Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Soul Episode 104 Return to Star Valley High

A/N: Yep. If you saw the last episode, expect more like it. I think this and maybe four to five more episodes are just going to be plain because writing a battle arc drains me personally. I can do one once in a while but god dam, it is training on my body. This episode is going to be Natsu's return back to school and he is going to make it big for sure. Also I'm not sure about this but did I introduced a character named Buffy? I'm not reintroduced her later. She is gone forever baby. I also noticed that I forgot Episode 87. Also anything in a different language was thanks to Google Translate so I don't want to affect cultures. I also have a new class roster for you.

Narrator P.O.V.
Rain was walking toward Natsu's house and she was excited despite her appearance not showing any emotions. She was worried about him because of the fact that at school, he is going to be treated as a god or a demon. She went up to the door and she knocked on it. The door opened and Rain then saw Karma standing there. "You're the girlfriend right?" said Karma. "Yes. Where is Natsu? We are going to school together." said Rain.

Karma said,"He is helping that idiot in some clothes. Don't ask.". "Okay. Do you mind if I sit down in the living room?" said Rain. "Sure. Go nuts." said Karma. Rain walked into the living room and she heard screaming. She turned to see Elena and Molly plus a very sleepy Jason. The three hugged her and Rain said,"It seems like you three haven't changed.". "Yeah! Big brother is really happy to see you by the way." said Elena.

Molly said,"Yeah. He was mumbling your name when he was sleeping Saturday.". "Really? Did he say anything else?" said Rain. "He loves you this much." said Jason. He held his hands apart and he said,"I love you this much Rain.". He fell back asleep and Molly said,"Sorry but Kenji kept him up longer than normal.". "Who is Kenji?" said Rain. The three girls heard crying and running. Kenji was there on the floor crying.

Elena walked over to him and she said,"What happened this time?". "Big brother pushed Kenji out of his room!" said Kenji. "It's because I was changing Kenji." said Natsu's voice. Rain then saw Natsu standing there and he looked tired. "Are you alright Rain?" said Natsu. She was shocked to see that Natsu had appeared in front of her fast. "Yeah. Are you? You look tired." said Rain. "Kenji gets me tired. It's a good thing that Karma and Saya are taking care of him." said Natsu.

Kenji yelled,"No! Kenji doesn't want to be with them! Kenji wants to be with big brother!". "Sorry. I can't buddy. Okay. I'll make a deal with you then." said Natsu. He got down to the boy's level and he said,"If you be good for them, I'll play video games with you.". Kenji's eyes turned into stars and he said,"Are you serious?". "Yes." said Natsu who pulled out his signature grin. Kenji smiled and he ran upstairs. Natsu said,"Okay. Lets go.".

Natsu had a sleeping Jason in his arms as his other two siblings run ahead of him and Rain. "So he is an assassin and that toddler is engaged?" said Rain. "You're right about the first part but Saya thinks that her and Karma are engaged. Karma only use her if he needs something from her." said Natsu. "It must be weird to watch." said Rain. "I've watched too many romantic comedies thanks to my sis so it wasn't that strange to see." said Natsu.

Natsu made a dragon claw go around Rain's shoulder and he said,"So why did you come to see little old me? Did you miss me lover?". Rain blushed as she said,"A little.". "That's awesome. Hold on a second. Do you mind holding Jason?" said Natsu. Rain held Jason as she saw Natsu appear in front of Elena and Molly. They were in front of their school and he said,"I want you two to behave yourselves okay?". "Okay!" said the two.

They hugged him and he said,"Make sure you call me once you get to the site okay!". They were long gone as Rain said,"You know that you don't have to act like their mom right?". "Yeah but I kinda see them as my children like I see you as my wife." said Natsu. Rain looked at him and she said,"What did you say?". "I said that...." said Natsu. His phone suddenly rang as he said,"We should get going Rain. I really don't want to be late today.". "Right." said Rain.

The two reached the gate and Rain said,"You know that we didn't have to run right?". "Yeah but it doesn't hurt right?" said Natsu. "It does a little." said Rain. The two walked into school and Natsu said,"Stand back.". She stopped as Natsu said,"Okay. You can come out.". Karla stood there and she said,"Hey Rain and Natsu. Welcome back.". "And what are you doing in front of the gate in the first place?" said Rain.

Karla smiled and she said,"Waiting for you two.". "Um why?" said Natsu. "Well, I needed to ask you for a favor Natsu but I had to get your girlfriend's permission. I mean you technically own the number one guy at our school. He ain't my type though." said Karla. Natsu looked at Rain who said,"So what is it?". "Okay. I was thinking of making trading cards of you and your feminine side." said Karla. The two looked at her and they said,"Okay.".

Later, Natsu was dragging himself to the Executive Committee's office. "So why are you tired from taking photos? I mean they didn't seem bad to me." said Visalth. The two were talking through a link that they had as Natsu said,"I just don't like being treated like a piece of meat. I mean interviews aren't my thing.". "Yes. So do you think that Jason will mind being at the Partner's place?" said Visalth. "Don't worry. I'm sure that he will be fine." said Natsu.

He opened the door only to get tackled by Anita. "Nat-Chan!" yelled Anita. She hugged him and she said,"I don't want you ever doing that again you got it!". "I don't think he can promise that Anita but he can try right?" said Jack. The ice user stood there and he helped Natsu up after slightly freezing his fellow second year. "So how much paperwork did I miss?" said Natsu. He sat in his chair as Homer said,"Not that much. Your friends helped.".

Natsu said,"I guess I owe them for that. So how are things going for the Cultural Festival?". "Good. I think this year is going to be great in my personal opinion. You do know that your class is still doing the play right?" said Efren. "Yeah. I haven't had the time to write it. Still recovering from my fight against the Infernal Council." said Natsu. He sat in his desk and he said,"So why hasn't Spawn made fun of me in the past minute?".

Efren sighed and Homer said,"He and Honoko went to the Student Council. He was not in a good mood and Honoka.". "Her angry is scary even more than your demon form honey." said Anita who was resting on Natsu. "Yeah. I didn't know that was even possible. I mean you were so scary in that form." said Jack. "I should have it by the end of the week I hope." said Natsu. He left the office and he said,"Don't come after me Anita!". Anita sighed and the three guys in there were confused.

Natsu took a deep breath and he said,"Okay. They aren't going to eat me I hope.". He then opened the door and he dodged an fire ball. "Issac!" yelled a voice. Natsu saw Issac ran out of the classroom and he said,"Oh  Hey man. Welcome back.". "So why the hell is Akane mad at you again?" said Natsu. It took a second for Natsu to get his answer and it was Issac being perverted again. "Ah I miss this shit so dam much." said Natsu.

After the class got used to seeing Kyoji in their class, Ellen said,"It is good to see all of you back and without any battle scars.". "Um teach." said Natsu. "Excluding you Mr. Xasius. It seems that we need to decided what we're doing for the Cultural Festival." said Ellen. "Aren't we doing a Gender Bend Cafe which was my idea!" said Harry whose nose grew bigger. Alex hit him and she said,"You are right..". Issac said,"Bingo Alex. So we are going to combine cosplay as well.".

Rex said,"Does that make it better or worse?". "Who knows?" said Irene. "Okay. I'll send a clone to deliver that information." said Natsu. He made a clone and it ran off. "So what else?" said Masaru. "It seems like we have a new student again." said Ellen. She looked at the door and she said,"You may come in.". A girl walked in and Kyria and Phoebe were shocked. "Hi! My name is Miu Otsuka and I am half Italian." said Miu.

Natsu stood up and he said in Italian,"Sei qui mi uccida principessa bionda (Are you here to kill me Blond Princess)?". Miu said,"No. Sembra che io sono qui per essere un protettore di vostro da tua sorella Reva Natsu-San (No. It seems that I am here to be a protector of yours from your sister Reva Natsu-San)". "Wow. I have no idea about what they are saying." said Nazar. "I think they're speaking Italian Nazar." said Masoko.

Miu walked over to him and he said,"So what do you want? I don't do autographs or stuff like that. It ain't my thing.". She hugged him and Irene yelled,"What are you doing?! He is my wife!". Rain was agreeing with her despite having a neutral look to all of this. "So are we just used to this?" whispered Terry to Dana. "I think we just are use it by now." said Dana. "Yeah." said Terry. Miu sat in the seat in front of our hero much to some of the class's anger.

It was lunch time and Natsu was currently at his new spot. It was outside of the school building and he had some unwanted company aka his newest lover Miu. She was feeding him and while he would normally it, he had several glares at him. "What's wrong Natsu-San?" said Miu. "You know that I do have a girlfriend right? She is glaring me despite her not really looking at us." said Natsu. Rain was currently reading a book but she was still glaring at him.

Issac said,"Man. I would be jealous of Natsu except I have legions of fan girls.". Chad stood there and he said,"Indeed. I wonder how he deals with all of them though.". Nazar rushed toward Natsu and he said,"I want to fight you now Natsu!". Dante said,"Um. Why?". "You were so awesome in your fight against Arata and Reisa! You killed some serious but and I want to do it!" said Nazar. His eyes were on fire and Tessa said,"Guess we get a show and a meal.".

Natsu and Nazar stood apart from each other and Moka said,"This is just a sparring match. I hope to see no killing blows from ether of you.". "Gotcha!" yelled Nazar. "Begin!" said Moka. Nazar rushed toward Natsu who said,"Time to get fired up! Solar Form!". He exploded in a burst of flames and his hair changed from a navy blue to golden blonde and his eyes turned into mini suns. "Are you ready to salute the sun?" said Natsu.

He fired two constant bursts of flames that lifted him into the air. "Sweet! Lets go!" yelled Nazar. He jumped toward Natsu and he said,"Taste this!". Natsu made a flame shield to block the fist and Natsu said,"This is going to tingle for a bit.". Nazar felt his left fist was on fire and Phoebe said,"Wow. That is some hot fire.". "Yeah. It's hotter than my dad." said Sekien. "Wow. That must be hot. Is it hell fire or what?" said Ben.

Reva stood there and she said,"Actually, it is from the sun.". "The Sun?!" said Urara. "Yes. You do remember what he said during his fight against Arata right?" said Reva. "Yeah. He said that he is the son of Amaterasu. Was that true?" said Hikaru. "Yes. He was born from the sun according to what I have gather." said Reva. Natsu aimed his right hand at Nazar who was trying to dodge the fire that came from Natsu's feet which he was controlling.

Natsu said,"Solar Flare Storm!". He fired a huge burst of flames at Nazar who blocked the attack and it pushed him back a couple of feet. The ground below him however was complete ash. Natsu deactivated his Solar Form and he said,"Are you good man?". "Yeah. So how hot is your fire in the first place?" said Nazar. Natsu pondered for a moment and he said,"I think hot as the sun or maybe a quasar.". "Do you even have any limits?" said Nazar. "Nah." said Natsu.

Natsu woke up to see Rain standing near him alongside Miu who smiled. "So what's up?" said Natsu who yawned and stretched his body. "We need to talk." said Rain. He followed the two girls and Miu said,"So Natsu, where do you live?". "Um. At my house?" said Natsu. "I heard about your house. It sucked because it was destroyed right?" said Miu. "Yes? What are you getting at?" said Rain. "I wish to stay with him. Is that a problem? I mean I've done my research on all of you." said Miu.

Natsu said,"You know about my secret love affair with space?!". "Everyone knows that Natsu. I mean you were the most excited for space." said Rain. Natsu grumbled something and Miu said,"I think as the son of the Underworld Emperor, you're allowed to have multiple wives right?". "Yeah but I'm not like my father. I may have his power but I'm not like my father. Heck, I'm more like my mother than anything else." said Natsu who pointed proudly at the sun.

Rain said,"Anyway, he belongs to me.". "Yeah. I got the sealing mark and everything." said Natsu. "It doesn't matter." said Miu. She placed her breasts on his chest and she said,"You'll be mine to protect cutie.". She disappeared and Rain said,"So do you like her?". "Of course I do but as a classmate, she is someone that I'll protect with my life." said Natsu. "Oh Natsu." said a voice. The two saw Emily and she said,"We need to train your new form.".

The three were in the arena and Natsu was in his solar form. "So how do we train this new form of mine eh Senior?" said Natsu who smirked. "With a little target practice. I had some water watching over you just in case of you know assassin of the such. It was your idea Rain after all Anyway, lets begin shall we?" said Emily. She made several targets appear around Natsu and he said,"Time to get fired up!".

Rain and Emily moved into the stands and Rain said,"So why did you really want to see him? I mean we were heading to the club room after class.". "Actually, I had heard a nasty rumor that a girl named Miu Otsuka transferred to your class." said Emily. "Yeah. She flirted with Natsu right in front of me and it was evil." said Rain. The two saw Natsu making a giant fireball and he said,"Taste my Giant Magma Ball!". The ground burned from the attack making several flame pillars.

Emily said,"So it is true. Reva must have thought that she could be trusted but she really can't.". "So what are you saying?" said Rain. "She is a member of...." said Emily. "Um you guys! We have some nasty company!" yelled Natsu. The two noticed a giant laser beam heading toward them and the girls blocked the attack using a mixture of gravity and water. Natsu flew toward the girls and he said,"Are you girls alright? I mean these guys aren't jokes.".

The two saw several armored soldiers standing there and Emily said,"Who are they?". "They belong to the group that Miu works for." said Natsu. "You know about her?" said Rain. "Can't hide anything from my eyes. I also know the group that Miu worked for personally." said Natsu. He clenched his fist and he said,"They're the ones who kidnapped Jason and the rest of my family two years ago. I've been itching to sick fight them!".

He flew toward them and he said,"Ready Visalth?". "I'm always ready for battle partner!" yelled Visalth. "Devil Arm Now!" said Natsu. The Devil Arm appeared with him aiming  his hands in front of him. "It is time for you all to burn in the pits of hell!" yelled Natsu. Flames came from his hands and it burned several guards. "Wow. Natsu sure is anger." said Emily who made some water to calm some of the fire down.

Rain said while throwing several guards into the air,"He told me that the group who kidnapped Jason and his family will pay for what they did to him. It is also how Reva met Irene and also how Irene came to Star Valley High plus slapped my Natsu.". "You sound like he is your dog or something. I mean he is more like a cat to me Rain." said Emily. The two saw Natsu in his Draco Form with his cat appendages and Rain said,"Wow. This will work for the Cosplay Cafe.".

Emily said,"So. You guys are doing a cosplay cafe?". "Yep. I think Natsu is planning to be a demon butler." said Rain. "Oh. That does sound interesting." said Emily. The two girls saw that Natsu was holding a solider in his hands and he said,"Why are you bastards here?! I thought me and my sister took care of you idiots!". He increased the fire around the solider and he said,"Talk or else you are going to get burned!".

Rain held Natsu's free hand and she said,"Calm down Natsu. He is like your clones.". Natsu turned back to see that the solider was gone along with the rest of them. "Dam it! They got away! I have to go after them!" yelled Natsu. Reva stood there and she said,"Natsu. Don't do anything.". "Why the heck not?!" yelled Natsu. "Visalth." said Reva. "Sorry about this partner." said Visalth. Natsu fell on the ground with his Devil Arm.

Natsu said,"What are you doing?!". "Stopping you. You need to calm down. I want those bastards to pay for hurting the siblings. They seem to bring you joy and happiness so I want to keep you safe and happy. Lets see what Reva wants before we go after them okay partner? Rage does blind you Natsu." said Visalth. "Okay. Talk Reva before I find a way to escape." said Natsu. "Do you two mind?" said Reva. "Sure." said Emily and Rain.

Emily held Natsu in a water bubble and him plus the water was slammed into the ground by Rain. "I hate you two right now." said Natsu. "Natsu. We can't go after them right now. We should keep an eye on Miu for now because I know that she is here to try and kill you for Ryder's group." said Reva. "He is evil?" said Rain. "Not really. He and I are alike because of the fact we are hated by the Protectors of the Earth for no good reason." said Natsu who sat cross legged.

Emily said,"Anyway. you'll need to be kept a close eye on.". "Why? It's obvious that I can take care of myself." said Natsu. "You're still trapped in the ground Natsu." said Rain who touched him. Natsu turned into a bunny and the three heard,"Sorry Ladies but I escaped that trap with ease.". Natsu stood behind them and Visalth said,"Why try to stop him ladies? He can handle himself in a fight even if I'm against him controlling his body.".

Rain said,"You still need a body guard though so I will go first.". "Sure. I may not like the idea of the bodyguard but I love if you protect me." said Natsu. "Actually, you will have two bodyguards and I'm the second one." said Emily who smiled. "Oh joy." said Natsu. The two girls dragged him away and Reva sighed. "Natsu. Why do people want to target you? I mean you may be extremely powerful but you still so young and weak right now. I wonder if I should ask them for help." said Reva.

Natsu was looking over his new house aka a normal looking house and he smiled. "I love this place!" said Natsu. Emily looked at the house and she said,"It looks less impressive than your old house.". "I like this way and it doesn't make me look like a rich snob." said Natsu. Rain sighed as she said,"That does sound like you. You don't need use your parent's money.". "I don't because Underworld Money is way more money than you think. We should get inside right?" said Natsu. The three walked inside.

Natsu was cooking in the kitchen and Emily said,"So Rain, do you know where Natsu's baby book is?". "No. Why?" said Rain. "I mean we all have seen Jason but what did Natsu look like as a baby or was he still in the Underworld back when he was a baby?" said Emily. "I saw it once but since then, I haven't." said Rain. "Darn it. If we only had a way too." said Emily. She looked mad and Rain said,"I have an idea.". She whispered something into the water Soul's ear and she said,"Lets.".

Natsu was talking with Visalth and Natsu said,"Are you serious about this?". "Yes. You need to find someone to train your Solar Form. Even with the all knowing power of the goddess of the sun, I know for a fact that you can only use ten percent of the form's power. It can be stronger and it's in the first stage." said Visalth. "Man. That sounds awesome. But who could survived the sun's fire in the first place?" said Natsu.

Visalth said,"I suggest asking one of your friends. They seem like a strong bunch and I sensed during class today that they were getting stronger slowly but they're stronger.". "Yeah. They are worried about me. Why are they after me in the first place? I mean I didn't do anything beside being well me." said Natsu who looked at his sword necklace. "I have a feeling that they want your body for something." said Visalth.

Natsu said,"I hope not in the dirty way. I'm still a virgin you know.". "Yes. Have you told them? I mean you haven't even kiss a girl with YOUR real lips." said Visalth. "No but I plan to save my first kiss for when I find all of the Sorcerers." said Natsu. "I see. So have you and Issac found a clue yet?" said Visalth. "Nope. Out of the seven sorcerers that have powers like Rain, we have found four out of seven." said Natsu.

Visalth said,"Wow. 57%. You and Issac are honor students right? This is kinda of sad to say the very least.". "Shut up old dragon bastard. Is it just me or have the girls been quiet?" said Natsu. "Do you think that the girls are safe?" said Visalth. "Yeah. Emily and Rain are strong but not even on the same level as big sister. She is the strongest woman on Earth." said Natsu. "Well. I'll agree that she is stronger than most but not the strongest woman on the planet." said Visalth.

Natsu said,"What are you talking about?". "Can you stop cooking for a second? What I am about to tell is private. Only us dragons plus certain beings known of her and I don't wish for this to be spread." said Visalth. "Sure. I just need to turn off the fire and then..." said Natsu. Visalth turned off the fire by controlling Natsu's right arm and Natsu said,"I hate you sometimes.". "Lets go." said Visalth. The two disappeared in a dimension void.

Natsu looked at the dragon and Natsu said,"So what is it? I mean this woman sounds really important and powerful.". "She is Natsu. It's your mom and she is my equal." said Visalth. "Wow. My mom is perfect then!" said Natsu. "Perfect? You want to train the Solar Form on her? She will crush you into a billion and one pieces with just a single thought even though you're her son." said Visalth. "You're scared of a woman? That is shocking." said Natsu.

Visalth said,"Yes I am. She can be frightening I mean she is able to destroy countries if her ice cream is destroyed.". "She sounds like a child to me and I'm great with kids. I do hope that Karma hasn't killed Kenji. Jason and him are really good friends." said Natsu. "It is good for him to make friends with people around his age. I mean he likes you and the others but I think Kenji is a good first friend." said Visalth. "Yeah. Should we head back?" said Natsu.

Visalth said,"I rather not. I mean this is one of a few times that we have been like this. There was when we first met and when we were training for our fight against the Infernal Council.". "Yeah but I know that there will be more times like this in the near future for us I promise so lets go back. I promise." said Natsu. "Okay. I'll open the portal." said Visalth. The dragon opened the portal and the boy jumped in it. "Good luck Natsu. You'll need it." said Visalth who went back to sleep.

Natsu reappeared to see Emily and Rain in aprons. His face lit up and he said,"What's going on?! I was only gone for a few minutes.". "Yeah but we missed you right Rainy?" said Emily who got closer to him. "Yeah. You know that we're supposed to protect you right?" said Rain who was held Natsu's left arm. His face went cherry red and Emily said,"Oh! You're good Rain. Been reading some of the seduction books that I gave you right?".

Rain's face went red as Natsu said,"Seduction Books? They are real and you read them Rain!". "Are you mad?" said Rain. "No way. I am really happy that you're showing emotions. You used to be the ice queen but now you're the light maiden. Sounds cheesy doesn't it?" said Natsu. Emily  hugged him and she said,"What about me?". "You're important to me but Rain is my girlfriend. She is important to me more than anyone in the world." said Natsu.

Rain smiled as Emily pouted. "So what happened to dinner?" said Natsu who noticed the empty pot in the sink. "We kinda ate it." said Emily. "It was really good." said Rain. "I guess I should be happy that you enjoyed it but now I'm starving." said Natsu whose stomach growled. "I think we should make it for him right Rainy?" said Emily. "Yep. Just sit here and relax." said Rain. The two forced him to sit down and he said,"This is going to be great.".

Natsu was later sitting on the couch writing for the play and he said,"I got this play in the bag. Going to be my best work.". He smiled and he looked over at his sleeping bodyguards. They took over the couch in the nearby room which could fold into two queen beds. It may look like a normal house but it was bigger than the old one. Natsu looked at the two and he said,"I think I should head to bed soon because I'm tired.". He walked upstairs holding a lot of paper.

He opened his bedroom door and he saw Karma sitting on the window sill. "Karma? What are you doing here? I asked you to watch Jason and Kenji. I know that you hate Kenji but at least have Saya watch him." said Natsu who placed the pile of paper on his desk. "I'm here to talk about you and your guardians." said Karma. "You found them?" said Natsu. "Yes. Beside myself, Derrick, and Sabik, I've found the others. We shall search for them tomorrow." said Karma.

Meanwhile in an abandoned building somewhere, a woman was walking into the building. Despite her wearing a cloak covering her body, her heels tend to make a sound throughout the building. "So you're back?" said a voice. A woman who is wearing a light green sheath dress showing off her midriffs stood there with matching hels and the cloaked woman said,"I'm back Viper.". "So how did it go? Did it go like you hope?" said Viper.

The woman said,"It did Viper. He is still the violent bastard from a year ago.". Viper smiled and she said,"Yeah. I wonder if Reva is the same  I bet your little plan caused him to be guarded.". "Yes. She is nothing now. She is weaker than Natsu is." said the cloaked woman. "I see then. I think we should bring everyone to Japan." said Viper. "Are you sure? I don't think we can keep them all in line." said the cloaked woman who crossed her arms in annoyance.

Viper said,"Yeah. I think we'll be just fine. Trust me, I think I have the perfect way to keep them in line is with a man.". "What?! As a proud member of Rogue Enterprise, you can't be serious by asking me to work with a man." said the cloaked woman. A snake tail grabbed her from the ground as Viper said,"This isn't of my doing but the higher ups. They should be sending two and I know that this must suck N but deal with it. It's time for bed.".

Viper plus the tail was gone as N said,"Natsu and Reva. You two will pay for what you did to me. It caused me to swear vengeance on the entire world. I swear on her grave that I will kill both of you and no man or woman is going to stop me.". She disappeared in a bunch of black flowers. Upon the petals reaching the ground, they turned into acid melting the floor into nothing but several puddles of cement.

Next time,
Who and what are Rogue Enterprise? Why is N against Natsu and Reva? Was it Natsu's fault? It was mostly likely that but dam it, lets believe that it is Reva's fault for once. It may be the other way around but who knows. The good thing is that the Protectors of the Earth aren't involved in anyway shape or form due to their injury from the Infernal Council. This and more next time on Soul!
Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Miu Otsuka. 15 years old. First Year Class C at Star Valley High. Golden Blond. Emerald Green. 6 foot 1. O. Aries. April 5. Being happy, Cute things, sweets, her friends, swords, weapons, manga, machines, shopping, Natsu, and love. Math.

Updated Fall 1-C Roster after Natsu vs the Infernal Council:
Back Door
Lockers for all the students in the class and Ruriko’s Main Body.

Masoko Infernos
Sekien Ozaki
Chad Koizumi
Rain Scott
Natsu Xasius
Ryker Tate
Masaru Hirano
Nazar Kern
Akane Blaze
Miu Otsuka
Yusuki Payne
Tsuki Toyama
Ryo Conner
Haru Ichirou
Hikaru Spencer
Amy Ramos
Ben Barton
Issac Lance
Yumiko Ogino
Tessa Tamura
Urara Sunada
Leona Tachibana
Kyria Finch
Rex Anderson
Tatsu Xasius
Mia Cruz
Seth Richards
Moka Banks
Lucy Rowe
Dante Skidmore
Katsuo Takeda
Charlotte Steel
Irene Rhodes
Cora Youko
Blair Goodwin
Kyoji Sakamoto
Phoebe Walton
Harry Adams
Alex Travis
Yataro Higashi
Cindy Malone
Jake Walker
Stacey Hale
Matt Ray
Ruriko Uchiyama
Tara Cross
Karla Watson
Soran Chainsaw
Dana Reid
Terry Rios

Front Door
Blackboard along with the current teacher at the time desk.

22 Boys
28 Girls

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