Monday, October 24, 2016

Soul Episode 108 God of Death vs Natsu Xasius. A battle that you don't want to miss!

A/N: Yeah. I wonder if Natsu is going to fight against Robin or God. It is either or and I think Abnormal is on a hiatus. I have ideas but god dam it, I am on a roll with Soul and I'm not stopping now. I have been thinking of what I am going to do after. Maybe a story like Power Guild or maybe a reboot with a clear idea of what I want. I love the original but I think a new version would be nice but I will make sure that I save my work. I learned that the long way. Don't quote me on that. This is just a idea and nothing final yet. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu and Reva stood outside of the front door and Karla said,"Natsu and Reva! I thought that Natsu was in America though.". "I could sense them. Even if they are under ground, Astral could let me find them. I can't believe that he is here though. You're so dead Parker." said Natsu. Everyone there had a face of confusion since this Natsu was a shock to them. They have seen him mad but this is new due to him looked pissed off but calm.

Robin laughed and he said,"Same old Nat-Chan! I think I'm so screwed now.". He messed with his little P.D.A as he said,"Okay. We will go with Plan P. I think you need to the elevator Ellen-Chan so will you?". "Yes GOD." said Ellen. "Crap. They don't know do they?" said Ryker. "Yeah. They think that Ellen is held captive." said Hikaru. Natsu and Reva saw Robin holding a gun at Ellen's head and Natsu yelled,"Parker!". "Ellen." said Reva.

Reva said,"Who are you? You look so normal.". "Don't fall for it sis. This bastard can change his face like a whore changes her clothes to seduce a guy." said Natsu. "Bingo Nat-Chan! You're so good at this aren't you? My name is Robin Parker but I change it to GOD." said Robin. "I don't care. Where are my friends? If you don't answer..." said Natsu. "They are here Nat-Chan. I mean if you die, they are free along with your teacher. You should do it." said Robin.

Reva thought,"Wow. He is holding a lot back. I can't read him at all and he knows the right way to push Natsu's buttons like N did or does.".  Robin threw Ellen to the ground and he said,"All of them plus her got a surprise in the form of an explosive around their neck. If I want, they go boom!". "You bastard! You know that I will kill you harder than normal right?!" said Natsu. "Yeah. I mean we are good friends. I mean you..." said Robin.

Reva was about to say something but she was shot to the ground. She thought,"Why can't I move my body at all?". She saw Ellen smiling with a hypnotized look on her face and she said,"Natsu! She has been taken over by him!". "What?!" yelled Natsu. Reva was over a trap door and Natsu yelled,"Big Sister!". He rushed toward her but Robin stopped him. "Don't Nat-Chan. I'll kill her faster." said the GOD.

Reva slammed into the ground with the students shocked to see her. "This blows huh. I didn't get to even use them as bait. With this all done, lets go say hi Ellen-Chan." said Robin. "Yes sir." said Ellen who followed him downstairs. "Wait!" yelled Natsu. He followed them and he saw all of his friends and sister on the other side of the prison gate. "Check it out. I made it their final home. It looks pretty cozy right?" said Robin.

Reva said,"Everyone is here. Where are we?". "This spot is right near the dam. I have it connected like a line. If I want, I can dump over 100 tons of water in here and you'll down to death." said Robin who looked at his hand. Ellen looked down and Natsu yelled,"YOU BASTARD! LET THEM GO! I AM NOT JOKING ANYMORE! THEY'RE FUCKING INNOCENT!". "Oh Nat-Chan. You need to calm down. I could kill them forever ago but I waited for you." said Robin.

Natsu said,"Why have Ellen involved then!?". "Oh. She was a pawn to get Reva because I know that she isn't worth my time and she is also the one who brought her to me." said Robin. "This was my fault?" said Reva. "Bingo." said Robin. Reva looked down as Matt thought,"Reva got caught like we did but even faster! How strong is this guy?". "So should I get started? Lets go Ellen. I don't want you to get wet." said Robin.

Natsu grabbed him and he said,"If you move, I'll break your fucking arm.". "Temper Nat-Chan. You can't stop me by yourself. I mean if you were the real Nat-Chan but right now, you are weaker than those brats. I think I will start with your girlfriend and sister first and then I will let you watch me kill them all. How does that sound?" said Robin. Natsu took a deep breath and he said,"You need to fuck off prick.".

He kicked Robin into the wall and Natsu said,"I don't care about much in this world. I do care about my friends who are part of my heart that can't be replaced. You hurt them didn't you? You're still a sick fuck aren't you Parker/ Okay. I guess I have to get serious. Lets go.". "Go Natsu!" yelled the class. "Natsu." said Reva. "Ha." said Robin. Natsu was wearing a suit and he took off the blazer. "It is time to show you who is the real GOD here." said Natsu.

He said,"What will you do Parker? If you go on without your plan, I'll murder you and I don't think a single person would care if you died.". "Huh. You have gotten stronger since our last encounter. You have no weak points now. You are now stronger than normal. I think killing them and running you is the best. I got this." thought Robin. He was gone and Natsu said,"Dam it! I won't let you hurt them at all Robin!". "Natsu! I want you to turn on your video screen!" yelled Reva.

Ellen stood there and she said,"How dumb. What can a kid do against a man like God? It is true that he is stronger than all of you combined. GOD is GOD. He even got you with ease Reva.". "Ellen. So why?" said Yusuki. "Yeah! You knew that he was going to kill us?" said Dante. "Why? We were your students and your friends. Does that mean anything to you?" said Amy. "She is under HIS control and I think she doesn't have any say in the matter." said Haru.

Ellen threw something at the gate and she said,"You know nothing about me! You never asked! I had fun but I wanted to have something worth while not you brats!". The room was quiet as Robin said,"I need you Ellen-Chan. I have placed some traps for Nat-Chan. Get him from the back. You're the only one who I can trust.". "I understand." said Ellen. "He is stronger than I thought. He is able to control someone who is strong. Watch the screens kids. You'll learn a lot from this." said Reva.

Natsu P.O.V.
I was running through Parker's maze and I was pissed off. It had been two years since then. I was the GOD (God of Death) two years ago. My life is a mess and I know it. According to the visions that I got from my mom aka Amaterasu, I was born from her love and the sun. She named me Natsu due to me being born during Summer and my middle name Ryu because she really like dragons. Visalth tells me that the dragons didn't mind the gods and a few wanted relations with them.

Knowing that perverted old dragon, it was likely something extremely dirty. I do remember being the beloved son of Asuna and Riku who were unable to have a child and this is only known by a few due it being something that Asuna asked of her husband. She usually is an open woman but to hide such a secret is something of a shock to me once I learn that from the visions. I haven't told her that I know this because I don't want her heart to be even more broken.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu stood in front of a door and he said,"Do you honestly think that will work on me Parker? Don't forget who taught you all of this!". He opened the door and in a second, he pulled out the Devil Arm and Visalth yelled,"Absorb!". The explosion was absorbed and he said,"Yep. That was just the start of my rage!". The class was shocked and Ben said,"So what just happened?". "He just absorbed an explosion and still going." said Alex.

Reva said,"That was nothing to Natsu. When he was ten. he survived a nuclear bomb dropped on him and he didn't use a fridge or soda machine.". "You're joking right?" said Hikaru. "No way. He isn't a monster right?" said Harry. Lucy noticed something and she said,"Natsu! Don't go out that way! It is too...". Natsu stood there with a chi shield and he saw several girls with dogs. The most obvious thing about the duo is the huge amount of guns attached them.

Cora said,"What are they doing here?". "I think like Ellen, he had trained them to shoot anything that moves which is working against Natsu." said Reva. Natsu then noticed that the bullets were starting to now get weaker as he thought,"Okay. I need to do that plus that to get rid of them.". A flash of light covered the room and the cameras. The dogs and girls couldn't see anything and they heard,"Okay. It is time to show my happy face.".

The light was gone and Natsu just smiled. He made the dogs and girls back up in fear and he said,"I bet you're scared. This is my raw power and I'm letting out. You're feeling death and you better not attack me or else.". He walked by them and Mia, Seth, and Stacey said,"You guys saw that?! He got through with a freaking smile!". "I don't blame though. That Natsu would shake me. I don't think he smiles like this unless he is fighting." said Ryo.

Alex, Dana, and Rain agreed with him when thinking of Natsu's previous fights. "You're right. Natsu tends to keep his power locked up to not scare others away from him. However, Natsu isn't one to hold back." said Reva. Natsu was through a hallway and he sensed something. He ducked under a metal beam and he said,"How low can I go?". He jumped over another beam and he turned to see a bow with arrow flying toward him.

Reva said as Natsu caught it with his mouth,"Natsu has many names. He is known as Astaroth aka the strongest demon in the Underworld and the Immortal Soul meaning he won't be killed. Robin aka the God of Death is able to set up this many traps and way more but he could keep up with my little brother.". The class imagined Natsu and Robin who was covered in darkness fighting over a city like a good Godzilla Movie rather than a bad Godzilla movie from the late 1990s.

Jake said,"Wow. We're nothing compared to them. They have talent and experience. Even though one of them is our age, it makes you really think.". "You're right Jake. They are indeed strong along with this gate is strong. Robin made this cage to hold in my brother so it is strong. It may no will be able to survive a nuclear explosion. So what will you do? So you're here, will you play with the big boys or cry in fear?" said Reva.

She said,"No. That was the old me. Everyone can fight. Even a small ant can defeat a giant tiger with A LOT of work but it will be able to do it.". "But Reva, you may have confidence in us but what can we do?" said Harry. Karla looked around and she said,"Okay. I have an idea. We may not be able to fight with Natsu right now but maybe, we can piss Robin off to make Natsu land a punch for all of us combined so lets do it.".

Back with Natsu, he was currently going through several different traps. One trap was several tons of chain dropped on him with him being covered in acid and lava. "Wow. You're still a monster aren't you Nat-Chan? I guess with my toys being destroyed, I need some more time. He will be too close to me before I head back to base and drain those brats." thought Robin. He looked at his P.D.A and he said,"And you brats aren't moving either. Time to make a appearance.".

Natsu had just finished off another trap and he hid behind a wall. "Oh. I guess you sensed me? I mean you're stronger than me but dam is my aura stronger than last time." said Robin who stood there with his entire person covered in darkness except for his face. "I guess your traps got better than the last time. I would have been injured if it was two years ago." said Natsu. He held a black Beretta 90-Two in his left hand and he thought,"I'll shoot you dead with Lazarus.".

Robin said,"You know that you taught me ALL of this right? You should use everything in your deck to win right?". Natsu dodged a gravity attack and Robin thought,"And controlling the weak. This is going to be good.". "You're friends right Ellen?" said Robin. Ellen stood there with her left hand and she said,"Sorry God. This time, I won't miss.". "Ellen. I really don't want to hurt you at all. You're in there...." said Natsu.

He dodged another attack and Ellen said,"I don't know what you're talking about. You wouldn't at all understand me. You don't know what I have been though. God understood me and he said that we are the same.". "Oh yeah. I told you an old tale of mine. I was born in a dump with trash and murder all around me. I could have died in a moment. I learn that I could only use money and my skills to live there." said Robin.

Natsu growled and Robin said,"Ellen went through the same thing as me. You knew that didn't you Nat-Chan? I know you and I think that this will be the end of both of you.". He pressed a button on his device and the ceiling collapse on them. "Ellen!" yelled Natsu. Robin stood over a empty pit of water and he said,"Yep. Using her as a sacrifice, I knew that you would care too much.". "You are a real bastard." said Natsu who moved off some rubble.

Robin said,"You know it bitch. So are you going to come after me or go after your precious teacher. I used her to get you and it worked.". Natsu looked at her and Natsu growled. "Yep. She was lost like a puppy and it was cute. You know that will get you killed right? You taught me to show those pesky emotions down hard but hell, you want me dead more than anything that you would ignore anyone who is trying to help. Okay, time to get to work." said Robin who walked away.

Natsu punched some rubble and he said,"Fuck me. He got good.". "Hey Natsu!" yelled Reva. He held his phone and he heard,"Natsu. There was an explosion wasn't there? Are you alright?! What about Ellen? She was going after you.". "Yeah. I'm good. Barely damaged but she is trapped." said Natsu who looked at her. "No!" yelled the girls. "I don't have time to worry. I have a target to get and he is so dead now." said Natsu who was pushing some rubble away.

Rain said,"Do you mind?". "Nope." said Reva. Reva took a deep breath and she yelled,"NATSU RYU XASIUS! STOP RIGHT NOW!". Natsu held his ears in pain along with everyone else as Rain said,"I can't believe you Natsu! Why aren't you helping her?". "Rain. I don't want to leave her for dead but I have a goal. You didn't know the real me before I transfer to Star Valley High. I used to leave people like her all the time." said Natsu.

Rain said,"But that was the old you! You're a pervert, a glutton, a battle maniac, and an idiot! That was the old you and the new you wouldn't leave her behind! Help her like you did all of us! She is a friend of yours right?!". "Yeah! She may be older but she is really cool for a teacher." said Issac who smiled. "I know her past and she is trying to change but I bet her past has scared her. You and Reva can be both jerks when it comes to people." said Rain.

Natsu and Reva looked away and Kyoji said,"You need to help her Natsu. You have forgiven us and Arata. I think you can spare a couple of seconds to save her.". "And you will do the same right?" said Stacey. "It is a waste and you all will die." said Natsu. "Don't worry Natsu. Robin will come back and not a mission complete. So stay there okay Natsu?" said Akane. Natsu looked confused and he said,"I am going to do....".

In a flashback, Ellen sat in some ruins. She was about six or seven but she doesn't care about her age or appearance. She has her green hair covered in dirt and her clothes were torn. She heard,"I think she is the only one left dear.". She turned around to see two cloaked figures. However, she could tell their gender. "What are we going to do? We should give her to a camp." said the female who was on the right.

Ellen was about to attack them and the one on the left said,"You won't be forgetting this day. Your mind was scarred  If you're happy, you will relieve ALL of the death. So you have a choice? I will teach you how to get revenge and use your power. I can make you the best but the best outfit that you have will be covered in blood.". The two walked away and Ellen said,"I'll do it.". "Good." said the two figures.

Over the years, she killed anyone who hired her. She killed the commander of the army that killed and destroyed her village and later the man who really control the war behind the scenes. Back in the present, Ellen opened her eyes to see Natsu holding a very big piece with his body. "Ellen. Wake up for me okay? We need you in our lives even me." said Natsu. Robin was in his base which had bodies in it and he said,"Lets see how they're doing..". The room was empty and he said,"They're gone?!".

He was freaking out with him thinking,"Okay. Time to calm down. They can't escape at all without breaking the cage in some way so lets see if they like to go boom in the night. I think I will kill three of them. That will totally get Nat-Chan more mad at me.". He pressed a button on his P.D.A and he saw three explosions went off. He saw several destroy collars with a single business jacket that Reva was wearing earlier.

Robin said,"What?! They got rid of the bomb and left them in there? Son of a bitch, It seems like Nat-Chan taught them something useful.". He took a breath and he said,"Okay. I can't release water without any hostages but they should still be in the hideout. I will take them back one by one with a couple of wounds or battle scars. He rushed out of the control room and a masculine sounding voice in the prison said,"I can't believe it. "So he saw the image right?" said another girly voice.

Karla said,"Okay. He is having a bitching fit right now and heading toward Natsu right now. we will have to stay like this until the end.". "Man. That is intense you guys." said Masaru. "At any rate, you did good Karla to think this up so fast." said Reva whose face was currently against something. The forty eight students were up against the wall with twenty four students on each side and Reva was on the ceiling much to her annoyance.

The CMU had the ability to stick onto wall like geckos and also the ability to blend in the background with ease. Reva was hiding herself with wind and she had to be on the roof because of that. "Wow. I can't believe that we deceive the GOD of death with this simple trick." said Stacey who was on the left side. "Yeah. The light is perfect in here." said Karla. "Yeah. I can't believe that you got this idea from a perverted toy." said Leona who let out a large sigh.

Earlier, Reva held a collar and Karla said,"So it looks like the ones that we were wearing. I guess our teacher before going after Natsu took hers off. So how does it look Yataro.". "It is so simple that even our dumbest classmate could make this. It only can hold things and blow them up. We can take them off with ease and that dick won't noticed if they come off." said Yataro. "He is usually right. You got it right Reva?" said Harry.

Reva was helping Dante with his explosive collar and handcuffs and she said,"Yep.". "I guess GOD didn't expect his rats to look around. The next one plan of action is to wait until everyone is free from the explosive ties. Don't make it appear on the cameras teacher." said Issac. 'I know this. I am way smarter than you but you treated me like trash. I hate you all sometimes." said Reva under her breath but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Soran looked at his hands in a stunned state and Haru said,"Hey buddy. Do your vampire pals see anything?". "Nope. They lost Natsu after the explosion. So what is next Karla?" said Soran. "So you are the best in the class with cameras Harry. What is the camera look like?" said Karla. "He can look at all of us even if he is super busy. It is a stronger version of a fisheye lens and there is another one on the other side of us. We're screwed though..." said Harry.

He looked back at the class and he said,"If we hide in the corner of the far lower left side, we are not there. It is far away from the outside one and the edges of a fish lens is warped. You have to know the cameras to be a real pervert.". He had a pervert look on his face and Karla said,"Okay. We all can not fit there so lets hide on the walls. Do you mind helping us Tara? We need your Power right now since the CMUs can only do so much.". "You got it." said Tara.

Seth said,"Okay. This thing is so cool you guys. I mean we could do anything with his.". "So I guess we know who is the best in the class at observing things then." sad Kyria. "You know that you would totally rock in this field right Karla?" said Blair. "I do feel bad about Reva though." said Charl. "She had to be up there because there was no more room right Karla?" said Terry. "Yeah. I hope Natsu can defeat her all ready." said Karla.

Back with Natsu, he had ripped off his shirt as he said,"There is no doubt in my mind. Your right hand is broken and I can't heal you due to me focused on Robin right now? Do you hurt anywhere else?". Ellen's face blushed and she said,"I can't believe that you had to do that to get me back from him.". "Yeah. Lets not talk about that. I would rather not have Rain more pissed off me. I need to tell you that we were all worried about you even Reva." sad Natsu who tied two pieces of wood to it.

Natsu said,"Our family tends to lack grace but hey, she cares about you so keep that n mind. She has always trouble making friends ever since she was a girl.". Natsu turned around and he said,"Okay. I owe them for bringing him back to me. Time to make the hunter the hunted.". He walked toward the exit and he said,"Hey Ellen. You know that we need you right? So after this, come back to Class C okay? You should live in the present rather than the past.".

He was gone as the wall blew apart. An darkness covered Robin stood there and he saw Ellen out cold. "I guess Nat-Chan knocked you out after helping you. I guess he went to go find me somewhere else. I guess I should say sorry about almost blowing her up. Nah, that ain't me. You are the one doing the deceiving or being deceive." said Robin. Ellen opened her eyes and she said,"Now.". Robin was shocked to see Natsu behind him and he had his arms in a lock.

Robin said,"How?!". "I didn't teach you everything idiot. I kept some of my secrets hidden to use as a second blade against my enemies. You know that being overconfident in your self on a job is a death note. I learn something too. If you have allies, you can do anything. I think it is time to take a bath. I will get us there without you moving a muscle." said Natsu. He and Robin fell into the pit and Robin said,"What the hell are you doing?!".

Natsu smiled and he said,"So I guess you really don't deserve MY title if you're so weak to take down now.". He then threw Robin down into the water and Natsu stood there with his wings which not even a second had sprouted out of his back. "Sorry about that Robin. Not! I just really don't like to share a bath with other men by choice." said Natsu. "What?! I swear that I heard that something make a big splash!" yelled Nazar.

Soran's eyes glowed and he said,"I'll send my friends to find out what.". The bats showed Natsu and Robin standing there and Irene said,"Wow. My wife looks good without a shirt.". "Yeah." said Cora and Urara. Rain agreed with them but was pissed that other women were into her man. "I guess you are stronger in the durability department. You are good but you got owned by me, my friends, and my teacher. I guess you should give up." said Natsu.

He noticed Robin's face in the water and Natsu said,"I guess your attention is mine now.". He looked up to see Robin standing there with just his skull and he said,"You really love to talk don't you? You like the new look? I got rid of it to get stronger than you. I think you're dead now and take your skin to mess with all of them!". He rushed toward Natsu and the boy said,"Sorry. That isn't at all going to happen on my watch skully.". The two rushed toward each other ready to fight.

Natsu blocked his jab with him countering with own. The two fired punches and kicks with each one getting blocked the other. "The god has a knife but no, it is a wire now!" said a voice. Natsu dodged it and he said,"Okay. I guess if you're bring out weapons, I will too!". He then pulled out a weapon with it also having the mixture of the Seven-Branched Sword along with a daito. It was a black blade with the gold cross guard. It had prongs bent out to form the shape of Soul in Kanji.

He aimed it at Robin and he said,"Die!". Robin blocked it with darkness which failed and he tried to block it with the knife but it broke. "And now, they are kicking each other! This is one epic as hell fight you guys!" said Soran. "You know that we can't see that right?!" said Masoko. "Yeah man. We want to see it too but we can't. Lucky." said Sekien. "You don't need to worry you guys. Natsu has won this fight for sure." said Reva.

Tessa said,"Um how. From what I seen, they seem equally matched.". "Robin may have diversity of skill with them as a high level. You can be the most cautious person on the earth but at his level, he will catch you off guard for sure. So Natsu is up close and person with them fighting in a place where they only have the ground and water to either help or stop them." said Reva. Robin tried to stop him but he blocked the knife using his sword.

There was several pieces of metal in the water and Natsu said,"This blade is stronger than your knife due to my will being stronger than yours!". He slashed Robin horizontal from his neck to his waist and he kicked it straight on. He fired a Power Sphere directly at the chest and he said,"Go the hell away!". Robin flew back as Natsu rushed after him. "Without traps, Robin's skills are a toddler and Natsu is well a god in anything." said Reva.

Reva looked at them and she said,"Natsu, Ellen, and even I have something to teach all you due to the fact that we have knowledge beyond our years.". "So will Natsu win?" said Phoebe. "Somewhat. I do think that the God of Death have a secret weapon that I don't even know about this." said Reva. "It is like back in the day huh Nat-Chan, I need to stop fighting him directly." thought Robin who smiled like a mad man.

Robin said,"You know that I lied to her right Nat-Chan? I mean you know how I was raised. You are the one who killed my father!". The class ,thanks to Soran actually making everyone able to see the fight, was shocked as Robin said,"Yep. I was a spoiled as hell rich kid with no worries. It was tragic beyond belief but I used Ellen to help me. I used my skills with the words to manipulate her mind. I wonder if...".

Natsu punched him hard in the jaw and he yelled,"SHUT THE HELL UP! I REGRET A LOT IN MY LIFE AND TEACHING YOU WAS THE WORSE MISTAKE!". "But don't you remember killing my dad? I mean you killed him because it was your job. I think it was four or five years ago. He was a corrupted business man and I don't care that he is dead. When I saw the child killing his father, he was amazing and I ask to teach him his skills." said Robin.

Natsu backed up as Robin aimed a knife toward him."You know that your brother will be like you due to him being around you right. You know that killing my father made my life so much fun. You know that you taught me ways to kill, knowledge about everything, and other skills. It makes me the true GOD!" said Robin. He threw a chrysanthemum into the air as Robin thought,"Die master. You know that it has been fun but I want to get the money.".

Natsu was hit by several bullets and he said,"Is that it?". Natsu started coughing blood and Robin said upon kicking him in the stomach,"You're weaker now. I mean a normal bullet would go off your skin but this one will make you weaker than Ellen was. I mean this is my strongest power because it is my power over Darkness and Poison combined.". He started to laugh like a madman and he didn't notice that Natsu was changing.

His left eye turned into a gold color and his right eye has the Kanji for God in Blood Red. Natsu stood up and he said,"This is Terminus and with the God Particles, I am invincible.". He punched Robin into the air and his face was in pain. "I guess you're still weak down south aren't you?" said Natsu. Ellen was heading down toward them and Natsu said,"So Robin, you laid a finger on my family. To you, they are a teacher and students but to me but not to me.".

Ellen smiled and Robin said,"No! Who are you?! You can't kill....". "If you want to talk about true power, Class C is the best!" yelled Natsu who punched Robin directly into the wall. He was out cold and he went face down into the water. "You should quit Robin because next time, you will be killed by Class C and not me." said Natsu whose eyes went back to normal. He sat down and Ellen said,"I think you know what you should do right?". "Yeah." said Natsu.

Later, Natsu looked at the P.D.A and he said,"Let me see. Should I do it or shouldn't I?". He looked at his class and sister who was both impressed and had questions for him about Robin. "You know that I could break the wall with my wind at mach speed or make the air so small that the metal rusts away. I would hurt everyone in here though so good job by the way." said Reva. Natsu sighed and he pressed a button freeing them.

Several agents were looking at the unconscious GOD and Natsu said with his jacket on,"He was good but he was like us. He was too dam cocky and that turned out to be his weakness.". "So it is like Ellen right?" said Cindy. She was away from the others and Rain said,"Right.". "But why? I mean he ripped off his own dam face!" said Ben. "It was my fault guys. A person can change from one little thing and I truly regret how I taught him back then. This is my fault." said Natsu.

Reva said,"You're right. This was your fault.". Natsu fell down and he said,"At least you're still blunt in your old age.". She chased him but Masoko and Sekien heard something. They started to see Ellen sneak away and Sekien said,"Hey! Get back here!". The guys there ran after her plus the girls and she was caught by Ben and Rex. "Oh hey guys. I was just going to get a drink of water. Not moving to a different country or quitting." said Ellen.

Masaru said,"How about you come to class? We need a better English Teacher than the idiot.". Natsu sneezed as Dana said,"Yeah. I better you have some awesome stories to tell right Ms. Sullivan?". "If you don't come back, who knows what we will do right Issac." said Akane. "I was going to blow up a school." said Issac. He was hit by Issac and Haru said,"We need you because you are the only one who can deal with us.".

Reva held the flower that Robin used and she said,"I may not be the smartest when it comes to others as my idiot of a brother pointed out but I need you to help me teach them to be stronger. So will you stay by my side?". She placed the flower in her hair and Ellen said with an obvious blush,"Um sure thing Reva.". The class giggled and Harry had a giant nose bleed upon thinking of those two together with him getting called a pervert by all of the girls.

Natsu said,"Reva. I need you to promise me something.". He made clones as he touched every single head of his class and the real Natsu said,"I want you to protect them from anyone who wants to kill me and I will tell them everything starting with Rain.". "Okay. Good luck with that Natsu." said Reva who smiled. "Oh Rain. I'll see you on Sunday. I'll text you the address later." said Natsu. He was gone as Rain sighed in annoyance.

Later, several agents and armed guards were taking Robin to a prison where he couldn't do anything to anyone but they were all killed by something so fast that they couldn't see it. Robin looked up and he heard,"Oh look at this. You lost to Natsu because you're cocky. I think you will be perfect for my next one.". He was pulled away from the prison by someone who he couldn't see but the voice had a feeling of death to it.

Next time,
Who is Natsu Ryu Xasius?! That is all I got because a lot of backstory for the over powered main character is in that and I hate to ruin the surprise for you. Oh and that blade he is used against Robin is known as Espada. It is able to cut through metal with ease and he usually keeps in a sheath on his back with said sheath having a gold Chinese Dragon on it.

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