Monday, December 16, 2019

Zero Episode 138 Reality Sucks Act 2

A/N: Yep. The title is the way it is because of one simple reason. I don't think I could think of titles for all of them. I do it all the time for Fairy Legion but that kinda works since my chapters are longer than a normal chapter or Episode of Fairy Tail. I also have no idea on how long this is going to go for. It'll go past Episode 140 I'm pretty sure but hopefully not till, Episode 145. It won't be the next Worst Future Ever I swear to god.

So this Author Note, I wanted to show you this image. I don't agree with it being that I know the context behind Captain Marvel ,after waiting eight months since the movie came out, but it just makes me laugh and doesn't that matter in the end? It's like this one as well but makes me sad at the same time. Both of these pictures are better than the Trump Thanos thing. I mean I may not like the guy but wow, you're making the eventually Democratic Candidate look better.

This is either a clear attempt at trying to be hip. If your goal was to get attention from the general public, you got that but you still look stupid. To end this off, you should see Marvel celebrating Koi Boy ,and if you're wondering who that is, I don't blame you and check out the Marvel Wiki article on him, and also someone eating $120,000 duct-tape banana. The latter story will make you smile and the former will make you see an ugly Squirrel Girl image. You've been warned and lets begin. 

Narrator P.O.V.
Inside of a secret research laboratory in the state of Wyoming. Fun fact. Did you know that the Cowboy State has the lowest population among all fifty states. It's according to these two articles so take it with some discretion (Article 1 and Article 2). Alarms were going off as men from Avalon and Swarm were heading toward down a corridor. While the clones of Avalon looked the exact same as the clones that were killed by Velda, Swarm changed in the past four years.

After the attack on Swarm's main office in Washington D.C., they became more militaristic. All of the foot soldiers are wearing uniforms that wouldn't be too out of place on someone from the Special Forces or SWAT. It's full body gray armor with various weapon holsters covering it. They did have a white tie and they have Swarm's logo on their shoulder pads. Their faces are completely covered by gray ballistic combat helmet.

The helmet has red sunglasses shaped visor, concealing their identities and a retractable facial gas mask that can cover their faces. The clones of Avalon were wielding their signature red energy broadsword and large red energy angular shield. The members of Swarm were either wielding one of two weapons. Weapon 1 is a black rifle with a long body and a thin barrel. It resembles a Heckler & Koch MP5 sub-machine gun.

Weapon 2 is a long tube-shaped weapon with a gray frame. It has a dark blue barrel opening and rear to it. There is a grip on the bottom of it. It has red stripes circling the front of it and one in the back of it. There is a fixed, square-shaped digital front sight. The soldiers moved past several fleeing scientist while making their way to the objective. The reached the end of the corridor and spotted the reason for the alliance. It was the subject that they captured/taken from their home earlier.

It's a male teenager that had their Metagene activated and according to the Avalon scientists, this metahuman need to die before the Alliance found him. "Put your hands up right now freak!" yelled a Swarm operative. The metahuman walked toward them with his appearance made obvious thanks to the lighting of the room. He's eight feet tall. He looks to be a hybrid of a human and wolf. He has frost bitten skin aka the color blue and snow white fur covering his body.

He has large clawed hands. He has brown hair with his bangs brushed toward the side of his face and gray soulless eyes with it growling through vicious sharp teeth. The agents of Avalon and Swarm had taken him just after he left his big hockey game. His metagene activated when he was threaten by the opposing team. He's wearing a green jersey t-shirt with orange lining ,two white stripes around each sleeve, and a gold 19 printed on the front. He's wearing blue jeans with orange edges.

He's wearing blue tennis shoes with red striped socks. He's wearing blue gloves that goes up to his elbows. He's wearing a damaged looking watch over his left wrist. His body was covered with blood of the people who kidnapped him two weeks ago. "You need to leave me alone right now because all I wanted to do is go home!" said the teen. His hands sprouted icicle shaped claws with the soldiers aiming their guns at him.

The teen rushed toward them being that before two Swarm agents could fire their weapons, they were sent flying back by an invisible force. The rest of the Swarm agents fired their weapons which for the ones wielding Weapon 1 firing red energy bullets and Weapon 2 firing red energy missiles. The teen vanished where the bullets hit where he once stood. One of the Avalon clone had ice claws buried into his head and he screamed out loud.

The teen pulled its claws towards its body and out of the back of the man's head. The clone ,on his pre-programmed reflex, held his sword and slashed at two of his comrades. Three soldiers were hit by the swords as the dead clone fell to the ground with his blood and brain matter fell out of the open wound. The teen moved right toward the men, snarling at them before raising his right claw over his head.

The claws glowed crimson red just before the teen brought it down in front of the men. The attack didn't hit anyone at first but it made a portal between him and the soldiers. The teen jumped into it with the men opening fire at it and clones slicing at it. However, the bullets and sword didn't hit the target but smoke tendrils came out of the portal within second. It pierced through all of them, killing or wounding them where they stood.

As the final body feel to the ground, the heavily injured men looked at their deceased allies and groaned. "God. We're so fucked. The director and Uguisu are going to be pissed when we report this to them." said one of the Swarm agents. "So why is the meta so much stronger than the other metas those Alliance haven taken under their wings?" said a Avalon clone, helping up one of the wounded while moving off a dead body.

The commander of the group said,"His power increase is due to a project from Swarm known as the Demi-God Formula. According to our scientist, this formula gives a normal man enhanced abilities and a way to compete with metas without becoming them. However, it has a different effect on metas as you can see with Wendigo. Due to us being unaware of this side effect, the Wendigo is now a threat to humanity.".

A Avalon clone pointed out,"He didn't even look like a Wendigo whatever that is.". "Me neither but it was moving so fast that not even the suit could track and that portal he mad. It clearly left for another dimension." said a Swarm agent. "Enough chit chat ladies. Get the med team on the radio and tell them to get their asses down here!" ordered the commander. "Yes sir!" said the clones and soldiers with them saluting the commander as one of them radioed for the med team.

It had been a few hours since the Wendigo incident at their secret base. The new director of Swarm was sitting inside of her mansion ,which is in Washington D.C, and to be more specific, she was in her study. She was looking over a design schematic for new combat suits that were based on multiple sources to replace Agent Phoenix since she was getting soft on the Phantoms. These sources are Agent Phoenix's suit, the Synthetic Tactical Armor, and Legion Zero in general.

She was looking over the data that was transmitted from Swarm's secret satellites as a video of Brood cornering Brittany. She watched as Brood blew up the Phantom trash using the weapon he had. "Why is this unknown meta working with us rather than our own? Agent A and Vicky has been too soft on the enemy. Ever since Derrick's demise, they has decided to become friendly with the one person who supports the enemy but at least we got this sadistic freak working with us." said the director.

Her laptop screen showed Brood forcing a grenade into a Phantom. He placed said weapon into a hole that he created earlier using his blue fire. "And he has been gratefully testing the Sibylline Bombs for us. Quite the potent little surprise for the menace. I'll give the specs to the knights once we get them into production." said the woman. As she continued to watch, the door to her study opened causing her to turn her attention away from her computer screen.

The new director of Swarm is the former head scientist of Swarm Marilyn Gregory. She hasn't changed in the past four years except for her prosthetic. It may look like a normal one but don't mess with her. Marilyn turned to see her secretary standing there holding a cellphone. "Yes? I'm clearly busy and you know that I don't like to be interrupted." said Marilyn. "Um. We just received a call from the Wyoming lab. The Wendigo escaped." said the secretary.

Marilyn's eyes widened with her saying,"What?! Give me the phone now.". The secretary handed her boss the phone and rushed out of the room. Marilyn took the phone and started talking to the person on the other end. While berating the person on the other end, she was looking at some papers on her desk. "Your boss promised me that the facility would be secured. There have been several Avalon bases have been invaded by the enemies." said Vivian.

She sighed as she said,"I care not for the causalities at the base. You better hope that the Wendigo doesn't reach a populated area or I'll throw your entire organization under the bus just to protect humanity from the Phantoms. Tell your boss that you'll get your weapons and suits soon but you need to recapture the Wendigo and make sure he doesn't find about it. If he does, out two group's deal is off under stand.".

She hanged up and in her anger, she threw the phone at the fireplace. "You really need to relax your bossness." said a voice. Marilyn glared to see Brood looking over some papers. He was sitting on her desk with his legs crossed. Marilyn decided to ignore their hired help and looked at the monitor that was showing footage of Brood taking down other Phantoms in a brutal fashion. Brook looked at the footage and smiled at his handiwork.

Brood said,"I bet you just love how ruthless I can be. I mean you know how to pick the right help after the other two decided to be nice.". "Why are you here? Don't you have other things to do?" said Marilyn, working on a design that Swarm had been working on for a while. "I'm here to offer my service in catching the Wendigo if your agents and the knights fuck up. Even if you say no, I'm going to do it." said Brood, disappearing in a burst of flames.  

Back in Cypress Park, Zane woke up from a really good night sleep which was a typical hour. He spent most of the night chasing down any information he could find on that robot who attacked him during his driving test with Atem. He left his bed without walking up Rachel and walked toward his house's bathroom. While he had his personal bathroom, he didn't want to wake up his fiancee since she had to deal with Ultimate Showdown yesterday and she needed her rest.

It was Sunday and if he knew his kids like he does, he would be able to take a nice long hot shower which he enjoyed. Upon him entering the bathroom, he was going to take off his arm and eye but something felt off. He looked at the mirror and noticed that it was slightly off. A normal person wouldn't have noticed this but a paranoid person would. Zane is a paranoid person and someone had moved it. "Son of a bitch." muttered Zane in anger.

He left the bathroom and went back to his room. He grabbed his Omni-Opener which worked as a swiss army knife. He used it to unscrew the mirror before removing it from the wall. Upon placing the mirror down in the hallway, Zane saw a camera recording him. "Okay. By doing this you piece of shit, this means war." said Zane. He pulled out the camera from the wall and overloaded it with his signature electricity. This caused the footage to be erased.

In the backyard of the Alvarez household, there were two fairly large tents. Both of them belonged to the cast of Ultimate Showdown. The seventeen contestants were forced into living in the tents since Ricardo wasted most of the budget on himself and left the cast homeless. At first, Ricardo wanted them to live in the Alvarez household to spite Zane. However thanks to Zane threatening Ricardo's life using force, the contract was changed heavily.

Instead, Ricardo got the contestants two tents ,one for boys and the other for girls, and told them to set them up in the backyard much to Wolfram's annoyance. This annoyance was short lived due to him being allowed to sleep inside with whoever he wants. It's easy to please the Phantom dog but hard to upset him. To no one's shock, the contestants were not happy about this. Zane did suggest that they sleep in the dump but then he added that the dump was too good for them.

In the male's tent, they were all in sleeping bags unaware that they would be given a rude awakening by Zane who entered the tent while invisible and in Camouflage Form. Zane did plan on messing with the cast but the camera in the bathroom isn't something he couldn't stand for. That's invading his privacy and clearly against their contract. He walked over to the fat one whose name was Hugh. He blocked the entrance with his fat ass pacing the opening.

After getting close to the rather large human, Zane ,with his hyper hearing, heard a strange sound coming from Hugh's posterior. The large one let out a chuckle as if the sound came from his ass amused him like a child. Zane rolled his eyes at this. He evaluated the other males sleeping in the tent. From what Danny and his friends have showed him about the show, it was no wonder why he didn't care for me of them. He was wondering why he didn't just kill them and go on with his life.

He curbed his bloodlust for right now and looked at the sleeping faces in the tent. He spent about three minutes figuring out what he do before having an idea. He left the tent with him deactivating Camouflage Form and turning into Fragrance Form. He knew that the fat one's farts were deadly after reading online that his farts caused a casino to explode and the cast was probably used to the smell of them but what about a smell even stronger than that.

Zane made sure to maneuver Hugh into blocking the entrance and just to make sure he stays there, he placed some candy syrup ,which came from his back, there to hold him them. After doing that, he unleashing a nasty green gas from his mouth. Upon it entering the tent, the guys woke up to the smell of the natural gas that made Hugh's gas smell like flowers. There was much yelling as the guys woke up and tried to rush out of the tent.

However, Hugh was a heavy sleeper and wasn't moving any time soon while Zane released more of his gas to make things worse. Zane placed a Fragrance Form clone there and deactivated the form on himself. The clone was told to keep releasing the gas every minute or so and once someone comes out of the house or tent, he should vanish. While the gas was going on, he went right over to the girls tent in Nano Form.

He was going to prank the girls as well but he didn't expect the boys to scream like that. Once inside of the tent, the girls were slowly wake up. He watched as they all got of their sleeping bags to reveal themselves in their sleep wear. He couldn't understand why others would find them so pretty after seeing their ugliness on the small screen several times. He was spotted by one of the girls being the big breasted one by the name of Jill.

She let out a glass shattering scream which got the other girls to look at the glowing eerie green light which they presumed was a Phantom bug. Most of them screamed as well except for two of them and Zane saw the duo looking at him. One was the tracksuit wearing Candace and the goth with a strong personality Hilda. The two girls walked up to Zane with the hero telling that they were going to swat him to death. However, they were going to be shocked when this insect fights back.

Just as Candace was about to swat him using her masculine strength, she was shocked by a blue burst of bio-electricity. Hilda ,who just watched the strongest female on the show fall to the ground, backed away from the glowing green light. "What on Earth is going on out here?!" yelled a female voice from outside of the tent. Zane flew out of the girl's tent and headed toward his special lady while the girls exited the tent.

It didn't take the devil princess too much effort to figure out what happened. She sighed as she knew that her fiance loved to play pranks and she couldn't stop him from doing it. She also saw the camera on the kitchen table and figured out why Zane was doing this. Rachel turned her attention toward the ruckus coming from the guys' tent as eight of the nine guys tried to push the ninth guy out of the tent but were failing terribly.

Rachel sighed in annoyance and embarrassment before turning around to head back into the house. "I think I know why you hate celebrities Zaney." muttered Rachel before entering the house. Back inside of the house, the duo of Atem and Zoey woke up to the sounds of Jill's screaming and headed downstairs. Uriel would have been with them but she was a heavy sleeper and Wolfram decided to pick sleeping with her.

Atem was wearing a white undershirt and red lounge pants. Zoey is wearing a light green 3/4 length sweatshirt ,with a gold trim at the collar, and black sweatpants. She's wearing a pair of black and green flip flops. Zoey has her hair pulled back in a bun. The mummy held a wooden cricket bat in his right hand and looked irritated. Zoey didn't notice this since she was still half asleep but Rachel did easily.

Rachel sighed as she said,"Atem. I know that you and your father don't like most of them but you cannot beat that poor woman to death using a cricket bat. We'll get in trouble for doing so since a lot of people like her. Mainly teenage boys And where did you get one?" said Rachel. "From me babe. I got it when I went to a Cricket game in England." said a voice.  Rachel turned to see Zane, sipping on some booze from his flask.

It is the exact same one from Fairy Legion. For a quick reminder, it's a black flask with a small silver dragon wearing a gold crown on the top of it."Um dad. It's 8 in the morning. Why are you drinking?" said Zoey, waking up to see her father drinking. This was normal for him but not in the morning. It's usually in the middle of the afternoon when he starts drinking. "Because Pumpkin. It's 5 o clock somewhere in the Omniverse and I need booze if I'm dealing with these morons." said Zane.

Atem nodded as he said,"And that's why I need this bat mom. To deal with the morons.". "Why is everyone in the family obsessed with violence? And give me some of that honey." said Rachel. Zane nodded as he gave her the flask. The girls half of Ultimate Showdown entered the house being that there was a bit of awkward silence until it was broken by one of the Ultimate girls. "So why is Asher holding a big bat?" said Jill.

The mummy looked at the big breasted blonde and was about to swing the but. "Atem Josh Alvarez. I know that you want to teach her a lesson but just wait. You'll get your chance later I promise." said Zane in a stern tone. Atem placed the bat down and went back to his room to get some sleep. Zoey looked at the girls in the kitchen before following her brother and went back to her room which she shared with her younger sister who was still asleep. "So what's wrong with them?" said Sally. 

Zane looked at the girls before seeing Rachel drinking. "Okay. Those two aren't exactly morning people. They get that from me. The weekends are the days where we just relax before we start the days event." said Zane, getting breakfast started. "Oh. I think we do that as well but by now, we're out surfing." said Sally. "That just sound stupid. Not you Sally but beardie over there. If they're going to slack off the weekend, neither of them are going to make it in the real world." said Miranda.

Rachel rolled her eyes as she said,"I'm sure that both Atem and Zoey are going to do just fine since they're both Alvarez. At least neither of them have spent six seasons losing on national TV. If that isn't a waste of time, I don't know what it is.". "Oh! She burned you!" said Zane with him and Rachel high-fiving. Miranda glared at the duo as she said,"Excuse me but I'll have you know that I made into the final five in Season 3. That's the furthest I've ever gone and none of these slackers could have.".

Zane groaned with him saying,"That's great but I really don't give a fuck about you. I rather listen to you butcher one of Grace's songs again like you did in Season 2 than hear you about bragging about how you lost.". The girls looked at Zane in surprise because he made it clear that he hated them and reality TV. "You're not one of those kind of viewers who watches because...." said Hilda before the devil princess stopped her using the cricket bat Atem left behind.

Rachel looked at her with her saying,"My fiance only watched the garbage you people are proud of being apart of because our friends force him to watch and he badmouths the entire show much to Hannah's annoyance.". "She should really know that I'm going to be doing that and David tells her that every time." said Zane. "So what do you do Mr. Alvarez?" said Sally. "First, call me Zane. I've got to hear Mr. Alvarez all the dam time at work and it kills me." said Zane.

Candace crossed her arms as she said,"And you didn't answer her question because.". "Fine. I'm the CEO of Zenith Industries." said Zane. "You're a CEO? I didn't see that from you." said Alicia. "Yeah I get that a lot. I really did enjoy seeing the annoying one get her comeuppance during that lawsuit with Shane." said Zane. "It was rigged." said Miranda. "How can be a lawsuit be rigged if he had literally video evidence proving him right and you wrong." said Rachel.

Miranda yelled,"Those videos provided nothing! I did nothing wrong!". Rachel looked at Miranda and then to Zane who mouthed,"She's crazy and I got this.". "So let me see if I got this right. You constantly hit Shane in the family jewels, the yelling, the castigating, the insults, the eighty hundred pages of his faults and ways to change him, and leaving him to die just for a attache fill with paper was all Shane's fault?" said Zane.

Jill tilted her head as she said,"But Miranda abandoned Sandy for a briefcase not an Alpaca.". "I got nothing. Rae?" said Zane. "Jill. Zane used attache because it has a nice ring to it even more than the word satchel." said Rachel. "Wow. That makes no sense." said Willow. "Yeah. That's me every single day I'm alive. I tend not to make sense but that's just fine." said Zane. "It was his fault." said Miranda with her response getting the power couple's attention.

Rachel said,"Um honey. I think I met someone more stubborn and blind to the truth than Sam is.". "I got to agree with you there babe. If I wasn't with you and was Shane, I would totally cheat on you with the "goth" before moving to the best girl Sally if she and Bob weren't a thing. I mean Robert is a very lucky man. The only two good things to come out of that show and they're together. Everything is right in the world." said Zane.

Miranda turned her attention toward Hilda who looked offended by Zane's words. Join the club. I think it has a lot of members and we're in Zero not Fairy Legion. "Hey. I broke up with him and it's behind us." said Hilda. "And was it worth it?" said Rachel. Hilda let out a frustrated yell before going back to get away from the truth aka Rachel and Zane. "Me thinks it wasn't." said Zane, resuming his cooking while sipping from his flask.

Back upstairs, Atem wasn't able to get any sleep so he got dressed and headed back downstairs. He was about to head toward the kitchen so he could get to the basement. He was going to test out his updated costume since Zane gave it an upgrade recently. He was also getting his driver's license later today so he need to be ready. However, the doorbell rang and forced Atem to open the door. He saw his uncle Danny standing there with his recently discovered sister Vivian by his side.

She isn't wearing her armor. The former bounty hunter is wearing a long-sleeved burgundy shirt that goes up to her elbows. She wears this with a thigh length black skirt and brown tennis shoes. She's wearing a pair of shades. "Hi Uncle Danny and Aunt Vivian." said Atem. "You're calling me your aunt even though we haven't known each other for too long." said Vivian. "You're related to Danny who Zane sees as his brother so you're my aunt plain and simple. So what's up?" said Atem.

Danny looked at his nephew with him saying,"We came to check in with your old man about some business and more importantly, to make sure that he hasn't murdered the cast of Ultimate Showdown yet.". "Not yet but you know him. Always the unexpected." said Atem. "Ah. That makes sense." said Danny. "It does?" said Vivian. "For Zane, you need to expected the unexpected." said Danny, earning a head nod from Vivian.

Atem sighed as he said,"The really big breasted one woke me with her screaming and not I can't go back to sleep. Do you mind if we spare in the backyard?". "Spar? You mean fight right?" said Danny as Atem nodded. "Yeah. I have my driver test's today so I need to get rid of some of the stress I have building up." said Atem. "Um sure. I think my sis wants to see why I'm the second best fighter on Team Maelstrom." said Danny.

Vivian shook her head back and forth with her saying,"Sometimes. So will he need anything?". "I think we should fight hand to hand." said Atem. "Okay. I'm game. I won't be holding back on you nephew." said Danny, cracking his knuckles. "I was going to say the same thing." said Atem. As the trio entered the kitchen, Danny noticed that Miranda was glaring at Zane. It didn't take his computer like brain to figure out that Zane mentioned the lawsuit.

It was the one that Shane won against Miranda and Ricardo. The two males walked right past the girls and headed to the backyard. "Hey Vivi. Good to see you two bonding after how many years of not knowing the other existed?" said Rachel. "Too many. My brother and Atem are going to spare out in the backyard." said Vivian. "Don't go overboard you two. I really don't feel like patching up any wounds again." said Zane. "K." said Atem and Danny before leaving the house.

As both of them exited the house, the "celebrities" looked at the back door in wonder. Zane noticed this and laughed. "If you gals want, you can go watch. Breakfast is going to take some time since I'm feeding for more than twenty people." said Zane. "And why would we want to watch two guys beat each other with sticks?" said Miranda. "Because it beats me and my fiancee make fun of you while I'm cooking." said Zane.

Once outside of the house, Atem and Danny headed toward the center of the backyard. The guys of Ultimate Showdown finally managed to get out of the tent. They usually something called teamwork to push Hugh out of the way. This took them thirty minutes to figure out. Bob suggested this at the start but no one listened to him. They saw the duo of Atem and Danny standing in front of each other in front of each other.

Danny began stretching with him saying,"Okay. So what are the rules for this sparring match? We're not using weapons so I'm curious.". "Rules for what?" said Hugh. "A sparing match is a controlled fight where the fighters used a lot of self-control. This is to make sure that they don't hurt each other too badly." said Francisco, spraying some hair spray. "Tell that to Zane. He doesn't know the word self control when it comes to training. He's real sadistic." said Danny.

Atem nodded as he said,"Yeah. That's my brother for you. This is why we can't put each other in the hospital.". "That's it?" said Danny. "Pretty much." said Atem. "I like it. We can go all out but we can't kill each other." said Danny. "Yep. That's how a real man spars. Really shouldn't listen to Rico but he can say something smart once in a while." said Atem. "He's better than Cole. I think he makes more stupid comments than Zane does and that's saying a lot." said Danny.   

Joe looked at Atem with him saying to Shane,"Wow. This guy is going to get the shit kick out of him by this guy.". "Don't count him out so earlier Joe. I mean he's a member of this family and they make quick work of King." said Shane. "Unlike you. I mean I beat you up in Season 3." said Abel in a very boasting tone. "Wasn't that because he pissed off the Royal Guard?" said Hugh. No one answered him since the guys were focused on Atem and Danny who attacked each other.

Danny threw a right cross at Atem with the young mummy dodging the punch. He countered with a side kick with his left leg. Danny got hit in the chest and stumbled for a while. Atem pressed on the attack by closing in on him. Danny has no time to react as Atem threw a left jab and then followed up with a right punch aimed at Danny's gut. Danny backed away, covering his stomach with his left hand for a second before Atem strikes again.

Atem threw a roundhouse kick with his left leg which Danny caught. He pushed the young mummy toward the ground. Atem yelped in surprise when hitting the ground due to Danny's counterattack. If they didn't have a crowd, Danny would have pulled out one of his gadgets by now in the match to add on the damage but he couldn't. Instead of an invention, Danny released Atem's leg and went for an elbow drop.

The young mummy rolled to his left to avoid attack while Danny hit the ground. Danny turned to his right just in time to see Atem get back up and was about to stop him while he was down. Thanks to sparing with Zane for so many years, Danny rolled out of the way and got back up to tackle Atem to the ground. As the two continued their sparring match, Hugh and Joe cheered for Danny while the others enjoyed the fight as well.

From the sounds of the males, Abel and Shane were cheering for Atem. The reason for why Abel would cheer for Atem is because he saw the young mummy as the underdog like him. Shane was cheering for Atem mainly because he didn't want to piss off the family who beat the crap out of King earlier. He may be the baddest boy of Ultimate Showdown but he knew when to stand down. Next to the back door, Hilda was watching the fight in silence and was a bit miffed.

She didn't like fighting because she finds it a barbaric practice. As the match continued, Zane opened the door so he could tell everyone that breakfast was ready and to let Wolfram out to do his business since he likes going outdoors. Hilda groaned as the fleabag went by her and Zane ignored her to see his best friend and son's fighting. As Zane knew quite well, Atem focuses on simple but effective hits while using his size to dodge Danny's attacks.

Danny fought like a street brawler using a bit of wrestling and boxing to defeat his enemies. Danny's main strength are his punches rather than kicks. He showed that in the fight being that Atem had longer limbs due to his mummy physiology. "Yep. Danny has focused on power rather using his techniques like Atem does. I think I need to teach those two how to made their weakness into their strengths." thought Zane. 

As the sparring match continued, Zane decided to stop this fight so they could eat. "Hey trash! It's breakfast. If you two don't stop, I'll make training worse." said Zane with a sinister smile on his face and knuckles crackled. When they heard Zane, Atem and Danny stopped their fight mid-strike. The end result was Atem with his left leg in the air while doing a roundhouse kick. Danny was very close to Atem and about to uppercut the mummy in the chin.

The two fighters looked at Zane with them telling that the Cross-Species wasn't joking for once. They stopped their match. "Not bad brother." said Atem. "Yeah. You really take after your old man when it comes to fighting. At least you don't quip like he does." said Danny. Wolfram ,who walked up to the duo, barked with Atem saying,"Yes boy. That is a good thing. While it may work on bad guys, it's real annoying to deal with in a spar.". 

As everyone ,including the duo of Uriel and Zoey, woke up to the smell of breakfast. They entered the kitchen and grabbed a plate filled with scrambled eggs, pancakes, and sausage. The only person in the house that didn't eat this was Sally. This was due to her being vegetarian and she expected to be eating some cereal. However, Zane prepared for that with a fruit salad. She thanked him for that and the house began to eat.

Due to the massive amount of people in the house, a handful were eating at the table, a few were eating in the living room, or standing up while eating. The Alvarez family ,plus Wolfram much to Hilda's annoyance, were eating at the kitchen table. The group of Bob, Danny, Sally, and Vivian were there as well. Hilda was sitting in the living room, trying to keep her distance from his ex-boyfriend Shane, the fleabag Wolfram, and the guy who scared her a bit Zane.

However by doing this, she got stuck next to her ex-boyfriend Joe alongside the person who has been friend-zoned by Hilda since day one Derek and the girl who clearly knows too much about the cast of Ultimate Showdown Mindy. Miranda ,Shane's other ex-girlfriend, was standing in the kitchen glaring at Zane not her ex-boyfriend for once. Zane ,on the other hand, was used to people staring at him in anger ignored her while joking around with his family and the cast he liked.

While chatting, Zane looked around to see how the rest of the cast was doing. He noticed how the group of Alicia, Jill, and Willow were gossiping in between bits. Candace and Francisco were either staring at each like love struck fools or glaring at each other while either. It was impressive in their own right. Zane didn't care about Abel, Gabriel, Hugh, or Shane since the Cross Species was focused on the feral looking Eduardo.

He was eating his food like a dog and not even Wolfram ate like that. Eduardo reminded the super hero of the guy who blew up the Exploration of the Cursed Pyramid ride at Infamous Studios but it was later revealed to be Myron Waldron. The kind of behavior was pretty much getting on Zane's nerves from the very start of the day. I think it's time to pull off the bandaid even though it's covering some leg hair and that hurts. 

Zane sighed with him saying,"Okay you pieces of trash except for Bob and Sally. Why hasn't anyone told me or cared about poor Eddie here?". The cast stopped eating to look at Zane, wondering what he was talking about. The Alvarez family plus the Malone siblings looked at who Zane was talking about before figuring it out. They gave him a look of pity. Bob and Sally followed their gaze and looked at Eduardo before remembering how Eduardo turned into this.

They felt bad but before they could do anything about it, they were stopped by Miranda. "Oh. You're talking about Eduardo. The beast here did this to himself because he was so determined to winning a million dollars in Season 4." said Miranda with no sympathy in her voice. "Wow. He sounds like a super villain since most of my villains resorted to villainy because of money." thought Zane. "So my follow up question is why didn't you idiots end like him?" said Zane.       

Miranda looked at Zane with her saying in disgust,"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! We shouldn't have ended up like that mutant!". "Um Zane. You're wrong. I think Miranda ended up much worse than Eduardo." said Shane. Miranda was about to pounce Shane ,like a lion to a deer,  but was held back by Alicia and Candace. "Okay then. Any one mind telling me how this happened? And I mean Miranda being a monster by the way." said Zane.

Bob said,"Um. I can. She may look very pretty on the outside but we know her as the monster with a paper thin temper. She sees herself as the most important person and how she never sees herself as wrong even when she clearly is.". He said all of this while ignoring Miranda's yelling and death threats. "Um. That's pretty obvious." said Zoey. "Yeah and aren't you talking about Hilda with the never sees herself as wrong comment?" said Uriel.

Atem smiled at his sister's comments with Danny saying,"Nice retorts you two. Making your dad proud with each one. So what about the rest of you?". "I think it was the million. I honestly did it to help push my mom's fashion line and my other mom's career as a actress." said Bob. "I doubt your moms needed that but I'm sure they appreciated it." said Sally. "Yeah. They told me to make a name for myself so that's what I'm going to do!" said Bob. 

Jill said with a head tilt,"So I'm confused. Didn't Shane break Miranda's heart?". "She has a heart? I mean if she did, it must be pretty small and black." said Vivian. "Yeah. I mean she kicked Shane in the balls, beaten the crap out of us, constantly berated, and was forced to memorize a eight hundred pages contract. That isn't a loving relationship." said Rachel. "At least, he's better than the guy who kissed his concubine rather in front of his fiancee." said Zane.

Danny knew that Zane was talking about Blaze who still fear Zane after his public beatdown four years ago. "Wow. That guy sound even worse than Shane who is a jerk." said Miranda. "I may be a jerk but at least, I'm not a narcissistic floozy. I mean Hilda was a better girlfriend to me even those she has an ego slightly smaller than yours." said Shane. As this drama was going on, the quartet of Danny, Rachel, Vivian, and Zane.

Rachel sighed as she said,"So explain to me how this happen again? We went from trying to figure out Eddy came to be to watching the relationship drama of Miranda and Shane.". "Most of them love to be the center of attention. It's like how Zane does that but at least for what my brother tells me, he didn't try to have a relationship with a sociopath." said Vivian. "Hold on. I did tell you about Vicky right? She's a sociopath or she is a psychopath? I don't know the difference." said Danny.

Vivian nodded as she said,"You did. A psychopath is someone with amoral and clearly antisocial behavior. The person would also lack the ability to love or establish personal relationships, have an ego bigger than the moon, and failed to learn from failure.". "Um Vivi. You just described Miranda to the letter plus I didn't know you have a psychology major." said Zane. "My teacher didn't just teach me how to fight Zane." said Vivian, smirking

Despite Zane enjoying this conversation, the Cross-Species decided to put the conversation back on track. "Okay. As much as I'm loving this amazing conversation about one of the worst human beings I've ever met, I like to focus our attention on the physical and mental state of the unfortunate human who is currently eating food like a dog. He's making my dog look like a civilized human being and he's actually a dog. Why is no one concerned about this?" said Zane.

Just above every member of Ultimate Showdown ,except for Bob and Sally who looked upset by what Zane said, looked at Zane with deer in the headlights looks. "He's talking about how Ricardo made this boy into a living zombie dog and how no one is bothered by this." said Atem. "Unless he's a meta human, I think this should be a concern." said Zoey. "But I think you're wrong big brother. I mean Bob and Sally look bothered by this." said Uriel.

Atem nodded as he said,"You're right sis. I didn't noticed that. Thanks.". "It could be karma. I mean he made that sexist comment in Season 1. After that, no one cared about him." said Hilda. "Wow. I can't believe how cold that is. I think Danny told me about how Eddy was homeschooled before signing his life away to the devil." said Zane. "Nice comment about Ricardo Z man!" said Hugh with Zane rolling his eyes. "Yeah he is the devil." said Danny.

Zane nodded with him saying,"And Hilda, I think his parents were his teachers as well. Right?". "Yes they were. Where are you going with?" said Hilda. "If my theory is correct, his father taught Eddy that women should be protected by men due to how his father was raised? My point is this. Eddy was not being sexist. He was simply doing what his father told him. It does happen since Eddy was just continuing the cycle of ignorance that his father was apart of." said Zane.

Candace let go of Miranda who stopped struggling. "Well, it's the twenty-first century. Women can do anything just as well as men if not better." said Candace. "Okay. I really don't need to have another Sadie in my house. She's just an annoying bitch. Always give me crap about treating women badly when I treated them the EXACT SAME as the men but no. She has to preach that women are having a bad time at Zenith Industries." said Zane.

Zane crossed his arms as he said,"And she told Apex Mind that I do that and that only gives that idiot more fuel to use against me. Before I go on a rant on why I hate Curtis and Sadie, I want you to hear this point of view ladies and gents. Due to Eddy being homeschooled by ignorance and isolation, he wasn't intentionally being sexist but just doing the only thing he knew.". Candace didn't respond to this since she thought about Zane said.

However for the girls of Ultimate Showdown except Sally, Atem decided to speak up. "Um. I don't think they gave an inkling of thought. In my opinion, the girls were being real bitches to Eddy and he was just a victim of bad teaching." said Atem. With that, all of the girls in the house ,except for his aunt, mom, and sisters plus Sally, looked at him in anger while the guys of Ultimate Showdown looked at him in pity.

Atem noticed their glares and rolled his eyes. "And you're making me and my brother right. If a male says anything that sounds even slightly offensive to women, the women in the area gives that guy death glares and will make the guy feel bad. You can't give crap just because he makes a mistake and treat him like a monster by everyone. That isn't fair." said Atem. "He has a point." said Vivian. "You girls give females a really bad name." said Sally, earning a nod from Rachel, Uriel, and Zoey.

Despite making a valid point, Atem's point was pretty much ignored. People can be so stubborn am I right? I'm not exempting myself for this. I can be stubborn like a mule. "He's a sexist jerk and so are you if you're defending him!" yelled Candace. "Okay. I thought my brother was right about calling you a man but you're not proving him wrong. At least, Sally is feeling some regret about her actions since peer pressure is a bitch." said Atem with him standing up.

Candace rolled her eyes as she said,"And why should I listen to a weakling? You probably couldn't even lift a hundred pound weight.". "No normal person can do that. Only muscle bound freaks can." said Atem. "Wow. He's really a member of Zane's family and his son." whispered Vivian. "Zane turned Atem into a mini him in the same fashion that we corrupted Gwen back in the day." whispered Danny. The next thing that happened was Candace charging at Atem.

Atem saw this mannish woman charging at him and grabbed her left arm. He twisted it and brought her face first onto the floor. Atem continued to twist Candace's arm. "If you try and attack me again, I'll snap your arm off and shove it right down your throat. If you think I'm joking, I'm not." said Atem in a neutral tone. "I teach all of my students to show no mercy to anyone who attacks them regardless of gender. Gender means shit in a fight." said Zane.

When Zane said that, Danny knew that he treats men and women equally in a fight. "Think about your actions before attacking me and my family again." said Atem, letting go of her arm. Before anything else could on, there was a knock of the door. This drew the attention of everyone in the house. "Hey trash in the living room. Mind getting the door?" said Zane. "Um sure." said Derek as he open went to the door.

Once the door was opened a bit, Ricardo made his way into the house along with King and a camera crew. "Good morning challengers!" said Ricardo. Everyone looked at Ricardo with anger. Ricardo ignored this as he walked right past Derek with his eyes closed. "Now then. The first I would like to say...." said Ricardo. He was interrupted by a red boxing glove flying toward his face. Due to his eyes being closed, Ricardo didn't see the boxing glove and predictably hit in the face by the boxing glove.

Ricardo clutched his wounded face ,with a bleeding nose, and he yelled,"Ah! What the hell was that for?! You ruined a national treasure!". "You calling yourself a national treasure makes me really want to hurt you more." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. You may ask where Zane got the boxing glove in the first place but lets just say that having the abilities of a god can let you exact punishment on those who earn it in unique ways.

The Alvarez family plus the Malone backed away from Zane being that if you get Zane mad at a single person, severe bloodshed would happen. Just look at anyone of Zane's rage moments and there is a pattern. The cast of Ultimate Showdown were smiling at the pain Ricardo received since they've been abused by this demon of a man for six years. You think they would have left the show by now and moved on their lives but they want the money.

While entertained by the violence, Eduardo did wonder where the boxing glove came from. "So mind telling me why there was a camera hidden in the second floor bathroom mirror?" said Zane in a clearly angry tone. "Wait. He did what?" said Uriel. "Uriel. If I remember the show right, this jerk has set up a hidden camera for the Snitch Room." said Sally. "He usually has them set up in an outhouse or in a bathroom though." said Bob. "That's just fascinating. Are they right Ricardo?" said Zane.

He made his way over to the host with Ricardo saying,"Well Zane. It was either have a Snitch Room set up in your house or bring back the OG Snitch Room here. I'm sure you would hate having your folks's place ruined so the mayor who I may add is a brilliant woman decided to have one installed in your bathroom instead.". Zane blinked with him saying,"Yep. It's official. I hate politicians and this is going to be a good one.".

Zane punched Ricardo in the face, giving him a black eye and broken nose. "Wow. He got off lucky. I kinda wish Zane broke his mouth too." said Danny. "While I may not violence mainly ones involving Zane, this is kinda well deserved. That woman has made Zane's life a pain ever since she got elected to office." said Rachel. "So how did that happen again?" said Zoey. "Sheeple and from what rumors say about that election, Phantoms turned the vote in her favor." said Vivian.   

While this conversation was going on, Ricardo held his face screaming about his precious face was getting ruined. "Try this shit again Salazar and I'll kill you. I may not like doing it but scum like you deserve nothing more than death. You turned these mostly innocent beings into monster versions of themselves and you're the disease. Eradicate the Earth of you will be a good thing long term and bad in the short term." said Zane, glaring at Ricardo with his eyes glowing a faint red.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Zane say that. This included his oldest friends Danny and Rachel were caught off guard by what their brother/fiance said. "Oh wow. It's no wonder that the trio of Alyssa, Danny, and Silas told me not to make Zane really mad. He's the type of being who will cross the line between hero and murderer without looking back. He was like this before or did the Massacre really change him that drastically?" thought Vivian. Very good question there Vivian.

After receiving a well deserved black eye and broken nose combo, Ricardo, while having a makeup crew work extensively on hiding his black eye and bloody nose, was getting the cast of Ultimate Showdown to stand in front of the Alvarez house. The six Alvarez family members and the Malone siblings stood behind the camera man along with King. King kept his distance from the Alvarez family after what happened him involving Natasha, Rachel, and Zane. Smart man. 

The first episode of the new season of Ultimate Showdown was about to begin. After having the makeup applied, Ricardo stood in front of the camera in order to begin the show. "Welcome folks to Ultimate Showdown Season 7! After the total success of Season 5 and 6, we at Ultimate Showdown have decided to change up the formula with this new season. We came all of the way to the most supernatural town in the United States of America. Cypress Park, Florida!" said Ricardo.

Zane leaned over to Danny with him whispering,"Why is it that I have a bad feeling about it?". "With Ultimate Showdown bro, everything that could go wrong does go wrong and very horribly I might add." whispered Danny. "I've also decided to bring back some of the classic just for this season and not because Season 5 and 6 had a terrible cast or anything." said Ricardo. "I'm thinking that is why they're here." whispered Zoey, earning a nod from Uriel and Wolfram.

Ricardo smiled with him saying,"And now, here all of them are for a chance at a cool one million dollars! Lets give it up for the power couple Bob and Sally!". The camera panned toward the cast with Bob and Sally blushing. "We're not a couple!" said the duo. "Yeah. You say that but no one believes you. We got everyone's favorite goth girl, Hilda!" said Ricardo. "And I'm regretting doing this once again." said Hilda. "Alicia!" said Ricardo.

Alicia smiled as she said,"Hey there guys! Alicia is in the Sunshine State and here to win!". "Has she ever gotten close to winning?" whispered Vivian. "Not really but it's good to have hope even though she isn't going to win." whispered Rachel. "The sexy but dim Jill!" said Ricardo. "Hi everyone! Hope I don't kick myself out for a third time!" said Jill. "She got herself kicked out twice?!" whispered Atem. "Yeah. It's pretty sad." said Danny. "And we have the party animal Hugh!" said Ricardo. 

Hugh raised his arms up with him saying,"Oh yeah! This is awesome!". He jumped up but managed to land on Zane's bike and possibly crushed it. "Hey!" yelled Zane. He walked over to Hugh with him saying,"Get the fuck off my bike you fucking overgrown barrel of lard!". He punched Hugh off his bike with Ricardo saying,"Oh. I'm real sorry about that now.". "Sorry man. Don't worry. If I win, I'll use the money to throw a wicked party. Doesn't that sound wicked?" said Hugh.

Zane slowly turned to glare at Hugh before standing up. "And things have gotten worse." said Danny with Rachel knowing that Zane was going to do something. In a split second, Zane lounged at Hugh and tackled him to the ground, clearly going to kill him on international television. The camera captured Zane beating Hugh relentlessly as the cast of Ultimate Showdown watched in horror. The trio of Atem, Danny, and Vivian tried to pry Zane off poor Hugh.

However, Zane managed to land a powerful kick into Hugh and send him flying toward Ricardo. Due to this, both of them were sent twenty feet away. Thanks to some TV magic, the show of Ultimate Showdown will be showing you footage from the Snitch Room. Inside a tent, Hilda was sitting on a small chair and was staring at a camera. She was prepared to give her two cents on what she just saw a moment ago.

Hilda said,"Holy fuck! I know that he's a monster just like the rest of his family but to beat the crap out of Hugh like that. I guess his company is going down after that.". "I heard that bitch! My entire PR team planed for me doing stuff like this!" said Zane's voice. Hilda shivered at just the sound of his voice as she left the room. Hugh sat there with numerous bruises on his body and a fair share amount of cuts. He was prepared to talk about what his opinion was since he was the one to face Zane's wrath.

The large man wasn't alone since Blaze has felt Zane's wrath. "I know that I'm not at graceful and tend to break more things than a bull in a china shop. That's something that my friend Cisco tells me a lot but I really don't think I could make someone that mad at me enough to do what Zane just to did to me. Hope me and his friend can be friends soon." said Hugh, smiling. This wasn't going to happen but it's good to have hope I guess. Made that joke before but meh. It still works.

After a very negligible technical difficulty, Ricardo introduced the cast of Ultimate Showdown and Zane was tied up. It looked to be metal chains but to keep Zane from murder, they need them. Danny and Wolfram were making sure that Zane didn't kill Hugh on camera. Hugh was clearly scared of the Cross Species being that he was trying to hide behind his cast. "Moving on. We have Francisco!" said Ricardo with Francisco blowing a kiss to the camera.

From different parts of the world, females of ALL ages squealed at this. "The girl who likes to prove that girls rules and boys drool Candace!" said Ricardo. "And this time around, I'm going to win." said Candace. "Everyone's favorite future president of the United States Miranda!" said Ricardo. "I'm winning this and no one is going to stand in my way! You hear me!" yelled Miranda. "Hey news flash idiot! No one cares!" said Zane whose mouth was free.       

He stopped struggling in his chains much to Danny and Wolfram's joy. The two of them would rather have Zane speaking his mind than murdering people with his fists. "Fuck you Alvarez! No one likes you!" said Miranda, yelling at the superhero. "I'm pretty sure you don't know shit about fucking. You could barely last a minute in bed with anyone, let alone my fiancé." said Rachel. Just about everyone stopped when they heard that coming from Rachel.

Miranda blushed for a moment before glaring at the the woman. "Oh right. He's some sort of master lover even though he's more a brute than Shane." said Miranda. Zane then looked right at the trio of Danny, Rachel, and Vivian who covered the ears of the younger members of their family. They didn't need to cover Wolfram's ears since he didn't care. "I sure am. Jealous? I mean I got a smoking hot fiancée but none of you losers have your cherries popped yet huh. I can just tell." said Zane.

Ricardo coughed with him saying,"As much as I would love to hear about the non-existent love of  the cast of Ultimate Showdown, I need to get the show back on track.". "Or in other words, you just hate having the attention not on you." said Danny, earning a glare from Ricardo. "With all of the clearly pointless distraction, I'll have to speed through this." said Ricardo. "Oh you could just stop the show. I'm sure the world would thank you for that." said Atem.

The host clearly ignored Atem's honest comment with him saying,"Anyway. We have the group of Abel, Derek, Eduardo, Gabriel, Joe, Mindy, Shane, and Willow.". As he was listing off the cast, the camera rolled over them. "Since most of our viewers are skeptical over the existences of Phantoms and the supernatural, I have two residents of Cypress Park helping out our challengers in hunting down the biggest threat to Cypress Park Legion Zero!" said Ricardo.

As he saw that, a large cardboard cutout of Legion Zero appeared next to the cast. "And where did you get that?" said Zoey. "And it's so detailed." said Uriel. "It wasn't from my company I can tell you that." said Vivian, looking at Zane. "Our lovely viewers, I would like to introduce you all to Vicky Mills aka Agent Phoenix of Swarm and Zane Alvarez of Zenith Industries!" said Ricardo as he dragged the chained up Zane to the view of the camera.

As he did that, someone flew down and landed next to Ricardo. It's Vicky who looked more like her counterpart from Daemon's future except not dead. She looked to have a more mature figure but it was more althetic than it was curvy. She still have curves but compared to Rachel, she looked flat. She has her straight shoulder length black hair cut to her chin being that it was matching her future self in terms of having a pixie cut. It did have a bang swept in front of her. She has dark blue eyes.

She's wearing her Agent Phoenix suit has been given an upgrade in the past four years. It's a skin tight bio-organic battle suit. It's colored dark blue from the torso to the pelvis. The shoulders and gloves are dark blue as well with black streaks on the shoulders-blades. The leg part of the suit is colored black. Her chest and stomach are protected by black chest armor in six sections, with two large chest plates and four more angled plates over her stomach.

The symbol of a red phoenix in the center of her chestplate. It has black padding at the lower back of it. She is wearing a black belt with two grenades on each side. She has a large black helmet with a reflective clear-glass face shield. She wears black gloves that cover most of her forearms that ends with pointed ends. It has a opening in the part that would cover her palm and boots that go up to her shins. Vivian was slightly impressed with Vicky's armor.

It was easily the second most advanced suit she's seen on Earth since she had seen what Zane has in his arsenal of tools. "Um why are you in chains again Zane? And why I'm not shocked by this. Didn't this happen once in high school?" said Vicky. "I keep pissing off chain gangs obviously. I really need to stop but I can't stop my mouth from talking. You know this. So do you mind helping me out of this? It's getting pretty tight and I'm calm now." said Zane, shrugging. "Sure." said Vicky.

She made a tiny Sibylline ,being red, buzzsaw appear on her left gauntlet with it cutting right through the chains. "Anyway, these two are our experts on the Phantoms and Supernatural menace inflicting Cypress Park every body. One of them is a killer of several Phantoms and the other has helped the United States handle the menaced of Metas. I mean most of them escape from Zenith Industries cell but nothing is perfect." said Ricardo.

Vicky rolled her eyes at this as Ricardo said,"Swarm will be provided the challengers with all of the equipment they 'll need to capture the Phantoms, villains, and Zero just for a chance at one million dollars!". "He isn't serious right?" said Vicky, with her suit's buzzsaw disappearing as the chains fell onto the ground. "I think he is and that's concerning." said Zane, stretching much to Hugh's fear. "You do know that your plan is stupid right?" said Vicky.

The Swarm agent looked at the celebrity with her saying,"I'm sure you're not expecting them to just wander around the streets of Cypress Park with Swarm gear expecting them to catch any Phantoms and ultimately get embarrassed by Zero.". "Don't you mean capture Zero?" said Jill. "No. No one in Swarm has been able to capture him. I gave up hunting him because I rather not mess with the Earth's Protector even though my boss disagrees." said Vicky.

Ricardo looked at the two young adults with him saying,"Of course not. I figured out that Legion Zero tends to operate at night and will probably be tired after a busy day of crime fighting. With Swarm's gear, Zero will go down.". "So why are you doing this in the morning?! I rather not deal with you and your show's crap." said Zane. "Clearly you don't want the show. If you did, you would know that I love to make the challengers miserable." said Ricardo with a sadistic smile.

Zane pinched his nose with him saying,"Okay. I'm honestly done. So me and Vicky will have to explain how Phantoms and the Supernatural act and provide this trash with gear?". "Of course I will." said Ricardo. "And did Zane agree to this when you made his agreement a weak ago? You showed this to my boss and she sent me here to make sure you don't get anyone killed." said Vicky. "Nope. I didn't because I had the genius idea earlier." said Ricardo.

Vicky looked at Zane with her saying,"I'll let you go for the face if I get the lower body.". "Okay. I think that's a good idea." said Zane. Ricardo was knocked down to the ground by Vicky and Zane with the latter punching his face. Once on the ground, Vicky kicked him in the balls. "Been waiting to do that since Season 2 you sadistic fuck!" said Vicky, high-fiving Zane. Once again, the show had began experiencing technical difficulties.

A bunch of unpaid interns helped Ricardo back up while Vicky was talking to her old high school friends like nothing happened. The cast of Ultimate Showdown looked at Zane, expecting King to jump the young CEO but King just stood there. He was scared of the superhero. "Wow. It's true. King is afraid of Zane." said Mindy inside of the Snitch Room. "I think Zane is the most violent member of this family. He has tried to kill us more than twice!" said Derek inside of the Snitch Room.

Inside of the Snitch Room, Candace crossed her arms as she said,"He may be the father of a sexist pig and probably one himself but he has some guts. I've been wanting to beat the crap out of Hugh and Ricardo since Season 1. I'm sure I could convince him into an outside alliance using my feminine charms.". After the introduction were over with, everyone had moved back to the Alvarez family's backyard where Ricardo stood there in front of the camera.

He now sported two black eyes being that the makeup that hid the first black eye wasn't working. "I think it's time to put our challengers into their teams. I would like for Zane's younger brother and one of his younger sisters with his permission of course. I need to stand over there so that the challengers will know who to go for their teams." said Ricardo. Zane glared at Ricardo with him saying,"Atem and Zoey can if that's the only thing they're doing.".

To make his threat known, he cracked his knuckles. "Yep! They're just going to be standing there and not going to be joining this season." said Ricardo, not wanting to piss off Zane again. "By the gods, I think he's learning." said Danny. "Yeah. I didn't see it coming until Ricardo is almost killed by Zane. I wish we could stop him but we can't." said Vicky. Zane nodded toward Atem and Zoey to move to where Ricardo was pointing.

Zoey walked toward where the girls cabin was and Atem went to the guys tent. "Okay. I would like for the challengers Abel, Alicia, Bob, Eduardo, Francisco, Hilda, Hugh, Miranda, and Sally to go where Atem is standing.". "But Ricardo. I need to be with my Tweetie. I don't think I can handle another season without him." said Mindy, hyperventilating. Abel hit behind Shane with the punk saying,"I think you be scared of her when he's nearby is pretty sad.".

Abel was confused before he saw Zane walking up to Mindy. "I don't care that you're not with your Tweetie but I don't want to hear you bitching about how you're not on a team with him! Suck it up or I'll fire you out of a cannon within seconds. I know a guy." said Zane. "Do you think he's talking about the gold skinned guy who gave him the sports car?" whispered Uriel. "Maybe but I think it's his Alliance friends." whispered Danny.

Vicky didn't hear the duo of Danny and Uriel because of Ricardo. "Oh wow. You're a real monster Zane. If you were so hard to work with, I would ask you to work for me." said Ricardo. Zane flipped him off being that his middle finger was censored. "Anyway after our host being so rude to us. The challengers Candace, Derek, Gabriel, Jill, Joe, Mindy, Shane, and Willow will be where Zoey is standing." said Ricardo. The divided cast headed toward where they were assigned.

The ones stuck next to Atem were nervous giving how they already seen his violent side during the sparing match and him almost breaking Candace's arm earlier. The ones that were standing next to Zoey were thankful that they got stuck next to the least violent Alvarez member. They didn't know that she was the clone/daughter of the most violent member of the Alvarez family aka Zane but I don't think they should know that.

With a smile, Ricardo said,"And for the team names. The team to my right will be known as the Horrible Hunters and the team on my left will be known as the Terrifying Trappers.". "Wow. Those names are terrible even more than my company's invention names." said Zane. "At least, he's honest about that." said Rachel. "That he is." said Danny. "Since the boring crap is done, I expect all of you to get familiar with what you need and get ready to hunt at 10 sharp." said Ricardo.

The host and King were prepared to leave with Ricardo saying,"Oh and the camera crew will be filming you every step of the way. Make it entertaining.". He and King were gone with Zane saying,"I wish you would have left earlier and when I get a chance, I'm beating the mayor's skull in with a cricket bat.". "How about we go talk about our business that me and my sister came here for instead?" said Danny. "That sound like a good idea." said Vivian. "Yeah. You're right." said Zane.

While everyone started to go on with their business, Hilda was making a beeline toward Zane to chew him out for all of his comments earlier. Lets see how this ends up. "Hey bro. Mind taking me down to the DMV after you finish? It closes at 4 so we should probably get going soon knowing your luck." said Atem. "Sure thing. It shouldn't take too long." said Zane. "I understand. Be waiting in the car." said Atem.

The young mummy walked away as Vivian said,"Wow. He's really nervous about the exam. You can just tell.". "Yeah. Atem has never really been good at tests ever since he was nine. Totally gets that from my dad's side of the family." said Zane. "True. Shawn sucks at taking tests. I tried watching him taking the citizenship test. It was kinda no really embarrassing. So do you mind telling me how you and Rachel knew about the Ultimate Showdown cast being virgins?" said Danny.

Vivian looked at her younger brother with him saying,"I'm just saying. I've known him for years and he's always been able to read people like a book but this is new.". "Just took a shot in the dark and it worked. I mean I was pretty sure they lost their alcohol and drug virginity a long time ago since most tabloids don't report on sex stuff. I'm also sure that most of our comments will be edited out by the lovely editors anyway." said Zane.

Danny nodded with him saying,"Yeah but still. You would make one hell of a detective. I'm sure Scott would be happy and hate having you at the same time. You've talked to him right?". "I have as my other life but not Zane. I can't face after what I did to his daughter." said Zane. "You know damn well that Scott doesn't blame you for what happened to Karen. Just man and talk to her or I'll tell Rae about the Centurion Project." said Danny.

Zane looked at Danny with him saying,"If you do that, I'll tell your special lady about it.". The two glared at each other with Vivian saying,"I still don't get why Silas doesn't want anyone to know about it. I mean we're still at five members right?". "Yeah. I'm guessing that he passed. Good for him. Silas is a man of many things and keeping secrets is one of them. We can't let anyone know about this or else." said Zane.

Hilda walked up to them as she said,"And what are you three talking about?". "How you're clearly obsessed with Miranda. Bet you're real excited to be on her team again aren't you?" said Danny as he winked to his sister and Zane to keep CP quiet. The two agreed silently. "Excuse me? Did you even watch Season 5? I was trying to rebuild a friendship that Shane ruined in Season 3." said Hilda, with her trying to defend herself.

Lets see how this blows up in her face. "He did but I didn't. Pretty sure you lost in that situation. I mean you have no lover, no friendship with the worlds worst presidential candidate, and lost out on a huge amount of cash for the fourth time now. Pretty sure you'll lose it for the fifth time but maybe I'm wrong." said Zane. "Well at least I didn't let my friends die during the Massacre! Everyone knows about Zenith Industries fucked up and cost the lives of six girls!" said Hilda.

Zane's eyes began glowing molten gold being that he was about to destroy her using his powers and blowing his secret identity wide open. However, Danny stopped with his anger being equaled to his best friend. "Don't you dare say that. I don't care who you are but don't you make light of the worst event in our town's history. I lost six good friends that day and I won't have you making fun of them just because you're a failure of a human being. Now go or else." said Danny.

Danny cracked his knuckles with him saying to Hilda,"I may not be like my friend here but if you besmirch my friends memories while making fun of my friends in the present, I'll blow your fucking head off!". After hearing this, Hilda ran inside of the house at an impressive speed. Zane looked at Danny in surprise. "Um. You know that you didn't have to do that bro. I mean I can handle people giving me shit and you're not a killer." said Zane.

The recently discovered Homo Supremus looked at his best friend with him saying,"Not about the Massacre. You have PTSD from that experience Zane. Rae has told me about how you mentioned them in your sleep and sometimes see them. Remember what Parker told you about how you can overcoming this.". "Letting others help you. I can't do this alone and I shouldn't try to fight my demons alone." said Zane.

Danny nodded with him saying,"I didn't train my but off for six years not to be by your side and will always have your back in or out of costume.". "Thanks. So do you think Legion Zero will be safe from the trash of our society?" said Zane. "They've been in the same area as him for almost a day and haven't noticed you." whispered Vivian. "Right. We better get going. I think Silas wants us to scope out someone for the CP. I wish you luck with these morons." said Danny.

Zane nodded with him saying,"I'll be fine and if I need help, you'll be the first person I call. Or more likely, Athena and Cole will be since I'll be too busy dealing with said threat.". "Right. I'll help you as well Zane. You're part of the reason why me and Danny plus our mom reunited. I also wish you good luck with Ultimate Showdown and your bike." said Vivian. "Yeah. My bike getting destroyed by that overgrown tub of lard. Just my luck." said Zane.

Once inside the house, Danny noticed Hilda glaring at him but he chose to be the bigger person for now and ignore him. Both him and his sister left the Alvarez house. When he left, Hilda let out a frustrated yell. This caught Rachel's attention when she came downstairs. She had Athena ,which was downloaded onto her phone, search the house for any secret cameras but the AI gave her the a okay so the devil headed downstairs. "So who made you upset? My fiancee?" said Rachel.

Hilda looked at the clearly more attractive woman with her saying,"For once, no. It was his friend. He threatened me when I stated how much of an asshole he can be. I mean you're going to marry him why exactly?". "He and the rest of my friends saved me from an engagement that my bastard older brother and sister set up for me. They went to hell and back for me mainly Zane so why wouldn't I marry him exactly?" said Rachel.

The goth was quiet with Rachel saying,"Yeah. Love is weird but you know that right? Danny and Zane have been friends if not brothers for years now. I'm sure that Zane hates all of you except for maybe Bob and Sally. What can I say? My man enjoy romance even if it comes from a crappy show like yours.". "So he'll constantly be a jerk to me and everyone else just because we made a different choice than he did." said Hilda.

Rachel nodded as she said,"Yes. I love him but Zane can be stubborn in his way. It's hard to change him and I'm not going to. Out of everyone Zane calls a friend, Zane trusts Danny the most.". "I'm sure Zane is planning on backstabbing him like he did those girls." muttered Hilda. Rachel heard this and unlike the boys, she kept her anger down for now. "Uh huh. I'm sure you're used to be betrayed after you let someone in. If I remember right, Miranda did that to you." said Rachel.

Hilda groaned with her saying,"Why does everyone keep bringing that up? Everyone for the past year has brought up how I dumped Shane for Miranda but was then betrayed by Miranda.". "I don't mean to be offensive here but you're a horrible judge of character." said Rachel. Hilda was shocked to hear what Rachel said about her. "You guys made a lot of bad choices on that show but the biggest one in my opinion is how you picked Miranda over Shane." said Rachel.

The goth looked at the devil with her saying,"Why is choosing a friend over a boyfriend a bad choice at all?". "You're not wrong but was Miranda ever going to be your friend? You and Miranda were only getting along in Season 3 only because you hated Candace. However besides that, the two of you don't have anything else in common beside that." said Rachel. "But we were close to being friends if Shane didn't fuck it up." said Hilda.

Rachel crossed her arms as she said,"And how did he ruin it?". "Because he cheated on Miranda in Season 3." said Hilda. "And who was the other person in that cheating relationship? That's right. It was you." said Rachel. Hilda was silent being that she forgot that critical fact. "A friendship built on cheating is doomed to failure. I don't blame Shane at all for cheating on Miranda since she's the main reason why Shane is infertile thanks to that heartless bitch." said Rachel.

Hilda looked at Rachel with her saying,"Is that true? Shane is infertile because all of the times his nuts were injured?". "Nuts? Just call them testicles. Yeah it's the truth. Zane was there. He was at the hospital at the time to check on a friend of his. He overheard Shane's mother and the doctor telling him that Shane was rendered infertile because of a rupture to his testicles. The doctors expected that this happened because of the rupture to his testicles roughly six years ago." said Rachel.

The goth thought back to all of the times Shane was kicked in the crotch in the four out of the six seasons prior to Season 7. "I may not know what it's like to be hit in the balls and neither do you probably. Zane says that it's a pain like nothing else. It's like having your arm and heart being burned away or watching the people you care about die by a maniac while you were unable to do anything other than watch it happen." said Rachel.       

Hilda was both bewildered and revolted by Rachel's analogy. "Zane's example may not make any sense but trust me, it's a pain that no woman could imagine. It's even worse for Shane since I'm sure he wanted to have kids at one point in his life. It may have been today or tomorrow but thanks to the girl who you wanted to be friends with, that will never happen. So can you blame Shane for cheating on Miranda?" said Rachel.   

The goth was quiet mainly because of what Rachel told her about Shane's issue or because she felt guilty for being a part of the reason why Shane cheating on Miranda. "Whatever love those two had died after Shane got shit of being abused by Miranda. I'm sure he wanted to find a better partner than Miranda was. One who could know him and make him happy. He may have thought that partner was you but I guess he was wrong " said Rachel.

Hilda said,"But I broke up with him since he was still into Miranda and it was making me upset.". "I think you really should watch your terrible show. From my perspective, he may have done that due to you giving Miranda all of your attention and not your boyfriend. Shane wanted to spent time with you but you kept on ignoring him. I think Zane told me that Shane admitted on camera that he only joined the season to be with you." said Rachel. "Really?" said Hilda.

Rachel said,"Wow. You don't even watch your show. That's just sad. The reason why you two broke up is because you were pushing him away and not him starting to have a creepy obsession with Miranda. At least, Abel is a good person unlike Miranda.". "But I did what I thought was the right thing!" said Hilda. "Wow. You're clearly in denial. The world saw you make the biggest mistake of your life. Try to make amends rather than making the issue bigger." said Rachel.

The devil princess left the goth to think about her conversation with Rachel. As for Shane, he was watching Zane trying to fix his bike that Hugh destroyed earlier and Atem was sitting inside of the sports car. It was clearly to the felon that he made a big mistake about coming on the show with not one but both of his exs being there. "So are you going to say anything? I mean the last time I saw you. You learned how you became infertile." said Zane.

Shane looked at Zane with Atem saying,"And you know this how bro?". "I was visiting a friend of mine at the time. Plain and simple. After meeting Miranda, I'm kinda happy you didn't do the Devil's tango with her since you don't do that dance with crazy." said Zane. "Um. I don't think you need to self censor yourself Zane. Pretty sure that Ricardo and his crew are scared shitless of you so you're safe from cameras." said Shane.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"Yeah. I just have a feeling that the younger siblings of Atem are watching us right now.". "Um bro. I don't think they are." said Atem. "You sure? You know how good your sisters are at playing hide and seek?" said Zane. "I'm sure bro." said Atem. "Why did you have to have at your house?!" yelled Shane, interrupting Atem and Zane. "Because your show's host is a egomaniac. I'm sure at least 80-90% of your show's budget goes to him alone." said Zane.

Atem said,"Don't forget about King.". "Right. I totally forgot about him." said Zane. "I'm trying to be the bigger person here but just setting them is opening up all of the wounds they gave me! Miranda with her being a vindictive bitch and Hilda. She claims that I was obsessed with Miranda when it's clearly the opposite! She's the one obsessed with her!" said Shane. Atem and Zane looked at each other with Zane saying,"Yeah. I'll handle this. Mind checking Apex Mind for me squirt?".

The young mummy looked at Zane with him saying,"Um Zane. Don't you hate that show?". "I do but I have a feeling. I'll explain it to you when we get going to the DMV." said Zane. Atem nodded as he pulled his phone and searched up Apex Mind while his father talked with Ultimate Showdown's biggest punk. "Listen Shane. The best advice I can give you is just ignore them. Focus on winning the game and show them up. Remember what I promised you and your mother." said Zane.

The punk looked at Zane with him saying,"So you can make me fertile again?". "Yeah. Been working with some new technology that can mimic stem cell research without killing babies and the rest of the nasty side effects. You just need to trust me okay?" said Zane. Shane nodded as Atem honked the horn. "I better get going. Teens can be so impatient." said Zane. Zane entered his sports car and drove off with Atem, leaving behind Shane to think about what Zane said.

Shane heard a deep male voice,"You really think those girls could understand you. If you want to find someone that truly trust you unlike Mr. Alvarez, head to the boys tent. It's empty right now so we can have a private chat.". Shane didn't know if he should trust this voice but for some reason, he felt that he could. He left the garage and he entered the backyard. He watched the rest of the cast ignore him as he sneaked his way into the boy's tent.

The young adult looked around for the voice who was talking to him. "Hello there Shane. Nice to meet you." said the voice. Shane pulled out his swiss army knife as he turned to see Renegade standing there. "Who are you? One of those metahuman freaks who fight and lose to Zero?" said Shane. "Nope. I'm just here to let here to end the career of Ricardo Salazar. I'm sure everyone on the show wants that so have fun with him." said Renegade.

The metahuman held out his broadsword and placed it in the ground. The young adult was covered in a dome of darkness with him saying,"Good luck Shane. You'll need it.". Inside of the dome, Shane was trying to bust his way out. "Let me out of here you Egyptian freak!" yelled Shane. He slammed against the side of it but failed to make any damage. "You've entered my web human and thanks to Renegade, you'll be the first of many puppets that we'll use against Ricardo." said a voice.

Shane shivered when they heard the voice. It was feminine and sounded like she came from a horror movie. Someone came into his view. She towered over him with a athletic yet voluptuous body. She looks Caucasian with her appearing to be a mature beauty. She has bright green hair that reaches down to her waist and golden eyes with it covered by noticeable thick eyeliner. She has broad shoulders, buxom breasts, curvy hips, long legs, and wears black lipstick with her lips curled into a seductive grin.

She isn't one for modesty apparently being that she's wearing a black and green skin-tight leotard. It left her abdomen, legs, shoulders, and parts of her cleavage exposed. She wears tight gold arm sleeves going up to her elbows with the top having a green stitched up heart pattern. She wears black tights ,that hugged her hips and rear nicely, with green gas shaped patterns on the sides. She wears black thigh high boots and a matching black cape to go with it.

She wears a black neck guard with her head topped up with a black tiara like headdress, covering her cheeks and forehead. Shane looked at this woman in fear and lust like he was a piece of meat. "A bit on the scrawny side but I can see why you were popular with those two girls." said the woman, looking at him like a piece of meat. "Who are you?" said Shane. "A person hired by two members of Avalon seeking revenge on the host who ruined their lives plain and simple." said the woman.

She placed her hand on his chest with Shane blushing. "I've decided to have Renegade pick you as my first puppet. The last ones I had were destroyed by Rythos's latest friend whom he made when he was playing around in that playpen. When I first enter Terrarune, I was amazed by the sky. It was green with black swirls. There were several glowing orbs that floated around in the sky and everything on the ground looked to have its life drained away." said the woman.

Shane was confused by this with the woman noticing his confusion. "That's right. You were raised by cops but turned out to be a criminal. Was it you trying to rebel or break the tradition? It matters not anymore. I first decided to test Rythos's latest friend by using the Rumlant. They're a group of Phantoms that have delivered great fear for generations. I want to use you to deliver the great fear that they failed to do." said the woman.

The punk looked at her with him saying,"Hold on. I thought you wanted to help that Egyptian loser get revenge on Ricardo.". "Oh I do. You ever heard of the expression killing two birds with one rune stone? By having you becoming a way to deliver great fear, you'll be just a part of the militia that the Egyptian and his beast want for their revenge on Ricardo. What do you say? Will you be apart of this army Shane?" said the woman. 

Before Shane could answer, the two heard,"M'lady. The wannabe rapper is coming in to deliver some sick beats. To be perfectly frank, they're awful.". "You're right. Lets see. Lets talk this elsewhere. Renegade, get Feral to teleport us our of here. We'll be back to get two minions for the price of one but first Sleep." said the woman. She released a neon green gas from her hands, knocking Shane out as he inhaled it. The darkness dome, the people inside, and Renegade were gone shortly after. 

Inside of the Astral Tank which was in its stealth mode, Atem showed Zane what he found about Apex Mind. They were parked across the street from the DMV. "Wow. I really should have seen him doing this against me but honestly, I didn't." said Zane. The two Alvarez were watching Apex Mind's live broadcast featuring Curtis ,who looked the same as he did in Episode 125, front and center on the dashboard. "So are you sure about this squirt?" said Zane.

Atem nodded as Curtis saying,"Greetings. My name is Curtis Goodwin. I have exclusive footage of Cypress Park's savior latest rampage.". The screen showed the area where Zane fought against the robot from last episode. "He says that he claims to save the city but look at the destruction that he leaves behind after every fight he has. Like I've been saying for years now, I think it's time to stand up against him." said Curtis.

Zane rolled his eyes as Curtis said,"I've spent 20 million dollars of my own private war chest to end the menace of Legion Zero so I hope you're watching Legion Zero. You're going down but before, I go. I have a special guest. He's a famous celebrity in the world of reality television and a good friend of mine.". "Oh no. You don't think it's him right?" said Atem. "Atem. Ricardo and Curtis both hate one side of me so why wouldn't they be friends?" said Zane.

Curtis said,"Let me introduce to you. Ultimate Showdown's amazing host Ricardo Salazar!". Ricardo walked onto the set of Apex Mind. "Thanks for having me on such short notice. I just got filming the start of Season 7 of Ultimate Showdown." said Ricardo. "So I have to ask. Where did you get those nasty shiners?" said Curtis, pointing to his eyes and nose. Ricardo growled as he said,"Lets just saw that I can understand why Roland hates Zane Alvarez, CEO of Zenith Industries.".

The monitor screen showed a image of Zane with clearly drawn on red devil horns and a badly drown mustache. "Wow. That looks terrible." said Atem. "For this show, it's actually the best thing on it. I'm sure that Ricardo drew it." said Zane. "So you have footage of Zane assaulting you right? Everyone knows about Zane's temper but hasn't been seen before." said Curtis. "Until now!" said Ricardo with Curtis looking at the host.

The Alvarezs males watched all of the violence that Zane did on Hugh and Ricardo earlier. Atem looked at his father who sighed. Atem turned off the show with him saying,"Sorry dad. I guess this was her plan from the start.". "Maybe but I'm sure PR expected me to do this. Well, I better face the music." said Zane. He deactivated the car's stealth mode and turned the tank back to into the sports car. Zane drove toward the DMV and heard a bunch of boos once he entered the parking lot.

A bit later, Atem sat in the driver's seat with Zane saying from outside of the car,"You got this. I believe in you.". "Thanks Zane. Good luck with the angry mob." said Atem, pointing to the crowd of people booing him. "Yeah. I'll need it. Twenty bucks says that I'll be dealing with two rednecks who for some reason like Miranda or Jill. Probably Jill since she has bazookas on her chest." said Zane as he walked toward the crowd booing him.

Atem sighed as he heard,"Despite your big brother attacking a celebrity who probably earned it from what my daughter tells me, I won't give you any sympathy Mr. Alvarez. There is also the fact that you're also one of my husband's best students just like your older brother and sister were when they were at Cypress Park back in the day.". Atem turned to see his driving teacher Miriam Hodges looking at him.

She has short black hair which goes up to her chin and brown eyes. She's wearing a red sweater with a white collared blouse underneath. She's wearing a dark green pencil skirt with black flats. She has a golden headband, holding back her bangs and she has on gold stud earrings. "If it wasn't obvious enough, I will be the one to administered your driving test." said Miriam. "Hello. Nice to meet you Mrs. Hodges." said Atem in a nervous tone.

Miriam entered the car with her saying while putting on her seat belt,"It's obvious that you're nervous Mr. Alvarez but don't worry. It could be a lot worse.". "How?" said Atem. "You could be your older brother right now." said Miriam, pointing to Zane who had his headphones on while he was being crowded. "You're right." said Atem, gripping tight on the steering wheel. "How about you start the car and go carefully into traffic?" said Miriam. Atem drove off.

As the mummy was driving through Cypress Park, Miriam said,"You're doing great Atem. Better than your older brothers Kurt and Lucius. The former failed his tests three times before passing and you're doing a much better job than the both of them. Do you mind parallel park in between those two cars there?". Atem slowly nodded with him moving Paragon in between a green slug bug and a red pick up truck.

Upon doing this, the red pickup truck was destroyed by an explosion and the green slugbag joined its fellow vehicle in exploding shortly after. "You're doing great Atem but you need to get away from whatever that is!" said Miriam. It looked to be the same robot that attacked Zane last night except more humanoid and a different color. It's a dark green color with a muscular humanoid build. It has a girder-like head with a sharp chest and mouth.

It has a big upper lip with several spikes forming metallic teeth. Over its two glowing red eyes, it has black sunglasses. It's wearing a black business suit with its four arms sticking out. The top pair of arms are equipped with clamps like pincers/hammers for hands and the bottom pair are equipped with cannons. It moves with two massive legs. Atem drove the sports car from the giant robot's lasers blasts which made craters in the streets below. "I'm really sorry about this!" said Atem.

He turned to his driving instructor who said,"You're doing good! You signaled while dodging the lasers!". The robot fired missiles from its body while Atem drove around the explosion. Inside of the Keller Associates building, Curtis was controlling the second Sarkroid like a video game character. "I know that you'll come out and play soon enough. Hurting your BFF's brother will get you coming and I'll turn you into the monster that I see you as." said Curtis.

Back at the DMV, Zane was sitting there with his headphones blaring music. "You should know that even though you're a big shot CEO. We'll still kick your ass for you hurting Ricardo." said a man in a country accent. "Why did I have to be right?" thought Zane. Out of the crowd of people who was booing them, two of them stuck out. One was a decently tall, middle-aged man with blue eyes and brown hair.

He's wearing a black shirt with green jeans alongside denim overalls. He's wearing brown trucker boots. The other guy is slightly shorter than his friends. He's wearing a brown t-shirt, blue denim jeans, black sneakers, and a open dark orange jacket. He's wearing a red trucker hat. The jacket wearing man had a name tag sown into the jacket and was carrying a small, red metal lunchbox. "Hey CEO. You listening to us?" said the jacket wearing man, placing his lunchbox down.

He clearly sounded like a psychopath. Zane sighed with him removing his headphones. "Do you guys really want to mess with me? I'm sure you're well aware of who my personal trainer is. If you do, get some dental work. I think your mouths have more holes in them than cheddar cheese." said Zane. The overall wearing man cackled slightly as he said,"He totally gots you there you man.".  Before the jacket wearing man, there was an explosion in the distance.

Zane sighed as he said,"Well, I have to get going.". "You running coward?" said the jacket wearing man. The man threw a punch at Zane with Zane grabbing the man's arm and flipping him onto the ground. The jacket wearing man was out cold upon hitting the ground. The crowd instantly disperse with the overall wearing man grabbing his pal and running off. "We'll get you for this Alvarez!" said the man.

The two were gone in their truck with Zane saying,"Yeah. I doubt that but whatever. I need to get to that explosion and fast!". He looked around to see no one around and he turned into Bone Form with him heading there in a ball. Atem was driving away from the Sarkroid who blasted lasers at him. "I think I've seen my fair share of random destruction in my life! I think I would like to go back to the DMV now Atem!" said Miriam.

Atem nodded with him pulling a hard right into an alleyway and this caused Miriam to scream. The Sarkroid chased after them with it firing a grappling hook out of its lower cleft cannon arm. Miriam screamed with Atem looking at her. "I may live in Cypress Park where supervillains attack it every other day but I tend to stay out of them!" said Miriam. Zane ,with him now in Beast Form, watched the Sarkroid holding onto his sports car.

Zane had switched forms earlier when he saw cars begin to sink into the ground and people were screaming. Despite Bone Form being fast, he's only fast when he's in a ball and also very spiky so that was a no go. He switched into this form because he just felt like it and used his supernatural reflexes to put any sinking cars back onto the street before finding the Sarkroid. Through the Sarkroid's many cameras, Curtis spotted Zane and released its claw from Paragon.

The TV host smiled with him saying,"And there's our star player. Took him long enough but I don't care. Time for you to die Zero!". Zane dodged the lasers blasts that came his way with him jumping toward the robot, cocking back his left fist. Upon getting close to the robot, an energy field went around the robot and sent him flying back into a fire hydrant. Zane was completely covered in water with him saying,"Okay. You're different from your previous model but you can't beat....".

Before Zane could finish, Curtis made his robot slap Zane into an nearby house. Curtis waited for Zane to come out with the TV host saying,"Don't worry. I made sure to lead the car into an empty section of houses.". The Sarkroid fired several lasers at the house that contain Zane, making an explosion. "Oh wow Curtis. I know that you hate me but just wow." said a voice. Zane ,in Comet Form, came flying out out of the explosion. 

He aimed his hands at the robot with him saying,"And here's your just desserts courtesy of your robot's very own attack!". He fired out a rainbow energy beam, trapping it in a very durable violet crystal. The robot eventually began releasing sound waves, shattering the crystal. "Yep. I'm happy that I didn't bring out Diamond Form right about now." said Zane. "Okay. Your robot seriously need to come up with new moves like right now." said Zane with his arms crossed. 

Zane heard Paragon coming toward him with his green eyes widening. Atem was driving to help his father when he heard Miriam's voice,"Um Mr. Alvarez! I'm sure your brother's good pal could use your help but I would like to go back to the DMV!". "But he could..." said Atem. "Don't worry Atem. I got this so get Miri back safe and sound!" said Zane. He glowed bright purple with him saying,"Plus Comet Prime wants to play!".

Zane grew to twelve feet tall. His mountbatten pink fur/skin is now covered with several orange/red lines and it's now a dark violet color. His chest is still a silver color. He lose the violet crystals that covered his elbows, knees, and shoulders. In their place, gunmetal gray metal rings are there with three ,violet, spikes protruding from the ring. His arms and legs are now more bulky mainly seen past the elbows for his arms and knees for his legs. He has five crystal spherical shaped fingers and toes.

His body looks a bit more muscular than before mainly with his chest and shoulders. His face also looks slightly different. His nose is a triangular and he has a large diamond-shaped green eye. He now has a violet colored crystal protruding from his chin, giving him a goatee. His ears still the same however. His arms and legs are no longer attached to his body with them floating against him. His tail is now much bigger, looking similar to a pangolin and has lost the orb at the end of it. 

Zane's armor is now more fitting of his size. Over his head, he now wears a black crystal spiral shaped helmet that have two horns which extend from a star-shaped ridge in the center of the helmet. The robot ignored Zane's new appearance with him sending its two hands at Zane. "Sorry there bud but that isn't happening again!" said Zane in a deeper voice. He fired two rainbow energy beams, destroying the massive arms in a single shot. "No!" yelled Curtis. 

He watched Zane trap the Sarkroid in a crystal like before. Curtis was about to release the sonics once again but it was stopped by Zane firing a giant beam of energy at the robot, destroying it. "Like I said before, your plan isn't going to happen. And with that, it's Zero 2 and Curtis 0." said Zane. He looked around to see the mess that Curtis had created and cracked his neck. "And now, it's time for some clean up." said Zane. 

Curtis growled with Phil ,who was nearby, saying,"So are you going to send another Sarkroid at him Curtis?". "Of course I am. Whenever I bash Zero in anyway, my ratings are increased. I'm sure that the two of us are going to make our view count higher than whatever Ricardo has cooking up. This time, I'll be the victor and have the best show in the history of television!" said Curtis. The TV host began laughing like a super villain much to the annoyance of Phil who rolled his eyes.

Later after clean up, Zane ,out of costume, was sitting on the front porch and watching Apex Mind on his phone. "That's right my loyal viewers! We're the only show on television who shows the rampant destruction that Legion Zero does on a daily basis! He doesn't care about you or your dog. He's clearly this generation's Hitler because our kids wanted to become just like him! I'm putting a stop to you Legion Zero! Be ready for me!" said Curtis.

Zane turned off his phone with him saying,"Just fantastic. Today started out so great. I found that Ricardo tried to hit cameras in my folk's place, get challenged by a hack of a TV show host, and publicly shammed for disliking Ultimate Showdown. At least, Atem did good on his driving test and punching that tub of lard felt real good. Wish he didn't destroy my bike.". He looked at the crushed remains of the bike and sighed.

The hero heard,"I should probably try and stop you but I don't think that will work.". Zane turned to see his fiancée standing there with Wolfram in arms. "Yeah. Want to come with? I mean if I stay here in my pissed off mood, I'll kill some of these idiots mainly that wanna be rapper. Really wish that he would shut up but no, he doesn't get that he sucks!" said Zane. Wolfram barked with Rachel saying,"I think your anger is misplaced.".

Zane looked at the duo with the female sitting next to Zane and the dog laying on both of his owner's lap at the same time. "Gabriel's been quiet after he went to go record one of his "sick" jams in the Snitch Room earlier. We were all thankful for that despite Ricardo calling to complain about missing some footage of the future MC. I still can't believe that Hugh crushed your bike. Didn't you and Ray build it together?" said Rachel.

Wolfram barked with Zane saying,"Don't worry. While my motorcycle may be broken, Zero still has his. Lucky bastard. I'm not sure when I get the time to repair the bike since I have to be Archfiend Form and I'm not sure what else I'll make into a weapon. Sorry about the toaster once again. Your grandma doesn't hate me right?". "Except for Astrid and Chloe maybe, my family loves you since you saved me from Blaze. I could help you rebuild your bike." said Rachel.

Zane looked at Rachel with him saying,"Um Rae. Didn't you tell me that you have no desire to learn how a car or motorcycle work?". "That was when I was drunk and you know what I say when I'm drunk doesn't matter." said Rachel. "I think you saying that you like holding my left hand rather than my other one does matter. Do you really me having all of these injuries? It's just a part of the job much to my fiancée's dismay." said Zane.

Wolfram barked with Rachel saying,"A bit but I know you'll be the same guy I fell for even if you become a cyborg before your thirties.". "Very funny Rae." said Zane. "So how is Zenith Industries's stock and public approval rating down after your violent nature was shown on live TV?" said Rachel with her wanting to change topics. "Stayed the same. My PR department has to deal with Apex Mind berating it so this is nothing new to them." said Zane.

The hero smiled with him saying,"Despite most of the 1% of Cypress Park hating my company since we actually help the poor, I got my loyal fans. Brad is one obviously and despite hating me, Sam will always support Legion Zero even though I'm his best friend.". "Really don't get why you don't tell Sam about you being Zero." said Rachel. "She gossips and I don't think more bad press is good for my company." said Zane.

Wolfram barked with Zane saying,"Oh wow. I can't believe you remember that boy.". "What? I didn't understand him." said Rachel. "He says that me revealing my secret identity to the public is better than the time when Marcus tried to destroy a few hundred cars and tracks on the freeway to help out Mother Earth survive." said Zane. "Oh. That was two years ago right? I remember him saying that he did it because why does everyone on Earth need a car?" said Rachel.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Yep. He had secretly been donating some of the Odium Society's money to numerous environment protections groups. After he was caught, I had to spent a week cutting through his garden to free people from Marcus's grip. He eventually stopped after I pointed out the obvious to him.". "Using violence to get your point across never works." said Rachel. "Except when I do it right?" said Zane.

Wolfram barked with Zane rolling his eyes. "Okay. That's fair but you don't have to call me a mini Efren. That's just mean. I like the guy but he's a little bit insane." said Zane. "I think that's due to him being much older than the rest of us. I wonder if we're going to be like that when we're that age." said Rachel. "Probably me. You'll be a wise beauty like Ignacio." said Zane. "Ignoring your clear man crush on my brother, lets go get some Fantasia before you fight Curtis." said Rachel.

Instead of her usual, she held Zane's right hand with Wolfram barking. "Of course. You're coming boy. I don't mind leaving my house unguarded because Athena is watching over Vicky and her weapon training." said Zane. Before the trio was about to leave, the front door opened to reveal Hugh on the other end. "Hey there Z man! I just wanted to say...." said Hugh being that he was stopped by a bike seat to the face. Hugh was hit by the handlebar and landed on the ground.

To make things worse from Hugh, the cameraman recorded the very large teen being hit by the seat directly to the face. "Wow. You really don't like him." said Rachel with Wolfram poking Hugh to make sure that his master didn't kill tubby. "He destroyed my bike. If Ray wasn't with Tara over in the city of love, I'm sure he would do the same thing. I doubt Ricardo minds me hurting this trash right cameraman?" said Zane, turning to the cameraman.

The cameraman thought about it with him giving Zane the thumbs up. "Hugh!" yelled Derek with him rushing to his unconscious friend. "Speak to me buddy." said Derek. "This couldn't possibly get any worse." muttered Rachel. Wolfram barked as the rest of Ultimate Showdown plus Vicky stared to come out of the house. "Okay. I really should have said that." said Rachel, groaning. "It happens to all of us eventually honey." said Zane, trying to confront her.

Derek glared at Zane with him saying,"Okay. I'm sure not the only one who is curious about this but what is your damage man?". "What's my damage? Let me see. I got seventeen talentless hacks for human beings squatting in my parent's house, a camera crew of morons who probably get paided less than minimum wage to record trash failing at capturing the Earth's Protector, and the fatass broke my motorcycle!  I also have Curtis's propaganda to deal with so that's my damage!" said Zane.

About fifty minutes later, Rachel, Wolfram, and Zane plus Vicky were at Fantasia like the couple had planned. Zane didn't mind Vicky tagging along but the cast ,except for Shane, and crew of Ultimate Showdown pretty much joined along despite Zane making it very clear that he doesn't want them. The "celebrities" drew the attentions of the teens and young adults there. Without a second, the not famous tried to get on camera and went crazy over Ultimate Showdown.

Zane groaned loudly with him saying,"So why in the nine realms is this piece of shit show popular in America again?". "Because Americans love this kind of stuff." said Vicky, removing her helmet to eat a burger. "Pretty sure that Zane was being rhetoric Vicky." said Rachel, sipping on her slushie. "Oh. It has been a while since I hung out with you guys. Swarm keeps me busy so I kinda forget. So why is this guy sitting next to you Zane?" said Vicky.

The girl Vicky had referred to Abel who had been not subtly asking the young CEO on how to get a girl to like him. "So Zane. I've heard how popular you are with the ladies especially when you had two playbunnys under your arms and engaged to this smoking hot redhead. I'm a stud with the ladies but it doesn't hurt to compare notes." said Abel in a tone that reminded the trio (Rachel, Vicky, and Zane) of Mack but somehow worse.

Zane looked at Abel like he was a total idiot being that he rolled his eyes. "Gods. This guy is even worse than Kevin in the past and Mack since I've known him. At least, Kevin grew up. He's still missing the fact that Heidi likes him but like Zane has told me, love can't be manipulated whatsoever even though he wants to help them get together even more than me." thought Rachel. "So what do you say man? Want to help me get with impressing Hilda?" said Abel.

Vicky looked at him with her saying,"Hey Abel. Here's something that you should hear. You need to get over Hilda. She's the third worst person I've meet on this show and you already have something. I think her name is Mindy.". "Are you serious?!" said Abel. "Compared to me, she usually is. When we hung out in high school, I was often the guy cracking jokes and she was no fun Vicky. Just murdering Phantoms was the only thing on her mind." said Zane.

For that comment, Rachel punched Zane with her saying,"Ignore him Vicky. We're happy that you gave up your Phantom killing ways.". "Yeah me too. So why don't you like Mindy Abel? She's a nice girl once you get past her being a clear stalker." said Vicky. "She's crazy Vicky. I mean she follows me around like a love sick puppy, steals my stuff like a thief, and even tried to make us get married during Season 3!" said Abel.

Zane looked at Abel with him saying,"Oh wow. That's what you do with Hilda except you haven't forced her into a marriage right?". Abel was quiet being that the two rednecks from the DMV made their presence known to Zane. "Alvarez!" said the duo. "Oh thank the gods! It's John Boy and his secret male lover Enos! What's up?" said Zane. "We just go rejected by one of the hotties from Ultimate Showdown on TV" said John Boy aka the overalls. "Uh huh." said Zane.

Enos ordered John Boy to pick up Zane with him saying,"And the only way to fix that injustice to beat the stuffing out of you ruining your reputation more than you already have hurting the lovable Hugh! I mean we may be idiots but who could hate Hugh?". "I mean I can very easily since he DESTROYED my bike." said Zane, making sure that Hugh heard him. As the cameraman noticed John Boy lifting up Zane, he pointed the camera at Zane expecting violence.

He did this because Ricardo ordered the cameraman to film Zane from time to time. Despite the host getting hurt by Zane, the CEO brought in rating for Ultimate Showdown and who doesn't love a good showing of violence once in a while? Despite him knowing that this was helping Ricardo, Zane had a love for making people stupid. He's been doing it for years and couldn't just help himself. He looked at the base of John Boy's neck or shoulder. He grabbed it, pinching a very specific nerve.

John Boy's eyes popped open with him backwards in a limp. Everyone in the restaurant look on in shock and surprise. "What did you do to him?!" said Enos, backing away from Zane. "Wouldn't you like to know?" said Zane. Enos's right arm was pulled behind his back by Zane who slammed the redneck into the ground. As Enos screamed out in pain, Zane said,"If you want to tap out, I wouldn't blame you for being a coward.".   

As this pressure Zane continued, a few of the guys of Ultimate Showdown watched Zane take down two rednecks within seconds. Thanks to some editing from the cameraman, it appears that Francisco had returned back to the Snitch Room and gave his opinion on what happened. "I'm a man who uses any piece of information to his advantage and Zane is clearly the person you don't want to cross. If he was a member of this show, I wonder how he would do." said Francisco.

The hunk cupped his chin with him saying,"He would be a person I would want on my side and he would do all of the dirty work for me. He would make sure that anyone who tried to eliminate me won't given how he has a pretty nasty temper. However, he's a loose cannon since he attacks anyone who makes him upset.". Back at Fantasia, Enos said,"I give! I give!". "Finally. I was getting tired of you whimpering like the bitch you are." said Zane, letting go of Enos's arm.

Rachel got up as she said,"So what's up next honey?". "I was thinking of a movie. So do you mind taking Wolfram back home for me Vicky?" said Zane. "Not a problem Zane. Have funny." said Vicky as Wolfram waved goodbye to his masters. Rachel and Zane exited Fantasia with Candace saying,"I think you're forgetting something!" said Willow. "Am I though? I kinda get rid of the trash except for Bob and Sally of course following me so shoo." said Zane.

Alicia crossed her arms as she said,"Did that fool just diss us again?". "Actually, he dissed everyone but me and Sally." said Bob. The cast of Ultimate Showdown looked at him with Bob shrugging. "I'm just saying the truth." said Bob. "He doesn't like you guys. I think he barely tolerates me and Bob but the rest of you guys, he hates. How about we go see Cypress Park?" said Sally. The cast agreed with Gabriel being silent the whole time.

As the sun was beginning to set, the case of Ultimate Showdown returned to the Alvarez household after seeing what Cypress Park had to offer. For about 81% of the cast, there was nothing good but two of the sixteen members of the cast enjoyed their time exploring and the final one didn't really have an opinion about the whole thing. Jill knocked on the door with the hope that someone would open it. The one who opened the door was Uriel.

The young Vulcorian looked at them with her saying,"Oh. You guys are back. Thought that you were eaten by bears.". "Cypress Park has bears?!" said Abel. "Yeah. At the zoo." said Uriel. Uriel let the cast inside being that the cast saw Vicky talking with King and Ricardo in the kitchen. Shane was sitting in the living room, looking lifeless. Out of the corner of his eyes, Ricardo saw the cast of Ultimate Showdown. Upon seeing his minions, it was time for time for the show to begin.

Ricardo said,"Well you guys, how was Cypress Park?". "A crap hole." said Candace with everyone beside Bob, Gabriel, and Sally agreeing with her. Candace was hit in the face by two of Wolfram's tennis balls thanks to Atem and Zoey. "Don't make fun of our town." said Zoey. "We enjoy the peace since it's always so hectic." said Atem. "But kids, that makes boring as hell television and I need to give the viewers what they want. People being hurt in violent ways." said Ricardo.

Hilda crossed her arms with her saying,"We already got that when we saw that maniac who lives here knocked some redneck by almost breaking one of their arms and the other one with a simple grab. It was actually pretty tame compared to what he did to Hugh earlier.". "Yeah. Zane isn't one for letting anyone push him around. Brad and the rest of the A-List learned this the hard way. Those were the days." said Vicky, smiling.

Ricardo interrupted her memories as he said,"Come on people. We have a show to do.". With this, the cameraman focused on his boss. "Since this the first night. Both teams will be going after Zero once he's done with Curtis.". He turned on the TV as the screen showed Curtis. "Greetings folks. This is a special live show of the most famous show Apex Mind. All day, we've seen Legion Zero and the mayhem bring. However, all of it will end tonight." said Curtis.

The screen showed Legion Zero standing in the middle of an empty field. It was away from people so the fight could be really powerful. "Tonight, I'll be the first of many smart people to stand up and fight against this villain. Legion Zero's reign of terror ends tonight!" said Curtis. With Zane, the hero waited for Curtis's robot with him thinking,"So I wonder if I'll be fighting against another Sarkroid again.".

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane looked up to see someone flying toward him. It wasn't any of Curtis's robots used earlier but the same battlesuit that Hayden used. It landed on the ground with the ground
shaking a bit. Instead of being thirty feet tall, it was now twenty five feet tall. That was the only real difference. Upon landing, there were fireworks. "So are you ready to die menace?" said Curtis's voice coming from the robot. "I got a lot to do this after this so no." said Zane.

Zane turned into Shredding Form, heading toward the giant robot and trapped it in sand. "Okay. I want some answer from you. Why are you doing this Curtis?" said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as the robot suit released flamethrowers from its body. The sand turned into glass and the robot broke out of it. "I want to stop you after what you've done." said Curtis. "You mean saving lives? I got a feeling that you're working with Phil." said Zane.

Curtis was quiet with Zane saying,"Yeah. It figures that you two are working together. After I finish breaking another toy of yours, I hope you learn not to mess with me.". "You can't be serious. Do you know what you've done to me?!" said Curtis. "Giving you rating to your trashy show?" said Zane. "Stop with the jokes Zero! Since you've shown up, I've been mocked for being the only person who has spoken the truth about you!" said Curtis.

Zane nodded with him saying,"So you want me dead because no one agreed with your opinion? I think of all people, you should know that not everyone is going to agree with you. That's just life. You say that you're a hero but you're acting like a villain since you're putting innocent people in danger. It's time for me to stop you.". "Stop me?! Ha! You'll be the one whose evil will be stopped!" said Curtis.

Crisis Judgement went off as the robot fired missiles at Zane. The hero back flipped out of the missiles before having to dodge energy bullets. "You will be stopped by my or someone's hands Zero." said Curtis. Zane deactivated Shredding Form, throwing several Mojo blasts at him. The robot moved out of the way with Zane saying,"Yep. It's more graceful than your previous two robots but I bet it can't take a hit from this!".

He made Epilogue appear and threw into the air behind the robot. "You missed!" said Curtis. "And I guess you're an idiot!" said Zane, tossing the sheathed Lazarus Soul behind the robot. Upon hitting the shield, it made a loud sonic boom and knocked the robot onto the ground. Zane made the shield and sword go onto his back and cocking back his left arm. His fist and forearm began to match Avalanche Punch, Giant Stomp, and Monstrous Hammer.

His left arm looked like Zane when he activates Predator State. His arm began glowing a crimson red color, being extremely bright and hard to notice. It was also emitting misty wisps of obsidian black energy. Upon reaching a good size, Zane sent his fist toward the robot and he said,"Detonation Zenith Punch!". Upon hitting the robot with a high amount of energy, it causes a massive explosion on impact and covered the hero in it.

The fist sent the robot flying back but it recovered. "You got lucky!" said Curtis, firing a barrage of missiles at Zane. The hero stood there as the explosions hit him one after one. Back in the studio of Apex Mind, Curtis smiled before he heard,"Oh wow. Your ratings are through the roof sir!". Curtis turned around and one of his interns handled him a piece of paper. "Yes! It's obvious! Everyone loves to see Legion Zero killed!" said Curtis.

Turning back to the monitor, Curtis said,"Is that all you got Zero?! I thought you were better than that.". "I am and then some Curtis. I just wanted to make you look stupid before I destroy you." said Zane. The explosions was covered in a white aura as it was slowly disappearing. Curtis saw Zane standing/floating there in Predator State. Zane sent his two dragons limbs at the robot, pushing him back. "Dam it!" said Curtis.

The robot began firing missiles at Zane only to watch the explosions get absorbed into Zane thanks to the white glow around them. "Sorry but try something else. Missiles or energy attacks won't work so what else do you have?" said Zane. Zane jumped back as the robot tried to punch him. Zane kicked the robot in the chest, making the robot stumble back. Zane floated his way toward the robot, cocking both dragon limbs back and slammed them into the robot.

Curtis groaned as he watched the robot getting blasted with obsidian black Impulse. "Do you honestly think that you could defeat me? I'm good at kicking bag guy buts and right now, you're one of them Curtis." said Zane. "You don't get it do you? I was give this amazing technology to get rid of you since you're their biggest threat!" said Curtis. "Whose? The fatcats who pay your salary." said Zane as he was getting ready to launch a Fierce Sol at the robot. For once, Curtis was silent.            

Zane shrugged as he said,"Fine. If this way didn't work, I'll go with Plan B. Fierce Sol and you're out of here Curtis. Three strikes at trying to kill me.". The robot was destroyed instantly upon hitting the sphere of Impulse, causing a massive explosion. Zane let the smoke clear before making a portal and vanishing. "Look on the brighter side sir. At least the ratings are good and our silent partner will help us if the police decide to ask." said the interns.

Before the intern could finish, Zane ,in Nightmare Form, appeared in the studio. "I bet you're happy to see me aren't you? Oh. I destroy your car by the way Curtis. Call it karma for trying to have me killed earlier today and last night." said Zane. "Do you seriously think you're going to get away with this assault you're going to do on me?" said Curtis. "If you still have courage by the end of this Curtis, I'm looking forward to it. Nightmare Oblivion!" said Zane.

Back at the Alvarez household, Zane ,out of costume and in casual clothing, walked downstairs and saw the cast of Ultimate Showdown looking at him. "What? Did Zero show Curtis up like he will with you idiots later tonight." said Zane. "He got lucky. I'm sure that Curtis's overgrown toy would be able to defeat him." said Hilda. "Not in a million years Hilda." thought Zane, keeping his response to himself for once so he wouldn't blow his cover.

Ricardo glared as he said,"Each challenger will be equipped with a .... What the hell is this thing called again?". "It's an EMF meter. It'll detect electromagnetic fields." said Vicky. "And how will this detect Phantoms and Zeroes?" said the cast. "According to what we know about Phantoms at Swarm, a Phantom is connected to a change in the electromagnetic field." said Vicky as the interns passed out the EMF meters to the competitors.

The host rolled his eyes as he said,"That's real interesting. You heard the lady. All of the challengers will get one of these thing and this.". The man held up a metallic gray cube with red details forming a "S" on the sides. "A cube? You seriously think that will stop a Phantom?" said Miranda. "You'll find out tonight. Ricardo wants to make things harder even thought you'll be going after the species and Zero. Good luck for that by the way. You'll desperately need it." said Zane.

In the Snitch Room, Miranda stood there and was complaining like she did in the previous season. It was common. "Zane is such an aggravating man and the fact that he's treating me disrespect is a crime itself. I'm going to become the president of the United States in the near future. I have the skills, determination, and planning to win this season." said Miranda. She was actually saying more but the editors were forced to censor and cut down her speech a bit.

Ricardo smiled with a ten kilo watt smile with him saying,"Since all of you have your gear, it's time for all of you to get going. I think you have until the crack of down to find Zero and return back here first. You also catch some Phantoms or anything supernatural for extra points if you actually catch Zero. Whichever team has the least amount of points or arrives last if you don't catch Zero will vote off one of their own during elimination.".

The host groaned as he said,"And ever since the producers refuses to allow any of you to be fired out of a cannon, the loser will be instead be put on the Convoy of Failure?". "Convoy of Failure?" said Joe. "You heard me right. Our budget was cut this season so luckily for you guys, I had to pick out a very old, nearly broken down prison bus. Rumors has that it's haunted by the prisoners who died on it when it was sent into the ocean. Fits well into the theme for this season." said Ricardo.

Atem and Zoey looked at their father who shrugged. "Its engine has been noted to burst into fire when it goes over eighty eight miles per hours." said Ricardo. "Wow. That would be cool if it didn't have the souls of convicts on it." said Zane. "Now let's begin the challenge!" said Ricardo with King shoving the contestants out of the house. "Hey Ricardo. Mind doing me a favor?" said Zane. Ricardo looked at Zane who smiled. "Trust me. It'll be funny." said Zane.

A couple of hours later, the cast was exploring the streets of Cypress Park in the night, looking for the supernatural and Zero. On the rooftops, Zane ,in costume, watched them. "Wow. That look kinda pathetic to me mainly the rapper and Shane. They're kinda like zombies." said Zane. He shook his head with him saying,"So how should I make them look stupid? I mean they need to learn that they aren't as special as they think they are.".

The hero stood up with him saying,"I'm sure that my bios toward most reality TV shows is preventing me from fair and partial but whatever. Lets go stop some crime and if those idiots try to catch me, I'll just make them look stupid on TV again. I need to finish this quick since Atem wants to go look at cars. He passed just like I thought he would.". Zane leap off the rooftop and into the city before turning into Pyre Form, flying through the city as a bright light.

On the rooftop, the woman from earlier ,the greenette, stood there with Feral and Renegade. "So are those two part of your army m'lady?" said Renegade. "And why in the hell can't I rip these idiots to shreds? They're part of the reason I'm like this!" said Feral. "Yes to your question Renegade but not happening to yours Feral. I have the Rumlant servants I have going to play with the Horrible Hunters and well, I have a new puppet to play with the Terrifying Trappers." said the woman.

The woman's arms glowed neon green with Feral saying,"So how are you creating portals to Terrarune again m'lady? I thought sorcerers couldn't interfere with the Phantoms and vise versa.". "A woman is allowed to keep her secrets Feral. I've just open up two portals within Cypress Park with a single spell. One is nearby the location of the Hunters with the Rumlant and the other one is with the Trappers." said the woman.

Renegade nodded as he said,"M'lady. Do you want us to go one of the portals and make sure that no other Phantoms made it out? We can't have Agent Phoenix or Zero bothering us.". "Yep. You're so smart. You two will keep an eye on the Trappers. My new puppet is quite vicious and haven't been trained yet. I'll handle the Hunters." said the woman. "Yes Marionette." said Renegade as he and Feral were gone. Marionette smiled as she vanished with a puff of neon green gas.     

Back with the Terrifying Trappers, the team had no luck in finding Legion Zero that they were asked to find to survive the game or anything supernatural to keep themselves from being eliminated. Their team wasn't the best to begin with since Mindy was going though a withdrawal. She had been moaning and sobbing about how she was aware from Abel. Abel on the other hand was enjoying not having Mindy being creepy around him.

Her moaning and sobbing combo was chipping away at the nerves of the others, mainly Candace who has a paper thin temper to begin with. The tomboy yelled out in frustration. "Shut up Mindy!" yelled Candace, glaring hard at the stalker. "But I miss Tweetie!" said Mindy, getting into a fetal position and was moving back and forth. "No one gives a crap about that you pathetic excuse for a woman! I only care about winning!" said Candace.

The tomboy had lost her patience with Mindy a while ago. "Calm down Candace. Mindy just missed Abel. Take a chill pill." said Joe. "I'll do that Joe once Abel shows her that he cares about which he doesn't." said Candace, crossing her arms. "He does love me!" said Mindy. "I really don't think I should have to say this but I guess I do. He doesn't. He sees you as nothing more than a creepy, odious, and pathetic stalker who he wants to keep away." said Candace.

Mindy screamed out in protest that Abel does love. "Enough!" yelled Derek. The rest of their group turned to him with Derek saying,"While you two were arguing like little kids, Jill is missing!". The Trappers looked around and noticed that Jill was missing. "That's just fantastic. We already didn't have the numbers advantage from the start but this is just making us losing even more possible. Lets go find her." said Willow.

In a dark alley several blocks from the rest of her team, Jill was looking around in the dark. "So where did everyone else go? Declan, Jaxon, anyone!" said Jill. Unknown to Jill, a dark shadow was watching her from the darker parts of the alley. As the big breasted teen made her way out of the alley, the figure pressed its hands onto the ground and a stream of ice came flying out of the shadows with it capturing Jill.

The girl's eyes widened as she saw her body freezing up on her. She tried to screamed but the more that she struggled, the ice around her covered more of her. The ice was acting more like a second layer of skin. Upon covering her from top to bottom except for her green eyes, she was slowly being dragged toward the creature. The shadowed creature was Wendigo. He began to pull the screaming Jill toward him.

Once Jill was in his grasp, Wendigo grabbed the sides of Jill's body and applied pressure. Inside of the ice, Jill kept on trying to scream as she felt something pressing the sides of her waist. Her spine was cracking and her lungs were pierced. This caused her to bleed internally. Wendigo paid her no attention as he continued to crush her. "Scream all you want girlie but soon, you'll be happy. I think you'll make a good plaything for her like those two are." said Wendigo.

Regardless of Wendigo's warning, Jill continued to struggle but she couldn't not break free from either Wendigo's claws and ice. The amount of force that Wendigo was delivering some serious damage to the teenager. Before he could crush her into two bloody halves, he heard,"Don't go overboard like you did earlier Alvin.". Alvin stopped with him turning to see Renegade standing there and he placed Jill on the ground.

Alvin growled as he said,"Why must you be a thorn in my side? This evil woman has connections to the people who did this to me. You and Feral as well. M'lady is the only one I trust since she saved me from being their weapon.". "I'm only working with them to get my revenge. So is Feral as well Alvin. Now come on, we have to get going. Grab the girl. Zero decided to help out the Hunters against the Rumlant and make short of them using that overgrown candle." said Renegade.

The beast nodded with him picking up Jill's body. "Jill! Put her down!" said a voice. Alvin and the other metahuman looked to see Joe standing there at the end of the alley. The beast looked at Joe for a second, growling. Before Joe could ruin away, he was grabbed by Renegade. "You and your friend will come with us and trust me. You won't be regretting this." said Renegade. Both him, Alvin, and the two members of Ultimate Showdown were gone.           

Next time,
With Curtis's master plan defeated, will Curtis strike again? Does his hatred of Zero make him a serious threat or a non serious threat? Who is the Marionette? What has she done to the group of Gabriel, Jill, Joe, and Shane? This and more next time on Zero!

Horrible Hunters:
Abel, Alicia, Bob, Eduardo, Francisco, Hilda, Hugh, Miranda, and Sally.

Terrifying Trappers:
Candace, Derek, Gabriel, Jill, Joe, Mindy, Shane, and Willow.

Ultimate Showdown:
2017-2018=Season 1. The Cast Is 12/13.
2018-2019=Season 2. The Cast is 13/14.
2019-2020=Season 3. The Cast is 14/15.
2020-2021=Season 4. The Cast is 15/16.
2021-2022=Season 5. The Cast is 16/17.
2022-2023=Season 6. The Cast is 17/18.
2023-2024=Season 7. The Cast is 18/19.

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