Friday, October 28, 2016

Soul Episode 110 Teaching with Sparaxa.

A/N: What is this? We just had a pretty sappy moment in my opinion and we are going to have even more of them! God dam! I feel like I am writing a romance except with slightly better character than Nisekoi. Any jab at Nisekoi is good because it deserves if you like a good romance. Don't judge a book by its cover and all that. Anyway, this chapter starts the Sports Festival Arc. Finally right? I mean name a high school manga without one so lets begin in Owen's office. I know that I have been forgetting about Natsu's partners but they are coming back. Highland Middle is also the school that most students from Soul came from before the merger. I loved how Boku No Hero Academia has Quirks not be super overpowered. I may do a series in the same vain of Soul and Power Guild but no promises on that regard.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu woke up and he heard,"Who the hell is calling me at....?". He looked at the clock on his night stand he said,"At 2. This better be important.". He got out of his California King Bed and he went downstairs. He yawned while heading down the stairs and he said,"This better be important or else I'll go GOD on him.". He head into his den aka man cave which was on the main floor right next to the basement.

He opened it up and he sat in his chair which was comfortable. The room had a decently sized couch on the right side of the room with bean bags all around the room, a south system in the corners, a peg for his bags and jackets, a pool table on the right side, a fully working kitchen, and other stuff. He had this built as a comprise with his parents about the whole house size thing. Natsu then held the work phone and he said,"Hello?".

He listened and he said,"Okay. I understand completely. I will get ready.". He hanged up and he took a large sigh. "God freaking damn it. I just wanted to go back to a normal high school day but no, fate just had to screw me again." said Natsu. Kari appeared and she said,"Hey. How are you doing buddy oh pal?". Natsu currently head his face placed on the ground and he said,"What do you think!?". "Not good at all. Star misses you." said Kari.

Natsu said,"Yeah. She is training right?". "Yep. Her and Arthur are doing pretty good along with Link who has been getting stronger since the Seven Deadly Sins were destroyed." said Kari. "Yeah. I don't think that my Demon/Devil Form has gotten weaker since we killed the main seven Crois. Any other news?" said Natsu. "I think you're going to have a long week." said Kari. "Thanks Kari. You'll keep me inform on anything involving that picture right?" said Natsu.

She nodded and she said,"You should probably get some sleep. You'll need it for today.". "Okay. You can drop Star off tomorrow." said Natsu. Kari nodded as she disappeared. Natsu dragged himself and he was too tired to move. He eventually got his way into his soft as hell bed and he fell asleep. Astral and Visalth were both tired as well so they couldn't see or sense something coming into Natsu's room with it being either good or evil to be unknown.

Natsu woke up the next morning and he said,"Good morning world!". He noticed that something felt different but he couldn't put his mind up to it. "Hey Natsu. I think something changed. You feel it as well?" said Visalth. Natsu had a magic circle around his left hand and he said,"OMG!". "What is it Natsu?!" yelled Visalth. "Someone is in the house and doing nothing." said Natsu. The dragon was then strangling him from the inside and Visalth said,"You had me worried for nothing!".

Natsu said after recovering,"You sensed something off because it isn't a Soul or a human. I don't think it is a Phantom as well.". "Then what?" said Visalth. "A ghost or perhaps a spirit from the grave. We should go check it out." said Natsu. "What if he tries and possess you? I really don't this body to be more crowded." said Visalth. "Don't worry. I won't let that happen. Now lets go hunt some ghosts okay." said Natsu.

He walked downstairs holding Comet and he looked in the kitchen. He was shocked to see Aria in the clothing that she died in but a lot more transparent. "Aria?" said Natsu who was shaking. Aria smiled and she said,"Hi.". Natsu passed out and Aria rushed over to him. He went right through her going right through the wall. "So what are you doing here?" said Natsu after he recovered. "Well, I wanted to see how you were doing along with my sister but she couldn't see me." said Aria who pouted.

Visalth said,"You do know that you're a ghost right? She is supposed to be smart right?". "She is but I know for a fact that only certain people can see ghosts. I can because of Terminus." said Natsu who had his eyes glowing. "Oh. I thought it was because you're a wizard." said Aria. "The term is Sorcerer. Unlike those girls, he is a real sorcerer called Sparaxa. I read all of Natsu's memory and it is like a book. It is quite amazing." said Visalth.

Aria said,"So you're dating my sister?". "How do you know that?" said Natsu. "She writes about you in her diary. She calls you amazing. There is more but I don't think you should know the rest of it my dear Nat-Chan." said Aria. Natsu blushed as he said,"Well, she isn't wrong about that.". "It is nice to see you like this. I mean the old you was so....." said Aria. "Emotionless." said the boy who was enjoying some breakfast.

He was currently cooking in his kitchen as Aria said,"Yeah! So are you teaching at the school or are you a student?". Visalth said,"Well, he is starting as a teacher today.". "Why?" said Aria. "Why don't you tell her buddy? You were asked by her grandfather to do it." said Visalth. "He wanted me to teach since Levi is angry with me. Lets just say that he found out my dirty little secret. He also thinks that I killed you and taken Rain to sin. These are Owen's words not mine." said Natsu.

Aria said,"I can't believe daddy sometimes! He is such a...". Natsu said,"A Dick?". "Yeah. So what are you going to be teaching?!" said Aria. "Battle and Magic Training. I heard that I was picked because of my gifts." said Natsu. "I think due to his class being targeted by Robin. So can you explain to me why you didn't ask for my help? Robin would have been easy to destroy with Draco Form, Solar Form, and everything else!" said Visalth.

Aria said,"I bet this was something that Nat-Chan had to do himself.". Natsu sat down in front of her and he said,"Aria. I wanted to ask you something. Do you want to see Rain again?". "What are you talking about?" said Aria. "I am able to revive the dead with my magic but it is extremely illegal. I'm already wanted by the entire world. So do you want to come back to the living? You would be able to rejoin me, Rain, and your family? It's your choice." said Natsu.

Aria said,"I don't know. I mean it was nice to be alive again but I really don't want to get you in more trouble.". "Aria. I have been in trouble with them since I was a kid. So do you want to join the land of living again?" said Natsu. "Could I watch over you until I decide?" said Aria. "Sure. I don't mind. It is time for school." said Natsu. Aria floated above him and she said,"I'll meet you there.". She flew out of the house and Natsu said,"She hasn't changed at all.".

Natsu was walking through the school and he saw Aria in front of the teacher's lounge. "So what are you doing?" said Natsu. "I thought you were supposed to be at class right now." said Aria. Natsu then opened the door as he said,"I'm a member of the Executive Committee which was made of some of your former students but we just had a meeting with the Student Council.". He went to his desk and Aria said,"So what happened?".

Natsu held a book as he said,"A normal meeting. The Presidents are fighting and we got stuck with a lot of paperwork. It's the norm.". He had several magic circles around him and he said,"I will see you real soon Aria.". He was gone as Aria thought,"Wow. He still has the God of  Death personality but I know that he has change. The old Nat-Chan would have moved on after defeating the Seven Sins but this one is staying.". She floated out of the room not noticing that she was being watched.

Ellen said,"So are you guys feeling alright?". There was a depressing mood and Issac said,"Lets just say that we know everything about our main man.". "Yeah." said Akane. Leona looked up and she said,"I feel a strong magic presence.". Natsu appeared and he said,"Hey guys.". Irene grabbed him and she said,"Why didn't you tell me about your past wife?! I have told you everything about me but you kept secrets from me.".

Natsu said,"Well, I had my reasons but that was the old me. This me is far more open. So what did I miss teach?". He sat in his desk and Ellen said,"Oh yes. You guys do know that the sports festival is coming up right?". "Yeah and then we have a huge test." said Harry who grumbled. "At least we don't have another Power Test." said Alex. "I guess but god dam it. I really hate tests." said Harry. "Should we tell them that we're taking third year tests?" whispered Rain. "Nah." said Natsu.

Ellen said,"After that, we have the Cultural Festival with our Gender Bend Cosplay Cafe plus Natsu's play right?". "Yep. I have the writing for the play done. I reveal more when we finish the test. I need some help with the costume for both the cafe and play." said Natsu. "Do you need some help from the mob?" said Katsuo. "So is the mob spinsters Katsuo?" said Charl. Katsuo said,"Out clothes get torn due to fighting Charl.". "Ah." said Charl.

Ellen touched the board and she said,"According to the Chairman, he requires all of you to at least be in two events except for Natsu who can only compete one by choice and the other one that only the Agents can.". "Why can't my wife compete in more?" said Irene. "I thin it is because of the fact that I can reach Mach 80 and also Teleportation for me is like breathing." said Natsu. "You sound so honest about that." said Sekien. "I think he isn't kidding." said Chad.

Ellen said,"I will be writing down all of the events on the board and I hope you all won't attack each other in deciding events.". She wrote several names on the board and she said,"We should go by row and we'll start with Natsu first.". She noticed that Natsu's dragon claws appeared on his shoulder and he said,"Too lazy to get up so I'll use my aura to grab things.". He wrote his name down under the three legged race and he went back to sleep.

After that, Natsu was forced to start teaching. He stood there in the area behind the classroom and he said,"So I think for the rest of the year, I will be teaching you how to fight and use magic.". Haru rose his hand and he said,"So what are we learning first?". Natsu reappeared in front of him and he held Gladius up to the martial artist's neck. "Well, you should first improve your reflexes. I think we will start with mental training for today. Lets play a game shall we?" said Natsu.

He held a ball and Seth said,"So what is that? It looks like a crystal ball but it is made of plastic or something.". "Are you going to tell our fortunes?" said Karla. "No. It is how we can find out what branch of magic you belong too." said Leona. "Magic?" said Kyria. "Yep! Leo-Chan is the best at magic and I bet Nat-Chan is too!" said Yumiko. "Yep. Okay. Should I explain the nine branches of magic to all of you?" said Natsu.

Leona looked at the rest of the class and she said,"You may have to Natsu.". "Right. Let me show you a diagram of this." said Natsu as a magic circle appeared next to him. A board that was showing nine circles with each one being a different color. One was Azure Blue, one was Crimson Red, one was Gold, one was Ivory White, one was Mint Green, one was Onyx Black, one was Silver, one was Tan Brown, and the final one was Violet.

Natsu said while putting on the glasses from seven episodes ago,"Okay. All of you have Powers such as Fire and Ice but magic is very special and specific. There are nine different branches and the magic ball will decide that. Okay. Do you mind coming up here Leona? Since you're an expert in magic, you will be a perfect example.". Leona touched the magic ball and it glowed Crimson red. "Ah. I expect this from say Masaru or Sekien but you, it is interesting." said Natsu.

Masaru said,"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?". "The Crimson Red Branch is known for their expertise in Elemental Spells, Overcharging, and Damage based Magic. They do however have a weakness and that is their lack of speed in a fight but they can destroy things so speed doesn't really matter in the long run. Since the orb has found one, it should be able to track anyone in the area with the same magic energy. Lets do that." said Natsu.

The orb then fired out five beams which hit Katsuo, Masaru, Matt, Sekien, and Urara in a crimson glow. "I'm a Crimson?!" said Matt and Urara.  "Yep. Welcome to the club. We don't have cookies but violence." said Sekien. "Yep. I will be given you six some text to help teach you the magic that helps you in the long run. Just wait over there for me. I think we have seven more branches to go through with the others." said Natsu.

Amy said,"Wait. I thought that was nine branches. I know that we went through Crimson Red but you forgot one.". "You're correct. That would be the Ivory White Branch. It is a rare branch so I am pretty sure that no one in class has it. To explain what it does, they're experts in Mental Manipulation, Spells that deal with the Afterlife, and Soul Creation based magic. I would know this since I learned how to use magic from one." said Natsu who smiled.

He opened his eyes and he said,"So who wants to go next?". "I will Wife!" said Irene. She touched the orb as it glowed brown but more tan than a normal brown. "This is the Tan Brown Branch, They are experts on Shielding, Spell Absorption, and Counters based magic. I think this is perfect for you Irene due to your Barrier Power. It would be helpful." said Natsu. "Oh wife. I think we should spend some private time together." said Irene.

Natsu sweatdropped and he said,"I'll think about Irene. Lets see who your partners are.". The orb fired out five beams which hit Blair, Cindy, Chad, Nazar, and Tsuki. "Like I said before, you will get some text helping you with your magic. I think we should do some rapid fire learning because I don't want to waste time on this when we could be practicing." said Natsu. He touched the orb as it glowed six different colors and matching beams.

One beam was Azure Blue and it hit Akane, Amy, Jake, Kyoji, Moka, and Ryker. Azure Blue Branch users are experts in Telekinesis, Teleportation, and Speed based magic. One beam was Gold and it hit Dana, Karla, Miu, Tatsu, Yataro, and Yusuki. Gold Branch users are masters in Dematerializing, Shapeshifting, and Transmutation magic. One beam was Mint Green and it hit Charl, Harry, Mia, Phoebe, Terry, and Tessa.

Mint Green Branch users are masters in Healing, De-Cursing, and Illness Curing based magic. One beam was Onyx Black and it hit Issac, Kyria, Lucy, Seth, Tara, and Yumiko. Onyx Black Branch users are best in Constructs and Summoning based magic. One beam was Silver and it hit Hikaru, Rex, Ruriko, Ryo, Soran, and Stacey. Silver Branch users are best in Stealth, Reality Distortion, and Illusion Summons based magic.

The final beam was Violet and it hit Alex, Ben, Cora, Dante, Haru, and Masoko. Violet Branch users are best in Charms and Curses based magic. Natsu let the eight groups go off to train with their texts and he looked at Rain. "That's strange. You should have a branch of magic. Let me try something." said Natsu. He placed his left hand on her head and he said,"Devil Arm.". The dragon arm appeared and Rain said,"What are you doing?".

Natsu was silent as Visalth said,"Natsu is using the basic form to hopefully find why you didn't align with one of the branches.". "I see. So what is his branch?" said Rain. "He is like you Rain. I looked into his memory and he was learning magic around the same time that he was learning stuff. I think his master Merlin couldn't find anything despite her best efforts." said Visalth. "I think you mean he right?" said Rain.

Visalth laughed and he said,"Oh that's right. You humans have changed Merlin's gender for an odd reason. That never gets old to me. Let me tell you something. Natsu has a name that he is known for.". "Like the God of Death, the Immortal Soul, and others." said Rain. "Yep except this one is famous in the magic community. He is known as Sparaxa, God of Magic. He was a child prodigy but I bet that is no surprise to you." said Visalth.

Natsu said,"Before you answer that Rain, I think I found it.". "So what is it?" said Rain. Natsu sighed as Visalth said,"That doesn't sound good does it partner?". "It isn't. She is like me. I have a theory on how that is possible." said Natsu. "How?" said Rain. "You two kiss a lot don't you? I think her magic aura changed because of that and the fact that she is a sorcerer. Not a real one but you know what I mean." said Visalth.

Natsu nodded his head as Rain said,"So am I able to learn magic?". "Yes. I learned magic from the Merlin and I wasn't a branch either so don't worry your pretty little head okay. I think we could do this while picking up my parents." said Natsu. "Your parents?" said Aria ,who floated from nearby the two, and Rain. "Yeah my parents. They are coming here to cheer me on the Sports Festival. It's going to be so much fun for sure." said Natsu.

Visalth said,"Natsu may love the King and Queen but boy, they have the talent for making him embarrassed. Even back when he was the God of Death.". "So Visalth, do they happened to know where Natsu's baby pictures are?" said Rain. "Why do you want to know that?!" said Natsu. "Riku is likely to know where along with Asuna since the king can't say no to her. She has the power to get whatever she wants with no effort on her part." said Visalth.

Aria said,"So he is whipped like Natsu is to my sister?". "Yes." said Visalth. "Um Visalth. Who are you talking too?" said Rain. "You haven't told her?!" said Visalth. "You're always with me so you should know the dam answer Visalth!" said Natsu who yelled at his left arm. "So what is it?" said Rain. "He has been talking to the spirit of your sister." said Visalth. "Did you bring her back to life yet? Is she a zombie like Dustin and Sylvia along with Erik?" said Rain.

Aria was floating in front of her and she said,"Hey Nat-Chan, can you use your magic to project me in front of her?". "I can. I just need you to stand in front of her. Rain don't do anything too crazy. We don't want her to be hurt." said Natsu. Rain nodded as Aria floated in front of Natsu. His body glowed white and he aimed the Devil Arm at Aria. The area in front of him and the arm glowed. The glow was gone as Aria ,in the flesh, stood there.

Rain said,"Big sis?". "Yep. I..." said Aria. Rain hugged her and she said,"Don't do anything stupid again. You're just like the idiot.". "So is that your nickname?" said Aria who looked at Natsu. "It is. I don't think you can talk to him. He needs to focus on keeping you here. To bring you here and for Rain to see you, Natsu needs to concentrate. I'll be talking for him." said Visalth. "Oh. So are you and Nat-Chan serious?" said Aria.

Rain blushed and she said,"I think so but Natsu is too nice. I mean he is nice to the girl who broke his heart.". "That may be my fault." said Aria. "What do you mean?" said Rain. "I kinda broke down the wall that he built after that incident so this was my fault. I'm sorry that your big sis is messing up with your love life." said Aria. "Don't think like that Aria. I may be partners with this idiot but he has chosen this life and he is going all the way with it." said Visalth.

Rain said,"So Visalth, I have a question.". "What is it Rain?" said Visalth. "I know that Riku is the only king that doesn't have a harem. Will Natsu have one as well?" said Rain. "I guess Rain doesn't want to share her idiot huh." said Aria. "He doesn't know. He has feelings and he isn't dense. He knows about several girls having more than a crush on him. I think I will let him tell you when he is ready okay?" said Visalth.

Aria said,"It sounds like your love life is complicated isn't it sis?". "Yep. So can Natsu teach me this spell? I think mom and the pervert would like to see you again." said Rain. "I think that was going to be the first spell that you learn but what about your father?" said Visalth. "Lets just say that I am mad at him and leave it at that." said Rain. "Ah." said Aria. "Women. Even if you are a human woman or dragon woman, you're so dam confusing." said Visalth.

Natsu coughed and Rain said,"Is he alright?". "Yes. He probably had to cough because his magic is like antibodies. If he uses too much magic power, he will be sick. I think you may have to be a spirit Aria." said Visalth. "Okay. I'll see you real soon." said Aria who hugged her sister. Rain was happy and she said,"Yeah!". Aria was gone as Natsu went on his knees. "Rain. I think we will have to start our magic training tomorrow." said Natsu. "I understand." said Rain.

Back in the main campus, Keiko was looking toward the woods. Her and the rest of Class A was in gym class. She sighed and she thought,"Why the hell am I thinking of that idiot? I mean he is a nice guy but he is a dense idiot.". Said idiot aka Natsu started to sneezed at that comment. Keiko looked at Dylan, Issei, Kyle, and Preston. For some reason, they didn't have an agent in their class. The cat girl thought that it was Kana but she said that she didn't want that job.

The four boys started fighting with Kyle making sure to assert his power over the others. Lee walked over to her and he said,"So are you thinking about the prince?". "What are you talking about Lee? He is nothing to me." said Keiko. "Right. He sure has a charm to him. I mean a girl in our class likes him a lot." said Lee. "We all know about Wren. It is pretty dam obvious and I think that is one of several reasons why Dylan hates Natsu." said Keiko.

Lee sighed and he said,"I'm talking about Kana. She is doing what the humans call being a Tsundere toward her crush. She acts like she hates his guts but it is the reverse of that. You're also doing that as well.". "No I'm not!" said Keiko. "I'm just saying the truth." said Lee. He was about to say something else but he was stopped by Lisa. "What are you doing to her Lee?" said Lisa. "I hate seeing my friend like this Lisa. I thought you would be partners with Tora." said Lee.

Lisa said,"Well, she is on call with her older sister. They're not close are they?". "Not at all. Unlike up here, the Underworld is far more terrible." said Lee. "Ah. I'll help Keiko with her problem. You really should stop the slaughter down there." said Lisa. Lee looked down to see Kyle defeating Dylan, Issei, and Preston. "Ah. Good luck I guess." said Lee. He was gone as Lisa said,"So you like Natsu?". The cat girl was quiet and Lisa said,"You're a real lady killer aren't you?".

Later, Natsu was sitting with Elena, Jason, Molly, and Star. After picking Elena and Molly and later Jason and Star, he was waiting at the train station for his parents. According to the butler, they were coming with Lacy and Ling as body guards. He sighed and Elena said,"Is something wrong?". "It is nothing. I'm just a little tired is all." said Natsu. "You have been working a lot lately big brother. You even got a second job." said Molly.

Natsu said,"Working at another restaurant isn't that bad Molly. I mean it pays real well since my boss loves the crowd that I bring in for a different reason than Bianca.". "What do you mean by that big brother?" said the trio. Star meowed as Natsu said,"They're too young to understand that. You as well but I know that I can't stop her from teaching that to you.". Star rested on his head and Jason said,"So are you going to be a harem king?".

Natsu looked at his brother who was sitting on his lap and he said,"And where did you hear that from Jason?". "Big sis Jasra. She was talking with Big sis Kari and Flora about you. Kari's face lit up like a firework when Jasra thought you liked her. It was funny!" said Jason. "And why didn't Karma or Saya stop you? And did Kenji hear it as well? You shouldn't say that about a girl Jason. They will kill you or ignore you. You pick which one is worse little buddy." said Natsu.

Jason thought about that as Elena said,"To explain why big brother, Karma was busy with training the other guardians and Saya was cooking him something. Kenji was trying to kill Karma which blew up in his face.". Natsu sighed as he said,"My life is so confusing sometimes.". "So are you big brother? I mean you have a lot of girls who like you according to them. I just want big brother to be happy. We all do." said Molly. Star meowed in agreement with her.

Natsu said,"I don't know and I think this free time that I have, I'll have an answer.". "Okay! So what events are you competing in?" said Jason. "The three-legged race. Do you guys want to guess my partners?" said Natsu. "Um. That one guy who's missing an eye." said Elena. "No. I think it is Big sister Rain." said Molly. "Molly is right so until the train gets here, she gets to pick the treat." said Natsu.

Natsu was keeping an eye on the four while he was currently using Astral and Terminal to find an ice cream station in the nearby area. "Okay. Where are you?" said Natsu. He was quiet for a good minute and he said,"Okay. About five feet to the west.". He made a clone to keep an eye on them with Natsu heading toward the station. He saw the employee and she said,"Welcome!". Natsu stood there and he said,"I think I'll need one blueberry, strawberry, and chocolate.".

The employee said,"And what about you handsome?". "I will be fine." said Natsu. She held the three cones as she said,"Here for free. Just promise me that you'll do fine.". "Okay sure." said Natsu who looked confused. He walked away and the girl turned into Loki. "Lets see if you can handle the truth about yourself Nat-Chan." said Loki. He and the ice cream station disappeared with Natsu being the none the wiser about him being there.

Natsu looked at his siblings who enjoyed their treats and Star was enjoying fish on his lap. "So when are they getting here?" said Elena. "Soon." said Natsu. He closed his eyes and he shook in fear. "Big brother?" said Molly. Natsu opened his eyes and he said,"It's nothing. Look the train!". The four were happy about the train and Natsu thought,"That was the future and it doesn't look good. I have to get ready for that day.".

The train stood there and Riku got off. He looked tired and Jason said,"Uncle!". He hugged him and Riku said,"You know that I'm not that old right?". "Well, he consider you an uncle since well, his dad is alive despite him never being around. Good to see you in person dad." said Natsu. Star meowed as Elena said,"So what did she say big brother?". "She said that she would like to see my wife aka your older brother's mother." said Riku.

Molly said,"You can understand cat?!". "It's actually pretty easy to understand compared to trying to learn all of the languages in the Underworld. It is a pain right son?" said Riku. "Yeah. So where is mom?" said Natsu. He got his answer as Asuna hugged him. "Natsu! I missed you so much!" yelled Asuna. "I saw you the other day!" said Natsu. Asuna pouted and she said,"You know that you don't come to visit me often.". "I really don't want too." said Natsu.

Elena said,"So where is the mummy and spider girl?". "They're getting our bags. You know that you really should visit the Underworld more son." siad Riku. "Yeah. I do owe my children a visit and also we need to talk." said Natsu. "Okay. Lets me spend time with my nieces and nephew." said Riku. The three jumped onto him and they dragged him around. "Wow Natsu. It is sad to see that your father aka the Underworld King being controlled by children how sad." said Visalth.

Asuna said,"So Natsu, have you thought about what I asked you this morning?". "Sure have. I'm not sure about it. I mean dad didn't have a harem." said Natsu. "Well your father wasn't popular with the fairer sex compared to you son. I mean you should see the fan mails that you get." said Asuna. "And I told Dad and you mainly that my life is complicated. I will be visiting more however. So lets get you to my place okay." said Natsu. "Okay!" said Asuna.

In an unknown location, Kouta stood there. "Are they ready yet? I wish to sick the Evolved on them at their sports forest. I mean it is perfect due to the fact that everyone will be there and killing Ryker will be so much fun." said Kouta. "Yeah! The Evolved are ready and it will take a long ass time to be defeated even by a Rank SS." said a voice. "Good. Begin the process. We'll send them out and make sure that I become the strongest." said Kouto.

Next time,
What is Kouta planning to use the Evolved for? Why is Natsu teaching the rest of his class magic?! It seems after the defeat of Robin Parker and the Infernal Council, evil still remains. What will happen so stay tune and find out next time on Soul! 

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