Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Zero Episode 140 Reality Sucks Act 4

A/N: Yep. We're going back to Zero even though Episode 139 was the most recent post as Christmas Adam 2019 known the day before Christmas Eve. I decided to do this since we have two parts left of this arc and I also wanted to work on the details for my One Piece rant. Lets just say that I have a lot to talk about so I need to do some more research. The title of Episode 137-141 are connected to a Kabuki Play Structure.

They're doing this in Wano except the length between each arc is much different compared to mine. I probably won't be mentioning this in the rant but I do like this about Wano. It gives us a break and shows what's going on the outside world. To my knowledge, we usually don't get that in arcs such as Dressrosa or Whole Cake. It's a nice change of pace for the series even though Wano has problems at least for me. You'll learn about that soon.

Speaking of change of pace, lets talk about the Abrams family and I'm not talking about J.J Abrams since I'm not ready to talk about the complicated and divisive mess that is Star Wars. I'm going to wait on that issue for another time since I'm not a big Star Wars fan and I want to see how bad things get for this beloved franchise. We're talking about Henry Abrams and their unique take on the Spider-man mythos.

I personally feel like I can talk about this better than I could Star Wars since I know Spider-Man better than Star Wars. So why am I bringing this up? I decided to read this Spider-Man story after seeing an article involving it and Riri. Like I mentioned before, Comics do stuff like this all of the time to get attention such as Captain Marvel "killing" Thor and it worked. First impression of Chapter 1, I like the villain of Cadaverous.

I'm just a sucker for robotic villains and well, I just find him cool. Mary Jane dying isn't that big of a shock to me since being Spider-Man involves tragedy. It does. I mean can you name a universe where nothing bad has ever happened to Spider-Man before? The only one I can think of is House of M and look how that turned out for that Peter in the end. I do like how Peter and MJ had a boy instead of a girl.

I do like Anna-May Parker from MC2 and Renew your Vows more but it's nice to see a son instead of a daughter. According to the Marvel Wiki on Benjamin Parker Jr, this relationship might be based on the relationship between the Abrams. I also like Peter's beard. If you ask me what the sign of masculinity is to me, it's a beard. That's the main reason why Zane has a beard and also I'm a fan of Captain America and Thor in the MCU.

So why does this Peter have just a hook for a hand? I mean he must have a better prosthetic guy like Tony or really anyone. I mean according to Issue 2, Tony is the only surviving Avenger so maybe that's why but still. It looks like the end is a baking tool rather than a functioning hand. Tony being the only survivor explains why Riri took over Stark Industries but that doesn't mean I like the character who is kinda bad.

You know why if you've read my stuff before. She is no longer a superhero in this universe and I really like the Iron Man like bodyguards. I will say this now but Old Man Tony is totally a genius idea and since I've been watching the MCU from Iron Man 1 to Spider-Man Far form Home, it's nice seeing the car from Iron Man. Faye Ito ,which is Ben's friend name, is kinda right about Tony having a man bun. This is according to the Vox article

I actually searched this up to make sure. Tony also made Cadaverous which is a stupid name so a different version of Tony has made another murderbot. Also robot Avengers Zombie is pretty cool to see. Ddid you know that Brian Michael Bendis created the characters of Daisy Johnson and Maria Hill. I didn't know that since Maria Hill is actually a character I like in the MCU. The comics and Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes's version of her is a character that I can't stand.

Its comic accurate and that's what matter. This applies to Jessica Jones as well since I thought she has been around since the 70 or 80 but nope, she was created in the 2000s. The more you know. I could tell that he created Kenny McFarlane since it's kinda obvious if you put the two side by side and he dated Kitty Pryde. I should also mention how this is going to be a longer than normal episode so lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Ever since Miranda has been a little girl, winning has been the only thing on her mind. This changed since she was trying to get away from the villains who already turned around 41% of the Ultimate Showdown. This number may have challenged after Miranda threw Sally to the sharks and was one of them by now. She couldn't die in this place because she was going to be president and that million dollars is just the start of her amazing future.

She didn't care about how her fellow cast was turned into knights since Miranda saw them only as pawns. Not a very kind person is she. Unlike normal pawns, her pawns have never once done what she wanted them to do. In Miranda's eyes, they were the greedy and narcissistic ones. They were really to sit back and relax while also keeping her and the mission dollars apart. The only two people who ever listened and helped her were Bob and Sally.

Eventually, Bob will be sacrificed so that Miranda will survive. Sally did that for her so the next one will be Bob if the villains decided to go after her and Bob was with her. Back in the park, Marionette held the unconscious Sally with her decided to head to where her base was. It was within the borders of Cypress Park. It was the Silver Citrus Hospital ,from Zero Episode 89, being that no one would think to look for her and her minions here.

Marionette reached the abandoned hospital in a matter of minutes and walked into the broken-down hospital. The woman walked down the stairs to reach the basement and made her way into the main part of their secret base. Once inside, she looked to see the members of her group looking at her. The once human Feral looked at the unconscious Sally with a mixture of anger and regret but the latter was in small amounts.

Wendigo looked at his leader with him saying,"What are you doing m'lady? She's not one of the Squires. Why?". "Because I decided to use her in another way. While all of the squires may be a good way to increase our army, we need a person to work with us on the inside. A Trojan horse as you humans called it. Rythos may find this cowardly but we need to make sure that Ricardo will die." said Marionette as Feral snarled. "And why spare her?" said Feral.

Marionette smiled as she said,"Because she'll be our Trojan Horse. Just watch. Time to take your for a test ride. I hope you don't mind but you can't stop me.". A neon green aura appeared around Sally with Marionette vanishing. The two metas watched Sally's hands twitched for a moment before they clenched into fists. Sally's eyes opened being that instead of Sally's emerald green eyes, Marionette's white eyes were there. "M'lady. Is that you?" said Feral, sniffing the air. 

Wendigo said,"How? You're mimicking a Phantom but you're not that. Anyone with half a brain can see that.". "Yes. I'll admit that it's been a long time since I've done a possession. The Phantoms have always been the best at this. My spell has a small chance of Sally breaking free of my possession but she'll need to have to Standard Willpower at the bare minimum which is rare in humans. You two have that. I'll be telling Renegade to keep the squires here while I have fun." said Marionette.

She spoke in Sally's voice which was less kind than normal then and disappeared in a puff of neon green gas. Feral and Wendigo looked at each other with Feral saying,"So do you want to play poker? You do know how right kid?". "Yes. My dad taught me when he and his friends played poker night at my house before those bastards at Avalon turned me into this. I'll get my revenge on them I swear but mainly the one called Uguisu. He's their leader." said Wendigo.

The next morning inside the Alvarez household. Rachel was making breakfast for her kids and the dog. All of them were happy that they were able to eat without the cast of Ultimate Showdown and the camera recording them. If Ricardo did place a camera in the house, Athena and Cole destroyed them within seconds. "So how is Sunset Shores dad?" said Zoey. The family was talking with their dad on video chat from Sunset Shores, Hawaii.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Pretty nice. This place beats the hell out of Cypress Park right now. I think if I was there, the Ultimate Showdown trash would have driven me mad and I probably have murdered them.". "You would have honey and are you drinking?" said Rachel. Zane looked at the glass with him saying,"Sure am. It's 5 o clock somewhere in the Omniverse. This hotel I'm staying at has over a hundred cocktails and I'm going to try them all before leaving.".

Uriel looked at her father with her saying,"I wish you were here daddy but those Ultimate Showdown jerks would ruin the nice breakfast we're having.". "You're not wrong." said Atem, taking another bite of breakfast. "I'm needed here but I'll be back before you know it. So what are you going to do today Atem? Rae told me about you being suspended and how your little girlfriend did as well. Tell her that I'm impressed with how she socked Sam 2.0 clear in her plastic surgery designed face." said Zane.

Atem nodded as Rachel said,"We will but two of your kids have to finish breakfast and get ready for the school but they return back from their night on town.". Wolfram barked with Zane saying,"I'm sure they didn't find squat like they did last night. Dyno and Spiro have made sure not to allow any travel to Cypress Park until this shit show is over.". After listening to their parents, the duo of Uriel and Zoey went back to eating while Rachel put her and Wolfram's plate in the sink to wash it later.

The Alvarez family were enjoyed the relaxing silence that filled the household. As punishment for his suspension, Atem was force to vacuum the entire household except for Natasha's lab which couldn't be cleaned. On the coffee table, Wolfram was watching the adventures of Legion Zero which was one of his favorite shows. The peace was eventually pulverized by the front door being banged on from some idiots outside of the house.

Atem stopped vacuuming and opened up the door. It was the Terrible Trappers being that all of them were here including the duo of Gabriel and Shane. They weren't in their suits of armor anymore but they were here after Renegade ordered those two along with Alicia, Eduardo, and Francisco. Jill and Joe were back at the hospital and the cameraman was being used to get the villains anything that they need while waiting for the night to come.

The young mummy scoffed as he said,"I really wish you all didn't come through the front door but whatever. Just try not to drag any filth in. I'm trying to clean the house.". "Why did big bro let them in again?" muttered Uriel. "Do you really want an answer to that sis?" whispered an annoyed Zoey. The two girls's conversation was heard by Willow and decided to speak up. "At least, someone knows how to treat me with the respect I deserve." said Willow.

Before Atem could say anything, Zane's voice echoed,"I think the only respect you get is someone sucking up to your daddy. Once oil is pretty much over with, you'll get the respect that a hooker gets from a client. I mean you already got a hooker's name". The girl looked for Zane being that she found his voice on a tablet that Rachel was holding. She growled at Zane with him smirking and drank from his glass of booze.

The Cross Species looked at her and he said,"Oh. I'm so scared. It isn't like I have martial arts training from the guy you probably fail to catch again and you've seen what I can do with it. I've trained my family and they'll do a good job making you pay if you threatened my family.". Willow knew that he wasn't joking. "How about we just settle down and have some breakfast before getting some shut eye okay?" said Derek.

Zane turned to Rachel with him saying,"I better get going. It's like three in the morning here. Time zones am I right? See you later Rae and tell them the great news.". "Okay. I miss you." said Rachel with her blowing him a kiss. Zane smiled with him hanging up. "So what is the good news exactly?" said Mindy. "Oh. Zane told me that I shouldn't make you idiots breakfast and I agree." said Rachel. "Are you insane?! Why should we?! And listening to that sexist...." said Candace.

A single glare from Rachel stopped her from finishing that sentence. "To answer your question. I'm going to meet up with some friends of mine so I had time to make breakfast for the people who were here aka my family. Zane thinks this is a good way to make your ego go down a bit and I have to agree with that. You idiots have to lend how to find for yourselves when it comes to breakfast and can't rely on someone else cooking for you. Learned that the hard way." said Rachel.

The trio of Atem, Uriel, and Zoey remembered how many times Rachel burned the kitchen and the dog remembered eating up the scraps. "Like King's mutations could be called food." said Willow with the Alvarez family looking at each other for a second before one of them said something. Wolfram barked with Atem saying,"I guess you're right boy. King only made that crap for you to keep you in fighting condition. I'm impressed you knew that.".

Wolfram smiled with him barking. "You learned it from TV? I guess you watching it pretty much all day has some benefits." said Atem. The Terrifying Trappers looked at Wolfram wondering if he was telling the truth and how Atem could understand the dog in the first place. Before anyone could say anything, there was another knock on the front door and forced Atem to open the front door. The young mummy turned to see Abel, Bob, Hilda, and Hugh.

Uriel blinked with her saying,"Um. You guys are missing some people like four.". "We had a bit of an altercation and split up." said Hilda. "They'll be here soon enough. Still can't believe Alicia went after them." said Abel. "She's a team player even if that team member is Miranda." said Bob. There was another knock at the door with Hilda saying,"See.". "Really getting sick of opening the door. Need to ask big brother to make an automatic door opening." muttered Atem.

The front door opened with Hilda being proven wrong. It was Peyton instead of the other five members of Horrible Hunters. "Pey? What are you doing here?" said Atem. "To kill time. Big sis is proud of me for standing up for you and Uncle Edwin isn't." said Peyton. She ignored the cast of Ultimate Showdown ,much to their shocks, as she turned to Uriel and Zoey. "Hey you two." said Peyton.

Wolfram ran up to her and hugged her leg. "It's nice to see you too Wolfram. I did see you the other day but like Atem told me, you're a very loving dog." said Peyton. "Except with the dog hater." said Uriel, pointing at Hilda. "So how was your morning?" said Zoey. "It's the same normal morning at the embassary. Allen was there and I had to leave because their flirting got to max levels of cringe." said Peyton, taking about her sister and Allen. 

As Peyton talked with the Alvarez children, there was another knock at their door but they used the doorbell this time. Atem wasn't going to answer it so it was up to Wolfram. The door opened thanks to the dog as King and Ricardo walked into the living room. A new cameraman was with them since the last one got coverted. "Good morning challengers! So why is most of your team missing huh Horrible Hunters? At least the Terrifying Trappers are only missing a fourth of there." said Ricardo.

Bob said,"Well. We had a bit of trouble with that since....". "And I don't care. If they're not here in say five seconds, they're out of the game. Starting now." said Ricardo, looking at King's watch. "Five seconds?!" said the Horrible Hunters. "That's rather unfair Ricardo even for you." said a female voice standing behind the camerman. Ricardo turned around to see what he thought was Sally standing at the front door.

The trio of Alicia, Eduardo, Francisco were with her being the trio were acting like her bodyguard rather than her friends. The surfer had her arms crossed and an uncharacteristically glare on her face with her directing at Ricardo but nearly most of the cast except for her disguised squires and Bob of all people. "Sally! You're okay. I was so worried about you," said Bob. He hugged her within seconds of seeing her with Marionette ,using Sally's body, returned this hug.

She couldn't let anyone know about her borrowing Sally's body so she had to play the part. The Alvarez family and Peyton didn't pay attention to this since they didn't care about the two hugging like they've done many times in the past of the show. Wolfram was the only one to notice someone different was Wolfram. His senses were telling him that someone was wrong about the girl and focused them on her.

According to Zane, the girl's aura and scent was like the gentle ocean. It was now like darkness or the dusk. This caused the dog's fur to shake but Marionette didn't pay attention to the dog. The dog went out of the house and ran to go find Danny who was staying in Zenith Tower with Gwen while Zane was out of town. Out of everyone in Cypress Park's metahuman/supernatural community, Wolfram knew that Danny need to know about this.

Ricardo said,"Despite this being a very loving reunion, we have a show to run and sadly the Haunted Hunters are missing a single member. So where is Miranda? I honestly thought you would have lost Eduardo before Miranda honestly?". Sally ,aka Marionette, managed to get out of Bob's arms much to his dismay before facing Ricardo. "We went into two different groups after Hilda and Miranda were arguing about what we should do." said Marionette. "Again?" said Ricardo.

Francisco said being that Marionette allowed him to speak,"Yes. Those two are like oil and vinegar after all. Miranda was going to lead us to failure so we decided to leave her.". "He's right Ricardo. I think she almost lead us to being mugged these times. Crazy bitch." said Alicia. "What do you think about Sally? I mean you don't seem the least bit worried about Miranda. Alicia and Francisco don't like her but you do." said Bob.

Marionette looked at him as she said,"Why should I care? She's a selflish, conceited bitch who would throw anyone she could under the bus just to win which she never does.". The remaining cast ,except for the squires, were shocked by Sally's comment. Bob was sure that Sally would never say anything mean about anyone including Miranda. Ricardo was happy with Sally's new side of her. "Looks like you had a fun time last night." said Ricardo, chuckling. "I sure did." said Marionette.

Ricardo shrugged with him saying,"Well since Miranda hasn't arrived, she's hereby eliminated. Kinda sucks that we couldn't do an elimination proper yet but whatever. New season, new rules. This has been....". "Oh will you show the hell up?! Nobody fucking cares!" yelled Atem with Peyton dragging him out of the house. Everyone watched as the two younger teens left the house with the camerman recodred the whole thing.

The host smiled with him saying,"Yep. He and his brother are so alike. It's no wonder why both of them are so popular. Won't you help me convince your fiance to be on the show?'. "No. Since I'm going to be gone for most of the day, I better not find you messing with our stuff. If you plan on leaving the house, go through the backyard." said Rachel. "Who put her in charge?" said Candace with her arms crossed.

Zoey frowned at her with her saying,"You're staying in our house so she's in charge and if she's like our mom, she'll throw all of you out of the house by a catapult.". "Like she'll do that. She may be violent like her fiancĂ© but that's idiotic." said Willow not believing her. "That's what the burglar thought but after mom send him flying away using a catapult, we haven't seen her since. Come on sis." said Zoey to Uriel with the nine year old nodding. 

The Alvarez females were gone after that with Ricardo sighing. "Since this episode was ruined by that delinquent, we're out of here." said Ricardo with him and King leaving. After this, the cast of Ultimate Showdown was alone. Most of them were unaware about one of their own ,being possessed by a woman who can perform supernatural feats, just waiting to make her play. "So what should we do now? I mean we're not getting breakfast here." said Derek. "What?!" said Hugh.

Before Hugh could riot, Abel said,"How about we go out for breakfast instead?". "That's such a great idea Tweetie!" said Mindy, hugging Abel. "Should I have them pry those two apart? Nah. Let them enjoy each other company before they become a member for revenge. When the time, collect the one you think deserves to be part of the bigger picture the most my squires." thought Marionette, looking at Alicia, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, and Shane with all five of them nodding.           

The rest of the cast agreed and started to exit the house but through the front door rather than the backyard like Rachel told them. Lets just say that karma will be coming from them. Marionette was the last one to leave though the house since she wanted to respect the devil princess's wishes. She could sense her immense potential andwhat she could become. To say the very least, she was impressed with the choice Rythos's newest friend made in spouses. "You coming Sally?" said Bob.

Marionette turned to him with her saying,"I am but I'm going the way that Rachel wanted us to. Don't want her to shoot us out of a catapult after all.". "Smart idea." said Bob. The two left the Alvarez household, sparing them from Karma. As the cast continued on their search for something to eat, they spotted someone running toward them. While the cast could barely make out who it was, Marionette say that it was Miranda despite her being nearing the back with Bob. 

The woman ,inside of a teenage girl, smiled with her thinking,"So she isn't afraid of me anymore. I guess her desire to win outweighs her desire to survive.". "Guys it's me!" said Miranda, getting the cast's attention. "Oh wow. You actually show up. Got to say. I'm impressed with how fast your ass got eliminated." said Candace. "What did you say?" said Miranda, breathing heavily. "I'm sure you're not deaf like Gabriel is with his trashy music." said Willow.

Instead of Gabriel telling her off, he was quiet which caught Bob's attention. "That's weird. Gabriel would have told Willow that his music is the best unlike that trash Axel Anarchy or Celeste. Zane wasn't a fan of that." thought Bob, remembering how Zane punched Gabriel into the side of the tree which split it half the other day. "You were eliminated just now when you didn't show up. Even though your team has the number advantage, we're going to win since you lost." said Candace.

Ignoring Candace and Willow's comments for now, Miranda said,"Hold on. You're telling me that Alicia, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, Sally, and Shane are here.". "Of course we are Miranda. I'm just impressed that you know our names. I thought we were just your pawns." said Marionette, going to the front of the group with Alicia, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, and Shane behind her. "Wow. It's like they're waiting for her to command or something. That's weird." thought Bob.

Miranda looked at the six in shock being that she was sure that all of them were turned into knights by Marionette and Renegade. "But how did you escape from the black knight and his witch? And why aren't the others knights? Plus where is Jill or Joe?" said Miranda. Marionette made herself looked confused since they saw her as Sally. "What are you talking about? After you and Hilda got into another fight, we split up into two teams." said Sally.

Francisco said,"Which we then split up from you after you almost got us mugged three times. So where did you go?". "You can't be serious. All of you were turned into something straight out of the renaissance fair by the Black Knight and his witch." said Miranda. Everyone ,beside the squires and possessed surfer, looked at each other in confusion when they heard Miranda's story. Candace had a bit of worry on her face.

She may not admit it but she likes Francisco much to the shock of no one at home watching. She quickly changed her expression to apathy. "I think you're finally going nuts Miranda. Took you too dam long in my opinion. Pretty sure that the metas decided to mess with your mind." said Marionette with a smile on her face. "Should have done it soon after you made me infertile bitch." said Shane as Candace finished this off. "You're out of here Miranda." said Candace.   

Miranda looked at everyone in shock because none of them believed what she said and because she was eliminated. "No! Listen to me! I'm not crazy!" said Miranda. "You know that people who say that there not crazy are usually crazy right?" said Eduardo. "Holy crap! He talked again!" said the rest of the cast include Miranda. During this panic, Marionette walked up to Miranda and said in her normal voice,"You survive this time but will you survive the next time?".

This scared the president wannabe when she heard Marionette's voice coming out of the surfer's kind mouth. She looked at the surfer with Marionette changing herself back to the surfer. "So anyone still hungry?" said Marionette. The rest of the cast voiced their opinions and started heading off to find a place to eat while leaving Miranda behind. "Guys wait! You're going to your deaths!" said Miranda as Bob turned back around.

Using Bob's feeling for Sally, Marionette smiled with her wrapping his arm around her, causing her to blush. "Ignore her Bobby. I think we should get going." said Marionette. Bob nodded with the two back into the crew. "Fine! If you want to become renaissance fair rejects, fine! I don't care if I'm out because once of you become knights, I'll claim the million dollars without any of your failures in my way!" yelled a snapped Miranda.

Marionette turned to see a storming Miranda leaving with her looking at an alleyway. "Renegade. I'll need you to keep an eye on her for me. Since I'm being nice, mind finding a way to turn her into the monster that's hidden within for me? I'm sure one of these villains won't mind." thought Marionette as the alleyway's shadows formed into Renegade. "Your order is my command. I've heard rumors about something that may just do the trick." thought Renegade, vanishing into the shadows.

Eventually, the Ultimate Showdown cast found a diner that was serving breakfast. There was only minor problem for them since they had to pay for their food. It didn't matter to the owner that they were celebrities. The owner's policy is that if you want to eat, you better have cash to pay for it. This pissed off Candace and caused her and the others to be thrown out. "I'm sure that things could not go any more worse." said Hilda.

They were all glaring at Candace except for Bob. "I get why Hugh and the others would glare at her but Sally. Something is wrong." thought Bob. To make things even worse, they were recorded by one of the cameramen who was tagging along without them noticing. Marionette noticed but once she found out that they were paid extra by Ricardo to find comedy gold, she decided to let him film the kids. This would be a normal thing for them except karma decided to make things worse.

Andre and Selena ,with them looking the same as they did four years ago, walked past them with Andre saying,"I guess Zane was right about them being here.". "Yeah. Fucking morons all of them. I am so happy Brad got sick of that show." said Selena. "Yeah. Badmouthing Zero on TV is the thing that piss off my little bro more than anything. He shouldn't change." said Andre. Selena nodded as she kissed his cheek once they entered the diner.

Derek sighed as he said,"Wow. This sucks.". "Yeah." said Abel. "So did you guys learn your place yet or not?" said a familiar voice. The cast looked toward the source of the voice to find Danny parking Zane's sports car with Gwen, Rachel, and a human Wolfram with him. "It's kinda sad to see but after the crap you all have pulled, I think this is karma coming back." said Gwen. "So why are all of you here?" said Hugh.

Rachel shrugged as she said,"This place has pretty good pastries if not the best in the city. We're friends with the owner.". The diner that they got kicked out of was Cuisine of Art. Check out Zero Shorts Episode 1 to learn the origin of this place. "Of course you are." muttered Hilda. The group ignored as they headed toward the diner. However, Gwen turned to them. "So are you guys coming inside?" said Gwen. "Seriously?!" said Danny, Rachel, and Wolfram.

Gwen shrugged as she said,"I'm not that heartless. If you feed them now, they'll be slightly less bitchy later Rae.". "That's a fair point." said Rachel. "We would love to go but we got kicked out for not having a money." said Derek. "Even though we're famous!" said Candace. "Yeah. Martin may be a big softie but don't mess with her daughter and friends. He can be real vicious." said Danny. "And Helen is whenever it comes to customer who don't have money." said Rachel. 

Wolfram remembered when Heidi threw a guy out of the diner one time. "We'll pay plus I'm sure Martin would have given you food anyways." said Gwen with Danny holding up a credit card. "Where did you get a credit card?" said Alicia. "Last time, I checked sexist jerks or friends of psychopaths don't get credit cards." said Candace. "Whoever told you that is an idiot plus Zane gave us this card for any food related emergencies. Being a CEO's best friend has its perk." said Danny.

Rachel smiled with her saying,"Mainly when it comes to get to do really expensive activities. You two skydive from an airplane right?". "Yeah. That was a great birthday." said Danny, remembering when he and Zane did that. "If you guys promise not to be jerks, we'll let you in. I mean I'm only going to help Bob, Derek, Hugh, and Sally. The rest of you were mean to my best ,male, friend so I'm very willing to let you starve." said Gwen, shocking the case she didn't mention.

Wolfram smiled with him saying,"And that's why she meant by being not that heartless.". "Me and Zane corrupted her. Shouldn't have but whatever. You can't change the past." said Danny. "To be fair Danny, I kinda helped with the corruption back then." said Rachel. This got the cast to show up with them following the four members of Team Maelstrom inside. Once inside, Danny walked up to Helen. She was ready to throw the cast out again much to Martin's worry. Heidi, Leo, and Kevin were there as well.

To stop his friend's mom, Danny told her that he was paying for them and handed her the credit card with Heidi knowing the card. It belonged to her daughter's good friend company. She smiled as she told Ultimate Showdown to behave as she lead the cast to three open tables. The members of Team Maelstrom joined the rest of their team at a table. One table had Bob and Marionette since Helen loved the two as a couple. Eduardo joined them since he wanted to protect his second master.

The next table had Candace, Alicia, Derek, Francisco, Hilda, and Willow. The third and final table had Abel, Gabriel, Hugh, Mindy, and Shane. They all placed their orders and waited for their food patiently mainly because of Helen. At the table where Marionette was, Danny looked at the couple of Bob and Sally. Like Wolfram told him and the others early, that wasn't Sally but someone else who had taken over her body.

Kevin didn't believe the Phantom at first but noticed how uncomfortable Bob was with Marionette so close to him. "Okay. You may be right about her not being normal Wolfram. I mean look at Bob. He is blushing more than Zane does when you decided to playful Rae." said Kevin. "Ignore that for right now Kevin. If she isn't a Phantom, what other species can pull off possession?" said Leo. He turned to the Sorcerer of their group with her eyes closed. "I think Gwen is finding out." said Danny.

As for Marionette, she was hoping that her plan to cease Bob's suspicions but this only increased his suspicions. Marionette didn't watch Ultimate Showdown since she didn't watch anything that was awful so she didn't know about how Sally wasn't flirtatious. "If the devil princess and her pals weren't here, I wouldn't be doing this. I should probably stop. This is boring." thought Marionette with her stopping much to Bob's joy. 

Bob looked up to see Marionette/Sally standing up with him saying,"What's up Sally?". "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." said Marionette. She left as the food arrived. Everyone started to eat and chatted for a bit. Bob walked over to Team Maelstrom's group with him saying,"Um. Can I talk with you guys about something?". "Sure. We don't mind right you guys?" said Heidi. "Nope. So what's up Bobby?" said Rachel.

As this conversation was going on, Marionette was having one with Renegade. "So did you get what I asked you to?" said Marionette in her normal voice rather than Sally's. The knight stood there with him holding a silver case. "After someone called Igor was arrested, they found a case in his hotel room. It's the Demi-God Formula and the Odium Society took it to create something else. I asked them for the prototype since the final one had been given to an operative already." said Renegade.

Marionette smiled with her saying,"That's good. I suspect that Robert has his suspicions about me not being Sally he knows and loves.". "Should he be the next one to become a squire?" said Renegade with his sword glowing. "No. The other squires have selected two of them and if I'm right, they should be ready to be knighted." said Marionette. "Hey Sally! We're leaving. You coming?" said Hilda's voice on the other end.

Renegade was ready to slice her down if she entered but he was stopped by Marionette. "I'll be out soon." said Marionette in Sally's voice. "Okay. Bob left with that jerk's pals. Just wanted to tell you that." said Hilda with her waking away from the bathroom door. "Why would he go with that group m'lady?" said Renegade. "It doesn't matter. Stay in my shadow. We'll be having two new squires to join us." said Marionette. Renegade went into her shadow as she left the bathroom. 

After finishing eating, Danny's group plus Bob left the group of Ultimate Showdown so they could talk without a cameraman watching their every move. The cast decided to head back to the Alvarez house to catch some sleep in their tents. As they continued to walk, Willow looked right at Marionette with the oil heiress noticing something off about Sally. She was mean to Miranda and flirting with Bob which would never happen. "Hey Sally." said Willow.

Marionette ,controlling the surfer, looked at Willow with a very confused look on her face. "Is there something wrong?" said Marionette, playing the part of Sally. "Can we chat for a bit?" said Willow with Marionette smiling on the inside. "It seems that things are going into action. Get ready to knight these girls Renegade." thought Marionette. "Sure Willow. Why don't we talk over there?" said Marionette who was pointing to a dark alley.

A smart person would be cautious of another person to meet them in a dark alley but Willow isn't that smart. "Good. Lets go." said Willow with the two girls leaving the group. However, Candace had been keeping an eye on them. They were going to make an alliance and after how Sally threw the president candidate under the bus like that, Sally was someone to keep an eye on. She followed them without Willow noticing. The two supervillains were another story.         

The two girls kept walking until they were in the furthest side of the alley. Willow looked at how close they were to a dumpster and covered from head to toe in graffiti. She turned to Marionette who just smiled. "Sally. I want to know what's going on with...." said Willow. Before she could finish her sentence, the oil heiress's limbs were grabbed by neon green spikes that popped out of the walls to the left and right of her.

Before Willow could scream, her mouth was covered by a neon green mask. "Sorry but I can't have you blowing my cover. This was going to happen eventually by the Squires decided on you first and she'll be next." said Marionette. Renegade appeared and blasted Willow with the red energy beam from her sword. The oil heiress was gone with a squire in her place. Hiding behind a trash can, the tomboy gasped at what she witnessed.

She didn't know what happened but neon green spikes appearing from the walls beside Willow and seeing a black knight turned Willow into a knight told her to run and tell the others that Miranda was right. She tried to leave without being seeing by Renegade or Sally but the latter say this coming from a mile away. Candace tried to run away but bumped into Francisco with a blank stare on his face. "It seems that you made a big mistake huh?" said Francisco.

Candace was about to say something but she didn't get the chance to say anything as Renegade blasted her in the back with the red energy beam. "According to Renegade, his knighting takes about seven minutes so enjoy your free will while you have." said Marionette in her normal voice. The tomboy turned to see Sally standing there with Renegade and a knight. Before she could say a single thing about this, Candace was gone and a squire was in her place.

Marionette smiled with her saying,"Oh. I lied. It was seven seconds my bad.". "So what do you want to do next m'lady?" said Renegade. "Call back the other squires to base. Once there, tell the others to get ready. We're going in. I think the heroes will find us about us soon." said Marionette. "Yes. I'm sure that Agent Phoenix will attack us as well." said Renegade. "Yep. We're ready for them so enjoy the peace while we can." said Marionette with Renegade and the three squires vanishing.

Back with the declining Ultimate Showdown, the group returned to the Alvarez household with their stomach filed. Just before entering the house right through the front door, Derek noticed that they were missing the majority of their fourteen person group. One member was obvious since Bob left with Team Maelstrom. "So where did Alicia, Candace, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, Sally, Shane, and Willow go you guys?" said Derek.

The group of Abel, Hilda, Hugh, and Mindy looked around to see what Derek was talking about. "I just saw them though." said Abel. "This is getting freaky. Ever since we came to this hellhole, our group keeps shrinking." said Hilda. "You don't think someone is targeting us to make Ricardo pay a ransom right?!" said Hugh. "He wouldn't pay it." said Mindy, using her Ricardo knowledge to the test. "I hate to say this but Miranda was onto something." said Hilda.

Derek looked at her with him saying,"What do you mean?". "Think about it. We saw Miranda with her freaking about how the group of Alicia, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, Sally, and Shane were knighted or something along that." said Hilda. "She was probably high. We did past a pot shop." said Mindy. "We did? Do you think we'll be able to make soup or something?" said Hugh. "Wrong type of pot shop big guy. Go on Hilda." said Abel. 

Hilda thanked her fanboy as she said,"But since we came here, we've meet a dog whose treated with more respect than a mutt deserves and have been trying to get a menace pretending to be a hero. You don't think a meta is out there and has been stalking us to get Zero's at right?". The remaining four looked at each other in fear of the theory of a supervillain wanting to harm them just to get Zero. Ever since coming to Cypress Park, it's been going downhill from the start.

The owner of the hobble ,which earned Willow a punch in the gut, had been personally going after them since he hated them. It started when Zane insulted Miranda and the girl tried to attack him. It was well known to them not to mess with Miranda but Zane wasn't scared. She tried to beat him up but was stopped by his very sexy fiancee who threw the candidate into a wall and knocking her out which was hilarious. 

It got even worse how pretty much nothing went their way despite being celebrities. The only ones who had it nice were Bob and Sally. Both of them were gone however. "You don't think Ricardo hired this villain just to mess with us?" said Derek. "He totally would and I bet Zane is totally involved in some way." said Mindy. "Despite me not liking him, why would Zane get involved?" said Hilda with her arms crossed and glaring at Mindy.

Hilda didn't get over Mindy's comment from yesterday. "Think about Hilda. I mean he just happened to have left for a business trip just as Jill and Joe went missing. That is clearly suspicious. Maybe he's just playing up his hatred toward us. I mean I'm lovable right?" said Hugh. No one answered him with Hilda saying,"I doubt that big guy. I mean he would never work with Ricardo since he hates our show with a blinding passion. I'm sure this guy is a closeted Nazi.".

Do note that Hilda and Miranda are meant to be horrible. Just wanted to make that perfectly clear from the start. "I'm not sure. I mean you were part of the reason why Shane got arrested and Miranda was the other half. Shane hasn't been the same since." said Hugh. Hilda glared at Hugh when the big guy brought it up. Hugh was scared of the glare being that he was slightly scared of her plus the duo of Candace and Miranda.

Before coming here, he was only scared of the girls but Zane came into view. "While Zane may be a very scare guy, Rachel was right about you and Miranda not even trying to make amends after what happened to Shane. I went to go see him in the hospital after I heard the news but did anyone else show up? Not according to him. Shane did tell me that Zane was there and that despite his anger problem, he was going to help him with his infertility." said Hugh.

Hilda rolled her eyes as she said,"Do you honestly believe him? I mean Shane is a bastard whose toys with people emotions and vandalize priceless paintings!". "I do since he's my friends. I wasn't on that season but I saw how you were trying to become friends with Miranda after what happened in Season 3 while ignoring Shane aka your boyfriend in the process. I'm sure that Shane only pretend to be in love with Miranda so you would give him the time of day." said Hugh.       

Abel looked at Hugh with him whispered to Derek,"So along with Eduardo speaking, we get to hear Hugh speak like this.". "There's a first for everything I guess." said Derek. "Wow. You agree with the centerfold? Shane was an jackass and I'm for one happy we're over with." said Hilda. "Are you sure? I mean you're only lying to yourself." said Hugh. This simple sentence caused Hilda to have a flashback to what Rachel told her a few days ago and this caused the conversation to end.

As the afternoon came, Atem had returned home after hanging out with Peyton at the embassy. It was pretty nice but having Edwin glaring at him wasn't the best. It's no wonder why Zane told Atem and his siblings not to trust Edwin since he worked with supervillains before. Atem was slightly annoyed how there was no crime to fight but it was peaceful which isn't half bad. When he and Peyton entered the home, Atem noticed the cast of Ultimate Showdown sitting in the living room.

They looked to be waiting for him like Wolfram would do if he was here. "So are you guys just that bored? I really don't like being looked at." said Atem, clearly annoyed. "Atem. You were adopted by a family who gets attention with relative ease." said Peyton. "Thanks for reminding me." said Atem as Peyton shrugged. "We want to know what your brother is up to." said Hilda, standing up. Atem and Peyton looked at each other with Atem saying,"Drinking and pissing people off.".

Abel blinked with him saying while being held by Mindy,"Isn't it like 11 over there?". "So? It's 5 o clock somewhere. We honestly have no idea about what your talking about." said Peyton. "Don't defend that jerk girlie. We know that Zane is doing something to our friends and I'm sure he told you what since you're in on it." said Mindy. She was standing next to Hilda with Abel being away from his crazy stalker. "What?" said Atem and Peyton.

Hilda said,"Stop acting retarded and tell us already.". "First off Hilda, I don't like how you're calling me retarded. That's an insult to those mentally less gifted than you and that's just wrong. I also don't like how you're accusing my brother of a crime he isn't doing." said Atem. But Hilda didn't believe him what Atem told her being that she was now more certain about Zane being involved with the disappearance of Alicia, Bob, Candace, Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, Jill, Joe, Sally, Shane, and Willow.

The goth wanted answers so if Atem isn't giving her answer, time to find the source. "Fine. If you want to be a little bitch, I'll go talk with him personally." said Hilda, walking past Atem and Peyton as the others left. Abel, Derek, and Mindy didn't mind going with Hilda but Hugh did. However, there was a little problem with the cast searching for the CEO. "Isn't he out of town? I mean he's shown us picture of his hotel which looks nice." said Peyton. "They're idiots Pey." said Atem.

Peyton said,"I guess we should follow them so they don't get in trouble.". "Before we do that, I need to do one thing." said Atem. He walked toward the basement with Peyton saying,"And we're going to here because? I doubt it's time for a makeout session.". "Pey. I know my family's luck. We attracted trouble with ease. It's how we got these morons staying with us." said Atem, turning on the light switch to the lab.

The princess nodded with her saying,"True. So I know you hate them but why haven't you done anything to them yet? Or the better question is why do you care?". "According to Zane, the majority of people in Cypress Park have been wanted to get tourists despite it having a lot of superheroes and Ultimate Showdown. If those idiots get killed while under our roof, my brother's company will be in trouble." said Atem.

The mummy held two cylindrical containers being that they're the size of a soda can. It's the Synthetic Tactical Armor. One was yellow with a white "P" marked on it and the other one was green with a white "A" marked on it. "So we're becoming superheroes?" said Peyton, holding the yellow can with some interest. "Yep. I'm sure that we'll need them Pey. Now lets go get those idiots from doing something stupid." said Atem.

After thirty minutes of looking, Atem and Peyton managed to catch up with the final five of Ultimate Showdown thanks to social media. According to Zenith, the group was spotted nearby the mall and was probably their first guess to find Zane even though he's out of town and on the other side of the US. Upon entering the mall, they were greeted by a mob of fans. The duo of Derek and Hugh were willing to sign autographs and take pictures with their fans.

Abel tried to flirt with some of the girls that were crowding around the cast but there were two minor problems. One was the bone crusher Mindy and how she was keeping the girls at bay. The other reason was that the majority of girls in Cypress Park had their interest on the successful or handsome males usually Zane/Zero. In fact, there is only one girl pay attention to him. Hilda was more focused on finding Zane and left the group to find him.

The duo of Atem and Peyton saw Hilda leaving the group. "It seems that Hilda is going off on her to find your brother despite him being in Hawaii." said Peyton. "So what's the plan?" said Atem. "I'll keep an eye on Hilda while you watch the others." said Peyton. The princess was expecting Atem to say something about this. "Seriously? Don't you hate them?" said Peyton. "Oh I do. I'm not like my brother being that I can focus on the mission." said Atem.

Peyton heard stories about Zane's stubbornness from her sister and Atem. "Well okay then. Thanks for being so understanding." said Peyton. Atem shrugged with him turning back to the cameraman behind Peyton. "When did you get here?" said Atem. "Three minutes ago." said the cameraman with him recording Atem and Peyton before going back to recording the fools entertaining the masses. "I think I know why my brother hates reality TV." said Atem.

The princess nodded with her saying,"I do too Atem. Just keep an eye on that trash while I'll follow the moving trash. Oh and go nuts with him.". As Peyton left to go after Hilda, Atem knocked out the cameraman and destroyed the camera. "That felt good. Time to go Osiris." whispered Atem. He ran into the bathroom and became Osiris. As this was going on, Miranda entered the mall. She looked very determined and made her way into the mall.

Like with the Ultimate Showdown cast before her, Ultimate Showdown fans spotted her and made her way toward the candidate. After sneaking out of the bathroom using his camouflage, Atem was okay with seeing Miranda alive and not missing. He decided to find a place to watch over them as the fools pleased their equally idiotic fans. As Atem found a spot to watch over them aka a bench, his costume's communication system aka his phone began ringing.

It was Zane calling him and Atem answered. "Hey Dad. How are things?" said Atem. "Good. I'm kinda enjoying myself. So what is my suspended son doing? Pissing off the A-List I hope." said Zane on the other end. "I really wish dad. I'm at the mall with Peyton. We're currently keep an idea on the remaining members of Ultimate Failures." said Atem. "Happy to see you with Pey but why? I mean I would have Athena and Cole watch over them or a Drake if I really cared." said Zane.     

Atem sighed as he said,"Apparently, Shane's second ex blames you for being the one involved with 64/65 % of the case missing. They kinda forgot that you're not in the state.". "Yeah. They seem a bit dim with Jill being the dumbest. So who's missing?" said Zane. "Let me think. I don't know their names but I'm sure Athena will tell you in a few seconds." said Atem. "That she did. Oh wow. Bob is hanging out with Danny and Team Maelstrom. Wonder why." said Zane.

The mummy shrugged with him saying,"No idea. When I got home, one of Shane's ex marched up and demanded that I tell her what you did to them.". "The only thing I did to them was starving them yesterday and stink bomb the boys tent. Felt bad for Bob but the others, nope. So why does the worst presidential candidate hate me?" said Zane. "No dad. The other one." said Atem. "The goth girl huh. I didn't expect her to hate me but I can get people to like me or hate me fast." said Zane.

Zane was quiet for a second with him saying,"Okay then. Why did she think I do something to her friends?". "Dad. She hates you just because you're blunt. She seems sure that it's you since you hate her and most of Ultimate Showdown." said Atem. "Uh huh. That seems a logical guess. She does know that I'm not here right? I mean I'm in Hawaii. The sun is so nice." said Zane. "Dad. She's crazy and remember why you decided to help Shane again." said Atem.

The cross-species nodded being that according to Cole, Shane wasn't popular. While he was in the hospital, he got fan mail. He thought that it was going to be good but it wasn't. It was disappointment in him or straight up death threats for cheating on Miranda with Hilda despite Miranda being a very terrible person. The reason for Joe and Hilda breaking up despite Shane being just a friend to Hilda and the final one.

It was ruining Hilda and Miranda's friendship. He was brought back ,not by choice, for Season 3 after flipping off Ricardo. Shane didn't have luck with the ladies. Unaware, Marionette ,who had left the unconscious Sally back in base camp, was listening to their conversation while invisible. The woman smiled as she listened to Zane talking with Atem. "This is going to be fun. Time to get Renegade and the squires here. Ricardo is dead tonight." thought Marionette.       

With Peyton, the princess found Hilda entering a store that she probably thought that Zane was in there. However, Zane wasn't in there or in the mall. The customers ignored her as they focused on their shopping. Peyton watched the goth continued to look for Zane despite how it was obvious that he wasn't there. "Oh wow. This is pretty sad." thought Peyton. "So how long are you going to follow me your highness?" said Hilda without looking at the younger teen.

Peyton shrugged as she said,"You clearly don't know Cypress Park like I do. Half of your show is missing so I'm making sure that number doesn't expand.". "You and your boyfriend must be pretty boring if this is your idea for fun." said Hilda. "This is fun since you're an idiot." said Peyton. "And what's that supposed to mean?" said Hilda, glaring at Peyton. "Do I really need to spell it out for you Hilda?" said Peyton.

Hilda was about to attack her but she was topped by a loud scream from the entrance to the mall. It took the girls a second to start running toward the screaming. It was Mindy being that her body was moving against her will. Marionette ,while invisible, smiled as she said,"Time to see if her knight in shining armor Abel will save her or will mine?". Mindy was doing this thanks to a spell cast on her from Marionette and the villain was living up to her epithet. "Abel!" screamed Mindy.

This was at the top of her lungs being that Abel stood there in fear. Something or someone had taken Mindy or she decided to leave. The other members of Ultimate Showdown and Atem followed after Mindy decided to head toward the street. "So what the fuck is she doing?" said Derek, watching the fan girl lay on her back on the street. Said girl tried to move her body so she could get out of the road and back to Abel.

However, her body wasn't listening to her command and it was like she's being tied up. For a picture of this, look at this. "Oh my various gods! There's a truck heading toward her!" said Hugh, pointed down the road. Hugh was right as an eighteen wheeler was heading down the road without a care in the world. The truck driver ,being Enos, was going within the speed up until he noticed a teenage girl lying head first in the side of the road.

Enos was about to slam down on the brakes but was stopped. "Yeah. That isn't going to happen in the way you expected." said a voice. Renegade had turned Enos into a squire and commanded the squire to get the truck an inch away from her. "I think we need to give them some hope before we make it all go away. What do you two think?" said Renegade. He turned his head to the back of the truck, seeing Feral, the squires, and the Wendigo nodding their heads.

Sally ,back at base, was being watched over by both Rumlant and Miasma. The latter of the two was hired under promise of the one million dollars that Ricardo had offered. On the road, Mindy saw the truck speeding toward her and screamed in fear. The rest of the cast were screaming as well with Zane saying into Atem's ear,"Um Atem. Mind shutting them up? They're hurting me and I'm not even there anymore!". "I would dad but I'm stuck." said Atem.

Atem wasn't joking being that his entire body was covered in neon green chains. "Okay. I think I have an idea on whose doing this." said Atem. As for Mindy, the truck was reaching her and her body was moving. "Save me Ab.....!" said Mindy. She was cut off near the end of the scream being that the first tire just barely missed her skull. It was an inch as Renegade whistled. "Nice work. Now lets get to work." said Renegade.

Before someone could go out and help her, Renegade stood there and held Mindy up. The squires plus Feral and Wendigo stood behind him. He saw the final five members of Ultimate Showdown since Bob wasn't there, Mindy was in hand, and Sally was at base. He also saw Atem trapped in his leader's spell with Peyton trying to help. Four of the five members of Ultimate Showdown was staring at them with confusion on what's going on.

The group of Abel, Derek, Hilda, and Hugh were thankful that Mindy was safe but wondered how the knights were. Miranda remembered Renegade clearly and assumed that the two metas were partners with the knights and witch. All of that determination for winning was gone upon Renegade staring right at her. In its place, fear. "It seems that we have ten down, five to go. This will be fun." said Renegade with him turning Miranda into a squire.

This shocked the Ultimate Showdown cast as the villains ran toward them. "We need to leave right now you...." said Derek. He was cut off as Feral appeared in front of him. "Remember me? I got you a doughnut one time but demanded me to take it back after it had thirteen sprinkles! I know you like the number twelve but grow up!" said Feral. He grabbed Derek and threw him to two of the squires.

Derek tried to break free from their grip as he heard a female voice,"Don't struggle Derek. It'll be over soon. That's what I told Gabriel and Shane who are holding you right now.". Before Derek could find the voice, he was knighted just like Mindy was. "Derek!" said Hilda, watching her friend become a bronze knight. The remaining members started to run away from the area in hopes of getting away from them.

Marionette sat on the roof of the mall with her saying,"I think you should divided and conquer. If you find one of them, bring them to Renegade. Oh and Renegade, get me more squires.". "Yes m'lady. I shall do that." said Renegade, blasting them with red energy beams and getting turned into squires who ran after Ultimate Showdown. Peyton was trying to free Atem from the chains but they were quite durable. "Come on! This is a pain!" said Peyton.

Atem nodded with him saying,"Yeah. Have you try the STA?". "The what?" said Peyton. "The can Atem gave you." said Atem. "Oh right. My bad." said Peyton, touching the can. The princess was covered in a yellow Vordlarin. She was now wearing a yellow jumpsuit with her saying,"I feel like a giant banana.". "Blame Micah Lockett. He designed the Vordlarin's suit. You know what this thing does right?" said Atem.  

Peyton nodded as a buzzsaw appeared from her army. "Kick ass." said Peyton, trying to cut through the chains. "While Peyton is doing that, I called Danny and the others. They'll be here soon." said Zane as he hanged up. Before Atem could say anything, he saw Abel being grabbed by Wendigo and the once human threw Abel toward a minivan. The celebrity was caught by Renegade who turned him into a squire. "Stop killing them! We need them for the army." said Renegade.

Atem looked at Peyton with him saying,"Listen Peyton Reyes. You need to find the final three members who haven't be turned into knights/squires.". "Me?! But I barely know how to use that suit of Zane's company. I mean it was made for me personally but what about Atem? You don't think..." said Peyton. "It's possible. You don't need to fight it. Just get them to safety. The other heroes of Cypress Park will be here soon. I promise." said Atem.

Peyton looked at her with her saying with fear in her voice,"Are you sure that it'll work? What if one of them catches us? I don't want to become one of them. It's like zombies but medieval.". "That won't happen. I'm sure they have targets in mine plus like Zero says. Anyone can be a hero regardless if they have a super suit or powers. You just have to help someone whose in danger Peyton. Just help them escape. I believe in you." said Atem.

Atem was trying to mimic his father's natural confidence being that it worked. "Okay. I will. I hope you know what you're doing Osiris." said Peyton, heading toward Hugh who was hiding from them by using a slab of meat. This was working somehow. Atem watched as Peyton led Hugh to where Hilda was hiding and managed to get the two away. "Hey there Osiris. How's it going?" said a voice as Atem turned to see Danny.

Danny smiled with him saying,"Don't worry. Neurozap, Nighthawk, Riptide, Slicer, Viola, and Wolfram are handing the army of knights. Guess Bob was right.". "Bob knew about this?" said Atem, watching his uncle began to cut through his chains using Ghostly Broadsword. "Yeah. It was more like that one girl Miranda told him. Bob thought she was crazy but Gwen proved it to him by showing him that Sally was under the control of the Marionette." said Danny.

Atem looked at Danny with him saying,"The Marionette? Zero mentioned him before.". "Yeah. I fought some of her minions with him on the super market. So I'm guessing that the cast of Ultimate Showdown are part of the knights of the not round table?" said Danny. "I think so. The only ones left are Hilda, Hugh, and Miranda. Peyton is protecting the Hs but Miranda is another story so please lets go help Pey." said Atem.

The Homo Supremus nodded his head with him saying,"Will do Osiris. I promise. Just hang on. I'm almost done.". The sword freed Atem being that the two began to go find Peyton. The princess had been cornered by Renegade who smiled. Peyton fired several missiles ,from her suit, much to Hugh's amazement. The knight deflected them with his swords, blowing everything around them. "If you just give up child, I'll make sure that m'lady spares you and the fat one." said Renegade.

Hilda heard this and backed away. "What makes you think I'll do that?! I may not be a superhero like Osiris and Zero are but I'm not going to let someone innocent die so that I may live. You'll probably just stab me and Hugh in the back won't you?" said Peyton, putting a clear front. "Oh wow. You're so brave. Why defend her? I mean after all, this girl hurt the brother of your best friend by reminding him of the Massacre. Low fucking blow by the way. Real Candace like." said Renegade.

Those words was all Hilda needed to figure out that Zane Alvarez was involved in this whole mess that resulted in the knighting of her friends. "So it was Zane who did this! I knew it! He's so dead next time I see him" yelled Hilda. "You seriously need to learn how to read the room bitch." growled Peyton, glaring right at Renegade. "She's right you know. Even Candace could do that but she's a squire now. There are still five left, time to make three left." said Renegade.

He lunged at Hilda being that everything went by so fast. Renegade easily moved past Peyton to get at Hilda, ignoring Hugh for now. Suddenly, two giant fists appeared and hit Renegade out of the air within seconds. Renegade was knocked back as two people landed in front of the teens. Peyton saw that it was Morph and Osiris. "Get them out of here now Osiris. I'll handle the black knight." said Danny as he made an azure blue energy sword.

Atem nodded with him turning back to the trio. "You may want to listen to him. He's just after Zero in terms of being a hero." said Atem. He headed toward the park with the trio of Hilda, Hugh, and Peyton following him. Once they were gone, Danny turned toward the knight. "Why are you stopping me? You hate Ultimate Showdown right?" said Renegade. "I do but I'm not going to let you bad guys turn them into soldiers to take over Cypress Park." said Danny.  

Renegade laughed with him saying,"That's funny. You're defending the worst parts of your generation and another reminder of Ricardo's legacy! He caused me and Feral's life to be ruined forever! This was all part of her plan! All of this is Ricardo fault.". "Yeah. I totally believe that. Ricardo may be the worst part of Hollywood hands down but taking it out on somehow innocent teens isn't the way to do it William." said Danny.

The black knight was silent as Danny said,"You seriously don't think we didn't do research on you after Bob mentioned a black knight and how a black knight broke two villains out of prison. We know about you William Jensen, former therapist to the stars and before that, you were a special effect expert.". "Fine. You think I care? I don't. Ricardo ruined my life by taking credit for MY special effects with him doing NOTHING to create them!" said Ricardo.

Danny could tell that Ricardo had caused an innocent man to go off the deep end. "All of Ricardo's sins will go down by the hands of my blade. Those who hurt me, Feral, and countless others." said William. "So you've been turned people into squires just to get an army to kill Ricardo?" said Danny as he decided to keep the villain busy. Inside of the mall, the rest of Team Maelstrom was taking care of the squires plus Feral and Wendigo without killing them.

William nodded as he said,"M'lady wanted me to do this so we could achieve our goal and well, I will do just that. Nothing will stop me.". Danny nodded with William heading toward Danny. "You let your ego and pride get the better of you, becoming the monster that Ricardo is. I'm going to make sure you get the help you need I promise." said Danny, getting ready to fight. The two clashes blades with them glaring at each other.

Back in the mall, Kevin had just trapped another set of squires to the ground using a glue bomb. This bomb trapped anyone in its range in glue and prevented them from moving. "So how many of them are there?" said Kevin. He turned to see Gwen and Rachel who were fighting Wendigo while Heidi and Wolfram fought Feral. "Okay then. Never mind. I'll handle the knights and then maybe, we can find out about Sally." said Kevin.

Neurozap looked at the knights he just captured being that despite their outer appearance looking the same to a normal person, his suit showed him that the army was secretly quite diverse. "Bob is safe plus I don't think they've captured Hilda, Hugh, and Miranda yet. Sally is the only left so where is she?" thought Kevin, flying off and capturing any squire with glue bombs. He stopped them when he heard a clash outside.

The metahuman flew outside and saw Danny fighting against the knight's leader. He guessed that since he was the only turning people into knights and his armor was a different color. Kevin has played enough games to know that a different color means a higher rank. Renegade threw ,using his mind from what Kevin could see, five cars at Danny who dodged them and smacked Renegade in the face using his Spectral Busters.   

Renegade used this momentum to punch Danny in the face using the hero's own shadow. "Looks it's time to help my friend out!" thought Kevin, flying toward them. As Kevin blasted Renegade with a stream of fire, Miranda watched from behind a car. She saw Peyton turn into that jumpsuit wearing freak earlier and Miranda had an idea. She remembered that Zenith Industries had a lot of technology so she decided to take some for herself in order to survive and become the president.   

Yeah if you thought Miranda was a greedy bitch before, you haven't seen nothing yet. Danny and Kevin weren't have a hard time against William since they survived Zane's training and that man is a sadist. William wasn't letting them fight him thanks to him controlling their shadows and forcing them to fight each other. "So do you have an idea how to stop this?" said Kevin, getting punched in the fact by Danny. "Nope but I'm open to suggestions!" said Danny, getting kneed in the stomach.

The two heard,"I have an idea. Die!". The heroes turned to see William ,using their shadows, sending them into the side of two pickups at them. The force of the throw caused the heroes's body to destroy the truck completely and onto the ground. "Okay. This hurts but nothing compared to Zero. Am I right?" said Kevin, struggling to get back up. "I really hate to agree but yes." said Danny. The two saw William charging at them with them groaning.

However, they didn't happen as William was blasted by red Sibylline and implanted into the side of a building. William looked up to see Vicky floating there. "Stand back before I decided to hurt you more." said Vicky. "Thanks for the assist. You are here to help us right? I mean as you can clearly see Vicky, he isn't a Phantom." said Kevin. "Who aren't bad. I know and yes. Now get up." said Vicky as William glared at them.

William ,despite injured, said,"You shouldn't have interfered. Even if you stop me, m'lady will kill Ricardo. This is what me and Tristan wanted. The world should be free of the pain Ricardo Salazar brings wherever he goes.". He passed out with him transforming. William s a tall, thin, and muscular man. He has chin length reddish brown hair with his face being long and narrow. He has dark brown eyes with a large mustache which feels fuzzy according to the ladies.

He wears glasses, white scarf, a sword pendant, a blue shirt, orangish-blue jacket, purple jeans, and sandals. "Wow. Your Sibylline packs a serious punch." said Danny with him putting on a Negation Collar on the former knight just in case. "Thanks Morph but we have a bigger problem at the moment you guys." said Vicky. "What now?" said Kevin. "It seems that Feral/Tristan has escaped Viola and Zero's pet wolf." said Vicky. "How?" said Kevin. 

Vicky shrugged as she said,"No idea but we need to split up. Morph, you need to head toward Silver Citrus Hospital. Remember that place.". "Yeah. Why though?" said Danny. "According to a security camera, both Robert Frazier and Sally Harper were seen in that general area along with the meta known as Misama and a group of Rumlant." said Vicky. "Oh crap. I'll get going. Send anyone you can to help!" said Danny as he made Phantasmal Drive in its bike form.

The hero drove off as Kevin said,"So what about us?". "I'll go check up on Osiris. You go help the others inside with Wendigo. The reason for him being a part of all this is unknown. I do know that Avalon and Swarm decided to partner up to kill all of the supernatural and metas on Earth by turning a young Meta into that." said Vicky. "Gotcha. Stay safe okay?" said Kevin. "I will. Thanks for giving me another chance." said Vicky. "Like Zero has told me, everyone makes mistakes." said Kevin.

He was speaking from experience. Vicky nodded as Kevin said,"He always say that a person who doesn't try and change after making a mistake is the biggest fool in the entire world. I'm sure you've noticed that both Zane and Zero are still effected by the Massacre.". "All of us are Neurozap. Losing some of my close friends because of a bitch getting god like powers really opened my eyes. We'll talk later so lets get going. I'm sure we don't want another Massacre." said Vicky as the two went off 

Back in the streets of Cypress Park, Atem was doing his best to keep Hilda and Hugh away from the Squires who were chasing after their little group. Atem kept most of them at bay using his costume but their numbers didn't seem to lower. Payton looked back to see if the two celebrities were still there with Hugh slowing down. "Come on big guy! You need to kick it in overdrive!" said Payton as her suit fired missiles from it. "I'm trying but...." said Hugh.

He collapsed onto the ground with Hilda saying,"Um. We have company!". Feral leap into the air and was going to attack this. Peyton noticed this with her pushing Hilda out of the way before she was attacked. Feral landed on the ground and growled at her. "You just made a big mistake. She was part of the Season who transformed me into this!" said Feral. "Grow up. When life gives you shit, just give it back and then some." said Atem.

He launched a sonic blast right at Feral, causing him to fall on the ground and screeched in pain at the loud noise. Peyton held a grenade with Hilda saying,"Where did you?". "If I knew, I would tell you but this thing I'm wearing is just giving me butt kicking tools! Move Osiris!" said Peyton as she threw the grenade. It went toward a group of squires ,who were heading toward Hugh, but they were sent flying back by an explosion.

Once the army and Feral were handled for now, Atem and Peyton grabbed Hugh with them helping the big guy on their feet. Hilda looked for someone to hide Hugh since the squires were more focused on her rather than Hugh. She spotted an open store with a few people hiding it. "That'll work." said Hilda as she lead the group toward the store. Once inside, Atem looked out the door to see if any of the Squires or Feral followed them.

Atem didn't lower his guard for a second as he said,"Okay. They're gone for now but we can't all be together. Time to split up.". "But isn't that a bad thing in zombie movies!" said Hugh, panting like nothing else. "Yeah I know Hugh but we're kinda limited on options right now. Hilda and I will keep them busy while you and Peyton stay here." said Atem. "Hold on. In what option makes you think I'm going out there?" said Hilda.

The mummy looked at her as he said,"You're part of the reason why there are so many of them and so little of us. Hugh and Peyton will be safe but while you're around people you going to get someone hurt.". "So I have to go out there and risking my freewill for others. That sounds like a great idea. Not!" said Hilda. She was punched by Atem with Hugh and Peyton sighing. "She had this coming didn't she?" said Hugh. "You know it." said Peyton.

Atem said,"Quit thinking about yourself! I'm sure that all of this is happening because you're part of Ultimate Showdown! From what I can see, these villains outside hate your show and Ricardo so much. I can see why since you're willing to befriend a girl who would willingly sell her own family into slavery just to get a chance to become president and win a million. Tell me that I'm wrong Hilda. I dare you.".

Hilda didn't answer him at first with her saying,"Why does everyone in this dam town bring that shit up? I did what I thought was right.". "Well, you can't change the past no matter how much you want to. The coast is clear. We're not putting anymore innocent lives in danger." said Atem as he headed outside. "And putting mine is danger is aokay.". said Hilda. She was barely hit by Atem's gold energy blast as he yelled,"Quite bitching and hurry up!".

While Atem struggled to get Hilda to listen to him, three things were going on. The first was Kevin since he along with Heidi and Wolfram were fighting against Wendigo who had turned the entire mall into a winter wonderland. The trio of Gwen, Leo, and Rachel had left earlier to help Danny at the old hospital. "So I'm not too familiar with my mythology but is that creature known for ice?" said Kevin, blasting away several waves of ice using two steams of fire.

Wolfram ,in his human werewolf form, charged at Wendigo with the two clashing. "I don't those two care but I'm confused how he's connected to Feral and William." said Heidi, smashing a snowman using her staff Serenity and hit a squire as well. "Yeah Vicky did mention that Avalon and Swarm did this to him. Maybe he's been told that Ricardo is working for those group." said Kevin, touching two snowmens and disintegrated them. "You think so?" said Heidi.

Kevin shrugged as he said,"If you got any other ideas about him Viola, I'm all for it. This is just my head canon for now". The two watched Wendigo flying toward them with the two metas nodding. Wendigo had been send flying by the werewolf with him growling and seeking revenge. Before he could do anything, Kevin flew up to him and blasted Wendigo into the ground using a blast of raw Animus. Wendigo tried to get back up but was held to the ground by Heidi's staff.

Wendigo said,"Let me go! I want to get revenge on the wolf and those bastard who turned me into this!". Kevin flew over him with him saying,"But didn't Avalon and Swarm do this to you? Not Ricardo.". "M'lady promised me revenge on them if I help those two with their revenge!" said Wendigo. "M'lady?" said Wolfram, earning a confused shrug from Heidi and Kevin. Before they could question him any further, the entire mall was covered in neon green gas.

Marionette stood there with her watching the three heroes get knocked out and Wendigo joined them shortly. The unconscious William was placed there by two neon green golems. They matched the ones that Salem created ,in Zero Episode 129, except with neon green runes instead. "Sorry but you can't tell them about me just yet. I'm sure Rythos and his pal will know about me soon enough but not know. The Centurions still need to be collected." said Marionette as she and the golems were gone.

Vicky was keeping Feral from attacking Hilda who had to be dragged out by Atem. The two teens were gone as Feral growled. "Why must you be a pain in my side?! You don't know what she has done to me along with the rest of Ultimate Showdown! The only ones who were nice to me were Bob, Hugh, and Sally but they've been sparred by m'lady! The only ones who remain are Hilda and Miranda! Two women of equal evil!" said Feral.

The mutated human easily blocked Vicky's roundhouse kick and pushed the woman's leg away from him. The armored wearing woman got back up as she said,"Yeah. So where did you learn how to fight Tristan? I thought you were just an intern for Ultimate Showdown during Season 3-5.". "I had to learn how to defend myself. Ricardo made me and my fellow interns die just for ratings! You don't know what that was like!" said Feral, charging at her.

Before Vicky could blast him, Feral teleported away and reappeared behind Vicky. He slashed down on her, causing her to scream. The suit repaired the damage that she took but Feral's horns glowed bright green. The horns fired two green energy beams at Vicky and sent her flying into the side of a building. Once Vicky reached the middle of the building, Feral appeared. He grabbed her and jumped through every floor before breaking through the rooftop.

Upon reaching it, he threw Vicky toward the ground and fired two energy beam from his horns at her within seconds. Vicky let out a scream as she plummeted toward the ground below her. Before that could happen, Danny ,on Phantasmal Drive, appeared and saved her. "Morph? What about Bob and Sally?" said Vicky. "They're fine. We took care of the group in front of the hospital super easy and there is one more person working to kill Ricardo." said Danny.

The hero was flying toward Feral ,who roared at him at them, with Vicky saying,"So where are the others in your group? Feral isn't the normal metas you guys fight and where is Zero?". "Trying to free the group trapped inside of the mall. I'm sure we can take care of him together. Zero isn't the only hero in Cypress Park Vicky. We're here and heroes will keep fighting no matter what." said Danny with Vicky nodding as the two were ready to fight.

On the ground, Atem was doing his best to hold off the squires but he couldn't fight them and protect Hilda at the same time. "Why are there so many of these guys?!" said Atem, blasting a group of them with two powerful sonic blasts. One of the squires managed to evade Atem's attacks and made a run for Hilda. The older girl screamed in terror as the knight reached her. Atem noticed this and ready to aim his gauntlet at the knight but was dogpiled by the squires.

The knight was about to strike down at Hilda but was knocked away by the Vindicator slamming right into it. Efren stuck his head out of the RV's driver window. "Hey metal heads! Strike! You kids got the ones piling onto your favorite mummy right?!" said Efren. Uriel and Zoey ,as K-9 and Lodestar respectively, came out of the RV with Uriel blasting a bunch of them away using pink Mojo as Zoey phased through the knights, grabbing her brother from out of the pile.

Before the pile of knights could recover, they were blasted away by bright emerald green energy. The remaining Lazmond Lynx stood there with her smiling. "Thanks sis and Lynx. I owe you both one." said Atem, looking at the three firls and smiling. "You're welcome big bro but we need to get back home now!" said Zoey. "K-9! Grab the mean one!" said Lynx. Uriel nodded as she went to go help Hilda but she pushed Uriel to the ground as she ran into the RV.

Lynx went to help the nine year old up with Uriel saying,"I help her after she pushed me and I think she's mean.". "Yep. I think she's even worse. Quark is helping out at freeing the members of Team Maelstrom from the mall. Sly and Vesta are at the house. We need to protect Hilda despite most of us hating her." said Lynx as the two went in after her along with Atem and Zoey. Efren smiled with him saying,"Time to show them how we roll Vindicator!".

He stepped down on the gas pedal and sped away from the knights who began chasing after him. "I owe you guys a lot for saving me and Hilda." said Atem. "No problem squirt. You and your siblings are like my family and a real man doesn't leave anyone behind especially family!" said Efren. "So where are the others Osiris?" said Lynx.  In the air above them, Danny and Vicky was flying toward Feral with the two blasting him with azure blue and red energy beams respectively.

Their attack was blocked by Feral's green beams, causing a explosion above them. "Fighting with Vicky by their side. I'm not sure who is left among the bad guys but I just hope it's the knights left." said Atem, clenching his fists. "You know whose fault this is right? It's Zane." said Hilda. "You better say your next words wisely or else girlie. Zane freed me from my stasis form after spending over 5,000 years in it. I would die for him! He's a good man." said Lynx, earning a nod from Efren.

Uriel nodded as she said,"Yeah. I'm sure that Ricardo is the one to blame since both the knights and the horned one hate him.". "That thing turned my friends into his servants!" yelled Hilda. "And how is that Zane's fault? I know Zane. He's the best person in my life since he gave me a home after I thought I didn't deserve one. He did that for all of us in this RV except you. Zane may hate you but he wouldn't try and have your freewill taken." said Zoey.     

Hilda didn't say anything at the moment as she glared at the five superpowered individuals in the RV with her speaking. "It's because of Shane and Zane, people think I'm a horrible person." whispered Hilda. The two daughters and son heard what Hilda said and were pissed off. "Kids. Let me talk some sense into her. Osiris, you got your license right?" said Efren. Atem nodded as he went to the driver seat and the girls followed him.

Efren sat across from Hilda at the dinette with Lynx standing nearby. "You're the worst. I mean I've seen really awful shits in the Omniverse but you easily make the top of that list." said Efren. "What did you say?!" yelled Hilda. "You don't have any room to talk since we're keep you from becoming knighted. I think I'm learning why the Omniverse hates humans other than being the weakest species in the Omniverse." said Lynx.

Hilda was confused as Efren said,"You blaming Shane and Zane for what people think about you is why people hate you. You decided to throw it away because you can't handle how a bunch of no life losers who you'll never met were bitching and complaining about how you stole Miranda's man from here. The man wanted out of that shitty relationship. So what if someone have something to say about you?! Grow up!".

Efren stood up with him saying,"People who want to live out their lives through another hate how their shitty lives turned out! If they wanted something better, they should have done something about it instead of bitching. If you seriously thinking that making them happy will make things better for you, I'll throw you to the knights without a second thought.". Hilda didn't have anything to say since she was scared of the man. 

Lynx blinked with her saying,"Wow. I didn't see that coming from you Efren.". "It's something that the captain told me once. He's a man I respect after all and that's why he hates Ultimate Showdown. I think out of all reality TV, their fanbase is the worst about it." said Efren. "That sounds like Zane. I'm happy to have met him." said Lynx. "Me too. So are we here at the house Osiris?" said Efren. "Yeah!" said Atem, parking the RV in front of the house. "Time to fight kids!" said Efren.

The trio nodded with Hilda looking unsure. The group left the RV and entered the house with the knights following behind them. Once inside, the group spotted Jordan in costume with the group of King, Ricardo, a human Sly, and a couple of cameraman in the living room. "So how is it?" said Sly as Efren closed the door behind him. Before she could get an answer, the knights got into the house by throwing a nearby car into the house and making a hole.

One of the squires rushed toward Hilda but Sly kicked the squire in the head, sending it flying. "I think I know how bad it is. Get them to the basement! Team Maelstrom will protect you." said Sly as Jordan threw two fireballs at the squires, causing a fiery explosion. Efren made two blood hammers and smacked some squires away. There was no objection from King who followed the trio into the basement along with most of the cameramen and Hilda.

One of the cameraman kept on recording the mayhem that happens in the Alvarez house and didn't noticed one of the squires coming toward him. Lynx noticed this with her blasting the metal man in the back, sending him flying. "This is amazing! Rating is gold baby!" said Ricardo, cheering and watching the fight with interest. He followed the others toward the basement. Once everyone was in the basement, Atem flipped a switch.

The weapons vault instantly opened up, revealing more weapons for the others to use. Hilda looked at the armory with her making a comment. "Oh wow. This family makes Zane and company look like gun loving maniacs. Probably got off on one of them." said Hilda. Uriel punched her in the face with Hilda hitting the ground. This impressed Ricardo. "Just shut the hell up and make yourself useful for once in your pathetic life bitch." said Uriel.

Zoey looked at her younger sister with her saying,"Anyway you guys. Just shoot at anything who isn't friendly.". Zoey tossed the girl a Plasma pistol with Hilda trying to catch the weapon but just barely got it. Upon holding the weapon, Hilda looked scared as she never use a real weapon in her life. Her family had since they were hunters. "How do I use this?" stuttered Hilda while holding a gun. "Seriously? Point and shot." said Atem, exhausted of them.

While the Alvarez household was fighting, the fight between Danny and Vicky plus Feral were fighting on top of the house. Feral grabbed Vicky by her throat and threw her into the top of the Vindicator. Vicky pushed herself off the car before getting back into the fight by jumping to the top of the Alvarez house. "Time to boost things into overdrive." said Vicky, touching the phoenix that's on the center of her chest plate.

Danny watched Vicky's suit get more armor and becomes more hulking than the sleek design before the change. The color of her suit is still the same. The shoulders had dark blue pauldrons that are in the shape of dome. The gloves now go up to her elbows with the ends pointed and has a very small blade protruding coming out of the elbows. It has a pair of small but powerful, black cannons. Coming out of her back, she has two long and large flexible dark blue and black bird like wings.

There is a small, rectangular jetpack was positioned on her back between her wings to allow extra speed and flight when in use. Her helmet now has a reflective black faceplate/visor, that hides her face completely. The helmet has two tall, dark blue feather-shaped protrusions sticking out on the sides. She was currently holding a sword in each hand. The blade was red Sibylline with a black edge to them. The cross guard is dark blue and black in the shape of a wing. The grip is dark blue.

Vicky looked up to see Danny get tossed around by Feral before getting kicked in the head, causing Danny to fall toward the rooftop of Zane's house. Danny hit the top of the house, leaving a Morph sized crater in the home. The Homo Supremus got back up, looking at the upgraded Vicky. "Okay Vicky. That's cool." said Danny, activating Wraith Armor.  His body is completely covered in black full-body plated armor with wing-like jets on his back.

His armor is covered by an glowing azure blue computer circuitry pattern. His face is covered by a mask version of his helmet which is an obsidian black color with a smaller version of his logo and white eyepieces over his eyes. His hair is still like flames with it now being azure blue energy. Tristan landed on the top of the Alvarez home with him watching Danny and Vicky stand next to each other in their upgraded selves.

He glared at the top of them as Vicky held her swords and Danny got ready to fight. Feral roared at them, charging at the two heroes. The two heroes rushed toward Feral, ready to finish their fight. The agent of Swarm swung her swords toward Feral but the mutated intern blocked it with his horns. He cocked back his left fist, sending it toward Danny. However, Danny grabbed the forearm and threw him into the air.

Danny made his Uncanny Warhammer appeared in his hands, jumping toward Feral and was going to hit Feral right into the ground. Before the hammer could hit, Danny couldn't move. "Telekinesis. I'm so not a big fan of it." said Danny, trying to move a single muscle. Feral floated in the air with him saying,"I've had my powers for three years since Season 4. I'm not going to lose.". Vicky's suit fired a barrage of missiles at Feral, causing him to release Danny from his telekinetic hold.

Feral began teleporting around but he couldn't shake those missiles. "Okay. So are those heat seeking or what?" said Danny, standing next to Vicky. "A little bit. I don't know the exact details behind this suit since I got it six months ago. I'm still working on learning it but I'm sure that this thing is going down Morph." said Vicky. The missiles slammed into Feral, causing an explosion. "Just in case, he doesn't survive." said Danny.

Danny turned his left and right arm into the Deathly Talons and Eidolic Magnet respectively. The two waited for Feral to come out of the explosion. However, Feral appeared behind them and burned to a crisp. He elbowed the two in the back, causing them to grunt in pain. They stumbled forward with Vicky trying to attack Feral with her swords. She landed a large X-shaped blow in the mutated intern's chest, causing him to bleed.

Before Vicky could turn around and continued fighting, Feral grabbed her and tossed her into the air using his mind. "Vicky!" said Danny, turning both of his arms into the Phantom Smashers. He was about to smash Feral but he teleported away. Vicky saw Feral appear above her and used his claws to stabbed right through the armor. He didn't stop there, hitting her spine. Vicky cried out in pain as she felt his claws being pulled out of her back.

She flew into the air above him, aiming all of her weapons ,inside of her suit, at Feral. She fired a barrage of red Sibylline energy bullets, missiles, and several copies of her swords at him. This sent Feral flying down the street and making a large divot in the ground. "Fuck you!" yelled Vicky as she took a deep breath. However, this powerful attack caused Vicky's suit to vanish and was in her civilian clothing. She's wearing a short sleeve sky blue shirt with a light green camisole underneath.

She's wearing a magenta thigh length skirt with black leggings underneath. She wears brown high-heeled boots. She has gold and silver hoop earrings that are small. Danny noticed the Phoenix Bracelet on her right wrist. According to his computer brain and Zane, this is where her costume rests when not in use. It's an silver bracelet ,with a dark blue phoenix emblem on it, over her right wrist. She was falling toward the ground being that before crashing, Danny caught her once again.

Feral glared at Vicky, recovering from her attack. He was about to attack them once again but Feral sniffed the air in front of him. Most of the Squires that William created were out cold and defeated with him decided to take that. Before they attacked the mall, William gave him a bottle of Reaper Powder. It was just in case, The mutated intern opened the bottle, devour all of the thirty pills ,that were in the bottle, in a second and the drug kicked in within seconds of consumption.

Both of his arms and legs were instantly covered in blue claw like markings and his tongue being bright blue. His muscle mass increased with him roaring. He aimed his claws at the Alvarez House with him teleporting all of Team Maelstrom ,that was inside of the house, to Lake Tuscarora. "I'm loving this power! Screw the side effects! I'll have my revenge!" said Feral. He made his way inside of the house and headed toward the basement where Hilda and Ricardo were.

Danny looked at Vicky with him saying,"You okay Vicky?". "Not really. I can't feel anything below my hips. I think I'm bleeding too." said Vicky, coughing blood. Danny looked to see that Vicky's stomach was bleeding and blood was coming it. "Yep. Just hang on. I'll get you somewhere safe Vicky." said Danny. He helped her inside of the house by entering through the giant hole in the house and the Homo Supremus seeing Feral head toward the basement.

Inside of the basement/lab, the squires were trying to get to the duo of Hilda and Ricardo. The trio of Atem, Uriel, and Zoey were holding them off rather well. Hilda tried to shoot at one of the squires but she kept missing when it got closer. The cameraman ,unlike everyone else that the squires, had been killed and the camera destroyed much to Ricardo's disappointment. The reason for the cameraman's death is rather simple.

Since William was defeated, the control of the squires had been given over to Feral. After taking the Reaper Powder, Feral's thoughts were more violent so that's why the squires killed the cameraman and destroyed the cameras. One of the squires made his way toward where Ricardo was standing and looked ready to kill the man. King noticed this and using his prison expression, he picked up a chair and charged toward the knight.

Once getting close, King swung the chair at the squire but the knight just stood there and took it head on. Once the weapon was broken by coming in contact with the metal wearing being, King looked at the knight in fear and backed away. However, the squire grabbed the former convict by his throat and lifted him off the ground despite looking physically smaller than King. King was getting scared as he felt the knight's grip grow tighter and did his best to break free.

Suddenly, a gloved hand grabbed the knight's shoulder and performed the Astral Clamp. The squire dropped King before the knight fell on the ground. King looked up to see Atem standing there with him saying,"You're really lucky that I decided to spare you.". "What is going on?! I demand all of you to leave right now!" yelled Feral as he was now in the basement. The remaining twelve squires ran out of there with Feral looking at Hilda and Ricardo, smiling.

Feral chuckled as he said,"And now, I think the years of revenge have been worth it. I get to kill Hilda and Ricardo at the same time.". He moved forward with Atem blocking his path using his enlarged hands. "You'll have to go through me first. K-9 and Lodestar. Protect those three idiots for me." said Atem with the two girls listening to their older brother. The two younger girls protected the goth, host, and former prisoner.

Inside of the living room of the Alvarez house, Danny had placed Vicky on the couch. Vicky was no longer Agent Phoenix due to her suit being out of power. Danny placed the bracelet ,which he used his powers to figure out that it was how she was able to put on her suit, and began to figure out the best way to help her recover. Danny couldn't stop looking at the wound on Vicky's stomach and felt awful about what happened to Vicky.

Vicky tried to get back up with Danny ,deactivating Wraith Armor, stopping her. "Vicky. I may not be a doctor but I can tell that you're done. That injury isn't a joke." said Danny, placing the Phoenix bracelet on the coffee table. "I'm okay...." said Vicky. "You got stabbed in the gut. Vicky, focus on stopping the bleeding. That freak is mine." said Danny. Vicky wanted to protest but was too weak to do anything as she watched Danny vanish from her sight.

The agent of Swarm groaned loudly with her saying,"Fuck. I have powers given to me by nazis but I can't do anything to help them after I did a lot of bad things.". She placed her hands over her stomach in an attempt to stop the bleeding.  While Vicky was doing this, Miranda had entered the house and spotted the Phoenix bracelet on the coffee table. Before coming here, she found a case that she tripped over.

It was the same case that contained the Demi-God Formula but Miranda didn't know about this at first but she figured out what it was with a quick search on her phone. Marionette ,who had been keep an eye on her, knew that things were going to get good.  "I found it!" whispered Miranda. Like she did with the Demi-God Forumla, she knew about the Phoenix Bracelet. She made a run for it being that Vicky had no time to react when she saw Miranda running toward her.

Miranda grabbed the Phoenix Bracelet within seconds with the agent of Swarm groaning. "What the hell are you doing?! You need to leave!" yelled Vicky, struggling to get up but her wounds stopped her. "Is it obvious? I'm putting this thing to good use." said Miranda. She put the bracelet on her left wrist before heading to the basement. "No!" said Vicky. She tried to get off the couch and she did but she was about to fall to the ground.

Instead of falling onto the ground, she was floating there. "Sorry but I can't have you getting more hurt Vicky." said a voice. Vicky looked to see Zane ,as Legion Zero, standing there with his arms crossed and wasn't happy. "Zero? Where have you been?" said Vicky. "Helping out in a city that isn't my home. It was nice but I should have been here. If I was...." said Zane. He was thinking about the Massacre but shook the thoughts away from now and focused on the situation at hand.

Vicky looked at him as she said,"Zero. Did you see any knights go by? I saw them leave the house but Morph was focused on me.". "Don't worry. I just took care of those knights outside. I think those knights are the former cast of Ultimate Showdown possibly. Don't worry. I called an ambulance once I saw your wound. You'll be okay. Do you want me to stay here?" said Zane. "No. Go stop Miranda from using my Phoenix Bracelet." said Vicky.

Zane's eyes widened with him saying,"She's doing what?!". "Yeah. I couldn't stop her since she's so stubborn. Even more than Zane. Did you know that I liked him back in high school? I wanted to go out with him but I didn't want him to get hurt because I was a monster. Killing those innocent people just because I had the power." said Vicky, crying. Zane frowned with him making a clone appear and made the clone take care of Vicky while the Prime went to clean things up.

Back in the basement, Danny spotted Feral fighting against Atem. The eldest of Zane's kids tried to keep the mutated intern at bay while blocking each one of Feral's strikes with his gauntlets. Atem was running on fumes as he blasted Feral away using a gold energy blast. The mutant was about to attack but stopped when he heard footsteps. Feral saw Danny standing there. "That's enough Tristan. You need to stop before things get worse for you." said Danny.

Feral growled with him saying,"No. Do you think the interns who Ricardo killed will be happy if I stop now? No! They must die!". Hilda, King, and Ricardo heard what the two had said and were surprised by who the mutant was. "Fine. You leave me no choice. You're going down and hard." said Danny, making his Haunted Drill appear and charged at Feral. As the two fought, Hilda was coming to terms with Feral.

She remember Tristan and how he was nice to her during Season 3. However after her friendship with Miranda was destroyed, she took it out on everyone including Tristan. When she heard about how Tristan "died" during Season 4, she didn't care since she was focused on repairing her friendship with Miranda. Danny was trying his best to take Feral down but Feral was teleporting around his attacks but grabbed Danny by his throat.

Danny tried to break out of this hold but Feral threw him across the basement and turned right toward Hilda. "Hilda. I felt so bad for you after how Miranda and everyone made you into the villain during Season 3. I defend you to the other interns who called Candace 2 but even after I defend you, did you care about what happened to the intern during Season 4? No. You care about that bitch who hurt you! You'll die!" said Feral.

The goth pointed her gun at him but her hands were shaking like crazy and she couldn't aimed the weapon at him. Feral charged at her and was about to stab her while Hilda tried to squeeze down on the trigger. A powerful beam of azure blue energy flew toward Feral, sending Feral into a lab table hard. Everyone turned around to see the source of the beam and saw Danny with his evolved Spook Howitzer. "Boom bitch. I'm done after this." said Danny, passing out.       

Uriel ran over to her uncle and protected him while Atem and Zoey protected King and Ricardo. "So is there anyone else who wants to be a hero? I'm up for anything at this point!" said Feral. "Not so fast you fucking freak!" yelled Miranda, making her way into the basement. Everyone turned their attention toward the candidate and a few of them noticed the bracelet around her wrist plus holding the silver case. "Where did you get that bracelet?!" said Atem.

He was heading toward her with Miranda saying,"This thing. It's tacky but it'll do my good after the jumpsuit wearing bitch dropped it on the coffee table.". "What did you to do Vicky?!" said Zoey. "I didn't a dam thing to her. She was on the couch being that she got stabbed in the stomach by the freak over there. I think she can't walk anyone after she was stabbed." said Miranda. The trio of kids's eyes widened with them screaming her name.

Atem looked at his sisters with him saying,"K-9 and Lodestar. Take Morph upstairs and make sure that Vicky is okay!". The two followed his orders without question as they left the basement with Danny and in their fear, they noticed their father. Miranda didn't care about them because she was focused on using the Phoenix Bracelet, taking down Feral. Feral looked at her with the candidate standing before him and decided to humor before ending her.

Second to Ricardo, Feral wanted her dead the most. "So after stealing from a dying woman, what are you going to do now Miranda?" said Feral. "Do something that none of these failures could do and take you....." said Miranda, about to activate the Phoenix Bracelet. However, her plan failed and she looked down to see something shocking. The bracelet and case were gone as she heard,"I'm not sorry about taking them from you. You need to stop.".

Miranda saw Zane standing there with Atem saying,"Zero?! You're here!". "Yeah. You and the others did great Atem. Just hand the baton to me. I'll handle the mess that Ricardo made." said Zane with Ricardo looking at him. "Hey! What do you mean?!" said Ricardo. "Is it obvious? Your show caused Hilda, Miranda, and the rest of Ultimate Trash to meet, you stole William's idea, and mutated Tristan. Tell me that I'm wrong." said Zane.

Ricardo was silent with him saying,"So? I'm famous all over the world and you're just a menace like Horny over there.". Feral growled with Miranda saying,"Hey Zit! I want you to get me back MY bracelet right now! I'm the only who can stop this monster! Not you! None of these "heroes" can do the job. I'm going to president of the United States!". "Fine. If you want to have power, I'll give you and you better not be mad at me for doing it." said Zane.

Atem looked at Zane who smiled. "Uh oh. Zane is mad." thought Atem, knowing that Zane is mostly likely thinking about the Massacre. Zane aimed his hands at Miranda with him saying,"Mutated her into the monster the world sees her as like Kilene is!". "Wait?! What?!" said Miranda as she was blasted by an turquoise energy beam. As the beam hit her, she began screaming in pain and everyone watched in horror. Zane was using his Eazairvian powers to alter reality.

You may think that Zane is being too mean and evil here but here's the thing. Miranda had this coming since day 1 and well, Karma is a bitch. Miranda was screaming in agony as her body began reacting violently. Her build became more monstrosity, becoming eight feet tall. Miranda's ears turned into bat-like ears with her teal eyes have a black sclera. Her eyes multiplied to eight, becoming compound in the process.

Her body was pretty much covered in black fur, from head to toe. There were patches of white fur over her palms and chest. There were parts of her body not covered in fur, exposing her silver skin. Her jaw split open, exposing several piranha-like teeth and was moving like an active blender. Her clothes were pretty much destroyed at this point thanks to her now having four large tentacle like arms with five black diamond like claws at the end of them.

She has two legs with her feet having five teal diamond like talons on each leg. Those watching were disgusted by what they were seeing. Atem instantly looked away to avoid looking at the abomination in front of him and how his father did this to her despite Atem knowing that she had this coming from day 1. He hated himself for being okay with this. Feral ,despite being a mutant and hated Miranda the most out of the cast, puked as the transformation finished.

At the back of the lab, King and Ricardo were trying to get away from the duo of Feral and Zane mainly the latter. Hilda was about to pass out upon seeing Miranda. Once the transformation was done and over with, Miranda looked at herself in horror being that she didn't want this. In horror/rage, she let out a howl of terror and turned to Zane. "So. I take that you like the work I did to you. You're now what the world sees you as. A monster. You love me don't you?" said Zane.

Miranda roared,"You! You did this to me bastard!". "I sure did bitch. I mean you stole my friend's bracelet and was going to use it. I mean you were going to turn into a monster eventually but I just sped up the process." said Zane. "Fuck you! You're the one who forced Swarm to give Vicky that bracelet to become a killer like me! If you didn't exist, I wouldn't have ended up like this! This is all your fault!" roared Miranda.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Uh huh. And you're blaming others for you being an idiot. I mean that's just sad.". "He's right Miranda. You have no friends because of you being a monster. Zero here just made you what you were always destined to be." said Feral. Miranda yelled in anger as she charged at Feral. However, the smaller mutant grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up into the air using his enhanced strength.         

Miranda tried to break free from the telekinetic hold but couldn't. Even with her new powers, she had no idea how it worked. "I was going to kill you alongside Ricardo but honestly, I think this is more than a fair punishment." said Feral, throwing her into the ground. Miranda struggled to get up but her body refused to move as Feral looked at her. The former human felt a strong urge to run from the mutant.

Working on instinct, Miranda phased through the floor of the basement and fled. With the coward going, Feral turned his attention back toward Hilda and Ricardo. The mutant slowly made his way toward them but was stopped by a giant hand. "Did you seriously forget about me? I mean we were friends when we made fun of Mirster/Monanda. I'm hurt." said Zane. "You don't get it? I'm doing this for the victims of Ricardo!" said Feral.

Zane didn't say anything as he was ready to fight against Feral for the first time. Feral was about to charge at Zane with him stopped when he saw several gold energy swords sticking out of his chest as he growled. He turned his head ,360 degrees, to see Atem smiling. "Sorry but you forgot about me as well. I'm not giving up." said Atem. Feral's horns glowed green and blasted Atem, sending him flying into the stairs.

The mummy was out cold, deactivating his costume and revealing his true self. Zane looked at the mutant in front of him and rushed toward the mutant. "You'll pay for hurting him! No one hurts my family and gets away with it!" yelled Zane, making his silver stingers appear. Feral turned his head back around and saw Zane about to stab him with his stingers. Feral teleported from the attack and was going to slash Zane but it was blocked by his stingers. "Sweet Gong!" said Zane.

Zane landed a powerful headbutt into Feral's stomach, catching the mutant off guard and made him stumble back. Zane aimed his stingers toward Feral's chest but the mutant grabbed Zane's stingers with his hands. However, they pierced right through the palms. Feral wasn't focused on that since the stingers were covered in a powerful toxin, paralyzing him. Zane covered them in his flames, causing Feral to get burned.

Zane jumped back with him firing the ten stingers into Feral's chest. The mutant let out a pained yell after he took the hit but didn't give up and charged at Zane. Feral's head was grabbed by Zane's left hand and the hero cocked his right fist back. "Zenith Sphere bitch!" said Zane, making a black Mojo Zenith Sphere and sent it right toward Feral's face. This broke Feral's jaw and caused him to have two black eyes.

While Feral was dazed, Zane grabbed two stingers and stabbed him in the back. It was the extra same spot that Feral did to Vicky earlier. "And this is hurting Vicky. Get out of here now!" said Zane with him looking at King, Hilda, and Ricardo. Zane made candy syrup covered Feral and was unable to do anything. Despite Feral being unable to do anything, Ricardo pushed Hilda in front of him to save himself.  Hilda let out a surprised and annoyed ground, hitting the ground.

Zane sighed with him saying,"Even with all of that, you're a coward aren't you Dalesh?". Zane aimed his left hand right at Ricardo, firing his black ,with a crimson red tint, webbing. This trapped the host in the webbing with Zane walking up to him. "Hey! Let me go! I'm the victim here!" said Ricardo. "I don't think so. After all of this, all of your crimes and secrets will come to light. I think it's time to reveal what you really look like." said Zane.

Ricardo was hit by a turquoise energy beam like Miranda but unlike Miranda, Ricardo was turning back to his true self. He looks to be human but he’s an alien. His alien form looks the same as his human disguise except with blue skin and small TV satellite dishes on the sides of his necks. "What the actual fuck?" said Hilda. Upon seeing Ricardo's true self, King passed out. Ultimate Showdown Season 7 was over and things were just the worst.

Meanwhile, Miranda had managed to get away from the Alvarez family and looked at herself in a stream of water. She was in the forest nearby Cypress Park. She looked over her self and wept over what she turned into before sadness became anger. "Zane. Zero. Everyone in Cypress Park. They'll all pay for doing this to me." said Miranda, prepared to head deep into the woods and learn how to use her new powers. However, Karma still wasn't done with her.

She was blasted in the back with blue fire, causing her to fall onto the ground. Miranda turned around to see Brood standing there. Marionette was there as well with her saying,"So will you be happy with this thing?". "Oh my boss will be. I think she'll be a good lover for that one loser." said Brood as he knocked her with a kick to the head. He was gone in a portal of blue fire and Marionette smiled at how her plan went perfectly.

Next time,
With Feral and Renegade defeated, what will happen next to the Ultimate Showdown Cast? Will Vicky regain motion in her legs? Will Zane be punished for turning into Miranda? What happened in Sunset Shores? Who is Marionette? Will Miranda return? Who is Uguisu? This and more next time on Zero!

Wendigo is able to generate and control ice. He's able to create blasts and constructs of ice from the moisture around him. His body is extremely durable since he can survive getting hit by a barrage of machine gun fire without any injuries. His fur that covers him can protect him from most elemental damage. He can use his claws to pierce though most objects with ease. He can move so fast being that to a normal person, it looks he's move faster than the speed of light. It is actually him pausing time for up to ten seconds. He can only do this for up to ten seconds at a time.

Order of being Knighted among the cast: First to Last.
1. Shane.
2. Gabriel.
3. Jill.
4. Joe.
5. Alicia.
6. Francisco.
7. Eduardo.
8. Willow.
9. Candace.
10. Mindy.
11. Derek.
12. Abel.     

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