Friday, November 18, 2016

Soul Episode 118 Looking and Searching for Info about the Goddess! Visalth's first Day at Star Valley High!

A/N: Yep. This episode are going through Episode 117. It is still part of this arc and from my current guess, I think this arc is going to finish at episode 120. I tried to make each arc around five episodes because I don't like a long arc that is long because of minor details. The most current arc of Fairy Tail is mostly likely longer than the Grand Magic Games and Tartaros because it going so dam slow and the anime may be starting soon. Expect Lucy center arc. I get why but why not try to make Gray not a bitch. I don't call Daphne arc as a Gray arc because it makes me hate the ice wizard more and more. This arc made me changed my viewpoint on a lot of things. Lets begin in the Unknown Club Room.

Natsu P.O.V.
I was currently playing billiards with Jasra, Kari, Keita, and Sal with the game being solar system edition. It was the planets along with Pluto with it being Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto related to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 respectively. Watching us play the game was Anima, April, Core, Damon, and Flora. Nearby us, Draco, Havoc, Kenta, Link, Lunar, Phi, Star, and Zeta were enjoying the refreshments.

It was currently in my team and I aimed the pole at the white ball. "Natsu. Don't do anything stupid at all." said Kari. I slammed the ball and it launched the other balls into the whole winning me the game and the ball started to bounce around campus. "Wow. Look at that thing go." said Jasra. "I really hope it hits that bald guy." said Keita. "He made fun of Natsu and compared to the more pacifist nature of him now, this makes actually sense." said Sal. "Um thanks." I said.

The door opened up and Kyle stood there with the ball. "Does this belong to you? It smacked Emilio who was teaching our class. I had a feeling that it came from you. Am I wrong?" said Kyle. "I guess you were right Keita." said Cora. The Dog God felt good about himself and Kari said,"So what do you want Kyle?". "I'm honestly bored. So can we talk Natsu? In private." said Kyle. I said,"Sure but Slytha will be staying behind." I said. "I'm okay with that." said Kyle.

It was just me and Kyle who was enjoying an energy drink called Laser Blitz. Slytha was sitting near us but she was enjoying sweets and knowing her, she wasn't paying attention. "So what did you want to talk about?" I said. "I told to Asahi and Cole. Asahi was too stunned to talk and Cole said that you were hiding secrets." said Kyle. "So you want to know more about the best student in Star Valley? I mean it is nice to see that you care about me." I said.

Kyle said,"I'm going to ignore most of what you said but I would like to know more about my school and trust me, I can keep a secret.". I told him everything about the Sorcerers and the little information that I knew about the Goddess. "So they are not the real Goddess?" said Kyle. "I thought that at first upon learning the names but according to my god friends, they saw that it isn't. They are being super cryptic like always." I said.

Kyle nodded and he said,"So do you have anyway to find them? From what I gather, finding them is harder to find than a Sorcerer. I mean my class has four with three being the elemental variation and one is the other kind of Sorcerer.". "Yeah. Our class only has Rain so I guess we are unlike to say the very least." I said. "So is there any info about the Goddess here at school?" said Kyle. "Nat Chan and Kyle Chan. I sense info that you seek at that building." said Slytha.

We walked over to the window and Slytha was pointing at a clock tower similar to Big Ben across the pond. Kyle said,"That tower is connected to the Yggdrasil building.". "Does it connected to the nine worlds?" I said. "Not that one idiot. It was named after it but it is a giant library. It makes the Library of Congress, British Library, New York Public Library, Library and Archives Canada, and Russian State Library look bad in comparison." said Kyle.

I said,"Wow. So are you up from some exploration?". "I am if I have a bag of snacks." said Slytha. "It sounds interesting but we need more help than just us three. What about your partners?" said Kyle. "I honestly don't know." I said. We turned around to see Isabel standing there. "Hey." I said. "So I heard that you may need some help on your expedition and I came to offer up my services. I do hope that you are grateful for it." said Isabel.

Kyle said,"God. You're even worse than Kana.". "What do you mean by that man? Kana and Isabel are completely different." I said. "She..." said Kyle. Isabel covered his mouth as she said,"Ignore this idiot Natsu-Sama. Shall we get going?". "Um sure. So do you mind if I pick up some other people? I got an idea on who is studying and who is not." I said. "Sure." said Isabel. We left the office and I had a feeling that this is going to be interesting.

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu was later walking with Lee as Kyle looked at Isabel and Keiko glaring at each other. The four picked up Cole, Kana, Keiko, and Lee from Class A. Asahi would have come with them but she was trying to study for the test. Alice joined the group. The second and third years were busy so the group was Alice, Cole, Efren who before recruiting him was basically sleeping in the Executive Committee club room, Isabel, Kana, Keiko, Kyle, Lee, Natsu, and Slytha.

Efren said,"Shoot this is going to be fun.". He was walking next to Cole and Cole said,"I thought you have been here longer than us.". "Yeah but I didn't feel like exploring. I was more of a lazy bum and I think that wasn't changed at all." said Efren. "So what are we doing again?" said Alice. "Looking for information about the Goddess." said Natsu. "Ah. So why didn't you invite Rain? I mean you two are usually together." said Alice.

Slytha said with her currently on the top of Natsu's head in her snake form,"She along with the rest of Class C are helping out Meadows Elementary right now.". "You should totally read the last episode if you're confused." said Natsu. "I think you need to stop with the wall breaking." said Kana. Keiko grabbed his right arm and she said in her normal emotionless voice,"We are partners right?". "Um sure. Lets go with that." said Natsu. "I think you should let the Prince go cat." said Isabel.

The two glared at each other with Alice grabbing Natsu's hand. "Come on! Lets go already" said Alice. Keiko glared at the pinkette with Natsu sensing that this was going to be a long trip. "Okay. I think we're here right Efren?" said Cole. The group stopped in front of a giant library with a giant tree with it having golden leaves and it was sticking out of the building. "Bingo. Lets go explore kids. It is time to solve the mystery." said Efren.

They walked in as Kana said,"Wow! It is so huge.". "That's what she said." said Visalth. Sltyha hit the dragon ,which just happened to be Natsu's left eye, and she said,"Don't be a perverted Crimson Gecko.". "So where should we look for?" said Kyle. "The directory. Duh." said Natsu. Kyle punched him lightly as Keiko said,"Hands off him. He is mine.". Lee sighed and he said,"This is going to be a long one.". Isabel glared at Keiko who had a cute smile on her face.

Natsu looked at the directly with Kana said,"So did you find it?!". "Not yet. Just be patient. It is like I am reading through everything in human history. They even have the time where the lizard people attacked Earth." said Natsu. "Lizard people?" said Cole and Kyle. "Yes. He said Lizard people. You know that we have a goddess in the room right guys?" said Alice. "They're idiots." said Isabel and Keiko. "Wow. They agreed on something." said Lee. "Shocked right?" said Efren.

Slytha said,"Nat Chan. I see it.". "Oh yeah but I also found something about the Sorcerers as well, It is awesome. Killing two birds with a single stone nice." said Natsu. "So what should we do? It looks like it is in the basement." said Efren. "We split up." said Natsu. "What if we get attacked by a guy in a costume?" said Cole. "I will protect Natsu." said Keiko. "Yeah." said Isabel. "We'll go with them right K Chan?" said Alice who put her hand around Kana. "Yeah." said Kana.

Slytha jumped off Natsu's head and she turned back to her human form. "I will stay here with them to make sure they stay safe Nat Chan." said Slytha. "Okay. Lets go ladies. We have a long way to go. It is going to be a long one." said Natsu. "Right." said the four. They went deeper in the building with Cole saying,"Anyone up for some poker?". "How about strip poker?" said Slytha. "No." said Efren and Lee. "No fun." said Slytha. "I wish I went with the girls." said Kyle.

The five didn't notice or sense that they were being watched. It was an old looking male librarian and he said,"I see that they brought in vermin. They should be eliminated.". He held up both his left and right hand up with a ancient magic circle appeared. Suddenly, several of the books turned into paper soldiers and he said,"Okay. Take care of them. I don't want them in my home so kill them.". It was silence as they rushed toward the boys and dragon goddess.

Deeper in the library, Natsu was looking through several books at once using magic circles to hold the books around him. Alice was bored and she said,"So are you done yet?". "My partner is reading through several books at once so this is going to take a while. I suggest you find something to do in the meantime." said Visalth. "K!" said Alice. She looked to see Kana reading about past student council presidents, Keiko about fish, and Isabel about managing.

Alice leaned over Kana's shoulder and she said,"So you want to be the pres huh? You do know that you have a snowball chance in hell against both Akane and Issac who are the vice president. Issac is also the current president's little brother and Akane is a great student. I think Natsu has a pretty good chance since he is able to handle any problem that he comes up against even death.". "Yeah but I can do it using my power." said Kana.

Alice said,"I don't think you should use your power for something like that.". "Says the girl who used her power to get hundreds on her test before the summer break." said Kana. "True but thanks to my good buddy Natsu and his friends, I don't have to used since I have some great study partners despite me not needing it." said Alice. "So why are Isabel and Keiko fighting?" said Kana. "You serious? It is about Natsu." said Alice.

Kana said,"Natsu? Why does it involve always him Alice?". "I don't know. Natsu is a trouble magnet for sure but I can't see my school life without him. He makes school fun." said Alice. "I will give you that." said Kana. The two looked at Natsu who was on the floor tired. "Okay. I am good for a lot time for sure." said Natsu. "So did you find anything honey?" said Keiko who rested on his lap like a cat would. "Get off his lap! This is a serious conversation." said Isabel.

Natsu was currently sitting in a lounge chair and he said,"She is fine Isabel. I found out that there is a way to find the Goddess. Like the Sorcerers, they are currently at the school.". "And how do we do that?" said Alice. "I need Slytha's blood so we have to go back." said Natsu. "Sounds like a plan. I think this place is haunted or something like that." said Kana. "Amen." said Isabel. Keiko looked up and she said,"We have company and not the good kind.".

Natsu saw paper lions and he said,"Okay. Time to roast some papers.". His right hand lit itself on fire and they heard,"Don't use that flame of the sun goddess in my library.". The librarian floated in front of them and Alice said,"Hey, you were right Kana. This place is haunted.". "I wasn't trying to be right about that." said Kana. "Follow me and I will let use your flame." said the man. The five followed the man and his lions toward an arena.

The girls plus Natsu saw that Cole, Efren, Kyle, Lee, and Slytha ,who was currently watching, were fighting against paper soldiers and monsters. "You guys!" said Isabel. "They won't be able to hear you since this room and that room is currently divided by a wall created using a barrier spell that you all can't break." said the man. "I can but I just need to hit hard. Lets go Visalth!" said Natsu. He rushed toward the barrier and he said,"Dragonification! Right Arm!".

Natsu's right arm turned into a giant dragon arm and he said,"Eat the punch of the Dragon Kaiser and its pure destruction!". He punched the wall and he was launched back into the wall. "Natsu!" yelled the girls. "Did I forget to mention that the barrier reflects attack at double the damage?" said the man who looked at his hand. "You jerk." said Keiko who helped Natsu up. "I think you all will die due to you entering my library." said the man who sicked the beasts at the girls.

Natsu said,"Keiko. Help them.". "What about you?" said Keiko. "He will be fine. Natsu's body will need some time to recover from turning his arm into my arm." said Visalth. "Okay. Be safe okay Natsu?" said Keiko. Natsu placed his left hand on her head and he said,"Just kick some ass okay? I mean you're the strongest kitty cat I know.". Keiko blushed as she said,'Thanks.". She rushed off as Visalth said,"Lets begin already.". "Right." said Natsu. He glowed.

Keiko punched several lions in their gut and launched them toward Isabel who had several balls of water. "Fire!" said Isabel. The balls of water trapped the lions in place due to them being paper and the two items don't mix. "Good job I guess." said Keiko. "You're welcome." said Isabel. Alice then smiled as several magic circles appeared under the beasts. "Kaboom." said Alice. The paper beasts exploded in scraps of paper.

Kana said after freezing several lions,"Wow. That was impressive.". "You're talking to one of the best magic using students in the first year." said Alice. "I so didn't expect that from you." said Kana. "Did you think that I was an idiot?" said Alice. "Um, I think we should focus on the paper lions before I answer that." said Kana. The girl punched the lion with giant ice fists and Alice said,"At least Natsu doesn't think that I'm an idiot.", Alice helped Kana out with magic circles.

On the other side, Cole and Efren teamed up since Cole froze the paper beasts with Efren throwing his metal chain toward them smashing into pieces. "You're strong Cole. Why don't you try and join the Executive Committee?" said Efren. "Not really a fan of working with others. I also don't care about others." said Cole. "Just like me but my good buddy is in the committee and also it is awesome beating people up." said Efren.

Cole then froze several of the beasts and he said,"You're right but I would rather be a vigilante than a superhero.". Efren nodded and he said,"I'll keep your name alongside Alice, Kana, and Kyle if you want to join the committee.". "Okay. Lets go." said Cole. He touched the ground and two giant ice pillars appeared in front of the paper creations. They rushed toward Cole with Efren throwing his metal chain at them to make the ice pillars fall down on them.

Kyle looked at the dragon goddess who was just standing there and Kyle said,"So why isn't she at all fighting?". Lee held a giant broadsword made out of diamonds and he sliced through several paper animals. "I don't think Slytha is a fighter. She may think that these paper creations aren't worth her time at all." said Lee. "You seriously think that man?" said Kyle who created a giant scythe of fire which erupted the paper into flames.

Lee said,"In my life, I've met gods and goddess and they remind me all of her.". "Ah." said Kyle who made the embers ,left over from the weapon, exploded. "So what should we do?" said Lee. "Lets keep those monsters safe from her," said Kyle. "That is the best plan since I am trying to help Nat Chan get rid of the barrier separating us." said Slytha. "Ah. You do that then." said the two in unison. The two rushed toward some beasts with Slytha glowing.

The librarian watched the groups fight and he said,"I need to send that on them. I want them to leave right now.". He made the barrier disappeared and Lee said,"Wow. Good job Slytha.". "That wasn't me at all. We have company." said Slytha. A giant paper dragon appeared and it had five heads. "Meet my Hydra/Migardsomr creation. It is my strongest creation so kill the brats!" said the librarian. The dragon heads went toward them.

Keiko was about to attack a head but then Natsu appeared above her. He kicked the head back along with four other clones that followed the original. The five landed in front of the dragon and the main Natsu said,"I'll take care of this and I'm going to enjoy this.". Uxio appeared next to his master and Natsu said,"Armor up!". He stood there in his lion themed armor and he rushed toward the paper. The beast fired several balls of poison.

Natsu stopped in place and he said,"Let me absorb that to make a fire to burn you completely to ash.". The balls went into Natsu and Natsu's right hand had a giant fireball after the last. "Burn baby burn!" yelled Natsu. He threw the ball at the paper creation and it erupted in flames. Natsu launched himself toward the beast and he said,"Solar Crash!". He then crashed into the beast and it made a giant pillar of fire.

The librarian was shocked by Natsu's strength with him not noticing the gold lion behind him. The lion smashed the man into the ground and Natsu held him with his wrists currently on fire. "Why did you attack me and my friends? You better answer or else." said Natsu. "I don't want anyone in my home." said the man. "How petty." said Keiko. "We're leaving right Nat-Chan?" said Slytha. "Yeah so lets go." said Natsu. The group left the building after their fight.

On Thursday, Natsu was currently sleeping in paperwork. He had been busy with this along finding information about both the Goddess and Sorcerers. "So dam tired. I need you to tell me if someone comes into my office." thought Natsu. "You got it partner." said Visalth who gave Natsu a thumbs up from the Dimension Void. Natsu fully went to sleep with being unable to walk up until he is fully recharged. Visalth then took over his partner's body.

His hair changed from navy blue to crimson red along with his eyes changed to the same color. His hair went up slightly but it stayed the same length. His irises then changed from the normal white color to a golden yellow color. His pupils were sharper than before as his body started to emit a large aura that surpass the gods. He also had crimson red scales all over his body. Slytha looked up from her seat ,which she claimed, and she said,"Crimson Gecko. Why did you take Natsu's body?".

Visalth said,"No reason Slytha. I just felt like my partner need a break and also, I felt like it. You know that I've been in the Devil Arm for so long now.". "Whatever. You don't hurt his body okay Crimson Gecko." said Slytha. "I won't. Later Slytha." said Visalth. The dragon walked out of the office and he said to himself,"What should I do first? I wonder if I could try fighting. There must be some trouble makers around here.". He walked around the school looking for trouble.

He found some but it wasn't what he expected at all. It was Kana lecturing Blaine and three second years. "I don't get why this girl is a good friend of Natsu. I wonder if she had something to do with his past like Akane." said Visalth. He jumped down there and Kana said with a slight blush on her face."Natsu? What are you doing here?". "I'm bored." said Visalth. "Something feels wrong but I can't put my finger on it." said Blaine.

Visalth said,"This is going to be fun. You're an idiot because you don't know that your boss likes someone and that someone is me.". Blaine glared at Visalth and he said,"Lets kick his ass boys! For Lady Kana!". Visalth dodged the missile barrage from Blaine and he then dodged the three nameless students with ease. "Feel my fire power." said Visalth. He made two giant fireballs and he combined them into one which exploded.

The four were defeated and Kana said,"Wait! Who are you really?". Visalth held her chin and he said to her,"I guess that the runner up for the President knows her shit. So who am I? Am I the man of your dreams or am I the dragon that gives him power?". "The later." said Kana. Visalth let her go and he said,"Wow. I can see why you're so smart and sexy.". "So why are you talking over your partner?" said Kana.

Visalth said,"He is beat from all of the work lately. I don't get why the idiot doesn't ask for help due to him being well Natsu.". "So why are you talking over his body?" said Kana. "I think Natsu is like the blood of the school and he can't ever be out for the count." said Visalth. "Oh. So do you mind if you help me and Alice out with something?" said Kana. "Um sure but it better not be what I'm thinking." said Visalth. "Idiot Dragon!" yelled Kana who punched him in the gut.

Alice looked at Visalth and she said,"So that isn't Natsu but his inner beast.". "Yeah. He says that he took over Natsu's body to make the school is still running." said Kana. "So could you tell me how this feels Dragon-Chan?" said Alice. She kissed him with Visalth thinking,"I guess the girl likes using her tongue. It ain't half bad and she ain't a bad kisser.". Kana said,"So do you see anything at all Visalth?".

Visalth said,"I may be in Idiot's body but my lips are mine. So pinky, what do you see?". "Um. I see you fighting with Natsu and Slytha." said Alice. "Oh boy. I get lectured. That is going to be a blast for sure. So what did you want to ask me?" said Visalth. The two girls looked at each other and they said,"Please train us like Natsu does with Rain!". "Excuse me?" said Visalth. "You two have the same lips so you train the same right?" said Alice.

The dragon sighed as he said,"The way that I trained idiot is different since he was stronger than a normal human or in his case demigod/god in training. I can't promise that you two girls will be as strong as Rain.". "We don't care. We have a reason to get stronger." said Kana. "I bet it has something to do with Idiot." said Visalth who smirked. The two were quiet and Visalth said while cracking his knuckles,"Begin.".

Later in the day, Natsu ,who had his body back, rested in the nurse office. "Ow. What the heck did do you partner?" said Natsu. "I just had a really good training session." said Visalth. "You know what Visalth? I really don't care right now? So did you like having my body?" said Natsu. "It was nice but I think you need to work on your speed. Compared to previous owners, they were much faster than you. It will be your downfall for sure." said Visalth.

Natsu sighed and he said,"The top speed that I can go without turning into Solar Form is about the speed of light. This is also including the power that I gained from the GP.". "I see. Once the winter break starts, we will be focusing on increasing your speed in combat." said Visalth. "Okay. So should we focus on mastering the Solar Beast Form? Uxio says that he is game for it." said Natsu. "I think that is a good start. We should get going." said Visalth.

Natsu stood up and he said,"We have to go pick up Ninsei to show him the room that the others built and may I say, it is impressive.". "Yes. It took you at a long time to build the Class C Classroom. I will give you that it took you longer due to you building it from the ground up while they got to build it from a existing object." said Visalth. "Right. I think we should do this as well." said Natsu who smiles. "Lets do it." said Natsu. The two left the room with Natsu building a devious plan.

Next time,
What was Natsu is thinking? Does this have something to do with the Goddess and Sorcerers? Or maybe the Test? This and More Next time on Soul!  

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