Saturday, February 29, 2020

Information about Nemesis, Chad, and Melanie

This post did come out right after Episode 144 but I need to change a couple of things around. There were very little changes yes but I just wanted to make sure that it looks right to me. 

The Vindicators:
Helios aka Perry Townsend. He’s easily the most arrogant member of the group with him very conceited in his own strength and he’s often seen taunting his enemies. His metagene activated, turning him into living light. This means that he doesn't require food or water to survive. He can fly through the air and generate high powerful beams of light that can easily slice through metal. He can turned himself into pure light with him becoming pretty much untrackable. He can make himself and others becoming invisible and with enough focus, he can make illusions. His overconfidence is usually seen as his main weakness. He can easily get overwhelmed by a stronger opponent and when in his light form, he can be trapped inside anything with a reflective surface such as a glass jar and mirror. The latter of which is kinda pathetic since he once got stuck in a house of mirrors for over a month. The only way that he can escape from this is when someone breaks the surface.

Meltdown aka Reinaldo Dunning. He has great physical strength being able to throw someone a great distance away. He can run, move, and react at an impressive speed. He’s far more durable than a normal human being that he can withstand high caliber fire, falls from tremendous height, and exposure to absolute temperature and extreme pressure. He’s able to fight for several days at a time. He’s able to jump incredible distances with a single bound. His metagene turned him into a living nuclear power plant. He’s able to fire beams of intense radiation from his body including his eyes. It can create a huge explosion which can incapacitated an opponent. These blasts can rob object of their inertia. He can make forcefields and deactivate machines. He can inflict others with nausea, dizziness, and radiation poisoning. He can absorb nuclear radiation without harm and covert into energy to increase his strength or recover any damage taken. Due to his powers, he constantly emit nuclear radiation at all times and can infect others with it. His suit can keep people from getting infected from his suit.

Empress Medusa aka Suzuki Harrison. She’s the adopted younger sister of Silver Moon aka Alyssa Harrison. She was a descendant of a family who was well known for their poison and assassins. When she was six years old, she was taken from her birth parents by the leader of Death Park and joined the private task force. She and her sister compete for the leadership role of Death Pack. Alyssa won this competition much to Suzuki’s dislike. When her sister got tired of this life thanks to meeting important people, Suzuki got the job but it didn’t feel like she personally earned. She’s an an elite intelligence operative and assassin. She's a natural when it comes to assassination, espionage, and seduction. She took her name of Empress Medusa due to her metagene giving her a snake like appearance and she likes being royalty. When Alyssa defected, Suzuki began to work with the Axis Powers and Nemesis. After her plan to try and bomb all of America’s capitals with a gas that was going to infect all Americans to have their metagene activated and under the control of Nemesis, she was sent to another dimension alongside Project Peacebringer. Her plan was stolen and altered by Countess Chimera back in the Prime Dimension when she found it. After placing Project Peacebringer into a stasis pod, she took over that dimension’s version of Nemesis and turned that version of Earth into a world ruled by Nemesis or to be more specifically, by her. She’s strong-willed, flirtatious, and independent woman. She’s strictly business, having no time for friends. She hates being compared to her older sister with her usually losing her cool if her sister is brought up in conversation. When she was in her early teens, her Metagene activate right alongside puberty. It gave an snake like appearance with her gaining an appearance of one. She’s resistant to aging and disease with her able to heal faster than normal. She can also regenerate faster than her sister and this includes lost limbs. Her agility is greater than that an Olympic gold medalist being able to coordinate her body with impressive balance, flexibility, and dexterity with ease. She’s able to mask her emotions perfectly and able to process multiple amount of information at once with her able to retain that knowledge. She’s a great actress and seduction. She’s a world-class athlete, gymnast, acrobat, expert martial artist using several styles of martial arts, marksman and weapons specialist, and extensive espionage and training. She knows several different languages being able to speak and swap accents and languages on the fly. She can generate and project purple venom bolts from her body. She can adjust the potency of her venom to temporarily paralyze, kill living organisms, and rust/destroy machines. This venom is strong enough to kill metahumans with ease. Her body secretes the venom through sweating so direct contact with her skin can be dangerous. She can use the blades on her arms to transfer her venom into a target. She can dislocate her jaw far enough to fit an Hippo and has enough strength to crush cinderblock. She’s able to detect the presence of anyone within the immediate area. Her costume comes heavily insulated in order to protect herself from any electricity and her venom can’t escape her body. All of the bones in her body are malleable and her muscle tissue is exceedingly resilient, making her extremely flexible. It’s impossible for her to break a bone or tear a muscle. She can survive impacts that would kill a normal human with no injury. She can get into very tight and small places by compressing her body. She can wrap herself around a person’s body and trapping her so she can inflict her venom to her close. Her grip is extremely hard to break out of. Her arms and legs can elongate to twice their normal lengths. When she does this, her muscle tissue swell to several times bigger than normal. She has superb muscle control being able to move her body in a manner that’s provocative and hypnotic. This dance can recharge herself and control her opponent ,male or female, for up to an hour. This is due to her releasing out powerful pheromones from her body as she dances. The latter effect doesn’t work on machines, anyone with strong will, or the blind. She’s still human and can be defeated by strong opponents. She also can’t handle low temperatures due to her snake like appearance. She has a crippling fear of spiders due to her being covered in them when she was a child. She also hates to lose mainly against her sister. Her hatred of her sister has blinded her to revenge and tends to focus on destroying her sister. This is shown in Episode 144. She could use her snake like abilities on her during her fight with Alyssa but didn't due to her wanting to destroy her sister.

Doctor Siegfried McIntyre aka Hijack. Like with Empress Medusa, he comes from the Prime Dimension. In the early parts of the 20th century, he was a child prodigy excelling in all areas of science and accepted into the best schools in Europe. He began the first human geneticist and his studies was focused on turning humans into gods. This was done by accessing a human’s latent powers later called the Metagene. During World War 2, he began supporting the Nazi Party and use his genius to help them during the war. He often made enemies of the Allies’s metahumans (Silver Moon, Stan Underwood, Torpedo, Warrior, and Orothos) with him wanting to create an army of metahumans by using the two strongest metahumans who worked for the Allies. This was his dream being that his two subjects that he was going to use were Orothos and Silver Moon. He disappeared after World War 2 and his legacy lived on through several supervillains looking up to him and his evil achievements. He actually went to another dimension alongside Empress Medusa and an unconscious Orothos to take over this dimension for Nemesis. His morality is unreliable being that he is willing to do anything that he can in the pursuit of science. He’s one of the most infamous scientific minds of the planet. He’s a proud sadist being that he often tortured subjects and enjoys creating world chaos. He has a strong desire to conquer and take over the world. He’s the top scientist of Nemesis, the Third Reich, and Wild Pack. He’s well known for his genius and innovation in the field of science. This is due to his Metagene ,which happened when he was in Kindergarten, granting him superhuman intelligence, giving him a computer like memory. He can retain and access large amounts of information at a moment’s notice. He can solve abstract problems within seconds and predict ,using math, the future. It isn’t perfect however since there is a margin of error. His fields of expertise ranges from cybernetics and genetics being that he’s capable of creating an exact clone of a person from a single strand of DNA. He created the army that Nemesis uses and their scientists. He can also create monsters that follow his order without question. He makes weapons for anyone who provides him a good paycheck. He designed many weapons ahead of his time and this is how Nemesis was able to win World War 2 by inventing the Atomic Bomb before it was build in this dimension. He enhanced his weak human body to the peak of human perfection since he couldn’t fight against people who are physically stronger than him. He’s able to cripple a man with just a single toss and survive an explosion with no injury. He can survive for several hundred years. He’s able to regenerate from any wound that he may suffered in battle being that he can regrow limbs post amputation. He’s nearly-impossible to destroy or kill since he can regrow from a single finger after suffering from massive damages and burns from the ozone layer. His body is able to mimic vocal patterns, fingerprints, fighting styles, and powers of a metahuman. Over his several years of life, he can mimic several metahumans powers. These powers mainly coming in the form of energy manipulation with it being a solid green color, flight, able to manipulate technology, and psionic powers. His technology manipulation allows him to manipulate any form of software, computer data, electronics, and hardware. He can telekinetically control it and its movements. He is unable to manipulate the Z.E.R.O. Watch much to his confusion. This is due to Parker not wanting to have some human mess with his masterpiece. He can easily mimic vocal patterns, fingerprints, and fighting styles easily but copying powers of a metahuman isn’t instant however. It takes up to a day being that Sieg needs to focus on studying the metahuman copy. His arrogance is one of his main weakness being that he tends to underestimate others. His main weakness is in his chest and the fact that he still the same pressure points as a human being.

Melanie Navarro aka Orothos/Peacebringer's Powers: Acceleration Immunity, Atmospheric Adaptation, Beam Emission, Concussion Beams, Contaminant Immunity, Decelerated Aging, Electrical Beam Emission, Elemental Beam Emission, Energy Amplification, Energy Attacks, Energy Beam Emission, Energy Generation, Energy Healing, Energy Manipulation, Energy Solidification, Fire Beam Emission, Flight, High-Speed Flight, Ice Beam Emission, Interstellar Travel, Pressure Resistance, Supernatural Agility, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Leap, Supernatural Lung Capacity, Supernatural Stamina, Supernatural Speed, Supernatural Strength, Thermal Resistance, Vacuum Adaptation, and Volcanic Adaptation. 

Chadwick "Chad" Rosenberg aka Metanite’s Powers: Blindsight, Bone Regeneration, Containment Immunity, Decelerated Aging, Disability Compensation, Disease Immunity, Enhanced Stealth, Ferrokinetic Combat, Ferrokinetic Constructs, Ferrokinetic Invisibility, Ferrokinetic Regeneration, Hunting Intuition, Inaudible Movement, Metal Attacks, Metal Generation, Metal Manipulation, Metal Mimicry, Metal Solidification, Mercury Constructs, Mercury Generation, Mercury Manipulation, Mercury Mimicry, Military Intuition, Nerve Regeneration, Pressure Point Intuition, Regenerative Healing Factor, Regrowth, Supernatural Condition, Supernatural Regeneration, Supernatural Unarmed Combat, and Tracking Evasion.

Chadwick "Chad" Rosenberg aka Metanite’s Past and Power Description: Despite looking to be in his early to mid 30s, he’s over a hundred years old. He was born in the year 1917 with him being an Sagittarius. He met his best friend Melanie Navarro in third grade since he had defend her from some bullies and she defend him from some bullies. They were making fun of her for not acting like a typical girl and acting like a boy. After what happened at Pearl Harbor, both he and Melanie began training at the Labyrinth which was a local gym in Cypress Park. After getting some muscles, Chad decided to become a soldier in the Army and began fighting the Nazis alongside a group known as Nemesis for his country. During all of this fighting, he was constantly worried about Melanie since he had liked her for a long time. She had disguised herself as a boy and joined the Marines. She wanted to fight on the front line rather than behind a desk or on the sidelines. On a normal routine mission, he was captured by the enemy and taken to one of Nemesis’s labs. He was experimented on by one of the group’s head scientist Siegfried McIntyre. Chad had awake his metagene by the scientist. He was going to be used as the group’s secret weapon but they were stopped by a new metahuman known only as Orothos who Chad knew quite well. It turned out to be Melanie who gained super powers thanks to an experiment she did onto herself. After recovering and learning how to use his powers, he become a famous metahuman for the Allied Forces alongside Orothos, Psycho Soldier, Torpedo, and Warrior. He later lost Melanie after she gave up her life to stop Nemesis’s plan to bomb all of America’s capitals with a gas that was going to infect all Americans and have their metagenes activated and under the control of Nemesis. This ended the group Nemesis in the Prime Dimension with Chad unsure on what he is going to do with his life since he lost his best friend. Alyssa asked him to help take care of any leftover remnants of Nemesis with her and he agreed. He later joined the Alliance with him being considered a high ranking member and tends to wander around the globe, stopping evil wherever he can. He met Zane Alvarez for the first time when he helped the Protector of Earth defeat the latest wielder of the Amulet of Amarok. He heard rumors about the kid from Alyssa whom fell for him pretty hard since he treated her like a human being rather than a secret agent like most people have for her entire life. He was unsure that he should even trust him like everyone else did and Chad was well aware of Zane’s hometown being Cypress Park aka his hometown. After that encounter, Chad began to trust Zane and decided to help the kid out whenever he can since Zane reminded him so much of Melane whom Alyssa and Zane later brought back to him much to his joy. Chad is the type of guy to judge people by their worth rather than who their family is or how powerful they are. He will not stay silent whenever someone is being oppressed regardless of the reason and status of the perpetrator. He’s able to quickly take charge of a situation and deploy orders accordingly. He tends to be calm and collected in dire situations. He’s highly capable of analyzing and finding an opponent’s weakness even when he’s clearly outmatched by those stronger than him. He tends to be a no-nonsense type of person and tends to scold anyone that loses focus in an important situation. He also goes toward the source of the problem rather than dealing with any distractions along the way. Even though he has seen a lot of different things in his life, he is a skeptic of anything involving magic. He goes by a code that Melanie taught him. Nothing is impossible. His favorite thing to do is play poker with others. He tends to come off as a gruff, tough man with him showing no sign of joy in his life but he has a kind heart and well liked among others. He is well known for his stubborn behavior since he never gives up a fight. He tends to lightly tear up during emotional scenes. He is a mentor toward several younger women and has had failed romantic relationship since he can’t get over losing Melanie. He is well known for his fearless and brave nature with him always willing to take an enemy’s life if that enemy needs to die. He has trouble trusting people after losing Melanie with him only trusting Alyssa Harrison, Silas Mercer, and Zane Alvarez. He tends not to believe in gods even though he knows that they exist and will pray if he feels like it. He tends to be quite aggressive and quick to action. He is well known for being quite intimating and makes others around him feel uneasy around him. He doesn’t wear a costume like a normal superhero since he’s more for casual clothing to beat down punks in it. Having trained under several different masters, he’s a master of hand to hand combat and martial arts. He has a wide knowledge of the body and pressure points. He’s highly skilled in the use of military weapons such as firearms and grenades. In the army, he was able to blend into his surrounding and was used to spy on the enemy. He is fluent in many different languages due to his world travel and this includes languages that aren’t used anymore. Thanks to Siegfried, he had his metagene forcefully activated and this gave him the typical metahuman powers aka the supernatural condition. He’s able to hold his breath underwater for long period of time. He’s able to leap from building to building while dodging several explosions hitting him from all sides with ease. He can dodge gunshots at point-blank range easily and withstand high or low temperatures. His body is able to survive hits from beings much stronger than him, gunfire from high-caliber weapons and explosives do nothing to him, electrocution, and falling from several stories with no sign of injury. His special metahuman abilities are that he has a highly advanced healing ability, the ability to turn his entire body into a mercury like substances, and his heightened senses. According to Melanie, Chad has always had a strong sense of smell but gained powers made it even stronger. He used his nose to track down criminals and it helped him during his war days. His hearing, sight, and smell are extremely acute. He is able to see with perfect clarity at greater distances than normal humans or in total darkness. This is impressive due to him being blind and this was from Siegfried. He’s able to hear sounds that ordinary humans cannot and hear to great distances. He can use his sense of smell to track targets by this scent and he can track someone even they try to mask it over time. He is able to smell the difference between twins and shapeshifters. His sense of smell and healing can be used as a way to tell if someone is lying. If someone is lying, there is a faint chance in a person’s heartbeat and scent due to sweat. His rate of healing is much faster than a normal human being that broken bones, torn muscles, gunshots, knife wounds, and various injuries heal within minutes of acquiring them. It also gives immune to any diseases and infections alongside most drugs and toxins. He can be affected by some drugs but only if he’s exposed to a massive does of it. This also stops him from aging being that despite looking like he’s in his early 30s, he is actually over a hundred years old. His healing factor is able to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue within seconds of damaging them. It also makes him extremely resistant to diseases, drugs, and toxins. He however can still suffer the effects of said substances in high amounts. According to him, he’s able to regenerate lost limbs but it takes him a good while to regrow limbs. His healing factor brings his aging process to a grinding halt and allows him to live far beyond the normal lifespan of normal humans. Despite being born in the early twenty century, he has the appearance, conditioning, health, and vitality of a man in his physical prime. He tends to heal and recover faster when he’s gravely injured or his life is in danger. He only survive being caught in the center of a nuclear explosion with his body tissue healing within minutes. His body is highly resistant to telepathic assault and probing due to his healing factor. His healing factor can prevent him from being turned into a werewolf or becoming a vampire. He’s able to create a silver mercury like substance and this mercury isn’t at all poisonous to his allies. To those he finds an enemy, it can be poisonous and prevent them from moving. His mercury can be used to manipulate nearby metal to use as an extra way to lay the beatdown on his enemy. His mercury cannot be melted by a powerful flame but can be frozen solid with relative ease. Despite having an impressive healing factor, said factor doesn’t suppress the pain that he endures while injured. He hates being injured but will do it to escape from a bad situation or to intimate an opponent. His healing factor can be negated or slowed down such as being injured by magical attacks and tends to require a great deal of protein during really intense healing wounds. Due to his upbringing, he is unable to swim and tends to find a way out of the water as fast as he can. Due to his body being able to turn into mercury, he’s highly susceptible to magnetic based attacks. Much to his close friends’s disapproval, Chad is a heavy drinker and smoker. These bad habits are getting over him trying to get over losing his close friend in the war. These habits still persist even after gaining Melanie back. He tends to indulge himself in prolonged binges. His senses can be overloaded with a loud enough sound, a blinding light, or strong enough smell. His skin can be injured and whatever injures him usually involves bladed weapons.

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