Sunday, October 16, 2016

Soul Episode 103 Spending time with the Siblings.

A/N: We are done with long battles so thank god for that you know. I mean I love battles and adventure stories but I really hate writing them in a row. I blame Power Guild for that because that series had a lot of battles. So Makarov is dead. Yeah, I don't believe that shit for a god dam minute because I believe that he is going to come back in a stupid as hell way. Also stop the Gray vs Natsu fight because mother of god, that fight sucks unlike Naruto vs Sasuke which had a good lead up to their fight. Lets begin because I don't want to rant during these maybe I'll make a story where I can just rant.

Natsu P.O.V.
I'm so dam tired. It had been two days since I along with my friends destroyed the Infernal Council and reveal their dirty laundry to the world. I pretty much slept all day Saturday recovering my power as Visalth puts it and I only woke up to eat dinner. I was currently crashing at Nora's place since the Protectors of the Earth ,who are bitches in every sense of the word, burned my house to the ground and I can't sue them since they were under Arata's control.

Speaking of Arata, he is currently in a Underworld Hospital healing from our fight. Unlike most of the Infernal Council, he surrender alongside the three Reapers. Everyone from the group excluding my grandfather, the queen, Arata, the Reapers, and his apprentice joined Gehenna aka Ryder's Group which is evil. The others joined my sister. She is making a group with some cash from her little bro that didn't serve the U.N. and also to help me in many ways. Speaking of that, I'm wanted by them.

I"m worth one trillion in any country. I need to be dead for this to work in their favor but if I live, I get it all. However, all of my friends and family are safe from the assassination attempts on my life I hope. I woke up and I stretched. It was nice sleeping in a bed but dam it, this bed is so dam tiny. They should make bigger bed for us tall folks. I got out of bed and I went toward my bathroom to hopefully grab some water.

I opened the door to see Karma. "Morning." I said while yawning. "A good morning to you as well Natsu." said Karma. Karma was crashing with me until my new and hopefully smaller house is built on the same island as Star Valley High. He is also deciding to train Jason since he sense that my little bro could be stronger under his wise tutelage. He actually somehow convinced Nova and Reva thanks to him using his divine sushi making talent. I know that Jason will be fine so I don't mind.

Karma said,"So did you sleep well Natsu?". I said while entering the shower,"Yeah. I am still pretty tired.". "Will you be alright for today? I mean those three begged you during dinner to play with them today." said Karma. "Yeah. I will be fine so do you have any sage like advice for me?" I said. "When you see a cute girl, flip her skirt." said Karma. "Are you serious? That sounds really stupid." said Visalth. "Okay. You're right. You should steal a girl's heart by being a master of romance." I said.

Karma hopped down from the bathroom table and he said,"I'm going to enjoy your mother's cooking before I head out to check on Derick and Sabik.". "K. Tell me if you find anything involving any of the guardians." I said. He nodded as the man left the room. I wrapped a towel around my body and Visalth said,"Guardians? What are you talking about partner?". "Don't you have accesses to my memories?" I said while putting on some gray lounge pants and res shirt.

Visalth said,"Yes but right now, the part of your brain that handles your memories is a mess due to our bonding.". "You're right about that. Okay. Thanks to Ruri, I found out an old picture in their database. I took a picture of it." I said. I pulled out my phone and it was several people in cloaks on a battlefield. "Okay. I may be an extremely old dragon but I don't get it at all Natsu. So do mind explaining it bud?" said Visalth.

I said,"The people on the left are the first generation Sorcerers, the people in the middle are the first generation Guardians, and the people on the right are the first generation Goddess. You know about the Sorcerers right?". "Yes. Rain is one of them with the power to swap bodies with a kiss. You also know Alice, Jane, and Kana." said Visalth. "Right. I have a feeling that I need to learn about the Goddess and Sorcerers tomorrow." I said.   

Visalth said,"Why not today?". "I may love Rain but spending my weekend at the library isn't that fun to say the least." I said. I heard three small fists ,which belong to my three siblings, knocking on my door and I heard three voices say,"Big Brother! Are you awake yet!". "I'm up!" I said. "Good. Can you take us to the park and then the mall?" said Elena. "Yeah. I'll be down there in a minute just wait okay." I said.

I heard them run down the stairs as Visalth said,"Those three have a lot of spirit eh Natsu.". "I think they just want to spend time with me. I mean they doesn't get to see much anymore because I'm doing work at my job or school plus the girls have their field trip tomorrow." I said. "Astral tell you that partner?" said Visalth. I put on a pair of black rimless eyeglasses with a long-sleeved grayish black hoodie, navy blue jeans, and my hoodie was open to show my red t-shirt with a weird symbol on it.

I said,"Yeah.". Once reaching the bottom of the stairs, I was cornered there with them holding a piece of paper in their hands. "Big Brother! We made pictures for you this morning to make you feel better! It is weird seeing you frowning." said Elena. "Picture will make you feel better right?" said Molly. "It was my idea." said Jason. I do hope Karma doesn't make Jason a smug jerk. I looked at the pictures while lacing my iron soul boots and my smile appeared.

It was obvious that they weren't a Picasso but maybe a Da Vinci.. I noticed that each picture had one thing in common. They had a heart with a band-aid over it. I saw that Elena had stars and planets in hers since it was no fact that I loved outer space, Molly had strange writing with me knowing that it was the language of the Underworld Kingdom, and I give Jason props on his. His picture had him standing next to me over several defeated grunts plus real band-aids on the paper.

I grew an extra hand and I tussled their hair in unison. "Good job you there. I love it." I said. It was no surprise to see them happy about the whole thing because they love my smile. It is like the sun above us. I heard Kari walking toward her. She jumped on my shoulder and she said,"So where are we going boss?". "Shopping and the park!" said the trio. "Oh joy." said Kari. I left the house with a not happy fox and three happy kids. This is going to be a good day.

Me and Kari plus the trio reached the park with the trio running off to go play. I sat on a nearby park bench nearby the kids and Kari jumped off my shoulder to my right. "So Natsu, how are you feeling really?" said Kari. I yawned as I said,"A little tired. I recovered most of my power from Friday and that emotional bomb isn't helping at all.". "Yeah. You being the son of the sun is something shocking to say the least." said Kari.

After bonding with Visalth, I learned that I personally sealed my own memories. I wonder why I did that in the first place but the fact that I was created by the sun's massive energy shocked me instead. I knew that I had to see her but I knew that she was busy. I sensed something annoying and I saw that the trio was gone. They went toward the nearby pond and I had a strong feeling that the ducks didn't like them there. I rushed toward the pond.

I saw that the three were scared of the feathered fiend and I released some out of my power. The birds flew off in fear and mostly likely terror. Jason hugged my right leg and the girls took my left leg. I got down to their level and I said,"So why were you attacking the ducks? You know that they hated us humans or my case something else.". "You were like last night!" said Elena. "We don't like seeing you like that big brother." said Molly. "Yeah!" said Jason.

I sighed and I said,"I was just thinking you guys. Adults do that sometimes. You know that I canceled all of my plans to be with you guys right?". "Is that true?" said Elena. Kari jumped on her head and she said,"Bingo. He even canceled a date with Rain.". "It wasn't a date. It was a study session for the stuff that we missed. I don't think we need it to be honest with you." I said. "Okay. Lets go shopping now!" said Molly. "And then ice cream!" said Jason. I smiled as the trio dragged me away,

I was standing outside of the toy store waiting for Kari to wrangle up the trio. Jason saw a toy that he wanted to play with so he rushed in there upon reaching the mini shopping center nearby the park. It was a good thing that Karma didn't get rid of his childlike sense of wonder. "Natsu?! What are you doing here?" said a voice. I turned to see a strange sight. It was Alice with Kana of all people. Never say those two hanging out but hey, who knows thing.

Alice hugged me and I was lucky that I trained my body because her hug could crush a normal guy's spine in half maybe fourths. "We were so worried about you and the others! I mean you fought a war pretty much!" said Alice. "He was good I guess." said Kana. "Oh. I guess you didn't like when he and Arata faced off." said Alice. "It was pretty good. So why are you here?" said Kana. "I'm here with my siblings." I said.

Speaking of them, Alice hugged Molly. "Big sis Alice!" said Molly. "Hey. You're looking so adorable today. Did big bro help you with your hair?" said Alice. "Nope! Big brother sucks with hair. I mean he has bed hair all the time." said Molly. "So blunt Molly." I said. "It's true you know." said Elena and Kana. Jason was confused as Alice said,"Hey! You should join us.". "I don't know. I wanted to spend time with the three of them." I said.

Jason looked at Kana and he said,"Will you take us to go get ice cream afterward?". I know Jason and he was going to use ANY means to get the frozen treat which includes his signature move known as the Puppy Dog Face. I didn't need to kiss Alice to know that this would be helpful in the future for him. Kana caved as she said,"Yes.". Jason cheered and I picked him up. We left the toy store with the fox spirit jumping on my head.

Alice said,"So Natsu, I heard that you went to the Kingdom of the Damned to save your feminine side.". "Yeah. Her name is Sora and she has a boyfriend I think." I said. It didn't take Astral to tell that Eizan had a thing for her. "I see. So does girl clothing turn you into a girl?" said Kana. "Mommy was trying that but big brother was sleeping pretty much all of yesterday!" said Jason who was currently in Kana's arms.

He had grown to like her which made me happy. The only girls that he truly like were Rain and Urara so him liking a third is better than nothing. "I think we should take you out on a makeover to see how pretty you look as a girl. I mean you're handsome Natsu but I bet that making you a girl would make you more beautiful than a goddess." said Alicia. I shivered in fear and I said,"Could we go not please you guys?". I used the stronger version of Jason's begging to get myself out of shopping.

Later, Alicia was watching me eat. We were at a normal diner that I visited a lot mainly with Jason due to us spending some brother time. "So are you half pig or something?" said Alicia. "Big brother isn't a pig!" said Molly who was enjoying her milkshake. "Yeah. He is the best!" said Jason. "I see that they're your personal cheering squad." said Kana. "Bingo." I said while devouring a burger and it was pretty amazing to say the least.

Alicia said,"So Natsu, we have something to tell you.". "You both like big brother?" said Elena. The two teens glared at her and Kari said,"It isn't that right? It is about your fan club.". "Fan club? I know about them. They make some pretty good cookies." I said. "Yeah. They are either you and Rain or you and a boy." said Kana. "What does that mean big sister Kana?" said Jason. Alicia said,"You will understand when you're older Jason.".

Jason shrugged his shoulders and I took a short breath of relief. It is a good thing that Jason has a very short attention span even smaller than a fish sometimes. Really hope that Karma doesn't mess with that part of him. "So Natsu, I have a couple of questions. You don't have to answer them but since you're well a devil. I have questions." said Alicia. "Going to guess that they are all from Sonya are they? She hates me and I hate her." I said.

Alicia nodded as she said,"So are devils evil?". "Not really. Devils are actually half good like Angels and half bad like Fallen Angels. You know the Seven Deadly Sins? Each devil has a huge amount of one of the seven sins." I said. "So does that explain Lucia and Sabrina's lust for you?" said Kana. I nodded as I sensed something. "Hey. Do you two mind keeping an eye on Elena, Jason, and Molly for me?" I said. "Um sure." said the two.

I left the diner and I said,"You know that Astral treats you as an enemy right?". I saw Reisa standing there and she said,"So what are you doing?". She was wearing a white kimono with blue dragon like claws on it, a gold obi with matching gold beads, and traditional wooden shoes. The inside of her outfit is a dark green color and it is open at her shoulders showing her lack of a chest. She is forever flat which means she is flat than a board.

I don't think she is growing any more but at least, she is pretty. "I'm enjoying my victory over you and Arata. So why are you wearing a kimono like that? I mean your lack of breasts is more obvious than a girl's crush on a guy." I said. "How about you shut up for once in your life." said Reisa. "No promises on that. So why are you here?" I said. "I came to tell you that your victory over me was pure luck. It was just luck." said Reisa.

Visalth appeared from the Devil Arm that took over my left arm and he said,"Yeah right. We won due to our teamwork right partner?". "Bingo." I said. Reisa then sighed and she sprouted her devil wings. "Lovisa is still recovering from our fight so get stronger." said Reisa. She flew off as Visalth said,"I think training with Karma a little bit plus your friends will make you ready for the next encounter.". "I know." I said. I went back inside of the diner to finish my meal.

On my way home with my siblings, I noticed that there was two packages on my porch. "Should we open it?" said Molly. Elena and Jason poked the packages and I said,"Stop. Go get Karma. We have company.". "Okay!" said Elena and Jason. The two opened the door and they ran inside looking for Karma. Molly said,"So are they in there big brother?". "Yep. They are friendly I hope. If they aren't at all, stay back." I said.

She nodded as Karma came out with my brother and sister. "What is it?" said Karma. "Look inside the packages." I said. Karma looked at the boxes and he said,"You got to be kidding me. I thought coming to Japan would give me a vacation.". "Do you want me to go get the scissors?" said Elena. "I got it." I said. I slashed open the packages in unison and from the one on my left, I was blasted with a rocket. "Big brother!" yelled my siblings in unison.

I noticed that I had subconsciously made a chi barrier which just happened to block the explosion but it did sense me into the fence. I made a mental note to fix that later. "Ha! Kenji got you Karma! In your stupid face!" said a young voice. I then saw a boy with a light red afro with blond tips, green eyes standing there with a rocket launcher in his right hand. He was wearing a light red t-shirt, dark blue pants, and brown dress shoes.

Karma stood in front of me and he said,"You alright?". "Just peachy. Do you know the kid? He seems familiar." I said while brushing the dust of my clothes. "He is Kenji Okita. Do you remember our visit to the Underworld?" said Karma. "Yeah. You introduce me to Lucia and Visalth so a good thing with the bad thing. What family does he belong to?" I said. "I think he belongs to the Hellhounds or maybe the bulls." said Karma.

Kenji yelled,"Don't ignore Kenji!". He fired out several rockets and I said,"Stop.". I froze time and I jumped into the air. I made Shade appear from my hands and I turned into a giant bucket. It basically absorbed the rockets plus the explosions afterward. I unfroze time and Kenji said,"Where is the big kaboom? It's supposed to be an earth shattering one.". "Should I stop him?" said Karma. "Go ahead but don't blow up my parent's house." I said. I heard screams of pain as I dragged my siblings inside.

Later, I sat with Karma and the person who was in the other box. It was the opposite of Kenji who had a crying festival earlier but he was now playing with Elena, Jason, and Molly so I'm not complain about that. Anyway, the person had Karma in her lap and she said,"Isn't it nice that Natsu let us in his home honey bear?". She kissed him and I said,"So you know that he is three years old right Saya? I'm just saying that it is a little weird.". "Age is just a number Natsu." said Karma.

I sighed and I took a glance at her. This is Saya Uchino. She is twenty years old, a natural dark red head and purple eyes beauty, and I think a cosplayer. Right now, she was dressed as a playboy bunny and I think Karma was enjoying this. "So how long are you in Japan for Saya?" I said. "Well. I was think forever right baby?" said Saya. "Yeah. I mean I'm training your brother plus your new house should be rebuilt by tomorrow right?" said Karma.

I looked at him and Karma said,"Don't worry Natsu. We promise not to poison their minds. I don't make any promises on Kenji though.". "So do you know why Karma hates him? I mean he doesn't seem that bad to me." I said. "He is annoying. Should I kill him honey?" said Saya. "Don't. We don't have time to hide the body. So what is for dinner?" said Karma. "I was thinking....." I said. Kenji then ran into the room and he said,"Big brother! Kenji needs you!".

I was dragged by the boy and I wondered how I got another sibling. It was by lucky that I protected him from Karma and Saya's combined attack which was an gun shot mixed with deadly plants. I had him help me fix up the front yard and make sure to say sorry to the neighbors. I was then forced to sit down and Kenji said from my lap,"Watch!". Jason sat inside of a robot suit and I said,"So how do you make this Kenji?".

Kenji's nose grew longer and he said,"Well Kenji made it of course! Kenji is a genius after all!". "So you're an inventor?" I said. "The best big brother!" said Jason and Kenji. The two talked and I smiled at this. It was nice to see Jason interact with males other than me and Karma. I could be wrong about that but like his big brother, he likes the fairer sex more. "So where is Elena and Molly?" I said. Jason looked sad and he said,"They're getting ready for tomorrow.".

I placed my hand on his head and I said,"Don't worry little bro. You're coming with me to school for the next couple of days until mom gets back from Italy.". "Italy?" said Kenji. "It is the country that is kicking something right?" said Jason. "Good job. I'm impressed with that." I said. I heard two small stomachs growling and I said,"Let me get dinner ready okay?". "Okay!" said the two. I went to the kitchen and I heard the TV plus cheers. I started to hum while working on dinner.

After a pretty quiet dinner, I sat on my bed. I had to call Riku because he was worried sick about me all day. I think I got that due to the fact that he send me the same message 777 times. I called him and I heard,"WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE SON?!". I moved it away and I said,"I was with my siblings today and I didn't need to hear your complaining dad.". "I was complaining? Sorry about that Natsu. It has been a stressful time in the Underworld." said Riku.

I said,"Yeah. Karma told me that the Rock Demons and the Air Ogres are fighting again which has the Water Snakes and the Fire Lions pissed off.". "Yes. It isn't a pretty sight. I also had other matters I wish to discuss with you." said Riku. "Let me guess them." I said. "Sure." said Riku. "One is about my new castle aka house, one is about my ascension to the Underworld King, and one is about my love life." I said.

Riku was silent and I said,"You know that I can tell that I'm right.". "Yes. Lets go in order. I think the design you send us was...." said Riku. "Too small. I know. I wanted it that way because I was lucky that I didn't get lost in there and it also doesn't make me a prick." I said. "Okay. You would make a great Underworld King son. You would be the Tenth and the first half-blood as well." said Riku. "I'm still in high school dad. I got time to think about my future." I said.

Riku said,"So why haven't you gone on another date with the daughter of the Phoenix? She enjoy the date.". "Probably because I have a girlfriend who I love." I said. "Yes but as the future king, you can have a harem." said Riku. "You didn't do that dad." I said. "Yes but unlike you, I was given my title rather suddenly. You have time to think about it." said Riku. "You're right about that but she and the other royals look at me like I'm a piece of meat!" I said.

I hoped that I didn't wake the younger ones since it is midnight but to a devil, it is like six. I heard a large crashing sound and I said,"Is something wrong?". "Yes. Your mother is in one of her moods. I think you not being Sora anymore set her off." said Riku. "You do know that I still turn into a girl if I wear any feminine right?" I said. "She knows that but you never want to wear girls clothing. Wow, I can't believe I just say that." said Riku.

I said,"Yeah. My life is weird. I better get some sleep. I got school tomorrow. I better get my house just as I designed it.". "It will be son." said Riku. My dad hung up and I went down on my bed. I then looked at the back of my left hand. I looked at the sword and I said,"Man. I wonder if me and Arata will be friends again and also have a normal life. I hope at one of them comes true.". I turned off the light and I went to sleep.

Before I could drift of into dream land, I noticed that I was in front of a shrine. I could tell that I was in the Underworld due to the sky. Normally, the sky is blue due to reasons that you should know or look online for but here in the Underworld, it is red but strangely it is nice. I heard a baby crying and I walked toward it. I saw that it was a little me and he smiled upon seeing me. "Is this my memories or what?". "You're not wrong about that my little sun." said a voice.

I turned around to see a beauty. She had long blond hair that went up to her waist, beautiful orange yellow eyes, and she was wearing a long yet extremely beautiful white dress. "Who are you and why am I here?" I said while making Arondite appear in my left hand. "You are so strong now. You have the power to defeat any foe standing in your way." said the woman. She then held my right hand and I said,"Just please give me an answer! I'm tired of all the questions in my life.".

I went down on my knees and I then dropped my sword. "For the past couple of months, it has been nothing but questions. I'm sick of questions. You know what I want. I want some dam answer already in my life. Just please tell me already. I need this." I said. She hugged me and I said,"So are you my mother?". "Yep. My name is Amaterasu and I promise that this dream will give you all the answers that you desire." said Amaterasu. We glowed and I learned the truth about everything.

Next Time,
What did Natsu learn from his mom? How will this affect him in the future? Will he be able to choose his destiny?! Will the story make any sense?! One of these questions will never be answered so find out which one next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Kenji Okita. 5 years old. Genius Inventor and Awful Assassin. Red. Green. 3 foot 3. O. Sagittarius. December 22. Technology, winning, and food. Losing and cleaning.
Saya Uchino. 20 years old. Gardner of Death. Dark Red. Purple. 6 foot 1. A. Scorpio. October 29. Her man Karma, being praised by Karma, and plants. Being called fat.

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