Friday, November 11, 2016

Soul Episode 114 Return of the Beast and Dragon

A/N: Okay. If you honestly think that Natsu is dead forever, you are well very interesting. I mean this may look bad but can you name a story that kills off the main character before the end of the series. I mean if they is one but who knows? Anyway, I think this arc is going to be two more episode longer with some side episodes in between. Enjoy Buster because I am enjoying writing his character and I like the little K thing that I gave him. If I forget one, I'm only human. This episode is going to be shorter than normal.

Narrator P.O.V.
Buster looked at the stone body that was Natsu and he held it. "Hey! Put him down!" yelled the girls excluding Reisa. "Oh. Sure thing ladies." said Buster. He threw it on the ground and it shattered into several pieces. All of the girls were shocked and Buster said,"Wow. That was easy. I mean just wow. I mean he was like a feather.". "You bastard." said Arata. He walked toward him and he said,"That was my friend and he forgave me after I did to him and Sora! I will make you pay!".

Reisa looked at the other girls who were shocked and she paused time on them. "What are you doing Reisa?" said Arata. She ignored him and then Reisa activated her armor. "Hey Lovisa. Is Visalth in the Dimension Void?" said Reisa. "The Dimension Void?" said Arata. "The Dimension Void is a special dimension where that idiot dragon lives and only one being can be in there." said Lovisa. "Who are you talking about?" said Arata. "Slytha Venia, the True Dragon Goddess." said Lovisa.

In the Dimension Void, Visalth was flying around and he sighed. "Natsu. Why did you have to die by that bastard?" said Visalth. He noticed something while he was flying around. It was Natsu and the dragon held him. Natsu's skin was paler than normal and Visalth said,"NATSU! WAKE UP OR ELSE I WILL BE MAD AT YOU!". The dragon heard,"Be quiet Crimson-Gecko. He is sleeping right now and waking him up is bad.".

The dragon turned to see a little girl standing there. She looked to be a little bit taller than Elena. The most obvious thing about her is that she had ears like an elf. She was wearing a light purple blouse, black capris, and black mary jane shoes. She had long black hair and dark purple eyes. Her eyes also looked dragon like. "You! I can't believe you would show up." said Visalth. The dragon had his nose flicked by the girl and she said,"Quiet.".

The dragon growled and he said,"Okay. Can you help him Slytha? I demand no ask of you to heal him for me. He is my partner and I want him to stay alive.". The little girl looked at Natsu's body which was floated beside them and she said,"Yes.". "Alright!" yelled Visalth. The girl smacked him on the nose and she said,"Quiet Crimson-Gecko.". The dragon was mumbled something and the girl said,"We will need power.".

Slytha looked at Natsu and she said,"After he was stabbed by the spear and also drenched in rejected snake's blood, his power and life force was drained out of him. He is nothing but a shell. However, it won't take that long.". "Do you mind explaining how to me?" said Visalth. "You are an idiot. It is so simple." said Slytha. "Must resist smashing her into the void." thought Visalth. "We can do it and it will be easy." said Slytha. She flew off with the dragon holding Natsu flew off.

Back in the real world, Buster was fighting off Arata ,who had release the First Seal, and Reisa who was in her dragon armor which is a more feminine and white version of Natsu's Dragon Hero Armor as example. "Interesting. You two are fighting for that idiot." said Buster. "Shut up! I'll kill you!" said Arata who karate chopped Buster's right arm. "You're stronger than I thought but you are too late. The Beast is here." said Buster. A magic circle appeared and a giant male beast appeared.

It was taller than the monster that Vito created. He had the mane of a lion, the fun of a snow leopard, the body shape of a bear, the tail of a dragon, giant claws from a giant armadillo, four giant eagle wings, the horn of a unicorn, red glowing eyes, and his face was similar to a shark. He had seven necks and seven heads. He had seven horns with one on both of his elbows and knees, forehead, the center of the spine, and the tail which it being the color of the rainbow.

He was standing on his hind legs with them being thicker than his four arms. His body shape is very much like an ape with him covered in midnight black fur and scales pretty much anyone not covering under the fur. "Wow. That is one ugly son bitch." said Arata. "Have to agree with you there but we should focus on destroying it." said Lovisa. "Understood. I'll handle that monster. You take care of Buster. I think you should have your revenge on him for what he did." said Reisa.

Arata smiled as he said,"Thanks flat. Time to release all of the Seals!". He rushed toward the spear wielder and Buster smiled. He blocked all of Arata's punches which was a lot due to Arata having over twelve arms, several missiles which came out of every part of Arata, the beasts and skeletons didn't have a chance since Buster destroyed all of them with ease, and the balls of power did inflict the man. "Grr. Die!" said Buster. The two kept on fighting.

Reisa flew toward the beast and she said,"Lovisa. Does this thing have any weakness?". "Not that I know of." said Lovisa. "So how was this thing defeated before then?!" said Reisa. "Easy. All of the Gods and beings of the Underworld created a seal that was supposed to be able to hold it in the past. However since the seal is broken, I have no idea how to defeat it." said Lovisa. Reisa floated there and she thought,"What should I do?".

She thought of Natsu and she thought,"I think I should just go for it with everything that I got just like the idiot.". She flew around the beast and she placed several magic circles around the beast. "It is time to blast you with several version of my most powerful spells. Lets go Fissure Destruction!" said Reisa. The magic circle glow blue, brown, red, and white and then they exploded. The beast was hit with a huge amount of water, earth, fire, and wind respectively.

Reisa was breathing heavily and Lovisa said,"Girl. You shouldn't have done that. You may be an expert magic user but that spell takes a lot of your magic energy and that was at least hundred version of that spell.". "I know Lovisa but that is what the idiot would do. He would do something incredibly stupid like this. I want to avenge his death okay!" said Reisa. "I understand. Lets go now partner." said Reisa. She rushed toward the beast who roared at the Oblivion Dragon Empress.

Back in the Dimension Void, Visalth had Natsu's body on his back as he said,"So did you get it all back for him?". "I did and it was easy. All and some extra power is in his power. Your bonding help me so good job Crimson Gecko." said Slytha. She pat his back and Visalth said,"So what is next? He needs to return back.". "I understand but he is missing his Soul dummy." said Slytha. "Okay. How do we find it?" said Visalth.

Visarth notice that the girl was holding an orb and she said,"I have it.". The girl placed it in Natsu's body and he opened his eyes. "Where the hell am I?" said Natsu. The giant dragon hugged the boy and he said,"Natsu!". Natsu tapped the dragon's arms and he said,"Easy there big guy. So how long was I dead for?". "Seven minutes and seven seconds." said Slytha. Natsu noticed her and he said,"So who is she?".

Later. "You're a goddess!?" yelled Natsu. "Yes. My name is Slytha. Crimson Gecko was my pet back in the deck." said Slytha. Natsu giggled and Visalth said,"Don't laugh!". "I'm sorry but you and that name makes so much sense!" said Natsu who couldn't stop laughing. Slytha looked at him with Natsu stopping laughing. "So you don't talk me much do you huh?" said Natsu. "Are you going to go back and fight Buster?" said Slytha.

Natsu said,"Of course! He just got lucky that I got caught off guard!". "You will lose and died if you fight him in your current state." said Slytha. Natsu then fell onto the ground aka Visalth's back and he said,"You are blunt.". "Blunt?" said Slytha. "You really need to get out of this place more. So is there a way for me to defeat Buster?" said Natsu. "Yes. However, you will need to give something up and it isn't something like losing an eyelash or fingernail." said Slytha.

Natsu said,"What is it? My arm, my leg, my heart, or my eye? Whatever it is, I'll do because I need to get back to my friends! They need my help.". Slytha was quiet and Visalth said,"Slytha. You may be thinking that Natsu is rash and really should be thinking things though but he is thinking about his girlfriend, friends, and his family right now. He will deal with the consequences later and he wouldn't care. Trust me.".

Slytha closed her eyes and she said,"Natsu.". "Yeah Sly?" said Natsu. "Sly? My name is Slytha Venia and not Sly." said Slytha. Natsu flickered her forehead and Visalth yelled,"What are you doing you dam idiot?! You just flicked the forehead of the True Dragon Goddess! Are you insane and do you want to get back.". "Shut up Crimson Gecko. Slytha, I know that your name is Slytha Venia but Sly is just a nickname.". said Natsu.

Slytha looked confused as Natsu said,"A nickname isn't anything mean but it is a sign of affection. It is like how I'm called Nat-Chan or Idiot. It is like how you call Visalth Crimson Gecko. You don't hate him and I don't think he takes it seriously. You understand that right? Oh and I'm going to call you Crimson Gecko or CG by the way." said Natsu. The dragon hit him on the head and Visalth. "He is an idiot Visalth but he isn't mean.".

Slytha said,"So can I come with you?". "You want to come with me?" said Natsu. "You are nice. The last person who came to here was rude compared to you." said Slytha. "I honestly don't know who she is talking about." said Visalth. "Anyway, you can sure come back with me." said Natsu  He held out his right hand and he said,"Lets go!". "Okay." said Slytha. The girl grabbed his hand and the three then glowed.

Back in the arena, Arata and Reisa were breathing heavily. "He is so strong." said Arata. "You didn't have to fight against the beast from the Book of Revelation!" yelled Lovisa. Buster put his spear on his back and he said,"I should have the beast kill all of you and then the world will belong to me. I do hope that you make a good meal for him but he should start with those girls. I mean they are still frozen in time.".

Reisa said,"No!". The beast stomped toward the ten girls and he moved his upper right arm to the group but suddenly, he stopped. "Why did you stop!? My konquest kan't begin until you kill those girls!" said Buster. Arata sensed something and he said,"Hey Lovisa. Do you sense something?". "It is a good person. Lets see and what happened to that angel." said Lovisa. "He ran away." said the woman. "Coward." said Arata.

The sky ripped opened and Visalth flew in. "Sup bitches! I'm back in action!" roared Visalth. "Are you kidding me?! Why the hell are you here now?!" yelled Lovisa. Visalth landed on the ground and he looked at the beast who roared. "Okay. I think I can handle him. Ready partner?" said the dragon. Something jump down and the three were shocked to see Natsu standing there. "Sup! Miss me?!" yelled Natsu.

Arata smiled and he said,"Natsu? Can anything hold you back?". "I think him being able to survive against us is something to speak good of." said Reisa. "Oh Natsu. My partner missed you by the way." said Lovisa. "I did not!" yelled Reisa whose face was red. "So I think I should handle Buster before helping my partner. Right?" said Natsu. Slytha ,who was hiding, gave him a thumbs up and Natsu said,"Okay. It is time for me to kick some Buster but the Power Dragon Emperor Style!".

Buster growled and he said,"Fine. It is time for you to die by the true Emperor!". He rushed toward the boy and Natsu said,"You really need to calm down.". Natsu jumped into the air and he said,"I was tired from my training and the Sports Festival but thanks to my newest friend, I'm truly powerful and I think I show you my result with the Central Halcyon Upgrade!". The boy and Visalth glowed with the Devil Arm appearing around Natsu.

He landed on the ground and he said,"I call upon the power of Sivarth, the Dragon God who is the ruler of all. I will save everything in my path because I have hope and dreams that rival god! I will become the Crimson Emperor Dragon God and I will defeat you for sure! Power Up!". Natsu then appeared in his Dragon Hero Armor but it looked more human than dragon rather than the Dragon Hero which looks like a metallic Dragon.

Buster was about to say something but he was punched in the gut by Natsu. "Wow. I didn't even see him. So what is going on?" said Arata who was healing slowly thanks to the Fifth Seal. "That is the Central Halcyon Upgrade. I guess that him and Visalth are truly bonded. Me and Reisa have a long way to go don't we partner?" said Lovisa. "Yeah and also I think Natsu lost more of his armor you guys." said Reisa.

Natsu stood there in a suit version of the Dragon Hero Armor and he said,"This is my Knight Form and I won't tell you what it does because I believe that actions speak louder than words! Lets go Busty!". Buster aimed his spear at Natsu who dodged the attacks with ease. Natsu reappeared in front of Buster but in a much thicker version of his armor. "Pawn Form. This will hurt." said Natsu. The boy punched Buster in the stomach hard and the man went flying.

Visalth laughed and he said,"That is my partner!". He blocked an attack from the beast and Natsu walked toward Buster. Buster recovered and he said,"Die!". He fired out several beams of light from the stands and he said,"My spear can't do this naturally but I was given extra power which can from the Evolved! Prepare to die!". Natsu then took the attacks and he said,"Fine. You need to be stopped and I know what to do!".

Natsu lost most of his armor that he got from the Pawn Form but he still had more armor on than the Knight Form and normal though. The last armor turned into two giant cannons that appeared on both of his shoulders. "Say hello to my little friend. Betty and Veronica. I'm still working on the name but this is going to hurt. Dragon Blast!" yelled Natsu. Two beams of pure energy came out of the ground and they hit Buster before he could do anything.

Arata said,"So we should really not piss him off.". "Yeah." said Reisa. Natsu turned back to normal and he went on his knees. "Okay. I need to make sure that I save that form as a last resort. So what is next?" said Natsu. He dodged the beast and he yelled up to Visalth,"Hey Crimson Gecko! I thought you should have destroyed him by now!". "Shut up Natsu and don't call me that! You defeated the boy right?" said Visalth.

Natsu looked toward the stands aka ruins and he said,"Yeah. So do you need my help?". "Yeah and she will be with you once everything is over with okay?" said Visalth. "Right. Could I borrow your body? I need to go full on out on this guy okay?" said Natsu. The dragon glowed crimson red and he disappeared and the Devil Arm glowed crimson. "Okay. Lets activate the Central Halcyon Upgrade once again!" said Natsu.

He activated the armor and his right fist glowed. "Hey ugly! Time for my Big Bang Beam!" yelled Natsu. He flew toward the beast who tried to punch him out of the sky but Natsu dodged all of his punches. "Wow. That is awesome." said Arata. "Yes it is. The Beast's strength is able to destroy a single mythology with a single punch. It is able to fly but right now, he is kinda of trapped. Lets see if they can do it." said Lovisa.

As she said that, Natsu jumped into his mouth. "Huh!?" yelled Reisa. "What the heck did he just do you guys?! He just came back from the dead!" yelled Arata. "He is finding the core you two. This beast has a weakness and Natsu may know it." said Lovisa. "It has a weakness?" said Arata. "And why didn't you tell me about it?" said Reisa. "I don't think you could survive the beast's stomach acid but right now, the Central Halcyon Upgrade is strong enough." said Lovisa.

Inside of the beast, Natsu was wearing the Dragon Hero Armor and he said,"Hey Visalth. Can you find it yet? I mean this stomach acid is like rain except far more deadly.". "Not yet. Has Astral told you anything?" said Visalth. "Yeah. It is deep in the stomach and we're running out of time before our combined power runs out." said Natsu. The armored boy rushed in the stomach and he caused some explosions in the beast's stomach.

The two reached the core and it was a giant glowing light. "Wow. It is like something from a video game!" said Natsu. He aimed his right hand at the core and he punched it with the impact and power of a big bang. "So why is that called Big Bang Beam even though it is a punch?" said Visalth. The boy snapped his fingers and he said,"Don't question genius partner!". The boy made magic circles appeared around him as the core exploded.

Buster recovered to see that the beast was glowing and his skin was covered in cracks. It then had a massive explosion from an anime or something. "No. My plan was ruined." said Buster. "Yeah." said a voice. Virgil appeared behind him and Buster was about to attack the angel but he was stopped by a light cage. "That kid is stronger than one may think. He is able to kill the chief for sure so if you try something this stupid again. You'll be dead." said Virgil. The angel flew off with Buster in custody.

Natsu reappeared in front of Arata and Reisa. "Oh hey guys." said Natsu. Arata punched him in the chest and Arata said,"Don't do that ever again okay. I don't want to lose my rival because once I get out of prison on my own, you and I are going to fight.". "Yeah. I got a lot of rivals and dying would be pretty bad right?" said Natsu. "Yeah. I think you should stop Reisa from killing you and Lovisa is unable to stop her." said Arata.

Natsu backed up from Reisa who had a dark aura around here. "Okay. You should calm down. Rage will blind you from the truth and it also makes you age by twenty freaking years." said Natsu. "Don't die on me before I defeat you Dragon Emperor. I suggest that you get serious in your training. I will be for sure. Later." said Reisa. She was gone and Arata said,"So how am I going to get back to my prison?".

Natsu shrugged and he said,"I think you can crash with me for a while. So what happened to the girls man? They're frozen in time.". "Oh Reisa did that before Buster summoned the Beast. So I'm good to carry some girls back. I'll leave Rain for you." said Arata. He carried nine of them back and Natsu said to the air,"You can come out now Slytha.". The girl appeared on his shoulder as a small snake and she said,"Why did you go inside of his stomach?".

Natsu said,"To reach the core because it would take at least seven Big Bang Beams and I really didn't want to do that. Sometimes, I tend to be extremely lazy.". "I see Nat-Chan. So what are you going to do now?" said Slytha. "You know. I'm going to catch up some animes that Terry told me. Do you want to come with me?" said Natsu. The snake nodded her head as the two left the arena after Natsu dropped Rain off.

Next Time,       
Natsu decides to spend the next day with Slytha and also learn more about his new powers that he got from the Dragon Goddess. This and more next time on Soul.

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Slytha Venia. ∞ years old. True Dragon Goddess. Black. Dark Purple. 4 foot 3. O. No Zodiac Sign. No Birthday. Nothing. Nothing.

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