Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Soul Episode 116 Punishment.

A/N: I'm a dirty liar because we are starting the next arc of Soul. It was going to be starting on Episode 117 but I changed my mind. We are going to be learning about the Goddess in this arc and maybe a new Sorcerer on the same level as Alice or Kana plus Jane and Rain. Maybe, we will be but who knows? I know that the story makes no sense but that is the point folks. This is a story just done for fun and I not going for Harry Potter levels of quality here. I just want to do something fun and that is the point. Lets begin. Oh and Slytha calls people by a little bit of their name with the honorific Chan and it is either Nat-Chan or Nat Chan. Also I tend to switch between sweat drop, sweatdrop, sweat dropped, and sweatdropped.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was early in the morning on the 30th with Slytha watching Arata and Natsu who were fighting in the training room/arena aka the basement. Natsu was in his Solar Form and he said,"Are you ready to give up yet?". "Not at all. You know that I don't give up plus I'm getting used to using a weapon. It is like second nature to me." said Arata. He was holding a metal pole and Natsu said,"You reminded me of my big bro.".

Arata said,"Drachen right? He is one of the strongest men but I think you're stronger than him and the other brother that you have.". "Yeah. He is right so what do you think about becoming a teacher huh Ar Chan?" said Slytha. Arata fell on the ground and was smashed into the ground by a giant hammer made out of fire. Arata recovered from the flames and he said,"She does know that I wanted right? I mean I'm a former convict.".

Slytha said,"Nat Chan is a wanted man at least hundred times your bounty and he goes to school. He is actually the top student.". Arata looked at Natsu who was enjoying the praise from the goddess and he said,"You're not serious?". "I'm serious. I will be attending the school today as a mascot. Nat Chan says that he can do it for sure." said Slytha. "And also I plan to do make school far better than it was before!" said Natsu who posed.

Arata sweat dropped and he said,"So was with the poise? Are you in a Superhero Show or something childish like that? Still can't believe that the former God of Death would do this.". Natsu made a giant dragon out of the flame on his head. He was still in his solar form and he said,"Sick him Inferno Ryu Strike!". The dragon rushed after Arata who started running and Slytha shrugged her shoulders and it was funny to her.

A little bit later, Arata walked into the kitchen to see Natsu and Slytha eating breakfast. Slytha who was currently enjoying a bagel said,"Ar Sensei is here.". "So why is she calling me that?" said Arata who sat down. "Oh because she thinks of you as a teacher. Plain and simple right?" said Natsu. The former second in command of the Infernal Council said,"So are you two heading for school? I mean I know that Natsu doesn't wear a uniform but I think you will.".

Slytha said,"That is no problem. I am a mascot not a student. Huge difference.". "Is there?" said Arata who sighed. "Yes." said the two. "So where are those girls? I mean after you return from your home in the Underworld, you didn't have any free time at all." said Arata. "I'm meeting up with Rain for a meeting with a chairman while my clone heads to that meeting." said Natsu. "Will that maid from the other day now?" said Slytha.

Natsu said,"My clones are impressive and also I hate meetings like I a lot.". "Yeah man. I didn't go into my meetings." said Arata. "I think I know why the Infernal Council fell." said Slytha. "Yeah. It was due to idiot over there." said Natsu. "Shut up!" said Arata. Natsu looked at his friend and Natsu said,"Come with us.". "Huh?" said Arata. "Much to my shame, I'm not suited to teach Battling much to my annoyance." said Natsu.

Arata said,"So you want me to do it? What about your sis?". "She is strong no doubt but I was taught by her before I met you. The past sixteen years have been a blast for sure and I need to make sure that the next couple of months are the best." said Natsu. "Natsu." said Arata. Natsu looked at the clock as he said,"Shit! We're going to be late! Lets go Sly!". He ran out of the house with Slytha said,"Come with us idiot sensei.". Arata sat there and he sighed.

He looked at his gloves and he thought,"Does he honestly think that I could be a teacher? I mean he is nothing but an idiot.". He looked up to see a picture. He walked toward it and he saw Natsu with the rest of Class C. It was taken the day after the fight in the Infernal Council. Natsu was with the entire class and it had a good feeling to it. "Natsu is serious for sure. Okay, I think I should get ready for my job. I hope I don't mess up." said Arata. He walked toward his room as he got ready.

Natsu was running to class as Visalth was lecturing to his partner. "Did you forget that you are able to teleport places Sparaxa?". "I could but that would be boring." said Natsu. "This Natsu may be even more of an idiot than the past one but he is more fun for sure." said Visalth. Natsu smiled and he crashed into someone. "Ow! What the heck is wrong with you? I mean seriously." said a girls voice. "Sorry about that." said Natsu.

He looked up to see that he crashed into Janet Jackson. "Janet?!" said Natsu. "Yeah. I'm impressed that you know me Natsu." said Janet. "Of course. It is my job after all." said Natsu. "Right. You are in charge of all of the first years. Doing a great job by the way." said Janet. "Okay. I am only human by the way." said Natsu. "I can't believe that you are lying about that to her. You are more dragon and god than human. It is due...." said Visalth who only Natsu could hear.

Natsu was ignoring his dragon partner and he said,"So where is your brother Janet? I usually see you together.". "I'm trying to avoid him." said Janet. "Oh. Do you mind hiding behind him me then?" said Natsu. "Um why?" said Janet. "I can sense Adrian coming up to us." said Natsu. "Ah." said Janet. She hid behind Natsu as Adrian rushed in front of him. "Natsu! Have you seen my sister?!" yelled Adrian with him in Natsu's face.

Natsu said,"Okay. You need to back up.". He went back as Natsu said,"I saw her walking toward the school.". "Okay! Thanks!" yelled Adrian. He ran off as Natsu said,"You can come out now.". "Thanks Natsu." said Janet who stood in front of him. "So why don't you tell him off?" said Natsu. "You and him are alike. You're both stubborn." said Janet. "Harsh." said Natsu. The two were walking and the girl said,"So why do you make people hate you?".

Natsu said,"What do you mean?". "You aren't the main campus that much like the rest of your class but you pissed off Class G-AA excluding Class M. I mean your comment during the Sports Festival just pissed them off more." said Janet. "Is it just me?" said Natsu. "Well. I think so." said Janet. "Then I will be the martyr." said Natsu. "Okay then. You're a good guy Natsu." said Janet. "Thanks Janet. I'll see you around." said Natsu.

She walked into the main building and Natsu heard some girls screaming pervert. He saw two boys running from girls from several different sport based clubs. "Hey Natsu. Should we do something about that?" said Visalth. "Um sure. I think that this is the perfect time to test the different types of flames." said Natsu as his left hand lit on fire. Natsu threw a purple flame toward the two boys and he walked toward the school as the girl attacked the two boys for their perverted crimes.

He was heading toward the Agent/Executive Committee/Student Council meeting but then he saw his girlfriend with Slytha. "Hey you two." said Natsu. Rain smiled and she said,"Hey. So when were you going to tell me about her coming to school?". "Right now." said Slytha. "Yep. She wanted to come with me as a mascot." said Natsu. "Don't you mean a student?" said Rain. "Do you seriously think she should be a student? I mean she would be in a different class." said Natsu.

Slytha said,"Plus two perverts were ogling me.". "I got them Sly." said Natsu. "Anyway, the pervert needs to talk with us and I don't think he'll mind Slytha." said Rain. "Yeah and she would come no matter what." said Natsu. "I won't do anything beside sit and eat sweets." said Slytha. "So what about your meeting?" said Rain. "Do you really think that I was going to the meeting? I already sent a clone on my way there during our talk." said Natsu. "Okay." said Rain.

Owen was sitting in his office making a castle out of playing cards and he said,"Okay. I almost got it and....". The door opened and the castle was destroyed. "What the hell?" said Owen. He turned to see Natsu, Rain, Slytha, and Yasmin. "Oh. You all made it." said Owen. "Yes. Thanks to Mr. Drake, I was able to leave the third year campus. What do you need Owen?" said Yasmin. "I sit down and eat my sweets now Nat-Chan." said Slytha. "K." said Natsu.

The girl sat on the couch and Owen said,"So she is the Dragon Goddess?". "Yeah and the idiot made her his friend." said Rain. "Digging the nickname by the way Rain." said Natsu. "It is the truth by the way Nat Chan." said Rain and Slytha. "Lets stop this pointless conversation and get to the situation at hand. Why did you call us here?" said Yasmin. "She is strict." said Slytha. "That's her entire character by the way." said Natsu. The two first years sat with Slytha as Yasmin stood next to Owen.

Owen said,"You two know that you're taking third year tests right?". "Of course. I mean this week is mainly studying but I plan to sleep or maybe get some research done." said Natsu who yawned. "Do you know do that always?" said Rain. "Yeah but I plan to sleep for real this time." said Natsu. "That doesn't make you sound better. As you mostly likely know, the third years are preparing for college or their futures." said Yasmin.

Slytha said,"So what does this have to do with Nat Chan and Rain Chan? And where are the sweets? I smell them.". "In the cabinet by the potted plant. They're really good." said Owen. The goddess went over to the sweets and Yasmin said,"Anyway, you two were accepted to Japan's Top College.". "Are you serious!?" said Rain. "Yes." said Yasmin. "Natsu. If you don't know, the top college in Japan is Cypress University." said Owen.

Natsu said,"Of course I know that Grandpa. I mean I was working there part time as the God of Death and it was fun I guess.". "But why us?" said Rain. "It was your grandfather ,and maybe your father as well, who helped Rain. I don't get why Levi would think about Natsu though." said Yasmin. "Natsu. I think you'll be interesting in the reason." said Owen. "Oh really. Tell me." said Natsu. "Please don't. I don't him to know." said Rain.

Natsu said,"Okay. Seeing her reaction, you have to tell me now.". "Issac told me about the time that he met you two and Rain wrote that she would go to college if her Natsu went to the same school as her." said Owen. Natsu looked over to see that Rain was blushing hard and he said,"Well, that is well sweet. I mean I wasn't planing on going to high school but now, I'm going.". "That's awesome! Our school is going to more recognition." said Owen.

Yasmin sighed and she said,"Sometimes. So do you know about the bullying?". "Bullying?" said the two students. "Yes. You do know that Class G-AA excluding M hates Class A-F mainly Class C. Do you know why?" said Owen. "My boyfriend likes to make people pissed off at him mainly my father but we don't care." said Rain. "Yeah. We're just going to be awesome and ignore all of them plus they are just made because I bust them on purpose." said Natsu.

Owen said,"At least, you guys aren't mad about that little factor. I know that the rest of Class C feels the same about that.". "Yeah. So are you done with us?" said Natsu. "I think we have an assembly. It is about the exam at the end of the week." said Rain. "Yes. So is she going with you?" said Yasmin who pointed to Slytha who was eating a chocolate bar. "Yes. Come on Slytha." said Natsu. "Okay. I'm done here." said Slytha who walked toward Natsu.

The three left the room and Yasmin said,"So what do you think of them Vera?". Vera ,who wasn't be in Soul for over fifty plus episode, stood there and she said,"They're interesting. I mean they are both smart and quite strong to be third years but they are staying behind but why?". "I think they want to stay with their friends." said Owen. "Okay. I'll take that as an answer but who cares about making friends? I only care about results." said Vera.

Natsu and Rain plus Slytha ,who was in her snake form, were heading to the assembly hall and Rain said,"So how did you know about the bullying?". "Janet told me." said Natsu. "Ah." said Rain. "You don't like her?" said Rain. "I just don't talk to her much." said Rain. "She is pretty nice according to Nat Chan's memory but her brother is something else." said Slytha. "Ah." said Rain. The two sat with the rest of the class as they sat like they did in the classroom. Rain had Slytha on her shoulder.

Miu said as Natsu said,"So enjoy your alone time?". "I guess. So what did I miss?" said Natsu who sat down behind her. "Well, you will see soon." said Akane. The boy saw Emilio and Natsu said to Visalth,"Why the hell is he the speaker?". "I don't know but we're going to find out soon enough but I got a feeling that it won't be pretty." said Visalth. "Welcome. I'm sorry to bother you but we have an important message." said Emilio.

The first years started to murmur and Emilio said,"Okay. I want you all to raise your hand if you hate someone here at school. I mean truly hate.". Seventy four percent of the crowd raised their hand and Emilio said,"And keep your hand up if his name is Natsu Ryu Xasius.". "What the hell is baldy doing to my wife?" whispered Irene. "I don't know but I don't like it." said Charl. All of the hands were kept up and they were high.

Natsu said while standing up,"Okay. What the hell are you doing baldy?". "Would please sit down Mr. Xasius? You're making an embarrassment of yourself." said Emilio. The other classes excluding A, B, D, E, F, and M were laughing at him as Natsu said with his temper rising,"I will...". "Please. I just want this to end." said Rain. "Fine." said Natsu. He plopped down and Emilio said,"We'll hate him right so I made a deal with the government.".

Natsu couldn't handle all of the hate spewing from his mouth and he noticed that all of Class C was feeling the same since Emilio plus the other classes excluding A, B, D, E, F, and M were laughing at them. A little bit later, some people from the Cultural Festival came by and passed out printouts for the cultural festival. Ryo, Nazar, and Chad noticed that they didn't get one as Harry said,"So did you guys get one?". Alex shook her head for now as Issac stood up.

Issac said to the head member,"Yo! We didn't get ours.". "Oh. I wonder why. I guess that Class C will have to memorize all of it because you guys are so smart. Not!" said the head. The room had a laugh riot as Class C was getting angry. "Let me blow them up." said Masaru. "Don't." said Sekien. "Okay. I really hate this." said Ellen who was clenching her fist in anger. In a second, the entire class had the paper and Issac heard his name.

Natsu stood there in between Ellen and Reva and he said,"I found them in his desk. Those bastard hid them from us but they can't escape my eyes.". "Yeah. We're good pointdexter." said Issac. "You slimy freak!" yelled the head member. They booed Natsu as Reva whispered."Why I don't mind your antics in the class, this is a public event and you're making them hate Class C more.". "I think we get them back during the Cultural Festival. Plus..." said Natsu.

A little bit later, Natsu was talking with Jake and Cindy. "Hey man. We're going to start heading back man. See you soon." said Jake. "I'll join up with you guys in a second. I'm so dam thirsty right now. I need to carry more water." said Natsu. He head to the machine and he heard,"Yo!". Natsu turned to see two students. One had glasses and the other one was fatter than his partner mainly in the face. "I think you and your loser friends should learn your place." said the glasses.

Natsu said,"Excuse me?". "Yeah! You guys were sent to the mountain because you are a monster and a disgrace to the school! You caused a public disturbance." said the fatter one.  "How about you shut the hell up and go back into the cave where you came from Gecko." said the glasses. "You guys are giant losers so just accepted it." said the fatter one. Natsu was quiet as Reva was watching this with Ellen.

Ellen said,"So should we stop them?". "He can handle it for sure." said Reva. Natsu was thrown to the wall and the fatter one yelled,"Say you sorry!". Natsu's eyes turned red and he said,"Okay. You two are really pissing me off.". They went back and Natsu said while cracking his knuckles,"You need to learn your place.". He grabbed the two and dragged them off. Everyone saw that they were kicking and screaming like babies.

Back at the school, Ben slammed his fist on the desk. "God dam it! Those guys piss me the hell off! I mean my god!" yelled Ben. "Yeah. They think that they're stronger than us because they have more in numbers than us." said Amy who was calm but angry. Ellen walked in and she said,"Hey guys.". "Are you mad too Ms. Sullivan?" said Karla. "Yeah! Those guys made fun of us and the class but mainly Natsu." said Cora. The boy in question was leaning against the wall.

Natsu growled and Ellen said,"I'm mad too kids but we can show them in the big test.". "Yeah but with my awful testing ability, we're screwed." said Harry. "Not at all Adams." said Reva's voice. She stood there and she said,"I have gotten some extra teachers for this class. Your friend Natsu will be both your battle, magic, and math teacher while Ms. Sullivan is teaching English and History. You all may come in now.".

Four people walked in and Kyoji said,"Satsuki?". "Mom?" said Sekien. "That lazy Angel from the Sports Festival?!" said Kyria. "Arata!" yelled Soran. The four stood there and Satsuki said,"Hi. My name is Satsuki Mayeda and I'm your new Home EC teacher.". "I'm liking this one." said Harry with a perverted glance as Alex stomped on his foot hard. "My name is Mizuki Ozaki.  I am also Sekien's mommy." said Mizuki.

Sekien slammed his head on his desk in embarrassment as Haru said,"Man. Your mom works with you. Sucks for you bro.". "My name is Virgil Shepard and I guess I'm your science teacher." said the angel who yawned. "Oh joy." said Phoebe who for some reason didn't like this angel. "And I'm Arata Sazama. I bet you all hate me for what I did to Sora but I'm deeply sorry. I'm also the Gym teacher by the way." said Arata who bowed.

Natsu stood there and he said,"This test is like the final test of the Second Semester and you all have been learning the basics so I think all of you can get the top 50 spots and the highest score for each one of the five subjects.". "I don't doubt you man but how are we going to do that and who is she? I mean she is just sitting there." said Matt. He pointed to Slytha who was eating some sweets at Natsu's desk and Stacey said,"You question that out of everything?".

Natsu said,"She is a friend of mine and I've to show you all something.". Natsu started to glow and Virgil said,"You're serious about this aren't you?". The glow was gone and a beast stood there. He was over twenty feet tall. He had twelve wings that had sprouted out of his back. Two wings were gold like an angel, two wings were fire, two wings were like his wings that was seen in the Draco Form, two vampire wings, two devils wings, and two lightning wings.

He has ten tails that sprouted out which somehow didn't mess with the wings. They reminded the class of a dog god, fox, kitsune, and wolf at the same time. His body structure looked the same as a devil, dragon, and wolf. Two cat ears were in this form and it had Natsu's face. "Is that you Natsu? I mean it has your face." said Moka. "Yes. This form is the combination of all of the training that I have gone through, a mixture of all my powers, and the God Particles." said Natsu.

He moved his tails around and he said,"As you can tell, I look pretty badass right? Just watch this shit.". A tail held a gun and he sat one of the tail. It was bleeding on the floor and Lucy said,"What the hell?!". "Relax. A normal gun wouldn't have done this. According to Buster after we captured him a few days ago, that gun was made to counter the god particles and look at your buddy. His power is about 20% less than normal." said Virgil.

Arata said,"I wish I had that earlier.". "Yeah." said Satsuki. Kyoji sighed and he said,"So what does this have to do with our tests?". "Right. I will allow you to destroy one tail if you get the highest score for your grade. If you all are able to get the five highest score in all five subjects and the highest score out the whole school, you will be able to shoot me six times. If you happened to kill me while in this form, all of you will be given ten billion yen for the Natsu fund." said Natsu.

Harry's eyes turned into yen and he said,"That is so much money.". "Yeah. I wonder what we could do with it." said Issac and Stacey. "So you're trying to bribe us with greed?" said Ryker. "Yep and it works better on others Ryker. I shall be in Peru. Later." said Natsu. He flew out of the window and Slytha was gone. "Anyway, you heard Natsu. If you do that, you all will get a lot of cash so lets study hard!" said Ellen. "Yeah!" yelled the class.

The class was studying hard and Haru said from his desk,"Hey Tara. You're studying pretty hard and smiling. What's up with that?". She was smiling and she said,"Oh Haru! I'm really excited about what Natsu said earlier. I mean I'm also amazing at Science. Not a fan about the killing though.". The class was divided into seven study groups of six and they were studying hard. The two who weren't at all studying were Natsu and Rain since they were talking the third year tests.

A little bit later, Issac got Charl and Soran's attention. "Oh. You guys free after school or do you got plans?" said Issac. "Um why?" said Charl. "We're going to study in the main campus library and it has the best study material hands down. The seats are always booked up so I had to get us in. I think as a group, we should all go." said Issac who held a ticket. "I'm game." said Soran. Issac along with Charl, Soran, and some of the group left as Natsu said,"This is a good feeling.".

It was after school and the entire class started to head down the mountain excluding Issac's group and Natsu. "Man! That was so much studying! I really think that I studied more than normal." said Seth who stretched. "Yeah. Natsu even helped by using his clones." said Phoebe. "That is so weird yet cool at the same time." said Cindy. "Yeah but I want to relax for once. I mind studying is nice but I want to relax." said Tessa.

Rex said,"Yeah but what can we do? I mean I really want that cash.". "Then you should follow me guys. This will help our problems for sure." said Harry. "I hope it isn't perverted." said Akane. Harry jumped onto a building nearby the mountain and Mia said,"So what's this?". "I made this sweet as hell path to school. I mean if we use our free running skills to move through the city like ninjas. It is perfect since it cuts out some much time walking places." said Harry.

Dana said,"Yeah but what if we fall or something like that?". "She is right Haru. Reva told us not to use outside of the mountains in case of danger." said Akane. Harry said,"Don't worry! I tried going this way this morning and it was fine! We are trained now and freaking awesome.". "Um..." said Dante. "Live a little Dante. We can totally improve in our studies plus our strength for sure man." said Matt. "It sounds like fun." said Seth. "Yeah." said Terry.

Harry said,"Then follow me! Lets go!" said Harry. He rushed ahead with Alex, Masaru, Matt, and Ryo have a head start on the rest of the class. "Wait up you guys!" yelled Akane. The only ones who stayed back are Cindy, Cora, Dana, Haru, Hikaru, Karla, Masoko, Mia, Miu, Phoebe, Rain, Ruriko, Tessa, Urara, and Yumiko. "So why didn't you go Haru?" said Hikaru. "Didn't feel like it." said Haru who shrugged his shoulders.

Masoko said,"They do have a lot of energy though.". "Yeah. I may go tomorrow if they come back safely of course.' said Urara. Back in the main building, the group consists of Charl, Issac, Moka, Soran, Stacey, and Tara. "Look what we have here. Class C Crap in our turf. What the hell is wrong with you idiots?" said the head Cultural Festival member from earlier. He was with three others. "Oh boy. These guys are here to made us mad for sure." said Stacey. "Yeah." said Charl.

One with an angry look said,"Hey move it! Those are our sweets so leave.". He was treating them like dogs and Charl said,"Some of us are trying to study here.". She was reading a fighting magazine and Soran said,"Hey. I don't think you're fooling anyone here.". "We made all of the arrangements to have this seats." said Issac. "Yep. Studying with this ac is so nice. Feel like taking a cat nap here for sure." said Stacey who yawned.

A guy with an almost unibrow said,"Wow. You guys have some shit memories and in this school, you know that all of us are stronger and smartest that you idiots for sure.". "No you aren't!" yelled Tara. "I didn't hear you." said the unibow. "We are going to be the top fifty for sure and also you look like a ugly as hell monster!" said Tara. "I think Haru taught her how to insult. Needs a little work though no a lot of work." said Soran under his breath.

The unibow said,"What an ugly girl. You look ugly right man?". "Whatever helps you sleep at night man." said the cultural festival member. One of the men who looked like a male model and he said while going through Moka's hair,"I think that you are wrong since Class C somehow has beauty even though you belong in the trash. If only you had the brains, I would think you would be good as a bride. So how about starting as a maid under me?".

Moka lightly punched him in the stomach as Charl said to Soran,"I don't think Moka will ever have a boyfriend.". "Yeah." said Soran. The Unibrow said,"Hold on. I remember not at all of them are idiots you guys. Moka Banks is the 25th in the Japanese portion, Issac Lance is the 12th best in the History portion, Stacey Hale is the 13th best in the English portion, and Tara Cross is the 15th best in the Science portion.".

He started to bonk Tara' head and he said,"You guys are honestly screwed because your monster of a friend is busy with the third year tests.". "Yeah. I mean you guys are going to crash and burn because all of you getting in the top 50 for the grade plus the scores for Math, Science, History, Japanese, and English is a freaking pipe dream." said the glasses. "Yeah. I mean you guys are so weak and pathetic plus we will even put our life on it." said the angry looking one.

Soran then placed his pen on the angry guy's neck, Issac placed his right index finger on the student council member, Stacey slammed a ruler on the unibrow's head, and Moka chopped the pretty boy's neck. The four were shocked and Soran said,"We are all pissed off at what you said earlier today and also we're going to murder all of you without much effort.". The four ran off as Charl said,"We better get back to studying.". "Right!" said Tara. The six studied as the six studied hard.

The six later saw Haru waiting for them at the gate. "Haru?" said Moka. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be with the others." said Charl. "Beside for the girls, they went freerunning." said Haru. "Huh?" said Soran. "I'll explain later." said Haru. He looked at Tara and he said,"So you want to study with me?". "Um sure!" said Tara with a blush on her face. Stacey smiled and she said,"Mind if I join you Haru.".

Haru said,"What about Matt?". "Nah. He will be fine without me. Lets go you two." said Stacey. She dragged the two with Tara's face crimson red when she looked at Haru. "I think Tara has a crush on Haru." said Moka. "Wow. You got it and I thought you were going to be..." said Issac. She started to strangle him and Charl said,"I thought Issac would learn to shut up.". "You honestly don't know Issac Lance at all." said Soran.

Meanwhile, the group that was free running was enjoying it. "Man! This is so awesome!" yelled Jake who jumped off a building. "This is nothing though!" said Seth. "Yeah! I mean you guys feel it! We are the best students in all of Star Valley High!" yelled Harry. The group kept jumping through the city and Ryker said,"I'm going to reach the goal!". He and Harry looked down and a man under them started to scream as the two crashed into him hard.

Later, the entire group was outside of the hospital with Reva walking out. "His name is Ninsei Okimoto. He is sixty eight years old and the injury that you all caused him was a fracture in both his left and right leg. It is extremely serious but Virgil is healing the fracture in his legs so he should be up on Thursday but he is extremely mad. Not even Ellen's kindness is softening the blow." said Reva who sighed. The group felt a dark aura behind him and they shivered in terror.

Natsu stood there and he was incredibly pissed off. "Natsu." said Alex. "But look! We didn't even see the old man! I mean you should ride your bike in the street where someone can see you for sure." said Harry. "Yeah." said Amy. "I do think we did something wrong." said Leona. "But we did it to grow way stronger." said Tsuki. "Do you know understand the pressure that we're under right now? I mean you should know." said Masaru. "Shut the hell up." said Natsu.

He slapped all of them across the cheek hard and everyone landed on the ground. "Sister. I will talk to them about this. You don't mind right?" said Natsu. "Not at all. I think you were being gentle to them. You all should be ashamed for what you did to that poor old man." said Reva. She walked back in as Harry and Terry said,"Sorry.". "I'm not forgiving you just like that. This may be my fault in hindsight." said Natsu.

He took a deep breath as his aura went down. "You all have gotten power hungry. You have become drunk and greedy off your powers and don't know what it is like to be weak in fact. You are no better than those assholes from earlier." said Natsu. The class looked down and he said,"Fine. I've an idea to solve this. For the next four days, you all including the others will not be allowed to study for the test next week. Got it?!!!!!".

The class was shocked and Natsu said,"This is me being gentle. If I was the old me, I would broken a bone on all of you. An eye for an eye. I think you all should learn a lesson and I should help the others.". He was gone as Class C stood there in regret. Natsu reappeared with a bouquet of flowers as he opened the door to Ninsei. "No! I won't accept anything!" yelled Ninsei. He saw Natsu and he said,"You.". "I think I've an idea." said Natsu. The old man smiled after hearing Natsu's idea.

Next Time,
What was Natsu's Idea? Will Class C able to recover from this? Or will they crash and burn hard? This and More Next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Mr. Ninsei Okimoto. 68 years old. Principal of Meadows Elementary. Grayish White. Brown. 6 foot 8. B. Virgo. September 7. Education, not missing work, seeing his students grow, and dirty magazines. Missing work and getting injured.

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