Sunday, December 29, 2019

Best to Worst MCU Movies

So I hope that you enjoyed the Reality Sucks Arc because I wanted to end the 2010s with a bang. If you've read the title or read any author notes prior, you would know that I'm a huge Marvel fan. I like DC but mainly when it comes to characters who aren't connected to Batman. I like Batman but I really do enjoy seeing other heroes take the spotlight. The 2010s had the MCUs rise from two movies being Iron Man and Hulk into a revolutionary thing for Hollywood.

This is all my opinions and if you disagree with them, that's great. I always enjoy people having a different opinion of mine but respecting mine. I know that's naive to think because if you don't like something, you're called a heathen. It's good to state your opinion rather than being a Stormtrooper so enjoy.

Best to worst MCU Movies (Except for Hulk): Short reviews/initial thoughts after watch.
1. Endgame. Despite it being a story that involves time travel, I think it's easily the best movie out of Phase 3 and maybe for the rest of the MCU. Not the biggest fan of the poster since Okoye doesn't really do anything until the end. At least, Captain Marvel did stuff at the beginning. Why did they have to make her hair comic accurate? What's wrong with long hair on her? I like how Ant-Man and Hawkeye shine in this movie. The fight at the end is still the best scene in the movie. There are a lot of iconic scene such as Captain America holding the hammer, everyone being there for the final fight, I am Iron Man moment, I love you 3000, the females of the MCU coming together which could have been done better but whatever, the time travel section of the movie, and pretty much everything I like. It may have its flaws aka time travel but I don't care. This movie is best watched side by side with Infinity War or watching the entire MCU before it. I enjoyed seeing all of the little stuff I missed and I'm hopefully for Phase 4 of the MCU. It has some pretty big shoes to fill and hopefully, they have it planned. Looking at you Skywalker Saga. 
2. Infinity War. This movie isn't just defined by the good twist at the end. While Thanos may be the protagonist of the story, he isn't a good guy. I still blame Star Lord for his actions in the movie despite it making clear sense for his character. Noticed that little detail after watching the Guardians. The Black Order didn't really do anything but they aren't the worst villains in the MCU. Has a lot of great moments such as Thor arriving to Wakanda. My favorite moment is the Snap. It still sends chills down my spine every time I see and especially after watching the previous movies. Those movies showed the heroes winning in the end. If you count them as protagonists, this movie isn't a shock but the impact is still real. Really didn't like how Captain Marvel was probably shoved in at the last minute. Yes. I'm still salty about that. I can hold a grudge.
3. Guardians 2. A great sequel to the first one being that it improves on the first one in many ways. The characters ,except for Mantis, are really good. Baby Groot is precious and equal to Baby Yoda in my eyes. Both of them beat Baby Sonic the Hedgehog since that character and his series have easily the worst fanbase in my opinion. The songs in Guardians 2 are amazing and there are all a lot of great lines in this one. Easily the most quoteable movie in the MCU for me.
4. Civil War. Best Captain America Movie, Great Introduction to Spider-Man and Black Panther, Amazing start to Phase 3, Easily my favorite Stan Lee Cameos in the MCU, and just a good movie all around. It's also the Best Civil War that Marvel has done. The two in the comics have their flaws mainly Civil War 2. In my opinion, a argument works the best when you can see the flaws and strengths in both sides. You're also not wrong for picking a side. This movie does that well in my opinion. Civil War ,the first one in the comics, does this as well. If you pick Captain Marvel's side in Civil War 2, I won't say that you're stupid for that choice but I can't see that argument having two equal sides. It's also biased toward her since well, I think Tony Stark's real body is still in the comics and Captain Marvel still needs to be punished like Tony was in Civil War 1. It really hasn't happen yet in my opinion so once she stops becoming the most powerful Avenger ,even though Scarlet Witch was also given power by an Infinity Stone in that universe, in the MCU so wait for a while.
5. Winter Soldier. I really don't have a lot to say about this movie since to me, I just enjoy it as a movie. It's a good movie being that there is no low point for me. Captain America and Black Widow are really good characters plus they made Falcon cool. I mean have you seen Falcon in the comics prior to this? He wasn't exactly the most cool hero. Happy he got the shield and hope his Disney Plus show is good. 
6. Spider-Man Homecoming. This is a good Spider-Man movie being that I've never really enjoyed the Andrew Garfield for not being the best Peter Parker and Tobey Maguire being not the best Spider-Man respectively. I also think Spider-Verse is a good movie despite me disliking Miles Morales ,who I see as Black Spider-Man which I'm well aware sounds racist, and Peni Parker for being heavily underutilized within the movie and don't leave a last impression unlike Spider-Ham and Noir Spider-Man. Vulture is one of the best MCU villains but to me, Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man. I'm personally okay with this interpretation of the character since it fits well in the MCU and we get to see Tony being Tony. I get why people don't like that but to me, I'm just happy to see something new rather than seeing Uncle Ben die and Spider-Man working solo. Spider-Man can do that rather well but Spider-Man is apart of the Marvel Universe after all. I'm always for trying something new but making sure that things are familiar to the comic viewing audience. This is something I enjoyed. 
7. Spider-Man Far From Home. A good follow up to Spider-Man Homecoming and Endgame in my opinion. This is the first movie after Endgame since the Black Widow movie and maybe the Eternals movie will take place before Endgame. It didn't take the seriousness of Endgame away which was my concern going into the movie but I was wrong. One of my favorite parts of the movie and Homecoming is Peter Parker and his relationship with Tony. Tony is like Peter's second Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben was a thing in the MCU but Tony was Peter's rock. Someone he could rely on when things got stuff and this movie answers the question of what is this Peter Parker without Uncle Ben. The impact of Tony's death can be seen everywhere and how everyone is looking for the next Iron Man aka Spider-Man. Despite being a comic fan, I saw the twist involving Mysterio coming from a mile away. The movie did a good job at making me like Mysterio. Mysterio was a good villain for the MCU but compared to Vulture or Thanos, he's kinda lacking. I do like his illusions in the movie being that it's just amazing. The post credits scenes for this movie is the best since we get to see J. Jonah Jameson aka JK Simmons. I was disappointed at first when we weren't going to an answer to this since the whole Disney and Sony thing in August. I'm happy that they're in agreement for now but if they didn't, we got two good Spider-Man movies. Here's hoping that the third and maybe final MCU movie will be good or at least better than Spider-Man 3. That won't be too hard but who knows how it'll get messed up. 
8. Ragnarok. Easily the best Thor Movie. A good change for the character plus it's just a fun movie. I was happy to see Korg in Endgame since he's easily my favorite character introduced in this movie. I really want to see Hela come back in another movie since Loki is probably not dead. I mean he's the god of tricks after all and that Disney Plus show. 
9. Avengers 1. Best Phase 1 Movie. The movie that made people think that a cinematic universe could be possible. Not the biggest fan of Captain America's costume here but take off the mask and it's best. We got the best movie Hulk so far.
10. Ant-Man 1. Best Origin style Movie. I'm a sucker for a character doing something for their families and Scott Lang is probably the best MCU dad. Tony may be a contender and I can't hate Scott in this movie or in the MCU. I like the lower stakes of the movie and they did a good job with Ant-Man who has an interesting history in the comics. At least, Hank Pym.
11. Iron Man 3. Iron Man's best solo movie. I may not be the biggest fan of the Mandarin Twist but I don't think it makes the whole movie worse over all. This movie was about Tony ,not Iron Man, after the first Avengers and it does a great job at that.
12. Ant-Man and the Wasp. A better sequel compared to Iron Man 2 and The Dark World but compared to Civil War, Far from Home, Guardians 2, Iron Man 3, Ragnarok, and Winter Soldier, it loses hands down. I like the humor in this movie but humor and music are subjective. 
13. Age of Ultron. The Weakest Avengers Movie. I liked Ultron as a villain. Wish Quicksilver stayed alive but this was before the Fox Deal. At least, they kept Scarlet Witch. Vision was okay but wasn't very sad at his death. Maybe Wandavision may change that.
14. Iron Man. The start to the MCU. The best way ,in my opinion, to watch this movie is to watch shortly after Endgame to see how the MCU started from nothing and became what it did.
15. Guardians 1. Made no name characters in the comics into celebrities. Very good music but kinda weak compared to the sequel. That's totally my opinion on the matter since both movies have great sound tracks. Good introduction to the MCU and can be watched without watching any other movies of the MCU prior.
16. Captain Marvel. I think I can say this with complete confidence when I say this but I didn't need to learn how Fury lost his eye and how the name Avenger came to be. If you wanted an answer to that, is this the answer you wanted. It's just a question that didn't need an answer but whatever. It's like how we didn't know what happened in Budapest but we may get an answer in Black Widow from what I've heard. Good Movie overall, didn't change my opinion on the character. I was too harsh on it but they did the Skrull good. I do hope that they show that not all of the Skrulls are good people but there is at least one bad one. I don't care if ninety nine percent of the remaining Skrulls are good but just having one will be good enough. I still think Black Widow's movie should have come first but Marvel is trying to make Captain Marvel their Wonder Woman despite most comic fans ,including myself, not giving a damn about the character. I mean have you seen how many times they've rebooting her series.
17. Doctor Strange. An okay movie. Excited for the sequel but this is mainly due to Wandavision being a very interesting idea and my love of different dimensions. I like Doctor Strange as a character and Wong is a good supporting role.
18. The First Avenger. The Weakest Captain America Movie. Did a great job in making us like Captain America and the effects on Roger ,pre-Serum, is really cool. I like the costume for Captain America mainly the helmet.
19. Iron Man 2. The movie that helped launched the MCU with the introduction of Black Widow who SHOULD have gotten her movie before Captain Marvel. Also introduction to War Machine with the better actor.
20. Black Panther. Worst Phase 3 Movie. I like the Battle Rhinos, the costume designs were amazing, Chadwick Boseman is a great fit for the character, and I like the characters of Everett Ross, M'Baku, and Ulysses Klaue. I didn't care for Nakia, Okoye, and Shuri whatsoever. Nakia wasn't so bad since she was in this one movie so far but lets just say that I didn't like the moments in Infinity War for Shuri. And why is Okaye on the poster for Endgame despite not doing anything until the final battle? The villain was just kinda bland. Bring any kind of politics ,gender or race included, into a movie and it turns me away. I also don't like being reminded about slavery. I don't think we just ignore it but it's just a part of history and not a fan of Wakanda as a whole. I prefer Gorilla City since advanced apes are more interesting to me personally. Wasn't a fan of the music as well but that's just a me thing since I love me a guitar.
21/22. The Dark World. Worst Phase 2 Movie. Some good points but most of the movie is meh. Very sleep inducing. I did like the Mew Mew line.
21/22. Thor 1. Worst Phase 1 Movie. Some good points but most of the movie is meh. Very sleep inducing.

Best to worst Stan Lee Cameos in the MCU movies (Except for Hulk and Far From Home for obvious reasons. Stan Lee is the man, myth, and the legend after all.):
1. Captain America: Civil War - FedEx Driver, mistaking Tony Stark as "Tony Stank".
2. Avengers: Age of Ultron - World War II Veteran.
3. Avengers: Endgame - Man driving past Camp Lehigh in 1970. This was the final cameo Lee made in a Marvel film. The name "Stanley Lieber", a nod to Lee, can be seen on the San Francisco Wall of the Vanished.
4. Ant-Man - Bartender that was seen during Luis' flashback of Falcon looking for Ant-Man.
5. The Avengers - A man being interviewed on television who did not believe in superheroes. Also, in a deleted scene, he told Steve Rogers to ask the waitress for her number.
6. Thor: Ragnarok - Man on Sakaar who cuts Thor's hair.
7. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Watcher Informant, talking to the Watchers.
8. Guardians of the Galaxy - Xandarian Ladies' Man. In a deleted scene, that was only shot with a double his original cameo was for him be an exhibit in the Collector's Museum where he gives Groot the middle finger.
9. Spider-Man: Homecoming - Gary, chastised Spider-Man for making noise.
10. Ant-Man and the Wasp - Man whose car is shrunken by a Pym Particles Disk.
11. Avengers: Infinity War - School Bus driver.
12. Black Panther - Man who takes T'Challa's casino chips.
13. Thor - Man who tries to move Thor's hammer using his truck.
14. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Smithsonian security guard.
15. Captain America: The First Avenger - An elderly general.
16. Thor: The Dark World - Mental patient.
17. Doctor Strange - Bus Passenger, reading The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
18. Captain Marvel - Himself, as a passenger on a train where he is seen reading the script for Mallrats where he had a prominent cameo as himself.
19. Iron Man - Himself, mistaken for Hugh Hefner by Tony Stark.
20. Iron Man 3 - Beauty pageant judge.
21. Iron Man 2 - Larry King, mistaken for Larry King by Tony Stark.

Honorable Mentions:
1. Deadpool. A strip club emcee.
2. Captain Marvel's Marvel Studios Logo.
3. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. Costume Shop Owner/J. Jonah Jameson.
4. Spider-Man PS4. Short-Order Cook.

Quick Rant: I'm not spoiling the latest Star Wars movie with this rant I hope. This is my honest opinion as a non Star Wars fan so I have no standing in this. Here's the thing that's kinda obvious you can tell that the Skywalker Saga wasn't planned out whatsoever. The Disney trilogy of movies kinda show that since compared to Episode 1-6, they had two directors fighting over where to take Star Wars forward after Episode 6. It was like instead of three different ones for Episode 4, 5, and 6 and one for Episode 1, 2, and 3. I really so think Episode 7, 8, and 9 suffer from the Boruto situation when they treat the original trilogy like it was nothing important. While they're doing this, they hype up the new characters mainly Rey. Her being an Mary Sue is an argument we can have for a very long time but all three of these movies make her to be a god. People were always going to compare them to the previous movies since Stars Wars is one of the biggest franchises of all time. These movies are really diverse in terms of like and dislike. Looking at 8 and 9 mainly. I don't think 7 did that but I'm not a Star Wars guy. My favorite thing from Star Wars is Baby Yoda and that's really it. Kinda wish that Episode 7, 8, and 9 weren't so heavily connected to the previous movies but had their own ideas and story to offer rather than relying on the other stories. The Star Wars universe is vast and can be told in many different ways. I'm always going to say that you should try something new with an IP but not to forget what made people like it in the first place. Here's hoping that the next trilogy is going to do that and planned out. I rather have an MCU rather than a DCEU and Skywalker Saga any day. Also, I think this Tweet describe Star Wars and pretty much any fandom really but mainly Star Wars especially with the new Star Wars movie. I'm also going to say that this tweet may have spoilers but I could be wrong.

I just want a simple answer to this question. Who did Palapatine have sex in order to have a kid so that kid could have Rey? I don't think we'll get an answer to that. That's way more important than if Rey is a Mary Sue. I want to stay neutral on this but there is a lot more example for her being one than there are for her not being one. The only example against this is the Lightsaber Battle in Episode 7 being that Rey is awful at fighting an injured Kylo Ren who was also holding back. That's the only one I can find as a non Star Wars fan. I don't hate the actress because she was doing a good job but how the story wrote the character is the reason why Rey is considered a Mary Sue. I kinda considered her to be one but hey, this is coming from someone who doesn't care about Star Wars. I would say that Star Wars is one of the worst fandoms of all times but it isn't the worst fandom out there and it starts with the same letter as Star Wars.   

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