Saturday, October 15, 2016

Soul Episode 102 The Rise of the Dragon Emperor and the Fall of the Infernal Council

A/N: A weird title but hey, that is nothing new from me if you're an old fan. I plan to update the blog at least four to five times a month because I can catch up on some series that have been in the back log for a long time. I also read/watch all of the big three now so yeah, I have a opinion on it. I still think that One Piece is the best because it has a good introduction arc unlike Naruto and Bleach and the best bad guys. I mean the author is amazing at that like my god.

Naruto had some good things too such as good characters and great character growth. I mean just wow. Bleach had good artwork. I only watched the first seventy two episodes of the anime because that filler arc just stopped it for me. I don't mind filler but make it good filler. That is all I ask for in a sense. I would talk about Fairy Tail but the only thing that I got it is Meh. I am however going to keep going because I have hope something good is going to happen. It may take a long time but I can have hope. Anyway, lets begin already.

Natsu flew toward the Easten Entrance with Sora resting in his arms. Eizan said,"Hey! Let her go now Natsu!". Satsuki hit him and she said,"You know that he is on our side right?". "Yeah but I want to be her shinning knight!" said Eizan. "How childish." said Kyoji. Reva said,"So are you going to fight him Natsu?". Natsu took off the Fusion Dragon helmet and he said,"Yeah. You know me sis. So can you fight Sora?". "Not at all. My powers are being drained thanks to them." said Sora.

Ryo looked at the chains and he said,"These are power blocking chains. I think the Protectors of the Earth use them right?". "Yeah. We had to remodel them because of a certain someone who is a giant idiot sometimes." said Reva. "Yeah. Issac can be a real idiot but we love him right Rainy bear?" said Natsu. Rain punched his right arm and she said,"She was talking about you idiot. So can you break it Natsu and Visalth?".

Visalth said from the right eye,"Maybe Rain. I'm not sure due to the fact that we need to keep all of our energy focused on our opponents.". "Hey you two. I want to fight Blizz. I really need to send that snow cone straight toward where people go when they die." said Eizan. Satsuki said with a very confused looked on her face,"Isn't that the Underworld?". "No. It is actually the..." said Kyohi. "We don't have the time to talk because they're coming." said Ryo.

The group saw that the guards were rushing toward them with Blizz saying to Arata to a high plain above the army,"You can have him Arata. I am going after the ones who betray the Infernal Council for him.". "Sure." said Arata. Blizz jumped down there and he trapped Eizan, Kyoji, and Satsuki in a ice prison/maze. "Rain. Do you mind protecting Sora for me?" said Natsu. "Yeah. I want to be there to protect you. I mean you could get hurt." said Rain.

Ryo said,"Don't worry Rain. I got my bro's back.". "He is right but I'll be making sure that Natsu is going to stay alive. I mean you two are so...." said Visalth. "You get it Rain? I will be fine but I need you to protect Sora for me okay?" said Natsu. "Okay." said Rain. Natsu rushed toward Arata and if a guard got close to him, he was shot to the ground with an arrow straight to the gut. Reva looked at Rain and she said,"Rain. Do you love my brother?".

Rain looked at her and she said,"Why are you asking me this now?". "I don't know. I know that I just had to ask." said Reva. "I do Ms. Raiden. He may be an idiot, pervert, and a battle maniac but he has a heart of good under there. He changed a lot of us and I want to keep him there." said Rain. "Okay. I will keep Sora safe. Go protect my brother." said Reva. 'Thanks!" said Rain. She rushed after Natsu and Ryo as Reva kept an eye on Sora.    

Sekien was shaking and he said,"So dam cold.". "Are you alright Sekien?" said Chad. Chad held two guards in his hands and he slams them into each other. "Yeah. I owe you a lot for freeing me from my icy hell. Really hate that guy." said Sekien. Momoko walked over to the two and she said,"So are you able to fight Sekien?". "Yeah. I just need to warm up first. So where is Nazar and Ryder?" said Sekien. "I will give you one guess where they are." said Momoko.

Chad said,"Fighting guards.". "Bingo. So where is Masoko?" said Momoko. "We really need to get a way to contact each other. She is trying to help Nazar but he is going crazy down there." said Sekien who sighed. "Ah." said the two. Sekien smiled and he said,"Lets go. I'm ready to help out now and I think I'm going to help Masoko.". He ran off as Chad said,"He loves her.". "That is obvious Chad. It is so obvious." said Momoko. The two went to go punching guards who were having a bad day.

Back in the West, Akane and Hikaru fired out fire and light respectively with Haru saying,"You want to know something ladies. This is pretty fun.". Haru was about to be hit by a guard but he was blasted by a fireball. "You should really focus on the fight right now Haru." said Akane. "Yeah. We're in the fight of our lives." said Hikaru. "True but if we don't have fun while doing it, we are being nothing but mindless soliders like them." said Haru.

The guards surrounding the three said,"Hey!". "I think you pissed them off Akane." said Haru. Haru dodged a fire ball that hit a guard that was going toward Haru. "Focus monkey boy." said a voice. The three saw several guards being frozen in giant blocks of ice. Hikaru saw a boy sitting on one of them as Haru said,"Cole! What the hell are you doing here?!". Cole jumped down from his ice block and he said,"Sup Akane.".

Haru said,"Listen to me damnit!". Cole blasted Haru away with an icy wind as Akane said,"Why did you do that and why are you here?". "Fine. Some of Natsu's pals brought me here along with Akiko, Efren, Emily, Joan, Simon, and Zora to help out. It looks like you guys didn't need it though.". "So what are Natsu's pals like Cole?" said Hikaru. "Honestly, I can't describe them but here is one thing about them. They're strong as hell." said Cole.

Haru came back toward them and he said,"What do you mean by that? I mean I could beat them with my hands tied behind my back or blindfold maybe both.". "Trust me on this monkey boy. You don't stand a snow ball chance in hell against them. The way to the Infernal Council that we took is way different and intense than the way that you guys took for sure. They defeated anything in their path without much effort." said Cole.

Hikaru said,"So are you going to help us?". "Of course. So where is the trap? I thought that I sensed that guy on my way here." said Cole. "He flew off in his bat form to hopefully find a way for all of us to keep in contact with each other." said Akane. "Smart guy. Okay then. Are you ready for some real fighting? I won most of my fights without sweating." said Cole. "Yeah." said Haru. The ice sorcerer nodded as the four rushed into battle.

Natsu was rushing toward Arata who was just standing there and Natsu said,"I need to get there faster but how..". He sensed something as Joan appear with Akiko and Zora launching several guards back a couple of feet. "Glasses!? Zora?! Aki-Chan?! What are you there doing here?!" said Natsu. "Hey little bro! Miss me!" said Zora who hugged him. "I did. So are you going to answer my question?" said the boy.

Akiko smiled as she said,"I heard about your fight and I got hungry.". "Same. I didn't want him to be the one to defeat my target." said Joan. "It is nice to see that your seniors care so much about you Natsu." said Visalth. "Hey Visalth! How's it going!" said Zora. The four turned around to see giants wearing the same uniform as the guards. The four nodded as Akiko appeared in front of her giant as she said,"Royal Dragon Uppercut!".

The giant was then launched into the air as Akiko jumped after him. "Royal Dragon Axe Kick!" said Akiko. The giant slammed into the ground with her saying,"You weren't even a scrap.". Joan walked over to her and she said,"I finished mine and I didn't even get to let my blades devour him.". "These guys are pretty weak right ladies?" said Natsu. "Yeah!" said Zora. The four talked as a guard said,"I'm dead now.". "Yep!" said the four. The four punched him in unison sending him flying.

Back in the ice prison, Blizz stood there in front of Eizan, Kyoji, and Satsuki. "Why did you do this in the first place? I mean you were the best in the Infernal Council and now, you're nothing but flies or something lower." said Blizz. "Sorry but I joined the Council to be with Sora. Since she is out of the gang, I'm out too." said Eizan. "I think that Natsu is going to defeat Arata with no problems on his ends so I think crushing you would help him out." said Kyoji.

Satsuki was about to say something but she barely dodged an blast of ice. Blizz stood there and he said,"Fine. I was going to kill you slowly due to us working together but now, you're going to die an eternal hell!". He rushed toward them as Eizan threw a fireball at him. Blizz blocked it with an pillar of ice as he said,"You idiot! My ice is stronger than your weak ass fire!". "And your potty mouth is quite rude." said a voice.

Blizz turned around to see Satsuki as she made a giant rock which she promptly threw at him. Blizz was going to block it but he was slashed in the back by Kyoji. "What the?" said Blizz. "Even though you can use the same element as me, I'm a master of the cold and unlike my friends, the cold never bother me anyway." said Kyoji. Satsuki tussled his hair and she said,"I didn't know that you liked that movie Kyo-Chan!".

Kyoji said with an obvious blush on his face,"Shut up! You forced me to watch that children's crap! It was torture!". "Yet, you hummed that tune for three weeks." said Eizan. Kyoji's face was getting red by the second as Blizz said,"Don't ignore me!". The air was starting to get cold as Kyoji said,"Don't say anything about it being cold Satsuki.". "You dress like that and the cold does bother you unlike our little Kyo-Chan here." said Eizan.

Blizz fired two giant blocks of ice at the three with Eizan firing a fireball to destroy them. The water was heading toward the ground but thanks to the cold air, it turned into hail. Blizz looked for Kyoji but his right arm was trapped in Satsuki's breasts. "Get your dam breasts away from me!" yelled Blizz who was freezing her. "Sorry but I can't since I have those two to help." said Satsuki. She fell on the cold due to her being covered in ice.

Eizan and Kyoji hit him with a combination attack which consists of a fireball from Efren and sword slash from Kyoji. Eizan threw several of them at Blizz who froze them when they got closer to him and he said,"Freeze bastard!". He creates a giant blizzard which trapped the two in very thick snow. "I think it is time for you to die." said Blizz. Blizz was about to kill them but he was stopped thanks to the ice prison breaking in front of him.

Rain was in the air due to her being in her angel form. She was firing beams of light at the guards who tried to come closer to her. She didn't noticed that one was coming toward her but before he got close to her, he was slammed into the ground by a large metal ball. Rain turned around to see Efren holding a chain with Emily and Simon standing next to him. Rain flew over to them and she said,"So what are you guys doing here?".

Efren said,"Harry told me about what you guys were doing and I was pissed off. Natsu is my best friend or maybe second best friend. I will protect him.". He turned the chain and ball into a giant spear which he knocked several guards away from him. "I came here to help out my cute junior. I mean Cole came here for the same reason but maybe not in a romantic way." said Emily. "I'm sure that she is just teasing you Rain so calm down." said Simon.

Rain was currently holding a giant lance of light which she threw into a huge crowd of guard and it launched them away. "So how did you get here?" said Rain. "Two of Natsu's friends plus this weird talking toddler brought us here along with the Swords Queen, Martial Arts Queen, and Tiger Warrior to help you guys." said Efren. "Toddler?" said Rain. "Yep!" said Emily. "Trust me, you will see them really soon." said Simon. The four went back to fighting guards.

Haruto was heading toward Natsu's location. It was obvious where he was due to the several amount of flying guards. He was then stopped by a bullet and he said,"Are you two serious of fighting? I am not going to be holding back on either of you.". Drachen and Noble stood there with the two both in their demon/devil form. "Sorry old man but we're going to be there for our little brother who has someone to defeat." said Noble.

Drachen said,"And him wasting a single second on you would be pointless.". "You two are serious about this?" said Haruto. "Yes." said the two. "Fine. Prepare to die." said Haruto. He disappeared and he reappeared behind them. He grabbed their heads with him saying,"Super Slam!". He slam the two into the ground which destroyed it. Noble kicked Haruto into the face with Drachen hitting the old man with his trusty pole.

Haruto's head was bleeding and he said,"Yes! You two have gotten stronger than when you were brats! I wonder if the weakling got stronger!". "Gramps. Natsu is way stronger than the both of us because of his heart." said Drachen which punched him with thunder after combining it with water making an shocking combo. "Yeah. He even makes friends with others and I am sure that after he defeats Arata." said Noble who fired several bullets at him.

Haruto was on his knees and Noble said,"Man. This was way too easy.". "I guess he got old bro. I mean how old is he?" said Drachen. "I'm fifty eight years old dam it! I just..." said Haruto. Drachen and Noble punched him in unison and they said,"No excuses crybaby.". The two walked toward the guards as Haruto watched. He smiled as he said,"Those three are stronger than those brats back in the day.".

Blizz saw two teens standing there. They were the same height. The one on the left had purple hair and light blue eyes. He is wearing a normal Gakuran with the jacket open and he was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with blue and black shoes. He had a navy blue sash around his waist. "Man. It is a good thing that we're strong eh bud?" said the boy. "How about you shut up Derrick." said the teen on the right.

The one on the right had short messy black hair with his bangs parted to the side. He is wearing a black suit with a long-sleeved white undershirt with a dark purple tie plus black trousers and tall black boots. He was wearing a ring on his left index finer with a bracelet on his right wrist. He was holding a mixture of a spear/trident and a tonfa. His right eye is gray and his left eye is red with the kanji for space in the center of it.

Blizz said,"Who the hell are you two?! I will kill you.". "My name is Derrick Kozato and I'm the Guardian of Water." said Derrick with a goofy grin. "Name is Sabik Rokudo. I'm in a mood to kill and I'm the Guardian of Space." said Sabik. Blizz made a giant blizzard which he threw at them with Derrick standing in front of Sabik. "What are you doing?" said Sabik. "I got this one. You owe me by the way." said Derrick.

Derrick made a giant ball of water which absorbed all of the snow making it bigger. Blizz noticed that Sabik was gone and he coughed out blood. He turned around to Sabik with his weapons going right through him. "You...." said Blizz. "Wow. He is a real idiot. I mean this is a rather simple one." said Sabik. Sabik was gone in a puff of smoke as the wound was gone. Eizan looked up to see Sabik on the top of the water ball with him smiling.

Eizan said,"What the?". "I guess you idiots don't know the power of illusions. Derrick, save those ones in the snow. I got kimono." said Sabik. "Okay." said Derrick. The boy rushed past Blizz who rushed toward Sabik. Sabik jumped up and he said,"Stars.". The samurai was hit by several thousand stars and he said,"Freeze!". The ice didn't freeze the stars and Sabik said,"You're done.". Blizz was hit hard by Sabik's weapon and the cold air plus ice was gone.

Kyoji looked at Derrick and he said,"Who are you two?". Eizan was warming up Satsuki who was shivering as Derrick said,"Didn't you hear us announced our name?". "Yeah. Are you deaf brat?" said Sabik who sat on the ground away from them. "No. I mean how did you get here?" said Kyoji. "We are here because of the portal." said Derrick. "Seriously?! I mean that way is more dangerous due to the cursed souls and demons living there." said Satsuki.

Sabik said,"We're stronger than you bastards. So where is Natsu?". "Why?" said Eizan. "He is our boss and we need to make sure that he is ready to go." said Derrick. "I think he is fighting down there." said Satsuki. She pointed to the crowd and Sabik shivered. "You alright man?" said Eizan and Kyoji. "I don't do crowds." said Sabik. "We'll go. How about you stay here?" said Derrick. "Fine. I'll be there once the crowd dies." said Sabik. The three reapers plus teen were gone as Sabik stood there.

Natsu was walking toward Arata who was smiling. "Natsu." said Arata. "Arata. Why are you doing all of this?! You used to be a good man and a protector not a killer!" said Natsu. "Calm down. Your rage will blind you in a fight." said Visalth. "I know that buddy but dam it, I'm fired up!" said Natsu whose eyes glowed. "Same old Natsu. I've prepared our fighting ground. Be prepare to die a cold and painful dead." said Arata. The two were blinded by a flash of light.

Natsu looked around to see that he was in a park with a small pond and a red bridge. He saw Arata standing there and he said,"Do you remember this place?" said Arata. "Yeah. This is where we met and became friends six years ago. It is one of my treasured memories." said Natsu. He rushed toward Arata and he jumped into the air. "It is time for my Dragon Spear Kick!" yelled Natsu. Arata blocked Natsu's foot and he said,"You are an idiot. Why announce your attacks? I'm a protector.".

Arata threw Natsu back and he said,"I'll only need that to defeat you. I Release the First Seal!". He suddenly grew two extra arms and his golves had the roman symbol for five on them now. Natsu then rushed toward him and Arata said,"You do know that I will be able to block all of your attacks with no problems!". "Fine! It's time for a combo! Lion Strike Combo and Dragon Emperor Claws!" said Natsu. Arata's hands were block by dragon like claws appeared from Natsu's body.

Natsu rushed toward Arata with Natsu kicking Arata into the air. He jumps after him and he kicks them in the stomach and then knees him in the stomach. He slams Arata into the ground and he said with a smile,"Are you sure about that bud?". Arata got back up and he said,"I'm not done yet.". From his arms, several thousand missiles his hands fired out beams of light. Natsu made a shield with Chi and it blocked most of the attack but it combined to make a powerful explosion.

Arata said,"Is that all you got?! I thought you were stronger than...". Arata was grabbed by a clone of Natsu who said,"You're still an idiot and filled with pride!". Natsu appeared from the smoke and he said,"Whirlpool Cannon!". The water from the pond appeared in his hands and he fire the two balls of waters out like a cannon. He ate some of the splash back to make a giant version of his attack. Arata started to shake himself like a dog and he said,"You'll pay for that!".

Arata started to head toward Natsu with the younger one blocking the attacks using Orenmir. "Time for you to leave me alone! I Release the Second Seal!" yelled Arata. Suddenly, Natsu was launched back into a tree. "Gravity?" said Natsu. "Not exactly." said Arata. He fired out several jacks out from one of his arms and he launched them all toward Natsu. Natsu tried to escape but he was held against the wood by Arata.

Arata said,"With the combination of my First and Second Seal, you're going to die just like anyone who pissed me off.". "Just like the queen!" said Natsu. "Yes. She is just a bug compared to me. You met her didn't you? I had a feeling that you would because you've always been a goody two shoes. I do hope that your girlfriend doesn't mind a REAL man's touch." said Arata. Natsu growled and he said,"Don't lay a finger on her.".

Arata said,"Oh. It seems that she is somewhat precious to you. It will be fun to kill her and as she cries out in pain, I'll say...". Natsu growled and he said,"Let me go now!". Arata was blasted back by Natsu who said,"You just got hit by my Dragon Emperor Shockwave! Now Die!". He rushed toward the man who said,"Go back!". Natsu planted himself in the ground and he said,"Not going to work on me twice!".

The shockwave pushed Arata back who copied Natsu's strategy of staying there. "I don't need to use another seal on you because I'm god!" yelled Arata. He noticed that Natsu had his mouth open and a power sphere was appearing there. "Dragon Emperor Sphere!" yelled Natsu. A huge ball of energy flew toward Arata who blocked it. However, the arms that caught said ball was disintegrating and he screamed.

Arata was caught off guard as he was punched into the ground by Natsu. "Give up Arata! You know for a fact that you could NEVER defeat me! Things haven't changed in three years! You should know this idiot!" yelled Natsu. Arata smiled and he said,"Idiot.". He turned his left hand into a karate chop as he aimed the middle finger toward Natsu's neck. The boy went back as Arata kicked him back with rockets that came out from the thigh.

Arata saw Natsu recover from the attack and he said,"Increase X10.". The gravity crushed Natsu into the ground and he said,"You're nothing but a coward!". "Wow. I guess you're still a kid. I was always a protector, a genius, and amazing but they picked you. You're rash, an idiot, and a battle maniac. So tell me why they picked you!" said Arata. "I don't know." said Natsu. Arata moved his hand toward Natsu whom was launching into the air.

Arata jumped after him and he grew four extra arms. He now had six arms and he turned all six of them into blades. He sliced Natsu and Natsu said,"Thunder Release.". A huge amount of lightning and thunder appeared around him with Natsu kicking him directly into the ground. Arata growled as he said,"No! I won't let you use your thunder on me again!". He made a huge sphere around him and Natsu with him said,"Infinite Spear Strike!".

Natsu was hit with several punches and he said,"This is nothing compared to the pain of seeing the people I care about cry!". Natsu fell to the ground with him covered in bruises. Arata walked toward him and he said,"You put up a good fight. I was worried for a second but I know that you were just like you were three years ago. You always said that you were strong but in the end, you were nothing but a spoiled brat with a big mouth. Die.".

He then threw Natsu directly in the pond and he looked at it. Natsu was sinking in the extremely deep pond and Arata said,"Finally. I'm all alone and you're dead. This hatred and anger I had toward you is now dead.". Natsu was looking at the sky and sun above the water and he heard,"Don't tell me you're giving up?". The voice was silent and it said,"Is it easy for you to shatter the bond that you two share huh Natsu?".

Natsu was silent as he felt two hands touching his back. They belong to Ryder. "You know something kid. I believed that you were something else. I know that the bonds humans build isn't something that can be destroyed like this. You have the power to reunited a mother with her son and you opened up people's hearts beyond belief. Enemies, those surround by anger and rage, those in pain, and able to unite others for a single cause. You can save him right?" said Ryder.

Ryder smiled and he said,"You not alone. You have me and all of the bonds that you built with your teachers, friends, and loved one.". Several hands touched his back and Ryder said,"You created this infinite force so show that stubborn bastard what you made for.". The Five Dragons stood there and Morena said,"You're not dead yet!". "If he is blinded by hatred, snap some sense into that idiot for us okay?" said Dirge.

Arcanus said,"And if he tries to push you away, don't give up so soon.". "You can convey anything you want if you believe." said Kairos and Xalvador. Rain stood there with Akane and Rain said,"I know that you can do this Natsu. I mean we all do.". "You can do anything!" said Akane. Natsu's fingers started to move as Issac said,"Natsu this is why....". Nazar said,"Fight already dam it!". "I know you got this man." said Masaru. "Be the hero!" said Sekien.

Natsu started to shake as he heard several voices say,"Power up Natsu!". "Connections don't leave us son." said Asuna's voice. "You just need to give yourself more power and conviction son! So don't give up" yelled Riku. "Roar strong Partner!" yelled Visalth. "You can do this and nothing is going to stop you so go Natsu." said a female voice. Natsu then rushed toward the top of the way and Arata said,"You.". Natsu landed on the ground and he said,"Not going to work on bastard.".

Arata's hands tremble and he said,"Why. Over and over and over, why the hell are you doing this?! I hate your guts.". "Arata. I'm your friend. Remember why we joined the Syndicate. You did it so you could protect kids that lost their parents to war and mine was to protect the things that I care about. I grew stronger to protect my allies and you're one of them! So wake the hell up Arata!" said Natsu. "I am not your friend! I am darkness and you're dead!" yelled Arata.

Arata yelled,"I Release the Third Seal! I Release the Fourth Seal! I Release the Fifth Seal! I Release the Sixth Seal! Die!". He had eight arms, several skeletons behind and in front of him, several beasts around him, his wounds healed, and several balls of power appeared around him. "Hey Visalth. Are your ready partner?" said Natsu. "Yes. Time to allow you my true power!" said Visalth. Natsu then glowed as Arata said,"You're getting serious now aren't you?".

Arata saw that Natsu had changed in appearance after his aura calmed down. He had two fluffy cat ears coming from his hair and matching fluffy navy blue tail and a cat version of his eyes. He has two red giant dragon wings appeared with the muscles and the hide of the wings were crimson but the leather that covered them were a black color. His teeth were sharper now and his hair had crimson streaks in them.

He was now wearing a short-sleeved long black coat with a crimson red lightning pattern around the hem of it and a single flame on the back. The interior of the coat was gold and it didn't have a collar to it. He was wearing black pants with matching sneakers and mesh armor under all of his clothing with him wearing large silver vambraces around his arms and legs. His eyes were still cat like but the pupils were a midnight black color and the irises were a golden flame.

He had dragon like marking around his eyes. He was wearing two matching gauntlets. They covered his arms from his fingertips all the way up to his elbows. It is the same color as Visalth's Scales and in the center of it, a giant Celestial Sphere. His fingers were now claws and he smiled. "What are you freak?" said Arata. "My name is Natsu Ryu Xasius and I am the offspring of the goddess of the sun Amaterasu! Prepare to die!" yelled Natsu.

Arata sicked the animals toward him and Natsu said,"Go away.". He glared at them causing the beasts to retreat and Natsu focused his energy. Several wolves appeared around him with two appearing over his fists. They rushed toward Arata who said,"Go take care of those bitches! I got Natsu!". Natsu then punched him as the wolves devour the walking bags of bone. Natsu kept punching Arata with a new explosion hitting each time.

He punched Arata directly into the ground and Natsu said,"Are you done now? In my Savant Mode, I have my already impressive strength double no maybe even triple! You're lucky that you survived my Omega Stride Dual Wolf Punch to begin with! Give up Arata! You can't win!".  Arata recovered and he said,"Die!". Natsu dodged Arata's attack who said,"I'm the master of Tiasho meaning anything that you can do, I can do it better!".

Arata's assault was stopped by Natsu who said,"You let power control you. I'm going to stop you okay buddy.". Natsu trapped Arata in a bundle of vines as Natsu said,"Gaia Force helped trapped you there and now the Dragon's Roar will free you.". He took a deep breath as a huge ball of fire appeared in his mouth and he fired it out. It was the size of a small planet and it made a huge fiery explosion. It made Natsu cover his eyes from the attack.

Back in the battlefield of the Execution Platform, Natsu reappeared to see his friends had defeated all of the guards. "Hey guys." said Natsu. Soran tackled him and he said,"You're okay!". "I'm fine. What is going on?" said Natsu. "Your fight with Arata was seen by the entire world your highness and your appeal went through the roof after what Ruri did." said Ivan. Ruri said from Rain's phone,"Yep! I had some free time so I gave the entire world the details about the Infernal Council.".

Natsu smiled as he said,"Nice. So what are you two doing here?". Sabik stood there with Derrick and Sabik said,"Karma wanted us to be here for you idiot.". "Yeah. We even got to fight with our future classmates. So win and win." said Derrick. "So where is he?" said Natsu. A short man stood there and he said,"Hey Natsu.". He was wearing a black suit and yellow long sleeved shirt and purple tie. He had black hair with white tips and reddish green eyes.  

Natsu said,"Master Karma. Are you proud of me?". Karma smacked him and he said,"Yes. You need to be less angry in battle though.". "Hey. I can't control my rage. So are you going to try and attack me Arata?" said Natsu. Rain saw Arata stand up and she said,"He is still standing?". "Rain. Arata and Natsu share something in common. They're stubborn." said Reva. "I'm not going to fight. I know that I can't defeat the demigod." said Arata.

He fell on his knees and Eizan said,"So what did you mean by that you being the son of Amaterasu Natsu? I thought that you were the son of the Underworld King and Queen.". "Um.... I honestly don't know myself. I guess I was in the heat of the battle and I just said something random. Do you know what I mean Visalth?" said Natsu. "Who knows Natsu? I mean in the heat of it, you tend to say stupid stuff right Karma?" said Visalth. "Yes." said Karma.

Lucia flew toward Natsu and she started to pet Natsu's ears and tail. "Wow. They feel so real. Are you part cat?" said Lucia. Natsu's face was red and he said while sounding embarrassed,"Yes. Could you please stop that Lucia?". "Ah. You're so cute when you are embarrassed." said Sabrina who joined her friend in teasing Natsu. The two felt a powerful presence and Haruto stood there. "Man. This old man is strong." said Nazar. "That is an understatement Nazar." said Masoko.

Haruto said,"You've grown for the better Natsu. The last time that I saw you, it looked like used to be this giant baby but now, you're a man. Good job my boy!". He punched Natsu and Sekien said,"That was a tap right?". "Yeah." said Drachen. "Gramps doesn't know the meaning of the word gentle so this is it." said Noble. "Wow." said Chad. Suddenly, something fast and white grabbed Arata and flew into the air  with the damaged Arata.

Natsu heard,"Natsu. Are you ready for our rematch?". He looked up to see a snow white version of his Dragon Hero Armor standing there with Arata in its left claw. "Who the hell are you?!" yelled Natsu who made his flame swords appear. "My name is Reisa Suzukaze. I'm the direct descendant to the former Underworld King and also the Oblivion Dragon Empress." said Reisa, "No way. I thought that family line was wiped out." said Ivan.

Chad said,"So do you know her Natsu?". "No. He and the armor have a history together. It isn't good whatsoever. She is also a bitch. Her name is Lovisa." said Visalth. "Visalth! You better be scared!" said Lovisa. "So you may have the blood of a powerful devil but you have a human like aura.  It is sad really and I think that you are a big joke." said Ryder. "I prefer god thank you very much." said Reisa.

Several devil wings appeared from the back of the armor not messing with the wings already on the armor. Ryozo said,"God dam it.". "She is stronger than most dragons." said Ryder. "I can feel in my gut and it isn't good." said Natsu. "Natsu Ryu Xasius, Fate is a cruel and harsh mistress isn't she boy?" said Reisa who smiled under her armor, "You're right. She can be cruel but on the other hand, she is a nice woman." said Natsu.

The armored women placed Arata on the ground gently as she said,"I am the strongest, I have the blood of a powerful devil, and dragon inside of me. You're nothing but  a pervert, a battle maniac, and your body is nothing but a madhouse of different powers. It's sad really. I thought that you would be a challenge but you're a giant joke even more than I. You are just a lonely flower on the planet compared to me who is the sun above the entire planet maybe even farther than that.".

Natsu said,"You better have a point there Reisa or else.". "I do. I think you should try harder. Maybe an avenger is in your future. I think killing your human family would be a good start don't you think Natsu." said Reisa. Natsu stopped moving as he thought of Alexis, Elena, Jason, Molly, Nora, Reva, Tony, and Wan enjoying themselves before being slashed. "I think taking away your family will make you act upon it becoming stronger for my sake. They will be happy about that for sure." said Reisa.

Reisa said,"I like it more and more as I think of it. Their lives are nothing compared to mine.". "You bitch!" said Akane. Lucia and Rain looked at Natsu with him getting pissed. "This bitch is so fucking dead. She is going to murder by my claws for sure." said Natsu. "Natsu! Don't listen to her." said Lucia. "Why Lucia?! Why should I let her live when she wants to kill my family for her!? I'm not going to give this bitch a chance to live!" yelled Natsu.

Natsu activated his Dragon Hero Armor with him yelling,"Reisa! Prepared to die now!!!!!". He roared loudly and he said,"NO ONE WILL HURT THE PEOPLE THAT I CARE ABOUT SO PREPARE TO DIE BITCH!". "This aura is different from the last time that he summoned the armor for sure." said Rain. "Look Lovisa. His power is even stronger." said Reisa. "Visalth's power works of emotions and right now, he is enraged so be prepared." said Lovisa.

Reisa said,"You saying that I'm a better dragon than him huh?". "OKAY THEN BITCH! TIME TO DIE NOW!" yelled Natsu. He flew toward Reisa and he said,"DRAGONSLAYER TIME!". The blade appeared in his right hand and Lovisa said,"You do know that blade was made for killing dragons right? I won't be able to block that attack.". "I know. I just dodge his weak and sad attacks for sure." said Reisa.

Natsu said,"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!". He collided with Reisa and Lucia said,"Natsu!". She was stopped by Ryder and she said,"Let me go Ryder! He needs me right now and I won't stand by!". "You can't. Right now, their aura is so powerful that if you go near them. You will be turned to ash in a matter of moments." said Ryder. "But I have to.." said Lucia. The two dragons clashed as Reisa said,"You're so dam weak Natsu!".

She punched Natsu directly in the gut and he cough a huge amount of blood. "God dam it. He is weak from his fight earlier." said Sekien who clenched his fists. "Gravity Smash!" yelled Lovisa. Natsu slammed into the ground and he said,"Son of a bitch. Her power is stronger than mine. Why the hell can't I hit her?!". "Calm down Natsu. Your rage is blinding you." said Visalth. "Don't you think I know that?! I just can't let them be hurt because of me." said Natsu.

Rain said,"Natsu! Let us help please! I don't want to see you in pain!". She was crying and Natsu said with him standing up,"Don't cry Rain. I hate seeing you crying. I'll kill this bitch and then we will go back to Star Valley High. I promise.". "Natsu. You can't lose to her. You defeated Arata so she should be easy." said Sora. "I know Sora. I have all of you watching me plus the girl of my dreams." said Natsu.

He stood back as Natsu's power increased. "So dam sad." said Reisa. Her wings started to glow and Visalth said,"Natsu. Look at her wings. They're glowing with the power that she has in her tank of energy. I wonder if doing that keeps her at the top of her game.". "He is right you know. I do have my limits though. However, I noticed that in all of your fights including this one. You fight for your pals right? I should kill them before your family then!" said Reisa.

She fired two balls of light at Haru and Soran with Natsu blocking the shot. Reisa flew toward Rain and she said,"I'll kill the woman that you love!". Natsu grabbed her and he yelled,"YOU MESSING WITH THE WRONG GUY REISA! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!". "YES! GET MAD AT ME NATSU! YOU NEED TO GET STRONGER SO GET MAD AT ME NATSU!" yelled Reisa.

Natsu was then blasted back by Reisa with him coughing up even more blood. "Natsu!" yelled Lucia and Sabrina. "Visalth. Let show them my power then!" said Natsu. "Right!" yelled Visalth. The sword glowed and Natsu yelled,"DIE!". He stabbed Reisa directly in her chest plate and he said with anger,"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!". The power went through the wings and Natsu said,"It is time for you to overload! DRAGON HERO PUNCH BITCH!".

Reisa went directly into the ground with her armor exploding and Natsu landed in front of him. Reisa said,"Yes. You're perfect for the fight ahead of us!". Her armor reformed around her and Xiaoshi said with anger,"Okay. Did she just get a power up bonus?". "This fight isn't over till one of us is lying bruised and defeated." said Lovisa. Natsu went on his knees and he said,"Dam it. I'm out of juice from my fight and using Savant Mode.".

Visalth said,"Natsu! Look over there.". Natsu saw a blue gem and he said,"That was from Reisa's armor right? Are you sure about this?". "Yes. You still have goals right? You won't let her beat you right partner?" said Visalth. "Yeah. I want to make Rain my mate so lets show them our bond buddy!" said Natsu. The boy glowed as he held the gem. "TIME TO TAKE YOUR POWER FOR MYSELF REISA!" yelled Natsu.

He absorbed the power as Natsu started to scream. "So what are you doing? You can only handle so much." said Reisa. "You know that male and female dragon's energies don't mix right? You do know this right Visalth?" said Lovisa. "Yeah but this idiot's power supply is bigger more than others. He is also the son of a god! Go get them Natsu!" said Visalth. "RIGHT! LETS GET POWER UP!" yelled Natsu.

Natsu regained his power and he said,"Time for you to die now!". Reisa laughed and she said,"It is time to get serious.". She flew in the air and Lovisa said,"IT'S DIVING JUDGEMENT!". The area around the group was warping and Momoko said,"This is powerful due to it being able to bend space itself.". "So not fair." said the girls. "Yeah but life ain't far. Lets see if we can have Natsu win and get fired up as Ryder would say." said Ryder.

Ryder smiled and he said,"Hey Natsu. You know what that does right?". "Um to be complete honest with you buddy. I have no dam clue." said Natsu. "Your girlfriend's nice rack will lose its size." said Ryder, "Huh?" said Rain. "No. That power exist. It is impossible. Why would should a power be alive?" said Natsu. His aura grew stronger and he yelled,"I WON'T LET YOU MESS WITH A SINGLE PART OF HER!".

He rushed toward Reisa who said,"You're fighting for boobs? How sad. What.". "You're a evil as hell monster Reisa! I will kill you so dam hard!" yelled Natsu. He punched Reisa in the face and he said,"This is for Rain!". He grabbed her and he yelled,"This is for the devil women in my life!". He slammed his head into her. He kneed her in the chest and he yelled,"This is for the girls in my sweet as hell life!".

He made a giant fist and he said,"And this punch is all of the girls who are still growing!". He then punched Reisa in the chest and directly toward the ground. Reisa was bleeding and she said,"I lost to a weakling. What the hell?". Natsu looked at her and Reisa said while a portal appearing right behind her,"Next time, I will win for sure.". Natsu fell on the ground and he was tackled by the girls. "Don't do that again!" yelled all of them.

Natsu smiled and he said,"Sure thing ladies. Now if you excuse me, I'm done for the day.". He fell asleep in Rain's lap as Derrick said,"That's Natsu for you right Sabik?". "Yeah. He is strong but he is an idiot." said Sabik. "Indeed. So we won the war and I think we will being staying with Natsu for a while." said Karma. "I like that." said the two. The group left the Kingdom of the Damned which was a wreck of its former self.

Next Time,
Life goes back to normal for Natsu or does it. This and more next time on Soul.

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Derrick Kozato. 17 years old. Second year Class A at Star Valley High and Guardian of Water. Dark Purple. Light Blue. 6 foot 10. A. Aries. March 28. Friends, sports, water, fighting, sleeping, animals, and kids. School, his friends or others getting hurt, and tests.
Sabik Rokudo. 18 years old. Second year Class A at Star Valley High and Guardian of Space. Black. Gray and Red. 6 foot 10. B. Leo. July 24. Animals, girls, fighting, and being in charge. Being controlled, hurting his friends, crowds, idiots, and being in debt.
Karma. 3 years old. Master and Guardian of Nothing. Black with White Tips. Reddish Green. 3 foot. A. Sagittarius. November 28. Teasing his students, a good glass of wine, victory, guns, and whatever he is in the mood for. His students getting hurt, lose, curses, and idiots.
Reisa Suzukaze. 25 years old. Natsu’s Blood Rival. Silver. Green. 6 foot 10. O. Capricorn. January 10. Fighting Natsu, girls, cooking, martial arts, and track. Losing, getting called out on her flat chest, and girls with big breasts.
Lovisa. 2000 years old. Visalth’s Blood Rival. 79 foot 6. Snow White Scales. Gold. O. Capricorn. January 19. Order, Justice, and anything cute. Visalth and getting called weak.

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