Saturday, November 12, 2016

Soul Episode 115 My Newest Friend is the Dragon Goddess!

A/N: The last episode was shorter than a normal episode but I plan for this episode and maybe the next one are going to be longer for sure. I think this is the arc where Episode 15 will be in. Think of them as Extra Life from High School DXD. You know how I said in the past that I was missing Episode 87. I totally spaced out on the fact that I reposted Episode 87 after 93 for some reason. This episode will be nothing but filler because the next arc will be back for sure.

Natsu P.O.V.
After that mess that was the Sports Festival, I learned that the big test that was going to take place on the third of December is now moved to Friday. I think it was due to them needing to repair the fields after the whole thing. I was happy that I got the entire week to relax and also figure our more about the Goddess. After learning about them, I have been crazy about them. We have learned about some of the Sorcerer thanks to Kana but it has been pretty pare for a while now.

I tend to move focuses faster than you can say Power Dragon Emperor. I woke up in my massive bed and I couldn't move at all. After the girls then recovered from Reisa's spell, they were worried about me and I told them that I was fine from my fight with Buster and Enoch plus the beast. I felt fine but they wouldn't listen to me and here am I. Keiko was sleeping on my chest like Star or Uxio would be but they were moved off.

Lucia and Sabrina took over my left and right arm with them resting in their breasts. I looked around to see Slytha flying above us drinking a juice. "Morning Nat-Chan." said Slytha. She has called me that because she thinks that is what a friend is. I wasn't in a mood to correct the Dragon Goddess since she is able to make Visalth fear her but that may be because she knows how to push his buttons aka mess with his pride.

I was lucky that she didn't join in because well, she doesn't know better. "Hey Sly. So are you ready for today?" I said. She nodded as I said,"Do you mind waiting a second? I would rather not cause the girls any more worries.". I used my magic to escape from the girls much to my disappointment but I made an appointment with Sly and I try not to go back on them. I walked over to my bathroom and I looked at my new eye.

After meeting up with Slytha and borrowing her power, I gained a new power. My normal right blue eye turned dark purple. It was slightly abnormal compared to my other eye. It was due to the pupil was slightly elongated and more oval in shape. It gave me more draconic energy that I got with my partner in my body and also it made me irresistible to the ladies much to my annoyance/joy. I moved my bangs over it and it was like Buster.

According to my mom, I heard that Buster, Enoch, and the dog whose name I think is Esko were now in the Underworld's best prison aka Cocytus. It was like an eternal icy hell and if Buster didn't try to kill me, I would feel bad for him. Arata was currently crashing in one of many guest rooms until his escape from prison thanks to Reisa blows over. I guess after his defeat to me really made him change himself for the better. It was good.

I saw Slytha sitting at the kitchen table being fed by Rain. "So how is she doing Rain?" I said. "She is a good cook." said Slytha. Rain whispered to me,"She is actually a goddess?! But she is...". "Yeah. It was a shock but I'm getting used to it. So are you okay with me going on a date with her?" I said. The girl sighed as she said,"I wish that you didn't call it that and why are you wearing that shirt? You look great in white by the way.".  I was wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans.

I would be wearing any part of my gear but it was currently being updated to fit my new power so I wasn't able to use Uxio for a while. I wasn't worried about anyone after my life because Astral is still activate. "Yeah. I didn't know that myself but hey, one of my moms is a fashion designer. I guess it came to me like a secret talent. Don't worry about it Rain. I love you more than anyone else so how about a good morning kiss for your man who came back from the dead." I said.

Slytha said,"Technically you weren't dead Nat-Chan. Your body, power, and soul were just split apart in the Dimension Void where the Crimson Gecko lives.". She was enjoying breakfast as I plopped my but into a chair. "So what is Tokyo?" said Slytha. "It is where I work and that will be our first stop for today. I need to ask my boss for the help with the cafe Rain." I said. "So you haven't done any work on the cafe yet." said Rain.

Slytha said,"Cafe? Play? What are those Nat-Chan?". "I thought she knew everything Natsu and you know that she should call you Nat-Kun right?" said Rain. "She was like you before you met me aka the man of your dreams and I think Nat-Chan just rolls of the tongue better." I said while enjoying some soda. "I guess. So how do you get past by Keiko, Lucia, and Sabrina anyway?" said Rain. My smile was gone as I grab Slytha and disappeared as I heard girls screaming my name.

Narrator P.O.V.
Arata woke up to screaming and he said,"I guess living with Natsu would wake me up before noon but this is too dam early.". He walked out of his room to see that Lucia and Sabrina were both really pissed off at Natsu. "Arata!" yelled the two. They came up to him and he said,"So did Natsu leave without telling you? I think he was going to go train in the mountains.". Arata wasn't in the mood to rat out his friend and he knew that Rain knew where Natsu was going.

Lucia said,"Why are you lying to us Arata?". "You know that we have been around Natsu for so long that we can sense his magical presence with ease." said Sabrina. "Well, he is out in the city today for reasons. I have to get working on a disguise. Unlike your beloved Nat-Chan who can his appearance on a whim, I have to get to work. Natsu mostly likely has some clothes that I can borrow. Good luck with finding him." said Arata.

He jumped up to the second floor and he opened Natsu's room. He blocked Keiko who said,"Arata. I want to know where my Nat is.". "He is out." said Arata who sneaked by her. "What do you mean by that Arata?" said Keiko. "You'll see." said Arata. The cat girl walked out of the room and Arata then walked over to Natsu's closet. He found some new clothes and he head downstairs only to find Natsu with several girls plus Slytha looking at him. This was going to be a day for sure.

Natsu P.O.V.
I had Keiko sitting on my lap and Lucia said,"So Slytha, what do you gain from being with my Natsu and why are you here?". "I wish to see why Nat-Chan would want me as a friend." said Slytha who looked me with a smile. I felt Keiko punch my thigh and I said,"So what do I do wrong?!". "So what did do before then?" said Sabrina. The dragon thought about it and she shook her neck left and right in a second. Despite her being older than the universe, she is really cute.

She may be a loli but someone likes that type of girl. "I sat around watching the universe grow and I also play tricks on all of your ancestors. It was fun." said Slytha. "So what do you own exactly?" said Rain. "Nothing but myself. I have no desire for anything rather than wondering why Nuts would want to be my friend." said Slytha. "Nuts?" said Keiko. "She is trying to find a name for me so I think we should go shopping and then head to work." I said.

A little bit later around noon, I was standing with Slytha who was holding my left hand like Elena and Molly would do whenever we go shopping. The girls played rock paper scissors to decide who was going to come shopping with Sly and me with Lucia won. I noticed that she dragged us to the nearby department store that was close by. I think the ceiling is an open atrium. The building had a lot of different stores and mall plus it looked like it had several shops fused together.

I noticed that people were filling the store at a calm rate but I looked at the dragon. She looked like a dummy with no expression to her and she just looked around. I did my shopping online but from my knowledge, girls from my school and others love to shop and I think it is an unmeasured amount. We had some lunch in the food court with Slytha enjoying some processed food and I basically broke the court with my stomach. According to Visalth, my stomach is now even more of a black hole.

Lucia said after finding us,"I think we should start with some furniture. I don't want her to share your bed with her. It is our bed after all.". I made sure to hold onto her hand because I had a feeling that she would get lost. We looked around the store looking for a bed and bedding for Sly. She rested on beds for a good amount of time but since the only thing that we got was "It was okay". Lucia would have a hard time but she is determined and I can't stop her when she is like that.

After shopping for ten minutes, we found a bed that was quite expensive since I had my bed built for me using the Underworld's well man power. I think her being one of the sisters of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld means that she is able to buy everything in the store twice over and it would destroy this store. I had a lot of cash due to my jobs and my royalty.  I was spending it on occasion because I tend to spend very little.

I was basically carrying all of Slytha's bags along with Lucia since she wanted to seduce me. I looked at the dragon goddess who was enjoying a bag filled with doughnuts. "I like this stuff Nuts. It is good do you want some?" said Slytha. We were resting on a bench in the indoor park. "Nah. You should eat something. I mean you need to grow big and strong." I said. Slytha said,"But I'm strong.". "Not what I mean Sly." I said.

I smiled as I saw her looking at her shoes. Compared to those shoes that I saw her with, they are new and cute according to the clerk. I was also called that by her and Lucia gave her a glare. I felt bad for the girl but I don't think Slytha knew what the hell was going on. "What is next?" said Slytha. "Who knows? I mean I didn't plan on shopping for this long but I think I should take you to where I work on our next stop." I said.

Slytha said,"Work?". "My partner may be super strong in terms of academics and strength but he is the strongest butler." said Visalth. "What is a butler? Are they important? Or is Crimson Gecko stupid?" said Slytha. "I am not stupid! Tell her Natsu!" yelled Visalth. I think that Kenji and Visalth are very similar right now. "I'll explain later. Just follow me." I said. I held the bags in the air with my magic as Slytha grabbed my hand. We left and Lucia was mostly likely mad about the whole thing.

I opened the door to Le Devil and I heard,"Welcome Master.". I saw Elsie standing there with some bandages. "Natsu?! What are you doing here?!" yelled Elsie. I saw Bianca and I waved to her. "You came!" yelled Bianca. The boss hugged me and she said,"And you brought a real life Loli!". "Um. So how do you know this idiot?" said Elsie. I looked at her maid uniform and I said,"Seriously?! She is so lacking.".

Bianca said,"I know Nat-Chan but we needed someone to fill the Tsun.". "Ah. She does pull that off well." I said while putting my hands together to block Elsie's punch. "You haven't explain why this idiot is here and how you know him so well and who is she?!" yelled Elsie. Slytha ignored here due to her looking around the cafe and Bianca said,"Nat-Chan here is an employee here like you and Lisa but he is busy being well Nat-Chan.".

Laura turned her head toward us and she said with a cold look,"Oh Hey Natsu. Do you mind helping us out in the kitchen? We're swamped!". "Sure. Do you mind waiting for me Sly?" I said. "Sure. I will enjoy my treat from earlier." said Slytha. She sat down with her nibbling on some candy that I got for her on the way here. I walked into the kitchen and I said,"Okay. Lets get cooking!". I made my magic grab several cooking items as I went to work.

After calming the storm that was the Le Devil rush, I looked for Slytha. I found her talking to Bianca who was laughing. I walked toward them and I said,"So what are you two talking about?". Sly looked at Bianca and the maid nodded. "Bi-Chan here was telling me about you being a butler. You sure do a good job." said Slytha. "Well thanks but I'm more fit for the kitchen." I said. Bianca then grabbed my hands and she said,"No! You need to be on center stage because of you being Natsu!".

I sweat dropped at my boss reaction and I said,"Okay. I will come in more but you know that I'm now extremely busy with me stuff.". "So what did you need from me anyway? Your text sound really bad from what Jessica could tell." said Bianca. "Well, my class is doing a cafe and I need some help from the master." I said. I sat with Slytha who was enjoying a giant cookie and on my lap and Bianca said with confusion,"You know everything about the cafe world after five years of working.".

I said,"Well, this cafe is different.". I whispered in her ear and she screamed in glee. Lana and Laura came rushing out and Lana said,"What's wrong boss?". "We need to go help Natsu!" yelled Bianca who was jumping up and down. "So what did you tell her?" said Laura. It was pretty much us and Elsie was standing nearby. After the storm, it was pretty calm around the cafe. "You should just tell her Natsu. I am the Agent for Class D after all so I know already." said Elsie.

I said,"Okay. My class for the Cultural Festival ,which is the next week after the big test, is doing a gender bend cosplay cafe.". "Are you serious?" said Lana. I nodded and Laura said,"You know that is like drugs to our boss right?". "I know but I need your help. I mean Class A isn't doing a cafe because we can use outside help." I said. Bianca said with a bloody nose,"We will! Just wait for my call okay Nat-Chan!". "And I guess we're roped in." said Lana and Laura.

Slytha said,"So why is Bi-Chan bleeding?". "Don't ask kid." said the two other maids. The dragon nodded and I said,"Okay. We have to get going.". "And where are you going?" said Elsie. "Are you going to miss Nat-Chan?" said Bianca. "Yeah. I mean he may have a girlfriend but from what I heard on my other jobs, he is able to have a harem right Sly-Chan?" said Laura. "Yes. She may fill this Tsun quote that Bi-Chan was talking about but he already has a Tsun." said Slytha.

I said to myself,"I really hope that you didn't corrupt her Boss.". I looked at Elsie who said,"I wanted to know what you are doing with her.". Slytha was looking at her and I said,"She is my friend and she is new to Japan so I'm showing her around.". "I see. You will attend the meeting on Monday right? I do hope that you don't ditch out." said Elsie. "I will so you should get back to work." I said. I sensed a huge crowd and I left the cafe with Slytha before the crowd came in.

I said,"So did you enjoy our date?". We were heading home and Slytha said,"I did but what was your real purpose? I mean we went to a idol concert, a computer store, the mall, and Le Devil. I noticed that you looked at four girls while we were shopping.". "Well, I know that the Sorcerer are still here and now but the Goddess information that I found out when I went to the Kingdom of the Dead and I found something out while shopping." I said.

We were in the park and Slytha said,"The Goddess aren't like the ones like your mom.". "I got that because we would noticed their powerful presence." I said while resting on the metal pole nearby the swings. "From what you told me, we need to find them out." said Slytha. "Hey Slytha. I really don't get why you just tell him everything he needs to know." said Visalth. "Idiot Crimson Gecko. I may be a god but I don't know everything." said Slytha.

I said,"Yeah but can I ask for your help? I need to build up a team because war is in my future and I don't want this life to be gone.". "I understand. You have my help. So should we go home now? I'm hungry." said Slytha who was rubbing her stomach. I then smiled at her actions and I said,"Nope. We have one more stop left.". We went toward a nearby restaurant and a woman said,"Welcome to Eats and Treats!". "Huh?" said Slytha.

I looked at Slytha who had at least three plates filled to the brim with sweets and I held a big piece of raw meat. "So eat up. We'll head home after filling up our bellies." I said. The girl nodded as she went into the sweets. If Elena, Jason, Kenji, and Molly did something like this, I don't think I would be this nice because sweets ruin your teeth. According to Visalth, dragon teeth are twenty times or more than human teeth so I wasn't worried.

I really do act a little over protective but I just care too much. "Hey Nat." said Slytha. She looked at me and she said,"Are we friends?". I flicked her forehead like I did the day before and I said,"I don't spend all day with just anyone that I meet on the street. You may be emotionless unlike my siblings but you need to learn from this Dragon on the ways of being human!". I made an action pose and the girl plus the others in the shop looked at me.

I sat back down and I said,"Anyway. So do you understand what I mean?". "Yes. So can I be with you always friend?" said Slytha. I placed my right hand on her head and I said,"Sure. We should get home before they send the hounds after me.". We payed for our meal and we went home. I saw my house in the distance and Slytha held my right arm with a warm smile on her face. I suddenly remember about her bags and I dropped her off with Lucia and Sabrina.

I teleport away and I grabbed her bags. I held them with my aura and I sensed something. I placed the bags in a Chi Barrier and I said,"Okay. You should come out before I blow you away with my Dragon Breath.". I saw Emily standing there with her wearing a mask over her face and cloak over her body. I know that it is her because of Astral. "So you were entertaining the Dragon Goddess today? I thought that the former God of Death would be doing something else." said Emily.

I said,"Okay. Who are you and what are you doing with Emily Peters, my senior?!". I was about to go supernova but then I sensed bullets ,which were magic in creation, come at me from Emily. I made a earth wall blocking the bullets which implanted themselves in the wall. "Okay. You better answer me because I'm really sick of you right now!" I said. "I see that your temper is still the same huh. I guess that you being the GOD hasn't changed." said Emily which sounded familiar to me.

It wasn't the good kind because my friend was being controlled by an old friend no enemy. I said with anger coming out,"Release her now Malik. If not, I will find you and destroy you for doing this shit again.". "Fine but I'm going to make sure that you lose another person close to you." said Emily. I saw that Emily was on the edge of the rooftop and she jumped off. Did I forget to mention that we were on Tokyo Tower. Seems rather important.

I yelled,"Emily!". I then jumped after her and I said,"Visalth! Dragon Hero Armor!". "Dragon Hero Armor!" said Visalth. I activated the armor and I said,"Boosters Engaged!". The back of my armor had sprouted jet engines and I rushed down to catch Emily. I held in my arms bridal style and I look at the back of her neck. Unlike a normal back of a neck, it was dark purple in the center. Her veins were showing and it looked like the ouroboros mixed with the symbol of a god.

It was the symbol of Prometheus and I said,"Hey. Do you sense anything in her body? I know that she was being controlled by the scientist from my past.". "I have been scanning her body and I can't anything that was man made." said Visalth. "Okay. Widening the range of the scans for me okay?" I said. "Sure." said Visalth. I could sense anyone in the area and I found it. It was flying away and fast with me saying,"Increasing the power on the boosters!". "Right!" yelled Visalth.

I rushed through the skyline and I saw it. It was a dark purple snake and I said,"Hey Visalth. Do you think this snake belongs to Slytha?". "No. She wouldn't do something like this. I know her and so do you." said Visalth. "Yeah but this magic belongs to her no matter what. We need to catch that sneaky snake." I said. I held my left hand out and I threw a fire ball at the snake. It was caught and I ran over to see my captured prize.

It was a snake but I noticed that it was a hybrid of both magic and technology. It had Slytha's magic presence and I deactivated my helmet. "So was it her?" said Visalth. "It is her aura bud but here is the thing. I remember this from a little bit earlier, she did touch a lot of things when we were here earlier, I guess that Malik stole it and was totally stalking me today. So dam creepy." I said while I was shivering in my armor.

Visalth said,"So why did he do this?". "I don't know to be completely honest but I know something for sure." I said. I activated my helmet and I made the flame exploded with the snake turning to ash. I said,"I will stop them from doing their crime because the God Particles are too dangerous and it was made with the God Particles.". "I see. You wish for the world to be better without them and stopping Malik is your main goal." said Visalth.

I laughed and I said,"Not at all. I can't just go one route in my life. I want to explore every route that is promised to me. It may be bad like my past as the GOD or it may be amazing like the six months that I spent at Star Valley. I will became the true Natsu Ryu Xasius and I'll make sure that I live to the fullest. Are you with me?". "Yeah. So what's first?" said Visalth. "We should go prepare for my live action show." I said.

Visalth said,"What do you mean by that? You're not talking about your show that you have in the underworld.". "Yep. Lets go!" I said. I flew off toward the portal to the Underworld. I was now looking forward to the future and I knew that I wasn't going to stop until I reached the end of my life so bring on universe. I am ready for you and nothing is going to stop me. I am repeating myself but I am going to make sure that my life is Powerful.

Next Time,
Natsu lives his life to the fullest now. Class C gets into some trouble and also the Goddess are starting to show up much to the Sorcerer's annoyance. This and more next time on Soul!

Natsu's house was a normal two-story house with a navy blue exterior. It had the styles of a normal Japanese home. The Washitsu has a patio leading out to a nice garden where Natsu grows his food. It had a a balcony on the second floor with said balcony attached to Natsu's room, Despite it looking pretty normal on the outside, it is actually the size of a castle. The basement was used for two things. One being the bath which was massive and like a mini water park and the training room. It was a giant room with the walls being stone gray walls that climbs up to an incredibly high ceiling. The floor and walls have large black mats in large rectangle sections that looked like it wouldn't be able to scratch very easily and they are made out of a bouncy material which looks incredibly strong. Along the sides of the wall and corners of the room, there is exercise equipment and hundred of assortments of weapons from daggers and knives, swords and clubs, pistols, and rifles, and other weapons. It also had a couple of weights, bench, and medicine balls along with ankle and elbow weights.

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