Thursday, November 10, 2016

Soul Episode 112 Sports Festival Star Valley Style

A/N: So we have demons and members of Gehenna planning something? What could it be? Is it good or bad? Lets find out. I do think that I'm rushing this arc compared to the last couple of arcs because of the fact that it started with Episode 110 and I think it will end with Episode 113. Don't quote me on that and also the ending of this episode will be something interesting. Oh and in the story, today is November 27 2015. Also Akio Payne isn't going to be a teacher for Class C because he is busy with superhero stuff and Reva replaced him. Things will change in the Soul Universe or Soulverse. I think I like the latter name more.

Natsu P.O.V.
"Partner! We need to get stronger!" yelled Visalth. It was the night before the Sports Festival and I was training hard. I knew that me and Rain would rock the three-legged race because of the fact that we are so close due to us switching bodies because of her being a sorcerer. She also got to taunt Lucia about being so close to me. Since I confessed to Lucia, she moved in with me and Rain followed her with Levi grinding his teeth at the idea of her.

I was still pissed off at him for him giving Aria to Malik and him bring Fred to our class to try and kill me. I wish Levi would just come up to me and say what he really thinks about me. I'm getting sick of him but since he is my father-in-law, I will deal with him for now but I was still pissed off at him. "Natsu. You are able to...." said Visalth. I slammed directly into the trees nearby the classroom and this would be a problem but I was wearing my Dragon Hero Armor.

I took off my helmet and I said,"Why am I so weak Visalth?". "You're not weak but you are letting your emotions control you." said Visalth. "I know that but remember what I was like when I bottle up my emotions." I said. I deactivated my armor and Visalth said,"You were a killer when you were bottling them but with your emotions, you are a berserker. I think you should try to control the power of your emotions.".

I sighed and I heard someone coming closer to me. "Um. Can we talk?" said the voice. "You waited until I finished my fight. Good move Soran." I said. Soran stood there and he said,"Are you alright Natsu?". "Yep. I'm just trying to control my emotions better. I mean I can't use the Power Way when I'm fighting with rage which tends to be what happens in my most recent fight with Arata, N, Reisa, and Robin." I said.

Soran said,"So am I strong?". "You're strong. I mean you have been able to land more hits on Reva than both Dante and Matt plus you being trained in magic is helping you during my class." I said. "I know but compared to Keiko, Lee, and Tora, I am way weaker." said Soran. I hate when he gets like this because it is extremely depressing. This only happens when he feels bad about himself and not even Haru and Stacey's teasing will do this.

I placed my hand on his head and he said,"Natsu?". "You know that I see you as my little brother right? I promise that since you drank so much of my blood, you'll get stronger just be patient." I said with a smile. The depressing aura was gone and he had a huge smile on his face. "I guess we are alike huh little buddy?" I said. 'What do you mean?" said Soran. "Your idiot older brother can't control his emotions just like you." said Visalth.

Soran said,"So why can we hear you? I mean I can't hear Drachen, Noble, Osamu, and Tora's dragon and I think you could hear Reisa's dragon.". "You could hear Lovisa because she and her partner bonded like this idiot and I did." said Visalth. "And bonding with him takes a lot of power. I think that my brothers could do it without much work but Osamu and Tora will need a lot of training to get close to their level." I said.

Soran said,"So have you talked with Keiko lately?". "No why." I said. We were current on the roof of a cake shop enjoying sweets. Soran was while I couldn't really. I was more of a meat person but we wanted to hang out. "She has been looking for you after what Sabrina did." said Soran. "She really wants me to love her doesn't she?" I said. "It's obvious bro." said Soran. "Yeah. I don't think she can hear me but I do like her in the romantic way." I said.

Soran said,"She would have a heart attack if she hear that. So who else do you like you do with Lucia and Rain and also Sabrina?". I thought about it and I said,"I don't really know man. I think maybe in a life or death situation, I know my answer.". "I get you Brother. So we should probably get some sleep right? We will need energy." said Soran. "Yeah. See you later." I said. The young vampire was gone in a burst of bats as I made a magic circle to teleport me and Visalth home.

I was loudly awakened by my manager. "Wake up Idiot!" yelled a voice. I was thrown out of my bed by my manager Isabel Sitri. Her father Josh Sitri is a Devil Emperor meaning that he is a higher rank that Lucia's bro so I had to respect him for that. Isabel was a strange girl since she wanted to be my manager after my fight with Arata and Reisa. I looked her and I said,"Okay. We really need to talk about early morning stuff okay Izzy?".

I looked at Isabel and I smiled. I may be in love with Rain, Lucia, and Sabrina but I can't deny that me having her as my manager is pretty boss. She has white hair that reminds me of snow and it rests softly on her shoulders. I looked at her bangs and despite me and Uxío saying that her forehead is perfectly fine, she is hiding it. Since I've known her along with what Lucia told me, she is known for wearing Gothic Lolita outfits.

I really don't mind it because in my life, this is considered to be normal. Today, she is wearing a black Lolita dress with dark purple frills and a large blue bow on the front of the dress. Said bow had a red jewel like a ruby embedded on the collar. She had on a light purple thigh-high socks and black Mary Jane shoes. I saw that she had a large black bow on the top of her hair. She noticed my glaring and she said,"What are you dong?".

I said,"You know that you pull off that style well? I mean you have the beauty of a doll.". Her face went red and she said,"Um thanks. So we have to talk.". She was covered her eyes since I was taking off my shirt. "Okay. So what's up?" I said. I put on my uniform and I said,"You can look by the way Isabel.". "Okay. So can I ask why you're only a low-class devil despite you being well the son of the Underworld King?" said Isabel.

I shrugged my shoulders and I said,"I really don't care about my ranking in the Underworld because I am technically a sun being.". "Ah. I was just thinking about it this morning. I mean you're destined to be the seventh Underworld King." said Isabel. "Or an Astronaut." I said. "Or that but I plan for you to be the Underworld King. So have you read over the papers that I have given you?" said Isabel. "Yes. I finished it around three this morning." I said.

We were walking downstairs and she said,"Yes. You're famous right now in the Underworld due to several factors so I'm here to make sure you don't cause an international scandal.". "So much faith in me Manager-Chan." I said. "I don't think you're that stupid to do that but you tend to bring powerful people toward you." said Isabel. "Okay. I will let you decide all of the important stuff. I think I smell something good. Lets go!" I said. I rushed down the stairs toward the kitchen.

I saw Lucia cooking today, Rain was reading a book, and the other guest was waiting patiently for his meal unlike me. This guest is Lucia's Nephew aka Adam's son Vito Satan. He is twelve years old and he looks like what I think Jason will look like at his age. He was wearing a black hooded cloak with the hood down to reveal his scarlet red hair and blue/green eyes. Said cloak had a crimson red interior and the back of the cape had dragons.

He looked at me and I said,"Morning Vito.". Isabel hit me and she said,"You know that he is a prince like you right?". "He knows that Izzy but my boyfriend can be an idiot sometimes." said Lucia. "And also a glutton." said Rain. Great, I have two people making fun of now. I know that they don't mean it but their comments still hurt. I sat down and Vito said,"You guys know that I want to call you by my name right? I mean you call Natsu by his name even nicknames.".

I said,"Yeah but most people see me as a normal dude with an anger issue.". The girls there agreed with me as I grumbled into my breakfast. I enjoyed it as Rain said,"You know that you have to do several events now right?". "Yeah because my loving Lucia did that to prove my worth to the noble devils." I said. "Yep! I still don't like that you have to work with her but to see you in action will be worth it." said Lucia.

Vito said,"And I want to see you kick some but Dragon Emperor Style!". He made a pose right next to the table as Isabel said,"See? I told your show would do with kids around elementary and middle school.". I had a TV show in the Underworld and much to my annoyance, I was known for my Power Sphere move that I defeated the evil Protectors. It was a good thing that the show only aired in the Underworld because I don't this to be added to the reasons why they want me dead.

I saw Uxio laughing at me and I said,"Oh shut up.". Since we are partners, I can understand what he thinks to an extend and he is a dick despite not being a year old.  The cat directly stuck his tongue out as the doorbell rang. Isabel went to go answer it and Lucia said,"So Natsu, are you going to cheer me on Honey?", "Well, I am Auntie Lucia!" said Vito. "Maybe but I don't know if I can because knowing me, I will be busy with Executive Committee stuff." I said.

Isabel said,"Um Natsu, we have company.". "Who?" I said. Isabel walked in and I was shocked to see my mom standing there. She had gold like sun blond beauty that goes down to her waist. She has soft and warm yellow-orange eyes that reminds me of the sun. Her eyes and hair looks like an female and older version of my Solar Form. Despite her being the goddess of the sun, she has pretty pale skin for some reason.

She was wearing a kimono that reminded people of the Sun with a white shawl wrapped around her shoulders being held by a hand attached to her left wrist. She is also known for the outfit of a miko priest and a golden tiara. I said,"Mom? What are you doing here? I thought you were in the God's Realm.". "I wanted to see my son compete in a Sports Day for once. I hope I'm not a bother am I son?" said Amaterasu. "No but some notice would be nice." I thought.

My mom looked at Lucia and Rain who were shocked to see her standing there. She said,"So are you going to introduce me son?".  "Lucia and Rain, this is my real mom Amaterasu. Mom, these two are my girlfriends and you'll like them a lot because they helped me smile." I said. "Right. I've watched you grow up so it is really good to meet you in person." said Amaterasu. She smiled and the two said in unison,"Thank you mother.". I laughed as Isabel said,"I can't believe that she is here Natsu.".

My mom said,"Well, I wanted to see my little boy in action so I convinced Apollo to keep an eye for the sun for me. We don't want the sun crashing into Earth now do we?". She had a smile on her face and Vito whispered to me,"Is she serious bro?". I looked at my watch and I said,"She is dead serious Vito. I think we should get going you guys. Do you mind talking Vito and my mom back to the hotel Isabel?". "Sure. Lets go." said Isabel. "Okay! Good luck big bro!" said Vito.

He ran ahead as Isabel went to catch him. Amaterasu kissed his cheek as she said,"Good luck Natsu. I will be cheering hard plus you have all of the gods excluding Loki cheering you on as well.". As she went after Isabel and Vito, Lucia said,"We have a lot to do to impress her don't we Rain?". "Yeah. We should work together." said Rain. The two shook hands as Uxio from my head meowed and I said,"I think they've a good sense of team work Uxio. Lets keep it at that.".

I was sitting with the rest of the boys in my class. Unlike previous years, we were having our sports festival in the same arena that hosted the Star Carnival. I was currently wearing the gym uniform like during the Star Carnival and also like the Star Carnival, I was somewhat limited. Uxio counted as an ability since it was still an CMU despite it being alive. I lost a lot of stuff but in the long term, it did not matter.

I saw the guys mentally preparing for the events that they were in. Since my luck is freaking picky, I was forced to do extra events. I felt so lucky not! We were playing against Class A, B, D, E, and F of our year because the second and third years were doing their events in a nearby thing. So the only class that we have to worry about really is Class A and the other four. I don't think so but hey, lets find out because in my life, anything is possible.

I was in the Scavenger Hunt with Katsuo and Kyoji as my partner, three legged run with Rain much to my joy, the male 400 relay with Jake, Katsuo, and Ryker as my partners and it was going to be a slaughter for sure, the obstacle course with Sekien and we were going to win no doubts about that due to us being stronger than most of the class, and the Agent only event which is the final event of the entire thing.

I mentally sighed as I thought,"Yep. Today is so going to be intense.". "Hey partner. I'm talking to you through a connection that only you can hear and you will be talking like you do when you are in your Dragon Hero Armor. Oh, look up by the way." said Visalth. I looked around and I saw that the guys were gone. "You were so deep in thought that I told them that you will be joining after we talk in private." said Visalth.

I said,"So what do you want to talk about?". I heard him sigh ,which shocked me since Visalth is known for having every under control, as he said,"Natsu. Do you regret being born?". "No? Why do you ask?"I said. "You are the son of Amaterasu and the Sun, you were raised and trained by all mythological, and you are targeted by your home planet. I mean your life is awful and you have only a couple of good things about it." said Visalth.

I said,"I don't hate my life because I wouldn't have met some of the people that I will protect no matter what.". Visalth had a hearty laugh and I said,"So was this some sort of test? Did I pass or did I fail?". "You passed and try to use me effectively in the fight ahead of us but don't let me watch you try and court the lovely women in your life. You know what to do after this right partner?" said Visalth. I went to the door and I said,"Yeah.".

Narrator P.O.V.
Natsu saw Dana and Terry and he said,"Hey you guys!". He caught up to them and Dana said,"So are you and Visalth fighting?". "No? Why do you think that?" said Natsu. "When he asked us to leave, he sounded mad." said Terry. 'That's normal Visalth. If he was mad, you will be burned with a crimson flame." said Natsu. "If we didn't know who you were really Natsu, we would think you are joking but you are not so lets go." said Dana. "Yeah!" said Natsu and Terry.

The three joined the rest of Class C and they were in the middle of Class B and D who were glaring at them. "I guess they're just jealous of our strength!" said Nazar who flexed. "Yeah. You're right but I think they're glaring more at Natsu due to his mother." said Masaru. Amaterasu was cheering loudly alongside his siblings, Havoc, and the rest of his family. Natsu went down as Cora said,"Don't worry so much Natsu. They're just family.".

Alpha Nova stood there and he said,"Welcome to the first year Sports Festival. I'm your chief referee for the first year class. Would the head student of the class head up?". Natsu walked up there and Tara said,"I still can't believe that he is our head student.". "He tends to ace the exams and also he is super strong." said Cindy. "And a total dick." said a student from Class G who was watching. Natsu held the mic and he said,"Sup. I got some shit to say.".

He looked at the crowd and he said,"You guys in class G-Z and AA are weak. All of us in Class A to F along Class M worked bery hard to reach the top and we didn't have to cheat by stealing the exam answers or use drugs to make yourself strong. The truly strong train and grow with you assholes not being it. Lets go Star Valley High.". He ignored the booing from those class and he thought,"Totally worth it.". Class C sighed at their leader and the Festival began with a bang.

Issac was in front of the class with Akane and a sleeping while standing Natsu as he said,"Okay. I think we know that our idiot did something stupid but it is perfect.". "Huh?" said Ben and Rex. "We may be strong individually but together, we can't be stop." said Haru. "Yes. So who are we?" said Akane. Everyone including Natsu had a red headband that showed that they were Class C and the class of the Dragon Emperor. "Class C! Lets show them Armageddon!" yelled the class.

Natsu got up and he said,"Wish me luck baby.". He stood with Sekien and Sekien said,"Don't hold back Natsu.". "Wasn't going too." said Natsu. Natsu was in the front row with Sekien behind him as he said,"Good luck.". "Screw you Natsu." said the two Class B students. The bang went off and both Natsu and Sekien rushed ahead. "And it looks like Natsu Xasius and Sekien Ozaki from Class C are showing their speed!" said Vance.

Natsu and Sekien crossed the balance beam with sharks that had lasers on their head trying to attack them and Class F's team was eliminated from them. The net part was easy for the both of them and the other teams as well. "Wow. This isn't even a challenge." said Sekien. "This is child's play and it beats the Underworld for sure." said Natsu. The two reached the final obstacle and they were shocked to see the final obstacle.

It was the Hydra, Cerberus, and the Ziz from mythology plus other monsters. "Natsu and Sekien. I think we have bigger problems that those three." said Visarth. "Oh. Look who it is. It is Natsu and Visalth." said a voice. Sorventh stood there and Sekien said,"Okay. I'll help those guys out with the monsters. You handle the dragon.". Sekien went to go freeze the monsters with Natsu turning into his Demon/Devil Form and Sorventh rushed toward him causing an explosion.

Later, Natsu was sitting with Sekien with the two getting healed by Phoebe and Tessa. "Did you two really have to fight all of them?" said Phoebe. "They had it coming." said the boys. Kyria stood there and she said,"I think those two are just battle maniacs.". "Mainly Natsu though." said Sekien. "Harsh bud. So how are we doing so far Kyria? I haven't being paying attention at all to the in the slightest. You mostly likely have so get " said Natsu.

Kyria said,"We are currently winning but Class A is catching up. Yataro says that all of our work is nothing but extra points compared to the ones you're in Natsu.". "I think Yataro has no confidence in himself. It's sad really." said Natsu. Sekien stood up and he said,"Going to cheer on Masoko now.". "I guess the boyfriend would cheer on his girlfriend." said Natsu. He was hit with a snowball as Sekien walked off with Phoebe and Tessa heading to go heal others.

Kyria smiled and she said,"You haven't changed at all Natsu.". "I have! I mean I got a dragon inside of me." said Natsu. "It's true but his sleeping habits are still bad." said Visalth. "Let me guess. He doesn't go to bed unless he is forced right?" said Kyria. "Since his manager joined, you are right. It is fun to see him in pain." said Visalth. "So are you two just against me now?" said Natsu. "Yeah. I mean who else is going to tease you." said Kyria who punched his shoulder.

Natsu said,"So how is Sakia doing Ky? She hasn't tried to kill me or any of the other beings that were born or came from the Underworld.". "You remember my nickname Nat?" said Kyria. "Of course he does. I mean he...." said Visalth. "He is your childhood friend right?" said Natsu with a grin that did scare the Dragon Kaiser. "Yes." said Visalth. "You two are strange but I think you two fit. I think you two meeting was God's Plan!" said Kyria.

Visalth said through the special link,"So why do you like this girl? I mean she is too religious for me but she is smoking hot so I will deal it.". "And this is why you can't keep a relationship with a woman Visalth. I just like her okay?!" said Natsu through said link. Kyria looked at her friend as she said,"Um Nat.". Natsu said,"What?". "Your question. Sakia has a passion now so that is why she isn't hunting you guys down." said Kyria.

Natsu said,"What is it?". "Defeating Lee. Sakia may be strong but she has an obvious weakness. It is obvious for anyone to see so Lee exploit it. Sakia says that a devil would do something like that but she was proven wrong after most of her class did the same thing." said Kyria. "Well, I got her down after seeing her during the Class War recap video. It's how I'm going to defeat Kyle." said Natsu who crackled his left hand.

The two then heard,"Would all those participating in the Scavenger Hunt please head toward your designated location?". Natsu stood up and he said,"Time to get us the Gold or Six points. I like the former but hey, what can you do?". "Yeah. Oh, I hope you don't mind if I give you a good luck charm right?" said Kyria. "Okay?" said Natsu. She kissed him on the cheek and she said,"Good luck!". She ran off as Natsu said,"I think I've fallen hard for human women.".

Natsu joined up with Katsuo and Kyoji with the bang going off. The three rushed toward the box and they grabbed an envelope. "Okay. I'll be back." said Kyoji. He was gone as Katsuo said,"I think mine is going to be a little hard so you should be able to find yours easy.". The young man was gone and the final member of their trio was grabbed by Kana. "So what's up?" said Natsu. Kana's face was red and she said,"Shut up Idiot.". She had to find someone that she loved.

Natsu .after placing a clone so that Kana wasn't disqualified, went to go find his item. He rushed out of the first year arena and he went toward the second year arena. He was looking for someone and he saw them cheering on their little sister by cheering and it was much to her embarrassment. Katsuo and Kyoji were waiting for Natsu since they found their items with ease. Katsuo had to go find a mummy aka Ling and Kyoji had to find a busty woman aka Satsuki.

Kyoji said,"So what did Natsu have to find? Class A is catching up.". "Don't know. It must have been something really hard." said Katsuo. The two saw Natsu carrying something and he said,"I got her you guys!". He then placed Ellie down and she was wearing a magical girl costume. "You won right Nat-Chan?" said Ellie. "Winner Class C!" said the announcer. "Yep and tell Lucia, Sabrina, and your sister good luck for me." said Natsu. Ellie nodded as she disappeared.

Katsuo said,"So she is one of the seven rulers of the Underworld and a magical girl?". "Yep. She has appeared on my show once or twice. She is big with little boys while my character is big with both genders mainly girls. I don't know why myself." said Natsu. "I think it is because you're the perfect male." said Kyoji. "Perfect male?" said Katsuo. "Yes. He is good at housekeeping tasks and he is also a strong male." said Kyoji. A third of the games have passed so it was time for a break.

Natsu was enjoying a energy drink from one of his fans. Despite him being hated by a good amount of the boys, he was loved by the girls. His like to hate ratio is about 75 to 25. "Natsu." said a female and serious voice. He turned to see Keiko standing there with her glaring at him. "What's up? I mean you were doing good in the events so far." said Natsu. "We need to talk." said Keiko. She dragged him away as he sighed.

Keiko pushed him into the wall and she said,"Natsu. Do you like me?". "Well, you did just push me into the wall but I do like you Keiko." said Natsu. "Good. I thought that Lucia and Sabrina were the only two that you liked." said Keiko. "You know that I do have a girlfriend right who I actually show affections to." said Natsu. "Yeah but no one thinks that you two are serious. I think you and Lee are more of a couple more to the girls than you and Rain." said Keiko.

Natsu sighed and he said,"Okay. So what do you want to talk about?". "I love you." said Keiko. "Are you sure about that? I mean I like you but..." said Natsu. She hugged him and she said,"You're strong Natsu. You grew in strength to protect your family unlike me. I mean I'm not strong.". "You're strong Keiko." said Natsu. "I may be strong in strength but you're strong in heart even though you're a battle maniac and a pervert." said Keiko.

Natsu said,'So?". The cat girl took a deep breath and she said,"I'll grow bigger so I can be your wife and we'll have kittens.". She walked away as Visalth said,"So do you think that she will be like her sister, Amy, or both in one body?". "I don't know. I mean we could look in the future to see but I would rather find out for myself." said Natsu. "Smart. I think we should get ready for the next three events." said Visalth. "Ah." said Natsu. The boy walked back to the arena.

Natsu tied his leg to Rain's with a rope as Rain said,"So did Keiko talk to you?". "Yeah. How did you know about that?" said Natsu. "She asked me if she could confess to you. She likes you and I think I know why she did that." said Rain. Natsu held his girlfriend's hip and he said,"I don't know why. So do you want to tell me?". "I will tell you after we win. I think we got this due to our make out session Natsu. I used the name correctly right?" said Rain.

The bang from the air gun went off as Natsu said,"Yeah. Lets win!". The two ran and compared to the other five teams, had a very strong combination. "You got this Natsu and Rain!" yelled Alex. "Don't lose!" yelled Masaru. "I think you two have this in the bag!" yelled Nazar. The rest of the class started to cheer for their star couple and the two reached the goal tape. "Yes!" said the two. The two high five as Natsu sat on the ground.

Rain said,"Are you okay?". "Yep. I just need to sit a second." said Natsu. He stood up and he said."So why did she confess?". "She loves how strong you are. It is actually something that I like about you Natsu. I mean you're able to fight against gods and also able to forgive people who hurt you. So do you hate anyone?" said Rain. "Anyone who hurts you or the other women in my life. Good luck in your other events Rain." said Natsu. He was gone due to magic circles surrounding his body.

The next event was the male 400 relay with Jake, Katsuo, and Ryker. It wasn't a shock that the girls lost to Chisa because she is able to reach mach forty by just a simple jog. "So who wants to go first guys?" said Jake. He was holding his skateboard and Ryker said,"I think I or Katsuo should go first since you and Natsu are the fastest ones in our little group Jake.". "He has a point. I mean it makes the best sense." said Katsuo.

Ryker said,"I will go second!". "Guess I'm going first." said Katsuo. "What do you think Jake? It is your choice." said Natsu. Jake pondered about it and he said,"You should go and do it the Natsu way man!". "Gotcha." said Natsu. The four got into position as the bang went off. Katsuo appeared behind Ryker in a minute and he said,"The shadows may be slow right now but I'm fast.". "Right. Time for to show my power! Third Gear! Nitro Engine!" yelled Ryker.

Several engine parts appeared on the back of Ryker as he rushed toward Jake. The skater put the slash around his body and he said,"Thanks Ry! Be back in a flash!". While he skated a huge puff of smoke came out of the board blinding the other teams much to their annoyance. Natsu sensed Jake and he said,"Time to go Solar". He was on fire and Jake threw him the slash. Natsu put it on and he rushed toward the finishing line.

Natsu reached it with the field behind him burned to a crisp and he said,"I think we should think of controlling my fire power Visalth.". "You want to control your power?! That is funny partner. I don't think you can even control your love life. What makes you think that you can control the power inside of you when you can't even control your love life. So sad." said Visalth who couldn't stop his laughing. "At least I can get a girl to like me." said Natsu. The two started fighting.

Natsu P.O.V.
The Sports Festival was almost done and I smiled. It was the final Event aka the Agent Match and the winning event for us in Class C. I stood there and I waved to my little brother who was cheering his little lungs out. I smiled and I then heard,"You must feel pretty good about yourself now don't you Natsu?". I turned to see Elsie and she said,"You know that girls are stronger right?". "And I think that is bullshit." I said.

We were about to fight but Shiori stopped us. "Easy! You two can fight later!" said Shirori who stood in between us. "She's right Natsu. I will be defeating you for sure." said Kyle. "Yeah and whose team is winning?" I said, "Shut up." said Elsie and Kyle. Chisa walked up to me and she said,"So did you see how fast I was?". "I did. Why did you tell me that?" I said. She grabbed her shirt and she said,"I don't know but I just felt like telling you.".

I stood there and Nara whispered to me,"I think she likes you Nat-Chan.". Chisa attacked her and I whispered to Visalth,"Hey Visalth. You sensed that power right?". "It seems that Astral is the only thing that has grown in the past couple of days unlike your emotions and also I think she is like the Sorcerers but different." said Visalth. "What do you mean Visalth?" I said. "Would all Agents please head to the starting point?" said the announcer.

Visalth said,"I think you should join the others. I'll explain it to you after the event.". "Okay. You better not be lying to me Visalth." I said. "And why would I lie to you partner? I mean you could just read my mind." said Visalth. I walked toward the others and I said while cracking my neck and fists,"Good luck you guys. I mean you need it against me for sure.". "I was going to say the same thing." said Elsie and Kyle in complete unison. Chisa, Nara, and Shirori sighed as the event begin.

Narrator P.O.V.
Vito looked at the screen and he said,"Big brother is so awesome! Right Izzy!?". Isabel nodded and she said,"Indeed. He is something.". "So do you like my son?" said Amaterasu and Asuna. The two women looked at her and Isabel said,"Excuse me?". "I mean he is pretty much a god in a human form and I think many girls wanted to be with him." said Amaterasu. "And he is always looking for more lovers. He gets that from his father right honey?" said Asuna.

Riku sighed and he said,"I'm not getting involved.". "I think you think about Haruto. Back in his youth, he was quite the player." said Ling. "How do you know that Mr. Mummy?" said Jason who was sitting with the Underworld group. He was sitting in Amaterasu's lap and it was really warm to the young boy. "Mr. Mummy here spends time ready in the Underworld Library. He and your brother share a love for knowledge about the other species." said Lacy.

Elena was sitting next to Isabel as she said,"So do you like him?". "Um. He is a nice guy but I think he is too important for a girl like me." said Isabel. "Why not?! I mean you're super pretty and way too good for my brother!" said Molly. Natsu sneezed from that comment as Jason said,"Big brother likes you Izzy.". "How do you know?" said Isabel. "Big brother wouldn't have hired you if he didn't like you Isabel." said Elena.

Riku said,"And I picked you Isabel due to you being the daughter of the Sitri clan who are known their talent to make diamonds out of coal. I also think that out of all possible candidates ,that are after my son in the Underworld, you are the best choice to be his wife.". Isabel's face were scarlet red and Asuna said,"You seriously think that honey? I mean Nat-Chan is with Rain and happy about it.". "I do and you want your son to have a harem so why can't he have both of them?" said Riku.

Asuna said,"See Ling? I told you that I would convince them about having a harem.". "I have faith in you your highness." said Ling who sweat dropped at his queen's enthusiasm for the whole thing. Lacy looked up and she said,"Hey Ling. We have a problem.". "You sense it too? I think we should take care of it." said Amaterasu. The three left as Elena, Jason, Molly, and Vito said,"So where are they going?". "Um to go get snacks." said Riku. The four cheered as Riku got ready to protect them.  

Natsu P.O.V.
It was very similar to the obstacle course during the Star Festival but this one had weather effects. It had a rain zone, fire zone, earthquake zone, and hurricane zone. Our goal was to reach the center of the course and well, we win. We were in our own area in the center of the arena and I couldn't sense the outside at all. I was walking around the rain zone with my Solar Form blocking the rain because I wasn't in the mood to get a cold.

I heard an explosion and I rushed toward it. I saw Nara fighting against a group of super villains and Evolved. I knew about the latter since Ryder and I are good friends. The Evolved were created by a Phantom who had way too much time on her hands in my opinion and unlike the normal version, this one was more human like compared to the giants version from Ryder. I decided to help Nara out due to me being a nice guy.

I jumped down there and I said,"Devil Arm!". I landed a punch on a Evolved and it crashed right into a nearby building. "Natsu?! What are you doing here?!" said Nara. "Saving your but. Oh turn around and hit the villain behind you." I said while firing a giant fireball of sun energy at a group causing a huge explosion of flame despite the fact that we're currently in a huge rainstorm. I turned to see Nara created a shield blocking an attack but she fired it back at the villain.

Her Power is Reverse which is like the ultimate counter to me since it can turn an attack back at the owner with deadly results. According to my knowledge, it was random and I would copy it using the Black Card but right now, it was currently in a locker under lock and key. I held Nara and I teleport us to the top of a nearby building. "So are you going to destroy all of them?" said Nara. I activated my Solar Form and I said,"Yep. You may want to stay back.".

I flew above the villains and Evolved and I made a giant fireball. "Time for the sun to come crashing down!" I yelled. I threw it down and it made a giant explosion of flame. I flew next to Nara and she said,"Do you know what holding back means?". "Nope. You need to get the teachers. We have some company and not the good kind. I'll get the others. I need you to go get the teachers. They can't see anything in here so you're the only one who can do this." I said.

Nara said,"You got it. Oh and kick their ass.". She was gone as I turned on Astral. I looked for Chisa, Elsie, Kyle, and Shiori. I found them and I said,"Shit.". I jumped off the building and I activated my Demon/Devil Form alongside my Dragon Hero Armor. I rushed toward them and I said,"I can't let them hurt them because I'm not just Natsu Ryu Xasius. I'm a man!". I went faster than I ever had and I collided with an immovable force.

Narrator P.O.V.
Chisa, Elsie, Kyle, and Shirori saw a giant Evolved standing there and Kyle said,"What the hell is that thing?". "It is an Evolved." said a voice. The four saw a handsome man standing there next to the giant Evolved. He had on grayish black armor with a fur lined cape. He had long dark brown hair that went down to his hips and his bangs were covering his red eyes. "My name is Enoch Halphas and I am the Prince of Darkness!" yelled Enoch.

Elsie said,"You can't be serious.". "I'm serious little girl! Me and my friends here are terrorizing the outside. I think the teachers and students who are strong enough are fighting against the devils who hated Riku!" said Enoch. "Riku? That's Natsu dad right?! Why do you hate him? He is a nice guy from what I can tell." said Chisa. "Oh. He kicked me out because I just wanted all of you humans dead and in the dirt." said Enoch.

Kyle said,"You're sick.". "Oh screw you human. I'm a devil! All of us are messed up! I think you all should die now because even with the speed freak and the boy, you can't defeat the Evolved due to me being a devil." said Enoch. He placed his hand on the ground and mist came out of the ground. It held the four in the air and Enoch said,"Kill them Evolved.". The monster rushed toward them but he was stopped by a armored foot.

Natsu landed in front of them wearing the Dragon Hero Armor. "Natsu!" yelled the four. "Oh. You guys got caught. How sad." said Natsu. "Shut up! We're in serious danger." said Elsie. "Oh. So what are you doing Enoch? Do you think that teaming up with Gehenna? Speaking of them, where is their leader?" said Natsu. "You're talking about Kouta aren't you? He is busy right now but I think you should focus on me and the Evolved." said Enoch.

Enoch pointed to the giant evolved who roared and started to charge toward Natsu. "God Dam it. Do you have it ready Visalth?" said Natsu. "Yes. Get ready to catch the bull." said Visalth from the chest plate of the armor. Natsu was hit by the monster's punch but Natsu caught it. "Time to taste the power of the Giant's Punch!" yelled Natsu. His left fist doubled in size and it punched the monster but it just roared.

Shiori said,"So why isn't that thing defeated?". "You idiots. This Evolved was given the ability absorb damage from any attack. It would be pretty if you defeated him by destroying every part of him but I won't let that happen." said Enoch. The mist let go off Chisa and the others and it trapped Natsu. "Oh shit." said Natsu and Visalth. "Wreck his shit." said Enoch. The monster was about to hit Natsu and it was going to hurt.

Suddenly, Masaru appeared and he yelled,"Hands off my friends bastard!". He punched the smoke away with a giant explosion and he yelled,"Now!". Enoch was frozen in place and he saw Sekien standing there. "That is my best friend there demon so freeze." said Sekien. Enoch dodge a punch from Nazar and the ice by turning into the mist which melted the ice. "You there. I thought you would be dealing with the Evolved outside." said Enoch.

Nazar punched his right palm with his left fist and he said,"We took care of them because we like the gods above!". "Or in other words. We kicked their ass and we came to help out the agents thanks to Nara." said Masaru. Sekien nodded as Kyle said,"Chisa, Elsie, and Shirori. Go help the others outside okay?". "What about you idiots?" said Elsie. "We're going to kick their ass no duh." said Kyle. The four stood there as Natsu recovered from the mist's effects.

The girls were gone as Natsu said,"I'll handle the freak. You get the demon. Don't take him as a joke but a serious threat.". "Gotcha." said Masaru. He threw a wave of explosion at Enoch and the noble laughed. He blocked them with a shield of darkness which absorbed it. "Now." said Enoch. It was in a second but Natsu blocked the Evolved's attack which caused him to crash through several trees.

Natsu deactivated his armor and he said,"Okay. Time to get serious.". He rushed toward the Evolved and he collided fists with the monsters. The four teens flew back along with Enoch. "You idiot! This thing can more damage and deliver the pain to you!" yelled Enoch. "Okay. If I can hit him harder, you can't take all of my power!" said Natsu. The two kept fighting and Natsu said,"You know what a man is right?".

Natsu charged up his power and he said,"He smashes anything trying to stop his way! TIME FOR MY POWER DRAGON IRON FIST!".He launched the Evolved through the dome which was destroyed. "God dam. That was badass." said Nazar. "Yeah. That wasn't Natsu holding back. He was serious like in our fight." said Sekien. "And I think he has gotten stronger then." said Masaru. Kyle smiled and he said,"Good job Natsu.".

Enoch started laughing and he said,"You idiot reptile! Look at the truth around you!". The six teens saw that all of the students, teachers, and crowd was being held down to the ground by monsters. The body shape was very similar to the Cerebus but they were way taller than the normal kind by at least one hundred and fifty meters. "Get them." said Enoch. Natsu barely dodged five of them but he saw the beasts grab his friends. "You guys!" yelled Natsu.

Enoch flew in front of him and he said,"You know why we're doing this right?". Natsu was quiet and Enoch said,"I guess you don't know. We used Vito's powers to create things to make them and we are taking control of this. You know that I think that you being the Dragon Emperor would have been able to stop all of this but nope, you had to be playing these stupid gates with these brats!". He then started to laugh and he said,"You should give up.".

Natsu was quiet and Enoch said,"I mean my partner is stronger than you. I mean he is able to rival god in his strength and you should give up because....". "Shut the hell up." said Natsu. The air around Natsu started to get tense and he said,"You pissed me off. I'm going to destroy all of you. Visalth, we should do that.". "Hey partner. You are not thinking about the Armageddon Drive are you?" said Visalth.

Natsu said,"Visarth. I swear to the several thousand gods in the universe that I'll never ever use the Armageddon Drive on anyone. I really don't want to be a monster.". "Okay. Then what do you want to do?" said Visalth. "Kick his ass." said Natsu. Enoch was shocked to see that Natsu's right knee was on fire and in front of his face. "Fly!" yelled Natsu. Enoch was thrown back and Enoch said,"Fine. It seems like you are stubborn so prepare to....".

Enoch couldn't finish his sentence because of Natsu attacking him. It was a slaughter and the devil couldn't even see the face of his attacker since Natsu had put on the Dragon Hero armor during the assault. Enoch got some distance between him and Natsu due to the mist and Enoch said,"You are so dead now! Let me show you the power of the Prince of Darkness!". The mist transformed the arena into a Greek/Roman Coliseum with everyone captured to the stands.

Natsu saw the Greek Monster Cerberus in front of him along with the monsters. It was the smallest monster in front of him being only 10 meters taller, four thick legs, six glowing red eyes, and three giant dog heads with very deadly fangs. Enoch said from a throne,"If you can't even defeat me, you have a snowball's chance in hell against my partner.". "Hey Visarth. I think we should use Uxio to help lightening the load if you know what I mean." said Natsu.

Visarth said,"Agreed Nat-Chan. I also think that you're able to use more power from the Solar Form now. It was 10 percent but now, I think it is the full hundred.". "Okay. How can I use all of it when not too long ago, I couldn't use more than ten percent." said Natsu. "No clue but we can figure that out later. I think we should summon Uxio and also the Solar Form." said Visalth as Natsu deactivated his armor.

Natsu made Uxio appear next to him along with him lighting himself on fire. "Okay. You ready to fight Uxio?" said Natsu. The cat nodded as Enoch said,"You dumb boy. I think it is time for my pets to get a meal!". They rushed toward Natsu and Uxio. Uxio suddenly grew in size and he was now 20 feet tall. "Sick em boy!" yelled Natsu. The lion rushed toward the beast and he roared. It made a huge burst of fire surround the monsters burning them.

Natsu then flew above them with him aimed his left palm at them upon being on top of them. "IT IS TIME FOR MY SUN DRAGON MORTAR BLAST!" yelled Natsu. A huge beam of fire came out of his hand and it hit the monster. They were completely burned alive and the flame travels through the stands. It hit Enoch and the other monster freeing the crowd and Enoch growled at Natsu. "Hey Enoch! You better be ready to be burn!" yelled Natsu.

Next Time,
Natsu faces off against Enoch and his partner! This may sound minor but the world is soon going to change for the worst or will it? This and more next time on Soul!

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Isabel Sitri. 15 years old. Josh Sitiri’s Daughter and Devil Princess. White. Dark Purple. 5 foot 2. B. Capricorn. December 30. Her family, being called smart, pleasing the one she cares about, sweets, and her beloved. Losing and failing.
Vito Satan. Lucia’s Nephew and Devil Prince. 12 years old. Scarlet Red. Blue/Green. 4 feet 4. A. Scorpio. October 28. Natsu, his future, pranks, being called by his name, and fiction. Being used for power.
Enoch Halphas. 27 years old. Prince of Darkness. Brown. Red. 5 foot 11. B. Libra. October 15. Power and Demise. Peace and Youth.

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