Friday, October 21, 2016

Soul Episode 106 The Guardians vs Rogue Enterprise

A/N: Don't worry. We won't be having any new characters for maybe a few episodes. I would know how much episodes are in a arc but I tend to have at least five per arc. I would take about some more stuff but I don't really feel like it. Lets begin back in the Class C class room. Some name sound the same but they aren't related. Should have mention that earlier but I didn't for some strange as hell reason. Also I have Soul Fever. Lets just say that I'm feeling the energy right now. You also noticed that both N and Viper haven't gotten any characters intros yet. I wonder why?

Narrator P.O.V.
"What?! You're being targeted!" yelled Irene. She was glaring at Natsu who said,"Easy. I think this will blow over.". "Are you sure about that? You do remember what happened the last time that you were targeted right?" said Akane. "Yeah. We had to fight to save her." said Haru. Soran nodded and Rain said,"That is why we should guard him.". "And I hate when people fight my battles for me. It makes me less of a man." said Natsu.

Blair said,"You know that women have been proven to be stronger than men right? Sure there are some exceptions but most men are weaker than women. Japan has the weakest men.". "Don't worry you guys. This is her being nice." said Cora. "Yeah. She can be far worse." said Dante. Blair glared at him and she said,"Shut up.". Ellen got everyone's attention and she said,"Anyway, I think we should get back to class.". The class went back to learning with Natsu sleeping.

Terry said,"So we get mech suits?!". "That is so awesome." said Yataro. Ellen smiled and she said,"It is because of the government caring about our students safety.". She pointed to the blackboard and it showed something out of a mech anime. "This is known as a Command Master Unit. Its best known feature is the fact that it completely bonds with the host to create the best suit of armor. Each student will be provided one soon." said Elena.

Seth said,"So like if you use fire, it would increase your fire power.". "Correct Seth. If the unit detects that you're in danger, it automatically makes a barrier. It is very similar to your power Irene but you can only create a barrier in front of you correct?" said Ellen. "Yes. It is terrible because I won't be able to protect my wife from the back as well the front." said Irene. "I don't think that this is the main point of all of this. What else is there Miss Ellen?" said Phoebe.

Ellen then nodded as she said,"There is more Phoebe. There are three brands of command units. We have Attackers, Defenders, and Healers. Once we get the test batch, I think we should see which we have the most of us. I suspect Attackers but who knows? What brand you are is based off what the unit thinks you need to succeeded.". She kept talking as Natsu looked out the window. He noticed that Karma was trying to get his attention and he slipped out of class.

Karma was resting on Natsu's shoulder and Karma said,"Don't worry. I will be protecting you Natsu due to your role as the Guardian of Infinity.". "Yeah. So did you find the other guardians? I mean I left you alone with the students's files so I hope you found something." said Natsu. The two were going back to the main campus and Karma said,"I did. I found the others alongside Derrick and Sabik who will be meeting us to meet the Guardian of Ice and Air.". "K." said Natsu.

The two saw that Derrick and Sabik were surrounded by girls. Derrick said,"Sorry ladies but I'm not interested in a girlfriend.". "Me either. Leave me alone you harpies." said Sabik. Natsu stopped him from hitting one with his weapons as a girl said,"It's Natsu!". "Hey man." said Derrick. "Boss. Why did you stop me?" said Sabik. "I'm a member of the Executive Committee and I rather not having you attacking students. I suggest you leave ladies." said Natsu.

They were gone as Karma said,"So did you get my message?". "Yep. I can't believe that eight of nine guardians are students here." said Derrick. "And that four are first years and four are second years. It is so weird and convenient at the same dam time." said Sabik. "So who are they? Karma here didn't tell me a dam thing." said Natsu. "The Guardian of Ice is Cole and the Guardian of Air is Asahi. The other one is Rain and she is the Guardian of Life." said Karma.

Natsu was silent as Derrick said,"I think you broke him little guy.". "She is my guardian?! Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier?!" yelled Natsu. Karma hit him on the head and he said,"You idiot. You need to stay calm. We need to make sure that they don't hear us.". "Don't worry. I got this. I used my power to hide us from the other upon those girls leaving us." said Sabik. "You don't need to worry. It will be awesome for sure." said Derrick.

Natsu calmed down and he said,"I know that Rain is super strong but sometimes, I worry more than needed for her. She can handle herself so promise me something Karma. Make her stronger like you are will my little bro.". "Sure. So how should we get the Guardian of Air and Ice?" said Karma. "We could go from the front door." said Derrick. "Right." said Sabik. "I have an idea. Trust me on this you guys." said Natsu. "Okay boss." said the three.

Cole looked up and he said,"Natsu? What the hell are you doing out here?". "Did you say something Cole?" said Kana. Everyone else was working on a assignment including Asahi who was struggling with it. The only ones who were doing nothing were Cole, Kana, and Kyle. "Oh nothing. So do you like Natsu?" said Cole. Kana's face had a small blush and she said,"What are you talking about? He is a giant idiot.".

Cole smiled and he said,"He is.". "Huh?" said Kana. "Natsu is an idiot but a lovable one. He always puts himself in front of others to protect him from danger. I knew him back in middle school and he was picked on for his size. He didn't let those comment affect him and he always fought. I think he was hiding his sadness but now, he is really happy. So if you like him, I wouldn't blame you but you have tough competition." said Cole who smiled.

Kana said,"Yeah. A lot of girls like him and I think he knows that fact.". "Natsu and Akane are the two most important people to me so I'll protect them from the shadows." said Cole. The two noticed that the door opened and Natsu stood there. "Natsu?! What the hell are you doing here?" said Dylan who threw an eraser at him. Natsu caught it using his Dragon like claws that came out from both of his shoulders.

Natsu said,"I'm not here for a casual visit. I need to speak with Cole Glacier and Asahi Aozora. This is for the event coming up.". "Something is up with him." whispered Keiko. "What makes you so sure about that?" whispered Lucile. "Natsu tends to be loud and not serious but right now, he is quiet and extremely serious." said Kyle. "Yeah." said Lee. The two in question followed him out of the room with Cole not caring and Asahi happy about not doing that assignment.

Cole said,"I'm a Guardian?". The two were informed by Karma about what a guardian is with Cole saying,"That makes no sense. I thought that I was a Sorcerer.". "You are. From what I gathered, one of the guardians was a former Sorcerer." said Natsu. "I'm guessing that I'm that sorcerer who became guardian?" said Cole. "Bingo." said Derrick. "So how are you taking this?" said Sabik who looked at the quiet Asahi.

She said,"I'm shocked to say the least. I mean most of my life I wasn't that popular but since I came to this school, I became super popular. It is pretty nice.". "No it isn't." said Cole and Sabik. "Ignoring those two Gloomy Gus, it is pretty nice. I mean sweets are nice but sports are my thing. Lets go find the other two." said Derrick. "Actually, it is going to be harder than I though." said Karma. "Yeah. If I am right, Earth and Fire are going to be tough to talk with." said Natsu.

Tyson was sitting in his throne and he thought,"At least Lucas and Spawn are done for the day. Time to relax.". He closed his eyes and he was resting. "Tyson! Run!" yelled a voice. He looked up to see that he was the nightmare. It was seven years ago. A lover of his mother had tried to burn him, his parents, and his siblings which consisted of one boy and two girls alive. He survived while all of them died because of him activating his power to protect himself from the fire.

However, his entire body was scarred and he was left an orphan. Tyson woke up to see that Natsu and the rest of the group was there. "You. You're that first year." said Tyson. "Wow. You're so dam famous Boss." said Derrick. "Actually, Natsu is known for being a person who has absolute no control over his power and also a skirt-chaser." said Cole. "You're a pervert." said Asahi. "So what the hell are you all doing here?" said Tyson who clenched his left fist in anger and annoyance.

Karma said,"You need to come with us Guardian of Fire.". "What the hell is that brat talking about? It better not be stupid child rambling." said Tyson. "Can I hit him boss?" said Sabik. "No. Let me talk to him and if something happens, we need to make sure that both the Executive Committee and Student Council don't find us." said Natsu. "Yes sir." said Sabik who rested on the wall nearby. Tyson held a ball of fire and he said,"Stay there. I don't like you brat.".

Natsu said,"Why? Is it my hair?". Tyson was silent and Natsu said,"Listen. I did my research on you and the rest of the guardians. We are alike. I have a little brother and two sisters. They are the most precious thing to me. If I was in your shoes, I would shut everyone out. I also know that you didn't get revenge on the man who killed them. You're a good man so trust me.". Tyson was quiet and Cole said,"Guys. We have company and it ain't the good kind.".

Several robots appeared from the roof and Karma said,"What are they doing here?". "So what are they?" said Asahi. "They are Raid Units. They are pretty much the mook version of the Command Master Units. I heard that a huge shipment of them was stolen recently." said Natsu. "So are they unmanned?" said Tyson. He appeared next to Sabik and Sabik said,"I don't like people near me.". "I want my answer." said Tyson.

Derrick said,"They look unmanned to me.". "They are. I suggest you all to go out on them because Sabik put up a sound proof barrier right?" said Natsu. "Boss. Lets go already okay. It is good." said Sabik. Cole, Derrick, Natsu, Tyson, and Sabik rushed toward the robots and Karma looked at Asahi who was shaking in fear. "I'm guessing that you're not like them." said Karma. "Yeah. I haven't done any fighting before." said Asahi.

Karma sighed and he said,"Listen. The Guardian of Air is known for the ability to help allies in a fight. Not all roles are made for fighting. I wish you would start soon.". "Um why?" said Asahi. "I have a feeling that you will needed considering those five." said Karma. Derrick had several of them in a giant wave with Cole freezing the wave. Sabik smashed the wall into hail with Natsu and Tyson burning any hail and robots coming toward hi. "Yeah." said Asahi.

Derrick said with a smile,"Man! That was fun!". He held several robot heads and he started to juggle them. "So why did they attack us?" said Tyson. "Us?" said Asahi. "I like you all except for you and the toddler. You're stronger than Lucas and Spawn." said Tyson. "Spawn can be a little annoying but Lucas is strong." said Natsu. "Whatever. They seem weak to me." said Sabik. "So who else is in our play group?" said Tyson.

Cole got the group's attention by throwing the chest plate of the robot in the center of it. "I remember Kazuki taking about these things once. They can be controlled by anyone with the intelligence of two years old." said Cole. He pointed to a symbol and Tyson said,"RE?". "I don't think it is Rock Eggs. I mean why them right?" said Derrick. "No. It is Rogue Enterprise. We need to go find the Guardian of the Earth now." said Natsu. The seven ran out of there.

Viper stood there with N who sat on the roof of the building and she was still in a cloak. She looked at Natsu with Viper saying to N,"So are you happy that we got her to control Miu for us?". "Why did you ask her? She is part of the school after all." said N, "She is helpful when it comes to make Natsu suffer. I don't know why. I will make sure that they're busy. Take her with you and break the control in front of them." said Viper.

N said,"What about the others?". "Don't worry. I had the girls make sure that no one else beside them and Class C will be around to watch us." said Viper. "Okay." said N. She jumped down and Viper sent several Raid Units plus members of Rogue Enterprise follow after the group. "I bet you hid yourself from N but not me!" said Viper. The tail appeared and Emily appeared holding the tail out of water. "I wonder why you're here. Visiting a student?" said Emily.

Viper said,"No. You know why we are here.". "Right. You are here to kill my precious junior Natsu Ryu Xasius." said Emily. "You're not wrong about that. I wonder if N is going to start like Reisa did a few days ago." said Viper. "Reisa? You know the Oblivion Dragon Empress?" said Emily. "Yes. She was asked to be a member of Rogue Enterprise but she said no. I do hope that you're ready to die now girl." said Viper. "Not going to happen." said Emily. The two started to fight.

Natsu looked back toward the school and Derrick said,"Something wrong boss?". They were in front of where the Guardian of the Earth was and Natsu said,"Yeah. I need to head back to the classroom. I think you guys can handle Sierra Nakano.". "Yeah. Go." said Sabik and Tyson. "Not so fast. Take her with you." said Karma. "Huh? Why me?" said Asahi. "You are the weakest link hands down." said Sabik and Tyson. "Plus Natsu needs some cover." said Cole.

Natsu held out his hand and he said,"Well, lets go then Asahi.". Asahi suddenly grabbed it with her instantly regretted due to Natsu being incredibly fast. "I feel a little bad for her but she needs to grow a little." said Derrick. "Yeah. She is strong but she is hiding it." said Cole. "You got that? I'm slightly impressed with that." said Tyson. "Yeah. I hope Natsu helps her to be strong." said Sabik. "Lets get to work boys." said Karma. "Right." said the four. They followed him in.

Sierra looked to see the five and she said,"Came to proclaim your love for me or what? I am sorry but I'm not into little people, sports nuts, freaks, and snowcones.". The five boys were pissed off as Karma said,"Do you know why we are here Ms. Nakano?". "Yeah. You think that I'm a Guardian? I want to meet Natsu. Where is he?" said Sierra. "He is busy. So you know about them right/" said Cole who looked behind him. "Huh?" said Derrick.

Several Raid Units plus soldiers appeared with Sierra said,"I'll help you out if I get a chance to fight against Natsu.". "Right." said Derrick. He rushed toward them and he said,"Time for you all to take a bath!". He turned into water with him going through all of the robots and soldiers. Cole touched the ground in front of him as it froze causing several of them being cold. Tyson made two giant ball of fire and he said,"Taste this!".

The two went toward the opposing force combining into one. It exploded into a huge burst of flame with the ice melting. Sabik rushed toward them and he lifted them into the air. He then made several illusion missiles which still caused pain. Sierra took a deep breath as two giant hands appeared from the ground finishing the rest of them off. "Wow. That was awesome." said Karma. "And why didn't you fight little guy?" said Derrick.

Karma said,"I'm way stronger than all of you combined. Why did they attack us?". "Rogue Enterprise is sending more units and soldiers after us." said Sierra. "Sweet. More fighting." said Tyson who made flames appear around his hands. "I hope you don't get sloppy." said Sabik. "Lets go you guys okay." said Cole. They ran out leaving Karma alone. "I wonder if Natsu and Asahi found what he sensed earlier." said Karma. He went to go join the others.

Back at Class C's Classroom, Rain looked at Natsu's empty seat. "You worried about your man? He'll be fine." said Chad. "You're right Chad but I can still worried right?" said Rain. "You're right. I mean I worry about Stacey." said Matt. "Yet she doesn't." said Haru. "Be nice Haru." said Ryo. "I am being nice." said Haru. The group heard an explosion and they all rushed out. N stood there with Miu and she said,"She belongs to you.".

Rex caught her and he said,"Who are you?". "My name is N and I'm here to kill Natsu. If you try to stop me, prepare to die." said N. "Fine. Prepare to die." said Masaru. He along with Haru and Nazar rushed toward her. N sighed and she said,"Fine. Prepare to die.". She fired out several lasers and they hit them. They were on the ground and Nazar said,"What the heck? Why can't I get back up?". N then kicked him into Masaru with her blasting the two with a giant laser.

N said,"You're weak compared to me. I think I will just stop all of you now.". She fired several lasers into the air and they knocked everyone out except for Rain. Chad had protected her with him crashing to the ground. "Chad! Everyone!" yelled Rain. N said,"You are Rain Scott. Natsu's girlfriend. Lets see if I can kill Natsu now when he is fulled with rage just like normal.". She was about to fire another laser but then she was blasted by a giant ball of fire. "Get away from her bitch!" yelled a voice.

Earlier, Asahi caught her breath when Natsu stopped. "I'm sorry Boss." said Asahi. "You know that you can call Natsu right? I think the others do it because Karma does it." said Natsu. "Yeah but you and I aren't close." said Asahi. "Ah. Just call me boss until you're ready okay?" said Natsu. "Um sure thing!" said Asahi. Natsu smiled and he looked up. "Rain. Join me when you're ready." said Natsu. It was a second but Natsu was gone leaving Asahi alone.

Rain saw Natsu standing there in his Demon/Devil Form. He flew over to Rain and he said,"What the hell is going on?!". "She suddenly attacked us and she is after you because she is a member of Rogue Enterprise." said Rain. "I see. Do you mind getting everyone inside? This is going to get deadly and I think Asahi will be here soon enough to help. That building is also me-proof." said Natsu who smiled despite him looking demonic.

Rain said,"You will live?". "You know me Rain. Just get everyone inside." said Natsu. "Right. You will be good I know." said Rain. She turned into her angel form with her grabbing the entire class and brought them inside. "You moved them away because you don't want them to see you angry." said N whose cloak ripped. Natsu plus Asahi and Rain who looked from the woods and inside the building were shocked to see N.

She looked like a female version of Natsu and also a younger version of Reva. "Okay. Who the hell are you and why do you like that?" said Natsu. Natsu was hit back by a giant fist as she said,"My origin isn't important but my objective is. I am N and I'm here to kill you.". She fired two giant ball of energy at Natsu who activated his Solar Form and deactivating his Demon/Devil Form. "Time for my Hellfire Wall!" yelled Natsu.

The wall of solar flames blocked the energy shots with Natsu rushing toward N who just smiled. Rain looked and she said,"Who is she?". "Rain! Are you okay?" said Sekien. He was the first to wake up as Rain said,"Yeah. Chad protected me and boy was he heavy.". "I could tell you that. Who was that girl anyway?" said Sekien. "She is N. She was created by Gehenna using Natsu and Reva's DNA so she is basically Natsu's Twin Sister." said Miu.

The two looked at her and Sekien said,"So why did you tell them about him being here?". "Sekien. I didn't tell them anything. I was controlled by a Sorcerer to do their bidding. One of them is working against the school. I didn't want to hurt anyone." said Miu. "She sounds like she is telling you the truth." said Rain. "Yeah. If she breaks our trust, she is dead." said Sekien. "That is fair. You do know that Natsu can't defeat her right?" said Miu.

Sekien froze her to the ground and he said,"Explain. He is the strongest Soul in the First year class hands down.". "He is holding back. I don't think he is doing this on purpose but right now, he is holding back. I don't know why either. Maybe a brain thing." said Miu who was shivering. "Free her Sekien." said Rain. "But..." said Sekien. "She isn't lying." said Rain. Sekien sighed as the three heard a giant explosion.

They looked outside to see that Natsu was breathing heavily and N had not a single scratch on her. It was a slaughter and Natsu said,"Die!". He rushed toward her with the Devil Arm activated and N hit in the gut. He coughed blood and he crashed into the woods. Asahi walked toward him and she said to him,"Are you alright boss?". "I'm fine. Let me kill her." said Natsu. N stood there and she said,"Sorry but that won't be happening. Good bye and prepare to die.".

She was gone as Natsu punched a tree. "God dam it!" yelled Natsu. Sekien rushed out with Rain. "So what happened?" said Sekien. "That bitch escaped! She is dead next time I see her." said Natsu who was angrier than normal. "You should go calm down Natsu. We will try to get the rest of the class to wake up." said Rain. "Right. Back in a couple of minutes." said Natsu. He flew off into the forest as Asahi said,"Are you guys going to be alright?". "Yeah." said the two.

Emily looked at Viper who was breathing heavily. "So you're a android then huh?" said Emily. Viper had several holes through out of her body and you could see all of the wires going throughout. "Yes I am. All of us in Rogue Enterprise were created to kill a person." said Viper. "And what happens when you complete your goal?" said Emily. "Who knows? I hope I can kill you soon Emily Peters." said Viper. She was gone in a bunch of snakes as Emily said,"What is going on?".

Cole looked at Asahi who came back from the mountain. "So how did it go?" said Cole. Derrick and Sabik plus the toddler had taken Sierra and Tyson with them back to class since they all belong to the same class. "Not good. Boss lost." said Asahi. "He lost? She must have been strong." said Cole. "She cheated." said Asahi. "What makes you so sure?" said Cole. "I may not be very strong but I am really good at seeing thing." said Asahi.

Cole said,"Explain.". The two were going back to class as Asahi said,"So whenever Natsu fired out a attack toward N, she fired it back at double maybe triple the damage.". "I see. Natsu must have been pissed." said Cole. "You're right about that. She seems to pissed him off more than Arata and Reisa did to him." said Asahi. "Yeah. I guess he hates to lose." said Cole. He opened the door and Asahi said,"Can you teach me how to fight?". "Sure." said Cole. They walked in.

Back in the classroom, Seth looked at Natsu who had on a straight jacket and face mask in the front of the room. "So why are you wearing that?" said Seth. "Halloween was a long time ago you know that right?" said Mia. "It is to make sure that I don't murder all of you in rage. I'm still pissed off despite me destroying a lot of shit." said Natsu. "So did you know about the cloning? I mean she was created because of you and your sister." said Cindy.

Natsu said,"Not at all. This is a shock to me as well. I mean if she is really my and Reva's clone, she is strong but missing something else.". "Her appearance?" said Issac. "Yes! She looked like an ironing board but she should be a beauty rather than a flat surface." said Natsu. "Boys. You know that she'll kill you next time that you meet right?" said Stacey. 'Yeah. I mean you couldn't land a single hit on her earlier." said Blair.

Katsuo noticed that a vein broke on Natsu's head and he said,"Shut up Blair. We don't need Natsu to go supernova on us.". "Natsu. What are you going to do about her?" said Amy. "Kick her but. Plain and simple no." said Natsu. "But...." said Ben. "You got it Natsu. You better not forget that we're here to protect you from danger." said Masaru. "Yeah." said Sekien. "And I will be too if you will have me of course." said Miu.

Kyoji said,"You know that you're welcome here right? Some people have fought against that idiot and now, they're pals. Just enjoy the class okay.". She smiled as Natsu looked outside. Rain looked at him and she thought,"I know that Natsu hates to lose more than anything. He is going to be more prepare for his fight. I just know it and we will all be there to help him.". Karma watched from outside and he said,"Natsu found himself some good people.".

Meanwhile, N was looking at herself. She was happy that she defeated Natsu but she felt angry that it took a certain device to make Natsu's attacks hit him in return. She wanted to make Natsut feel the pain that he gave to her. "So why are you so mad?" said a voice. She looked around and she said,"So what?". "I'm just saying that you only won because of that device. In a real fight, you would have lost like Viper did." said the voice.

N said,"I'm not Viper! She is weak compared to me. I'm the first! The Strongest! What are you?! You are nothing compared to me!". "No. I am stronger." said a voice. N shivered and she said,"How are you doing this?". "Trust me. I bet you will be seeing my true power soon enough." said the voice. It was gone as N said,"I don't think that you will be killing anyone soon. Natsu is stronger than you by a mile God of Death. He is mine.".

Next time,
Who is the God of Death? Why is he after Natsu? Is it the bounty on Natsu's head? I wonder if we will find out the real reason next time on Soul! 

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