Friday, November 25, 2016

Soul Episode 120 Time for a Sorcerer Hunt!

A/N: Do note that the title doesn't mean that I'm not doing a Witch Hunt like the ones done back in the day because our story takes place in a alternative dimension of Japan with super powers and demons so lets just say that it isn't like that at all. Anyway, we are going to begin on the day after the last episode so Saturday, December 5 2015. It won't be in the Class C Classroom on the hill but on the main campus for reasons. You'll see what I mean by that. Also it had been seventy episodes since we have done anything with the Sorcerer. We have seen the other sorcerers but not a new one.

Narrator P.O.V.
It was December but the snow hadn't appeared on the island. It was still fall there and the students of Star Valley High loved this since it was time for the Cultural Festival. Unlike previous events, this one was more public and private exclusive only to students, friends, and family. Dana and Terry were walking through campus holding hands. "Wow. Everyone is getting really fired up. I mean our school tends to do things above and beyond but this is insane." said Dana.

She then pointed to a roller coaster and she said,"It looks like it will go throughout the entire school like a freaking taxi!". "Yeah but I heard from Issac that this festival is actually used to win a island getaway. I heard that it is like Hawaii and Guam combined." said Terry. "Wow. That sounds great for Cindy. She hates the cold despite Star Valley Island being known for never having any snow ever but she is still mad about it being close to winter." said Cindy.

Terry said,"Jake would be too but he loves anything with a board. I think he is going to take some lesson in snowboarding.". "Good for him. So where are we supposed to meet the rest of the class anyway? I know that we aren't doing our cafe in our normal classroom." said Cindy. "I think Natsu texted me the address." said Terry. "Can you find it quick? I don't like all of these guys staring at me Terry." said Cindy.

Terry said,"They're jealous of you Dana or they hate you because of us being in the same class as Natsu who isn't well liked by most people.". Terry looked through his phone for the message and his girlfriend said,"I don't like it regardless. I mean Natsu is a nice guy despite him being a idiot but he is our idiot.". "You sounds just like Rain." said Terry. He found the message and the two walked into the building.

Katsuo and Charl were walking around the school and Katsuo said,"So why are you all working so hard?". "I was a boy last year but I remember the CF well. This festival gets zero media coverage but this is the fierce time of year. The profits for the festival get donated to charity but the winning class or clun with the most amount of coverage gets to keep the money for personal uses and the such. It is pretty intense." said Charl. "Amen to that sister." said Katsuo.

Charl heard,"Hey. I wonder what First year Class C is going to do.". The two hid as they watched a group of second years talking. "They have some explosive power that can't be stopped. I mean they have some strong as hell first years." said a boy. "Yeah and the weaker members aren't half bad either though in both power and looks." said another boy. The two first year went to the classroom where the class was doing their event.

It was a bigger than normal classroom and Karla said,"So what are we going to do Natsu? I mean the air is so tense right now. We have to do something big or else.". Natsu turned around to reveal himself wearing lion facepaint and he said,"We will win!". "What the hell are you wearing?!" said the class in unison. "I was asked by some juniors to paint my faces but we have the cafe that will blow the socks off anyone in our rivals. Lets begin." said Natsu.

He stood in front of the class ,who were sitting in desks, and Ben said,"So how do we win exactly? I mean our theme is Crossdressing Cosplay Cafe.". "We need to make it cheap but the food needs to be good like five star good. I think we can handle that with ease right Natsu?" said Blair. "Correct. You should look at this." said Natsu. He made a nut appeared and Issac said,"A nut?". "We will start with the food process since the other stuff is minor." said Natsu.

He made several nuts appear and he said while juggling them,"Thousands of these little guys have the luck of falling off their trees every day. The ones that I have are good since they have a lot of fruit in it plus it is extremely healthy. I think I will send a team to collect these while I explain the next part of the Class C Cafe plan to the rest of you. This plan is perfect and I think we can do all of this on Sunday plus have enough for all five days of the festival."

Natsu said,"We will first need to throw them in water to make sure we get off any leftovers from the recover with it breaking off the shell giving us the interior. Upon bending the interior, we will put them in a sack. I think having them in the river for about a hour should do it upon putting in the special water on the mountain. After that, we will have dry up in the sun and we will grind them into flour instead of wheat flour making some ramen!".

Rex said,"Ramen? Are you serious?". "Yes Rex. It won't be just ramen but the mountain's special brand. Since the ramen is missing glutten, I think we will use this to help out." said Natsu. He made a yam appear and Seth said,"Wow. That is a big yam.". "Correct, I found this little beauty along with a whole forest of them. It sells for a pretty penny and upon grinding them, it will be the partner to the ramen making it even better." said Natsu.

Natsu said,"Using these two, we shall make something incredible right Rex?". "Yeah. I think we got this if we make it spicy. I like spicy things but not spicy." said Rex. "So what else are we going to have?" said Tessa. "I think I saw some fish in the pool." said Masaru. "And all of them are good. It'll be good to have some protein in our menu." said Leona. "It make good for a side dish of some kind and with some fruit and nuts, it will be better." said Urara.

Natsu said,"Yes. Some fruit juice will be good for those who can't handle the effects of soda such as my little brother and sisters. I think we have our menu right?". "Yeah man. We are going to use the mountain to help make some awesome food for people to come back for five days straight." said Masaru fist bumping Rex. "Yep. I think we should start with the next part of the festival. It involves the play that they have me doing." said Natsu.

He wrote something on the board ,after he moved the stuff for the cafe to the side, and Sekien said,"I don't get it. We're doing a genderbender play too?". "Yes. We should keep with the theme don't you think? I will be writing the roles on the board and then we will decide who gets what. We should be good if we work together on this." said Natsu. He wrote twenty six names on the board and Natsu said,"I'll be taking the role of the main character.".

Haru said,"Shouldn't we have the trap do it? I mean he's perfect for the role.". "I would rather be a tree than the main character. I mean I'll get stared at." said Soran ,who had hidden in his box. with fear in his voice. "Yeah and I've the perfect role for the voice of the narrator." said Natsu. Soran's face then dropped in fear nad he said,"Why am I the narrator?!". "I think it would be good for you. I mean you don't have to act right?" said Stacey.

Natsu nodded and Matt said,"You'll do good Soran. We'll be with you okay?". "Okay. So what are the other roles Natsu?" said Soran. After half an hour, the class had their roles and scripts ready. "We've one last thing to do before we can go help our clubs." said Natsu. "Which is?" said Masoko. "I have to call someone really quick." said Natsu. He pulled out his phone and he said,"Yep. It is time for you all to make your debut. You may come in now.".

The door opened and a voice said,"In a world where maid cafe and the such are a dying art, we are here to save the day.". "Yes and we're super cute about what we do." said a second voice. A smoke bomb went through and a third voice said,"And we're the....". The smoke cleared and three maids stood there. It was Bianca in the center, Lana on the right side of her, and Laura on the left side of her with the three saying,"We're the Maids of Akihabara!".

The class was silent beyond belief and Bianca said,"Nat Chan! Did we do it wrong?". "Nope. I think that they're still shock. I wish we could have done the Maid Rangers." said Natsu. "Yeah but with our Yellow Maid currently helping the enemy, we couldn't do it." said Laura. "You are so right about that Blue Maid. I think that the Red Butler should probably explain why we're here because their shock expression are pissing  me." said Lana.

Natsu said,"Anyway, my maid friends are here to help make your boys into the perfect maid and the girls into flawless butlers.". "You can't be serious. I mean some of us can pull it off better than other but most of us mainly our explosion idiot." said Yataro. "With our help, he will look like a princess or maybe a queen." said Lana. "Yep. To decide who will be switching genders, we will take a perfect of your best look as a butler and maid with the school deciding the outcome." said Natsu.

A little bit later, Natsu was currently reading a manga in the Unknown Club room with Akane and Issac nearby him. "So we're actually doing something for the Cultural Festival? You do know that I'm already busy right?" said Natsu. "Yes but our school works with both class and clubs to make the best festival." said Issac. "We get tons of visitors Natsu and it is the best so we have to give it our all." said Akane.

Natsu said,"Yeah. Emily and Anita are pumped for it because the later gave me work.". "You should be more pumped Natsu! The school is unified for the Cultural Festival and you don't remember what happened last year?!" said Issac. Natsu looked at them and he said,"I was being tortured by a bastard of a scientist but from what I could tell, Aria enjoyed it.". "Oh right. We're totally sorry about that. It was very tragic right?" said Akane. "Meh. Live and learn I guess." said Natsu.

Natsu was reading and he said,"You know that we can just not do anything because I'm going to be busy with Executive Committee, the cafe, and the play so if you guys want to do something, I will support you.". "You're an idiot Natsu." said Issac. He put his arm around Natsu and Issac said,"The visitors are hot as hell girls.". "You know that I'm dating Rain right and there is a girl in the room right now?" said Natsu. "Yeah but she doesn't care." said Issac.

Drew opened the door and he said,"Hell yeah! Festival Time Baby!". Natsu then looked at him and the chef said,"Don't sit there on you ass and put on your uniform!". Akane held a jacket and she said with a dead panned look,"I'm not in the mood for being a deliver girl Drew.". "You know that they're kick ass uniforms because it makes a team. Get yours on Natsu." said Drew. Natsu was reading and he said,"Not in the mood Drew. I have work to do.". "Bro. Harsh." said Drew.

The door opened again and Sonya came in with her dragging several stuff in. "All right you guys. It is time to move because I got the stuff for the Cultural Festival!" said Sonya. "Sonya! Take your shit out of here!" yelled Natsu. "It isn't junk Natsu! I have got tools to make stuff for decorations and all kinds of stuff to build some sweet costumes." said Sonya. "You act like we're actually doing something for the Cultural Festival to begin with!" said Natsu.

Sonya smiled and she said,"You can't be too prepared. To be honest, I want to make this place more feminine because it is like a man cave in here. So get off your ass and help out.". "You know what. I am too tired and pissed off to fight you with you dumb bitch. So screw you." said Natsu. Rain came in and she said,"What's going on? Aren't we deciding on what we are doing in the Cultural Festival right now?".

Natsu said,"What!? You idiots got Rain to wear this shit too!". "Do I look ugly in this or something Natsu?" said Rain. "No." said Natsu. "I know that we're going to be busy but I want to have fun due to my parents and the pervert saying that it is a lot of fun so I'm giving it my all." said Rain. "You're serious about this huh?" said Natsu. "Yeah but Natsu is too busy to deal with us so let the five of us prepare without him so screw him right Rain?" said Sonya.

Rain said,"Natsu. You need to have fun because if you don't, you would make Aria sad and we really don't want that.". Natsu sighed loudly and he went back to reading. "Ignore that asshole Rain. You're too nice to him." said Sonya. "Huh?" said Rain. "Yeah. I think we should let him stew in his mess and be alone." said Drew. "Fine. If you all insists, I'll do it. Oh and first." said Natsu. He punched Drew and Sonya who said in unison,"What the hell is wrong with you?!". "A lot." said Natsu.

Natsu said,"So by your unanimous decision, we doing a bakery with different kinds of bread!". "That is so bullshit Natsu!" yelled Drew and Sonya. "Well, you two didn't have any better ideas. We can't make any noodles since the school could burn down and we all remember what happened last time. It is also a fact that Sonya's idea is so dam stupid." said Natsu. "Bread makes sense." said Issac. "You're agreeing with him?!" said Sonya.

Akane said,"Well, bread is easy to walk around with plus it is unexpected.". "Yeah and you can get it anywhere else." said Drew. "You're an idiot Drew. I mean if we have the school's idol Rain Scott, the female vice president of the SC Akane Blaze, and the somehow popular Sonya Jones selling them in maid uniforms." said Issac. The two other boys imagined that and Drew said,"You're a good man. It is perfect.". "Of course it is." said Issac.

Sonya said,"Hey Assholes! What about our opinions here?!". "You're right. I mean Akane and Rain will sell but with miss tude over here, we will lose more than we gain." said Natsu. "It would be good practice for the cafe." said Rain. "And if it isn't too sexy, we could wear it without getting any trouble at all." said Akane. "We got it bros." said Issac. "All right! We got this in the bag so lets show it to your sister." said Natsu.

Later. "You guys are idiots." said Aurora. "What?! Why the hell are you like this?!" said Drew. The three boys were in the room and Natsu said,"Not in the mood to argue.". "You do know that you're yelling at my sister right?" said Issac. "We should have come as the girls man!" said Drew. "I don't think that would solve the problem Drew." said Issac. "It doesn't make sense. Why would a club that is focused on the unknown do something that a food club would?" said Aurora.

Drew said,"You know that we could make some bread with some alien themes or some shit like that man.". "You know that we do jack in that club man." said Natsu. "Really? I mean you were so busy with the Sorcerers and hunting them down." said Aurora who was writing something. "How the hell do you?" said Natsu. "You know that we have eyes and ears everywhere in this school don't you Nat Chan?" said Aurora.

She snapped her fingers and Karen said,"I think we should have thanked you and your club earlier. I think we should thank you for stopping the fire.". "Yeah." said Elsa. Natsu looked at Issac who then shrugged his shoulders and Aurora said,"Okay. Lets make a deal. I will allow the idea but you must do something for me. There is a group of third year middle school students who are causing some trouble for me so be a good job as your elders and stop them.".

Natsu said,"So why the hell should I do that? I mean babysitting ain't my job.". "The leader or the girl is a witch. I think that you all are my only option." said Aurora. In a classroom. "Hey! The Cultural Festival is coming up!" said a girl. "So the seniors are working super hard on it!" said another girl. A sucking sound was heard and it stopped. A girl with long yellow hair in cute pigtails said,"Oh. That sounds like fun but lets make it awesome.".

Later. "We have to do what?!" said Sonya. "Open your dam ears Sonya. We want to sell some bread so we got to put them in place according to Issac's sis." said Natsu. "Man, she is making us do more for him." said Sonya. "Yeah and her knowing about the Sorcerers is something interesting." said Rain who looked at a book. "So what are the troublemakers doing?" said Akane. "It is some pretty nasty stuff Akane." said Issac.

He took a breath and he said,"They caused a boycott during the Sports Festival, mass cheating the day before, and also causing some fights outside of the school.". "They aren't at all shy." said Sonya who sighed. "Yeah and we have three trouble makers. For the boycott, the leader was the baseball star Blake Jordan, the massive cheating was Caron Lewis, and the fighting was caused by Erika who was a former delinquent." said Issac.

Sonya said,"This sounds easy. Just use some muscles.". "Yeah. That shit won't work. They were the popular ones according to my notes. So why are they acting up now?" said Natsu. "So you mean that someone is making them do this." said Rain. "I guess and we have their leader." said Issac. He placed down a folder with some records. It showed the yellow hair girl along with three others. "Her name is Kim Rivera. She is quite the trouble maker and the leader." said Natsu.

Akane said,"So she is a sorcerer?". "From what we know, she has a nasty power." said Issac. "Wow. I can't believe that she is a Sorcerer." said Sonya. "Are you really surprised? I mean Highland Middle School is connected to Star Valley so why can't she be one?" said a voice. Kana stood there with her bodyguard aka Blaine and he said,"We think that her power is very much like Kana's.". "So when did she get here?!" said Drew.

Kana sighed and she said,"Open your eyes greasy. I have been here the whole time and Issac should stop being in the limelight! The position is mine! I was going to do something because there has been a lot of trouble involving them and I was going to check if a witch was involved.". "Were you really Kana?" said Blaine. "Oh My God. Shut up." thought Issac who rolled his eyes. "So I get why we have to do it but it sucks." said Sonya. "Looks like we have no choice in the matter." said Rain.

Natsu gripped his left hand and he said,"All right! Lets go! Time to bring the Natsu to handle this problem!". "Are you serious?!" said Blaine and Issac. "I want to see a Sorcerer in action! Let me go too!" said Drew and Sonya. "Screw you both." said Natsu. "Calm down Natsu. We can't have more mistakes of yours." said Issac. "And your plan is so obvious. I mean you are going to ask her to kiss you. Pretty obvious to me." said Akane.

Natsu said,"No. I need to teach my junior a lesson in reality.". He walked out of there and much to his annoyance, Drew and Sonya followed. "Are you serious?" said Blaine. "So we have the idiot leading the idiots." said Issac. "So why did you let those two join in the first place? I get Natsu but why those two?" said Kana. "I think Natsu isn't in the mood for erasing memories." said Akane. "And they are good for money uses." said Rain. "Huh." said Blaine and Kana.

Natsu stood in a empty classroom except it had three girls and a boy sitting there staring right at him with Natsu not wavering on his action. It was Blake, Caron, Erika, and Kim. "Wow. They sure look pretty scary" said Drew. "They seem really different from their pictures." said Sonya. The two then watched from the hallway and Coran ,who had glasses, said,"Look here. It is some first years.". "And it is the most hated student Natsu." said Blake aka the guy. Erika glared at him.

Natsu said,"Listen. I'm not in a good mood so how about you give me your leader before I burn you to a crisp.". "Oh? Do you mean little old me?" said Kim. "Yeah. Come here." said Natsu. "This may be a little harder than I thought." thought Natsu. "Sure!" said Kim. She jumped off the desk and she said,"So where are you taking me?". "A special area." said Natsu. "Wow. Natsu is showing off his charms." said Drew. "I guess she isn't that tough." thought Natsu.

On the roof, Kim said,"So your name is Natsu? What could such a strong man want with little old me?". "Okay. I'm here to give you a warning. Stop acting like a spoiled brat because you're going to get me involved." said Natsu. "What?" said Kim. "Oh don't play the naive little girl. I know every little thing about you." said Natsu. "Oh man. Why are you so mad at me? It is the others that have been acting like jerks not me!" said Kim.

Natsu ,with some anger marks, said,"Excuse me?". "I did try to stop them but they just won't listen to little old me." said Kim. "Partner. Is she serious trying to fool you? Even without Astral, she has no poker face." said Visalth. "We'll just have to use different means so lets scare her." said Natsu to his inner dragon. "Listen, I know that you're using them as a wall to save yourself but I will beat the confession out of you." said Natsu.

Kim said,"Hey mister, I have a question.". She got closer to him and she said,"So do you have any interest in younger women?". "Huh?" said Natsu. "See, I'm pretty interested in older men myself and you're the top dog for sure." said Kim. She stared at him with a smile and Natsu said,"I guess they're nice but I have a girlfriend.". "Yeah but now that you met me, you're going to dump her for some one who is better in the bedroom than her." said Kim.

Visalth said,"She can't be serious right? This is something out of a first grade book on seduction or something like that.". "Yeah but I think I can use her to my advantage." said Natsu. He took a deep breath and he said,"So how about you give me a kiss?". Nearby them, Drew and Sonya watched as Natsu got slammed into the ground by Kim. "What the hell is wrong with you freak? You are so dam sick bro." said Kim. She walked away as Natsu was shocked.

Back in the clubroom, Natsu was sulking as Drew and Sonya were laughing at him. "Dude. You got served hard." said Issac. "Yeah and it was funny to see the player fail!" said Drew. "Yeah man. He was blown off by a younger girl." said Blaine. "You did your best Natsu." said Rain. "Hey. You may not want to be a good girlfriend to him right now." said Sonya. "So the direct approach crashed and burned." said Issac. "No duh." said Blaine.

Sonya said,"Since failure over there well failed, we should find another way to find out the sorcerer aka Kim Rivera.". "I got a plan B! Lets start from the outside and work our way in. I know the former delinquent." said Blaine. "And I'll talk with the sports star." said Issac. "And I will cover the smart girl." said Sonya. Akane was expected something from Natsu but he was quiet. "Okay! We have a plan now but we should be careful! Let's do it gang!" said Drew.

Issac kicked Drew with him saying,"So why are you leading us?". "Get lost." said Blaine. "You listen to me Drew!" said Sonya. "I think you guys should get rid of this idiot." said Kana. "Calm down you guys." said Akane. Rain looked at Natsu with her saying,"So are you just going to give up?". "Don't be so nice to him Rain Chan. I think Natsu is a waste now so how about you and me?" said Drew. "I am going to show her who's boss for sure." said Natsu as a small flame went around him.

Kana said,"So you know her in middle school?". Both Blaine and Kana were walking through the hall as Blaine said,"Yeah. Erika Townsend tried to fight me but I showed her. She hang out with me after that so I guess she is nice. I wanted to leave her alone but things changed.". "So are you?" said Kana. "I'm going to get her to talk plain and simple. I hope I can. At least, we'll know what power Kim has out of all of this." said Blaine.

Kana smiled and she said,"You're awesome Blaine! I mean we'll be ahead of Issac which is good in my book. I'm falling in love with you all over again.". "Huh?!" said Blaine. "Time to show Rain how would be a better girlfriend for Natsu." thought Kana. "What is going on?" said Blaine. "Lets go. We don't have all day." said Kana. "Um right!" said Blaine. A little bit later, Blaine and Kana found her with her smiling like an idiot.

She brushed back her strawberry blond hair as she said,"Yeah. I mean me and her just became pals you know.". "What?!" said Blaine. Kana glared at him as Erika said,"But forget that boss. It has been forever since we hung out.". "Hold on Erika. You were the girl to pick fights but that was in the past after our fight. What changed? What did Kim do?" said Blaine. "What are you saying?" said Erika who glared at Blaine.

Blaine said,"I know things and why are you together? Does she have something over you?". "Just stop it Sheppard. Kim is my friend plain and simple. Later." said Erika. She walked away as Kana said,"So, you feeling pretty big hotshot.". "Just shut up." said Blaine. Meanwhile, Kim was glaring at Natsu. "So what the hell are you doing here?!" said Kim. Natsu was currently outside of the bathroom with him saying,"Waiting for you.".

Kim said,"You're sick you know that! What guy waits out of the bathroom for a kiss. I'm now that I am great but you're sick perv!". Natsu groaned at this as Kim said,"Piss the hell off.". "Not going to give up so dam quick." said Natsu. "Partner, we can't let her do this to us because a dragon never lets this shit happen." said Visalth. "Fine. I have an idea. Hey Kim Rivera. I want to join your little party." said Natsu. "Excuse me?" said Kim.

Natsu said,"You're hiding something awesome so I want to join in.". "Are you trying to seduce me or something? Screw you stalker." said Kim. Natsu sighed and he said,"Well maybe I am but I still want to join you because your lips touched your cohorts and you're a sorcerer!". Kim stopped as Natsu said with a smirk,"I know this since I'm a member of the Executive Committee and Unknown Club. Just trust me on this shit because I'm the best.".

Kim placed her hands on his cheeks and she said,"Well, you should have said something about that earlier.". She was sitting on his lap and she said,"So do you know the other sorcerers as well?". "Are you reading my mind?" said Natsu. "Nope but you do know something! So you can join me if you tell me everything." said Kim. "Not going to happen." said Natsu. Kim pushed him on the ground and she said,"Time for a smooch.".

The two were about to kiss but Kim's lips were blocked by Natsu's hand. "You know what. I ain't into you any more so lets ignore each other." said Natsu. Kim walked away and Natsu sighed. Back in the clubroom. "So we all failed." said Blaine. "Pretty much. I mean Blake said that he boycotted because he wanted and that Kim was a friend." said Issac. "And Caron said the same thing." said Sonya. "The same with Erika." said Blaine.

Akane said,"Kim must be using her power to keep them quiet because they're hiding something.". "I must ask if you got anything from your plan Natsu." said Blaine. "Nope. She was pretty annoying and nothing happened." said Natsu. "So you're a freak like she said." said Sonya. "How about you shut the hell up Sonya?" said Natsu. "Well, we have to go help our class with events so we will meet up later." said Kana. "Okay." said Issac. Natsu was currently watching the birds outside of the room.

Later, Natsu was walking with Blaine to the club room. "Wow. Kim sounds crazy." said Blaine. "I just mention sorcerers and she went psycho on me." said Natsu. "I guess she does know something Natsu but what is it?" said Blaine. Drew yelled to them,"Guys! We have majortrouble!". The two followed the chef and Natsu looked inside of the club room. "What the fuck?" said Natsu. The club room was destroyed and Blaine said,"Did a hurricane went through here?".

Sonya was crying and she said,"Whoever did this were jerks.". "Who did this shit?" said Issac. Rain sneaked past Blaine and she said,"Come on you guys. We can search for the person who did this after we clean up.". "Rain." said Akane. Natsu looked at his girlfriend and he stood there. "Hey Natsu. You should be helping us." said Kana. She looked at Natsu with him having a dark glare on his face. "Hey get back here!" said Kana. Natsu walked away as Drew said,"Where is he going?".

At the student council office, Aurora was sipping her tea and she heard,"AURORA! I KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN HERE BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE HIDING FROM ME!". The door burn to ash and Natsu stood there with him in his Solar Form. Natsu grabbed Aurora and she was slammed into the wall. "I give her info about the sorcerers and she wrecks my turf?! She'll go after my friends and family next so tell me what the fuck is going on or else you'll burn to death!" yelled Natsu.

Aurora made the flaming Natsu let her go as she said,"I can't have me dying before I get married. I do need your help Natsu. You want to know the truth. Third year Class C Highland Middle Kim Rivera has one goal in mind. She wants to erase the Core Seven Sorcerers from the school.". "Core Seven Sorcerers? How the hell do you erase sorcerers? What does she gain from that?!" said Natsu. "You know that the Sorcerers's power descend to students of the school right?" said Aurora.

A middle school student ,since they were all visiting the school, said,"Dude. Look.". "Those three are such bums. I mean they should go do it somewhere else because everyone else is working hard." said another student. Blake, Caron, and Erika were together with Blake throwing a baseball in the air, the glasses girl was reading a book, and Erika was leaning against a wall. "Hey. Someone is missing. Do you know where she is?" said the first boy. "Yeah. Where is the twerp?" said the second boy.

The two heard,"Um. Please move.". Kim stood there and the second boy thought,"Did she hear us or what?". "I think we'll leave you be." said the first boy. The two walked away and Blake said,"They do know that we could hear those assholes right?" said Blake. "Leave them alone. They will be kissing the ground that we walk on soon." said Kim. Later. "Man. We wrecked their club room while they're working on the festival. We only found this book and nothing else." said Blake.

He held a book and he said,"We all ready know this stuff Kim. Natsu wanted to read this so that he could find out more about you.". "In other words, it means that he is nothing to us at all in the grand scheme of things." said Caron. "Yeah. He didn't know anything about the other sorcerers." said Erika who leaned on the wall. "Maybe." said Kim. "So what is the next move Kim?" said Blake. The leader said,"I have an idea.".

She took a deep breath and she said,"Taking out Alice Daniels aka another Sorcerer would be the best option but she already foiled one of our plans without thinking. We don't want her to figure our what we are doing. So we should forget about her and find another CS to target.". Caron was quiet with her saying,"I can't really do this. I mean getting other students expelled.". "Don't be stupid. They need to leave. I mean how else will you get powers?" said Kim.

Kim had her hand on her chin and Caron said,"But...". "We need to get our revenge right?" said Kim who smiled. "Are you sure that we can get their powers this way?" said Erika. 'Yeah. The powers of any Sorcerers either a Core Seven or Universe Manipulators are inherited by students of the schools or an ancestor of a Sorcerer. So if someone with a power leaves the school. Someone else will get the power. Mainly a interesting student." said Kim. "Does it?" said Erika. "It did for me." said Kim.

In the student council office. "So Drew wasn't the one that would have burn down the old building but the twerp and her friends?" said Natsu who was still pissed off. "Yes. You and my brother plus your friends stopped the fire but not the reason that you think. Your actions gave them that Alice is a Sorcerer. They mostly likely on alert because someone of your level can and will stop them. To get  back on point, Kin will be moving on very soon." said Aurora.

Natsu broke the table in front of Aurora and himself and he yelled,"Why the fuck didn't you and your little brother tell me this shit earlier!? We wouldn't have this problem and I want my answer now!". "I do feel bad for you and Issac but this information is only known by the Student Council President and Owen didn't know anything about this either. Kim says that it is my fault so the threat is still there so you should be happy that I told you this Dragon King." said Aurora.

Natsu said,"Not at all.". Aurora smiled and Natsu took a deep breath calming down. "Okay. I get that this shit is more serious now. Let me ask you something first. How does she know this much?" said Natsu. "It is quite confusing because I'm not able to figure out what on these powers." said Aurora. "I want an answer now or else." said Natsu who had flames sprouting from his wrists. Aurora said with a sigh,"She has the second volume of the Sorcerers notes.".

She said,"During the summer break, she robbed the room that has info from your club during the trip making her trouble with a capital T.". Later again. "So we should use our powers?" said a voice. The Unknown Club had finished cleaned up and Alice said,"Someone is after us? That's messed up.". "I still can't believe that they would attack this place." said Jane. "Was anything broken or missing? Be honest." said Kana.

Sonya said,"Yeah. Any thing that we had on the Sorcerers was taken.". "They are after the sorcerers mainly you girls." said Issac. "Okay. I won't use my power." said Alice. "I'll trust you Natsu and his friends." said Jane. "Yeah. I'll work with you idiots because I'm not scared of middle schools girls and boy." said Kana. Kana helped Alice and Jane toward the door and Alice said,"Bye Natsu!". "You be careful too Rain." said Jane. "I will." said Rain.

Alice, Jana, and Kana left the clubroom worried about Kim and her gang of middle schoolers. Natsu stood there with Akane, Drew, Issac, Rain, and Sonya. "Man, I'm shocked by the other thing. I mean wow." said Drew. "One Sorcerers leaves with another one taking their place. What are they? They're like the Hydra." said Akane. "So why the hell does your sister know so much about this stuff?" said Natsu.

Issac shrugged his shoulders and he said,"I honestly don't know bro. I think it is because of the fact that she is the student council pres. She has a lot of power even more the teachers and Emily. What is the club going to do now?". "It is far too deadly for some of us so maybe we should stop meeting for a while. Do you want to put us in harms way?!" said Sonya. "I'm sure that Drew can handle himself and I don't care about you Sonya. Kim won't stop so lets go after her." said Natsu.

Sonya said,"What?!". "You're speaking my language bro!" said Issac. "Natsu, you idiot! What about our Rain?! We're putting her directing in Kim's line of fire!" said Sonya. "It's fine." said Rain. "Are you serious?" said Sonya. "Yep. Me and Natsu are in the same boat plus it would be boring to wait for her. I also think this is rather fun." said Rain. "We're also learning about the Sorcerers so that is a plus." said Akane. "Okay. Time to make a plan!" said Natsu.

Later that day, Natsu said,"Wait. Why the hell are you at my family's house?!". Elena said,"Hi! Here is some tea and snacks.". "So what did I tell you Sonya?" said Issac. "She is so cute but I like Jason and Molly more." said Sonya. "You have more siblings?!" said Drew who was looking at a photo of Natsu with the trio of siblings, Nora, Reva, Tony, and Wan. "Wow big brother. I only thought you had girl friends." said Elena. "She is so not like Natsu." said Drew.

Elena said,"Mom says that we found Natsu on our doorstep one night.". "Love you too sis. We have something important to talk about." said Natsu. "Okay! You and big sister Rain are so pretty Sonya so enjoy your time here." said Elena. She left the room and Rain thought,"Wow she is so nice.". "She is like an angel." said Sonya. "Wow. My brain is melting here. I wonder if all of Natsu's little sisters are so cute." said Drew. "And nice." said Sonya. "Plus polite." said Akane.

Issac said,"Her kindness makes sense you were adopted.". "Screw all of you. Out now." said Natsu who pointed to the door. "No way! We're staying right here because we don't know Kim's power so we have to meet up here." said Sonya. "At my house of all place? I may be staying here for a while but I'm not a fan of her being here." said Natsu. Sonya stick her tongue out at him and Rain said,"I think we should focus.". "Not you too Rain." said Natsu who sulked.

Issac said,"We want Kim Rivera to stop harassing people so if we can't do that on our own, we will dig up the entire story plus spread it out to the entire school.". "You want her to get expelled?! Are we serious?" said Sonya. "She is using her power for evil so we need to take her out." said Issac. "That is the last resort though." said Akane. "So we need to find out her power her. Lets make Natsu kiss her with kidnapping her." said Drew.

Natsu said,"Yeah. I'm doing that grease for brains. She won't be giving me a chance to even get close to her.". "Yeah. She is smarter than the average bear because she is making my big sister work for any kind of a plan." said Issac. "She also has info on the sorcerers with her knowing more about this than we do even. The school's library had info on the goddess. We should do the most obvious thing now." said Natsu. "Huh?" said Rain. "We should steal the info from her!" said Natsu.

Next Time,
The Unknown Club still deals with Kim and gang while helping out their classes with their stuff for the Cultural Festival. This and more next time on Soul!

Natsu Xasius: Red Butler
Bianca Brady: Pink Maid
Laura Myers: Blue Maid
Lana Green: Green Maid
Lisa James: Yellow Maid  

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Kim Rivera. 15 years old. Third year Class C at Highland Middle School. Light Yellow. Green. 5 foot 4. O. Leo. July 27. Friends, love, cute things, and teasing. People who hurt her friends and being teased.
Caron Lewis. 14 years old. Third year Class F at Highland Middle School. Orange. Magenta. 5 foot 3. AB. Sagittarius. December 9. Studying and friends. Bullies and Erika.
Blake Jordan. 14 years old. Third year Class F at Highland Middle School. Indigo. Dark Blue. 5 foot 6. B. Scorpio. November 5. Baseball and his friends. Studying.
Erika Townsend. 15 years old. Third year Class F at Highland Middle School. Strawberry Blond. Brown. 5 foot 4. A. Virgo. August 31. Fighting, her friends, and Blake. Studying and Caron.

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