Saturday, October 22, 2016

Soul Episode 107 Jewelry opens the way up to the Hearts!

A/N: Welcome to another episode on Soul. This episode is based set on November 18, 2015 which is a Wednesday. I would think of something clever but read the title, you know that something good is going to be happening very soon. Lets begin already.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was a normal day at Star Valley High and Ellen was depressed. Normally, she would be in a good mood even if she was grading tests but she is sad since Reva is ignoring her. Ellen was ,during her youth which to her felt like it was forever ago, a fan of the woman. She had beauty, confidence, and power which she had one of it. Reva looked up and she said,"So have the Command Master Units arrived yet?".

Ellen said,"Oh yeah. The students are testing them out. The only one that didn't arrive was Natsu but he doesn't need it right?". "Yeah but that idiot keeps getting himself into trouble so he needs all of the protection." said Reva. "Yeah but the students are determined to protected him no matter what." said Ellen. "Yeah but in the real world, people of power are out there plus being dangerous." said Reva who went back to work. Ellen sighed and she wished something was going to happen.

Natsu was enjoying a personal barbecue that he borrow from an Oompa Loompa in America and he also pissed off a very masculine woman. "This is nice. I can kept this a secret from the others. Lets just enjoy this." said Natsu. He didn't noticed or care that something was coming down toward him. It was Stacey and she destroyed the barbecue. "Stacey?! What are you doing here?! And why are you using your CMU for that?!" said Natsu who was holding a piece of chicken.

Stacey's armor looked a bikini and she said,"Wow. Even wearing this thing, that totally felt like I was jumping from my bed to the ground. This fire isn't even hot.". Later, Natsu was relaxing in the forest with him reading a book and lemonade by his side. "They are having fun seeing me in pain. I now that they won't be able to find me here." said Natsu. His book was covered in paint with him hearing a high five from Blair and Ryo.

Blair said,"Sorry about that.". "No. We're not." said Ryo. "I have read this book a countless amount of time so I would be less mad if I read it more than enough times." said Natsu. A little bit later, Natsu was alone messing with some clay. He was currently making a dragon out of clay with him saying,"I may not be an art guy but this is looking pretty dam good to me.". Suddenly, several guys jumped in and Haru said,"Fire the Automatics!".

Natsu dodged the bullets but the clay wasn't so lucky. "Okay. What the hell is going on?! You all have been pissing me off. My lunch, my art, and my laziness!" said Natsu who had a little anger mark. He heard a sigh from Reva. "You idiot. Even with Astral, you couldn't tell that they want to impress you with their new toys." said Reva. They were all wearing the Command Master Unit which gave them extra attacking power, defense, and other such abilities.

It looked pretty casual for both the boys and girls. Natsu looked at them and Masaru said,"You know that you're targeted now and we're caught up in the crossfire. We want to at least defend ourselves and the idiot.". "Yeah. I mean we're stronger now. It is pretty dam sweet." said Karla. Reva walked away as Natsu said,"Okay! Lets get some targeting practice.". "Yeah!" yelled the class. He flew off as the class chased him firing their arm guns at him.

He thought,"When I first came here, I could tell that there was power but no love. Love and Power are two different things but when they're working together. They're perfect Aria. I hope they didn't hurt you.". He smiled as he flew off in several directions using his clones. The class chased after him for a good thirty minutes before they found out him sleeping on the roof of the building like a cat. It was now time to cheer up Ellen because they could tell that she is depressed.

Later. Akane opened the door to the teacher lounge. "Hey Ms. Sullivan. Could you help us out with something?" said Akane. "Ah. I wonder what you need help with. You're one of the smartest girls in the class right?" said Ellen. "Yes but I want to get smarter." said Akane. "Okay? I guess you should take a seat..." said Ellen. She was grabbed by Akane who said,"No. We should do it outside. It is so nice out today.". The two were gone with Reva plain lost.

At the shopping mall, Natsu was walking with Alex, Dana, Rain, Tara, and Terry. "So what can we get her anyway? I mean Ellen is pretty popular with girls from what I could tell so what could we give her?" said Alex. "This is actually tough." said Dana. "Yeah. I don't think that we could find anything for her this fast." said Terry who held an envelope of money. "You guys find something. I am going to get some food." said Natsu.

He walked away as Tara said,"At least he told us that his sister doesn't like flowers as a gift.". "Yeah and this is way too much money for a bouquet of flowers.". "Hey!" said a voice. The five stopped in front of a jewelry store and they saw the clerk waving to them. He had short gold blond hair and ocean blue eyes. He looked like a normal clerk and he had a smile. "So what are you kids doing out of school? I hope not ditching." said the man.

Alex said,"Of course not. I mean our friend would do that but we're looking for a gift.". "To make a long story short, one of our teachers needs a pick me up." said Dana. "Ah. I think she would like a diamond would she?" said the man. He held a diamond and he said,"Yep. You know that diamonds are a girls best friend but I have a different idea.". He went to the back and a little bit later. "That is so cool." said Tara.

He held a necklace which was made out of the twelve birthstones. "Yep. From what I know about the female mind, necklace made out of rocks are good. Don't get me wrong. Flowers are a great gift but I think jewelry are a good sign of love in my opinion." said the man. "Sweet." said Terry. "I think you need to hide that calculator though." said Rain. The man smiled and he said,"I need to make money you know so how about I make it cheap?".

The five were heading toward the food court and Dana smiled. "Wow. You know that she is going to love this." said Tara. "Yeah. He seemed like a good guy to me but maybe a little greed." said Terry. "I don't get the appeal of jewelry myself but it seems like a good gift from Ellen." said Alex. "She needs to wear some jewelry. I now that I like Natsu for his earring." said Rain. "What don't you like Natsu for?" said the four there. Rain blushed as they found Natsu eating.

Back at school, the rest of the class surround Ellen. "So. How do you write French in a story? I know that they did it in Skills." said Leona. "Are you feeling alright? You are actually too nice." said Ellen who was confused. "Why not? I like the fall." said Leona. "Hey Ellen. I remember you telling us that you can play the piano. Why not try it out?" said Rex. "Yeah and how about you pose?" said Harry. "I promise that he would don't anything pervert." said Karla.

Ellen was confused but she was happy that her students wanted to spend this much of their time with her. Natsu who was watching from nearby said,"She's a good teacher like Aria. She acts like an older sister unlike big sis who is a bitch sometimes. I now that she will be a great teacher like you were. So should I through my hat into the ring now? I wonder what I could do. I think I know.". He was gone as the woman enjoying herself.

Back inside, Reva said,"A necklace for Ellen? Why me? I think she would like it from you guys who are her students most of the time.". "Wow. You don't get it do you?" thought the shopping group. "I got it. You and Ellen are friends right? Friends do this kind of stuff for each other. I mean Natsu buys stuff for us without our knowledge. You should be a good friend Ms. Raiden." said Rain. "I get it. Let me do this." said Reva.

Ellen was shocked to see that everyone was going back inside. "What's going on?" said Ellen. Sekien said,"I forgot about the extra homework that we have to do!". "Yeah!" said the class. Ellen drudged her way through the halls as she thought,"I think they forgot about my birthday. I mean they were all busy with Natsu but I'm here too.". She opened the door to a classroom and she saw Reva standing there. It also look super romantic and Reva said,"Oh Ellen.".

She held the necklace and she said,"Sorry about this but Happy Birthday. Sorry that I am so late but you know why.". "You actually got a gift for me?" said Ellen who smiled. Everyone was outside and Ellen said,"Wow. I'm so happy. Thanks. You're not planning anything so I'm happy.". "We are friends right? I know that this is the last birthday that you going to celebrate." said Ellen. "Um why?" said Ellen who was shocked.

Reva said,"It's obvious. Once Natsu's target is gone at March next year, we will be leaving. I know that he'll stay here but I won't.". She kept talking as Ellen ignored her. She opened the window and she saw the class. Ben said,"Crap. We're caught.". "What are you kids doing? I know that Reva is a dense idiot just like her brother can be. I mean he is an idiot." said Ellen. She threw a tree away using her Gravity power.

Ellen said,"Did you enjoy yourselves? Was that fun? You kids sure enjoying seeing a woman in love don't you?". "No Ms. Sullivan. We were just trying to help you out of good will and the such. They don't want you to be sad." said Natsu. Ellen ignored him as she looked at the class. "Look at them. I guess they would rather have someone to play with as a toy rather than a teacher. I guess I should just go." said Ellen.

She threw the jewelry at Reva and she said,"Later Reva.". She stormed off as Akane and Issac said in unison,"Wait!". "Let her go guys. She will be back tomorrow and hopefully more calm." said Natsu who sighed. "Hey! Don't you think you were being a little rude?" said Jake. "Yeah. I mean you don't get it do you?" said Mia. "Coming from you, I'm actually insulted. She is a friend nothing more and nothing less." said Reva. She and the rest didn't know that this was going to spiral out of control.

It was Friday. "It has been a long time since she has been gone. She is usually the first one here but she hasn't been here at all so weird." said Ryker. "I think we went a little too far.' said Tsuki. "Hey. As your brother, I think you went a little too harsh on her. She is a shy and somewhat cute woman unlike you who..." said Natsu. Reva glared at him and she said,"Shut up Natsu. I have to talk with my class so you teach until she comes back.". She left the classroom and she took a deep breath.

Later at a coffee city in the city, she pulled out her phone and she called Eizan. "So what's up boss lady?" said Eizan. "So what have you heard? The governments have been hiding all of the deaths of those hitmen who were going after Natsu right?" said Reva. "Yeah. Me and Sora plus some agents have been trying to find any clues but we did find something." said Eizan. "What?" said Reva. "You know the name well. He used to be the God of Death after all." said Eizan.

Reva said,"What?! He has resurfaced?!". "Yeah. He is known for his ability to do anything. His main thing is that  No one knows what he looks like because he hides his face, he can find anyone that can pose a threat to him and kill them, and he is a boss. He is after Natsu and he will use anyone to get that cash." said Eizan. "Okay. I'll tell him about that." said Reva. "Okay. Good luck." said Eizan. He hanged up as Reva said,"Natsu. Don't do anything stupid.".

Meanwhile, Natsu was doing something stupid. He may be doing this on purpose or is he? Lets see if it is A or B. "So where are you going exactly Natsu?" said Miu. Natsu was floating in the air and he said,"I have to stop in America to grab me a super large drink. It's going to be so awesome. Call me if you hear anything about Ellen.". He then flew off and Soran said,"I can't believe he is leaving for that stupid of a reason.". "He is an idiot plain and simple." said Kyria.

Yusuki said,"I hope she is okay.". "I can't reach her cell." said Amy. "You guys seriously don't think she would leave because of Reva right?" said Ryo. Robin suddenly appeared and he said,"That won't happen at all Ryo. She has too much to do here.". "You're right. It is fun when she is here." said Cindy who wasn't concerned about the man. "You all have a bond with her. That is obvious so I should take advantage of that no?" said Robin.

The class jumped back in fear and Rain thought,"How did he? He blended in like a chameleon!". "I'm the world's best assassin, God of Death, and Robin Parker. I think I should start teaching now." said Robin who smiled. The class was frozen in fear and Robin said,"To be honest, it is a good thing that the target is such a glutton. I mean he would have been able to sense me because of our bond. Oh and I think cyber girl should show you what I send her.".

Everyone looked at the main monitor of Ruri which was a fridge but with no soda. It showed Ellen tied up in a dress and Robin said,"Tada!". "Ms. Sullivan!" yelled the class. "Bingo. You kids aren't hormonal teens. So let me it easy for you even more. If you would like to save your teacher, you will not telling your teachers or Nat-Chan about this, you all will come to the location that I provided for you but if you're scared, don't come." said Robin.

Robin drew a picture of a woman on the blackboard and she drew several lines in her. "If any of you don't show up, I'll give her back to you in forty eight or nine pieces. The next one will most likely be a girl or maybe a guy if I'm feeling risky." said Robin. Rain was worried for her life but she couldn't help but feel at ease with him. Haru thought,"Son of a bitch. He is pulling a me.". Masaru slammed his desk and Robin said,"Yes?".

Masaru said,"You bastard. You think that you're so dam important but even if you hurt anyone of us, I think you will be scared shitless of a pissed out Natsu and Reva. You are also going to get your ass kick hard by us right guys?". He was then corned by Masaru along with Ben and Rex. "You're wrong Masaru. You guys are scared and you will be coming to save her. Good bye for now. See you later kids." said Robin. He was gone due to petals as a piece of paper fell on the floor.      

Later, Yataro said,"I found something. It's a bug.". He held a little device that he found under the teacher's desk and Matt said,"May I?". The boy destroyed it and Jake said,"He grabbed Ellen during all of this dram. He knew that Natsu and Reva were gone so he must have felt pretty cocky.". "I don't get his name. I mean he is too nice to be the God of Death or God." said Charl. "You're so dumb you know that?" said Haru.

She glared at him who said,"Loving that glare of yours babe. Anyway, he has an aura that makes you think that until the last second before you're dead. Get it?". "Yeah. So is she okay?" said Charl. Ryker held the paper and he said,"Yeah. We all need to go to the location written on the map. Family and teachers will be killed if you tell them along with our teacher's life.". "He is using us to bring out Natsu." said Dante.

Nazar punched the wall and he said,"Dam it! Why the hell did they do this shit?!". "Idiot. We're the closest to the boy who is worth 1 trillion dollars anywhere on Earth. He is going to use us to kill Natsu." said Blair. Everyone was quiet as Masaru said,"We should use them.". He then pointed to his CMU which was in standby mode and it looked like normal gym clothes. "We did decided to use this to protect Natsu right? I think we should count it for her too." said Stacey.

Harry smiled and he said,"Lets do it. I mean we owe her a lot for teaching us English and also she is pretty hot. He may be the best hitman but we are the best Class.". Everyone felt pumped up for the fight ahead. Reva was heading back to the classroom and she thought,"GOD. He is known for being a loner but he will use people to kill even family. He will kill soon and I can't let him now.". Reva saw a flower and she grabbed it not noticing that Robin was watching her walkaway.

Outside of a warehouse, a drone was flying around the place. This is one of Yataro's location and Kyoji said,"So this is it? Huh, I didn't expect that.". "I had my baby go around the place. I didn't see anyone in or outside of the house." said Yataro holding the drone. "I think he would have at least a person watching the place." said Masoko. "Yeah. We can presume that he doesn't know all of Class C so we should use that." said Cora.

Issac said,"Okay. We will be using our CMUs plus our individual talents. He doesn't know all like Cora said so lets use it. We will act like we give up but we will grab Ellen no problem. We will all leave together!". "Hey Ruri. If we're not back by midnight, inform my wife." said Irene. "Sure thing Irene. I wish you all good luck." said Ruri. "Charge." said Rain. Class C excluding Natsu and Ruri then went inside the warehouse.

They all spread out and they heard,"You all came! I'm so happy. Time to close the door so we can party all night.". Haru looked up and he saw a camera. "So? You're watching us? You even more of a pervert than Harry." said Haru. "Hey!" said Harry. Alex hit him as Robin said,"So you are wearing a new pair of duds. Are you going to fight me if you have a chance?". "No. We are all here as promise and we came here for Ellen." said Akane.

Robin ignored her and he said,"Let me see. Oh. I guess you learn something from Reva or maybe my good pal Nat-Chan. I think I should bring them to me.". He pressed a button as the ground started to shake. They all fell down to the ground and they all saw Robin standing there with Ellen tied up to the wall. "All right double prizes or should I saw forty eight prizes. Doesn't roll now does it? You all are is like an elevator like prison. I made it for you guys." said Robin.

Robin shrugged as he said,"Too many risks come in captured you all one by one so I decided to bring you all to me.". Hikaru held on the bars and she said,"Ellen!". "Yep. You all know that you're bait for Nat-Chan. So don't cry or scream. If he comes, everyone lives." said Robin. Katsuo slammed on the walls around him and Masaru said,"God dam it! Let us out!". Akane said,"You don't plan on killing her are you?".

Robin said,"Nope. It is like making a dish. The more ingredients, the better dish. You need to make it so the prey can come to you. If anything happens, he is going to see all of you covered in red. I hope that he gets mad. I just love when Nat-Chan gets mad.". "So you won't kill us for now?" said Harry. "I guess the pervert is the scared one more than the guys." said Robin. "So if we make you mad, you won't kill us." said Harry. "Yes. Why are you acting like a bitch right now?" said Robin.

Harry smiled as Tara and Terry stood behind him. "Yep. Not any more." said Harry. "Hey Terry. This wall is weaker than the others." said Katsuo. Terry placed something on it and Tara placed a smoke bomb down. A explosion went off as Robin looked up. He saw a giant hole and he said,"Yeah! Lets have some fun now!". He smiled as he started to shred his skin. His body was covered in darkness and he slithered off.

Robin thought,"Star Valley High Class 1-C. They are unlucky because they have a classmate who is worth more than they could make in a lifetime, Time to see if they are truly loyal to each other or not so lets begin.". The group heard,"What's wrong kids? Oh I think I know why. You're trapped under ground and I don't think none of you are moles or something that can dig out of here. The only way out of here is with my eyes baby so you need to kick my ass to get out of my maze mice.".

Masaru punched the nearby wall and he said,"Dam it.". "So you used some explosives huh Terry and with Tara's smoke bomb. I never get to fight against an army. It is a waste to use as hostages but this is a warm up for the big guns. You will be helpful for me to kill Nat-Chan. You better not disappoint me so come and kill me however you like. Bye!" said Robin. It was quiet and Masoko said,"So we're just puppets for him aren't we?".

Back in America, Natsu was enjoying his drink. "Man. America sure is nice. I think I should try and piss off someone." said Natsu. "And why are you doing that?" said Visalth. Natsu then shrugged his arms as he looked down to see that he was floating over the White House. He noticed that several air fighters were looking right at him and tanks for the ground. "Huh. This is going to be hard not." said Natsu. He sliced through all of them and he said,"I bored now.". He flew back home slowly.

Issac said,"Okay. We have a role to play and it will in four different groups. If we all stay together, it will be like going through a buffet.". "Right." said the class. Issac stood with Alex, Blair, Charl, Haru, Kyoji, Masoko, Rain, Soran, Sekien, Tessa, and Yusuki and he said,"My group and Amy's group are battle. Other than Phoebe and Tessa, everyone here is a fighter. It's us vs the God of Death and others working for him. Akane and Cindy's group call us if they attack you. We'll strike hard and fast.".

Issac said,"Akane's group is focused on saving Ellen. She will be saved so that bastard won't be able to use her in a fight. Akane and Hikaru, you two will be focused on saving her. The final group aka Cindy's group will be trying to find a way out of here.". He looked up and he said,"If you see any kind of camera, destroy it. So Ruri, do you mind making a line for us?". "Nah. I don't feel like. You guys are going to lose to Robin-Sama." said Ruri who was picking her nose.

Everyone was silent as Ruri said while ignoring them,"Meh. Work is lame.". "She has been hacked and now she is lazy." said Chad. "That shouldn't be possible. I mean it is easy to hacker the mobile version rather than the real one but who could do this so fast?" said Terry. Robin had hacked her and he smiled. "Don't worry guys. We can still use our phones." said Lucy. "Right Lucy. Lets go!". said Issac. "Yeah!" said the guys.

Back at the classroom, Reva looked around for anyone. "Where the hell is anyone? Usually someone is here training or hanging out." said Reva. She heard Natsu crashing and she opened the window to see him. "Hey Reva. Where is everyone?" said Natsu. She was quiet and she didn't noticed that Natsu had appeared behind her. "I'll ask again and I better get an answer sister. Where are my friends? Did they find Ellen?" said Natsu.

Reva said,"Natsu. You need to calm down.". "Okay. I'm calm." said Natsu who clenched his fists and they were bleeding. "Oh hey." said Ruri. The siblings saw Ritsu and she was looking seductive. "Are you okay Ruri?" said Reva. Natsu held his nose from bleeding and Ruri said,"So like they went to go fight the god of death?". Natsu was silent and he said,"Where are they?". She printed out a map and he said,"Lets go.". "Right." said Reva.

Back in the warehouse's basement, Team A was looking for grunts. "Ten bucks say that the god of Death will try and surprise us. Keep an eye out of us Soran." said Issac. The vampire nodded and Charl said,"I think that hitmen aren't good from the front. They tried to hide in the shadows but if we corner him, we got this.". Rain heard large steps and they saw him. "Huh?" said Alex. It was a person made out of darkness and Tessa said,"He is coming right toward us.".

Alex and Yusuki rushed toward him and Alex said,"You're an idiot you know that!". "You coming out will be your down fall!" said Yusuki. Alex's punch and Yu's thunder went right through him and the blob said,"You aren't wrong but I'm the very best like no one ever was also Karate Chop!". He then chopped the neck knocking them out. Charl was then punched into the roof and he said,"Time for you to fly girl!".

He looked at them and he said,"You know that you're children up against a man! Prepare to fall hard or maybe soft but deadly.". He then rushed past by Masoko and Sekien who punched him and Blair's lasers to kicked Tessa in the ribs. "Sorry girlie but did I break your ribs? You ladies may better with power and other stuff but you're weak as shit. I can't be rough with others now." said Robin. Soran's eyes turned into vampire eyes and he said,"Move. He is mine.".

Everyone looked at Soran who was covered in jet black armor and a dark red aura was around him with its crimson moon above it. "He is using that?" thought the remaining members of Team A. Lets go back about an hour or thirty minutes, Soran said,"Guys.". Everyone looked at him and he said,"If we get into a fight, I will be using Natsu's blood to make myself stronger. Once he is distracted, the rest of you strike.".

Back in the present, he looked at Tessa. "She is fine. Her CMU protected her from the real pain of it all but she is going to be out for a while. I'm going to serve that bastard my revenge. Time to kill ...." thought Soran. Robin stabbed Soran in the neck with the darkness being taken out of him and Robin said,"Bye bye vampire.". He was gone and Haru said,"How the hell did he do that?". He along with Blair, Issac, Kyoji, Masoko, and Sekien were defeated by him in rapid combo.

Rain backed away and Robin said,"I won't kill you or hurt your friends if you just come with me. I don't bite unless you piss me the hell off.". "How do you know Natsu?" said Rain. Robin knocked her out and he said,"Sorry but I'll let Nat-Chan tell you that. Now, I think I'll go after them next. It would be rude to ignore them.". He opened up a portal and disappeared. Dana said,"Okay. I just figured out something you guys. Team A was completely wiped out.".

The rest of Team C (Cindy, Cora, Chad, Jake, Karla, Lucy, Miu, Rex, Ryker, Terry, and Yataro) were shocked as Rex said,"No way! We just scatter a few minutes ago!". "His strength isn't a joke. We still have Team D but..." said Lucy. "Don't give up! Me, Chad, and Ryker are way stronger than Team A for sure!" said Rex. "Relax Rex. This place is strange. Yataro has been doing some snooping using his Drone." said Terry. "And?" said Cora.

Yataro said,"On the other side of the wall to your left, there is a huge as hell cave.". "I don't think he made this for us. He made it to kill Natsu." said Miu. "God dam it. Where the hell are you Natsu? We up shit creek right now." thought Rex.  Meanwhile with Team B, they were in front of a door. "She is in here. We need to break this door down without alerting him." said Matt. "What are we going to do you guys? Team A is in danger so I was thinking that..." said Harry.

Akane said,"Calm down Harry. If we get scared, we are playing right into his hands. We can't win and it may look grim but we can turn the tables on him.". "How!? I mean Team D could be..." said Harry who was stopped by Leona and Yumiko. "We can use the leftover explosions, tear gas bullets, and stun guns from Yataro," said Akane. "Yep. We got this. We are Class C and we deal with Natsu everyday. He is like a monster sometimes but a good person." said Miu.

The door opened and everyone saw Ellen bruised. Akane and Miu rushed over to her with the others guarding the door. Seth cut the robe and he said,"We're here for you Miss.". "Yeah. She isn't sleeping or dead but her breathing is faint." said Tara. "We need to get to either Amy or Cindy's group. If we work together, we can save ourselves and stop the "God of Death"." said Akane. "Right. I will help her out of here." said Matt.

He picked her up and Mia said,"I think while Matt works with Ms. Sullivan, Harry and Seth will be at the front, Akane and Hikaru in the back, and the rest of us in the middle. We can get to the others for sure!". "I'm so happy that she is safe." said Tsuki. "Yeah. She is an awesome teacher." said Urara. "I think she is like an older sister than anything else." said Stacey. The group stopped to see Ellen who was standing up.

She had slammed Akane, Hikaru, and Matt into the walls. "You kids. What are you doing here? It is way past your bed time and I hate to piss off the GOD." said Ellen. "You're not serious are you?" said Mia who had Seth in front of her. "Yep." said Ellen. "You must be mind controlled! You wouldn't hurt any one of us." said Stacey. Ellen closed her eyes and she said,"Crash.". The group was slammed in the roof or ground by Ellen.

She turned around to see Robin appeared from a portal. "Wow. These kids are so weak right? I mean you are on Reva's level but you hide it why?" said Robin who had his arm around her. Ellen was dead quiet as Robin said,"Oh yeah. I erased you only to speak when I feel like it is needed and right now, it isn't. Well, I have to work to do. Good luck.". He was gone and then he reappeared. He was in front of Team C now and he said,"Hi!".

The group was quiet as Robin said,"Spooked aren't you? Well, you are just babies compared to me. It looks bad for you since I crushed Team A and D with ease. I think you should give up right now due to me being really angry.". "Bring it! Lets go guys!" said Rex. Yataro said,"We give up.". "Huh?" said Rex. "He is way too strong for us." said Yataro. "Good! Time to go in the portal now!" said Robin. A portal opened swallowing the teens up.

The entire class was tied up by Ellen as Robin said,"You can't escape. It is like that prison. You know the one surrounded by water. I think you all would make great bait to catch a Nat-Chan.". "Why are you making her do this?!" said Kyria. Alex, Dana, and Terry looked at Rain and Soran. Rain had a face of fear and Soran was out cold. "I don't think you could kill Natsu by the way." said Haru who smiled.

Robin looked at him and Haru said,"Well, you were soft on us. I don't think you had full knowledge on how the CMU works. I mean only Yataro does. You know if you went up against Natsu, you would be dead right?". "Yeah but look at the result. You're trapped like mice. If you have all the info in the world, you can't predict Nat-Chan. I can produce shit because I am the best. I'll be killing him and you'll watch." said Robin.

Issac looked around and he thought,"He's right. We had more numbers but we still lost. He has taken over Ellen and he didn't even break a sweat.". "Okay. Who is next? I think we should pick her now. I think you know her." said Robin. The class saw Reva on the wall in the prison and Robin said with a smile,"Yeah. She'll be a good taste before the main course.". "No. You can't capture Reva. She is like Natsu right?" said Moka.

Rex looked at Yataro and he said,"Why did you give up? I mean you're smarter than all of us put in a single body.". "I was alone." said Yataro. Haru then smiled and he said,"Hey GOD-Chan. Take a good look at the screen. You messed up again.". Robin looked shocked as he said,"How did he know?". "I am a student of Class C. We're a team." said Yataro. Natsu stood there with Reva and she said,"Don't forget about them.". "I won't. He is fucking dead." said Natsu who growled.

Next time,
It looks like brother and sister are here to save the day? Who is Robin Parker and how does he know Natsu?! Will the demigod duo be able to defeat the God of Death? This and more next time on Soul!

Team A (Battle): Alex, Blair, Charl, Haru, Issac, Kyoji, Masoko, Rain, Soran, Sekien, Tessa, and Yusuki.
Team B (Rescue): Akane, Harry, Hikaru, Leona, Matt, Mia, Seth, Stacey, Tara, Tsuki, Urara, and Yumiko.
Team C (Intel): Cindy, Cora, Chad, Dana, Jake, Karla, Lucy, Miu, Rex, Ryker, Terry, and Yataro.
Team D (Battle): Amy, Ben, Dante, Irene, Katsuo, Kyria, Masaru, Moka, Nazar, Phoebe, Ryo, and Tatsu.  

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Robin Parker. 27 years old. World’s Best Assassin/God of Death. Unknown. Unknown. 7 foot 6. AB. Aquarius. February 4. Killing, ways of murder, and perfection. Natsu.

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