Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 44 Volcanic City PT 1 The Magmamires

A/N: Yep. We're back to Fairy Legion after two Zero post and after this chapter comes out, a new Zero will come out. I hope to keep this pattern going being that it will be a Fairy Legion post and Zero right after. This may change I'm feel like writing Fairy Legion or Zero but hopefully, I won't be doing that. This chapter along with the next two I think will be the job that Zane will be going on and then right after the Loke Arc.

I've mentioned this before but I'm not a big fan of that arc since it's okay. I like the start of it since it has Laxus but then it's just okay. I'm a fan of something bad or good rather than something okay since being okay is not really trying. The reason why I wasn't going to do that arc is because I didn't know how I would fit Zane into it since it's a Lucy central arc. My idea was to have Zane go on a job while the events of the Loke Arc and it'll happen off screen.

I decided against that and came up with this as a solution. I hope you enjoy this idea of mine but today's main topic is the Fairy Tail game coming to the PS4, Steam, and Switch next year Fairy Tail game. You may be wondering why I care so much being that this is the first game ,not on PC or mobile, for Fairy Tail to come over to the west. It's done by Koei Tecmo who is known for many series such as the Dead or Alive series so this is perfect for Fairy Tail.

I mean Fairy Tail has a lot of fanservice and so does Dead or Alive. It's also known for Hyrule Warrior so I'm going to expect a hybrid of the two. So from what I can tell, it's going to take place in the Grand Magic Games which isn't my favorite arc. I'm just happy to have a game and we may get Laxus as a playable character since he's a big focus in that arc. He's my favorite character after all. I'm just happy we're getting this game in the first place.

We're not getting another Dragon Ball game or One Piece game. I love both the series don't get me wrong but it's nice to see a series that isn't from Shonen Jump getting some spotlight. I'll always cheer on the underdogs rather than the obvious winner. Lets begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was night time in Magnolia being that on top of the Fairy Tail Construction Site, Makarov sat there with him drinking a jug of beer. He grumbled as he thought about what his old friend, grandson, and the latest S-Class wizard of Fairy Tail have said. "Retiring huh. With the new hall, the guild should need a new master as well. But who?" said Makarov. An image of Laxus appeared in Makarov's mind as he shook his head.

Makarov said,"Laxus won't be master until he gets over what happened and moves forward. He is the last option I have. Mystogan. He's never here and tends to be more antisocial than anyone I've ever met before in my life so making him a social guild master is a bad idea.". He cupped his chin as he said,"Then we have those three. Erza, Gildarts, and Zane. I doubt Gildarts would stay in one place for that young and Erza is too young plus she has her issues to deal with.".

Before the elderly man could think about Zane, he heard a sweet voice,"Master! There you are!". He looked down to see Mira smiling at him. "What is it?" said Makarov, sipping his drink. "It seems that something happened!" said Mira. "Oh boy." said Makarov, not liking the sound of that. "It seems that Team Natsu destroyed half of Lupinus on their job! And guess who caused the most destruction! It was Erza!" said Mira.

This caused Makarov's skin to turn white like a ghost and had a stunned look on his face. "It seems that she even threatened the knights who arrived on the scene. It took Natsu and Stella to calm her down and the magic council wants a formal apology immediately.". As she was talking, Makarov was getting snapped away. "Master? Is something wrong?" said Mira. "I won't be able to retire at this rate do these crazy kids!" yelled Makarov.

Earlier that day about five hours ago, Zane was walking to the Magnolia Station ,through the streets of Magnolia, while thinking about what just happened. He had promised to meet Juvia and Levy at the train station after he had been forced to say goodbye to Team Natsu. He was saying goodbye to Kaida who was staying with Cana because the lush brunette asked Zane if the little artist could stay with Auntie Cana.

Zane agreed to this since he trusted Cana with Kaida's safety. Sly was also going to be there as well since the Universal Chateau is quiet without him there. She would make sure that Kaida doesn't become a booze hound like Cana is. In her head, Zane asked Bisca to make sure that Sly doesn't turn Kaida into a slushie hound like Sly is. The cowgirl agreed. Zane was pretty sure that Team Natasu was going to cause a lot of damage to Lupinus mainly Erza.

Lets just say that Erza wasn't taking Natsu being together with Lucy all too well mainly when he saw one of her strawberry slushies's glass crushed when she saw Lucy and Natsu hold hands. "So what's up?" said Twilight. The vordlarin princess came out of Zane's arm as a snake like head. "Nothing much. Just thinking about Laxus." said Zane. "And how you have a man crush on him. It's kinda obvious that you do." said Cole.

Zane rolled his eyes as he said,"Yeah Cole but I love girls more than dudes. I mean I'll date a guy once in a while. I'm worried about him. He's like I was for a while.". "Yeah. I guess having your dad kicked out of the guild and losing your only real friend because of your grandfather would make anyone mad and angry. So are you sure that taking this job will help?" said Sivarth. "Yeah Sivarth. It will." said Zane.

Twilight noticed someone from Fairy Tail heading toward Zane as she went back into Zane. This confused Zane as he saw that it was Loke. "Hey!" said Zane. Loke stopped and saw Zane heading toward him. "Oh hey Zane." said Loke. He didn't look sickly being that Zane's inner doctor was going off. "You look crap man. Everything alright? You look like my mom when she's up for a straight week on a invention." said Zane.

Loke's eyes had some very dark circles under them, being a clear sign of sleep deprivation and slumped shoulders. "It's some nightmares. I'm just fine." said Loke. He tried to smile being that instead of it being assuring, it wasn't. Zane wasn't a idiot despite him acting like an idiot.Loke wasn't under the weather or having nightmares. It had been a good amount of time that he had even see Fairy Tail's second best playboy.

He was barely at the makeshift guild hall and his harem of girls had come by more than a fair shame of time asking about him. He did prank Gray by making him look Loke and have him get punished by the girls much to the laughter of Natsu who was the next Loke. "So will you get in his business or what?" said Kane. "What do you think?" said Lucifer. "Whatever Loke. Don't be a dick but what can I expect from the disgrace?" said Zane, walking away and left Loke to his thoughts.

A few minutes later, Zane saw the duo of Juvia and Levy standing there with the former girl hiding behind Levy. "Hey girls. So how long has she been?" said Zane, pointing to Juvia. "Since we left the guild hall. She isn't good with crowds." said Levy, sipping her grape slushie. "Sorry Zane. I guess you regret asking me onto to your team." said Juvia. "No. I don't Juvia. Don't even think that. You will be a great help on this job." said Zane.

Levy nodded as she said,"Yeah you will Juvia. So what do you think your punishment will be once you get back?". "Why is he getting punished?" said Juvia. "You were watching the same thing I was right? Zane forced construction of the guild hall back again with his fight with Laxus and also him punching Master again." said Levy. "Ouch Levy. Why are you so mean?" said Zane. "You were very lucky that Erza was still heartbroken after "losing" Natsu to Lucy." said Levy.

Juvia tilted her head in a cute manner as she said,"I thought Zane was just standing up for his friends in the guild when he fought Laxus. He didn't try to help you guys during the war so why should he talk shit?". "That may be right but Laxus is one of the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail. Can I ask what you were thinking about when you challenged him? He wasn't joking around like you are on a daily basis." said Levy. "Simple. I was thinking about how I want to kiss you next." said Zane.

The girls blushed as Zane smiled. "That's only half of it. I've fought guys tougher than him trust me on that. I just don't like bullies. It doesn't matter what race or sex you are. You're still a bully if you make someone feel awful just to feel better. Those type of people who get a sick satisfaction out of bully those who are weaker than him makes me mad. Plain and simple." said Zane. "Have you ever had a bully before?" said Juvia.

Levy nodded with Zane saying,"Nope but I've helped people deal with their bullies and one of my good friends was a former bully. He did it because he was jealous of me. I stepped into the fight since both Natsu and Prude Knight were going to get themselves killed if they attack him. Laxus isn't a joke like Second Place is. He's an actual serious threat and with the anger he has right now toward Fairy Tail, I would watch your back.".

The girls nodded as Levy said,"I know that you may not believe it but taking bad about Fairy Tail in front of Erza is a death sentence.". "Yeah. I've been on the receiving end of her wrath before being that she tried to stab me how many times?" said Zane. "Too many. You could have been cut if you didn't have the ability to regenerate like me." said Juvia. "She's right. Thanks for standing up for everyone back there Zane and that speech. Sounds like you've done this before." said Levy.

Zane smiled as he said,"It's kinda my job as one of the most famous heroes. So do you want Laxus as master too?". "Nope. I know why he's a jerk but it doesn't mean that I like it. I only like one jerk but that's it." said Levy. "I'm not sure but if you want Laxus, I want him too!" said Juvia. "I think I know whose winning the best blue haired girl award." said Zane. Levy punched him as Juvia smiled after hearing that.

The three left the train stop with them reaching a magic-mobile rental shop. It's a small one-story white stone building that was cut off from the other shops. In the back, there were dozens of magic mobiles of different designs of models. "So why are we here? I thought a train would be better." said Juvia. "Nope. The railway doesn't run through Grimcroft Spas due to its rough terrain. The only way to reach it is by car or walking." said Levy.

Juvia nodded as she said,"So how long will it take to get there?". "If we don't have any problems, we should be there by later evening. So Zane, where is it?" said Levy. "I thought you would want me to take one of these slow beasts since Juvia hasn't been in a car with me before. I mean I could drive slow like Gray but we have to get someone where." said Zane. "I did but you answer my question honey." said Levy, smiling.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Yeah. I responded like an idiot. At least, I'm not partnered up with Prude Knight since I don't want to deal with her right now. If she only listened to Natsu, she wouldn't be like that. I'm already praying from the poor people of Lupinus.". A few minutes later, the two girls saw Zane summon a car being that it was nice. It's a sports car and looks like a mixture of a Challenger SRT Demon, Chrysler ME Four Twelve, Dodge Challenger, Ferrari, Nissan GT-R, and Plymouth Barracuda.

His car is a sleek steel gray color with two molten gold stripes going over it, forming an "Z" shape on the hood. The headlights are crimson red and on the left side, it has a ferocious, powerful dragon etched there. The chrome rims have a molten gold center. The license plate reads ZVA-01 being Zane Vincent Alvarez and his birth year because he was born in 2001. "This is my sports car Paragon. I was thinking about the Astral Tank but nah." said Zane.

As Zane took his seat behind the steering where, he watched Juvia and Levy play rock, paper, and scissors to decide who sits shotgun to Zane. "Is it bad that I want to see this go on for more than an hour?" said Cole. "A bit." said Athena. Juvia won the game being that Levy was going to sit next to her boyfriend on the way back as terms of their game. The bookworm sat in the middle seat in the back. The water woman was studying the mechanics of the car with a curious expression.

She hadn't been in a magic mobile before due to her always being followed by the rain but she did know one thing. It required a coupling on the driver's wrist to supply the vehicle with their magic but this car didn't have this. "So how does this sports car work? I don't know how it's powered since I don't see a magic coupling." said Juvia. "It was powered by gasoline but after some time, I made it powered by Chakra." said Zane.

The blue haired girls looked at Zane with the two saying,"Gasoline? Chakra?". Zane sighed being that he shook his head. "Okay. Gasoline was a refined chemical that comes from oil that comes from the ground in a pump. On my Earth, we used it to power our vehicles and stuff but that changed for the better." said Zane. "What do you mean by that?" said Levy. "We got rid of gasoline sometime in the year 2030 thanks to Zenith Industries." said Zane.

Juvia looked at Zane with her saying,"Hold on. You're the reason why people don't use gasoline.". "It wasn't just me Juvia but the many people who worked at Zenith Industries. They're all dead now but their good is still seen today. I actually like how everything in the terribly name Earthland uses magic to power everything. It's like Terrarune except they started using solar power for a period of time. I don't get why they did that earlier either." said Zane, seeing the girls confused face.

Levy nodded as she said,"So where is your car's engine?". "Under the hood Levy. We're getting ready to get going. Buckle up." said Zane, making his Zeta Costume's goggles appear over his eyes. Juvia looked at Levy who told her to listen to him. Zane smiled as the car shot forward like a missile with it leaving behind a trail of dust in its walk. The sports car drove down the streets of Magnolia at a very blinding, absurd speed.

The people of Magnolia only saw a gray blur, a dust trail, and two female voice screaming their lungs out. This made them stare in the direction of this being that they wondered what was going on. In less than three seconds, the sports car had already exited Magnolia and driving on an empty dirt toad. A trail of dust was being thrown up in the car's wake as it drove at a breakneck speed. Juvia and Levy were pinned to their seat by the air pushing against them.

The girls only saw everything passing by them in bur being that Zane looked to see that they were reaching two hundred miles pet hour. "What the hell is going on?!" screamed Juvia. Levy fought against the strong wind and turned her gaze to Zane. "It's because Zane is a speed demon! I learned this and I thought he was going to go slow since you didn't know this but now!" shouted Levy. "So how do we get him to stop?!" said Juvia.

Levy looked at Zane with her shrugging. "No idea! We may have to get something to make him stop the car!" said Levy. Juvia tried to grab Zane being that he grabbed his right chainmail sleeve. She pulled on it being that no matter how much strong she had, nothing was going to get him stop. "This isn't good!" thought Juvia. She swallowed her fear being that she began gathering up her magic and the clouds above her was getting darker.

Before it could start raining, the car suddenly came to a complete stop. Thanks to the law of Inertia effecting them, the blue haired duo were thrown out of their seats and into the air. "Uh oh. May have gone too fast." said Zane, removing his goggles. "No shit! Go get them!" said the entire Team Legion Zero. Zane shrugged as he launched himself into the air using Spring Form and caught both girls in a tight embrace while in the middle of the air.

After wrapping his arms around them, Zane turned into Orb Form and into his ball. The ball went right toward the ground and took the full impact, bouncing a handful of times. The trio landed in the perfect area for a picnic aka a grassy meadow. For a normal person, this impact would have been painful but it wasn't for the armored ball. Zane deactivated the form as the two girls were on top of Zane. They groaned lightly, feeling a bit of pain wash over them.

Lets see what will happen. I expect hijinks of the romantic variety. Juvia felt woozy despite Zane protecting her and Levy from the impact. However at this exact moment, Juvia felt a very sweet sensation on her lips. When her dark blue eyes opened up, they widened in shock. She was lying on top of Zane with their lips connecting! She immediately separated her lips from his and crawled away, putting a good distance between the rest of her group.

Her face turned several shades of red ,with her head lightly steaming, with her sitting on her knees and arms folded over her chest. She couldn't believe it. She kissed Zane being that her dreams ,ever since Zane brought her sunshine, came true even thought it was unintentional and purely by accident or was it? The water woman felt her heart-rate increase rapidly being that she was clearly inwardly and outwardly freaked out over the incident.

Without thinking, Juvia brought her lips and was in deep thought. She wasn't going to deny that she really did enjoy kissing Zane since his lips were like candy and really sweet. She wanted to do it again and for longer but she couldn't. "No! I can't! He's with Levy! And both of them are my first friends!" thought Juvia as he her heart was beating faster. "Ugh." said a groggy Levy. She looked at Zane who smiled. "Morning babe. Enjoy the flight?" said Zane.

He was laying down on the ground with him saying,"So are you and Juvia okay? I mean I may like having two beauties on me but I rather have you two safe.". Levy placed a hand over her aching forehead with her saying,"Really wish that you went slow.". "Nah. That was slow since my car can get even faster." said Zane. "Well don't." said Levy. Levy didn't see Juvia kissing Zane being that Zane did. Zane looked over at it being that she was staring off into space.

However instead of a dreamy expression, it was a scared expression on her face. "So are you okay Juvia?" said Zane in a concerned tone. Levy noticed this from her friend and she crawled over to her with her shaking her lightly. "Are you alright Juvia?" said Levy. The water wizard was snapped out of her musings and turned her gaze to Zane. Upon seeing him smiling, her blush on her cheeks got much worse. "I'm fine!" said Juvia.

Zane smiled as he said,"Are you sure Juvia? I mean your face is pretty red. Hope you don't have a fever whatsoever.". "So why is she blushing? Did you do something Zane?" said Levy. "I didn't for once Levy. The fact that you think I did something to my dear friend Juvia is just hurtful." said Zane as he looked hurt. "Um. I'm not blushing." said Juvia with her eyes closed. "Sure and Zane doesn't make fun of people." said Levy, rolling her eyes.

Levy held out her hand with Juvia accepting it. "So I guess that I should say sorry but you know what you were getting into driving with me. It's one of the reasons why I don't teach my kids how to drive since I go too fast." said Zane. "It's fine Zane. I guess this is something that I'll have to get used but maybe, you should go MUCH slower." said Juvia, smiling. "That's a very good idea." said Levy. The trio made their way back to the sports car and continued their drive but much slower.

It was actually at a normal speed to the girls but to Zane, it was like driving through molasses. It was silent being that for Juvia, it was awkward. She subtly touched her lips again being that even though it had been a good couple of minutes ago, their kiss was still fresh on her mind and wouldn't leave whatsoever. She couldn't forget the sensation she had experienced when her lips touched Zane's despite how short it was.

Juvia looked at Zane who was driving. "What's wrong with me? Why can't I forget it?! It was an accident! I mean I like Zane but I don't want to break him and Levy up since they are both my friends!" thought Juvia. Levy looked away from the scenery passing by and turned to Levy. She was curious when she saw the fellow bluenette touching her lips and an expression of deep thought on her face. "Um. You okay there Juvia?" said Levy.

Levy's voice quickly brought Juvia to reality. "I'm fine. There's no need to worry. I should be able to perform perfect on this job so you won't kick me out of the guild." said Juvia. "You won't be kicked out Juvia and just do your best. I asked you to join me because I think you're stronger than Prude Knight without question. I mean the coward doesn't kick anyone out except for one person in tenure of guild master included me and Laxus." said Zane.

Juvia nodded as she said,"Yes but I made a big mistake already. When we were thrown into the air a while ago, you wrapped yourself around me and Levy. You used one of your forms to protect us from the impact. I'm touched but what you did that? I'm very durable and could have handled it.". "Sorry but well, it was my fault you girls flew in the first place so I need to do the right thing. I've been a hero for most if not all of my life so I couldn't see either of you hurt." said Zane.

Both girls smiled as Levy said,"Thank you Zane.". "Yep. I'm sure you would do the same for me if I was in danger and needed help. It won't be happening but friends help each other and grow stronger for each other." said Zane. Another moment of silence went by as it wasn't the awkward type. As they drove down the path, Juvia couldn't help herself but replay the sensation of her lips on Zane's once again. She scolded herself telling herself to drop it but couldn't.

Her face turned a light shade of red from the memory with Zane noticing it. "Hey Juvia. You're blushing again." said Zane. Juvia closed her eyes as she said,"No I'm not!". "Um. You're not fooling anyone Juvia. Your face is like Erza's hair." said Levy. "It isn't. You two are just seeing things." said Juvia in a firm tone. Zane blinked twice with him shrugging. "Why is it that female of any dimension in the Omniverse can be so stubborn?" thought Zane.

The boys of Team Legion Zero (Cole, Kane, Lucifer, and Sivarth) said,"Who knows Zane?". The three girls were silent at this statement since they weren't wrong. The trio continued their trek through Fiore, driving at a moderate speed for the girls and a snails pace for Zane. To pass the time, the trio talked about many things. Zane mainly brought up Laxus and the Thunder Legion. Levy told Juvia and Zane about Laxus and the members of the Thunder Legion aka Laxus's handpicked bodyguards.

When hearing this, Juvia cupped her chin. "So the reason why Evergreen was acting the way she was toward Beloved yesterday because she wanted him to join the Thunder Legion?" said Juvia. "Yeah. It was a not so subtle way to convince you to join." said Levy. Levy was also sure that Evergreen was genuinely flirting with Zane. The bluenette could see it in her eyes being that she was ogling Zane like he was a hunk of meat.

This thought only caused a little stream to hiss from her ears which she failed to acknowledge. "So are you okay Levy? I mean I can sense that you're very angry." said Zane. "I'm not angry. I'm just fine Zane." said Levy. Zane sighed as he said in Uwaric,"Why must women must be a mystery? It's a very big question I need an answer to before I die.". After that, he came up with a new conversation topic to share with the girls.

He also hoped that this topic wouldn't was going to get either girls upset. "Hey ladies. I got a question for you two." said Zane. "Yes Zane?" said the two bluenettes, looking at Zane. "Ever wondered which one of my over infinite forms is my favorite?" said Zane. "Um. Is it Diamond Form?" said Levy. "No Levy. It has to be Brawn Form. He uses it a lot on Salamander when I was watching him train him and the stripper." said Juvia.

Zane shook his head as he said,"It's neither one of the two. Diamond Form is one of my best since I used it so much and Brawn Form is one of my best physical powerhouses. I'll think you'll see this one since it's my favorite. Not the most power but it's not a slouch either.". He activated the car's autopilot and turned into Cyber Form. This form looks straight from the future and is 8 feet tall. He's a large humanoid robotic superhero like figure with a heroic looking frame. 

His head is in the shape of a helmet ,which is a black color, is highly reflective. His arms, legs, and shoulders are a silver color. His feet, hands, and torso are a black color. His "eyes" is a bright strip of crimson red light. It goes all around the helmet like a visor. It gives off the impression of eyes being that it blinks which looks creepy. It's in a permanent scowl. Out of his chest plate and curving around his shoulders to his back are two thick black ,with a dark blue hue, tubes.

It goes across his chest, making an “X” shape over his chest. On his back, he has two large and sharp shield-like plates which can be used for flight. It matches his helmet in terms of its color scheme. He has large circle shaped holes in the palms of his five fingered hand and soles of his five toed feet. His hands and feet have sharp talons. Zane turned around to the girls who were stunned by Zane's newest form. "Do you like it? This is Cyber Form." said Zane.

His voice sounds synthesized yet heroic at the same time. "Out of all of my forms, this one gives me a certain rush and self-confidence that no other form really does." said Zane. "So what can this one do?" said Juvia as she looked at the form with noticeable curiosity. "Just watch and learn Juvia. Oh and you may want to move Levy. It won't get you but just in case. " said Zane, smiling brightly at her.

Levy went to the seat behind Juvia as Zane aimed his left hand with his palm began glowing green and fired out a beam of green energy out of it. By doing this, the car's speed nearly doubled. "I can discharge energy to increase my speed. I charge energy by absorbing matter around me. This is just one of this form's power. Over all, going up with me in this form is a very bad thing for the guy who decided to fight me." said Zane.

Juvia said,"This form is great Zane but didn't you learn anything earlier?!". "Don't worry. I'm just picking up the pace a bit. We're actually going quite slow." said Zane. Levy looked right at Zane with him saying,"Because while we're going the speed limit, people could be dying due to those volcanic monsters. I don't want any more innocent blood on my hands. I already got more than enough on them.". "He makes a good point Levy." said Juvia.

Levy sighed as she said,"Okay but don't give me any more surprises today Zane. This is our first job together and I don't want to make it a bad one.". "Don't worry. I won't do that and this job is going amazing." said Zane. Zane put a bit more energy into his energy beam, maintaining an impressive eighty miles per hour rather than the twenty that they were going before. Anyone who was walking nearby was taken off guard when a sports car zoomed past them at an impressive speed.

Several hours later, the trio of Juvia, Levy, and Zane finally arrived in the western town of Grimcroft Spas. They arrived two hours early than expected due to an extra boost of speeds thanks to Zane's robot form. "Huh. I think I get why these lazy bastards couldn't be a railroad near here." said Kane. The terrain was rocky, rugged, and consisted of many steep hills. "To be fair, most humans are quite lazy and so sensitive." said Cole.

As Zane ,who deactivated the form, drove the car through Grimcroft, the Cross-Species began to admire the architecture and geographic layout. Since it was a port town, it was positioned on the coastline of the ocean. The water looked to be a clear ocean blue and very clear. There were several irregular shaped hills with scarce green forests that surrounded the town. It was like a organic barrier from the rest of the planet.

The real landmark of the town was the volcano ,known as a stratovolcano, just twenty miles east of town being Mt. Hasador. It stood at an monumental fifteen thousand meters tall. It stretches from the wide base to the average cone-shaped top. It could be seen from miles around and seem to loom over the village and surrounding area. The townspeople didn't mind the enormous behemoth since it had been dormant for centuries.

There was the fear of the day that the mountain would blew its top but it wouldn't happen any time soon right? Right? Along with the geography, the town was delightful. It was very similar to the charm that Magnolia had. Most of the buildings were packed together being that none of them were more than one to three stories tall. It made the very obviously Gothic-designed town hall at the north end ,which stuck out like a sore thumb and the farthest from the ocean, more impressive.

It towered over the rest of the town. The main attraction of Grimcroft Spas was a fantastic hot spring which was resided in the town park in the center of the village. The area around it was bare as steam was coming out of the cracks and holes around the giant hole. Every ten to twenty minutes, a jet of high pressured, scolding hot water would erupt from the hot spring. It reached an impressive five hundred feet into the air.

The heat from the springs alone generated is so hot that it could warm the entire area. It's extremely critical during the harsh winter months but during the nice summer months, the townspeople tended to keep away from the hot springs. Zane and the girls pulled up into the courtyard of the hotel that they were staying at. It's known as the Hasador Kingdom. The building is five stories tall being that it was the third tallest building in the area, losing to City Hall and the volcano it was named after.

It's made out of white stone being that the roofing was burgundy shingles. It had a very lavish look to it. After parking outside, they walked into the main lobby to check in. Zane had his black and red duffle-bag hanging from his left shoulder alongside Juvia and Levy's bag. "And here I thought I was doing being a pack mule for women." thought Zane. "Sometimes Zane. You can't escape destiny and this is yours." said Azalea. "She's right." said Twilight.

Just like the outside of the hotel, the inside of the hotel was extravagant. The floors were made out of smooth gray stone, the walls rough and painted golden-white, and the ceiling was a dark oak. The trio wandered up to the main counter that has a black granite top. The woman at the desk was a brown haired woman of an average height, porcelain skin, and brown eyes. She's wearing a white button up blouse, black coat with a red tie, and black heels, skirt, and stockings.

A gold "Velma" name tag was on her right breast. She smiled once she saw Zane. "Good evening Mister Void Knight. My name is Velma and I have to welcome you to the Hasador Kingdom. We weren't aware of you bringing your maids with you." said Velma, looking right at Juvia and Levy. "Maid? I'm not his maid!" said Levy. Juvia would have said something but she was imagining herself serving Zane as his maid and then things get frisky.

Juvia's face was red as Velma said,"So if neither of you are not the knight's maids, I guess that you two are his chambermaids?". "No! And that's isn't different from maid." said Levy. Zane ,who didn't try and hide his amusement, began laughing at the scene right in front of him. "Velma. The curled bluenette is Juvia Lockser, a former S-Class wizard of Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail's latest plus cutest member. The wavy bluenette is Levy McGarden, my girlfriend. They're working with me on this job." said Zane.

Levy looked right at Zane with her smiling at him. "That's right. We're happily dating. Zane is off the market." said Levy. "Girlfriend?!" said a man. Another hotel employee came by and sat down a stack of papers nearby Velma. He's a blond haired man who was a few inches taller than Amy but shorter than Zane. He's wearing a white button-up shirt with a red tie, black coat, black pants, and brown loafers. On his right chest, he had a gold tag with the name "Winsor" emblazoned in onyx.

Juvia looked at him with her saying,"Why is that so strange? They've been together since I think about a month right?". "Yeah. It's been a loving romantic month." said Zane. "So what can these two do? Neither of them look too tough." said Winsor. "Hey! We aren't weak!" said Levy. "Yeah. I mean they're much stronger than Fanboy and Chumchum plus the one crying guy from Quarto Cerberus. I mean his magic is literally crying. How pathetic is that." said Zane.

Zane smiled as he said,"And if I hear you mocking either one of them, lets just say that some very scathing reviews about your hotel will suddenly start appearing from out of nowhere. Both of them are very powerful wizards being that Juvia here is stronger than Prude Knight whom I defeated the other day.". "You did?! And she's stronger than Titania!" said Velma and Winsor. The two had their jaws opened with them looked shocked.

Levy turned to Juvia whose face was red after Zane's compliment. "So do you think Erza will be mad about Zane mentioning him defeating her in public?" said Juvia. "I don't think so since Zane defeated her in a semi honorable manner." said Levy. "So is she the former Rain Women of Phantom Lord? Is that you?" said Winsor. "Yes. I hope not to be that anymore since the rain has stopped following me around because of Beloved." said Juvia.

Zane nodded as he said,"I sure did and then I defeat Jose right after that. Remember seeing a pillar of pure dark energy? That was all me so if you want to make me mad, go on. If you do, you've made a powerful enemy my friend.". The two hotel employees were already regretting their comment toward the girls due to Zane threatening both of them with bad reviews but this threat made them regret their previous comments and then some.

The two hotel workers looked at Juvia and Levy with them saying,"We're sorry! Please don't sick the knight's wrath on us!". "Um Zane. Why is it that these two are scared of you? You've only been in Fiore for two months!" said Levy. "I have a presence on people mainly the ones in the hospitality industry. Calm down you two. I'm not planning on going on a violent rampage like Prude Knight and most of Fairy Tail unless you make me mad." said Zane.

As he said this, Erza ,in Lupinus Town, sneezed as she was causing the most destruction out of her little group much to the disappoint of Makarov. "Should you really say that Zane? I mean what if she can hear you." said Juvia. "He isn't wrong Juvia." said Levy being that she couldn't really argue with Zane's valid point. Fairy Tail had a tenancy to get carried away being that it tended to be a couple wizards mainly aka Natsu.

Levy shook her head as she turned to Velma. "So Miss Velma. Could you please give us our keys and room numbers? We're meeting up with the mayor tonight and I think we're on a right schedule right Zane?" said Levy. "Bingo!" said Zane. "Well. The thing is that we only expected Mister Void Knight to show up. We've only prepared one room since the other rooms are booked." said Velma. "Only one room? With one bed?!" said Juvia, slamming her hands on the desk.

Velma nodded as Juvia's face exploded with a powerful bright red blush. "It's cool. I can sleep outside like I've done in the past. It beats a bed of knives or sleeping in the same bed as a mud monster." said Zane. "Zane. Are you suggesting that while me and Juvia sleep together on a comfortable bed in a very nice room, you'll sleep outside?" said Levy with her giving a stern look. "It's not a big deal. I've slept in much worse trust me." said Zane in a nonchalantly tone.

Cole smiled as he said,"Yeah. I mean remember how you slept in a prison cell before and inside the Infinite Void.". "We came here to slay some volcanic monsters not sleep." said Kane, itching for some action. However, both bluenettes thought very differently. "That isn't happening Zane. One room is fine. Zane will be sleeping with us tonight." said Levy, smiling at Velma. "Really? Color me impressed. Didn't expect you to be so bold and with another women too." said Zane.

After hearing this, Juvia's face began smoking and Levy punched Zane. "I can't sleep comfortably in a nice, soft bed while you're sleeping outside. It isn't right." said Levy in a blatantly tone. "I would argue with you but there is no way of this right?" said Zane, earning a nod from Levy. "Well, I just hope Juvia can handle it because well, she's going to evaporate at this right?" said Zane, pointing to Juvia whose body was half water at this point.

Levy nodded as she said,"Yeah. You're probably right. Our room key please?". Velma pulled out a gold key with the number 210 engraved at the top. Zane grabbed the two girls with him saying,"I'll take care of the bags. You two just stay here.". "Okay. Want me to make sure Juvia isn't half water anymore?" said Levy. "Sure." said Zane, shrugging. He turned into Teleport Form, teleporting up to their room and shaking the hotel employees once again.

After getting their belongings in the hotel room and make sure that Juvia is solid, the trio set out for their meeting place with the mayor of Grimcroft Spas. While on their way there, the trio came across a street that looked like crap. It was thanks to the monsters who rampaged through the town. Large cracks covered the street with faint trails of smoke billowed from them. Any structures within the area were burnt to a very dark crisp.

To make things worse, the trio overheard that an attack like this was nothing compared to the attacks that have been happen in the last three weeks. People have gotten seriously hurt being that the homes and shops of innocent people were destroyed. This news only strengthen their resolve to help the poor people of Grimcroft Spas and stop these volcanic monsters for good. The trio made it to the meeting place a few minutes later.

It was a small restaurant located downtown being that it was just a street across from the town's park called the Grimcroft Joint. The trio were seated in a five person table with two of the five seats being vacant at the moment. Their table displayed a good view of the entrance to the park. The two girls had gone ahead and ordered themselves some drinks. Zane didn't get anything since he was drinking from his flask.

They were waiting for the mayor who was scheduled to show up at any minute. He was going to be joined by a wizard from a nearby guild with it being from Lamia Scale. "So while I'm enjoying this booze, what about you two?" said Zane, sipping from his flask. Juvia took a few sips from her fruity beverage with her saying,"It's fine.". "Yeah. I think I've gone to prefer slushes more." said Levy with her looking at her grape juice and shrugged.

Zane sighed as he said,"That's just great. Instead of fueling an addict, I created two more. Why must Fantasia slushies make addicts?". "I'm not an addict Zane." said Levy. "Yeah and I'm not an asshole to people." said Zane. "While I may not be an addict, I'll admit that the Fantasia slushies have great variety and have an effect to make the strongest warrior's mouth water." said Juvia. "See? That should be their tagline." said Levy. "I'll think about it but don't count on it." said Zane.

A few minutes later, a five foot eight tall ,spiked, green haired man walked up to their table. He had a trimmed goatee with him wearing a navy blue collared shirt, a black leather vest, brown pants, and black boots. Despite his bulky looking body, he seemed to have a gentle nature to him. Think Andre the Giant in the Princess Bride. He also had a familiar face as Zane smiled. "Dante? It's good to see you man!" said Zane.

Dante Evermore ,looking the same as he did in Fairy Legion Chapter 3, stood by his side with him saying,"Thank god. I honestly thought I was going to get stuck with Laxus or Titania. The old hag knows that I hate working with Fairy Tail wizards except you or Sly.". "So it seems that you two already know each other. That's good." said the man. "You must be the mayor right?" said Juvia. "I am indeed. The name is Jeffrey Soto, mayor of this little town." said Jeffery.

He held out his head as Levy said,"It's a pleasure to meet you Mayor Soto.". She shook his hand in a polite tone with Jeffery saying,"The pleasure is all mine Miss McGarden. I've heard about your brains and how you tamed the storm of Fairy Tail.". "The storm of Fairy Tail?" said Levy. "I think he's talking about Zane." said Dante, sitting down. He noticed Juvia with him saying,"So is it true? You actually joined Fairy Tail Juvia.".

Juvia looked at him with her saying,"Yes I did. Is that a problem?". "Nope. Not a problem with me. I just feel bad for the old hag. She really wanted one of the S Class wizard of Phantom Lord in the guild after you guys disbanded but I don't think Master Jura could handle all of the rain and Yuki's hair frizzles." said Dante. "So how long has it been since you've joined Fairy Tail Legion Void Knight? I think you've made quite a name for yourself in such a short time." said Jeffrey.

Zane cupped his chin as he said,"About two months give or take. Just call me Zane. Really hated being called by my title.". "Yeah same." said Dante. "Zane has made quite a name for himself since he defeated Jose as you already know but did you know that he defeated Salamander and Titania before coming here?" said Levy. "He's beating Salamander more than once and usually in a pretty pathetic manner." said Juvia, remembering how Zane defeated Natsu through dancing. 

A look of slight shock passed over Jeffery's face being that Dante laughed. "Seriously!? That's just hilarious. I mean I always wanted to fight Erza but for some reason, Master Jura and Yuki stopped me since she's so strong. She isn't right?" said Dante. "Eh for a goon, yes she is. For a wizard of your level, yes you can." said Zane. "You really like to tell people that you defeat Erza don't you?" said Levy. "Of course I do. It fuels my massive ego." said Zane.

Levy sighed as Jeffery said,"That's impressive Zane. With how dangerous these volcanic punks have become, we could also use a wizard of great power to aid us.". "So is he wrong about Zane being a wizard?" said Sivarth. "Kinda?" said Athena. "So speaking about volcanic monsters, what can you tell us about them?" said Juvia. Jeffery's face got serious being that he began telling the four wizards about the monsters.

They were big, powerful snakes who stood twelve feet tall. They were well armed with very sharp teeth in their mouths. But to Zane, the most shocking yet familiar part of the description of how their bodies were completely made of magma and burning rock. "Just like that species." mumbled Zane as he told Athena to search up for something for him much to Cole's dismay. "So is there a pattern to their attacks? Is there a reason why they're doing it?" said Zane.

Jeffery nodded as he said,"Let me start from the beginning. There is a pattern. Every three days, a fissure appears in a random spot in town. A dozen or so monsters swarm out and menace that section of the town. From what can I tell, I don't see a pattern. All they seem to do is cause havoc by scare citizens and destroy buildings.". "So when did they last attack?" said Levy. "It was two days ago Levy." said Jeffery. "Aka they're going to attack sometime tomorrow." said Dante.

The mayor nodded in a dejected manner with him saying,"Yes and those monsters have picked the worst time of year to terrorize our home.". "Huh? What do you mean?" said Juvia. "Summer is very important for Grimcroft. It's the time of the year that our income is the highest. As Dante knows, the winters can be very lethal here. Several feet of snowfalls and glaciers hundred of feet thick form across the landscape and the coastline, blocking anyone from leaving or entering." said Jeffery.

As the mayor describe this, Zane imagined a giant ice prison around the area with him nodding. "It's the main reason why the railroad can't build tracks through here. The thick ice that form would easily crush the rails." said Jeffery. "I could probably do something about it. Pretty sure I got strong enough metal but I'll check with my construction guy." said Zane, earning a confused look from Dante and Jeffery. "Ignore him. He tends to not make sense." said Levy.

Dante shrugged as he said,"Will do. The mayor is clearly saying that the only time of the year that the people can make a living is during the spring, summer, and fall. The town is pretty much blocked off during the winter.". "He's correct. I'm extremely desperate for you guys help being that the welfare of our citizens along with the tourists who come here bring money in our community. Most people are scared. If something isn't done soon, Grimcroft's economy will crash." said Jeffrey.

He closed his eyes as he said,"And the people of Grimcroft will either lose their homes through lack of money or it was burned away. Please, you must stop them. Our town is depending on it.". He was going to beg being that the Fairies and Lamia could feel the desperation in the man's voice. While he was concerned about making money, the people mattered more. "Don't worry man. We got this right you guys?" said Zane.

The two girls nodded as Dante smirked confidently. "Yeah. You got our help without any doubt being that these fiery snakes are going down. I promised Yuki I would help out her old town and I don't go back on my word." said Dante. "Thank you all four of you." said a grateful Jeffery. Suddenly, the sound of loud hissing caught Juvia's attention. She looked to see a large jet of high-pressurized water shot into the air.

It came from the city park across the diner. "So is that the town's signature feature?" said Juvia. "You are correct Juvia. That is the great treasure of Grimcroft. It's the Grimcroft Soul." said Jeffery. "So that's the name." said Levy. "Yes. It's a very significant landmark." said Jeffery. "Even more than the giant mountain and how you guys are pretty much trapped inside of an igloo during the winter?" said Zane, earning a tendril in the back of the head from Twilight.

Jeffery looked at Zane with him saying,"Yes. Those two are important but not the biggest important to us. Like I said before, the winters can get harsh. They could destroy the town but thanks to the hot springs or more specifically the heat and boiling water, it wards off the glaciers and thick snowfall. I think that the hot springs are the only reason why the town still exists. It's so famous being that it's a source of heat and hope during the dire times. It's the soul of Grimcroft.". "Oh I get it!" said Cole.

Zane shook his head as he said,"Anything else you got it for us chief?". "Yes. The monsters seem to be heading toward the Grimcroft Soul. Each attack, they get closer toward it. I'm rather concerned about that." said Jeffery. "Yeah. That make sense I think." said Dante. "Not to me it doesn't." said Levy. "We'll find out tomorrow since we're going to be fighting some fire snakes tomorrow." said Zane, cracking his knuckles.

The quartet of Dante, Juvia, Levy, and Zane plus the mayor spent another hour going over the details of the volcanic snakes and their previous attacks over a meal of curry. Both Dante and Jeffery were slightly impressed and disturbed on how much Zane was about to eat without gaining a single pound on his body. Once they finished, the quartet wished the mayor goodnight before they headed back to the Hasador Kingdom where Dante was also staying but in a different room.

The Fairies's room was spacious but nothing too fancy unlike the lobby. It seems that they spent their budget on that. It had a bathroom, closet, and a large room that had a queen-sized bed in the center of it. It had two nightstands with a lacrima lamp on both sides. The flooring in the bathroom was made of white tile and the rest of the room had blue carpeting. The walls were rough and painted golden-white. The ceilings were boarded with dark oak.

The far wall was opposite to the door had a large window with salmon colored curtains. Despite the curtains reminded Zane of Natsu's hair, it overlooked all of Grimcroft and the sea. It was a nice room to stay in. Zane ,currently, was sitting on the end of his bed and looking at someone on his phone. It was obvious thanks to the light purple holographic computer screens. Zane was in his lounge wear thanks to Twilight.

He's wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with it having his superhero logo "LZ" in the center of it. He wears this with gray comfy pants and black slippers. "Huh. I was right. These fire snakes sound like the Vladmires except they aren't extremely fire proof." said Zane. Before he could do more research about this, the bathroom door opened. A cloud of steam flowed out from the doorway. Both Juvia and Levy stepped out being that both of them were wearing a white towel.

This invention of man was barely hiding their wet, glistening body. Their long blue hair stuck to their back while the bangs hung down her face. If not the different skin tone and eye color, they could be confirmed for twins. Zane admired their voluptuous body and their impressive assets. "I really wish that you weren't a pervert Zane." said Athena. "I personally blame Rae for this change in Zane since she's a total devil in the sack if you know what I mean!" said Cole. Athena hit Cole for his comment.

Zane ,know what happens when you look too long, turned away from their naked form but he did noticing the scars on Juvia's body. The Cross-Species hoped that they were from battle but like all scars in the Omniverse, they have a story behind him. He wasn't bothered by them being that he had a fair share of scars as well being that he placed his hand over his left eye. The Massacre still scared Zane to this very day.

The Cross-Species took a deep breath with him mumbling,"No! It isn't going to happen again. I won't let it!". As Levy turned her gaze to Zane, she noticing how Zane was looking away with a expression on his face screaming determined and was touching his left eye. She knew that a lot of has happened to Zane within his life but most of the time, he was carefree ,unless he wanted to be serious, and confident. "Are you okay Zane?" said a concerned Levy.

Zane was silent as he continued to mumble to himself. "Zane!" said Levy. Zane snapped out of his trance with him turning back to his girlfriend. He remembered how his girlfriend was only wearing a towel with him smiling. "What's up ladies? Is the water too hot? And why is Juvia hiding behind the bed?" said Zane. Levy turned to see the water wizard hiding behind the bed being that the bookworm sighed at this.

Levy sighed as she said,"No. It's just that we thought you would be outside of the room while we get dressed.". She crossed her arms under her chest, making her breasts pop out even more. "And you're not disturbed with me being here while you're wearing a towel?" said Zane. "I know that you won't do anything plus Cana has made me walk around the girls's dorm in a towel when I came back with my body like this." said Levy.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Ah. That makes total sense. She told me that she did that but honestly, I thought that it was something you said when you're drunk but she doesn't get drunk right? Both of you are sexy by the way.". Levy smiled as she turned to Juvia who was beginning to turn back into a puddle. "You really need to turn off the playboy. I thought Sly was joking but every other word from you to a female is you flirting." said Levy.

Juvia nodded with her saying,"So are you okay Zane? Are you thinking about the Massacre?". "Yeah I am but I'm fine. Don't worry okay? I just have a bad case of PTSD but I'll be fine." said Zane. Both blue haired girls could tell that there was more to this being that they decided to drop it. They both knew about the Massacre and how it effected Zane. Bimbo was part of that day and how he didn't kill her was an impressive feat of will.

They decided to let it go for now but if Erza was here, she wouldn't. The two girls's body was covered in golden-white light, reminding Zane of Prude Knight's magic. The light eventually faded being that Juvia and Levy were clad in more appropriate sleeping attire. It's doing a good job showing off their slim yet curvy figures. Juvia is wearing a sapphire blue nightgown that goes to the middle of her thighs.

The hems of the skirt, sleeves, and collar of the nightgown are white with a slit in the thigh. Levy is wearing black short-shorts with a red tank top and fuzzy blue slippers. "We should get to bed. All of us will need our strength for tomorrow." said Levy. "Right. Soon, it will be to time to power up and teach those volcanic snakes their place." said Zane with him cracking his knuckles. Zane was about to make his sleeping bag appear before Juvia said,"Oh! I almost forgot.".

Levy looked at her with her saying,"Forget what?". "I wanted to thank Zane for helping me get into Fairy Tail so I read Sorcerer's Weekly for the perfect way to thank someone and I got it before we left Magnolia." said Juvia. Golden-white light flowed over her body once again and the light eventually died down, revealing an very interesting image. Juvia is wearing a tight, one-piece black bunny suit that showed off her voluptuous body and a shocking amount of cleavage.

A little white bunny tail was right above Juvia's butt and rested itself right on top of the suit. She's wearing black stockings, blue high heels, and a pair of long, white bunny ears that were attached to a band on her head. Around her neck was a cute blue bowtie. She's wearing a pair of white cuffs. "Well what do you think Zane? Is it working?" said Juvia, cocking her hip to the right and resting her right hand on it.   

Levy looked at Zane being that he didn't show any reaction to Juvia's new outfit being that she was still impressive how she was able to ignore the Seduction Armor the other day since no man in the history of Fiore has negated the power of the Seduction Armor. I can name another person who has the will to ignore this "armor" being that he doesn't live in Fiore maybe. If you can name the person who ignored the armor, you get a cookie. "Aren't you going to say something Zane?" said Juvia.

She was slightly worried that she got the wrong outfit since the magazine said that guys really like bunny girls or was it maids? I mean it's up to your opinion on the matter. "Yep I will. You look nice Juvia. Thanks. You really didn't need to do this but I really do appreciate it." said Zane. "Thank you Zane. That's sweet." said Juvia,smiling gently. Levy pinched Zane with him saying,"What? I can't compliment other women now? Wow. I'm hurt.".

Levy sighed as Juvia turned until her derrière faced the other members of her party. Levy flushed profoundly being that she was hoping that Juvia wasn't doing this on purpose right? She already had to deal with Mira who was well known for her seduction prowess when she was the She-Devil back in the day. Juvia pointed at the white bunny tail on her rear. "This tail is just as soft as a real bunny's tail Zane. Do you want to touch it?" said Juvia.

Zane blinked with him saying,"I know that I have super hearing but I can mishear things. Do you want me to touch it?". "Yep. Touch it." said Juvia. She moved her derrière closer to him being that Zane turned to Levy who shrugged. "Go ahead." said Levy. Zane closed his eyes and accepted his fate as he stretched out his left hand to grab said tail. However, fate had other plans for this young wizard.

Juvia felt a twitch of pain from her left foot being that she wasn't used to wearing these heels yet and took a step back and lessen the pain. This simple maneuver caused Zane to miss the target being that instead of the fluffy white tail, he squeezed her derrière. Juvia yelped in surprise which confused Zane. Zane opened his left eye to see that he was clutching her ass instead of the tail. "Um Zane. I think you've grabbed more of Juvia than you have Levy." said Lucifer.

Kane smiled as he said,"And that's why you're my best friend. You're a player!". Azalea hit the two as Zane removed his hand from the derrière. Juvia turned to face him, taking a couple nervous steps back. Her face was red. "Sorry about that Juvia and Levy. I didn't mean to do that. I swear on the gods above!" said Zane. Levy sighed as she walked forward to help Juvia but thanks to the maid earlier, the carpet caused Levy to trip.

The two of them collapse onto the floor with both the bookworm and water woman grunted from the impact with each other and onto the floor. The former opened her eyes and was met with quite a shock. Her lips was connected to Juvia's lips. She instantly pulled back, gasping for air as her heart was pounded wildly. Levy was about to get off when she suddenly froze. Both bluenettes were on the floor with Levy on top of Juvia.

Their faces were both flushed and their rapid breathing was calming down. The ability of speech had left them both in a stunned state of mind. The two bluenettes were snapped out of it as the door to the room opened. The girls turned their heads to see a blond room-keeper walk into the room, sporting a typical maid outfit. She had all of her needed supplies in a basket at her side. The lady stopped when she saw Juvia and Levy lying on top of each other.

Her jaw dropped opened as a strong blush formed on her face when she saw Juvia's exotic and erotic getup. "Um... I'll be back later!" said the woman with her stuttering. She swiftly ran out of the room with her closing the door behind her. When the door closed, Juvia and Levy returned to reality being that Zane's laughter was helping them return. "Okay. This is totally hilarious." said Zane, wiping away a few tears.

Levy quickly rolled off Juvia and returned onto her feet. She took a few steps back with her hands raised. "Sorry! I really am! I didn't mean for this to happen!" said a flustered Levy. Juvia got back to her feet being that her pale skin was more red than Erza's hair. "It's fine Levy. It was an accident. I completely understand." said Juvia in a gentle but soft tone. "Thanks. I'm glad you understand." said Levy, sighing a breath of relief.

Juvia folded her arms below her breast, making them pop up a bit. "I think it's a good thing that no one else was here to see this. Right?" said Juvia. Levy's eyes widened with her turning over to Zane who was holding his phone. "Don't worry. This little memory is going into my personal collection and don't worry. I won't blackmail either of you. I like you two a lot especially when you're kissing each other." said Zane.

The bluenettes blushed as they said,"I thought you weren't going to blackmail us!". "I'm not. Teasing and blackmail are two different things. I think we should get to bed. We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow being that you two need more than an hour of sleep." said Zane.  "You're right." said Levy as she watched Zane get into a sleeping bag that was shaped like Orb Form. "What? I thought you would want to spend time with your blue haired sister in law." said Zane.

Levy sighed as she said,"I'm too tired to deal with you right now.". "You're only saying that since you can't deny your feelings toward Juvia." said Zane, dodging a slipper to the face. Levy lifted the covers on her side and got under them. She laid her head on her pillow and reached out to turn off the lacrima lamp that lit up the room. She felt the other side of the bed shift as Juvia crawled into her side of the bed.

The bookworm turned around to see Juvia who was still in the bunny suit. "You're not going to wear that during the night?" said Levy. Juvia blinked before she remember that she was still in her bunny outfit. "Right! Sorry! I'm messing up again!" said Juvia, hitting herself in the forehead. "No. You're not Juvia." said Zane as he stretched out his head from his body that was cozy inside of his sleeping bag. "He's right. Just change back okay?" said Levy.

In a flash of light, Juvia was back in her nightgown from earlier. Juvia turned off the last lacrima lamp, encasing the room in darkness. "Good night Levy and Zane." said a gentle voice. "Night Juvia and Zane." mumbled Levy as sleep took over her. Juvia shortly followed Levy's example as the two blue haired girls drifted off to sleep. Their cross-species love interest was still awake as he was doing some research on the enemy before sleeping for an hour.       

The next morning, the sunlight peeked through the curtains of the room's window and fell upon two of the three occupants of the room since the light was primarily focused on the bed. One of the girls began to stir from the light being that this girl was Levy. Her eyes fluttered open as consciousness began to return. She lightly groaned from the light hitting her face. She stretched with her noticing that Juvia had already disappeared from the bed.

She shrugged before going back to sleep and to defeat the dreaded sun, she covered her face using the covers of the blanket. On the floor nearby the bed, Zane ,who had been awake for a while, had been feeling a soft but firm weight on his body. "Yep. I'm thankful for a lot of things. One of these things are that Levy is a heavy sleeper or that bed is really comfy." thought Zane. Zane looked down to see his newest friend Juvia snuggling him.

She had sleep walked herself into his sleeping bag around 4:30 in the morning. Juvia's right arm was lying on his toned chest, her head rested into the crook of his neck, and she wore a satisfied smile on her face. Her bedraggled dark blue hair was sprawled over her face and Zane's chest. Zane looked at this with him thinking,"Yep. Really thankful for that since Juvia is cuddling with me. I mean this is nice but no. I'm with Levy and I'm not a cheater!".

He had left around 3:30 to do some training being that he enjoyed the peace and quiet of the town while he did his training. He's wearing his training wear. It's a blackish red sleeveless training gi with matching colored kung fu pants and his signature shoes he wore in Fiore. "She's a cuddler. Didn't see that coming." said Azalea. "Yeah. She's just like a special lady who lives inside of Elysian with me." said Sivarth.

Cole looked at me as he said,"Wow Sivarth. I didn't expect you and Twilight to be a thing.". Cole was hit by Sivarth with him saying,"I would never cheat on my wife you idiotic fool!". Zane lightly shook Juvia's shoulder with his free left arm as he said, "Wake up Juvia. I may not be against this at all but Levy will be and she'll hate the both of us if she sees us like this.". "Sometimes Zane." said Twilight as she sighed.

Instead of getting off Zane, Juvia moaned and only dug her head deeper into Zane's neck with her tightening her one-armed embrace around Zane's chest. "Oh Beloved. I love you so much." said Juvia with a dark shade of red formed over cheek. "Zane. I feel so bad for you. You have a beautiful woman like Juvia cuddling on you." said Athena. "Quit being like Kevin Athena!" said Zane. "It could be worse Zane. Prude Knight could be here instead." said Lucifer. Zane began imagined that scene.

The two would lock eyes. She would cry out while summoning a few hundred swords at him and attack him before he could have a chance to explain himself. Even if he survived, he would be called a rapist since most people tend to support the female in this situation and not listen to what the male has to say. Them's the breaks. Zane looked at Juvia with him wondering if he should get out of this situation but decided to leave so Levy wouldn't hate him for this.

She had definite expectations for this job and didn't want to ruin those expectations. He was thinking of a way to quietly crawl away from Juvia without stirring her. Her face was dug deeply into her neck and her arm lay limp on Zane's chest. If Zane moved just a bit, the chances of waking her along with Levy would be high. He knew that there was a way to escape from this situation but what was this way? "There has to be a way out of there but what?" thought Zane.

He figured it out instantly being that he tried to figure out where his right arm currently was. His eyes widened when he realized that his arm was sandwiched between his side and Juvia's thigh. His face began to look like a Christmas tree ,aka he was blushing, with him saying,"Okay. I really do hate my luck sometimes.". He knew that he need to turn into a form being that he could have escaped out of this by using his intangibility but he liked a challenge.

He slowly pulled his arm way being that his blush grew stronger as his hand went past the soft, leg of Juvia. After a solid minute, Zane froze as Juvia stirred. Instead of waking up, she scooted closer to Zane and snuggled more into him. A soft moan came out of her with her saying,"Oh beloved. You're so bold.". He was thankful that no one was here to see this being that he really didn't want to explain this to anyone.

He gently pulled his arm away from Juvia's voluptuous body and held it over his face. Using his other hand, he tapped the faceplate. It display the holographic screen and clocked onto the card icon. Juvia was still asleep being that Zane was thankful that Juvia was also a heavy sleeper. He focused back on his watch and looked through his collection of forms, looking for the perfect form to get himself of this nice but amazing situation.

When he found the icon he wanted, he touched it and changed. He turned into Matter Form being that Juvia moaned in her sleep and cuddled even closer to Zane. "Oh Zane. I may have been against you absorbing me into you but after our kiss, I'm not against it." said Juvia. Zane blinked after hearing this with him saying,"Okay lady. I'm no judge but that's just weird.". He turned into gas and phased through the ground to escape Juvia's warm cloutches.

The matter like being held her and carried her over to the bed. He turned back into a solid as he tucked her into bed. He walked over to the bathroom door being that there was a light groan coming from Juvia. The water woman's hand subconsciously moving around the empty spot where Zane was when she was on the ground with Zane. She eventually found Levy and she began to replace her cuddle buddy.

Zane shook his head and walked inside of the bathroom door. He deactivated the form with him letting out a long exhale after that. He turned his head toward the bathroom mirror with him seeing his lack of a left eye. "At least, they didn't see this. I don't want anyone to see me without my eye until I'm ready." said Zane, moving his right hand over the empty eye socket. About an hour later, a fully awakened Juvia, Levy, and Zane were sitting in a booth at the Grimcroft Joint.

Dante had joined them after the trio left the hotel. The three wizards and superhero were enjoying their breakfast. Dante was chowing down on a plate of bacon and pancakes, Juvia was enjoying french toast with blueberries on top, Levy was having an omelet being that it was very similar to the one that she would have at Heaven's Paradise, and Zane was having a full English Breakfast. Out of the group, Zane was the only one aware of the cuddling incident that had happened earlier.

Zane knew this was for the best since they need to focus against these enemies plus Dante didn't need to know about him grabbing Juvia's ass and the maid walking in on Juvia and Levy with the latter on top of former. A lot of these ecchi moments involved Juvia. While swallowing another bite of his bacon, Dante noticed that Juvia was in a good mood. From what he knew about her, she was never happy but she was happy. "So Juvia. Why are you so happy?" said Dante.

Juvia looked at him as he said,"From what I know about you, you're real gloomy. I mean I like this version of you.". "Well if you must know, I had a very pleasing dream last night." said Juvia as she swallowed her bite of waffle/blueberry. "Really? What was it about?" said Levy. "This may sound a bit weird but I dreamed that I was cuddling against a nice, warm like a fireplace, and firm cloud. It was soothing and peaceful." said a dreamy looking Juvia.

Zane looked away with Kane saying,"I guess she's another being who loves your heater like body huh Zane?". Zane rolled his eyes as he focused on their current situation. "Okay. We need to discuss how we're going to tackle these volcano monsters. We know that they're going to attack today but we don't know the when or where yet." said Zane, getting serious. Levy set down her fork after eating everything on her plate and wiped her mouth with her napkin. "Yeah." said Levy, getting serious.

She looked at Zane with her saying,"Since we don't need exactly where they'll pop up. I think we need to patrol the skies above the city to get a better view. If one of us spots them, we can alert the other and engage them.". "Good plan Levy but I'm wondering why they're attacking this town and how they're familiar to me." said Zane. "They don't need a reason Zane." said Dante. "I can't accept that. There is something more to this situation." said Zane.

Juvia looked at Zane as she said,"Is this your hero instincts talking Zane?". "Yeah. These fiery snakes remind me of the Vladmires." said Zane. "The Vladmires?" said Dante and Levy. "Yeah. Let me show you guys a picture of them." said Zane. He held out his watch as a holographic image appear from the watch, shocking the three wizards as they saw a creature appear in front of them. They looked to be quite ferocious being that they're an evolved form of insects.

As their name suggest, they have some vampiric traits to them but they looked like snakes. They have large long bodies like gigantic snakes or sea serpents with four arms and five talons at the end. Their bodies are made of strong stone mixed in with some shrubbery, had four eyes, and round mouths filled with at least 10 rows of sharp teeth. You may think why they would need that many teeth. They use them to eat other Vladmires that the rest of the group deems week.

They're very feared creatures that even the most powerful warriors think twice about messing with a single one due to them calling a group if threatened. The Vladmires have two major weakness being that one of them is that they burn within seconds upon a single ember hitting them. Their bodies are extremely flammable. They also have a terrible sense of sight and smell. If you block off either their sight or smell, taking care of them is quite easy.

However, they usually travels in large groups rather than by themselves. "Okay. They look like the creatures that the mayor described except not made out of fire." said Dante. "I'm sure that someone created these monsters using the design of the Vladmires. Some of my enemies were known for their obsession with messing the non-sapient species of the Omniverse. The Vladmires hate any form of fire but these snakes love it." said Zane.

Levy knew that despite him playing the fool, he was able to buckle down and get serious. "There must be at work here than just creatures terrorizing a town." said Zane. Crisis Judgement went off as a fiery explosion ignited in the street outside of the restaurant. The ground began to shake violent being that a couple of people inside of the restaurant cried out from the sudden conflagration. The four person group of Dante, Juvia, Levy, and Zane got up and rushed outside. 

The ground quaked as a large fissure grew in the middle of the street with fire and smoke surged out of it. Townspeople nearby was running away being that they knew what was going to happen and didn't want to die today. Without any warning, a loud and prehistoric roar came from the crack. A hulking, humanoid snake crawled out of the fissure. It matched Mayor Soto's description dead on and very similar to the picture of the Vladmire that Zane showed them earlier.

It stood twelve-feet tall with its large long snake like body made out of burning rock and magma. It's multiple arms went into the air as it roared. "Yep. This is going to be fun." said Zane. The ground shook once again as another fracture appeared farther down the street. A crowd of townsfolk and some tourists were now trapped in-between the fire and gas coming out in front of them. The lava serpent looked toward the innocent people.

Zane saw this and sprang into action. "Dante, Juvia, and Levy! Get those people to safety! I'll handle this Vladmire faker!" ordered Zane. "You got it man." said Dante. The trio took off in a sprint down the street, rushing to get to the civilians as quickly as possible. Zane rushed toward the magma snake that stood in the middle of the street. Zane stopped a few meters away from the creature being that it was giving off a lot of heat.

As the creature looked down at him with its glowing four fire colored eyes, Zane smirked. "Okay you overgrown serpent of fire. I've fought hotter beings than you so let me you what a real member of the Snake Clan can do! Time to Power Up!" said Zane. He held Espada with him holding his blade and got ready to fight. The magma snake ,being easily twice Zane's size, threw up its arms and let out another loud roar.

It reaped back its arms and brought them down on Zane to pummel the human into the ground. The hero easily jumped back, causing the monster to smash the ground instead. Zane charged straight at the molten serpent and he said,"Snake Clan: Ascending Slice!". The hero began focusing energy into his blade mainly at the tip of the blade. When he got close to the monster, he sliced in an upwards slice and sent the massive creature flying.

He went to the other side of the street being that it went straight through the park's metal fence and a dozen of meters further. "Okay. It's definitely not a Vladmire." said Zane. "Zane. You can feel what I'm feeling right?" said Azalea. Before Zane could answer her, the magma snake slithered through the hole in the fence that its body made. The steel bars around its body turned red before melting into molten metal. It glared at him with an intense, primal rage.

Zane returned the glare with a smile. "Did I make the lava spitter mad at little old me? I guess you have a grudge against me but you're not the first and won't be the last. Now come on!" said Zane. The creature opened its mouth ,that was filled with its 10 rows of sharp teeth, and fired out a stream of magma and molten rock straight at Zane. Zane held his sword in front of him being that it began to gather up frost.

His sword was covered in his signature ice with him charging toward the stream of magma and molten rock. He slashed it vertical being that upon contact, the stream was frozen solid and crashing onto the ground. "Frost Slash. Yep. You gained the ability to puke up magma. Fantastic. You're like Basalt and much to my shock, you're uglier than him." said Zane. The beast raised its head, letting loose another torrent of fire and magma at Zane.

The hero sprouted his two large dragon wings. The muscles and hide of his wings are crimson red cosmic energy feathers. They are covered by Zane’s scales being reddish black ,being metallic, with a flame like pattern to it. There is a small obsidian black claw in the middle of each wing and would be like a pteranodon. They grow out of him ,very much like the wings of a bat, and they follow the arm-finger format.

His arms is the first curve protruding from his back and his fingers are the branching bones from the end of the curves. Zane can feel and control each joint with his wings. The natural position of his wings is half closed and placed behind his backs but when he’s flying or in combat, they are spread wide in order to provide momentum in movement. His wingspan is about 45 feet in length, making it look some sort of stealth jet plane.

He flew to the left to evade the attack and launched himself toward the magma serpent. "Let me shut you up!" said Zane. His right hand clenched itself as silver steel spider-like stingers came out from his knuckle and the bottom part of his wrists. Zane decked the snake in the center of its's mouth and making sure that he stabbed the creature's eyes. As a result of this, it stumbled back a few meters and yelped out in pain.

Zane floated there with his wings keeping him a float. "Okay. It's getting worse. The Ethernano in the air is leaving. I think it's the Magmamire." said Zane. "Magmamire? That's the name you're going with Zane?" said Cole. "Cole. This is Zane. He sucks with naming things and you know this all too well." said Lucifer. Crisis Judgement went off as Zane made his wings cover him in a protective shield. The monster reached up and punched the wings.  

Zane went back and collided with the ground hard. He bounced off of the ground and smacked into a building wall. He left a crack and an indention in it. "Okay. You're definitely the reason why there's no magic in the air and your nice wound I gave you is gone." said Zane, shaking his head. His wings retracted back into his body as the magma serpent charged straight at Zane with a loud roar. Zane's left arm was turning into its liquid form.

It slowly forms into a giant version being that it hardens up and makes it into a giant version of his arm and fist. "How about you get a taste of my Avalanche Punch!" said Zane. He fired his left arm toward the Magmamire being the giant fist crashed into the magma serpent. It made a loud smack being that the serpent went flying back and crashed into the fence once again. "Yep. You may be strong but news flash, I'm stronger." said Zane, cracking his right knuckles.   

Like it had before, the snake of fire and rock returned back to its full strength. It stood across from Zane ,being thirty yards across the street, glaring intensely at him with its four red eyes. Zane put his sword on his back and taunted the creature. The demon roared brutally as it tilted back it's head and fired another torrent of molten rock and flames at Zane. "Okay. I know that I shouldn't say this but it needs to be said." said Zane, holding out his hands in front of him.

His left open hand was above his right open hand being the gap between had Primordial focused into it. It formed a disc shape and Zane threw it toward the magmamire. It sliced both the monster and it's torrent of molten rock and rock. The former of which was in half at the torso being the creature was dead. The flames that covered its body was gone being its body began to crumble away into a molten substance. "You really need to shut up." said Zane.

Before he could do anything, he heard multiple roars. He turned back to see five more magmamires climbing out of the large fissure. They all stood by each other, glaring at Zane with their red eyes being quite furious. Zane smirked confidently, popping his knuckles. "Guess you guys are mad at killing your pale but fine. I'll fight all five of you at once!" said Zane. The quintet roared violently and they charged straight at Zane who smiled.

Zane turned the entire area around him into candy syrup and slowly formed into multiple tendrils around him. "Sweet Flurry!" said Zane. He sent the tendrils into the air and they crashed down onto his opponent crushing them. The strength behind the blow caused three members of the den's body to break apart and ignited in a fireball. Another slithered toward Zane but the serpent was pierced by the black ,with a crimson red web pattern, tendrils protruding from Zane's body.

It fell to the ground being that it exploded into fire like its comrades. The only member of the den opened its mouth slowly as the fire that was once it's comrades was getting absorbed into the final Magmamire. "Okay. You guys can mimic Hatchling. I wonder if you can mimic Stella." said Zane as Crisis Judgement went off. A torrent of magma went toward Zane as he turned into snakes and easily evades the attack that melted the lamp post that was behind Zane.

The remaining Magmamire looked for Zane being that it was unprepared for the powerful punch into his chest. It was sent careening back forty yards before crashing into the street hard, leaving a shallow trench. Zane appeared with him saying,"Yep. You're really annoying but I can handle the trash that lays before me.". The Magmamire slithered toward Zane being that he focused black Mojo around his hands and launched himself toward the beast.

As he rushed toward the creature, the energy formed into a large dragon-shaped shroud around it. "I think it's time for a Karmic Blitzkrieg!". The Magmamire could feel its energy while it watched the human's attack get bigger. Zane landed a powerful uppercut with him right fist into the serpent with it being sent upward. Zane jumped into the air and cocked his left hand back. He slammed the fist into the serpent, breaking into pieces. The flame died off and its body crumbled away.

Zane cracked his knuckles with him saying,"Now come on! Is that you got? You may have taking down some wizards before I'm a hero so you're out of luck!". A Magmamire ,that emerged from the fissure earlier, began slithering toward him. Zane didn't react being that a wave of water struck the serpent and hurled it to the ground. Before it could recover, a giant tiger made out of ice appeared and threw the snake a good distance away.

The duo of Dante and Juvia appeared with them landing in between Zane and the Magmamire that was shakily getting up. Dante held his sword out in front of him. "You're going down and I'll make sure that you'll pay for hurting my friend and the innocent people of this town." said Dante. "Actually Dante, I'm perfectly fine. I've killed like six of these things but you two got this one." said Zane, with him sitting down on some rubble.

The volcanic serpent only roared in response before charging at Dante and Juvia. "Like before Frozen Strawberry?" said Juvia. "Yeah." said Dante. He crouched low and jumped at the snake. With very impressive speed and power, he spun full circle and slashed his sheathed blade diagonally across the serpent's chest. Dante jumped away and landed by Zane with Juvia saying,"Water Slicer!". Several scythe like blades began to slice through its body with ease.

The Magmamire roared before its body deteriorated away into loose rocks and lava. Zane whistled with him saying,"Nice you two. It's like you've done this before despite meeting only yesterday. So where is Levy?". "She's with the townspeople. She and the local knights will block any one from getting into this part of the city. Before we went to check on you, she killed four of these creatures with her weapon." said Juvia.

Dante nodded as he said,"Yeah. She's amazing. You're a good teacher man. So you Fairies can cut loose on these guys right?". Zane nodded as the ground shook again and more prehistoric roars came out. The trio looked back at the giant fissure to see ten Magmamires climb out. Once they honed their fire like eyes on Zane's group, they charged straight for them. "They look mad." said Juvia. "So lets make them take a breather." said Zane, turning into a new form.

Next time,
What are the Magmamires? Why are they attacking Grimcroft Spas? And why did I end this part at a cliffhanger?! This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced prior in Fairy Legion or Zero:
Cyber Form. This card has a black frame with a bunch of 0 and 1, with them forming into the symbol “LZ” with the background being a cybernetic future. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 128 and it's Prime Form was introduced in Zero Episode 134.

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