Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Soul Episode 117 Spending time with the Youth!

A/N: Yep. Class C is deep trouble since they can't study for the big test which will be based off Sword Art Online. What I mean by that is the test will be done in virtual reality and not having the main protagonist look like a girl. That's the reason why I stopped the series and not the overpowered protagonist. I still think that the series is awful also hyped for the Zoro vs Erza death battle. I am a fan of both series so I hope Zoro wins despite me being a bigger fan of Fairy Tail than One Piece..

I think this because we have seen more with Zoro due to One Piece being longer and also this latest arc of Fairy Tail. I may hate this current arc of Fairy Tail but it doesn't make me hate the series due to a philosophy that I have. If you love something, you should be able to point out the flaws and praise the good of a series. Anyway, we should begin but if we have Colleen Clinkenbeard and Christopher Sabat for Erza and Zoro respectively. I will be happy with the outcome.

Narrator P.O.V.
The next day, all of Class C excluding Slytha ,who are considered a mascot and not really a student at all, were at the nearby elementary school Meadows Elementary. They were currently at the day care where kids from grades 1-6 go to play during the day. One of the attendants say,"Our principal has been injured and won't be able to work for a while so in his place, these big brothers and sisters will be doing anything for us.". "Okay!" yelled the kids.

Yesterday. Natsu sat with him standing next to Ninsei. "This here is my little sister's principal and you all should apologize." said Natsu. "We're sorry." said the girls. "We apologize." said the boys except for the explosion user who only said gize. "You all may be superpowered individuals with a lot on your plates but you should take responsibility. I have informed Reva about your punishment and also I am paying for his medical bill out of my bank." said Natsu.

Natsu said,"So to make my money work, you all should be paying for that.". "How do we do that? I mean we can't make that much money." said Ryo. "Maybe with a car wash." said Harry. Alex then stomped on his left foot and Natsu said,"You all will be working for FREE at the elementary school and once he is recovered, he will be judging you. If he thinks that you did a bad job, something bad will happen.".

Ninsei said,"It had been almost five years since you brats have been in elementary school so you all be working hard from eight thirty in the morning till four thirty in the afternoon without any breaks to study or other misdeads. I hope you brats can handle all the work.". "Yes sir." said the group. They left as Ninsei said,"I think I was too hard on them.". "It was for the best Mr. Okimoto. They need to learn this lesson eventually." said Natsu who closed the binds.

The old man grunted and he said,"You wanted to raise them to be humble but you have a temper and you tend to go overpowered along with being cocky beyond belief. This is what Elena and Molly say about you but I know that you are doing the right thing Natsu.". Both Natsu and Reva left the old man to his thoughts as Reva said,"You think this was the best idea?". "Yep. Class C is ready for the test no matter what happens so lets watch and learn." said Natsu.

Back at the school, the kids around 3-5 ran toward the older siblings. "So why do the students who had no part in your fun time have to do this too?" said Hikaru. The girls liked her sine she was a pop star. "Shut up. At least you're not being eaten by them." said Masaru who was really tempted to blast them with explosion. "We also got slapped but at least it was light compared to you guys and Natsu seemed to feel bad about it." said Cora.

Harry said,"This is all my fault you guys. I was just trying to help.". "It is fine Harry. We should have considered the idea of someone being hurt and at least he is going to be fine." said Tessa who was holding a boy in her arms much to the other boy jealous. "You're right and he left us in charge so be good or else." said Hikaru. "Hey!!" said Ben and Rex who had kids attacking them. "In the terms of the punishment, this is no problem." said Miu.

Miu said,"At least we have to work with cute kids and we can also study while helping them study so this isn't that bad.". "Miu." said Karla. "That would have been cool if she wasn't dressed like an ogre or something like that." said Issac. "We got a lot of future Harus here no don't we?" said Alex. "So what are you people doing here?" said a voice. Jake turned around to see a little girl with light purple hair and dark green eyes.

She crossed her arms and she said,"Being in here with your large group. You all better work hard due to me being hard to impress.". "She is an evil little girl!" thought Alex, Dana, Issac, and Terry. "I like her." said Haru. "Man, Big sis Marina is in a bad mood again." said a boy. "Yeah." said another boy who was next to the first boy. "Yeah. Since the principal started the school, she is always been here like always." said the boy. "The Ultimate NEET." said the two in unison.

Ben said,"Wow. Kids can sure be savage.". "You guys really need to act your age." said Rex. Marina held a broom and she said,"Lets see if you guys have the guts to work.". She rushed toward Rain and she said,"Lets go! Taste this!". She was about to hit Rain but then she fell straight into the ground due to the floor. "Wow." said the boy. "I think she should have listened to us when we said the floor there was broken and violence doesn't solve problems." said the boy on the left.

Matt said,"You two are strange.". "So you guys don't do repairs around here? I mean the school has a lot of money from bake sales right?" said Akane. "No. We don't have the money to waste on this little place. It had been around for over ten years now. Mr. Okimoto helps any child and he doesn't charge a single penny to attend the school. He doesn't even hire workers and does things all by himself. His age is nothing to him." said the attendant. "Yeah. He is always moving around." said a girl.

The group who hurt the old man felt bad and they heard,"You understand now don't you? Everything that we do has a action in some shape. I think you should all learn this lesson now while you're young and not learn the way that I did.". Natsu stood there and he had Elena and Molly hugging him. "Do you have to leave big bro?" said Molly. "Yeah but I promise that my friends will be fun to play with for sure." said Natsu.

Marina got herself out of the ground thanks to Rain and she said,"This is your big brother?". "Yeah and he is the best." said Elena. Marina glared at him and Natsu said,"Sup.". "So he is going to help me?" said Marina. "Nope. I have to get back to the school so I think Rain will be able to help you with your problem." said Natsu. He warped out of the room and Issac looked at the group. "Counting Ruri, we have forty nine of us and three days. We can make this work right?" said Issac.

Cindy said,"Yeah we can.". "I think that if we work together as a team, we can make things better for the old man and this school. Lets work on a plan." said Akane. The group talked as Elena and Molly walked to Marina. "So are you two sure about them?" said Marina. "Yep! Big brother's friends are all super nice!" said Molly. "Are you sure?" said Marina. "Yeah and big sister Rain is the best one for sure." said Elena. "Big sister Rain?" said Marina. "She is Natsu's girlfriend." said the two.

Later. "Haru! Stop you can't hurt the monster any more!" said Dana in a princess costume. Haru in a knight/superhero costume was punching Masaru who was in a monster costume. "Sorry princess but I can't let the monster hurt anymore of my friends with his nasty as heck breath." said Haru. "Haru. I'm so going to kill you for this." whispered Masaru. The two started fighting as a boy said,"This is some real fighting.". "Better than Hollywood." said another boy. "Savage kids." said Charl and Terry.

Tara ,in a witch costume, appeared behind Masaru and she said,"Go to sleep now!". Masaru ,who got hit with chloroform, was on the floor as Dana said,"So thanks to the witch's sleep spell, the monster will no be attacked by the violent hero and with the power of science, the day is saved!". The kids cheered for Dana and she said,"Cheer loudly if you had fun!". They cheered loudly for her as Haru said,"Good job.". Tara blushed as she said thanks.

Outside, Ryker and Sekien were talking. "Man. Those kids really like Dana." said Ryker. "I think she will make a great mother for sure." said Sekien. The two were holding building equipment and Ryker said,"So this group is filled with the strong guys right?". "Yeah. Ruri is going over the blueprints that Ryo made in his spare time. Color me impressed." said Sekien. "I guess he has the skills to do that as well." said Ryker. "Yep." said Sekien. Nearby them, Tsuki and two kids were playing with a kitten.

The attendant said,"It is nice to see you all helping with their studies.". Stacey who was helping a boy said,"It is no problems. Beats math by the older brother.". Rain looked at Marina who had Elena and Molly trying to help her much to her not really care. "I wonder why she doesn't want to study at all. It is so weird. This is actually quite easy to understood but wow teaching sure is hard. How does Natsu do it with such ease?" thought Rain.

Marina slammed her hand on the desk and she said,"Hey Rain! Weren't you going to send me off to Cypress?". "Oh yeah." said Rain. "Don't be so mean Marina. This is the first time that big sister ever taught." said Molly. "And she is trying." said Elena. Rain looked at Urara who was lecturing her little brother Raku alongside a boy in a red cap. He has black hair and red eyes. "So who is the boy in the cap Molly? He seem to know you." said Rain.

Molly said,"He is my friend Hayato Tajima.". "And also one of her lovers." said Marina. "I don't have any lovers." said Molly. "Just like big brother." said Elena. "Yeah. She is like her brother in so many ways. So why don't you go to school Marina? I mean you seem to have a lot of friends here so why are you here all the time?" said Rain. Nearby them, Issac was helping Harry and Lucy study and the half vampire helped a group of girls while getting a makeover much to his dismay.

Marina said,"I was bullied okay/ They called me names. The only people who didn't bully me were Elena and Molly.". "Wow. Kids today are really savage." thought Rain. "And why do people with all of the power bully the weak?" said Marina. "I think you are talking more and more about my idiot of a boyfriend by the second." thought Rain. Marina looked at her and she said,"I bet you thinking don't run away from your problems and face them head on. You're just like my parents.".

Rain looked at her as Hayato said,"This is so annoying! Why can't I go play!?". "Because you are behind in your studies and we're here to help." said Akane. The boy ran outside and he crashed into the cat. The cat crashed into him causing him and the cat to run into the tree. "Why won't the kitty come back down after what happened?" said a little girl. "This is due to it being a baby still and it has not learned how to get down yet." said Rex.

Rain and Marina were watching and Marina said,"You know that if you got up higher. you will be in more danger and you should be on the ground where it is safe.". "This is so sad." said Chad who had tears in his eyes. "I got it." said Jake. He got Dante's attention and the ninja said,"You got it dude.". "I think you two should look out for danger this time." said Alex and Cindy. "We will!" said the two. "I think you should watch this. It's lesson time." said Rain.

Marina looked at her and Rain said,"Lets say that the top of the tree is your school and the ground is this place. All of us gained power from all of you.". Jake was currently skating in the air thanks to Dante much to the shock of the kids watching. "We should be able to look from the top and bottom to make us better people in the process. We are able to do the stuff that we can do because we have the support of our friends and others." said Rain. Jake was currently being scratched by the cat.

Hayato was hit with a nut and he blasted some of the nearby trees with flames. "I got this. We got this guys. You get the kids back." said Alex. "Right." said Cindy, Karla, Irene, Jake who came back down from the tree, Rex, and Yataro. Alex threw the on fire trees into the air as Blair and Ryo blasted them with lasers and arrows respectively. Masoko, Tatsu, and Yusuki took out of the leftover flames with the kids there cheering them.

Rain said,"Sometimes at the top, you get scared and you need to come back. You have to be on the top and ground.". "Who are you guys?" said Marina. "We should start learning and once we go back to school, you're going to be stronger than you were once before. I promise you that and I will get my boyfriend to help you making smarter." said Rain who hugged Marina. "Rain." said Marina. Elena and Molly smiled at this as Raku laughed at Hayato. The two started fighting causing a large sigh.

Over time aka three days, Class C helped the place out by grabbing supplies, helped make delicious and healthy lunches, building a new place for the kids to play, and also helped them study. They also learned something that they couldn't be taught at school. Natsu was walking with Ninsei who had a cane. "I hope my friends did a good job." said Natsu. "I don't care because they are still brats and you better hope that they didn't destroy the place." said Ninsei.

Natsu said with a smile,"Oh. I think they did the complete opposite of that for sure Mr. Okimoto. You should trust me, I'm with them all of the time and when they're serious, they can do it.". The old man saw the daycare but it was bigger than before. It was like a small cottage. "What the?!" yelled the old man. "Oh hey Natsu and gramps. Check it out. We made this place a hundred and one times better than that dump before." said Masaru.

Ninsei was shocked as Ruri said,"This addition was built using some of the many trees that are on Class C's mountain and some left over firewood. It is now a large and sturdy area.". "You did all of this in a week?" said Ninsei. Ruri said from Seth's phone. "Yep! This is thanks to Miu and Yataro so this place could survive an earthquake or something like that.". "And they did all of this in three days with them like monkeys and construction workers." said the attendant who smiled.

The class took him upstairs and Leona said,"We made the second floor into two designs. One is the library for the kids who want to sit and read or study.". "Wow. It is like I could fit the entire school in this one room." said Ninsei. "Not exactly. We didn't have enough time to build the mansion that we planed so we went with a cottage." said Ryo. "And we went around the neighborhood and grabbed books that no one wanted anymore." said Yumiko.

Ruri said,"And here is the other room. The indoor amusement park.". It was like a mini jungle gym and Katsuo said,"We placed down some safe mats to make sure that the rugrats are safe.". "And we also build it to make sure that the metal in here doesn't rust." said Kyoji. "These brats." said Ninsei under his breath. "Remember the roundabout old man." said Ben. "Please follow us down to the staff room/garage." said Akane. "Garage?" said Ninsei.

They walked downstairs and Chad said,"Yeah! This is the cream of the crop of the whole thing,". The old man saw his bike and it looked amazing. "Me and Benjamin here built to make sure that you have no more problems like us again." said Yataro. "The roundabout is used an pollution free charger for the bike and if you are going slow, the bike will take no power. In other words, the kids are helping you out." said Phoebe.

Ninsei yelled,"This is too well down!". He looked at them and they had smiles on their face. "You all went above and beyond that it is messed up!" yelled Ninsei. "And we also put your dentures in the bike next to the bell as memories." said Tsuki. "You didn't need that! This building isn't nice but the point of all of this was the kids. If you made things like the bike better, kids don't care. If you guys did awful with them, I will ruin all of you." said Ninsei.

Ninsei and Rain heard,"Hey Rain!". Marina stood there and she said,"Check it out! I was number 2 in the class! I lost to Molly though but who cares?!". "That's my sister for you." said Natsu. "Ignoring my idiot. You did a really good job." said Rain. "Yeah. Good job squirt." said Masaru who tussled her hair. Marina blushed as she said,"Well, you guys told me to be brave and  I did that. Everyone beside Hayato, Molly, and Raku were scared of me! Only they and the teacher knew that I was going!".

She took a breath and she said,"I heard that their test scores were so bad that they were scared of me except for Hayato and Raku who ignored me.". "Yeah. Fear tactics are the best.' said Irene. "You are able to hit your opponent before they're ready to attack back. It is the way of Class C. I think that my girlfriend here could teach you the entire world if she wanted." said Natsu. "So could you and big sis come back?" said Marina who had a blush on her face.

Natsu smiled and she said,"What do you think Rain?". "We would be delighted too." said Rain. The girl hugged the two and Ninsei said,"God dang it. You brats no kids did a great job. No problems at all. You all will be great at whatever you do in the future so keep on believing and never giving up. I think you all have a test tomorrow.". "Right!" said the class. They were gone excluding Natsu and Rain.

Ninsei looked at them and Natsu said,"I'm good so I'm going to play with my sisters.". "Same so are you ready Marina?" said Rain. "Yeah!" said Marina. The three left with the principal following them upstairs. Rain said to Natsu,"So can I ask why you did all of this? I mean did you do something like this before.". "Well, it involves my past." said Natsu. "Was it my sister?" said Rain. "Yeah. She did change my life." said Natsu.

The two were talking nearby and Natsu said,"When I decided to attack all of Malik's lab in terms of revenge, Aria tried to stop me. I didn't listen to her and I caused her death. I let all of my power blind me and well, you know what happened.". "So you didn't want all of us to be blind by power. If that happens, what would happen?" said Rain. "I honestly don't know Rain but I rather not know." said Natsu.

Rainssaid,"So what did you do why we were gone?". "You will see next episode. I promise that it will be good." said Natsu. "Next Episode?" said Rain. "Yeah Rain. I mean with my power, breaking walls of any kind are easy. See you later folks." said Natsu. She smiled at her boyfriend's crazy antics and wish these days could go forever. The two joined back up with the rest of the kids who wanted to play with their big brother and sister.

Next Time,
What happened in those three days? Did Natsu do something amazing or was it lackluster? We will find out next time on Soul! This and More on Soul!

Group 1 (Playing Inside.): Charl, Dana, Haru, Masaru, Tara, and Terry.
Group 2 (Playing Outside.): Alex, Blair, Masoko, Ryo, Tatsu, and Yusuki.
Group 3 (Studying.): Harry, Issac, Lucy, Miu, Soran, and Urara.
Group 4 (Studying.): Akane, Leona, Mia, Rain, Seth, and Stacey.
Group 5 (Playing Inside.): Hikaru, Katsuo, Kyoji, Moka, Tsuki, and Yumiko.
Group 6 (Playing Outside.): Cindy, Karla, Irene, Jake, Rex, and Yataro.
Group 7 (Making Lunch/Snacks and Nap Time.): Amy, Cora, Kyria, Matt, Phoebe, and Tessa.
Group 8 (Building the New Home.): Ben, Chad, Dante, Nazar, Ryker, and Sekien.
In all Groups: Ruriko.
At the School: Natsu.

Character Bios (New character introduced and seen in this episode in the order seen) Name, Age, Class, Hair Color, Eye Color, Height, Blood Type, Zodiac Sign, Birthday, Likes, and Dislikes.
Marina Ishida. 6 years old. A first Grader at Meadows Elementary. Light Purple. Dark Green. 3 foot 10. A. Sagittarius. December 12. Sweets, puppies, and flowers. Bullies.
Hayato Tajima. 6 years old. A first Grader at Meadows Elementary. Black. Red. 3 foot 9. AB. Capricorn. January 7. Superheroes, explosions, and food. Perverts.

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