Thursday, December 12, 2019

Fairy Legion Chapter 45 Volcanic City PT 2 Immortal Revenge (Full Post)

A/N: I have a couple of things that I should mention. One, we will not be talking about any manga today since I need to mentioned what happened last chapter. Two, we'll be focusing an article I found about Fairy Tail. And three, I need to decide how I'm going to decide how I'll be discussing how I'll be discussing manga going forward. The latter of which won't be seen here but that's just more of a me thing.

The last episode ending on a cliffhanger for a very simple reason. I honestly thought that it was too long personally. After the massive last four chapters, I felt like making it shorter was a good thing and also, I never done a cliffhanger ,in my opinion, for Fairy Legion before. It's something I wanted to try out and where I ended it was perfect. That's honestly why I did it. It isn't some huge life ruining secret or anything. It's just something I wanted to try.

Like I said before, we'll be discussing a article I found online about Fairy Tail, a recent thing in the comics, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I mean who doesn't love a good rant am I right everybody? So lets start with the comic things because I think this applies to the Sonic rant I have going on as well. I've made my opinion on Captain Marvel known by now. I think she's a C-List hero and I question why Marvel is pushing her to be the strongest hero in Marvel.

I guess it has something to do with GRRL Power and I don't mean the online comic. It's a real thing and that's just interesting to me. I actually dislike her for a long time since if Marvel really wanted to push a female superhero to the spotlight, why not the Black Widow, Wasp, Storm, or the Invisible Woman? I would say that those four are huge to Marvel since Wasp was part of the first team of Avengers in the comic and Black Widow was for the MCU.     

Storm is easily one of the most powerful X-Men without question and for a period of time, married to the Black Panther. The Invisible Woman is the matriarch of Marvel's first family aka the Fantastic Four. So why would Marvel push Captain Marvel so much? I really hope it's not because Marvel is in her name. That would be so stupid. So why bring this up? As of Captain Marvel #12, something huge happened. Spoiler alert. Captain Marvel kills Thor. Is this stupid? Yes.

Power scalers would pretty much debunk this within seconds since Thor has done a lot of stuff in his decades of comics. It also doesn't really mean anything since I think that saying one character is stronger than another is stupid. I'm calling myself on this since I've done that before. Whoever is the strongest isn't based off facts and sources but whoever the writer picks with their bias in mind. You read that right.

I mean you could have a character literally throw planets with ease in one comic but in another, this character could be defeated by a terrible joke of a character whose main gimmick is that she can talk to squirrels. I don't like how Squirrel Girl is seemingly this Saitama or One Punch Man like character since unlike One Punch Man, it has better art. I mean have you seen Squirrel Girl? Art is subjective I know but at least One Punch Man, that's the joke.

Squirrel Girl is part of the Marvel universe so saying that characters like Doctor Doom and Thanos losing to her makes me roll my eyes in disgust. My point is this. Will Captain Marvel killing Thor get people to talk about the Character? Yes. I had this idea after seeing this tweet from Comicstorian. It got me thing. Do you think this is a way to get people to buy Captain Marvel in order to see how this goes down? It may be simple marketing but I found this interesting.

I then connected it to Sonic the Hedgehog being that the biggest news involving the trouble child of video games's movie. If you didn't know, the initial design of Sonic looked not the best. As someone who doesn't care about Sonic at all, I thought it was bad but I didn't care. When I heard that thanks to public bashing aka typical fandom bitching, there were going to redesign the entire design for Sonic and they did. It looks good I guess.

I mean while Sonic may look good, will the movie be good? Video game based movies aren't exactly the best being that while Detective Pikachu looked nice, I don't think it'll be changing the fact that video games movies aren't very good. Will it get people talking about the movie and see it once it comes out? Yes. I figure this out when I saw that tweet about Captain Marvel. My point is that when things are done bad, people will be talking about it and bring in the bucks.

The final thing I have to talk about is this article called Is Fairy Tail inspired by One Piece? I would say that Fairy Tail take some inspiration for the best selling manga of all time being that despite Demon Slayer outselling One Piece, it's the king of manga right now. It may change but for a while, I think One Piece will be king. Most Shounens in fact are based off Dragon Ball being that it's pretty much the template for most of them.

The articles talks about Gildarts being a clear rip-off of Shanks and I agree to that one. This image on the other hand I do not. There is some similarities yes but every image ,beside the Shanks one, has the characters be very different from each other. Doffy and Angel are two very different characters plus I really doubt that Cobra likes Natsu in the same way that Hancock likes Luffy. Plus how is Rob Lucci the same thing as Elfman's Takeover?

Rapid fire opinion time. I kinda agree with the Zoro one, I don't agree with the Gajeel and Dragon parallel, I agree with the Franky House and Phantom Lord Raid, and the Lucy and Otohime parallel is really stretching it. I'm a fan of both series but I enjoy them for two different reasons. I enjoy Fairy Tail since it got me into Manga and Anime and One Piece I enjoy on how you can make me like a character a lot aka Katakuri or hate a character a lot aka Carrot and Smoothie.

You know why I don't like those two if you've read my rants and like my very obvious man crush on Laxus, Katakuri is known as well so not a big shock. That's all I had to say on that being that this chapter starts off just where the last one ended so if you need a quick refresher, read the end of Chapter 44 and come back. We'll be waiting so enjoy Fairy Legion Chapter 45 whose title makes no sense. I do know the difference between magma and lava but to me, it's the same thing.

Narrator P.O.V.
The duo of Dante and Juvia turned toward Zane who had changed from a normal looking human into a giant twelve foot creature. He has a bulky frame mainly in the upper body but his lower body is still quite strong. He has broad shoulders with him having black scales over his body and white scales that cover his chest, under part of his arms, his legs, and around his eyes. He has a large dorsal fin sticking out of his back and the sides of his arms which work as weapons.

His eyes are covered by white patches with his large green pupils having several black rings around them. He has a cybernetic eye. He has three walrus tusks sticking out of his wrists very much like claws. He wears two bandoleers across his chest. He wears a navy blue parka with a white fur hood and orange jeans. He wears no shoes. He wields a large sledge hammer with ice spikes. "Hope you are ready to go down by Cetacean Form!" said Zane.

Upon seeing this form, Juvia lifted a brown in confusion and interest. While she stalked him, she had not seen this form and what it could do but she was going to fire out what. Zane took a deep breath with Dante blinking. "Oh. I think I get what he mean earlier." said Dante. The giant whale released a giant blizzard at the magma creatures being that all of them were frozen solid along with the streets around them. "Okay. That's cold." said Dante.

Juvia nodded as she watched a thick cloud of steam hissed off the frozen snakes's body. Their bodies were trying to produce enough heat to escape from their frozen prison. Dante watched the giant whale move at a speed that was very impressive for his size. He headed toward the den and upon getting close enough, he swung his hammer at them. His single swing broke the den into pieces. "Yep. I think if they're encased in a substance, they can't absorb the magic. Just like the Osmdroid." thought Zane.

A new Magmamire came climbing out of the fissure but it didn't get a chance to fight since it was blasted in the face by an red energy beam. Zane turned to see Levy aiming her weapon at the snake with her throwing him a thumbs up. "Wow. Nice shot. It was probably due to the weapon's auto aim but for a human, not bad." said Kane. That Magmamire was sliced vertically by Dante's sword, cutting it half.

Another Magmamire stood over Dante and cocked back its left hand, ready to strike him down before going after the giant whale. The snake didn't have a chance to do that since there was a giant hole in the center of it. Juvia had fired a high pressurized burst of water toward the snake and this caused the Magmamire's death. "Permafrost Emperor Silver Network!" said Zane as he slammed his down on the ground and threw Dante into the air much to his confusion.

The area around Zane had a web of ice around him being that four Magmamires were frozen upon coming in contact with the frozen web. Dante landed back on the ground with him looking at Zane and he said,"Um. You do know that I can handle the cold right?". "Yeah but you can't be too careful these days. So instead of complaining, how about we fight the snakes?" said Zane. Dante nodded as he put his sword on his back. "Gotcha. Tornado!" said Dante.

He made a tornado appear around the frozen snakes and the intense wind picked up the frozen snakes, sending them into the air. Zane jumped toward the four of them with him hitting two of them with his hammer, breaking them into pieces. Another one was destroyed by Juvia's Water Slicer and the final one was destroyed by a giant pillar of ice from Dante. Zane landed on the ground with him taunting the two new Magmamire who roared at Zane.

The duo reared back their hands, preparing to fire their magma breath. Zane saw this coming from a mile away as he said,"I'll handle these two since they really need to chill out.". The whale threw toward the snakes, causing their mouths to be destroy upon hitting the hammer. As the two snakes staggered back mainly from the pain of the hammer toward their mouths, Zane launched himself toward them.

Zane cocked his right fist back and upon getting close to the snakes, the punch instantly broke the two of them and their bodies fell apart into rocky piles. Their flames were extinguished. Zane landed smoothly with him throwing up a thumbs up. Dante and Juvia threw one back to him being that for some reason, the two powerful wizards felt fatigued. It was confusing since both of them just got started and they shook it off.

With their opponents, the four man team regrouped and began to think of what the next action should be. "That takes care of them." said Levy. "Yeah but for now. We need to start aiming for the nest rather than the single members. If we don't, a person could get in danger because we missed one." said Zane, grabbing his hammer. "And I think I know how we can do that." said Dante with him pointing to a large fissure in the street.

They made their way toward it being that Juvia looked down upon reaching the edge. There were gold colored cracks stretching their ways into the deep dark depths of Earthland. "From what I saw, ice and water is their weakness. Do you mind staying in that form for now Zane?" said Juvia. "Sure thing. We're on a schedule so lets get going gang." aid Zane. Zane jumped into the fissure first with the others following.

A few seconds later, Zane landed on the ground and the earth below him denting inwards from his weight. Dante landed gracefully on his feet next to him with Zane catching both Juvia and Levy with the latter girl saying thankful. Juvia would have as well but well, she was blushing. "He caught me like a princess!" thought Juvia. Zane put Juvia and Levy down as they took a moment to look around and study their surroundings.

They appeared to be in a large, deep cavern with pools of lava in random spots. The ground and walls around them were cracked and colored like fire. Levy looked upwards toward the crack in the ceiling and it was at least fifty feet up. Bits of sunlight was creeping in. "So Zane. Can the Vladmires jump really high?" said Levy. "Not the ones I fought against. Pretty sure their creator got rid of their fire weakness but gave them the ability to manipulate lava and to dunk." said Zane.

Dante nodded as he said,"Yeah Levy. They could have also climbed up the walls as well. So mind telling me where we're not burning alive?". "Oh that's because of me Dante. My body is naturally producing a invisible frost and keeping you all from burning alive. I also have a theory that all beings in this dimension are naturally protected from high temperatures. Just stay close since I can be wrong." said Zane, earning a nod from Levy.

As Juvia glanced around, she said,"So do you think anyone is home or did we kill them all? I mean we did murder a lot of snakes.". Levy didn't respond to her immediately as she saw multiple linear divots in the ground. Her eyes followed them until she saw that they led to a tunnel at the end of the cave. Zane followed her gaze and saw the tracks that Levy found. "Nice job Levy. Got the eye of a detective don't you?" said Zane.

Levy nodded as she said,"Thanks Zane. You learn to pay attention to critical details when you read a lot of books. Let's follow them. I'm sure that they'll lead us straight to their nest and the person who created them.". Without any argument, the group followed Levy into the tunnel but stayed close to the living freezer aka Zane. They were on guard for any attack. The issue of light wasn't a thanks since they had the natural lighting of glowing gold colored cracks all over the walls and ceiling.

The group would come across some lava that poured out of the walls and block the path. It was easily resolved by Juvia blasting the obstacle with water, turning the molten rock into stone and the boys breaking it. A few minutes later as the group hiked their way through the tunnel, the three wizards felt a sudden exhaustion. Suddenly, the trio stopped walking and hunched over a little. "Girls! Are you okay?" said Zane, concerned. "What about me jerk?" groaned Dante.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I've known you only for a couple of days. I'll feel sad if you die but the girls are part of the guild I work for plus one is my girlfriend.". As the two argued, Juvia tried to figure out why her strength was slowly being drained from her. "We're fine Zane. Just a little dizzy right Levy?" said Juvia. "Is it because of the heat? I mean it's getting pretty toasty like we're inside of a oven." said Zane.

Levy nodded as she said,"You're right Zane. I'm sure it's because we're getting close to Mt. Hasador and we'll be fine okay? Like you said, we're more tolerant of higher or colder temperatures.". "Okay but if you want to go back or use one of my...." said Zane. He was stopped by Levy's determined look. "I'm fine Zane. See?" said Levy, standing up. Zane watched her take a few steps forward before he and the others followed.

While they walked, Zane was wondered why Levy and the others felt dizzy but he remember how he had the Magmamires absorbing Ethernano in the air like the Osmdroid can. "Okay. Something is clearly wrong. The wizards didn't feel the fatigue back on the surface since you froze them all before they could began absorbing Ethernano. However, I think the absorbing effect is stronger down here and I doubt you could block it." said Azalea. 

Before Zane could respond to her, he saw them heading toward a large opening ahead. When the duo exited from the tunnel, they were in an enormous cavern. The ceiling above them was so high that it was shrouded by darkness but the tips of the rocky stalagmites were hanging above them. Magma or lava poured from holes in the ground and wall. It reminded Zane of his candy syrup in terms of its viscosity, forming pools of molten rock in various spaces.

Like the tunnel before, the cave wall had a spider-web of gold colored cracks that provided light for the Fairy Tail members and their Lamia Scale ally to see. In random spots across the cavern, a batch of gold Lacrima jutted out from the many rocks surrounding them. It was impressive. "You guys. I have an idea. After we handle these snakes, we should build a race car track here and play Shut up and Drive!" said Zane, smiling brightly.

The three wizards looked at Zane in confusion. The group took a few steps into the cavern before the ground began to shake and Crisis Judgement went off. All of a sudden, a den of Magmamires bursts from the earth and surrounded the group within seconds. The fire colored eyes glared at them as they let out angry roars. "It's brawling time wizards! Put up your dukes!" said Zane, getting into a battle stance.

The magma-based creatures extended their talons at the peak and let out roars that would shattered a glass shop before charging at the group. Zane held up his arms and fired out two powerful jets of ice at the nearest incoming Magmamire. The demons ,being that the ice spread out, cried out in pain as a cloud of steam was made from instant contact with the frozen water. Dante leapt ahead of Zane with him reared back his sheathed sword.   

Several ice dragons appeared around him with him saying,"Ice Make: Dragon Storm!". The dragons began flying toward the Magmamires, causing an explosion of ice. This destroyed the Magmaire that Zane hit earlier and sent the rest into the wall. The fight wasn't even close to ending as another group of Magmamires attacked from behind the duo. Juvia spun around and fired a whip of water at them which caused them to stagger back in pain.

Levy aimed her weapon at them with her saying,"Solid Script: Bullet!". The gun began firing out a continuous outburst of energy pellets from the word appearing above her. As they were distracted by the pellets, they were destroy by a red energy bullet from the main weapon. This den of snakes was now rubble. Juvia had fallen to her knees, panting. She felt weak after a simple spell like that. "What is going on? I've barely used my magic power and I'm already winded." thought Juvia. 

The bluehaired woman was almost taken off guard when three magma-snakes charged at her but they were blasted off their feet by a giant fist. Juvia collected herself and stood back. She looked over at Zane who smirked. "If you want to sit this one out, I don't blame you but..." said Zane. A magma snake was charging at him but was sent sliding back thanks to it getting blasted directly by a blizzard from Zane. Its rocky skin hardened.

Before it could recover by absorbing the wizards's Ethernano, Zane punched it and shattered it into pieces. "Okay. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." said Zane. "I'm fine! Just keep fighting Zane!" said Juvia. She crocked low and jumped high. In the middle of the air, she gathered an absurd amount of water. "This is for you Beloved! Wings of Love!" said Juvia, raising her left hand high and swing it downwards.

While doing this, she swung her extend right arm back and upwards. This created a ferocious whirlpool laced with neon pink hearts. A group of snakes were confused by the waters before being swept away by the current of love. "Wow. She's tough. I mean she looked terrible earlier after that whip earlier but she got back up." said Lucifer. "Yeah. You shouldn't piss her off any time soon Zane. Just my advice though." said Cole.

Zane ignored his robotic ally for a moment as half a dozen magma-snakes rushed toward him, fury blazing through them. Zane made a copy of Cetacean Form appear as he deactivated the form. "You stay here and be a nice chill zone." said Zane, earning a nod from the cetacean. Zane rushed toward them with him releasing two Mojo blasts at them. This hit three of them as the other three either went to the left or right to evade the attack.

The volcanic snakes ceased their charge about thirty yards from Zane, staring at him. "This is like a stand off except it ain't high noon and I ain't got a pistol on me." said Zane, ending his quip with a western accent. "Haven't we told you not to do the Western accent unless you're in a form that does Zane?" said Athena. Zane shrugged as the snake trio reeled back their head and fired three concentrated blast of magma from their mouths.

The trio of magma blasts fused together midway, forming a huge pillar of molten rock which went right toward Zane like a heating seeking missile. Zane blinked with him saying,"Ha! I've faced bigger! Zenith Smash!". He stretches his right arm back behind him, eventually cocked it back to him. During the travel, Zane’s arm ignites in flames ,thanks to friction, being that it’s moving so fast being untraceable about to normal eyes.

When the two objects collided, there was an explosion of flames from Zane's attacks. Most of the magma pillar was shattered in stone but the rest still went toward Zane. It crashed into Zane with him slamming into the cave wall hard. Zane was stuck to the rock for a second and he said,"Okay. I guess I forgot that you guys are now magic based. Ouch.". He peeled off and fell to the ground hitting it face first. "Zane!" said the trio.

The trio was about to come to her friend's aid before a dozen magma-snakes burst away of the ground in front of all of them. This means that thirty six Magmamires came rushing out of the ground. The three were ready to engage being that with how many of them were there, they wouldn't be getting to Zane anytime soon. Zane groaned painfully, shakily picking himself off the ground. He stood back up and stretched.

He may be able to survive getting punched by a man whose fists can break apart small hills ,also known as mountains, with a single punch but magic was still a pain in his ass. Zane looked to see a crowd of magma snakes charging straight toward him. "I think it's time for me to go above and beyond with you guys or Plus Ultra. It works regardless." said Zane, turning into Torrent Form before glowing bright purple. Zane was now in Torrent Prime.

He's now 12 feet tall, still floating in the air. Instead of looking like a humanoid jellyfish, his body looks more like a mixture of a ghost and octopus. He looked muscular than before. His body is still a gray color. It's slightly transparent, exposing his inner organs. His organs are dark indigo blotches that form a torrent or current of energy. He now has eight tentacles coming out of his body rather than the area where his shoulders and thighs would be like Torrent Form.

These eight tentacles are black on the underside while losing the fins. The ends of them have a golden brace at the end of them, produce steel gray energy that can form into four fingers or toes. His legs are a wisp like tail. His face has a black design that's similar to a domino mask covering it. He now has four pupil-less white eyes, forming an "X" shaped pattern. His eyes have a black outline. He still has no mouth.     

He's still wearing the same clothing as Torrent Form but the red dots on his suit can absorb more energy than before. The seemingly mindless beasts were clearly not intimidated as they charged at Zane, letting out roars of anger. "Oh just shut up already you overgrown garden snakes. You're more annoying than rats with wings which is saying a lot." said Zane, with him aiming six of his eight tentacles at them.

Two of them fired a powerful torrent of water, two others fired a powerful torrent of ice, and the final two fired a powerful torrent of air. The crowd of snakes were easily blasted away by the combination of air, ice, and water. Upon reaching the other side of the cave, their bodies obliterated due to the fast and intense pressure of Zane's triple element combination. Zane turned his head around to look at his group.

They had successfully taken out most of them who tried and attacks since rocks were scattered about and in multiple pieces. About sixteen of the thirty six remained and surrounded them. Dante was protecting Juvia and Levy with both of them sweating like crazy. Dante wasn't doing much better as he was braced on one knee, breathing heavily. "Really hate these overgrown snakes." said Dante with him facing in and out of reality.

Zane's eyes began to widen in fear being that the three were being drained of their Ethernano at a faster rate due to the amount of them and how close they are. Without wasting a single second, Zane aimed all tentacles at the den of snakes who weren't paying attention. He made sure that each tentacle fired out a different element (air, darkness, earth, electricity, fire, ice, light, and water) stream out of them.

The eight streams went toward the snakes, getting destroyed by them and caused an explosion of steam thanks to the fire and ice stream. Some of the snakes were electrocuted despite not getting hit by the electricity stream. They were hit by the water stream earlier and the water came in contact with the sparks from the electricity stream. Zane glared at them with him saying,"Hope you learn your place. Don't absorb my friend's magic or else you die.".

The snakes were sent flying into the cave walls by a tornado coming from Zane's tentacles, shattering upon contact. Levy lifted her head and stared at Zane. She could tell that Zane was worried about her despite not showing it. He deactivated the form once he was sure that the snakes were gone. "Are you okay Levy?! You better not tell me that you're fine because I ain't in the mood! None of you better not say that you are either!" said Zane.

Levy grunted her teeth as she said,"No. It feels like all of the magic is sucked out of me.". "Us too Zane." groaned Dante and Juvia. Before Zane could say anything, the ground shook violently again being that Zane groaned. Over fifty Magmamires came popped out of the ground and surrounded the group. They extended their razor sharp talons and roared deafeningly. Zane noticed that the three wizards winced in pain and the magma snakes smiled.

Zane's eyes widened before glaring at them in anger. "You fucking bastards. I'll make you all pay for draining them!" said Zane, eyes glowing red. "Huh?" said Dante. "These bastards are draining your magic because they find it so tasty. It's why you're weak right now." said Zane. Juvia's eyes widened as she knew her beloved was right like always. The moment she fought the snakes was around the same time she got weak.

The situation had just gotten a lot more complicated. "You're right Zane." said Juvia, struggling to keep herself from fainting. The snakes roared again before they charged at Zane and company. Zane began charging up Vibration and he said,"Vibration Roar!". He released it out of his body through his mouth. It's a huge stream of dark red sound wave which has a noticeable bass sound to it. The snakes were sent flying away upon getting hit with the sounds.

This barrage of sound sent over seventy five percent of the snakes into the wall, destroying them and Zane threw a VBRS down on the ground. It covered the entire area of smoke being that it blanketed the cave. Zane looked at the three wizards with him saying,"And with that, we're going to be exiting stage left.". "But..." said Dante. "Don't try that shit with me boy. If we stay here longer, you could die and I won't let my friends die when I could do something about it!" said Zane, glaring at him. 

While Dante was confused, Juvia and Levy was sure that this side of Zane was here because of the scar that the Massacre left on him. "Fine then. Let's get out of here." said Dante being that before he could do anything, he was semi-conscious. "Dante!" shouted Zane. All of a sudden, ten Magmamire burst out of the smoke straight at Zane. Zane aimed his left arm at them with him saying,"Go the hell away bastards!".

He fired a giant beam of Primordial energy, erasing them from this dimension. Crisis Judgement went off as a Magmamire appeared at Zane's side and reared back its fists over its head. It was prepared to smash Zane into the ground but its attack was going to fail hard. Zane dodged the fists by turned intangible and caused the snake to smash the ground instead. The snake growled but it was kicked in the face by extremely dense and pressure-activated hammers aka Zane's left leg.

They were black and steel gray. It was instantly demolished being that five more snakes ran out of the smoke cloud and stopped twenty yards to Zane's right. They cocked back their heads and fired out torrents of magma from their months. Zane simply looked at them with him saying,"You idiots piss me off. Karmic Glare!". He fired  a small but powerful Karmic Limbo from his eyes. This pierced right through the magma easily. It stuck the five snakes, destroying them.

Zane was pretty sure that there was still a couple of them, waiting in the smoke and just ready to strike him when his back is turned. "Oh gods dam it. I'm a fucking moron." said Zane, facepalming himself. He released a circular purple wave of energy, knocking out all of the Magmamires upon it hitting the energy. The smoke cleared to see all of them were out cold and Zane sighed. "Okay. You are all done. Time to get all of you out of her before fate decides to fuck me over." said Zane.

He turned toward the trio of Dante, Juvia, and Levy who were all lying on the ground. He ran toward Juvia since she was the closest to him. The fatigues woman weakly lifted her head off the ground and opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry at first but it instantly refocused upon seeing Zane coming to her aid. Without warning, six Magmamire came out of the ground twenty yards behind Zane. When the demons reared back their heads, Juvia's eyes widened. "Zane.." said Juvia.

Zane smiled with him saying,"Don't worry Juvia. I got this.". "Look out beloved!" shouted Juvia with Crisis Judgement going off. Zane turned around to see the six firing their lava breath attacks right at him. "It's cute how you think that you six can stop me after surviving unlike your brothers or sisters. I don't know what gender you are but I don't care. Predatory Bombardment!" said Zane. He launched a giant seven-leaf clover on concentrated Impulse being obsidian black.

The attack looked impossible to avoid due to its size and its ability to draw in inorganic matter to use as substance, making it bigger the process. The magma beams collided with the giant energy attack and the snakes's eyes widened as their combo failed. They were hit by Zane's attack and sent flying into the wall, shattering. Zane blinked with him saying,"Okay. I have an idea and I hope you three don't hate me for doing this.". He turned into Camouflage Form and turned invisible.

A few minutes later, three Magmamires approached the beaten wizards and standing over them in confusion. According to their destroyed brothers, there was four of them but they only counted three of them. They shrugged as one of the magma monsters slithered forward and summoned a green sphere of magma on its upper left hand. It kneel down and placed the green magma ball on both of Dante's wrists after crossing them with its lower right arm.

It meandered toward Juvia and Levy, repeating its prior actions. Unlike the magma that they had fought before, it was cold. The magma instantly hardened and trapped their hands in a stone chunk with Dante using whatever strength he had left. He wasn't the weakest wizard in terms of physical strength but he should have been able to break out. However, it wasn't the case this time around. The water woman tried to muster up enough strength to escape. She couldn't just like Dante.

Levy would have tried this as well but she isn't on the same level in terms of strength as her two allies. A Magmamire grabbed Dante by the back of his jacket and two of the other Magmamires grabbed Juvia and Levy. They dragged the weakened trio across the ground. Levy was confused on why they weren't be burned from their touch. "I guess that they can control the amount of fire that they produce maybe. I'm too exhausted to thank of a more detailed reason." thought Levy.

Three members of the snake quartet were dragged the wizards into another tunnel across the cavern with all seven (human or not) didn't noticed that Zane was stalking them. Zane glanced over to his partners and he clearly observed that they were breathing heavily and struggling to stay awake. Their energy ,which was like their blood, was being sucked out of them right in front of his eyes. It took all of his strength not to attack the four snakes for hurting his friends.

Zane went up to the closest member of his group with him whispering,"Don't worry. Just hang on for a bit longer Juvia. I'm sure we'll see whose behind the curtain.". "Beloved. I'm so tired. Are you here?" moaned Juvia. Zane looked at his friend in concern being that if he didn't do anything soon, Dante, Juvia, and Levy would have their magic energy drained by these snakes. He instantly remember when the crybaby did this to the coward.

The thought of something like this happen to someone he cared about made his protective side come out in full force. A few minutes later, the tunnel came to an end and opened up into a much larger cavern. The Fairies and Lamia were dragged across a stone bridge which just so happened to be over a giant pit of magma which was bubbling. There was over two hundred magma snakes were spaced out across the pit and mining the gold colored lacrimas jutted out from the magma.

Zane stopped in the center of the bridge with him using his 360 degree vision to scope the entire area within seconds. There was more Magmamires standing on cliffs that hung on the cave walls and above the magma pit. They were also mining for the rocks that they were there. "Okay. They're going after these damn rocks but why?" thought Zane. Zane paused his though for now being that he saw the snakes that were dragging his friends put them onto the ground.

It was close by being that Zane went over to them. The wizards struggled to pick themselves up with their arms stuck under their weights. They did find enough strength to sit up thanks to an invisible Zane but they didn't know that. The wizards and superhero's attention was gained by a man with him standing before them. He's six foot tall with him having broad shoulders and a muscular figure. He has green, spiky hair with most of it covered by a black fedora.

His blue eyes are sharp and cold. He has a goatee and mustache. He's wearing a black long sleeved shirt over a red vest with a hood that was covering his head. He's wearing brown pants that's ripped around the ends. He wears black flats. He's wearing a medallion ,that's from some war, around his neck. He's wearing a confident, smug smirk on his face. Zane's eyes narrowed at the man being that he was very familiar to him. "I expected one of you pretenders to show up." said the man.

He spoke in a cook, slick voice. "I didn't expect the famous Frozen Strawberry of Lamia Scale and the Rain Woman of the former guild Phantom Lord to be the pretenders who decided to interrupt my operations." said the man. He took off his fedora and bowed slightly to them. "I'm so humble to meet two famous wizards and I really do hope my minions wasn't too soft on you. I have trouble creating them since I don't have Liasada like my student does." said the man.

The trio of wizards simply glared at the man, shifting his gaze to Levy. "And who are you?" said the man. "Levy McGarden." said Levy in a dry tone. "Oh! I remember you know. You're dating that new and powerful wizard from Fairy Tail. He has forms that remind me of an old pal of mine. He ruined my chances of eternal youth back when he was around your age." said the man. "So. You're the one in charge of this place aren't you?" said Levy.

The man put his hat back on as he said,"That's correct. My name is Lewis Haynes. My friends and enemies call me General Necrosis. I'm glad to be at your service.". Juvia and Levy's eyes widened in shock. "Necrosis?" said Juvia. She remember hearing about this man from Zane. "Yes. I'm sure that you remember meeting Zane's old friend Bimbo." said Lewis. "Bimbo? Is that seriously a name a person would give to another?" said Dante.

Lewis shrugged as he said,"I got to agree with you there but the god like being who created her from a loser gave her that name. I don't know why she decided to pick a fight with the current strongest guild in this kingdom? None of them except for Legion Zero is actually strong enough to fight me but she has the ability to get people to follow her. It's because her body is so amazing.". "So you're mad at Zane for taking down bimbo aren't you?" said Levy.

The sorcerer laughed with him saying,"No little girl. Why in the nine realms would I care about someone who I felt pity for? I only brought her to this dimension since she was crying non stop about her mistress. She's still in her specialized prison after causing the Massacre and also the destruction of one of the dinosaur dimensions.". "So why did you bring her to this dimension if you don't care about her?" said Juvia.

Dante looked at the trio with him saying,"Huh?". "I used her as a way to distract Zane because I knew she would go after him if she had a chance. She hates him just like I do. However, I always wanted to get some revenge on the people whom Zane cares about after he got my prized student and myself arrested more times than I would like." said Lewis. He reared back his fist and punched Juvia in the gut, making her double over in pain.

Zane snarled at Lewis for punching his friend/possible girlfriend. He wanted to retaliate but couldn't blow his cover. "Why are you doing this then? And hitting a lady. That's just sad." said Dante. Lewis shrugged as he snapped his fingers. As a result of this action, a random magmamire approached him and carried one of the gold lacrimas. He made a steel gauntlet appear over his left hand and grabbed the gold lacrima from the magma snake.

He stepped a few feet from it before turning his attention back to the wizards. "This rock is unique. It's very similar to lacrima due to it being able to store magic inside of it but it can absorb Ethernano from the area around it. I doubt you pretenders could survive without any form of metal protecting you from its power. You'll be drained like a battery within seconds. I'm wearing metal since because I had my already impressive Animus infused with this dimension's raw magic power." said Lewis.

Lewis aimed his left hand at a nearby duo of Magmamires ,who were digging out the lacrima like crystal, and fired out a green Animus beam. This destroyed the two of them but left the gold lacrima perfectly in tact. "As you can see, these beauties have the ability to survive being blasted by my Animus. I call it Bruorenite. Alongside the ability to absorb magic, they increase a Sorcerer's natural magic power so I had an idea." said Lewis.

He pointed to the Magmamire who were digging out the Bruorenite. "Look at them. If I mine more of them and let them absorb Ethernano, they'll give me more strength. These Magmamires were based of the Vladmires infused with lava and magma. I borrowed one of Salem's spells in creating minions but they're much stronger than her minions. They're so obedient, hardworking, and best of all. They can absorb the Ethernano of the area around them and wizards." said Lewis.

He smiled with him saying,"Upon absorbing any Ethernano, it transfers directly to me. With all of this power under my control, I'll be able to finally kill the biggest pain in the Omniverse aka Legion Zero!". The Sorcerer began laughing like an evil super villain with Juvia sitting back up after getting over the pain in her gut from Lewis's punch. It all began to come together in Zane's head. Lewis had created the Magmamire in order to gain more power.

These crystals were probably a result of this dimension's raw Impulse taking a solid form. In his lust for power, Lewis ordered his magma snakes to oppress Grimcroft Spas. This was to make sure that the town would have to call upon wizards from the local guilds in order to get his Magmamires to suck their Ethernano from them and give back to him. It explained how the trio of Dante, Juvia, and Levy felt weak when facing these monsters. "You're a power hungry monster." said Levy.

Lewis smiled with him saying,"Thank you for that nice complement.". A magma snake slithered across the stone bridge and stood ten yards behind the wizards. It let out a series of grunts and snarls being that Lewis's face took on a sinister smile. "We're that close. Tell the group to keep on mining and inform me once when we reach the Grimcroft Soul okay?" said Lewis. The monsters slowly nodded his body in acknowledgement before it turned and slithered off.

Zane looked at Lewis with Cole saying,"So I know that you can speak snake Zane but can Lewis as well?". "We're going to get an answer so hush!" said Athena. "Before you ask, I'm able to order them since I'm the creator." said Lewis. "Um. I doubt that most people would ask you that." said Dante. "I blame Zane for me doing that. He always seem to ask the questions that no one else would be asking. I despise him like most of his enemies do because he never stops talking!" said Lewis.

Juvia blinked with her thinking,"Yep. That's Beloved for you.". "Hold on. What are you going to do with the Grimcroft Soul?" said Levy with her voice faltering slightly. "Since you three are going to die by these snakes or me, I'll tell you. The source of Grimcroft Soul isn't just Mt. Hasador but rather something interesting. It's raw crystalized Ethernano!" said Lewis. Juvia and Levy's eyes widened in shock with Dante saying,"Hold on. What's Ethernano?".

Lewis looked at him with him saying,"You can't be serious. You were born in this dimension and I'm the visitor but even I know what Ethernano is.". "Well, I just know that I can use magic and really don't care about how I can do that." said Dante shrugging. "Okay then Dante. Ethernano are magic particles that dwell in all living organisms and the atmosphere. They're the source of every wizard's power. Lacrima is just Ethernano taking a solid like form." said Levy.

Dante said,"I think Master Jura told me that once Levy but then I fell asleep. Too boring for me since I don't like the library.". "It's really concerning that such a famous and powerful wizard didn't know that. Ethernano is raw Impulse and pretty much the best form of magic in the Omniverse so my minions will absorb all of the Ethernano crystals with the hot spring. Once that happens, no one can stop me not even the Alliance!" said Lewis.

Juvia looked at him with her saying,"You can't! If you're telling the truth and drain the Grimcroft Soul, the people of Grimcroft Spas will die by winter time!". "Um. I'm evil and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. I mean I'll be gone from this dimension and taking over the Omniverse so why would the cold both me?" said Lewis. "You would endanger the lives of innocents just to become stronger! You bastard!" yelled Levy, her eyes burning with rage.

Lewis looked at her with him saying,"Okay. You and Zane are perfect together. He's called me a bastard just because I was planning on doing a genocide. Okay, I'm done with you three so take them to jail you three.". The Magmamire stepped forward with them grabbing Dante by the back of his jacket and the girls were grabbed. As Zane followed them, he glared at Lewis. The tunnel that the Magmamire were heading down lead into another large cavern.   

Said cavern had a series of lava/magma tube like entrances across the cave walls with the snakes pulling the wizards into one of them. One minute later, they reached the end of the tunnel aka a pit with a large amount of Bruorenite scattered in it. This was the room where Lewis stored all of the minerals that the Magmamire mined. You may wonder why Lewis would make this spot his prison but Lewis is really old and tends to make mistakes often.

The wizards yelped in surprise when they were thrown into the shallow pit. They crashed in a spot that was devoid of the mineral but the rocky ground wasn't exactly the softest place to land. Groans escaped through their throats due to the rather painful impact. Dante clenched his eyes tight and grinded his teeth from the stinging sensation that washed over him. He weakly opened his eyes and struggled to sit up.

He slowly turned his head and gave the pit a good look over. Without any doubt, Lewis currently had over ten tones of the magic-stealing mineral inside of the cavern. This of course didn't bode well for anyone in their group. Juvia rolled over onto her front and tried to sit up. However, her muscles failed since she got up and close with the ground. The water woman moaned in agony, feeling her magic power leaving her up.

Zane ,who had watched all of this happen, heard her moan and turned to her. Seeing how weak and hurt he looked, Zane went into action. He went up to the three Magmamires and spit green goo/slime at them. The creatures groaned loudly in pain before they melt away. To make sure that no one bothers them, Zane made a giant wall of the stuff before jumping down into the pit. While falling, he deactivated the form and appeared in front of them. "You guys!" said Zane.

Levy looked at Zane with her saying,"Zane. The rocks are stealing our power.". "Yeah. I kinda got that from the not so good general. Still a senile old fool. He really should know that if Zero's special lady and friends are around, I'm not that far behind." said Zane. He turned into a classic form of his being Gunslinger Form. He's 8 feet tall. He's a humanoid muscular grayish white fur bandicoot with a brown long and pointed nose, thick eyebrows, and purple eyes.

He has his green hair go down his neck covering it. His right eye is covered by his hair. On his head, he wears a black classic style cowboy hat with a silver metallic plate in the center. He wears a denim short-sleeved brown shirt with a open crimson red vest over it. He has two bandoliers crossing his chest like an X. He wears a red bandanna with a western feel to it around his neck and can move it to cover his mouth. He wears blue denim jeans with them being well-fitting and it has metal plates on the knees.

He wears a light brown belt with a gold belt buckle and attached to his belt, he has cases ,with a sunset design, on both hips. This is where he keeps his pistols Outlaw and Lockjaw in the right and left case respectively. Both pistols are identical .50 Desert Eagles/six-shooter revolvers. He wears black cowboy boots that have gold star spurs and a knife strapped to his boots. He wears black fingerless leather gloves. "Time to shatter the General's plan." said Zane with him having a Southern/western accent.

He pulled out his pistols in a single motion. Both of them looked normal being that Outlaw is black with a skull symbol and Lockjaw is silver with a cuff symbol. They both have a swing out cylinder with a rapid-fire trigger. He fired them toward a pile of Bruorenite, causing a explosion. Zane began blasting apart every piece of mineral he could see with each hit making an explosion and these explosions shake the pit.

Debris from the ceiling fell onto the floor. After finishing his attack, he put his pistols back in their holster and turned to see the limp, unconscious trio of wizards. He put Dante and Levy over both of his shoulders and carried Juvia in his arms. "Um Zane. Hate to be a back seat hero here. Should Juvia and Levy switch places?" said Lucifer. Zane ignored him as he began to digging his way ,using his feet, through the pit and back to the tunnel.

The exact second Zane left the tunnel, big chunks of the ceiling collapsed into the pits and filled the cavern completely with rocks. "May have gone overboard but I don't care. Lewis is going to pay for hurting the innocent people of Grimcroft and you guys. No one hurts my friends." said Zane as he clenched his teeth. He heard a groggy groan from the wizards with him placing them gently on the ground. Juvia's eyes slowly fluttered open, feeling her strength returning.

She blinked twice when her gaze fell upon Zane and his animal like face. "So are you okay there little lady?" said Zane, tipping his hat toward her. Juvia got over her surprise at Zane's transformation and sat up, holding her aching forehead. "You guys know that I can wait until all of you are back at full strength. Need it against the General since he ain't the type of partner to hold back." said Zane as he cracked his neck.

Levy shook her head as she said,"We're fine Zane. I'm sure that our magic energy is coming back to us.". "That's good." said Zane. "Not really since it won't do us any good if our magic gets drained again by being near those snakes. I may not know about who you really are Zane but I trust you so what's the plan?" sad Dante. Zane knew that his friend was right but was sure that he had to explain his past once again. Dante, Juvia, and Levy wouldn't last long in another fight with the Magmamires.

It took him a few seconds to come up with a plan. He remembered when he cooled the demons with either ice and water, deactivating the snake's magic absorbing powers. Juvia had done the same with her magic. Once the Magmamire were cooled down and turned into stone, their magic absorbing power were negated. "I got it. I think that our victories is obvious partner. When I cool them down, you weren't weak right?" said Zane.

Juvia nodded with her saying,"Um Zane. Do you mind deactivating your form? Your accent is giving me a headache.". "Have to agree with her on that one. To answer your question, I didn't feel week so what's the plan?" said Dante. "Everyone is a critic of little old me but whatever, I need to become a living storm to defeat the enemy." said Zane, turning into another new form we haven't seen before now. It's Storm Form. He’s twelve feet tall with him having a muscular humanoid build.

His body is made out of a dark gray organic substance like water. It has faint dark blue accents in the form of curvy, swirling stripes. These markings are primarily around his chest, forehead, temples, and upper back. It’s smooth looking with it lacking any visible sharp edges or ridges. He has two large glowing dark gold eyes with black pupils. It has black lightning bolt markings around his eyes. His mouth looks rather small being that it a thin slit that opens and close when he talks.

It can stretch open and expand to freakish proportions. As it grows horizontally or vertically, more of his many black obsidian teeth are exposed. Al of his teeth are sharp. Two of his teeth come out of his mouth, working as fangs. He has a red tongue. He has gills on the sides of his neck. He has four arms with four long clawed fingers and two legs with four long clawed toes. His arms and legs's appearance are very similar to tornadoes.

He wears steel gray metallic armor that he wears over the upper half of his body and has a molten gold "LZ" in the center of his chest. He wears a black muscle shirt, dark green urban combat pants, and dark gray combat boots. The wizards eyed this transformation peculiarly being that they didn't know what it was. Despite their unique outer appearance, Levy knew that all of his Zane's forms were all very powerful.

Since he could see his group's confusion, Zane aimed his lower right arm at the cave wall and fired out a steady stream of water from it. The wall was instantly covered in steam which eventually got absorbed into Zane's body. "So you have another form with water powers? I don't know if I should be jealous of you or not." said Juvia in a teasingly tone. "I think you wouldn't be jealous since you're better than Gray. This one can make ice as well. My plan is simple." said Zane.

He smiled with him saying,"I'll either blow them, freeze them, or soak them and you break them okay? Pretty simple if you ask me.". "Okay. Lets get moving!" said Levy. "So since we're short on time, we need to get moving fast so hang on tight. Thunder Emperor Black Panther!" said Zane with him producing a lot of thunder. Several panther came out of it and the wizards got on the back of them. Zane's legs fused together, forming into a giant tornado.

He moved down the hallway fast with the electrical felines following him. "So is Zane just full of surprises?" said Dante. "Yes. It's what he does best." said Juvia. The four were back in the main cavern with Lewis standing on the stone bridge that was over the magma pit. There was an octuplets close by. The sorcerer's eyes widened in both annoyance and shock when he saw his most hated rival of the mystical arts standing there with the wizards.

Zane came to a stop with his legs turning back to normal. He stood at the end of the rock bridge, with him glaring hard at the sorcerer. "Zero! How are those wizards alive or even able to move?! They should be drained now!" said Lewis. "It's actually very simple. Members of Fairy Tail and possible Lamia Scale are stubborn and don't go down without a fight. I thought you know how I have the ability to appear whenever you're doing your evil scheme." said Zane.

Lewis clenched his fists and growled. "Destroy them! Aim at Zane specifically!" yelled Lewis with him pointing at Zane. The eight magma snakes ,standing beside Lewis, slithered toward and formed a wall between their master and enemy. They reared back their heads and fired eight magma torrents at them. "Would you believed me if I said that this isn't the first time I've heard him say that to me specifically?" said Zane.

He made a cloud appear in front of him, firing a barrage of hail and rain at the magma torrents. Upon the hail/rain combo meeting with the magma, the latter of which was turned into hard rocks. Zane's attack broke through and froze the eights upon contact. "You're up gang!" said Zane. Levy aimed her weapon at them with her saying,"Solid Script: Drill!". From her gun, she fired out several words that formed the word "Drill".

Upon leaving the gun, the words began spinning toward them and emanating drill-like sounds. The words shattered the statues with Levy smiling. Lewis on the other hand wasn't happy about how fast the couple defeated his minions. "You may have defeated this batch but I have more than this batch since I'm a genius!" said Lewis. Without warning, three dozen Magmamires jumped out of the magma pits below and onto the bridge.

They stood in front of their creator, ready to defend him with their lives. The heroes's attention was grabbed by noises behind him. They turned to see another two dozen snakes standing at the end of the bridge. The group was surrounded. Upon them appearing, the electricity panthers disappeared and caused the wizards to fall on the ground. The three wizards's magic power was getting sucked away from them.

Lewis folded his arms over his chest and smirked proudly. "You idiots should have learned that that my Magmamires are invincible since your Ethernano is only giving me more strength than ever before. Zane may be immune since he has more than Animus or Ethernano inside of him but he has his limits! He can't fight off my creatures and protect you pretenders!" said Lewis. Without taking a look to see Juvia's arms and legs tremble, Zane went into action.

He turned his legs into a singular tornado with him aiming his left arms at the snakes in front of him and his right arms at the snakes behind him. His left arms fired a combination of ice and lightning with his right arms firing a combination of lightning and water at his enemies. Most of the snakes were either frozen from the ice, turned into stone from the water, or blasted into pieces thanks to the lightning. The latter element is the most common.

After this elemental assault, forty five snakes survived Zane. Lewis growled being that he hated how strong Zane was. "You guys are up." said Zane. Juvia nodded rapidly with her making several water trident appear in the air around them. "Water Tridents!" said Juvia. The tridents came down on the frozen and stone snakes being that the tridents destroyed them. It also destroyed the stone bridge being that the group began to plum into the molten lava below.

Juvia blinked as she said,"Sorry you guys.". Zane shrugged with him making a cloud appear under him and his group. Dante touched the cloud with him saying,"Wow. This takeover is pretty cool. It beats that one you used on our modeling job.". "So what about Lewis?" said Levy. "Honestly, he'll be fine. I mean I did blast him with a giant fireball so being burned alive by lava/magma is like nothing to him." said Zane, smiling cheekily. 

As this was going on, Lewis fell into the pit and made a splash. After a few seconds, he stood up waist deep in lava. "Huh. He looks fine to me." said Dante. "Yeah. His clothes were made with a special type of fabric that can resist the elements. Lewis may be an idiot but at least, he knows to pick the right clothing for a volcano." said Zane. The oldest being in the cavern tightened his fists and glared at Zane mainly.

It may have been Juvia who broke the bridge but who has always stopped his plans for power and Omniversal domination by insulting him at every turn? Waves of gold Animus irradiated off him. "Wow. He's really mad. Does that happen a lot with your villains?" said Juvia. "Yeah. I piss people off fast. It's because I either say something to get them mad." said Zane. "Dam you Zane! Even after all this time, you're a pain in my ass!" said Lewis.

Zane shrugged as he said,"I'll stop being one if you decided to give your evil ways.". "You won't foil this plan! Snakes of the magma, destroy them!" yelled Lewis. The den of at least three hundred Magmamires in the cavern ceased their mining and surrounded our heroes. Angered roars emanated from them as fire exhaled from their nose. Their dark red eyes glowed with blazing fury as they honed in on the four.

Levy groaned lightly with her body tremble in growing fatigue. With this large amount of Lewis's snakes around her, her magic power was being depleted again. Zane saw this with him knowing that he had to do something quick. Storm Form may be one of his best forms overall but compared to the Primes, he was just a frog in a large pond. He could do it with Storm Form but he would need to hit them hard and fast. "There is so many of them." said Levy.

Zane said,"Focus. The plan is the way to win. I take care of their magic absorbing and you guys destroy them.". "Do you honestly think you stop all of these snakes before our magic is completely drained?" said Zane. "Yes. They want me dead since Lewis hates me more than anything but I've handled a lot of enemies at once using one form. Let me show you." said Zane. He deactivated Storm Form but kept the cloud, turning into Thermal Form and glowing bright purple.

He was now Thermal Prime. Zane now look to be twelve feet tall with a more muscular frame. His body is now made out of obsidian black volcanic rocks that took the shape of armor. Any part of his body ,that wasn’t covered by his rock like armor, reveals his skin being a blood red color with streaks of white mimicking veins.  His head is now covered in half flames and half ice with his skull sticking out. His skull is now made out of the same stone as his body.

His left wrist is covered in fire and his right wrist is covered by ice. His elbow still has large blades protruding from them. He now wears steel bands around his arms and legs. He’s still wearing his sleeveless black motorcycle vest which reveals his ice like ribs. He wears black gloves, pants, and boots. The big eye-catcher was the two long, red and white bio-organic metal cannons sticking out from his shoulders. "Thermal Prime!" said Zane.  

Dante, Juvia, and Levy stared at the large hybrid creature in awe and intrigue. This form reminded Levy of Gray and Natsu if they decided to work together. Lewis took a step back being that he knew the strength of a Prime Form. He shook out of his fear with him glaring at Zane. "Change into any form you want Zane but your friends will be drained of their magic. I'll rule the Omniverse and you'll be dead!" said Lewis.

The snake clan let out earsplitting roars before charging at the group. "Okay. You guys really need to chill out." said Zane. "Really?" said Dante. "According to Sly, being a hero means you need to make bad jokes." said Juvia. As she said this, the cloud that she and the other two wizards moved into the air. Zane aimed both of his cannons in front of him. The cannons instantly fired out two beams of ice from them.

Upon the ice hitting the magma snakes, they instantly turned into igneous rocks. Zane shifted his feet together with him releasing out a stream of fire from them, launching them into the air. He began to spin, firing several beams of ice at the magma snakes. The subzero temperature was so cold being that it froze all of the magma in the pit. Due to Lewis being inside of the magma, the sorcerer's lower body was trapped in rock and caused him to shiver. 

In two seconds flat, the entire den of Magmamires were all frozen and turned into rocks. As Zane stopped firing his ice beams, he landed on the ground and he said while his cannons having an icy mist coming out both of them,"And that's why they call me the coolest son of a bitch in the Nine Realms so what's next?". There was a icy mist billowing through the entire cavern which now had a igneous rock in the pit.

The wizard trio's mouth gaped with shock and looked at Zane with wide eyes. A second later, the bookworm closed her eyes and shook her head. She smiled as she said,"I think without any doubt in my mind, Gray would definitely envy you right now.". "Like he doesn't already but don't forget about Hatchling. Thermal Form isn't just a massive ice machine." said Zane, covering his hands in flames.

Lewis was shaking slightly and stared right at Thermal Form in fear. "Dam you Zane. Even after all of this time, you always interrupt my plans. Burning away the Fountain of Youth! Freezing away my Magmamires!" said Lewis. "Zane. Do you mind if we take it from here?" said Dante. "Sure. Go nuts you crazy kids." said Zane, making an ice recliner and he sat in it. Dante smiled as he rushed toward a handful of Magmamires and sliced right through them. He did this with his sword still sheathed.    

Juvia swung her left arm as she said,"Water Slicer!". Several sharp blades of water appeared and they shattered through a good majority of rock snake. Levy pulled out of her weapon and destroyed the rest of them. "No. I will not suffer another defeat to him again!" thought Lewis. An idea popped into his mind but he would need to keep Zane busy. He made his steel gauntlet appear but there were two of them now.

He put both of them on his hands and made several shards of Bruorenite appear in front of him. He knew that his immense magic power would be kept from being drained due to the steel gauntlets on him. "It's a good thing these things taste like rock candy." said Lewis, eating them. After swallowing them, Lewis's blue eyes glowing gold. The black stone that trapped him from the waist down began to crack and molten once again.

Without any warning, a pillar of magma blasted out and encased him. The wizards and superhero looked at the triggered General Necrosis who was in a obelisk of molten rock. "Me thinks we made him mad. I really should cool him down." said Zane. "Mind if I help out?" said Dante as his swords had an icy frost coming off it. "Sure. I don't see why not." said Zane. "There is one thing that you should know about me, pretenders!" said Lewis.

Zane looked at him with him saying,"I'm pretty sure that everyone knows that you do all of this just because you're compensating for your magic wand.". "Not that! And you shut up! I'm not an easy opponent like Bimbo was or is!" said Lewis. He outstretched his left arm and he said,"Arise from the depths of the Dread Dimension! Obsidian Baboon!". After casting the spell, magma and fire erupted around him.

The molten rock began taking the shape of an enormous Baboon which was made completely out of magma. It's lengthy body took up about 45% of the vast cavern. It's mouth was full ,from top to bottom, with glowing, sharp solid magma like teeth. Streams of lava went out from the nostrils on its face and had crimson red eyes. The rather strange thing about this creature was its long, massive arms with four sharp, glowing solid magma like fangs. I mean it really stick out on the giant creature.

Dante, Juvia, and Levy gasped lightly with them taking a worried step back and looking at the new creature in shock. It was very similar to the Magmamires except bigger. However, Zane had a very different opinion of the Obsidian Baboon. "Huh. You know something you guys. I've seen Lewis's spells before but none of them have been this cool." said Zane. This earned him an annoyed look from Dante, Juvia, and Levy.

Zane saw them looking at him with him saying,"I'm not going to say that I'm wrong you guys. I have known him for over five hundred years and his spells have been lame ever since I met him when I was eighteen years old. This baboon here is just a bigger mammal version of our good friends the Magmamires except without the magic absorbing properties I think. Don't know yet. This is a new spell for him. I'm happy to see him evolve and change with the times.".

The lava primate picked its hexagon shaped head, focusing its deadly eyes on the prey and seethed at the group ferociously. It split open its mouth ,looking painfully, and fired out a very compact magma torrent directly at the group. Zane grabbed his group and teleport away in a burst of ice, evading the attack. Upon the magma hitting the ground, it erupted into an inferno. There was burning rocks and fire everywhere around the point of impact.

The group returned with Levy saying with an annoyance glance,"Do you still think that creature is cool Zane?". "Honestly, I think it's cool too. I mean it's trying to kill us but it's made out of magma and shooting magma from its mouth. What part of that doesn't sound cool?" said Dante, earning a sigh from Levy. Without any warning, the water woman felt a wave of weakness wash over her. It was so strong that it made her kneel. She ground her teeth, closing her eyes tight.

The baboon had the same magma absorbing abilities as the smaller serpents but much faster than before. "Um you guys! It's absorbing our magic!" said Juvia. Zane looked at how much pain his partner was in and knew that he had to act. The magma baboon cocked back its left arm and intended to bitch slap Zane. However, Zane easily dodged the attack by flying upwards and blasting it in the face with an ice beam.

Upon hitting the ice hitting the baboon, the primate roared in anger. The giant primate turned and shifted its eyes on the wizards. Dante held his sword being that he was protecting Juvia and Levy who had their magic being absorbed by the baboon. Lewis knew that his massive spell could absorb Ethernano from the atmosphere and wizards but the latter of which was a bit different compared to the Magmamire.

The Magmamire could absorb more than two wizards Ethernano at the same time but the Obsidian Baboon can only absorbed up to two wizards Ethernano at once. Kinda sucks but this primate could absorb Ethernano faster than the serpents. Seeing an opportunity, it honed in on the wizards and charged across the ground toward her. Zane growled and ran at speeds. Lewis saw this coming with him summoning ten baker dozens of Magmamires around Zane.

The fire/ice being glared right at them being that he heard,"Don't worry man! You handle those snakes. I got this!". The magma primate split open its mouth once again and fired another torrent of magma. Dante grinned with him saying,"Time for you to chill out!". He unsheathed his sword being that upon doing this, a giant wave of ice and snow came rushing out of him. Upon the magma and ice collided midway, the former turned into rock.

The snow blasted through the newly formed rock and struck the magma primate in the mouth. It cried out in agony before the subzero blast traveled throughout its body. This attack turned the giant primate into a statue of igneous rock. Juvia and Levy felt their magic returned to them as they looked at Dante. His head is covered in an ice helmet with it being a shark shape. His arms are covered by gold gauntlets that goes up to his elbows.

They have silver markings that form a snowy tundra. The gauntlets have a single katana blade sticking out of them with it being rather sharp. His sword ,which is named Arctic Justice, is a katana with it having a rectangular bronze tsuba with a water droplet design to it with a dark blue handle and sheath. "Ready to go ladies?" said Dante. Juvia nodded as she said,"Hang on.". She covered Dante in a large stream of water and threw him toward the snake.

His katana was covered in a thick layer of frost with Dante yelling. He spun around and sliced the giant rock in half with an ice wave. The stone primate was covered in a huge ice cube being that it crashed into the ground. This send ice and rock fragments in every direction. Dante landed next to the girls with Juvia saying,"So do you still think that it's cool Dante?". "Yeah I do Juvia. Ice pun aside for a moment. not going to ask Zane that question?" said Dante.

Levy looked at the ice explosion that probably came from her boyfriend with her saying,"His answer is pretty obvious. After we fought against Phantom Lord, he admit that Phantom Lord won in one fight against Fairy Tail. It was having a better guild hall.". "Let me guess. Prude Knight didn't like that. I heard that you fairies really hate when you diss their guild like that." said Dante. "Wow. My nickname for her travels. Sweet." said Zane, landing next to them. 

Meanwhile, Lewis was still standing in the middle of a pillar of hot, scorching magma and it had his gold Animus around it. The immortal Sorcerer took off his steel gauntlets and tossed them aside. The metal melted upon leaving Lewis's body. He made two balls of Bruorenite appear and he closed his eyes. He began to mutter a complicated enchantment in a bizzare and unknown language. I'll give you a hint. It's name starts with L and it's been mentioned in Fairy Legion before.

Lewis paused when he saw his enemies running toward him, stopping twenty five yards in front of him. "How about you give up General?! I mean have you ever once won against me? Your supply of Burorenite are long gone and we'll just keep beating down your heated minions. So give up and I'll make sure you get a cell not next to Bimbo! Pretty nice if you ask me." said Zane, aiming his cannons at him.

Dante pointed his freezing sword straight at him with him saying,"I really think you should listen to him. I mean I may not know the history between you two but I'll support Zane.". Lewis began to laugh like an supervillain and his eyes glowing gold. "So is this the typical supervillain laugh?" said Levy. "I consider it the normal laughter but to me, I've heard more of that laughter and find it more attractive than a snort! I'll tell you hwhat." said Zane.

Lewis smiled as he said,"I'm afraid that you've been greatly fooled pretender. Mt. Hasador is filled to the brim with Burorenite! This cavern only has a small amount and as for my minions, they were just the start of what I'm about to make!". Lewis held tightly onto the crystals with the group looked at him strange. "Um. I have to ask this but why are you holding onto those rocks? Aren't they going to drain your magic as well?" said Juvia.

Zane shrugged as he said,"Well Juvia, I've been hitting him on the head a lot over the years so he isn't the smartest being around.". "You fools! If one can focus enough Impulse directly into it, you'll get the full power of the magic inside of it!" said Lewis. The crystals in Lewis's hands illuminated brightly for a moment before shattering. All of the stored Ethernano went into Lewis's body, making him shine brighter and the heat came off in a high amount.

Levy took a step back, holding her weapon in front of her. "So do you guys know what's going on? I think the heat coming off him is like a volcano!" said Levy. Crisis Judgement went off, forcing Zane to get serious. "Me thinks that I've pissed off Lewis a lot." said Zane. Lewis clasped his hands together and talking n an unknown language to the Fiore wizards but Zane knew it as Liasada."Emperor of the molten pit. Awaken from the pits of the Dread Dimension and merge with me!" said Lewis.

The ground began to shake as the magma pillar engulfing Lewis growing large and hotter. "What the fuck is that fool doing?! He isn't a Magnus like me and Salem! Using Liasada like that will kill him despite being immortal!" said Zane. Lewis gave Zane and his group a sinister smile with his eyes burning with power and sadism. "Now Legion Zero and pals. You're about to face your doom by my hands! Arise Magmaviathan!" said Lewis.

Upon finishing this, the cavern was engulfed in bright, red light and extreme heat. Instinctively, the duo of Dante and Zane went into action. "Glacier Mosque!" said Dante. He began to create a thick dome of ice around him, the girls, and Zane. Zane fired beams of ice from his cannons and hands to enhanced the ice's durability as the eruption of heat would have melted Dante's spell. The ground was shaking around them, causing parts of the ceiling to collapse on them.

After a moment, the intense light and shaking stopped. Zane removed the ice barrier around them using a simple fire beam. Upon leaving the dome of ice, the group's eyes widened as something different was in Lewis's place. The wizards had expression of horror on their faces and Zane was neutral. "Meh. I've seen and been bigger." said Zane, shrugging. Standing before there was a sixty six foot/20 meters tall monster.

It's a quadrupedal crab like creature with eight crab-like legs. It's body was comprised of magma and obsidian igneous rock. It's upper body was immense, its two arms gigantic, and has large, sharp claws on its hands. It's back had several volcano like appendages that was spewing out magma onto the creature's back. Its feet were two toed. It's face is rhino like but seemingly missing the signature horn and gold eyes shined bright.   

The cave could contain the magma Goliath but if it was a little bigger, it would destroy the cave just due to its size. Juvia and Levy only guessed that Lewis was somewhere inside of the creature. Lewis had full control of the Goliath being that he could see, hear, and feel everything that it could. The beast looked down at the dumbfounded wizards and disinterested superhero. The creature opened its mouth where they could see a myriad of sharp teeth and the magma blazing inside of it.

Zane blinked with him saying,"Oh my. What big teeth you've got.". "I'm not going to respond to that. Feast your eyes upon the Emperor of Magma Magmaviathan!" said Lewis. His voice began to thunder being that the creature's mouth didn't move when it talked. Lewis's voice got infused with a evil, baritone voice. It threw up its arms and let out a deafening roar. It shook the entire cave with sections of the roof to fall. However, the cavern didn't crumple away.  

The remaining ice from from earlier attacks ,that managed to survive the earlier heat waves, melted away from the heat produced by the beast known as the Magmaviathan. The wizards stepped back and continued to stare in astonishment at the molten creature. Zane didn't since he had seen many weird things through his entire life and had taken down many gods. "Okay. This is pretty awesome more than frightening. Reminds me of a Qlakrik I fought once." said Zane.  

His team didn't respond being that all of them stared up at the flaming monster in shock. The heat and magic energy coursing off of this beast was impressive. Dante snapped back to normal and held his sword high. He had faced down one of Zeref's creature before this thing being that it went by the name of Jackal. He did have Iron Rock Jura by his side but having two powerful people like Juvia and Zane at his side gave his confidence. However, fate had other plans.

Juvia cried out as she felt exhaustion hit her like a wrecking ball. A sheen of sweat raced down her face with her eyelids getting heavier. "Juvia!" shouted a worried Zane. "My magic power. I think it's getting drained by that thing." said a weak Juvia. Zane turned to Dante and Levy, both feeling the same thing as Juvia. "Well, I guess I'm out for the count. Wish I could have done more but you got this man." said Dante. "You got this because you're a real hero....." said Levy.

She fell to the ground face-forward unconscious with Dante and Juvia following right after her in a pattern. "Dante! Juvia! Levy!" yelled Zane. Seeing that they were down, Zane turned to the fusion of Lewis and Magmaviathan, making the Demon Stare appear. Zane was always one for making jokes to his enemies but seeing his teammates go down like that forced him to get serious. It also reminded him of a certain event in his past and yes, I'm constantly bringing it up.

It really did scare him for life being that we'll see that soon in Zero and in Fairy Legion. Zane stood in front of them protectively and he said with detemination,"You're going down Lewis! Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Hailstone Restraining Parade! But wait, there's more! There is Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Zealous Anger!". Zane began freezing all of the water around him.

It was slowly forms into several crystals ,in the shape of swords, appearing around him. Zane moves his hand down, with the the swords go fly toward the giant. They were moving an incredible speed being that as this went on, Zane began casting his second spell. Zane combines his hands together in front of him like he's praying. Upon finishing this prayer, the skies darkened with the air getting much colder.

Lewis ignored this being that his legs was getting frozen. To add more cold power, Zane fired ice beams from his hands and cannons with him breathing out a blizzard. The beams formed together with the blizzard making it looking bigger. The ice swords move toward Lewis as well. Lewis held up his left arm to block the cold attacks. However, large and sharp shards of ice rain down on top of him hurting badly.

Parts of his body was cooled to the point of stone. You may think that Zane was trying to freeze him away but you would be wrong. The ice that formed melted away with the flames on the creature grew in strength. "Fool! You cannot defeat the Emperor of Magma with mere ice!" said Lewis. "You do know who you're talking to right. I mean I've defeated Emperors before so you're not special whatsoever." said Zane, shrugging. 

The magma Goliath held up his left hand as a barrage of magma sphere came rushing out. Zane was able to easily dodge the molten projectile. Lewis made his hand follow Zane, continued to blast more molten balls at the hero. However, Lewis know how agile Zane was even when he's in his bulky and not agile looking forms. "You should know me that I'm just full of surprises such as this!" said Zane, turning into Water Form but it was short lived. Zane was now Water Prime.

He dived forward to avoid a magma sphere, launching himself forward toward Lewis using two streams of water from his feet. Zane was behind the monster, sliding on the ground a few meters. He released four stream of water toward his hands and cannons while also firing the organic rocket as well. The monster's back was turned into stone being that Crisis Judgement went off. Several magma spheres came firing out of the volcanoes on Lewis's back.

Zane jumped away from them, moving around using streams of water and pushing him from side to side. Lewis turned toward Zane, firing another bombardment of magma spheres. Zane dove to his left being that the ground where Zane once was erupted in a series of fiery explosions. "Lewis! My overcooked pal! Come up with something new than the Magmaball Soup over here!" said Zane in an Italian accent.

Zane made chutes of water to surf around the creature. If you need an example, think how Frozone moves in Incredible and you got what Zane is doing. Lewis turned Zane, firing torrents of magma from his palms. Zane outmaneuver the torrents by jumping in the air. "See? You can do more than one thing and people say that you're a one spell shaman." said Zane. Zane circled around the magma creature, dodging all of the projectiles firing at him with ease.

This only pissed Lewis off. "Dam you Zane! Stay still and accept your demise like a man!" said Lewis, firing a massive stream of magma from its mouth. "And in the countless centuries we've known each other, when have I ever once done that?! You've told that exact line to me before as well Lewis. Me thinks that you need to come up with new villain quotes and attacks." said Zane with him dodging the massive magma stream. 

Lewis concentrated and drastically increased the heat of the ground in front of Zane. This turned into a magma pit. Zane smirked with him launching himself into the air and fired his rocket at the pit. The pit was changed back to stone thanks to getting blasted by a huge explosion of water at once. After that, Zane landed on the ground and looked up at Lewis. "So are you done having an tantrum Lewis? Because I'm done with you." said Zane, aiming his cannons on him.

The magma Goliath roared with him opening his mouth wide and firing a powerful beam of magma onto Zane. "Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Colossal Torrent and Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Ocean Trident Rocket!" said Zane. He make a sphere of water appear in his hands with it slowly growing in size by the second. Upon reaching the right size being the size of a double decker bus, Zane pushes the sphere toward Lewis.

The amount of water that the sphere has is equal to several oceans. Before the sphere could hit the magma beam, Zane summoned a giant amount of water to completely cover his entire body spinning around him like a medium sized tornado. He launched himself toward Lewis at the speed of going up a waterfall. Inside of the water, Zane's fists are extended in front of him and the water around Zane formed a giant drill. When the two elemental forces collided an accumulation of steam was produced.

The sphere of water was the main reason for them being in a steam cave and clashing with the magma beam by itself. This clash lasted for a good period of time, neither element gaining any real traction against the other. Seeing that this bath was going nowhere, Zane began to aim his cannons downwards and launched him over the sphere of water. He went flying toward Lewis being that he was unable to defend himself from a calamitous full body attack in the face.

This caused the magma creature to roar out in pain and deactivated his magma beam. The sphere of water turned the remaining magma into stone and slammed into Lewis. The entire creature was covered in water and sent him back. "You dare hurt me?!" said Lewis. "You're seriously asking me that question?" said Zane, launching himself back to the ground below. He aimed his cannons at the creature's feet and instead of water, he fired a ray of ice.

This caused the surrounding area to be covered in an ice chunk. "You could say that I learned that from my friend Gray but I'm sure I've done that before now." said Zane. He closed his eyes with him thinking,"Okay. I need to keep him busy for a bit with a combo of ice and water. This is for the townspeople and the others sake. I won't lose anyone close to me ever again.". "Ocean Emperor Absolute Method: Poseidon Manifestation!" said Zane.

Zane gathered ten massive ,about twenty feet long and wide, water sprouts go around his right arm making it growing over forty feet in size. After gathering up the water, it begins to spin faster and faster being very much like a whirlpool. He launched it toward Lewis, pushing him back a few feet in the other direction and soaked him from head to toe. While Lewis was stunned, Zane said,"Time to put you on ice. Permafrost Emperor Absolute Method: Alabaster Glacier Branch!".

Zane gathers a huge amount of frost ,with it slowly forming into ice, and he cross his arms in an x-pattern. The ice slowly forms into several ice ,sharp, branches which Zane can control. He sent them all toward Lewis, piercing through his stone like body. Lewis screamed upon each ice branch piercing him. Zane snapped his fingers with the branches all exploding creating a giant explosion of ice. It can be seen from all around being that it makes a giant ice tree.

Lewis’s skin becomes blue and shivered with cold while being trapped inside of a large iceburg. The magma in the cave had turned into stone as an icy mist coming off the rock. Zane began to breath heavily with him saying,"Forgot how much that spell drains my power reserves. I got more than enough to handle Lewis if he breaks out but right now, I need to get them out of here.". Zane turned and ran toward his team who was lying face-down on the ground, breathing lightly.

Zane deactivated Water Prime with him being back to normal. He went over to Levy while making two clones holding Dante and Juvia. Zane flipped Levy onto her back and got in front of her. He placed his right hand behind her head and left arm on the middle of her back, gently helping her back up. Zone 1 and 2 did this for Juvia and Dante respectively. "Levy!" said Zane with a bit amount of concern and anxiety filling his voice.

Her eyes were still closed and barely breathing. "Please wake up Levy." said Zane. "Should we not mention that Dante and Juvia are the same as Levy?" said Zone 2. "Shut up." said Zone 1. "No. I can't have this happen to another person I love! I can't! I can't!" said Zane, shaking like nothing else. The clones could easily tell that this whole thing was being reminded of the Massacre and me constantly reminding you of that won't stop happening any time soon.    

A soft groan came from Levy with her eyes fluttering open. When her brown eyes opened about half way, the Cross-Species immortal felt his Essence just stop while his eyes widened. In the places of his two clones, Dante, Juvia, Levy, and the frozen Lewis, he saw something else. There were six girls being held in six giant skeletal hand. Two girls had blond hair, one girl had blue hair, one girl had brown hair, one girl had green hair, and one girl had silver hair.

One of the blond had blue eyes while the other blond had green eyes. The blue haired girl had orange eyes. The brunette had brown eyes. The greenette had brown eyes. The silver haired girl had green eyes. All of them looked bruised with two of them having half their skin melting, two of them had half of their skin turning into dust, and the other two were being crushing into paste. Despite all of the pain they were feeling, they were looking at him with affectionate eyes.

When Levy's eyes opened completely, the first thing she saw was Zane. He had his left arm wrapped around her back and his right hand behind her head. Due to how close they were, the blue haired bookworm couldn't suppress the crimson blush on her cheeks. After that, it was then she noticed that Zane was staring at her but was in a trance and tormented look on his face. If he wasn't holding her at the moment, she was sure that his hand would be over his left eye. 

She remembered how Zane was like this yesterday and she said,"Zane.". Zane blinked being that the image vanished and replaced by a concerned Levy. "Oh Levy. Are you okay?" said Zane, snapping out of his daze. "Yeah. My magic is coming back but slower. Are you okay Zane?" said Levy, sitting back up. Zane smiled being that it didn't take the power of Women Intuition to tell that this smile was forced. "Yeah. I'm fine. No need to worry." said Zane.     

Levy would have asked him if he was thinking about the Massacre until she heard a loud crack behind her. Her eyes opened to see the giant ice cube that contained Lewis inside. It was like a scorpion Popsicle being that you really shouldn't try to free the creature inside. "Good job Zane. That ice must be shielding us from Lewis's magic absorbing abilities." said Levy. Suddenly, a loud crack echoed through the cavern.

The couple saw a few cracks forming in the ice cube, tiny traces of steam coming out. "And it didn't hold for too long like I expected." said Zane. Levy was about to respond until she noticed something about their current situation. Zane had his hand behind her head and his other arm around her back. It caused a tint of pink to flush her cheeks. "Zane. You're still holding me." said a nervous Levy. "Oh. I guess I am. Want kiss?" said Zane, smirking.

Levy looked at him with him sighing. "Fine. You used to be fine. What changed?" said Zane, moving his hands away. He stood up with him holding out his right hand and he said,"Need a hand?". Levy took his hand and Zane helped her to her feet. She was still felt a little weak. However thanks to her training with Zane, she got the strength to stand back up. Her training was actually pretty nice and not intense unlike the training Gray and Natsu gets much to their jealously.

The couple's attention returned to the ice chunk which was cracking apart faster by the second. "This isn't good Zane. When he breaks free, our magic will absorb again." said Levy. She looked at the still unconscious Dante and Juvia who were being held by the Zones. "The reason why those two are still out cold is because Lewis wanted to make sure that he gets the stronger wizards first. I also think he'll be mad at ME for freezing him again." said Zane.

As he was saying this, his brain was coming up with a possible solution and one solution came up to his mind. "I have an idea. But for it to work, I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" said Zane with him turning to Levy. "Yeah. I trust you. What are you thinking?" said Levy. She watched him make a dark indigo colored spiral like portal and Zane said,"You and the others need to get leave so I can go all out on this guy.". Levy looked at Zane with her saying,"You're serious aren't you?".

Zane smiled as he said, Yeah. I'll be fine okay? Don't worry. Lewis may be extremely powerful right now but I defeated him before plus second, the frozen demon, and the joke tree demon.". Levy easily noticed that unlike the last smile that he had on his face, it was authentic. "Stay safe okay Zane? I'm not the only person who doesn't want you to die." said Levy, hugging him. Zane returned the hug with him saying,"Yeah. I'm not dying any time soon.". 

The Zones walked into the portal with Levy looking at Zane. He made his Hyperion Mail being that she heard about this armor from Mira and how he activated it. It was after hearing about one of his villains Bimbo capturing herself, Kaida, and Sly. She really shouldn't be shocked by her boyfriend's ability to change into strange looking things. "Zane. So this armor of yours, is it like the Armadura Fairy? That's one of Erza's armors by the way." said Levy.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Um. I guess so but my armor is way stronger than hers and why the hell didn't she use it on me during our fight?". "Beats me." said Levy. "This armor represents the bonds I have with Team Legion Zero. I can make it better but you need to leave right now like I promise. I can't really hold back when I use this armor." said Zane. Levy nodded as she ran into the portal and closed right behind her.   

As the portal closed, the sounds of the ice cube cracking caught his attention. He saw Lewis glowing red and even more steam was pouring out from the expanding cracks in the ice. In a very limited amount of time, Lewis was going to bust his way out. "Okay. I really need to bring out the big guns on this one and hopefully, I can restore the volcano." said Zane. Cracking noises echoed throughout the cavern once again. 

Zane turned his head to see a spider-web pattern of cracks across the ice chunk as steam and water poured out of them. The ice instantly shattered into pieces and Lewis was free. "Dam you Zane! I'll end your pathetic life!" roared Lewis violently while the crimson flames around him intensified. "I get that you're mad but since you're all powered up, let me do the same." said Zane with him crossed his arm ,forming the shape of an X" in front of him.

Zane's body was pulsating rapidly with him slowly surrounded by several glowing energy spheres which materialize from out of nowhere. They floated in the air around him. The spheres are either colored black, crimson red, dark indigo, molten gold, steel gray, and turquoise. Lewis could feel a powerful source of energy coming and radiating off from Zane. Even with his god like power, every fiber of his being was telling him to run away and hide. Lewis wasn't going to run. 

He wanted Zane dead after the almost millennium of Zane messing up his plans. "Time to awaken my full potential. I am the Emperor who will not let anything stop me from protecting those who I treasure dearly. Within me, infinite power and dreams are there and give me strength to fight those who would hurt the innocent. I am the Savior of the Omniverse that I swear to protect! Let me show you the power that breaks all limits! Emperor Mail!” said Zane. 

During the chant, Zane was slowing changing. He is still wearing the black bodysuit alongside his plated dragon armor being that it looks to be more organic than before and looks to be crimson red and steel gray armor. It looks more bulky without losing its speed in the process. His shoulders are covered by two layers of thick armor curved shoulder padding. They now have two cannon in the areas between Zane’s neck and shoulder pads. It keeps the same appearance as before.

He grows a second set of dragon wings with all four wings having a cannon on them. Two cannons are under his armor and the chest looks to be the most different being that it was a cluster of enclosed armor. He still has the rocket booster like propulsion and his helmet are the same. His tail looks the same except now, he has four obsidian black ,spade like, prongs at the end. Zane released a giant burst of energy that was violently destroys everything in its way and light up the entire area. 

It was creating larger than normal shockwaves and waves of pressure. It was felt for miles around Zane. The area around Zane is covered in a crater and his aura emits a fiery spirit that emanates both energy and passion. "This is going to be good. I've been wanting to kick your annoying ass for a very long time now and the Emperor Mail can do just that." said Zane, cracking his knuckles. "You dare speak of the Magma Emperor with such chutzpah?! Burn!" said Lewis. 

The magma Goliath formed a large magma sphere in his hands and threw it straight at him. Zane easily avoided the attack by moving his wings and activated the rocket booster like propulsion. It shot out molten gold/steel gray energy after burner and blasted him forward. After that attack failed, the magma Goliath fired a volley of magma spheres at Zane. With amazing speed, Zane outmaneuvered the molten projectiles. "Arcanum Skydive!" said Zane.  

While dodging Lewis's attack, Zane aimed his hands toward him and a giant ring appeared in front of Lewis. He fired several types of energy beams ,with them being several types of energies ranging from Animus to Mojo plus every other type of energy that Zane controls, from his body being that all of them are aimed right toward the empty part of the ring. He flew toward the ring with him going right through the center of it and his body is covered in a massive energy aura. 

He few high into the air, coming down onto his target. During his flight down, Zane was spinning like a drill and coming down like a meteor. Upon making impact with Lewis, it make a massive explosion which shook the cavern. Lewis threw up his head and roared in pain. "And this is why I love using Emperor Mail. It makes my enemies hate me." said Zane. "I'll melt you alive Alvarez!" yelled Lewis with him glaring at Zane.

Zane shrugged with him saying,"Meh. I've heard that from Basalt before. Stealing material from him of all beings? That's sad.". In a fit of anger, Lewis exhaled a huge magma torrent at Zane. Zane easily dodged the steam of molten rock being fired at him. He increased his altitude and reached the top of the cavern. He looked down at the magma Goliath with him saying while aiming his cannons at the fiery creature and sounding like Al Pacino,"Say hello to my little friends!".   

The cannons discharged a barrage of steel gray energy blasts being that they easily struck Lewis's body from top to bottom. It penetrated his magma skin and left multiple holes in his body. Magma began seeping out of him with Lewis roaring in pain. During this, Zane descended from the roof and began moving faster. He circled around the sorcerer and unleashed another onslaught of energy blasts. The projectiles caused significant damage since Lewis's body is still rock.

It may be molten rock but molten rock ,to an uninformed person like myself, is still rock. Lewis tried to swipe him down with his giant arms but he wasn't exactly the fastest thing around. Due to Zane being out of his range, Lewis roared in fury. "I have had enough of you!" said Lewis. "But we're still fighting since someone decided to invoke a chant in Liasada. I mean you know what happens to a Sorcerer when they case Liasada." said Zane. 

Instead of responding, magma burst from the ground and surrounded the beast. The power around the transformed sorcerer increased. "You'll die by my burning wrath!" said Lewis. "Again! You are stealing from Basalt! If he had Omniversal copyright like I do, his lawyers would be on here like bears to honey!" said Zane. Lewis made two torrents of magma appear being that they fused together to create a bigger blast of magma. For a normal person, they wouldn't be able to dodge it.  
However, Zane isn't normal. Zane made two long glowing crimson red rapier-like blades extend from his wrists. He rushed toward the giant magma stream and went into it like a fish to water. The entire cave was drenched in the molten substance being that Lewis smiled sadistically and chuckle like a mad man. He watched Zane jump into the molten substance ,without making a cannonball in the extremely heat, like an idiot.   

Lewis's eyes widened exponentially when he saw a white glow coming from the magma and when the magma touched the white glow, it disappeared. Zane flew in the air unharmed. "Impossible! You should have died!" yelled Lewis. "Um. You do know who I am right? I'm the superhero who does the impossible and as of recently, a member of Fairy Tail. They may be idiots but they're really good at doing the impossible like I am!" said Zane.

Zane rushed toward the giant, magma-skinned crab again. Lewis fired magma balls from his hands but Zane easily dodged in between every sphere coming his way. Upon getting close, Zane used his arm blades ,which was covered in a white glow, and sliced toward Lewis. Zane's attack struck his target, ripping into Lewis's molten hide and causing him a lot of pain. Lewis roared violently being that he knew this white aura all too well. It belonged to Zane's Predator State technique.   

To stop Zane from stealing his magic power which he stole in the first place, Lewis fired a stream of magma from his mouth. Zane smirked as he made himself go faster and the superhero looked like a crimson red and steel gray blur. Lewis looked in every direction, trying to get a hit on Zane but the Protector of Earth is well known for his speed. Zane reappear in front of Lewis's snout and turned his arms into a black and steel gray extremely dense and pressure-activated hammer.

He slammed the hammer right in his eyes and head. Lewis roared in pain, closing his eyes from the pain of the hammer. "I won't lose to you again especially when you're a member of a guild filled with pretenders!" yelled Lewis, clenching his fists. "Wow. You're still full of yourself even after I've defeated you how many times now. Whatever, lets get this over with. I need a hot spring bath right now." said Zane, tired with him.  

Zane flew toward the magma Goliath and unleashed another round of slashes. Crisis Judgement went off as a column of magma erupted from the ground below Lewis. Zane was sent back by this with him blinking. "Okay. That was hot." said Zane. The heat in the room was becoming a bit too much as the rocks began to become molten. The cave shook as a pillar of magma exploded from the ground beneath Lewis.

The armor wearing hero noticed the sheer amount of heat coursing around the giant lizard. "So why are you getting so cranky? I mean you're becoming hot hot hot." said Zane. "You left me with no other choice." said Lewis. "Beside giving up?" said Zane. "No you brat! To ensure my conquest of the Omniverse, I'll bring life back to Mt. Hasador!" said Lewis. Under his helmet, Zane's eyes got a serious look on them.

Upon hearing this, Zane said,"You're a fucking moron Lewis. If you activate this volcano, all of the innocent people of Grimcroft Spas will die!". "You know that the only thing I care about in the Omniverse is myself! If people died, I don't care." said Lewis. After hearing this, he clenched his teeth in fury being that he despised people who would kill innocent people without any doubt just to achieve those goals.

He may have got ridden of his naivete about how the Omniverse works a long time ago but people like Lewis made him sick to his stomach. "You're not going to win! You hear me, magma breath! You're going down!" yelled Zane in an angry tone. "Screw you Alvarez!" said Lewis. He fired an incredible steam of magma at Zane. Zane flew high to avoid the attack and hovered in the air for a moment. The situation just got worse.          

If he didn't do anything right now, Mt. Hasador would be reactivated. Grimcroft Spas and the entire area would be flooded with magma and choked to death. Everything and everyone would die being that he wouldn't let someone he loved die in front of him. Unlike the Massacre, Lewis wasn't going to be spared with his wrath. Zane smirked as multiple massive pieces of metals ,which look to match the armor's colors, magnetically levitated around him.

They slowly formed into cannons and Zane's arms also turned into cannons. All of the cannons was slowly charging up energy. As this was going on, Zane's rocket booster like protrusion and wings fused together to create a giant energy absorbing panel. It was in the shape of a heater and round shield. Zane combined his arms cannons together, making a giant cannon in its place. The cannons that floated around Zane matched the giant cannon that covered Zane's hands. 

Zane turned toward Lewis, giving him a hard gaze. "I hope you're ready Lewis because I think it's time for you to learn your place!" said Zane. Lewis roared angrily and brought his hands together just like Zane. Upon doing this, he fired a immense blast of magma straight toward the superhero who didn't do a dam thing to dodge it. The pillar of molten rock smoothly flowed off Zane's body which shocked the Magma Emperor.

Lewis backed away with him saying,"What?! No! I'm the Magma Emperor! I cannot lose!". "You have never once won in your pathetic life. You've killed for power and satisfaction and have you done anything successful in your life? Oh well. I tried giving you to a chance but you didn't listen to me. I hope you're ready for a nice comfy cell next to Bimbo. I mean she likes you doesn't she?" said Zane with him smirking under his helmet. "No!!!!" said Lewis.

While mimicking Lewis's current voice, Zane said,"Yes! I will!! Say your prayers!". Zane fired the cannons being that all of the cannons fired massive beams of energy. During their travel toward Lewis, they combined into one massive beam. It easily dwarfed Zane in terms of size and looked to be fifty feet tall. Upon hitting Lewis directly, the monster man roared in pain and was covered in energy. It made a massive explosion. 

Outside, the townsfolk of Grimcroft Spas were on edge. It had been three hours since the last demon attack. As they were going on with their business, Dante was pacing back and forth. "So explain to me why you let Zane to fight that thing alone?!" said Dante. He turned to Juvia and Levy with the latter shrugging. Dante had woken up a few minutes earlier after his Zone dropped him on the ground and vanished. Juvia's Zone placed her gently on the ground before vanishing.

Juvia looked at Levy who said,"I couldn't stop him if I could Dante. According to Sly, Zane usually does stuff like this.". "But still Levy. I know that we couldn't do anything against Lewis since he can absorb our magic but........" said Dante. He was interrupted by the earth shaking and an audible boom thundered across the land. It startled everyone in the port town. Any people ,indoor or outdoor, turned their heads in the direction of the thunderous noise.

A black smoke ,mushroom shaped, cloud was coming out from the top of the massive volcano known as Mt. Hasador. Steel gray energy had lashed out from the cloud in random direction. At the peak of the cloud, there was an red object. Some people gazed in turmoil while others ,mainly the people who lived in town, looked on in horror that the not existent fear of Mt. Hasador had awakened after all of this time. The townspeople began to mingle and question each other on what just happening. 

At the top of the mushroom cloud, the remains of a giant, crab that was comprised of magma was getting hurdled high into the atmosphere. The blazing skin of the monster turned a solid black and was beginning to crumble away into tiny fragments. When the rock crab had completely broken apart and flying through the air was a green haired man wearing tattered clothes. Lewis Haynes let out a scream of terror as he ascended higher into the sky.

After reaching over a thousand feet into the air and touching the clouds, gravity decided to pick on poor Lewis. Lewis's girlish scream was amplified when the sorcerer figured out that he was going to nose dive straight into the ground below. He could use his Animus to make a platform to stop him from becoming a pancake but using that Liasada spell drained him of his Animus. As the seconds went by, the ground grew closer and closer while his scream grew louder.

The power-obsessed wizard closed his eyes, awaiting death. However just five feet before hitting the side of Mt. Hasador, a black and steel gray blur soared by and grabbed Lewis. The man was visibly trembling and his eyes weren't opening any time soon. Upon figuring out that he didn't become a pancake, he nervously opened his blue eyes to see that he was flying. "Hey buddy. Mind looking up already?" said Zane's voice. Lewis looked at Zane with him still wearing his Emperor Mail armor.   

Zane looked down at Lewis with his helmet showing a dark, scary look. "You lost Lewis. Surrender or else, I will make you learn your place." said Zane. Dread took over Lewis's expression from his near death moment and Zane's look. He passed out in fear with Zane saying,"And that's why I'm the best hero in the Omniverse.". "Yes you are but I have to ask even though I know the answer. Why do you quip?" said Twilight. "Because it's part of the job as a superhero." said Zane.

Back in town, a crowd of townsfolk had gathered in the courtyard in front of city hall. Some of them were nagging for answers to what caused that explosion and tremor combo. Most of them were jittery that Hasdor was about to erupt and not doing anything about it. On the top of a flight of obsidian stone stairs that led to this ostentatious building's entrance, Mayor Jeffery Soto stood on a podium to address his citizens.

The trio of Dante, Juvia, and Levy stood nearby him. "People, people. Please calm down. I can say without any doubt in my mind, the city has this under control." said Jeffery. Jeffery's charisma didn't soothe the crowd's fear whatsoever. People were talking with each other over the crowd. "Under control?!" shouted a man. "Magma snakes have been attacking the town for weeks now!" yelled a woman.

An angry senior citizen said,"Those serpents have been making fissures all over town and burning everything in their path! How in god good name is that keeping things under control!". "He has a point you know." said Dante. Juvia looked at him with her saying,"Dante. I doubt that he needs any more people questioning his judgement.". "Yeah but I don't want to look like his puppet." said Dante with Levy shaking her head. "We need to leave now! Mt. Hasdor is going to blow!" cried a woman.

A man groaned with him saying,"I knew that living in a town that has a volcano towering over it was a bad idea but no! My wife thought it would be a good idea. Dumb bitch.". "Won't someone please think of the children?!" said a voice. "People of Grimcroft, I promise you that Hasdor isn't going to erupt. It has been dormant for centuries and it was stay that way. I'm sure that there is a totally logical reason for this explosion." said Jeffery.

He turned toward the group of hired wizards, noticing that their most famous wizard was missing and he was well known for his destructive power. He questioned hiring Fairy Tail but he really need those snakes gone. Before someone decided to make this crowd into a rioting one, a noise filled everyone's ears. It sounded like a jet fighter and since the most technological that most people in this dimension knows is a train, they were confused. 

They looked around in confusion, wondering what could be causing the strange anomaly. A figure emerged from the sky and smoothly landed on Jeffery's right. People's eyes were bulging open and gasp emitting from the mass of people. Standing there was a young man, adorned in a black and steel gray armored suit. He was holding a green haired man who was bruised and charred from head to toe alongside his clothes looked like they were barely holding together.

Levy walked up to the armored figure with her knowing about Zane's Hyperion Mail and how it could get stronger. "Um Zane. Is that you?" said Levy, shocking Jeffery. Zane removed his helmet with his face looking different. Zane had heterochromia and his eyelids are like a reptilian slit. His left eye’s iris and pupil turn molten gold and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a flame like pattern to it.

His right eye’s iris and pupil turn steel gray and the eye’s sclera turns into a solid reddish black color with a lightning bolt like pattern to it. "Sup you guys. So why is everyone look at me weird? Are my nipples showing?" said Zane. "I think they're curious about the explosion at Mt. Hasdor. So did you and Lewis make it go boom?" said Dante. "I don't think they should worry about that. I mean it won't be happening for at least ten thousand years according to Athena's research." said Zane.

Zane stepped forward and stood in front of the crowd. "People of Grimcroft. You may know me as the Legion Void Knight. I can promise you that me and my friends have defeated those pesky snakes that made their beautiful town look well like craps. Oh and Prude Knight sucks." said Zane with his last comment earning a sigh from Levy. "Does he always take pot shots at Erza?" whispered Juvia with Dante not even trying to hold back at his laughter.

Levy nodded as the crowd and mayor began clapping for the wizards. "So did you destroy all of them Zane?" said Jeffery. "I can speak for Zane. He made those snakes his bitch. So why did you bring that guy with you?" said Dante. "To make the true culprit behind all of this destruction suffer in front of his peers. That's how the justice system works for some reason." said Zane. He held the unconscious Lewis up by the back of his shirt. 

Lewis groaned with Jeffery saying,"Lewis Haynes.". "You know him?" said Juvia, knowing about the sorcerer being from an alternative dimension. "Yes. For a few months now, he has been nothing but trouble for us. It's been nothing more than getting drunk and calling any wizard a pretender. I had a inkling that he was responsible for this but I thought he was a drunk and pathetic loser who didn't succeed at any point in his life." said Jeffery. This burn deserved an shocked celebration.

After that sick burn from the mayor, Zane began explain what happened in the pits of Hasdor and what Lewis was doing for the past couple of months. Zane did this using telepathy. Lewis had drunkenly stumbled onto Bruorenite which could absorb and store magic for itself. He used this mineral to create the magma snakes. He used said snakes to wreck havoc so the mayor would be forced to call wizards for air and Lewis use Bruorenite to absorb their magic. 

Zane left out the part about Lewis wanting to steal Grimgroft Soul. If it was made known that the Grimgroft Soul's power was the result of this powerful mineral, dark guilds would come from far and wide just to get this stuff. Zane's team agree to this since it made sense. Eventually, a group of guards came up and took the unconscious Lewis away to jail for a long time. Zane made sure to give them a Negation Collar just in case.

After that, Zane deactivate Emperor Mail and stood there in his normal clothing much to the shock of the crowd. "Thanks Levy. I knew that you and I would work well together." said Zane. "Ahem!" said Dante, crossing his arms "And alongside our good pals Dante and Juvia of course!" said Zane. "You didn't forget about us right Zane?" said Juvia with her face looking sad. "No way Juvia. I mean me purposefully forgetting people just for a joke. Who do you think I am?" said Zane.

Levy blinked and said in a deadpanned tone,"The same person who has a tendency to constantly say mean things about his guildmates even though it's rude.". "Okay. That's real fair Levy." said Zane, not going to argue with that statement whatsoever. "Dante Evermore of Lamia Scale. Juvia Lockser, Levy McGarden, and Zane Alvarez of Fairy Tail. On behalf of Grimcroft Spas, I'll give you our sincere thanks." said Jeff.

Once again, the thankful townspeople cheered loudly once again for the four wizards. Zane smirked with him soaking in the attention. He may have grown up a lot in the past centuries but his love of helping people and them being thankful for it made the job always worth despite the tragedy that comes with the job. "It seems that they actually defeated those monsters! And they did it without destroying anything!" thought Jeff. After thinking, the Omniverse decided to make things right.
There was a small vibration that shook the ground with the sounds of tumbling rocks could be heard in the distance. The crowd's mood vanished as they looked around in confusion. "Oh what now?" said Jeff, wanting to take a nice long dip in the springs. "Oh right. I really shouldn't have gone all out but oh well, Lewis need to learn his place." said Zane, shrugging. Everyone turned their heads toward the direction of Mt. Hasador.

There was an obsidian cloud ,with a hint of steel gray, billowing out from the top of the volcano being that all sides of the top was covered in cracks. However, the Mt. Hasador began collapse in on itself. The ground shook as thousands of tons of rocky debris tumbled down the mountain side. A giant dust cloud had went up into the atmosphere and made a mushroom cloud over the landscape of the area. After several moments, the shaking had stopped.

Upon the dust clearing a few moments later, everyone except Zane gasped in shock and disbelief at the famous volcano that towered over the lands. It was barely noticeable over the forest slopes being that Mt. Hasador had become nothing more than a massive mount of shattered rocks and debris. "I can't believe it. You did that?!" said Dante. "Oh. Did I do that?" said Zane, looking at his watch. "You mentioned that your Emperor Mail was powerful right?" said Levy.

Zane nodded with Levy saying,"But to destroy an entire volcano like nothing?!". "Honestly Levy. I think it's actually small potatoes to the first time I used Emperor Mail. I mean I destroy an entire dimension which was about the size of Grimcroft Spas. Perverted Gecko totally had that coming since no one hurts Rae." said Zane. Juvia looked at the mayor whose jaw looked to fall off with him turning white. "Um. Do we still get paid?" said Juvia.

The mayor fainted along with the crowd of people. "Dude. You really make Fairy Tail's rumored destruction a reality. If I didn't know how strong you are, I would punch you for bringing more trouble to the Magic Council despite them being total asswipes." said Dante. "I can fix it. Just give me a second and hopefully, they won't pass out again." said Zane. He turned into Chronos Form and flew off with Levy saying,"They probably will.". And they did.

A few hours later, Zane went into a pot of hot water. He was currently in the men's hot spring. It was a large, obsidian black tiled room and in the center, there was is a circular pool with a diameter of fifty feet and a depth of five feet. Due to the steam clouds in front of him, he couldn't see anything around him but he was okay with that. Zane let out a satisfied sigh while he relaxed inside of the warm waters.

It was only Zane in the room being that the Cross Species enjoyed peace and quiet. After all of the fighting he had to do while fighting Lewis and his magma minions, he need this. He closed his eyes and began remember on what happened after he made Mt. Hasador had collapsed using his Emperor Mail. When  Jeff regained consciousness after seeing the town's most famous landmark falling apart like it was nothing, he watched Zane ,using Chronos Form, flying toward it.

The mayor watched the volcano getting rebuilt and this feat caused him to pass out once again. After the second time being knocked by Zane's actions within an hour, Jeff handsomely paid the four man group of Dante, Juvia, Levy, and Zane their twenty million Jewel reward. Thanks to Zane restoring the volcano by rewinding the mountain's time, Jeff gave the group a free pass to the Grimcroft Hot Springs which is a well-renowned hot springs through Fiore.

Not even the hot springs in Balsam Village could compare. Dante decided to leave Zane and the girls to it since he wasn't a big fan of hot springs after a certain Sorcerer Weekly incident two months ago shortly after the company's Summer Slam event. When asked for more detail about it, Dante saw more of a certain Blue Pegasus wizard that no one should see more of. Zane wondered why a man could be scared of hot springs since nothing bad happens here.

I think I need to activate a certain effect to the hot springs known as the Ecchi Effect. On the other side of the facility, Levy stepped out of the women's locker room and into the hallway. She wore nothing at all except for a white towel. It ended at the middle of her thighs which meant that it was showing off her curvaceous body. "You coming Juvia? I'm sure that the hot springs won't die out but we don't want to spend all time here." said Levy.

The other bluenette fairy poked her head out of the locker room with her saying,"Um. You can go without me. I'll just wait until you and Beloved finish. And you don't mind me calling your boyfriend that time right?". "I don't mind Juvia since people calling him Zaney and according to Sly, it used to be a pet name for his girlfriends when they were around. Now come on. I'm sure we'll be the only two girls in the hot springs." said Levy.

She dragged Juvia out of the locker room, revealing that she was wearing the exact same towel as Levy. The two made their way down the obsidian black corridor to where she presumed was the hot springs. "I'm happy that today is over. We really need to relax." said Levy, trying to get Juvia to talk whatsoever. "I guess. I wish I could have helped Beloved more but Lewis expected wizards to try and stop him." said Juvia. Levy agreed with her friend but the good mood vanished. 

A couple of young men ,with towels wrapped around their waist, walked down the hallway. Upon their eyes seeing the duo of Juvia and Levy with the former holding the latter tight, they grinned confidently and stopped right in front of them. "Hello sexy things." said the first male. He's about 5 foot 8 with unkempt blond hair and piercing brown eyes. His body build was just okay. "You're in our way so please move." said Levy.

Juvia nodded as the second man said,"Now hold on there ladies.". He's 5 foot 10 with his red hair cut short and brown eyes. He looked a little more muscular than the brunette but nothing else was too special about him. "Why the rush? If you're looking to relax, you and your sister should come with me and my friend here." said the redhead. "He has a point. We're good at taking out stress on ladies like yourself." said the brunette with a sly smirk.

These two had no subtlety whatsoever being that Levy looked right at Juvia with the other bluenette smiling mischievously. "Okay then you guys. If you want us to relieve some stress, we'll be able to happy to help you out." said Levy, cracking her knuckles. Back in the men's springs. Zane had his entire body ,except for his head, deep in the tepid waters and leaned against the pool side. He had taken out his prosthetics aka his left eye and right arm.

He kept his mechanical Essence in since it kept him alive and wasn't the easily to get out just for a simple dip in the hot springs. His left eye was covered by an eyepatch with it being black and has his superhero logo "LZ" on it. His right eye was closed shut, his left hand was behind his head, and had a fulfilled smile on his face. Ever since he was a young boy, he always enjoyed a good dip in a hot springs.

The combination of heat and steam had the Omniverse effect of always washing away the aches and stress that he gathered over a millennium. Without warning, Zane heard a couple of faint thuds emanate from outside. His right eye opened up and turned toward the door. He would have checked it out but that would require him to leave the hot spring and he wasn't going to do that. "Whatever. The staff can handle it." said Zane.

Outside, Juvia and Levy was walking down the hallway with a satisfied smile on their face. "Thanks you guys. I'm sure the two of us fell much better now." said Juvia. Behind them, the two men were laying on the floor. The brunette had a swollen black eye ,from Levy's punch, and was unconscious from it. The red haired man was clutching his stomach where Juvia had hit him with her Water Cane spell, writhing in pain while doing that.     

A staff member rounded a corner and walked into the hall. He looked to be average height with snow white hair wearing a white shirt and black pants combo. He's carrying a load of neatly folded, fluffy white towels. He stopped working when he saw the males on the floor and the attractive bluenettes walking away from them. The man sighed in annoyance, easily figuring out what just happened even without seeing the fight. "Let me guess. You two flirted with those ladies huh?" said the employee.

The redhead nodded being that Juvia's attack really hut his stomach. "That was the Rain Woman of Phantom Lord and the other one I think is dating the person who destroy/rebuild our Mt. Hasador so you two were lucky to have gotten beat up by the girls. I've heard the Legion Void Knight is quite vicious." said the employee. Back with Zane, the hero was drifting out as the water sent him into a degree of relaxation that he loves to feel after a hard days work.

The Cross Species was brought out of his tranquil state when the doors creaked open. He opened his eye and looked in the direction of the door. Despite the steam blocking his vision, he could still see through it. For the past ninety minutes, he had the entire springs all to himself and wanted more time but fate had other plans. "Pretty sure that this guy won't ruin this for me or they'll get sent it into the side of Mt. Hasador." thought Zane.

As he closed his eyes, he could hear two people getting into the water on his right. The duo which let out a feminine sigh which caused the immortal to sigh. "Zane? Is that you?" said a familiar voice. "It sure is Levy my dear and hey Juvia." said Zane in a very nonchalant tone, with opening his right eye before closing it. A few minutes later, Zane looked to his right and saw the duo of Juvia and Levy sitting chest-deep in the springs, only five feet from him.

If they didn't have different eye color, they would look like twins. Levy's hair was tied up in a bun so it wouldn't get wet and Juvia's hair was in the water. The water wizard didn't mind getting her hair wet since she uses water a lot and also, she was under a rain cloud for seventeen years. The steam that wafted off the hot water obscured the impressive assets both girls had. "So I have to ask why you two are in here and not freaking out?" said Zane.   

Juvia looked over and quirked a brow. "I should ask you the same thing. What are you doing in the women's springs?" said Juvia. "That's a fair assessment but I'm neither male or female. I kinda just flip a coin to which springs I enter. I got the men's springs so did you two do the same or what?" said Zane, shrugging. "It is?" said Levy. Nether of the girls didn't get out of the hot springs being that they just accepted it. "I guess so. Shit happens." said Levy.

Zane looked at them with him saying,"Let me guess. You two made yourself comfortable plus it's just the three of us and I locked out other people from ruining our fun.". "Uh huh." said Juvia. "Well, the power of springs makes one really calm and open to new things." said Zane. "So aren't you going to move away?" said Levy. "Levy. You really think that this is my first time in a hot springs with an attractive female? Ha. That's really cute." said Zane.

Juvia grabbed hold of Zane's arm with her saying,"I asked Levy if I could do this and she said yes I can.". "Okay." said Zane, not trying to fight it. Levy waved goodbye to her boyfriend and the girl who had a serious crush on him while she let the water soothes her troubles away. The duo of Juvia and Zane went in the center of the spa where the amount of steam was at the highest amount. "So what are you going to do with me Juvia? Please be gentle. I bruise easy like a peach." said Zane.

The water woman felt her face flush thanks to Zane with her taking a deep breath. "Relax. I was hoping you could apply this body lotion on my back." said Juvia, holding a bottle of lotion that she had with her the whole time. "Okay. Why me? I mean Levy is here with us." said Zane. He motioned her toward the fact that he didn't have a right arm but the steam hid his missing arm from Juvia. "I'm sure you can rub this on my back Zane with ease." said Juvia in a innocent tone.

Zane blinked with him thinking,"Okay. Note to self. I need to do more research on if people in this dimension are more open toward sexual situations. In the past two days, she has been in a bunny suit and cuddle with me plus this. Levy won't mind if I do this right? She allowed Juvia to do this in the first place.". "Okay. I'm game but hope you're ready for this." said Zane, noticing her smooth, creamy back. It was attractive and alluring.

The superhero learned in his years of his life when was the right or wrong time to accept those urges that drives a being. This was the right time. "Thanks Zane." said Juvia. Zane was handled the bottle that Juvia once held and moved closer to Juvia but not too close. She hunched slightly so he would have good access to her back. Zane held the bottle with his mind and squirted out the lotion into his left hand before moving it back toward her. 

Zane made sure to cover the entirely of his hand and moved his singular arm toward Juvia's back. He knew the perfect way to massage a woman. You can't be too gentle or too firm with a lady. It requires perfect balance and starting with the shoulders. Juvia moaned with Zane stopping. "You okay? I'm not too rough am I?" said Zane. "Nope. I'm just shocked with how right Levy was about how good your massages are." said Juvia.

The Cross Species shrugged with him saying,"It comes from years of practice and being forced how to learn it by Conner. Every women and men I've known over the several decades have said that my massages are to died for so thanks for teaching me the most useless thing Conner.". For the past couple of minutes, Juvia was lost in a euphoric state as Zane's singular hand massaged her back. An occasional moan would leave from her for two reasons.

These reasons are because of the massage and the water soothing her body. However, this euphoria eventually had to end due to Zane's breath stopping for a moment and his Essence beating. Before the girls could notice, Zane snapped himself out of the trance before going any lower. "Okay. I'll be going back now. I think I left my oven on." said Zane. He turned away and headed toward the end of the spring. However, he was stopped by Juvia grabbing his left shoulder.

She tried to grab his right one but she missed. This was due to him not having it at the moment but she thought it was because of the steam."I need to rub your back now." said Juvia. "Um. You're good Juvia. Honestly. I already got my back earlier." said Zane, trying to escape. However, Juvia lunged at Zane once again and wrapped her arms around his neck. This pushed her large bust up against his back and well, Zane enjoyed it. "So what's up?" said Zane.

Juvia said in a firm tone,"You washed my back so I have to wash yours. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't wash yours.". "Um. I'm all good." said Zane. Before he could say or do anything, he was unable to move thanks to Juvia controlling the water around him. "I don't think you can argue against her Zane so why fight fate?" said Levy. She was nearby them with Zane sighing. "Okay. Whatever. If it was Prude Knight doing this to me, I would have fought back." said Zane. 

The water woman smiled in victory and applied the lotion into her hands, rubbing his singular shoulder. She tried to feel for the right shoulder but it wasn't there. "Um Zane. Where is your right shoulder?" said Juvia. "In the locker room along with my eye." said Zane. "You're joking right?" said Juvia. "Nope. He isn't. He has done this in his personal baths." said Levy, remember seeing Zane with him missing his left eye and right arm. It was an interesting sight to say the least. 

Juvia's smooth hands gently rubbed his back. "Wow. Your back is really toned. More than Gajeel Kun's back." said Juvia. "Um. Why or how do you know that?" said Levy. "And Gajeel Kun?" said Zane. "I was asked to do this for him since his girlfriend couldn't. She and him started dating at the time so they were nervous around each other." said Juvia. As Juvia applied the creamy lotion onto his back, she saw something on Zane's right shoulder blade.

Zane's right arm stopped from the shoulder and went down to his fingers. He still had his shoulder blade. It was a scar. It started at the right side of his jaw and it was haphazardly stretched entirely over the right side of his neck and shoulder. The scar is reddish-purple. It's color is due to it being instantly cauterizing it thanks to a high amount of heat. She had seen it before but not in full detail before. "So Zane. How did you get this scar on your shoulder blade?" said Juvia.

Levy nodded as she said,"Yeah. You've mentioned how you lost your arm before but this scar's origin is something I don't know.". "If you read my biography, you would know that I got it from training on the Plocylst Archipelago. To me, it’s a constant reminder of his mistake and what happens when you rush ahead without a plan or does something stupid without a plan. I mean I do that now but I have a plan despite it looking like I don't." said Zane.

A minute of silence passed as Juvia continued to rub the body lotion onto Zane's back. The silence was killing Juvia being that she finally joined the same guild as her beloved and haven't had a real conversation with him. "So your Emperor Mail. I'm guessing that it's so powerful that not even Mt. Hasador stood against it." said Juvia, looking to start a conversation. "It isn't that shocking to me since this isn't the first time I've destroyed a mountain." said Zane.

Levy looked at Zane with her saying,"Um. Context?". "Okay fine. In my dimension, there is a place called Mount Rushmore. In most dimensions, there are four of my country's most famous presidents carved on it. When I was eighteen, me and my friend Efren kinda destroyed it while fighting one of my enemies. He was the one who did the deed but according to Apex Mind, I was the one who did it." said Zane. "You destroyed a national monument?" said Levy.

Zane looked at her with him saying,"Lets just say that when I get serious in a fight, things will be destroyed. Nothing is safe from my wrath.". "You really do make a good additional to Fairy Tail Zane. You are quite destructive." said Juvia. "And you do as well Juvia. Just you wait. We'll make you into a destruction making machine." said Levy. "Yep. Once joining Fairy Tail, you're require by our guild charters to destroy something." said Zane, smiling.

Juvia finished rubbing the lotion on Zane's back with her saying,"There. All done.". "Thank you. I got to go now. I think me and Dante wanted to spare before we leave for Magnolia." said Zane, scooting back to the rim. He was stopped once again when Levy grabbed him by his left. "You're getting out already?" said Levy. "You know that I've been in here for almost two hours now right? Even gods prunes." said Zane as he looked at her with a serious look.

Suddenly without warning, the steamy mist vanished with both girls seeing something that shocked both of them. The front of his body was covered to the brim in many scars. Some looked to be fresh from recent fights and accidents. Despite it being enticing, it was heartbreaking for them. The two girls gasped with Zane turning back to him. Thanks to the steam, Zane could only see their face and nothing else. "Um what's up? See a spider?" said Zane.

Neither girl answered him instantly since they stared at his scars. Zane followed their faces with him sighing. "Okay. I'm going. Night gals." said Zane. "Zane wait! What happened? You can tell....!" said the girls. "STOP!" yelled Zane. Unknown to them, his right eye turned gold. He released waves of his power, startled both of them. "I don't need to talk about them. All of these scars are a symbol." said Zane, calming down. "Symbol of what?" said Juvia.

Zane crossed his arm over his chest with him saying,"A sign of how far I'm willing to go to protect a single innocent being. According to Rae, it pained her to see a new scar on my war-town body. I'm willing to go that extra mile just to protect someone. It's my job as a hero and we're supposed to bear the pain of others. Don't need to make this a bigger deal than it needs to be. Oh and if you tell Prude Knight about this, I'll get real mad. Don't need her breathing down my fucking neck.".

He continued on his way being that both girls lost sight of him in the steam. They were sure that Zane turned invisible but he did leave. Both girls sat in the hot springs in a stunned one. "So do you think this has something to do with the Massacre? We both know what really had happened to him on that day. The folders may give the details on what happen but it's different when you heard the story in person." said Juvia. "Uh huh. We can't tell Erza this." said Levy. 

Later, a fully clothed ,with his prosthetics back in place, Zane found himself sitting on a wooden couch smoking and listening his music. He was in the main lobby of the hot springs. Juvia and Levy were talking with the clerk working there, hoping to get a discount deal for their guild. Levy was sure that Master Makarov has heard about what Zane did and he also need someone where to relax after all of the stuff the guild has put him from. Zane stared at the tiled floors in deep though.

The hero was feeling bad at snapping at Juvia and Levy earlier. He really liked both of them just like he did with... Zane slapped himself in the face with him mumbling,"I can't think about them. I mean I know that I saw them earlier but they're long gone. Almost being a thousand years since the Massacre huh. Time really sneaks up on you.". He knew that he had to say sorry to the girls soon because he wants to keep in their good graces.   

He put out of his cigarette when two young women walked up to him. One was about five foot four with long pink hair that reminded him of Natsu but it's length reminded him of Lucy's hair. She has smooth snow white skin with piercing green eyes. She's wearing a blue denim mini-skirt and a white t-shirt that was clearly trying to hold in her bust. Her gal pal was around the same height as her. She had black hair and tied in a ponytail.

Her skin is a light tan and has blue eyes. She's wearing brown cargo pants and a sleeveless white top which like her friend, barely contained the goods. "Okay. Those two remind me of a female Gray and Natsu. I'm praying to all of the gods here when I say this. Please don't show me a male Lucy and Prude Knight. Though, I would be interesting in seeing a female Happy though. I mean this is a case of curiosity killed the cat. Heh. I made a pun." thought Zane, smiling at the joke he made.

The pinkette said in a flirtatious tone,"Hello there handsome.". "So what's a majestic specimen like yourself doing all alone?" said the blackette with a sheepish smile. Zane blinked once being that he was sure now. All women in this dimension were super-models and he had more than enough proof to any disbelievers wrong. "Um. I just waiting for my friends." said Zane, sitting up and taking off his headphones.

Crisis Judgement went off as Zane mumbled,"I know what's going to happen so don't activate.". "I guess we'll keep you company until then." said the pinkette. "Great. I was enjoying the peace and quiet but I don't get nice thimgs." said Zane with his voice clearly sarcastic. The blackette ,I don't know if that the right term whatsoever but it means to me black hair, girl noticed the black leather headband tied around his left bicep but Zane's sarcasm was ignored. His guild mark was showing.

She smiled with her saying,"You're from Fairy Tail right?". "Sure am. Whose asking? It isn't Prude Knight right? Really don't want to deal with her sanctimonious bullshit today or ever really." said Zane. "We have a thing for wizards." said the pinkette. "Oh good for you. Admitting your kink is a good thing." said Zane. Levy smiled as she was handed a discount by the counter clerk who was a young green haired woman.

Said clerk smiled with her saying,"Hope you enjoyed everything Ms McGarden. I have to thank you for saving our town.". "You're welcome ma'am." said Levy. "Oh wow. I think that hunk of meat is getting some action. Good for him." said the greenette, looking past Levy. Levy followed her sight as she turned to see Zane trying to escape two women who getting really close to him. The two were clearly ogling him like Evergreen was.

Levy's eyes narrowed in this being that it reminded her of how the blond and redhead flirted with her and Juvia earlier. "Um. Are you okay Ms. McGarden?" said the greenette. Before getting an answer from the bookworm, the granite countertop was cracked and it was from Juvia not Levy. Levy wasn't too shock by this since she knew Juvia was strong plus she was focused on the hussies. The clerk watched the bluenettes leave with her being dumbfounded.

Zane took a couple of steps back with the two women approached with smiles saying that they were interesting in me. "Um ladies. While I like having your attention, I should mention that I have a very loving girlfriend whose known for shooting girls who flirt with me. I really wish that I was kidding but I'm not. Never forget the trip to the market. I also won't cheat on her." said Zane. "Come on sexy beast. Come with us." said the blackette. "We'll show you a good time." said the pinkette.

Zane was about to transform into a form before the duo of bluenette stepped in between Zane and the girls. "Hurrah! My saviors! Beat up with force!" said Zane, cheering for them. "Hey! What do you think you're doing...?!" said the blackette and pinkette. The two girl were stopped by Levy's glare and her arms crossed over her chest. The two ladies shivered in fear as Levy locked her eyes on them and thanks to Juvia doing the same, both blue haired Fairies were threatening.

Juvia and Levy said in unison with a spine-chilling tone,"Leave now.". "Okay!" said the two girls with them saluting them and run away. "Wow. Those two are like Gray and Natsu except instead of being scared of a male Erza, they're scared by you two. Nice job by the way. I should also mention that I did tell them that I had a girlfriend." said Zane. When the girls turned back to Zane, the scary expression was gone. "So you two okay?" said Zane.

Juvia nodded with her saying,"Yeah. Just had a moment of rage there.". "Happens to all of us in our lives. Me more than others." said Zane. "We should probably get back to the hotel so we can pack up our things." said Levy. "Yeah. Kaida is probably missing me and also, she will want to hear about her old man destroying an mountain. I'll be the coolest dad on the construction yard. Macao has nothing on me." said Zane. After saying that, Zane got serious.

Zane took a deep breath with him saying,"Look ladies. I'm sorry for snapping at you in the springs. I just have a lot of scars, physical and mental. I was in the wrong there.". "It's fine Zane. You hate talking about that day right?" said Levy. "And you must have thought we were going to mention it to the others right?" said Juvia. "Totally ladies. Mind keeping what happened on that day a secret? Kaida, Sly, and the coward knows what happen." said Zane.

Levy looked at him with her saying,"But everyone knows about you coming from another dimension Zane.". "Yeah but I don't need Prude Knight being a hypocrite. I don't like her." said Zane. "Yeah. I don't mind Zane. Just talk when you're ready." said Juvia. "Right." said Levy. "Thanks but I'm not ready to talk about it like I do with my other war stories. It isn't one of my better moments." said Zane.

He crossed his arms with him saying,"And hearing Prude Knight telling me that I should be open and nice to everyone in the guild while having some serious skeletons in her closet would get me furious fast.". The two bluenettes were confused at what Zane said being that it seems that Erza was keeping a secret from everyone except Natsu who's her best friend and Zane who you can't keep secrets from in the first place. The trio left the spa after that moment. 

It was mid-afternoon when the Fairy Trio return to the Hasador Kingdom to check out. Zane turned into Replication Form to get all of their bags while the group said their goodbyes to Dante who was leaving for Margaret Town. While keeping two Replication Forms to hold the bags, Zane ,while in Teleport Form, grabbed the girls and clones. He teleport them away, leaving Grimcroft Spas happier than it was before.

After arriving back in Magnolia, the Replication Form clones were gone as Zane turned back to normal. The trio were heading back to the guild to check on their friends. "Wow. I could go for a slushie right about now." said Levy. "Oh no. You're sounding like Sly. Gods, I've created another addict." said Zane. "It is a good treat after a hard job right?" said Juvia. "Yeah but I'm sure that Erza and Sly have drank one for every little thing." said Zane.

As they walked down the stone street that led straight to the incomplete guild hall, Juvia looked at the duo of Levy and Zane and smiled. "Levy. Zane. I have to thank you. I also have to thank Kaida and Sly once we get back." said Juvia. "You're welcome." said Zane. "Why are you thanking us?" said Levy. "For helping me getting into Fairy Tail and saving me from the rain. I'm sure that I couldn't have done either of those without you." said Juvia.

Zane smirked with him saying,"Don't worry Juvia. I'm sure that you would do the same for me since we're friends. Friends do stuff like this for each other all the time.". Juvia nodded before turning away to hide the tint of pink on her cheeks. Levy didn't mind when Zane did this since she knew that he wouldn't cheat on her. As the trio reached the construction yard, Zane could hear a faint noise coming from nearby. "Hey ladies. Do you hear that?" said Zane. Juvia and Levy stopped and listened.

The duo of girls could hear the odd noise being that it was growing louder by the second. "So what is it?" said Levy. Crisis Judgement went off as the noise became a panicked yell. Gray fell from the sky and thanks to Zane's quick intervention, the trio moved away from Gray as he hit the ground. Gray was dressed in a pair of black boxers. "So how was your flight?" said Zane. "Zane! You're back! Oh thank god!" said Gray, standing back up.

Juvia looked at Levy with her whispering,"Is he always in his underwear?". "Most of the time, he is so I would suggest getting used to it." whispered Levy. "Okay. What's going on? Did you piss off Sly by taking her slushies? Or Cana with her booze? Or did Lucy finally snap? Really hoping its the latter option." said Zane. "No! She did!" said Gray, pointing right toward the construction yard with him shaking like a chihuahua.

The bookworm, superhero, and water wizard turned to the bar area with them seeing quite the interesting site. Erza was throwing swords at Zane which pierced the ground upon impact. The pink haired wizard narrowly eluding the swords by jumping from table to table but the swords were slowly catching up to him. "You two morons have gone too far this time!" yelled an enraged Erza. "So what did you two morons do? Or is she still upset about Nalu?" said Zane.

Gray blinked with Levy saying,"Lucy and Natsu's couple name.". "Ah. Well, me and Natsu have been trying our best to stay on her good side after she destroyed Lupinus Town. I mean me and Natsu were a part of it but she did most of the destruction. While having our typical fights, we may have destroy her strawberry slushies. We destroyed the five of them she made herself." said Gray. "Okay. Is that normal to the guild?" said Juvia. "Yep. Welcome to Fairy Tail." said Zane.

Suddenly, a loud wildfire caught their attention. They turned back to the yard to see Natsu get blown back into a stone wall, collapsing on top of him. Erza stomped over toward the fallen rubble and snarling. The redhaired knight was in her Purgatory Armor.  The Purgatory Armor is a black armor with many spiked features. The chest plate is entirely black except for a small arrow like inward protrusion on both sides near her stomach.

The plate is lined with several spikes running from top to bottom. Multiple layered shoulder guards connect to the chest plate and feature several pyramid shaped spikes that protrude outward. Around her neck is a large necklace of spikes, matching the ones found around the chest plate but much larger. A lighter colored metal covers her upper arms before connecting to the black arm guards. The arm guards feature two metal straps and two spiked protrusions near the elbows.

At her waist, she wears a multiple layered spike skirt ending in the spikes found in the shoulder guards. Around her waist is a simple banded belt. The tops of her legs remain exposed before her greaves start a little above her knees. Above the knee, the greaves are sectioned off, featuring two spikes per section. At the knee, a diamond like pattern forms with several spikes at the outward facing side.

Below the knee, the spikes move to the side of the leg and are placed in even intervals all the way down. When using this armor, Erza's hair spikes outward to match the design of the armor. Around her neck is a small necklace of black, diamond shaped jewels. A single horn works its way out from underneath her hair atop her head. It's a mixture of the two appearances ,Anime and Manga mainly the latter, of the armor by the way.  

She was holding the armor's signature weapon also known as a large black mace that has the same spike-like design as the Purgatory Armor. The mace is larger than Erza herself with six large spikes running down the edge, getting progressively larger as they reach the hook end of the weapon. "We should stop her before she wrecks anything else and blames me. Don't try to argue with me on this one since she will." said Zane.

The three wizards agreed with him as they ran into the construction yard. "Um Gray. Your clothes are gone." said Levy. "Oh crap. I totally didn't noticed." said Gray. As the quartet approached the angry redhead, Zane calmly spoke,"Hey Prude Knight. Sun's getting real low. You need to take a deep breathe and calm down. Breathe in and out.". "Calm down?! How can I calm myself when those two morons destroyed my slushies! That's unforgivable!" yelled Erza.

She ignored Zane, aiming her spiked mace at Gray who jumped behind Juvia in terror. "Wow. You really made her mad." said Juvia. "Erza. I'm sure that Gray and Natsu caused you a lot of trouble while I was gone but I'm sure Zane will make sure they get punished through training tomorrow. I doubt we can't afford any more damage to the guild hall." said Levy. "Yeah. Those two were on their best behavior in fact after the knight here destroy Lupinus until five minutes ago." said Wakaba.

He was sitting at a table at the far end of the bar area, smoking."Hey! Shut up!" said Gray. Erza looked at Levy and Zane with her anger simmer away a bit. She was still upset about the Nalu thing after all. She requipped back into her normal armor with her sitting on a bench. "Fine but all of the strawberries are gone. What will I do now?" said Erza, crying a bit. "Way to go, Gray! You made her cry!" said Lucy from a bar stool. "And that's why Gray sucks with the ladies!" said Happy.

Gray glared at Happy but turning back to Erza. "Don't worry Erza! I'm sure we'll get some more strawberries slushies soon right?" said Gray. Suddenly, a few chunks of broken wall were moved aside as Natsu emerged from the debris. His body was covered in flames with his arms moving around in an angry manner. "You're going down Erza!" shouted Natsu. He jumped out of the rubble with his fiery fist cocked back.

However, Natsu didn't expect this. "Water Lock!" said Juvia. The pink haired teen was trapped inside of a sphere of water, unable to break out and move. Natsu struggled with losing all of his oxygen in the process. Juvia deactivated the sphere, causing Natsu to collapsed onto the ground. "Please just stop Natsu. Don't make things worse." said Juvia. "Wow. The new girl has some serious skills. It's like Erza and Zane but wet." said Macao.

Zane turned an empty area of the construction yard being that he didn't want Prude Knight to suffer like this. He wanted her to suffer through his jokes instead. "Okay. Everyone should calm down. I got this. Sly has gotten through something similar when Efren and Kevin destroyed one of her slushies. I think they got mental scars from that still." said Zane. Everyone present turned to Zane with all of them wondering what he was going to do.

Zane walked to the empty area with him turning into Undergrowth Form. Natsu grunted painfully with him lifting himself off the ground. With his vision focused, he saw Zane standing still. "Hey! I can fix this man!" said Natsu. "No you can't. I know you Hatchling. You tend to have an issue that most if not all pyrokinetics suffer from. It's called standing back and letting your betters handle it." said Zane. "Well said," said Gray. "Gray. Your clothes." said Erza, annoyed.

Gray panicked at this once again. Zane ignored this with him holding out his hands and concentrating in front of him. The ground began shaking as the wizards saw several bushes appear in front of the living tree. They began growing strawberries and this caught Erza's eye. Zane grabbed all of them with him throwing them into the air. He deactivated the living tree with him turning into Storm Form being that this new form shocked the guild except for Juvia and Levy.

He made several small blades of wind cut the strawberries just right. As the sliced strawberries fell to the ground, Zane turned into Mirror Form and this form shocked the guild once again. He's eight feet tall. The most noticeable thing about him is that he's made out of glass. His glass body is blue, green, and red clear see through glass. He's wearing natural black body armor over his chest. He wears a short sleeved gray shirt under his body armor exposing his muscular armor.

He's wearing dark gray cargo jeans. His feet and hands are claws. Zane made five glasses appear from the air in front of him and they caught the strawberries. Erza saw the five slushies return in front of her with Zane saying,"And you're welcome.". He deactivated the form. Erza's eyes widened with her mouth opened. Suddenly, she ran over to Zane and unexpectedly wrapped him up in a big hug much to the jealous of Natsu. "Thank you Zane! You're a real hero!" said a happy Erza.

The beautiful redhead planted a kiss on Zane's left cheek, which caused Natsu's jealous to get even stronger. The other Fairy Tail wizards watched this scene in shock. "Did Erza kiss the guy who has pissed off her since day one?!" said Jet. "Yeah. First, she kissed Natsu and now Zane." said Droy in a dumbfounded state. "Man. He's a ladies man. I mean he already has Levy but also the affections of Bisca, Evergreen, and Mira plus Erza." said Wakaba.

Vance nodded with him saying,"And unlike you Wakaba, he's barely trying unlike you old drunk fools.". "Hey!" said Macao and Wakaba. Natsu groaned with him saying,"You didn't have to kiss him you know plus I could have done that.". "No you couldn't have Natsu. You would have blown up the guild hall in the process of making a single slushie." said Lucy, sitting at the bar and overheard her boyfriend thanks to her enhanced hearing. "Juvia! Levy! Zane!" said Makarov's voice.

The attention of the present wizards and superhero were captured by Makarov who stood on the bar countertop. "Could I have a word with you three?" said Makarov. "Of course master." said Levy with Juvia looking at Zane. Zane had escaped Erza's hug and kiss of death due to the knight wanting to drink the slushies. However, Zane had something to say. "Prude Knight hugged and kissed me?! I'm melting! Melting! What a world!" said Zane, in a dramatic tone.

He turned into a puddle of candy syrup with Juvia blinking at the scene. "Zane. I really think that you're being overdramatic there partner." said Sly. Sly floated there with Cana and Kaida. "Yeah but that's Zane." said Cana. "Papa! You turn into a puddle of goo!" said Kaida, clearly worried for her father. She tried to pick him back up but it didn't work. Sly sighed as she held a jar and told Kaida to push into it.

The little girl did just that with her holding the jar. The jar was full of turquoise candy syrup and Zane's two eyes. Think the Mafia Boss from Hat in Time and you got Zane at the moment. The dwarf sized wizard stared keenly at the quartet standing before him. It would have been Juvia, Kaida, and Zane but Kaida was holding the jar that contained her father. "I just received a letter from the mayor of Grimcroft. He wanted to thank you to the guild for what you three and Dante did." said Makarov.

The girls smiled with Zane's current expression being unknown. "That's really nice of the man." said Juvia. "Yeah. I think he thanked us too much. We already have the town's gratitude." said Levy. "I'm sure if Zane wasn't a puddle of candy syrup, he would say something snarky and rude toward me or Erza. The letter spoke of something I wished to speak you three about." said Makarov. He was silent for a good long moment.

Makarov yelled,"How in the hell did Zane manage to destroy an entire volcano and then rebuild it in a few seconds?!". The two bluenettes jumped back in surprise being that the sudden outburst had gained the attention of the wizards present. "Wait! They destroyed a what?" said Natsu, shocked. "I seem Zane destroyed bigger." said Sly, shrugging. "Like what?" said Cana. "Oh. I'll tell you later but mind explaining what happened Zane." said Sly. The syrup jar nodded.   

Fifty minutes later, Zane ,who turned back to normal, had explain everything that happened earlier today. It started with the Magmamires, the Bruorenite, Lewis Haynes and his evilscheme, and finally the menace of Magmaviathan. The latter one got the wizards. "You took down a giant magma crab who was your former enemy?" said Stella. "That's insane!" shrieked a scared Lucy. "Ah man! Now I wished I went with you man! It would have been more fun than fighting those bandits." said Natsu.

Lucy sweatdropped with her saying,"Which we didn't get paid for thanks to a certain duo who shall remain nameless.". "I think he's talking about you and Erza." said Happy. "And the winner for the No Shit Award goes to Happy!" said Sly in a announcer voice. Zane finished off his story with him telling him about Emperor Mail and how he used it to defeat Magmaviathan easily but destroyed the volcano in the process. He also mentioned Chronos Form's restoration of the volcano.

The eyes of the Fairy Tail wizards had widened and jaws hung from their faces. Needles to say, the guild was astonished by what Zane and his team went though. "It seems that you three had a very interesting day." said Makarov. "And the job was interesting as well." said Levy. "But a very good one in my opinion." said Juvia. "Breach it sister." said Zane. After all of this, the guild went back to normal with Kaida more impressed with her father by the day.

Next time,
Will another old enemy of Zane appear in Fiore? Will Zane meet other guild wizards besides ones in Lamia Scale and Mermaid Scale? And how are Fairy Tail's acting chops? This and more next time on Fairy Legion!

Classic Cards/Forms that were introduced in Zero:
Gunslinger Form. This card has a black frame with a pistol in the center of the background with a sunset background. This form is really cool and fits the wild west persona very well. This Form was introduced in Zero Episode 104 and its Prime Form hasn't been introduced yet.

Mirror Form. This transformation's card has a black frame with a mirror in the center of the card and a creature is hopping out of it. This Form was been introduced in Zero Shorts Episode 3 and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

New Cards/Forms that haven't been seen in Zero yet:
Cetacean Form. This card has a black frame with a creature fitting a giant whale swimming through the ocean as a ship is sailing in the background. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a creature of the deep. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Storm Form. This card has a black frame with a cloud like humanoid producing lightning, a earthquake, tidal wave, and tornado all at once. When Zane places this card inside, he becomes a living disaster of a being. This Form hasn't been introduced in Zero yet and it doesn't have a Prime Form.

Hot Springs Patrons: If it wasn't obvious enough.
Female Gray/black haired girl: Grace. Tried flirting with Zane.
Female Natsu/pink haired girl: Natsumi. Tried flirting with Zane.
Male Erza/red haired boy: Earl. Tried flirting with Juvia and Levy.
Male Lucy/blond haired boy: Lucas. Tried flirting with Juvia and Levy.

What Lewis is saying with his spells: Liasada is spoken but when cast, it's written in runes. I have a rune translation website. To see what it’s written in runes, type the spell in English into this generator that’s lined here.
1. English: Emperor of the molten pit. Awaken from the pits of the Dread Dimension and merge with me! Liasada: Aftokrátoras tou lioménou lákkou. Xypníste apó tous lákkous tou Dread Dimension kai synchonefteíte mazí mou!

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