Quinn together. It's a toxic relationship since Jellal hurt Erza in a way that we'll see in the next arc. And I really want to know how Jiemma and Erza are a thing. They literally shared no scene together. "Erza! Stop hitting him!" said Gray, wondering why he was stopping Erza when she's mad. It's a really bad idea but Zane is his friend. Erza glared right at him with her saying,"Gray. Why are you stopping me from enacting revenge on Zane?".

Erza pointed to him with her saying,"I'm not in the wrong here! He had this coming!". "And while I think you have merit in that, that isn't Zane. You've been hitting an illusion this entire time and in all reality, you've been hitting....." said Gray. Erza looked to see Zane vanishing as Makarov appeared with bright red cheeks. "Master! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" said Erza, bowing deeply in order to show how she was deeply sorry.

Makarov rubbed both of his cheeks as he said,"It's fine my dear. Unlike others my age, I don't hold a grudge. As punishment, go sit in the public bath till midnight and you better not leave or else.". "Yes master!" said Erza, saluting him. She ran off as Gray looked at Makarov. "I may not be able to see illusions but really Zane. Is this a game to you?" said Gray. Makarov vanished as Zane reappeared without any sign of injury.

Mira looked over with her saying in a concerned tone,"Zane. Are you okay?". "Um Mira. You do know that Erza only did that since Zane kinda makes fun of her." said Natsu. "A lot." said Happy and Vance. "Jinx! You owe me a slushie! It shall be fish flavor!" said Happy. "Of course it is. It would be a shock if it isn't fish flavor." said Vance. "I'm fine Mira. Just wondering what those girls will do to Loke if I didn't redirect their anger toward the fake Erza." said Zane.

Zane deactivated the form with Lucy saying,"But they were looking for the real Loke right? Why did he break up with his girlfriends?". "He found a new squeeze Lucy?" said Stella. "Maybe Loke is under mind control! Is it possible Bimbo did something to her?!" said Lucy. "Um Lucy. I really hate to be that guy. Actually, no I don't. Bimbo is only focused on getting back her mistress and mind control isn't her MO." said Zane.

Natsu looked confused as he said,"MO?". "Modus Operandi. It's a Latin phrase that refers to a pattern that someone takes. Supervillains do this all the time and well once you figure it out, you can defeat them with no problem." said Zane. "Wow. That's so cool papa!" said Kaida, impressed with her father right now. "Yeah Peanut. It pays to use your brain instead of your brawn inside of a fight. Rythos may disagree with that statement since his brain and brawn are practically the same thing." said Zane.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Um you guys. If Bimbo didn't get to Loke, shouldn't we be worried about him?". "Loke is a wizard of Fairy Tail. I'm sure he's fine." said Mira. "Yeah and didn't he play that nasty joke on you last night? Kinda want to let him suffer after he did that to one of my pals." said Zane with his arms crossed. "You have a point there but..." said Lucy. She was about to leave with Zane looking at her. "Trust me when I say this but he'll be fine I promise." said Zane.

The hero smiled as he said,"I'm the grandson of a woman who can see into the past, present, and future of the Omniverse. It kinda passed onto me and I protected you from their wrath Lucy.". "And what do you mean by that Zane?" said Lucy, sitting back down. "I think our favorite barmaiden was going to shift those harpies onto you. Natsu would have save you using his fire as a smokescreen. A clever move from Natsu but a mean one from Mira! I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!" said Zane.

Lucy and Natsu looked right at Mira who whistled. "Mira. That's just evil." said Natsu. "But Natsu. I couldn't think of what to do. They were going to hurt me." said Mira with fear tears forming in the corners of her eyes with Lucy and Natsu feeling bad. "Mira. Those crocodile tears may work on these two but not me. You're not a weak girl. I'm sure you could have dealt with those girls with one arm tied behind your back. You just wanted to tease Lucy." said Zane.

He smirked with him saying,"Your teasing is more harmful than mine and I once led someone into a pit of spikes due to him stealing a recent batch of cookies that were made for me and not him. Stupid bastard.". "Really? That's mean." said Lucy. "He had it coming. If there is one thing you should know about me, you don't mess with my baked goods." said Zane, crossing his arms. "You're no fun at all Zane!" whined Mira as she crossed her arms under her chest.

This had the not so subtle benefit of Zane showing a healthful dosage of her ample bosom. "I can't get away with my teasing when you're around." said Mira. "Mira. While I enjoy teasing my fair share of beings, you can't get them killed or hurt unless you know they'll be okay afterwards. That's why I tease Prude Knight since I'm sure she can survive the harpies." said Zane with his eyes firmly locked on Mira's bouncing breasts.

Stella snapped her fingers in front of Zane's face with her saying,"Um Zane. Her eyes are up there and not down there.". "I've made my choice. Plus I'm just doing what Natsu was doing back at the hot springs." said Zane with him looking at Stella's chest now. "Um. What are you talking about? And why are you staring at her chest now?" said Mira, pouting. "Because Stella was getting jelly and Lucy made it pretty clear that Natsu should be staring given her boob window." said Zane.

Juvia sulked as unlike Mira and Stella, she didn't show off her chest. Do note that doing this in public will get you slapped and called a pervert in seconds. Plus don't say the C word on TV. The ladies will be only you like bees to honey and make you the most unemployable person on the planet. I won't be putting a link to my reference here. You should find what it is yourself. "What?! You were staring at them Natsu?! And Lucy let you?! Man. You two have weird couple stuff." said Gray.

Natsu whistled with Happy snickered. "So was he drooling Zane?" said Mira. "Not too sure myself but hey, I'm enjoying the private show you're giving me. I know Levy doesn't mind you flirting with me since Danny told her about how far I'll go for someone I love with all of my Essence. How about me giving a private show instead?" said Zane with him having a seductive look in his eyes. "Can you stop flirting with my sister when you're dating Levy?!" shouted Elfman.

Zane turned to the giant with him saying,"You're right Elfman. I should stop flirting with Mira but you see. I have a problem.". "You do?" said Elfman. "Yeah. One of my teachers taught me how to flirt since I was a natural apparently. I can't stop flirting with the ladies or danger. Usually the latter since I can't shut up. So Natsu. I got to ask. How are you going to deal with Erza? She's going to get herself killed." said Zane.

Natsu sighed with him saying,"Zane. I haven't had a chance to talk with her about it since she keeps ignoring me and I was going to but you sent her to the bathhouse!". "Magnolia have a bathhouse? I thought Zane was joking about that." said Lucy. "Harsh but fair." said Zane. "Oh. You've never been before Lucy? It's quite nice." said Gray. "And manly!" said Elfman, flexing. "How about we go there as a d..... What was it called again?" said Natsu.

Zane sighed as he said,"Date. Go have fun kids.". Before Lucy could say anything, Natsu grabbed his mate's wrist and dragged her toward the guild's entrance. "Wait for me you guys!" said Elfman and Happy. The two went after them as Gray said,"Isn't a date a two persona activity?". "Sometimes, it can be more than two but usually two." said Zane. Most of the group was gone as Kaida, Mira, and Zane were the only ones left. Mira smiled at this development but squeaked in surprise.

Kaida didn't notice this since she was drawing Illusion Form tricking Erza and those harpies. Mira felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. Looking up, Mira saw Zane's face and it was only a few inches from her. "Mira. While I find you attractive, you'll have to wait since Levy and Sly are out of town with her team but just to give you an appetizer. I may be a playboy like Loke but I flirt with the really special ones and not some floozy I met on the street." said Zane.

Mira was confused by this. However, Mira's eyes shot wide open when Zane leaned forward and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. It was nothing more than a quick peck but this small kiss caused Mira's heart to beat rapidly and she was sure that her face was bright red. As Zane looked into Mira's eyes, he smiled. "As a wise being once said, good things come to those who wait." said Zane as he left a flustered Mira to bask in the afterglow of her first kiss with the man she loved.

Later at the only public bathhouse in Magnolia. It does two things. It relieves personal fatigue and the magic power of those who bath here. Loke was hiding around the corner ,like a sicko or stalker, with him seeing Elfman exiting the male's entrance. "Bathhouses are manly!" said Elfman. The giant of a man was here because Mira was still thinking about her kiss with Zane and Elfman couldn't get his sister's attention.

As Elfman was leaving the bathouse, Lucy exited afterwards. "I like my bath at home but this place takes the cake! Nothing beats soaking in a big tub. Kinda worried about Erza." said Lucy. Titania had been in the bath house for over a few hours and looked like a broiled lobster. She had passed out upon seeing Lucy and well, Natsu had taken her back to her place at Fairy Hills. He had broke his way into the girls side to get her out of there but he wasn't focused on seeing the other girls bodies.

Lucy hoped Natsu would talk with Erza but well, she doubt Erza would let him talk. Loke looked right at her with him not seeing that he was being watched by a nosey Zane. He was currently in Frost Form with his wings wrapped around him. "So what will you do now Wildcat?" thought Zane. The brunette stepped out of the shadows and this attracted Lucy's attention. "Hey there Lucy. Can we talk over there?" said Loke, pointing to a nearby staircase. "Um sure." said Lucy.

The two wizards and invisible superhero went over to a nearby staircase with Loke going over and buying a drink for him and Lucy. "Try this. It hits the spot after a bath." said Loke, handing her some flavored milk. It was Strawberry, reminding Lucy of Natsu's hair. "Thanks." said Lucy, smiling. "I'll have one with you if you don't mind." said Loke, holding a lime flavored one. I wonder why he would go for that favorite.

It may be due to a certain wizard whose identity will be revealed soon. "Just so you know, Erza may be mad at you due to a mixture of Zane pranking her and your fan club." said Lucy. Loke sighed as he said,"Figures he would make his life a living hell but whatever. Lets put the past behind us. Here's your beautiful eyes.". "Um. Boyfriend remember?" said Lucy. "Ah. Sorry force of habit I guess." said Loke, nervously chuckling.

The two clinked their drinks with Lucy smiling. "This is really good." said Lucy. "No kidding." said Loke with him sparkling. "Yeah. The sky is pretty nice tonight right?" said Lucy. "Yeah." said Loke as a shooting star went by. "A shooting star! It sounds kinda dumb but I always wondered where those fallen stars end up." said Lucy. "Wow. That's going to effect Loke in a way that makes no sense yet." thought Zane, frowning.

Loke nodded a little before looking down. "I kinda feel sorry for them. Just think. Once they fall from the sky, they can never return to heaven. That's pretty heartbreaking right?" said Loke. Lucy looked at her with her eyes gained anger. "That's another one of your sappy pick-up lines again isn't it? I'm not going to get fooled again." said Lucy, turning away from him. "Heh. You can see right through me huh Lucy." said Loke, chuckling.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Come on. Can't you go like five minutes without flirting? You're even worse than Zane. He claims that his flirting is a result of his teacher but I think he does it on purpose.". "I can be a real pain huh but thanks for entertaining this fool Lucy. Goodbye." said Loke. He walked as Lucy looked at him in curiosity and heads back to her apartment. Zane floated there with him sighing loudly. "Idiot. Why is Wildcat doing this?" said Zane, flying off after Lucy.

Back at Lucy's apartment, Happy and Natsu ,who didn't talk to Erza since she kicked him out upon walking up, sat on her bed and Zane ,out of Frost Form, sat in the armchair. Lucy took out a silver key with her saying,"Open! Gate of the Southern Cross! Crux!". Crux appears to be an aged celestial spirit. His head beholds a giant, metal cross with floral-like golden patterns. He also has a white-haired mustache sprouting from his nostrils that also appears like tiny crosses.

Oftentimes, he closes his eyes. However, he will eventually open these if he found his objective. He seems to be wearing a medieval-like outfit, complete with green pants and wooden pointed shoes. His arms and legs are skinny, and appear to be tanned orange. On his arms are blue-colored knobs attached to his wrists and elbows. Crux is currently missing a tooth and he favors to levitate rather than to stand.           

Happy blinked with him saying,"So this weird floating guy is a spirit huh?". "Yeah. I like to call him Grandpa Crux." said Lucy. "Nice to meet you Grandpa Crux!" said Natsu. "So why did you summon this young guy again?" said Zane. "Because you won't tell me how you know my celestial spirits so well and Loke. I definitely overreacted when I kicked Loke in the nuts but I can tell that he wasn't joking and I need Grandpa Crux to look something up for me." said Lucy.

Natsu crossed his arms over his chest with him saying,"Wow. That isn't Loke. I mean sure, he may flirt with any attractive girl but he doesn't use that as his pickup line."."And getting kicked in the nuts is the worst pain a male can feel." said Zane. "Focus you two. Grandpa Crux. Do you mind using your powers to tell me about the Celestial Wizards Loke met in the past and maybe how all of my spirits know Zane so well?" said Lucy.

Crux hummed in response with him looking to have fallen asleep. "Um Lucy. I think you should get a new model. He's kinda sleeping." said Happy. "Yeah. I can see the snot bubble." said Natsu. "He heard her you two. Crux is a living search engine and well, he likes to sleep while searching things up. Been like that since he was a spry young man or since I've known him." said Zane. "Okay. That makes no sense." said Happy and Natsu.

Lucy shrugged as she said,"It may not make any sense but Crux is an expert on anything involving Celestial Spirit magic. He can tell you everything that goes on in both the human and celestial spirit world. He can even tell you about particular spirits and which wizards have summoned them in the past.". "I doubt that." said Happy. "For once, she isn't lying. Just wait and relax." said Zane, leaning back in his chair and sipping his flask.

After another moment, Crux's eyes opened up as he screamed out. His eyes looked bloodshot with Happy and Natsu jumping out of their skin. The cat hid behind Lucy in fear and Natsu protected Lucy from the living cross. Zane laughed at the duo with Lucy saying,"So did you find anything Grandpa Crux?". "I did indeed but I cannot say anything about personal information involving the Celestial world." said Crux.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Skip the bureaucracy Crux and get to the point. You're not getting any younger.". "Okay old friend. I can tell you that Loke was connected to a Celestial Spirit wizard named Karen Lilica." said Crux. "Karen Lilica?!" said Lucy. Zane flinched with Happy said as he looked at Lucy and Zane,"Um. Who is she? And do you know her Zane?". "She has the same name as a old friend and well, my PTSD is acting up." said Zane.

Happy looked concerned with him saying,"Are you going to be okay Zane? You don't look good. I mean your face is so pale.". "Happy. If I was still in my early 20s, I would lie and say yes but I'm fine seriously. I think I can handle hearing someone with So does anyone other than Lucy know about this Karen girl?" said Zane. Natsu cupped his chin as he said,"Karen Lilica. I've heard that name before but I can't remember from where.".

Lucy looked right at him with her saying,"She was a super famous Celestial Spirit wizard a few years ago Natsu. I actually have the issue when she was profiled in Sorcerer Weekly.". She pointed to a copy of Sorcerer Weekly as Natsu nodded. "That's right. Mira did a photoshoot with her once and told me about her when she got back. She was like a female Loki." said Natsu. "Um. So do you have a picture of her Lucy? What do you mean by was like a female Loki?" said Happy.

Zane sighed as he said,"I think I got a picture of her. Hold on a second Happy.". Zane held out his watch as a holographic image appeared on the coffee table in front of the group. Karen had brown eyes and green hair that was usually put back by a blue hat with white-colored Blue Pegasus's symbol and like most of the female characters, she also had large breasts. Karen's member stamp was located on the lower left part of her abdomen, colored blue.

She wore a long fur-trimmed red coat with a light pink furry collar and handcuffs on top of a cream and black bikini top. She also wore a knee-length dark purple skirt with light brown socks and red high-heeled shoes. "Yep. That's her. So why did you have a picture of her in your watch? You better have a good reason." said Lucy. "Because one of my AIs is a pervert." said Zane. "Seriously? That's your reason." said Lucy.

Zane nodded as Lucy said,"Anyway, Karen died a job a few years ago. Her master told her not to go on but she didn't listen.". "So she was a wizard like us?" said Happy. "More like Lucy and Natsu but whatever. Anything else about her that's important to share." said Zane. "Yeah. She was a member of Blue Pegasus if I remember right. Grandpa Crux. So what was the relationship between Karen and Loke?" said Lucy.

Crux sighed as he said,"Sorry but I'm afraid I've said on the matter.". "Aw come on!" said Lucy as Crux feel asleep instead of answering her.. "Well Lucy. I think he's actually looking something up anyway." said Happy. "No. He's asleep this time." said Lucy. "What's the difference?" said Happy as he pointed to Crux. "So Karen and Loke." said Lucy, going into deep thought. After remembering everything Loke told her, her eyes opened as a thought occurred to her.

Lucy muttered,"Fallen Star? He can't be.". "Um. Is something wrong Luce?" said Natsu, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Zane! Is he?" said Lucy. "Yeah. He is. Finally figured it out. We need to go right now." said Zane. "Um. What are you two talking about?" said Natsu. Before he could possibly get an answer, the door to Lucy's apartment suddenly bursted wide open within second. Ready to attack the intruder, Natsu and Zane were surprised to see a shirtless Gray enter the room.

Gray said,"I'm sorry about your door Lucy but we got a big problem! It's Loke! He's quit Fairy Tail and ran out on us!". "What?!" yelled Lucy and Natsu, leaping off the bed in unison. "Why would he do something like that?" said Lucy. "No idea. Everyone is out there looking for him right now! I knew he was acting strange but I didn't see this coming." said Gray, balling his fists. "It can't be. We need to go now Zane." said Lucy, turning to Zane.

Happy tilted his head as Zane said,"You got it. Hang on tight. We'll be there in a flash.". He turned into Swift Form with him saying,"Gray, Happy, and Natsu. Go help the others find Loke! We'll go search somewhere else and tell Prude Knight to suck it.". Before they could question Zane's order, both he and Lucy were gone in a flash. "Yep. Zane knows something we don't. Really getting sick of that." said Gray.              

Natsu nodded as he said,"Whatever man. Let them do their thing while we find Loke.". "Right. Lets go." said Gray. Instead of taking the door, the two boys jumped out the window. "Hey Loke! Where are you!" shouted Natsu from a building. Everyone in Fairy Tail was looking for Loke in Magnolia but Loke wasn't in Magnolia. At a large waterfall south of Magnolia, Loke had a solemn look on his face as he stared at a warned out grave in front of him.

The grave itself was located at the edge of a cliff. The name "It sleeps Celestial Wizard of Blue Pegasus Karen Lilica end here." was etched into the side of it. There was a bell and the Blue Pegasus guild emblem displayed on it. Loke ran his hand over the inscription of the tombstone with him sighing loudly. "And we're here. Found you Wildcat." said a familiar voice. Loke immediately bolted up and turned around to see Lucy and Zane behind him.

Zane deactivated Swift Form with Lucy saying,"Everyone in the guild is out looking for you. That's Karen grave isn't it?". Loke looked shocked. "She was a great Celestial Wizard from what Aries told me about her. However, we both know how you and Aries were victim of her abuse." said Zane. Do note that Karen Lilica may not be an abuser in canon. This is just how I see it and unlike with Jude or Laxus, there is some support to my opinion on this.

We'll see later in the chapter but she uses her spirits as shields and as a way to entertain her many boyfriends. She treats them as tools and weapons rather than living beings. Just read her article on Fairy Tail Wiki and maybe you'll see how Karen Lilica is an abuser. "You can't be serious Zane." said Lucy. "Lucy. I'm serious. If I'm wrong, tell me how you feel about her Wildcat. I want the truth and not another lie." said Zane.

Loke looked at Zane with him starting to laugh. "Seriously?! What are you talking about? I mean I know that I told Lucy that I was going to die but I was joking. It was a bad joke yes. Lucy made that perfectly clear to me but you're doing the exact thing to her. You're kinda being a shitty person." said Loke. Zane gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, causing his silver steel spider-like stingers from his knuckles.

Before Loke or Lucy could say anything about it, Zane rushed up to Loke and looked to have stabbed him with the stingers. "Zane! Stop!" yelled Lucy. "I didn't hurt him Lucy. If he keeps lying, I'm going to stab him. I didn't teach you fight just for you to lie about you are and how you given this title of Leo the Lion from Brutus. He wouldn't want to see you like this and neither do I." said Zane. Lucy looked at her friend's face with it screaming annoyed and disappointed.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Of course you knew about him being Leo the Lion.". "Yeah I did. I trained him as a favor from the previous Leo. Loke was his name before he took over the title from my old friend and I remembered how I taught him to fight with the power of Regulus. Your light once shined so bright but now look at you, you're dull." said Zane. "What are you talking about?" said Loke. "Just admit the truth before I put my stingers right through your lying face." said Zane.

Loke gulped with Zane saying,"Brutus may be mad at me for doing this to you but he wouldn't want you to lie. Lions don't lie. That ability belongs to the snakes. Tell her now before I decided to make them go up.". "Okay. Zane is right Lucy. I'm Leo the Lion and Brutus is the former Leo. My name was Loke before I took the role of Leo from Brutus a very long time ago. As a favor to Brutus, Legion Zero trained me and he wasn't gentle whatsoever." said Loke, shivering as he remember his training.

Zane removed his stingers with him saying,"Good. Keep talking.". "Fine. Zane calls me Wildcat since I apparently remind him of someone from a musical that he watched with Rachel, Queen of the Akostar Clan of devils. She's a powerful and beautiful lady. Zane is a lucky bastard to have been with her." said Loke. "We still are. Our relationship is complicated." said Zane, messing with his ring that he wears. "So I never expected you to find out Lucy." said Loke. 

Lucy smiled as she said,"Don't forget Loke. I'm a Celestial Wizard too and I have a lot of contracts with a lot of spirits. It wasn't that hard to dig up the truth on you. I really should have figured it out sooner when Zane decided to get involved. He may act like a jerk but he cares about people. He goes out of his way to help people even if it involves force and getting involved more than most people usually do. He did that for me during the whole Phantom Lord and Gray during Galuna Island.".

Zane shrugged as he said,"It's true. So why is Wildcat like this?". "You know this already so why are you asking?" said Lucy, crossing her arms. "I want to see if you're not what the stereotype says about blonds and their intelligence." said Zane, sitting down on the ground. "Okay then. Normally when the owner of a gate key dies, the contract between spirit and wizard is instantly terminated. The spirit is then forced back to their world until a new owner arrives." said Lucy.

Lucy sighed as she said,"Your contract with Karen should have ended the day she died. Why are you still here? I've never heard of that before and that isn't how it works right? And don't say anything sarcastic Zane.". "She knows me so well." said Zane. "Your kind can't survive in the human world for long and it's the same for how humans can't survive in your world. It'll slowly drains your life force and naturally ends in your death." said Lucy.

Zane smiled as he said,"You're absolutely right. I can survive there since well, I'm a Magnus. The Celestial Spirit World and Cosmic Dominion are the same dimension but a different name. It's like how Ethernano is called Animus in my dimension. I'm getting off topic here. However, Wildcat is different from other spirits right?".  "You are both right. It's been three years now." said Loke. "Three years?! I'm shocked you made it past one!" said Lucy.

Loke chuckled with him saying while rubbing the back of his head,"You're right. I'm stronger than a normal spirit but well, I'm losing my light.". Loke looked at Karen's grave. "Hold on! I might be able to help you somehow! Why can't I just open a gate for you?! Or Zane could! You can open a portal to any where in the Omniverse right? Tell me why we can't help you Loke!" said Lucy. "I don't need your help and especially not the Protector's help." scoffed Loke.

Lucy yelled,"What do you mean? If you don't go back now, you're going to die! This isn't time for you to be stubborn!". "He would if he could Lucy but there is no way he can go back." said Zane with Loke nodding. "Which is what?!" said Lucy. "Blondes. Let me explain. Wildcat broke a law that can't be forgiven with a simple "I'm sorry". It's a law that effects both summoner and spirit. As a result of this criminal act, Loke was kicked out from the Celestial World forever." said Zane.

The blonde looked right at Zane with her noticing the look in Zane's eyes. He wasn't joking. "How do you know all of this Zane?" said Lucy. "I'm old friends with the king. Met him through Rythos. How about you tell her what you did Wildcat?" said Zane. "I won't deny what I did. This sin is my cross to bear and I have to face it like a man rather than a coward. I'm a traitor to my kind. I was contracted to Karen and I killed her." said Loke.

Lucy looked at Loke with her saying,"You killed Karen. You killed your wizard. How?". "A spirit who killed their owner can't go back home. I'll stay here and vanish. That's why I quit Fairy Tail and dumped all of my girlfriends. I can't bear to hurt any more people I care about." said Loke. "You're being an idiot Wildcat. You're hurting Lucy and Brutus. Come on. Lets go back and learned how Wildcat was disowned." said Zane, turning into Chronos Form and take them back to the past.

The three appeared outside of a building with Loke's eyes widening. "No. We're back at the Blue Pegasus building." said Loke. "Yeah. Lets learn why Karen was a terrible summoner and why you're the complete opposite of what she was." said Zane. We'll be going with the anime version of the Blue Pegasus Building. Blue Pegasus's base is a single block, square building composed of very massive, pink bricks with a pair of towers.

These towers were approximately the same height as the building itself, dividing the facade in three sections. The side ones are slightly taller than the central one which was topped by a railing and had its central part composed of pink, flat stones. This part was topped by a railing which ,almost below it, had a golden-framed, shield-shaped sign bearing Blue Pegasus's symbol. It was done in various shades of purple.

The arched entrance has two large arched handles was topped by a peculiar balcony with a dark window. It has an intricately decorated frame sitting behind a glass railing with a metal frame in the shape of arrows jutting outwards. Flanking the double door, there is a pair of columns holding up an arc ,and it passes over the window above, and two thin, elongated rectangular windows. It possessed pyramid-shaped top parts, are placed between such pillars and the towers at their sides.

On the outer parts sit two more, similar windows which are way longer and possess glasses colored in various shades of purple, adorned by intricate decorations which the frames form on them. Topping the building is a large dome with a light blue tiled roof ending in a series of small pillars holding up an additional, tiny dome. Sprouting from each of the building's sides is a mildly large, stylized feathery wing composed of stone, in reference to the guild's theme.

Lucy nodded as the three ,with Loke being dragged inside by Zane, entered the building. Time for another info dump. The building's main hall is highly reminiscent of an elegant pub. The large room seems to be adorned by several, rectangular tables. This comes with relative benches at both sides and a counter, complete with shelves behind it. There are benches in front of it and an entrance with a lift plank seems to be run by none other than Master Bob, who was shown standing behind it.

The interior also includes a lounge within the bar, for use for customers and clients. The walls are enforced by thin, mostly decorative wood beams. It seems to have windows in their highest part where some beams jut outwards diagonally to sustain the ceiling and bear semicircular, ornamental sections in their upper part. These being adorned by a series of elongated motifs placed one at the other's side.

This leads the whole structure to take the semicircular form of the figure it's inscribed in. The floor consists of simple, large and square tiles and the entrance to the guild. Its inner side ,bears a long sign above it, reads "Blue Pegasus" and a stylized figure of the mythological creature that the guild is named after. The wall housing such door seems to be different from the others. This is due to it having small, arched windows.

They're topped by a protruding, decorative motif reminiscent of a fleur-de-lis. Above this, there is a section made of large, flat stones. It's separated from the normal wall below it by a series of small and rectangular bricks. The building's second floor was shown to house ,among other places, a mildly large room which looks like a study. This is where we'll see Karen Lilica brutalized her Celestial Spirit Aries.

Its floor was identical to that of the main hall and its plain walls had square pillars that were fused into them. It holds up the ceiling being blank in most of its central part but intricately decorated on the edges. The ceiling was coffered in shape but instead of possessing many small square sections and this consisted of very few, large ones. A number of shelves ,packed full of books, are lined up the walls.

Approximately in the center of the room and in front of a series of large windows ,complete with curtains, sits a massive desk. This desk is where more books are neatly placed alongside a globe. In front of such desk is a carpet. There is a short, elongated rectangular table  and it has a pair of jugs containing flowers on it and a pair of small sofas, being placed at the table's long sides. Some walls sport paintings in their upper part.

Below one of those is a shelf with glass doors, housing a multitude of crystal glasses. Since I showed off Karen's appearance earlier, I won't go into detail about it. Do note that this isn't Karen Castro. I just had to make that perfectly clear. "I'm really sorry boys but I have an appointment at the salon this afternoon and I can't miss it. How about you come back and see me tomorrow?" said Karen. Nearby her, some other females were sitting there and taking badly about Karen.

A girl groaned with her saying,"Great. There goes Karen again!". "What do those guys see in her? I can't believe how much of a slut she is." said a second girl. "Wow. She reminds me of Loke except gender swapped and a human." said Lucy, causing Loke to look away. "Oh wow Karen. You've got quite the loyal army don't you?" said past Bob. "Aw! You and I had a date scheduled today!" said a guy. "And we were supposed to hit a restaurant!" said a second guy.

The third guy said,"No! You were going to go out with me!". "And do you have a name? I mean you look like a nameless loser to me." said Karen. "You're mean! My name is Takuro! We've been on three different dates!" said Takuro. "Wow. You're kinda sad bro. I've took her out six times!" said a fourth guy. "Well losers, I brought her a ring that can make her magic even more powerful." said a fifth guy. "And this is me caring. I brought her a condo!" said a sixth guy.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay. I really don't like her gang. It's like Mack and Wildcat fused together and became female. Don't know how that fusion dance swapped their gender but you two don't get what I'm saying do you? Just ignore me.". Loke and Lucy nodded with Karen loudly sighing. "Fine. I need you babies to stop bothering me. I'm getting a headache dealing with your complaining. Open! Gate of the Golden Ram! Aries!" said Karen.

Loke's eyes widened as he said in a soft, loving tone,"Aries. It's her.". Do note that I'll be doing my best to try and explain Aries's appearance. There will be something from Eclipse Aries ,mainly the sunglasses since she's trying to be like a certain lion spirit in terms of looking cool, since I may not do that arc. This change in appearance may be to emulate a lion whom she's very close to and could be more than just friends. Yes. This is supposed to be not very subtle.

Aries ,compared to Capricorn, Gemini, Pisces in their eel I think?, Taurus, is a more humanoid spirit and looks to be around Lucy's age. She has pale white skin. She has thick pink hair with it falling down to her shoulders and curled at the end. She has brown eyes. While she may look human, the very noticeable brown-tinted ram ,or maybe goat?, horns connected to her kinda give away that she isn't human.

Her outfit is white and fluffy like wool. She's wearing a white ,wool, off the shoulder dress that shows off her breasts. Her dress ends about in the middle of her thighs. She wears white arm warmers/gloves that go up to her exposed shoulders. Instead of yellow thigh high socks, she's wearing something else. This is due to me not liking the yellow color and it kinda clashes. That's just a me thing thought.

She's wearing black wool thigh high boots with pink wool balls on the front and end in a split at the top of it. She wears a black wool and fluffy choker around her neck with pink sunglasses over her eyes. "So that's Aries. She's pretty cute right Loke?" said Lucy, nudging Loke. "Um. What did you do to Aries Zane?" said Loke, confusing Lucy. "What could you possibly mean? I did nothing to her at all. Maybe she decided to switch up her choice of fashion." said Zane.

Loke sighed as he said,"That's right. I remember now. Before that, she told me about how she decided to get a makeover thanks to a certain pain in my ass and Cancer.". "Yeah. Kinda wish she went with the tan." said Zane. "So do you have a picture of a tan Aries?" said Lucy. "Seriously?!" said Loke as he looked at the blonde. "What? Look at how pale she is. I kinda want to see how bad she tans so show me the picture after this is all over." said Lucy.  

Zane sighed as he said,"That's fair. You're being the responsible one. So why did Karen summon sweet Aries?". "I'm sorry ma'am. Did you mean to summon me?" said Aries. Karen's harem looked at Aries with their eyes turning into hearts and cheered for her appearance. "I'm sick of these idiots and have things to do. You don't mind taking care of these gentlemen right Aries?" said Karen. "No! I don't want to do that! Why is it always me?" said Aries.

A guy said,"Come on Aries Chan. We just want to know you better.". "I'm sorry but I'm a celestial spirit! I'm not cut out for this kind of thing." said Aries. "You're not denying my direct orders are you Aries?" said Karen, glaring at her and scaring poor Aries. "No! Of course not ma'am!" said Aries as she cowered in fear. Karen left Aries to her harem and she didn't noticed that the trio of Fairies and Past Bob looked at her.

Karen sighed as she said,"Unbelievable. Who does that hussy think she is?". She was sipping a drink as Past Bob ,not from Zero, was wiping down a glass. "I know that you're frustrated but you shouldn't be cruel toward your spirits my dear." said Past Bob. "What?! She's my property Master so I'll treat her however I want." said Karen. "It seems that you're especially hard on poor Aries." said Past Bob as he phased through the bar, shocking Lucy.

Past Bob said,"I've heard all of the nasty things you've done to her. Using her as a servant and maid every day, forcing her to entertain those men who treat you so nice and then you throw outside. Your worst action with Aries is using her as a shield whenever you're up against another wizard.". "She did what?!" said Lucy. "She's scum and makes the name Karen look bad by comparison." said Zane with Loke staying silent.

Karen rolled her eyes as she said,"Yeah. So what? She's a Celestial Spirit and not a human. They're nothing more than tools.". "Karen! They're living beings just like you and I! Treat them as anything else and they're bound to get revenge on you for your actions! They're like a family and you shouldn't mess with another person family!" yelled past Bob. This scared Karen and well, Karen wasn't too happy by this.

A few seconds, Aries was slapped to the ground by Karen. "How dare you?! Going behind MY back and squeal to Master Bob!" said Karen. "I didn't! I never said anything to him!" said Aries. "Making Master Bob angry is a serious mistake! Quit lying to your master!" said Karen. "I didn't!" said Aries with tears forming. "Stop your lies." said Karen, holding chains and a collar. "What are those?" said Aries.

Karen sadistically smiled at her with her saying,"I'm going to use it to keep you here for seven days in the human world.". "Seven days?  Your magic won't hold out that long! Please. Don't do this." said Aries, with her tears becoming more apparent. "I'm a lot stronger than you'll ever know sheep. I'll be fine but you on the other hand. I always wonder what will happen to a celestial spirit if they stay here for an entire week in this world. Time to see.." said Karen.

The woman watched Aries disappeared in a puff of pink wool and Karen scoffed. "You can't run from me Aries! I'll just keep bringing you back!" said Karen. A golden light appeared and something held Karen's wrist. "She didn't run away Master. I'm just taking her place." said a familiar voice. Loke and Lucy looked to see Loke in the past holding her back. Like with Aries, I'll be changing Leo ,aka Past Loke, to give him a mixture of designs.

Unlike with Aries, there will be no mention of Eclipse Leo. Past Leo's hair looked to be longer and had many more, much large spikes going in every direction. He has a pair of strands sitting on top of his head, similar to animal ears and his hair mirroring a lion's mane. His teeth looked to be sharp than they were know. Past Loke looked to be with his signature sunglasses, showing off his hazel colored eyes.

Past Loke is wearing an elegant dark suit with the jacket left unbuttoned and the loose pants held up by a light colored belt, over a lighter shirt with a zebra-striped tie around the neck. He's wearing dark dress shoes. His fingers were also adorned by two more rings other than the one he wears currently in the present. One of them bearing an "X" shape and the other plain with both having edges in relief. "I can't stand by and let you abuse her anymore Karen." said past Loke.

Karen looked at him with her saying,"Leo the Lion.". "Despite my big talk, I couldn't do anything to her. Me and Aries were contracted to her and I'm sure you're aware of our lack of ability to harm our current summoner. I wish we could have but we have rules for a reason." said Loke, looking at his past self and Karen with regret and anger respectively. "I can't believe you. Opening your gate and without my permission?!" said Karen, swatting his hand away.

Past Loke/Leo sighed as he said,"I was trained by one of the best warriors. He made sure to make me both patient and strong through sadistic means but right now, I'm thankful for it since your abuse is nothing but a pain to me. Your abuse is something I can handle unlike my fellow spirits. If you ever lay your hand on Aries again, you'll be sorry.". "You're just a celestial spirit. You have no right talking back to me!" said Karen.

The spirit sighed as he said,"Listen Karen. I want you to release me and Aries from our contracts here and now.". "What?! You can't order me to do anything!" said Karen. "Yeah. I can. Your behavior and the way you treated us gives human a very bad reputation. The spirits in our world fear you getting a hand on their keys except for Aquarius. If she wasn't stuck with her current host, she would make you pay for hurting her little sis." said Leo.

Karen growled as she said,"Shut up. You're lying!". "A lion doesn't lie. That belongs to the snakes. I think you're a disgrace to all celestial wizards in the land." said Leo. "Go back! Close! Gate of the Lion!" said Karen. Leo looked at her with him staying there and glared at her. "Close! Close! Go back now Leo!" screamed Karen. Leo stood there with Karen panting. "Why can't I close the gate? I have done this before." said Karen.

Leo sighed as he said,"You heard me Karen. I want you to end our contracts and I'm not leaving until that happens. You can't summon any more spirits weakling. No Celestial Wizard is strong enough to summon two spirits at once. This is a real problem for you huh. I won't be your slave no longer and you'll be out of work in due time.". "You forget about something important Leo. Even I have my limits to my magic power." said Karen.

The greenette smiled as she said,"After ten days, my magic power will run out and you'll be forced back in the celestial world whether you like it or not!". "Sorry but if your magic runs out, it'll effect you not me. I used my own power to get here. I'm willing to stay here however long it takes to free me and Aries. Once you cool your head and gain some common sense, I'll be in the church west of town." said Leo, walking out of the room and leaving Karen to her thoughts. She wasn't happy.

At the abandoned church, Leo sat there as Karen tried to convince him to leave. "Go back! You can't hold out forever!" said Karen. Lucy looked at the past Loke ,sitting on some stairs, and he was panting but keep glaring at Karen. "I'm the lion. Leader of the zodiac. Aquarius might disagree but I can handle a little punishment unlike her and the rest of my friends. I've told you this countless times but I'm not moving a muscle until you end our contracts." said Leo.

Karen scoffed as she said,"Don't make me laugh! How dumb do you think I am? Giving up two Zodiac Keys is practically forcing me to take lower paying work.". "Leave now and don't come back until you're willing to listen or maybe get a job at the bar. I'm sure your harem would like to see you there." said Leo. "Leo." said Karen. Time went around the Fairies trio and it has been one month later but to the Fairies, it had been a few seconds.

Leo saw Karen standing there with Karen saying,"Please don't do this to me! It's been an entire month and I haven't be able to work! I have to make money to survive! If you stop this, I'll promise to never mistreat Aries ever again! So go back okay?". "Do you honestly think your lies would work on me snake? I'm not a fool. I came here with a purpose. That is to release me and Aries from our contracts with you! If you truly felt this way, we would have been free by now." said Leo.

Karen growled as she said,"Fine then! Just die!". She began to kick Leo with her saying,"Once you're gone, I can summon Aries and I'll make her pay for your defiance! You won't get away with this Leo I promise.". "Loke." said Lucy, looking at the two lions. Time moved forward once again and Leo had been in the human world for three months. He had taken off his suit jacket and looked over the hometown of Blue Pegasus.

Leo smiled as he said,"It isn't so bad in the human world. I used to hate coming here but it ain't so bad here. However, I'm losing my life force but it isn't painful anymore. It's been three months and I'm sure Karen has learned nothing from this. Time to be the bigger being and forgive Karen. If she hurts Aries again, I'll do this again.". He was leaving the church but he turned to see Master Bob. He looked sad as Leo knew what had happened and regretted his choice.

A bit later, Leo punched the statue. "Damn it! She can't!" said Leo. "I warned her not to work until you two made up but she took a job request anyway. She hadn't made a single penny in the last three months. She was desperate." said past Bob. "But why would she take a job? She couldn't summon another spirit! Not while I'm here!" said Leo. "A celestial wizard can summon more than one spirit at a time but the wizard needs a lot of magic power to achieve this feat." said Past Bob.

Past Bob sighed as he said while crying,"I guess Karen thought she could do it but in the end, it seems that the poor woman wasn't unable to.". "I just wanted her to see that we're not just tools for her to use at her leisure. We're living beings and have free will! We can feel emotion and her cruelty hurts us! I never wanted her to die! Karen! Karen!" said Leo, crying while clenched his teeth. "And now, we'll go back." said Zane, taking Loke and Lucy back to the present.

Back at the grave site, Loke looked at the grave. "And you know why I left everyone. I've lived with the guilt ever since. When someone dies, they can't come back. Zane taught me that lesson and I wish that I could bring her back but the Omniverse has rules and bring her back is against the rules. The only way to make things right is to die." said Loke. He fell down to his lack of strength. "Loke!" said Lucy, running to his side.

Zane deactivated Chronos Form and he saw Loke's body fading in front of him. "I guess this is it. I'm going to die." said Loke, grabbing his head. "What do you mean?! It isn't Loke!" said Lucy. "For me to disappear forever." said Loke. "But you can't give up! You've lasted this long! Keep fighting! You aren't going to give up without trying are you Loke?" said Lucy, with Loke looking at his fading away right hand.

Loke sighed as he said,"Karen. Her blood is on my hands. She couldn't summon any other spirits and that lead to her death. She was desperate and I just ignored her due to my stubborn pride. I killed her and that's my sin. I have to pay the price.". "Lucy. I hate to admit it but it is. He's like this because of the rules set there. You can't ignore their rules even though they're fucking stupid. I can't believe this but I'm letting another friend die in front of me." said Zane, clenching his fists and narrowed his eyes.

The spirit sighed as he said with him fading in and out of existence,"Not a moment goes by that I don't think about her and my crimes. I tried to get my mind off the pain with women and treating them in away unlike Karen was with me and Aries or those men she played with. She's been haunting me I'm sure of it. I've been waiting this day and well, I think it's good to die at Karen's grave. I'll be free from the guilt holding me back.".

Loke gave the two a pained smile with him saying,"I have to thank you both. Lucy. You're a Celestial Wizard who shines in the night sky and cares for her spirits like I wished Karen did. Zane. You may be a general pain in my ass but I thank you for being strong and teaching me how to fight for what I believe in. You care for people more than anyone I've met. I'm sure that is why everyone looks up to you and wants to be like you.".

The spirit tried to stand up but he fell back down. "Wait! We can save you! Don't give up!" said Lucy as Zane nodded. "Please give my regards to Fairy Tail please." said Loke. Zane's face darkened as his bangs covered his face. "Not again!" said Zane, blasting a tree with an energy beam. "Zane." said Loke and Lucy. "I let my Karen, Kristen, Nova, Rain, Roxy, and Sierra die in front of me because I didn't use Astral Form and I won't let it happen again! Right Lucy? We can't let him die!" said Zane.

Lucy nodded as she said,"You can't die! All you have to do is go back to the Celestial World. Your life force will be restored if that happens right?! There has to be a way to send you back!". "That's a good idea in concept but can't be done. I broke the law and I'm going to pay for my crime. There is nothing you can do." said Loke in a weak tone. "Wildcat. I taught you that nothing is impossible and I'll show you what I can really do! This is wrong!" said Zane.

Zane looked at his watch and he said with the watch up right to his face,"I may be his friend but his laws are stupid and he knows it. Activate Code 07-130-P. Password: Slayer Netstorm Experion. YOU WON'T DIE LEO! I MADE A PROMISE TO THE DEAD BUT NOT FORGOTTEN! I WON'T GO BACK ON IT!". Zane glowed as Lucy said,"Zane.". He was now in Astral Form. He’s a muscular male adult and 12 feet tall.

His body is black with several white star like dots that was scattered all over his body. His body looks to be an active galaxy. His body is emanating a turquoise color. The top of his head has flame like hair with the color of it matching his body. His eyes are white and pupil-less. He has two horns protruding from his forehead. He wears a reddish silver helmet ,with a y-shaped design, helmet with his hair sticking out of it.

He's wearing reddish silver gladiator armor type appearing on his body, and brown pants. He's wearing fingerless forearm gauntlets/gloves, a chest plate that covers his chest, and knee length boots protected by greaves. He has on a turquoise colored cape which is made out of a translucent gaseous material. It can't be grab or anything. It's draped off his shoulders. His chest has a heart-size spiral pattern on it and parts of his body was coming off him as flames just like his hair.

Loke gulped as he said,"Zane. No. Don't.". "Don't what? Let you live with the false idea that you killed Karen. It was an accident! Anyone with two eyes and a brain can see that! This wasn't your fault!" said Zane in a deep mature male voice. He blasted Loke with turquoise energy and Lucy looked at him. "I'm trying to send him back to the Celestial World. I need you to open his gate as the backup! Do it now Lucy! I need your strength!" said Zane.

Lucy hugged Loke much to his shock. "Open! Gate of the Lion! Take Leo back to the Celestial World! Please! Open!" screamed Lucy, crying. "Come on! Open!" said Zane, blasting him. "Calm down. I don't want to hurt you two any more." said Loke. "This isn't okay! I can't just stand by and let one of my Nakama die! A real friend doesn't let someone to die without fighting back! I can't live if I let that happen! Zane! Keep doing what you're doing! I'm going to do something stupid!" said Lucy.

Zane nodded as Lucy screamed. She began to release her magic power with Zane continued to blast Loke with his energy. "Open! Gate of the Lion!" shouted Lucy. "You got this Lucy! Show everyone the strength I see in you! That's why I've been so hard on you! You're not just a princess but a member of Fairy Tail! I should have said this earlier but I can be an idiot sometimes." said Zane as Loke looked at them in anger and shock.

The bright light covered the area with Ethernano sparkling from the rising pillar of light and the ground was shaking. "Lucy! Stop! You can't use all of your magic power like this! Zane! For the love of the gods, stop her please! I'm not letting any Celestial Wizard die because of me!" said Loke. "We won't give up on you Loke! We'll save you I promise! Lets do this! We'll open his gate by force and send you back!" yelled Lucy. "Stop!" yelled Loke.

Lucy screamed out,"Open! Gate of the Lion!". Zane placed his hands on Loke with him saying,"And I'll do it too! Come on! Open! I broke the Omni-Door when I was eighteen so this door should be easy!". "It isn't going to work you. They don't care about either of you! I'm responsible for Karen's death! They won't let me come back no matter what you said and do!" said Loke. "Screw the rules Wildcat! We're your friends and we don't give up on them no matter what!" yelled Zane.

Lucy screamed as she closed her eyes. The energy from her body stormed out of her and Loke saw that the golden light that covered them was gaining some turquoise in it. "You have to stop her right now Zane! She is going to assimilate with me! You're a god and she isn't! She's human! If she doesn't stop, you'll disappeared too! What will Natsu think if you vanish! Please don't give me more guilt for what I've done!" yelled Loke through his tears.

Zane looked at him as he said,"Wildcat. Neither one of us is going to stop until that gate is wide open. We won't let you die!". "What's the point of having power if you can't use to protect the people who you care about! Natsu would do this if he was here! Gray would! Everyone in Fairy Tail would do this if they were here! You're my Nakama Loke!" yelled Lucy. "You didn't kill her Loke. I promise to find the person who did and make them pay!" yelled Zane.

Lucy yelled,"If that's against the rules, we'll just change it!". "My old friend is a fucking moron from making the biggest mistake in his life! Your life isn't on a set path! No one deserves to die for protecting your friend!" yelled Zane. The raw Ethernano was siphon out control before time just stopped. Loke and Lucy are pushed away from each other as Zane stood there. Loke's glasses hit the floor with Loke and Zane feeling a powerful presence. "No. It can't be." muttered Loke, turning his head 180 degrees and looking up into the air.

The stars were swirling in the sky as the water from the waterfalls soared up into a large vortex. "You two! Hang onto each other!" said Zane. The two nodded as their eyes dilated with surprise as their jaws dropped slightly at the slight. A flicker of light appeared within the vortex. "How is this possible Zane?!" said Loke. "And do you mind telling me what's going on?" said Lucy. "Lucy. I would like you to meet the Celestial Spirit King Eldon or the Magnus of the Stars." said Zane.

Out of the vortex, a gigantic, humanoid Celestial Spirit stood there. He had a imposing and  broad shouldered figure. His most striking feature is probably his white, oversized mustache. It's long enough to diagonally reach his upper torso when he is still and almost extending past his shoulders. It has massive and extremely scruffy ends. There is some stubble located on his chin. His red, pupil-less eyes are most commonly outlined by a deep shade and has a slight hint of wrinkles on his face.

The spirit is clad in a full set of plate armor at all times. The upper part of his torso is covered in a chestplate which are linked to the massive, overlapping pointed pauldrons. His arms are protected by couters ,which happen to sport a spiked protrusion, and by gauntlets reaching up to his upper forearms. Underneath, he wears dark chainmail. A dark belt with a simple squared buckle circles his waist, securing a light garment reaching down to his knees.

It's wide open on the front to reveal the waistguard located underneath. It's consisting of two pointed plates ,each resting on top of a rectangular leather section, with both such sections being secured in the middle by a belt. It's bears a more ornate buckle than the upper one and in a shape of a four-leaf clover. He wears dark pants. He dons cuisses secured by leather bands, pointed poleyns, greaves which consist of two distinct overlapped plates, and sabatons over barely visible dark footwear.

The King sports an open helmet. It's adorned just above its opening by a stylized upside down star and with a small, fin-like ornament jutting out from each side. The helmet has a pair of massive horns pointing upwards on its sides as well as a plumage on top of it. This consist of three to four distinct feather-like ornaments. It has thin starting sections enlarging into thick tufts. He has a massive dark cape secured around the King's neck by a light, round clip.

It has an end left hanging over his upper torso and extremely torn lower edges. Despite the lack of wind on his end, his cape is fluttering. The giant had his arms crossed and looked down at the three in a mixture of anger and interest. "What in the gods name is the Celestial Spirit King doing here?! He shouldn't be here." cried out Loke . "He's the king? Like the ruler of all spirits?!" said Lucy in awe and shock.

Zane looked at him with him saying,"Took you long enough Eldon. What kept you from coming here to see two of your oldest friends? Traffic?". "Old friends. It's good to see you both. You and Rythos are two Magnus who dare to fraternize with humans and lower beings." said Eldon. "So did you forgot about Phora or what? She fraternized with humans just because I was friends with Rythos and she's already a confusing character to begin with." said Zane.

Eldon sighed as he said,"We'll talk about this later. Leo. You've broken a rule that both spirits and wizards obey. Taking the life of a key holder is forbidden under any circumstance. It was not by your hand but you did cause your summoner's death Loke. You have been banished from the Celestial World for the rest of time. The Eazairvian can't break through and Zane knows this but he tries anyway.". "You got this idiot right Lucy?" said Zane.

The Cross Species looked at Lucy who stood up. "Hold on! That isn't fair whatsoever!" said Lucy as she glared at him. "Lucy. Zane. Just stop both of you!" said Loke. "Old friend. Human woman. I've made a choice and it'll stay that way despite my feelings on the subject. I have to be impartial to all spirits. The current Leo has broken the law and you need to accept that. The both of you but mainly the stubborn fool who has broken more rules than I can count." said Eldon.

Loke looked at the duo with him thinking to himself,"I know Zane can get people's attention due to his overwhelming presence and the two being old friends. Lucy on the other hand. She's a nobody but he came anyways. Why would he care about what she thinks?". "Loke has been suffering in the human world for three long years! He did this all for his friends! Aries would be hurt by Karen but he stood up to her!" yelled Lucy.

Eldon looked down at Lucy with him saying,"Don't you think I know that? I can see all and to see an old friend in a fragile state is heartbreaking.". "You can't be serious. Actually, I know you and too damn well. You and Loke are still friends! You know the Omniverse saying. You always help your friend in their time of need! Loke is here and we can help him! If you don't, I'll force you to open them you mustached bastard!" said Zane.

Lucy smiled as she said,"Nice nickname for once.". "Thanks. I've been calling him that for years but you're the first one to say that it's good. Rythos says that compared to my other nicknames for beings, it's subpar." said Zane. "Karen died because she took on a job that she couldn't handle just because she was too stubborn to accept Loke's plea for help! He had nothing to do with her death and I bet you know who does! You can see all right?!" yelled Lucy.

The blonde clenched her fists with her saying,"You have to change your verdict because he's innocent and no one deserves to die if they didn't do anything wrong!". Her magic power began to come off her body and she was bathed in a intense yellow light. "Just stop Lucy! It doesn't matter if the verdict is changed. I don't want to be forgiven! I just want to disappear and free of this guilt! It's been hurting me for three long years!" pleaded Loke, tears coming down in his cheeks.

Zane slapped Loke with him saying,"Do you think Aries would want you to die?! No one deserves to die just because they were helping a friend!". "We won't let you die! You dying isn't going to bring back Karen back! All your death is going to do is create more sadness to those who cares about you! Me and Zane will feel bad for you! You did nothing wrong because there is nothing wrong from protecting the people who you treasure!" screamed Lucy.

She felt a hand on her shoulder with her turning to see Zane smiling. "Lucy. Lets do this together because I don't want Wildcat to die." said Zane. "Right!" said Lucy. A bright flash covered the area with the ground underneath Lucy breaking to break below her and Loke closed his eyes. Loke didn't notice that Lucy's mate mark was glowing red. "It seems that you're helping her even though you're not here." thought Zane as he increased the power.

The lion spirit opened his eyes and they widened. "No. It can't be." said Loke. "I won't let you die Loke! Natsu and Zane gives their all to protect what they care about! Natsu almost died when Phantom Lord attacked and Zane fought against a wizard saint just to protect me! It's my turn to step and protect my nakama! Open! Everyone's gate!" yelled Lucy. She made all of her celestial spirits appear around her and Zane.

Loke's eyes widened as he said,"Cancer, Crux, Hali, Horologium, Lyra, Plue, Sagittarius, Taurus, and Virgo. You summoned all of them at once! Not even Karen could do that!". Lucy turned back to face Loke with her saying,"Do you think the bonds you've made in the past three years mean nothing to you?! If you were to die, you would leave me and Aries plus everyone here behind! Think about the fond memory you have with us! Is that what you want?!".

The spirits looked at Loke with a neutral stance. Zane flew up to Eldon's face and he said,"You know what it feels like to lose another. I've lost so many but I'll never die just to be with them again or bring them back. No one deserves to go through what I've been through! Don't put Lucy through that or else. You know what I can do when I'm really mad and go all out on people who hurt my treasure.".

Lucy smiled as she stood proudly before losing her energy and falling down to the ground. As her body trembled, Zane warped behind her and caught her. "You did a great job Lucy. I'm happy to consider you my friend." said Zane. "Everyone who came here feels the same. They're my friends your highness." said a weak Lucy. "Friends?" said Loke. "If you're a celestial spirit or whatever a Magnus is, you can sympathize what Aries, Loke, and Zane have been through!" said Lucy.

Loke looked at them with him saying,"You're an idiot for letting her go this far Zane. I can't let another wizard die in front of me! Don't risk my life for yours Lucy!". "Eldon. She is like her mom Layla and her identical twin/ancestor Layla. You can see the great potential in her don't you? If you don't, I guess you can't see everything connected to your kingdom. Even with your powerful sight Eldon, you can still be blinded." thought Zane.

Eldon heard his friend's thought and sighed. "I see. Hearing you speak so highly of two old friends of mine had led me to think that it wasn't his actions but the rule itself that should be brought into question. I did not want to lose any more of my friends but can I stand by and let a friend die? No. I can't. Leo was force to commit his crime to protect Aries, his fellow spirit. Both the human girl is willing to risk her life to save Leo." said Eldon.

The Magnus looked at Zane with him saying,"And since my old friend is helping, I'm moved by the bonds beings of the Omniverse can share. I shall make an exception in his case. Leo. You can come back home and be prepared for Hali and Nerida.". "Yeah. Those two are going to be mad at you for this Wildcat. Lucy. Nice job making this stubborn old fool see reason. He can be blinded so easily." said Zane, smirking.

Lucy smiled with her saying,"You're not half bad you mustached bastard!". The blond threw him a thumbs up with Eldon smiling. "You're pardoned. Be thankful to how the Omniverse or the stars itself gives us a way to live our lives." said Eldon. "I have to make it up to her. Please sir." said Loke as he bowed to Eldon. "Hey! What about me Wildcat?!" said Zane, pouting. "Like you need any more power Zane." said Lucy, earning a chuckle from Eldon.

Eldon nodded as he said,"Leo. If you still want to atone for your mistake, listen to this. I order you to live your life in the service of the human girl who risked her life for yours.  Help Zane out once in a while too. He's a good person after all. Both of them are loyal to you so protect them with your life.". After saying that, he vanished into the stairs. Time returned back to normal with Loke's glasses falling to the ground.

Loke's face was covered in tears being that Lucy smirked. "You heard your orders Wildcat." said Lucy with a look. "Yeah. I think my first order will be for you to go recover from your injures and come back to serve Lucy like the loyal knight. I trained you to be. And Lucy, Wildcat is my nickname for him. Don't steal it." said Zane. He deactivated Astral Form with Loke standing up and extend his hands out to the duo who saved his life. "Lucy. Zane." said Loke.       

The two nodded as they grabbed his hands. "Thank you both. I look forward to working with you and being your knight whose light shine through the darkness." said Loke. He faded away as Lucy held a golden key in her hand. The blonde smiled as she looked beyond the waterfall with a smile. "Let's go home Zane. I think we should...." said Lucy. She passed out as Zane caught her. "Easy Lucy. You just unleashed a high amount of magic power and well, you can't hear me can you?" said Zane.

Lucy was quiet as Zane said,"I know that Natsu will be mad at me since I took you from him but you need to rest at my place. Now come on.". He warped the two away and reappeared in the Omniversal Chateau. Zane placed her in the guest room and he left her alone. He went to the terrace and looked to see the stars above him. The Leo constellation reappeared in the night sky and Zane smiled upon seeing Leo return back home. "Old friend." said a voice.

Zane looked to see Eldon ,much smaller, appear behind him and he said,"Hey you. Coming to see how Lucy is doing after seeing her pass out? She's doing just fine. I think she bit off more than she can chew but that's how a being gets stronger.". "Indeed. She released a powerful storm of magic energy. I'm sure that she could have convinced me without your assistance. Tell her thanks for saving Loke." said Eldon, vanishing. Zane smiled as this day ended with a smile rather than tears.

Next time,
With Loke spared from death, Lucy gained a new spirit or friend to rely on. Will Zane tell her about how he knows Anna and Layla? Will Eldon make a return in Fairy Legion? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

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