Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Soul Episode 119 The Civil War Rematch! Result of the Big Test!

A/N: Warning, this class war is different since this one doesn't involve someone's life also this is like the Class War. This is going to be more fun than anything else. This Author Note is going to be short since I got nothing. I'm also revealing the Class Roster. I may be a fan of Japan but I would live in the US because their school system is confusing to me. I'm not smart and I fully admit that so enjoy my lack of a different country's culture. I also combined things because the Cultural Festival arc is going to be long because I have a lot of ideas.

Narrator P.O.V.
All of Class C was sitting on the field wearing their CMUs with Natsu was standing there in his gym uniform. "So what are we doing out here? We got tests today." said Terry. "Oh I know. You have my test." said Natsu. "You not serious are you?" said Lucy. Dante looked at Natsu with him saying,"He is serious Lucy.". "Okay. I think most of you remember this right?" said Natsu. He placed two boxes of guns and paintballs.

Ben said,"The Civil War? Um, why?". "Yeah. We saved Sora and solved our problems." said Tsuki. "I also think it was fun despite what the reason for it was." said Yumiko. "Oh no. You have gotten me wrong. This is the Civil War but this day, I'm playing too." said Natsu. "You're kidding?! Isn't that like having unlimited Mana?" said Katsuo. "Nope. The teams I picked were at random plus it going to be 5 vs 22 vs 22. The test is great practice for the real test." said Natsu.

Issac said,"Five vs twenty two vs twenty two? So are you on a team with four others?". "Yep and I've texted the four and they should join me." said Natsu. Haru stood up and he said,"Yeah. This is going to be fun right you guys?". He jumped over to Natsu and Haru said,"So what are the teams?". "I will tell off the teams once the other three join us up here." said Natsu. "K. Come on you guys. This match is going to be good." said Haru.

Yataro stood up and he said,"Good choice. I'm obvious the smartest in terms of building machines to help protect others.". He stood next to Haru with the martial artist said,"Yep. You're a good kid and I think a perfect apprentice.". Blair and Stacey stood up and Blair said,"I wonder why you picked me despite our differences but I know that we're going to win.". "Yeah and I bet that it is going to be a blast no matter what." said Stacey.

The five stood there and Natsu said,"My team of Blair Goodwin, Stacey Hale, Yataro Higashi, Haru Ichirou, and myself have one goal in mind. Do you mind telling the rest of the class Ruri about the real reason behind this team?". Ruri ,from Cora's phone, said,"Yep. This team was created because they are the strongest in each of the four battling styles that Souls used. Am I correct Mr. Xasius or should I call you Natsu?". "Yes Ruri. You call me Natsu okay?" said Natsu.

Tessa said,"Battling Styles? What are those?". "Sometimes. I wonder who taught you before I started this class. Every Soul has one thing in common. They all fall under one of four camps. The camps in question are Power, Skills, Adaptability, and Protection. Stacey Hale is a expert in Adaptability due to her knowing several different languages before the age of ten was it? I could be wrong but here is the thing, I'm never wrong." said Natsu.

Stacey lightly punched him as she said,"Yep. I guess you being so detailed about your work learned some juicy details about us.". Natsu said,"Next up is Yataro Higashi who is an expert is Protection. It comes from his love of anything to do with machines.". "Correct. I plan to protect you and the people in Class C from anything plus the power of Class C is limitless or in Slytha's case, infinite." said the pre-teen who chewed some bubblegum making a bubble.

Natsu said,"Yeah. The one in Skills is Blair Goodwin. Her ability to make lasers of different sizes and shapes plus she is also great in covering her weakness as well. This comes from her training over in the United Kingdom. They focus on covering all weak spots in a person plus her ability of lasers is quite impressive.". "Yes. I will bring my A game to this war unlike the last one. I won't let you get me this time Katsuo." said Blair.

The gangster smirked and Natsu said,"And then we have our class's strongest Power Haru Ichirou. He tends to be a bit of a prankster but he doesn't want anyone to figure him before he lands the strike to finish off his target. If he gets caught up in a jam, I know that he will find a way out of it no problem about that.". "Right. Oh and right now, I'm one hundred percent serious. Not even you will be able to stop me right now vampire trap. Natsu is the strongest so good luck you guys." said Haru.

Ellen stood nearby with Virgil with Virgil saying,"Ellen. Do you think the team that the son of the sun goddess Amaterasu picked the right team?". "Yep! Natsu may not look like but under that body, he is a super genius. He is able to break a plan that has been under the work for a year." said Ellen. "Oh. So are you going to enjoy this?" said Virgil. "Yeah and also this beats doing work right?" said Ellen. The angel nodded as Natsu said,"Here are the teams. Me and Ruri are a mixture of the four by the way.".

Ruri said from Natsu's phone,"Could I join in?! I mean I'm a student too!". "Um. We would say yes but you don't have a body." said Mia. "Not true. Me and Yat have been working hard on for a while now and I think this is the perfect time to test it right?" said Ruri. "Yeah. I just need to get it. She will be on our team." said Yataro. "I'm good with it Natsu." said the other three excluding Natsu. "Sure. I just want to play the game." said Natsu.

The Blue Team stood there on the right side of the field and it was Issac Lance, Tara Cross, Moka Banks, Cindy Malone, Soran Chainsaw, Dante Skidmore, Matt Ray, Masaru Hirano, Kyria Finch, Katsuo Takeda, Rex Anderson, Mia Cruz, Irene Rhodes, Tatsu Xasius, Ryker Tate, Dana Reid, Tsuki Toyama, Hikaru Spencer, Masoko Infernos, Phoebe Walton, Urara Sunada,  and Chad Koizumi. The group was ready to go with them having a lot of powerhouses.

The Red Team stood there on the left side of the field and it was Harry Adams, Alex Travis, Akane Blaze, Rain Scott, Jake Walker, Terry Rios, Ryo Conner, Leona Tachibana, Lucy Rowe, Karla Watson, Yumiko Ogino, Ben Barton, Seth Richards, Cora Youko, Amy Ramos, Tessa Tamura, Nazar Kern, Miu Otsuka, Yusuki Payne, Sekien Ozaki, Kyoji Sakamoto, and Charlotte Steel. Their group has more techniques that the blue team.  

Natsu stood there and he said,"Arena Appear!". The class covered their eyes as the entire back of the classroom was covered in a bright light. Rain looked around to see that they were in a virtual forest with her saying,"This was your creation?". "I had some help honey but you're right. This field is just like the one that you're taking for the test. Unlike previous exams that we've taken, It is more focused on the mental aspects of our development." said Natsu.

He was speaking from a screen above the field with each group able to see him. "My exam will make your bodies feel like crap but your brain will be perfect." said Natsu. "Natsu. This better not be a plan to save yourself from your tails being destroyed right?" said Akane. "Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. I think the reward for winning is quite interesting." said Natsu. "Which is?" said Masaru. "The winning team can ask anything from one person and only one from the losing team." said Natsu.

Ryker said,"So we could ask you to let us cut off one of your tails?". "Yes but if say you ask me, no one else can ask me. Once that person from the opposing team is picked, you can't pick that person again. It is make sure that I don't lose all of my tails. I need to let those who accomplish their goals during the written exams get their tails." said Natsu. The two team nodded and the screen disappeared from the sky.

Natsu looked at his team with him saying,"Wow. You look just like your digital self Ruri.". Ruri then smiled and she said,"Thanks. Me and Yataro worked really hard on it.". "So were you two alone? You two make a cute couple." said Stacey. "Couple?" said Yataro. He looked at Ruri with Blair saying,"I don't think you should rush them Stacey.". "Yeah. I mean we have to find Soran a girlfriend before we help our super genius." said Haru.

Yataro said,"Haru. I have a question. During the last one of these things, you attacked Soran with an anger that rivals our idiot. Is that normal?". "Not at all shrimp. You know what happens when you put to much air into a balloon. I just had to release my anger out in intervals and if you look to one of the trees in the forest nearby the classroom, you will see what happened when you make me angry. Said tree is wrecked hard." said Haru.

Stacey said,"You know that normal people get their anger out through stress right?". "And I am not normal. So Stace, what are you going to do if we win?" said Haru. "What if the other two teams win because we have a major disadvantage in the field right now." said Ruri. "Even through we are out manned six to twenty two to twenty two, we're stronger than them Ruri." said Yataro. "He is right. It is going to be a quick victory." said Blair.

Natsu said,"Don't think like that now Blair. They may have planned some nasty traps for us if we run without a plan. I could tell that out without using Astral.". "Wow. You know this is a simple game not war right?" said Stacey. "Well, our class isn't normal so lets keep the ace in the hole here for now. We are out of their range even if the red team use Cora and Terry's power with technology or if the blue team use Cindy's power. We should be safe." said Haru.

Yataro said,"Correct. I'll build a jammer just in case. Ruri, I need you to guard me while I'm doing that okay?". "Sure thing Yat." said Ruri. The two walked off as Blair said,"It's so cute that they have pet names for each other even though they're not dating.". "Yeah. Rain won't let me call her any pet names since according to her, I suck at making them." said Natsu. "True. I mean Rain has told me some of them. None are good." said Stacey. "Wow bro." said Haru.

Natsu sighed and he said,"Okay. What do you suggest we do now?". "I think me and Stace should go out there and pick off some flies before they have a chance to get you and Blair. She needs to find a good sniping shot so if Katsuo tries to do that thing that he did last time, she can shoot him down with a laser but this time, I'm going to be smack that gangster with my paint covered stick. Lets win you guys." said Haru. "Right." said the five. The game started with a firework.

Matt was walking through the forest and he was thinking of Haru. "Haru Ichirou. He and my Stacey have been getting too close. I don't mind if Stacey talks without other guys but what they're doing, it is making me the boyfriend uncomfortable. I think once my team wins and the exams are over, we'll go on a date that will make her fall in love even more." thought Matt. Haru was watching over him and he said to himself,"So is Matty jelly of me or what?".

The two boys saw magic circles appeared in front of him and Matt said,"Leona. She must be around here and I bet with someone! Lets go.". He rushed past the magic circle trap and Haru thought,"I will let Blair shoot him because I have a certain trap to take care off. His vampire powers are something of a problem due to him being more advanced than before.". He jumped through the trees to look for Soran.

Matt hid in the bushes due to his magic covering his blind spots. He saw Alex standing there with Ben and Leona. "So do you think someone fell into one of the traps yet?" said Ben. "Well, I think only Matt and Natsu should be able to see them." said Leona. "And from Terry texted me, he is still on the mountain taking a nap?" said Alex. "I hope whatever Rain does with him is going to be good for all of us." said Ben.

Matt was about to blast them with a magic circle ,that would exploded, and he turned around to see a giant and gold lion behind him. It roared launching him into the three. "Matt! What are you doing here!" yelled the three. "Hi you guys. This is your friendly neighborhood sun lion from your fav teach Natsu. I'm controlling it from my secret base so have fun dealing with the lion from the sun above." said Natsu's voice from the lion

Alex punched the ground below her as a huge rock appeared blocking a beam of sun fire that came out of the lion's mouth. "We have to work together or we're out of here." said Alex. "Right. Me and Matt will cover you and Ben." said Leona. "Good plan." said Ben. Matt made several magic circles appeared around the lion and Leona said,"Good job Matt. You're really good at making magic circles despite not having any normal magic training.".

Matt said,"I study hard so I could make sure that I stay by Stacey's side.". Ben punched the lion in the mane of fire with him covered in metal. "Hurry up Alex!" yelled Ben. She punched the lion hard in the face as the lion roared. He then exploded and Ben said,"We did it.". "Yeah." said the two girls and Matt. The four were then sniped by Blair who said,"That was a good move coming from you.". "Ben Barton, Matt Ray, Leona Tachibana, and Alex Travis are defeated!" said the announcer.

Harry sighed and he said,"I guess the muscle head, metal head, and magic head got defeated. So are you going to do the same to me?". Cindy stood there with Dana, Masoko, and Mia. "I can't believe you just walked into our base and somehow disabled our scanners." said Dana. "What can I say? My magnetism is perfect for this job." said Harry. "Masoko. Is it the real Harry?" said Mia. "It is the real Harry and watch out!" said Masoko.

She pushed the three girls back as she punched several balls of stone laced with magnets. "Shoot. You figured out my plan. Oh well, I better get serious then." said Harry. He rushed toward Masoko and he said,"Magnetism World!". Masoko was in the air and Dana said,"We'll get you down!". She fired a block of ice at him with Harry kicking it to pieces. "Wait, that isn't Harry!" said Mia. "The scanner is fixed! Time to see who you really are!" said Cindy.

Harry transformed into Ruriko and she said,"Yep! You got me. So lets see how you like using my real power.". Her arms fired off several missiles and the four girls dodged them. "So where is Harry?" said Masoko. "You're worried about the pervert?" said Cindy, Dana, and Mia. "He is our classmate despite him being a pervert." said Masoko who punched a missile back at the computer girl. She smiled with her chest opening up.

It showed off a giant cannon and she said,"Bye Bye.". A giant missile came out and Masoko said,"I got this!". She punched it and a giant explosion covered the air. The four girls were done and they then disappeared. "Mia Cruz, Cindy Malone, Masoko Infernos, and Dana Reid are Defeated!" said the announcer. The girl smiled as she ran off to the next location thanks to Yataro who was currently in a hiding spot.

Harry ,the real one, was fighting against Irene and Tsuki after the former threw knives at him. "You're not getting out of here alive pervert." said Irene. She threw several knives at him and Harry said,"I'm guessing that you forgot that I'm able to manipulate anything magnetic which includes your knives! It is time for the knives to leave!". The knives flew toward the tree around them and the leaves then fell down on the gives.

Tsuki destroyed several of them with a mixture of light and darkness. Irene looked for Harry who was long gone and she said,"That pervert escaped.". "Yeah. I wonder how he got strong. I mean when we were at the Elementary School, he was peeping on us even though they was kids." said Tsuki. "It was his training and also he wanted to get stronger to beat his older brother." said a voice. The two turned to see Karla standing there with Seth.

Seth said,"Are you serious Karla? We can't take them!". "You need to get stronger so that you can be the one who defeats Ruri who if I recalled defeated your special lady." said Karla who jabbed him. "I guess you're right. Could you be my support?" said Seth. "Sure thing." said Karla. "Get him!" yelled Irene. She rushed toward Seth holding two knives and jumped toward him. "Wall!" said Seth. Irene was held in the wall due to it being made of bubble gum.

Irene said,"Tsuki! Help me!". "Right!" said Tsuki. She fired several water dragons at the wall and it was being destroyed. "I got you under my sights!" said Karla. She made a camera appeared and she took a picture of Irene, Seth, and Tsuki. Irene said,"What the? How did I get stuck in the wall?". "So why did I get out?!" said Seth. Tsuki smiled as Karla said,"My Camera power has several different abilities on my choosing so I pick Body Swap.".

Karla pointed at Seth and she said,"Right now, you're currently in Seth's body Irene, Tsuki is in your body Irene, and Seth is in Tsuki's body. Unlike Rain's power, you don't have your unique power but the powers of the body that you belong in.". Irene (Tsuki) cut her way out of the wall and she stood next to Seth (Irene). "Attack him with a giant bull!" yelled Irene (Tsuki). "Okay. I'll try." said Seth (Irene).

He then created a newt and the girl slapped her head. "Hey Seth! Before you defeat them with our dear friend Tsuki's hydro snakes, let me swap your abilities!" said Karla. She took another pick and the three went back to their right bodies. Seth makes several hydro snakes and they defeated the two who were still recovering from Karla's camera. The two girls disappeared with the announcer saying afterward,"Irene Rhodes and Tsuki Toyama are defeated!".

Seth high five Karla with him saying,"That was awesome!". "Yeah but we better not keep our guard done since Issac is leading his team." said Karla. "You're right. I'm leading my team to victory and also enjoy my berserker." said a voice. The two jumped back as a explosion hit the ground. Masaru stood there with Hikaru with Masaru said,"Time to even the score! Hold them down so I can blow them to defeat Hikaru!".

The pop star sighed as she made two ball and chains ,out of light, and attached them to Karla and Seth. "Go nuts Masaru. I'll just stand back." said Hikaru. She leaned on a nearby tree as Masaru made a giant explosion defeating Karla and Seth. "Seth Richards and Karla Watson are defeated!" said the announcer. "So where are we going next?" said Masaru who cracked his fingers. "I think we have to go take down some girls." said Hikaru. "Sweet." said Masaru. The two walked away.

Yataro ,from his secret base, was watching over the battlefield using his drone and he saw that Cora and Amy were heading toward him. "Okay. What should I use to take them down?" said Yataro who looked at a device in front of him. He pressed a button and Amy stopped Cora. "What's wrong? Did you sense something?" said Cora. "Yeah. It is Yataro. His base are here along with several traps. We need a way to disarm them all for sure." said Amy.

The cat girl looked at a tree and she said,"I got an idea. Do you mind helping me cut down that tree because it is the way to get rid some of the traps.". Cora made her armor appearing and she cut down the trees around the base. Amy held the trunks and she threw them all toward the base. Several of the traps were destroyed and Cora said,"Nice job Amy!". "Yeah. Thanks Amy. We just got our way to get the kid genius." said a voice.

Ryker stood there and he said,"Sup!". "You came here. By yourself?" said Amy. "No. I don't think that my partners want to come out because they know that I can defeat the both of you without any effort." said Ryker. Yataro watched from his base and he thought,"I think I'll let this go before I do anything.". Ryker said,"Activate First Gear! Gear Launch!". Amy and Cora dodged two giant gears that come out of his arms.

Cora activated her armor and she said,"Fire!". Several missiles and lasers came out of the armor and Amy rushed toward him. Ryker punched several of the missiles to the ground in front of him with the cat girl being launched into the air. "Taste my Second Gear! Clockwork Smash!" yelled Ryker. Ryker appeared above Amy with him turning his legs into a giant clock tower like the Big Ben. He hit the ground and he said,"Boo to the ya.".

He was then sliced by Lily who said,"That is for last time. Cora.". The vampire cat was gone and Cora appeared in front of him. "You're going down." said Cora. The girl blast Ryker into the ground and he disappeared. "Ryker Tate are defeated!" said the announcer. The two girls smiled and the cat vampire looked toward the woods. "What's wrong Lily?" said Cora. "I sense Ryker's partners and we need to get out of here now." said Lily.

The two girls were about to leave but they couldn't move. "I'm sorry ladies but I can't let you leave due to the teams being unbalanced." said Yataro. The girls saw the twelve year old standing there and he was chewing some gum. "Yataro?! Did you do this?!" said Cora who tried to move. "Yep. I call it my freezing gas. It is naked to the human eye but I bet that it could hold an elephant with ease." said Yataro as his bubble popped.

Lily said,"So how are you going to do defeat you?". "I'm not. I think Katsuo or Rex are coming to defeat you or maybe Hikaru and Masaru will." said Yataro. He walked away and Cora said,"This is the worst.". "Understatement of the century." said Lily. The two were blasted in the back by Soran who was lost why the two were just standing there. "Amy Ramos and Cora Youko are defeated!" said the announcer. Soran floated away to the next location.

Charl was getting bored. She had been paired up with Ryo ,who was in his sniping post, and she was getting bored. "So do you see anyone?" said Charl. "Not yet. I can see Masaru's explosion along with some normal destruction." said Ryo. "Ah. So do you like Blair?" said Charl. The sniper then blushed a bit and he said,"We are friends. Nothing more than that.". "I was a dude before you know that right Ryo? I can tell when a girl has a crush on someone and you got it bad." said Charl.

Ryo said,"Focus on the target. I see Urara heading toward us. She isn't alone since Katsuo and Rex are behind her.". "Should we call for backup?" said Charl. "Check using your phone to see if anyone is open for a team up." said Ryo as he got ready. Charl pulled out her phone and she said,"Well, our female class rep is out along with Harry and Rain. I can get Lucy and Tessa here. That is the best that I could do.". "Okay. Get them here." said Ryo.

Charl texted them as the girls appeared. "Wow. That is so weird." said Lucy. "Actually, teleportation is nice once you get used to it." said Tessa. "Focus ladies." said Ryo. The three saw Urara standing there and she said,"Sorry about this you guys but I'm going to have to defeat you.". "With my help of course." said a voice. A bird floated above her and it turned into Rex. "I would let you defeat Charl but having a healer plus a wild card like Lucy is too much of a risk right now." said Rex.

Urara nodded and Rex said,"I think if we work together, we can take them out because Ryo must be around here. I smell him.". Charl blasted him with some magic and she said,"That isn't going to be happening.". Rex smiled and he turned into a rhino. He rushed toward her but he was stopped by a wall of fluff from Lucy. "Hey Tessa. Could you give me and Charl a boost?" said Lucy. "Um sure thing." said Tessa.

She started humming a tune as the two girls on her teams got stronger. Urara aimed a spell toward the healer and Charl blocked it with her magic. "I'll handle Urara Lucy! You take care of Rex." said Charl who fired several spells at Urara. Rex ,who was now a dragon, aimed his mouth at Lucy. The girl had stopped the dragon's fire breath with a barrier of water which turned into steam. The five were then blinded from the smoke as two voices said in unison,"Sorry but we need to win.".

The smoke then cleared as Rex and Urara had several arrows in them defeating them with Charl, Lucy, and Tessa defeated thanks to Katsuo who stood in the center of them. "Charlotte Steel, Rex Anderson, Lucy Rowe, Tessa Tamura, and Urara Sunada are defeated!" said the announcer. "Hey Archer! Come out and fight me for real!" said Katsuo. Ryo jumped out of his sniper spot and he said with a smile,"Fine. You're going down.". The two got ready to fight.

Kyria and Moka were fighting against the oldest/youngest looking member of the glass and he was countering their sword attack with his own blade. "You're going down Kyoji!" said Kyria. She made a giant thunderbolt which went right into the ground due to Kyoji manipulating gravity. "Your attack is not going to work." said Kyoji. "We'll defeat you because we work well together." said Moka. Kyoji started to block the girls's attack which was right after each other.

Nearby this fight, Terry was watching the fight. Kyoji told him earlier to hide from the girls since he sensed them coming. The boy wanted to help his friend fight but he was getting scared. "What the hell should I do?" thought Terry. He looked at the creation that he was making. It was like Yataro's freezing gas but in a laser like form. He fired it at the two girls who froze in place and Moka said,"I can't move!". "Yeah! Not even god can help us." said Kyria.

The two girls were then blasted by Blair ,who was still hiding, and the two were defeated by the girl who was hiding. "Moka Banks and Kyria Finch are defeated!" said the announcer. The two girls were gone as Kyoji grabbed Terry. The two started running from Blair's lasers which were off by an inch and Terry said,"So can we find her?". "Not yet. We can. Lets go." said Kyoji. The two ran deeper into the forest as Blair got ready for a counterattack.

Hikaru stood there and she saw Yumiko standing there. "Awesome! We got another one." said Hikaru who got ready to head toward her. Masaru stopped her and she said,"So why aren't we going after her again?". "She may be guarded by a partner so lets be a little more careful." whispered Masaru. "Okay then. I didn't expect that from you." said Hikaru. "Don't judge a book by its cover pop star. Haru and Stacey are the best examples." said Masaru.

Hikaru said,"What do you mean?". "Haru .despite his slacking off attitude, is a genius when it comes to academics and fighting but he works himself to the bone. Stacey acts stupid but she acts a genius and she is an expert. Our class is filled with all sorts of people with a fight I'm looking to see is Haru vs Soran." said Masaru. "Hey Masaru. I'll take care of Yumi and her partner by myself." said Hikaru who looked at the girl.

Masaru said,"What are you saying?! Issac made us partners for a reason.". "Yeah and I want you to be able to take down Sekien who is stronger than everyone on our team excluding you. I got this so go okay?" said Hikaru. "Okay. Be safe okay Pop Star." said Masaru. He ran off as Hikaru made two light knives and she rushed toward Yumiko. Yumiko smiled and she said,"You fell for our trap!". "Oh. You really think that I didn't see that coming!" said Hikaru.

She screamed causing Yumiko and Yusuki .who came out of the woods, to cover their ears. "Time for a combination song! Light Serenade!" said Hikaru. She combined both light and sound knocking the two out. "Yumiko Ogino and Yusuki Payne are defeated!" said the announcer. The two were gone and Hikaru said,"Okay. That was easier than I thought.". She didn't see Haru appearing behind her and he smacked her to the ground.

Hikaru turned around to see one of the strongest in the class standing there and he said,"Sup. You're going to be a good appetizer for my fight with the trap." said Haru. He rushed toward her and Hikaru made a huge burst of light. to blind him. It didn't work since Haru closed his eyes. She was launched into the air by Haru who jumped after her. He axe kick her to the ground and she was defeated. She was gone as the announcer said,"Hikaru Spencer is defeated!".

Haru smiled and he said,"You can come out Stace.". The dyed blonde stood there and she said,"So was that kick needed?". "Yeah. She could have broken my ear drums using her sound powers or she could have made a brighter light. She is stronger than people think. I would say that she is in the top twenty of the class strength with the ranking changing every day." said Haru. "Wow. You think really hard about this." said Stacey.

Haru said,"When you have time to do your nails, you have time to plan against anyone even against Natsu. Despite Natsu being a well god, we could all take him down if we worked together.". "Are you serious?" said Stacey. "Yep and fire your water behind you." said Haru. She fired an attack launching Miu into several trees. She was gone as the announcer said,"Miu Otsuka is defeated!". "Wow." said Stacey. "Lets move." said Haru. He grabbed her as he jumped away.

Natsu looked up to sense that his team as still at 100% but the other teams had only 41% left over at the half way point. He sat up and he sensed that Chad, Issac, Katsuo, Masaru, Soran, and Tatsu are still left from the Blue Team. Dante, Phoebe, and Tara were strong as well with Dante being like a ninja, Phoebe's ability to heal any wound, and Tara's creativity under pressure. He knew that the Blue Team was just getting started.

The Red Team still had Akane, Kyoji, Nazar, Rain, and Sekien left over. Harry ,thanks to training to defeat his brother is stronger than him, is strong but not by much, Jake was fast but he can't take that much damage before he is out of here, Ryo was strong but he focus more on support, and Terry is really a support unit in a RPG. He turned around and he said,"Wow. You guys are teaming up to stop little old me. I'm so happy.".

From the Blue team, Dante stood there with Tatsu with the Red team having Harry and Nazar. "Yeah because we know who the biggest threat is." said Nazar. "It is you father." said Tatsu. "So try and stop me then son. I'll be fighting with all my..." said Natsu. He dodged a scythe from Tatsu with Dante and Harry covering him. Natsu dodged several fire knives and the scythe being controlled by Harry. The demi god jumped back as Nazar tried to hit him.

Natsu said,"Okay. Lets go Uxio. Time to make the Solar Beast Mode!". Natsu summoned Uxio and the two fused together. Natsu's body erupted in flames with it being like when he combined his Beast and Solar form together. A humanoid beast ,made of fire and light, stood there. It had forelegs, hind legs, a tail, and a massive mane that was very similar to a lion. "We can take him!" said Nazar. He rushed toward the beast as it roared.

Five large packs of lions with golden sun like fur appeared around him and the beast roared at them to rushed toward the teens. Dante sliced through several of them with a flame sword. Harry made all of the lions crash into each other to create a giant lion. It roared but it was destroyed by Nazar and Tatsu in unison. "Okay. So how are we going to get toward Natsu when we're fighting against this thing?" said Harry.

Dante was then slashed by the lions due its body producing blades. The beast roared loudly and he rushed toward them. The four got ready to fight Natsu but they were slashed by a giant flame sword that came from below of them. Natsu defeated them as he turned back to normal. The four boys were gone as Natsu said,"The winner is Leo.". "Harry Adams, Nazar Kern, Dante Skidmore, and Tatsu are defeated!" said the announcer.

Stacey was looking for someone but then she was cornered by Jake and Sekien. "You're not escaping here Stacey. We need to make you guys lose some members." said Jake. "And you're the weakest out of the team." said Sekien. "So harsh Seki. I guess I have to get serious. So lame." said Stacey. Jake made some sand rush toward her but she turned into water avoiding the attack. She appeared behind Sekien with him saying,"Not going to work on me!".

He froze her and Jake said,"That was too easy.". "Yeah. I wonder if that is the real Stacey Hale. She may be able to make water doubles." said Sekien. Jake smashed the ice sculptures of Stacey with his board and Sekien said,"Dude. You show no mercy man.". "Yeah he is Sekien but you guys fell for my trap." said Stacey's voice. Sekien looked up as a huge explosion appeared in front of them. The multi haired teen made an ice wall as Masaru stood there.

Jake said,"Masaru. You should help us.". "Why should I? I mean I am looking for Haru. He knocked out Hikaru and I want to avenge her." said Masaru. "Fine. I guess we have to fight for real. You are going down." said Sekien. He made a huge ice bubble around Masaru who made several explosions around him. Jake rushed toward Masaru and he jumped into the air using his skateboard. He hit the explosion user with his skateboard before landing on the ground.

Masaru was getting angry and he turned into his Beast Form aka Tiger. He made two giant explosion which he threw at Jake. Jake was launched into several trees and Masaru threw another explosion at him defeating him. Jake was gone as the announcer said,"Jake Walker is defeated!". Sekien activate his Beast Form aka Lion. The two were about to fight and Masaru said,"Lets work to defeat Haru and then we'll fight.". "Deal." said Sekien. The two walked off and the ground was destroyed.

Akane was watching over Katsuo and Ryo who were still fighting. Ryo kept Katsuo at a distance but all of the arrows were destroyed by the gangster. "Okay. Who do I help them without me attracting attention?" thought Akane. She noticed that Phoebe along with Chad was heading toward them. "Are you sure that we should be here Chad? I mean those two look serious." said Phoebe. "Issac ordered us here so he can begin the plan to take down the weakest link of Natsu's team." said Chad.

Akane thought,"Weakest link? Who could it be? Is it Stacey or Blair?". The two girls sneezed and the female class rep saw Ryo get held by Chad. "Now Katsuo." said Chad. Katsuo then made a mini gun appear in front of him and he fired it several light and shadows at the archer. Ryo was defeated and the announcer said,"Ryo Conner is defeated!". "We did it you guys!" said Phoebe. The boys were then hit with two giant balls of fire and ice combination.

They were defeated as Phoebe saw Akane standing there with Kyoji and Terry to her sides. "Chad Koizumi and Katsuo Takeda are defeated!" said the announcer. "Can I get her you guys?" said Terry who looked excited. "Sure." said Akane and Kyoji. Terry made a gun using his power and he fired it at Phoebe who tried to block the bullet but it failed. "Magic proof bullet." said Terry. The church girl was defeated and the announcer said,"Phoebe Walton is defeated!".

Kyoji said,"So who is left?". "Issac, Masaru, Soran, and Tara. I think Rain and Sekien are trying to find someone from Natsu's team." said Akane. "It's weird that we haven't gotten a single one of them yet." said Terry. Terry was then blasted by a combination of lasers and water. Akane and Kyoji saw Blair and Stacey with Blair said,"Yeah. We decided to go into action.". Terry stood there and Stacey said,"Wow. I didn't think that you would survive that.".

Terry said,"Like Harry, I've been training to get stronger but my grades have suffer in the process. I just hope that I can help you guys before I'm defeated.". "You will man." said Kyoji. He made an pair of ice wings launching him into the air. Blair tried to shoot him down but she couldn't focus because of Akane's fire ball storm. "Stacey! I can't get Kyoji with Akane so take her down!" said Blair. She looked at the pseudo blond and she was busy with Terry who was blasted back her water.

Blair sighed and she said,"Never mind. I'm going to regret this later but we need to get them away so we can focus on the big four.". She made several lasers and she kept on firing them at Akane and the ice reaper who blocked them using ice armor. Blair breathed heavily and Akane said,"That wasn't a very good move Blair.". "Yeah. I mean you are weaker than before." said Kyoji who landed on the ground.

Blair smiled and she said,"Suckers.". Akane and Kyoji were blasted in the back into a rocky wall and Blair fired a single laser trapping them in the rocks. The two were defeated as Blair joined them due to her being exhausted. "Akane Blaze, Blair Goodwin, and Kyoji Sakamoto are defeated!" said the announcer. "What?! Blair got defeated. I guess I have to get more serious then." said Yataro. He and Ruri had defeated Tara who tried to block their combination but failed.

The announcer said,"Tara Cross is defeated!". "So who should we go after next?" said Ruri. The girl looked up and Yataro said,"What's up?". "Masaru and he is mad." said Ruri. The two saw the tiger standing there and he said,"Hey. What's up? Where is Haru?". "I don't know but if I did, I wouldn't tell you." said Yataro. "Fine. I guess I'll have to beat it out of you." said Masaru. He fired off several explosions at them.

Yataro jumped out of the way and he said,"Thanks to my program, I know how you work Masaru Hirano!". "Not everything can be done by computer!" yelled Masaru. He made a giant explosion which covered himself plus his opponents. He stood there and he smiled as he saw that Ruri and Yataro were defeated. They were gone as the announcer said,"Yataro Higashi and Ruriko Uchiyama are defeated!".  

Masaru smiled and he said,"The score is equal now.". He then heard,"Stacey Hale and Terry Rios are defeated!". "Perfect. We're winning." said Masaru. He was going to move forward when he started to shiver in fear. He turned around to see Natsu standing in his Dragon Hero Armor. "Natsu? You are so going down." said Masaru. He made two giant explosion and he threw them at Natsu. Natsu devoured them and he said,"Good. Lets go.". He rushed toward Masaru with the explosion user following suit.

Soran stood with Issac and Issac said,"I guess we got Natsu busy for a while.". "So who should we go after next? I mean Sekien is in his Beast Form too and Rain hasn't done anything this entire war! So what is she planning?" said Soran. "I don't know but we could take care of the bigger threat right now and that is Sekien." said Issac. "Um why?" said Soran. "Sekien is the son of the Exertion so he has a lot of power in that body of his." said Issac.

Soran then nodded and he said,"I see. We should go then Issac.". "Yeah. I will go man. You should no need to go fight against Haru. I mean you two are rivals right?" said Issac. "Yeah. I guess the last time that we fought was during the last class war, we had Matt, Rain, and Stacey interrupting us. Do you think that you can handle Sekien? Remember what happened last time?" said Soran. "I'm so much stronger than before." said Issac. The two separated.

Sekien looked for anyone with all of the trees either freeze or burning around him. "Where are you Haru and Natsu? Sekien wants to play!" said Sekien. He made a giant pillar of fire burn a chunk of the forest. "You really should calm down buddy." said Issac. Sekien fired a giant fire fist at Issac who made a giant passion shield. "You may be stronger but I got smarter so prepare to lose." said Issac. It looked like the two were able to fight but Masaru flew past them.

He had several bruise marks all over his body and he disappeared. "Masaru Hirano is defeated!" said the announcer. The two saw Natsu standing there with him saying,"Sup you guys. You guys ready to lose?". "Not going to happen! Passion Lance!" yelled Issac. Several lances flew toward Natsu with Sekien fired a giant shadow at Natsu. Natsu activate his armor and he said,"Lets show me show you the power of Slytha!".

The armor glowed dark purple and he aimed his hands at the two. "Dragon Blast!" yelled Visalth. A huge beam appeared and it destroyed the two. The two were defeated and Natsu said,"Hey Visalth. I think we should use Sly's power against tough opponents.". "Indeed." said Visalth. "Issac Lance and Sekien Ozaki are defeated! Four Remain!" said the announcer. Natsu flew off to find the women of his dreams aka Rain.

Haru stood in a middle of a field and he yelled,"Hey Soran-Chan! I know that you're out here and we should fight like men instead of cowards!". Soran appeared and he said,"You know that I'm not going easy on you right?". "I would be anger if you did." said Haru. Soran drank seven vials of blood and he grew in strength that both Natsu and Rain sensed it. Haru took a deep breath and his power double maybe even tripled.

The two clashed their fists and Haru said,"I will win!". "I will win!" yelled Soran. Haru kicked Soran back and he rushed toward her. Soran dodged his attacks and he slashed him. "Can't let him get too close to me." said Haru. He caused some of the falling leaves to blind the vampire. He kicked the vampire straight in the gut and he went flying. Haru tried to stop him with his pole but it was kicked away.

Soran was about to hit him but Haru said,"Not happening!". He headbutted him to the ground and Haru elbowed him in the jaw. "Every chance that you give me, I will be hitting you harder and faster than before!" yelled Haru. He started kicking Soran in the gut and Haru said,"I'm going to beat you prodigy for sure!". Soran punched him in the face and Haru said with a smile,"Is that all you get even with your powerup?". Soran kicked Haru in the face and Haru smirked.

The two started brawling like nothing else before Haru axe kicked Soran to the ground. "Ending this now Soran. Sorry but I'm going to win." said Haru. He punched him in the stomach and Soran was defeated. "Soran Chainsaw is defeated! Blue Team is Eliminated!" said the announcer. Haru held his gut and he said,"Kick her ass Natsu and don't lose to her.". He fell over and he disappeared. "Haru Ichirou is defeated! Two are left!" said the announcer.

Natsu looked for Rain but he sensed her. He saw her standing there and Natsu said,"So I guess this is our first fight.". "Yeah and I'm going to defeat you. You better not let me win." said Rain. "I wouldn't do such a thing because Haru and my team worked their buts off to get us this far so I won't be letting them down." said Natsu. "Then bring it on." said Rain as she activate her angel form. "I now combine my Draco Form, Savant Mode, and Solar Form!" said Natsu.

His hair changed from the navy blue color to crimson red with it going up slightly. It also was on fire with his hair being in the center of the flame. His left eye and his right eye looked different from each other. They were cat and dragon like and he had sharper pupils. The left eye had golden irises while the right eye was a dark purple color. His pupils were a midnight black color. His entire body was covered in crimson red scales.

He was wearing the outfit of the Savant Mode with parts of it on fire. He also had out two giant red dragon wings appearing with the muscles and the hide of said wings were crimson but the leather that covered them was black. He had sharper teeth which was obvious to Rain alongside his two tails with one being cat like and the other being dragon like. "Are you ready to go Rain?" said Natsu. "Yeah. I think this is going to be good." said Rain. The two collided causing an explosion.

Later, all of Class C was both mental and physical exhausted. Natsu and Rain were the only two not tired with the Agent working on some paper work and Rain reading. "Okay. So happy that we didn't have a Soul Exam!" said Harry. "Yeah." said Alex. "At least, Natsu's test was to help us in the exams so we don't fail." said Matt. "Yeah. So when are we getting the results?" said Jake. The class glared at Natsu who shrugged his shoulders.

Ellen rushed in and she said,"I have the results! All of you excluding Natsu and Rain made it into the top fifty!". "Are you serious?" said Sekien. "Yep! I'm so proud of all of you." said Ellen. "So do we all get to cut off one of Natsu's tail?" said Terry. "Not at all. Only the person who got the highest score in the grade does. So who is it?" said Natsu. "Our very own Haru Ichirou." said Ellen. "Are you serious?!" said Soran.

Haru said,"I'm smarter than the average bear trap so your tail is mine Nat Chan.". "So how did you solve that last question man?" said Seth. "It was a tough one since Math is my weakest subjects but I remember that I have to make Class C proud so I pushed myself to my limits. All of us are able to take down a god with our talents." said Haru. Masaru put his hand on Haru's head and he said,"So who scored the highest in the five subjects?".

Ellen said,"Oh yeah. Lets start with English. The highest score alongside the number one in the grade was Stacey Hale.". The pseudo blonde smiled and she said,"Well, I want that money really bad and I think making Natty look bad is pretty good.". "I think you could have worked a little hard Soran due to your nasty habit of spelling mistakes." said Ellen. "Dang it." said Soran. "In Japanese, the highest score for Class C was Moka Banks but Kyle Shields took first place in that." said Ellen.

Moka sighed and Dana said,"Wow. I didn't know that Kyle was so smart.". "I guess him being called Natsu's rival isn't that far from the truth." said Cindy who was looking at her exams. "In History, we have Class C's highest score being Issac Lance and he is also the top score!" said Ellen. "Heck yeah. I'm going to take your tail Natsu." said Issac. "So what subject is next?!" said Ryo. "In Science, we have Tara Cross scoring the highest out of the whole grade!" said Ellen.

Tara cheered and she said,"Thank you so much!". The class cheered for her and Ellen said,"The one who scored highest in Math was Kyle again. However, you all did great no amazing. You guys did an amazing job in my books. So Natsu loses four of his tails.". "So are you guys ready to begin the cut off?" said Natsu who made his tails appear. "Not so fast fox boy! You're forgetting about us." said a voice.

Masaru stood there with Ben and Rex with Ellen said,"What did I skip?". "Home EC. You know that class that Rain's mom teaches? We all scored the highest in the grade so we each get to cut a tail as well." said Ben. "You're kidding me? Seven Tails?" said Irene. Natsu started to laugh and he said,"I know this is going to be good so you all want to do it now?". "Nope. We're going to do it during the Winter Break right?" said Akane. "Yeah!" said the class. Natsu smiled and he said,"Can't wait.".

Next Time,
Star Valley begins their preparations for the Cultural Festival which is a week long filled with fun and amusement. Will something bad happen or will it go perfectly? I think the former option but you can be hopefully. This and More Next Time on Soul!

Power: 16 Students.
Boys (11): Rex Anderson, Ben Barton, Soran Chainsaw, Masaru Hirano, Nazar Kern, Chad Koizumi, Sekien Ozaki, Matt Ray, Kyoji Sakamoto, Katsuo Takeda, and Tatsu Xasius.
Girls (5): Masoko Infernos, Yusuki Payne, Urara Sunada, Alex Travis, and Tsuki Toyama.

Skills: 10 Students.
Boys (4): Harry Adams, Terry Rios, Ryker Tate, and Jake Walker.
Girls (6): Moka Banks, Akane Blaze, Tara Cross, Mia Cruz, Amy Ramos, and Lucy Rowe.

Adaptability: 10 Students.
Boys (4): Ryo Conner, Issac Lance, Seth Richards, Dante Skidmore,
Girls (6): Miu Otsuka, Dana Reid, Rain Scott, Leona Tachibana, Karla Watson, and Cora Youko.

Protection: 8 Students.
Girls (8): Kyria Finch, Cindy Malone, Yumiko Ogino, Irene Rhodes, Hikaru Spencer, Charlotte Steel, Tessa Tamura, and Phoebe Walton.

Class Roll
1. Haru Ichirou.
2. Issac Lance.
3. Harry Adams.
4. Alex Travis.
5. Tara Cross.
6. Akane Blaze.
7. Rain Scott.
8. Moka Banks.
9. Jake Walker.
10. Cindy Malone.
11. Soran Chainsaw.
12. Dante Skidmore.
13. Terry Rios.
14. Matt Ray.
15. Ryo Conner.
16. Masaru Hirano.
17. Stacey Hale.
18. Kyria Finch.
19. Blair Goodwin.
20. Leona Tachibana.
21. Lucy Rowe.
22. Katsuo Takeda.
23. Karla Watson.
24. Rex Anderson.
25. Yumiko Ogino.
26. Ben Barton.
27. Ruriko Uchiyama.
28. Yataro Higashi.
29. Mia Cruz.
30. Seth Richards.
31. Cora Youko.
32. Irene Rhodes.
33. Amy Ramos.
34. Tessa Tamura.
35. Tatsu Xasius.
36. Ryker Tate.
37. Nazar Kern.
38. Miu Otsuka.
39. Dana Reid.
40. Yusuki Payne.
41. Tsuki Toyama.
42. Hikaru Spencer.
43. Masoko Infernos.
44. Phoebe Walton.
45. Sekien Ozaki.
46. Urara Sunada.
47. Chad Koizumi.
48. Kyoji Sakamoto.
49. Charlotte Steel.
50. Natsu Xasius.

Team Blue:
1. Issac Lance.
2. Tara Cross.
3. Moka Banks.
4. Cindy Malone.
5. Soran Chainsaw.
6. Dante Skidmore.
7. Matt Ray.
8. Masaru Hirano.
9. Kyria Finch.
10. Katsuo Takeda.
11. Rex Anderson.
12. Mia Cruz.
13. Irene Rhodes.
14. Tatsu Xasius.
15. Ryker Tate.
16. Dana Reid.
17. Tsuki Toyama.
18. Hikaru Spencer.
19. Masoko Infernos.
20. Phoebe Walton.
21. Urara Sunada.
22. Chad Koizumi.

Team Red:
1. Harry Adams.
2. Alex Travis.
3. Akane Blaze.
4. Rain Scott.
5. Jake Walker.
6. Terry Rios.
7. Ryo Conner.
8. Leona Tachibana.
9. Lucy Rowe.
10. Karla Watson.
11. Yumiko Ogino.
12. Ben Barton.
13. Seth Richards.
14. Cora Youko.
15. Amy Ramos.
16. Tessa Tamura.
17. Nazar Kern.
18. Miu Otsuka.
19. Yusuki Payne.
20. Sekien Ozaki.
21. Kyoji Sakamoto.
22. Charlotte Steel.

Team Natsu:
1. Haru Ichirou.
2. Stacey Hale.
3. Blair Goodwin.
4. Ruriko Uchiyama.
5. Yataro Higashi.
6. Natsu Xasius.

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