Monday, December 23, 2019

Zero Episode 139 Reality Sucks Act 3

A/N: And after that interesting episode of Fairy Legion, we're back to Zero with the Reality Sucks arc where metahumans ,who work for Avalon, are attacking Ultimate Showdown since Ricardo wronged them in some way. At least for Feral and Renegade, the Marionette and Wendigo on the other hand were not. One is doing to get revenge on Avalon for what they did to him and the Marionette is doing this because she was hired to.

Yeah. She doesn't have the best reason for her actions but does any villain really? I mean giving your characters reason for doing what they do is a good thing but sometimes, you kinda just need a bad guy to fight your good guy. So in previous Author Notes, I mention Captain Marvel and how I thought the movie was okay. The character on the other hand is a different story. Like how I figured out a reason why Captain Marvel, I figure out why I've grown to not like the character.

This comes from a Deviantart Post called My Honest Opinion on Carol Danvers. Do you think Marvel is trying to push her to be the next Wonder Woman? Probably. No they are since they keep relaunching and canceling her series over and over again. If you want to keep the fans that you built with the series, quit relaunching it. I also still hold a grudge how Captain Marvel won Civil War 2 and suffered no consequences for it.

This is what I've seen. I mean at least with Civil War and Captain American Civil War, both sides suffered for their action with Cap "dying" after it and Tony being blamed for Secret Invasion in the comic. The movie's consequences on the other hand involved Grimace, six glowing rocks, and him falling to do the Addams Family Snap. I always wondered if someone else wondered what would happen if Thanos did the Addams Family Snap, thanks reddit!

It's something fun to think about. Captain Marvel will probably never be on the same level as Wonder Woman due to a very simple fact. Wonder Woman is the main female superhero to a lot of people or just the general public. It's like how Batman or Superman is seen as the main male hero at least from my experience. I mean Dark Knights Metal is kinda all about Batman and for some reason, no one is stopping Bendis from ruining Superman.

I mean he aged up Jonathan Kent to be in his teens which is an interesting thing to do. I mean you can age up Superman's kid but Damian has been a pre-teen/teen since his creation. He rebooted the Legion of Superheroes and turned Lightning Lad's race because diversity. This would be a bad thing since I'm not a fan of diversity being very so for diversity site but honestly, have you seen how the team looked like before Bendis?

My opinion on this is that go nuts since no one cares about the Legion of Superheroes. I'm part of this group being that the only one that I like was Wildfire aka the hero in the suit. He reminded me of one of my favorite Firestorm since he's composed of thermonuclear energy. We also have him working on Young Justice and well, I'm not the biggest fan of it. I like the introduction of female Jonah Hex called Jinny Hex.

It's good to see a character like Jonah Hex get some representation in the modern day since Jonah is usually seen as a wild west character. I'll just ignore how Jinny swings for the same team because comics have been pushing out so much diversity shit lately. I've grown numb to it. Teen Lantern on the other hand. Hello DC's version of Riri. I mean you could say that's Naomi but DC's version of Riri is Teen Lantern in my eyes.

I mean she's an eleven-year-old girl that hacked into the Green Lantern Power Battery. That's already a red flag but it gets worse. She rigged her own way to pull the source energy into her gauntlet and reprogrammed it to do whatever she wants without the knowledge of the Green Lantern Corps or the guardians knowing it. I mean according to the "geniuses" over at Death Battle, Upgrade ,a living computer virus, couldn't hack into the ring but some little girl could in DC comics.

Get out of here.  Comics are stupid yes but sometimes you need to ask whats going on if it's really stupid. If you're going to make the most powerful weapon in your universe pretty much unhackable by pretty much everyone except for Brainiac maybe, don't make a pre-teen do it. I would say this is the worst thing Bendis has done but Drake. I mean that's a terrible superhero identity for someone named Tim DRAKE.

It's like Batman going by the name Wayne or Spider-Man by Parker. If you want to read what reddit thinks, check this post out. I should probably mentioned that the post after this one may not be Fairy Legion since I'm really enjoying writing Reality Sucks and also the Loke Arc. I also mentioned the One Piece rant being that's going to take some time. So enjoy some Zero in the mean time. Next time on Author note, expect more comic rants. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Lets go back to just before Wendigo attacked Joe and Jill, Zane ,in Pyre Form, was flying through Cypress Park. "Zane. We need to talk." said Silas's voice. "Silas. Is something wrong? You usually don't talk to me through the link that Athena and Cole contact me though. Let me guess Parker gave you access to the link." said Zane. "Not shocked about me hacking your private band?" said Silas. "I've known you for almost four years. I'm used to it. So what's up?" said Zane.

Silas said,"I want to ask you for some help with the Centurion Project.". "You do know that I'm kinda busy deal with trash right now right? Plus I'm kinda at working right now. Looking for some crime to stop." said Zane. "I think this should catch your interest. You're going to test out some possible candidates for me and...." said Silas. Zane stopped flying with him saying,"I'll call you back Silas. Athena has something for me.". "Understood." said Silas.

Zane ended the call with Silas with him saying,"What do you got for me?". "It's a bit difficult to explain but let me try my best. Remember the Rumlant attack a couple weeks ago? They're back and attacking the college. A unknown metahuman is there as well and he's currently destroying them using blue fire. Jennifer is also there and she's in......" said Athena. Athena didn't even need to finish as Zane flew toward the college fast.

Zane arrived at the college attracting the Rumlant. The Phantoms glared at him with Zane not paying attention to them. He was more focused on finding Jennifer and keeping her safe. One of the Rumlant was about to slash him but he was instantly destroyed by a pillar of flame. "Stay out of my way or you'll get burned." said Zane. The Rumlants didn't listen to him as Zane sighed. "Fine. I try to be nice but nope." said Zane.

Inside of the school, Brood was searching for Jennifer. He had found her and decided to take her to please Swarm. "Come on Phantom. I promise that I won't hurt you too badly." said Brood. He didn't get an answer with Brood smiling. The metahuman threw a blue fireball down the hallway and hitting a locker. The locker exploded as Jennifer ,looking the same as she did four years ago since Phantoms don't age, popped out of it.

Jen looked at Brood with her saying,"How did you find me? I was intangible!". "My helmet can detect your Nether Signature and you're going to die. Nothing personal but the people I'm working for hate your kind like nothing else.". Before Jennifer could escape, she was captured in blue fire chains. She tried to phase out of them but whenever she tried to do that, the chains only got tighter and hotter.

As he tried to escape, Brood held the weapon ,an assault weapon with two large halberd blades on top and under the barrel, that he used to kill Brittany and aimed it at her. "Say your praises to whatever god you believe in because you're going to die in the name of..." said Brood. Before he could do anything, he was stuck in the back by an orange energy beam. The metahuman was sent flying down the hallway and far away from Jen.

Jennifer turned to see her savior. It was her king/friend Zane. He was standing there in Archfiend Form with his right arm not being normal. It was a very high tech cannon looked to be out of a sci-fiction movie. "Zane." said Jen. The demon walked up to her with him saying,"Jen. Why are you here? I told you that coming to Cypress Park right now is a bad idea. Now stay back.". Jen saw Zane's arms turn into blades with him slicing through the fire chains.

The chains faded away after being cut by the blades. Jen smiled as she said,"Thanks. I was worried about Brittany. She hasn't been in Terrarune for two weeks. Bane is trying to convince Dyno to keep the soldiers back but....". Crisis Judgement went off as Zane turned into Brick Form, covering Jen in a dome made from his body. A blue fireball hit the dome, causing Zane to groan. "Sorry about that Zero but I'm after the girl not you." said a voice.

Zane made his head appear from the dome and he saw Brood standing there. "Sorry but I won't let you hurt my friend." said Zane. "Yeah but it's kinda my job. Oh no wait. My boss says that he wants to see if I'm ready to fight you but I was born for it." said Brood. He made two balls of blue fire appear in each hand, throwing them at Zane's body. "Get out of here right now Jen! I'll hold him off!" said Zane.

Jen looked her friend being that the blue fire was burning away the protective layer around her aka Zane's body. "I won't!" said Jen. "Listen to your king! You need to get out of here and inform Dyno about this guy. Keep the soldiers back. I'm not going to have Swarm proven be right about our species. I got a really strong feeling in my Essence telling me that this guy throwing fire ball is responsible for Brittany's disappearance." said Zane.

Before Jen could say anything, she heard,"Come on Zero! Let her die by my hands like I did with her friend and the rest of your kind I've killed!". "Just stop. We're trying to have a conversation here and you're being a total dick." said Zane. Brood saw three cannons coming of the dome with them firing blocks at him. Brood made a barrier out of fire as the bricks slammed into them. "Is that the best you got Zero? I'm much stronger than the waifs you fight on a...." said Brood.

He was blasted back once again and by two red laser beams. They sent him flying out of the building and making a divot in the ground as he landed on the football field. Brood blinked with him looking up to see Zane standing there in Warlord Form. "Touchdown bitch." said Zane in the form's deep and intimidating voice. "Oh wow. I get a really strong one to fight!" yelled Brood. The two charged at each other, causing a massive shockwave and broke all of the fields lights.

Nearby the school, Team Horrible Hunters were walking by and arguing. Sally saw something coming toward them as she said,"Um you guys.". The duo ,Alicia and Miranda being the ones arguing, looked at her as they said,"What?!". "That!" said Sally, following where she pointed. The team saw Legion Zero fighting against Brood. "Isn't that Legion Zero?" said Abel. "I know that he could transform into some weird crap but that looks straight out of H.P. Lovecraft." said Hilda.

Francisco said,"Ignore that for now! He's coming right toward us!". The teen moved out of the way as the rest of his team saw Zane flying toward them and moved out of the way. Instead of flying for a while and eventually stopping by hitting something, Zane did something else. He grabbed his sword and slammed into the car, stopping him. The team watched Zane stand there and holding his sword with the hero taunting his opponent. "Is he stupid? Doesn't he see us here?" said Alicia.   

Brood flew toward Zane being that the team hid once again. Zane ignored them being that as he got close to him, Zane smiled. He turned into Teleport Form, confusing everyone. "Have fun in the instant freeze dimension Broody." said Zane. Before Brood could say anything, he was teleported away and froze upon entering the dimension of ice. "And I hope you chill out with killing all of the Phantoms. Most of them are innocent." said Zane.

As the hero stood there, the Horrible Hunters got back up from their hiding spot and looked at each other before looking at Zero. "So is everyone okay?" said Bob. "I'm fine." said Hilda. "Same here Bobby." said Alicia. "As long as I'm here ladies, you don't have to worry about being attacked by anything." said Francisco. The girls of the group rolled their eyes at Francisco being that three of them had fallen for his words once before and wasn't going to fall for them again.

Miranda looked at Zane with her saying,"You guys! Focus! He's right there!". "Um. I'm sure that you fell on your head earlier but focus girl! He's clearly out of our league! We should instead focus on getting smaller ones since Candy's team isn't getting him either!" said Alicia. The two girls began screaming at each other with the rest of their team trying to calm them down. Zane watched from where he stood there and he said,"It's no shock how they're called the Horrible Hunters.".

Over at the Alvarez house, Rachel had just finished a conversation with Jaime. The secretary/third A.I. partner of her fiance told her that Zane'll be leaving Cypress Park for some business. Unknown to the devil princess, she didn't know that it was because Silas needed Zane to leave on Centurion business. She would have been mad about this but she remember how close Zane was to killing a good amount of the cast of Ultimate Showdown today.

It would be a very good thing for him to leave Cypress Park before they have to get a very good lawyer to defend Zane after he murders most of the cast of Ultimate Showdown. "Mom. Have you seen dad around?" said Zoey. Rachel turned to see her eldest daughter come downstairs for a glass of water. "He's planning on leaving Cypress Park for some business. I think he'll stop by to save his goodbye before heading out." said Rachel.

Zoey blinked as she said,"Um. Okay.". "While I may be against this, would you want your father be around a bunch of loathsome, clearly insane teenagers? Zane has successfully launched the fat one into the air and would have beaten him to death if not for your uncle being here. I rather not see him facing any more lawsuits that he'll already get for assaulting the cast to begin. I'm letting him leave town to protect him." said Rachel. "That makes too much sense." said Zoey.

Rachel nodded as she said,"If this didn't happen, I'm sure we'll be clean up their blood and then having Efren get rid of the most popular and stupidest teenagers if Zane has to deal with them for much longer.". Zoey nodded with her saying,"I guess that's a good idea mom.". She went into the kitchen to get a drink of water before heading to bed. "I just hope nothing bad happens because of him leaving." said Rachel, crossing her arms.

Back in Cypress Park, the night wasn't at pleasant. The Terrifying Trappers had spent the night looking for Jill and Joe who went missing. The team practically spent the entire night looking for them but couldn't find them whatsoever. It was almost dawn in Cypress Park. The only one who was worried about the two missing was Derek, Gabriel and Shane were pretty much zombies, Mindy was missing her tweetie aka Abel, and Candace and Willow were frustrated.

They had spend the entire night looking for two people who probably went back to the Alvarez house to get some sleep instead of competing. Candace said that if they were back this entire time, someone was going to get their teeth knocked out of them. The sun was eventually rising in the coastal city being that the Terrifying Trappers had no other choice but to return to the Alvarez household. They saw the Horrible Hunters.

Upon seeing Abel, Mindy rushed right toward him and squeezed the life out of him using all of her might. "Guess you guys didn't find Zero either." said Alicia. "They're so pathetic. At least we saw Zero fighting that helmet wearing loser while they lost two of their teammates." said Miranda with her hands on her hips. "Just shut up for once." said Candace, glaring at Miranda. "So I hope that Jill and Joe are okay." said Bob, worried for his friends. "Me too." said Sally.

Before anyone could say anything about tonight's event, a black limo parked in front of the Alvarez house with King and Ricardo steeping out. The latter of the duo is here to say his morning greetings to the teens. "Good morning Challengers! So I guess that your first night hunting Zero turned out to be a total failure." said Ricardo, chucking. "So did you guys even find a Phantom?" said King. "We did but Zane didn't let us take one. The jerk." said Miranda.

Ricardo shrugged with him saying,"Whatever. There is always next time. Since both teams messed up badly, one member of the team who arrived last will be pretty much kicked out. So what happened to the Trappers? I mean you're missing not one but two people.". "Well Ricardo, we lost Jill so we split to try and find her but then we lost Joe." said Derek. "Okay then. Since they refused to show back up, I guess they're out of here. That was real easy right King?" said Ricardo.

The former convict nodded as Hilda said with her clearly noticing the lack of care for the two in the host's voice,"Seriously Ricardo? You're not even slightly worried about them.". "Honestly, I don't care about them." said Ricardo. "But they could be in danger. They could be hurt and have no idea where the hospital is." said Sally. "They should have been smarter. Oh I should probably mentioned this but according to our producers, our viewers really like Zane." said Ricardo.   

Miranda was triggered by this with her saying with clear anger,"What?! Who in their right mind could like that unbearable, dick?!". "It's simple really. He's very violent and clearly doesn't give a rats ass about people. I mean the producers practically begged me to get him to contribute more in this season than he already does." said Ricardo. "Why would your genius producers want a clearly hostile and psychotic guy on the show? Is violence really that entertaining?" said Hilda.

Hugh chimed in with him saying,"But don't most action movies make a huge amount of money in the box office?". "Yeah but that's just because of you are sheepers and clearly ignoring the good movies for not real cinema." said Hilda, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. This is an commentary on how Martin Scorsese hates Marvel Movies I think. I probably won't do a rant on it since it's clearly not worth my time.

Honestly, I know jackshit on what makes a movie good or bad. My personal opinion on what makes a movie good or not is if I like or not. A pretty simple answer but yeah. I'm not a film major so if you want to know what makes a movie good or not, go to someone else. "Silly Hilda. Zane brings a fresh face to Ultimate Showdown and he clearly has the manly charm which none of you guys have. Grow a beard. Ladies dig a well maintained beard according to our ratings." said Ricardo.

Abel was trying to break free from Mindy's bear like grip as he said,"Seriously?! You told me that boyish charm is way better than manly charm.". "I don't remember telling you that at all. May have been hammered at the time." said Ricardo. Abel sulked with Mindy saying,"Ignore him Tweetie. I think you're way better than that douchebag Zane any day of the week.". She continued to hug Abel so hard, sending him to an early grave.

This affection of "love" would make Elmyra uncomfortable. "I really do like doing this by the way you guys but according to a poll.." said Ricardo. "There was a poll already?" said Hugh. "Yep. Now shush. Like I was saying, a recent poll told us that a majority of female viewers were smitten when they saw Zane and want more of him. He's also took your fans by the way Abel and Cisco. He also stole the fans from all of the guys but you two mainly." said Ricardo, smiling.

Francisco blinked with him saying,"You can't be serious.". "Oh I am." said Ricardo. "But that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! How could all of Abel's fans abandoned my precious Tweetie for that gigantic jerk!" screamed Mindy. "Maybe because unlike Abel, Zane actually scored with a woman unlike Abel with Hilda." said Candace. "So? I mean what the deal with goth girls? They're just a bunch of pale, ugly, devil fangirls who should all be dead for going against Jesus Christ!" said Mindy.

Do note that this is not my opinion of goths but Mindy. It's called making a safe net folks. The group of Alicia, Bob, Derek, Eduardo, Francisco, Hilda, Hugh, and Sally gasped at this revelation from Mindy who has been known to be a devote Christian. Abel would have reacted to this but he was clearly unconscious thanks to Mindy's death hug. The five person group of Candace, Gabriel, Miranda, Shane, and Willow didn't care.

Hilda looked hurt at this statement being that while Sally tried to comfort her and Alicia was going to give Mindy a piece of her mind. "You did not just say that crap about Goths in front of my girl Hilda right here!" yelled Hilda. She tackled Alicia to the ground before laying the smack down on the Goth hater. Before this cat fight could get any juicy, a high pitch noise was heard and caused the entire cast of Ultimate Showdown.

They turned to see a pissed off Zane standing there with him wearing Experitron. He also had his black and red duffle-bag hanging from his right shoulder. "When I stop the ringing in your ears, I better get an answer or else." said Zane. He turned off the sound with Ricardo recovering faster than the others. "Okay. That was strange to you guys as well right?" said Cole. "A bit." said Azalea. "Ah Zane Alvarez. Just the man I wanted to see." said Ricardo.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"And I'm really happy that I don't have to see you and the rest of the world of stars's trash anymore so what's going on with those two?". He didn't get an answer with him sighing. "For the god's sake, why can't you people just shut up and stand there? Always causing drama every waking movement." said Zane. He made sure that Alicia and Mindy were away from each other much to the shock of the cast.

In the Snitch Room, Sally sat there. "I can't believe a family like this exist in the first place. Even if he didn't blast us with a sound even worse than Gabriel's music, I'm sure that Zane would have no trouble to separate Alicia from Mindy. It usually takes two to four of the guys to hold back Alicia when she's hurting someone mainly Candace. I guess he also punched Hugh away and almost killed him. Really happy that I haven't pissed him yet." said Sally.

The next person who was sitting in the Snitch Room was Bob. "Okay moms. First, Rachel throws Miranda into a wall which is already impressive. Zane on the other hand is like a superhero. I wonder if him and Zero being best buddies has made him superhuman." said Bob. "You kids are just begging for trouble." said Zane. The two girls were quiet with them not responding to Zane. "Oh boy. I really should tell you that the Cypress Park Police Department is on edge." said Zane.

Bob looked at Zane with him saying,"What do you mean Zane? I mean I read about that on the flight here but I didn't get what it meant by that.". "Seriously? You idiots are in this town because of your host wanting some impressive ratings. We're the town of the metahumans. You idiots have no idea about what I'm talking about do you?" said Zane. They all nodded with Zane shaking his head and muttering in Uwaric,"Realitatem TV fuit error.".

Miranda noticed him speaking Latin as Zane said,"While you idiots were trying and apparently to capture Zane and the innocent people, two police officers in Cypress Park were killed protecting a innocent child by a metahuman. He had just gotten his powers and instead of using them for the good of mankind, he wanted revenge for the deaths of two men from two police shootings in the past. Zero would have stopped them but some idiots tried to capture him last night.".

Ricardo looked at the Hunters who whistled with him smiling. "So? The cops are shooting people especially the brothers and sisters. Serves them right." said Alicia. She was slammed into the ground and held there by a knife ,aka his Omni-Opener which works as a Swiss Army Knife, thanks to Zane who glared at her. "You really should shut up girl. Those two officers weren't even involved in the shootings and good friends of mine. Been good supporters of Zenith Industries as well." said Zane.

Willow rolled her eyes as she said,"So you're mad because your wallet is smaller. So caring.". "That isn't it. The meta was a "brother" and the cops killed were an Arab and Korean. Pretty sure that you didn't see that happening but it does. So is this boy okay? You two girls almost killed each other just because you had a different opinion." said Zane. "So much pain." moaned Abel. "Walk off because this pain is all your fault." said Zane.

Zane sighed as he said,"While I may be a violent person and apparently my actions are trending thanks to this show, I don't try to use violence but sometimes I have to. It gets the message across good. The police will use lethal force to protect themselves but a good cop or human will use their power to protect rather than harm. With all of you being celebrities for some fucking reason, use your fame for good and Scott will arrest you if you keep acting like children.".

Most of the cast lowered their heads after hearing about how their actions could lead to trouble for them if not protection from the show. The only two who didn't seem to care were Candace and Miranda. "So? If these morons get arrest, the ones who didn't have a better chance of winning." said Candace. "Oh well, You made this pretty easy for me. Since you don't care about your friends, none of you will get breakfast in this house." said Zane.

The cast all yelled in shock,"What?!". "You can't do that! You're not in charge of us!" said Miranda with her willing to fight Zane. "Well, I am and the penalty for both teams failing is no breakfast is a perfect punishment." said Ricardo. "Both of you will heard from my lawyers!" yelled Miranda. "Go nuts Ricardo. I mean you have them practically on speed dial on this point." said Ricardo. "And I have really good lawyers to defend me." said Zane. "You do?" said Ricardo.

Zane smirked as he said,"There are some serious benefits to being the CEO to one of the most successful companies in town after buying Champion Tech and the intern to the biggest construction game on the eastern seaboard. I have a lot of good lawyers who'll help me at a moment's notice.". The host whistled after hearing Zane's connections. Ricardo turned toward one of the cameraman with him signing off.

Ricardo said,"Will the Terrifying Trappers somehow come up ahead after losing two members of their team? Will Alicia get her revenge on Mindy for her comment? Find out next time on... Ultimate Showdown!". After finishing, the camera cut the connection. Once the ending was finishing, the cast of Ultimate Showdown, King, Ricardo, and Zane went inside of the house. Rachel came downstairs with Uriel and Zoey.

She was planning on taking them to school for Zane since he had to tell Ricardo about him leaving for business, ruining ratings probably. The two daughters of Zane said their goodbye with two powerful hugs. Zane returned to them and handed them their lunches. Atem came downstairs with him going to take the express way to school and waved goodbye to his father since they don't do hugs.

When they got outside, a few members of the cast complained about their situation with them unaware of Marionette watching them. "So the rest of them are here. It seems that Gabriel and Shane were unable to infect any of them due to my henchmen going overboard. Oh well, I'll get more of them tonight since the biggest ego I've even seen just gives to me without any struggle." thought Marionette before leaving in a puff of neon green gas.       

Inside of the Alvarez house, Zane was in the kitchen with King and Ricardo. All three men were sitting at the kitchen table. Before Zane could tell the host about him leaving, Ricardo demanded Zane to listen to him. "Don't hurt him now Zane. Wait for it." said Sivath. "I would say that we shouldn't hurt anyone of them but they totally have it coming." said Twilight. "So what do you want Salazar? I kinda have something more important to tell you." said Zane.

The Cross-Species was clearly annoyed by Ricardo's ego. "Well, my producers have seen the first episode of the season." said Ricardo. "How? You just finished the first of many crap episodes of the season less than ten minutes ago." said Zane. "It's a live broadcast Zaney. My producers and viewers love you when you appeared and they want you to be part of the show." said Ricardo. "And here is my answer. Fuck no." said Zane in a blunt tone.

Ricardo smiled with him saying,"But think about the fame you can get from being part of the best reality show on Earth! It can help you fix your company's reputation.". "Don't worry. I don't need your help to fix my company's reputation." said Zane. "But think of all of the money you could be making if you were on the show. Or how about your brother Atem?" said Ricardo. "Yeah no so let make this perfectly clear." said Zane.

Zane glared at Ricardo with him saying,"Neither I or my family will sign up for your shit show got it Salazar?! This conversation is over and you'll out of here. I'll be out of town for a few days so have fun with my fiancee and siblings.".  "Have it your way Alvarez but you've made the biggest mistake of your life!" said Ricardo. "No. Letting you into the house was the biggest mistake. Now go!" said Zane. The two were gone since intimating Zane wouldn't work.

Atem ,as Osiris, was swinging through Cypress Park. He was keeping an eye out for trouble on his way to school because Zane was probably busy dealing with Cypress Park or had probably left town by now. The mummy heard a loud explosion from down below and looked down to see several men in black ski masks running into a large armored truck. "Wow. I totally thought dad was kidding about how often crime happens in this city. " thought Atem as he went after the armored truck.

Meanwhile, the thieves were driving through the city. The leader of this little gang ,who was the one currently driving, looked through the rear view mirror to see Atem hot on his trail. He pressed his foot on the gas and drove off with Osiris hot on their trail. "I got him in my sights! Mummy boy is going down." said one of the thieves. He aimed at a bazooka firing at Atem. The mummy easily dodging the attack with the rest of the gang firing at him.

Thanks to Zane's rather intense training, Atem was easily able to dodged their attacks by jumping from car to car. One of the thieves aimed a pistol at Atem but Atem decided to use one of his suit's new gadgets that his father gave him. He fired a energy bola at the gun, causing it to expand and capture the thief. Atem swung toward the front of the truck and he made his right arm look bigger. He slammed his fist into the front of the truck.

It destroyed the engine, causing the truck to slow down immensely before stopping. The criminals tried to escape but they were captured by Atem's bandages. "Yeah. You guys aren't leaving any time soon but just to make sure." said Atem. He threw them into the side of the truck being that they were hit by missiles. Upon hitting them, they were trapped to the side of the track using packing form with Atem flying off using his rocket boots.

Later at Cypress Park, Atem ,out of costume, was getting his books out of his locker. He was going to the cafeteria to study mainly because he finds the library too quiet. "So how are things going at your place Atem?" said a female voice ,with her having a noticeable Eastern European accent, as Atem closed his locker. Atem turned to see his best ,female, friend or his version of Rachel standing there with her signature smirk on her face.

Her name is Peyton Reyes with her being the younger sister of Brooke Reyes, a good friend of Zane and around his age. Like her sister, she has delicate features very much like royalty. She has faint but noticeable muscle tone with her being an inch or two shorter than Atem. She has fair skin. She has her platinum blonde hair with it being cut much shorter than her sister's hair. It's a pixie cut and goes up to her chin. She has dark red highlights near the ends of her hair.

She has her family's signature green eyes with long eyelashes and pale blue eyeliner, making them stick out even more than they already do. She's wearing a black/gray hoodie with a cyan t-shirt. Her t-shirt has white sleeves. She's wearing black jeggings with them looking ripped but that's clearly intention on the designers part. She wears checkered black and magenta sneakers. Her shoes comes with white laces and soles. 

She has silver lightning bolt shaped earrings and matching colored lightning bolt necklace. On her right arm, she has a Yin Yang symbol on it. She had an advanced science book in hand. She has been called goth before but isn't. "Fine. It's pretty much not the best time since you've probably seen my brother and me threaten the cast by now. Everyone else has." said Atem. "Yeah but you still got me so don't worry Atem. I'll always have your back even when everyone else doesn't." said Peyton.

The two headed toward the cafeteria since it was their hangout spot. They were seen as a couple despite not showing any romantic interest in each other. The biggest topic at Cypress High was about the new season of Ultimate Showdown being recorded in Cypress Park and how Atem plus his older brother humiliated Candace Mendoza and the rest of Ultimate Showdown on international TV. When the news reached Atem's ears, the mummy slammed his head into his table he and Peyton were at.

He didn't like being the center of his attention but everyone was looking at him and whispered how strong Atem was. "Why can't they just try and figure out a way to get on TV or perhaps bug those idiots on Ultimate Showdown instead of me?" groaned Atem with his face on the table. "Come on Atem. I really don't think it's that bad. I'm sure this will all blow over in due time. I mean at least you're not royalty of another country or anything." said Peyton.   

Atem rose his head up from the table with him saying,"You're right but it's so annoying. How do you and my brother do this?". "Years of practice in my case and I guess your brother get used to it since he tends to get people's attention. So he's heading out of town in order to keep himself for murdering the cast right? That's what my sis told me this morning." said Peyton. "Yeah. That's what my sister in law told me when I asked her about what we're going to do involve them." said Atem.

Before the young mummy could continued, Atem heard,"Alvarez!". Atem and Peyton turned to see the source of the voice and spotted Jonah Goodwin, son of Curtis Goodwin stomping right toward them. Jonah is a member of the football team with him having a strong muscular build. He takes a lot after his father in terms of having the same dark blond hair, fair skin, and square shaped chin. He has his mom's blue eyes.

He's wearing a red letterman jacket with white sleeves and a gold ox on the collar. On the top of the jacket's sleeves, the initial CO with it inside of a football. Under his jacket, he has on a white t-shirt with blue jeans and brown belt. He's wearing brown sneakers with red stripes. "So to look on the positive here, I think he's mad at you for a different reason." said Peyton. "That really isn't helpful whatsoever Pey." said Atem as Jonah approached him.

Everyone in the cafeteria stopped to see what was going to happen between Atem and Jonah. The majority of the new A-List were interested in what was going to happen. The loser in the upcoming fight would end up being the one mocked for some time. For the lower members of the A-List, they hoped that it would be Jonah. The "King" of Cypress High needed to be dropped down a peg like the previous king Brad was when Zane was a student here for only about two years.

The ones in the upper level on the other hand were going to judge Noah to see if he was worthy of keeping in the A-list depending on how this fight goes down. "So do you think Jonah is going to be alright?" said a jock to the new queen bee of Cypress High Angelica ,not the giant rat from Fairy Legion or Fairy Tail, Shaffer and the smartest girl in the school Audrey Mullen. These two are known as the Double As since they're usually seen together.

Audrey is a slim, physically appealing young French American woman. She's attractive yes but compared to girls like Angelica and Peyton, she would be passed over for them every time since brains is less important than beauty to teenage boys. She has long, brown hair that goes down to the shoulders and green eyes. She is wearing a light green and white short sleeved striped shirt with a while collar, She wears a blue denim skirt with dark red leggings under it.

She has black boots/loafers and she has green glasses. Angelica is a very slim, curvaceous young woman mainly with her large breasts and plump ass. Most of the boys in school thought she was hot and was popular because of her looks mainly. Her personality wasn't the best. She's Caucasian with a slightly tan from her time spend on the beach or in the sun rather than in school. She has shoulder length golden blond hair and brown eyes.

She wears a white tube-top which shows off her midriff and breasts at the same time. She's wearing blue purposefully torn skinny jeans and brown flip flops. She has on red lipstick and gold pearl shaped earrings. Angelica/Angel is out of control being that she does whatever sounds fun. She loves going to parties, underage drinking, having relationship with guys, fashion, etc. She does whatever she wants because she feels like no one could stop her.

One thing is known about Angel is that she's very popular with the jocks for her amazing massages usually involving her body being clearly exposed. "Who cares? If he can't beat Alvarez, I think we can kick out Jonah out and replace him like that." said Angel, snapping her fingers. "But isn't Jonah your boyfriend?" said Audrey. "Nope. I've given him a couple of private shows but that's about it. I'm too sexy to settle down with a single guy." said Angel.

You may wonder why the queen bee would openly admit to doing that in public but she doesn't care about what the peasants think of her. She's like Samantha Bridges except more of a slut. "I can't believe how open she is about that. Pey was right about her being the biggest slut in the history of Cypress Park." thought Audrey. Back at the table that Atem and Peyton were sitting at, Jonah picked up Atem and pulled his fist back. "This is for being a piece of shit!" yelled Atem.

Twenty minutes later, Atem and Jonah was sitting in Stan Underwood's office with a very bruised up Warren Barnett standing beside Stan. The two boys were sitting across the principal's desk with Rachel sitting next to Atem and Curtis ,who had still recovered from a very small Nightmare Oblivion, next to his son. There was also Captain Scott Castro who looked the same as he did back in 2020 but now with a cane.

Stan smiled at them with him saying,"I thank all three of you for coming on such short notice Mr. Goodwin, Ms. Powell, and Captain Scott.". "Of course Stan. What happened this time? Let me take a guess. Jonah did something stupid again." said Scott, earning a glare from Curtis. "Yep. As you all aware, this is the thirtieth fight Atem and Jonah have gotten into since they started high school." said Stan.

Rachel nodded her head being that she was well aware of Atem's trouble relationship with Jonah. It was like Brad and Zane but they've been fighting since the sixth grade rather than fourth grade. Jonah had been constantly antagonizing Atem for a good chunk of the sixth grade with Atem not trying to resort to his level. However, this changed after Jonah made fun of Zane aka Legion Zero and how he failed to stop the massacre from happening.

Atem didn't show his emotions on his sleeve like his father does and according to Liv, the mummy bottles up his emotions and lets them out through anger. That was something he and dad shared. It took one punch to knock out Jonah and this started a rivalry between the two. Rachel took noticed of the clearly out of shape gym teacher who had a black eye, large bandage covering his right cheek, and an ice pack over his nose. Rachel leaned over to her son for some resolution about what happened.

With a small smile, Rachel whispered,"So what happened?". "Isn't it obvious Rachel? He got in the way." said Atem. This was normal for him since he got in a lot of fights. "Ms. Powell or Rachel. I know that you're new to this but since you're going to be his guardian in a month, I suggest you listen." said Stan. "Sure thing Stan. I'll listen and come up with a response like my fiancé would if he was here." said Rachel. The principal nodded as he continued talking about the fight happened according to Warren.

However, no one except for Curtis believed the gym teacher's story. According to Warren, Atem jumped Jonah during lunch and started the fight. The three adults (Rachel, Scott, and Stan) knew that it was a lie that was fabricated by Warren and the A List. Eventually, the meeting ended with both boys being suspended for three days and Jonah was unable to be played in the upcoming football game. The Goodwin tried to argue against the punishment but Scott stopped him.

Once the meeting had ended, Rachel took her son out of the school and headed toward her fiance's vehicle. "Wait Rachel." said Scott. The devil turned to see the police captain heading toward her and Atem since the Goodwins left earlier. "I really hate how Stan was forced to suspended Atem. Curtis has always had a way with words ever since he tried to have Zane arrest for being a "menace" even though he tried to hurt him with those robots. This will go on his permanent record." said Scott.

Rachel looked at the captain with her saying,"It's fine Scott. Zane has a plan for Atem since both of them seem to get into fights constantly. I'm just happy that Atem isn't shipped off to boot camp or juvie anytime this year.". "Atem doesn't deserve that. Neither did Zane despite what Roland wanted after the Massacre. It wasn't Zane's fault for letting Roxy or the other girls die. I'm hoping that Curtis  figures out that Boot Camp would make Jonah become a better man." said Scott.

The devil looked at Curtis who was talking to his son in the gas guzzling SUV with her saying,"I very much doubt that. Curtis has never once apologize for slandering Zane or Zero ever since Apex Mind started so why would you try and fix his son?". "That's fair. So how is he?" said Scott. "He still hasn't talked you?" said Rachel. "Well, he talks to me when it's about business but nothing else." said Scott as Rachel sighed at her fiance.

Once on the road, the ride back home was a bit frightened for Atem. He wasn't worried that he would be punished but because of how the trash will see him as. "Atem. I'm sure that this won't be the last time I get called over to my alma matter to pick you up if Zane is busy. He mentioned how you keep getting in fights with Jonah or being picked on Warren. I'm sure Stan is well aware of the reason why Warren is picking on you. Humans can be so petty sometimes." said Rachel.

Atem nodded as he said,"Sorry mom. I know that I should try to be the mature older brother for Uriel and Zoey but those two jerks just get under my skin.". "You and your father are the same. Always standing up for your belief. So how was Warren kept his job? Virgil has always been a better coach than him since he isn't serving the A List on hand and feet. I'm more concerned on how Ricardo is trying to get you, your siblings, and Zane on his show." said Rachel.

Atem looked at her with him saying,"No way in hell that's happening! I'll rather kill him and go to jail instead of being on that show!". "I'm sure Uriel and Zoey would say the same thing. I really think Ricardo has more enemies than friends. So I should keep you at the house for the rest of the day but I don't want you to murder those kids. They've been bitching since Zane didn't allow them breakfast so go on patrol once we get home." said Rachel. "Thanks mom." said Atem.

At Cypress Park University, something was being delivered to the university. The technician was supposed to delivered it to the Cypress Park University Lab but he kinda missed the lab by a lot. He was at the student lounge where Austin, Brad, David, Hannah, a visiting Leigh, and Susan were. The girls looked at the same as they did four years ago. The technician ,using a stair climber, wheeled something inside of the lounge. It's a humanoid machine.

It's a slender, tall robot with a muscular upper half. It's primarily a navy blue color with the area where the neck would be is a gold color. Its head is a sphere shape with two red eyes and gray screws on the side, mimicking ears. It has sphere shaped silver shoulder pads with five glowing spikes coming out of them. It has five claw like fingers with its arms being a sold color. It has grayish black boots for legs. It's chest had some golden buttons on it.

The technical said,"Hey. Is there someone by the name Noah Foster here?". "Nope." said David. "So do you mind telling me where he is? I honestly have no idea where this guy is." said the technician. "I think I can help you sir." said Susan. "Thank you." said the technician. Susan lead the technician out of the lounge with Austin saying,"So what was that robot about?". "I got no idea." said Hannah with David agreeing with her.

Brad looked down at his phone as he said,"I think I remember reading how there is going to be some sort of a demonstration later today.". "I think we should check it out. It sounds kinda interesting." said Leigh. "Or we could go see Rae and Zane. I mean they're hosting Ultimate Showdown at this place right?" said Hannah. "Yeah but I think Zane left for a business trip. I rather not bother Rae when she's dealing with those idiots and I'm sure Brad doesn't want to get his but kicked again." said David.

Austin snickered with Brad rolled his eyes. "Um context please. I'm usually not around much plus Brad doesn't tell me about anything" said Leigh, confused about what was going on. "I think it was two years ago and just after Zane proposed to Rae. We were trying to get Zane back to his normal self after you know." said David. "You mean the Massacre right?" said Leigh. "Yeah. For some reason, Brad had the genius idea of fighting him and well, it ended up an interesting way." said Hannah.

Flashback Narrator P.O.V.
Zane ,looking like he did when he was eighteen since he didn't start growing his beard until he was twenty, was standing in a boxing ring. His fists were covered by crimson red boxing gloves and his lower half was covered by black and red boxing shorts. He was obviously shirtless, much to the joy of the ladies in the crowd. Zane wasn't really paying attention to the college girls eyeing like a piece of meat since he had one things on his mind and that thing started with M.

Brad was on the other side, wearing blue boxing gloves and shorts. "Ha! Poor Zit! This is the one time he couldn't get out of a fight!" said Sam. "So are we sure that this was a good idea for him? And how did we agree to this?" said Heidi. She tried to get Rachel's attention but couldn't since she was staring at the ring Zane gave her when he was proposed. "Looks like we're seeing the match of the century no. It's more like the beatdown of the century!" said Brad.

He was trying to get Zane to say something but for once since he's known Zane, he was quiet. "So how did you get Leigh to approve of this?" said David, working as the referee. Virgil taught him how when he was little. "I didn't tell her yet being that I told her that I wanted to help Zane but I didn't tell how I'm going to help him." said Brad. "Okay. I don't see this blowing up in your face whatsoever man." said David, clearly being sarcastic. "Thanks man!" said Brad with a smile.     

David sighed as he blew the whistle. "Okay you guys. I want a good clean fight so don't try and kill each other." said David. He blew the whistle with him quickly getting out of the ring so he wouldn't be caught in the crossfire of these two rivals, Brad took the first step by throwing a punch at Zane who dodged it with ease. Even in his depressed like state, his reflexes are on point. Brad threw a right rook with Zane dodging.

Brad kept trying to hit Zane but little did the former bully know about Zane's lightning like flexes. "I guess I got to go with name calling and mentioning them. Since I don't want Zane to kill me, better not do the latter." thought Brad. "Hey Alvarez! Are you going to fight me or are you a Coward like I thought you were back in high school?!" said Brad, throwing a punch at Zane. Despite Brad trying not to mention the girls, the young man accidentally mention them.

PTSD can be activated through a lot of different ways. For more information about PTSD, check out the five websites I've linked down below. Zane dodged Brad's swing which was going to be an uppercut but failed. Zane finally attacked with him not holding back his punches. He socked Brad directly in the face, sending him into the black rope. "Whoops. My bad. I didn't mean to hit you that hard Brad." said Zane, clearly bored out of his mind.       

After a while, Brad was trying to hit Zane who kept dodging all of the blonde's blow. "Just stay still Zane!" said Brad. Zane was silent with Brad getting annoyed. "While I may be furious about him not fighting back, he isn't saying anything! This thing really messed him up." thought Brad. While Brad was thinking this, Zane said,"And now, I'm done playing with you.". Zane dodged Brad's punch with him cocking back his right arm. He punched Brad in the face, knocking him out.

Narrator P.O.V.
While Hannah was telling the story about how Brad got knocked with one punch much to Leigh's anger at Brad fighting and worry, some thugs sneaked into the school. Through the word of Frankie who became a broker for the Odium Society three years ago, they learned about the Independent Peacekeeping Enforcement Droid or IPED being shipped to Cypress Park University. They had recently knocked out the technician using the classic chloroform.

They would have knocked them using physical force but for some very strange reason, they also seem to get caught by Zero if they go with that method. "Now our change to get of this rut we're in and maybe get powers." said the left thug. "Yeah but where is Zero? I mean he's supposed to be able to catch us no good thugs before we commit the crimes." said the right thug. "Who cares? Lets get this thing out of here before anyone catches us?" said the left thug.

The right thug began to wheel out the IPED being that there was a loose cable on the floor in the lab and this cable caused the robot to slam into the ground. It slightly sparked for a bit."What the hell is wrong with you?! We need this thing to work and you probably broke it!" said the left thug. "Don't blame me! It was this damn cable!" said the right thug. Before the two could started arguing, they heard a sound coming from the robot and it was slowly standing up.

Its red eyes glowed and straight right at them. The two thugs were slowly backing away with the right thug said,"So did Frankie tell you if the IPED supposedly to activate like that?'. "No you idiot! Due to you messing it up, we're going to die!" said the left thug as the IPED got up to them. It's right arm turned a cannon and aimed it at the thugs. The two thugs ran out of there with the robot scoffing and rolling its eyes.

The IPED said,"Idiots. Why I waste my precious time on those weaklings? I'm the ultimate Zero killer robot.". The robot walked over to a mirror with it flexing. "Oh yeah. I'm the best man around. No one is going to fuck with Isaiah now." said Isaiah. He finished flexing, walking out of the lab and decided to cause some mayhem to get Zero's attention. He noticed the student lounge and smiled, with him making his way to the lounge.          

Back in the lounge, Susan ,who returned a few minutes ago and had missed the technician being knocked out, heard a scream outside. "Hey you guys. Do you heard the scream or is it just me?" said Susan. The group turned to the door with Mack ,who looked the same as he did four years ago, came into the lounge and trying to catch his breath. "There is some kind of robot attacking the school and is demanding Legion Zero!" said Mack.

This news caused most of the students in the lounge to run out of there being that Brad smiled. "Um Brad. You really should be running since there is a killer robot on campus!" said Leigh, looking at her boyfriend in clear concern. The rest of their group had ran out of there with Brad saying,"I'm pretty sure that Zero will be here and kick that robot's ass.". Leigh looked at her boyfriend with her dragging him out of there, showing impressive strength from the girl.

Outside, Atem ,as Osiris, swung his way over to the college campus. He was asked to come here by Scott since the police with the assistance of Neurozap, Nighthawk, Quark, and Vesta were busy with the Battalion ar City Hall. Atem accepted, shortly arrived at the campus. His eyes widened when he saw the student trying to flee and could see Isaiah blasting at anything around him. "Everyone get back!" said Atem. Atem made his way toward the robot and cocked his fist back.

He slammed his fist into Isaiah who rolled his eyes. "Ugh. I didn't want the mummy brat." said the robot, grabbing Atem's fist and throwing the mummy toward a bench. Atem stopped himself as the robot began blasting at everything around him, trying to get Zero's attention. Before Isaiah could finish his assault on the school, Atem aimed his left gauntlet at the robot and fired out packing foam at the robot.

The robot couldn't move with him saying,"Hey! Let me out!". "How about no?" said Atem, firing a sonic wave from the right gauntlet. This sent the robot flying into the side of the tree, trapping him to it. "Sorry but I can't have you hurting people just because you want to fight Zero. He's busy at the moment so if you would please..." said Atem. The robot looked the packing foam with it slowly breaking and freed himself.

The robot glared at Atem with him saying,"Okay mummy brat. You're stronger than I thought so I guess I'll use a warm up for Zero!". The robot fired several energy blasts from his right arm with Atem dodging them. He jumped toward a wall as Isaiah charged at the mummy with both of his arms turned into giant spiked boxing gloves. Atem flipped over the charging robot, causing the robot to crash into the wall.

As the wall crumbled around him, Atem blasted the pile of rubble with a continuous flow of sonic energy and then fired a freezing gas. The pile of rubble was frozen with Atem saying,"That should hold him for now. What the heck is this thing?". "This thing you've frozen is the Independent Peacekeeping Enforcement Droid or the IPED." said a voice. Atem turned around to see Noah Foster standing there. "That's great. You need to go now." said Atem.

Noah crossed his arms as he said,"And why should I listen to you? I barely respect your mentor Zero after he cost me my job at Champion Tech and I'm not including Zane into this.". "Because you may be in danger!" said Atem. "If I was Zero, I would be but I'm not. It was programmed to be a defense against Zero messing with my experiments as he does. It contains more knowledge that any human brain on Earth and there is no question it can answer." said Noah.

Atem's eyes widened with him saying,"You can't be serious.". "Oh but I am. It'll predict the next mayoral election even though our current mayor is clearly the winner." said Noah. Atem turned to see the ice slowly cracking with the mummy saying,"Look. I know that you don't like me and while I don't have a strong like or dislike for you, I need you to tell me if this thing has any weakness that I should know about.".

Noah looked at Atem with him saying,"I'll tell you if you promise to keep it for being eradicated from the face of the Earth. I payed top dollars for this and I'm not going to have a meta like yourself show no mercy to it.". "Sure." said Atem. "Let me see. If I remember right, there should be a control panel on the back of it. I have no idea where it got sentience from." said Noah. Isaiah broke out of his prison with Atem saying,"Go! I'll figure out why! Keep everyone away from here!".

The mummy wrapped his right arm around Isaiah with the robot trying to break out of it. The robot began spinning himself around in a circle with him spinning Atem as well. He threw the mummy toward the side of a wall but this didn't work on the teenager. He stopped himself from hitting the wall using his rockets. Isaiah turned his arms into cannons, firing blasts of red energy but Atem easily dodge them. "Stay still!" said Isaiah.

Atem rolled his eyes under his mask with him saying,"How about no?". Isaiah groaned with him grabbing a nearby bench and threw it at the mummy. It was cut clean in half by a gold energy sword with Isaiah jumping toward him. He punched Atem through a nearby wall with the mummy groaning a bit. "He really packs a man." said Atem, standing back up. The mummy looked up to see Isaiah floating in the air just rocket propulsion in its legs.

The robot charged toward Atem with the mummy flipping over him. Atem fired two powerful sonic waves at the robot, sending him flying out of the classroom and to the other building. Before Atem could go after him, the mummy was surrounded by college students who were impressed with the young hero. "I should go after him but I'm sure my sonic blasts deactivated the robot. I did use a higher than normal sonic frequencies on him. Just hope there is something for Noah.".

Meanwhile in the other building, the robot shook off the damage that he took from Atem. He looked around to see that he was in the locker room. "I can't lose to this brat when Zero still lives. I need to figure a way to counter him." said Isaiah. Before the robot could do that, he heard,"I can't let that happen. You were made for a specific purpose.". Before Isaiah could figure out where the voice came from, his body was pierced by something.

The robot looked down to see by a grayish blue crystal hand, holding his heart. The robot deactivated with the crystal hand pulling itself out of the robot. The robot fell to the ground with Brood ,with two deformed grayish blue crystal arms sticking out of his body,  standing over the corpse. "Hope the good doctor is happy with having you as his intern since he need you to protect him from Zero's wrath when his Genesis Project is completed." said Brood, dragging him away.

When evening came to Cypress Park a day after Zane left, the cast of Ultimate Showdown were back on the streets and looking for Legion Zero with him not being in the city. It was confusing how 2/5 of the remaining cast didn't care about where Jill and Joe were. They were forced to continued on like they would but some weren't going to be look for Phantoms or Zero but their friends. In the shadows, the Marionette was hiding in the shadows with Renegade.

The two were looking for someone on the Horrible Hunters since they already infected half of the Trappers. They need to make things balanced. Renegade looked at Eduardo who was sniffing the ground like a dog. "So Eddy and Feral are similar right?" said Marionette. "Yes. Feral was a victim of Ricardo but Eduardo did this to himself. This is what happens to anyone who deals with the bastard of Hollywood." said Renegade.

Marionette nodded as she said,"Okay. We got one. Who else should we go with?". "I think those three should work." said Renegade. He pointed to Alicia, Francisco, and Sally. "Okay. Lets separate them my loyal knight." said Marionette. "Yes m'lady." said Renegade. The two were gone in a puff of neon green gas. On the street, the Horrible Hunters were all together trying to figure out where they should look for Zero.

Someone should have told them about Zane/Zero not being here but nah. "I'm telling you that we should split up. We'll cover more ground." said Hilda. She was telling this to Miranda being that she was being rather stubborn even more than Zane can be. This is an impressive feat. "And I'm telling you that we should stay together and follow my lead. I'm the only one with the drive to become the president of the United States which means that I can find him." said Miranda.

Hugh looked at Abel with him whispering,"So how do those two thing connect? I mean become the president and a tracker are two different things.". "You're exactly right Hugh! You're always spouting that presidential crap when you want people to give you attention." said Hilda, crossing her arms and glaring at Miranda. "Well, I'm so sorry Hilda that I'm the only one on this team to have the necessary leadership skills to carry this team to victory rather than defeat." said Miranda.       

Hilda said,"you couldn't lead a monkey to a banana Miranda. You only see us as pawns and when you're down with us, you toss us away. Season 5 is a clear example of that.". She walked away with her wanting to get away from Miranda fast. "Wait up girl! You're sure as hell not going off on your own without me watching your back!" said Alicia. "Thanks Alicia." said Hilda. The two were gone with Abel and Hugh going with them,

Abel was going with them since he likes Hilda and Hugh was going since he finds Miranda very scary. "Fine! Go off on your own, we don't need you confederates!" said Miranda. "I really think we should have listen to them Miranda." said Bob. "If we listened to the goth whore, we would be the next ones on the elimination block! If you agree with her so much, go with her!" said Miranda. "You got it leader." said Bob.

Before he could leave, Sally stopped him. "Wait. Don't go Bobby. I mean weren't we going to look for Jill or Joe together?" said Sally. "You two were what?!" said Miranda. "Ignore them madam president. The couple are having a moment." said Francisco. Eduardo agreed with him barking like Wolfram would except no one understood him. "Yeah but I can't stand Miranda. No one on the show except for you can. I'll keep in contact. We'll find them I promise." said Bob.

Sally nodded as he ran off to join Hilda's group. "Lets get going. We don't need those quitters. Lets find that monster." said Miranda. The girl stormed off with Sally going after her. "So I guess that we're stuck with those two huh my friend?" said Francisco. Eduardo didn't answer Francisco because he was focused on something else and growled at it. "What's wrong boy? Smell something bad or another dog like you did last night." said Francisco.   

Eduardo didn't listen to Francisco being that the once human was more focused on what was behind the ancestor of a conquistador. Due to him being mutated thanks to Ultimate Showdown, the feral teen felt something what but couldn't figure out what. It was for a split second that someone appeared from the shadows. The next thing Eduardo saw, Francisco was blasted in the back by a red energy beam and this sent the teen flying.

Francisco landed on the ground hard with Eduardo running over to him and growled out in horror for him. "Do not worry young one. You're just apart of a greater purpose as a member of my legion." said Renegade, stepping out of the shadows and held his sword. The knight looked at the feral boy with the feral boy using his vocal chord in a few years as he said,"W-w-w-who are you man?". "Huh. You can talk. I owe Feral ten bucks. Too bad, this was your last words as a free man." said Renegade.

Before Eduardo could escape, Renegade aimed his hand at the teen and the shadows around him grabbed him. They slammed into him into the ground with Renegade firing a red beam from his sword at Eduardo. He was about to go after his next target but stopped when he spotted a cameraman hiding behind a car filming his actions. The cameraman started to back away when he noticed the knight's look upon him.

Before he could escape, two male figures grabbed him. Both of them are wearing bronze armor similar to Renegade with a dark gray jumpsuit like uniform and red accent under the armor. Both of them are 5 foot 8. Renegade walked over to the cameraman with him saying,"Sorry but you're part of a great purpose now.". The camera was thrown to the side and Renegade fired a red energy beam at the cameraman like he did with Eduardo and Francisco earlier.

Renegade snapped his fingers with the trio of the cameraman, Eduardo, and Francisco matching the two bronze knights. Renegade sliced the camera clear in half as he said,"Three of you. Go collect the loud girl and I don't mean the goth hater.". Three of the knights (being the two who were holding the cameraman and Francisco) left them alone as Renegade and his two squires went toward the direction where Miranda and Sally went.

As Renegade and his squires were tracking down Miranda and Sally, the two girls were already in front of the town park. "Miranda. Don't you think you were a little mean to Hilda?" said Sally. "Of course I wasn't Sally. Hilda and her lackies don't understand that I'm going to lead us to victory." said Miranda. "But a team works the best when they're working in unison." said Sally. "Who told you that crap? Let me guess Zane." said Miranda.

Sally was silent with Miranda scoffed. "You shouldn't listen to that idiot Sally. He's just a violent psychopath who resorts to violence if no one agrees with him. A team only wins by listening to their leader without questioning them." said Miranda. "But no one was appointed as a leader and Zane is a CEO at twenty two. He began running one of the most successful companies when he was eighteen and has so many degrees." said Sally.

Miranda crossed her arms as she said,"I don't care about Zane. He's just a small town hick who just happened to gotten lucky. If I was here, he would be nothing more than a drunk. I'm going to take charge of those idiots Ricardo assigned to me because I'm going to be the president one day. When I do, I'll give Zane his just desserts.". "And that isn't going to happen to you Miranda my dear." said a male voice behind Sally.

The two girls turned to see Renegade standing before them. The knight made the females look small with Sally backing away from the knight. She was the closet to the knight but instead of fearing the knight, Miranda glared at it. "What made you think sneaking up on us?!" screamed Miranda. "Um Miranda. We shouldn't yell at him. He's a meta." stuttered Sally. "Don't you know who I am?!" yelled Miranda while ignoring Sally.

Renegade rolled his eyes under his helmet with him saying,"Oh I know who you are Miranda. You're just an spotlight loving whore who'll betray everyone to get ahead in life.". This pissed off Miranda with her trying to tackle the knight to the ground. However, that wasn't Renegade since the knight had turned into neon green gas and this caused Miranda to hit the ground. "And you look like an idiot as well my dear Miranda." said a female voice.

Sally turned to see Marionette and Renegade standing there with the five squires from earlier. The surfer's fear expanded when she saw two new squires holding an unconscious Alicia. "Alicia! Let her go you metallic freaks" said Sally. The surfer held up the metallic gray cube that she was given but before she could use it, it was taken by Renegade. The knight stomped it, destroy the only chance she had to fight back.

Renegade sighed with him saying,"You're quite lucky. M'lady has different plans for you. Your friend on the other hand.". "Don't underestimate you renaissance freak!" said Miranda, performing a flying side kick toward Renegade. The knight flew into the air, causing Miranda to kick Sally in the face with both girls hitting the ground. Miranda held her cube but it was taken from her using telekinesis from the knight who slashed it.

Marionette smiled with her saying,"I should say that you girls are really big idiots but that would be rude to idiots out there. I think we'll give them about thirty seconds. That sound fair my knight?". "Yes m'lady. I'll give these two wenches a chance but they should know that they'll be part of the army we'll use to take down Ricardo." said Renegade. "And why should I run from the likes of you losers?!" said Miranda.

Sally was concerned about what Renegade said. "Ask your friends." said Marionette as six of the seven squires stood in line. The six glowed as Miranda and Sally's eyes widened. The squires turned out to be Eduardo, Francisco, Gabriel, Jill, Joe, and Shane. The ones that was holding Alicia was the cameraman if you were curious. "What did you do to them?!" screamed Sally. "You seriously believe that it's them? Probably some smoke and mirror's crap." said Miranda.

Renegade looked at Shane with him saying,"I think out of all of you, you want to make her pay the most right?". Shane nodded as he rushed toward Miranda and slapped her across the face. This hit made Miranda hit the ground due to the amount of force exerted by Shane. Miranda looked up to see Shane kneel to Renegade. "So I guess you see that they aren't smoke and mirror." said Renegade with Shane standing back in line with the other challengers of Ultimate Showdown.

Miranda was freaking out because she was hit by Shane. She was never hit by anyone in her life even on Ultimate Showdown but since coming to Ultimate Showdown, two people have hit her and she didn't like it. Sally watched the whole thing and was shaking in terror with Marionette smiling. "You two do have thirty seconds. It's like hide and seek but if we catch you, you'll become part of this loving family. Renegade, show them what I mean." said Marionette.

The two girls watched Renegade aiming his sword at the unconscious Alicia and the weapon fired a red energy beam at her. Alicia turned into a squire like the six controlled challengers of Ultimate Showdown. After this, Miranda and Sally ran into the park with them trying to get away from the witch and knights. Renegade looked at the other challengers of Ultimate Showdown with him turning them into squires. "M'lady. How many seconds are we at?" said Renegade.

Marionette smiled with her saying,"About fifteen seconds so go nuts my squires!". The eight squires nodded with them going to look for the girls while the two villains stood there. Inside of the park, the two girls were hiding behind a large bush. This was Miranda's genius idea being that it would make a great hiding spot. They were trying to be quiet as possible, hoping none of the squires noticed them and bring them back to be knighted.

They looked up to see the squires making their way toward where they were and looked around the area. They ducked, practically kissing the ground in order to lower their chances of being caught. The squires looked around the area trying to find the girls but didn't find them. One of them began to head toward the south side of the park much to the girls's relief. "Good. The metal heads are gone." said Miranda.

Sally nodded with her saying,"We have to warn the others. We found Jill and Joe but they're being controlled by two metas!". "Are you crazy?! We need to focus on winning the competition. With 41% of the competition out of commission, we have a better chance of winning!" said Miranda. "You can't be serious?! Miranda, those two took over our friends and is hunting us down to become an army for them to kill Ricardo. Our lives are important than money." said Sally.

Miranda scoffed as she said,"And this is how you've never won a competition Sally. You shouldn't chick out just because a supervillain is trying to turn into a soldier in his army.". Before Sally could bring some logic to Miranda's stupid argument, Marionette appeared right behind them and looked down at them. "Um. Do you really think the squires didn't see you in this SUPER obvious hiding spot? You make Rythos look like a hiding and seek champion." said Marionette. 

Both girls stood up and tried to back away from Marionette. Miranda was behind Sally as they backed up. Marionette smiled with her planning on knocking both of them out so Renegade can turn them into members of their arms. She did this with Alicia and the group earlier that Alicia was apart of wouldn't noticed her leaving. This is due to her making a clone of the dancer before having the squires take her away. "Take her instead!" yelled Miranda, pushing Sally toward Marionette.

She got the hell out of there as Sally screamed. She was shocked and pissed off that her friend would push her toward death to save herself. She didn't want to believe what everyone had told but this one action made it perfectly clean who Miranda was and will always be. Miranda cares about no one on this planet except for her. Marionette looked at the stumbling surfer with some pity. She always found humans to be so petty and cruel to each other but these children were just the worst.

The woman could tell that the surfer's heart was broken upon figuring out the obvious truth about the narcissistic girl who would literally throw her only friend under the bus just to win. "It's a real shame what just happened. Your friend caused you to become a puppet for revenge." said Marionette with her catching Sally. "Please don't hurt me." said Sally, crying as tears were forming. "Don't worry Sally. I decided to do something different to you unlike your friends." said Marionette.

The surfer was held in place by neon green energy with Marionette saying,"You and your boyfriend Bob are the only two people who I could consider good but the rest of them are not. Maybe the fat one but I'm not a hundred percent sure. Time for you to sleep. Good night.". The neon green energy turned into gas and went into Sally's mouth. Instead of feeling pain, she felt something soft and she was out cold from it. Marionette walked away with Sally floating behind her.

Next time,
Who is next into becoming a squire for Marionette and her group? What is Marionette going to do to poor Sally? How did Gabriel and Shane get turned into squires? Will Miranda get the karma that she rightfully deserves? Will the heroes of Cypress Park figure this out before everyone on Ultimate Showdown becomes a squire in order to kill Ricardo? What is the Genesis Project? Who is Brood's boss? This and more next time on Zero!

What is PTSD: This is here because I'm someone who has no idea and won't act like he knows what it's like to have PTSD.

What Zane said in English:
1. Reality TV was a mistake.  

Battalion featured in this Episode:
1. George Richard aka Mastermind.
2. Bridget Mathis aka Slipstream.
3. Sabra.
4. Lewis Haynes aka General Necrosis.
5. Jerald Guzman aka Topaz.
6. Solomon.

Care about Jill and Joe's disappearance: 9/15.
Abel, Alicia, Bob, Eduardo, Hilda, Hugh, and Sally.
Don't Care about Jill and Joe's disappearance: 9/15.
Candace, Francisco, Gabriel, Miranda, Shane, and Willow.

Osiris's Costume. His costume has armor plating installed into them, protecting him from most physical attacks and ballistic ranging from bullets to rockets. It's resistant to all elements and vibrations along with radioactive material. His boots have rocket installed into them, allowing him to flight or increase his speed. His suit comes with a personal oxygen generation which allows him to breathe underwater and in outer space with no problem. His mask's lenses works as telescopic and x-rays. The lenses can allow Atem to see through most objects such as human, walls, and miles away from him. It also works as GPS being able to track anything Atem wants it to, detect radio waves, thermal vision, and gives detailed analysis of the area through an impressive computer network. It can also allow him to see in the dark and works as binoculars. His costume has highly sensitive microphones which can allow him to heat noises and frequencies that a normal human wouldn't be able to hear. His boots naturally absorb sound, making him stealth easy for him mainly when he activates the costume's stealth function. It turns him practically invisible to any scanners in the area and can go invisible/intangible like a Phantom. It does this camouflage by extending into the visible light and infrared frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has a built-in communication system, allowing Atem to communicate with others through a special broadband. His gauntlets and boots have the ability to stick onto walls. After meeting Danny's sister Vivian, Atem asked his father to give it some more power which Zane agreed to without any doubt in order to protect his son from danger. This upgrade mainly comes in the form of several different gadgets that are incorporated into the suit. There are energy bolas. Upon hitting something, it captures the target and very hard to break out of. There is the gravity destabilizer which comes in the form of a small silver sphere with a gold eagle symbol on it. Upon touching something, the entire area around the sphere creates artificial gravity which can trap enemies into the air, leaving them helpless and easy for capture. There are also smoke pellets which comes in the form of gray pill shaped objects and release a gray smoke cloud over a wide area. It's great for confusing a large number of objects and covering his escape. It can also work as knockout gas. There is also flash bombs which are in the shape of marbles. It explodes in a burst of bright light, blinding his targets. He carries at least ten pairs of regular handcuffs ,which can restrain the hands and feet of captives, and about the same amount of Negation Collars. He also has caltrops that can be used for prevent criminal getaways. The biggest upgrade comes in the form of his gauntlets. It can create energy based weapons which are a gold color. He usually makes a sword and shield combo since Zane trained him mainly in those weapons. They come in built-up flamethrowers with Atem able to mentally shape the produced flame into whatever shape he wants. They can release powerful blasts of electric shocks that can propel them a great distance away and subdue them. They can also release a powerful sonic wave that can send grown men into the air and force metahumans to take a step back if hit. It can emit a continuous flow of sonic energy. It can also fire out freezing gas, extinguishing foam or packing foam, and explosives in the form of missile shaped objects. They can fire gold concussive energy blast that can repel targets, sending them flying the are. It can be focused into a stream shaped object that can through metal. He can fire two different types of ammo at the same time.

Isaiah. He's very cocky and condescending. He looks down on anyone that he perceives to be weaker than him which leads him to consistently underestimate his opponents. He'll refuse to fight anyone that he deems to be a waste of time. He's cold and sadistic. The IPED/Isaiah is a very impressive robot and extremely versatile robot. He can have a laser cannon on one arm and a giant spiked boxing glove on the other. If he absorb any form of electricity, it can replicated. He can slice through most objects with relative ease. He can turn his arms into cannons that can fire blasts of red energy. He can fly by rocket propulsion in his legs. He is able to perform impressive feats of strength and survive a good amount of damage. It can repair any damage taken to it. t contains more knowledge that any human brain on Earth and there is no question it can answer.         

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