Friday, November 11, 2016

Soul Episode 113 World Shock

A/N: I know that I haven't post at all during November but here is the thing. Since I post eleven stuff in October, I'm counting it for this month because I'm lazy. I will try to post more but no promise whatsoever. I am also thinking about what to do after Soul and a Power Guild sequel may happen. I need to think about it a little more so maybe after I finish this series up or get a good stopping point, I will start working it along with Power which is still on hiatus. Natsu is also currently in his Solar Form by the way. A character in this has a certain quirk where he says a word that starts with the letter C such as Carrot, the C is replaced with a K.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu was looking at Enoch who was growling like nothing else. Uxio rushed toward Enoch but the lion was trapped in the mist. "Uxio! Just wait a second!" said Natsu. He rushed toward his lion but he was stopped by a giant earth wall. "Okay. Who did that?" said Natsu. Enoch stood there and he said with him glaring at Natsu,"Listen boy! I am going to destroy you!". "You and what army made out of mist." said Natsu,

Visarth sighed loudly as Enoch made several Cerberus appear. "Natsu. You totally asked for this but I will support you." said Visarth. "Thanks. Time to bring the sun down!" said Natsu. He made a giant ball of fire and a clone kicked it toward the dog. Several of the monsters burned but most of the beasts evaded the attack. He made Anduril appear and he aimed his hand at them. "Clavier!" yelled Natsu.

Several beams of black light with a crimson outside came out of his hand and they sliced through the beasts like a knife through butter. Uxio jumped toward Natsu and he roared. "You're right about that buddy. He is really annoying. I think that we should try that." said Natsu. The lion roared and Natsu put his right hand on the fire mane. The lion suddenly turned into a giant broadsword that had a huge flame surrounding it.

Natsu rushed toward the beasts ,with Enoch making more monsters with his mist, and he sliced the air in front of him. A wave of fire appear and it sliced through them causing a huge burn. He then slammed the sword into the ground as the blade made a giant burst of flame burn the rest of the monsters. "Okay. I'm getting really sick of this so just give the hell up okay." said Natsu who held the sword on his back.

Enoch growled and he said,"I'll kill you!". "So just do it." said Visarth. Natsu sighed and he said,"I really hate that meme.". "Oh. We have company and I think it is the good kind." said Sivarth. The boy noticed that Arata and Reisa standing there. "So when did you escape man?" said Natsu. "Well, I was enjoying prison because in the Underworld, it is like a hotel but she broke me out. She said that you may need some help." said Arata.

Sivarth said,"I guess they care about us.". "Shut up. I just didn't want you to lose to this devil before me and Lovisa defeat you and the kaiser. I think I shall handle Enoch alone." said Reisa. She activate her armor and Arata said,"So what do you need me to do bro?". "Well, I need you to save the crowd. I mean they were knocked out cold after I defeated those monsters that Vito created." said Natsu. "You got it dude." said Arata.

The man was gone as Reisa said,"Natsu and Sivarth. Me and Lovisa wish you two good luck against Buster. He is currently with some of the girls that you hold dear.". Natsu was gone and Lovisa said with confusion in her voice,"So why did you tell them about Buster? I thought you would want him to be defeated.". "I don't know why I did it but I don't want the kid to die on me." said Reisa. She rushed toward Enoch who was mad at both dragons.

In the third year stadium, Lee stood there with him holding an ice sword. After Enoch attacked the festival, he had been fighting demons, Evolved, and mist creations. He was getting tired and he was about to be attack by a cyclops. The beast was frozen and then it was sliced. Lee saw Cole standing with Joan and he said,"Thanks you two.". "No problem. Keep an eye on him ice boy." said Joan. The second year was gone as Cole said,"Strange girl.".

Lee said,"So where is Asahi? I saw her with you earlier.". "She is with the other guardians. They're fighting against some of the bigger ones. So how are the girls doing against him?" said Cole. "Not good. He put up a barrier upon arriving with the self-proclaimed prince of darkness and his pet. He is good." said Lee. "Yeah. We didn't expect and look what happened." said Cole. The two noticed that the monsters were rushing toward him.

Cole said,"I'll cover you so go nuts like you do against Sakia.". Lee made fire swords appear in both of his hands and he rushed toward them. They were either burned from the flame sword wielder or they were frozen from the Ice Guardian/Sorcerer. The two boys looked at the barrier which had over five students in there with a monster and his pet. They were worried and were going to free them. It was a shock to see that something was coming in fast.

Inside of the barrier, Akane, Akiko, Alice, Kana, Keiko, Kyria, Lucia, Rain, Sabrina, and Urara were up against a powerful opponent. He was wearing a pendant which was giving him strength. He was armor that was enchanted by magic. He is extremely handsome with him short black hair and it was covering his right eye and his left eye is gray. He is extremely muscular and he is holding a spear in his right hand.

Next to him, he had a dog which is a combination of different dog breeds. He was wearing the same pendant as his owner. "Shit. This guy is so strong." said Alice. "Yeah. He is way stronger than the God of Death was." said Rain. "He isn't going to stop me! I'm hungry!" yelled Akiko. "Wait! He is able to..." said Urara. Akiko was launched into the air with the man holding the staff saying,"Where is Natsu?".

Lucia said,"We're not telling you!". She fired a burst of darkness at the man who moved his staff to basically make the darkness go behind him. "Not going to work on me at Devil Princess, sister of Adam Satan, and lover of the Dragon Emperor Natsu." said the man. Sabrina was charging up an attack but she was smacked to the ground by the spear welding man. "Not going to work on me. I studied all of you and I think you should all pay." said the man.

Kana noticed that the man was focused on Akiko (who came back from the ground), Lucia, and Sabrina so she said,"Okay. Lets get the mutt you guys.". "Right. Cover me okay Kyria?" said Akane who made fire appear in her hands. She threw two fire balls at the dog with Kyria making several bolts of lightning. The dog jumped over the attacks and he made a giant water ball. "Move." said the cat girl.

The six moved back from the attack which destroyed the ground. "Woof!" yelled the dog. "Okay. So what did he say?" said Alice. "I don't know but we should make sure that the mutt stays still so we can attack him." said Urara. She made several magic circles surrounding the dog and Alice said,"I owe you one Urara! Ready girls?!". "Yeah!" yelled the girls. Akane turned into a phoenix and she made a huge burst of fire hit the dog.

After the fire was finished, Keiko sliced the dog with Alice increasing the pain. Kyria threw a spear of lightning at the dog which exploded. Kana made a giant ice pillar hit the dog and Rain increased the gravity around the dog. She made two giant beams of light and it exploded. The girls were happy to see that the dog was attacked but then the dog appeared. He destroyed all of them and he woofed in joy with him looking at his master.

The man held the defeated Akiko, Lucia, and Sabrina in the hand not holding his spear. "They weren't that much of a challenge were they Esko." said the man who threw the girls into a pile. Rain looked at them and the man said,"She is a strong one.". He held her chin and he said,"My name is Buster Zepar and this is my pet Esko Zepar. I wonder if you would be perfect bait.". The barrier broke and Buster said,"You were and I got my target.".

Natsu rushed toward the girls and he said,"Where are they Visarth?!". "Partner. You need to calm down. We can't risk you being pissed off because it increases the chance of activating that. We will find them." said Visarth. Natsu stopped and he deactivated his Solar Form. Visalth said,"Astral may be powerful but it is weaker than normal due to your rage blinded you. Now what do you sense partner?".

Natsu took a deep breath and he said,"My mom and those two plus an angel.". "We should go help them first because you sensed the barrier in the second year stadium right?" said Visalth. "Lets go." said Natsu. He rushed toward Amaterasu and she was with two other gods aka his aunt Susanno and Tsukuyomi. They were both female despite them being written as males. They looked like his mother except with a storm and moon theme respectively.

Natsu slammed two Evolved into the ground and he said,"Are you girls okay?!". "We are son." said Amaterasu. "Yeah. So why haven't you used my gift yet huh?" said Susanno who lightly punched his right arm. "Sorry but I've been kind of busy." said Natsu. "He is right sister. Our beloved nephew is using his mother's power." said Tsukuyomi. "Yeah but you will use it right?" said Susanno who gave him the puppy dog eyes.

Natsu sighed and he said,"I will Aunt Susanno. So where is the angel?". "I am here." said a voice. A young man stood there and he has short blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing a normal priest like clothing with armor covering it. He had a gold diamond on his forehead. The most obvious thing is the twelve golden wings sprouting from his back. "Sup I guess. So what do you need me do? I was supposed to find a fallen one." said the angel who yawned.

Visalth said,"Hey Brat! Focus or else!". The angel looked at Natsu and he said,"Oh. Hey Visalth. Is it good in this boy? I mean he is the son of Amaterasu but well, he is pretty plain to me.". "Virgil. I suggest you keep an eye on him. So who are you after?" said Visalth. "Oh right. I was asked by the god who controls the lightning in Greek mythology to hunt down the fallen angel who is known for being a greedy fuck." said Virgil.

Natsu said,"So am I the only one who doesn't know who it is?". "Nah. I don't know it either. Angels are known for being tricky bastards." said Susanno. "Fine. It is Kokabiel. you try to have fun but who knows?" said Virgil who shrugged his shoulders. "Natsu. You will handle the one in the barrier and we will handle the fallen angel." said Tsukuyomi. "Okay. I'll be done fast." said Natsu. He rushed to the barrier as the gods and angel flew toward the location of the fallen.

Arata returned to see Reisa ,who was in her armor, with her holding the defeated Enoch. The ground around them was completely destroyed. "Wow. You show more destruction that Natsu does and that is saying a lot!" said Arata. "I suggest you shut up. Now tell us why you are doing this and why did he give you the Evolved?" said Reisa who held Enoch in her claw. "Kouta let me have them and we will destroy you...." said Enoch.

Reisa slammed Enoch into the ground and he was out cold. She deactivated her dragon armor but the wings which were glowing. "I sense a powerful presence." said Reisa. "Yeah. It is Natsu or the gods here visiting Natsu." said Arata. "Not them idiot. It is a Fallen Angel." said Reisa. "Really? So we should go fight him right?" said Arata. Reisa flew above him and he said,"Meet you there.". She was gone as Arata said,"What a woman.". He rushed after her.

Natsu arrived in the arena to see Cole and Lee fighting monsters. Natsu rushed toward them with him blasting the monster in front of them back and he said,"Guys!". Natsu stopped as Cole said,"So did you take down Enoch?". "Well, I left him to Reisa and knowing anyone with a dragon, she showed no mercy." said Natsu. "Ah. That makes sense. So do you think that you can take down the barrier? We'll go help out the others." said Lee.

Natsu crackled his knuckles and he said,"This is nothing.". "Good luck man." said Cole. He flew off with an ice bridge and Lee ran after him. Natsu made several magic circles appear around the barrier and he said,"Hey Uxio. Ready to do that?!". The cat meowed as the magic circles glowed golden. The barrier the broke and crash to the ground and  Natsu glowed the same color just like the magic circles did. "Okay then. Lets do this right Uxio?" said Natsu. The cat meowed.

Buster saw Natsu standing there in a lion themed armor. "You. You finally showed up." said Buster. It took a second for Natsu to see the girls in pain and he said,"Why did you do all of this whoever you are? I highly doubt that the "Prince of Darkness" could do all of this by himself.". "Yes. A devil kouldn't do all of this so he had the Fallen Angel Kokabiel help him. Oh and spoiler alert, Kokabiel is long gone." said Buster.

Rain said,"Kokabiel?". "A Fallen Angel idiot." said Buster. The man saw Natsu's fists lit up in flames and he said,"Don't say that to anyone I care about!". "Oh. Go get him already Esko. I think he is worthy of you but not me." said Buster. The dog rushed toward Natsu who appeared in front of the man. "How the hell did he do that?! I have enhanced vision thanks to the Pendant of Dominance on me." thought Buster. He was punched by Natsu.

Buster felt his right cheek and it had a serious burn. "What the?" said Buster. Natsu charged into him with a powerful tackle and Buster was covered in flame. "VORTEX OF FLAME!" yelled Natsu as a tornado of flame appearing around him. He spin around in a circle and he launched the flame into the man. Buster was trying to recover from the flames and he slammed into him with a roundhouse kick to the stomach.

Rain said,"Wow. He is so strong.". Buster stood there and he said,"Get him Esko!". The dog rushed to Natsu and Natsu made a giant ball of fire appearing in the middle of his hands. "EARTH FORCE! I HOPE YOU'RE READY TO BURN!" yelled Natsu. The ball flew toward Esko and the dog was burned from the attack along with Buster. The dog was out cold and Buster said,"I will avenge you boy. I promise.". Buster looked at Natsu who said,"Is that all? I'm still fired up literally.".

"I know you Natsu Ryu Xasius. That armor that you are wearing is a weapon right so I should be able to do..." said Buster who aimed his staff at Natsu. Uxio flew off Natsu and Natsu saw the cat being slammed by Buster into the ground. "Uxio!" yelled Natsu. Buster threw the cat aside as Rain caught him. "You bastard. I will make you pay with your life!" yelled Natsu. Buster appeared in front of him and he said with a smile,"Krash into the earth.".

Natsu went straight into the ground and Buster said,"This spear of mine is known as Harvester. If I touch you with it, your soul is mine alongside with the ability of petrification. It can protect me from fatal attack and split apart out with ease. It is able to grow and shrink. I also can increase or decrease gravity, stop women for a kertain period of time, able to redirect things koming at me and send it right back, able to teleport, able to destroy all weapons, armored soldiers, and destruction.".

Buster slammed the spear into Natsu's jacket and he increased the size of it. "You're not getting out of here son of Amaterasu. Have you ever wondered about your sword birth mark?" said Buster. "What are you talking about?" said Natsu. "The mark on your hand are the seal to the beast. You have been able to understand animals since you were young korrect? Your father Riku also can but he was once the former owner of the beast." said Buster.

Natsu said,"Why are you talking about Visalth like that?! He may be a pervert and old dragon but he is the best partner a guy could ask for!". "Natsu. I like you as well but don't call me old or else. It won't be pretty by the way." said Visalth. "You idiot. I'm not talking about the dragon but the beast from the Apocalypse aka the Book of Revelation." said Buster. Kyria woke up and she said,"Natsu. I can't believe it.".

Natsu said,"Kyria. I didn't know that monster was inside of me.". "I know but still. Why would lady Amaterasu do that?" said Kyria. "It wasn't her khoice but the man with the beard." said Buster. "Think before you speak Natsu." said Rain. "I wasn't going to say Santa!" yelled Natsu. "You really need to have more faith in your boyfriend Rain." said Kyria. "I would but Natsu has proven to be an idiot on several occasion." said Rain.

Buster said,"Anyway, the one and true God asks no demand the woman to place the seal of the beast in the being who threatens him.". "So I could kill God?" said Natsu. He felt a deathly aura behind him and he said,"Which I won't.". "If you died and I mean death. I hope that you have written your vows so for my goal to be komplete, you must die." said Buster. He moved his spear directly in the center of Natsu's Chest. "Natsu!" yelled Kyria and Rain.

The boy coughed out blood and the other girls woke up. "Natsu! What happened?!" yelled Lucia. "He stabbed me in the freaking heart! The God Particles can't revived my heart!" yelled Natsu. "I know about you and Aria. My spear is able to stop your special talent and I think that you're going to be a nice stone statue for me to smash alongside the Beast." said Buster. "You bastard!" yelled Akiko. She rushed toward him and she punched Buster.

A huge impact sound was heard and Akiko yelled,"Move that spear out of him!". "Right!" yelled the others. Akiko fought off Buster while the others tried to get the spear out. "You guys kan't get it out of me. I think this is it." said Natsu who coughed up more blood. "Don't talk idiot." said Keiko. "She is right Nat-Chan. We can do it if we work together." said Sabrina. Alice and Kana saw that Akiko was struggling against Buster and Alice said,"I still can't believe how strong he is.".

Kana said,"Yeah but this one is stronger.". She pointed to Natsu who was coughing up blood. "Didn't you listen to Keiko!?" yelled Akane. "My partner no my brother in a squishy body didn't speak. I have a feeling that he isn't going to survive." said Visalth. "No. He won't die." said Rain. She then pulled the spear out and Buster said,"Interesting. She is in love with the one who has the beast inside of his body.".

Akiko punched him and she said,"Shut up! Nat-Chan isn't a monster like you!". "Oh. I see that you have strong feelings for him. Is it that he is the only one to keep up with you in terms of raw power and strength? I do my research similar to the Second God of Death but I am stronger than him. He is more of a trickster and I'm a fighter." said Buster. He punched Akiko into the ground and he walked toward his spear.

He picked it up and he said,"I'm going to kill him by stabbing my spear covered with the blood of the dragon killer Samael.". "You mean the snake that tempted Adam and Eve?" said Kyria. "The same. I just need to bring him here." said Buster. He made a magic seal appear next to him and he chanted something. "Natsu." said Akane. Natsu was breathing heavily and Keiko said,"Can't you heal him Rain?".

Rain shook her head and she said,"Not even the healing magic that Natsu taught me can heal this bad of a wound.". "Natsu." said Alice and Kana. Suddenly, Arata, Reisa, the Shinto Sisters, and Virgil appeared. "What are you doing here?" said Reisa. "You know this guy? And why are you here?" said Sabrina who pointed to Arata and Reisa. "Reisa broke me out and I think Reisa knows him from the evil group aka Gehenna." said Arata.

Amaterasu saw Natsu and she said,"What happened to my son?". "He was stabbed by Buster's spear directly in the chest aka his heart." said Kyria. Susanno had a lightning aura around her and she said with venom,"I'll kill you child.". "Not even a god will be able to hurt me. I mean you should worry about what I plan to do." said Buster. "You and Loki were planning something weren't you?" said Reisa. "Loki? How many people do you have in your group?!" yelled Kana.

Virgil said,"A lot I guess. So Kokabiel turn and ran so I think I should try and heal him.". "You can heal him?" said Akane. "Yes. An angel's magic is stronger than normal. I suggest that we leave this problem to the kids." said Tsukuyomi. "Heal my son Virgil." said Amaterasu. "You got it." said Virgil who had his hands glowing. He placed them over the wound and he said,"Help them.". The girls then stood with Arata and Reisa.

Akiko was in pain so she wasn't going to fight anytime soon. "Fine. I have to wait till the summoning works. Time to make you all an appetizer." said Buster. He rushed toward Reisa and she blasted him back with magic. "Wow." said Alice. "My partner is the spawn of the former Underworld King. I recall the man being extremely well versed in magic. So will you show him no mercy all of you for what he did to the Crimson Dragon Emperor aka Natsu?" said Lovisa.

Akane said in her phoenix form,"Yeah! Burn!". A huge fire burst came out as Alice, Reisa, and Urara combined their magic power into one attack. Kana and Rain made two giant icebergs hit Buster upon Akane finished with her attack. Keiko slashed Buster with her claws as Kyria tied Buster upon with Silver Sable and then blasted him with a giant lightning bolt. The Shinto Sisters were gone after they moved Akiko next to Virgil.

Virgil said,"Visalth. Can you hear my angelic voice?". "Yes brat. What is it?" said Visalth. "I can't save Natsu. His wound is too serious and I sense a truly demonic presence from behind Buster who is having a field day with his friends." whispered Virgil. "You're right but what can you do? He is the best partner that I could have." said Visalth. "Even more than that one?" said Virgil with a look on his face.

Visalth laughed with a smile,"Even more than her. I wonder what Buster is planning. He wants to bring back the Beast to this realm. I wonder if he can control it with his spear.". "Who knows but I want to join the fight after healing Akiko up. So can you keep him on life support until then?" said Virgil. "Yes. I wish to have a final talk with my partner." said Visalth. The archangel flew toward Akiko as Buster said,"Yes! He is here!".

A large metal cross appeared from behind Buster. A giant human/snake like creature was crucified on it. The top of the body was a female chest with the breasts covered up by the snake's hair. The bottom of the creature was a snake. It had nails in almost every part of its body and it had a black blindfold around its eyes. "Now Samael! Drenched my spear in your blood so that I may kill a dragon and end the world with the beast!" yelled Buster.

The snake opened its mouth as it drowned the spear in a dark purple liquid. Buster rushed toward the drowned Natsu and Rain said,"No!". She slammed Buster away but the spear flew in the air. It was silent as the spear landed in Natsu's skull. "Wow. You have shit luck kid." said Buster. Natsu's soft breathing stopped as his body turned into stone and the breathing stopped alongside his heart. Natsu died and Buster's laughter filled the air.

Next Time,
Will the girls plus Arata be able to defeat Buster and the Beast?! Did Natsu die for good? This and more next time on Soul.

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Buster Zepar. 23 years old. Hero. Black. Gray. 7 foot 6. O. Taurus. May 19. Fighting, killing all forms of evil, and growing stronger. Traitors and Devils.
Esko Zepar. 3 Years old in dog years/28 years old in human years. Dog of Heroes. Black. Red. 3 foot. A. Gemini. June 18. Meat, Buster, fighting, and winning. Losing, death, demons, anything evil, and cats.
Virgil Shepherd. Looks 24 years old but actually 1500 years old. Head Archangel of Heaven. Blond. Green. 6 foot 6. A. Scorpio. October 26. Food, meeting people, eating, children, protecting the gods, and women. Fighting for no reason, Death, War, and pointless violence.

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