Saturday, October 8, 2016

Soul Episode 101 The Truth about the Sins!

A/N: Welcome to Episode 101. Yeah, I didn't think that I was going to make this far. I mean if we are counting the old blog, this is the second story out of I think twenty Pokemon and Yugioh Stories. I am combing them by them. Oh and I think I know why Power Guild ended. I only blame myself and my increasing opinion on Fairy Tail. I may love the series to death but god dam it, it is too fun to point out its many flaws and I love reading comments on this series.

Anyway, Soul is actually really fun to write because I only have one thing in mind. Making the series completely random and a messed up plot. It was also based of the idea of the High School Manga or Anime stories. It could be completely serious like Kimi no Iru Machi (A fantastic Manga regardless) or random like School Rumble (I mean did anything in that series make sense?!). Lets begin inside of the building known as Decision. Stupid Name but hey, I don't care at all.

Oh and in Episode 60, Natsu's right eye was gold but after training in Cosmos, it went back to normal. Natsu's hair is Navy Blue since that is my favorite color. I always like that color for some reason but I didn't mention that before because I'm lazy and past me didn't think that story would last this long so blame me. I also forget details like if Visalth/Visarth talked with Rain or not. I'm only human and also very forgetful. Also usually the Devil Arm and Dragon Arm takes over his entire arm and they looks like dragon arm. I ain't good on details whatsoever.

Rain was looking at Natsu with her saying,"So Natsu.". "What's up?" said Natsu. The two plus Ruri who was resting in Natsu's jacket pocket with Eizan and Satsuki following them. Natsu could sense them but he was going to let them follow unless they try to hurt him or Rain. They won't be living any more. "What was that thing earlier?" said Rain. "What are you talking about?" said Natsu. "So did you do something where I could hear Visalth?" said Rain.

The Devil Arm appeared and Visalth said,"Are you sure that we haven't talk before? I mean your breasts are divine.". "So has he always this perverted Natsu?" said Rain. "I don't know. He has been like this for a while now and usually I'm the perverted one. He's trying to steal me Rain. I mean you could fall for him." said Natsu. "Since your training a few days ago right Natsu?" said Ruri. "Yes. We had a nice talk during dinner after the women were gone." said Visalth.

Rain said,"And what would that talk be about?". "Oh nothing." said Natsu. "I didn't hear about since Momo wanted me to help her something." said Ruri. "It was about who would be in the....." said the dragon. Natsu covered his arm and he said,"So Ruri, are we almost near the computer room? I mean if we find the computer room, we'll get our answer.". "Oh. We only have a couple of minutes left so what were you going to say Visalth?" said Ruri.

Visalth said,"I would say but I think that my partner wouldn't be happy about that. I mean he is a ladies man like his mother was.". "Asuna or Nora?" said Rain. "I'll give you a hint. Before I lost Sora, she dressed me up in clothing." said Natsu. "That could be both of them." said Rain. Ruri saw the couple arguing as Visalth whispered to her,"Natsu is planning something good. You'll see what I mean soon computer girl.".

Meanwhile outside, Chad found Ivan and Nazar fighting an army of guards. "Hey man! So did you find Natsu?" said Nazar. Chad threw a guard toward the army of guards knocking them down like a bunch of bowling pins as he said,"No. He is probably fine to be honest with you.". "He's right. I do think that the prince is stronger than he may want you to believe." said Ivan. "So he's hiding his true power from us? Why?" said Nazar as he slammed two guards's heads together.

Ivan said,"I'm going to find Lucia and Sabrina.". "Why Ivan?" said Chad. "I know that you two can handle anything that comes your way. Good luck." said Ivan. He disappeared as Nazar said,"Fine. I guess he left us more to fight.". "Right." said Chad. The two were fighting off the guards who were coming in drones but the two saw Star standing there. "What is she doing here?" said Nazar. Star then looked at the two and she said,"Invaders. Died now.".

She rushed toward Nazar and he said,"That won't hurt me....". He was then launched directly into the wall with the rubble surrounding him. "Nazar! I'll be there soon." said Chad. He blocked Star's attack with that punch pushing him back a little bit. "You're going to die by my hands Invaders. I don't plan on letting you live." said Star. "Dam. She really hurts." said Chad. The rubble started to break with Nazar rushing to hit Star directly in her face.

She crashed into several buildings as Chad said,"You alright man?". "Yeah. I should be asking you the same thing." said Nazar. "I'm fine Nazar. She is still alive." said Chad. Star rushed toward them and Chad said,"I'll handled her from the front. You get the back.". "Yeah. Lets do this man! I'm fired up!" said Nazar. Chad blocked Star's attack with Nazar shocked by his strength. "Man. He is stronger than me but I know that I can beat him! I better focus." said Nazar.

He punched Star directly in the gut and she flew. Chad and Nazar punched her directly in the ground and finishing her off. "So is she done?" said Nazar who was poking the girl. "She is. Our combined strength well finished her off. We should get going." said Chad. "You are right." said Nazar. The two then rushed toward the execution platform. They pushed their way through the guards using violence and destruction unlike the others who were sneaking there.

Reva found Ryozo and Xiaoshi and she got their attention. "So did you see Noble?" said Ryozo. "Not at all. So why are you looking for him?" said Reva. "He went looking for Drachen. I don't know why though." said Xiaoshi. The three dodged fire fists as Valerie stood there. "What are you doing with the Invaders Reva? You should be helping me and my parents to take care of your little brother. He is just angry for losing Sora." said Valerie.

Reva said,"So? Why do you care?". "I guess he twisted your mind. I guess I'll have to defeat you and your friends." said Valerie. "Reva. You need to go find your brother. I have a feeling that he is danger right now." said Ryozo. "But what about you two?" said Reva. "We can handle her no problem. We'll meet up at the Execution Platform. I promise." said Xiaoshi. Reva ran off as Valerie said,'I guess you two are idiots. Prepare to die.".

She started throwing fire balls at them as Ryozo fired a huge amount of string. The strings started to cut the fire into harmless ember. She rushed toward Xiaoshi with the Chinese Goddess blocking her and throwing her into the air. "Now Ryozo!" said Xiaoshi. Valerie noticed that Ryozo was above her and he kicked her directly in the ground. Valerie was defeated and Ryozo said,"She is weak.". "She would have lost to Reva for sure." said Xiaoshi. The two rushed toward the platform.

Masoko and Sekien were running together. They lost the rest of their group due to guards but Sekien knew that they would meet up at the Execution Platform. The two were then stopped by a pink cloud as Masoko said,"That belongs to Carrie which means that she is here.". "Why would a Protector of the Earth be here?" said Sekien. "I'm guessing because of my cousin being here and a pain in their ass." said Masoko. "That makes totally sense." said Sekien.

Carrie stood there with a classy looking man. "I'll handle the hair dye failure. You handled his girl okay?" said the man. "Yes sir Bakin." said Carrie. Carrie separated the two teens apart by wool and Masoko punched it. "Ouch." said Masoko. Carrie stood above her as she said,"It may be wool but it is strong as steel if I want it.". Carrie was then hit by a giant rock and she crashed into the ground. "You are determined to stop me so you can save Sora aren't you?" said Carrie.

Masoko held a giant rock in her left hand and she said,"Yep. Taste this!". She threw the rock and it hit Carrie directly. Carrie reappeared above the rock and she said,"In my world, you can't hurt me at all because I'm god!". She fired several missiles at Masoko who dodged all of them but she was hit by a couple of the leftover explosions. "That would hurt but I'm friends with Masaru!" said Masoko. She punched Carrie directly with the dream girl growing.

Back with Sekien. He was currently fighting Bakin who was currently in beast form. "You're just like your father." said Bakin. "No I am not." said Sekien. He made two fire pillars appeared under Bakin and the man dodged it barely. His fur was slightly burned from the attack and Sekien said,"It's time for you to freeze!". The man was then frozen by the leftover flames that were on Bakin's fur. "The fire that I create is my fire and I tend to combine the elements." said Sekien.

He noticed that Bakin was silent and not moving in the ice. He broke him out and he saw him turn into a dummy. "That wasn't the real one. So where are you?" said Sekien. He took a deep breath as he froze the entire area in ice. He noticed that nothing was frozen in the ice and he said,"Okay. Where the hell are you?". He looked for a while and he decided to find him by breaking down these walls keeping him lockup. He took a deep breath as the red part of his hair glowed.

Back with Masoko, she blocked several of Carrie's dream creation which were based of the birds of prey and felines. "I hope you're ready to die. I have limitless imagination while you're only human so prepare to become dream food." said Carrie. Masoko started to sweat as she thought,"Wait. This is his fire isn't it?". Carrie felt this too as she said,"Hey! What are you doing?". "Nothing. Just my friend is tired of this prison holding him back.".

The wool suddenly lit on fire as Carrie said,"What?! My wool is way stronger than some weaklings fire.". "Sekien is weak. He is actually pretty strong." said Masoko. "Oh. I really don't need to hear this from you. Everyone at school knows about your crush on him. It is how I like Star." said Carrie. The dream girl noticed that Masoko was silent and she thought,"I think it's time to get in some powerful hits in while she focused on a man.".

She made several dream creations and was about to attack her but something stopped her. She turned around to see Masoko behind her. She turned back to where Masoko was but it was now Sekien. "So you're asking yourself how this is happening? Well, you weren't focused on me." said Masoko. She punched Carrie into the ground hard as Sekien said,"I can't believe that you can do that Masoko. It is so weird you know.".

Masoko said,"What? You're calling that weird?". "Yes. I do think that you're pretty normal when we consider the world that we live in but you and I swapped places. I mean it's so weird." said Sekien who shivered. "Have you ever kissed Natsu before?" said Masoko. "No. Why?" said Sekien. "Rain kissed him last so he has the power to swap bodies." said Masoko. "Okay. That's weird." said Sekien who sighed. The two went to the platform not knowing that they're being watched.

Haru was walking through the alleyway toward the platform. "Okay. I think you can come out now trap." said Haru. Soran appeared from a flock of bats and he said,"How do you know that I was here man?". "Like Natsu, I get great senses." said Haru. "So why did you hide this side of you? I mean we don't hate you." said Soran. "I tend to play the idiot so that people think little of me. It is a trick that I learned after I met Natsu." said Haru.

Soran said,"Do you mind explaining?". "Sure. He defeated me hard because I was playing the town fool so I decided to be my normal and lovable self next time we fought. He still won but he told me that he likes that he tricked him. It gave me an edge so I started doing it." said Haru. "So would it be like a wolf in lamb's clothing?" said Soran. "Yeah but it is wolf in sheep's clothing. We also company by the way." said Haru who got his staff ready.

Rey stood there with Stone as Stone said,"I'll handle the girl. You take monkey boy.". Before Haru had a chance to rebuttal him, Stone grabbed Soran. Soran tried to escape but Stone took him away in a burst of rock. Haru aimed his staff at Rey and he said,"Okay. You're going down.". He rushed to the man with him jumping into the air. He was about to attack Rey head on but he was stopped by a huge lance that was made of fire.

Haru jumped back and he brushed the embers off his pole. After that, he barely had a chance to block Rey's attacks which were fast and furious. "Okay. You're getting annoying. Rapid Fire Strikes!" said Haru. Rey was hit with several staff strikes but he wasn't saying anything. "Okay. I was pretty sure that you Protectors had big as hell mouths." said Haru. Haru started to dodge arrows from Rey as he said,"You know compared to Ryo, you're nothing but a novice compare to him.".

Rey growled and he kept on trying to hit Haru with arrows despite a good ninety percent missing. "It is pointless you know that right?" said Haru. Haru appeared behind Rey and he knocked him out with one powerful staff slam. Haru rested Rey against the wall and he said,"Okay. So where did trap go? I can't have him getting himself in danger. I mean who else am I going to mess with?". He left to go find his friend.

Drachen was standing in front of a gate. This was one of four ways into the Execution Platform with the one that he is at being the Southern Entrance. He turned to see Noble crashing toward him. "So what's up?" said Drachen. "You didn't sense him?!" yelled Noble. "I did but I know that he is busy helping the defeated guards to one of their med bays." said Drachen. "Yeah. Do you think we can handle him?" said Noble.

Drachen said,"It has been ten years since then Noble. I think we can handle our grandfather even if he is one of his moods.". "You got some hope there bro. Care to share that hope?" said Noble. "Noble. I would say yes but we have company." said Drachen. "I'll take the one coming from the right. You got the left right?" said Noble. "Yeah. We'll meet back here." said Drachen. The two rushed toward the left and right respectively.

Drachen saw a little girl walking toward him. She had aquamarine hair and pink eyes. The girl said,"I hope you're ready to die mister.". Drachen dodged two cobras that were created from the ground in front of her. "You're Sachi. The Matter Queen." said Drachen. "The one and only. I hope you're ready to die now." said Sachi. The snakes came rushing at him with the man either jumping over them or smacking them with his steel pole which had a smacking sound to it.  

Sachi saw Drachen smash anything coming toward him and she said,"Why won't you die? I killed everything that stood in my way!". "Your creation are weak while I'm stronger than you! Dragon Smash!" said Drachen. He appeared above Sachi with the Dragon Fists out and he smashed her into the ground. She was defeated as Drachen said,"Noble. Your fight better end quick. We need power to defeat him and also conviction.". He walked back over to the gate.

Noble saw Shuzo standing there and he said,"Look who's help his baby bro out.". "Shuzo. What are you doing here? I thought you hated humans." said Noble. "I do but when I got word of you being here, I couldn't help myself. I wanted to kill you so bad that my hatred for you skin bags is nothing compared to my hatred of you and the Red Devil Pirates!" said Shuzo. The two rushed toward each other and they yelled,"Die Bastard!". The two collided as it caused a mini explosion.

Noble jumped back after their contact as Shuzo held two balls of water. "Eat this!" yelled Shuzo. The captain dodged it and he fired from his dragon pistol. Shuzo ate the bullets and he said,"That was nothing at all!". He appeared behind Noble and the fish said,"I've gotten way stronger since our last fight!". He punched Noble into the ground and he made a huge ball of water. He threw it on Noble and Noble tried to break free from his water prison.

Shuzo looked at Noble and he said,"You're not getting out of there buddy. My water is stronger than the last time you fucked me over. I had that town and those humans under my thumb. I even had your precious Ayaka working for me but no, you had to show up.". He started to punch him and he said,"I hope you enjoy this too.". He bit directly into Noble's left shoulder and he screamed under the water from the pain.

Shuzo smiled with Noble glaring at the shark. "What are you going to do to me? You are very weak compare to me." said Shuzo. Shuzo didn't noticed that Noble appeared right in front of him. He saw that the pirate's eyes were more demonic and he kicked the shark directly in the wall. "You're dead meat now." said Noble in a demonic voice. Shuzo tried to get up but Noble threw him directly into the ground.

He blasted him with a giant ball of lightning causing the shark to screamed from the pain. Shuzo said in a second,"You're dead boy. Grandpa is going to kill you.". Shuzo fainted as Noble said,"Back in the day, I would be shaking in my boots. I have my bros at my side so I'm not worry.". His eyes went back to normal as Noble went back over to Drachen who just happened to arrive at the same time as him. Ain't that lucky?

Back with Soran, he finally escape from Stone. "You're going down Invader." said Stone. Soran then dodged the several thousand rocks aimed at him with him blasting Stone with a burst of magic. The young vampire saw that his attack did nothing to the samurai. "That isn't going to work on me. I am stronger unlike the guards that you faced. You and the rest of the Invaders defeated Inferno so you got my attention. Rock Crusher." said Stone.

Stone slammed Soran into the ground and he was trapped inside of the ground. "I wonder if monkey boy took care of Rey. Let me go find out." said Stone. The Phantom was walking away as Soran said to himself,"I guess I have to use that.". Soran moved around in his stone prison and he smiled when he grabbed something from his pocket. He moved it closer to his mouth and it was a vial filled with blood. "Bottoms's up. I guess." said Soran. He opened the vial and he drank the blood.

Flashback to yesterday, Soran was sitting on a barrel. They were waiting to head toward the Kingdom of the Dammed but they had to make last minute preparations for the trip. "Hey Soran. Are you doing alright man?" said a voice. The young vampire looked up to see Natsu perched above him. "Hey. So are you ready to go?" said Soran. Natsu jumped down to his level and he said,"Yep. I just need to get this before we left.".

He held seven empty vials and Soran said,"What's that?". "Soran. You're stronger than I thought and I can see great growth and potential in you but right now, you're still weak." said Natsu. "What are you saying Natsu?! Was all of that training pointless?!" yelled Soran. Natsu flicked his forehead and he said,"Not at all buddy. I just need you to be able to use your true power.". Soran was shocked to see that Natsu cut off his left ring finger.

The vampire saw that Natsu had poured his blood into the seven vials. Soran saw Natsu handing them to him and he said,"I can't do this Natsu.". "Soran. This blood will give you strength and I know that you can handle my blood trust me." said Natsu. Soran placed the vials in his pocket and he said,"I'll use it only if I really need okay Natsu?". Natsu tussled the vampire's hair and he said,"You can call me big bro okay? You're like my little brother anyway.". "Sure big bro." said Soran.

Back in the present, Stone turned out to see that Soran had broken out of his rock tomb but he looked different. His entire body was covered in this weird jet black armor that look to be made of steel but it still had an organic feeling to it. There was dark red aura surrounding him and above him, a crimson moon appeared. He looked more vampire than human now. Stone was about to attack with a boulder storm but he was promptly stopped by a vampire's knee straight into the gut.

Stone held his gut and he thought,"How the hell did that little girl even do that to me? Earlier, her magic blasts did nothing to my tectonic armor.". Stone looked up to see that Soran was about to kick him in the head but Stone made a rock wall to block his attack. Soran destroy it and he blasted Stone with a huge burst of dark magic. Stone stood there and he smiled. "What are you smiling about you dam...." said Stone.

The dark magic completely covered his body and he started to scream out in pain from it. Soran said in a slightly demonic voice,"My power is way stronger now than it ever was before so I hope you enjoy your eternal damnation. ". The Phantom screamed loudly from it and Soran turned around to see Haru. "So are you truly lost to your darkness huh bud? I mean you and Natsu's blood don't really mix now does it?" said Haru.

Soran's eyes turned back to their normal size as he said,"Of course not. I mean I may be half vampire and half fallen angel but I am still Soran.". "So you like being known as a trap huh?" said Haru. "Lets not count that okay?" said Soran. "I will. So what should we do about him?" said Haru. Stone was out due to the dark magic and Soran said,"We could just leave him here.". "I like that plan. Lets go then trap." said Haru. Soran followed Haru toward the Western Entrance of the Execution Platform.

Back with Natsu's group. "So are we lost Natsu?" said Rain. Natsu looked at her and Ruri said,"You do know that we only have hour left right?". "Okay. Since you two seem to know everything about the Kingdom of the Damned, you lead the dam way." said Natsu. He leaned on the wall as the two girls talked. "I still can't believe that you're letting the two girls leading you. You are a proud warrior not a slave to women." said Visalth.

Natsu was lucky to not have the girls hear that thing from the dragon as he said back,"You do know that most of my friends are women right?". "Yeah. You will be a great Harem King partner. Why didn't you kill those two following us?" said Visalth. "Because I don't kill bud." said Natsu. "Hey. I have a plan to get us the data that I want." said Rain. "Oh. Lets do it already. I really want to save Sora and find out about the Seven Deadly Sins as well." said Natsu.

Satsuki said,"So how long do we left before we go join them?". Eizan stood there and he said with a smile,"I'll tell you when I'm good and ready.". "You're just upset that you lost to the brat. I mean he is way stronger than you." said Satsuki. "Yeah but you know that in the Reapers, I was always number three compared to Kyoji and Sora. I wish that she wasn't in this situation." said Eizan. "You like her now don't you?" said Satsuki.

Eizan said,"I guess. I mean she changed my life. I was a thief before I met the noble. You know that she stopped me from stealing.". "You're right about that but you do steal beers from me when we're not working." said Satsuki. "You're a drunk." said Eizan. The woman noticed that the two teens were long gone as she said,"Hey. We should catch up to them okay?". "Yeah. You're right about that aren't you boobs?" said Eizan. The two ran after them,

Back outside, Lucia was worried about her Natsu. It was getting close to the execution and she was starting to get worried. "Natsu. Please send me a sign that you're safe." said Lucia. She noticed an explosion and she flew toward it. She knew that Natsu was known for his explosions and this was a sign that she need him. She had a feeling that he need her help. Love makes you do some crazy ass things sometimes huh especially if you're a devil.

Lucia saw both Ivan and Sabrina fighting two enemies each. One pair was Bakin with Marissa and the other pair was Spark and Tidal. She decided to go help her best friend rather than her cousin. It made sense to her since she know that Ivan was stronger than her but not as strong as her beloved Natsu. She blasted Bakin back with a huge burst of magic with Sabrina said,"Too long didn't you Lucia?".

Lucia landed next to her friend as she said,"You're my best friend. We may be fighting over the same man but right now, we need to fight them.". "You're so right." said Sabrina. Sabrina fired a huge bolt of lightning at the two causing them to stutter back. Sabrina blasted the two with a huge ball of magic and they were defeated. "You're lucky that I weaken them for you." said Sabrina who sat down. "Just wait here. I need to help my cousin." said Lucia. "K." said Sabrina.

Ivan froze all of Tidal's water but he was currently shocked by Spark. "Is that all you got? I thought one of the Devil Eight would be stronger." said Tidal. Ivan was about to say something but Tidal was blasted by Lucia's magic blast. Ivan said,"Thanks cos.". "No problem. So where is his dancing partner anyway? I saw her earlier." said Lucia. "She ran off to try and snipe me. It was right after she saw that you defeated Bakin and Marissa." said Ivan.

Lucia smiled and she said,"I have a plan. Remember what we did back in the day to escape from your father.". "Yes. I think it will work well. So is Sabrina a safe distance awhile?" said Ivan. "Yeah. Lets do it." said Lucia. The two made a giant ball of darkness with fire and ice mixed in and the two threw it at  Tidal. It exploded upon contact and it caused Tidal and Spark to be defeated due to the massive range of said explosion. The devil royalty there flew off toward the platform.

Drachen and Noble were about to open the gate door only to be blasted by a mixture of fire and water aka steam. They went back as Cortez and Lucius stood there. "So you're here to support your brother in this?" said Lucius. "Yeah. Unlike you two, we're good brothers." said Noble. "Shut up. Our brother went to go support and marry that whore Kami. After we take care of you, you're dead meat." said Cortez. "Fine." said Drachen. "But it will be you!" said Noble.

Noble rushed toward the two ninjas only for the two to turn into smoke clouds. Drachen stood there and he blocked Lucius. Noble punched the fire ninja who tried to him and Noble said,"You know that you can't escape us since we have Astral just like Natsu does.". "What?" said Lucius. "Yes. When we were kids, we shared blood. We gained some of his powers but not at all of it." said Drachen. He then smacked Lucius with his pole.

Cortez said,"Lucius!". "Don't get distracted!" yelled Noble. He kicked Cortez toward Lucius and he created a giant lightning bolt which he threw at the two shocking them due to Drachen throwing a giant ball of water at them for extra damage. Lucius recovered as he fired a huge water dragon at Noble who just smiled. He turned into a demon as he placed his hand into the water. It turned into smoke as Noble said,"Flames from hell. It can burn anything.".

Cortez started to throw several fire knives at Drachen who froze upon getting close to him due to his icy aura around him and he looked like Noble. "Not going to work on me either buddy." said the warrior. The two brother ninjas were hit by Drachen and Noble in unison and they said,"We are real brothers unlike you two!". The two ninjas were defeated as the brothers looked at the gate. "Three, two, and one!" said the two.

The team of Masoko and Sekien was ready toward the Northern Entrance. Sekien stopped Masoko as she said,"What's wrong?". "We got company and not the good kind." said Sekien. The two saw Blizz standing there with Lin and Shon. "Lin and Shon? What are you two doing here? I mean I get why Carrie is here but you two! And with him?!" said Masoko. "Oh. I guess you didn't know that I want Sora to die." said Blizz.

Sekien said,'Why do you want her dead? I mean she was your friend right?". "I don't care what you think about the whole thing. This is my job and right now, my job is to use whatever I can to stop all of you Invaders and Betrayers." said Blizz. "Betrayers?" said the two. "None of your business. Would you two kill them?" said Blizz. "Yes Master Blizz." said the two teens in an emotionless voice. Blizz went back as the two possessed teens rushed toward their target.

Sekien made a ice wall to block Shon who rushed toward him and it worked only for a few seconds due to Shon melting the ice due to his Plasma Knuckles. Masoko happened to block Lin's fist and the martial artist said,"Die Invader!". "I don't want to hurt my friend Sekien. What should we do?" said Masoko who threw Lin back. "I don't know. We can try to contain them but who knows how long that is going to last for." said Sekien.

Blizz said,"There is no way to stop them like this. I think if you stop them by defeating/killing them is the only way I think but hey, I could be wrong.". Sekien growled as he said,"Masoko. We have to defeat them. I don't want to hurt my friends either but I want to hurt Blizz. He is the only who caused all of this mess alongside Inferno. Rain told me this because she loves Natsu more than anyone even more than that devil princess. I trust Rain so will you trust me Masoko?".

Masoko smiled as she said,"You seem sure about that. Okay, I'll take care of Shon and you take care of the other one.". "Yeah. I like that plan." said Sekien. The two then swapped opponents and Masoko punched Shon straight into the wall which defeated him due to the fact that he went through several walls. Sekien froze Lin and he said,"I combined that ice with some fire. You're going to be in a lot of pain from this.". Lin was then burned and frozen in a second as Sekien smiled.

Masoko looked at Blizz who smiled and she said,"They're done. Are you going to fight us or...". She was hit with a giant ice fist which came from Blizz. She was long gone. "Masoko!" said Sekien. Blizz smiled as he said,"I wonder if you're stronger than her. She was nothing but sad garbage compared to me.". A vein appeared on Sekien's head as he said,"Shut up.". "I'm just speaking the truth. I mean she is nothing but a weak piece of ...." said Blizz.

The samurai was hit with a giant fireball and he saw Sekien in his beast form. It was the form from Episode 84 by the way. "I see that you're stronger than her by a long shot. I do hope that you're worth my time." said Blizz. The two clashed as fire and ice collided in the process. Sekien punched him but all of his punches were blocked by Blizz who made ice to block them. Blizz jumped back as he said with a smile,"I'm going to enjoy this.".

He took a deep breath as Sekien yelled,"Bastard! You're dead now! Elemental Apocalypse!". A giant burst of the elements rushed toward Blizz who said,"Deep Freeze.". The entire area was frozen solid including Sekien. Blizz placed his hand on the frozen Soul and he said,"I do hope that you enjoy this from me.". He punched Sekien and he walked away. Masoko walked back to see Sekien frozen solid and bleeding. She broke him from the ice ground and rushed toward the gate.  

Ryo was looking at Kyoji who was leading the two through the cave under the waterfall. "So. What do you know about Arata?" said Kyoji. "I thought you knew him since he is in your group." said Ryo who looked confused. "We are but only Queen Carol knows him. He is the second command out of all of us." said Kyoji. "Wow." said Ryo. "So how do you know him?" said Kyoji. "He and my friend Natsu were best friends in the Syndicate six years ago but..." said Ryo.

Kyoji stopped him and he said,"I sense someone coming. Do you sense them too?". "I do. They are my friends." said Ryo. The two walked out of the cave to see Natsu standing there with Rain plus the two following them. "Hey man. So who is the pipsqueak?" said Natsu. Kyoji glared at him and Ryo said,"He helped me against some of the guards. So what's your name?". Satsuki came out of their hiding spot with Eizan and she said,"His name is Kyoji Sakamoto.".

Rain said,"So what are you doing here Ryo?". "Arata is back Natsu." said Ryo. Natsu was silent as Ruri said from Natsu's phone,"So who is that?". "Our second in command. So how do you know him archer boy?" said Eizan. "He was a member of the Syndicate." said Ryo. "Isn't that the group that you and Natsu are in?" said Rain. "Yeah. He is also my shield." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Satsuki. "It isn't at important. Lets go." said Natsu.

The six traveled together as Natsu walked ahead of them. "So were Natsu and Arata close?" said Rain and Ruri. "Yeah. Natsu wasn't exactly the guy you know back in the day." said Ryo. "Yes. Sora wasn't placed in his body until three years ago." said Kyoji. "You know this?" said Satsuki. "Unlike sweater puppies over here, he does his job pretty well." said Eizan. She punched him as Natsu said in a harsh and emotionless tone,"Shut up all of you. We're here.".

The six saw that they were in front of a massive computer with a single keyboard. Rain was confused at Natsu since this isn't him. Kyoji said,"So what are we doing in front of the main computer?". "To do my job." said Natsu. He went over to the keyboard as Eizan said,"So was Natsu like this in the past archer boy?". "Yeah. He was like this back then. I'm thankful that Sora came when she did. This Natsu is a dick." said Ryo.

Natsu said,"I found it.". Ruri looked at the screen and she said,"The Seven Deadly Sins alongside the Crois were created to be used as biological soldiers that would be an army that would be completely under their control. However, they rebelled.". "Of fucking course. You know that when you created life, you created choice in the process." said Kyoji. "That was deep." said Satsuki. "You would think that Happy Birthday is complicated." said Eizan.

Satsuki punched him harder as Rain said,"So why did they attack during the Great War?". "It was the leader Blizz's idea." said Natsu. "Blizz?!" said the three reapers. "He was that snowcone who ripped Sora out of Natsu right?" said Ryo. "Yeah. He is a bastard." said Rain. "Okay. Time for a change of plan. I am going to stop Arata's plan." said Natsu. "What about Sora?!" said Eizan. "I'll save her. You need to lead my friends to the Execution Platform." said Natsu.

Satsuki said,"And why should we listen to you?". Visalth said,"You REALLY don't want to make him mad. Right now, Natsu is pissed off because...". "Don't say anything more partner." said Natsu who glared at his left hand. "Fine." said Visalth. Rain said,"Natsu. Please tell me that you're going to save her. I don't want you to lie to me okay.". Natsu looked at her and he said,"Rain. I promise that I will be there. I just need to be alone okay?".

He disappeared as Ryo said,"Man. He is really hating this.". "Explain." said the five Souls there. "My little brother and Arata were the best of friends but the last time that they met, they had to fight. Arata said that the next time that they met, he will kill him." said a voice. Rain saw Reva standing there and she said,"Follow me guys. I found a way to the Eastern Entrance of the Execution Platform.". The five Souls followed her as Rain hoped Natsu would be okay and there.

Natsu was talking with Visalth while heading straight toward somewhere unknown. "So why were you being a dick to her huh Natsu? I thought you loved the hell out of her." said Visalth. "I know that but you know why I did this." said Natsu. "Yes. As part of our partnership, we have share our memories both the good, the bad, and the ugly. You two were quite the team back then and it is truly a shame for what happened." said Visalth.

Natsu said with a soft smile,"He was my Shield and I was his sword. I wonder if I could..". "Natsu. I had to be a buzzkill but I sense someone powerful above us. Lets take the Dragon Way. You do know what I mean right?" said Visalth. "I get you. Lets get up there fast and quick like lightning." said Natsu. He took a deep breath and he jumped up toward the roof. He quickly activated his Dragon Hero Armor before crashing into the ceiling however.

He landed on the ground upon reaching the roof of the floor above him. "So where is it buddy?" said Natsu from inside of the armor. "In this room. I think we're in their main base. We should totally trash the place and arrive at the Execution Platform due to the destruction." said Visalth who had the biggest grin on his face. "I see. A strong and noble dragon likes destruction. Color me very much impressed. Let me get out on foot to search for clues." said Natsu.

He deactivated the armor and he said,"Okay. I found it.". He pointed to a throne and he said,"It seems to be coming from this.". "It is a nice throne. Perfect for you." said Visalth. "Yeah but I'm not really a throne guy." said Natsu. He was about to touched the throne but Natsu sensed something. He then activated Anduril appear and he said,"You better come out or else, I blow you straight to Hell and I don't mean the Underworld!".

Visalth said,"Swing and miss buddy.". "I'm not going to hurt you Invader due to the fact that I am in a lot of pain." said the voice. Queen Carol appear and Natsu rushed toward her. "You're the leader of the Infernal Council! Who did this to you?" said Natsu. "I thought that he could be trusted due to him being known in the Syndicate for his secret keeping ability." said Carol. "She is talking about Arata right?" said Visalth. "Yeah. Where is he?" said Natsu.

Carol said,"I don't know. After he attacked me, I don't know. I need to get to my throne.". "And why in the gods name should we help you?" said Visalth. Natsu picked her up bridal style as he said,"I am a nice guy Visalth and if my sister taught me anything, I should help others in need.". He walked toward the throne but he sensed something. "You! Drop her now!" yelled a voice. Natsu turned his head like an owl to see trouble behind him.

Breeze, Layla, Rick, Sayuri, Shade, and Shine stood there and Natsu said,"Oh. I totally forgot that. I guess I should tell you that your leader is injured because of....". "Because of you Invader! You and the others have ruined everything!" yelled Sayuri. "Sigh. I guess I have to get serious. Do you mind waiting one second your highness?" said Natsu. 'Um sure." said Carol. Natsu made a clone hold the queen and Natsu said,"Okay. Let me defeat you all at once.".

Natsu took a deep breath and he said,"Velocity Clone!". Suddenly, several Natsu appeared and they rushed toward the seven. They started to attack them but they couldn't find the real Natsu. Breeze was hit by a clone with him using Greed, Layla and Rick were hit by Hellreaver at the same time, and the other four were hit by a giant Power Sphere thanks to several clones in unison. Carol was shocked by his strength as all of the clones disappeared.

Natsu placed Carol in his throne and he said,"So what's next?". "I should be able to regain control of my troops. You know that I didn't want this war to begin with. I'm going to guess that you hacked into the database." said Carol. "Now let me do my guess. I am going to guess that when you sit in this chair, you can see everything aka Precognition." said Visalth. "He is right. So are you here to help me or stop me? I know the answer but I want to hear it from you Natsu." said Carol.

Natsu sat down on the floor cross legged and he said,"I'm torn. You all took Sora from me because of some reason which I'll find out but I know that there is good in this group. I'll help you not for you your highness but for Sora, I'll do anything for my friends.". "I see. You need to get there in style don't you?" said Carol. "And how will we do that?" said Natsu. "Just trust me Natsu. I'll promise that this will be good." said Carol.

Sora was walking with her being currently chained up. She was being guarded by a skinny guard and fat guard and she thought,"Natsu. Eizan. Kyoji. Satsuki. I'm sorry.". She reached the top of the stair well and she saw Arata standing there with Blizz. She looked down and she saw a whole lot of guards aka cannon fodder for our heroes. "So where are the rest of your elites huh?" said Sora. Arata said with very obvious anger in his voice"They got sick from a cold.".

Sora smiled as she said,"Natsu and his friends defeated them right?". Blizz suddenly slammed her into the ground and he said,"I'm in a bad mood so shut the hell up okay.". Arata held him back as he said,"You two. Make sure she is ready. The broadcast is ready right?". "Yes Sir!" said the two. They got Sora ready to be killed and Arata said,"Smile baby. You're live.". The entire world watched as the two guards stood to the left and right of her with swords in hand..

Right before Sora was about to get her head cut off, the gates flew off. From the North, Chad stood there with Masoko, Momoko, Nazar, Ryder, and a slightly shivering Sekien. From the East, Eizan stood there with Kyoji, Rain, Reva, Ryo, and Satsuki. From the West, Akane stood there with Haru, Hikaru, and Soran. From the South, Drachen stood there with Ivan, Lucia, Noble, Ryozo, Sabrina, and Xiaoshi.

Arata said,"This is nothing at all. Kill them!". The guards rushed toward the souls but then they heard a boy screaming. "ARATA!! YOU'RE DEAD MEAT NOW! DRAGON SPEAR KICK!" yelled a voice. Natsu in his Dragon Hero Armor came crashing directly into the platform which was holding the two guards, Arata, Blizz, and Sora. Sora looked up to see Natsu smiling and he said,"Sorry that I am late. Don't worry. I'm going to kick his ass hard.".

Next Time,
Natsu and Company face off against Arata, Blizz, Haruto, and the Infernal Concil's Army. I really got nothing else so enjoy the next episode of Soul!   

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