Sunday, November 27, 2016

Soul Episode 121 Reasons for what you do!

A/N: Welcome to the next episode of this mini arc. Do note that this along with the previous episode along with this one are still part of the Cultural Festival. I don't know if I mention it before but I just like to make sure for myself personally. Lets begin in a classroom that some of the middle schools use. If you don't remember, Star Valley allows middle schools Souls to study at Star Valley to get them prepared for their future. Oh and Sonya is supposed to a bitch just Ito in Yamada Kun because my god, she is one and adds nothing to the story in my opinion. Oh and by the way, Episode 120 and Episode 121 are on Saturday and Sunday by the way. Yeah.

Narrator P.O.V.
Caron was writing something down with two girls ,behind her, making fun of her. "Wow. She is all alone studying by herself." said a blond. "Well, she like didn't have any friends before hand." said her equally bitchy friend aka a brunette. "So do you remember what she did? Who would want to be with her after that shit?" said the blond. "Yeah! The teacher had a field day with her. She should have used her brains to study not to cheat." said the brunette.

Caron got up and she said,"You're so funny. I remember that you two were so happy about my little scheme.". She walked away and the blond said,"What's her problem?". "Someone is a little touchy and pissy." said the brunette. Caron grumbled to herself,"Screw those idiots. Once I have a power of my own,". She heard some yelling at she went after the sound. She saw Natsu yelling at Rain. "Why the hell was it at my house?!" said Natsu. "It is the closest place. said Rain.

Caron thought,"That's Natsu. Who is he with?". "Now go tell the others for me." said Rain. "I may be your boyfriend and a butler but I ain't your bitch." said Natsu. "Orders from your girlfriend or do you want me to date Drew?" said Rain. "Dam it." said Natsu. Later. Kim said,"You think that Rain Scott is a Sorcerer?". "Yes. I looked on some things. She is the smartest first year girl along with being the other first year in the Executive Committee. She is also Natsu's girlfriend." said Caron.

Kim's interest was hooked and Erika said,"So she is using him?". "Wow. What a bitch. Are you sure that she is a sorcerer? They could just share an interest like a couple. I mean my previous girlfriend shared a love of baseball." said Blake who was throwing a ball into the air. "Her behavior has been strange because of him. She is more social than before and fought off boys using powers very much akin to Natsu." said Caron.

Blake laughed and he said,"That isn't so strange because she could be trained under that idiot.". "So how do you explain her beating Kyle Shields?" said Caron. "Really?" said Blake. "So do you think that she is right?" said Erika. "Yeah. Our little Rain is know for her ability to swap bodies." said Kim who smiled. "I knew it!" said Caron who cheered for herself. "So she will be a much easier target than pinky. We have to switch bodies with her and run plus cause some trouble." said Blake.

He said,"Even though she is the daughter of two teachers and granddaughter of the chairman, she is going to be kicked out. I'll do this with ease.". "No! I will be doing this." said Caron. "What? Why can't I do it?" said Blake. "I'm the mostly likely of us to be able to get close to her because I swear that I won't lose." said Caron. "Okay then. Go get her Caron. We believe in you so you better not give up." said Kim.

Blake and Erika walked behind Caron with Blake saying,"Why the hell are we helping you exactly? I would rather throw a ball against the wall.". "It was Kim's orders so stop your bitching already." said Caron. "I'm lost why you're doing this. I mean you were against this plan from the start with you now jumping in. What's going on?" said Erika. "I know why Er. She is pissed off at her friends making fun of her since she is a weak...." said Blake.

Caron put her hand on his lips as she said,"Let me correct you. I hate that bitch. She is the smartest girl in her year with me being the smartest girl in our year. So tell me why her life is so much better than mine? She is hogging that power of hers and I want it!". Blake was scared shit-less and Erika thought to herself,"Yep. She is so jelly.". "I'll kiss her and you two grab her my body with her in it so we have one chance to do this. Failing isn't an option." said Caron.

Blake looked into the clubroom seeing Rain alone. "We're good. She is all alone." said Blake. "Where the hell is the other members?" said Erika. "They are doing things for their class so she is holding the fort while they're gone." said Caron. "Do you think that this is because of what we did? She will be expecting us then. This is a bad idea Caron." said Erika. "So what doesn't matter because all we need is a kiss." said Caron. Her partners watched her walk to the door.

Caron knocked on the door and she said,"Is this a bad time?". "Not at all. What do you need?" said Rain. "You're Rain Scott right?" said Caron. "I am." said Rain. "May I have a word with you?" said Caron. "Yes. I also need to talk to you about something. My idiot has been bothering you and your friends for some reason. He hasn't told me why so sit down so we may talk." said Rain. "No. I will be quick." said Caron.

Rain turned around to see Caron standing there. "You're a Sorcerer aren't you? No, you are one of the Core Seven Sorcerers." said Caron. "Huh? What are you" said Rain. The two kissed and Caron (Rain) said,"Whoa.". Rain (Caron) then started to touching her face and she said,"I did it! I really swapped bodies with her! Now!". Caron (Rain) was grabbed by Blake and Erika with Blake said,"Wow. They really swapped bodies.". "I can't believe that actually worked with no problems." said Erika.

Rain said,"Guys. We really need to get out of here because someone will come by. What is talking you idiots so long?". She turned around to see Blake and Erika flying with Caron standing there. "I can't believe it." said Rain. "I knew something bad would happen if we went with that idiot's brain so you're bold aren't you my junior? I guess me swapping bodies with Rainy bear was the right plan due to me getting the first place price." said Caron. "Natsu?" said Rain. "Bingo." said Caron (Natsu).

Later, the three were tied up. "You tricked us?! You two swapped bodies?!" said Rain (Caron). "No shit Sherlock. We planned for you guys doing something with Natsu's girlfriend so we had them swap bodies. It makes some confusion but we did it." said Issac. "Yeah. It was lucky that your plan work at all." said Sonya who held a book with a plan. "How about you shut the hell up for once Sonya." said Caron (Natsu).

The two were about to fight with Akane stopping them. "So we have a little question for you guys. I want the info about the sorcerers." said Issac. "Huh?" said Blake. "Don't be dumb. You have a boat lot of info on the sorcerers don't you?" said Drew. "Oh yeah. Good luck on getting me to talk at all." said Blake. "Oh. Are you guys going to give me attitude? I think that using my feminine looks will be the best way to get you to talk." said Caron (Natsu) who started to lift up her skirt.

Blake's nose started to bleed and he said,"Do it man! Caron may be a bitch in personality but she has a nice ass!". "Blake! Stop that." said Rain (Caron) with a blush on her face. "Then talk." said Natsu (Rain) who was reading a book nearby them. "I swear to god that I don't know. She never shows it to us at all. Kim tells us everything." said Rain. "So only Kim knows? What a waste this turned out to be. I think we should have gone with my plan because it is perfect like me." said Sonya.

Drew covered her mouth as he said,"Shut up.". "Okay. Just tell us her power." said Caron. Rain then looked at her and Caron said,"You know what it is right? I don't want to read your mind but I will if I have too.". "I can't tell you and if you read my mind, I don't care." said Rain. "Oh really? I guess you have short term memory then. I guess I will just walking around the school wearing nothing beside my undies." said Caron.

Drew said,"Dude. That sounds awesome. She does have a nice ass.". "I know right?" said Blake. The two fist bumped as Akane said,"Ignoring the perverts here. If she does this, you will never let this down even if we erase everyone's memories.". "Do it! I won't ever tell you what her power is!" said Rain. "Wow. She is stubborn just like him." said Sonya. Natsu sighed and Caron said,"Okay. It is time for plan B.". "Huh?" said Issac. "Yeah. Plan B." said Caron.

After a lot of kissing, Akane was now in Blake's body and Issac was in Erika's body. "Wow. I get the plan but wow, she has a sweet rack." said Erika (Issac). "Lets go." said Blake (Akane). "Wow. That was so hot." said Rain with a blush on her face. "Shut up!" said Akane (Blake) and Issac (Erika). "I think we're ready to go so lets go!" said Caron. She was stopped by Blake (Akane) who said,"Do you know where you're going?". "To find Kim." said Caron.

Erika said,"That is somewhat simple compared to your plan.". "So tell us where we can find your boss or else?" said Caron. They were quiet and Caron flared up. "Forget it Natsu. We can someone else instead." said Blake. The three were later looking at two girls who were talking about their moms or something. "Those two look pretty friendly." said Blake. "Lets talk already." said Erika. "Which means it's my turn to talk." said Caron.

Erika said,"Explain sister.". "I'm the smartest girl in the class right so everyone knows me plus I did some studying while you guys were getting your uniforms prepped." said Caron. "I guess she is right about that." said Blake. Caron walked over to them and the girl ,who had her honey blond hair in a ponytail, said,"You're looking for Kim?". "Yeah. I think I need her to answer a question of mine. You know about the festival." said Caron.

After a few minutes, Caron waved goodbye to them. "Well, we didn't find Kim but at least we got a couple of friends for her." said Caron. "I still can't believe you could talk and act like her after maybe a few minutes of studying." said Blake. "Yeah. It came with the job back in the day." said Caron who thought of the past. "I would have fallen for you." said Erika. "And now this is so weird. So are you up next Issac?" said Blake.

Erika said while cracking her fists,"I think with my super strength, getting someone to talk should be easy.". A few minutes later, Erika was sulking in the corner. "I guess you're not super strong are you Erika Chan?" said Caron. "Screw you." said Erika. "I think I should you how I being a seducer will work." said Blake who snapped his fingers. He was later sulking and Caron said,"This is getting so sad and weird. I thought they were hated.".

Erika said,"Yeah. I guess they're not as hated as we thought.". "Or maybe that Caron being nice help a little." said Blake. "I wonder why they want Sorcerer powers to begin with." said Caron. "They would do anything for a power even give up their friends." said Erika. "So what's next? We will never find Kim like this." said Blake. "Hey guys!" said a voice. The three saw Kim standing there and she said with slight anger,"Where were you guys? I was so bored waiting for you.".

Caron thought,"Wow. I didn't see that coming and I have super senses.". "Okay. Follow me gang. We can go talk somewhere else." said Kim. "That was..." said Blake. "Too dam easy." said Issac. Outside of the school. "So you couldn't grab her." said Kim. "Yeah. She had that idiot Sonya guarding her and man, she sure was annoying." said Caron. "Indeed." said Erika. "It's fine. We know her power so we will find another chance to get the power." said Kim.

Blake said,"Dude. We're doing good you guys.". "Yeah. We should use this." said Erika. "Okay. So Kim, could I ask a question?" said Caron. "What?" said Kim. "So where do you keep the info about the Sorcerers?" said Caron. Kim looked at her as Blake said,"You know because we have never seen it before.". "Yeah. We're curious is all." said Erika. "Really? I thought that I should it to you guys before." said Kim. "Not at all." said the three in unison.

Kim smiled and she said,"Okay. Here it is then.". She pulled it out of her bag as Erika rushed to grab it from her. She was smacked on the ground due to the giant text book and Blake said,"Wow. She is stronger than I thought.". "Sorry but you failed Nat Chan and I think that Erika is bleeding." said the girl. "Wow. I'm impressed." said Caron. "You know that whoever is in Blake and Erika did terrible but Caron did a good job." said Kim.

Blake said,"I see. We will work on our acting.". "Okay. No more time for games." said Erika. "She is right about that. Stop your plans right now." said Caron. "How about no." said Kim. "What?!" said Blake and Erika. "Do you honestly thought that it would be simple? You must be stupid and whoever came up this plan is an idiot." said Kim. "It was a girl named Sonya Jones." said Caron. "Natsu. Just stop." said Blake and Erika.

Kim said,"But I will talk.". "Huh?" said the three. "I'll tell you my power but you will give me those three back." said Kim. "Huh?" said Caron. "You heard me so give me back my friends! I will tell you my power if you give me them back. They're my friends after all." said Kim. "You're the boss Natsu so it's your choice." said Erika. "Didn't expect you to do that but I refuse." said Caron. "What are you talking about?" said Blake.

Kim said,"Are you that stupid meat head? I thought you wanted to know my power!". "No. You and your power can go away." said Caron. Kim growled as she said,"Fine! Take everything that I have so are you happy!". "What?" said the two. "No way!" said Caron. "Huh?" said Blake. "Are you stupid or something? I know that you want it!" said Kim. "Sorry but I told you what I want. Stop what you are planning alright." said Caron.

Kim said,"Not happening.". "What?! You know that I'm being nice right? I can kick your ass without any effort at all." said Caron. The two glared at each other and Kim said,"You should get the hint by now Senior.". "Okay. You're playing the long game so screw you. We'll leave." said Caron. She then walked away and Erika said,"Hey Natsu! Think about this okay?!". The two ran after her and Kim glared at her.

Back in the clubroom, Sonya said,"So I hope you're proud of yourself.". She along with Drew started to punch Natsu. They were all back in their bodies with Rain reading nearby. "You dam idiot! Why didn't you ask her for her power?!" said Sonya. "And we could have the notebook too!" said Drew who kicked him. "And what are we going to do with them?! We can't keep them in here forever! I thought we finally had her so we're back to the start?! It is all your fault!" yelled Sonya.

She was slapped by Natsu who said,"Just shut the fuck up okay. I'm sick of your annoying as hell voice and I'm now what I'm doing so just shut the fuck up. The notebook wouldn't help at all so I want you to shut up.". Sonya was quiet and Rain said,"I'm surprised by the fact that she cared about them. I thought they were puppets but they are friends. Color me impressed and it shows that Kim wasn't a heartless person.".

Issac looked at them and he said,"We should use Kana's power on them.". "We should break up the band right?" said Drew. "Yeah. It would get her so angry that we made her friends so lets call Kana down here and ...." said Issac. 'Wait! Don't do that!" said Caron. The group looked at her and she said with a little bit of crying,"Please anything but that! Please". "Huh?" said Akane. "You aren't giving us a choice here." said Issac.

Caron looked at the ground and she said,"We'll give up on the powers.". "Huh?" said Drew. "If you let us go, I will convince Kim to back off. Please give me a chance. I don't her to be alone." said Caron. "Well, I'm impressed." said Issac. 'It is a good plan." said Drew. "Yeah." said Akane. "These kids are full of surprises." said Sonya. Natsu looked at them and Rain said,"Lets go already.". The plan was set.

Kim was reunited with her friends and she said,"Are you serious?". "Yeah. We didn't want you to be alone." said Caron. "Okay." said Kim. The four walked away and Drew said,"Wow. That was easy since we put so much work into it.". "Yeah. At least the girls and the guys are safe. Lets go back to the room Natsu." said Issac. Him and Drew walked away and Natsu looked at Kim. "Hey Kim. Let me ask you something." said Natsu.

Kim said,"Do you like me or something? I'm sorry but I don't.". "Wow. You're so blind from the truth you know that right? Answer me this. What were you going to do with the powers? I mean you don't have an group to take the other eighteen powers. I hope you're not thinking about talking over the school because I can handle anything that the sorcerers try to do." said Natsu. "Yeah. You know that sounds like fun right?" said Kim. "Of course." said Natsu who pinched his nose.

Kim said with a sigh,"But like most epic villains, they were stopped by some goody two shoes along with their dogs.". "You are so crazy because being hated isn't fun. Trust me, I am hated by everyone who aren't my friends and it isn't at all fun." said Natsu. Kim grabbed his shirt collar and she glared at him. "What do YOU know?! They didn't do any of it because they wanted to!" said Kim. "Huh?" said Natsu. "I know your power so know my power so you can know the truth!" said Kim. She kissed him.

Later in the Unknown Club room. "It was a long and hard road but we did it you guys!" said Sonya who cheered along with the others. "It was harder than hard. I thought that we were in actual trouble for a second." said Issac. 'Yeah but we still did it." said Drew. "But we didn't get the notebook at all and we still know little about the Core Seven." said Akane. Sonya looked at Natsu and she said,"I think that your negativity is pissing me off.".

Natsu looked pissed off and Sonya said,"We can dig into Kim's power later.". "Screw you annoying bitch." said Natsu who looked out the window. "Man. I'll be helping you for sure." said Issac who put his arm around him. Natsu broke it for a second and Drew said,"Man, you are in a bad mood. We will help you.". "No more Sorcerer stuff until after the Cultural Festival right?" said Sonya. Natsu stood up and he said,"Yeah. I'll be in my office sleeping. Text me if you need anything.". He was gone.

At the school ,that was currently featured in Episode 45-47, Kim was reading a book that was mainly about the Sorcerers in a room. She didn't notice or care that four people were watching her. "What should we do guys?" said a person. "I think we should leave her." said another person. "But summer school ends today." said a third person. "She wants to stay longer so lets leave her. It was HER choice after all." said a fourth. The fourth walked away as Kim just kept reading.

Natsu woke up in his office and he said,"What the hell was that dream? Could it be?". He looked at Slytha who was currently sleeping after a massive junkfood and sweets overload and he said,"Maybe I will try sleeping again. It was probably just stress or something.". He closed his eyes as he started to re see that dream. He kept trying this over and over again until he decided to go tell the others in the club about this.

Sonya said,"Say what?!". "You know Kim's power?!" said Issac. Natsu stood there with obvious bags under his eyes and he said,"Yeah. It is.....". He fell over and Drew said,"Natsu!". Drew dragged Natsu over to a chair with him saying,"It can see into the past.". He fell back asleep and Issac said,"So it is like Alice's power but the other way.". Natsu woke back up and he said,"God dam it! I hate this stupid power! I haven't be able to sleep because I see a part of it when I started to dream.".

Akane said,"So you saw Kim's past?!". "Yeah. When I fall asleep, I see her in the past but I am awake during the whole things so I'm really fucking tired right now." yawned Natsu. "So what did you see exactly?" said Rain. "She was reading something about the Sorcerers during the summer break and it was in the same building where we met Jane." said Natsu. "So she was the one who stole it?" said Sonya. "And?" said Drew.

Natsu said,"And what?". "Did you see anything else?" said Drew. "Nope." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Drew. "Yeah. She was reading that book like nothing else. She finished the book and left." said the drowsy first year. "You didn't see inside the notebook?!" said Sonya. "Nope." said Natsu. "Maybe a bath?" said Issac. "No!" said Natsu. Issac sighed and he said,"I so didn't see that being her power. I thought something like mind control.". "Yeah. I mean it only has dreams." said Drew.

Sonya said,"So there is a power for the past and future. I think we should do some investigating. Lets do it!". "Yeah!" said Drew and Issac. "Screw you." said Natsu. "Why the hell not?!" said Sonya. "I'm so fucking tired right now. I rather get SOME sleep before tomorrow because I will need it." said the boy. "You could have come to bed with me." said Issac. "Screw you." said Natsu. He stood up and he said,"I'll be sleeping in the nurse office. You guys do work for the festival or something.". He left.

Caron said,"So why are you here Natsu? I thought you were done with us.". Blake and Erika were nearby her as Natsu was sleeping in front of them. "Sorry. I'm so tried." said Natsu who woke up. "I really don't get this guy at all." said Blake. "Look. We're normal students so how about you leave us alone already?" said Erika. Natsu looked around and he said,"I smell Kim around here so where is she anyway?". "She is in the old study room." said Caron.

Natsu said,"I see.". "What do you want with her?" said Blake. "None of your dam business and you owe me one." said Natsu who walked away. Kim was reading a book ,in the old study room, and she heard,"I just loved your dreams girlfriend with them being super sweet and junk.". Natsu stood there as Kim said,"Oh. So what did you see?". "You read the notebook in the clubhouse." said Natsu. "We went in May before you seniors did so yeah, it was fun." said Kim.

Kim said,"So did you get me now Natsu?". "Yeah. I thought that was it at first but over and over, the dream showed me that your past was heartbreaking and it works through dreams unlike Alice who you know about. You were held in the room for hours maybe days. A teacher finally found you and wow, it must have been awful. I'm impress girl." said Natsu. "Yeah. That is the point of it. My friends had it worse though because they were framed!" said Kim.

Natsu said,"I get you. Bullying is awful and I get that.". "Weren't you listening?" said Kim. "I was. It shouldn't bother you but I feel bad that you had a little mishap in there. I mean falling on the ground into a huge pile of dust, getting a bucket of water poured on you, and I think the coup de grace of the whole thing was that you had to destroy something precious of yours to stay warm right?" said Natsu with Kim's face getting brighter in embarrassment.

Kim said,"Wow. You're a piece of work you know that? I mean you just say that out loud. So tell me something. Does it make you hot seeing other in pain?". "Not at all crazy." said Natsu. "Then why are you here?" said Kim. Natsu looked at her and Kim said,"You didn't come here to make me angry. Did you come here to say something to me?". "No. I was just walking by." said Natsu. "Really? You came HERE of all places?" said Kim who got closer to him. "I did." said Natsu.

Kim said,"Well fine. I better get going. Me and my friends will be good little boy and girls so leave us alone okay?". She walked toward the door and Natsu said,"You know that you're one stubborn girl just like me so listen to me!". He grabbed her and he said,"I'm here to help you Kim. I know that you are worried sick about your pals so don't act tough!". He let her go as Kim said,"You really should have started with that.".

Natsu said,"You're right. I know what it is like to be worried sick about my friends. Trust me on that Kim. You kissed me and I really want to.....". Kim put her hand over his and she said,"I kissed them and I have been looking for a way to save them but there is nothing that I could do so please Natsu. I want you to help them!". She was crying on his chest and he said,"I promise that I will Kim Rivera. I want you all to be happy because you're my cute as hell junior.". Kim blushed at that.

Back in the club room, the club was working hard but they were distracted by someone. "So are you done yet Nat Chan?" said Kim. "I told you to wait!" said Natsu. "How long do I have wait Natsu? I am so getting bored over here." said Kim. "How about you wait somewhere else?" said Natsu. "K! I have the perfect spot." said Kim. She was really close to him and she said,"So I'll wait here. You're really warm by the way.". "You know that you can wait OUTSIDE right?" said Natsu.

Kim said,"Nope! I'm waiting right here next to my Natsu Bear!". She grabbed his left arm and Natsu said,"I like you but you're annoying me.". "Are you sure that you be saying that to me?" said Kim. "I have work to do in here despite me not really caring about this." said Natsu. "Not moving at all!" said Kim. The group stopped working ,mainly because they couldn't handle Natsu and Kim's flirting, to talk with Kim about her power.

Akane said,"So it shares traumatic stuff? I guess Natsu couldn't tell us all that he saw.". "You're right about that." said Natsu. Kim wrapped her arms around him and she said,"Yep. My Natsu bear here got a good long past at a jaw dropping scene from my past. Right honey?". "Honey?" said Natsu who looked at her. Drew slammed the table and he said,"Natsu! Tell us what you saw!". Issac nodded and Natsu said,"Nah. I'm good.".

Kim said,"You can tell them honey.". "No! Why are you so happy now?!" said Natsu. "Sharing is caring Natsu." said Issac. "No more! Kim. You need to calm down because I'm not a fan of having girls who aren't my family and my girlfriend stick so close to me!" said Natsu. "I'm doing this because you said that you will help me honey." said Kim. Natsu looked at her with Rain saying,"Of course you would say that.". "Sigh." said Natsu.

Issac said,"You know that seeing you and Kimmy together like this making me regret my previous thoughts. So how about we share one of my traumas?". "No way buster. I want Natsu not an weirdo at all." said Kim. "Huh. I guess I still have Natsu to try and seduce." said Issac. "How about you started by kissing my foot first?!" said Natsu. "I don't think we should be acting like this with her power due it being different than other powers." said Rain.

Drew said,"Explain.". "It exposes your secrets to others and what would happen if someone would wreck havoc with the knowledge gained." said Rain. "You mean like blackmailing us with our secrets or worse?!" said Sonya. She and Drew backed away from Natsu who said,"I don't need to know what you're thinking to say that you're both idiots.". "Well. I guess we should stop for today and the rest of the festival." said Sonya. "I thought we had work to do for the festival." said Natsu.

Sonya said,"We do but you really should open your eyes.". "Huh?" said Natsu. He looked at Kim who was hugging him and smiling. "No one can stand the sight of you two flirting!" yelled Sonya. "We should now leave honey because someone is really jelly." said Kim. "Oh yeah. I guess it is because she'll never get a man." said Natsu. Sonya's anger rose and she yelled,"Out!". "Wow. She is such a bitch." said Kim. "I guess you're not so bad after all." said Natsu. The two left the club room.

Drew said,"Man, those two so belong together.". "Yeah but that isn't what a club room is for?!" said Sonya. "That was the purpose of this club to begin with right?" said Akane. "Bingo." said Issac who was sipping a soda. "You know that her power has another use. It shares a fragile part of yourself. It gives you a good amount of empathy so it makes personal bonds." said Rain. "Oh. So it is for good and bad right?" said Sonya.

Rain said,"Yep. Kim chose to build a good relationship with her friends and Natsu is following in her footsteps. I think those two are very similar but I know that Natsu loves me.". "Wow. I guess she got a lot from swapping bodies from Natsu." said Drew. Rain threw him into the wall and Akane said,"I think we should get back to work.". "Right." said the group. Issac helped Drew out of the wall much to his annoyance as they went back to work.

Natsu was currently taking to Alice along with Zenia with Kim watching him. "Why are you here exactly Natsu?" said Zenia. "I'm here on orders of Executive Committee. Are you guys going to be ready for tomorrow?" said Natsu. Alice hugged Natsu ,who blushed, and she said,"We'll be fine. So who is she?". "I'm his lover." said Kim. "I thought you were with Rain." said Zenia. "It is a confusing mess to be honest with you." said Natsu.

After doing his rounds, Kim was outside with Natsu. "So are you just good at making people hate me?" said Natsu. "Is there another reason?" said Kim. "Maybe because most people know that I'm with Rain and if they see me with you, they will get the wrong idea." said Natsu. Kim said,"Yeah. I just don't care.". "So about your pals." said Natsu. "What?!" said Kim. "I will use the best method known to man." said Natsu. "Tell me!" said Kim.

Natsu said,"I find the main bully and his cohorts with me then beating them to the Underworld and back!". Kim hit him with a dictionary ,that was nothing to him, and she said,"The entire school or more specifically the third years from middle school bullies them. You can't fight the entire school Natsu. It's not likely that you'll survive.". "I can do it. So why are you doing this?" said Natsu. "Don't you help your pals even though they never asked for help beforehand?" said Kim.

Natsu looked at her with Kim saying,"I guess I want them to have their old lives.". "Really? You are nice." said Natsu. "Ignoring that by the way. I just thought if they had witch powers, they would be popular again. That was just a pipe dream though. If they stopped hanging out with me, they will be popular again. I got my power to keep my company." said Kim. Natsu smiled as he walked away. "So why did you smile?" said Kim. "I think that you'll make a good girlfriend." said Natsu.

Natsu blocked Kim's death dictionary and she said,"Okay. We should get going then.". "Where?" said Natsu. "Golly. You are sure dense." said Kim. She got on his lap and she said,"To your house silly! I want to think of a plan there.". "Not happening!" said Natsu. "I thought that you were going help me honey." said Kim. "That doesn't involve going to my house!" said Natsu. "Rats." said Kim. The two didn't noticed that they were being watched by three people.

One of the three was Caron making the two pretty obvious. Natsu said goodbye to Kim and then he was punched by Erika. Erika watched him fall and she said,"Wow. That was surprisingly easy. So how am I going to drag him back?". She started to drag him and Natsu looked at him. He was faking being unconscious to teach Erika and her friends a lesson. He knew that they were watching him and Kim earlier and it was Natsu teaching time.

Later in a empty shed, Natsu was tied up and he said,"Okay. So why the hell did you punch me and knock me out?". "Excuse me Natsu? We could be doing this for revenge or perhaps an question for our favorite senior." said a voice. Caron stood there with Blake and Erika right behind him and she said,"What did you to Kim Rivera?". "Excuse me." said Natsu. "She is in love with you and what was it a Sorcerer power?" said Caron.

Natsu thought,"I guess you wanted to keep them in the dark for their safety.". "I am sorry but I didn't do anything to you." said Natsu. Caron then grabbed his collar and she said,"You're lying. I am going to warn you Natsu. We're serious. Do you want to go peacefully? Give us back Kim.". "I can't do that since she doesn't belong to me at all. So tell me something. What would you do with her of you had her back?" said Natsu.

Blake said,"I guess your punch scattered his brain matter around or something.". "Or his memory is shit. We are going to go through school just the four of us. We already gave into your demands so how about you give her...." said Erika. "I guess you three haven't grown in terms of mentally at all have you?" said Natsu. The three looked right at him and Natsu started to cut the ropes using his right index finger while talking to the three,

Natsu said,"I really don't know why Kim came to me of all people but the thing is that she is doing all of this for you idiots. She is trying to help you get popular again but do you even see that? It is your fault for her pain you know that?!". Caron was quiet as Blake yelled,"Shut the hell up Natsu! It is so obvious that you are just saying that to save your life! Kim would never do that!". Natsu started to laugh and he said,"Is that right?".

Natsu said,"I thought you guys were the talking type but I have to beat some sense into you as your senior.". He broke out of the rope with his aura increasing. "Huh?" said Blake. "I guess it's time to show you why they call me the Dragon Emperor!" said Natsu. Caron ,after she failed to burn our hero due to him eating the flames, hid from the carnage of Natsu. Blake crashed into some supplies and he was out. "Blake!" yelled Erika.

Natsu stood there and he said,"And we only have one junior remaining. I hope you are ready for my attack Erika.". Erika rushed toward him and she yelled,"You're an asshole Natsu! I really thought that we could trust you!". "I thought at first Erika that you were a person that took action but instead you are cowering like a little bitch. So where is your courage?" said Natsu. Erika punched him and she said,"Fuck you! Shut your mouth! What gives you the right to lecture us?!".

She saw Natsu reappear in front of us with his wounds healed ,thanks to the GP, and he said,"I'm your senior and sometimes, I have to teach you a lesson when you're too dam stupid to see it!". He kicked her to the ground and he said,"Are you done? I got...". "We know that you were telling the truth. We don't know what to do. Even if we got it done, we would still be lost. We want her to be happy but also nothing bad at all.".

Natsu sat down and he said,"I know the answer but I want you all and Kim to figure out. Kim didn't want all of you have to have a shitty school life because of her. That's my hint for you so think about it okay?". The dragon was gone as the three thought about them. Later, Kim was looking over Natsu who had gotten himself in another fight except this one was about the festival. "It has been an hour since we've been apart so how do you get so hurt?" said Kim.

Natsu said while looking away,"I got in a fight nothing else.". Kim then got closer to him as she said with a worried tone,"Let me see your mug okay?". "I'll be fine." said Natsu. Sonya was nearby them and she wanted to hit Natsu because of their flirting. She looked at the door and she said,"Hey idiot couple. Someone is here to see you.". It was Blake, Caron, and Erika. Unlike Natsu, their wounds were obvious except for Caron. "We have something to tell you Kim." said Caron. 

Kim said,"What is it?". "We came to tell you of a decision that we made. We are going our separate ways." said Caron. "I don't get it?" said Kim. "After all, four years together would get boring after a while." said Erika. "And we have to think about our futures too. I am thinking about going back to baseball practice. I am going to be a pro for sure!" said Blake. "I am going to start attend the study sessions after school." said Caron.

Erika said,"And I have to start teaching lessons to the punks to help out my seniors.". Erika looked at Natsu who nodded back. Kim said,"I guess you guys are going to be busy for a while.". "That is why we are here." said Erika. "Okay." said Kim. The duo of Kim and Natsu watched as X the trio walked away. "They're good kids and Erika has one hell of a swing. It was like being hit with a stream roller and she would make a perfect bodyguard one day." said Natsu.

Kim looked at him and she heard,"Kim, you haven't been there in a while but we have been hanging out. I hope you can come by sometime.". The three looked back at her as Kim said,"I will be there for sure!". Natsu watched the four talking and he thought,"We have a lot in common don't we Kim? We have bigger than normal hearts.". "So what are you doing here Natsu?" said Kim. She looked at him and she said,"We still have to talk about something don't we?". 

Outside, Natsu looked right at the notebook in front of him and Kim said,"Here is your reward for helping me.". "This is so awesome. This is the best reward ever." said Natsu. Kim took it from him and she said,"However, it comes at a price. Stop looking for other Sorcerers now Natsu.". "Huh? Are you serious" said Natsu. "Stop. End your quest. This is your only option if you want this book." said Kim. "To be honest with you, they come to me." said Natsu.

Kim then looked at him and Natsu said,"They came to me Kim and I want to learn more about them to protect them mainly my Rainy.". "Okay. I guess you're not getting the book then." said Kim. "I already read your mind so I know all in there so thanks Kimmy." thought Natsu. "So I will tell you anything that you want if you come to me and ask." said Kim. "So how about you just give me the book and save yourself trouble." said Natsu. "Nah." said Kim.

Natsu sighed and he said,"So why would you keep me from protecting my friends?". "Because I have more than enough competition you know." said Kim. "Huh?" said Natsu. "How about you use your brain genius?  I love you idiot." said Kim. She walked away as Natsu said,"Figure that out. Lets just say that I like your sass. See you later Kim Rivera.". The girl heard the compliment and blushed hard as she ran off.

Natsu smiled and he said,"And when I was having a good day.". Sonya appeared with Drew and she said,"There you are! You know that you still have your work right?!". "How about you get someone else like you to do since I was busy!?" said Natsu. The two argued as Aurora watched them. "So the Cultural Festival begins tomorrow." said Aurora. Karen was nearby her as she said,"Yes it does but it also means that you have to pick your successor along with Ms. Byrd.".

Aurora said,"Of course I do but I have some candidates in mind.". She placed three pictures in front of him and she said,"I was thinking about Mr. Lance, Ms. Moore, and maybe Ms. Blaze. However, I don't think the later though since she is more a supporting role rather then a leading one.". "So do you have another in mind because I have one if you don't mind me suggesting something?" said Karen. "I will listen but we have one little problem." said Aurora. She held a picture and it was a boy.

Next time,
Who is the boy that Aurora is having a problem with? Is it another Sorcerer or something out!? Will we meet him in this arc?! We will be seeing him but not into later one. This and more next time on Soul!

Body Swaps:
Natsu to Rain.
Rain to Natsu.
Rain (Natsu) to Caron.
Caron to Rain.
Caron (Natsu) to Erika.
Erika to Caron.
Erika (Natsu) to Issac.
Issac to Erika.
Issac (Natsu) to Caron (Erika).
Caron (Erika) to Issac (Natsu).
Caron (Natsu) to Blake.
Blake to Caron.
Blake (Natsu) to Akane.
Akane to Blake.
Akane (Natsu) to Caron (Blake).

Caron (Blake) to Akane (Natsu).

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