Thursday, October 20, 2016

Soul Episode 105 Fiery Game of Cops and Robbers!

A/N: Welcome to Episode 105 and maybe one day, I will be at two hundred. I don't expect that but I think we will go past 150 I hope but who knows for sure. We will just have to wait and see what I put out. Anyway, this episode is mainly some filler and not a lot of Rogue Enterprise. It is like the Seven Deadly Sins who are gone since they were destroyed during the last arc. Lets begin without a rant and at school in Class 1-A. Also Miu isn't here today because of Rogue Enterprise reasons.

Narrator P.O.V.
Cole was sitting in class bored out of his mind and he said,"God. I hate school.". Kana looked at him and she said,"So are you alright?". "Why? I don't look sick do I?" said Cole. "No. It just that you and some seniors went to go help Natsu and friends fight in the Kingdom of the Damned. I hope Lin and Shon are okay." said Kana. "They fought against Masoko and Sekien. Those two are strong unlike a certain muscle bounded idiot." said Cole.

Dylan slammed on his desk and he yelled,"What are you talking about Snow Cone?! I defeated his cousin in the Class War remember!". "Yeah but we had to make sure that our medallion weren't at all damaged. I lost thanks to Akane's fireball even though that I'm a higher rank than her as of late. I do wonder why you haven't been upgraded to Rank F yet." said Cole. Dylan was about to attack Cole but he was hit on the head by Reva.

Reva said,"You can save this for later Mr. Dyer. We need to start class now.". "Fine. You're lucky this time." said Dylan who stomped back to his seat. Reva stood in front of the classroom and she said,"I think you all know why Mr. Barraza and Ms. Lin Farrar aren't here today and yesterday.". "They were being mind controlled by Arata." said Reizo. "And Arata got his ass kicked by Natsu. I guess I have to get stronger to compete on the same level as him." said Kyle.

Reva said,"Anyway, we have a new student coming to our class because of reasons that I don't want to tell you. You, Ms. Serrano, and Ms. Moore don't mind showing her around the school after roll do you Mr. Glacier?". "I really got no problem with it. It gets me out of class for a while so I'm not at all complaining." said Cole. Dylan growled at the attention that Cole was getting and Reva said,"You may come in now.".

A girl with shoulder length orange hair and blue eyes. She was wearing the school uniform but with black combat boots. She had a cute pink hair clip on the right side of her hair. She bowed and she said with slight fear in her voice,"It's nice to meet you! My name is Asahi Aozora!". Cole looked at her as she walked toward the seat next to him. "She is hiding her true power but why. I wonder if she could fight me for real." thought Cole.

Later, Asahi was talking with Lucile and Kana much to Cole's boredom. "So is Cole always serious about things?" said Asahi. "He is because he is a ice Soul." said Lucile. "And Cole tends to only show excitement in battle or other reasons." said Kana. "So does he hate me?" said Asahi. "Not really. I do hate idiots and you ain't one from what I could tell." said Cole. Asahi smiled and Kana said,"So do you like him?". "That would be bad if you did." said Lucile.

Asahi looked confused as Cole said,"I have two girls who are pining for my attention. One is Alicia Reeves who is in Class E of our year and then that annoying rich girl. She and those two are quite annoying. I still wonder how Issac and Natsu deal with them.". "I thought Natsu scared Rio." said Kana. "According to Susie, she ignored it and treated as a sign of love." said Cole. "Sounds annoying to me." said Lucile. "It is." said Asahi.

Cole looked at her and Asahi said,"Oh! Sorry. I just have had people like me before at my past school and even if I told them that I didn't like them, they still talked to me much to my annoyance. I had to get the Student Council to stop.". "Oh wow. That sucks. We need to stop by his office." said Cole. "I see. You guys got it from here? I have to head to my club." said Lucile. "Okay. See you later." said Kana. Lucile walked away as Asahi was confused at what Cole was talking about.

The three then saw Issac and Natsu talking with Karma who was wearing scuba gear. "Sup." said Issac. "So what's with the toddler in scuba gear?" said Kana. "I came to talk with you two. Good job bringing them here Natsu." said Karma. "Yeah. I totally planned them coming here." said Natsu. "So what do you need us for?" said Cole. Asahi nodded and she said,"That's right!". "You two are needed unlike her." said Karma.

Natsu said,"But Karma, She is one of the three candidates for Student Council President if I recall right. She is important along with Issac.". "That's Right!" said Kana. She sat down proud and Issac said,"So did you find anything about the Sorcerer?". "How did you?" said Cole. "Even if I tried to hide info from him, his sister found it." said Natsu. "Ah. Shane Moss is the Sorcerer of Light." said Cole. "That's not a shocker." said the three in there.

Asahi looked confused as she said,"Sorcerer? What are you guys talking about?". A little bit later, she got it. "So is she a sorcerer?" said Kana. "Not at all. Unlike you and Cole, she is a guardian. I along with the two who I brought to the Underworld are also guardians. You are a guardian as well Cole Glacier." said Karma. "Okay. What is a guardian?" said Kana and Issac. "Not a smart bunch are they Natsu?" said Karma. "Be nice." said Natsu.

Meanwhile in a empty building on campus, a boy sat there. He is wearing a white dress shirt with black pants and black pirate like boots. He had on a fighter jacket that was like a cape and he had the Roman numeral X on both of his biceps with it being red. He has several scars all over his body with a large one resting on his right cheek. He had a pair of dark green gloves on. He had spiky yet smooth black hair with very obvious dark circles under his red eyes.

He looked up and he said,"What the hell do you want?". Lucas stood there and he said,"You need to head to class.". "Why? I mean I'm learning shit out here." said the boy. Spawn appeared and he said with anger,"I think you need to come with us now Tyson!". Spawn went toward Tyson who said,"It is time for you to leave now!". He made a huge explosion of flame which launched Lucas and Spawn out in a second.

Efren stood there leaning on a tree and he caught Lucas using his metal chain turning into a net. "So how did that work bud?" said Efren. "It didn't because Scarface." said Spawn who growled. "Your power is messed up man." said Efren. "Yes but we need to have him in class." said Lucas. "Maybe we shouldn't force him to do something that he doesn't want to do." said Efren. "Lucas! Lets get him to listen us!" yelled Spawn. Spawn dragged Lucas away and Efren sighed.

Efren kept watching Spawn drag Lucas inside of the building and getting blasted out toward the net about eight times. Spawn was about to go again but he was stopped due to the crispy Lucas who was pretty much dead. "No more. Stop him Efren." said Lucas. "Okay. Stop." said Efren. Spawn pouted and Efren said,"So I got a message from Honoka and Jack.". "What did it say?" said Lucas. "We have the other problem child causing trouble as well." said Efren.

Spawn said,"So why are both problem children in your class huh?". "I don't know. One stays in this abandoned building and the other one is doing the same thing except she has some people guarding her." said Lucas. "We could ask him for help." said Efren. "Yeah. Lets do this." said Spawn. Efren pulled out his phone and he texted Natsu. "Okay. He says that he is in but he needs to get ready." said Efren. Efren dragged Lucas to the nurse's office to recover from his wounds.

Back at the Class C Classroom, the guys excluding Natsu were in the main room. Soran was looking at Yataro and he said,"So what are you doing?". "I'm making a tank trap. What does it look like? I did help with saving Sora but I need to get the stress out you know. I build things when I'm stressed out okay." said Yataro. "But this is super advanced!" yelled Matt. "It is impressive though man. So did you this now or have you been working on this for a while?" said Rex.

Yataro said,"As a super genius, I tend to spend my time in the lab building stuff to help people and I am sure that anyone could do this if given the right stuff. However, I do think that Masaru is a giant idiot though.". He placed the tank on the ground and he held a remote control. He moved the tank around the classroom and Terry said,"Cool!". It fired rubber bullets at some cans and Jake said,"This is nuts. I mean it was silent like a ninja when it was moving or shooting.".

Ryo said,"It looks smarter than one may thing.". "Since it is remote controlled, the tank is able to move without a single peep. The gun however I control using a camera on the controller. It works in unison with the tank and I'm able to fire it without much thinking." said Yataro. "It is like something from a spy movie or something." said Seth. "Yes. It is something that can defeat Natsu due to it being able to hit his Achilles Heel. The Right heel. Weird isn't it?" said Yataro.

The tank moved through the building and Ryker said,"I guess he isn't here.". "He is still at the school I guess." said Haru. "Okay. Lets do a test drive and examine the area." said Yataro. The tank and the boy heard the girls jumping over them toward the woods through the windows.  The room got quiet and Harry said,"Did you guys see that?". "No. This camera couldn't do it. Its sight is too dam small to noticed anything in front of it." said Issac.

Ben said,"So why don't you make the camera bigger then?". "Can't. It'll get heavier and I think that it will be hard to hit someone like Natsu." said Yataro. "Why not switch out the lens? I mean it is easy to do right Yataro?" said Katsuo. "You guys got the man for the job. I will get the new lens with ease guys." said Harry. The guys crowded around Yataro talking about the tank's camera and Soran said,"I really hope that this is a good idea.". "Who knows?" said Kyoji.

The tank went toward the back and it fell down to the ground. "Okay. I got it." said Jake who rushed out of the room. "We may need to make the wheels stronger just in case guys." said Katsuo. "In the future, I was good with this kind of stuff." said Tatsu. "The color sticks out doesn't it. We aren't on a battlefield. We should make sure that they don't notice it." said Dante. "I got this. We should paint it better for sure." said Matt who held paint supplies.

Issac said,"I guess I will make a map for this little guy. I got an good memory and my writing is good for sure.". "You guys can't fight on a empty stomach. I'll get my boys to bring food up to us from the best places in the city." said Katsuo. Kyoji and Soran watched the boys working on the tank with the twelve year old smiling. "This is nice right?" said Sekien. "Yeah. Soon, we will be able to peep at the girls wherever they are!" said Harry. The angry girls then attacked Harry.

Reva was later sitting in front of the class with Natsu on the roof of the building reading a magazine and getting a tan. "Okay. I think it is time to teach you how to free run." said Reva. "Free run?" said Stacey. Natsu looked up and Reva said,"I know that the Infernal Council is long gone but you can't be too lax. Okay, I need you to look over for me Soran and tell me how you would do it. Take a guess. I am not judging you on how right you are.".

Soran looked at what Reva was pointed at and he said,"That would take about a minute I guess. You would have to take maybe 10-12 seconds getting down this cliff and then running toward the tree is about the other portion.". "Okay. Time me then." said Reva. She stood on the cliff and she said,"You may be thinking that running at the speed of light is only for Jake and Ryker right? It can be done or somewhat close to it. Just watch.".

She jumped back and she started to run toward the tree.  She reached the tree through a couple of jumps and she yelled,"How long Soran?!". "Five Seconds?" said Soran. "This little trick will teach you how to run on air and go places fast. It isn't easy though. It takes practice to do it and it will be easy for sure you kids. I do hope you don't do this without my permission though." said Reva. Natsu watched the class learn how to do this and he smiled.

A little bit later, Mia was walking into the classroom and she was caught by Natsu who was wearing a police uniform. "Being late to class is bad Ms. Cruz." said Natsu. "So what are you doing in that outfit Natsu? Cosplay practice?" said Leona. "I noticed that you all have been running lately without me and I felt lonely. I think we should play a game then." said Natsu who was messing with a pair of handcuffs.

Masaru said,"Seriously? That sounds so....". He was then tied up with ropes as Natsu said,"I think it is time to embrace our youth with Cops and Robbers Tag! The Class C Edition!". "Cops and Robbers and Tag?" said Rain. "You all will be the nasty crooks and you will be hiding from me and my sister who are cops." said Natsu. "Yes." said Reva. "If you guys somehow evade us in lets say an hour, I will use my sister's paycheck to buy you guys a giant cake." said Natsu.

Reva punched him as Natsu said,"However if we win, you will have to do double the homework. It is fair no?". Natsu heard yelling and Yumiko said,"You can run at the speed of light and you have super senses! This is so unfair!". "I thought of that. I will be staying in a single place until the last minute. It is fair now right? Reva is slow compared to me." said Natsu. As he was being hurt by Reva, Moka said,"If we have that, we could do it.". "Lets do it guys!" said Issac. "Yeah!" yelled the class.

In the woods, the class was getting ready to work. Jake was sitting on a rock and he said,"Man. This is awesome. It is like we're kids again and being up this high is making this awesome.". "I wonder if Natsu and Reva can work together though. They are polar opposites to say the least." said Rain. "You know that this is going to easy man? I mean it is us vs them. We got this." said Harry.  Blair, Ryo, and Tsuki stood nearby him.

Harry said,"I mean Reva is only human and this place is huge! She will mostly likely get maybe one or two of us.". "Yeah. We only have to worry about the last minute though. Natsu is really fast." said Blair. "Don't worry. If we hide, we can hide from Natsu even with Astral on his side." said Tsuki. The game started and Reva was on the move. "Okay. This place has their aura so lets see if I can catch a good amount starting off." thought Reva.

She jumped through the woods and she tagged Blair, Harry, Ryo, and Tsuki. "Blair, Harry, Ryo, and Tsuki. You four are out of here." said Reva. She jumped away and the four said,"What?!". "You have to believe me bro! She is like lightning!" said Harry. Rex hid as a animal and he said,"You do know that this is real life right? I'm sure that you guys just missed her.". "No! She is mostly likely behind you now." said Harry. The forest heard several screams as more fell.

Ruri said from a phone,"And we have twelve students captured!". "Oh man. We're getting massacred out here." said Tara. "Isn't this a normal game?" said Rain. "This is cops and robbers right? We should be..." said Dana. "We should be able to tag the others out for sure! Lets go." said Alex. She jumped ahead as Haru said,"Idiot Alex. You do know that HE is guarding it right?". Natsu was watching over the twelve students and Haru said,"See.". "We're doomed!" said Alex.

It was Blair, Dana, Harry, Hikaru, Jake, Kyria, Leona, Phoebe, Rex, Ryo, Tsuki, and Yusuki in jail with Natsu who was keeping an eye on them despite him not at looking at them. "It seems like the criminals are screwed aren't they folks? Any tries to save them will fail with me here." said Natsu who was looking at the sky. "Okay. He is a crazy dictator when he wears that." said Harry. He was hit by a soft plastic hammer from Natsu.

Natsu said,"I suggest you shut your mouth. I wish for you all to do your punishment in quiet.". They were holding notebooks as Hikaru said,"So why are you doing this?". "Yeah. We're studying when we are in jail." said Jake. Ruri said,"Cindy and Terry are captured!". "We're screwed." said Phoebe. Reva was going through the forest as she tagged Ben and Masaru. "They're treated me like a monster or something so good for them." said Reva.

She jumped off as she got Kyria and Ryker. "So who is left?" said Reva. Harry smiled and he said,"I got it!". He got Natsu's attention with Rain in a bikini. He held the picture and he said,"Go.". "Guys! I got him distracted!" said Harry. He tagged everyone out excluding Ben, Cindy, Kyria, Masaru, Ryker, and Terry. "Idiot pervert." said Rain. "They all escape boss." said Ruri. "So how did they escape dear brother?" said Reva who was pissed off.

Natsu said with a perverted grin,"They escaped me boss but can you blame me? My girl has the best breasts around!". "Get your mind out of the gutter now!" yelled Reva. She took a deep breath and she said,"You'll be getting more people so don't let them escape this time.". "Gotcha sir." said Natsu. A few minutes later, Sekien and Urara joined the prisoners that Reva captured a little bit earlier and one of them thought of an awful plan.

Urara said,"Hey Natsu. You do know that I have a little brother right? He is at the same camp as your sisters and I wonder what they would think of you right now.". "Go." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Urara who was happy that her plan worked. "I don't want them to think bad things about me." said Natsu. It took only a second but the eight trapped in there were gone. "Hey Reva-Sis! Can you hear me?! Why they escaping jail?!" said Natsu who was in a different cosplay. "It's your fault!" yelled Reva.

The prison was easy to escape because of Natsu being able to bribe and also the fact that he is lazy as hell. Reva came out of the woods holding two guns. 'Where the hell is my idiot brother?! He needs to get here now!" yelled Reva. "He went to go get something eat." said Tara. Natsu was enjoying some popcorn and Reva was yelling at him. "They have no teamwork." said Nazar. "What can you expect from two opposing forces?" said Haru.

Reva said,"Okay. This isn't a game anymore. If you let someone escaped, you're dead okay?". "I got it chief but keep this in mind. The Prisoners have learned something from this." said Natsu. Reva then looked at him but rushed into the woods. She looked around for the others and she said,"Where are they?". She heard Natsu say,"That homework that I gave them was tricks for defeating you.". "Why did you do that?!" yelled Reva.

Natsu said,"They're normal kids in a sense. I told them that they should cover their tracks using the falling leaves, swinging through the trees like monkey, and doing this stuff will confusing you for sure sis.". "Wow. That is smart. They are using your teachings and teamwork to hide from me. You should be a teacher Natsu." said Reva. "Thanks sis." said Natsu. She tagged Stacey and Tatsu as she said,"You're still growing though compared to me.".

She saw Amy, Jake, Moka, and Ryker standing there with a smile. "So? These four are the faster in the class hands down. Impressive. Are you here to taunt me into chasing you?" said Reva. "A little so see you later!" said Amy. The four were gone and Reva said,"They must know the left part is quite dangerous due to someone's stomach earlier. I do hope you're ready for a true challenge.". She later caught the four in a second and she said,"You're fast but not fast enough.".

The four started panting as Reva said,"We're near the last minute so he is going to be let out.". "Yeah but we won." said Ryker. "What are you talking about?" said Reva. "You see. We all know that Natsu is the fastest hands down." said Jake. "So? You better explain." said Reva. "We spread all out over the mountain to make sure that Natsu couldn't captured all of us." said Moka. "We won!" said Amy. The woman started laughing and Amy said,"So what's so funny?". "Just watch." said Reva.

Natsu left the prison and he said,"Beast and Solar Form Fusion!". He turned into a beast like wolf form with the flames replacing his fur. "Begin the slaughter." said Natsu. He rushed around the entire mountain in second with the flames making it obvious. Ruri said,"All Robbers captured! Winners are the cops!". Reva looked at the students who was sulking. "I seriously thought that we had him." said Sekien who was covered in a minor burn.

Natsu said,"Yeah. You do know those escape plans of yours worked for me right because I masked you all with a scent that can't be smelled by a normal nose.". "So you cheated?" said Haru. "Not at all Haru. I used what I had to my advantage and that happened to by my super sniffer." said Natsu. The class walked inside with them all mumbling cheater much to Natsu trying to convince them otherwise of that. Reva smiled and she hoped that Natsu would be like this forever.

Back on the main campus, a woman was sitting there in a empty classroom. She has long dark green hair which she had two matching ponytails. She has a dark blue eye patch around her right eye and her left dark blue eye was shown. She has a revolver around her neck like a necklace. She is wearing combat uniform with shoulder armor and infrared visor like a bandanna. She wears the uniform but she replaced the skirt with baggy pants and the shoes with high boots going into the pants.

She looked like she belonged into the army rather than a high school but compared to the devils in the school, she is pretty normal. She looked up and she said,"What do you want water girl?". Emily stood there and she said,"I just wanted to hang out Sierra.". "Fine. You aren't trying to bring me back to class are you?" said Sierra. "Nope!" said Emily. She sat down in a desk and Sierra said,"So what do you want? I thought you were with your little brother.".

Emily smiled as she said,"Natsu is more than a little brother to me. He is actually pretty nice. You may like him.". "You know that he has a girlfriend right? She is one of the most famous girls in the school." said Sierra. "Yeah but you know that he is the son of the Underworld King right?" said Emily who smiled. "He could be the Second Christ but I don't really are. If you going to gloat about him Emily, just leave." said Sierra.

Emily flicked her forehead and she said,"You like him too. You just don't know it yet.". She walked away as Sierra looked away. She glanced at a magazine nearby her and it showed Natsu in a fighting pose with his Beast Form, Demon/Devil Form, Draco Form, and Savant Mode behind him. "I guess you will be a good rival for me and maybe, he will be worth of my time." said Sierra. She then went into the ground.

Karma was sitting in Natsu's office holding several pictures. He held nine pictures and he said,"This was too easy.". He placed them down and he said,"Beside myself, Derrick, and Sabik plus Natsu, I truly didn't expect to find four out of five guardians this fast.". He then looked at the pictures of Asahi Aozora, Cole Glacier, Sierra Nakano,and Tyson Uchima in front of him. "I better have Natsu to make them join us." said Karma. He jumped down to head toward Natsu's location.

Next time,
Natsu faces off against Nagisa and Tyson because of Karma wanting them. Rogue Enterprise strikes with several robots and soldiers. Will Natsu and the others be able to defeat them before it is too late or will something else happen? This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Asahi Aozora. 15 years old. First year Class A at Star Valley High and Guardian of Air. Orange. Blue. 5 foot 6. Aquarius. January 24. Studying, fashion, cooking, inventing thing, and any form of school. People being nice to her.
Tyson Uchima. 17 years old. Second year Class A at Star Valley High and Guardian of Fire. Black. Red. 6 foot 10. O.  Virgo. September 19. Fighting, fruit, and his friends. Being reminded of his past, being tricked, and anything who pisses him off.
Sierra Nakano. 17 years old. Second year Class A at Star Valley High and Guardian of Earth. Dark Green. Dark Blue. 6 foot 4. AB. Taurus. April 21. Sleeping, fighting, anything cute, anything girly, and hanging out with people. Anyone weak and rules.

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